#the 0 seats parties are the wildest to me
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al-mayriti · 4 months ago
here's some data about the 1986 elections which seems so wild from our modern perspective lol.
first of all, felipe gonzález won for a second term (PSOE) with over half of the seats (mayoría absoluta). also UCD had disappeared and the second most voted party was fraga's CP, the predecessor of the modern PP.
here's how the distribution of the seats was after the elections (the communists are IU btw, they got 7 seats!)
btw IU at that time was a coalition that included both the PCE (Spanish Communist Party) and the PC (Carlist Party). so yeah. it was a time indeed.
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and here's the electoral map, with seats per province
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just so everyone understands, here are all the parties and what each were about (+ their leaders at that time)
PSOE: Partido Socialista Obrero Español [Spanish Worker's Socialist Party], the traditional left-wing party. Their leader was current and incumbent president, Felipe González.
CP: Coalición Popular [Popular Coalition], a coalition of different centre and right wing parties (Alianza Popular, Partido Demócrata Popular, Partido Liberal, Unión del Pueblo Navarro, Centristas de Galicia). Their leader was minister of Franco Manuel Fraga.
CDS: Centro Democrático y Social [Democratic and Social Centre], a centrist party. Their leader was the ex-president of Spain, Adolfo Suárez.
CiU: Convergència i Unió [Convergence and Unity], a centre-right Catalan nationalist party. Their leader was one of the fathers of the Spanish Constitution, Miquel Roca.
IU: Izquierda Unida [United Left], a coalition of various communist and left-wing parties (Partido Comunista de España, Partido de Acción Socialista, Partido Comunista de los Pueblos de España, Partido Humanista, Partido Carlista, Federación Progresista, and Izquierda Republicana). Their leader was miner-turned politician secretary of the communist party at one point Gerardo Iglesias.
PNV: Partido Nacionalista Vasco [National Basque Party], a centre-right Basque nationalist party. Their leader was venezuelan-spanish Iñaki Anasagasti.
HB: Herri Batasuna [Popular Union], a far-left abertzale Basque nationalist party. Their leader was Jon Idigoras.
EE: Euskadiko Ezkerra [Basque Left], a far-left Basque party. Their leader was Juan María Bandrés.
CG: Coalición Galega [Galician Coalition], a centrist Galician coalition. Their leader was Senén Bernárdez.
PAR: Partido Aragonés [Aragonese Party], a centre-right nationalist (or regionalist. unclear) Aragonese party. Their leader was Hipólito Gómez de las Roces.
AIC: Agrupaciones Independientes de Canarias [Canarian Independent Groups], a centre-right nationalist Canarian coalition. Their leader was Manuel Hermoso.
UV: Unión Valenciana [Valencian Union], a blaverist centre-right Valencian party. Their leader was Miguel Ramón Izquierdo.
I also feel I have to at least name other parties that didn't get seats but were also voted, like UMC [Table for the Unity of Communists], PRD [Reformist Democratic Party] WHOSE LEADER WAS REAL MADRID PRESIDENT AND THE CLOSEST THING WE HAVE TO A MAFIA BOSS FLORENTINO PÉREZ; PA (Andalusian Party), ERC (Catalan Republican Left), this party has 7 seats right now in congress btw; PCC (Party of the Catalan Communists), and UCD (Union of Democratic Centre), the party that Adolfo Suárez was part of and the ruling party from 1977 to 1972. They got 0 seats here.
Rafaela Parra Montesinos es la madre de mi yerno Pedro Antonio. Es una mujer muy creyente en las cosas de la Iglesia, pues todos los días se levanta temprano y se va a misa, y el año pasado o sea en 1986 al poco tiempo de celebrarse las Elecciones Generales, fue a Madrid a ver a su hijo y familia, y les dijo que había votado a los comunistas porque le dijeron que Jesucristo fue el 1er comunista que hubo. ¡Increíble!
here's in english:
Rafaela Parra Montesinos is the mother of my son-in-law Pedro Antonio. She is a very religious woman; every day she wakes up early and attends mass. Last year, that is 1986, a few days after the General Elections were held, she went to Madrid to visit her son and their family, and told them that she had voted for the communists because they told her Jesus Christ was the first communist. Incredible!
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hyperfixationtimego · 4 years ago
the three wingmen of thh; Leon (chaotic), Kyoto (lawful), and Hina (neutral)
Kyoto was 100% the reason Celeste is dating Junko, it’s canon now. She is extremely involved in seating for extracurricular activities (i.e. the tea parties), and commonly puts them together. She finds putting Taka and Mondo apart...helps them?? She has no idea why but if they’re seated far from each other, they are immediately cuddling once they leave the room.
Grey-hair and Blue-hair girls are dating, no I do not take criticism (grey hair has braids I think and protects a mob guy?? and blue hair is the mastermind ig, she has black glasses apparently) - queer eye anon
oh my god yes???
Leon and Chihiro were some very powerful masterminds behind ishimondo ngl 👀 like chihiro’s brainpower combined with kuwata’s sheer strength of will?? UNSTOPPABLE those gay bitches never stood a CHANCE
although to be fair, most of their plans DID involve using a digital lock and/or utilizing alter ego to somehow force them into an empty room and keep them locked in there until they finally confessed 💛
Leon ALSO wingmans for sayaka because they’re besties who hate each other ❤️ he’s constantly cracking jokes with her about how she should just text Mukuro that she wants to fuck, or jokingly advises her to use raunchy pick-up lines on Sakura. He’s come very close once or twice to just. Blurting out “HEY MUKURO! SAKURA! SAYAKA’S GOT A HUGE FUCKING CRUSH ON Y-” only to have the idol clamp a hand over his stupid dumbass mouth <3
it’s okay because sayaka absolutely gets her revenge when she has to wingman for him and makoto (the only reason she doesn’t completely fuck up kuwata’s chances and embarrass him is because she’s besties with Makoto, too, and knows the poor guy’s ALSO got it bad. There’s a lot of Sayaka (and literally everyone else too) having to deal with some gross oblivious loveydovey pining from these fucking dorks, so she gets her fill of teasing)
And Hina wingmanning for Sakura???? Bruh okay u have no IDEA how much serotonin platonic sakuraoi gives me simply because????? Them?????? They????? Love???????? I love them???
