#thats a spicy meatball (tea)
verved · 1 year
If you have 3 huge cups of hot cinnamon spice tea and think "hmm I could really go for another cup of this spicy tea" don't do it. That is the devil speaking and the fires of hell will manifest in your stomach.
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southieparkie · 2 years
sometimes i wonder why, out of all of the sugar honey iced tea that butters has been through & all of the violence he’s endured, the main takeway we as a fandom have seemingly collectively agreed on is that butters would have a fricked up eye bc of the ninja star.
1) i shrug it off because the headcanon is based and adorable and i love it
2) in terms of bunny angst, w/ kenny being all sorry about the accident 6-10 years later and butters being just a lil too numb to gaf, thats a spicy meatball
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Ever read The Anarchist Cookbook?
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It was an interesting little thing, good time waster. Found it at a pawn shop, thought it’d be your cup of tea.
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"mama mia thats a real spicy meatball! yes i use this book as reference so i can eat really tasty stuff on my birthday!"
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starverscarol · 2 years
food ranking again but All Of Them
note: i only have 25/63 recipes discovered; same stat layout as last time [health; hunger; sanity]; this is very opinion based but im also open to critique
1: meatballs [3; 62.5; 5] versatile. easy to make. can use almost anything as filler. short cooking time. if you have meat of any kind slam it into the crockpot and get almost half of your hunger full. amazing. i love it.
2: butter muffin [20; 37.5; 5] my favorite healing food. one butterfly one veggie and two filler and bam you get one of the easiest early game healing items. it is much more than the sum of it’s parts. dont know what to do with mushrooms? toss them in there. you can put three poisonous mushrooms in there but as long as you’ve got the butterfly wings it will heal you. wonderful. also wx’s favorite food and i am a wx main
3: fist full of jam [3; 37.5; 5] have some spoiling berries? make some of this shit. four spoiled berries in a crockpot and you get this. short cooking time AND slow spoiling. super simple.
4: trailmix [30; 12.5; 5] really good early game healing, all you need is a roasted birchnut and some berries. not very filling but it heals like a charm. walter’s favorite food
5: dragonpie [40; 75; 5] there are fights in the dont starve fandom on whether this or a different food are the best healing items. personally i prefer this one bc it gives more hunger, is easier to make (unless in winter), and warms the body. biggest downside is that wigfrid cant eat it but thats it
6: stuffed eggplant [3; 37.5; 5] spoils slowly, heals a food amount. i’d rather make something else with the ingredients but it’s good in winter bc it warms the body
7: meaty stew [12; 150; 5] is your meat going bad/ are you starving to death as we speak? make meaty stew. the only characters it will not fill up immediately are wolfgang, webber, warly, wortox, wurt, and wanda. and even then, if we exclude mr outlier (warly), you’ll only have between 50-25 points of hunger left (warly has a whopping 250 hunger so you’ll have 100 left over but thats still more than halfway). 
8: froggle bunwich [20; 37.5; 5] nice healing, easy to make if you’re near a pond or too. honestly just the meat version of the butter muffin but this isnt anyones fave and also frogs can hurt you so there’s more risk
9: pierogi (i spelled it wrong last time) [40; 37.5; 5] the other one people fight about, it takes less time to cook than the dragonpie but thats really all it’s got going over that one. takes eggs so if you see a bunch of pengulls and you’re fast go ahead and make some
10: vegetable stinger [3; 25; 33] nice sanity buff, short cooking time, always reminds me of this piece by @stickygumz so that’s a plus. winona’s favorite dish but i dont play as her often
11: honey ham [30; 75; 5] good hunger regen and it warms the body, probably my favorite use of honey
12: fruit medley [20; 25; 5] cools the body but hard to make unless you’ve got a good farm. not much else
13: soothing tea [3; 0; 15] alright sanity buff, the one unique use of forget me lots, wx’s quote for it is funny. 
