#the [black] cast is amazing whattt
gael-garcia · 4 months
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Ruth Negga in Of Mind and Music (2014)
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cloud9in · 4 years
A Stellar Collision (Zoey x Mc)
Summary: Zoey and Bea encounter each other one night in Paris. A stellar collision takes place. 
French Zoey??? I say yes. I nerded the hell out with this fic, but I think it’s amazing and beautiful.
Word Count: 1.9k
Zoey Club: @samanthadalton @penda-bear @robintora @satrinadia @tyrils-star @brycesgirl @gay-dinosaur-banana-milk-carton
Stellar Collision; ‘A stellar collision is the coming together of two stars caused by stellar dynamics within a star cluster’
Paris, France. Bea never thought that she’d travel alone, but here she was standing in front of the Eiffel Tower under the moonlight. This particular night was more magical than ever, the stars covered the sky like a light show. She gazed up at the celestial bodies that casted a heavenly glow on her face and smiled. France. She was really here.
 “Oh that’s perfect! Stay just like that..”
 A low voice startles Bea out of her thoughts as she yelps at the intruding stranger. “Oh my god you scared me!” The woman in front of her..who is insanely good looking, (very nice observation Bea), clamps her hand over her mouth to stop a giggle. She looked absolutely divine, Bea thought. Nothing compared to the stars. 
 “Forgive me miss! Or...er I didn’t get your name?” Her honey-filled, thick accent reminded Bea of a harmony probably only played at the gates of heaven. It took a few minutes for her to stop staring shamelessly, eyes wandering every inch of the mystery woman until it stopped at the paintbrush in her hand. Her face felt hot as she looked up directly into the stranger’s deep brown eyes, who winked in return. “...It’s Bea...or..honey...darling maybe?” Wow so smooth.
The brunette internally cringed at her attempt to seduce the stranger, but she was caught off guard by the sweet laugh earned in response.
  “Ah..well darling it is. You may have the privilege of calling me Zoey. Zoey Wade.” The darker woman grinned brightly, a pearly white smile contrasting her purple shade of lipstick. She wore a white long sleeve turtleneck which was neatly tucked into a tight, perfect fitting leather skirt. Her beret matched the color of her lips, and a nice pair of Louboutin black patent leather pumps were on her feet. Zoey was drop dead gorgeous, and she knew that. She could tell how attracted Bea was by the way her mouth hung open. Nice job Bea. 
 The brunette raised a single eyebrow in curiosity, “privilege huh? I’ll say…” She cleared her throat and straightened up, “well what I meant to ask was...what were you saying earlier? Before I jumped out of my boots.” Zoey peered down at her paintbrush and back to the woman in front of her amusingly. “Oh yes well, I like to take part in street art occasionally when I’m not in the studio or managing a fashion week.” Oh so she must be a fashion designer? Well of course she is Bea, look at her.
 “...and the way you gaze up at the stars reminds me of a certain love and intensity, I just had to capture it on my aisle.” Zoey gestures towards her setup behind her which went unnoticed by the brunette. In fact, everything was quite a blur for Bea in the moment. Uhhh earth to Bea Hughes? The most beautiful woman in the world is talking to you, the least you could do is respond. Zoey smiles silently, patiently waiting for the flustered girl to ground herself, once more. And when she does, the only word she can muster is, “..wow.”
 “Wow? But I haven’t even begun to paint you yet my darling! I think you would be quite satisfied with the results but only if you listen to my wishes.”
And so Bea did. She looked up at the sky again and relaxed her shoulders, a blissful feeling already beginning to surround her. The stars looked different now, she couldn’t focus as much, but when she did, Bea swore there was a faint outline of the darker woman’s features up in the sky. Maybe she was going crazy. Or maybe she just couldn’t get her out of her mind. The pair stood in comfortable silence as Zoey painted away, stopping occasionally to “study” Bea’s eyes, lips, and volumized curls. It’s all part of the technique. The brunette felt self conscious whenever she caught Zoey staring but it would immediately melt when their gazes connected, a feeling of warmth and affection fluttering like butterflies in her stomach.
 “So... Zoey right? That doesn’t sound very French.”
 The darker woman stroked her brush against the aisle skillfully, a light chuckle escaping her lips. “Indeed. My father was actually American, and well being his only child, he did the honours. My mother wanted to name me Zoé, (pronounced zaw-eh) but father already figured I’d have so much of my french roots and he wanted to contribute to at least something.” Zoey concentrates thoughtfully, her eyes softening at the mention of her parents. 
 Bea peels her eyes off of the sky and watches the woman with fondness. “He would be really proud of you...I know I may have just met you, but you have this gift of luring people in. Of...making them want to stay. You’re like home...I- I don’t know how to explain it...”
Zoey stops painting and observes the brunette, whose eyes only cast a shadow of love. 
 Bea looks away at the intensity of Zoey’s stare. Her voice breaks the silence, it sounded more soft and vulnerable, with a hint of that smoky accent. “Look at me.” 
 When their eyes met for the millionth time that night, it felt different. Bea felt complete. Like she was sharing her soul with the woman in front of her. She felt comfortable, with herself, and with everything around her. Zoey started to paint again as Bea watched her closely, formulating the right thoughts in her head. “Hey Zoe?” She subtlety moves her head towards Bea to hint that she’s listening, and the brunette’s eyes twinkle with delight. “Do you believe that we are all connected somehow?” 
 Zoey folds her arms in thought, “Yes...I do. There is...something called a human energy field. And within that field lies the magnetic pull of human hearts.” She looks tenderly at the brunette, “some may feel a strong pull in their hearts even when miles away. And when the two individuals finally meet, their energies combine like a stellar collision.” Bea stares at her with a certain passion she never felt before. Beautiful, incredibly intelligent, and a poetic flirt? Now that’s a woman.
