#Pico Dove
pixelplaypens · 1 year
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taking care of the farm is a family affair
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shadesofnavy · 8 months
Animatronic Keith AU Lore
This is obviously inspired by the FNF Animatronic Boyfriend mod, the 2011 remodeled design here was partially inspired by DJX Boyfriend's design
Shoutout to @xenoshadow13 for helping a LOT on the brainstorming for this one--this took months hah
2k+ words below
Warnings: Murder, violence, guns
There are no pairings here, only family
An apology to any Senpai-lovers, he's not the best here at all
This takes place back in time
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Like his counterparts, in this AU of mine, Keith, or more widely known as The Boyfriend, was always known to have been an ambitious boy with big dreams. His affable and witty personality made him a well-liked fellow, and an insufferable nemesis. His passion for good food, love and music had always been a setback in his academic years, but upon graduating college they would prove to finally be an advantage to achieving his goals.
He would start with making his own music shortly after under the striking stage name of “The Boyfriend.” It would take a few years, and a lot of encouragement and help from his parents and friends, but after moving city to city, playing live and picking up gigs wherever he could, at some point he would finally find opportunities to reach more ears with the help of music producers and developers, opening to the doors of his fame. 
By the late 80s, The Boyfriend had been able to officially release many of his written songs with the proper equipment and modifications, his music ranging from rock love songs, deep and meaningful grunge, and funky rap. His broad choice of music genres would make him spread relatively fast, and he would reach the top charts with other popular bands and artists by the early 90s in no time.
At that time The Boyfriend would be considered a successful musician with multiple hit albums and a continuously growing fanbase. His music had been a success, but he still had another goal in mind. Food had always been an important part of his life, having lived with parents that both knew how to cook and passed down their skills to him. He wanted to make something out of it. Food always tastes better with good music and friends, and the three combined could make wonderful memories. Keith wanted something everyone could enjoy–family, friends, lovers, even a person alone. A spot for everyone to forget about problems for a moment and have a good time. What better way than to use his talents and money to make that possible? 
The Boyfriend’s Funkstaurant, named by yours truly, began its development in 1992. Keith had a friend for anything, in everything, and with his hefty income from his fame, it wasn’t excessively hard to afford the necessary equipment and permits. Employees were not at all tough to find in the busy city, and alongside his childhood anchor, Michael Hart, Keith founded the Boyfriend Entertainment, managed to find a suitable building in the city of Philadelphia, and within two years, the family entertainment restaurant would open its doors in 1994, a polished, well-managed business with good-natured staff, all whom were associated with The Boyfriend himself. 
The establishment would be an instant hit, and Boyfriend’s Funkstaurant would quickly become one of the top family restaurants around Philly. Keith would leave Michael as the manager in charge of the place while he continued to work on his music and concerts, as his own music producer was eager to have him perform across the country, and Keith couldn’t say no (literally). He would however come by quite frequently whenever the schedules weren’t tight, to either manage the place himself for a time, or to simply enjoy himself with his friends and family, even performing there in person. 
As four years passed, the restaurant held up successfully, better than ever. The music productivity was slowing down for Keith. Less concerts, more focus on The Boyfriend’s Funkstaurant. Michael decided to bring in a college friend as another manager who went by Jeffery Davis to help lessen the amount of work for him and Keith. Jeffery, who had worked as an employer for several other businesses, wasn’t as much of a friend with Keith as he was with Michael, who often spoke fondly of the singer, but they were mostly on good terms and genuinely respected each other enough for a steady companionship. It turned out Keith actually knew how to manage a job seriously, Jeffery realized, unlike his seemingly cocky and witty stage persona. He still had a humorous side of himself, even with work, and frankly enough it could annoy Jeffery sometimes, but at least the singer knew when it was time to drop the jokes. He had to admit, it did keep it from getting bland on the job.
Jeffery spent a lot of time at the establishment working. The place was almost always busy, especially during the weekends. He would occasionally bring his nine-year-old daughter Cherry at the time to look after her while she wasn’t at school. The girl had been extremely fascinated with the restaurant ever since her family took her there when the place first opened up when she was five years old. 
Keith would come to find himself growing fond of little Cherry. The girl would look up to him whenever she stuck around during his work hours when her dad brought her over, where the singer would take the time to show her around, and share his future plans to the curious youngster for the restaurant—one of these plans being the animatronic mascot he, Michael and some other crews were working on. 
He wanted to completely focus on his music career again now that Michael wouldn’t be left alone to manage the Funkstaraunt, this time going on tour internationally, and his producer was ecstatically encouraging him. But that would mean he needed to spend a lot of time away from The Boyfriend’s Funkstaurant, and since he was often around there entertaining customers and overall being the life of the party, his absence would be particularly hard on some folks, especially the youngest ones, which included Cherry. He wanted something that would somewhat fill the missing gap while he was gone. With the suggestions and creativity of his staff and some friends, the idea of the Boyfriend mascot was quickly turned into reality within a year.
In 1999, however, an old nemesis from Keith’s school years stopped by. None other than the crooked Stephan Lindberg, who also had a dream of soaring high in the music industry but never managed to do so. He one day stopped by the restaurant he had been hearing so much about for ages already, only because he was fed up on how the stupid blue-haired jerk who kept getting the girls from high school actually managed to make it so far—his music was on the radio, he was famous for it, he was on the top of the music industry, he somehow got a huge restaurant going, and it boiled Stephan’s blood. 
Bitter and blinded with jealousy and hate towards Keith for his fame and success, Stephan came up with a twisted scheme to get back at Keith when on one of his snitching visits at the restaurant he overheard two ladies fussing about how awfully close the singer was to Jeffery’s daughter and the security guard’s 12 year old son during a visit in the restaurant to observe its environment. A wicked idea came to mind when he overheard the ladies who he secretly taped on a voice recorder, and he’d later blackmail two associates to take pictures and frame Keith for having ulterior motives on the staffs’ children that were frequently at the restaurant. 
Using these photos, Stephan snuck to the establishment one night when there weren’t any workers besides Keith, Jeffery and a few other staff members, who were busy preparing the restaurant for Cherry’s tenth birthday the next day, and the reveal of the now finished Boyfriend animatronic mascot. He would approach Jeffery first, somewhat surprised to hear that the manager had heard about him from his coworker who at the time was taking a few days off. Stephan, even more angered, calmly informed Jeffery about his “worrying conclusions,” presenting him with the false evidence he had managed to fabricate with his associates—photos, voice tapes of the ladies who gave him the idea the other day, and even videos taken at an intentional misleading angle of Keith simply hugging Cherry.
Jeffery had heard about Stephan’s deceiving tactics and second-nature through Michael before, and he was well aware that Stephan was just a stranger to him, not someone he should lightly take his word for. However, the mention of his daughter’s name and Keith’s “supposed” evil intentions struck a nerve, and he became horrified, sick, and furious. Without a second thought he immediately jumped the gun and rushed over to confront Keith, who was understandably taken aback when Jeffery began to accuse him of Stephan’s lies. 
The situation escalated to a fight in which Jeffery initiated when Keith tried to defend himself, not believing anything the singer told him. Stephan watched with satisfaction from the sidelines as the few other staff members began to rush over in a panic. It would flatter when Keith took the upper hand and reluctantly struck Jeffery with a powerful uppercut, sending his manager back in stumble, and despite his constant desperate denials, Jeffery shook off the punch and pulled out a small handgun of his—one gifted by Keith himself for a birthday. Consumed with rage and unknowingly thrilling Stephan, he unloaded the pistol on Keith, six shots to the chest, nearly killing him. 
If he were any smarter, Stephan would’ve left and let the situation play out tragically. However, like the gluttonous fool he was, he decided to step in and reveal himself, taunting Jeffery for believing his false evidence, sneering over his naivety and shock. He planned to blackmail Jeffery, knowing the man’s reputation was now at stake for killing the famous singer. Jeffery wasn’t going to want to face the consequences for it, wasn’t he? 