And basically Hina’s just the right amount of empathy/sympathy and logic!! Her main, go-to piece of advice is “just talk to them!” And - surprise - trusting her on this usually leads to having fun and making good memories with the object(s) of affection !!
She’s such a sweetheart??? And like yes ofc she doesn’t have an answer for everything, because her heart is just a lil bit bigger than her brain sometimes (ok but mood tho like no shame this is both kin and projecting) but she’s trying her best!!! As she always listens to whoever needs her at that moment and gives the best advice she can - which isn’t even limited to romantic situations!!! She’s one of the go-to students for when someone’s having, like, an everyday problem or feeling stressed because she’s so non-judgemental and soothing to be around!!!
It’s Hina appreciation hours 💛
Anyway, Kyoko-
she also (unfortunately) is forced to wingman for Makoto and Leon, which means a lot of listening to naegi ramble on about how cool and nice and interesting and pretty and blah blah blah kuwata is (don’t get Kirigiri wrong, she adores Leon, but a girl can only take so much, y’know?)
and requests for Makoto to simply......TELL LEON are almost ALWAYS refused because nope no way in hell absolutely not and so she’s like great I’m gonna go bang my head against a desk because I seriously cannot take the two of you anymore
eventually she (secretly) goes and talks to Leon, without betraying Makoto’s trust or disclosing any information she feels he would not be comfortable with, does her best to subtly hint at the fact that hey. koto’s got a crush. you should fucking ask him about it before I go completely insane. Leon doesn’t fully get the hint but does go talk to Makoto, which FINALLY prompts some goddamn CONVERSATION about it thank GOD
also sorry sorry not to ramble but I just????? an idea hit me like a gd truck and I need to talk about it because I love???? I love????? I love
sometime after all this, Kyoko gets inadvertently wrapped up in co-wingmanning with Makoto for Komaru and Toko/Jill. Except. Those three have no clue about the fact that there is any wingmanning going on.
so kyoko’s like “why are we doing this”
and makoto’s like “because she’s my sister and she’s in love and I want her to be happy!!!”
“Okay but shouldn’t they work this out on their own”
“Not if I have anything to say about it!!!”
“*Sigh.* Goddamnit.”
And then Leon eventually hears about it, as well, because of course makoto’s gonna talk abt it with his boyfriend, why wouldn’t he, and anyway kuwata’s like OH?? POG??? because he and Toko and he and Jill are friends!!!! So he’s like I’ll totally help omg Fukawa and Syo are gonna STOKED
(Makoto does not comment on the fact that Toko most likely will not, in fact, be stoked by the idea of kuwata meddling in her love life, but does at least advise his dear 0-braincell partner to be careful ❤️)
okay okay sorry I’m a simp for tokomaru and syomaru on main but anyway back to kyoko and seating charts-
And poor Kirigiri already has trouble comprehending how social interaction works that this kinda shit just???? Completely breaks her?????
“Why.....do people.....react different.......like I will accommodate for it but.....I do not.....understand......”
does not fucking compute
(Also shhhhh don’t let Korekiyo know that there was something about human behavior Kirigiri didn’t understand because somehow they will materialize from the shadows to go on a softly excited special interest infodump ramble/lecture that lasts hours and hours)
But yeah???? Ironically enough, she’s honestly the only person from her class who’s able to, for the most part, figure out how Celestia’s mind works, and so she’s able to use that to her advantage when setting her up with Junko!!! (The thing with Celeste was that it sort of became a case to Kyoko!! Celeste was so Obviously different in her behavior and mannerisms than everyone else that Kirigiri basically ended up treating learning about her the same way she would treat trying to solve a crime or something similar!!)
For ishimondo she chalks it up to “absence makes the heart grow fonder???” she guesses????? seriously she has No Clue
also she doesn’t pick up on it but they DO give each other pining puppy dog eyes from across the room the whole goddamn time like they’re just [y e a r n]
I. how is it possible to not know the games and yet,,,,,,,conjure up a concept so incredible????? Pekomugi,,,,,,,,,my g o d
Ok ok ok ok ok hold on hold on lemme gather my thoughts because holy fuck
FIRST OF ALL, Tsumugi is a GIANT nerd, so the thought of having a SWORD GF???? A GIRLFRIEND WHO IS A SWORDSMAN???? HOLY FUCK?????? she can live out her wildest samurai anime fantasies,,,,,,,because she quite literally has a swordswoman girlfriend who would protect her with her sword oh my g o d
SECOND OF ALL, Tsumugi also????? fucking loves sitting in on Peko’s training sessions to watch her beautiful incredible wonderful darling partner spar??? and use badass techniques and strategies???? Literally Tsumugi is always blown away??
and she ALWAYS comes and barrels into Peko to give her a gigantic hug and shower her with kisses once training’s over!!!! And Peko doesn’t understand because
“I am hot and sweaty. I am currently very gross, why are you kissing me,”
“No!!! You’re stunning and perfect and charming!!!! You make me swoon!!! Oh, dear knight, hold me in your sweet embrace....”
meanwhile peko’s just like babe pls let me go take a shower
and okay final thing I promise, but....Peko is absolutely astonished by Tsumugi’s cosplay abilities???? Like with a lot of her works, Peko can hardly even believe that that’s her gd girlfriend????? Like sweet JESUS her datemate is damn good at makeup and disguising herself and whatnot
“cosplay is an art and you have perfected it,” like catch tsumugi fuckinf crying
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abhishekakula · 6 years ago
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How many times have you sacrificed something for someone you didn’t even know and didn’t expect anything in return? Well, the answer to that question would range from 0 to something that we can count on our fingers. But does it mean that there is no humanity left in this world? Of course, not. Because saying so would discredit the small population of people left in this world who are still waving the flag of altruism in spite of all the hardships and troubles they face in their day to day lives.
One such group of people whom we don’t give enough credit is the Indian Army. Amidst the extremely hot weather conditions in Rajasthan, where temperature shoots up to 50 degrees and while dust storms, sand storms, and the blistering heat combine to make the desert region an unfit place for habitation altogether, the Indian army patrols these long borders so that we people can live peacefully. Coming to the Siachen Glacier located in the eastern Karakoram range, temperature dips to -50 degrees Celsius which makes is almost impossible to live let alone guarding the border. Now the weather conditions I am referring here is something where we cannot imagine to live, even in our wildest dreams. But the reality is that these people are out there, working effortlessly, to protect our nation from its enemies. And what do they expect in return? NOTHING. They are only doing this because they love their country. They love their people and they want them to be safe.
