#thats not me making him evil thats just me acknowledging what he did. in the canon.
nightfall-1409 · 1 year
hate when you're reading Star Wars and you someone uncritically Redeem Count Dooku but make Mace Windu The Worst (TM)
Like. I know what's going on there. Most people prolly do too. It's not a hard thing to look at the facts on Paper and go "Oh bud you've got some serious internal biases to unpack."
"The republic was corrupt tho and the Jedi enslaved the clones"
Yeah the first one being the case doesn't really mean what most ppl think it does and the individuals we learn the information from (Notably Palpatine and Dooku) have ulterior motives and an openly authoritarian agenda.
The second one is dubious as fuck. The Jedi hold 0 power in the Galactic Senate and are, in fact, beholden to them. It's just canon that most planets in the galactic republic are demilitarized, the Jedi are meant to be diplomats and peacekeepers, but as the galaxy turns more hawkish as those with authoritarian aspirations start to take control, they're the ones who are going to be thrown at the problem in spite of their objections. They've no means to change the laws. They've no means to protect them but by getting out there with them, and they did that. In fact, Mace Windu in the 2008 CW is repeatedly shown going to great lengths to save his men whenever he's able to.
"Well they should have refused the clones" they did at first. The first battle of Geonosis, at the outset, the Jedi went by themselves. They launched a mass attack against a portion of Dooku's forces alone. 212 Jedi went. 30 came back. Over 80% of the Jedi they sent died. They would have all been killed if the clones' presence hadn't turned the tide of battle.
And if they refused the clones, they would have been given to the "Republic Navy", which neither was truly a republic entity, as it initially belonged to Governor Tarkin of Eriadu. Within the star wars canon, the "Republic Navy" or ORSF drew heavy criticism as a human-only, male-dominated space. There's a reason why these guys went on to become the heads of the Empire, and it wasn't because they saw the Clones as people.
Mace Windu is the head of a religious order that has a public service purpose. If they do nothing, they will be declared traitors to the Republic, if they don't take the clones, they will be given to those who explicitly want to play war games. The tragedy of the clone wars is that for the Jedi, it was always a no-win scenario.
But okay, let's say thats not enough. Slavery is always bad, I do agree with that take. No matter what happened during the Clone Wars, the Jedi should have done more to advocate for Clone Rights (though on what platform would they have been able to, I do wonder, from a logistical POV) and how could they have depicted that in a child's TV show from the doylist POV)
Count Dooku explicitly sells people into slavery in the clone wars show. An entire planet's population of Togruta pacifists are sold into slavery, explicitly to his ally, the Zygerrians, in explicit hopes of using their labor to restore their mighty slave-fueled Empire. Indeed, most if not all of the people that Count Dooku work with in the CIS either currently use slave labor or want to use slave labor. He's 100% down with slavery, because he believes that power should go to the powerful, bc he's an authoritarian. Some of the "Corruption" that these people accuse the Republic of was the Jedi going after their ability to own and sell slaves.
So if you're condemning the Jedi for the Clones, you should be sending Count Dooku into the fiery pits of hell right there too, along with basically every leader in the CIS.
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love-byers · 2 months
mike's weird language when he talks about el and their relationship
part of the equation of stranger things relationships is building the relationship through emotional connection, not physical intimacy and outright saying how you feel. it's a trope in st that the couples refuse to admit their feelings for some time before getting together. "we're just friends", "she's not my girlfriend" etc etc. the denial is super endearing. and even when the couples are finally together, this doesn't change. they're literally just the same duo same friends, but they kiss sometimes. they barely even acknowledge that they're together. it's a great trope in my opinion.
so a couple years ago i was rewatching st and made a list of everytime mike said something weird. meaning, every time mike did not adhere to this formula and stood out from the rest of the couples. i made a tiktok about it too so im basically quoting that in this post. something i stressed in that video was that because we have the other couples as source material, clearly the writers are capable of not doing this. they are capable of writing a good serious relationship, but they're choosing not to with mlvn. so keep in mind, the other couples (besides maybe stancy) do not do this and mike is supposedly, according to his own words, is madly and deeply in love with her throughout all of this and knows it.
Season 3
"Romantic time with my girlfriend."
i'll cut this one some slack, it's just that if you were truly madly in love it would be more like "I'm spending time with el". but thats all he views it as, romantic time with his girlfriend. going to his girlfriends house to make out with her. romantic time with his girlfriend. not bonding with the person he loves.
"Did you think we were never gonna get girlfriends?"
mike is hyperfocused on the word girlfriend. she's not el, the person he loves, she's his girlfriend. he doesn't say "did you think we were never gonna fall in love?" and look i get he's only like 14 here but it's the fact that he later claims he was in love with her the entire time and knew it. he literally claims it was love at first sight.
get girlfriends. he got a girlfriend. he didn't fall in love.
"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"
again the hyperfixation on girls, get a girlfriend, liking girls. mike, why are you more focused on the fact that el is a girl and your girlfriend than the fact that she's el?
"You're the most important thing to me in the world."
finn's delivery of this is so.....
and the fact that el just stares at him blankly afterwards, like she did not buy that lmao
Season 4
"That's because she's my girlfriend, Will!"
it's not "that's because i love her and want to talk to her" or something like that, it's "thats because she's my girlfriend and that's what you're supposed to do when you have a girlfriend" not "because she's el and i love her". that plays into mike's whole charade in lenora, he's just doing things he thinks he's supposed to do when you have a girlfriend.
"You're a superhero!"
that has nothing to do with who el is as a person, especially at that moment because at that time, el didn't have her powers. at the time, everyone believed they were gone, she wouldn't be saving the world anymore. but mike is still saying how incredible she is because she's a superhero.
i hate dr brenner so fucking much, but he did say something i really agree with. el kept going back to the concept monsters and heros, and he says those are things of myth and fairytale. not everything is black and white. this is real life, not a made up story with clear good and evil. and ultimately that helps her accept what happened with 001. he was 100% right there.
then here comes mike talking about monsters and superheros again like WRAP IT UP YA'LL ARE TOO GROWN FOR THIS
"You're the most incredible person in the world!"
again, he says that, but doesn't say why. he just expects her to believe him. it's such a broad statement and doesn't connect to anything about el and her personality/interests/ideas.
"Maybe I should've said something, and if I would've said that thing, maybe she'd want me there with her, wherever she is."
he wishes he'd just said it so she'd be satisfied and want him there and he'd know she's okay, he doesn't wish he'd said it so el would know in her heart that he loves her. "i love you" to mike isn't a geniune confession of his feelings, it's a thing. it's a thing that you say. it's something he thinks he has to say because that's what couples do and it's what el wants. if you fell in love with someone at first sight you do not refer to an expression of your love for them as 'that thing'.
"Maybe I was worrying to much about el. . ."
i really don't know what he meant by this. if she is the most important thing to him in the whole world and is deeply in love with her, why in the mother FUCK would he be apologizing TO WILL for worrying too much about her. there wouldn't be too much worrying when you love someone that much.
"You can fly, you can move mountains I believe that."
she literally can't.
"I love you for exactly who you are. You're my superhero."
the first time i saw this i literally thought "oh thats not..."
because it's.....not. one or the other would've been....fine i guess. but the first preceding the other is just not it. i love you for exactly who you are, and that is my superhero. is that all she is to you, mike? el expresses constant worry of being a monster, a bad person. she's afraid that she's a monster with or without her powers. but dr owens said "I'm willing to bet you're one of the good ones." fucking OWENS said something more reassuring than her boyfriend and supposed love of her life, mike wheeler.
