#thatch brothers
A couple magma canvases that i did with @fluffyartbl0g !!!
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I was maroon and they were every other color lol
In the second canvas we tried to draw those 3 sets of 2 characters from memory btw
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synergysilhouette · 1 year
The 90s/early 2000s was the best Disney era for male protagonists
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This isn't all of them, but these were the best of them, imo. And this is just the characters; how I felt about their movies varies. I hope more Disney films in the future feature male leads--especially musicals!
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writer0018 · 3 months
Ace: You all were a wonderful experience.
Luffy, Sabo, Garp, Dadan, Dadan's bandits, Deuce, Spade pirates, Whitebeard, Marco, Thatch, Whitebeard pirates, Otama, Yamato: You were... everything.
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bean-writes · 1 year
Dear Disney,
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Just release these movies newly, without changing anything, and watch them blow up and be hailed as the best Disney movies of all time (because they are).
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one-idea · 4 months
Hello… I just found your blog, and after reading some of your work, I decided to send you this idea, to know what you think…
It takes place on the Mobi Dick, before Blackbeard's takeover…
FemAce is sick, to the point that she has vomited on more than one occasion, they end up putting her on light duty and with restrictions on certain foods until further notice…
Well, it turns out that between gossip and misunderstandings, the rumor that FemAce is pregnant is spread… and then someone comments that they saw her arguing with a blond revolutionary with a top hat…
So a group of crazy Whitebeard pirates end up starting a war against the Rev because one of them got pregnant and left his little sister…
…… Or how due to lack of communication the pirates declare war on the revolutionaries, when their 2nd commander got sick to his stomach a couple of weeks after discovering that his older brother Sabo is alive and He is an amnesiac revolutionary.
Okay I am a sucker for a good gender bender. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I’ve always had a soft spot for it when done right.
I love this idea.
Because Ace went on a mission and ran into Sabo. Her brother who she’s though was dead for nine years (let’s they are 19 in this and it’s a year before the canon begins)
Obviously she is distraught. Even more so when she tries to talk to him and he doesn’t remember her. They get into a small fight because she’s desperate for him to remember and he’s there like “who is this crazy pirate??”
He slips away from her (he is a super secret spy) and Ace is heart broken. She’s lost her brother again. She has no idea where he is. She looked but she has to return to the Moby.
When she gets there she’s super upset. She won’t talk to anyone, and locks herself in her room. She’s barely eating and what she does eat she can’t keep down. She’s making herself sick over her thoughts on Sabo. Did he truly forget them? Was it just her? Was she not good enough to remember? Was he happier without her around? She’s making herself miserable with all her spiraling what ifs.
The crew is worried. Ace is normally a ball of energy, till she passes out. It’s not like their little sister to mope in her room. She hasn’t done that since she officially joined the crew. The Ex-Spade members are super worried as are Thatch, Marcos, and Haruta.
Ace isn’t letting any of them in. She’s not letting Marcos, Deuce, or any of the medic staff look her over. They know she’s sick so they put her on light duty.
But with a ship as big as that rumors are bound to start. You’ve got a young, beautiful woman, who has left home completely alone, and comes back heart broken. She’s also getting sick all the time. She can’t keep any food down and she’s avoiding the medical team like the plague. Could it be? Is she?
Rumors start.
And with rumors comes speculation. Marco wants to crush this so he sends some people he trusts to go talk to the people on the island where Ace’s last mission was. He’s expecting the report to come back with “there’s a virus sweeping through the island with the same symptoms.” Or something like that. Something that would allow them to take action to help Ace and also squash the rumors about her.
Imagine his surprise when the scouts come back with reports about how Ace was seen with a Blond haired Revolutionary. That she kept chasing after him and the two got into many verbal disagreements. That Ace, their darling little sister, was alone for mutiple days with this boy. And now she’s sick and heartbroken.
Best case scenario, she had a crush and he broke her heart. The Whitebeard pirates will break his bones if that’s the case.
Worst case scenario… Marco needs to talk to Ace.
The investigation does the opposite of quelling the rumors. They are more rampant than ever. And know they have a face to go with them. And an organization.
Marco is trying to figure out how to best approach Ace to ask these invasive questions.
The crew (mainly lead by Thatch, Haruta, Izou, and made of former spade pirates and division 2 members) are planning how they are going to find this revolutionary.
Deuce is the only sensible one here as he tries his best to get his friend to talk to him. He can tell she’s hurting and Ace has never been good with trusting people with her pain. But he’s known her the longest. He was her first mate. If anyone can get her to talk it’s him.
This is mostly him bringing her light meals and sitting outside her door waiting for her to open up in her own time. He’s heard the rumors and they upset him on many levels. One he hates them talking trash about Ace. Two he might still have the biggest crush on his ex-captain. He’s not expecting it to go anywhere or to ‘win her love by being the nice guy’ he’s got a crush but her friendship is more than enough. That doesn’t mean he’s not going to be furious and protective of his friend if someone knocked her up and then abandoned her (I will make everything AceDeuce if you let me. My boy just needs to tell her his feelings)
Sabo is having his own mental breakdown because the girl he met won’t leave his mind. He starts doing research and finally his memories snap back into place. And holy crap!!! He has a sister! He has siblings!!
This realization comes just in time for him to start looking for Ace and to run into some very upset Whitebeard pirates.
“I’m looking for Portgas D. Ace!” These are Ace’s crew mates! He’s about to see her again. He can apologize for not remembering her and they can have the reunion they should have. and then he can ask her about Luffy.
The Whitebeard pirates look at this blond haired boy. “You’re a revolutionary aren’t you?”