So the reason why I have come up with this topic today is because I want everyone to realize how our soldiers are ill treated in the society, albeit they sacrifice so much for the country. Recently, I was standing in a bus station in Hyderabad, waiting for my bus to arrive. My semester exams had ended a couple of days ago and I was on my way to Mumbai to meet my parents. The bus was scheduled for 8:30 pm, but due to heavy traffic, I received a message from the driver saying that the bus is delayed by 30 mins. This made me even more restless and I started looking for a place to sit. Finally, after much effort, I found a seat and sat there. Sitting next to me was a man in his early 30′s with 3 bags of luggage and full of excitement. He caught me staring at his baggage and said “Hi, where are you heading to?” I told him that I was going to Mumbai and asked him about his destination. He said he was going to Belgaum and that he was very excited as he was going to meet his family after 3 long months. At this point, to be honest, I was a bit worried because even though he spoke politely, his appearance made him look like some kind of a goon. For this reason, I intentionally cut off the conversation. But after a few minutes, he asked me why I was going to Mumbai. This made me more nervous but I replied calmly because I didn’t want him to notice my nervousness. He then asked me a few more things about my parents, education and other random stuff. I was really getting worried now and I asked him who he was. And the moment he told me whoe he was, my whole perception about him changed. It was like, in a fraction of seconds, he transformed from a villain to a hero. He was a SOLDIER. A soldier on his way home for a vacation, having served his country relentlessly for the past six months. So the thing is, I had seen many soldiers in my life since I live very close to the army base in Hyderabad but not once had I spoken to any of them. So I asked him where he was stationed. He told me that he was in the Chattisgarh camp. Then my curiosity made me ask him about his life as a soldier and the various challenges he faced in his day to day life. He told me that he was posted in the jungles of Chattisgarh, which is 100 kms away from the main city. He also told me how they were made to work continuously for over 40 hours without any sleep, surviving only on dry fruits. Then I asked him if he ever felt sad about it. He took a deep breath and answered my question. He answered it in detail and with so much emotion that I really felt ashamed of myself and the society I live in. He told me that its not the work that makes him feel like sad but in fact he loves serving the nation. The only thing that makes him sad is how we people treat the army people. Now that was something I had not expected. He then explained that on one occasion,  he was traveling by train to his village and his ticket was not confirmed. So he asked his fellow passengers if he could just sleep on the ground in between the two seats since he was very tired. But the passengers, instead of helping him out, refused to allow him to sleep on the ground thinking that he might steal something as army people receive low salaries. How small minded right? Just imagine being in that situation.  He then put his hand on my shoulder and said “Son, always remember, we army people will put our lives in risk to save people, but will never steal anything”. Saying this he took out his mobile and showed me the photos of his colleague, who was shot last week in an encounter. He told me that the guy was very hardworking and had big dreams about serving his country and that he was close to him. The guy was 25 years old. Just 25. Can you imagine how his parents would have felt seeing that boy’s body? Well, we have no idea because all we do is eat sleep and party. On top of that, we do things that disparage them. Shameful.
In the mean time, his bus arrived and he prepared to leave. I stood up immediately, gave him a hug and said thanks for everything. This made him really emotional. It was quite a story that day.
 All I am saying here is that these people aren’t expecting us to worship them. All they are asking for is to show them some respect. Can we not do that? Can we not do that for them who are risking their lives in order to save ours? Of course, we can. Because at the end of the day, we are all INDIANS. We are all human beings and we all deserve to be respected. JAI HIND!
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amoristt · 7 years ago
Not My Boyfriend | Nathan x Reader
disclaimer: i know nathan is not a good person. i am not putting a blanket over his actions in this fic. i, the writer, understand he’s not an innocent character and has made many terrible choices. im just answering people’s requests, please dont put me under the fire for it.
thank you.
sure thing! this was a lot of fun to write :3 hope you guys like it! the prompt is, “He’s not my boyfriend!”
reblogs + tags and replies will make my entire day as i put a lot of effort into this :)!
story continues beneath the read more. let me know if you can’t access it!
Not My Boyfriend
A bird landing inches away from you was a softly lived moment. Fingers that were previously punching numbers into a calculator froze. You barely moved to look up from your homework, all those menacing papers sprawled haphazardly over the wooden picnic table, as to not scare it. It was small, barely larger than the palm of your hand. It’s eyes were beady and unexpecting, it’s wings tucked safely against its fat little body. It hopped from one spot to another, occasionally leaning forward to tilt it’s little head at your calculous. If not for the lack of color in it’s eyes you’d have thought it was confused by your scribbled text.
“Me too,” You breathed, and just that little sound scared it away. You watched it go all the way until it disappeared behind a hefty building, red with bricks and green with vines creeping up the edges. A disinterested sigh passed your lips, your mind bored and exhausted from grinding it’s gears all day. It was noon and you were halfway done with your work, but there was still a small pile of papers that demanded your attention. Even the sight of them made your headache worsen, the pulsing racing in between your temples.
Spring break had come to a sorrowful end. Goodbye sleeping in, goodbye staying out late, and hello school life once again. The eraser of your pencil tapped against your lips idly, fingers itching to do anything than continue writing. You missed summer vacation so much it felt like it was a dull ache in the pit of your chest.
Surviving winter was hard for a summer lover like you, and you spent most of your christmas and winter breaks holed up in your dorm once you came back from visiting family. You weren’t alone there of course, either with your few select friends or your boyfriend, but you’d rather have died than went outside in the snow and freezing cold.
You smiled at the memory, though. You hated winter but staying inside wasn’t bad. Watching movies wrapped in blankets, the taste of hot cocoa on your tongue, the feeling of an arm slung over your shoulder. Half of the time you were never even focused on the movie playing, too caught up in the lips pressed against your own, the hand tugging through your hair, the taste of him.
Nathan Prescott.
