#thats not the problem the problem is if im supposed to be invited and no one tells me or im not invited and someone else told me
myrcenegirl · 1 year
lmao so me and my friend were talking i asked her something a little idk i havent been invited yet to something thats happening saturday and everyone is so busy these days but still it felt weird to not be invited when everyone else is and i asked her about it (not her party but i told her i felt weird) and so during the whole time shes not replying im like oh great i opened my mouth i hope she doesnt think im starting shit but what if shes also mad at me and thinks im a hypocrite for not inviting her to my bday thing (which i had a very specific reason and wasnt targeting her but again she probably has never thought twice about it lol) and shes mad at me now well why should she be mad at me shes done xyz thing to make me mad and i always kept my mouth shut so if she wants to be mad at me i can be mad at her and bring up shit to her and then i realized that i probably wasnt told because im not on fucking social media and im being fucking dumb and i send her another text telling her i realized that was probably the reason. she replies that she fucking fell asleep right after her last text i guess and was sorry she didnt reply and reassured me i had nothing to worry about so yay good old remnants of social anxiety making my night really fucking fun lol like in my first text i was even like tell me if im being dumb and ill stop thinking about it right away and then she never text back after we were having a back and forth for a bit and so in my mind i was like i covered every possible base to try and make it look like im just anxious but im not getting a reply?? that must mean something bad is happening lol. and i even started thinking well hey what if she was taking time to reach out to that friend and see if something was actually up on my behalf because shes a good friend and would do that but nope even then i had to prepare for the worst and guess what there was noooooooooooooooooooothing to worry about! still havent been invited and i cant lie it does feel strange but i need to chill obviously!
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disneyprincemuke · 4 months
find my friends * fem!driver
they share a life360 subscription
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver
notes: this was funnier in my head maybe
(series masterlist) | (📂 the sophomore year)
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logan arrived at the psych ward.
PASTRY What is the psych ward? Logan… Is everything okay?
ROCKSTER my apartment.
LOWGAN OUR apartment btw i live with u
PASTRY Well. Welcome home!
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rockster completed a 2km drive. top speed: 90km/h
PASTRY Are you suicidal?
LOWGAN 90km/h???? for a 2km drive? youre asking for it
ROCKSTER oh! there were no cars on the road stop stalking me
PASTRY Concerned Whose car were you driving?
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pastry left the flourist.
ROCKSTER oo where u guys goin
PASTRY Dinner downtown
ROCKSTER can i join u
LOWGAN thats unfair im not in town
ROCKSTER not my problem so can i?
PASTRY Yeah, sure. We’ll save you a seat
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pastry arrived at the psych ward.
ROCKSTER im sorry did i invite you over and forgot perchance
LOWGAN u cant just say perchance
PASTRY I missed Kidnapper and Stubby. Sorry. I brought dinner though.
PASTRY Where are either of you?
LOWGAN im otw home from the gym
ROCKSTER bathroom i’ll be out in 5
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logan only has 10% battery. ask them to charge their phone.
PASTRY Logan, charge your phone, maaaate.
LOWGAN oh thanks mate hadnt noticed
ROCKSTER coming home tn? will chain the door if u arent
LOWGAN forgot to lyk got some friends in town spending the night here at the hotel
ROCKSTER ok 👍🏼 be safe
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rockster left the flourist.
PASTRY I should revoke your key.
ROCKSTER we need soy sauce and lily said u had some
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rockster left the strip club.
PASTRY Where you goin’, mate?
ROCKSTER airport
LOWGAN where tf r u goin
ROCKSTER friend’s visiting
PASTRY Cool. Be safe driving, Rocky.
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lowgan arrived at the flourist.
rockster arrived at the flourist.
PASTRY What are you guys doing in my apartment?
ROCKSTER didn’t have dinner where’s lily
PASTRY On her way back from campus.
LOWGAN cool wanna grab dinner? where are u m8
PASTRY Bedroom Sure Let me put a shirt on.
ROCKSTER yeah u do that
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pastry only has 10% battery. ask them to charge their phone.
ROCKSTER oscar oscar oscar oscar
LOWGAN oscar oscar oscar
LOWGAN oscar oscar
ROCKSTER charge ur phone mate
LOWGAN what she said
PASTRY Ok. I was sleeping but alright. Thank you
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rockster left the psych ward.
LOWGAN oo where u goin
ROCKSTER airport
PASTRY Friends visiting again?
ROCKSTER no, i’m flying
LOWGAN what where tf r u goin
ROCKSTER d&g need me fashion show
LOWGAN when will u be back
ROCKSTER 2 weeks busy schedule
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lowgan completed a 3km drive. top speed: 80km/h.
LOWGAN shut up
PASTRY Are you guys playing ‘Around The World’ or something?
PASTRY What is Logan doing in Manila?
LOWGAN ohhhhhh thing is
ROCKSTER he’s left the chat
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rockster completed a 10km drive. top speed: 120km/h.
PASTRY Actually What the fuck is wrong with you?
LOWGAN hey rocky
LOWGAN what the fuck are you doing in arkansas
PASTRY Aren’t you supposed to be in Los Angeles?
ROCKSTER right. road trip!
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rockster only has 10% battery. ask them to charge their phone.
PASTRY Now. What the fuck are you doing in LA again
ROCKSTER visiting friends!
LOWGAN hmm u got friends in LA?
ROCKSTER hey now i’ve got friends outside of u guys
LOWGAN i didnt even say that mate
PASTRY Be safe.
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life360 detected sudden motion on rockster’s phone. this could be the result of a collision, hard braking, or a dropped phone. we suggest that you call rockster to check on them.
ROCKSTER sry dropped my phone lol
PASTRY Arkansas again?
ROCKSTER yeah it’s nice here
LOWGAN fishy there's literally nothing to see there
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rockster arrived at the psych ward.
PASTRY Wow Look who’s home for the first time in 2 weeks!
ROCKSTER man leave me alone, will u
LOWGAN lmfao
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life360 detected sudden motion on logan’s phone. this could be the result of a collision, hard braking, or a dropped phone. we suggest that you call logan to check on them.
ROCKSTER u ok mate
LOWGAN yeah some mf brake checked me brb
PASTRY What are you doing in Australia
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lowgan arrived at the flourist.
ROCKSTER going out without me i see
LOWGAN well ur in the states again so
ROCKSTER girl shut up where u guys going
LOWGAN brunch
PASTRY Lily said she’ll drink Mimosas in your place, Rocky.
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pastry completed a 5km drive. top speed: 75km/h.
ROCKSTER lightwork
PASTRY Not even a competition.
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lowgan left the psych ward.
ROCKSTER it’s 7am where u goin dawg
PASTRY Dawg???????? Who have you been hanging out with in LA?
ROCKSTER none of ur business
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life360 detected sudden motion on rockster’s phone. this could be the result of a collision, hard braking, or a dropped phone. we suggest that you call rockster to check on them.
PASTRY Hello? It’s been 5 minutes Is everything okay?
LOWGAN no seriously why are you in LA again
PASTRY Rocky? I’ll literally call emergency services for you Answer
LOWGAN rocky girl what the fuck
PASTRY No way you crash in a foreign country, right? ROCKY
PASTRY What the actual fuck
ROCKSTER sry i was karting wasnt holding my phone
PASTRY Who was holding it then?
ROCKSTER just a friend im ok i promise
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lowgan arrived at the headquarters.
ROCKSTER what are u doing at my parents’
LOWGAN giving blythe her aa23 shoes then im bringing ur parents out for dinner
ROCKSTER without me
LOWGAN you’re in new york
PASTRY New York? What is going on in the house of commons? I go offline for a couple days to spend time with my family and you guys are going insane in your own right.
ROCKSTER just spending time with friends
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @mclarengf @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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satcrvz · 4 months
“move your bubble butt out the way,” yuuji instantly straightens his back and glares at you.
“yn, please im literally trying to make the house look presentable while you sit on your ass warming yuutas seat”. his comment earned a snicker from megumi, which yuuji made a mental note of.
nobara shuts the fridge and shouts from the kitchen, “you wouldn’t need to make it presentable if you hadn’t invited the whole population over”
you think yuuji may be your number one hater and supporter. clearly he’s trying to help you, but at the same time you feel non confrontational.
“speak your truth. yuuji and megumi are literally the reason the living rooms fucked up”
a few minutes after the four of you finish “cleaning,” if you could even call it that, maki, inumaki, and yuta show up. as they enter the apartment, inumaki glances around the place.
"so did you guys just decide not to clean or what?" this earned him a slide flying by his head, courtesy of yuuji. while almost everyone is engaged in their own banter now, you make your way over to yuta, praying that it's not going to be the awkward interaction that you have in your head.
you smile as you approach him, "did you bring the ice cream?" his eyes slightly widened as he brings his right hand up to scratch the back of his neck. "soooo," you laugh at his awkwardness, "i ended up buying it but my dumbass left it at the house"
"that's not a problem, we could go get it since your house isn't that far?" you suggested. "wouldnt we miss the movie?" his question is genuine.
"nah we have time. it’s not like they’d agree on a movie anyway." he shoots you a smile before grabbing the lanyard that hung out his sweats.
"guys, me and yn are going to get icecream, it won’t take long!" maki shoots him a look that tells him not to fuck it up. yuuji acknowledges yutas statement, "oh, can you get popcorn? there’s like one bag left and i know all of you aren’t willing to share"
"oh we actually weren’t—" you’re cut off by yuta, "we’ll get it, it’s fine!"
. . .
"why’d you agree? i was trying to save you the trouble." he cranks up the car, "it’s fine, besides, do you really wanna be there when they fight over a movie? shit gets ugly." "you’re right," you say in between laughs.
the ride to the store was no more than 10 minutes, most of it consisting of you flipping through songs, due to you not really knowing what he listens to.
after he parks, he raises both of his hands up and looks at you, "do not move." you smirk and raise an eyebrow at his actions, not really knowing what his plan was. that was until you saw him get out the car and go over to your side and open the door.
the smile was evident in your voice, "what are you, prince charming?" as you get out the car, he dramatically bows, "anything you want me to be your highness." this earned laughter from the both of you.
the two of you entered the store and right as the sliding doors opened yuta probably asked the dumbest question you've ever heard.
"we're supposed to be getting popcorn right?" truthfully, he was trying to make conversation after ignoring you for the past few days.
"jeez yuta, you drove us and you don't even know what you're here for?"
he gave you a grin, "i got us here safely, no? thats gotta count for something!"
as the two of you roam isles in search of popcorn, you find yourselves indulging in random conversations from embarrassing childhood stories to things your friends have done. it's effortless, the way you connect with each other, as if you've known each other for much longer than just a few weeks.
you spot the aisle that the item would be in, and reach over to grab his shirt to steer him into the aisle. his eyes widen at the gesture, clearly being caught off guard.
the two of you scan the shelves for a good brand with a reasonable price. you both decide on a box and head to the checkout.