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marunalu · 9 months
Okay so.... like I already teased before, here comes the post about the "afo red herring" hori put in the manga and I just realized yesterday evening thanks to JADE (I dont know if you have an tumblr blog and what your username is, so if you read this, this post only happend thanks to you!) from the afo discord server and I feel so dumb for not realizing it sooner. So to make it short JADE pointed out in one of their comments that in the scene when yoichi is killed afo actually reaches out with his hand towards yoichi, because he was trying to GRAB HIM! And when I did read that I was like "Huh? What? Didnt he use a quirk and it accidently killed yoichi?" So I checked and JADE is absolutely right!
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The way afos hand is drawn and reaching forward makes it look like as if he just used an attack on yoichi. This is what I believed myself. I thought he used an quirk on yoichi, because he was in a fit of rage that his brother was "leaving him" and that in his anger he used more force then intended and thats the reason why he is so shocked afterwards and in denial about killing yoichi. But the thing is: nothing in this scene actually confirms that afo really used an quirk on him! We dont see him use one. We dont see an energy beam, flash of light or an other more physical quirk used here. We only ASSUME afo used a quirk, because of the way his hand is raised and reaching out and yoichi falls into pieces! I also believed that myself! I was sure he used air canon on him or maybe decay but didnt intented the attack to be lethal and THATS why he is so shocked! But then JADE mentioned that afos hand is raised because he was trying to GRAB yoichi to stop him from running away! Afo DIDNT use a quirk on yoichi that killed him, it only LOOKS like it! THAT is the red herring!
Okay look, I know this sounds crazy, but please hear me out a little bit longer, because I will explain WHAT actually happend in this scene in a moment. But before I do that, I want to point out something else. Since we got the chapter about yoichis death, the whole flashback about their childhood and afos tendendcy to dehumanizing himself to the point that he is convinced that he was born evil, there was something that bothered me, but I couldnt pinpoint what it was. NOW i know! Afo is trying to portray himself as the ultimative evil. The flashback of him as a baby is from HIS narrative and he is trying to convince everyone (espicially himself) that he was born that way! But the thing is: despite his desire to be seen like that by others, he REFUSES to acknowledge himself as yoichis murderer. I thought he was just in denial and coping. But if he wants to be seen as the ultimative evil, WHY doesnt he acknowledge that he is indeed SO EVIL that he was even able to kill his own brother if he really did it? Murder is already horrible enough, but to murder your own family? Espicially in a family focused country like japan in which "family" is the most important thing EVER?! To be able to kill your own kin would make you look like the devil in human form. Its the very image afo wants people to see of him. But STILL he refuses any responsebility for yoichis death! And now I think I understand why: as incredible as it sounds, but afo refuses any responsebility, because he really DIDNT kill yoichi! Look at his shocked face:
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Look at his confusion afterwards and his inability to accept that his brother is dead. Look at the fact that kudou, bruce and the rest of their group managed to flee from afo after the incident which shows that afo didnt follow them after yoichi was killed! It was not just because he was in a state of utter shock. He simply couldnt understand WHAT THE HELL HAPPEND! And that only works if afo indeed never used any quirk on yoichi. Becauae no matter how much in denial he is after killing yoichi accident or not, its very suspicious that it was never mentioned by him or the narrative what kind of quirk he used in that moment. WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM USE ONE, WE JUST ASSUME HE DID, BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE IT!
But WHAT killed yoichi then? Soon, soon Im almost there guys. But to understand you need to look at this first:
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THIS is what pissed afo off! THIS is what his focus was on: yoichi and kudou "holding hands" while running away together from him. He wants kudou to let go of hid brother, wants them to stop holding hands, because he is fucking JEALOUS (from the flashback we got about their childhood, I think we can conclude that afo and yoichi NEVER did hold hands as kids) since holding each others hand is a very intime gesture you dont do with everyone. It fuels afos fear and anger that kudou is "stealing" yoichi from him. That he is losing his "most precious possession". And he also for the most part is pissed at kudou and even blames HIM for yoichis death later. But still its yoichi who dies not kudou. If afo indeed used a quirk, why was it directed at yoichi he clearly just wanted back and not at the person who was "stealing" him? It doesnt make any sense. And now I want you to look closely at the picture of kudous and yoichis hands again. Do you see the glow around their hands? Do you understand what this means? Because THIS is the very moment ofa got transfered from yoichi to kudou! Look at their hands and you can see that they are a little bit brused and dirty, so its not to farfetched to assume that this is how ofa was transfered, because we know blood contact between 2 people works just like how in the movie "heros rising" ofa was transfered from izuku to bakugou through blood contact.
And now back to the most important question: if afo indeed didnt use a quirk on yoichi and to us readers and kudou, bruce etc. just looks like he did, because of the way his hand is reaching out towards yoichi and he falls apart, then WHAT really killed yoichi? Guys... its so simple, I cant believe how I didnt get it sooner. Yoichi wasnt killed by afo, he was killed by OFA!!!
Okay listen, before you freak out and call me delusional or something similar, lets remember a few facts we know. Ofa was created when yoichis "give" quirk fusioned with the stockpike quirk afo forced on him. That means, while it was still an very weak quirk in that moment, it already got his first powerboost. We know that ofa is an incredible dangerous quirk that can kill its owner if they cant control it. We know ofa shortens its owners lifespan (except all mights and izukus). We know that if the owners body is weak ofa can KILL them! We know when ofa is transfered and used at the same time between 2 people it sets an huge destructive energy free (again look at heroes rising when izuku and bakugou both use ofa at 100% after izuku just transfered it). You may wonder now WHEN did kudou and yoichi use ofa though? And the answer is they actually used it without realizing (since they didnt know of its existence yet) the moment it was transfered from yoichi to kudou by trying to outrun afo. It was still an pretty weak quirk at that point, but yoichi was born with a WEAK BODY! The exact thing the owner of ofa SHOULDNT have because its a DEATH SENTENCE! Its the very reason why all might helped izuku to train his body before he gave him his hair to eat. Izukus body needed to be tough and strong enough, otherwise he would have immediately killed himself with it when he used it the first time (which he still almost did!). And now look at this:
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"Your limbs would fly off and youd be BLOWN TO BITES!"
Here you have it everyone! THIS IS WHAT HAPPEND TO YOICHI! THIS IS WHAT KILLED HIM! Afo never used an quirk on him, it just looks like he did TO US! It wasnt air canon! It wasnt decay or any other of afos quirks! He was simply trying to grab his brother! THAT is the red herring! Hori is a fucking genius!
And its the whole reason why afo looks like as if he just got punched in the guts with a wrecking ball when kudou tells him "you killed him". Because just this one time afo really didnt do it!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 8 months
I just cannot get over this one kid in the cinema who went "But he isn't evil!"
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We are talking children here! Children don't really know or understand anything about ptsd and trauma (mostly, yet) they just observe! And if a KID between the age of 5 and 10 observes Magnifico and can read between the lines and conclude he isn't evil, what excuse does that leave for haters calling him one?
Now, more analysing cause you've been loving those and I enjoy doing them 🛡⚔️ (I might repeat some points but in a alightly different way)
Every single arguement I've seen haters or anti-Magnifico people make so far was either straight up stupid, ignorant, uneducated, defiant, baseless and or senseless. And then we also have the hardcore Amaya/Asha fans who just go on hating on Magnifico just "because!"
