#that's why moon had that cop kink
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imdonewithis · 2 years ago
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I need time to process this. . .
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cherienymphe · 2 years ago
Basic Training VII (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON acts, DUB-CON acts, MURDER, violence, kidnapping, captivity, public sex, degradation, forced pregnancy, forced marriage, stockholm syndrome, ptsd, housewife kink, cop!Peter
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: A pit stop during a road trip ends tragically when a small town cop sets his sights on you. You’re the newest addition in a long standing fucked up family tradition.
Keeping track of the days wasn’t hard. Night and day announced themselves with the setting of the sun and the rising of the moon. It was strange how it failed to feel monotonous, each day so different from the one before despite doing so many of the same tasks. You helped with breakfast in the morning, yes, and you ate dinner with the entire house every evening, but the activities in between weren’t always the same.
It was only just the other day that you’d been shown the nursery, a modest room that had been decorated by the wives and would serve as a classroom from what you’d been told.
Faced with another visualization of how permanent this all was made you lightheaded. You knew why you were being shown these things, why you were slowly being exposed to more and more of what your life here was expected to be. It felt depressing, but not as much as it should’ve been.
After all, at least you knew what the rest of your life would look like…even if it was some sick man’s fantasy.
You hadn’t had another incident with Steve since the vase debacle. You hadn’t been able to do your household tasks for a week, and even when you rejoined the other wives, you found yourself wincing here and there. You got the feeling that Steve had long wanted to punish you, ever since that incident in the kitchen, and while you still felt heavily watched, like you’d try to make a run for it any minute…
Peter was around more, now.
You didn’t like Peter. You were sure you never would, but you couldn’t deny the security you felt in his presence. You couldn’t ignore how much safer you felt all the while knowing that he was just a few rooms away. Sometimes when you were cooking or cleaning or even just attending to some vegetables in the greenhouse, you’d look over your shoulder and make eye contact with a familiar brown pair.
The relief you’d feel was something you didn’t want to focus on.
Sometimes he’d even take over for Jane or Margaret and would take it upon himself to show you how something was done instead. He was the one to show you the nursery/playroom, following close behind him as he prattled on about it. Maybe he’d seen the slight fear in your eyes, the combination of defeat and nervousness as you stared your future in the face.
…because Peter had reached out to take your hand, squeezing it.
Something about his presence had become like a shield. Like protection against Steve and anything else you feared in the house, so dependent upon it that when you woke up for the first time in a while, and Peter wasn’t there, you felt your heart drop. You were fully awake in seconds, sitting up in a slight panic and taking in his empty side of the bed. It wasn’t made, and it was still warm, telling you he wasn’t gone long.
The bathroom light was off, and you didn’t know where he could’ve gone, but when you looked outside the window, you were rewarded with the sight of him. You felt your shoulders relax, but your heart did pause at the sight of Steve and Bucky with him. All three were talking in the yard. About what, you didn’t know, but you didn’t think you were able to go back to sleep until it was time to get up again.
It was too early to get started on breakfast, so you weren’t surprised by the silence of the house when you left your room. You could even faintly hear the cry of an infant coming from somewhere on the other side of the household. It felt surreal to be up so early. With the sun just barely peeking over the horizon, the calm atmosphere, and the faint sound of a child, the place almost seemed like…a home.
You weren’t really thinking much when you approached the backdoor, not even questioning if it would even be unlocked. You guessed you just assumed it would be seeing as Peter and the other two were outside. When you opened the door, it was clear that the sound had caught their attention, all three halting in what they were saying.
You shuddered when your gaze briefly met Steve’s, quickly looking away when it fell on Bucky instead. You gave Peter your attention as you unsurely stood in the doorway, not quite certain on how to voice your need for Peter to come back. You didn’t want to be alone. You didn’t like being alone, and as Peter quickly made his way to you, as if afraid you’d take off at any moment, you felt your eyes water at how ridiculous you were being.
“You know you can’t be out here-.”
“I’m not,” you hurried to say, keen to point out that you hadn’t even stepped outside lest Steve try to use the technicality as a reason for punishment. “I woke up, and you were…”
You trailed off, taking a step back, eyes finding the floor. You felt Peter’s hands on your shoulders as he tried to look into your eyes, and you swallowed, shrugging.
“You weren’t there.”
Peter seemed to understand what you were saying, and you heard him softly exhale. He stepped inside with you, embarrassment filling you for so many reasons, quickly looking away when your gaze caught Bucky’s as Peter shut the door behind him.
“I’m sorry-.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he assured you, guiding you back upstairs. “You just scared me, is all. You’re not allowed outside yet, so you were the last person I was expecting to see.”
You hadn’t even been able to focus on the feel of air and sunlight on your skin for the first time in months. It was something you should’ve been soaking up, cherishing before you were forced inside again, but instead, you’d only been able to focus on how much you didn’t want to be alone.
“Is Steve…? Will he…punish me for that?” you quietly asked as Peter closed the bedroom door behind you both.
“No, no,” he said with a shake of his head. “I’ll talk to him.”
He rubbed your arms before leading you towards the bed, and you made yourself comfortable. You felt the need to apologize again, feeling like you’d still done something wrong by basically dragging Peter back to bed. You frowned at your word choice, something twisting uncomfortably in your gut.
“What were you talking about?”
The question came out before you could really think about it, and Peter paused at the sound of it, looking at you with a look you couldn’t name, and you swore you saw the hint of a smile on his lips before it disappeared.
“Just something Thor did the other day,” Peter eventually told you. “He’s a very unserious guy.”
Peter chuckled at a memory you weren’t privy to, and you nodded.
It wasn’t lost on you that everyone in the house seemed to have the kind of relationships with each other that you hadn’t quite mastered yet. Truthfully, you didn’t know how any of the men knew each other, but they all seemed as thick as thieves. Not even just that, but you noticed how at ease Laura seemed around Sam or Nat around Stephen or Sharon around Clint. They all seemed so familiar and comfortable with each other.
Like a family.
It was hard for you to view this place as anything close to that. After all, these women were here the same way you were, but Margaret had been here for years and seemed to find genuine enjoyment in her relationship with Steve despite how cruel he was. Peter wasn’t half as cruel as him, so that only made you wonder what would become of you in three years’ time. Sometimes you didn’t want to think about that too hard, afraid of what answer you’d come up with.
You knew that you were weak, and you were genuinely scared that you might not be able to even recognize yourself.
It was sometime after breakfast had been made, when you were hidden away in the greenhouse, when Peter called for you. Afraid that you’d gotten into trouble for something, you’d quickly risen to your feet. You could feel Nat’s eyes on you as you stumbled into the house, voice shaky.
Despite your nervousness, your voice had carried, and it wasn’t long before Peter rounded the corner.
He wasn’t alone.
The man with him had dark hair, but it was greying ever so slightly, and simple glasses framed his face. He and Peter were about the same height, and you warily eyed the strange man as they both approached you. You brushed some dirt off of you, swallowing.
“Am I in trouble?”
Peter seemed slightly taken aback by your question before quickly shaking his head, gaze softening.
“No,” he told you, reaching for you. “Bruce is our call-in doctor. He helps with all the births and health visits. We just figured it was time for a physical. Make sure you’re healthy and all…”
You were looking between them as Peter relayed this all to you, and you found yourself wondering if the doctor…knew. You wanted to believe that he didn’t, but then again, you never thought so many horrible men could congregate in one place and cohabitate with one another and their sick ideals. What was one more horrible man?
“It’s okay,” Peter softly assured you with a hand on your back as he guided you upstairs. “He’s just going to take some urine and blood samples.”
You had questioned that before Peter even finished, eyes wide as you remembered your last…run-in with blood. The mention of the red substance had you feeling spacey, and for the first time in what felt like too long, you had a brief recollection of your friends…and the sight of their bloody bodies.
“Woah, woah, woah,” Peter murmured as he grabbed hold of you, quick to do so when you started swaying. “It’s okay…”
He helped you sit on the bed, and you eyed the other man as he came into the room.