"hey. you aren't slick, i saw you slide those kitkats"
you bring your finger to your chin, "hmm, i don't recall. maybe it's a ghost telling us we need to get them."
the both of you quickly got into the car and drove to his house to get the ice cream he bought. surprisingly it was a really quick stop, he told you to stay in the car and darted into, and back out the house.
by the time the two of you had got back, unsurprisingly, they were still fighting over a movie.
"yn, yuta, please settle this dumbass debate," nobara pleads.
yuuji obnoxiously says that it should be the conjuring, while maki counters and suggests spider-man, but more specifically andrew garfield’s.
"guys.. yuuji may be right for once. conjuring sounds good as fuck right now"
megumi brings his hand up to his hair, clearly stressed you picked opposite of him "dude just get back in the car you’re unwanted." nobara brings her hand to her mouth clearly trying to stifle a laugh, while inumaki has no shame and does it anyway.
"bitch? i hope your 'situationship' unadds you." this nearly made yuta start praise dancing. his thoughts ran wild of "i have a chance oh my gosh" "she just might fuck with me.." "never will i doubt maki again"
your voice brings him out of his chaotic thoughts, "yuta! pick one!" "oh uh, conjuring i guess? never seen it"
bad idea. he felt like he needed a life saving medical procedure, he’d nearly shit himself 3 different times. the only thing that made the movie slightly tolerable was you sitting on his left. yuujis sitting on the floor and whispers, if you could call it that, and asks for some of your popcorn. you respond in a hushed voice, "no! you should’ve thought about that before you put it on four minutes."
yuta must’ve not gotten the hint not to reach in the bowl, because he took a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "oh but you’ll give your little boyfriend some. fine!" he faces back toward the tv, only to be met with a handful of popcorn flying at his face from maki telling him to shut the fuck up.
the rest of the night went smoothly but somewhere in there you found yourself knocked out on yuta. during the credits, inumaki and yuuji were laughing at him for pretty much not moving a muscle.
you woke up to an almost abandoned couch, just maki sitting on the end. you quirked an eyebrow, "where’d the rest go?" "outside."
"i do have a question for you though," the little people in your head are panicking right now, "do you like yuta?"
you sheepishly smile, "uhm. . . yeah he’s a good friend i guess?" she gives you a look that a disappointed parent would give their kid, "you know what i mean."
"i guess? yeah. i probably started liking him when i streamed with him for the first time, he’s really sweet."
she hums in response, and right in time, nobara comes back through the door with toge, and yuuji, megumi, and yuta trailing behind her.
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do we fw the chapter.. did not proofread this
guys if i missed your comment asking to be on the taglist pls send me an ask 😭 i literally lose comments all the time
tags: @saesofficialwife @k4romis @soy-garbage @sakyira @dreamxiing @swissy23 @shnzies @captaincyberqueen @fantasycantasy @chuyasthighs0 @mixzimi @milza12 @nahoye @spookyrule @4phskingdom @sad-darksoul @morgyyyyyyy @smashingdollz @bubbles-the-ghost @lunavixia @gaychaosgremlin @jayathelostdragon @h3xi2g0n3 @lysaray @sereniteav @httpakkeiji @histxricaldrama @aiieera @rieieieieieiei @tobaccosunbxrst @hvnyacoded @ohhyuuta @inupibaldspot @diogodxlot @amenial @kzoyu @ancientimes @mochuchi @cerisescherries @sugurubabe @saltypuffin1040 @lunarbleedings @kamikokii @egoistars @r0ckst4rjk @arysbruv @bbladie @hobistigma @k1ttylvr @deeeeexx @arivsx @kyrofu9 @kereseth @clxvrs @chososwh0r3 @alluresenses @sak1l @just-a-girlblogger @m6tra @nyxlai @ecliiipsee
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fizzbot · 12 days
(please just dont read if youre a fan/are gonna be annoying in my tags/replies)
i LOVE verosika. i was super excited to see an episode all about her. she has EVERY right to be mad at blitz, and i do enjoy seeing things from the perspective of his victims. BUT.....i was really disappointed in her portrayal in apology tour. MOSTLY just because i was dissapointed in stolas portrayal in apology tour, and think this ep wouldve been better if it was more about BLITZ instead. rant under the cut
im not gonna give the whole rant about how annoying it is that stolas is constantly woobified, because 100 critical blogs have done it much more gracefully than i ever could. but it is just SO dissapointing to watch a man that couldve been SUCH a compelling villain be the ONLY one who is EVER sympathized with in the show. we are supposed to feel bad for him and believe that both sides are wrong in the stolitz situation, when stolas' crimes are SO MUCH WORSE than all of blitzs bad deeds combined. he co-erced blitz into a sex contract as the only means of doing his job, and then made HIM feel guilty for not falling n love with him during it. the 'both sides are in the wrong' comment gets particularly frustrating when the show has, tme and time again, only let stolas be the one with support. blitz is made to look unreasonable, no matter how right he is. and, in this instance, stolas is the one getting invited to this party to celebrate being ""wronged"" by blitz.
back to verosika. especially now that the episode is out, i am even more firmly on her side. the fact that blitz broke up with HER because things were getting too serious is interesting (albiet not as interesting as i think it couldve been but thats a rant for another post). im not saying she should forgive blitz, but i do struggle to fully agree with her because of how she treated stolas in the episode. she is the first to comfort him, the first to try and encourage him to shit-talk blitz, etc etc and i just dont understand.....why?
ive already had problems with her character since the sexual assault ""joke"" from spring broken, but this also really left a bad taste in my mouth. i totally understand her desire to party and sympathize with other people who were harmed by blitz, but its frustrating that stolas was invited to be among them. stolas, the man who is very much NOT THE VICTIM in his relationship with blitz. this is more the fault of the writers than verosika herself, but it is SO FRUSTRATING that she gave him the spotlight and is trying to help him heal from a situation that is ENTIRELY HIS FAULT. stolas didnt just hurt blitzs feelings, he sexually coerced and abused him. of all people, shouldnt verosika understand how terrible that can be? the kind of hurt that can do to a person? im not saying that this terrible relationship FORGIVES blitz's wrongdoings, but you shouldnt be giving his fucking abuser a stage and a microphone to talk shit about his victim. this becomes so much more insidious to me with the conversation she has with blitz on the balcony, later. this was actually a pretty good scene imo but it could certainly be better.
this is much more opinionated and i wouldnt be surprised if even the critical community isnt with me on this one, but i long for an alternate verson of this episode thats focused on verosika being on blitz's side, instead. its been over 5 years since they dated, and even though she is still allowed to be mad, it would be nice to see that shes moved on. maybe give her a new partner like barbie wire and let her throw these parties just so she can look back and laugh and help blitz's other victims heal in the same way that she has. not to bring up an also not-great show, but in rick and morty, we see a relationship between rick and one of his ex-partners named unity. they were really terrible for each other, enabling bad/unhealthy behaviors, generally being awful. their break-up was messy, but in recent seasons, we see unity coming back, upon hearing that rick was doing something self-destructive. they worried about him, because a part of them still cared, as much as they were hurt by his actions. i would have LOVED to see a similar thing with blitz and verosika, where verosika finds out about the relationship blitz is trapped in/just got out of. i think it would be SO MUCH MORE naratively interesting, for her to be supportive of his little apology tour, and maybe even inviting HIM to the "blitzo sucks" party. not everyone (or anyone) needs to forgive him; in fact, i think coming to this party would give him perspective. his relationship with stolas has hurt him so badly, he can finally step back and understand the harm that he did to all these people. the apologies that he gave, as he admits in the episode, were shallow. but i think framing stolas as the toxic one would be better in helping him realize that he has done wrong more than what the show is currently doing. and maybe some people at the party WILL forgive him. maybe he can apologize on the stage, and some people will empathize with his situation and believe that the apology is genuine, because hes finally had to be on the other end of his own hurt. and maybe THAT would be the first step in helping blitz realize that maybe he isnt completely unlovable, because there are people who cared about him enough to be THIS DEVASTATED upon getting their heart broken by him. a conversation with verosika about what he did to her would hit so much harder after this, imo
anyway. im sorry if this is completely incoherent/a bad point. i was just thinking about it and i am so sick of everyone being a stolas apologist </3
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gamblersdoll · 4 months
cw warning: sexual tension, slight drüg use.
fuck it, you took the invite.
you knew it was best, because had you not, hakari wouldve blew your shit, spamming angry messages or borderline threatening messages. or have someone personally bang on your door and drag you to the club.
so you found the best fitting dress, with some heels, disregarding the fact you hate them. but of course your current boyfriend sinji had you put them on.
“where are you even going to?” he asked, only looking at his phone and not you. how irritating he was when he did this, but it was best for now.
“with maki and nobara, girls night out.” you lied, it wasnt like he was much paying attention if it was worth a damn. he nodded, muttering a “have fun i guess” and you rolling your eyes when his car pulled out and sped off. did it bother you? no. was he a pain in the ass? absolutely yes.
this club had to be worth a couple million.
music over flooding your ears and making you squint, you tried to find the closest room the could have this damn boy in, until a hard grab is at your shoulder.
“who the fuck you lookin fa?” one said in a gruff tone, he had to be at least seven foot. and the other one was no better.
“uhm, hakari. he ain here?” you said, fight or flight about to take its course, not knowing if you should just leave or call hakari—
“i know you aint just grab her like that.” speak of the damn devil himself, grabbing you by your hip. “she’s supposed to come see me, dumbass.”
they uttered their apologies, getting on their knees and slightly shaking.
“we apologize!” they say in unison. you raised an eyebrow, causing you to actually just give off a mean mug.
“lets go.” hakari barked, walking back over to the room he originally came out of, guiding you by your hip and closing the door. “sit.” he said, pointing at the chair across from the couch.
instead of arguing, since he just had two grown men get on their knees and sob their apologies, you sat without question. “what did you want to discuss?” you asked crossing your legs, feeling the thick of your thighs spilling over the other one.
hakari was lighting up his blunt, pulling and exhaling the smoke. “how have you been?” he said, a lazy grin on his face. he leaned back and looked at you, manspreading.
“thats what you called me about?” you asked.
“gotta catch up if im tryna get back in ya life, babydoll.” he said, no shame in his game. the weed was starting to kick in, since he always had the goods, no matter what the occasion is.
