Tony Huge talks about my Podcast with his Uncle 📻 🗣 https://newsinfitness.com/tony-huge-talks-about-my-podcast-with-his-uncle/
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golfmakesmehappy · 2 years
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Rick Shiels has RUINED over 1 MILLION Golf Swings with this GOLF INSTRUCTION. STOP NOW!
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zours025 · 2 months
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madrabit · 4 months
If I'd get a penny every time Bojan slept under or next to Nace's clothes, I'd have two pennies. Which isn't a lot, but its weird that it happened twice...
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kaori04 · 1 year
Anyway Jaskier was right when he said that Radovid has nothing behind a mask, because there is no mask but his face,he is really in love and tiny and scared and just wants to run away with his man to live a simple life away from the court *crying into pillow*
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stiffyck · 8 months
Sobbing thinking about casual acceptance.
Hermits just being chill about each other. Someone announcing in chat they use different pronouns now and the hermits just responding with thumbsup and "cheers man" and stuff like that. Then using those pronouns without any issues.
Someone dressing in a more non conventional way and just getting casual compliments.
Just them not making a big deal out of stuff like this.
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yellowkitkieran · 11 months
To Have and to Heal (Part 14)
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Read part 1 here
Word Count: 2.8k
Summary: Single working dad Martin Odegaard is navigating the ups and downs of parenthood all on his own, and he’s struggling. That’s not to mention football, life and... love?
Martin should be focused on today's match. In less than two hours, he'll be out on the pitch to captain his side. He needs clarity. He needs precision. He needs to stop thinking about you. 
But everywhere he looks, he's reminded of you. He can't bring himself to delete the dozens of photos on his phone or the messages you've sent him. The note you stuck in his duffle one day still hangs in his cubby, shoved between the shelf and the back wall. Martin aches worse now than being plowed over by a defender. How is he expected to lead when he is a husk of who he's meant to be? 
Martin runs a hand through his hair. At no point did he expect to become this attached, to have his mood so dependent on another person. He doesn’t like it, not at all. 
"Mate, you giving this talk or am I?" Kieran's Scottish accent grates on Martin's ears for no good reason. Kieran has been doing that quite a bit lately; he talks quietly about the woman he’s started seeing, and is careful to avoid doing so in Martin’s presence, but it still stings. At least someone on his squad is happy. 
Though grateful for the offer, Martin shakes his head. Team talks ahead of games are his responsibility, and he'll be damned if he misses it because you dumped him. Heartbreak aside, he needs to be the captain his team needs him to be.
So, Martin clamors to his feet. He forces his shaking legs to work, to remain steady, whilst his mind works through the fog surrounding it. Each step he takes towards the center of the sparsely decorated away dressing room feels like he is wading through waist-high molasses. But Martin has always been a fighter, and today is no different. 
“Facing anyone away from home is tough," Martin starts a minute later. He sounds more confident than he feels, which he is grateful for. "Nothing we haven't won before, though. Their fans are harsh but we are strong. We've faced worse and come away with three points. I'm not saying this will be a cakewalk." Martin observes the faces of his teammates, noting which seem hesitant and which are hungry. There's fewer of the former thankfully, which bodes well for their chances. 
"This will be both a physical and mental game. We haven't been challenged like this in over a month. Our last fixtures have been easy wins. No frills, nothing fancy- go back to your roots, the basics. Let's show our gunners what they traveled all this way for!"
Though far more brief than his usual, Martin's words have the desired effect regardless. The lads all clap and cheer, raring to go. Slipping into his matchday headspace is easier now that his teammates are here to lift him up. 
Not that it matters- ten minutes into the match Martin knows they’re done for. Sevilla batters Martin's side, raking them across the coals. A 3-0 loss away in the Champion's League isn't exactly a morale booster. The changing room is quiet after the final whistle blows. Arteta doesn't bother to give any sort of speech. The gaffer lets the silence speak for his disappointment, which somehow hurts more than if he had screamed at them for hours. Martin himself is too caught up in his head; his loose passing led to the goal that sealed their fate tonight, and that's not something he'll forgive himself for any time soon. 
On the ride from the stadium to the airport, Martin turns his phone over in his hand. In a perfect world, you would be at his house comforting Atla right now. The two of you would be cuddled up on his sofa, Atla probably insisting on being wrapped up in the duvet off Martin’s bed- that’s always her favorite on match day. 