“Dr. Banner will be quick. He’s efficient like that. Isn’t that right, Bruce?”
His agreement didn’t make you feel better, and you frowned when Peter spoke about getting the blood out of the way first. You couldn’t take your eyes off of the other man as he approached, heart racing at the sight of the needle. Your lips trembled, but before you could see him do anything, Peter took it upon himself to cup your chin, turning you to face him instead.
“Don’t look at him,” he murmured, brown eyes studying yours. “Just keep your eyes on me.”
Peter’s fingers brushed along your skin when you felt the pinch, and you struggled to swallow.
“Did the others have to do this?”
Peter hummed an affirmative, softly smiling at you. His other hand came up to stroke your cheek, and when you felt relief in your arm, his smile grew.
“You did so good,” he praised before looking at Dr. Banner.
You felt Peter’s hand trailing to your neck, massaging the crook of it where it met your shoulder as the other man searched for the cup you were meant to pee into, murmuring about needing to check up on Jane too.
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“Thor used to come into my job, sometimes…”
Jane’s voice was very low in the greenhouse, her careful eyes on the door as she recounted her history with the God-like blond. Talking about your previous lives or anything close to it wasn’t encouraged, but after Jane had told you her ‘good news’, a hand on her stomach with a smile, you hadn’t been able to stop yourself from asking.
“I always thought he was handsome…funny…a little too optimistic, at times, but very sweet…”
There was something in her eyes you couldn’t quite place, something in her memories that made her smile dim some. If you had to guess, you’d say it was the memories and feelings of a time before she knew what Thor was really like. A time where she was just an innocent woman with a crush on a seemingly innocent man, unable to imagine the hell he’d put her through.
“He finally asked me out, and of course, I said yes.”
Her face fell some, and she sighed.
“As he was driving me home…I got lightheaded…drowsy…and then I woke up downstairs.”
You frowned at that, somewhat horrified that Jane had known Thor prior to this. Peter was a complete stranger, someone you had never even seen before, and you couldn’t imagine being subjected to this by someone you knew. Someone you trusted, your eyes burned with tears as you looked at Jane, but either out of genuineness or a practiced way of coping, a smile was already on her face again.
“That was… Well, it feels like a lifetime ago,” she slowly said, shaking her head. “…but, now we’re married, and I’m pregnant.”
She rubbed her stomach again, and you felt your own turn.
“Don’t you ever think about leaving?”
Your question was barely audible, fearful of anyone overhearing, but Jane heard you all the same.
“Not anymore,” she honestly told you. “It seemed…pointless. Masochistic to torture myself like that.”
You took a deep breath, heavily exhaling.
“Did you ever…?”
“Try?” she finished with a smile. “Oh, yeah. Twice, I think. After Thor had to sink to Steve’s level of punishment for the whole house to see, I never tried again.”
Your eyes met hers at that, and something seemed to pass through you both at the reminder of how Steve punished Margaret, sometimes. You didn’t even know that any of the other wives knew, and you wondered if it was something like an open secret. Again, you found yourself hurting for the new mom, unable to fathom how your humiliation at the hands of your so-called husband was just a known fact amongst the household.
“You shouldn’t…you shouldn’t try,” she eventually told you, making you look up. “When I was finally able to go outside, it was the first thing I did…and you’ll get caught…and it’s just not worth it.”
She sounded sad for you, but you felt sadder for yourself. You didn’t know how to tell her that you hadn’t even considered the thought in what felt like ages. It was just the other morning that you’d opened the door, and the thought of taking off, the thought of dashing right by the three men in the hopes that you could make it, hadn’t even crossed your mind.
You just hadn’t wanted to be alone.
You looked down as her words marinated within you. Jane had tried to escape twice, and there was no telling how many times Natasha had tried. You’d tried once, and it was barely an attempt, caught by Peter before you could even get your room door open. You didn’t need anymore confirmation of how weak you were, and even at dinner, you found yourself entertaining Jane’s advice and how masochistic it was to entertain thoughts that would never come true.
You weren’t half as strong as she was, and if she’d eventually given in, then what were you holding out for?
Peter could tell that you seemed distracted, touching your hand here and there, grabbing your attention. You gave him small smiles, unable to do much else, until he took another bite of the casserole.
“Pepper said you made this…”
You glanced over at the strawberry blonde, watching as she was engaged in a conversation with Steve and Tony.
“I did,” you told Peter, your eyes meeting his again.
“Really?” he quietly wondered, smile widening as his brows rose. “You did a good job.”
His hand came up to touch your cheek, and something like relief filled you. It was your first time cooking it without having to dump it afterwards, and while Pepper had assured you it looked and smelled great, Pepper was also known for placating you.
“I did…?”
Peter chuckled at how unsure you seemed.
“It tastes great.”
When he turned back to his food, you didn’t mirror him, keeping your eyes on him instead. You thought about when he’d eventually go back to work regularly like he used to before…and you didn’t like how it made you feel. Your chest tightened, and you blinked, finally turning towards your plate.
Without Peter, you really didn’t know how you’d function. After your punishment, you were even more afraid of Steve than you had been before, and you knew how much your slow adjustment irritated him. You knew that if it were up to Steve, you’d be punished every time you ruined a dish or burned some bread or messed up a load of laundry.
You didn’t even want to think about how many talks Peter had with the blond on your behalf.
It was something that weighed on your mind deep in the night, tears in your eyes at having to tiptoe around everyone again. Sure, you were adjusting much better, now, but that was exactly why Peter would have to go back to work again. You were better, now…so, he no longer needed to be here so much and neglect his job.
The thought had you shaking, holding in tears, and Peter must’ve felt it.
“Hey,” he said, turning on the lamp. “What’s wrong? Was it another nightmare?”
You shook your head.
Even those had become less frequent as of late.
“What is it?” Peter worriedly wondered, reaching for you.
You sat up, moving out of reach and wrapping your arms around yourself.
“I don’t want you to go back to work,” you eventually admitted. “I don’t like it when you’re not here. Steve…”
“He’s a lot, I know,” Peter softly said, touching your back. “…but I’ll have to eventually. This was only temporary…to help you adjust without the threat of severe punishment hanging over your head.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, hating that, and Peter made soothing sounds as your head drooped.
“You’ve been doing so well…”
You didn’t say anything to that, unable to voice the mindfuck this entire ordeal was. Peter was the reason you were even here, and so he should be the last person you want around. On the other hand though, he felt like the only thing standing between you and Steve’s ire, the memory of how the blond almost seemed to spit the word ‘weak’ out that day in the basement. He thought you were pitiful.
…and he was right…but Peter didn’t make you feel that way.
Peter didn’t make you feel dumb for messing things up. He didn’t look at you like a bug he scraped off the bottom of his shoe, like a nuisance. Peter never looked at you like he was just waiting for you to screw up, but instead like he believed it wasn’t possible for you to. You wiped your face, hating that some tears had escaped.
“Why me?” you murmured.
He didn’t hear you, at first, a soft hum escaping him as he moved closer, fingers brushing your neck.
“Why me…? You didn’t even know me…not like Thor knew Jane,” you forced out, voice shaky. “So, I don’t get it.”
You looked at Peter, gaze almost pleading.
“Why did you choose me?”
Why did he choose you and change your life forever? Why did he choose you and get your friends killed? Why did he choose you and force you to leave your mom all alone? Why did Peter choose you and ruin your life?
Peter reached up to wipe your face, moving closer and grabbing your arm. You couldn’t read the look on his face as he pulled you against him, his other hand coming up to rest on your head. You could hear his heartbeat beneath your ears, and your lashes fluttered at the sound.
“I just…knew. “
Your brows furrowed.
“I watched you smile and laugh, and get that little knit in your brow when you hear something that confuses you…”
Your frown deepened at Peter’s words.
“You do it all the time here, like you’re always confused…and you probably are, but I think it’s too cute.”