“hakari, lets be so for real. what do you want?” you asked, slightly raising your voice. “what do you actually want?”
hakari blew out smoke, raising an eyebrow. “to know how have you been? thats a problem now?” mood trying to not sour.
you chuckled, rolling your eyes and folding your arms,looking away. “every boy will say that when they tryna fuck and dip.” you said absentmindedly.
oh how dumb you were, knowing that youre quite literally only a few inches away from him, knees almost touching. hakari lowered his eyes, slightly from the weed finally kicking his ass slightly and he leaned over , elbows on his knees and chuckled.
“… dont know what lil boy you been foolin around with, or have talked to, but you know better.”
he reaches his hand out, placing it on your knee and tracing the flat of his fingers on your skin, giving you goosebumps. you swallow thickly, looking at his big but veiny hand. he looked up at you, eye’s still low and licking his lips slow.
“but you know better then disrespecting me like that. im sure you remember what happened when i fucked you up last time, right?” he said low and soft, trailing his hand up your thigh, somewhat sliding the dress upwards. he wasnt near your womanhood, but damn was he close. speaking of, he was right over you too.
“yeah yeah i know, that lil boy you got wont like it. you think i give a fuck?” he said, whispering in your ear. “say your sorry for saying something stupid like that, and ill stop. oh and, id stop if you were actually uncomfortable, mama.” he said, tracing his hand back and forth. “you smell so good..”
“shit! okay– im sorry for saying something stupid..” you muttered, squeezing your thighs together.
“and?” hakari trailed off. “cmon, use your words.”
“and what?” you asked, confused.
“how have you been doll.” hakari said, his hand that was on your thigh found its way to your neck. “i have all day for this, you dont.”
“ive been– decent i guess? nothing much has happened.” you said, honestly. nothing much has happened over the year you two broke up.
“thats my girl, did so good fer me.” he said, chuckling as he sat back down. “now..” he looked at your feet, and back at you. “since when did you like heels?” he asked.
“i .. i dont. “ you said, looking away. the smell of his cologne could make you eat him.
“take them shits off, dont put them back on.”
you hadnt talked to this man in a year and had fun more than your boyfriend.
“get home safe, alright ma?” he said, finally sober and had already won at most four bets and mad seventeen thousand in two hours. “text me when you get home.”
“i will.” you said, driving off. for hakari though, he felt like he had won the lottery with you, he felt it, heat in his body, he hasnt felt cold all day, fuck, the fever.
when you got home, you were bombarded with messages from sinji, then called. “yes, sinji?”
“well hi to you too then bitch, how was the girls night out?” you could hear him playing with his controller for his game.
you lied through your teeth, “it was really good! had fun.” you said, well… wasnt much a lie. you felt your phone vibrate as you plop in the bed and look at the notification.
New message!
“you 🏡 ma?”
“yes kin.”
Message sent!
New message!
“c me again soon
you smiled at the message, and sinji just had to ruin it for you.
“helloooooo!?!” he bolstered out, making you roll your eyes.
“im here boy– damn!”
reposts, shares, comments, tags are so welcomed.
for those who dont know: mean mugging is the worse version of a stank face.
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dozing-marshmallow · 10 months
i absolutely loved how you wrote my previous request! (them headcanons had me giggling and swinging my feet) soooooooo im back with another request! (if thats alright w chu of course) how about some jealous chris headcanons? maybe with a reader that points out attractive people a lot, like "oh damn he's kind of hot" "she's really pretty" (i realized i do this a lot so thought it might be a fun request)
Awwww I replied to your comment on that post, thank you so much for your kind words❤️!! I’m so happy I was able to provide headcanons that you loved and thoroughly enjoyed! I hope you feel the same with this one!  :]
And not a problem! I can definitely assure you this was a fun request to write for!
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Chris Chris Chris.
What he wouldn’t give to be the sun of your life.
It depends on who you interact with and what you’re talking about, but most of the time he’ll tighten the grip he has on your hand or shift so close, his stubble would rub on you.
“(Y/N)... You still love me, right?” He’d ask, voice muffled from his face down on his bed.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He lifts his head up, looking straight at the wall,“I...just have this aching feeling.” clutching a pillow to his chest, his doubt oozing from his lips,“Every time I see you talking to other people, I always feel like eventually you might think they’re much cooler...than me...and leave me...and I’ll be alone...”
“Aww Chris.” You came over to kiss him,“I would never do that to you. You know there’s no one else like you, and you’re cool the way you are.”
He wants to believe you, but his doubt worsens when you both get invited to the Oscars as guests where you’re in a room of nothing, but other superstars.
“Hey Chris... Who’s that over that?”
He sees you’re interested. So, for obvious reasons, he’s remains completely vague,“That’s the lead star for that upcoming movie.”
“No way! Savannah Michael in Nightly Guitar?” So much for that,“I never realised how attractive she was!”
“Yeaah... Not more attractive than me though, right?” He’d plaster a smile at first. You’ll kiss him and tell him of course and he’d have nothing to worry about!
But you don’t. Instead, you ignored him and dug deeper,“Wow...she has that sparkle in her eyes.”
“Sparkle...? I have that in mine too...” he gently pulls his eyes down, somehow thinking you’d see whatever there was to see better that way. What was the point when you weren’t looking at him?
Instead, you were listening to her answering an interviewer with a sugarsweet answer of gratitude,“The way she cares for her fans is so sweet! I wanna be like her someday.”
That was the final straw. This time he doesn’t try to top it off- he grumbles and pulls you away,“Alright, that’s enough of her.”
“Woah, Chris! I still wanted to see her!”
“No! You’re supposed to be with me! I’m supposed to be your boyfriend.”
You sighed,“Chris, can’t I admire someone without liking them? Not everything is about you.”
You appeared to read his jealousy as simple annoyance that you weren’t glorifying him twenty four seven...which might have been the case too.
So Chris decided to show you he can be as sweet, in case some mutant hunk tries seducing you with flattery and care, you would already be used to it from him. No receiving the prickly end of his treatment for you!
But then, you’re gone. He looks around: you were at the other side of the room.
What were you doing over there? He makes his way to you,“Heyy (Y/N)!”
“Oh, Chris, hi! Whatcha doing?” You chirp.
From where he found you from, he didn’t get the full picture that you were in the middle of talking to someone. That someone? Daniel McNally.
He shuddered...similar last name? No biggie...
“I was just about to ask! How come you didn’t tell me you were going to speak to the uh, awesome Daniel?” He queried through sucking teeth,“He’s not bothering you, is he?”
“Oh, no! I knew he was going to be here tonight so I wanted to ask about some of his movies! I did tell you, but I must’ve said it as I was going over to him. Was there something you needed?”
Dang it,“I see... Well, now that I’m here, I’d love to hear more about it, and maybe try contribute to this civilised conversation.” He glares at Daniel in the eyes, but kept his tone the same,“That alright with you, (Y/N)?”
You kiss him on the cheek,“You’re always welcome!”
He saw the annoyance flash in Daniel’s eyes, and winked in response.
Well. He grew increasingly bored with the conversation- saying that though would lose his reason to be close to you, so he stuck to nodding.
“Woaah, getting a bit too close there, buddy. Be careful, it’s not guy code to go after someone else’s partner.”
“Chris?” That caught you off guard. He wasn’t even standing close! You grab his hand and pull him away into a space empty enough for a private talk,“Alright, what’s the matter with you? Why did you assume he’s trying to move to me?”
“Assume? No no no. I know he is. I see the way he’s looking at you, how he’s trying to impress you. And I don’t appreciate it.”
You don’t believe him,“Chris, you talk and boost to your admirers every chance you get and you don’t hear me complaining.”
“That’s different!”
“I’m making it clear that we’re exclusive.”
“Yeah and clearly he knew that, before you came...” you fold your arms, slightly unhappy,“This is sounding more like you don’t trust me enough to have a civilised conversation.” 
By reusing his words, you cause his focus to shift away,“Chris.”
“You can’t blame me, okay? A cold hearted guy like me doesn’t deserve the warmth of a reincarnated sunflower... I guess I wanted some reassurance that you still love me the way I do you is all.”
“Is that seriously what this has been about?” You shake your head in dubiety. You don’t know what to say. Out of all the days to be jealous.
“Do you think...we could leave early? Pleaaaase?” He tightened his arm around you.
Shameless man. You sigh. That seems to be the only thing that’d make him feel better so you comply. You mainly came for the food anyway.
Looking back at it, for someone like Chris to be so worked up about securing his place in someone’s heart, was...adorable. Everything he did that night was just him displaying how proud he was to have you as his significant other, and subsequently how paranoid he was in losing you.
But he did steal one of the only chances you’d get to talk with your idols.
So you decide to do a little payback by pulling that joke on him where people would make a PowerPoint about who they would replace their loved ones with.
He was frowning when you set your laptop in front of him,“(Y/N)...” he must have read the title Guys I would leave my boyfriend for 
The corner of your lip curves upwards, pressing forward to the next slide saying “No one.” 
“See Chris. I wouldn’t replace you with anyone.”
He breathes out in relief, and starts smiling,“Whoo! That feels good to-“
“Yeah!” You interrupt him to get the punchline in i.e the next slide. Daniel McNally,“Uh...” you dramatise your expression as though you didn’t know how he got there.
The smile Chris had withered away into a quivering mouth,“I knew it...” Oh dear.
Turns out he didn’t know that this was a trend.
Either way, this wasn’t what was meant to happen!,“Chris, no! I-I don’t actually like him nor would ever leave you for him! It’s a prank people are doing! I’m not being serious, you know I would never do that to you!” You started shouting whatever came to your panicked mind, praying that one of those things would have him cured from his tears.
“So...you won’t leave me for him... What about...”
“Nooo, no one!” You pull him into your arms, his sobs wetting your shirt,“I’m sorrrry, it was a joke, I swear! I would never ditch you for another celebrity!”
Ah it feels great to have you hold him this way. :).