14: surf ’n’ turf [60; 37.5; 33] amazing stats, but im very bad at getting fish so hard for me to make. wickerbottom’s favorite dish and im trying to main her
15: honey nuggets [20; 37.5; 5] hey, vsauce, micheal here. what if honey ham was Bad? woodie’s fave but i only care about him lore wise
16: spicy chili [20; 37.5; 0] nice healing, warms the body so that’s a plus. no sanity regen though. willow’s favorite dish
17: turkey dinner [20; 75; 5] also nice healing, and also warms the body. just a more expensive but more rewarding spicy chili. wigfrid’s favorite dish but i dont main her
18: pumpkin cookies [0; 37.5; 15] actually a pretty shitty food but i got so excited when i found out i could make them so seeing them makes me happy
19: stuffed pepper poppers [30; 25; -5] good healing, needs one meat and peppers, it fucking hurts sanity. 
20: creamy potato purée [20; 37.5; 33] decent either as warly or with a good enough farm. apparently its less than the sum of its parts though
21: taffy [-3; 25; 15] why does it hurt you. good sanity though. wanda’s favorite dish and also her line for this implies that shes either south asian or middle eastern
22: fancy spiralled tubers [3; 37.5; 15] i make it mainly bc it looks nice
23: ratatouille [3; 25; 5] honestly shit stats but it’s quick to make and you can shove a bunch of mushrooms to make it if you want. also alright for wurt apparently but i dont have her 
24: wet goop [0; 0; 0] take a wild fucking guess why i dont like this food
25: monster lasagna [-20; 37.5; -20] do not fucking make this. this isnt even good with wormwood who doesnt take damage from food this just fucking sucks what the hell. if you like this food seek help
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masterlist of bloodhound recordings
jfc i didnt realize there’s so many now
i need to update this list
may the gods will it
allfather give me sight
a bad beginning
nighttime and stars
elliott and bh in a firefight
do you understand my love
i love everything about you
in the kitchen singing
yandere (tw: unhealthy relationship)
chill out
“i love you”
you tripped
trying to ask you out on a date
elliott, estoy loca por ti
love from caustic
elskan are you wearing my jacket  (short)
mirage why do u have a picture of me (short)
you can hug me
are you dating him?
Re: Suicidal Feeling
panic attack
hold you
for anon
bad home life
dont be scared
losing a loved one
napping hound
sleepy time
wake yo ass up
go to bed
nap turned into sleep
exhilarating hunt
call me a dog
you wanted my attention
theres a knife
harsh scolding
good morning arthur
about the raven
shooting at arthur
love is stored in the arthur
arthur steals shit
werewolf bloodhound 2 (suggestive)
werewolf bloodhound
vampire bloodhound
Bloodhound found the profile (Pumpkin Saga, pt. 1)
Settling (Pumpkin Saga, pt. 2)
Training Range (Pumpkin Saga, pt. 3)
Nox Gas (Pumpkin Saga, pt. 4)
gunplay w/ Mirage (suggestive!!)
in the games 
drunken bloodhound
dont let go 
magic trick
sir this is a chilis
Octane and BH Meet
eat ass suck a dick and sell drugs
how did you say that with your mouth?
that wasnt very cash money of you
this bitch called me ugly - i said bitch where?
weird flex but okay
pussy pops
elliott and mozambiques
sicko mode
elliott wtf is an uwu
horny on main for the allfather
owo what’s this
dummy thicc cheeks
elliott and nipple piercings
i am jus... a litle creecher... 
quoth the raven: dummy thicc
sovereign of crows
hewwo miwage??
bruno mars is gay
my emotional support dumbass
let us get this bread
if it were not for the laws of this land
asscheeks 2
there are only 2 genders - knife and knife 2
damn mirage you’re thicker than a bowl of oatmeal
do you have a moment to discuss the allfather
the gods yeeteth and yoink away
this bitch is empty --- yeet!
every second youre not running im getting closer
the motherfucking tea
uh oh sisters
in the cafeteria
congrats on transitioning!