Or those who go "He's the worst villain ever." Yeah, Sherlock, maybe thats because he isn't one? 🤨 Like, seriously, you take Magnifico, compare him to aaaaall the REAL villains like Jafar, Frollo, Scar etc. And you wanna tell me he was anything like them because his trauma forced him to get himself posessed by evil trapped in an evil book and only went bonkers after he was literally posessed? And his sole motivation was to protect and keep safe at all costs ?
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And then come the arguements 🫴🏼
"He's vain and narcissistic!"
Because he acknowledges the fact that he's handsome and like's to see himself in mirrors? 🤨
"He didn't grant every single wish! He shouldn't have kept them."
He didn't grant every single wish because of his trauma caused fear/paranoia and kept them for the same exact reason. However, he always meant well.
Yes, I agree that a traumatized person shouldn't be in any leading position, nor should they be in the position of making important decissions. But lets take a look at his motivations and goals again!
His motivations :
- Never have anyone suffer a fate like he did
- Never have people have to see their hopes and dreams get shattered
- Never have his past repeat
Quote - "Everything I do is to make sure that never happens again!"
His goals :
- Protect and keep people safe
- Make sure people live happy, content, free of hardships and strive
Further comparisons
All the other villains when singing - Sing openly about their evil plans, desires etc. showing they're evil!
Magnifico when bursting into song :
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"promise as one does, I will protect you at all costs. Keep you safe here in my arms. I will protect you at all costs."
"If you're ever feeling like you're lost, I'll come find you. Man all fronts, there's no ocean I won't swim across to be right by you. And not just once, here and now I swear on my response. I'll remind you-"
"I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent. I clean up all your messes and I'm always there when you need to vent. I give and give and give and give, you'd think they'd all be content. And all I really want is just a little respect."
Back to the arguements Anti-Magnifico people make and even more comparisons ⬇️
More for the vain and narcissistic
Gaston - treats everyone like trash and thinks the whole globe spinns around him only. Doesn't care if he walks over dead bodies looking good.
Evil queen - Wants to kill her stepdaughter because she's prettier than her.
Mother gothel - Kidnaps the baby princess, locks her up because the magic hair makes her stay young and pretty, doesn't give a toot that the king and queen are suffering immense heartbreak and guilt. And to keep the princess locked in, gaslights and belittles her.
And then we have Magnifico ✨️
"I'm handsome and I know it." Likes to look at himself in the mirror and is happy and content with his looks. Hurts not one single fly with it. Doesn't put others down.
"He's power hungry!"
Why did he want to keep his power? - Because he was terrified if he would lose it, he wouldn't be able to protect anymore and his past would repeat.
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"He threatened everyone and destroyed wishes!"
Again, he was posessed? Do people understand what posessed means? Amaya knew this book would control him! Not him controling the book!
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In the end, I don't even care for people who disagree with me. But one thing I just don't get is : Why are some people so out to prove to us Magnifico-defenders that he's evil? Like, are these guys for real? We push forgiveness and love and the other side pushes hate, ignorance, unforgiveness and bitterness. Why does someone feel the need to spread negativity rather than positivity?
I won't stop defending Magnifico 🛡⚔️🩵
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bibibbon · 4 months
MHA chapter 425
Iam not really sure how to feel about this chapter. Well I can definitely say that I still think that the entirety of the second war arc especially the last few chapters weren't my favourite and ruined the series for me but we have the power of rewrites on our side so not to worry
So we finally have a 1A member that left. It's surprising that it took a total of 425 chapters for someone to finally leave the hero course. This low-key makes me question if 1A just all has neglectful parents that don't care about them because I think any sane parent would of took their kids out of UA a long time ago and the first war arc should of been a wake up call. Now that yuuga has left it does make me wonder what he will do. I mean he has to continue his education somewhere 🤷‍♀️
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Shinsou joins class 1A and Iam surprised his parents let him. I get that shinsou was due to join the hero course in their second year but like this series sometimes make me question if any of these characters have sane parents because why would you let your kid join in such a dangerous job?!?! Also I respectfully think that shinsou is heavily underdeveloped and didn't get any moment to shine in the war arc. Also there isn't much of a relationship between 1A and shinsou so it does feel a bit off I guess and maybe this is just me but I always thought that he fit in better with 1b
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Pacing is hella fast! How are they going back to school already and throwing a graduation ceremony. It hasn't been a week and somehow everything is rebuilt like that, we get little to no information from what they plan to do in the future. We do get a tiny speech but we don't get them starting to do such things and personally I would of at least enjoyed a panel seeing some heroes help rebuild and clean the damage caused. Plus I think everyone can tell that the MHA society is flawed so saying that they want to go back to their old ways seems very iffy to me. I also would of liked an acknowledgement in what actually happen in the war arc but considering that not many people died they weren't gonna do any type of memorial thing or anything.
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Is that shigaraki?!?! Or kurogiri?!?!?!? Who is it!!! Iam totally unsure of who it is but I don't think it would make sense if it was shigaraki because he literally died unless hori is actually going along with the plan of separating Tenko and shigaraki and thats not shigaraki but the innocent and crying Tenko type of bs (I absolutely hate this idea tbh) also what happend for tenko to come back as a child I suppose? Or is this someone completely new who has been effected by society and we're supposed to be like well evil is still brewing as society hasn't changed type thing? Maybe it's kurogiri idk I just want to see kurogiri again.
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Enji is in a wheelchair (don't really care for him). This makes me question if endy is even a hero anymore and if he ain't who is the number one then? ( I still think they're going by that system because they said they wanna go back to the old ways)
Wait are we gonna see Dabi next chapter!!!!. Enji is facing somewhere with a ton of wires and all so maybe it could be where Dabi is being held at? I mean we don't know if Dabi is dead and we didn't get todoroki talking about it at all
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I need Izuku's old hair back!! I miss the fluffy hair and I get that the convo was supposed to be lighthearted and all but I would of enjoyed the pages being used for something else like them actually checking up on eachother. Is tokoyami quirkless? How did they spend their time? Questions like that would of sufficed but I hated Izuku's hair at least he has some people telling him it's cool even if they might be lying
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This chapter didn't give us much clarification on much to be honest. Yeah I was expecting this chapter to have huge focus on other villains and characters yet it didn't. I know I have to be patient blah blah but the last two panels of 424 did give us ochako and Todoroki but we got the least focus on them this chapter. I was hoping the villain situations might start to get addressed but I guess that will be next chapter with maybe Tenko making a comeback?
Also I love how we got Toruu's quirk glitching but no one acknowledges it or helps her with it (sarcasm if you couldn't realise)
I also hate whatever convo that was between Izuku and ochako, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth for some unknown reason
Why the hell is a third year In charge of something a teacher should be!!?!?!! Poor fuwa UA corruption and hypocrisy goes deep.
How are children still joining ua?!?! Like yep society moves on like nothing happend even though Japan was turned upside down in chaos
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In conclusion, it was ok I didn't expect it to be amazing because it was a chapter that was gonna expand on stuff I didn't like 🤷‍♀️.