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albedosarmpit · 2 years
Oof after reading your venti cock rant I AM DOWN BAD my size kink is going FERAL. It's not gonna fit tho like that thing can't go inside me,,,,
if you feel like writing for this, can i please request a smut where Venti and his s/o have sex for the first time and his s/o is like "it's not gonna fit" but he ends up fucking them anyways hfksljdkd (preferably gender neutral reader)
yesyesyesyeysyesy i'd love to- i also wrote an actual story before hand??? this is crazy for me, sorry if it doesnt go exactly as you wanted i think i got carried away idk hdoihsoihv also reader is literally a spaceholder im deserate for venti aoichdsoihvoi sorry if it doesnt make sense and sorry for the rushed ending sodichsoihvos
tags: gn reader, morning sex, morning wood, Venti thinks sex is so normal, ameno powers (i dont know how ameno powers work)
Going out with to the pub with Venti was almost always a bad idea. not only was the invite random, you'd think he would invite you out on fridays or weekdays but no, any day of the week was perfect for him, Other than the random invite you always felt bad leaving Diluc to clean after him.
thankfully, today you were able to join him. somehow, this was the drunkest you've seen Venti, his voice loud and irritating as he stumbled around flirting with almost everyone he sees (as a good bard should) causing Diluc to force the two of you to the attic where he left a spare bed just for this occasion because leaving a cute drunken bard in the streets honestly made Diluc loose sleep.
your arm wrapped around Ventis shoulder, helping him up the stares as he yells down to the other patrons about how he needs to go save the world and how the god of wine needed him to leave, the secondhand embarrassment making your cheeks burn as you finally carried him into the room "w-why are you s-so embarrased?" Venti almost yelled as he fell ontop of you landing on the bed, his hand stroking your cheek, his breath smelling of alcohol as he instantly passed out, you hugged him close to you making sure he was on his side as you made him rest his head on your shoulder.
you wake up just laying there, your head pounding, you couldnt tell what the cause was, a hangover or Ventis constant snoring in your ear, you woke up with him pretty much connected with you, a leg over both of yours and a arm over the top of your chest. this would've been find except you could feel it. something rubbing against you through his tights, you tried to pry away but he wouldnt let you, his eyes opened as he moved a hand to your cheek "5 more minutes? pleasee" Ventis breath stunk of alcohol. you tore his arm off of you and sat their waiting for him to notice the main problem.
Venti didnt say anything but moved his hands up to stretch, letting out a groan as he looked down at his own body, his face red "i-i suppose this is the reason you woke up? there a things even a god cant control im afraid" Venti instantly pushed a blanket off of him and pulled his cock out, the 7 inches instantly making your eyes widen. Venti put his hand at the base and slowly jerked himself off from there, driplets of precum already landing on his clothes "After this we can go back to sleep right?" Venti smiled as he said that. he was pure evil.
you began to get aroused looking at it, seeing him slowly shiver as he put his palm on his tip, Venti looked down to your crotch and smiles "Seems you're enjoying yourself as well, care to join?" Venti put his hand out, the same one he was rubbing his tip with, reached for it, feeling his precum in your own hand as you just watched him continue to jerk off, Venti swirled his hand around and instantly you were floating, Ameno energy swirling around you, taking your clothes off "i suppose we should speed things up" Venti looked at his cock, throbbing in his hand "I am getting pretty desperate~"
Venti smiled again as he moved his hand, forcing you forward onto him, his tip against your hole "V-Venti- thats- i-it wont fit" Venti smiled as he began to hold your right hand with his right hand, his left hand going to your thigh, pushing you down so the tip is inside, the precum acting as lube "come onnn, even i've had bigger" Venti winked as he lowered you down causing you to moan "You do know Morax don't you?" Venti laughed as he got slightly frustrated, forcing you down on his cock entirely, filling you up with his cock causing you to instantly finish causing the god to laugh at you as he came inside of you, cum dripping out of your hole and onto his own cock, he sat you there and made sure you stayed ontop of him, if you were to move the bed would be stained beyond saving. Venti yawned as he closed his eyes, hands wrapping around you as you began to drift off to sleep
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fallingforel · 1 year
arabella pt 4 - menswear
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“WHERE ARE YOU? YOURE MEANT TO BE HERE BY NOW! I MEAN IT Y/N I NEED AN EXPLANATION. NO THEY DONT GO THERE ON THE MAIN TABLE SMALLER CENTERPIECES ON THE ROUND TABLES, I NEED AN EXPLANATION?? IM WAITING ON ONE.” “It was matty okay luce, he forgot to wake me up, so im gonna be just a tad 3 hours late”“Oh good lord, okay look as long as youre here for the rehearsal dinner everything is going to be fine im sure” “Okay good? How are things anyway? Hows henry? Luce?” “Err alls good here. We have a slightly larger problem though. Em and him just walked in”
where all of the 1975 gang and y/n attend a wedding 
warnings: a few swearing, recreational drugs use (coke and weed) and a panic attack, also please let me know if there is any more that I need to be aware of them
A/N and here it is im taking tommorow and monday off, but I promise you, chap 5 will be out next weekend, kisses x 
“Well get rid of them then, because I tell you now Luce if they are still there, when the wedding comes around I will just stay at my mums house until they’re both gone and you don’t want your maid of honour to cancel on you last minute do you?” 
“No I suppose not. Okay I will do my best to get them gone, look I’m gonna have to go now babe I haven’t got time to sit around and chat I have got a wedding to sort out, I’ve still got to make sure the DJ knows the no plays and when to play our songs so I love you and I’ll see you in about 4 hours kisses.” Lucy says while making an unbareable smooching sound down the phone. 
“Love you. But I mean it when I say, I want them GONE.” 
“Yes, yes, okay I’ll see what I can do babe love you, but I really have to go now hun” which is her final sentence before I was met with the signal of her putting down the phone. 
Before, I start properly focusing on my drive back to Wilmslow, I had to make sure Adam knew that both of our exes were there. So thats exactly what I did. 
reaching out to press my home button on my phone “phone ad” 
“now phoning ad” I was met back with the robotic voice speaking out to me through the aux cord
the phone rings a couple of times before Adam picks up 
“Hey Y/n whats up?” 
“err look I thought you should be aware, that Em and him are both there and that you should be warned because they might show up tonight or tommorow, and I kinda don’t want them to because then I’ll have a panic atta-” 
My waffling on was then cut off by adam’s voice ringing through the aux in my car, 
“look y/n/n, who cares if they’re both there, I certainly don’t I’m over her now, you should be over him too it’s been 6 months, it’s no longer fresh in our minds and plus we’ve both got new people in our lives, you’ve got Al and I’ve got Carls, infact I’m inviting her to the wedding, there was already a spare place from Em being uninvited and Lucy said yes to inviting her so now shes coming, you should invite Al im sure he’d be well up for it. G told me he was a massive fan of ours” 
“I’m not too sure Ad we literally only just met last night, do you really think it would be that smart to invite him?”
“look just tell me you’ll consider it y/n/n you at least deserve to have someone there for you” 
“okay, okay! I’ll think about it but its not a yes”
“good im glad, right im gonna go. Because ive still got to pack some last minute things, and I’ll see you later on at the rehearsal dinner okay” 
“okay lots of love” 
I say before putting down the phone. and going to phone alex to see if he wants to come. At this point I’m stopped in a petrol station to phone him as I didn’t save his number earlier. 
ringing once twice three times biting my nails in anxiousness, before i hear a thick northen accent ringing through my ears 
“Hey, who is this?”  
“Y/n? is that you? was wondering when you’d call are you alright darlin’“ 
“yes yes it’s me look listen. I’m going to a wedding this weekend and I was wondering if you’d wanna go with me. its just theres an extra place due to some dramas that happened and so..”
“look love, I would really like to go, I wish you would’ve told me sooner, I’m literally about to board a plane to leave England right now, but we have to sort out a date some time soon, I’d love to get to know you better”
“Yeah no of course. I 100% get that plus its not like you would’ve missed out on anything anyway. It’s literally a boring wedding” 
“You don’t have to downplay it fo me love, sounds dead interestin” 
soon an announcement is made that I cant quite hear but it is soon made clear that it’s Alex plane because he bids his goodbyes and then he hangs up the phone 
“omg! y/n/n! thank goodness you’re finally here! you’ve missed out on a lot it’s like grand central station in there, people flying everywhere moving things honestly I don’t know how I do it for a job. It’s soooo good to see you, honestly, I’ve missed you so much, how’s London and the modelling life treating you?” Lucy says running up from the front entrance of the moderately sized building, and to my car giving me a rather large squeeze. 
“It’s been good, London is manic though, all the time, and these shoots they are just amazing I did one recently for a major U.S. company had to travel to L.A. for it. but honestly my career has taken a major turn since I moved to London with the boys.” 
“That’s so good I’m so happy for you. And how are the boys? Are they good? Is the music life treating em well?” 
“so well, I can’t say too much because it would spoil it. But they have recently been getting so many radio plays it’s ridiculous but I am so proud of them!”
“thats so good! Looks like that move was good for all of you then!” 
“yeah yeah it was, Luce I’m freezing can we go inside? Are they in there?”
“ of course we can babe, no no they’re not! my mum told both of em where to shove it. that soon made them leave!” 
“I’ve always loved your mum. did you know that!” I say throwing an arm around her shoulder and walking into the venue. 
“so when are the rest of you London lot getting here?” Henry asks standing next to me. 
“umm not too sure but I’m sure they’ll be here soon. shouldnt be too long they set off about 3 and a bit hours ago. so in like in a few” I say in reply. 
“Hopefully, they won’t be too long. Luce is stressing way too much I dread to know what she’s gonna be like tommorow.”
“Ha! Yeah. I know what she’s like, I remember Matty’s 18th suprise party, she was dead stressed when I organised that, and she wasn’t even the organiser! But look don’t worry, it wont go too mad. I know that with her everything goes to plan” 
“yeah, thank you for being here by the way, I know it can’t be easy being here especially after what happened 6 months ago.”
I was about to reply when I was cut off by a curly haired boy, a really annoying one to be precise. 
“Matty shut your mouth, go get your suits on boys, rehearsal dinner commences in 10, you’re late already as is” Lucy says. Before walking over to where Henry and I were stood having our conversation
“y/n/n, I need you to go get your dress on too.” 
“okay, I will go and do that now” 
The rehearsal dinner was a success, I knew it would be, anything Lucy organises is. It’s what she does best, kinda always knew she would be an events planner, her and Henry was meant to come to London with us, Lucy living with me and Henry living with the guys, but then the both of them recieving their dream job offers in the heart of Manchester, so they never did. I think it was meant to be that way if I’m completely honest. I just don’t think it would’ve ever worked, especially with the guys and I all being single and them two being in a relationship. Sure,it worked in Wilmslow where none of us lived together but the whole dynamic that we have now would’ve shifted and just wouldn’t have worked.  
Currently I am squished between a tree and a skinny curly haired man, we ended up, going back to my mums last night and both George and Matty insisted that they had to see my mum. So just like we were 17 again and had just had a drunken house party, we are sleeping in my bed. To be fair its quite a large bed, however all three of us, are slightly bigger being 22 and 23 now, we just dont fit. 
So I did what I had to do in order to get up. Wiggling to the end of my bed as so to not wake the two massive lumps in my bed, and eventually getting off at the end and then I went on the search to check for my phone. 
Finding it laying on my bedstand on G’s side, he must’ve found me passed out and it still on so he must’ve put it there. 