happy pride month!!!
shakespeare (i bite my thumb at you sir)
this denim hat is gucci
fuck they are all puncing me to death
the allfather told me to kick your ass
octane might be a little bit reckless
elliott what the fuck
it will be less suffocating for you
on wraith
elliott youre not a baby
elliott stop jumping into my arms
fuck fuck shit gods damn it
bloodhound says trans rights
skull town
octane and his grenade
i do not have rabies
mondays are nsfw
well done elliott
three little pigs
bh works at a mcdonalds
i am surrounded by idiots
just “mirage”
octane pinging
everyone hide your pumpkins, mirage is here
aw shit here we go again
nani the fuck?
gotta feed my tamagotchis
bad pick up lines
i want to kiss mirages stupid fucking face
bunch of little audios!! (collection)
happy birthday
does it look like i give a fuck
advertising crisis
dummy thicc
its ogre
surprise!! (lots of laughing)
pussy pops 
im so full
i dont want to go to work
thats a spicy meatball
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things that ive written in my European history study guide part two: renaissance edition
“They do have meatballs tho. Mmmmm meatballs. I want a meatball”
“Thats the funky fresh tea miss”
“Protect your dollars kiddos cant have the government coming after them”
“People just cant get enough Jesus”
“If you get a question about that scream and hide under a pile of meatballs”
“It takes alot of not caring to finance lil johnnys llama ship to france”
“*cue the diva artists*”
“So they made their towns looks Spicy with Cool Hip Architecture”
“We got some Definitions rollin up to the party”
“Olive garden is an oligarchy. I dont remember how tho. I think it had to do with breadsticks ??”
“And rome was The Bomb Dot Com”
“The italians worshiped ancient rome the way tumblr worships john mulaney”
“Previously christianity was all like “nO yOu nEeD tO bE gOoD cHUrCh pEOpLe !1!!11” But now everyones like “lol screw you church imma do my own thing””
“You cant absorb yourself”
“Where was college board when that was happening”
“Oil based paints became more common during this time. Previously they used egg yolks. Thats Gross. Did the paintings get moldy ? Also i now have the strange urge to lick a renaissance painting. I bet it would have Good Flavor”
“The teenage mutant ninja turtles piloted new painting ideas.”
“Who doesnt like shiny yellow rocks that you can sell for mucho mula.”
“Good to know the italians werent supporters of netflix binge watching”
“Everyone was calling forks forks instead of dinglehoppers”
““Ah yes reginald i see your wife is looking smashing tonight, you are such a desirable gentleman, i wish i owned as many pigs as you” “why thank you humphry””
“He was a dutch monk that “could have used some decaf coffee””
tag yourself
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thehighestmountains · 7 years
after much disagreement with the best of davis food article that came out in the “california aggie” newspaper, i made my own version; however, much of an eating experience depends on what you order. retrospectively, i wouldve liked to order the crème de la crème or each restaurant’s specialty to have the most encompassing impression of a restaurant. so instead of a list of restaurants for various food categories, i decided to showcase my favorite, to-die-for foods around davis, so if you end up at a specific restaurant, youd know exactly what i recommend. these are all incredible, worthy meals i would eat any day anytime. 
i excluded some categories, such as indian (frankly, because raja’s tandoor, preethi, and kathmandu are all wonderful choices). additionally, for non-meal foods or drinks, t4 is my favorite boba/drink place (panda boba, grapefruit royal tea, elegant rose royal tea, honey peach smoothie), plus their toppings include agar pearls. davis beer shoppe features $6-9 flights aka beer sampling almost every night, and ive gone plenty of times for fruit beers (specifically loved an entire flight of ace beers). for ice cream, if you are cool with getting pricier ice cream, good scoop serves incredible flavors like garden party with edible flowers, but davis creamery is my go-to, especially because of spring-quarter bracketology. every week, you can go in and try two of their new flavors and vote (some incredible flavors from there are honey lavender and upside-down pineapple cake). also fat face popsicles at the davis farmers market sells some unique flavors (apricot lavender, sticky rice and mango are two). 