Sabo normally wouldn’t admit to that but maybe Ace told them about him. If it gets him to his sister faster than… “Yes I-”
That’s all he gets out before getting punched in the face. The fight is on. Sabo is so confused. The revolutionary army has no arguments with the Whitebeard’s. But they are yelling at him for “getting their little sister pregnant.” Which what???? He’s so confused right now. He’d remember that. Wouldn’t he?
So know you have Sabo running from the Whitebeard Pirates while also trying to sneak on to their ship. And Ace who’s just living in her own world completely unaware about the rumors and Sabo’s many near death experiences. Until he finally gets on the ship. He sees her walking and calls out. Ace turns and see him. She’s so happy to see him, and he recognizes her this time! “Sabo!” She starts to run towards him when he gets tackled by about 5 crew members. “What are you doing?” Because what is going on?
The crew are yelling about this being the guy who broke her heart. Which like yes but not the way you think. And then some fool yells something about Sabo being the father. And now both Ace and Sabo are dumbfounded because “that’s my sister/brother”
All in all a weird month or two for the Whitebeard pirates. Their hearts are in the right place but they need to fact check thing before they jump people
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yinyangswings · 2 years
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MORE ONE PIECE FANART FOR A FANFICTION! This time it is for Dezace's fanfiction The World Doesn't Deserve You. If you want to hate the Celestial Dragons even more than you do and want some hurt/comfort and ASL I would highly, highly suggest this fanfiction series.
Ace, Sabo, and Luffy have to hide their identities to survive in a world that thinks they're dead (and will kill them if they are discovered to be alive). Enter Broker, Cheshire, and Pyro
Marco and Thatch learn how old the trio really are (aka, Sabo and Ace are 16. Luffy is thirteen). Needless to say, they are a bit shocked
Puberty hits. Much to Luffy's amusement.
Ace's necklace reminds him of a certain bandit woman that lived in the mountains
A Buster Call...and the lives of Ace, Sabo, and Luffy are changed irrevocably
Thatch and Luffy become fast friends...much to the dismay of Marco
Luffy and Garp reunited
Ace eats the Mera Mera no Mi. This isn't exactly how it happened in the fanfiction, but I couldn't resist
All the sketches in one
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nobody-is-here01 · 1 year
Thatch : Where’s Luffy?
Sabo : Doing stuff.
Thatch : I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Marco?
Sabo : Trying to stop Luffy from doing the stuff.
Thatch : And Ace?
Sabo : Trying to stop Marco from stopping Luffy from doing the stuff.
Thatch : I see. And what are you doing here, Sabo?
Sabo : I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Ace from stopping Marco from stopping Luffy from doing the stuff.
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mooneltwo · 1 year
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My funniest au yet
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Thatch: You don't know the order of your siblings?
Ace: I'm the oldest! That's all I care about. All that matters is that I'm the greatest!
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the-brothers · 4 months
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CW: There is use of the R word at the end of this chapter and bullying.
Three Months
Finally, the family was falling into some sort of routine. The only attempted escape was their first night in the house, but you couldn't be sure if they were coming up with other plans. Ace had seemed to settle in, but Sabo remained guarded quietly doing as he was told. Luffy had no problem adjusting to his new living situation. He stuck to you like glue during the day and cuddled up in your bed or the recliner every night.
After settling in for a week they finally started school and daycare in Luffy's case. Both schools were near yours, so you were tasked with fetching the boys on your way home. Most days your boyfriend joined you and gave you all a ride home.
"Walking today Red?" you asked approaching Shanks at the gate.
"Betty's in the shop." he smiled lopsidedly before bending to peck your lips and take your bag, "How was your day?"
"Not bad. I'll have to talk to Hawkey about pre-cal. I have a C and my teacher isn't pleased."
"Do you call him that to his face?"
"Sometimes," you shrugged, "he just rolls his eyes."
"If I called him that he'd kick my ass." Shanks huffed.
"Ah, but I'm just a cute high school girl." you shoved him playfully, "How were classes?"
His shoulders dropped as he pouted, "Maybe I should change my major. Business courses suuuuuuck."
"C'mon babe, sell it a little. You're not making me feel good about my chances."
He wrapped an arm around you and kissed your lips, "No need to worry, you're so much smarter than me."
"I've told you both many times no PDA in front of the kids."
You separated from your boyfriend and offered an apologetic smile to the tall blond in the doorway of the daycare, "Sorry Rosi."
"Just be more mindful." he smiled softly and leaned into the room, "Luffy, your sister is here."
"Shanks!!" Luffy shouted propelling himself into your boyfriend.
"Hey kiddo." Shanks chuckled catching the youngest and steadying him in his arms.
"Was he good today?" you asked Rosinante as he handed you Luffy's backpack.
"We're making some progress. Today he didn't cry when Marco dropped him off. He also finally counted to 100 without jumbling the numbers up."
"Yay Luffy!" you cheered high fiving him, "We'll keep working on it."
"Perfect. You guys have a good weekend." Rosinante waved, "See you Monday Luffy."
Luffy waved back enthusiastically as you began your trek to pick up Ace and Sabo. When you arrived at the elementary school the boys were sitting on a bench away from the other kids waiting to be picked up, their teacher standing patiently to the right. When you got closer you noticed bandages on Sabo's cheek and forehead. You rushed ahead leaving Shanks and Luffy behind.
"What happened?" you asked tilting the blond's chin to get a better look at his face.
His big green eyes focused behind you as he crossed his arms and refused to answer, which was actually pretty normal. Ace sighed and stood waiting for the teacher to speak.