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miimo96 · 3 months
Thoughts on My Adventures with Superman S2 episode 6
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God where Do I even begin, Ok 1st off Kara is Really talking like a whole Damn Supervillain here, the way the camera just Zooms in on her as She says that her and Clark are going to bring back the kryptonian Empire is really sending me Chills down my spine, like they really Want you to establish that Kara is a Villain in this series, even tho I Still think she's being controlled by Brainiac/Primus somehow, Secondly correct if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure that Superman is supposed to be able to breathe in Space, like I Never understood that concept of Why he would Need a Space suit like even in the animated series they did that, I mean sure it looks cool but the Dude's an Alien for a reason He should be able to breathe in space No problem, unless has it something to do with him being So used to our Earth's atmosphere than that's a Different story, but in my opinion, it just feels unnecessary
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Judging from this Scene You can Really tell how much Kara really is just stuck in the past, the way She refers to the citizens here as "Citizen 1 and 2" and "Food citizen" Really shows how little she remembers or even Knows about krypton, almost like if She's just been replaying this simulation for so long and has this little memory to go off of what Krypton SHOULD be, Like This Really is all she has about her people and The Planet, and the fact she even acknowledges these people are Gone still Refuses to accept that She's lonely, Really shows how in denial she truly is
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I Really love the take on the Kent's of this Series, they Really feel like good parents, and I love how they teach Clark to use his powers while also making it feel like he is Experiencing a Normal life, you can really tell how much love and effort the writers put into this series, especially with their side characters, like this Scene really just shows how much the Kent's clearly loved and accepted Clark as their Son, despite him having these powers, rather than just treating him differently they Instead Whole heartily Accepte him for who he was, Instead of for What is, rather than teaching him how to hide complety, they instead made him feel love and reassured that No matter where he comes from, He will always be their Son ^^
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Man I love Seeing the Sibling dynamic relationship between these 2 , they really do Act more like siblings rather than cousins, and I really love how he just teases her once he realizes She did have a crush on Jimmy, it really shows how much she cared about him in the end, also the way she just blushes in this Scene is so cute, I really want to see these 2 get together so bad >_<
Shout out to the Man Jimmy for really succeeding in pulling a Super alien Baddie, Also this scene really shines light on how oblivious Kara Really is to what she's doing, like she clearly believes that she is helping other Planets by bringing them apart of the kryptonian Empire, unaware that she is most like just a Conquer Who is committing mass Genocide to tons of people in the end
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Ok 1st Kara is full on straight Evil for doing this to her cousin, making him think that she wasn't able to breathe in Space as a way of just punking him was seriously messed up, like she was seriously fine with giving him mental trauma as long as She gets to see his reaction, I Bet you that was a way of revenge for him teasing her about Jimmy earlier, also Thank god they know that Superman can actually breathe in space instead of just leaving him in that stupid helmet, Also I'm really Glad to see they actually went with the whole sibling route for these characters, Seeing them just get to act like kids and just having their equivalent of a Snow ball fight is really sweet, especially with the way Kara feels about being lonely, I hope that she really isn't Evil and thats all because of freaking Brainiac, please don't let anything bad happens between these 2 🥺
Also it's really awesome to see we actually get some insight regarding kryptonians and their powers, it seems that other than clark, kryptonians don't really seem to be able to have access the abilities that he has, aside for having the usual Heat vision and super strength, maybe it must have something to do with Clark being on Earth for too long, like in the Man of Steel
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Well well well, looks like I was on to something about Kara being mind controlled, that fact that she wasn't even able to remember when she was last on this planet really just Shows how much Brainiac is controlling her and has been using her as a weapon, like it really feels like she Really didn't know what she was doing to millions of people, and was just thinking she was Aiding them for the New the kryptonian Empire
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We finally get introduced to Brainiac and Omg he really feels like the Brainiac I grew up with, like they really understood what they were doing when it came down to handling this character, I mean aside from the really weird space Robot design they really knew how to capture the essence of Brainiac, especially with the way he's portrayed, like it really feels like he's a Corrupt machine who is Focused on bringing krypton back in a way that would involve War and destruction, kinda reminds me of how ZOD was in Man of Steel, in the same way he wanted to achieve that, Almost like they mixed both characters together to create this New version of "Brainiac"
Man Michael Emerson Did a really good job at bringing him to life, and im really glad they kept/brought back the 1st thing I love about this character, his iconic voice, like I really missed when used to sound like this and I'm really glad I get to hear it again thank you MAWS ^^
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Parademons, Hawk people and Green lanterns Omg This was episode was fantastic, They're really Adding in more DC characters for this series and I'm all for it, like in my opinion THIS is what DC should've did when it came to the DCEU, instead of just bringing in multiple characters immediately they should've just teased them Slowly in the beginning and then Introduce them Over time, kinda like how in Zach snyder's justice league with them teasing green lanterns in the opening scene, Also the design for the Thanagrs in the series is Hands down 1 of the Best designs I've Seen so far like Omg, Definitely Top 3
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God I Love the blue lighting in the series, it's such an interesting take on his character and the way his insignia Glows when activated is just Complete PERFECTION, also I'm really glad they incorporated the blue lighting in the 1st place, correct me if I'm wrong but I could've Sworn he actually had a Power like this in the comics, I can't remember which comic it was, but I know it was during the New 52 run, I could be wrong but either way I'm So excited they brought it back, and I'm glad they're treating it more like a Super boost rather than just keeping him in it entirely; Also damn he got Smacked so hard they kicked him out of that State entirely lol
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Bruh Brainiac is Such a manipulating bastard I Hate him so much, like between this and the fact he preserved the consciousness of all those pepoele who rebelled against the empire in order to Use them as training dummies to perfect his Ultimate weapon AKA Kara Really shows how completely evil he is, like there's No redeeming this character whatsoever
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Ok wow a few thing's, 1 ah So This was the planet she was blowing up when we were 1st introduced to her last Season, 2 Jimmy being the reason she was able to immediately break free of the mind control is so freaking cute, Damn it Now I really want to see these 2 end together so badly now, 3 Kara calling out to her cousin as Clark rather than Kal really hurts my heart, like it really feels like she doesn't know what to do anymore 😢, 4 MALLAH AND BRAIN HAVE RETURNED OMG, 5 Jimmy is Real one Because you KNOW funding for a whole wormhole space mission in just a short of amount of time, Really cost him a fortune and probably his Whole bank account, and finally why do I have the Feeling that next few episodes are gonna include maybe an Evil Superman and an argument between lois and kara for how Lois has been skeptical about kryptonians this Season, and by kryptonians I mainly mean Zero day and Now Kara, either way I'm all here for it and this episode was incredibly PEAK bruh can't wait for the Next one (God this took so long for me to write 😅)
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desire-mona · 6 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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i think the reason theres a lot of discourse about liking max and whether or not its okay when people like lots of other characters that suck (i.e. ted or the jerris) is that a lot of max's major fans tend to overly woobify him and mischaracterize him as much nicer then he actually is. people do sometimes woobify these other characters a little (for example i rly dont think ted would be as much of a caring big brother as a lot of the fandom (including me sometimes) write him as lol) but theyll at least acknowledge theyre assholes and mostly write them as much, max's stans characterize him as a poor uwu baby thats onlyy kindaa mean bc of his dad and he would have stopped bullying the nerds right away if he did die at the waylon place promise !! meanwhile in canon yes he might have a shitty dad but thats no excuse for the fact that he *torments* his classmates. people forget bullying is a form of abuse and he verbally and physically abuses his victims and controls his friends behavior and forces them into acting the same way (who actually apologize for their bullying unlike max lol) im not gonna say its immoral to like his character, both if you like his character for what he is which is a piece of shit with a lot of funny lines or if its for the uwu little baby version you made up in your head but if its the second its important to acknowledge thats not what his character is in any way at all like max is a horrible person, its fine to like a character thats a horrible person but i think if you like them for the nice person youve invented its time to come up with a different character to like. and also maybe seriously analysis if it comes from a place of obsessing over any white guy character bc it really feels like it, when shipping jason and richie makes more sense if you wanna ship richie with a jock character but ppl still ship him with the guy he has no interactions with any kind of shippy chemistry, and when a lot of the people that do this will not acknowledge graces trauma and depth and just dissmiss her as "evil"
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sleepy-vix · 5 months
do you have any unpopular opinions in bsd?