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lastly, tea list is a great under-the-radar afternoon tea experience (we split 1 between 2 people and had unlimited strawberry tea). anyway, onward to the main categories!
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froggy’s provides the best variety for all sorts of burgers, meats, and toppings you can get. any burger you order will be great, but ive had the pineapple burger. as for cheaper alternatives, habit grill’s portobello charburger does not replace the meat but actually adds portobello mushroom, and the rest of the charburgers are great too. for “american” food, which is kind of a catch all category, clam chowder at froggy’s is pretty cheap ($6) for a good soup, compared to say de vere’s. de vere’s, although pricey, makes THE BEST lamb sliders with raspberry jam and great buttered pretzel as an appetizer. our house is probably one of my favorite restaurants, as everything ive tried, albeit mostly appetizers, (we’ll go for a meal of appetizers, because their actual food items are $25+) has been amazing (brussel sprouts, home-made potato chips, lamb and pork meatballs, hand-pulled mozzarella and rosemary-grilled bread, grilled artichoke, beet salad - i crave this all the time). the salmon benedict for brunch at cafe bernardo is phenomenal, if you are a fan of lox on bagels. 
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for chinese food, dumpling house is undoubtedly the best bang for your buck, best taste. i get the pork and chive dumplings, and cream cheese wontons. for general chinese take out type food, i have yet to try the gas station four seasons chinese food, hunan, or cheng du, as i eat almost exclusively chinese food in cupertino, but i tend to go to wok of flame by target (great string beans) and tasty kitchen (not good string beans, string beans is all you ever need right?). as for noodles, in the past, sunrise, hong kong cafe, and davis noodle city have provided wonderful noodle soups, but the last times ive been to all of those have been completely unsatisfactory, plain or just straight terrible (talking about you, davis noodle city. the reigning champion is chinese hometown restaurant with its beef noodle soup (super tender beef, filling, authentic taiwanese taste), plus an incredible ambiance. if for whatever reason, you cant make the 1 block difference to chinese hometown, red 88 serves great bbq chow mein. 
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if i were to come back to davis for one meal, it very likely would be the crown jewel of this entire post, paesano’s fettucine arrostiti. i got this my second year at my very first time at paesano’s. since then, ive eaten this countless times. sometimes i try to stray from it, venture out by trying pork fusilli, caprese salad, brussels sprouts pizza, but almost every time, i regret not just getting the ole classic. if you go get this, and your friend is like well what am i supposed to get, the spicy creole is also incredible, or you can split the fettucine arrostiti for a dollar extra, get two breads, and still be very full. get u summm. *starts chanting fettucine arrostiti* *goes into a trance*
i forgot to put this into a category, but my second choice for “coming back to davis, have only time for 1 meal” would be shah’s halal food truck at the silo. its such a unique taste, you just cant beat it. 
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quite highly debated, but i do prefer davis pinata over guadalajara. you pay a little more, but you get a fuller, more flavorful meal. i havent gotten carne asada fries from anyone else, but el burrito’s is super awesome. also, do not let el toro trick you with their tuesday or whatever day taco deal, you can do way better, and they do not provide free chips. 
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davis has a plethora of buffets it is hard not to just get your moneys worth at a buffet. of the many (fuji, jusco - non-unlimited nigiri, nami), i think davis sushi has the best variety, ambiance, and they have this great seasoned sashimi mix. for non-buffet, huku has great taste, very aesthetic plating, unique combinations (sunshine has salmon, lemon, crab mix, roe), and far more reasonable prices than mikuni. ok, YAKITORI thooo. killer meats. get the 5 skewers and try all the different seasonings (salt, mustard, wasabi, soy, and barbeque, i think), as well as some other fun meats like beef tongue or chicken heart. brb mouth is watering. for my raw salmon fans, salmon salad is a good one.