"The boys were involved in another fight today." she tucked her dark curls behind her left ear and crossed her arms.
"It wasn't our fault." Ace muttered.
"A fight is a fight." she huffed, "I have slipped a note in their bags for your father. I strongly insist on a parent-teacher conference."
"I'll make sure he gets it, sorry for the trouble Mrs. Flores." you faked a smile as Sabo jerked away from you, "Let's get going guys."
Luffy wiggled out of Shanks' grasp to greet his brothers and excitedly prattled on about his day. The older two remained quiet.
"Are you going to tell me what happened?" you asked Ace as you took his hand to cross the street.
"Nothing." he murmured keeping his head low.
"I can't help if you stay quiet."
"Who said we need your help?" Sabo snapped, "We didn't need any of you before and we don't now."
"Sabo." Ace whispered.
The blond pulled away from Shanks and stomped ahead once you reached the other side of the street.
"It's nothing, F/N, really." Ace slipped his hand away from you and followed Sabo up the sidewalk.
You knew it wasn't 'nothing' and it hurt your feelings that the boys didn't trust you enough to tell you.
"They'll come clean when they're ready." Shanks caught your stride now holding Luffy again.
"F/N?" Luffy called sweetly reaching for you.
"Yeah buddy?" you took him from Shanks and let the redhead catch up to the older boys.
"Dun be sad." he cupped your cheeks with his tiny hands, "You're a good sisser."
You chuckled in surprise as he kissed your nose.
"Thanks, Luffy. I needed that."
"Alright guys shoes on! I'm leaving in two minutes whether you're ready or not!" you called up the stairs.
"You sure you can handle the three of them by yourself?" Thatch asked worriedly.
"I walk them home without Shanks all the time." you pointed out.
"Well, I suppose that's true. But here take this," he handed you a brand-new flip phone.
"No way!" you exclaimed, "These just came out."
"Emergencies only." he poked your forehead, "You only have 400 minutes."
"But it's free after eight o'clock." you gave your big brother your best puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, you can call Shanks when it's free. But you if I find out you're staying up all night on the phone I'm taking it away." he tried his best to be stern with you.
"I won't I promise!" you squealed.
Once the boys came downstairs you grabbed your bag and headed for the park nearby. You'd promised Luffy a picnic, but they wanted to play basketball and run around the play structures as well, so you thought you'd make a day of it with the three youngest. Sabo was still ignoring you and Ace was acting uncharacteristically shy. You hoped to get to the bottom of all this strange behavior.
Once you arrived at the park you spread out a blanket and set lunch up for the boys. When they were finished they ran off to play promising to stay within earshot. The basketball court was on the other side of the slide structure in front of you. A few minutes into your novel you heard some shouting and suddenly Luffy appeared running toward you, his giant brown eyes full of tears. Tossing the book aside you rose to catch him.
"What's wrong?" you asked frantically looking him over for any injuries.
"S-sabo and Ace," he stammered and hiccupped, "f-fighting. They're fighting."
"With each other?" you scooped him up and began to run toward the blacktop.
Before Luffy could answer you, you saw them. Sabo was lying on the pavement while Ace stood over him protectively, his small hands balled into fists. Two other boys a brunette and a redhead stood across from him taunting.
"Oh, the retard wants to fight?" the redhead jeered.
The what?
Fury exploded in your chest as you set Luffy down, "Stay here."
You intercepted the brunette as he lunged forward, your open hand landing across his cheek with enough force to turn his head.
"What the fuck did you say to him?" you sneered.
The boy looked up at you shocked.
"Let's go Brian!" the other boy called already stepping back.
"I'm telling!" Brian suddenly shouted and turned toward the other kid.
"Shit." you breathed not thinking about what you'd just done, you snatched Sabo up off the ground, "Luffy, Ace... RUN!" 
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aloeanemonabee27 · 1 year
OP ASL brothers older brother Ace au part 2
Luffy and Sabo accepted Ace's invitation on traveling with him and his crew, in that very same moment they said yes both of them packed their things (they didn't had lots of stuff to begin with) and they filled their pockets with treasure that it'll be enough for surviving a few trips until Ace return with his crew. Sabo left a letter on the bandits house so they know they left, as soon as they step foot on the Striker in the blink of an eye they were leaving Dawn island. The children were beyond excited, finally they will go to the sea and have a bunch of adventures with their awesome older brother! In the way Ace was telling them stories about his crew's adventures, the island he visited and did his best to answer their questions no matter how strange or difficult. The three of them landed on the closest island to take a break, of course with precautions to avoid any unwanted attention. Ace normally would go without worry, but now he has two brothers in his care and he needed to be careful and that was something he was no expert. The three of them went to a tavern so they could eat, especially the two Ds who are bottomless pits.
Ace needed to make a few errands so their brothers can be prepared for the outcome, now he knows what Dandan felt like provide him the first necessities for him to be alive, the difference is that he is not doing it for one child but for two and one of them is an uncontrollable ball of energy that can't be still in one place. And of course a spacious place where the three can be, as fast the Striker is, it's does not hold that much space. So basically the entire week being on East blue was Ace looking for essentials for his brothers so they can be prepared in Grand Line, them trying to keep themselves out of trouble. Keyword: trying, because in the same week a marine team recognized him and they tried to capture him. To make matters worse, they announced that "Firefist Ace kidnapped children", which of course it pissed Ace, like how dare they say he is now a kidnapper? Sure he steals, fight marines, disturbs the peace, be an occasional troublemaker, but a kidnapper never. A pirate he may be, but he has limits and morals damn it! In the end, he give up on fighting this matter, the government is the government so of course they're gonna say this kind of bullcrap cause c'mon, since when people are gonna belive that two actual children decided to join a pirate crew to the Grand line, who by the way the captain was their brother.