You could feel Peter’s lips against your hair.
“I just knew it had to be you.”
You didn’t know what you were expecting to be honest. It’s not like you and Peter had ever been anything more than stranger who almost ran into each other at the bathroom entrance once. What else could you have possibly expected him to say? Peter hadn’t known a thing about you then, and it could be argued that he still didn’t, and you suddenly found the bedding interesting.
“I knew I had to have you…and I’d regret it for the rest of my life if I didn’t take you.”
You pressed your lips together, sniffing.
“…that wasn’t your decision to make,” you tearfully mumbled.
Peter heard you though if the way his hold on you tightened was anything to go by. His fingers briefly pressed into your skin, hard enough to make you wince, before he eventually loosened his hold. He let out a sigh, chest dramatically rising and falling beneath your head.
“I disagree.”
He pulled away, forcing you to do the same, but his hands remained on you, pressing into your shoulders as his eyes met yours. You had never seen Peter look so serious, lips pressed together and face even as he looked at you. You didn’t think you liked it, and you got the feeling that you said something you shouldn’t have. He suddenly took your chin, his grip tight.
“I wanted you…and so I chose you,” he slowly began. “…and that’s never going to change.”
Your lips trembled.
“You’re mine, now, and you’re never getting away. Do you understand?”
You started to nod before his hand slid down your neck, thumb lightly pressing against the front of your throat. The corner of his lips curved upwards into a small smile.
“I need to hear you say it,” he softly encouraged, and you took a deep breath.
“I understand…”
Peter’s gaze was expectant.
“I’m yours, now,” you whispered.
Satisfied, Peter pulled you against him again, burying his face into your hair.
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It was the first really bad nightmare that you’d had in a while. A whole month actually. You woke up out of your sleep gasping for breath, clawing at your throat like something was choking you. You barely registered Peter beside you, waking up with you and reaching for you. He was faintly calling your name, that you could make out, but once you could breathe again, you paid him no mind.
You were too preoccupied with screaming.
It hurt your throat, rubbing against it like sandpaper and making it raw. It came from deep within your chest, the faces of your friends staring at you in the darkness, and you flailed on the bed. Your face felt colder than usual, and you realized it was the cool air hitting your wet cheeks. Every time Peter tried to grab your arms, you pushed at him, sobs festering in your chest.
“Y/N, you have to be quiet,” you heard him tell you. “You’ll wake up the whole house…”
You couldn’t really find it in you to care all that much. Your chest was so tight that it hurt, agony paralyzing you at the memory MJ’s final bloody act to push you away. You sobbed as you remembered Wanda’s heartbroken scream at the sight of her dead brother before she too was treated like nothing more than a wild animal. The disbelief you’d felt at Pietro’s murder was so vivid despite the fact that it had long happened, and you’d had months to accept it.
Peter finally wrapped his arms around you as you cried into his chest, the dark-haired man shushing you. Something about waking the whole house again. Something about Steve, and the mention of the blond had you crying harder. You pushed against Peter, nails digging into his skin as you tried to get away, but he only pushed back.
“Y/N…Y/N, stop,” he softly hissed. “Stop it.”
You’d never heard him sound so stern, and that too made you cry.
A choked wail escaped your lips…and then it wasn’t.
…because it was swallowed by Peter.
His lips on yours had you gasping, heart skipping a beat and chest clenching. His hands were still on your arms, trying to settle them as he moved his mouth over yours. When he let one of them go to rest his hand on the back of your neck, you used your free hand to push against his chest, but it was futile. You only realized it was so dark because your eyes were closed, but when you opened them, Peter was so close that you really couldn’t make him out.
Moonlight cast a pale glow in the room, shining light onto Peter holding you against him, tasting the inside of your mouth as he laid you down. His other hand was on your face, now, holding it in place as he kissed you. You could feel his heart beating against yours, his body completely pinning you down.
“You’re okay,” he murmured against your lips. “You’re okay…”
That’s what he always said, but it never felt true.
When you tried to push him away again, he took your wrists, pinning them on either side of your head. Peter was still kissing you, mouth molding almost perfectly against yours, a hum escaping him when your lips parted. He kissed your bottom lip and then your top one, his own finally trailing to the corner of your mouth as he kissed that too.
When he lifted his head, his nose brushed against yours, and under the glow of the moon, you could see his eyes boring into your own.
“There’s my pretty girl,” he softly said when you blinked at him, sniffling. “You’re okay.”
He let one of your hands go to run a finger down your lips, brushing it along your chin as he briefly pressed his lips to yours again.
“You’re safe, alright…?”
Your heart was still beating wildly in your chest, but remnants of your nightmare were slowly fading away, and you gave him a shaky nod. Peter kissed your cheek a few times before sitting up and pulling you with him. When he had you fully leaning on him as he laid back down, his arm curled around your waist, keeping you against him. You were still shaking, breathing still uneven and tears still in your eyes. Your lashes fluttered as you could feel Peter wiping them away, and you closed them completely when you felt his lips brush over yours one more time.
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nextgensage · 1 year ago
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First post, of course I had to do one of the main protags of this au and the ship that kinda started it all - Silvamy, aka the Rose family! (yes all the kids have amy's last name, more on that later.) Lets get into this sweet yet spicy fam. Silver T. Hedgehog
Age: 42
Occupation (Disaster Relief Specialist/ Timestone Guardian)
Extra Notes - still not fully satisfied with silver's older design, I think its because he's supposed to feel out of place amongst the present day sonic cast to really sell the futuristic aspect, i scrolled through a ton of silver au fanart to get inspo because i was stumped and didn't want to just slap some scruff on him and call it a day, especially since he joined the guardian of powerful gems club with blaze and knuckles (still working on the kinks but basically eggman nega survived his entrapment in the chaotic inferno, found out about the timestones and made little big planet the new holding ground for an infantile infrit, slowly working on "raising" it so he can subjugate the past, present and future and accomplish what his forefathers have always lacked - world domination and an another race against time to save the future ensues.) - Silver is now the guardian of the time stones and got an boost in psychic power and I wanted to give him an indicator similar to knuckle's crescent mark or blaze's forehead gem hence the teal markings. He has pulled an captain america and now safely stays in the past with his wife and kids and works similar to the zone cops of the archie comics but way more powerful and freelance. he also helps out with natural disasters like earthquakes or tsunamis thanks to his upgraded psychic powers. To end on an literal fluffy note, his wife and kids love the extra chest fur.
Amy Rose
Age: 40
Occupation: Event Planner/Fitness Trainer (Part-Time)
Extra Notes - pretty happy with amy's design, wanted to do something different from the long-haired cottagecore amys for sonamy fams, not knocking them - they work well for that dynamic but amy has an trio of very unique kids to parent, an time traveling husband and spends her days dealing with picky customers for all sorts of events and still find time to occasionally teach self-defense class and yoga to young women, she needs to be ready at all times. I wanted to go for an more casual and classic feminine nicole watterson vibe (yes, she is hiding muscles under that sweater dress :P.) - kudos to anyone who can get why she has 
glasses! I think the half-moon ones really suit her!
Zenia Rose
Age: 15 (Born May 23rd)
Powers: Enhanced durability, Enhanced senses, telekinesis, minor chaos energy manipulation, empathetic sensing/linking/inundation, minor telepathy 
My precious cinnamon roll! Zenia was the first serious sonic oc I ever made so I wanted to do her justice! She leans alot more towards her father in terms of appearance, power set and personality being a bit of an socially awkward and humble overthinker but she has her mother’s big heart and very caring and optimistic outlook on life, her parents nurtured her powers and her emotional capability in equal measures and thus she’s pretty well rounded in expressing and understanding the feelings of herself and others, though she tends to get more overbearing with those she’s close with, all round an very feminine girl next door archetype. As far as design goes, I wanted silver’s vibe but amy’s coloring and clear fashion influence with a dash of zenia’s more natural and graceful preferences, so pastels, frills and flower motifs were a go. I’m pretty proud of the idea of how to mimic her dads - lets say, “unique” quill style but make it more feminine so I took the spines at the back of silvers head and moved them to the front to be curtain-like bangs to always give her an demure look and then enlarged and curled his crown of quills and pushed them back behind an headband to give an bump it style, the rest is an homage to those long haired amy designs I mentioned earlier! She looked a lot like amy’s original design when she was an bab. Also her powers are a spring green instead of a teal like her dads because they are weaker and more emotion based. Silver personally made her energy cuffs and couldn’t say no when she asked for an flower design as the insignia. 