Kissing Nathan outside of a party was like spotting the wildest rose, beautiful but distant. Never outside the walls of your dorm did he trace the shape of your jaw, kiss at your collar bones, or let his palms glide down the valley of your back. With soft background noise and a blanket he let himself feel you wherever he pleased, and you welcomed it. He himself wasn’t too much of a fan of the feeling, sometimes recoiling when you touched at him, but he couldn’t get enough of the feeling of your skin. Even subconsciously his hands would drift as close at they could, briskly grazing you.
Outside, however, was another story. In solitude he was never the iron-clad, hard headed asshole his reputation so easily displayed him out to be. He was sarcastic, sharp, and he was far from sickly sweet, but he wasn’t Arcadia Bays’ infamous Nathan Prescott. He was your Nathan. He was your Nathan that kissed you on your shoulders but also laughed when you fell off the bed. He was your Nathan that took photos of you, made you look like an angel, but he also was your Nathan that would sometimes draw devil horns on them.
In the winter he was your Nathan that snuck into your room and brought you cocoa, and in the summer he would ‘accidentally’ lose the key he stole from you in order to lock you outside for the day.
He had many sides to him, sides that no one would get to know, but he wasn’t evil. Devious, almost annoyingly so at times, but never… Malicious. Of course he could be, and you knew that. He could be the most volatile person to walk the halls of Blackwell should he want to, but when it came to you he would sneak along the hallways, slip into your room quiet as a mouse uninvited just because he ‘felt like it’. Truth be told, he missed you.
In your back pocket your phone vibrated, making you realize you’d drifted deeper into thought than you had intended. Without even looking at the notification you were already smiling- you knew who it was. Sure enough when you retrieved the device his name lit up clear as day, ‘yorkie’. It was a teasing remark you’d called him once while comparing him to dogs, and you settled on yorkie because they’re small but act like demons. He wasn’t too thrilled over the choice but you thought it was funniest shit, so you ran with it. 
When you learned your relationship with Nathan would have to be hidden from the school, you chose the first nickname that came into your head for his contact.
‘where r u?’
Before typing out your reply you gave a quick look-see around, making sure it was just you at the lonesome, miniature park. When it was first built it was overflowing with kids, but soon parents learned that 2 swings, a merry go round, and a few picnic tables wouldn’t suffice for entertainment. Without the shrill cries of toddlers and kids, you’d found it made an excellent study spot.
‘park. catching up on some hw rn.’ You leaned forward, elbows resting on the scratchy wooden surface. ‘why :0? anything up?
He replied almost instantly, a simple ‘nah. dont go anywhere, im gunna b there soon.’
‘wouldnt dream of it. see u soon’
You set the phone to the side and sighed, looking down at both your finished and unfinished work. It taunted you, and you swore it sounded like they were laughing when a warm breeze sent a few pieces fluttering. Drained, you started to gather all of the worksheets up, stacking them atop each other and then scooting them down the table. It almost physically hurt when you grabbed an unfinished sheet, the words ‘chemistry’ causing you to inwardly groan in defeat. With all this work you cursed your past self for not doing it bit by bit over break in order to avoid a situation like this.
By the time Nathan arrived, hands shoved in his pockets and his head ducked down like a stalking cat, you had gone through 2 more sheets and your headache had doubled. You waved a worn-out hello when he came into your view, and he took a look at your current state of being and shook his head.
“Seriously?” He scoffed, hopping onto the seat beside you. “You’re actually doing this all?”
“Course I am,” You added one more sheet to the finished pile. “I do want to get good grades, you know.”
Nathan leaned on one arm, his angular chin propped by an even more angular hand. “Just cheat like everyone else.”
“The last time you suggest that I failed entirely.” Although you tried to sound scolding, all that came out was an airy chuckle.  He rolled his eyes and his hand fell, his other coming up to join beside it. You grinned at him. “Is this too boring for you or something?”
“Actually?” he jumped up and sat on top of the picnic table rather than on the seat. With a look of almost disgust he read over the last sheet you’d finished. “Yeah, this is boring as fuck. What’s with the stack?”
A moan of anguish found it’s way out. “I was stupid and decided to procrastinate until last minute.”
“Why ever would you do that?” Nathan hummed, not looking up from your worksheet even when a knowing, sly grin took over his lips. You fought the urge to smack his knee.
“Not funny,” your pencil drew light circles at the corner of your paper. “This is seriously stressing me out.”
“So take a break then,” Nathan hopped down beside you again, his nimble fingers snatching the pencil right from your fingers. You wanted to argue, reach out and grab it, but you lacked the energy and motivation. Bad move, you learned, because the minute he stole your pencil he started writing crude phrases on the wood.
As he wrote you laughed, clicking your tongue and shaking your head. “You know kids see this shit, right?”
“Yeah, so?” He draw two circles beside each other and you rolled your eyes before he finished the piece. “Not like they know what it means anyways.”
“Yes but the parents do.”
“Oh no,” He leaned back again to admire his ugly work. “I’m so scared of little Tommy and his deadbeat, soccer mom.”
“Give me that back.” You swiped your pencil back now that he was finished, but the thought of returning to your work was a heavy one. Once again you cursed at your past self for thinking this would somehow all work out in the end. In the corner of your eyes you saw Nathan start to fidget with something he pulled from his pocket, and at that point you were desperate for something to gain your attention. “What’s that?”
He looked up at you briefly before turning back down to his item, then he set it out in front of him. It was a small camera it seemed, and cheaper than the rest of his devices, and it looked to be an instant camera along with that.
“I thought you were more into computer developed shots?”
Nathan used his sleeve to wipe at the camera's lens, then he shrugged. “I am, and believe me I wouldn’t be using his hipster piece of shit if I didn’t have to.”
Leaning forward you watched him toy around with the buttons. “So what’s it for then?”
“Photos, duh.” You shoved playfully at his shoulder and he smirked teasingly. “It’s something about the lighting I guess. Got a tip from a friend that instant cameras take the best candid shots.”
“Better candids, huh?” Slowly you reached out and grabbed at the camera, and Nathan surprisingly let you. Probably because he had little regard for the items’ safety- he could just get a new one. “I think I’ll be the judge of that.” In an instant you’d reached the camera out, facing it towards you and Nathan, and he rolled his eyes but slung his arm around you none the less. However, unfortunately, he put up his middle finger as well.