However this resulted in a problem, and that was him being chased almost every single day, to "rescue" this innocent children from this evil pirate grasp, in some point it's almost funny how this guys were trying to rescue children who weren't even kidnapped in the first place. Not only him, but Sabo thinks is hilarious too, makes some jokes about the matter but Luffy is more straightforward saying that the marines were dumb. In the serious side, Ace worries that one day another marine attack ends up being the old geezer. Ace fears if they encounter the old geezer, he won't stand a chance against him and take his brothers from him. The last stop on the last island on East blue, ended up being the most chaotic one before they left the Grand line. First of all, Ace was not happy docking on Logetown cause this was the island where his bastard of a father was born and executed.
At first, Ace didn't want to dock on this island for obvious reasons, even the little ones noticed this to the point that Luffy himself said that he won't go to the island if Ace didn't wanted despite him being more excited than anyone to explore this island. Looking at the faces of disappointment of the little boys, Ace relised that he can't just stop the excitment for adventure of his brothers because of his personal issues, he vowed that he'll raise his brothers to be the most freest persons in the world, him being a pirate himself should know any better. A pirate taking the freedom of another future pirate it's not fair, it made him release that he's being a selfish fool and a hypocrite, so he did his best to masked his troubles and put the best face for them and hyped then into adventure once more. Which fortunately, worked, especially for Luffy that just listening that they will explore Logetown he was the first to stepped out of the Striker and sprinted further into the island with Sabo hot on his trails so he can avoid that his little brother do his shenanigans.
Ace was following close behind them, as a responsible brother that he should be, he was supposed to watched them closely, but in the end he decided to be a little close and let their brothers do their brothers have their fun. "They deserve have their fun" he thinks with a smile on his face. With Luffy and Sabo, Luffy wanted to see the execution platform and Sano following behind him while yelling at him that they need direction's. In a short time, they gathered some attention. By chance, they encountered with Smoker and asked him about the execution platform, he told them where to go and giving the thanks the kids go to their destination. Smoker was hella confused about this kids being alone around here, he knew some kids can be curious about the execution platform where the pirate king died, but the children usually where accompanied by a grown up. Either they got separated from their guardians or something else, but before he could think of anything else, a marine went to him and informed him that Ace was here and he forgot about anything else and went straight to his duty.
Ace was just exploring around the island without having the enthusiasm about it, he was just walking around with his head on the clouds, after all, being in the island of the man he's trying to surpass isn't a pleasant feeling, not even helping unto the fact that the little ones that he passed around where talking about the pirate king and the parents giving them a reprimand about that evil man. Seriously, no matter how many times he hears it he won't ever get accustom to those comments, like his wound never healed in the first place and that allowed the shadows of his past to hunt him now. Without realizing it, he ended up in the last place where he wanted to be, face to face in the execution platform, he contemplated it not in intrest whatsoever, more like resentment. Resentment on all the problems his father had because of him, because on carrying his blood in his veins cost him a pain that he'll never get over the comments the people made about him, on how they cursed him and telling him straight forward he was a demon a child that should've never been born. That his mere existence is a sin, cost the life of an innocent woman that didn't deserved that kind of fate. Ace hated him because from the day he was born he never knew the freedom, only suffering. His thoughts where abruptly interrupted over a commotion, he came back to reality and saw people panicking over a child on the execution platform.
"Now who is irresponsible enough to leave their dumb children climb the platform?" he thought, as he sees the plank of the platform and sees Luffy. Oh it's Luffy.....wait "LUFFY!! GET DOWN FROM THERE!!" Immediately he went close to the platform, ignoring the fact that the security was looking at him, security be dammed his brother is doing a reckless "LUFFY GET DOWN FROM THERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!" Sabo then appeared and joined Ace on shouting at Luffy to get down, but Luffy was so eager on his view and excitement that didn't noticed Ace or Sabo calling for him, as for things couldn't get any worse Smoker appeard with marine troops and they where surrounded. As Smoker was telling Ace to surrender and free those children- "LUFFY I SWEAR TO ANY LIVING THING ON EARTH IF YOU DON'T GET DOWN THERE YOU'LL GET IN BIG TROUBLE!!!" They where completely ignoring them, Smoker just shut up and saw in amusement how this people where interacting, it wasn't his imagination either when he listen to other of his fellow marines, commenting about how unusual the scene was totally different from what the reports say. This wasn't a kidnapper and hostage situation, this was a ridiculous sibling argument. Ace telling the boy named Luffy to get down, Luffy telling them no, Ace saying he'll be grounded for the next few weeks, is he actually punishing the kid to eat greens instead of meat? The kid Luffy actually was arguing about this too? And the other kid joined the scolding? What the hell is this?
The moment finally took action when Ace started to climb the execution platform to get Luffy, Smoker finally took action, using his devil fruit to surround Ace and push him down of the platform and so Ace was obligated to fight with him. The battle was complicated since Ace had to be in more places than one, fighting with Smoker and putting down marines to avoid for them to get any of his brothers. The battle seemed that the marines where winning, Luffy knew this and in his desire of helping he shouted a battlecry AND HE JUMPED "LUFFY!" Ace sprinted in the speed of light and with one leap he catch the little body and landed on his feet. He put the little boy down to see if he was hurt, seeing no injuries whatever Ace smacked Luffy's head "WHAT THE HELL WHERE YOU THINKING?! YOU COULD'VE DIED!! YOU THINK YOU'RE MADE OF RUBBER AH?!" And Smoker watched once again how Ace was scolding the little one, the other kid joined the scolding but was hugging Luffy after seeing he was ok. Getting serious, Ace ordered the boys to get on the Striker and wait for him so him can gain more time and the kids run. Ace stayed far behind to fight with Smoker, which the battle was inconclusive since Ace left in a hurry when he heard that back up was coming up. Finally, Ace arrived to the Striker where his brothers were waiting for him and they sailed away from the island once and for all. After the battle, Smoker informed the marine HQ about what happened, even he telling about what he saw he knew the government will twist the truth so he didn't give a damn what his superiors said and decided to take this situation on his own terms.