Auger Rose
Age: 8 (Born October 10th) Powers: Enhanced durability, enhanced senses, tarot card manipulation, minor precognitive ability (boosted when using tarot cards), minor chaos energy manipulation, acrobatics. Auggie! The quintessential middle child and only boy of the family - Auger’s family never makes him feel left out which he appreciates but he appreciates his own solitude and doing things at his own pace more. Silver initially worried that his own former solitary ventures in his once ruined timeline or even the powers hes gained from the time stones themselves has re-emergence in his son especially when auger revealed how he gets  flashes of the potential future sometimes but eventually amy and silver realizes thats just how their kiddo is, he’s not trying to be standoffish or emotionless, he just does and expresses things differently and thats okay, auger knows his family loves him and he shows the same affection in his own subdued way, plus his sisters keeps him on his toes and lets him shine when need be. Augers design is an mesh of forgotten concepts or concept arts of amy and silver, I always wanted to bring back amys tarot card abilities since thats what technically got her into the main cast plus they are an fun way to connect silver and amys dynamics and personal goals into their kid. I ripped off the hair design from my first actual sonic oc - Specs the hedgecat and tweaked it a bit to fit more inline with auger’s personality - ie tamed but not stuffy. Augers eyes are perpetually half-lidded for an myriad of reasons and he always has that waist belt with him as it carries his own special deck of tarot cards. Can’t remember how I came up with his fur color, He’s an autumnal baby with his twin sister so I just rolled with that I think.  Fun Fact - Auger is a tool with a helical bit for boring holes in wood and is an personal play on the word, Augur which is the ancient roman practice of observing birds to interpret omens! Maple Rose
Age: 8 (Born October 10th) Powers: Enhanced durability, enhanced senses, enhanced strength, piko-piko hammer, acrobatics, spindash, homing attack
The baby of the family, auger’s twin sister and probably the reason amy and silver stopped at three kids. Maple is the wild child of the trio and took all of her parents headstrong traits and cranked them up to 11, having a very strong sense of justice and action taking but oftentimes leaping before she looks. The type of child to constantly be sulking in the principal's office because she fought with another kid who was being a jerk, pouting not because she’s sorry but because she’s getting in trouble for something the bully started. An tomboy playground protector if you will with tons of energy to burn and big dreams to fill. Amy wonders semi-fondly if this is adorable karma for always wondering what a child with sonic will be like as her little girl looks up to the blue blur immensely and wants to be the next big hero of her generation. Amy severely regrets the day she let sonic teach maple how to spindash (fun fact - she’s the only one of her siblings who can do it successfully!) and both her and silver are still trying to figure out how to explain their decorated history with sonic without the girl jumping to fantastical conclusions, this coupled with the fact maple carries her mothers legacy of the piko piko hammer and well…knee pads, helmets and bandages are always running out at the rose household with maple playing hero. All in all however, Maple is an loyal friend and while she can be pushy at times, tell her to back off and she will, having two more soft spoken siblings has certainly helped tame her more out there ideas and tendencies. Design wise - maples coloring was to complement her brothers but I headcanon amy’s father as being an red hedgehog so took that and mixed it with silvers darker hue to make that maple sap color work and I takes cue from the classic rough and tumble troublemaker kids of old cartoons, tooth knocked out and everything as well as using silvers unique quill shape to have the excuse to emulate maple leaves for her hair, always has some form of bandage or dirt on her no matter how many times her mothers tries to keep her clean. 
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onyourhyuck · 2 years ago
Looks That Kill. | L.MK (M)
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prologue- “I belong to you, only you.” + “I hoped you said we’d be something more.”
summary: the new kid moved into town and y/n already has a bad feeling about him. one day a late night walk down to the woods changes everything between them, a secret comes out of the shadows sparking taboo feelings.
tw- werewolf romance. college mention. fantasy. wolf hunters mention. smut. fluff. death mentions. blood. horror . Fem!y/n. Dom Mark. Breeding kink. Hickeys/marking, praising.
the secure night welcomes you comfortably, slippers stomping on the wet soil with ease, kicking past the withered autumn leaves. woods in the town has always been safe and sound, in fact this town only has around 2,000 people residing in it.
there is history amongst every corner of this town in south korea from the west shore end. this town used to be roaming with supernatrual creatures hence why it’s earned the nickname “ghost town”, it’s foretelling that big fur muscle monster resembling both a man and a wolf at once standing on two feet ran its money for this place.
tearing apart hunters left and right mercilessly, going on a frenzy of blood lusting hunger. the creature of the night earned its infamous name as the servant of the moon. the werewolf.
a man at day and a wolf at night. what a bunch of bullshit right? you scoff aloud not to shy particularly as you was alone.
you’re a young college student who is very much a logic over bunch of ghost stories. You are the person who would scream in middle of the camp fire ‘I don’t believe in it until I see it with my own eyes’ motto. people who tend to believe In paranormal activities, watching these tv shows late at night ghost hunting looking for entities all night and somehow make money profit from it; you think pity of them.
people earning money doing fortune telling and psychic mediumship upset you deeply as you think of them as conartists scamming people who are gullible enough to be used.
calling you pessimistic was known from others, but you prefer the term realistic. There will never be a day in your life where you will ever believe in supernatural.
But this was going to happen today. a loud snap echoes within the foggy woods, you turn around in bare pyjamas stop the moment your sharp ears perk up to the sudden define crack. breathing stops as you was solely looking straight ahead to the right where it came from.
“tsk a stupid badger probably stepped on something.” y/n mutters turning around to walk away, a growl reappears as quick as lighting behind. it grew more frequent as it ups syllables more and more.
Your heart skips a beat. Why was the feeling of suffocating there when you’re right in the open woods with fresh oxygen? The girl turns around to check what could be possibly growling. In her head she lists multiple animals such as:
bears, if South Korea ever had any. Maybe it was foxes, or perhaps cats. maybe even a dog.
but not a darn silhouette ominous figure with bright yellow eyes glaring right at you where she stands still as a frozen statue. The only certain thing moving was the heavy wind, even the trees has stopped dancing about. It seems the entire woods became extra quieter when the strange creature hiding amongst the dark fog and black shadows, the entire animals residing in the forest have copped themselves away. As if they all knew that trouble was bound to happen. The instinct to run was there like a visible red button with emergency warning in bold letters, but the body felt numb to act on it. Your brain was fighting by fleeing the scene, the body did not respond. For once in your life You felt fear, paralysing your veins deeply. she couldn’t believe her bloodshot eyes, shaking as the creature starts its movements forward.
She whispers under her breath. “Screw it im going to run.” you shout turning on your heels immediately, sprinting ahead with almighty speed. never in her life has she ever ran so fast to the point everything felt like a blur. the girl couldn’t see trees as clearly anymore and nor did she stop to look back. Darkness follows you behind where the creature corners up behind the girl chasing with its baring large canine teeth practically savouring a bite out of you. The girl gasps on her husk voice holding it as she glances back once.
Feet slide off the edge rolling down the steep lopsided hill where the girl polls backwards landing face front in a pile of reddish orange brown leaves. picking herself up quick, not wasting any minute, she lost a slipper. Unable to turn back to retain it, she carries on escaping without.