Still, you took the shot, and for a moment a light blinded you. Then the picture developed and slid out from the bottom, your fingers reaching out to snatch the pic and then shake it quickly. It was warm like freshly printed paper, and if not for the fact that Nathan’s middle finger was up it would have been a pretty light hearted and sweet image, something you’d hang up in your room.
“Don’t show that to anyone,” Nathan said, and it was disheartening to know why. He tried to sound teasing, the words playing a jesting ‘i look bad there’, but it was deeper.
Your relationship was a secret to the outside community, a spectacle only you and him could observe. Sometimes it was okay, as it made you feel special. Only you knew the things you and him did behind closed doors, only you knew the feeling of the pads of his fingers trailing over your goosebump riddled skin. Only you knew the softness of his lips, the sharp angles of his jaw, and how dewy-eyed he got when you woke up beside each other. Other times a shallow and cold feeling tugged at your chest. Albeit never questioning why he chose to keep everyone in the dark, you knew he had his reasons and you weren’t going to pressure him on them. But… You still wondered. A million ideas would race through your head at night. Why, why why. However your qualms were quick to be distinguished when he’d show up at your dorm and find his way under your blankets, his body lean but radiating like a furnace.
The picture was still warm against your fingertips, and you smiled down at it. “Why not?” You playfully whined, both seriously and teasingly. “You look so cute here.”
Nathan rolled his eyes and tried to grab at the picture but you were too quick, leaning away from him and taking the photo of out his reach. He tried again, this time leaning over you in the process, but you got up and rose your eyebrows.
“Don’t make me chase you,” He narrowed his eyes, but they were anything but angry. He was enjoying himself. “We both know how that always ends up.” Waving the photo tauntingly in the air, he started to get up from his seat. The moment his feet touched ground you jumped, running left then right while knowing he was hot on your trail.
It was always so jarring how much faster he was than you. In seconds he was grasping at your shoulders, fingers catching the fabric, and you were turned to face him. Thanks to your speed you almost fell backwards but you caught his shoulders, managing to regain your footing. He was grabbing at the image and you kept it held close, a laugh rising at the feeling of his fingers poking at your skin. His footing faltered and you took it as a moment to make your gleeful escape, but he caught your wrist and stopped you from going too far. Although fast, he lacked endurance, and he was out of breath as he  wrapped his arms around your waist to stop you from going anywhere. You swatted at his chest and squirmed, but found yourself trapped.
“Photo, now.” He demanded with a grin in knowing he had you caught.
You opened your mouth to tell him never, but another voice halted you.
“What’s all this?”
In that moment both yours and Nathan’s blood ran cold. He was so quick to let you go, the force making you stumble before you stilled and stared at the two figures approaching with wide, fearful eyes. Nathan seemed more irritated than afraid like you, and his hands balled into fists. God damn it, his eyes said, and you felt your stomach drop at the thought of him being upset over the fact that he’d been caught messing around with you.
Two teens, Blackwell students by the looks of their jackets, were close now. Your stomach churned when you recognized the speakers short brown hair, his red jacket that mimicked Nathan’s. Logan Robertson. Beside him you recognized Zachary, a slightly nicer but still equally malicious football player.
You and Nathan traded looks in knowing full well where this was going.
“You and ___?” Logan started in a taunting tone. “Never thought you for the type to go for the underdogs.”
Zachary leaned his head back to laugh before he spoke up too. “Gotta say it’s smart, Nate. The nobodies are so easy to pick up.”
The words hurt but you didn’t dare argue back. Your relationship was a secret, and it would be the end of the world if those two morons found out about it. With sand in your throat you swallowed down your pride, remembering the fact that yours and Nathan’s relationship was at stakes. He meant too much for you to lose just because two dickheads wanted to cause drama.
“That’s not-- We aren’t-” You stumbled over your words as you frantically tried to find out a way to explain what they had seen. Carefully you hid the photo behind your back. “We were just-”
Logan snickered. “We were- We were just- we- we- we- Spit it out, sister!”
“Studying!” Your tongue felt heavy. Nathan rose a brow and you squeezed your eyes shut at the vague and thin lie.
Zachary crossed his arms, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes. “Bullshit. We all know Nathan Prescott doesn’t study.”
“Yes the fuck I do!” He chided, seeming personally offended by the jocks statement. “I study all the damn time, which is what you two lemmings should be doing too.”
“Since when do you care about class? You hardly even bother to show up half the time.” Logan said, and you swallowed thickly at the scene starting to play out in front of you. Logan’s eyes found you and he scoffed. “Don’t tell me ___’s the type of person to force her boyfriend into being good.”
Heat rose to your cheeks. They knew. They knew, they knew, they knew, and yours and Nathan’s relationship was as good as over. Your chest felt like it was concaving and you acted out as quickly as your racing brain could allow you too.
“He’s not my boyfriend!” You blurted. It was loud and forced, but it left all three of them stunned for a moment.
Among of all them, Nathan seemed the most taken aback.
You didn’t stay long enough for them to poke more at your words, pivoting off your heel and barreling straight for your papers. From the wind a few had blown from your pile and you carelessly grabbed at them, shoving and crumpling them into your bag. Nathan was saying something from where he stood but you weren't listening, already slinging your bag over your shoulder and taking your leave.
Suddenly the photo you still held in your hand felt like it weighed a ton.
It was a few hours until you managed the courage to text him again.
Though now riddled with a bad memory you were right back at the park, this time without the anchor of your school bag or the headache from equations. No, all you had with you was your phone, your wallet, and that damn photo. You’d forgotten that on the way home you shoved it into your pocket and upon returning to the park to relax, it crossed your mind again. Although planning to spend some time alone, the sight of you and him happy together made you do something you’d been thinking about for months.
Step one of your emotionally drenched plan was to invite him to the park, and it was an invite he took without argument. Something felt off in his text, it felt… careful, like he knew exactly what was coming. A storm brewed in your gut.
The wait for him to show up was a relentless one, and the whole time you considered the idea of backing out, but it seemed fate would have it otherwise because when you picked your phone up to text him ‘nevermind’ you saw the photo again. It sat on your lap like a brand, and you set your phone back down beside you and groaned. This could be the end or a very fruitful beginning.
