#thats me and the 2x4
constantmourning · 1 year
I'm gonna bite through a fucking 2x4 I need Shanks And Mihawk carnally
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racmune · 1 year
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theyre such a qpr no one even understands. beyond scout n the fried chicken lady's initial sexual encounter i like to imagine theyve become good friends. perhaps she was from boston as well and her and scout bonded over that, along with a shared sense of humor and laid back attitude. they hang out together and watch tv, get pizza and make out, talk about their childhoods etc. I JUST THINK ITD BE FUN OK.
her and miss pauling have their meetcute at a barbeque during the fourth of july. the fried chicken lady was invited to come along by scout and is just chilling and grabbing some extra meatballs for her plate. miss pauling initially notices her for being a pretty woman but as they talk and the night goes on they bond from both believing in keeping things practical. shes also a lot less uptight than miss pauling however, which leads to a lot of playful teasing (from scout too LOL)
i think scout and the fried chicken lady enable a lot of each other's worse habits and so miss pauling has to deal with two different messy bitches LMAO. also another headcanon i have for their dynamic as an entire unit is that miss pauling will be up late doing paperwork in her home office and they'll be sleeping on her bed, and when she's finally done she goes in and snuggles with them.
im just gonna leave out my thoughts about scout n miss paulings dynamic for the time being cause if i did id be here forever but i did already make a post on my headcanons which you can find here.
oh also miss pauling and the fried chicken lady's ship name is "lady and the tramp" i dont make the rules
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scoticus · 1 year
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can you believe? I had to do work today
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rat-tomago · 2 years
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yoooo garak got the space adidas OH MY GOD HE BIT HIM
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eileennatural · 11 months
scrolling through your hometowns facebook page is crazy. you'll stumble upon an old man asking in his old man facebook grammer who to speak to about buying an empty farm and you're like. aww sweet. and the BAM you realize. oh that's the farm they found that body buried last summer. okay no wonder its on sale for so cheap
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
#bw: out of ethos#{i just wanna let yall know fast: most of my dw theories or connections is just my brain hitting me in the gut with a 2x4 plank of wood}#{and then i share it with the heavy implication of: yo aint this horrible! can you believe the audacity of my 🧠 and im STUCK WITH IT gdi}#{just so you know}#{others are great! superb! but then someone else's tag will hit a core and go: oh? i can make it worse. would u like that instead}#{so yeah.}#{but yeah the dr having flaws is great! whats him great is making him racist and misogynistic and homophobic WHEN LITERALLY THEY ARENT}#{make the flaws make fucking sense. oh i lost rose shouldnt equate to be fucking racist to martha. micro or macro like tf}#{u can dislike martha but the whole 'he should be mean since he lost rose' excuse yall be peddlin is weak tired old and dust}#{stop using that as anexcuse for ten to be racist simply because he lost one human girl he couldve gotten from california at a nail salon}#{especially since the dr is known to not be racist TOWARDS HUMANS NO MATTER WHAT LIKE ITS WEAK. EXCUSE}#{oh but its 10? he wasnt like that before with rose with mickey? WHO TF YOU THINK HE LEARNED IT FROM? go talk to the wall}#{he learned jealousy from rose just as much as he learned all her traits. that comment mickey said? ITS NEVER GONNA BE ME like clearly cmon}#{like hello?? what is not clicking?! 'but she dated mickey' she settled for mickey ALWAYS AFTER A 30TO50 YR OLD MAN BROKE UP WITH HER}#{like yeah they were playing on that billie personal life but EXTREMELY LOOSELY}#{nah lemme go: because now yall want 15 with ruby and rose AFTER YALL WERE JUST COMPLAININ ABT MILES AND HOBIE W GWEN}#{this is why i rather have the moment back and 10 is just extremely pissed off and rude bc it 'stole' her face. u want unhinged 10 THATS IT}#{how dare you have her face! how dare you cuckolding yourself on a beach on a family show. THE READ IS THERE}
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floridakilo · 5 months
the state of the job market and cost of living in florida is actually abysmal because it would be one thing if the job market sucked but then housing was also cheap like okay i would take that tradeoff...but no they want to pay you $20 an hour for a job that requires a masters degree and then its $2,000 a month to live in a one bedroom apartment made out of 2x4s and particleboard... and thats assuming you can get a non-retail/food service job otherwise you have to live with 3 or 4 roommates or family while working full time... HUH?????????? this is why moving into the middle of nowhere seems appealing to me like theres really no winning in any of the major cities in florida unless your household income is $100,000+ or you come from money to begin with...like im really only still here bc of nostalgia and state pride...