Turning it on to find out the time reading 7oclock, the wedding starts at 11 so its time to make my way to wake up the boys so that we all can head to the hotel, both of them being groomsmen and me being lucy’s maid of honor, so I do just that but I cant do it normally, thats just not our friendship dynamic. So I head to the bathroom to get a jug and fill it with cold water, heading back to my bedroom I start pouring it on matty.
“What the fuck y/n.” 
“It’s time to get up, we have to head to the hotel, to get ready. We all have to be ready by 9 incase the event staff need help with anything, and I promised Lucy we’d be there by half 7, 8 at the latest to make up for all of us being late yesterday, now help me wake up G. While I find out where the fuck Ross and Hann are” I say while pulling my phone out to find out where the other two of our group are. 
“I dont fancy getting slapped by the tree thanks, you can do it, I’ll call Hann and Ross” 
“uh uh, you made me late yesterday, you get the pleasure of waking up the giant, I’ll get us a maccies breakfast on the way if you do.”
Soon enough he does it, earning a slap from George “it’s the crack of dawn, Matty what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” 
“To be fair G, it’s 7 we have to leave in 10 because Lucy wants us at the hotel, and I dont think any of us want to anger bridezilla, I just know shes gonna be on a warpath today. Plus I promised stink here a maccies breakfast, right now though I’ve got to phone the other two find out where they are, can one of you two phone ross? I’ll phone ads” Matty nods his head reaching for his phone. while Im on mine pressed to my ear, trying to get through to him stepping out of the room so I don’t get distacted by Matty on the phone to Ross.
Finally after about a minute I’m met with a raspy voice. 
“Adam? Are you with Ross”
“yes, yes its me, and No what do you want at this ungodly hour, Y/n?”
“I promised Lucy I’d make everyone head to their respectful getting ready rooms, at half 7 so can you head to Hen’s and start getting ready I’ll bring you a McDonalds.” 
“yes yes okay. I’ll head there now, when you come knock on my hotel door its 432, Carls will have my car keys, your stuff is in my car, Matty couldnt fit it in his” 
“okay, okay. Bye I’ll see you.” 
“bye bye, see you in a bit, double sausague and egg pleaseee”
“yes yes okay, see you in a bit Ad’s” I said before hanging up the phone and returning to my bedroom where Matty and George still reside in my bed, although this time a phone was pressed to Mattys ear talking into it 
“Yeah, Y/n wants us to get ready, so we will be there in a bit”
I mouth to George “is that ross.” earning a shake of his head. “his mum” i nod my head waiting for him to finish his conversation. 
A few moments later a “yep okay bye mum I love you see you tommorow” ending the phone. 
“Right as much as I am glad that you were on the phone to your mother Matthew what is the situation on Ross?”
“He was with Henry already, apparently Lucy banged on his door at half 6 this morning making sure he was up” Matty said chuckling a bit
“That girl honestly” I say shaking my head 
“Right come on you two lets get going we’ve got places to be people to see” I say slapping the two boys on their legs. 
The ceremony was a success, and it all went well. now we were heading on a little walk to where the reception was being held. Matty George Ross and I were infront, and then Adam and Carly following suit behind us. 
We walked into the marquee tent finding our seats George and I both sat at the head table as I was Maid of honour and G was Best Man, Matty, Ross and Adam were sat on the table infront of us though so we all weren’t too far from eachother, luckily I was sat next to George and Lucy so I didnt have to endure meaningless conversations with other members of the bridal party like I did at the hen do. 
“C’mon G we’re sat here”  I say grabbing his hand and pulling him towards our seats after checking the seating plan that was displayed on the foam board standing on the white easel. 
And soon enough the reception was well underway after Lucy and Henry had their first dance. George hopped on the decks doing what he knows best, Lucy had let him have an hour at it giving the DJ an hour break to dig into the buffet. 
I walked up to G wondering if Matty had any Joints. Because Lucy had want to let loose, and she hadn’t smoked in ages but claimed it was “my wedding night so I can do whatever the fuck I want” clearly having had taken too much advantage of the free bar at that point. 
“well your the best man so whats the plan? we gonna smoke” 
“y/n/n I’m busy doing my best to give everyone a fucking good time here, go talk to Matty about it, he’s outside. He’s the one thats got ‘em I’ll smoke my own later” 
“okay I will, c’mon Lucy lets go find Matthew, bye G”
We walked outside finding Matty perched on a log smoking, we approached him 
“oh Matthew” Lucy called out 
“oh here comes trouble” he shouted out earning a giggle from lucy 
“look we just wanna know if you’ve got any of those joints left, I know you must have at least half of one left, I can see you smoking one, and it’s not even halfway finished. The bride here wants some to let loose, Hen hopes it’ll calm her down and stop her being so stressed about everything. ” 
“Look bug, I would and you know I would, but I’ve only bought three like I told you before, you’re gonna have to ask about. We went to school with half of the people in there and we all know they’re all pot heads, someone in there is bound to have some” 
“Come on! I know who will have some” Lucy says. 
Eventually we found someone with some after asking about three people. Joining Matty on the log he was sat on when we came outside previously. Staying in silence, we sat and smoked. Until Lucy eventually piped up 
“You wanna know why I’m smoking?” 
“Because, it’s your wedding day and you can do whatever the fuck you want?” I question laughing 
“no, it’s cause I needed to put off crying, this day couldn’t have gone worse. Henrys Mum sent me a text this morning saying that I shouldn’t be marrying him that he doesn’t really love me and I don’t deserve him, she’s been giving me evils all day. y/n/n I almost left him at the alter especially after Em’s text” she says tears flooding her eyes when she turns to look at me. 
“oh Luce, c’mere babe” I say with my arms wide open and she shuffles along the log we’re sat on and hugs me, sobbing fully at this point. tears not coming to my eyes. After she pulls away I can’t help but ask about the text. 
“what did you mean by the fact that Em texted you? what did she say” 
“she said about how I banned her from my wedding, and that I needed to grow up because I took your side after the whole argument six months ago and that she would make an appearence along with him today, but not before she said that in a year or two Henry would leave me for her, I’m so sorry for not telling you earlier Y/N, I haven’t even told Henry, I’m not sure I even want to. I don’t want to make him leave, I know it’s silly because we’ve been together close to a decade at this point. But what if he decides he doesn’t want to be with me any more y/n/n, I don’t know if my heart will be able to take the pain especially with you in London” 
“Don’t be silly Luce it’s okay, but she has no right to make you panic like that especially after warning you that she’s going after Hen, Luce, you are aware that you’re going to have to tell Henry about all of this right, especially about his mum, she has absolutely zero right to tell you whether you’re good for her son or not.” 
“She’s right you know, you have to tell Henry, even if you dont want to, he needs to know. I’ve never known the two of you to keep secrets from eachother, especially one this big Luce, you know I may not have liked you at the beginning when you were dressed in nowt’ and telling everybody you were shagging every boy in Wilmslow, But Luce I like you now, and I know that you would really benefit from telling him, I can go get him if you want, y/n/n and I can be there while you tell him if you want?” 
“no, no it’s fine I need to tell him on my own you two go. enjoy your night, come find me when you’re leaving.” 
“okay okay, I’ll see you in a bit we’ll send him out to find you” 
After finding Henry, and telling him to go find Lucy outside, Matty dragged me to the bar. 
“so bug.” he says turning to me “whaddya drinkin’?” 
“malibu and coke” I say in reply 
he gains the attention of bartender “scuse me lad can I have an ameretto and a malibu and coke please, passionfruit variation please” This boy knows me too well at this point as he asks for the passionfruit variaton because he’s all too aware after too many slip ups at parties to fill my glass with original malibu and me turn up my nose at the coconut flavoured liquer. 
He thanks the bartender after handing us our drinks. And we go over to our tables but not before matty spills a load of his on a taller lad who we’re not too sure we know. 
“watch where you’re going pot head yeah and also watch your girlfriend yeah think she might be getting some tonight but certainly not you, you scrawny fucker” the 6″3 skinny lad pipes up 
“look I might be spilling my ameretto because of previous joints yeah, but don’t talk about my best mate like that, I don’t know who you think you are, yeah you might be taller than me, but you look just like me so I reckon I could knock you out, so just watch what your saying yeah” 
“Matty, leave it hes not worth the fuss yeah” 
“ooh getting your girl to sort your problems are we?” I can see Matty clenching his fist just as if matty was about to swing for him so I step infront of him before anything can happen. 
“Do you want anything to end up in the press about Denise’s son losing it at wedding?” I ask him knowing thats exactly what would happen knowing the fuckers that went to our school. He shakes his head no in reply “exactly, so leave it yeah, this guy is not worth our time or effort yes?” he nods his head I tap him on the back throwing an arm around his shoulder “come on then stink” and so we’re off, back to the dancefloor so we can forget our troubles and have an absolute blast of a time before I’m back to work in two days, and the lads are back to the studio next week.
“Matty, I need to go to the loo” I shout over the loud music but not before making a sniff gesture with my hand signaling that it was time to bring the sniff out, It was kinda known in Wilmslow that our group, were drug users, not hardcore as much as people think, only when parties were going on or when one of us wanted to feel something. 
“cmon then bug, lets go to the bathroom” 
Once we made it into the bathroom I lock the main door so that no one could make it in especially, Lucy’s conservative great-grandmother that definetly had some interesting views. 
as I came back from locking the door hopping onto the counter where matty wasnt cutting lines. After he finished cutting the lines he handed me the rolled up 20  but not before saying “two each” “ooh a 20, very rich of you” “shut up and just sniff your two, off the porcelain basin will you” “okay okay chill out, Matthew” I say hopping off the counter taking the rolled up 20 that he was still holding out for me to take. 
Safe to say I was feeling the effect of the drug I had taken just a mere 10 minutes ago. 
and soon enough, Em and him were here and I was making a beline for the exit, Making Matty clearly confused as he hadn’t noticed them. so obviously as confused as he was, He followed. 
“bug, bug, slow down.” he called out and I turned to face him, my breathing irregular and tears streaming down my face, my makeup clearly smudged. 
“Woah,woah. Whats happpened? why the tears bug?” He asked. 
I tried replying but I couldn’t I was too worked up to explain. My hands doing anything they could. Unsure of whether it was the drugs making me like this or just seeing him in the flesh after 6 months. 
“okay okay, bug look at me” Matty sounding so distant at this point, so I didn’t even know where he was “Honey, you’re gonna have to look at me so I can understand what happened” 
Touching my chin, he gently lifted my chin with his fingers. removing them, my breathing still rapid at this point. 
“cmon bug, copy my breathing, deep breath in, and then push it out” doing exactly what he said. We just sat there in silence me following Matty’s breathing. Until it was back to a normal pace. 