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its ridiculous how many thai restaurants are in davis, how many are on e street alone. for someone who thinks the traditional pad thai or pad see ew are too sweet, the pineapple fried rice from taste of thai is killer (soft cashews, plenty of pineapple, great tasting fried rice) as is the yellow curry from sophia’s thai kitchen. 
and thats all! there are definitely a couple of restaurants i havent tried (the previously mentioned chinese places, osteria fasulo, and zias delicatessen), but i feel like i have a really good grasp of all the foods davis has to offer, especially in less than 3 or 4 years, and have accumulated a solid list of favorites. if youve miraculously reached the end of this post, definitely comment or let me know whats been some of your favorite foods or restaurants in davis. 
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researching01 · 5 years
Actually, That’s A Tisane
New Post has been published on https://headacheshelp.com/awesome/actually-thats-a-tisane/
Actually, That’s A Tisane
Late in 2017, I couldn’t sleep. I was up all night, in fact. After several weeks of sleepless nights, lost in a fog of midnight madness, I decided to try the unthinkable: I give up caffeine. It was early 2018 and still the season of New Year resolutions and self-care regimes so it seemed like a good time to introduce the idea that I, the founder of coffee blog Sprudge, would go caffeine free in 2018.
I experienced about three days of headaches brought on by the withdrawal, but it didn’t take long( and it doesn’t take long for most) to acclimate to life without the stimulant. The only thing missing was the rite of enjoying a hot liquor in the morning. Fortunately, I live in a city with a lot of cafes with excellent tea programs and those programs tend to have a few caffeine-free alternatives on offer. Indeed, almost every cafe has at least one herbal infusion, a botanical mixture, or fruit-forward tisane, and as I continued what would be a seven-month journey of caffeine abstinence, I detected delicious offerings beyond your run-of-the-mill rosehips or chamomile.
Just don’t call it tea.
While many call the following drinkings herbal teas, these are* actually* herbal tisanes. Tea is a plant, Camellia sinensis, and if it’s not from that plant it’s not really tea. This is a quite simple thing but it is wildly and widely misunderstand, and for tea professionals who do this stuff full day it is deeply frustrating, to which I sympathize.
Tisanes aren’t teas, but they are highly delicious, or at the least they can be in the right hands. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll explore a range of beautiful immersing blooms, roots, plants, and fruit served warm and delightfully free of caffeine. I invite you all to correct your friends, tut-tut your family members, and go forth calling the drinks in this guide tisanes–botanical tisanes if you’re feeling especially fancy.
These drinkings can be made at home with very little equipment or expertise and are available to purchase on the internet( or in some cases your produce aisle !) but they also get along quite swimmingly with gear from Breville, our sponsors here at Tea Week, whose scope of automatic steeping systems seem ready-made for the thirsty tisane fan. For those at home counting, these tisanes are low calorie, vegan, mostly gluten-free *, keto, paleo, South Beach approved, and mostly sugar-free **.
A note about health claims: There are a lot of claims out there about the healthful benefits of ingredients like ginger, turmeric, mint, and many others in the tisanes below. While these are all well and great we’re going to base these suggestions purely on the savor experience and enjoyment factor–not their purported healthfulness.
Produce Aisle Winners
The following tisanes are simple to make and use fresh ingredients that most can find in their local specialty shop, farmers marketplace, or grocery store.
Ginger Root
Ginger is a lovely tisane with a tremendous flavor. It’s a spicy meatball if you’re heavy on the ginger so I foster you to start out utilizing about a tablespoon per beaker of hot water to start and moving up from there. At this point, I jam in as much ginger in my tea-pot as I can.
Steeping ginger photographed here in the Breville One-Touch Tea Maker.
Preparation: Carefully peel ginger root and slice into small coins( the smaller, the more infuse-able surface area ). Boil water and immerse for at the least ten minutes. Strain and serve immediately. Wonderful with the addition of lemon and honey.
Hot tip: The Breville One-Touch Tea Maker will infuse ginger root in boiling hot water for 10 minutes at a time.