 Zoey sets her paintbrush down and rotates the aisle so it's in full view for Bea. The brunette gasps loudly, her breath catching in her throat. The painting portrayed a stunning image of Bea with the Eiffel Tower behind her, the vibrant golden lights reflecting off her curls and silhouette. In the back, a depiction of maybe a million self-luminous stars painted the sky, and if you looked closely, some were constellations. What stuck out the most was the look on Bea’s face. Her expression suggested that she was looking at something mesmerizing, her eyes sparkling with wonder. And that was true, Zoey was otherworldly. Bea admired the portrait in awe, “It’s perfect Zoey, oh my god.”
 “You have a knack for stars eh? Such a nerd.” 
 The brunette laughs in joy as Zoey teases her. She raises a hand to her chin in thought, “You sound like a natural born American. Who are you and what have you done with my Zoey?” 
 “Oh your Zoey huh?” She smirks when Bea’s face turns impossibly red. Zoey detaches the portrait and struts towards the brunette, holding out the newly finished gift. “For you darling, to remember this night like no other.”
 Bea hesitates to grab it, “Are you sure you don’t want to keep it? I mean what if we never see each other again? I could be the mystery person that you tell people stories about when they come to your gallery one day.” Bea wiggles her eyebrows playfully at the suggestion.
“Well first off, there’s only so much to tell about one night. And a gallery? I think we’re getting ahead of ourselves.”
 “Oh we’re definitely not!”
 Zoey laughs pleasantly at the brunette’s confidence, brushing away a few strands of curls that fell out of place. She looks carefully at Bea and then to the painting, “Darling, the memories of tonight are enough to last me quite a while. I’ll never forget it and I don’t need this to remind me.  I’ll admit, if I kept this then everytime I look at it, it would only make me think of you.”
 “...and that’s a bad thing..?”
 “Ouchhh Zoe.”
 She chuckles gently at the pout on the brunette’s face. “Oh you baby I didn’t mean it like that.” Zoey as she takes a deep breath, gathering her thoughts, “It’s just that after tonight, wherever you go in the world, I hope you don’t forget me so easily. I only wish that you would be by my side just one night longer every time I stare at this painting.”
 “Is that what you tell all of your clients?”
 That earned Bea a nice smack to the shoulder. Good job, you deserve that.
 “Whattt I meant to say is that the night doesn’t have to end! We’re just getting started Zoey. I want to have an adventurous night out in Paris with you. You can show me how the French do it. And maybe paint me like one of your French girls next.”
 This time Zoey was the one blushing a deep dark red. She dipped her head away before Bea could catch a glimpse of it. Zoey clears her throat before sitting in thought, “well... I always believed that you should do what feels necessary, and what feels right. Being here with you certainly feels right.” She glances not so discreetly at Bea’s lips, and wets her own in anticipation. The brunette can feel her burning gaze and follows the darker woman’s eyes as they scan every inch of her. A jolt of energy starts forming in her lower belly, her heartbeat steadily increasing while her knees went impossibly weak. There was a literal shift in the atmosphere and Bea swore they weren’t this close before, but the feeling of Zoey’s breath on her cheek told her just how close they became. “...Can I do something that feels right?”
 When Zoey nods, Bea wastes no time in pulling her against her body, one arm wrapping around Zoey’s lower waist and the other caressing her dark bronze cheeks. The kiss felt electrical, a burst of pleasure surging through their chests as they finally connected. Bea let Zoey take control immediately, her tongue pulsating in the brunette’s mouth as they french-kissed. The feeling was so overpowering as they both gasped for air after a few minutes. Zoey placed open-mouthed kisses along Bea’s jaw and neck and she moaned in pure bliss at the feeling. Don’t worry there’s probably nobody around to see them. Maybe. 
When Zoey pulls back and looks at Bea, she smirks at how dilated her pupils have become. Someone’s excited. The brunette doesn’t let her tease any longer, sliding her hand gently across the french woman’s cheek, to the back of her neck, and pulling her hair until her neck is exposed. Their lips connect once more until both are too weak to stand any longer. 
 Through her shallows breaths, Bea smiles over at Zoey who has a dazed, yet look on her face. Yep. Nothing compared to the stars.
Part 2 ???
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miyuki-atsushi · 5 years
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Everybody needs to watch this show imo :b Its about rugby (duh) in Japan (duh) in a corporate setting (whattt) featuring the platinum league (whattt). Few reasons why you should watch it right the heck now
1. Amazing technique and storyline
I think 70% of the cast are real rugby players. And they do NOT play around. ⏬ my boi maeda gordon here is an actor but he plays an ex-player from All Blacks (i know!) and he packs a punch! Doesnt slack off or anything so solid eye candy!
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2. Suitable amount of humor
(You have no idea how important this is)
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3. Beautiful cast, just exquisite
(Remember the guy in turquoise? He was the captain of the japan team in 2012. HE IS IN THE SHOW AND IS A BIG PART OF IT)
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4. Not like all out season 2 is out yet...
(You still get your share of muscles but if you actually try to understand the show you learn a lot more and it actually gets to you, you know?)
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5. Beautiful soundtrack and ED
Yonezu strikes again!
So yes if you have some time on your hands you should watch this show, it speaks to me and it was very enjoyable. I’m not paid to say this I just have really strong feelings for this show... while we’re waiting for season 2... WHERE IN THE EVERLOVING HELL ARE YOU S2
Some more dorky bois to brighten up your day
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