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forlorn-crows · 10 months
based on stage presence i think dewdrop is way more stoic than most ppl write/characterise him.
dgmw he's absolutely a little shit and fiesty as fuck but i dont think thats his constant personality you get me??
nah dew is hung and i refuse to believe otherwise (all of this is meant light hearted just in case that wasnt obvious)
im fuckin ded atmos. i support your big dick dew agenda even if i am fond of the little dick dew (but i also am going against the grain by liking little dick mountain too sooooo we even out??? idk)
he def got no ass tho. sorry ass-having dew truthers lsjflkklds (sooo sooo /lh). that boy fuckin flat as a 2x4. so is mountain. just dew in a capital font as far as body composition goes pfft
and back to the point about his personality, yes i do think he's more stoic than people write him! think of the introduction video made by ghost itself, he's described as 'the stoic one'. standing rigidly with hands behind his back. as he often does.
he can absolutely be a little shit. all of them can. but i agree, i dont think thats his default setting. he'll get a little twinkle in his eye after being quiet all day and then you know you're in trouble lol.
i think he's def more level headed than a lot of people write him to be.
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risingscorchingsuns · 1 month
me: wow mid to late august has been surprisingly uneventful despite my typical mental state this time of year! i feel almost bored! haha :)
my brain, hitting me over the head with a 2x4 Disassociation Beam TM: btw you can’t perceive time properly and you physically don’t feel lucid enough to do anything you enjoy and thats why you’re bored. nice try escaping The August loser lmao
me, family guy death posed:
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sunrayretriever · 1 year
ok so im gonna put this one under a read more since its just my thoughts and not actually like. safety information that everyone should know (again nobody is obligated to read especially this because its fucking long and just a heads up im gonna get kinda gruesome so :\ but if u read all the way thru then u are a real one and i wanna kiss u sloppy style
meyah okay so. follower, come here im gonna tell u something. im not a professional. im not a meteorologist. all of my research and information is found online and by myself. but i have seen the damage that the earth inflicts on us. it is not an act of god, and i really dont care for when people say 'mother nature is pissed'. this is real. this is real life. the damage done to people is real. lives are torn apart. entire families are wiped away with the debris of their poorly constructed homes. if you survive, theres a million different ways you could be injured, and not just physically. the trauma, the grief, the emotional pain of losing not only lives but your home, your business, your car, your pets, your livestock, your city's infrastructure, your community... to lose it all is something that makes me choke up just thinking about..
ive seen videos of people huddled in shelters above ground screaming and crying and praying and the sound of wind and glass crashing and debris flying and sirens going off is pure horror.
something even more terrifying is videos of people STANDING NEAR WINDOWS AND GLASS DOORS AND EVEN OUTSIDE during tornadoes. glass nails 2x4s bricks furniture cars. they become bullets in those winds. wood can get embedded in telephone poles. do you know how incredible that is? its hard for even me to believe!!! and here in the united states IT HAPPENS PRETTY OFTEN!!
cw im about to show u destroyed houses!! click away now if u dont wanna see but i really wanna show anyone who DOES wanna know abt the damage these fuckers cause!!!
so i want you to imagine here. this is your neighborhood. let's say we have an EF5, the most intense a tornado can get. now, a tornado can be rated an EF5, but that doesn't mean it does EF5 level damage THE WHOLE WAY. shall we take a look at how your neighbors houses fared?
mmkay so here we have EF0 level damage. about 35-40% of the tornadoes in the united states are rated this level.
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not too bad! shingles are replaceable!
as we go on we pass by a house with EF1 level damage.
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whoa! 35% of tornadoes in the US are this level!! but it's JUST the framing of the roof, right? thank goodness the house stayed mainly intact! hopefully everyone followed their safety plan and got to shelter right away!
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looks like the house a couple miles down got hit with EF2 level damage.. their entire roof was blown right off, exposing the whole house and everything in it to rain, hail, wind and debris from the tornado... but its just the roof, right? i mean, only between 15-19% of tornadoes get this strong...
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EF3 level damage. 6% of tornadoes are this level. everything but some walls and the roof were destroyed. where will that family live now? who's going to help them clean up?
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EF4 level damage. almost all above-ground structures are vulnerable to a tornado of this strength. this was a well-built, permanent home. look at how the tree snapped. these winds can uproot the entire thing. thats a 4ft+ tall projectile. thank god only about 1.1% of tornadoes in the US are this strong... but what could be stronger than that?
