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unpvnishable · 2 months ago
Face cards LETHAL
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sunburnedshirtz · 1 month ago
Two deer following their Mother into the light.
Taken by Me
(With Ethel Cain’s Thatorchia playing)
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0utlaw-t0rn · 29 days ago
I ♡ thatorchia
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nora010 · 1 month ago
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I don’t even know what this is, but it was what I pictured while listening to Thatorchia.
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antlerisms · 2 months ago
Listening to the Perverts album while studying for an exam was a mistake because now im shaking and crying in the dark and somehow a bottle of wine has ended up in my hand and a candle is lit. Can’t remember what i just made notes on holy fuck
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impropertelevangelist · 2 months ago
Just finished my first listen of Perverts by Ethel cain and wanted to share my thoughts.
This work is like nothing I have ever heard before. It is not music in the traditional sense, but it is one of the most beautiful works of art I have ever had the privilege to bear witness to. My first thought was to say that it was a study of sound, but that is not true because cain has mastered this. It is a careful distortion and masterful manipulation of noise and sound. It is unique and beautifully and nauseously haunting. It is heavenly.
These songs move me in a way not dissimilar to PD but in a way wholly unique. I found myself floating in places not of my own creation, guided by the music. I think there is a narrative in this album that doesn’t need lyrics to be understood. It manifested within me in a way I don’t entirely know how to verbalize.
I do not think I will return to most of this album the same way I have to her past work; I don’t know if its meant for me to do that. However, I cannot undermine how much of an artist Hayden is. This is truly wonderful. I will return to it when it calls to me again. When I am ready for its message again. When I am ready to dig deeper into what it means for me. When I am ready to return to the places this album created for me.
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lehyaa · 15 days ago
When Hayden said that her song 'Thatorchia' would bring you closest to god, what god was she talking about exactly because holy shit. God is terrifying to get close to
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babybluecurtains · 1 month ago
Treadmill Review:
*Disclaimer: I’ve listened once before when it dropped. I’m using an incline and high walking speed so that I can still type but keep my heart rate high. RATED BASED OFF OF MOVEMENT MOTIVATION. I’m also on my period so my emotions and alertness is at its peak rn.*
1. Perverts: I immediately feel like I’m in the 28yrs later trailer and am increasing my speed. The ringing sound got me feel like someone’s behind me 😭. I’m sweatinggg. Forgot about the siren FUCK. Halfway through and I’m starting to feel like I’m marching to the mines and the siren is signaling my shift. It’s happening to everybody. 7/10 in a creepy way
2. Punish: Fav. song of the album, I have a personal analysis on my page a ways back. This is a very personal song for me bc of the meaning I attach to it, so it’s good for me to use my energy while listening. “Only God would believe that I was an angel but they made me leave”and the rift gives me fucking chills. I could run a marathon rn. I’m singing along. 6/10 for trying to escape the past
3. Houseofpsychoticwomn: I’ve increased the speed some more. The beginning is filled with sorrow, I feel heavier just listening. I watched It Ends With Us earlier and it reminds me of that movie between the sorrowful riffs and ultrasound. I feel like I’m walking in circles, like something is pulling me back. The ultrasound turns into shouting heyheyheyheyhey. The repetition of I love you and overlapping vocals feels like dissociation. “I do I do I do” feels like a grip on the back of my neck. Increased speed, I need to go faster. Almost fell off the treadmill at 1 minute to go BITCH RUUUN THE BASS AHHH. 3/10 this song feels like you’re being pulled back until the last minute.
4. Vacillator: I feel like I can breathe better. I lessened the speed a bit ago bc my tummy hurt lol. Twilight vibes. Play this for a slow dance at my wedding ugh love. Retreating into yourself in the last 3 minutes. Just breathe. “If you love me keep it to yourself”…watching from the outside, don’t make me promises make me love. 4/10 this sound feels like standing still, no back and no forward
5. Onanist: Howdy partner…wah wah wahhh. Feels like walking desert streets and looking to the setting sun on the horizon. Lyrics coming in makes it feel like Dune. I’m moving along, weary but keeping a good pace. I just push forward, there isn’t anything left for me. The base is giving: AS WRIITTEN LISAN AL GAIB. “It feels good.” I’m strong, sand is flowing through my fingers. I was never going back anyway. This song flew by! 5/10 steady rythym forward
6. Pull drone: I feel like death, I feel like the third person narrator, the objective yet subjective witness to humanity. This is lowkey giving psychosis: I’m writing on the walls, gnawing at the bars of my enclosure. I can’t feel my legs, only the sweat dripping down my back. The Tibetan bowl? The distortion at perversion? Hello? It’s a meditative/derealization experience. “The stars are shining through the wheel” of time. Then straight to degradation and nature chewing on you, GIRL. “I am nothing” and 10 minutes of violin…I know the CIA’s gonna use this one. Anyone who ever does me dirty I’m buying a speaker and putting it in their vents and playing this song on repeat. Violin still going…I’m focused and I’m angry. The siren reminds me of the siren used for my small towns volunteer fire department. Someone’s coming, but only if they choose to, will they choose to save you? Can they save you? A break in the violin feels like a gasp of air. 2 mins left you can hear the turning of the wheel. I want to limp now😅. The ending hurts omg im glad that’s done. 2/10 I wanted to curl into a ball and give my self awareness back to God.