Before he could go any further with his plot though, his associates who helped him fabricate the entire scenario had a change of heart upon witnessing how far Stephan had let things go, both knocking the crook who blackmailed them first and bonding his wrists and ankles. 
Jeffery was sick to his stomach and tremendously mortified as he stared down at Keith’s body. He knew he had committed a second-degree murder, and he would be taken to prison. He rightfully deserved to. He let a complete make him do something irreversible, all based on lies. Jeffery knew he belonged behind bars, but he panicked. He couldn’t go to jail. His family would hate him. His wife, his daughter—Lord his daughter would completely want his guts to rot in a cell if she ever knew about this. He decided, as much as his own actions pained him, he could not let it happen. 
The staff wanted to tell authorities of what really happened—they had the camera tapes, Stephan’s made up evidence, and the handgun, everything. But Jeffery, all too terrified for his own being, shot down each of their concerns, threatening them with blackmail and even dragging them into the mess. Deep down he knew it was wrong—it was sinful, but he couldn’t bring himself to plead guilty. At least, not while Cherry was still so young. None of the staff members wanted to follow, but they too didn’t want their lives ruined either because of this, so in the end they hushed up and remorsefully went along with it. 
The staff and Jeffery covered up the incident to make it look like Stephan himself had killed Keith. The body was stuffed into the Boyfriend animatronic to make it look like Stephan tried to hide the corpse for later disposal. Unbeknownst to them however, Keith was still conscious during all of that. His final moments were spent stuffed inside the cage of his own creation, agonized and paralyzed, until finally he drifted off. 
Any evidence of Jeffery having killed Keith himself was destroyed. Any tapes, Stephan’s fabricated plot, and fingerprints were cleared away and shredded. Jeffery took the camera footage that caught the event, but before deleting it all permanently, out of guilt he copied it all to a spare VHS tape. He was a coward, and he hid the tape for the longest time, praying no one would find it until after he died of old age. 
Keith’s death was reported the early morning after, the news first reaching his family’s and Michael’s ear, and his body was properly taken care of. Stephan would be charged for first-degree murder and sent to prison for life, the new fabricated story being him having shot Keith instead. The truth stayed between Jeffery, the few unfortunate staff members, Stephan’s two associates, and hidden deep in the animatronic mascot. 
That same day, the news of Keith’s death was kept away from Cherry, who was ecstatic for her birthday with her friends at the Funkstaraunt. Though it wouldn’t be long before the official reveal of the mascot that she would see on the news about what had happened the night before. 
The poor girl, who was given honors to pull down the sheet over her long awaited surprise, would instantly be overwhelmed with grief and horror, along with the other boys and girls around her who also looked up to the singer who brought them so much joy. What was supposed to be an amazing day turned out to be one of Cherry’s nightmares in a flash as she began to cry, staring up at the dreaded words on the tv up by the corner that sent thousands of questions running across her little mind.
Unbeknownst to everyone, Keith’s spirit, which had latched onto the mascot after having been stuffed inside it, began to stir as his distorted subconsciousness managed to recognize the anguished wails of his little friends. Desperate to help, he gained control over the shell for a time and began to move, the sheet falling off his new form and gaining the attention of the weeping children below. 
His mind, twisted and confused as to what happened, and what was happening, instead focused on the tear-stained faces of the little boys and girls below, all whom he knew. He focused on Cherry, and the little ginger-haired boy beside her, and knelt down to them, his mechanical joints working perfectly for the first time. 
Hey, it’s okay. I’m still here. 
The working staff at the time were confused as no one had yet activated the animatronic, but they let it slide when all of the children—and even the older ones—started to lighten up a bit with the mascot’s presence. There was something about it that made them feel as though it was really Keith… even though they all knew it wasn’t. Or, at least, believed. 
For the rest of the day Keith’s spirit managed to stay awake for Cherry. There was an irresistible tiredness bearing down his consciousness though, tempting him to shut down again. However he stayed awake until he was sure Cherry and the kids were okay. Only then did he let his mind slip into the deep alluring darkness, and the Boyfriend went back to performing its usual programming for the rest of Cherry’s childhood.
Fast forward to the year 2011, now 22 years old and freshly out of college, Cherry gets news that the restaurant’s mascot’s remodel has been finished, and with her new culinary degree, she decides to go back to the Boyfriend’s Funkstaruant to work as the lead cook. Miraculously it’s been holding up fairly well for all of this time, but Cherry knows that ever since Keith had died the Funkstaraunt’s original spark had gone with him. Wanting to bring that feeling again to the place, she believes it’s a good place to start her career. 
She’s surprised to see a few familiar faces back there. More so when she learns they have the same goals in mind, too. 
She’s certain they can bring back The Boyfriend’s Funkstaraunt’s former glory, just like Keith had when she was little. 
Little did she and her new coworkers know, however, that there was more to the restaurant than she had known it for. For starters, The Boyfriend animatronic itself. 
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constellationguy · 1 month
Another perspective
Episode three
"Text": regular talking
'Text': regular thinking
"Text": Saiki talking telepathically
'Text': Saiki thinking
ATTENTION! You might want to rewatch episode three of The Disastrous Life of Saiki K before reading to fully understand the events.
Summary: Episode 3 in L/N Y/N's perspective.
Previous episode
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“Who’s ready for another tre bien trick by me! Master illusionist Uryoku Chono! Hey pink hair join the fun. I’ll do a trick to put a smile on that face!”
“No thanks, I’ve already seen it.”
“Oh I see you’re a sceptic! But once you see my show you’ll become a believer in my powers to amaze!”
‘Is he really going to ignore me the whole time? In that case, can I leave?’ Y/N thought to Kusuo. ‘No, if I have to stay so do you. We’re only going to watch so he leaves me alone’ Saiki thought back. ‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this but alright.’
“Right! I hold here an ordinary cardboard box. As you can see it’s empty inside.”
‘From this angle you can’t see the bottom, we don’t know that’s it’s ordinary.’
“But watch! Just a couple taps and it’s party time! Aren’t they amazing folks?” Most of the audience clapped as doves flew out of the box, say for Saiki and Y/N.
‘I always wondered how you could get those doves to behave and stay quiet during that trick, maybe I’ll never know,’ Y/N shrugged.
“Hey there kid, tre bien, am I right?”
‘It’s not “tre bien” if anything I’m worried about that dove’ Saiki thought towards Y/N.
‘Okay now you ruined that surprise for me. Sure you can easily see through the trick but the surprise and smoothness of the illusion is still impressive,’ Y/N huffed at Saiki.
“And now ladies and gentlemen, please turn your attention here, for the main event of our show! My super illusion! Magically teleporting for one box to the other will be my lovely assistant Micheal!”
‘Lovely is a strong word,’ both Saiki and Y/N thought.
“And drum roll!” Chono was making an odd pose while he vocalized the drum roll. “La la la la!” Mused Chono as he threw confetti.
‘Okay this is awkward now. Tell me why I couldn’t leave again?’ Y/N thought to Saiki perplexed.
“Alright let’s open the box! Three, two, one. It’s party time! Tre bien!” Micheal didn’t come out of the box, instead he came out from underneath the table connecting the two boxes.
The group that was standing there walked away, even Y/N started to walk away, too tired to appreciate the faces Chono was making, but Saiki grabbed their arm before they could get too far.
“Why should I pay you for ruining the illusion?!”
“I moved at the normal speed, it was your darn pattern that got too fast. Now you hand over that 500 yen.” Micheal commented back.
“No one tipped me for this performance so I couldn’t pay you even if I wanted to! Hey, why are you hanging around?” Saiki pointed towards Chono’s hat while still holding onto Y/N making sure they wouldn’t walk away.
“What? Oh, you want to give me a tip? Haha I could never take money from a kid. The look of joy on your face is- PICO!!!!” Chono only realized his dove was still in his hat after he took it off.
“I completely forgot she was up there.”
‘You’ve done your thing, let’s go now,’ Y/N said while trying to walk away but was still held back my Saiki.