Finally, the brothers entered the Grand line, adventure is into them and they couldn't be more excited about it. By this time, Ace took out the Deuce's vivre card to reunite with him once again. It where exciting and dangerous days, but they managed every single obstacle in the way. Finally, the vivre card send him into a deserted island, full of vegetation almost like mountain Corvo, so they dock on the island and they started to explore. Ace let his brothers to have their fun as him was following the vivre card, when he arrived he saw his second in command and some of his crewmates and just by seeing Ace they became happy. They surrounded their captain, telling them how glad they are to see him again, glad that he was alive among so many other things and Ace couldn't feel any happier. Deuce got close to Ace and hugged him, telling him that finally he remember them as a joke which Ace laughed knowing damn well he wouldn't never forget them. The moment of joy was interrupted when the crew noticed their two little guests, where the hell did they came from? They looked at them, then looked at Ace and Deuce understood what his stupidhead of a captain did, still, he denied it until he heard it from Ace.
"Who are these children?"
"Oh, them? My little brothers, they are accompanying us now. Say hi you two"
"Pardon WHAT-?! SINCE WHEN YOU-?! ACE GET BACK HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!" Deuce then started to scream profanities and demanding an explanation while chasing Ace, the crew was astonished and Luffy was saying that Ace's crew is weird and funny which Sabo agreed with him with a laugh.
On the other side of the Grandline, a certain first commander was standing in the deck, at first it may seemed he was looking at the beautiful sight of the ocean, but this wasn't the case. Marco, the first division commander of the Whitebeard pirates was looking at the newspapers, specifically, he was looking through the news of the infamous rookie Fire fist Ace. The newest article informing the movements of Ace, the amount of chaos he caused on his last stop on East blue, seeing the newspaper make him sick. Unknown to the crew, for the past few months he was keeping track on Ace's footsteps, this perusing was both in a professional and personal way. On one side, he had to keep his responsibilities of First division commander, helping his captain on this problems of the major situation of what happened in one of their territories, on the other hand his personal side just boils from anger. Thanks to the little stunt Ace had cause, their ship had an unwanted tension.
In his years he have seen and fought with fools who thought they known any better, thinking they could beat his captain, but Ace was the biggest fool he have seen until now and in some point it disgusted him. He normally wouldn't belive what the navy said, but on one thing they could share is the same thought in bring that rookie down. Not only that he dared to to trespass their territory and do whatever he pleased, but he also dared to hurt his fellow crewmates, the coward then hid his sorry ass for heavens knows how long and maked his glamorous return with innocent children in his hands. Just how disgusting of a human being can he be, he thought. He has to be a idiot to think he'll have a free pass if he thinks that innocent children would be his salvation, then he is mistaken. Fire fist still, has unfinished business with the Whitebeard pirates, so he better prepares himself and he better don't hurt those children, otherwise...
"You better enjoy your breaths while you still can, Fire fist yoi. Maybe they'll be your last ones."
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mrsportgas · 1 month
Ghost Ridders Cap.4
#Summary: Eight years ago, you were taken against your Will to Mary Goise to become the new slave of Saint Roswald, or rather, to living a hell on earth. One day, while you go with  him on a visit to a New World´s  island in the New World, but a familiar face appears. This creates the perfect opportunity for you to escape, join the Whitebeard Pirates, and discover more about your past, your abilities, and who you really are. All  while you try to endure your new crewmate, Portgas D. Ace, who is incredibly annoying... or perhaps incredibly irresistible? You haven't decided yet.
This story is based in the world of One Piece, with the same characters and timeline. Of course, this story is fiction created by me. Some of the timelines, names, and characters might be the same, also some names, characters, stories, or even personalities may be altered. The story is happening pre-time skip, while strawhats are in sabondy for the first time.
The first chapter is an introduction to the current story, which begins with Ace as your central romance. (This romance may shift to other characters as the story progresses, but don't worry, there's still plenty of Ace to come.) The story is written in first person. Female gender, Y/N, but feel free to change the gender, name, or anything else that makes you more comfortable.♡
Feel free to interact, likes and comments are very welcome!!!!!!! this hepl me keep writing!!! Suggestions and constructive criticism are also appreciated. Images are for more inspiration!!!!!
Previous Chapter.
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The bartender's smile faltered slightly, a flash of something unreadable passing through his eyes. His overly enthusiastic demeanor shifted to something more reserved, perhaps even slightly annoyed. "Of course," he said, forcing a chuckle as he turned away to attend to other customers.
Ace stood there for a moment, watching the bartender’s retreating figure before finally turning his gaze back to me.
"What was that about?" I asked, gesturing to the empty glass in his hand. "I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.”
"Great! To be honest i had enough. I'm going back to the ship," I sighed.
"Fine, I'll go with you. Just in case that guy decides to come back," Ace declared.
"I can go alone, Ace. I don't need a babysitter," I replied clearly annoyed as I got up from the chair.
As I reached the exit, I saw out of the corner of my eye how the bartender smiled at my presence. He was kind of cute.