“You gonna tell me what happened in there? What made you all worked up, so much so I had to do breathing excersises with you which we hadnt done in ages, god last time we did them was when you caught him cheating with Em” and suddnely his eyes go wide realising that thats what happpened. “oh bug!” he says scooching over to give me a hug. Knowing me too well at this point to realise, that in that moment thats exactly what I needed a good hug from my best mate. 
I start tearing up again, “I saw them together, Matty and I thought I was doing so well as well I hadnt thought of him until a couple of days ago.Yet, I saw him in the flesh and it feels like I’ve now taken three steps back.”
“No, you havent bug, not at all, It’s natural it generally is, do you remember when I got cheated on?” he asks me I just nod in reply “well I remember she disappeared a while after that. And then like a year later I saw her, in cafe nero when i was working, god the tears all started to come out then, I had to get out of there, and because of that I got fired, it was right in the middle of morning rush aswell” “so thats why you got fired, we all thought it was because you burnt yourself or set off a smoke alarm lighting a joint in the bathroom, but awwh Matty you’re so sweet, I never thought you would be that heartbroken over her, we were only 15/16″ 
“Look, I’m just saying it’s natural to feel like you’ve gone back in time, anyway are we gonna go back inside or do you just wanna get out of here?”
“Just want to get out of here, I don’t think I can face him if I’m being perfectly honest, sorry stink you probably want to go back inside an enjoy the rest of your time with everyone, probably pick up a girl too.”
“No. No. don’t be sorry bug, you have every right to. Besides I’m probably gonna yosh in someones mouth soon if I stay any longer, plus I dont want some random coming up and going in for the kiss” reaching inside his blazer pocket to check for the time “and It’s 5 past three I can hardly see and if i stay up any longer I’ll probably pass out so its probably best if we go now anyway.” 
end of chap 4
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irrigos · 1 year
started playing the updated version of motr last night. not super far in it but having more time is definitely a pretty big game changer. it was really weird to make a game thats supposed to be introducing characters and new playets to this complex world, but explicitly give them no invitation to linger in it.
theres been some changes in dialogue i think?? although it's hard to tell, of course. theres still the implication that you're a london native, which is funny bc my character very much is not (shes american!! from new jersey!!!) but ah well. tbh i wouldn't have a problem with your character being british and christian if they just said so explicitly in character creation. at least for you being British, they could have said in the backgrounds descriptions where youre from. like "your family were tailors IN LIVERPOOL" or something. i just think that would make it gel a little better. but i have more thoughts on that kind of thing that should probably go in their own post
anyway ill report back as i play more to see how the changes feel!!! they still ask you if you wanna fuck every character you meet, but i know they said in their news post that they're gonna look at that for the next patch, but they wanna see how having twice as much time impacts things
we'll see!! im having a lot more fun this time, but that might also be because im playing it with my qpp, and i love the voice they gave mr pages
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hermesserpent-stuff · 2 years
Can we get a side story of kinda when peter and his high-school friends went ice skating only with Montana and the other enforcers with quinten there watching peter trying to fidger out the girl problem he has and watching peter try and flirt with them and Montana and dan give him some advice, teasing, and a little push maybe. And maybe the new sinister 6 show up only instead of mysterio fighting its doc ock and the enforcers and quinten have to cover for peters disappearance. Also angry cowboy.
Uhh so i dont do romance. And I dont really want to write giving girl advice cause thats not my cup of tea either. But!! I am fascinated with the idea of ice skating and having gwen interacting with all these nerds. And then dealing with some of the six showing up. Prompts tend to get bent a lot if they arnt loose due to my writing style. 
Peter scrunches his nose as they enter the ice skating facility. Montana had said something about going to hang out with Quentin and the Enforcers and had invited Harry and Peter to come with him. Gwen had overheard them making plans to go to the rink and Peter had invited her to come along. Montana and the other Enforcers had been only mildly surprised at the addition but were friendly enough. Peter shivers again, Montana’s jacket cutting the cold a bit. But he is still feeling the siren call of sleep at the edges of his mind. Montana seems to notice and drops another coat on him while they are lacing up their skates. 
“Ive roughed in some west virginia during the heigh of ski season with just a cotton shirt. Ill be fine for a few hours.”
Montana says before finishing his laces and going to look for Quentin who was supposed to have come before them. Gwen apparently had been skating multiple times before so she ends up helping Harry and Peter figure out how to walk over to the edge of the rink. Dan and Ox help them keep balance The trio pause as they catch sight of Quentin leaping, spinning, and then jumping into Montana’s arms in excitement at seeing the cowboy. Montana glides backwards and laughs a little before swinging Quentin around and putting him back down on the ice. They skate to the edge of the rink. 
“Greetings. Another friend of Peter’s?” 
Quentin offers a hand to Gwen who looks a little suspicious but shakes it.
“Uh, Gwen.”
“Quentin! Nice to meet you. You skated before?”
“Figure, hockey, or just sliding around.”
She says squaring her shoulders.
“Fun. Different kind of skating than what Im going to try and teach Harry and Peter. But your welcome to learn with them!”
“Will we learn to spin?”
Harry asks, looking really interested.
“Oh, most definitely, but first you must learn how to move across the ice. Dan, you have more experience on ice than Montana, right? Will you be willing to be a third set of eyes?”
Dan nods even as Montana lets out a huff. Quentin touches the cowboy's arm.
“You know Im not trying to be mean. You were my first choice. We just have three instead of two. “
Montana gives a slight nod. Quentin lights up and then claps his gloved hands together.
“Alright! Time to get started. First! We learn to fall. Then we learn how to go forwards.”
Quentin spends some time showing them how to fall, get up, and move across the ice. Ox watches on from the sidelines. They then start on simple spirals, with one leg straight in the air as they glide forward. Each teen has an adult. Peter with Montana, Harry with Quentin, and Gwen with Dan. Harry laughs when he succeeds and then hits the wall. Quentin helps him rise and complements him.
When they move to spinning, Peter finds himself loving the feeling and being able to control the speed by moving one foot. It felt a little like flipping. After teaching the group a few other tricks, Quentin has them start free skating to practice whatever moves they want. Montana skates beside Peter and then speaks. 
“Want to try something cool?”
“Oh? Sure!”
“Keep your legs together and stiff. Hold your arms out like a T and fall back into me.”
Peter does so and Montana grabs his underarms and starts spinning. Peter lets out a loud giggle, enjoying the sensation. When they stop, he sees Quentin doing the same move with Harry. Gwen looks on a little suspiciously but Dan offers and she also accepts. Peter skates around a little more before stepping out to sit. Gwen soon joins him.
“So that's… your uncle Montana?”
Peter smiles. 
“Yep! He’s from my mom’s side. But honestly. I call all of them uncle. They’ve been really good to me.”
She bites her lip and looks out at the ice where Harry has gotten Quentin to show him another trick. 
“Peter… I'm pretty familiar with a lot of my dad’s cases. Hard to ignore stuff sometimes. And… Well, I'm just going to say it. I'm pretty sure your uncles are well-known criminals.”
Peter blinks. Ah, she seems less okay with this than Harry.
“I know.”
Gwen shoots him a slightly scandalized look and Peter ducks his head a little. 
“I mean. I know sort of. But they don't do anything while I'm with them and they don't hurt me.”
Gwen frowns and Peter suddenly feels a flash of defensiveness.
“You don't have to hang out with them if you dont like them.”
“Peter, that's not what I'm saying.”
“What are you saying? Are you asking me not to interact with family? Or are you saying you're going to call your dad on them for teaching us to ice skate?”
Peter rises, not wanting to deal with this conversation right now. 
“Peter, they are wanted men.”
“And? The world isn't black and white Gwen. If you have something to say spit it out.”
“I just don't think it's safe.”
“They are literally some of the safest people to hang out with in New York. Have fun or don't. I'm going to go hang out with my fun and loving uncles.”
Peter turns and gets back out on the ice, moving as quickly as he can. He shoves the conversation away from his thoughts and sucks in the cold air. Montana shoots him a concerned look but Peter waves him off. He moves over to Quentin who is twirling with one leg up in the air. The illusionist slowly comes to a stop and blinks.
“Show me how to do that please.” Peter wants his mind off Gwen. Too much stress. Quentin starts showing him how to get his leg up while twirling. But then there is a loud crash and explosion. Oh. Yikes. Peter hisses as his face hits the ice. Quentin hunches over him, looking out at the now screaming civilians. Peter also peeks out. Montana and Dan are next to Harry, keeping him steady. Ox is next to Gwen holding up a bit of wall that had collapsed and keeping it off of her. Apparently, there is a bank next door and apparently, some of Peter’s villains had decided to break through the shared wall to escape the police. Peter pokes Quentin and whispers.
“I've got to change.”
Quentin rises from the ice and lifts Peter with him, making a beeline for the edge of the ice. They duck right behind the wall and Quentin helps Peter untie his boots.
“Run to the back room and change. I'll tell your friends you went out the back way that I'm about to lead them through.”
Peter nods in thanks and bolts to go change and hide the clothes. 
When he comes dashing back out, he sees Quentin guiding the group towards the back. Gwen is resisting. 
“What about Peter?”
“I got Peter to run out the back earlier. He’ll probably head to the nearest safe place. Now move, Rhino’s no fun when he’s working.”
Spider-man sails over their heads and lands a firm kick to Ock’s chest. It seems that Ock, Sandy, Rhino, Electro, and Vulture have come out to play. He absently notes that the Enforcers and his friends have made it out as he dodges and kicks. He slides onto the ice and uses some of the movements he had just learned to maintain his balance. It is a little harder to stick to the slick surface, but he manages. His enemies have a much harder time so he tries to keep them inside of the rink. He flips, slides, and fights, using his webs to sling across the surface of the ice and then swing into his enemies at a much higher velocity. He sails through the air and downs Vulture into Electro knocking them both out. He uses Rhino against Ock and manages to knock out Sandy with one of the new webs he had been developing. 
He dodges away now that the job is done and grabs his clothes to change. He finds his family and friends a few streets down and ducks down behind a nearby dumpster. He crawls out and Montana is the first to notice him.
“There you are, kid.”
“Hey. Sorry for running, but…”
“Nah, I told you to get to safety. You did good peter.”
Quentin shoots him a pleased smile and ruffles his hair.
“Guess we’ll have to skate some other time”
Dan says with a huff. Montana chuckles. 
“Yeah. I suppose that's true. Though I am a bit mad we had to cut it so short.”
Peter glances over at Gwen who looks like she has been building up the courage to do something. She touches Ox’s arm and looks up at him.
“Um. Thank you. For saving me from that wall.”