“So you weren’t trying to tip me, you were trying to remind me. Wait does that mean, that you’re a magician? That’s how you knew she was up there! With instincts that good you must have hated my show. Maybe I’m not cut out for magician game after all.” During this Y/N tried repeatedly to walk away but was still being held back. ‘I’m not the one being spoken to so why do I have to stay?’ Y/N whined internally.
“Until a few months ago I was just your average office drone. Then I made a small mistake.”
‘Let’s go. I’m gonna miss my soap opera at this rate! And how does a small mistake get you fired anyway?!’ Y/N whined at Saiki.
“Corporate fat cats laid me off. And my wife skipped town.”
‘Is it too late to walk away?’ ‘Maybe but I don’t really care.’
“With no job I couldn’t pay the mortgage anymore. One little mistake and career, wife, and home had all disappeared. And then it dawned on me. I should become an illusionist! Ya!”
“Wait what”
“Because so many things in had vanished from my life I thought it must mean that disappearing them was my talent!”
‘That’s a stretch,’ ‘Your only talent is self delusion,’ Y/N and Saiki thought towards each other.
“So even though I’d been offered another office job I turned it down to start my new life, doing street magic!”
“Again what?”
“If I can save up one million yen then I can buy a sawing a body in half trick. Then my wife is sure to come back!”
‘Okay, normally I would find this entertaining but this guy is sad and delusional and I’m missing my show.’ Y/N thought generally.
“But then I wonder if I chose the wrong path.”
‘Yes. Yes you did. Now quick street magic and get a real job.’ ‘You sure you should be just thinking this, this guy needs to hear it,’ Y/N thought back to Saiki.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to get so gloomy,” Chono said, finishing his back story.
‘Look he still hasn’t said a word directed towards me, if I’m lucky he’ll forget my existence. Now let me go!’ Y/N again struggled to leave.
“Let’s get back to your background as an illusionist and how you knew I had a dove up there.” Chono said continuing the conversation. Saiki decided on his next move and put his bag out I front of him.
“Woah, gonna pull something out of your bag? You’re gonna pull out, a dove! Well I’ll have you know I can do a bowling ball.” Saiki then reached inside of his back and pulled out Chono’s assistant, Micheal.
“That’s impossible!” Chono said while falling to the floor. “Ya, ta fricken da, can I go now?” Y/N said, a little annoyed.
“Thank you. Now I can see, if your talent was hair yours would be a flowing main and mine would be just an eyelash. Make me your apprentice!!” Chono said bowing deeply. “Does that make Micheal my apprentice by proxy?” Y/N joked.
“Yay! I can afford soup!” Micheal said holding some coins behind Y/N and Saki that he probably found in Saiki’s bag.
In the L/N residence, Y/N was baking coffee cake while the TV was running some random program.
“TONIGHT! You will whiteness a miracle! A stupendous, amazing illusion preformed by the former homeless man turned master magician, Uryoko Chono!” “Now that’s tre bien!” The TV spoke loudly in the house so Y/N could hear it from the kitchen.
“Holy shit!” Y/N ran to the living room, tripping and almost falling in their way. ‘That’s the guy from the other day! How is he on television now?!” Y/N thought, rightly shocked.
“After losing it all he became a street magician and mastered tricks that others can only dream of!”
“What tricks are they talking about? The show I saw was pretty lame,” Y/N thought aloud.
“What I’m attempting tonight is the most dangerous escape you’ll ever see!” Chono said gleefully, the screen then showed what the trick entailed.
“As you can see folks, Chono’s hands and feet are both shackled as me makes his way to the crate. Oh no he fell! He’s safely inside the box, and with that Mr Micheal, Chono’s formerly homeless assistant will lock him in.”
“Wait I’m not ready!” Chono’s nose was bleeding! Now he’s banging on the box!
“The amazing Chono needs to escape within 5 minutes or he’ll be destroyed right along with this box!”
“Why is he trying to be the next Houdini?! He’s gonna get himself killed! I can’t watch a man die on screen, I’m going back to baking,” Y/N said anxiously.
“He’s got three minutes left to escape!” Y/N tried to tune the TV out as they turned on the mixer to make the frosting for the coffee cake.
“Two minutes! Just two minutes left!”
“There’s been an accident! This isn’t part of the show! Chono is burning alive in that crate! We’ll preopt the rest of the show until we can save him.” Y/N almost fell again running to their living room. “How could he survive this?! Why is the show still running?!” Y/N said flabbergasted.
“Times up! Mr Micheal will now use the swords! 17 swords to go!” ‘I know he’s probably escaped by now but damn is this stress inducing’ Y/N thought while checking on the cake in the oven.
“This is the last one folks. How could anyone survive this?!” ‘No one could, except maybe Kusuo’ Y/N thought absently.
“Now a construction crane is hoisting the box thirty meters on the air! And dropping it!” Y/N jumped a little while finishing icing the cake when the box hit the ground.
‘Glad I’m not there in person, I bet the stress of watching this in person is way worse,’ thought while sitting down on their sofa to watch the end of the special.
“That box has sustained catastrophic damage but we still have more in store for it! We’re lighting it on fire!!” ‘Okay that’s a little much, wasn’t it already on fire earlier?’
“And now we’re running over the crate… WITH A STEAM ROLLER! ‘Gosh that’s loud, wouldn’t want to be anywhere near that thing,’
“Chono’s box is as flat as a pancake, how could he survive that? Hold on, who’s that I see?! It’s the miraculous illusionist himself, Uryoko Chono! He’s alive!!!!!” The crowd cheered and Y/N let out a sigh of relief.
“Well folks that sure was some first rate escape artistry” “Tre bien right?” “Hey, stick around for what’s next! The world premiere of a mystery called ‘Love Fantasy’, my character will try to uncover the mystery of his girlfriend’s death! Enjoy the show!” The camera then fades to a commercial.
Out of nowhere Saiki teleported into Y/N’s living room. “Oh shit, are you good?” Saiki was still covered in dirt from his escape.
“Ya, just wanted to pick up some coffee jelly,” Saiki said while walking towards the kitchen.
“I just made coffee cake if you want some, but shower first before serving yourself a plate, I just cleaned up.” Y/N said while turning to Saiki.
“Fine fine,” Saiki said, turning around and walking towards the stairs. “Just pick whatever from my closet, we wear the same size clothes anyway.” Saiki gave Y/N a quick thumbs up before walking up the stairs.
“Guess what I’ve been summoned. If I told you why I’d have to kill you Saiki, but for now let’s just say the world is in store for some pretty big changes.” Kaido said to Saiki before walking away.
“What? Did he make a friend?” “Oooo, we should follow him! I feel like being a little nosy today, come on!” Y/N said to Saiki before dragging him behind them to follow Kaido.
“Thurisaz, isaz, hagalaz,” a suspicious voice spoke from beyond the door Kaido knocked on. “Sowilō, gebō, fehu,” Kaido said back. “Ehwaz, you may enter.” the door then opened.
“Okay, I know we just got here, but what the hell was that?” Y/N whispered to Saiki, he only shrugged in response.
“I hope no one has followed you, the jet back wings.” “Not to worry Jade eyes, I’m-”
“Wait! There’s something you forgotten” “I’m sorry sir, you’re right. An energy field surrounds this room, if one doesn’t perform the holy grail ceremony within 66 seconds, they’ll vanish!” “That’s right”
Y/N could only hear Kaido clap then say “Laguz”, ‘He did something funny didn’t he? I wish I could see this,’ Y/N thought.
“So have you come to terms with the truth?”
“It’s not that easy for me. It’s like everything I’ve ever knew was a lie! You say in a past life, I was a top soldier in Dark Reunion. But then after discovering their plan to sort man kind, I stole the mystical stone Panalyze, and went rouge. And then when they cornered me, I performed the phantom technique and became a disembodied soul! And then I entered the unborn body of Shun Kaido?! It’s not easy to believe all that!”
“You seem excited by it” “I’m not really!”
“That’s fine. So long as you’re realizing the truth.” “I have always left like there’s something different about me from other kids.”