hmm i guess the one that comes to mind is this: "mori is not as evil of a person as the fandom makes him out to be"
now dont get me wrong, i hate mori, but thats because i love yosano and i will never forgive mori for what he did to her
i hate it when people say they hate him because hes creepy (hes about the same level of creepy as dazai when u factor out his ability- which i will adress later) or that he is a sexual abuser (???) like where did u even get that from???
also, ok, i acknowledge that its creepy that he has a little girl as his ability and that it is called vita sexualis or smtg like that (i dont remember but it had to word sex in it), but dont you think theres a deeper meaning to that? also i get that it grosses you out, but to use that and assume that he is a pedophile and sxual abuser is, frankly, dramatic and out of proportion
(not YOU. i am not directing this at YOU, im just saying 'you' because thats how i talk)
hes such an interesting character agzvsjsb the light in me dims more and more everytime somebody refuses to participate in his character analysis cus they claim hes a pedophile or some other thing that they made up in their head
also! i think hes very important to the themes of bsd, especially when he used yosano in the army because he believed that it could help him win the war (and winning the war is important so that japan could have peace... and peace is a good cause).
it really shows that evil and good come hand in hand and the line between them is desperately thin. on one side, a young girl is being mentally and emotionally tortured, but on the other side, people dont have to die for a cause that is good (the cause is peace for japan)!!
ahsvdjd sorry for the ramble. i got a little off topic but i love talking abt bsd :,)
tysm for the askkk. what are your thoughts on what i just said? :)
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quillkiller · 6 months
I have just seen this and maybe you have talked about it before but Effie x Walburga
I’m like shaken because I can’t imagine James mom ever wanting to be with someone probably cruel from birth. I mean they would have been together in the fifties, idk it made em giggle
would you all still love me if i said i was a walburga defender… :(
ok ive been pondering this all day, and ive also spent an insane amount of time on public transport trying to find a post i made in defence of walburga. @sugarsnappeases pulled up her laptop as my own personal hacker and stalker and couldnt find it either. however i found a snippet of an ’what are ur unpopular opinions’ ask and found this:
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and that’s the gist of it. if anyone remembers the post i made or know how to find it pleaseeeeee send it to me. me and kara went through hell and back to try and find it :(((((((
1. i hate the concept of people being born ’cruel’ or ’evil’. people are people and sometimes people do bad things. i think its important to still acknowledge that abusive people aren’t monsters who just couldn’t help themselves. abusers are people and those people chose to treat you like that. that was a choice they didn’t have to make, but they did. abusers aren’t monsters or monstrous. it’s important to me, due to personal experience, to remember that abuse is a choice. it allows me to feel betrayed and hurt and angry that a person chose to do that to me
2. i think walburga was a victim her whole childhood. atleast my own depiction of her. it’s different when she becomes an adult, has children, etc, and she should know better. there’s no excuse for her abuse towards her children/no excuse ever for abusive parents. and i want to be very clear about how there are NO excuses !!!!!! i am not team walburga and will never ever be team walburga !!!!!
3. walburga was a woman in the 70s, she held no power over orion what so ever. he was the man in the house. the head of the family. the abuse was allowed because quietly sat back and allowed it. absolutely ridiculous to me that walburga would be worse than orion. i simply think its an ignorant and misogynistic take. a silent father will always scare me more than the active abusive mother. like.. the patriarchy in the 70s in pure blood families ? lets be real here
ive seen posts saying orion was scared of walburga and thats why he never did anything. like are we being serious here. no way she got to choose her husband. and he’s a powerful man from a powerful family. in the seventies. why woud he be scared of her she has absolutely no power what so ever
4. i love exploring the womens narrative in the marauders fandom because their canonical narrative is based on sexism and the nuclear family. i guess you think it’s outlandish that effie would fall for walburga (cruel from birth) because shes james’ mother, and the anti walburga in the way she opens up her home and basically adopts sirius and makes a home for him ? to me that’s not interesting sadly :/ i love effiebarty because i get to explore good housewife effie tearing down her walls and acting on her desires and urges. like…. i want her to leave both james and monty behind out of pure selfishness. like.. im the girl writing the baby killing fic where lily is the sole survivor….
5. to me walburga is sort of similar to alicent from house of the dragon. what did she ever do that wasn’t expected of her? she was a girl in the 60/50s in a powerful family and had less choices than either reg or sirius ever did. she didn’t leave like sirius did. she stayed like regulus. and for similar reasons reg stayed probably. and she’s a woman. her sons are more priveliged than she will ever ever be. even disowned sirius is more priveliged than her.
6. i want to be very clear again. i am not a walburga apologist. i think there’s a clear distinction between her child- and adulthood. at some point the abuse becomes a choice. she didn’t break the cycle and she’s bad and rotten woman who abused her children. no excuses !!!!!!!!!! however. it is interesting exploring the circumstances which led to the woman she is
7. to actually answer your question. i dont necessarily care for effie/walburga but i can see the appeal. maybe i’ll get into it we’ll see……. like honestly they wouldn’t be that different from jegulus?
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jaxieus · 1 year
ive written this three times but tumblr keeps messing up and undoing all the writing i did :'(
but i wont let it discourage me! ive got a lot to say about the art i made even though its messy sketches on mspain(t) XD
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i had been feeling burnt out and decided to draw comfort characters ( some that ive not drawn in a long time or have acknowledged but never drew before) and the carebears is a franchise thats been with me for so long i made a whole painting for class about it!
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i made a list and with utter shock i realized that i basically bacame my owm worts enemy! the list grew so much (and is still growing :')) and i only drew a few characters so far
i know ill render these soon but the others will take a while
(but im really concerned about how im gonna tag this without being obnoxious 🥲)
i have like alot to say about these characters i drew because they mean so much to me and i never really could delve into them at school.
theres more i want to say and its under the cut! :D
so this is gonna get a lil personal but hopefully not too much to the point its boring ,:)
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the first character i want to talk about is Ursula. i remember when i was younger being increadibly infatuated with her. i would draw her whenever i could. on chalkboards, the wall, i made paper cut-out of her and digitally drew her on ms paint! she was the first character that a had a desire to be close to in a way. a character albeit evil felt comforting and till this day make me tear up from how beautiful her design is! Ursula was the first female character i felt a strong aesthetic attraction to. (im just kinda a sucker for powerful women)
so i made sure to stay true to her design by keeping her body type and tentacles. basically just switching her hands and head to the carebears design (im still deciding whether or not to keep her hair)
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second has to be Rosalina. she really made me accept and realize that i did have an attraction to the same sex ':) i loved playing as her in smash bros, listening/watching her story in galaxy. i never really 'got' the whole thing but reflecting and growing as a person did make me realize that not just fictional men look great but women too!