You run quick once again only to be stopped by the creature cutting off with a shortcut. The mortified human falls backwards, crawling away as fast as possible as she leeches on the pile of leaves in her dirty palms.
the creature’s breathes heavy with snarls coming out of the gaping open mouth, resembling a wolf yet also a man. The black furred animal corners the girl by it’s claws, tugging on the ankle. You yelp kicking forward with the knack of balls she has in herself, by reaching forward with a rock, grabbing it and then penetrates the heinous monster’s eyes.
She saw the creature back off with a gnawing irritation, then running off to the end when it’s noticed the sky was changing colour rather quickly. You felt weirded out by such an action from the creature.
i mean why would it stare at the sky and hurry off? wasn’t it weird? and what exactly was it? junghyun grabs herself off the floor immediately following the animal from behind, trying to keep up with its inhuman speed as much as possible.
though when running after it, you wouldn’t be met with the creature.
you were met with a human laying on the ground, unconscious, barely breathing and also buttnaked in middle of nowhere. you gasp at the person in shock as she slowly approaches it, poking the person’s back. she only earned a soft snore as a response.
there’s no way that this man was the creature. i mean how did it make sense? what proof was there?
your face lights up when a moment replays in her mind. the monster’s eye was attacked by a rock. so if the man sleeping soundly in front of her was the monster, he would have a black eye.
the girl crouches down turning the guy forward so she could take a first glance at the face. she gasps. “oh my god it’s the new kid.”
you slowly lifts the boy’s face more observing the eyes, it had a slight bruise on his right eye. she shifts eyes feeling uncomfortable by staring at her classmate who is buttnaked in middle of the woods and might be a freakin’ monster.
god you pray you’re hallucinating.
The eyes shot open relieving the night like it were a movie on replay record, trembling at the foreign ceiling, he felt his skin prickle with muscles contracting at each movement he did. the wrists tug forward, poking at the belt rattling on the bed frame that had him so trapped in such an unfamiliar setting.
Mark grunts. He can’t figure out where he is, nor did his strength find his body to be able to pull away. Usually, he could do so as much as he pleases. But now he used all his darn energy and strength last night chasing something without his control.
“Where the hell am i.” Mark let’s out with another rough grunt pulling against the belt on his wrists tying it to the bed entirely.
“my house.” a feminine voice pierced to the front where the door opens revealing a young girl with brunette long hair, holding a frying pan in front of him like a defence shield. he eyes her up and down, hissing. “you’re the girl in my English class.”
“yeah and you’re the foreigner kid.” you bark back. “Who’s also a werewolf.”
he lifts his head in shock hearing exclamation. unable what to say, Mark only panics more and more against the belt, this time with actual force to escape. this whole plan was to leave Canada for a new life not to become the most wanted mythical source on earth. you breathe heavily moving closer.
“you’re not going to say anything?” you poke confused on the side, finding it completely weird that he wouldn’t deny it or agree to it. mark turns to you with a side glare, a look that kills anyone.
you gulp thinly. Mark saw the way her throat shrieks, he feels her heartbeat from a mile away, the way her body language curls up on the frying pan that she depends on to protect her from a werewolf, a literal monster machine, does she think mark can be stopped with a frying pan of all things? he scoffs mockingly in his head watching the timid mortal. “should i give you a poetry on how i’m not a werewolf?”
mark spat, watching you who peeps with a soft head shake. the boy speaks with venom in his voice, “then no.” mark growls turning to the belt on the wrists.
“I don’t understand.” You shakily tell rolling down the walls in front of the bed, dropping the frying pan that would circle on the floor till it fell flat. legs curling to the your chest as your arms wrapping on it, watching the boy in defeat.
mark didn’t bother turning back to watch the girl who spoke like her entire world was a lie, it wasn’t his responsibility what she feels. What was his responsibility was to not get caught and to stay away from the spotlight. He failed both those things, clearly.
“i mean..you’re a werewolf I seen it with my own eyes. How..I thought it was all myths.” You slowly starts. mark stops playing with the belt edge, where his head subconsciously looks at your pale face. she looks terrified, tired and hell of a mess. mark purse lips in a thin line.
“i’m not a scientist who can explain how. but i’ll have you know that i don’t attack humans. i’m just trying to live a low life, somewhere peaceful and quiet.” you hears the boy say. the way he spoke about it much calmer and not in a hostile defensive way, meant that he was being truthful. you slowly stand up, approaching the bed that mark was laying on forcefully.
he watches her like a prey wondering what she’s about to do. you whisper. “you won’t kill me if i let you go and forget his ever happened right?”
“i wasn’t going to kill you anyways.” mark replies as he felt your trembling cold hands undo the belt on the wrists. He was quick to retract them back, but with your body weight.
mark has you on the bed pinned above him. He is hovering over you with great strength, looking you dead in the eyes with the brown amber iris that were once a bright glowing yellow. you gulp itching to get out, your legs squirming till he squeeze your smaller hands in his palm.
“you said you wouldn’t kill me.” you exclaim.
“that’s right but i never said anything about hurting you. especially with my right eye.” he hawks as you were brought to look at the black bruise on the eyelid, you glare completely defending your actions.
“you deserved that. you chased me in the woods.”
mark said nothing, letting go off the wrists and then pulling himself off the girl’s fragile body. he rubs the back of his head noticing that he was given underwear, that was nice thoughtful thinking at least. your body sits up about to stand up, but the man’s voice stuns you still.
“I hurt your leg accidentally.” He admits turning around to face her leg. He walks crouching down lifting it up to roll her jeans, he saw her careless badly wrapped bandage that could barely stay on the wound. he bites his inner cheek. She carefully tread.
watching him continually wondering what he was about to do. but the moment he demands first aid kit she caught on the idea he was going for. Y/n was more than pleasant enough to give him the power to the first aid in the room. The boy re-did everything even better, better than the ones you committed to do.
As the white bandages wrap on the scratch open wound, thankfully it never got far too deep into the skin just a little on the edge. you wince when he tightens the last bit of bandages with a tie.
Mark looks up murmuring. “Sorry for hurting you. I’m not in control when i transform.”
“It’s okay at least you helped me out.” you softly gaze at him. “What’s your name?”
“Mark Lee. How about you?” to be honest it was clear you guys hardly listened to the register when the teachers called your names out. The boy was just as curious as you were.
It felt surreal that you and mark have become so close over the course of just three weeks. You kept his secret and even lend him a home at your place. You both go to school together and leave together.
Mark has opened up to you about lots of things and usually, he never does that but with you it felt so comforting and easy to do so; it’s as if he knew you before for a long time.
Like old friends reuniting.
Mark’s from Canada, born and raised. He moved from his home county just few months ago because of his first transformation as a werewolf. He got caught in his wolf form running around scared, so he flew off to South Korea where his parents were born. He had no one.
But he has you now. You made it clear to him that you’ll do anything to help.
Now you’re both walking through the woods, classes have been dismissed and you’re on your way home. chasing each other down the woods pathway, he was quick to catch up with you tackling you to the floor. Your bodies rolling together as one until you both stop, sliding on top of each other. Mark on the ground laying flat as he was met with you on top.
You’re letting out gentle pants as your hands rest well on the sides of his face. Mark with trembling eyes sparkle, meeting beautiful ones that perceiving the world differently from him. He was interested in you, no doubt, a human like you was a gem to people like him. You didn’t spill his secret for whatever reason.
It’s rare finding humans like you nowadays.
“You know you really gotta stop using that wolfy power on me.” you complain softly as you stand up, throwing out your hand. Mark takes it gladly, standing up with a laugh.
“Then.” He pulls you roughly into his chest, where your face firmly looks at him. You felt your breathing hitch on holt as your face was barely inches away. His lips were practically breathing fire on your cold lips. “Stop playing with me, y/n.” He coos letting you go.
You pout watching him leave so casually as he grabs your bag and his bag. He’s start to carry them both as he walks home. You whine following him.
“But it’s fun playing with you!”
On the way home you arrive quickly. The two of you made yourselves back at home considering the fact you two were literally sitting in the lounge watching tv.