Step two was put into motion when he arrived, spotting you on the merry go round where he took a seat beside you. He was smooth in his motions, much more thoughtful than he was earlier. The way he glanced side to side before approaching you did not go unnoticed.
With the hours that passed the sun fell, and now that it was early in the evening everything was saturated in a brilliant gold thanks to the setting sun. If not for the ton of bricks that rolled around in your stomach you would have appreciated the scenery a bit more, but the nausea welling in your throat couldn’t be overridden by pretty clouds or the golden hour.
“What’s up?” He asked, breaking the silence you formed unawarely. He was anxious with his words, like he was expecting some life changing news on your behalf.
You shrugged casually despite the raging fire in your head. The last thing you wanted to do was rile him up. “I just,” The sand formed in your throat again and you almost gagged on it. “Wanted to talk about something.”
Lips pressed into a tight line, you nodded glumly. He made a noise of distress and leaned back, his gaze unset and unfocused.
“Look, they’re assholes, but I don’t think they’re gonna go telling everyone shit about me and you.”
“That’s not it,” You shook your head and pressed your hand against your throbbing temple. “The thing is, I don’t care if people know.”
“You seem pretty fucked up about it, though.”
“That’s because I know you wanted to keep it some big secret.”
Nathan took note of your words, eyeing you with knit brows. “I don’t want us to be some ‘big secret’, that’s just kind of how it has to go.”
“Why?” Your hands fell against your lap and you frowned up at him, but he wasn’t looking. “Why do we have to keep everything to ourselves?”
“Why does it matter so much?” He finally looked down at you, his expression tight, his jaw leveled. “What we’re doing is working out just fucking fine, isn’t it?”
You sighed. “Yeah, yeah it’s working.”
“Then what's the big issue?”
“It just-” you ran a hand through your hair roughly, trying to find the right words. “I don’t see why we can’t tell anyone! I mean yeah it’s fine, we’re working, but just- tell me why it’s so important that no one knows.”
“Because you'd fucking hate it if everyone knew!” His voice held so many emotions, but the two most prominent was the obvious anger and the less obvious worry. “Believe me, ___ if people found out you were involved with me you’d run for the fucking hills.”
You blinked at him, lips parted. “Why would I leave you?”
“Are you serious?” He looked down at his lap. “God, you’d get attacked. Maybe not physically but fuck, you’d get ripped into. Do you want to end up like me?”
Your gaze lowered to your legs, the photograph on your lap. “You seem to handle it just fine.”
“If you call drinking and starting fights ‘just fine’ then hell yeah I’m doing great.” He picked at his pants absently. “Never better.”
“Nathan,” You looked up at him. “I don’t care what people say about me. The years almost over, highschool drama is highschool drama. It doesn’t matter in the real world.”
Nathan groaned, rubbing his cheeks with his hands in stress. “It goes way further than that.”
“So what then?” That heat rose to your cheeks but it wasn’t accompanied by the fluttering of your heart. No, it was anger, a sinking and hot stone that ground against your bones. “We just date in the shadows where everythings nice and fucking cozy?”
“What’s wrong with that!”
“Everything!” Now it was your turn to rub at your face, irritated and huffy. “I don’t want to have to constantly feel like I’m being watched when I’m with you! I don’t want to have to worry about seen all the time, and I sure as hell don’t want to keep feeling like you’re ashamed to be with me!” You were talking so quickly, so fervently, you forgot to think before you spoke. You blurted out a thought that had eating away at you, and he gaped at you for it.
“You think I’m ashamed of you?” He asked, voice low and hissing. “That’s what you think this is about?”
You swallowed thickly and tried to eat the lump forming in your throat. “Sometimes.”
Nathan’s features softened, and he leaned back to look up at the sky. “___, that’s not… Shit, that’s not what this is about.” He sighed. “I just don’t want you to get all hurt because some hipster bitch won’t leave you alone. The thought of you going off and leaving me because of drama sucks.”
“I wouldn’t leave you over that.” You croaked. “I wouldn’t.”
“It’s easy to say that now.” He said, mostly to himself, but you responded anyways.
“I wouldn’t leave you over pointless shit, Nathan.” Using your sleeves you wiped roughly at your eyes. “I just want to- I just wanna be able to do shit with you outside my room is all.”
“What can we do outside your room that we can’t inside?”
You shrugged. “It’s different outside.” Through the ever growing blurriness of your vision, you looked up at him.
Nathan’s eyes seemed farther away, facing into the trees that surrounded the dingy little park. His silence was deafening and fear crept under your skin, made your face heat up in anxiety. You felt like you’d screwed up pretty badly, like you’d ruined something. The lack of an answer, even if it was just an irritated sigh, made you antsy. When your lips parted to speak up he beat you to it.
“If you can handle it,” He started, closing his eyes, giving in. “Then sure, whatever.”
You blinked at him slowly, processing. The thought of being open with him made your chest feel like it was filled with cotton. “Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously. If you really don’t care then…” His eyes opened, and they were almost golden with the setting sun's reflection. “Then I don’t either.”
A smarter part of you knew that you shouldn’t be as starstruck as you were. Being with Nathan had a price, and it was a damaging one. It was easy to claim that you didn’t mind some harassment here and there since you were alone, safe with him, but what would happen when you were alone? You weren’t the strongest, you weren’t the fastest. You didn’t want to use Nathan’s name as a shield, either. If some asshole decided to make your day hell then you were stuck.
But, a dumber, romantic part of you, didn’t care. So much of you wanted to touch him, fingers longing to lock and intertwine with his own. Nathan was bony and uncomfortable yet your heart stuttered at hugging him, leaning against him, lying beside him. He was so closed off and guarded that when he finally did open up bits of himself you greedily couldn’t get enough.
“Good,” you breathed. Words tumbled against the tip of your tongue but they couldn’t take shape, your lips moving to try and force another sentence out. That same dry and full feeling returned and it was a miracle you could even speak at all when you asked, “Can I kiss you?”
Nathan was caught off guard. You could see it in his eyes, the way they zeroed in on you before shifting back to nothing in particular. Beneath you the merrygoround creaked as it barely moved. When he looked at you, uncertain, you swallowed thickly and readied yourself to apologize. However, you didn’t need to. He nodded once and ducked beneath the railing, and you met him halfway with your heart thudding in your chest.