her design is based on the carebear cousins because the main thing was the mane! you dont really see a bear with a long loc covering its eye so having her different from the others i think gives good variety
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third King Candy. oka y i recently feel back inlove with him! mostly because of @/ blackthewolf17's drawings of him!! and that made me rewatch the movie and wow! i remember liking his character a while back but i never really appreciated his as a villain! watching the movie and seeing the art made me remember the discussions i had with my fam about liking him and them not really understanding. (its kinda a running theme with a lot of the characters i like)
i wanted the characters the pop out and look recognizable. i kept the crown and collar. his belly badge is a paper covering his original badge! this one shows the crown and a few bits of candy. (leaning into the fact that he doesnt belong)
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next is NME SalesGuy for Four. (such a clever name) this dude is literally a character that i was shocked by his stature! i mean what did i expect? falling for a dude that exudes tall energy but is literally a short king! this dude was there during some cool family times while watching right back at ya!
while looking for references, i found i cb comic and i loved how their legs looked. it wasnt bent like the originals on the cards and i thought they looked really goofy! so i went with that with the design becasue he just doesnt really fit with everyone elses stlye
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fifth Rick Sanchez. man, this old man. has been with me through a lot. i saw a poster if the show before it premiered and two years after, i watched it and ive obsessed over him so much i made people watch Rick and Morty so i could talk with them about it. R&M really got me back onto tumblr because it was my entire personality since the show was at its peak and after. (old men tsk tsk) i made OCs Self inserts and played the mobile game. i literally memorized episodes to recite as i went to sleep. and analyzed frames of my fave episode to get better at animation!
i gave Rick clothes because i wanted him to have some flair. iconic elements of him is his tousled hair, coat and alcohol. (hes drinking 'happy juice')
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Sixth is Coach Brunt. a girlboss of a villain! she took care of and orphan and made her feel like she was her own! shes determined, strong, fierce, fit, has a great voice, money, and kind. what more could a girl ask for?? this was another character that i had seen while watching CS with the fam. (still havent completed it tho)
i did break the rule and give her a tuft of hair also ':/ but i like her BB i gave her.
its a paw punching a heart (maybe too violent)
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Seventh is Johan liebert. i really loved this dude. the series just made me think more about human nature and nurture. i met some cool people becasue of this dude. Johan in a way made me cope with the problems that happened in my life. he really was the character that i also found out i was ace+aro. i just loved drawing him. filling pages of my sketchbook and centering english papers based around him and the lessons i learned from seeing the bad in his character and how people might turnout to be similar and how it can be a problem. (idk if it made sense, but i learned to appreciate humanity more and not be so headstrong and become blinded by my views. but also learning that its good for people to know whats coming for the people that wronged you)
Johans BB is painted on white, so you wouldnt be able to see what he is all about :)
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theres is so much already but eighth is Senpai. this Fker is my worst enemy, just like all the characters i drew soo much of this guy that i thought i was gonna go crazy, there was a pang in my chest when the drawings looked like trash. he was the character that made me want to get better at art and engage more with people. i made a fnf OC to be this dudes father. (it was some of the most wholesome thing i ever drew)
Senpai has a more basic design. he also has his identifying elements like the backpack and mic
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ninth is Saul. my bbg. it started with the character but sadlt turned into a full obsession over Bob Odenkirk and finding all of his shows and movies that he directed of acted in. thankfully im not deep into it anymore. but when i regularly used instagram, you could see the decent into madness for him. i made animations and really detailed fanart. if Sen got me to draw my fave better, Bob made me attempt to perfect it.
his design sadly is my weakest. i wanted to add some fake hair on him. but im sure you can see that i got lazy. a few weeks ago i made versions of the BRBA&BCS cast as Geronimo Stilton characters and (sad excusee) but i didnt want to put more into the design because i became drained from looking at the growing list D;<
his BB is based on themis :)
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tenth is Big Jack Horner. i love this man. i ironically said "he was the hottest character in the movie" on my third watch and man i actually believed it on the way out of the theatre. i wanted to see if anyone liked him like i did and to my surprise people did! this dude has such a great bod, voice, attitude and like many of the characters i like i ask, "is there any proof of death? i dont think so".
i havent drawn him in months and i dont like that i havents so he was the first bear i drew. his BB is a pie but i think ill add his insignia or have him draw on it like Oopsie bear to fit his situation.
like maybe something silly like a frowning face on his BB
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im going to put eleven and twelve together because both play a similar role. my two men of science. ive only recently started to like Medic and Scudworth. these two bring such a great jot to me just like all to kooky men i like as well.
sadly, they both look the same, the only thing differentiating them is the glasses. i love their voices and design.
i ahve yet to give Scudsy his own BB tho.
last thing i want to say is why i chose carebears as the main style.
the franchise has been with me since i can even remember or at least before i could comprehend what it was. i remember seeining either oopsie or good luck bear plush at a carnival and i really wanted it but it was closing and i mean it was probably bigger than me so i couldnt get it and it became an obsession of mine! i loved green and a already had a few at home whats one more? so i tried to drop hints at my mom. well as good as a 5-7 yr old could do with drawings.
theres a lot more to say but i might go one for so long it wont fit here!
this was very long and if you read it thank you very much! im glad i got to comfortably speak my mind (well write it) in my own way that did have structure but felt more personal and less embarrassing that my english teacher asking me to write something about myself and my life. or my Art teacher saying i have the freedom to create something but then talk about it with in a time span because im not the only one that has something good to say about their art.
im not sure if all of it was understandable and might've been really unnecessary but im glad either way.
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elzifelzi · 1 year
Like Ik i posted my initial reaction and such to a glitch in time
I haven't actually sat down and given my full thoughts on it
So yeah
First off without going into Spoilers..
In my head I had alot of..not necessarily expectations but theories on what it would be like..and while I love Danny Phantom I've always been Iffy on the story continuing after Phantom Planet so I'll admit i was optimistic bur skeptical.
This wasn't at all how I expected it to come back and thats the thing i think i love the most about it.
If someone told me that Gabriella Epstein was in charge of working on the 1st 2 seasons of the original cartoon I would've completely believed them because her writing felt EXACTLY like how the show was back then. Even with modern slang added in at no point did the dialog feel cringe or anything like that it just flowed naturally.
Which i appreciate.
What I really love about it tho is the fact that it allowed ghosts to BE ghosts, not Monsters from another dimension or whatever they're actual manifestations of human emotion and spirits which makes Danny's decision at the end feel even more powerful because he really is connected to both worlds even more than he initially realized.
I love that they gave the ghost zone lore made it feel like an actual ethereal place.
NOW onto the spoiler parts
The character arcs specifically Danny,Dan,Vlad and Valerie.
It's very easy to have a character like Vlad in particular be like "The Disasteroid event made me realize how much of a fool I've been" and just end his arc there. But they didn't go that route throughout the comic we actually see that Vlad is still an asshole despite regretting some of his actions he's still NOT a good guy but we gradually see that through spending time with Danny and seeing how his anger and rage fueled Dan,that he really has been a fool he really isn't a bad guy he was just hurt, alone and damaged he lost control.Vlads whole thing is that because he feels he lost everything he tries to rule as a way to feel in control..not a very healthy method but what can u do.