Ox puts a hand on her head gently and speaks.
“Fawn friend.”
Gwen gives the man a quizzical look and Montana speaks up.
“That means he was happy to do it. Wouldnt do for youngsters gettin’ hurt on our watch. Especially not Peter’s friends. So, hot chocolate?”
Quentin makes an excited noise and tugs on Montana’s arm. The two lead the way out. Peter falls in step with Gwen while Harry chats with Dan.
“Hey. I'm sorry I sort of blew up on you. But… My uncles are good men, just not necessarily law-abiding ones.”
“I think I understand a little better now. But I still worry Peter.”
“They won't hurt me.”
Not really. Peter believes this with every bit of his heart and soul. 
“I can believe that.”
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
nick watches spiderman (cont.)
im gonna make another post bc i have a feeling im close to hitting the text limit on my other one but we're still on the first movie!! im gonna try and get thru this movie soon bc i HAVE to get to the second ones before my demons get me
okay where we are rn ben just died and peters in his evil era tryin to find the guy who did it
like hes just goin up to random dudes and beating them up bc he thinks its The Guy when its not
and every time i watch this movie i forget if they find him or if the plot point is abandoned bc peter has bigger problems by then KJGSHLKGJHSKH guess we'll remember together
peter falls thru a roof and these guys just let him go. like they leave him there. to be fair what were they supposed to do but still.
this is where we get the inspo to make a suit!! he sees a wrestling poster and is like "that could be me =D"
agh i wanna look like him so BAD bro i wish that were me
shoutout to him STEALING FROM OSCORP to make his web fluid thats so funny
this handstand moment is apparently judged by a lot of fans as him becoming spiderman but theyre SO wrong that doesnt happen until later in the film in my opinion
like thats just my opinion but other ppl can be wrong ig /lh
also how did he get this police radio. how do any of the spidermans get their radios. did they take them from officers. can u buy them. whats goin on here.
omggggg its captain stacyyyyy he'll be important later
like. incredibly important. GKJHSGKJSHGKJ we'll get to him in a minute.
"spandex.....spandex.......everything.......spandex......" i love peter so much
i love this suit sooooo much its so textured and i love the logo its so fun
this car thief scene is rlly the scene of all time i love it
so many good peter lines from this scene
"seriously? u rlly think im a cop? a cop in a skin tight red and blue suit? yknow, u have got the mind of a true scholar, sir" PETER PLEASE BE NORMAL
this head tilt. the peter head tilt. in this context its kinda menacing but hes so me coded bc i also do the head tilt thing KHGSKJDHGKJ
the first time i saw this scene and for a while after i thought he told the cop "i just TOOK 80% of ur job" after he took the gun but he actually says "i just DID 80% of ur job" bc he webbed the criminal and i was so disappointed bc i rlly thought he was making a solid dig at the police force but hes just being petty KJGHSKJGHKSJ
ugh him talking to may here makes me sooooo sad. "u dont have to wait up for me, yknow" "yes i do" SHE LOVES HER NEPHEW PLEASEEEE
shes so worried for her nephew. seeing him hurt just destroys her. this boy is all she has. she lost her husband, her brother, her sister in law, and seeing her nephew come home at god knows what time just beat up and wounded must be so heartwrenching and she cant do anything bc he wont talk to her. i love tasm may shes so interesting.
"aunt may please, please go to sleep." "i cant sleep! dont u understand? i cant sleep! peter, listen to me. secrets have a cost, theyre not for free. not now, not ever." SOOOOO TRUE QUEEN. I SENSE A THEME.
oh yeah they're pushing curt to start human trials when they cure isnt ready, oscorp is so incredibly corrupt and its done so well in both films
"people die. even norman osborn." AKJGHKJSAGH SOOOOOO TRUE. YES. I HATE NORMAN SO MUCH.
also sorry for just quoting this movie so much it has so many good lines that i could talk about for the rest of my life
oh yeahhhhh this guy wants to start human trials??? at the veterans hospital?????
ugh theyre talking about plot that we dont learn until like the second film so its not important yet but its such a cool thing later on
she really cares about him and it makes me so happy
shes inviting him to dinner!!!! with her family!!!!! its a family hes never met eating a meal hes never heard of but still its with the girl he really likes so hes gonna just deal with it and show up anyway
ugh normans doing things /neg
hes doing human trials. on himself. lets see how this goes HGKJSDHGKJL
oh hi peter. dinner date time.
he brought gwens mother flowers???? KWHGKSJGHSKJHGK theyre a little messed up bc they were in his bag while he was swinging but still!!! he brought flowers for this girls mom hes so sweet
"you must be peter" "dad this is. peter." thank u gwen
oh yeah i failed to mention that the captain of the police department is gwens dad if u didnt catch that from his last name
curt has his arm back!!! the cure worked!!!! hoping and praying that nothing bad happens and he just gets to live a normal life and be happy from now on
he has to go catch the one guy that i forgot the name of (edit its dr ratha) from going to the veteran hospital but the cure is backfiring so hes like. goin thru it. lizard moment.
anyway peter cant cut fish corrcctly
hes never had a fancy meal like this!! hes a little dumb!!!
uh ohhhh theyre talking about spidermannnnn yikes
this is what it feels like to talk politics with relatives
"if i wanted the car thief off the street, he wouldve been off the street" "so why wasnt he then?" PETER. CHILL. UR TRYING TO DATE HIS DAUGHTER PLS BE NICE
"its called strategy, im sure ur aware of the term strategy? maybe u learned about that in school?" MR STACY U ARE ALSO NOT HELPINGGGG
"i think he stands for what u stand for, sir. protecting innocent people from bad guys." banger line right there skajfhksjd
peter still apologized and said that he didnt mean to insult mr stacy but still ksajdfhkjsd cmon peter be nice
BIG PLOT HOLE HERE. peter webs gwen and pulls her closer and she goes "youre spiderman?" before he kisses her. HE HASNT GOTTEN THAT NAME YET. NO ONES CALLING HIM SPIDERMAN YET. WHERE DID SHE GET THAT.
ugh it gets me every time like where did that come frommmm
peter pulling away completely and turning around when her mother catches them is so funny hes trying to be respectful
uh oh crime time
so yeah curt connors is now a giant lizard monster thing trying to find dr ratha and?? kill him???? okay yeah kill him he just threw his car off the bridge
peter has this moment of either going after lizard or helping save this mans son and he goes to save the kid and i love peter so much
hes also very very good with kids. he convinces this little boy that his mask has special powers to help the kid get out of the car safe and its so sweet
like this kid is terrified and honestly so is peter but hes staying calm and convincing this kid that this mask will make him stronger so he can save him. THIS is the moment i was talking about. this is when peter becomes spiderman.
the moment he gave that kid back to his father alive and safe is when he became a superhero. thats also when he coins the name. but this exact moment is what made him into the actual hero rather than just having the name. he gets home and he stares at his mask bc now he knows he has an immense responsibility to save peoples lives and keep them safe.
i love this movie
oh yeah mr stacy issued an arrest warrant for spiderman after the bridge attack thats so silly of him.
more petergwen lets goooo
"does it scare you? what you can do?" "no." "...youve got to lay low." "no, cant do that." "youve got to. i mean, why?" "because of last night. those people on the bridge. whatever was attacking them wouldve killed them. so i gotta go after it." "thats not your job." "maybe it is." SUCHHHHH A GOOD CONVERSATION. UGH.
OKAY IM GONNA. LEAVE THIS ONE HERE. ive finally got motivation so im gonna keep it going in a reblog like right away but im gonna stop this post here before it gets too long skjhfksjd
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yanderespamton78 · 3 months
me rambling about my problems to the world
aauhuhgh hh what am i supposed to do when i myself am super introverted and my friend is super extroverted and they always wanna hang out and i never wanna hang out bc 1. im generally unsociable and 2. theyre a really energy consuming friend so whenever i hang out with them i need like a day to recover so ill hang out with them once every now and then hoping that theyll stop
asking but then a week later theyll start asking again and they always invite me out to things that are very high energy like roller disco and football matches that are all loud and chaotic and overwhelming and they will often put me on the spot and organise things right before they happen so i dont have any time to work myself up to it and they ask me to do things after school even tho after school im always completely knackered from yk being in school all day and need the entire evening to recover my energy so i can actually do stuff and they put me on the spot while asking if i want to do stuff so that i cant actually take the time to think "do i actually want to do this and will i enjoy myself" and they only do this to me bc im the closest with them and the most likely to be free and they (idk on accident or on purpose) will kinda guilt trip me and kinda pressure me into doing stuff with them ie "my mums angry bc i dont leave the house and hang out with my friend enough" and dont understand how the reason why i never want to do stuff on weekends bc i need weekends to recharge and prepare myself for the next week and if i do something big and energy consuming over the weekend i will end up being wiped out when the week comes around and ive told them i dont usually wanna hang out and why but they ignore it and ask anyways because they genuinely dont understand how people cant always want to hang out all the time but the time once in a blue moon that i do hang out with them they kinda seem to ignore me and will be playing fortnite or whatever and it feels more like they just want someone to linger around them and talk to while they do whatever but thats not what i want and jafhkjahskhkjafhsakjhgasdagaghfasf
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svnnw · 4 months
AT MIDNIGHT — chapter 3
3) disney land
the next day went by quicker than expected and you definitely did not enjoy the amount of attention you and your friends were given when mark invited you guys to sit with them at lunch. when you had texted chaewon on twitter you had not known that she was this popular. you also should've known that yeji's boyfriend, sungchan, was in mark's friendgroup and that this would most likely not be the last time you guys will be hanging out together.
all of your thoughts were quickly forgotten when eunseok decided to speak up "so, whose idea was this?" "wasn't chaewon going to-" mark started before he quickly got cut off by chaewon "jungwoo said he needed more members for the art club right?" " oh yeah, we need a few people to enter the sculpture competition, is anyone down?" jungwoo said obliviously, answering the girl who clearly had heart eyes for him.
"i mean i lowkey have nothing to do these days so sure " eunseok said showing anything but interest in his eyes which still made jungwoo happy, because someone joined the club.
right after the problem with the lacking members of the club got cleared up the table suddenly got really quiet.
you knew your favorite yapper was going to interrupt the awkward silence and you were right. karina decided to ask if mark's friend group wanted to join you guys to the trip yeji planned, disney land. at the beginning you were kind of against the idea because it was supposed to be a trip with your closest friends but the mere thought of getting to hang out with haechan got you excited. you didn't have a crush on him because you guys never talked but the more you thought about it the more you realized that you've met and heard of him very often without noticing it. so a trip with him would definitely get you even more interested in him and his personality.