It was a quick kiss, chaste and rather plain, but it was more than enough. He molded against you perfectly in those few seconds, his eyes closed and shoulders relaxed. Before it ended your fingers twitched to reach out and grab some part of him, hold him close, but he broke away before you managed to. Albeit having kissed before, this one felt different. You and Nathan had been lip locked for hours on end it seemed sometimes, wrapped around one another to the point where you had no idea where you started and he ended. However this wasn’t like those times. This kiss was shy and sensitive, and when you finally opened your eyes he wasn’t looking at you anymore.
“How was that?” He asked suddenly, his sentence rushed and wavery. You smiled and reached out to gently take the fabric of his jacket in your hand.
Once more Nathan looked down at you but his previous expression was gone, his qualms away with it. Oddly affectionate, warm even, a sight that you’d come to know but didn’t get to see quite often. He ducked under the bar again and just like before you met him halfway, your lips meeting more intense than they had before. This kiss you recognized. It was the type of kiss you felt when he was in a calmer state of mind, usually met when he’d just woken up from a long nap, or when he decided to get loving during a night in your dorm.
It was tender, and softer than anything you’d even known. He didn’t pull away moments later this time- if anything he deepened the kiss with a tilt of his head in the process. You fisted his jacket and tried to scoot closer to him, but found you were separated from the railing placed in between your bodies.
When you and him broke apart the last thing on your mind was the fact that you were still out in the open, able to be seen by whomever happened to be around. Instead you were focused on the light dusting of pink on his cheeks, and the way that his eyes darted from your own to something else in timidity. You realized that as much as this was new to you, it was even more new to him. He’d probably never had a public relationship before, not one that worked out anyways.
You grinned, a giggling laugh slipping past your lips. He scoffed at your bubbliness and rolled his eyes, shifting back onto his side of the railing and shaking his head. Still you saw beyond the action, taking mental note of the way his lips seemed to make an effort as to not curl up into a smile.  
Shards of the sun leaked through the trees, now fat with leaves as they should be, and they painted the side of his face. The merry go round creaked again as it slowly spun, your shoes lightly digging into the wood chips on the ground. Nathans hand rested close to your own, and it felt like he was wordlessly inviting you. Tentatively, as if reaching out to pet an animal, you brushed your fingers along his scarred knuckles and felt them twitch. He didn’t move his hand away like he used to when you’d accidentally brush yours against his own. Those moments stung, and now this would be the bandage.
The ride stopped drifting in circles, you watched the treelines beside Nathan, and you held his hand.
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exhoseokrk-blog · 7 years ago
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shin hoseok • september 30th, 2017
performing strip that down ( 0:00 - 0:46 ) & ( 0:45 - 1:05 ) hongdae talent show stage • skills: guitar, singing, dancing
This was going to be difficult. Then again, what wasn't these days? One thing after the other was a struggle, but that hasn't stopped Hoseok from carrying on just yet. As a matter of fact, now more than ever he feels the need to redeem himself. It's not that he's done anything particularly bad, but he certainly hasn't been the same blond-haired dork that tells jokes and has more confidence than all of the television villains that you'd ever see combined. Rough times hit him hard and it left him rather broken, but he saw this as his opportunity to put himself back together. He knew that was much easier said than done, and it was more than obvious that he wasn't going to be fixed overnight, but this could at least be his first step in the right direction.
Lonely were his days and sad were his nights, but not today. He wasn't going to be lonely and he refused to feel sorry for himself any longer. Kihyun was finally back in his life again and helped push him to this point, so he wasn't going to let it go to waste. Of course, this was unlike the previous times in which he's found himself in front of crowds, considering other times he was looking for some sort of validation that he planned to get from the judges and those watching him, but not now. He didn't need any of these people telling him his worth, because he was attempting to get to a point where he knew it on his own. This was for fun, he kept reminding himself, he didn't care whether he won or not.
Glory was nice, sure, but so was knowing his own self-worth. Before he even started heading over here, he had to make absolute certain that if he "failed" here that it wouldn't destroy him again... he now feels as though it won't. He has enough confidence to know that no matter what happens, no matter whether he gets that title or not... he would be okay. This was going to be something good for him. This was his time to shine with a bright smile on his face and a fire burning in his heart. A good one, that is, because he didn't like the sound of his heart literally being on fire, that would hurt and, you know, kill him, but whatever. The point was, he was here to prove, not to everyone else, but to himself that he still has what it takes to continue following his dreams. One day, he'll get there... hopefully. But there's a good chance he would feel that hope was well placed if he can just remind himself of how much fun this is and how loved he can be, by the audience, yeah, but also by himself; he should love himself... and he would... soon.
When he was backstage and being interviewed, he felt a sense of excitement wash over him. He seemed to be as cheerful as he has in any other happy situation, a huge smile lighting his face and his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Ah, I'm nervous." Soft laughter fell from his lips as he briefly rubbed his hands together, making eye contact with the MC as he listened to his question. "My name is Shin Hoseok. I'm from Busan, but Seoul is my home now." More quiet laughter. "I think everyone will be pleased with my performance because I put a lot of work into it. I think it will be surprising and entertaining to watch, so I can only hope that I'm right! It took me a while to put it together, so I am sure that all of my hard work will pay off. Maybe I could even win if the judges like what I've done as much as I do." His smile widened as he gave a nod of his head to punctuate his sentence, allowing it to remain at that.
Time passed and others went on, leaving his heartbeat quickening in pace. If he didn't know that it wasn't possible, he would think there was a good chance that it would end up beating right out of his chest. His hands trembled, but he was thankful that it seemed light enough to not put a hindrance on his guitar playing. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, then it seemed like not much later, it was his turn to perform. 
"Alright, Hoseok. You can do this," was very quietly whispered to himself as he went out there with his guitar, and a stool, taking a seat and giving a big smile to everyone. After introducing himself once more for the crowd, it was time for him to begin. He started strumming the guitar to the intro of the song, moving his head with the beat as he started singing along with his tune. He hoped that everyone would be impressed by his English, considering he's spent a long time trying to perfect his pronunciation. He really wanted to sing a song that no one would expect, because that way, it would give him a chance to show an even wider range of his skills. He knew that only displaying one thing wouldn't be enough, so he put a lot of effort into making this something that everyone would remember and enjoy. He wanted to stand out and to impress every set of eyes that watched him.