Dan despite being a grown man physically is just a scared kid. Here we have a version of Danny who lost everything and corrupted by Vlad's ghost half decided that through Domination and control he wouldn't lose anything anymore now this Danny meets his younger self who is not only desperately trying to prevent himself from ever becominf like him but he succeeds! Now This younger Danny has pretty much the perfect life a family who accepts him,friends who love him and is accepted fully by the world while Dan lost his timeline and now doesn't belong anywhere. He lost everything and now taking from others is the only way he can feel in control sounds Very similar to another half/ghost we know.He and Vlad are truly Kindred Spirits and they are the only people who can truly help each other.
Danny going from hunting ghosts to accepting that ghosts are just as much people as humans are and that maybe he shouldn't only defend one side of the spectrum that humans are just as evil as ghosts and ghosts can be just a human as humans and him deciding to be the bridge between both in what i like to call (Avatar Wan Moment) perfectly ties his character together. And it's even reflected in his relationship with Dan and Vlad throughout the book, even after all that Danny still doesn't trust Vlad he doesn't even like Vlad BUT he acknowledges that not only could he not do it without Vlad but Vlad is actively trying to change possibly for the better and him acknowledging that Dan is just a scared kid at his very core just like he once was is *chefs kiss.
Valerie might come as a shock because alot of people felt that she wasn't that much utilized in this story but i feel like that's for a reason. Since Phantom Planet first happened I've always wondered what Valerie's feelings on Danny being phantom was and we kinda got a glimpse into that here ..we see that when she thought Dan was Danny she fulling believed that he had turned on them..like despite her previous relationship with Danny she still views him as a possible threat and that by itself looks like something she'll for sure have to deal with in the future.
Aside from that
The art was beautiful like i cannot keep talking about how pretty it looked. Like my only gripe with it is that the character designs/outfits weren't updated but i can live with that
The story was very well written and felt straight out of Season 2
And even excluding all of the other things i mentioned, it was just a fun read..like at no point did i feel bored or drained while reading it
11/10 for sure
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adreamingofguns · 4 months
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: tell me what you love about Saw
Takes your hands. We are going on a journey. I'm probably doing the reverse unpopular opinion thing wrong but ❤️ it's 5 am by me. we deal.
Personally I like that some of the traps are done with practical effects, much to the detriment of the VERY ENTHUSIASTIC cast who are surprisingly chill with almost drowning IRL and/or having to suffer through wearing 30+ lbs of jagged steel while having the flu and/or actually being stuck in the shackle prop because there was a malfunction while everybody else goes for lunch and/or requesting real glass for the stunt scenes and insisting on throwing real punches in the stunt fights because they're a masochistic freak of an actor (the masochism isn't the bad part, the EVERYTHING ELSE about him sucks) Some of the worst traps and effects are when they use cgi. Looks bad, tom.
I also appreciate that the through-line of the movie is not only justice (and the malformations of it) but also love. Love is what drives the characters to do what they do!! At least three of the apprentices/jigsawers do what they do because they are doing it for love of another person!! And not even romantic love for most of them. I love that the fandom has led me to more friendships and sparked more creativity in me that was lacking for a while. I love that the cast list is just random b-c list actors and also Greg Bryk is there and every time I see him I get jumpscared. I love that it gave me an idea for a tattoo (original idea do not steal!!!) where it'll say "do you like how brutality feels?" but in the shape of a spiral and I kinda wanna get it on the inside of my forearm.
As the adage goes, one must cultivate their online experience because there are some WEIRD ASS headcanons out there. That being said, I love and appreciate the people who are normal about the fat characters. I love that people banded together against an artist who was very adamant and weird about drawing fat characters (which there are a few) like twinks. I wish they kept that energy going. I LOVE that seeing a specific fat character and the way he's built/the way people draw him voluptuously (😂) gives me so much gender euphoria. I love when people acknowledge this character as an erudite and well-dressed man with an art degree and a secret passion for home remodeling (this is canon) who also happens to be a fat man. Like fat people are real three dimensional human beings or something. He's also super deranged and mows down like 70+ people at once in a spree that ends in him stuck and trapped, possibly killed and possibly just held captive by a cunty evil doctor in the basement of his own home like how in the Sims game where you make somebody live in the basement and paint constantly so you can make money selling the paintings.
I love how a few months ago on Twitter the fandom came together to mourn as the bot that goes through the script line by line came to a particularly devastating part and that stupid image of the cat puppet from the OLD Dr Who
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(this image) was the only thing keeping me sane while I was in the trenches of crying in school over stupid bullshit.
I did my final in my religion in film class about Saw and used the following image. My professor and classmates were wowed.
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Sadly the accompanying paper sucked major ass (I wrote it in the span of an hour and it's ADHD core topic jumping like HELL) but it got me an A and the respect of my asshole professor 😂
I kinda rambled a bit sorry 😂 here's a gif of Peepaw Jigsaw himself zooted off his ass and staring at a fishtank in his ex-boyfriend's office.
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hvwks · 8 months
and listen i get it i understand a hefty sizable chunk (honestly, the vast majority) of the fandom wants endeavor dead, rendered useless, written off, etc, for his actions and thats fair and completely valid bc like. its a fictional dude. actions were reprehensible, you may have those opinions.
but... i just... the potential for those kids to finally heal and move forward. and begin a life for themselves free of the shackles that their family's fucked up dynamics created... so much of that can come from seeing what brought you pain and misery and choosing to move forward, anyway. i'm not saying you need to forgive your abuser or anything of that nature. absolutely not. but i can tell you. if... my mother, who spent so much of my childhood and adolescence telling me how useless i was, how i can't do anything right, won't achieve anything with my life, and fostered these severely debilitating neurodivergencies that i know have to be in full-time therapy for the forseeable future with no real "cure" for it (woohoo lets go bpd!) .... so much as apologized to me even once. for the things that i went through. i think i could heal so much of my inner. i wouldn't be fixed compeltely. hell, i will still need to do my dbt worksheets and my grounding techniques. but at least i won't have to spend the rest of my life dealing with a "would she ever say sorry? would she ever recognize what she did to me?"
and the thing is, at least for shoto, fuyumi, even natsuo to some extent.... they are choosing to be there, choosing to listen to the man that made their life a living hell in his apologies. enji didn't force any of his kids to listen to his apologies. much less accept them. and that's said time and time again. shown multiple times, too. the way those kids choose to step up and move forward is completely of their own volition--and whether YOU, the viewer, an outsider's perspective, decide hes worthy of "redemption" (which!! he explicitly said he didn't want! he specifically said he wants to atone for his actions!! not be seen as a completely different person, but the same man who recognizes his evils and is actively making the choice to see where he can make things better, even by a small fraction if he can!!) doesn't change the fact that there are people out there who would give up their pinky toe to have a parent that hurt them so badly acknowledge their actions and apologize for them.
not because it makes them a btter person all of a sudden. but because it gives the people affected by them the chance to find closure and move forward to grow into something new and transformed.
and THAT is why endeavor's survival, ESPECIALLY after the climax of the todorokis vs dabi, would be important to the narrative as well as the overall growth of the todoroki family. dabi felt what it was like, for the first time, to be seen. he's a boy that never got to grow or learn how to handle his very big emotions. he was a victim in all things. whether that was with endeavor or with afo. but the potential for him to see what could be, see where things can, maybe, just maybe, one day become what the little touya that died at sekoto peak always wanted is too good for me to ignore.