One hard thing living with mark was that he eats the entire fridge. Mainly meat. He’s always craving meat and it sometimes amazes you how much he can eat.
Mark sits still munching on the chicken wing as if his life depended on it. You watch openly for far too long, when the boy brings you to reality.
“Yah why are you eyeing me like that? Have you never seen a hungry werewolf before?” he barks and you scoff. “I think I have like three weeks ago at night.”
“That was a mistake.” Mark replies putting down the bone on the plate, licking his fingers.
“I have a question Mark.” You suddenly entice and he hums in response wondering what is was, not turning to look at you as he was busy licking his thumbs, watching the tv.
“Do you only turn on full moons?”
“Can you speak to dogs when you transform?”
Mark looks at you with the most unserious face. “No. Y/n I can only communicate to other werewolves.”
“Ahhh. Then how about reproduction? Is it the same as wolves?” You blurt out all curious. Today in biology you learned about wolves actually, they mate pretty easily.
You wonder if it’s the same thing with the seasons. Mark suddenly coughs on his saliva hitting his chest with heavy breathes. The boy’s face turns lightly reddish pink and his ears were bright coloured. You blink wondering what was actually wrong?
“I- we reproduce just like humans do. ” He would ask raising an eyebrow. “So you don’t need to turn to fuck somebody, noted.”
You were a curious little thing to mark. The boy simply nods but awkwardly looks away brushing the back of his head, he clears his throat. “Yeah. I haven’t experienced it yet.”
“I heard that first rut is rough for beginners. No self control whatsoever. It doesn’t sound pleasant. It’s even worse when you don’t have a partner to do anything with.”
You felt the way he spoke about werewolf things as if he was alone in it. He was technically alone. Werewolves come in pacts, these creatures, people and community are meant to be together. Meant to do things together, just live together. But you try to make it up to him. You might not be worth twenty werewolves but at least, you can help him through his first’s as a true werewolf.
Holding his hand suddenly you tightly embrace, he turns to you slightly surprised but you flash him a smile.
“I’ll be there for you, so it won’t be that bad.”
Those words were meant to be encouraging for this young werewolf all alone in his world, but little do you know he wasn’t really going to let you be part of everything. he knows the risk. For your safety he would rather put you aside. Your worlds are so different, it could definitely put a strain on it. Y/n wasn’t aware of it sooner that she’s falling hard for the boy and mark was doing just the same.
A young boy runs up to the girl with a string of pants. You look down raising an eyebrow, as your two friends, Jaemin and Jeno surround you.
“Chenle? Hey what’s up.” You comfortingly speaking.the Chinese boy waves with a short sided smile. “Hey, Mark wants me to pass a message that he left to go home. He wasn’t feeling well.”
“Honestly he looked slightly ill. He had a fever and he even seemed agitated.” Chenle trails half worried and you widen your eyes. What was happening to mark? What made him run so much.
Jaemin hums a bit facing y/n. “What’s your relationship with him?”
You scrunch up facing the boy questioning you, like he was a detective. “None of your business jaem.”
Jeno let’s out a silent ‘ooo’ teasingly before nudging your arm. You scorn out with a sudden shove as you grab your phone to call mark, walking away midway dialling. Three boys watch you leave without an answer from you, extremely suspicious that you’d walk out on them. I mean you don’t have many friends. Who are you worried about so much you’d leave your three only friends?
“Yah she seriously walked out on us three…”
The three boys murmur in unison, actual disbelief showing through their eyes,
So when you ran to go home the moment Mark’s number came into multiple voice mails, you didn’t look back or regret it. The boy was important to you. You were worried he was sick, perhaps dying too. You know he’s different but it doesn’t scare you, not anymore at least.
Mark’s a genuine guy who hides a lot from the word and people afraid he’s going to be judged or hurting people around him. You weren’t weak though. He might view you like a mortal, but you’re not weak.
The moment you’ve entered the house his room was shut on the lock. You knock constantly, shouting for Mark to open up. With few pants remaining in your breath.
“Mark you okay? Are you ill?”
“Please speak to me. What’s going on? Chenle said you’re ill.”
Another silent reply. You purse your lips into a thin line as you lean closer to the door, banging on it. But then when your right ear took a whiff of a soft growl emerging in the background of the room, your eyes widen. Pressing your entire ear on the door you could hear faint noises. Groans growing louder, animal-like growls and sometimes you would hear Mark cussing. You pull away hitting on the door again.
“Mark you don’t sound so good, please speak to me at least.” You demanded on your tip toes. This time you would hear creeks on the floor put on action as the door half jar opens. Seemingly Mark didn’t want to open it fully but he was caught by surprise when you kick the door open jumping in a hug to pull the boy in this warm loving embrace. He stumbles on the floor, aching at your heavy loving.
“Easy there.” Mark murmurs lowly as you sigh of relief. Your foreheads touch momentarily but when it did, he burned your skin, leaving a red mark. You flinch away in disbelief.
“Oh my god you’re burning up.” You exclaim and he lets go off you, pushing you off. Y/n blinks how much mark has separated himself from her, as he stands up. The entire body language was off putting, he was more socially distant, he seems distressed and aggravated, as if he was a dog going rabid. Mark wasn’t sure what this was, until he felt your presence. He curses himself for being this way.
You come forward to feel his forehead again but Mark immediately rejects your touch by pulling on your wrist, he squeezes it like a warning sent to you. The same look from the first day you met, he was flashing it right down at you. Looks that Kill.
Something was very much different about him, about his entire character. This wasn’t like him, perhaps this was a full moon transformation..
You thickly gulp, but you didn’t dare look away, you held the eye contact.
“Mark are you transforming tonight?” You trail softly. The boy lets go off your hand shaking his head, he sits on his bed, running fingers in through the black hair.
You softly interrogate again, hoping to find the answer. “Then you’re definitely ill Mark, we need to get you to a hospital. Quick.”
He scowls at your human thinking immediately saying how dangerous this was. Doctors can easily find that his body is reacting different than the human body would. These type of people working in science and hospitals have been danger to him from the start, they could very much take his dna and run tests. Mark can’t risk being found out.
The man spat, showing hint of annoyance . “No that’s a suicide mission. I’m fine y/n.”
“You’re not fine. Just tell me what’s going on!” You exclaim with frustration, but the moment he told you your body froze .
“I’m going through my first rut. Now get out this could end badly .” Mark demands watching you up and down. “It’s already embarrassing for myself to be telling you this. I’d appreciate it if you just…leave for your safety.”’
The situation got worse, maybe in Mark’s head everything went downhill the minute he’s told you what actually was wrong. Because now you’re submitting yourself to a werewolf undergoing their first rut.
You see werewolves are social animals. They have to stick together with their own kind but it’s hard to do that when Mark is alone, technically he’s a lone wolf and it could severally damage and kill him mentally. Though he had you and he’s never felt the need to look for a pact or to feel lonely. You’re his driving force, his pack, the one he relies on more than family. You are his new family. In other words being apart really distressed him when he realised his body is undergoing the first rut. This was probably one of the things you really can’t help him out on.
Or at least that is what he thinks. You were full on tugging your body closing the door shut. Mark thought you would have left but instead you locked it in with you and him, in the room.
“Y/n I told you to leave.” Mark shouts.
“Mark you’re in pain I can’t leave you.” You tell in agony, walking to mark as you go on your knees watching him.
“You can’t help. Please go.” Mark looks away from you. You’re practically insane for even considering you could.
You shake your head. “Mark look at me I can help you. I’m not doing this out of pity. I’m doing this because i care for you.” Your hands reach the ends of his face bringing it around to look at you. The way your hands felt like a safe place for him to let go off every worry was like magic to him. He softly looks at you, as he runs his thumbs on your soft lips and at the end of your chin, lifting your face up. You were totally at his mercy, at his power. You’re on the floor submitting and something feral really went inside him, because the next minute he was dragging you on the bed pinned roughly on top of you, gazing in your eyes with the most killing look of a predator. The littlest movement makes your heart beat, he could hear you from miles away with that kind of heart aching at the danger he poses to you. But he didn’t sense fear from you mentally .