You know, I've been taking some time And I've been keeping to myself  I had my eyes upon the prize Ain't watching anybody else But your love, it hit me hard, girl Yeah, you're bad for my health I love the cards that I've been dealt Do you feel the same as well?
While the words flowed from his mouth, he would shift his eyes from watching himself play the guitar to the crowd of people, a confident smile on his face. He knew that it was getting close for him to transition his act, but he tried not to show it on his face. He didn't want anyone to see anything coming, so he continued to softly sing and bob his head along all the way until he got to the very last word.
You know, I used to be in 1D, now I'm out free People want me for one thing, that's not me I'm not changing the way that I used to be I just wanna have fun and get rowdy One Coke and Bacardi, sippin' lightly When I walk inside the party, girls on me F1 type Ferrari, 6 gear speed Girl, I love it when your body grinds on me Baby...
After that, he stopped playing mid-song and stood up from the stool, quickly sliding it across the stage and placing his guitar down. He went back to the middle of the stage and stood paused there for a moment, a big smile forming on his face as he tilted his head to the side, enjoying the silence and hoping that everyone was wondering what he was up to. In that moment, he unzipped the jacket he'd been wearing only for everyone to see that he had no shirt on underneath, a clear display of his abs visible as his expression shifted into a mischievous and playful one. The original song started playing from his speakers, picking up where his left off and he began dancing to it. It wasn't the most difficult choreo in the world, but it also wasn't all that simple, especially not when he had to go all the way to the ground.
But, it was all thanks to his several years of dance classes and then his brief job that he maintained a while after that he was able to do it so effortlessly. It was like second nature to him at this point, and he hoped that everyone would see that he was in his prime and that it would be appreciated. He had lots of experience with "sexy" dances, and while this wasn't anywhere close to what he's accustomed to, at an event like this, he thought it was as far as it should be taken. Personally, he likely would have felt more comfortable and exhilarated by removing his entire jacket, but he thought leaving it unzipped would be good enough... he hoped. He didn't want to cross any lines but he also didn't want to make anything too boring.
By the end of the fifteen seconds or so of dancing, however, he felt pleased. It made him happy to perform like this, even more so since he was able to play the guitar, sing, dance, and show off his body and how comfortable and empowered he feels in it. He hoped that he displayed the main thing that he wanted to well, which was his charisma. He thought for a while that he was lacking it and that his confidence had been drained so much that it would never return, but he had good faith that it wasn't the truth and that this performance helped to prove that. All he wanted was for him to know that it wasn't over, that he still enjoyed this, and that it was still what he wanted... it certainly was. And with all of his friends lives moving forward, he had a good feeling that his would soon, too.
Even if nothing came of this in particular, at least he was rather positive that he's gotten his spark back, and that spark should be able to take him a long way... hopefully, it will be able to take him all the way, up until the point that he finally achieves his wildest dreams.
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cornishbirdblog · 6 years ago
Between Perranuthnoe and Prussia Cove is a rugged headland jutting out into the sea. This is Cudden Point.
A truly beautiful stretch of coast which commands stunning views across Mounts Bay towards Penzance, Newlyn and Mousehole.
I often enjoy a walk here because of the quiet, the dramatic views of St. Michael’s Mount and the chance of seeing the choughs that nest near by. But there is a bizarre legend associated with this place that tells a very different story. A story of dark deeds and sunken treasure.
In the 19th century it is said that children came here from miles around to search the sands below the headland. Only at spring tides was the seabed exposed enough to offer the chance of finding the treasure meant to be buried there. The children would dig through the sands, between the rocks and amongst the seaweed in the hope of finding riches beyond their wildest dreams.
“Off Cudden Point there lies buried in the sea treasure. Enough to make anyone who finds it one of the wealthiest person in the whole County”
Mabel Quiller Couch
The writers who have recorded this story before me tell of a wonderous bounty lying on the seabed. Just waiting to be discovered.
But they say that beside the gold coins, jewellery and silver goblets said to have been found off Cudden Point there is one object in particular that all the treasure hunters seek. A huge table made of solid silver!
But how did all this treasure find its way to the bottom of the sea off Cudden Point? In a land full of strange legends the story of the Silver Table is an odd one.
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The Tale of the Silver Table
“Many many years ago there lived in those parts a very wealthy man. He was also a very wicked one. Indeed it was said that he was no other than the Lord of Pengerswick. . . It is rather difficult to say for certain for the wicked old man being an Enchanter could go about in all kinds of disguises. So that only those that had the gift of second sight could discover him.”
Pengerswick Castle is just a couple of miles from the headland and the castle is said to be one of the most haunted places in Cornwall. The Pengerswick family seem to have had a rather dark history starting with Henry Pengerswick who was excommunicated for murdering a monk, was said to worship the devil and drove his poor wife to madness. Which Lord the legend refers to however isn’t clear.
So according to the story, one hot summer’s day this wicked and wildly wealthy man invited a party of his equally wicked and thoughtless friends to sail with him on his elegant ship around Mounts Bay. As the afternoon lengthened they dropped anchor near Cudden Point. And as they feasted on all kinds of delights, drank and made merry, the boat lolled lazily on the tide. Suddenly, and for no discernible reason, the boat sank into the calm and transparent waters. Sucked down into the depths, the lord and his guests and all the opulent treasures that they had on board disappeared.
  For a long time after the strange event local fishermen would tell of strange sounds coming from beneath the sea at Cudden Point. The sound of laughter and the clinking of glasses coming up from the watery depths. And some have even said that when the sea was calm enough they could see the unfortunate guests still seated around that silver table on the seabed, continuing their party, amongst the fishes.
Futher reading
Who was Pirate John ‘Eyebrows’ Thomas?
Armorica – The Mass Migration from Cornwall to Brittany
Lansallos and Polperro – a Smuggler’s Paradise
Langarrow: Cornwall’s Sodom & Gomorrah
  Mysterious Sunken Treasure at Cudden Point, Cornwall Between Perranuthnoe and Prussia Cove is a rugged headland jutting out into the sea. This is Cudden Point.
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