I was walking through the lively streets of the city, heading toward the ship, when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned, ready to fight if necessary. Ace, with his characteristic cocky smile, was looking at me from behind.
"Get lost, Ace," I said as I continued on my way.
"I can't let anything happen to Marco's cute little sister," he responded as he approached me. "Besides, you're the one who crossed my path. I was just heading to the ship to... get something."
I rolled my eyes and kept walking. We both remained silent until we reached my cabin. I was about to open the door, but Ace was still behind me.
"What's wrong? Do you want to sleep with Marco?" I asked Ace as he looked at me with a smile on his face—he was drunk. "Maybe you two can sleep together, in the same bed and everything. I'm sure he'd love the idea."
Ace placed an arm on the doorframe, right next to my face, and getting closer than I’d like (though I really did like it), he said, "You can stay in your room with Marco and his snoring... or you can come with me. You won't regret it." He said while caressing my cheek with his other hand.
I have to admit, Ace's proposal was too tempting, but I didn't want to complicate things. I had just joined this crew, and I didn't want things to get awkward because of one night.
"Maybe another time," I responded as I opened the door and walk in as fast as i could to escape the situation.
Ace's hands grabbed my waist from both sides. His large, strong hands held my entire body. "My room is at the end of the hallway. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me. You... can come whenever you want," he whispered in my ear, just loud enough for me to hear. "Well, I'm heading back to the bar," he continued as if nothing had happened. "The party will fall apart without me." And with that he desapeared.
I entered the room, still in shock from everything that had just happened—the party, the bartender, a smiling Deuce, and Ace...
Marco lay peacefully snoring on the other side of the room.
"So, in the end, it really is Marco, me and his snoring..." I thought to myself.
I fell asleep surprisingly quickly, my dreams filled with all the events of that night. Suddenly, I woke up. Noises and voices could be heard in the distance until silence once again reigned in the rooms.
"ACE!!!" A moan echoed through the hallway.
Was it my imagination? No. The moans, coming from a voice that was unfamiliar to me, continued.
Ugh, had Ace brought someone back? After everything he had said to me? I couldn't believe it. It was just another one of his games. But, to be honest, I'd rather listen to Marco's snoring than someone screaming Ace's name.
I woke up the next morning, remembering what had happened, and my stomach twisted.
I got dressed and headed to the dining hall. Most of the crew was there, eating and talking about the previous night. Among the crowd, I spotted Ace with Marco, Tatch, and... next to him, a blonde girl I had never seen before. At that moment, I started connecting all the dots. He probably went back to the bar and brought someone along, one of the many who were more than ready and willing to go with him to the ends of the earth.
As I approached the dining area, I could feel my heart sinking. The sight of Ace laughing and chatting with the blonde girl felt like a punch to the gut. It was silly, I told myself. I had no claim on him, and it wasn't like he had promised me anything. Still, the way he had spoken to me last night, the way his hands had lingered on my waist, had made me believe, even for just a moment, that I was special to him.
I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts as I entered the room. The din of the crew's chatter filled the air, but my focus was squarely on Ace. He hadn't noticed me yet, too engrossed in his conversation. I hesitated, unsure if I should approach or just slip away unnoticed. Before I could make a decision, Marco spotted me and waved me over.
"Morning," Marco greeted with a warm smile, oblivious to the turmoil inside me. "How'd you sleep?"
"Fine," I lied, forcing a smile. My eyes flickered to Ace, who was now looking directly at me. There was something unreadable in his gaze, a flicker of recognition, perhaps even guilt, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.
"Join us," Marco offered, pulling out a chair next to him. I hesitated for a moment, but refusing would have seemed odd, so I took a seat, trying to ignore the blonde sitting across from me.
"So, did you enjoy the party last night?" Tatch asked, leaning forward with a grin.
"Yeah, it was... interesting," I replied, my tone more flat than I'd intended. I could feel Ace's eyes on me, but I refused to meet his gaze. Instead, I focused on the plate in front of me, pushing around the food with my fork.
"Interesting, huh?" Marco chuckled, but his eyes narrowed slightly as if sensing something was off. He was always perceptive, too much for his own good.
"Yeah, you know how these things are," I replied with a shrug, trying to play it cool. I was about to take a bite when I heard a laugh, bright and carefree, coming from the blonde. She leaned closer to Ace, touching his arm as she spoke, and I felt my stomach twist again.
I finished breakfast as quickly as I could, eager to escape the dining hall. I got up and said my goodbyes, feeling the curious eyes of my crewmates on me, and headed to the library. If I wanted to be a good doctor, I had better start studying.
When I arrived at the library, I found Deuce sitting at one of the tables, reading a book. "Didn't expect to see anyone in the library," he said without looking up from his book.
"Someone once told me this was a good place if you don’t want to talk to anyone... or if you wanted to hide..." We exchanged a knowing smile.
I spent the day in the library, talking with Deuce about medicine, sharing books, and exchanging small tips. Marco even stopped by for a few hours, giving us a lesson on how to use certain plants to treat deep wounds.
The sun was just about to set on the horizon. Kotatsu and I were cuddled by the window, watching the sunset when someone gently touched my shoulder.
"Y/n..." Izou's voice pulled me out of my trance.
I turned around, greeting him with a big smile.
"A guy came by looking for you..." Izou's calm but intrigued tone surprised me; there was a hint of uncertainty in his gaze.
"Who?" I asked, surprised.
"Tall, blonde... says you met yesterday at the bar..." he said thoughtfully. "I told him to wait on the deck until you got there."