The worst thing about an away loss is knowing that Atla’s nanny, bless her heart, won’t be able to keep Atla from crying. She hates seeing Arsenal lose, especially when it’s in the Champion’s League. Her poor nanny is probably frantically attempting to soothe her, though Martin is certain Atla won't calm down until he is home early tomorrow. 
If Martin is sure of anything, it’s that he needs to get his mind off of his lackluster performance. Because if he fixates on it, he’ll be lost in his head for who knows how long. Martin, as the face of his team, needs to be focused on the bigger picture. Arsenal still tops their group, regardless of tonight’s result; though even that knowledge cannot lift his heart enough. 
Messaging you might possibly be the worst idea he's ever had. He convinces himself to tuck his phone away until he's on the plane. There, crammed between the window and a snoozing Aaron, he can no longer resist temptation. Martin connects to the onboard wifi and pulls up your contact. 
He shouldn't. 
It's a bad idea, right? 
Fuck it. 
I miss you. If I asked if you're free tomorrow night what would you say?
Delivered at 21:53. Martin stares at the screen until his eyes grow heavy. The 'no new messages' in the app hangs over his head. When Martin falls asleep against his will, he dreams of titans tumbling from their mountainous perches, crushed under the weight of unmet expectations. 
Leaving Martin's message unread is an exercise in restraint. Your fingers itch to click on it for multiple reasons, not the least of which is genuine curiosity. You know it starts with 'I miss you' and includes some sort of question, though you have no idea what he'd be asking. Maybe he wants the kit he gave you back, but he's too afraid to ask outright. 
Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. It's Monday, which means your students are your focus, not your personal life. Throwing yourself into work has never been a problem; you find small tasks to keep you busy when your students are working quietly in groups. Things like testing whiteboard markers, sharpening pencils, organizing bookshelves. Anything that keeps you busy and on your feet is acceptable at this point. Motion means distraction, and distraction means you don't think about your phone sitting in your bag. 
Your prep period comes and goes without incident, as you plan your entire week of lessons in the hour-long session. Your best friend is absent today, meaning she thankfully doesn't barge in to bother you about your day with Martin. Thank the stars, because you aren't sure you could have that conversation without a breakdown. At least you only have a few more hours until the final bell rings, and then you only need to get through after school care before you can flop on your sofa with a container of ice cream. 
Your stomach ties itself in knots as you set up the gymnasium like you normally do. Coloring pages are laid out on the plastic picnic table, footballs are scattered around a child-sized goal, and snacks are set out for kids to grab as they come in. You keep yourself as busy as possible whilst they arrive. You recognize Atla’s laugh rising above her friend’s voices and force yourself to remain seated. After successfully avoiding speaking to Atla for nearly an hour, a glance at the clock confirms your fear: her guardian is late for pick up.
"Hey, Atla," you murmur, crouching down to her level and keeping your voice light. You're fully aware of how she bristles when you speak, her little shoulders going rigid. "Is your papa picking you up today?"
"I don't know." Atla turns her head slightly away, a frown tugging at the corners of her mouth. It isn’t her responsibility to know who is meant to pick her up, but if you can avoid calling Martin to clarify…
You sigh through your nose while offering the child a smile, "do you remember him saying anything about pick up today? If someone different was coming by, maybe your uncle Kieran?"
Atla shrugs, continuing to color her cotton candy bunny. She sighs, purposely not offering you a pencil like she normally does. You know why, of course. You can’t exactly blame her for being frosty. 
Rationalizing with children is no simple feat. It isn't your place to sit down and explain to Atla what dating is, and why it isn't a sin for Martin to be dating her teacher. She's a toddler, and in her mind her mum will be coming back. Her mum would be devastated to find Martin with someone else, and that's all that matters to Atla. 
Instead of talking, you communicate in Atla's language. You pick up a purple pencil on your own and leaf through the printouts until you find one of a frog, then set about coloring it in. Atla pauses, clearly curious about your design, and watches you with bright blue eyes. You let her, wanting to repair the relationship you have with her above all else. It doesn't matter that your heart aches when you look at her and see Martin's features in her delicate face; she is a student and you love her the same as the rest.
You draw bright polka dots across the frog, determined to communicate in an easy, stress free way. Atla is an artist and as such, regardless of her age, her mind is soothed by creativity. You allow yourself to relax as Atla shows no signs of rejecting your companionship. You are all too aware of her eyes on you, following each streak of color you lay onto the page. It is an effort to remain quiet, letting the soft music playing from your desk across the room fill the silence. 