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Alright, today Ive read chapters 9-12 and honestly, at a certain point reading this book while knowing all the spoilers stops being frustrating and starts just being funny. Like, Ianthe brings up the fact that people are gonna want to kidnap Feyre for "breeding" to which Tamlin says that no one is gonna dare do that to Prythian's Saviour because then theyll be on the shitlist of the other six courts, but Ianthe says that Rhysand could and would do it because hes The Most Powerful(tm) and hes really manipulative and yeah. shes right. Obviously I know this is gonna be treated as unreasonable and as foreshadowing of Ianthe being evil all along, but shes totally right
Anyway, Rhysand continues to be unbearably annoying but not in any particularly interesting way, so I dont really have anything to say about him. I hate how hes so powerful that six courts all working together would be no match for the night court and he comes across as sooooo insincere. Like, I often talk about not being the biggest Feylin fan because its pretty boring to me, but atleast it was like, sweet because of how genuine and endearingly awkward Tamlin was
Speaking of Tamlin, guess who just keeps getting worse and worse? I had some hope for him when he reduced the guards and gave Feyre more freedom, but then he doubled them again and he did that thing with the barrier around the manor so yeah. Now, if I wanted to be a pedantic asshole I could point out that he listened to Feyre (who managed to very clearly tell him what she needs at the moment, freedom, which was great) and they were doing fine until Rhysand came back, but as much as I would like to blame Rhysand for everything, Tamlin's actions are still his own. And honestly, I find Tamlin keeping any guards around Feyre after what she told him very unreasonable
I think keeping Feyre safe has become a coping mechanism for him because he couldnt protect her from Amarantha back then so now hes trying his best to protect her from Rhysand (and others, but mostly him rn) who was essentially Feyre's very own Amarantha, and obviously its not his fault that thats a coping mechanism he developed, but it is actively making Feyre upset and making it more difficult for her to heal as well, and hes the older one in this situation, hes the guy whos dealt with intense trauma before, he should be listening to her and giving her space
The only thing where I'll kinda take Tamlin's side is him locking her in the manor when he was going to the western border and Feyre wanted to follow them, but even then the force field was way too much. But also, to me it very much seemed like he and Lucien were in a hurry to leave and it was a very hasty spur-of-the-moment decision, but also it felt like the narrative was trying to demonise him more by impling that it was more of a calculated decision. Like, idk thats the vibe that Lucien explaining to Feyre that everyone but her could pass through the shield gave me, but that might just be a personal thing. I mean, Tamlin is clearly being demonised here either way, him being so unreasonable is something that I find very OOC even with the recent trauma hes experienced. But, theres a lot of buts in this paragraph i know, I do also want to acknowledge that Feyre would likely not have wanted to go with Tamlin to this conflict-zone if he had listened to her wayyyyyy earlier and not doubled the guards again. I recognize this kind of behaviour because I also felt like I had no agency over my situation in the past and Im also a very stubborn person, and it lead to me also doing more and more reckless things in an attempt to make the people around me actually listen, and make them understand how serious I was about getting out of the situation that was upsetting me
(In case youre worried, Im completely fine now and Im leaving out a lot of detail for the sake of my privacy and so I can draw a cleaner parallel)
Speaking of Feyre's agency, chapter 12 ended with her having a panic attack because she was trapped and then Mor and Rhysand showed up and Alis just gave them to her??? First of all, insane behaviour, second of all, I hate that Rhysand is meant to be the choice guy or whatever but wont wait for her to come of her own volition. I think it wouldve been better if she had that panic attack and it ran its course and then she either called for Rhys or Mor or managed to winnow to the night court herself and thats how she got there. Also, and this is part of the same issue, I hate that Rhys is the one who originally forced her to read. I think at some point Feyre shouldve realised that all the people in the spring court are withholding information from her but!, she realises that they write shit down sometimes and exchange messages and whatnot so knowing how to read could really help her here and maybe she even thinks about Rhysand taunting her about teaching her UTM, so next time shes at the Night Court she demands that she be taught how to read herself
Because honestly, right now it seems like she has the same amount of agency no matter what court shes in, which is basically none
I was gonna end it on that snappy one-liner, but then I remembered all the stuff with Feyre losing weight and how Rhys remarks upon it and how Feyre notices herself getting thinner as well and I dont have that much to say about it, I just wanted to say that it just made me incredibly uncomfortable
But yeah, now Im done for realsies
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neverchecking · 1 year
Okay but, I have a thought 🧍‍♀️
Now, Reader becoming a Goddess is at this point inevitable with how much the boys insist on it.
But like, at some point the more she does? Imagine not only do the boys and Hylia notice, but even Ganon himself 🧍‍♀️
I'm stealing cloud's idea from her fic excuse me—
Imagine the chain facing an entire horde of monsters that cornered them on their journey. They have no where to run and Sage or Wild can't teleport or stuff away since they're not in their hyrule rn. In the midst of all the fighting, Reader was suddenly taken—
Imagine how confused and probs fearful Reader was when she saw Ganon. The very stubborn evil beef guy who will always come back time and time again. And he... Treats her around his castle?? Showing her off to his followers and minions and demons from the underworld or smth?? Heck they all bow to her of the sort. And she's basically pampered and spoiled with riches.
Reader then wonders what Ganon could possibly want from her, but Ganon won't tell her anything.
So Reader does some investigating and..
Can you imagine the shock and probable fear and incredulous expression reader would have once she finds out that Ganon apparently wants her to become his Queen? Or to the heck: his Demon Goddess???
Ganon supposes it wouldn't matter whether Reader finds out abt his motives, but they make things a liiil harder for him bcs he knows Reader wouldn't agree to this. But unfortunately he had already decided to make her his, and now he will stop at NOTHING to make her his. Hyrule continues to decay and crumble with every era that passes. It's only a matter of time till he dominates it, just like how it'll only be a matter of time till you break, and become the goddess that you were meant to be and rule over Hyrule with him.
Now, u might be wondering, why in the heck would he want reader? I did mention he noticed her becoming a goddess, but most of all he noticed how powerful her influence IS to Hyrule, in eras even. Especially with Sadistic Reader? She could bend and manipulate the people to her will without lifting a finger, and is becoming more acknowledged than Zelda or even Hylia herself. Having her, could rlly reign in the people easier and be more easily dominated, especially in controlling Hyrule. Yes the boys were the reason for that to happen, but who's to say the boys won't follow wherever their Goddess will be to the ends of the earth? If their Goddess wants to become the demon Goddess, can they really question her divine command?
Oh but don't mistake the boys probs would LOATHE the idea of darling becoming a demon Goddess FOR Ganon to rule with. Over the hero's spirit's dead will. And Reader will vehemently deny Ganon for a while.. But no matter what, Ganon will ALWAYS come back. Time and time again. He managed to render Sage so weak to the brink of death and ravaged the master sword, who's to say he won't be able to break Reader and make her cave to him at some point? They also have Dink to deal with don't they?
Yes it's a lot. But really this idea is just for the sake of drama of driving our yandere boys mad now excuse me—
Reader puts Ganon in his place. She's in his face, demanding things of him without any show of backing down. Reader has her boys, thats it. He can either join them or go against them. But she's not joining him and rendering everything they fought for to nothing.
Not only does this reinforce her place as their Goddess, but it only drives their obsessions further. Even Ganon's whose now focused on the chase.
Who knows maybe this fight even attracts Dink's attention?
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