"Alright, I'll change and go." I wasn't too convinced about seeing that guy again; there was something about him that didn't sit right with me. Plus, in my situation, I couldn't trust anyone, but maybe this was a good way to show Ace that I didn't care about what he had done and that I could move on.
Ace was leaning against the ship's railing, staring out at the horizon with the sea breeze tousling his hair. His mind was elsewhere, replaying the events of the previous night over and over again. He could still feel the warmth of your hips under his hands and the frustration of letting you go. But despite his words and actions, Ace wasn’t the type to push someone, especially not you, Marco's sister.
The sound of footsteps on the deck pulled him from his thoughts. In the distance, he saw Izou walking toward him with his usual carefree demeanor, but there was something in Izou's expression that caught Ace's attention. As Izou approached, he gestured toward the other end of the deck, where the bartender from the previous night was waiting, clearly uncomfortable under the curious stares of some of the crew.
"He says he's here to see Y/n. That they met last night," Izou explained, his tone laced with distrust.
Ace felt a knot form in his stomach. He didn’t like the sound of this. "I’ll handle it," Ace said, straightening up. As he walked toward the intruder, he sensed the familiar presence of Deuce following him. "Don’t do anything stupid, Ace."
The blonde looked up as they approached, his posture tense despite his attempt to appear relaxed. Ace noticed Deuce's eyes fixed on the man with his usual cold, analytical gaze.
"What are you doing here?" Ace asked, his voice sounding harsher than he intended.
The blonde smirked. "I just came to see if she wanted to hang out, since we got interrupted last night. Clearly, she wanted to keep talking to me."
Ace let out a dry laugh. "Oh, really? Funny, she didn’t mention anything about that."
The man looked confused for a moment, but then quickly regained his composure, trying to maintain his confidence. "Maybe she forgot to mention it. I left her a note saying I'd come to see her today."
Ace felt his patience slipping. He took a step forward, but before he could do anything, Deuce grabbed his arm. "You should leave. I don’t think she wants to see you," Deuce said, trying to defuse the situation.
At that precise moment, a voice interrupted the heated conversation from behind them. "Deuce?… Ace? What’s going on here?" Deuce and Ace froze at the sound of my voice.
"Nothing, this guy was just leaving," Deuce responded.
I stepped in front of them and walked toward the bartender. "I heard you were looking for me. We should go somewhere… quieter."
I walked across the deck toward the gangplank leading to the port, with the bartender following behind me.
"My name’s Pete, by the way," the guy said as soon as we stepped onto the port.
"I’m Y/n."
"Your friends are… charming," he said with irony.
"They’re just concerned… I think."
We walked through the port until we reached a small hill with a lookout point. Pete and I sat down, and for most the night, we talked about everything and nothing. The conversation flowed so naturally that it felt like I’d known him all my life. Of course, I had to invent my entire life story. There came a point in the night where I felt like I might be able to trust him, but something deep inside me told me not to. Besides, my thoughts kept returning to Ace.
Under the intense light of the crescent moon, Pete suddenly lunged at me, trying to kiss me. But almost instinctively, I dodged him. The truth was that even though I liked him, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ace.
Seeing my reaction, Pete leaned in close to my ear. "What’s wrong, don’t you want to?" he asked, grabbing my hands with one of his.
The sound of a chain made me go on high alert. I pulled away from Pete just enough to see that he was holding a huge chain in his other hand. The guy's face twisted into a malicious grin as he tightened his grip on my hands and tried to wrap the chain around them.
I quickly yanked my hands free with force, kicking him in the stomach, which made him release me so I could escape.
"I didn’t think it’d be this easy to catch you. You know... you should listen to your friends more often," he said as he pulled out a large whip.
I quickly turned around, ready to run, when the large rope coiled around my neck. Sea Stone. The damn chain was made of Sea Stone.
He yanked the chain back, causing me to fall to the ground, and then struck my back with the whip. It was hard to breathe, and the strong lash had left me trembling on the ground. "Who are you?" I managed to stammer.
"CP-0," he replied coldly.
Damn it, I couldn’t let them capture me, not now. I had to fight, do whatever it took; I’d rather die than go back to Mary Geoise.
I got up as quickly as I could, considering the Sea Stone chain was draining my energy. I ran towards the guy to make the chain less taut so I could remove it. He hadn’t expected this, and not understanding why I was running in his direction, he froze. I took advantage of this and reached for my neck, trying to untie the chain. In response, he lashed out at my hands again.
For long minutes, the guy swung his whip wherever my body moved, and I tried to dodge it—sometimes successfully, sometimes not. Seeing this, he threw the whip aside and proceeded to do the same with the chain. The guy's strength surprised me as I saw how he lifted the chain with moderate ease while trying to strike me with it. Since the chain was heavier and longer, each movement he made with it was slow but devastating if it hit me. Exhaustion was starting to take its toll on me; it was becoming harder and harder to dodge the blows, and the Sea-Prism Stone chain was still draining my energy. But desperation and the will to survive kept me moving.
As I dodged another attack, I saw an opportunity. The chain had hit the ground with such force that it created a small dent, but more importantly, it exposed an end of the chain that had not yet been lifted. If I could grab that end, maybe I could gain some advantage.
With a cry of effort, I lunged for the chain, grabbing the loose end tightly. Pete, surprised by my action, tried to regain control, but before he could, I wrapped the end of the chain around a nearby post. The weight of the chain did the rest, pulling Pete sharply to one side and throwing him off balance.
I took advantage of his confusion to run, though I could barely stay on my feet. The pain in my back and hands was unbearable, but I knew stopping wasn’t an option. I couldn’t let him catch me again.