“The powers of the spirit within you are absolutely vital to destroying Dark Reunion. That’s why we’ll do what we can to help you regain your memories.” “What we? Who else is here?” Kaido asked while looking around the dark room.
“There are four others at this table besides me. Of course, they are all phantoms. I take it you dont see them, if that’s so, you have no chance to help us.” “No, no, I see them fine! They’re just not here physically right?”
“Ah yes, they are here in spirit but not body like myself. Unfortunately they don’t trust you.” “Why’s that?!”
“Because you haven’t yet presented the sworn ally absolution.” “Oh, I got that right here,” Kaido said confidently.
Y/N could hear the other person taking something from Kaido’s hand before saying “Woah, such detailed answers! It’s everything we’ve expected and more from the jet back wings! With this they’re sure to except you into the group!”
‘So ghosts have clicks now? Geez,’ Y/N thought.
“Great! If that’s all it takes I’ll be-”
“Stop!” “What?” “Mannaz, ingwaz, wunjō!” “Um, what was that?”
“Dark Reunion has found out about this room. We’re under attack!” “Attack?!” “They just killed the four phantoms,” Y/N could feel Kaido’s fear from beyond the door.
“What?! Phantoms can die?!” “Yes even phantoms can be killed, if we want to make it out of here alive, we need to act. Now we need to create a barrier.” “Ya, sure! So what do I do?” Kaido asked worriedly.
“Well first things first. I need you to put any and all metal objects on you into that special bag. Metal can interfere with the barrier magic.” “Right!”
“Even change?” “Yes! You know what- just put your whole wallet in,” “right.”
‘He sounds a little to excited to be swindled like that,’ Y/N thought that was odd.
“Great now repeat my movements” “okay!”
“Ansuz, jēra!” “Ansuz, jēra!”
“Ehwaz.” “Ehwaz!”
The room then feel silent, it took a lot of strength for Y/N not to laugh in that moment.
“Looks like we got io the barrier just in time.” “Ya that was close.”
“Now it’s time for us to go home.” “Oh okay! Then can I have my wallet back?”
“The barrier is still unstable. It’s much to risky to remove it from the bag.” “But it’s got my train pass-” “thanks for your help friend! If it was for you, I would’ve died today with the phantoms! Jet black wings, you our savior!”
“Oh, sure no problem.” “Come back same time tomorrow. And keep doing the sworn ally absolution.” “Yes” The door closed then Kaido walked away.
“Those guy’s stupid fantasies are the best thing ever! He couldn’t tell the absolution was my homework. All I had to do was play along with him! I even got the idiot to give me his wallet. Hehe Dark Reunion? Thanks for doing my homework delusioner HAHA!”
Suddenly the lights turned off.
“What the- who did that? AAAAAAA”
The next day.
“Don’t tell a soul okay? This meeting involves the fate of the world. Uh it’s open? AH what’s going on? THATS THE LOGO FOR DARK REUNION! Could it be their only one step behind me?!”
‘Pretty much’ Y/N thought while watching them from behind the corner.
“What’s wrong Kaido? You afraid of the water?” Teased Nendo.
“Nu- no, t-that’s not true! I know how to swim jerk. I’m not afraid of the water.” Kaido’s tone of voice wasn’t very convincing.
“AH water-” Kaido then fell dramatically and was splashing harshly.
Y/N then looked over their shoulder, ‘I know that butt.’
“Yo, it’s Hairo!” “Oh hey Nendo! Hey Saiki.”
“You getting some sun too?” “Actually, I volunteer as a lifeguard.”
“AH IM DROWNING!” “I’LL SAVE YOU!” Hairo then ran off again.
“I can’t believe he does this job for free in this heat. Hey, when are you gonna get in the water buddy?” “Just forget I’m here,”
‘Maybe I should forget I saw them,’ Y/N thought briefly.
“You guys are no fun! I don’t want to go swim the the ocean all by myself! So! To the ladies!” Nendo said with a smirk.
‘Never mind. This job can wait, this is going to be funny,” Y/N thought while turning off their metal detector.
“With a face like that you don’t have a chance!” “Why don’t you try walking on water instead? You’ll have better odds at that.”
“Oh ho ho. My looks don’t matter. It’s about attitude.”
“I’m sorry, I find your face repulsive.” “are you joking? There’s no way I’m giving my number to that face. “Ever hear of a mirror? You should look at one before leaving the house.” “AAAAAA DON’T RUN AWAY!” Nendo said while running after the girls.
‘Wow that was harsh. But even from this far away I could tell he was staring that their chests,’ Y/N thought with little sympathy.
“Girls are stupid”
“Well arent you just a little cutie pie!” “I love his spiky hair! Don’t you?” “Hey, stop touching my hair,” “Hey, come over to our spot!” Nendo then stood over the three of them with a very intimidating face.
“Oh I just remembered I have to move my car?” “Ya, me too!”
Y/N then had the perfect view of Nendo barring Kaido in the sand, they laughed quite hard at that, then got back to work.
“Where’d my bro go? Bathroom? Saiki?! You going pee pee?!” This almost started Y/N’s laughing fit back up. Y/N then turned away, put their headphones back on and continued metal detecting.
“I ROCK!” ‘Wonder what that’s about, probably nothing,’ Y/N could hear Nendo’s shouting but chose to not think anything of it.
“WOOOOAAAH” when Y/N turned around again the spotted Nendo “walking on water”. ‘Now that’s not something you see everyday.’
“Thanks for saving my life. Sorry I joked about how ugly your face is.”
“I’m glad you didn’t ask for her number in return for your heroics.” “I try to be a gentleman, but if that hotty fell in love with me, I’m not gonna turn her down.” “She wouldn’t” “WHAT’D YOU SAY!”
When Y/N was packing up the group finally spotted them.
“Hey it’s buddy’s friend! What’s that?”
“Ya and why are you not in a swimsuit? We’re at the beach.” Kaido asked confused.
“Oh this old thing? It’s a metal detector, my uncle has this whole business finding things that are lost in the snow, sand, and even underwater! He sent me out to do this job for him, I was able to find the client’s phone not to long ago.” Y/N smiled brightly.
“And for the swim suit thing, I didn’t think I wasn’t goin to go deep in the water so I thought shorts would suffice. Funnily enough, I think these shorts are Kusuo’s” Y/N laughed.
“Hairo, you got tan.” “Ya I volunteered at the beach as a life guard.”
“You’ve got a crush on someone?!” “Teruhashi is this a joke?” “Is it one of us?” “It’s someone I ran into over vacation. It was the 6th of August when I first fell in love with him!”
“I remember seeing you that day too. And the guy you were talking with, was Nendo!” “YOU ARE WAY OFF IDIOT! Ah uh, ya! His name is Yuriof Idiot. He’s a Russian exchange student, you should get to know him!”
“Hey Saiki. Just me or is Nendo acting weird today?” Kaido asked. “You’re the one being weird.”
“Like usually he’s always saying “we should do stuff after school buddy”” “He is quieter than normal.” Saiki agreed.
“Oh my look? Don’t worry about it, it’s a long story.” Kaido said while covering his eye covered by an eyepatch. ‘I wonder what his excuse is first dressing like that, but maybe Nendo acting different than is more interesting than Kaido’s story,’ Y/N thought.
Nendo made a couple dejected faces, did an odd form of sighing then left the class. “Pretty fishy right?” “My interest has peaked.”
“Alright -alright I’ll tell you. It all started-” “Hey! I heard you saying that Nendo was acting weird. Do you mind me tagging along to figure it out too? It sounds pretty interesting.” Y/N was able to interpret Kaido before Saiki got too annoyed at him speaking.
“Oh! Uh, sure, indubitably!”
“His house isn’t this way. He’s got something going on.” “Oh maybe!”
“Why are you two so excited about this? And better yet why are you so good as tailing people?” “Oh hush, you want to know about Nendo acting weird too right?”
“Saiki, L/N, check it. What’s Nendo looking at?” Nendo was making a creepy face at a little girl.
“Creepy” “creepy” “creepy”
“Nendo has a thing for little girls?!”