Finally, Atla squeaks out a question- "why were you kissing my papa?"
You mull the question over for a minute. You could lie, try and convince her that she had made it up. That would not be fair to anyone, especially Atla. No, the truth is best, especially because she will find out sooner or later. "Because I care about your papa very much. He means a lot to me, and that’s how I wanted to show him."
"You do?" Atla pauses to look up at you. “But I care about my friends a lot. I don’t kiss them! Papa said that’s only for people you love.” You afford her your undivided attention, setting your pencil down and sliding the page aside. Conscious of your body language, you refrain from crossing your arms to avoid closing yourself off. You have to be careful with what you say; the last thing you want is to admit your feelings to Martin’s tiny daughter. 
"Yes, I do. I care about your papa. You know how sometimes in films, when the princess is really sad, the prince comes along and cheers her right up? That's what your papa is for me." 
Atla's brow furrows like she's trying to picture it. She then sorts through the stack of coloring pages and pulls out one of Ariel and Eric, tapping the half-scribbled sheet, "like princess Ariel and her prince?"
You nod, thankful for her understanding. "Exactly. And I care about your papa so much that I'd let a sea witch take my voice," you lean over and pretend to grab at Atla, imitating stealing her voice from her throat like in the film. You continue when a delighted giggle fills the room, "and use it for her own plans. I'd be quiet my whole life if it meant I could be around your papa."
"I like when you talk. I don't want a sea witch to steal your voice." 
"Well then I'll just have to protect it won't I? Can't have you getting upset!" You playfully tap Atla's nose, earning you another giggle. Her wide smile has her dimples on full display, a sight which you admit you’ve missed almost as much as her pa’s.
Martin clears his throat from across the gym. That funny feeling in your stomach reappears with a vengeance. 
“Pa? Pa!” Atla's head turns and she immediately clamors over to him, her knee knocking the table in her haste to get up. Pencils roll to the ground and you bend to pick them up, forcing yourself to keep your eyes on your task and not on Martin. So studious are you that you refuse to look up even when a pair of black trainers edge into your view, followed closely by a pair of tiny white ones. 
“Hello,” Martin murmurs. Your entire body tenses at the sound of his voice. You haven't realized how viscerally you've missed it until you hear it. 
“Hello Mr. Ødegaard.” 
Martin doesn't speak just then. He doesn't need to; the title you've used says more than a thousand words ever could. 
Square one. 
“I apologize for being late. Training ran long,” Martin says with perfect formality. Gone is the hint of flirting you had come to expect. There are no traces of fondness. Instead his words are punctuated by an undercurrent of mourning. 
“It’s not a problem. Don't fret about it. Atla’s bag is on the coat hook- these are hers from today.” When you stand to hand over the drawings, you train your eyes on the crest on Martin's chest. You refuse to glance any higher. If you do, you know you won't be able to control yourself. One glance at his eyes and you'll crumble, and you cannot allow yourself to be so selfish. 
“Atla, grab your things please.” 
“Yes, pa.” Atla's little footsteps ring through the gymnasium, piercing in the silence. You and Martin both remain frozen, as your feet are glued to the polished wood beneath your feet. Your heart is an ocean in your ears. It pounds on your ribcage, begging and pleading to be set loose. Your fingers twitch at your side, joints aching to reach for him. You crave the familiarity of his lips, the burn that washed over you with each tiny kiss you shared. 
“You got my message the other day, right?”
“Oh- yes I saw something from you. I didn't read it though. Just got so busy, I must have forgotten.” Your stomach flips when Martin's posture slumps ever so slightly. You nearly reach out to comfort him but stop yourself at the last moment. 
“Right, of course.” Martin shifts on his feet, glancing at Atla quietly stacking cones. “I was trying to ask if you had some free time this week. Thought maybe we could do something.” 
You think back on the conversation you just had with Atla. Though she is incredibly mature for her age, you still don't feel right about having anything other than a professional relationship with Martin. “Mar I'm sorry, I can't-”
“Of course, I understand. Just thought I'd try one more time.” Martin smiles softly. The gesture does not reach his eyes. Martin looks so unlike himself, so timid and small, that you scarcely recognize him. “Atla, are you ready søta? It's time we get home, uncle Kieran is coming by to steal your chicken nuggets. We have to get there first or there won't be any left for you!”
“I told uncle Key those were mine!” Atla screeches, stomping over to Martin and grabbing his hand. “Come on pa! We have to go!” 
