#thats a spicy meatball!
tadpolecassette · 2 years
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Pete Zapasta With and without text because yes 💖 
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dawnbreakersgaze · 2 months
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Can we just
About the amount of times this man smirks at you during this little moment in the billiards room?!?!
Because holy, fucking, shit.
I can't even pick a favorite??? I'm genuinely in a tail spin. I haven't been able to think about anything else all day. I woke up to this card and I'm gonna go to bed thinking about this card and like I'm gonna be wholly consumed by it for at least a week. Maybe more.
That moment when Zayne is about to just full on make out with MC at the pool table before she pushes him back down? When he's like "yeah fuck it abandoned all pda decorum I'm into it'' and just 🥴🥴
Lord Jesus Mary and Joseph I'm so glad I didn't skip on this card I'd have cried looking back in this because WHEEEEWWWWW 🔥
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xekstrin · 1 month
I love Sora so much that I started loving Texas by association that’s her power
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verved · 1 year
If you have 3 huge cups of hot cinnamon spice tea and think "hmm I could really go for another cup of this spicy tea" don't do it. That is the devil speaking and the fires of hell will manifest in your stomach.
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notecardpasta · 1 year
this fucking voiceline keeps playing in my head
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pixelplaypens · 1 year
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pls go to bed its 2 am
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ghostt0wns · 1 year
The church in Huntsville was quaint, but she found herself there on Sunday mornings the past few weeks regardless. One might assume it was a lasting habit from the outside, but Roxy had never really been a churchgoer herself. No, she kept coming back each week because she was intrigued by the priest. You know the one who looked like he stepped out of a wet dream. It wasn't just that they were good looking, but something about their voice was downright sinful. It certainly made attending services worth getting up in the morning.
So it was with this knowledge in hand that Roxanne found herself in the confession booth, in order to try and seduce the hot priest. After all, what better small town entertainment was there? "Forgive me father, for I have sinned..." She began, letting her voice be wistful. She knew full well there was only one person who could be on the other side of the booth, in fact she was counting on it. "I feel as of late that the sin of lust has taken control of me. It strikes me even here in the church. I find myself distracted any time I'm on my knees for prayer by thoughts of taking that position in front of Father Capone and showing him the true meaning of worship." Roxanne let the want creep into her voice. "Is there anything to be done?" The coy innocence still hung in the air, as if she didn't know full well what she was doing.
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macey-wacey · 2 years
Chapter 93...... 👁👄👁
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moonstruckwytch · 2 years
Cor cor cor i have a would u rather for u:
Would you rather use zero recipes for a whole month (experimenting or cooking from memory is fine) or have to cook the same dinner for a whole week (u pick the dish) 👀👀👀
oh this answer may be wildly disappointing lmao.
i would rather make the same thing for a week, because honestly? sometimes i do that already. when i’m really truly burnt out and struggling i default to either making a huge batch or something and eating it for days, or making the same thing over and over. generally speaking it’s scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, pan fried hash browns or tater tots, and toast. but in the interest of putting some more thought in, if i could only make one thing for a whole week? it would probably be either justine snack’s corn quinoa bake because that’s easy and versatile with toppings, (smoked salmon, avocado, maple chipotle roasted sweet potatoes and goat cheese is my go to) or a vietnamese ga xao xo ot recipe i saved from the wayback machine that’s almost a perfect duplicate for some of my favorite takeout in my hometown. i’d also probably happily eat oyakodon all week so long as i had a fresh pack of chicken thighs and didn’t have to defrost things.
honestly, the idea of trying to cook without recipes for a month is mildly terrifying. despite working in kitchens for years and having been cooking since i was 3 (when i topped my first pizza - there are pictures) i don’t like to experiment without a baseline. i can and will, but it’s not my preferred method. i like to make recipes as written once or twice to get a feel for them, and only then will i make alterations to my own tastes. i could probably cook from memory / experiment (without repeats) for 2 weeks or so before i got stressed about it.
this was fun. i’m always down to talk about cooking (but you know that!)
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slaanxsh · 2 years
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what Khorne’s rage tastes like to Slaanesh
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transboykirito · 2 years
also to the anon who asked if i could translate some of the scenes from the lns into italian, i'm SO sorry but i literally barely know any italian sjdbsjdbdjd
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reraimu · 2 years
hahhhh I made mapo tofu today 😌 twas delicious but kept choking on peppers
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karmajam · 23 days
mmmm post shrooms depression spike
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thegentleartist · 1 year
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amemai · 1 year
❛ maybe he doesn’t love you anymore. ❜ :)
the lady angel has killed for lesser insults towards her god. his word is blasphemous. her vision tunnels to the sight of his and that coy look, the teasing insinuation which mocks her dearest friend. the body acts first before the mind, without regret. a swift, precise move. hand connecting cheek -- it is the one with unscarred skin, so that she may purposefully ruin it herself -- in a manner that cannot decide between slap or fist.
in between every heartbeat it sings his name, nagato. imagines his gaunt face, his gentle smile. their happiest memories and when she knew him best. the wounded ghost that he now in a hollowed out frame & changed mindset. he may be difficult and unreasonable at his worst, but she loves him no less. there is no lacking hesitation.
it matters not that obito keeps her bed warm. another ill word referring to nagato, and she will return the favor by setting him aflame -- there exists a raging fire within her that burns hotter than his own, that even an uchiha will burn to char bone & ash.
❝   do not. ever. speak of nagato like that to me. ❞ there is no warning in her threat. there is only promise.
a promise to oust him from the shadows and sabotage all his plans. even if that notion may cost her the breath in her lungs. mutually assured destruction is a fair exchange ( a fairer punishment, for the wretched tiptoeing and conspiring that she has done ) if it means keeping him safe. ❝  don't, for even one second, delude yourself into believing that my loyalties have changed. do not ask me to choose between yourself and nagato . . . you won't like my answer.  ❞
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two-sides-halved · 2 years
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I have seen some posts around saying that Greg was really strong for being able to brush off the pain of getting his arm gooped by the bio-poison in the movie like it was nothing where as Steven was in so much pain because of that same bio-poison.
But I've never seen any posts in my feed about how it's not the case. Don't get me wrong, I love Greg, he's the best guitar dad around, I think he's a strong man emotionally, but I don't think he could really ignore pain like an entire arm dying when he broke his leg, he groaned in pain, and actively felt that pain when trying to stand up before Steven healed it after the events of Ocean Gem.
So here's my take on the bio-poison scenes.
Greg is a full human. Greg is purely organic in terms of Gem logic. His arm instantly absorbed the goop much like Steven had done, but he didn't seem to react as if he was in a lot of pain. I can understand his adrenaline kicking in to negate the pain since everyone was in a stressful situation during that moment of the movie... but what if because he's human, that's why the pain wasn't as bad as Steven's pain. It happened all at once, his entire arm died. I don't have any doubts that would hurt, I have no doubts that Greg's running on adrenaline to make the hurt less... but I am doubting how much pain he was in. I'm comparing that his pain happened all at once, much like if you were to rip off a Band-Aid really fast. The pain is there but barely lasts for a moment.
Now with Steven, our human/gem hybrid, was also hit with the bio-poison. He screamed in agony as it ate through his jacket, and bit at the exposed skin that it got to after. But the difference is in the details, Steven, despite his powers being shot, had a healing factor. So as soon as his body experienced that pain, his gem half was healing the affected nerves that it was killing off as soon as they were getting killed off. So instead of having a nice swift quick twinge of pain, it was prolonged like someone was changing a dressing on a larger wound rather than the pain compared to swiftly pulling off a Band-Aid.
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