Fresh Peppermint
Fresh mint tea is a staple in Amsterdam cafes and couldn’t be simpler: stuffing mint leaves in a glass and steeping them in water. No tea pouches or filter necessary! Not merely is it a pleasure to drink, it’s also a beautiful presentation.
Preparation: Rinse peppermint leaves exhaustively. Place a considerable quantity in a tall tempered glass. Pour simmering hot water over leaves and steep for five minutes. Drink from the glass!
Beautiful Blends
These tisanes are a mix of dried ingredients–most offered in grab-and-go sachets or in their loose form.
Organic Turmeric Tonic
The Organic Turmeric Tonic from Kilogram Tea is a blend of turmeric root, ginger, lemon verbena, licorice root, lemon peel, and citrus oils. It’s warming, spicy, and somewhat bitter. The pyramid-shaped filter pouches are a nice touch and keep those pesky pieces of roots out of your drink.
Source: Kilogram Tea Price: $8.99 for fifteen pouches. Also available bagless.
Also worth checking out: Rishi Turmeric Ginger, which all but saved my life during a most unpleasant 2016 Winter season.
Blend No. 67: Meadow
Portland, Oregon’s Steven Smith Teamaker renders this tasty blend of” golden Egyptian chamomile blooms and mildly stimulating, fragrant hyssop joined with smooth Cape rooibos, rose petals and linden blooms .” It has a pleasant mouthfeel and sweetness and a pleasure to steep and re-steep.
Source: Steven Smith Teamaker
Price: $11.99 for 15 sachets. Also available loose.
Song Tea in San Francisco creates botanical combinations that simulate the profile and visual representation of their traditional teas. Carrot is a” blend of domestic dried carrots and burdock, South African honeybush, Chinese ginger, and Indonesian sweet cinnamon” and has a remarkable fruit quality backed up by the spice of the ginger and cinnamon. Should you come across a coffee bar serving this tisane, it pairs wonderfully with a single-origin espresso shot.
Source: Song Tea Price: $14 for 120 grams, loose.
Single-Origin Tisanes
These are perhaps the highest-end tisanes on the listing in terms of cost and dearth in the US. Available through special importers, the following tisanes aren’t for the faint of heart( but they sure are delicious ).
Kettl Nagano Soba Cha
Sugars in the buckwheat kernels caramelize in the toasting process devoting this tisane almost a sugar-cereal-in-the-morning flavor but in a really good way. Sourced from Nagano by Kettl, this beverage is one of our favorites.
Preparation: Kettl recommends steeping 5 grams in 200 ml of 205oF water for but a minute.
Source: Kettl Price: $20/200 grams
Roasted Black Soybean
Tea Merchant sells this roasted soybean tisane that also doubles as a snack( the beans can be feed once they’ve been immersed !) These soybeans are a smaller cultivar known as Sengoku from Hokkaido. The drink is somewhat savory and has a nice sweetness.
Preparation: Steep 5 grams in 200 ml of 195 oF water for a minute up to three times.
Source: Tea Dealers Price: $16/100 grams
Wild Persimmon Leaves
To wrap up this guide I present another offering from Tea Merchant: wild persimmon leaf tisane sourced from Hadong, Korea. The tisane is orange, like the fruit, but has an herbaceous and nutty quality.
Preparation: Steep 5 grams in 180 ml of 176 oF water 3-4 times.
Source: Tea Merchant Price: $38/50 grams
This guide is just the beginning to the many caffeine-free possibilities that exist out there. There are hundreds of herbs, botanicals, roots, foliages, branches, fruits, and heck, even bones out there to throw in heated water and infuse for one-to-several minutes. Drink up!
Zachary Carlsen is a co-founder and editor at Sprudge Media Network. Read more Zachary Carlsen on Sprudge.
Sprudge Tea Week is presented by Breville USA.
The post Actually, That’s A Tisane appeared first on Sprudge.
Read more: sprudge.com
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