“You say you’re doing this because you care for me. Is there really nothing else to it?” Mark raises a question that’s truly been bothering him for a while. “In what way do you care for me exactly. Is it family? Friends? Or maybe something more...”
You watch him carefully as he runs his hands down your small waist, embracing the curvy figure you portray out there just for him to feel all night long. The way his fingernail traces itself to the hips and then stopping at your inner thighs where he squeezes tight leaving red marking on your skin. You flinch at the sharp pain with his nails dug in your skin, soft whimpers coming out of you, to him that felt like heaven hearing it through one ear the another.
“I want to be there for you. I hate seeing you go through this alone. Is it so wrong for me to give myself up to you?”
You shriek when he came closer hearing a very specific line that made him harder to control himself. Give myself up to you. Those words were exactly what he was looking for subconsciously. Just like any werewolf, they love to intend on power through their loved ones.
You knew you’ve done something to Mark, as if you have this big large chain leashing him to you because he grips on you tighter without any thoughts of letting you leave anymore. He gave you a warning, he gave you an option to leave. But it’s no longer there. He grunts.
“You’re making this hard for me sweetheart we’re you always this troublesome?” Mark growls watching you. You hum softly gazing down at his lips and eyes. “You do realise what you’re setting yourself in for, right?”
Mark spoke catching you off guard as you were already falling to his temptations like a mortal without any dignity. You strongly nod.
“I’m all yours Mark.”
God don’t say those words, it’ll be so hard to stop myself. Mark thought. He cursed you in his head wondering why you’re so compliant with this, you must be insane to be thinking of ever sleeping with him. Hell he could even kill you he doesn’t know. It’s just as risky as death, this was practically death to you. He doesn’t know how much control he’s going to have over himself to make sure you won’t hurt.
“Y/n…I don’t think this is..-“
You pull mark forward with a kiss on his lips, enough to let him know you’re fine with anything he’s willing to do and give you. If this is what helps him through the first rut she’s more than willing to. Perhaps your personal feelings got into the way, because you did end up having feelings for him, and you hate yourself for falling in love so quickly with the boy. But how can you not fall in love with him? Mark’s been an amazing company, a friend you could relate to, not only was he different, you really didn’t want him to live a bad life. He’s never hurt a fly. Mark survives on woodland animals or your freaking fridge.
He’s possibly one of God’s most Saint humans he’s ever created on this earth.
The next minute his lips were biting down on yours as he focuses on stripping you off the loose fabric. The man above you did as he pleases, exposing your bare skin to his eyes, you’ve blessed him the minute he was eyeing you down, he felt his mouth drooling just by looking at how flustered you already were from just a simple kiss.
You were rubbing on your legs together, becoming sensitive from just small areas like your neck. Mark husky voice paints your skin with goosebumps, as he speaks sweet nothings on them. Admiring the chain of reaction he has over your gracious body.
“you’re practically soaking down there, all from a kiss.” Mark announces with his deadly voice, slicking the fingers at your folds. You flinch upwards with a gentle moan, holding your palm on your mouth. He smirks, glancing up at you.
“I want to hear you y/n. Who do you belong to?”
You weren’t sure what’s gotten over you but you did not hesitate to announce that you were his only. To tell a boy you met in the woods late at night when he was trying to hunt you down like you’re his dinner, now this might be metaphorically just like that, he was burning for you, begging for some kind of release and physical touch. The hormones weren’t making it easier. Mark wasn’t thinking straight enough, you made him go absolute feral just by your consent and kissing alone. You grip the hem of his grey setback hoodie, looking him in the eyes.
“I belong to you, only you.”
Those words meant so little to other people in the society but to you and mark it changed the entire relationship dynamic. You see werewolves don’t mate for life but even though they take their picking partners seriously, if anything Mark would pick you over anyone. You’ve kept his secret. You’ve took him in your house. You came running for him just because he was going through his problems, you sacrifice a lot for him. Maybe this time, he should treat you. Make you his, give you the world. Work hard for you.
He wants a life with you he’s came to a conclusion. Mark doesn’t want to see you with anyone else but him.
The next minute you were stripped with a man with a chocolate abs hovering above you. You’d be loud enough to prevent neighbours to be worried for you, you aren’t going to surprised if tomorrow morning you run into them and they’ll be extremely awkward with you; there was no way they did not hear you, Mark was making it impossible to be quiet. Hell, he wasn’t going easy on you, but you loved that. Loving the way he was so animalistic about it, treating you with both love but can’t help to let out those whines and growls at once in your ears slipping them like music notes. The way he fit inside you with enough burning stretching, you became addicted to the pain. He whispers words of well done to you, words of how amazing you feel, that you’re his and no one else’s.
He can’t help but slip up a momentarily descriptive sentence that left you running laps, laps into liking the idea more and more the way Mark was begging for it.
“God Y/n do you want me to fill you up? Scream how much you want to be filled till you’re stuffed. Let others know what you want so badly.”
Mark groans feeling the inside become tighter, you were clenching unconsciously just by hearing the idea in your head, it sounded so good. You whine tugging your fingertips on his bare back, arching your body up as he was hovering you from behind, pounding without a single differ intention from stopping.
“please give it to me mark I’m begging. I need it.” You croak out into your hands. He smirks lazily, lifting you by your hair carefully. His lips start to trace you down like a map, marking you with reddish bruises going purple very quickly . His sharp canine teeth sent shudders down your spine practically.
“Mmm such a good girl for me. Taking whatever I give her. Never complaining.” He praises you, somehow leaning your validated with a warm happy emotion boiling in your abdomen.
Mark would do exactly as you wish. He won’t stop until you’re full as you demanded. Your walls painting white in his bodily fluids as he didn’t dare pull out immediately, Mark let’s you cock warm him for a while as he gathers the strength to drop his lifeles tired body beside you. You did the same rolling flat on your side of the bed.
Though by the end of it. You were both left in your calming presence. Mark pulling you closer as you snuggle in. He was much calmer and he felt happier it was with you. Him losing his first virginity to you. He whispers.
“you know when i asked what you felt for me?” mark softly tells in your ears as he was resting his face in your soft silky hair. inhaling your shampoo scent. you hum a soft yeah.
“I hoped you’d say you wanted to be more than friends.” he smiles to his childish thoughts. you look up with a soft grin,
Loving his round boba eyes watching you as if you meant so much to him, that he was so grateful for you. “I do. I love you.”
“I love you most, y/n.”
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu. Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates.
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angryschnauzer · 4 years ago
Blackwater Lake - Chapter 2
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Summary: There’s a little town high in the mountains where everyone has a secret, and every family has something that makes them unique. In Blackwater Lake those that are outcast by nature come together.
Characters/Pairing:  Vampire!Walter Marshall x Female Reader
Warnings (for this chapter); Talk of PTSD, Reader is ex police, Possible home invasion, NSFW sexy times, protected sex.
Previous Parts: Werewolf!Sy: Moonlight on the Sand  Castle Under The Stars.  Werewolf!Sy, Vampire!Walter: Chapter 1
This will be a series of stand alone stories/2 parters, which will revolve around the residents of the town, with some recurring characters. The ‘reader’ for each story will be a ‘new’ reader, so its not the same woman being with all the male characters.
I do not run a tag list, but please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications. You’ll then get an alert every time i post something new.
Chapter 2
Walter had managed to recover from the shock of seeing his best friend and his wife being able to make their eyes glow, and as unbelievable as it sounded, had accepted their explanations of how they’d been turned into Werewolves. Much like his own knowledge of Vampirism before he had been turned himself, he quickly understood that what the media made these quirks of nature to be and what they actually were had been greatly exaggerated. 