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masterlist – previous – next
a/n – i promise ill post more as soon as easter break starts 🙏 im also really excited for the plot twist thats going to happen..
wordcount : 0.3k
TAGLIST — open @replayenthusiast @soobiary
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 7 months
woozi as ur senior thesis would be SO funny because like...imagine being a professor and seeing an essay/project all about a genius kpop man 😭😭😭
IM A RAVENCLAW ACTUALLY?????? how did you KNOW....are you stalking me... ALSO WHATS UR HOUSE??
he may be the mc's tree but you can always climb him in your dreams...
idk if he's a sub but me personally i like guys (like seungcheol) who have a lot of like passive(?) dominance if that makes sense?? like they exude this dominant energy irl (and in the bedroom but whatever HAHAHAH)
plot twist! i dont like him anymore!! i feel like he's just bread crumbing me and i'd honestly rather be friends with him atp
omg wait why are you dropping out? are you okay (like not in a condescending way, just checking in cuz you are important!!)
NO. INSTANT MASHED POTATOES??? WHEN YOU HAVE ACCESS TO REAL POTATOES AND GARLIC????? she should be JAILED...but im sure she has a good reason mwahahah your mother must be a very nice person
don't ever apologize for late responses!!! i enjoy every message i get from you too (ditto. lol. nwjns. i have brainrot) SO ITS OK!!!
-someone who missed you and hopes that you're OKAY (🫨 anon)
I fear that is a senior thesis we deserve but will never behold…
Oh 🫨 anon, I do not partake in stories with unhappy endings (… willingly) SO DW AND I WILL GIVE BLOODHOUNDS A CHANCE IF I REMEMBER AND I WILL TRY TO REMEMBER
I love anime cons… surrounded by mutual losers… ACTUALLY KINDA FUNNY STORY. When i was at the con they were playing this episodes of animes airing right now and we watched this one cause it had a funny title: I’m Giving the Disgraced Noble Lady I Rescued a Crash Course in Naughtiness, and we’re watching it and it’s pretty funny and there was this one scene where something happened to the male lead and you know how in anime they have like tiny like unrealistic things happen but we all know it’s just expressing the characters embarrassment or shock and no one can actually see it? Well he got shocked and completely turned into stone and then turned into dust and we’re all sitting there like 🙂 AND THEN ONE OF THE CHARACTERS CHIDED HIM FOR TURNING INTO DUST TO TRY AND GET OUT OF THE SITUATION AND EVERYONE LAUGHED SO HARD and i had an out of body experience where i was like this anime and joke are for such a niche audience, and oh my god we are a bunch of losers 😂
Hmm, i just wasn’t going to class cause i have really serious sleep problems. Like, i can’t sleep at night and i’m already on trazadone which is supposed to help me sleep but doesn’t work right. So james prescribes me ambien too. I tell him my anxiety is going even crazier than usual he prescribes me clonazepam. So now I’m taking ambien, trazadone, and clonazapem for sleep. I’ve always been really overly fatigued during the day but now i just can’t wake up, at all. I am sleeping till five (ball-park) no matter how many alarms i set or when i go to sleep. So i’m sleeping through class and being late for work. So he takes away my clonnie and my PRECIOUS ambien, and now i’m on Laraxpem? lonazepam? And i’m actually not tired all day again! But i am not falling asleep at night 🙃 and also, i am still way too fatigued way too early in the day (i woke up at 1:00 and i was dead tired by 7:00). ANYWAYS. I might do a sleep study soon so. We’ll see how it goes.
Uhm, uh, the princess switch movies, 12 dates of christmas, A christmas kiss, Dash & Lilly (not a movie), A cinderella story (the christmas one), Christmas Cupid…. There’s more uhm but i can’t think of them rn.
No… don’t make excuses for her laziness…. If she is willing to ignore her crying, child pleading for real potatoes then she should be JAILED.
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kath-artic · 9 months
im all mixed up right now and i feel so selfish
like outside of the whole 'still wanting this guy even though hes seeing someone now' thing, i feel so torn up and selfish because one of my closest friends is closer than id like her to be. i know the way i hurt people when they get close because i know myself and im not the kind of person that can devote myself to everyone around me 24/7. at least im not that person anymore. i had a really close friend in high school who i loved dearly and we talked about everything, but after a while he started saying we were exactly the same and treating me like a father figure and it shrunk me down in a way that made me uncomfortable, but i didnt know how to express that at the time because i didnt know how to be a person at that time. when i broke up with my last partner i cut ties with most people because i was so distraught and felt id lost my whole center of self, and this friend took that silence personally. to him it was abandonment, and i suppose it was selfish. i owed him an explanation. i know friendships arent meant to be easy and i was a coward for not confronting the situation after finding out that he felt that way. he cut me off because of it and im sorry i never apologized. i told myself i didnt want to have to justify the fact that i was suicidal, but that wasnt why i didnt give him an explanation. i didnt explain because i frankly was tired of being faced with a past version of myself who kept insisting we were the same. i was tired of being so close to something that held no mystery anymore. i didnt really want to go back when i was starting to find myself. it was a fucked up and cowardly thing to do and i shouldve been honest with him instead of continuing my silence. anyway, the point is i habe friends now who remind me of past versions of me. they dont say we're the same, but they seem to think they understand me completely even though i know they dont (and thats okay. i dont expect them to, i just wish they would be more open to the idea that there are parts of me they might not get instead of trying to squeeze me into a box of things they DO get). they also rely on me the same way. every decision is run past me, activities are only carried out if they involve me. one of my friends just started calling me their best friend and i wouldnt think much of it if they didnt make such a big deal out of being anxious about it and now its got ME anxious because clearly it means a lot to them and i knowwww the kind of space i need and the way ive disappointed those whove put me on this pedestal before. same friend just invited themselves to something im doing with another friend and now they keep texting me for details and i dont know what to do. i frankly dont really want them to come and its for no reason other than i see them too often and the plans i made were kind of special for me and the friend i made them with.
ugghhhh i just never know when im being an asshole. when establishing boundaries is me overstepping someone else's. how uncomfortable i should be willing to get for another person. i guess thats just the way it goes though. i dont know that theres such a thing as a right answer to this. i think sometimes people have boundaries and needs that are incompatible and sometimes we have to be willing to bend and other times we have to be willing not to push. thats why its important to know more than one person, you know? whats 'too far' for one person might not be for another
this is all besides the point. the problem is that for as brutally honest as i can be about certain things, im terrible at being honest about my own boundaries/needs. i didnt get with that guy because i didnt know how to be honest about the fact that i really liked him. i shouldve just said that i enjoyed our conversation instead of trying to play it cool or whatever dumb shit i did. and i lost one of my closest friends because i didnt tell him i needed more space. i owe it to this friend to be honest about that.
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forestryfae · 9 months
and its like. neat. those guys are friends. these people get along. theyll invite eachother. theyll add eachother on this and that specifically so they can talk to eachother in dms when theyre not in the same room. why the fuck cant i have that. noones talking to me cus they just fucking forget i exist and they dont want to remember.
like i know obviously and logically that people have their own lives and shit they do and work and chores and other friends and appointments and shit they gotta do but even the fucking people who are SUPPOSED to love me and make an effort cant do that and ive been taught im a nuisance at best so i cant even try to reach out to people.
like the other patients here cab just?? call or talk to or send messages to the people eorking here if somethings wrong?? i wasnt told i could do that. i didnt know that was even a thing. but everyone else has been doing that. meanwhile i get to sit in my room being sad as shit and knowing that its for stupid selfish reasons and i have no real reason to be upset and im just being selfish and expecting the world to revolve around me. as if i havent had to act like that for like two decades cus noone else is willing to spare a fucking milligram of sympathy for me. and i cant even send a text to say i sad cus i know noones gonna talk to me. i literally have to scream and get angry for people to take me seriously when im upset cus nothing is ever serious enough or worth being upset over.
and even then its my own fucking fault for being upset and i need to fix it cus i cant have feelings if its uncomfortable for other people. and theres nothing anyone else needs to do to rectify the situation, i just need to stop being angry at them and then we never have to alk about it again and im not allowed to bring it up and also i shouldve known automatically exactly who to talk to in order to fix this and its my fault for not knowing or doing that even though ive reached out in other ways.
oh noo im angry because someone did something wrong again. but its not ok that im screaming cus that hurts other peoples feelings and makes them uncomfortable, even tho my feelings very clearly were hurting more and much much deeper than just slight inconvenience or discomfort. and its a recurring issue. doesnt fucking matter how i feel or what would actually help here.
like. again. am not unfamiliar w the concept of different needs meaning you sometimes have to do something differently for different people. but itd be really nice if that extended to me as well. like i get the whole This One Person Needs A Little Extra Of A Certain Type Of Help. but i dont get why there are rules and specific ways of doing things and they can easily be bent to help other people but every fucking time i have a problem i need to adjust and fix myself. i cant have people who just do this one thing slightly different to make me not feel like im existing wrong and noone gives a shit about me, thats too hard for people, i need to stop being sad and make myself less fragile and i need to find a way to fix this without being upset or involving other people or needing any kind of validation or help. i always do everything wrong, why didnt i reach out despite that being the single worst thing you can do whenever something is wrong, its your own fault you didnt get help. as if it wouldve fucking mattered if id reached out, i absolutely wouldve just wound up being dismissed and ignored and told its my own fault eitherway.
like. idk. it kinda makes sense that im trying really hard to become independent and capable of taking care of shit on my own considering how little help i get in general and how much of a struggle it is just to be allowed to say im sad or i want to do something that will make me happy. esp w how i always want people to tell me whether im doing the correct choice. just for fucking dyeing my hair or trying to find new hobbies.
like idk i probably need to talk to a tgerapist but gid knows how long its gonna take to actually get one or get to talk to one. i dont get to talk to my primary either cus shes not here 24/7 and she has others shes supposed to be helping too. and even if i could talk to the other people working here its VERY hit or miss cus some dont get it and some just dont have the training and sometimes ill have to talk about the thing twice and thats. so hard. or ill have to explain what i mean cus apparently its not enough to just say whats wrong, i aldo have to explain why it makes me sad cus noone fucking gets it and then i have to justify it and still risk being dismissed.
but yeah no im totally valued and people totally like me. as if the people i work with gives a shit about me beyond how helpful or fast i am when i work, or the other patients give a shit beyond being bored and just barely tolerating me, or my family gives a shit outside of the three phonecalls i get every year and the one visit that isnt just them dropping me off. even when i make actual friends it does not take long for them to stop talking to me or start thinking im annoying, and its not like i can just try to keep contact either. if they dont wanna talk itd be selfish and awful to try to keep being friends, they might not want that anymore.
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