“This doesn’t look good. We should probably call the police.”
“A little quick to make assumptions but if it turns out that way then ya, we should do that.”
“He’s walking into a store! Looks like a flower boutique.” Kaido said a bit confused, Saiki was making a face that matched Kaido’s tone.
“Don’t tell me he’s got a girl-”
“No not Nendo” “No not Nendo”
“Another one! That’s just gross” Nendo made another face towards a little girl.
“We’ll confirm it after we call the police,”
“Ew, ya.”
“No! We need more proof than this. I mean list of people like sun flowers. And it’s natural to smile when you see and cute little kid right?”
“I guess.”
“Good point. Let’s not be brash.”
“Now you’re just jumping to conclusions,” Y/N agreed.
“I think that anyone that works on has their own problems.”
“Bummer, they were all out if shortcake. Oh well, it’s not like anyone will ever eat this.”
“If it’s not for eating it must be bait” Kaido and Saiki said in unison.
“Wait what secret? You mean my dad?”
‘I’m honestly surprised he didn’t think more about that accusation’ Y/N thought.
“So he’s dead?” “I visit on the anniversary of his bus accident.”
“But the flowers and the cake…” “respectful offerings for the dead. It’s normal to bring cakes and flowers to a family grave.”
“To think Nendo is lecturing us on normal.”
“That’s fair, I bring flowers and the favorite snack of one of my family friend’s to their gravesite.”
“When did your dad die Nendo?” “Well it was before I was born, he died trying to save a little girl who ran in front of a bus. Huh, maybe that means he was into little girls.”
“I hope not haha,” Kaido laughed nervously.
“That’s a dark joke.”
“So if he died before you were born, he must have been pretty young.” “He was only 18 or 19 years old. Here look! I’ve got his picture.”
“Hey this is just a picture of you!” “Nah it’s him! My mom says I look more like him each year, weird.” Nendo said sentimentally. “You don’t look like him, you look the same!”
“Are you okay Kusuo, you look like you’ve seen a ghost haha.” Y/N joked slightly but got a little more serious when Saiki’s face stayed shocked.
‘You haven’t developed a new power since you were like five, you better not have just developed the power to see ghosts.’ Y/N thought while looking at Saiki concerned.
“Hey wanna go get some ramen?”
“I know my powers are literally super natural, but personally, I don’t believe in ghosts. So I’ll pretend today at the graveyard never happened.”
“Is that really the best thing to do Kusuo?” Y/N laughed a bit, before following Saiki’s eyes to his mail box.
“It’s for me. Weird. I never get mail.”
The letter read “Kusuo Saiki, I know you have psychic powers.”
“What.” “Oh dear.”
Next episode
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fertilize-my-eggs · 3 months
Antis telling us proshippers not to be in selfship community is the most funniest thing that I've ever witness on this app.
Like years ago people in the fandom didn't care who you ship for or simp for when it comes to fictional characters, people be like:" you ship sebaciel? That cool, have you seen the ouran high school where the twin have some incest romantic for playing the part for getting customers to get into their club. "
I remember when I was teenager, I used to watch two girls one cup, one man one jar, Boku no pico in the 2010's. The most traumatic thing that I witnessed back then.
And these days people are disgusting and will harass for you simping a shota/lolis/fictional characters or write/draw problematic content.
Isn't that great?? 🙃 Ohh but antis are good normal people while they casually say the most unhinged things towards us proshippers and lolishotacons and stay anonymous because they know they can hide being anonymous and hide behind a screen saying it towards people.
Y'all need some serious therapy and help because that is not normal behavior if you get THAT upset or trigger easily over problematic fictional content.
Like if you can't handle the kitchen maybe don't be on the Internet where people enjoy dead dove content like I'm pretty sure some of us are probably tired from work or family and just wanted to read/write/draw something that you want escape from reality.
Like none of us are comparing fictional characters and children as the same when it's not, if you cannot tell the difference then you need to focus on your mental health and stay away from toxic environments because it's not healthy for you to be THAT aggressive towards anything that relates to fictional content dude.
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minusgangtime · 7 months
( @sounds-of-a-dove )
*one morning gf wakes up in her room but things feel different…and why is pico sleeping next to her without his onesie?*
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gregor-samsung · 1 month
“ A volte penso di appartenere a un’altra specie; questo pensiero che avanza in me assurdo come una mostruosità, contraddetto dall’apparenza ordinaria dei miei tratti e dalla mappa fantastica dei cromosomi, ha il potere di rasserenarmi. Nelle rare lezioni che ascoltai quando vagabondavo per le università, le uniche che ebbero il potere di incatenare la mia attenzione, richiamandomi alla coscienza strane e diverse emozioni, mostravano il mirabile codice della specie. Di esso rimanevo stupita come se la spirale della vita fosse un’altra possibile versione della chiave musicale del violino; una sorta di vibrazione sfuggita alla deflagrazione originaria da cui ogni cosa prese forma. Non volli imparare la catena di formule che, intrecciandosi in una magica danza, non ripeteva mai se stessa e con certezza assoluta custodiva l’identità unica di ogni nuova vita. Mi sembrò sempre che la riduzione di un simile prodigio all’apprendimento sterile del nome scientifico, la sua evocazione dotta e assurda nelle luce morta dei laboratori, avrebbero aperto, attirandola su noi, la catena infinita e ottusa del dolore. Bisogna essere molto ciechi per aggiungere nuove sofferenze all’eredità di dolore lasciata da chi è passato prima di noi!
Così, quando in un paese qualunque, forse nell’emisfero australe o nel silenzio dimenticato degli Incas, qualcuno ha trovato serbata la chiave della vita nel cuore indifferente di una pietra, come se questa fosse la cellula di un corpo o la memoria atomizzata dell’unica esplosione, io ho avuto la conferma di ciò che sempre pensai. Nello spartito della vita, risuoniamo tutti con un’unica nota le cui vibrazioni mutano impercettibilmente per la materia che ci accade di essere. Allo stesso modo, ho orrore dell’onnipotenza feroce, della dogmatica sordità, che traccia il confine fra ciò che è sano e il suo contrario. Tremo di fronte all’arroganza impietosa dei corpi sani, all’oscena prepotenza della loro forza; alla sicumera gloriosa con cui avanzano nell’universo pretendendo di esserne i padroni invulnerabili. Niente è più vano e folle di questa illusione: bisogna essere un po’ di pietra e d’albero; un po’ di mare e di tuono per ricordarsi la nota originaria; bisogna essere un po’ mostri per sentire risuonare la meraviglia e l’orrore di altri mondi lontani. In me vive il dubbio che l’errore genetico, da cui prendono vita creature mostruose e tenerissime; piccoli tartari con gli occhi all’insù, dalla memoria prodigiosa di Pico della Mirandola che suonano a volte come angeli, o vecchi-bambini destinati a vivere un quarto di secolo, nascosti come ragni nelle case per non offendere la proterva salute dei normali, incarni un’altra razza. O forse creature di altri spazi; abitanti di pianeti lontani, i cui frammenti vitali caddero errando, nel luogo sbagliato. Questo spiegherebbe la malinconia commovente di certi occhi fissati nel vuoto, che guardano mondi perduti e sorridono solo a essi, resistendo a tutte le seduzioni della nostra inutile umanità. La follia infine; non so se i suoi segni siano iscritti nell’abbraccio elicoidale della vita e neanche se appartenga al codice segreto di un’altra specie precipitata sulla terra. Credo piuttosto che essa sia un tramite; un sesto senso rimasto aperto per vocazione o per destino, dove le mostruosità svelano la propria origine autentica. In altri luoghi, lontani dagli orridi tavoli vivisettori che in nome della scienza profanano oscenamente i misteri della vita e della morte; in altri tempi da quelli in cui l’angoscia ci stringe a vivere, i folli furono celebrati come creature divine, nelle quali circolava libera la sapienza onnisciente. Erano tempi e luoghi dove la sadica struttura normativa che ci conculca non aveva ancora vinto, né aveva ancora sedotto l’intera umanità al peccato originario dell’invidia e alla pestilenza della sua vanità coattiva. Così essa non tollera che una creatura fugga al giogo delle rivalità fra uguali e, attraverso i mondi della follia, scelga l’identità eversiva a cui lo destinava l’unicità della sua nascita. Con un ukàse che non ammette eccezioni, l’alieno viene piegato all’annientamento dei suoi mondi e il veleno sottile dell’invidia raggiunge il suo centro creativo distruggendone le centraline. Ridotto a un’oscurità senza mostri e a un silenzio senza presagi, finalmente appartiene alla specie. “
Mariateresa Di Lascia, Passaggio in ombra, Feltrinelli (collana I Narratori), 1995¹; pp. 116-117.