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EF5 level damage. 0.1% tornadoes are this strength. the last one on record was in 2013, moore oklahoma. it destroys virtually everything in its path, and can rip people out of their basements if their door isnt reinforced. the memories from that home are gone. completely gone. there are appliances and vehicles that were never found from tornadoes this intense.
and these are well anchored, permanent houses. mobile homes were destroyed and twisted back in the EF2 level. anything above that turns them into smithereens. lost to the mercy of the winds.
"so james," you say my lovely follower, "what's the whole takeaway from this? what's the point?"
and i grab your hand very gently. and i look you in the eyes. autism be damned, we are locking eyes. and i ask you this:
what if it was you? would you know what to do? are you weather aware? do you have a plan on where to go when your towns tornado sirens go off? does your own even HAVE tornado sirens? what about your pets? the people you love? do they know?
for a while i felt bad for.. trying to spread this around. i felt like i was being a downer. i dont know why but it felt taboo to talk about... i dont know if it makes people uncomfortable or scared but.. it needs to be talked about. we cannot stop the weather from doing this but we can make sure we're safe. we can keep ourselves safe.
i don't want you to be afraid of these storms. i know plenty of people who have a fear of severe weather. fuck, for the first 23 years of my life i was one of them! when the tornado sirens would go off, even for a routine test, my stomach would turn and i would panic. after the 2022 december tornado outbreak, i was watching the news and i heard about the damage caused. i thought 'what in the world could do something so devastating?' and i think it changed my life forever. i went from fearing them to ACTIVELY WANTING TO SEEK THEM OUT. and not only is everything about weather fucking awesome, i know how to keep myself and everyone i care about safe. i can tell my dad when to get ready to go to the shelter before the sirens go off. i can check the radar and tell my friends in other states how big the hail is gonna be before it even gets there.
and it.. really wasn't hard. even a basic sense of weather safety can help. knowing myths from facts helps EVEN MORE!
the earth is so beautiful, my friend. a tornado swirling around in a desolated field in kansas is something that even in video takes my breath away. when it rains, i run outside to see the rainbow that usually forms afterward.
but with this beauty comes a price.
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Why would it be bad to exclude coco? Because she dresses in cute clothes? She's obviously an adult. I really don't get the reasoning here, it seems inconsistent to me. Is the problem age or not?
Hi! im sure my inclusion and mention of coco was a bit confusing and i just checked the responses and got some valid points about that.
My thoughts were that i was somewhat worried about the treatment of coco during tournament and that it may be weird/confusing to others who may not know her context entirely. She's also like a fashionista in dressing up in decora and lolita styles & the ideals of those fashion reflect being yourself and not having to conform (+plus other stuff, im not gonna get that deep into its massive history) and her being Japanese, people, you know infantilize this type of character and are sometimes people can get really weird.
Plus I've experience some #personal bad things because I am alike coco (asian & babyfaced & a passion 4 fashion) but I'm mostly over it and im more so cautious about things so mentioning it was important so i could get feedback you know?
BUT, thankfully I have never seen anything egregious from the twewy fandom at least on this website so i think i can trust people to be not weird and thats to say if we even include coco because we have many other 2x4's to include in the brackets lol
and here are some good points people brought up in the form (thank you to those who responded!)
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So in conclusion, as long as the character is 18 and over they can be included in the bracket. I'll be making the bracket for our beloved ironing boards soon. and I just have to see how big I have/want to make it lol.
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izder456 · 1 year
i saw this fast inverse sqrt function somewhere online, and it fascinated me to no end. (the left is the fast inverse, and the right is the `math.h` impl)
`main()` is just some crappy test suite i whipped up for testing purposes
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the code in question was made for quake III arena’s gameengine.
here’s a video that explains it pretty well:
i was thinking, how would i achieve the same level of elegance, but in the context of lisp?
my notes (probably not super accurate, but probably still interesting to see how my brain tackled this):
thinking lisp brain here:
i came across this stack-exchange question:
i can treat the array as a sequence of nibbles (four bits), or a “half-byte”, and use the emergent patterns from that with the linear algebra algorithm in this post.
we can predict patterns emerging consistently, cos i can assume a certain degree of rounding into the bitshifted `long`. because of that, each nibble can have its own “name” assigned. in the quake impl, thats the `long i;` and `float y;`
instead of thinking about it as two halves of a byte to bitshift to achieve division, i can process both concurrently with a single array, and potentially gain a teeny bit of precision without sacrificing on speed.
i could treat this as 2x4 array.
each column would be a nibble, and each row would be 2 bits wide. so basically its just two nibbles put next to eachother so the full array would add up to one-byte.
the code is already sorta written for me in a way.
i just need a read-eval loop that runs over everything.
idk if it’s faster, if anything it’ll probably be slower, but it’s so fucky of an idea it might just work.
a crapshoot may be terrible but you can’t be sure of that if ya never attempt.