Neither father nor daughter glance at you as they make their way out. You remain rooted to the spot long after Atla's laughter fades. Cleaning up and locking the door upon your exit are the result of simply going through the motions. Muscle memory takes you home, barely remembering snips of the drive. 
The emptiness in your heart remains long after you have sunk yourself in a warm bath, wine glass in hand. Not red, never a red anymore, because you cannot stand the color. Even a deep merlot reminds you of him, of sharing that bottle in front of his fireplace the first night he’d invited you inside to chat. Neither of you had wanted to leave, though you reminded him that you had to be up early in the morning. 
The pinkish washcloth you run over your arms was once a vibrant cherry red. Even that stings more than you care to admit. More wine, another glass, anything to stave off the tears threatening to fall. Why did you have to say yes to that first date? Why did you cross that line, blurring the boundary between professional and personal?
It takes one more glass of wine before you find yourself reaching for your phone, splattering soapy suds across the tile.
Could we talk? 
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rain-bowxx · 1 day
i need more sbg
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yellowcap · 7 days
lewis x mercedes - backwards breathing
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clericofkelemvor · 8 months
i am actually genuinely so mad about how larian is going about things, on a professional level. i work as a software dev - when i put something out that is meant to be public ready, i make as sure are possible that there are no bugs. if there are any, i fix that asap, before adding anything on top of it bc 1) it disturbs user experience and 2) adding smth on top of a bugged foundation means at best u reproduce the bug, at worst U MAKE IT WORSE and then u have to untangle that
youd think this logic would go double for smth as complex as a video game but apparently its more important to [checks notes] make lae'zel nicer????
like im aware theyre... allegedly, considering what i hear of the state of the game post patch 6.0... fixing bugs. but by modifying/adding other things at the same time theyre actually creating or worsening more bugs than theyre fixing. and its. fucking stupid. and it makes me mad because its such basic logic that they're completely ignoring
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malin-la · 21 days
Putting off writing my fic on the Akutagawa’s on the off chance that the Naomi Akutagawa theory is real and I need to rewrite everything
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ambimoon · 7 months
It has recently come to my attention that people have been stealing my art and making possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars off of it.
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As an artist who is currently unemployed for mental health reasons (and is not receiving government assistance), this is really messing with me. I made $0 off of that artwork, and i didn't bother to make stickers myself because any time i make stickers, i end up just spending a bunch of money, and nobody buys them. Of course, this is your standard artist's issue, but seeing that tens of thousands of people have bought my art from people who just stole it HURTS me DEEPLY.
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For reference, below is my original art
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It's essentialy like if someone came into my home when i wasn't there and stole a bunch of valuables and then sold them. I am a bit at a loss for words
There is a 0% chance I will ever see any of that money, but if you want to help PLEASE SHARE THIS POST and you can check out my socials and interact with the tiktok i made on this topic.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
hehe thinking about thath while im snuggled under a heap of blankets 😌💕💕 it's over once bunny!reader gets her hands on some knitting needles... not that she's particularly good at it, the first beanie she makes for curtis can only be called horrendous but it's the enthusiasm that counts!! 🐰💕💗❤️
"It's..." He holds it up, squinting at the holes and loose threads... it's horrendous, messy, and probably won't keep his head warm but it was made by you and you had the brightest smile on your face, "Amazing, snowball! Are you sure you haven't done this before?"
"Yeah! Tried to make matching scarf but forgot how to stop..." You gesture to the long strip, very very thin strip, on the bed. Curtis doesn't know what to do with that, maybe it could be a table runner?
He grins widely, wrapping you in his arms, and subtly dropping more yarn into your basket (you didn't know where it came from, you thought you found it randomly but it was actually a present from Curtis that was hidden. Why you were snooping around in the very back of the closet, he'll never know). "You did so good, snowball, are you going to make yourself something too?"
"Gonna make a hat. With holes for ears..." You preen under his praise. "Wanna have ears out and be warm."
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no-light-left-on · 9 months
do any of yall have recommendations for corvosider fics that are not exactly set in the canon of the story? as in alternate takes on the story, full on aus, reimaginations, preferably where the outsider isn't a god? plot driven not pwp. I have an itch
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Idk man but Tim Wright's jacket for some reason makes him like 50 times hotter.
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takethebodymarc · 8 months
nooo acau you dont have to kill chunsik fkjfjkfjk
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