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dating-agoti · 2 years
So, i read your SMIH with Agoti and.. Hoo boy. Simp mode activate. Could you write another spicy makeout session with Agoti, when he and the reader are chillin at Agotis place and have all the time in the world?
Sorry it took so long. I
Hot and Heavy (After Seven Minutes in Heaven) -Agoti x Reader-
Though he extended the invitation, the screen demon wasn't expecting you to be at the door. He had to blink a few times but ultimately grinned and stepped aside so you could come in. He gave you a flirty wink.
"Hey, didn't think you'd take me up on that offer. Kinda thought you wouldn't be up to make out anywhere but Pico's closet-"
"Shut up," You only amused him, getting another laugh out of him. The demon followed you to the living room, sitting on the couch right beside you. "I just... thought you were serious when you invited me over..." The demon put a hand on our thigh, letting out a playful growl. The guttural noise forced a blush to your cheeks.
"I was," You were pulled into his lap and the digidevil licked their lips. You avoided looking at him but that didn't stop him. He dove into your neck, nipping at the base and working his way up your jaw. Your giggles fueled the digidevil. His hands were firm on your hips and you could feel his thumbs rubbing your sides.
"A-Agoti," Your giggling and wiggling we forcing muffled moans from the digidevil and he couldn't take it anymore. He stopped teasing your neck, shushing you up with a swift kiss. Your arms fell on his shoulders and the devil's skillful tongue blurred the world around you as you melted together. He broke away for a moment, seemingly out of breath or overwhelmed.
"...Sol and Aldryx aren't home." You let out a breath, unsure if YOU were out of breath or relieved to hear that news. You didn't even think to ask, despite being very aware that he didn't live alone. You were only thinking about him. He bit his lip and continued, "...So... We have the house to ourselves."
"...And... what did you want to do?"
"....I'm thinking you." He purred. It did make you uncomfortably hot but you tried to laugh it off. He saw right through that. He snuggled back into your neck, kissing up the side of your jaw. He was slowly moving you off his lap and it was obvious he intended to make this happen right on his couch. Nervous, you looked around and found yourself pinned under the digidevil. You didn't object, keeping your body close to his as his hands messed with the hem of your shirt.
Finally he gripped the edge, grinning at the thought of what was to come. That shy little look away was cute but he wanted verbal confirmation that you wanted him to continue.
"...Mind if I take this off, babe?" You grabbed his hands as you thought about it. You didn't get to answer though. Agoti was smacked in the back of the head with a newspaper. The two of you scrambled to sit up and you offered an innocent smile to Aldryx and Sol.
Aldryx snickered and Sol just groaned. Sol held the newspaper in one hand and a bag of groceries in the other. Aldryx's hands were completely full of bags.
"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK?" "No, Bad. Go be horny somewhere else!" Sol warned, "And help us bring the groceries in."
"YOU'RE RUINING MY DATE-" He hit him again, clearly annoyed with his son already. Agoti began to grumble curses to himself and Sol couldn't care less.
"Aldryx, make sure you put up the milk."
"Already on it."
"...So uh... you want to... take this to my room-"
"I SAID HELP WITH THE GROCERIES, AGOTI!" Sol yelled, scaring the digidevil. You just giggled at him. He puffed up his cheeks and you took a moment to kiss one, immediately embarrassing him.
"Tell you what," You stood, dusting yourself off and making sure you were presentable. "I'm headed home. You can meet me there when Sol's done with you."
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putah-creek · 2 years
Two doves and several starlings are out in the rain, eating the extra birdseed that I scatter on the patio. My own bird, the conure Pico, doesn’t mind at all, and they must be hungry to be out pecking in the cold winter rain. I pray for all sentient beings. 
james lee jobe
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mariacallous · 2 years
Sombreros, serapes and maracas, horrible pronunciations, jokes about Mexican stand-offs, and really strange-looking tacos — did the “Mexican Week” episode of “The Great British Baking Show” leave any stereotypical stone unturned? After a similar debacle with Season 11’s “Japanese Week,” the internationally beloved competition series — which streams on Netflix in the U.S. — apparently decided not to learn from its mistakes, and dove headlong into Mexican food. And since the competition is largely to determine who can create the best baked goods, many observers wondered, why were they attempting tacos, anyway?
Even before the episode dropped on Oct. 7, the promos featuring sombrero-wearing hosts Noel Fielding and Matt Lucas came under fire from social media commenters — largely from the U.S., where finding a good taco is not as difficult as in the U.K. — who were quick to weigh in on the show’s utter failure to try to understand more than the most obvious characteristics of Mexican food and culture. Even the English-language plural of the word cactus eluded one of the contestants — not to mention the woman whose absolutely wretched try at guacamole sounded more like “glakeemolo.”
“It’s not hard to learn to pronounce words correctly, even for a living muppet of a host,” wrote José Ralat, the Taco Editor of Texas Monthly magazine.
“Tacos, new one on me,” says one contestant, as they are given the assignment for the technical challenge of making tortillas from canned “yellow field corn” and adding steak, spicy refried beans, guacamole and pico de gallo to make some sort of gloppy pile of taco topped with rare meat. The difference between tacos and “torteellas” perplexes one chef while the other predictably worries, “I just hope my chili is not too hot!”
But Austin, Texas-based journalist Kate Sánchez tried to put the furor into perspective, noting “Don’t get me wrong it’s definitely racist but also DACA was deemed illegal and my community is being actively harmed by forces not on my TV so glocklymolo and ominous maraca shaking is at least the stuff I can laugh at.” However, she did admit that peeling an avocado like a potato constituted “an act of physical violence against my people.”
“Absolutely haunted by this week’s #GBBO, I will never get the image of Carole peeling an avocado like a potato out of my head,” agreed Twitter user @IWillLeaveNow.
“Bracing ourselves for a whole lot of cringe,” wrote German-based historian and teacher Daniel Salina Córdova, who also shared a bingo card featuring all the stereotypically Mexican tropes used on the show.
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“Mexican week on the #GBBO is so cringingly racially and culturally insensitive I have to ask how it was approved,” wrote @kcrusher on Twitter.
Did the show decide it might be better to apologize for stereotypes that have created harmful images of Mexican people for years? No, it did not, it made a silly taco joke. Netflix did not respond to a request for comment.
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The horror book community on the clock app has discovered this book called The Playground. From what I gather it's like VERY explicit, gorey, disturbing Hunger Games. All the videos about it are mostly white women that are like "Oh I'm SO desensitized! I read vile shit for BREAKFAST! NOTHING bothers me this'll be light work I'm gonna read the whole thing!!"
But then none of them can get past page 40 and refuse to read more. Of course they also don't say why in the video either.
So EYE go hunting cause 1. 99.9% of the time reactions like this leave me disappointed and 2. I WANNA KNOW THE TEA DAMMIT.
So I find what they're talking about pretty easily and read the passage. It IS hella gross and explicit. I at least wasn't disappointed. If you go looking for it, just know it is very much a Dead Dove: Do Not Eat situation. It is gross, it is meant to be gross, you will be disgusted by design.
But y'all.
It's literally just Dipper Goes to Taco Bell.
If you ever read that fic or did the challenge of trying to get through it, it's the EXACT SAME ick factors to the point where I was trying to remember if they actually copied it or were EXTREMELY inspired by it. Obviously I haven't read that since I was a late teen.