7. Etienne: Smooth and flowing river. It cools me. The sweat is now rain drops. Epilogue. I totally forgot I turned my fan on atp. Keep moving. This song feels like a breath of fresh air. The guitar…oh I’m in love. I feel good, like I could cry happy tears. Like I’m in the field outside my house rather than staring at popcorn ceiling. My muscles feel looser. THE ENDING AUDIO ARE YOU KIDDING ME IM MOVED. 9/10 would love to run through a field and splash in puddles.
8. Thatorchia: oh okay we’re back in purgatory now. I stink at this point. It feels like a spiritual smell as well, something for the otherworldly to latch onto. I can feel my breaths in my shoulder blades and back. I feel like saying “I’m sorry” but to who? It’s like poison is dripping out of me. Exuding from my pores. The condensation left is my sins only visible to who is not visible to me. 2 minutes left the base is giving me life, replacing the poison. I’m an air filter lmao. Adrenaline might be taking over even though I’m just walking fast. The ending feels like I don’t feel so good Mr. Stark. 7/10 the song and movement felt necessary, it had to happen.
9. Amber Waves: Welcome, stay a while and reflect. This reminds me of the House MD episode with the Amber twist. Oooh hymnal, oh wait Amber is a person Amber waves isn’t a personification it’s a verbiage. “Cause the devil I know is the devil I want” the comfort of the known pain. “Yet here I am empty” ho did you just shoot me? “Me and my amber waves” are they talking abt scotch now? Moving forward at the cost of burying the love you felt. But love is what makes us human, it is our life force. In losing love, we lose connection, in losing connection, we lose ourselves. This songs for the apathetic trauma response girlies. The silent shift at 2 minutes left feels like a knife to the chest. I feel like I need to feel soreness in my muscles, I need to focus on the pain. I need water fuck. Have I even moved forward at all? Or am I in a riptide pushing me adjacent to that which I can’t escape? Oh I feel sad that it ended. “I feel nothing” as the last few seconds? Oh you need jail time. Honestly, me personally, this also may be because it’s the last song, but I give this a 10/10. I wanted to stay in this song, I wanted the ending to change. I wanted to feel. And to feel I had to move. The whole shark metaphor of a shark that stops swimming dies.
This has been my AUTHENTIC UNEDITED ADRENALINE AND HORMONE INDUCED TREADMILL REVIEW. Thank you so much for reading this far! This album is art, it is a whole therapy session. It’s a space in which listeners can project their own experiences and livelihoods. Thank you Mother Ethel for letting an Appalachian girl feel seen. Also shout out to my cat, who is afraid of the treadmill and had to wait an hour and a half to play. Overall I walked several miles and over 10k steps :)
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slime-boney · 1 month ago
need it to rain here so i can drive around and loop Thatorchia until i start crying or witness god or something
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gutterfvck · 2 months ago
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who up feeling perverse 🤨
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marlborotedz · 2 months ago
perverts by ethel cain. i dwell speechless. thats the post.
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charlotteisscary · 2 months ago
it's happening to me today, it'll happen to you tomorrow
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freezedbride · 26 days ago
i love unsettling music so fucking much, like yes let me feel real fear again
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saintanhedonia · 1 month ago
i do not care Hayden was ten thousand percent right about track eight in fact it is under hyped and we should all worship thatorchia on our knees and she has every right to love thatorchia because it Is perfect
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girlmorbs · 1 month ago
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if you love me keep it to yourself
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i-am-not-aster · 2 months ago
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The wooden crosses like hanging trees in the back of my mind
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