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wandering-aloneo-o · 1 year
yet another groupchat conversation
me: why are numbers -- why cant we use objects to measure instead -- i cant comprehend how much 10 feet is
friend 1: two people -- but subtract one foot -- about 10 feet
me: but like i can kind of comprehend it in subway sandwiches -- or in 2 liter soda bottles -- but why are dollar bills 6.14 inches long -- just make them half a foot SCHÜTTLE MEINEN KOPF MEINEN KOPF -- oh ok 5 aquariums are 10 feet -- i can work with that
me: why are mail boxes 3.75 feet -- just make them four SCHÜTTLE MEINEN KOPF MEINEN KOPF -- why are pencils and and hands the same length -- and why do six of them make a mailbox -- telling me that a 2x4 piece of wood is two feet long does not help that's just saying two feet is two feet
friend 1: 6'10 is normal door height -- so that and 3/4 of a door is 10 feet
me: but why -- why not just 7 -- why not just 4 aquariums -- i can understand aquariums -- why do we use ' and " why not just have it all be in or feet why do we need both -- 70.25" my ass now youre just making it complicated why not just say 5.8541667 feet you dumb ass -- why not make it 6 feet you idiot why so specific -- why not three aquariums -- jesus christ
friend 1: what if you have a 70.25" hole in your wall -- and you need to know it will fit in the wall
me: i would fix it
friend 1: it's meant to be there
me: no its not -- walls are flat -- like pond rocks -- also why does the hole feel the need to be so specific -- why cant it just be an unknown size -- because you dont need the size to fix it -- just the wall gunk stuff and paint -- fucking hole thinks its the main character or smth SCHÜTTLE MEINEN KOPF MEINEN KOPF -- but also theres no way aquariums are two feet long -- whats the measuring app called -- i need to brainage
me: the measure app is not real -- it lies -- 19 1/2" my ass -- thats less that two feet you dumb ass and an aquarium fits in that -- so now i cant even use aquariums as a measurement because google lied -- i just wanted to make a proportionately accurate room not have a mental break >:(
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brunhiddensmusings · 2 years
sometimes i am baffled by my life
in one day i get confirmation that the 26k student loan debt from ITT criminal justice courses back in 2009 that shouldnt have been on my name has been removed after two months of trying to explain this as this was the only thing stopping me from getting the loan for the 1974 mobile home i was trying to buy decide i should comparison shop online for furnishings, and apparently one of the best options for a bed is the fucked up grandpa bed from stardew valley.... i am tempted, because its 50 dollars, but im also tempted by the one that looks like its literally 2X4s nailed together for about ten dollars more. all purchases will wait untill i finally have the deed for the gloriously shitty box lined with wood paneling thats older then i am and the first purchase will be a lava lamp in the bisexual color scheme literally ten minutes later i get scammed by someone claiming my steam has been hacked and i feel so, so very stupid, they have literally all my banking information now, also they were using an icon that was the chubby kid from the movie ‘up’ bank is closed and its a 18 hour wait till i can go in to the bank to tell them what happened, i am awake for this all as i have a full time night shift, get off when the bank is not opened yet, have a six hour day shift, and hurriedly get to the bank before its closed. getting my steam account repaired may take i have no idea how long i am formally requested to explain to someone what a yaoi paddle is but am unable to show them a photo find out the song i like on the late night radio block of recent indie music is in fact a they might be giants song from over 12 years ago, a great use of my detective training my brother asks me to help him split wood, the logs in question are what i would call ‘jhon goodman diameter’ 9 year anniversary of the vasectomy of failed anesthesia find out what i had thought was a wild animal invading my sleeping spot was in fact someone accessing the pipe above it while i was gone to shut off water because its the time of the year that pipes freeze get confirmation my infection has recovered enough i do not need part of my face removed find out my ex stole my mace and threw it away at least i still have the sword and shield i found in a dumpster forget to sleep because im too busy watching videos on how to make tiger skin eggs despite 1- i have no kitchen yet 2- i was looking for how to use cocoa powder to make cafe mocha, or is it hot coco mix, does it work with instant coffee.... explain to someone that the idea an exorcism requires an old priest and a young priest originated in an austin powers movie because it was a joke about a continuity error in the exorcist movie where a body double was used have discussion with someone on what my upcoming vtuber avatar should look like as well as what content i would plan to make people vocally angry i have not started a podcast climbs into the double digits what a weekend