But I thought it was SO funny that these supposedly hardened horror women couldn't get through something that most of us did as a fun Internet challenge as kids 😂The era of "Cozy Horror" would not have survived the early aughts' Internet.
Also shout out to the author for using the same word-of-mouth gross out challenge as Dipper Goes to Taco Bell/Bocu No Pico and turning it into real life book sales. Get that money.
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pixelplaypens · 1 year
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pls go to bed its 2 am
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
The Burlington Bounty AU
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I'll be explaining the lore here. Long post ahead.
Tags for: school shootings, violence, manslaughter, mental health issues, depression, PTSD, OCD, bad parenting, obsessiveness/possessiveness
(The dead guy in the drawing is a practice dummy for the pose and story dw)
In this AU Keith, Cherry, Darnell, Pico, Nene would all go to the same high school. Keith is 18. Pico is 19, Cherry is 17, Darnell is 14, and Nene is 13. They would at first mutually get along and gradually bond with one another and form a pack with each other. Unlike in the original AU of mine, because he was already close friends with Pico, Cherry and Nene who were also friends with Keith, Darnell and Keith eventually became good friends with each other after a little rough start. 
Before he first met either of his friends in high school in both this AU and the original, Keith had a jockey personality and reckless behavior in public. He often got distracted easily during his classes and rarely ever paid attention. He spent a lot of time in detention for misbehavior and constantly attempting to woo other classmates and getting into fights with other boys and even girls (mainly Cassandra). This is mostly a result of his undiagnosed ADHD at the time that no one was well aware back then. He was mostly known for being a troublemaker and had a bad reputation to everyone in town. His parents were both mortified by this and often questioned him why he acted like this when he was usually well-behaved at home. They’d often have to ground him because of this. 
Upon meeting Pico in his first year as a freshman at 16, Keith would try to talk with the ginger-head, who at first tried to avoid him after constantly hearing about Keith from Nene and Darnell. He’d ultimately find himself failing and would frankly start to think of Keith as a friend, much to his first two friends' disbelief. In Keith’s second year of having to redo 9th grade due to his slacking, Cherry would join in the two after moving to town. It was almost love at first sight for Keith when he first met her in class after her introduction. Despite a lot of her new classmates’ warnings about him, Cherry would fall hard for him just as bad in return after getting to talk with him after school. It was then that she and Pico would start to steer Keith away from his old jockey self that everyone recognized him for that he started to become far more behaved and sweeter. In time with the pursuing of Cherry and Pico, both Darnell and Nene would become closer to Keith and consider him a good friend. With his friend’s help, Keith would finally start to catch up with his grades and make his parents proud and happy for him. 
However it goes downhill when he turns 18.
During the shooting caused by Cassandra and her own pack of Goth punks, the pack is scrambled and separated. Pico was alone at the time and he ended up nearly getting killed by Cassandra had Darnell and Keith (who had met up at some point) stepped in.  
Unfortunately Darnell is shot and Pico and Keith are left to believe he's dead. The last goes up against Cass in a haze of fury and gets his throat severely damaged by the stock of her gun hitting him too hard. He would’ve been killed had Pico not picked up the gun he found and shot Cassandra in the eye. 
Once she's presumably dead, the damaged pair try to find Cherry and Nene, but only find countless bodies of their classmates and stumble into some of the Goth Gang. They both separate after trying to flee from the punks out of the school, managing to kill one or two in defense. They lose touch, Keith just barely managing to get out of the streets and collapse out of shock and exertion. He's found later by the police when they arrive at the scene, and by then he's just regained consciousness from lying out there unseen since who knows when. Pico, Cherry, Darnell and Nene are all assumed lost or dead after not having been found, and Keith is left alone paralyzed to the bone.
After getting hospitalized for his injured throat, he gets word from his parents that Cherry had been found unconscious hiding in the janitor's closet for nearly two days and that she had also been hospitalized from starvation. He got to see her one last time while she was still unconscious in the hospital before her angry parents prohibited him from ever seeing her again. They still believe he was the irresponsible boy from before and didn’t want him anywhere near their daughter ever again, mainly faulting him with the mindset that he wasn't there for her when she needed him most despite being her boyfriend.
Cherry wouldn't take not being allowed to contact Keith well at all. She'd avoid talking to her parents for almost a year after they moved out of town to Newsground City, and would also grow very depressed. She would struggle to finish high school at 20, and much like in the original AU she would move out of her parents' to study for a culinary degree, though here it was more for the sake of getting away from them. She would live most of her life haunted by her past and constantly mourning for her friends at the end of the workday.
Nene and Pico had been assumed dead since they were never found. Keith never fully believed it since he was never told they had found their bodies, but a part of him broke to have been told that. To add to the turmoil, it was confirmed that Cassandra's body wasn't anywhere at the scene where Pico and Keith last recalled leaving her. The second was left extremely paranoid after getting word of this on the news
Pico's story would continue fairly the same as in the original AU with only a few minor alternatives regarding his past friendship with Cherry and Keith. He’d have been harder to trust and grow closer to others due to the fear of losing them like he did at first. 
Nene and Darnell are indeed still alive and barely managed to escape the school. The second had been shot in the shoulder twice and passed out on the outskirts of the nearby forest where he had been found some days later. The first had escaped with Pico like in the original AU and would part ways with him near the interstate.  
After the tragedy Keith grew extremely distraught and despondent, suffering severe PTSD, OCD, depression and agoraphobia. His larynx had been damaged from Cassandra hitting him with the gun, and he wouldn't be able to speak because of the pain. He was pulled out of school and wouldn't ever go back to studying. His family moved out of that town and to a smaller and quieter town a few months after. His parents had gotten him into therapy in a desperate attempt to help him, but his lack of cooperation and overall despondency would prove otherwise. At some point after he turned 21 he decided to leave his burdened parents with only a note telling them that he was sorry for causing them such stress with his existence and that they wouldn’t have to worry about him anymore.
He would wander from town to town as an adult. He’d be introduced to the world of crime to survive, but that would quickly go downhill when he'd get into street fights with thugs or even random people after being angrily provoked for not being able to speak. The fights would end with him accidentally killing his opponents with his sheer strength and bare hands, gaining the attention of law enforcers. He’d lived his life constantly on the run from city to city, becoming an infamous bounty that was wanted dead or alive almost nationwide, wandering alleys and sewers and busy places as disguised as he could be. He'd stain the name of his family for generations to come. At some point he'd become such a dreaded criminal that even other criminals wouldn't dare mess with him. Sometimes just to avoid getting into any beef with him, other criminals or thugs would willingly help him with whatever he'd want or need: money, food, a place to stay for the night. Anything to keep him from getting angry and snapping their necks.
At some point he'd end up in Newground City, where he would meet Pico one night after the ginger had been hired anonymously to take him down. The two would recognize each other before any bullets were shot, and Pico would quickly realize that his old alpha partner was no longer the sweet dork from high school, but rather a broken and twisted echo of him. He wouldn't be able to bring himself to go through with the job, and would instead find himself being unable to shake the man off him.
Keith would meet Cherry later on one night upon walking near the restaurant she worked at when she was just stepping out and parting ways with her co-workers. She wouldn't recognize him at first, but after looking harder she'll come to the heart-wrenching realization that this mute bounty is her old lover from high school. She would reunite with Pico, and the two would have trouble trying to escape Keith's possessiveness and the danger that chases his very life for all of his brutal offenses driven from his frustration. They’ll have to choose whether to save the lives of people by helping the city arrest Keith, or become (knowns) criminals themselves for loving him because of who he used to be.
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friluftsliv-arctic · 1 month
15 de agosto de 2024 - Rifugio Elena, Itália.