"You can’t run, Y/n! CP-0 always gets what it wants!" Pete shouted, trying to free himself from the chain, but I was already focused on finding a way out.
I knew I couldn’t go back to the ship directly; Pete could catch up to me before I got there. Instead, I decided to run toward a group of nearby buildings, hoping to lose him in the narrow streets and alleys. My breathing was erratic, and every step felt like a challenge, but adrenaline and fear pushed me forward.
I entered one of the alleys and hid behind some barrels, trying to catch my breath and calm my furious heartbeat. I heard Pete's footsteps approaching, and I held my breath. I knew that if he found me now, it would be over.
"Do you really think you can hide from me?" His voice echoed through the streets, and the sound of the chain dragging on the ground sent a chill down my spine.
If I could distract him long enough, I might be able to get back to the ship and warn the others. I needed to make noise in one direction and then slip away in the other. I looked around and saw a pile of small stones near the barrels. It was a risky plan, but I had no other choice.
With as much stealth as I could muster, I grabbed a few stones and threw them toward the other end of the alley. The noise made Pete spin sharply toward the sound, giving me the chance to slip away in the opposite direction. I delivered a solid punch that knocked him to the ground.
I ran again, ignoring the pain in my body, and managed to reach another street before Pete could react. I felt a surge of relief, but I knew I wasn’t safe yet. I had to get back to the ship, I had to warn the others about CP-0.
The deck of the Moby Dick was silent. Most of the crew was asleep. I made it to the hallway, where I stumbled and fell to the ground, making a loud noise.
"Y/N?" Izou came out of his room. "What happened?"
Because of the commotion and our voices, a few other commanders came out of their rooms. Among them was Ace, who was furious at the scene.
"I knew it. It was that stupid bartender, wasn’t it?" he said, walking down the hallway toward the exit.
"Let's get her to the infirmary. Jozu, wake up Marco," Izou said quickly. "Ace… where are you going now?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I´m going to kill him."
Vista made a move, triying to stop him, while the others tell him to wait, to think clearly....but he kept going and disappeared into the dark.
"He's with CP-0; he came to capture me," I managed to say with my last breath.
"Let him go… maybe it's for the best. As soon as Ace returns, we leave; this will give us an advantage to disappear before they alert anyone else," I heard Izou say before I passed out.
I woke up with a start. Nightmares had haunted me all night. Pete… Saint Roswaald, and everything I had experienced until now, had played out step by step in my dreams. I woke up dazed in the infirmary bed, not really knowing where I was. I felt helpless and alone, very alone.
Staggering, I dragged myself to my room, hoping to find Marco there, but when I opened the door, the room was empty.
"He’s with Pops." A voice came from behind. Ace.
I turned around, and the look of terror and tears on my face made his expression change completely to tenderness.
"I… uh… I need to find him," I managed to stammer.
"I think you need to sleep."
Ace had traces of blood and scratches on his face. Then the image of Pete flashed back into my mind and I could feel my eyes starting to get wet.
"I don’t think that guy will bother you again, besides, we’re already at sea—it’ll be hard for them to find us." He was getting closer and closer to me.
My heart was racing more and more—Pete, CP-0… everything was spinning in my head, and a ringing began to fill my ears.
"Y/N?… Y/N!!!" Ace repeated as I fainted.
Flashes came to my mind as Ace was carrying me in his arms. When I opened them once more, I was in a bed, in a room I had never seen before, though it was very similar to mine, only with a huge bed. I sat up a bit, and I heard a small groan. Ace was sleeping soundly on one side of the bed, next to me, though leaving enough space so that our bodies would never have to touch. My stomach fluttered, full of butterflies and nervousness at Ace’s presence. Though I wasn’t sure how I had ended up there, I decided to close my eyes and rest.
----- TO BE CONTINUED-------------
Slow Burn!!!!!
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sakata-d-ace · 8 months
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I updated “I read the newspaper,” originally this was going to be the last chapter with an scene of just Sabo and Ace however that did not happen so im yet to write the final chapter lol
Ace finally learns the reason why he never heard of Sabo even though the man was alive going around the world and he feels bad, really bad, for punching Sabo
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wiverly · 2 years
Marco: I could take Akagami.
Ace: In a fight, right?
Marco: *smile*
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buff-muffin · 6 months
Bestowed The Crown
A one piece one shot: 1 827 words
The commanders of the Whitebeard pirates laid up late on the Moby Dick, the summer air still warm on their skin even with the sun long past set. The crowd was small as it was no real celebration, they had been doing well these past days, and with a recent restock of ales, sake and other liquors they couldn’t help but treat themselves long after most of the crew had gone to bed. Just the sixteen of them up late and drinking amongst themselves, a rare yet welcomed pleasure.
They sat under the stars with candle light as a guide for clumsy hands, unsteady with alcohol through their systems as they smiled and chatted on the floor. It was a nice night, peaceful even. The ship had hauled anchor for the night and the boat continued to be washed by gentle waves. The island under their claim close to their left side helped to provide protection from the Grand Line storms and ease the night's worry.
They laughed among themselves. Empty plates at their side along with a few tossed empty bottles. The drinks did wonders to help them all relax to varying degrees. Ace was probably on his eighth now, judging by the bottles around his lap but his speech was still clear, though they could tell they were losing him a little. Thatch on his sixth was slurring a little and swaying, choosing to nurse the half empty cup in his hands. And Marco was only on his third, being much more mindful of his intake, rather preferring to avoid a hangover when the sun eventually chose to rise again.
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master-dellamorte · 7 months
I am vibing way too much with s2 Phineas Thatch for my own good
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