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skoulsons · 9 months
me at 1:30am: should probably stop playing spiderman bc I have to sleep since church is in the morning
me at 3am: 1k words of notes deep for this restaurant au thats beating me over the head with a 2x4 and stealing my money with every new thought
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
RTA professinal boats
plastic panels to the hull. and usually 8 foot and half of the boat. and cupped together and a special sized box and onlly th ehull both sides and about a 25' boat wiht a ten by ten box will fit the hull pieces. plastic fiberglass reinforced and about 5/8" of an inch to 3/4 certain panels and yes has members inside but no tat is te hull thickness. it is lighter about a third than fiberglass sraight. and pieces attach to each ohter and in an order. you attache the pieces to a brace...and then a piece to the brace and a cross brace to the piece and then a p enl and so on. and in ocncert with the main beam in teh cetner and below you attach the panels to it and it is shaped. mostly is a beam of aluminum alloy. and hollow yeh but ok...seveal of them but sturdy and not jsut alumnum and it is like the metal and the braces are metal. and it is a few bolts ok. about thirty each seam a side. and they are put in wiht a glue ono them no. fit right. and then you seal over them.
the panels are finished on the inside. outside you spray on a provided mix and it is glass and paint. and a few coats. and wht a special nozzlle several included. and the gun is rented and a normal paint sprayer and easy to apply. and you support it at that point from above. and the kit is with it normal 2x4 make it work. and not too heavey. and it dries in three days. is bueitiful after the two coat gealll.
submit your art for the boat NAME on back. and other locations if ordered that way. and we send a proof. approve and they come wih it. and instructions easy to install ok. and fun. topside iis similar
the deck is similar material thicker beefier and sturdy. and panelized. and same idea yo put it on, mask off the boat hull. ans spray it and three coats and two. and is thick. and on the deck only. but the cabin goes on at the same time and it is a cabin cruiser configuratiion. all boalt together. inside. and inteior panels attach. and all the plulmbing and electrical bolt up too. and block outs are premade and finished and boxes proviced wiht finished covers. run all the wires and piping and instll tanks and lines and the drive ad engine per instructins. tons of bolts ok. lol...we built one in three days and ten our days. spraying not included dry time needed.
toolong he says way out there. like any other. sticky smelly and bad...and we see it. so we seam it and four iinches for strength. and the seam is really only a line. andinterlock for strenght. and you install bridging. and you spray it on and we provide special tape and dimensions and then you apply a gel. and while you install the top. and fun ok. and the platic can glue up and you do install glue inside. the seam wont show you remove the tape buff. and wait and the gel coat covers the seam and differen size is minimal as we make the panel like dwall dimpled on each of the long edges that join. and good they say. smart.
we changed it total build time three days but yes you have an assembler like our son a painter like our daughter and finises and wiring tubes and such like me enginie all of us. lol ok me too. and more than three but heck it is long days and nights and fun. beers and pizza wings and talk. and nighbors and all that jazz ok and in the garage...until the top goes on. and a tarp system uses rope. not hard and works and instructinso included. tarpand rope by you. needed these days often safety stuff ok. really needed.
and all the stuff. fridge stone gas tanks for stove and fuel tanks water tank sewer tanks...and treatment tank needed now and sing kitchenette bathroom and toilet shower and v birth and othe bedroom and beds yes cabinets. carpet and more all water borne stuff. lights wires and all. batereis motor and linkage. all of it. rails and yes a pilot house second level and enclosed hard enclosure cabine cruiser we show a pic thats like it.
since the labor is on you. it is about 35,000 usd. and has a 400 ci mercury inboard solid shaft prop single add a motr and prop both are 300 ci and it adds 8000 usd. not needed but our son would for edundancy and speed and manuverablilty. he will if he gets money. loves the idea she does too wants tobuildone and we do this now
Thor Freya
and hw much and ok 35 is damned cheap for a full cabin cruiser youll see and wow fun and i want one to build it now too. therapy lol ok notfunny but true. he can drive the kit car. and a Lambado and we try and see it too the lambo project lol hahah
mac daddy
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