TMB - Dia 5
Col Chécruit - Courmayeur - Rifugio Bertone - Sentiero Testa Bernarda - Rifugio Bonatti - Rifugio Elena
26,2km • D+ 1898m • D- 1966m
Total acumulado: 100,4km • D+ 7490m • D- 6227m
Dirtyness is the key é o mantra do Julien. Passou a fazer sentido. Foram 3 dias sem tomar banho. Tecnicamente dois, porque nadei no lago dia 13. Acho que meu dove aguenta bem, porque fedendo insuportavelmente eu não estava. Passava gente muito pior por mim. Mas eu precisava de um banho e já estava na cabeça pagar um refúgio pra tomar um. Entretanto é engraçado como você se adapta a sujeira.
Eu passei por muitos rios, mas como tem muita gente na trilha, é difícil tomar banho assim. Mas por sorte, no final do dia, no vale antes do refúgio, eu fui feliz. Ficaria naquele rio por horas. Nem estava tão frio.
O dia começou com uma descida potente até a vila de Courmayeur. Fofa e bem italiana. Passei numa padaria, que ainda estava fechada, mas que a moça me vendeu uma focaccia di cipolla e um doce que ainda nem comi. Carrefour foi a próxima parada pra comprar comida. Fiz meu estoque pra uns 4 dias, o que me rendeu muito peso nas costas. Foi uma decisão estúpida, já que tem muita vila nos próximos dias e eu estou comendo muito pouco.
No caminho passei por dois cavalos cheios de bolsas. Muita gente faz o tour com mochilas muito pequenas e as coisas essenciais são levadas de refúgio a refúgio. Eu tinha a minha ética: só caminhar, não pegar ônibus, nem teleférico, nem carona, carregar tudo nas costas e dormir sempre na minha barraca.
Hoje eu tinha pressa. Tinha chuva na previsão pro meio/fim de tarde e eu precisava passar por essa variante pra chegar ao Refúgio Bonatti sem tempestade, porque teria que cruzar dois passes e estaria muito no alto.
O caminho era difícil, porque era muita subida e descida íngrime, mas a vista era incrível. Pela primeira vez, na trilha, vi o Mont Blanc. Cada montanha escondia um glaciar e a medida que ia caminhando, um novo glaciar ia aparecendo. Grand Jorasse na frente o tempo todo, com seus picos afiados e os glaciares entre eles. Foi realmente lindo.
Eu subi tensa o tempo todo, preocupada com o temporal. Muitas vezes escutava algo que não sabia se era trovão ou avião. Não quis parar muito e segui o ritmo. Tive vacas e ovelhas pelo caminho. Essa variante tem menos gente, o que foi ótimo pra ficar sozinha um pouco. Era mais técnica e mais exposta, mas nada surreal.
Quando passei o segundo pass, sem chuva e raio, só descia até o refúgio. Mas eu já não aguentava mais. Meus pés doíam e o peso da comida na mochila realmente fez diferença. Eu caminhava, caminhava e esse maldito refúgio não chegava nunca.
O plano inicial era dormir lá, mas como apertei o passo pra tentar passar o Val D’Arpette sem chuva no sábado, resolvi seguir o máximo que dava hoje. Encontrei uma Israelense no refúgio e ela também estava sem saber o que fazer. Juntas resolvemos caminhar até o Rifugio Elena. Liguei no caminho para saber se poderíamos acampar do lado e usar os banheiros. Não poderíamos tomar banho, mas acampar sim.
Na hora que vi o rio lá de cima, já decidi que o banho seria ali mesmo. Que delícia. Os 2km até o refúgio foram sofridos. Fui de havaianas, já que meus pés não aguentavam mais. Mas fiquei feliz por ter chegado. Foi o dia mais longo e mais difícil até aqui, mas a vista compensou todo o esforço.
Trilhas bem sinalizadas; subidas e descidas muito íngrimes; vista no Sentiero Testa Bernarda maravilhosa e trilha mais vazia; pontos de água potável nos refúgios, mas muitas cascatas no caminho; cada dia a vista melhora; banheiro público em Courmayeur na praça principal.
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popolodipekino · 1 month
senza feste comandate
XLIX - LOS GORRIONES La mañana de Santiago está nublada de blanco y gris, como guardada en algodón. Todos se han ido á misa. Nos hemos quedado en el jardín los gorriones, Platero y yo. ¡Los gorriones! Bajo las redondas nubes, que, á veces, llueven unas gotas finas, ¡cómo entran y salen en la enredadera, cómo chillan, cómo se cogen de los picos! Este cae sobre una rama, se va y la deja temblando; el otro bebe en un charquito del brocal del pozo, que tiene en sí un pedazo de cielo; aquél ha saltado al tejadillo lleno de flores casi secas, que el día pardo aviva. ¡Benditos pájaros, sin fiesta fija! Con la libre monotonía de lo nativo, de lo verdadero, nada, á no ser una dicha vaga, les dicen á ellos las campanas. Contentos, sin fatales obligaciones, sin esos olimpos y esos avernos que extasían ó que amedrentan á los pobres hombres esclavos, sin más moral que la suya, son mis hermanos, mis dulces hermanos. Viajan sin dinero y sin maletas; mudan de casa quando se les antoja; presumen un arroyo, presienten una fronda, y sólo tienen que abrir sus alas para conseguir la felicidad; no saben de lunes ni de sábados; se bañan en todas partes, á cada momento; aman el amor sin nombre, la amada universal. Y cuando las gentes, ¡las pobres gentes!, se van a misa, los domingos, ellos, en un alegre ejemplo, se vienen de pronto, con su algarabía fresca y jovial, al jardín de las casas cerradas, en las que algún poeta, que ya conocen bien, y algún burrillo tierno, los contemplan fraternales. da J. R. Jiménez, Platero y yo
La mattina di Santiago è nuvolosa, bianca e grigia, come se fosse avvolta nell'ovatta. Tutti sono andati a messa. I passeri, Platero e io, siamo rimasti in giardino. I passeri! Sotto le nuvole rotonde, che a volte fanno piovere gocce sottili, come volano dentro e fuori le piante rampicanti, come stridono, come si afferrano il becco a vicenda! Questo cade su un ramo, se ne va e lo lascia tremante; l'altro beve in una pozzanghera sul cordolo del pozzo, che ha in sé un pezzo di cielo; quello è saltato sulla tettoia piena di fiori quasi secchi, che il giorno bruno sta ravvivando. Benedetti uccelli, senza feste comandate! Con la libera monotonia del nativo, del vero, nulla, se non una vaga gioia, dicono loro le campane. Contenti, senza obblighi fatali, senza quegli olimpi e quegli inferni che rapiscono o spaventano i poveri uomini schiavi, senza altra morale che la loro, sono i miei fratelli, i miei dolci fratelli. Viaggiano senza soldi e senza valigie; cambiano casa quando ne hanno voglia; presumono un ruscello, intuiscono una fronda, e devono solo aprire le ali per raggiungere la felicità; non conoscono né il lunedì né il sabato; fanno il bagno ovunque, in ogni momento; amano l'amore senza nome, l'amore universale. E quando il popolo, la povera gente, va a messa la domenica, essi, con un gioioso esempio, arrivano all'improvviso, con il loro fresco e gioviale trambusto, nel giardino delle case chiuse, dove qualche poeta, che già conoscono bene, e qualche tenero asinello, li contemplano fraternamente. Tradotto con DeepL.com (versione gratuita)
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minusgangtime · 6 months
( @sounds-of-a-dove ) *while mb and pico where on the couch they suddenly see the pimp universe version of Leo appear near them* oh hey! It worked! Anyway you guys are in a relationship with this universe Leo right?
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"Ayo, are you another Leo??"
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afnews7 · 4 months
Zio Paperone e la sua squadra di paperi in un’avventura per proteggere la biodiversità
c.s.: Mercoledì 22 maggio – Il tema della biodiversità e della sua importanza sbarca su Topolino nel numero 3575 del 29 maggio, dove sarà pubblicata la storia dal titolo Zio Paperone e l’Oro Trasmigrante, sceneggiata da Bruno Enna e disegnata da Giampaolo Soldati.  In questa intrepida avventura un’inedita squadra di paperi, composta da Zio Paperone, Paperino, Archimede Pitagorico, Pico De Paperis…
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