Sy had stayed up into the early hours of the morning with him, sharing the better part of a bottle of bourbon as he’d described how it affected their family, and how his wife only turned when her period coincided with a full moon, and how they dealt with childcare during the times that they would turn. 
Walter woke with a start, the soft mountain light pouring in the windows and for a moment he was confused, not recognising his surroundings until he remembered spending the rest of the night on Sy’s couch. His mouth felt like something had crawled inside and died, and he swore in that moment not to share hard liquor with someone that could howl at the moon. Finding some painkillers high in a kitchen cabinet he crushed two between his teeth before drinking straight from the tap. Standing tall he moved his neck, trying to get the kinks and knots out of his muscles when a pair of fluffy slippered feet appeared in the doorway. Looking up Walter poorly suppressed a laugh as he saw Sy wearing a pair of sheepskin moccasins and what was obviously his wife’s robe;
“Reginald, you look stunning” Walter muttered as he watched his friend shuffle into the kitchen
Sy held up his finger and waggled it, wincing at the sunlight pouring in the window;
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t call me that, the only people that call me that are the preacher or my Ma, and unless you’re planning on marrying me or making me biscuits...”
Walter laughed, leaning against the counter as Sy filled the coffee pot as if he was on autopilot, before reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out a baby bottle with the previous day’s expressing date on. Setting the bottle to warm in a bowl of water he handed Walter a tin of coffee;
“Fill that up, i’m gonna go get Luna”
A few minutes later he reappeared holding his little girl in his arms, wrapped in a soft blanket covered in moons and stars. Grabbing the bottle before settling at the kitchen table, he popped the lid off and shook the bottle, before lifting it and shaking a few drops onto his tongue, laughing when he saw Walters eyes go a little wide;
“Better straight from the source but Mama is sleepin’ so its me in Mama’s robe” he explained with a grin on his face. Walter placed a mug of steaming black coffee in front of Sy; “Thanks man… hey, in the fridge there’s a pint of pigs blood from Walkers Meats… ya’know, if you need it”
“Why have you got pigs blood?”
“The missus was gonna make some Scottish thing, some sorta sausage, but if you need it, we can always get another… in fact she’s gonna be too tired to use it before it spoils, what with the full moon and all...”
Sy turned his attention to his tiny daughter feeding in his arms, giving Walter the sense of privacy to do what he needed to do. As Luna finished her bottle Sy held her to his shoulder, rubbing her back until she let out a burp he would have been proud of himself, only looking up when he heard Walter also let out a low belch;
“You need me to rub your back too Walt?”
“Fuck off Sy” the vampire said lightheartedly, a sense of relief in his mind now that the guy that had become one of his best friends knew his secret.
Pulling the last crate of bottles off the back of the pickup you thanked the guy from the craft brewery and waved him off, taking a deep breath before slowly climbing the fire escape at the back of the bar that led into the storeroom. It had been a long shift already, starting at 10am you’d opened up and started the ovens, restocked the bar as the cleaners had come through and cleaned the place top to bottom. Your boss was always decent to his staff, paying a good wage and having the cleaning crew come in during the closed daytime hours rather than in the early hours of the morning.
Working around them as they did their job, you restocked the caddy’s on the tables with silverware, napkins, and condiments, before returning to the bar and checking on the ice machine.
“Hey we’re all done now” one of the cleaners said as you looked up.
“That’s great, thanks. You guys always make this place look good”
Chatting with them you walked them through the storeroom - something your boss always insisted on that any non bar staff had to be escorted through - before one reached for the wooden rail on the fire escape. Something made you stop talking and before you could stop yourself, one hand was pushing one of the guys back into the storeroom, the other was grabbing the shirt that was already standing outside. Just as you did the rail slipped away, as if in slow motion, the three of you looking in fear as the heavy wood crashed twenty feet below onto the empty kegs that were stored beneath.
Speechless you stood there, fingers still curled around the shirt of one, hand splayed across the chest of the other;
“Fuck” you whispered quietly, not to anyone in particular.
“You could say that…”
Having made sure both cleaning guys were ok, if a little shaken up, you made them leave by the front door then considered your options. Dialling the boss you weren’t surprised to hear it ring out before going to voicemail. He had strict downtime rules, and was more than likely out on his ranch land taking care of his horses. Knowing he trusted you to make the right judgement, you scrolled through your numbers and dialled Marshall’s Property Maintenance;
“Marshall’s, what can i do for you?”
“Hi, i’m calling from Big G’s Sports Bar? We’ve just had the handrail fall off our fire escape. Wondering if you’ve got space to fix it this afternoon?”
There was a pause before you heard a long exhale of breath;
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be there in twenty minutes”
“Thanks Walter”
Hanging up you smiled. You’d worked with Walter when you’d been on the police force, you’d been a patrol cop that would assist with crime scene control and you’d been first on the scene for countless horrific acts of violence. One final call had given you PTSD so bad you’d resigned, finding a home in the small town of Blackwater Lake and a steady job at Big G’s Sports Bar. Your boss was the big quiet type, liked to spend more time out on his ranch with his horse, having enough trust in you to run the day to day operations of the bar as his assistant manager. 
It had been well past 9pm when Walter finished the repairs. Your boss had come in and helped him out when he’d got your text, leaving you in charge of the first few hours of opening. When the two men reappeared through the storeroom you smiled at them, getting ready for the evening handover before grabbing your coat and clocking off.
A few minutes later as you hopped off the last step of the fire escape onto the dandelion scattered gravel - your boss liked to let them grow - you smiled at Walter as he was loading his tools into his truck;
“Hey, thanks for today. Really saved our bacon… without the fire escape we wouldn’t be up to code so couldn’t have opened”
“S’ok. Glad you called” Walter admitted; “It’s been a while…”
Scuffing the gravel with your boot you swallowed the lump that was in your throat;
“How have you been? Since… ya know…”
“Alive. Wouldn’t be here if it hadn’t of been for you and your partner”
“We did what was needed… not every day you see va…” you stopped yourself, you still hadn’t completely come to terms with what you’d seen; “V...vagrants doing that… I’m just glad we got there in time…”
There was a moment of awkward silence before Walter rounded the truck and stood in front of you;
“Do you need a ride home? Your boss mentioned that you walk to work and you stayed late where he was helping me get this fixed”
“Thanks, that’d be nice”
Over the next few nights Walter would appear at the bar early evening, usually under the pretense of checking the work on the fire escape or dropping off the bill to the office, and you quickly clocked that he would always be leaving just as your shift was ending to conveniently give you a ride home. Not that you minded, the weather had turned unseasonably cool after the warmth of the parade weekend, so the casual conversation as he drove you home in the warmth of his giant truck was a good way to end the day. 
As he rolled into the parking lot behind your apartment complex you wondered if you should invite him in for a coffee, but weren’t sure if you were reading his intentions correctly. Gnawing on your lip you reached into your pocket for your keys, smiling at Walter as he pulled the truck to a stop;
“There we go, home sweet home. Have a good night”
“You too Walter”
Stepping out you smiled and gave him a little wave, knowing he waited until you had gotten into your building.
Watching you go Walter cursed himself. When Rachel had left he’d been in the dumps even more than usual, but over the last few days he’d taken a shine to you. He was pretty sure you had clued onto the fact that he had always turned up around the time of your shift finishing, but when he’d found out from Geralt that your car had died and you couldn’t afford to repair it, he didn’t like the thought of you walking home alone. Sure Blackwater Lake was a sleepy little town, but keeping in mind what lurked in the woods - both natural and supernatural - he felt better knowing you’d gotten home. He had been sure you were going to invite him in for coffee tonight, but he’d gotten butterflies in his stomach and had blurted out a farewell before you’d had the chance.
Looking up at your apartment he let out a sigh. 
Then… then something caught his eye. You hadn’t been in the building long enough for the shadow to be you, knowing you stopped to grab your mail each time you entered the building. Killing the engine he reached to the glove compartment for his gun - he still had a concealed carry permit - and raced to the building.
Juggling your mail and your purse, you held the letters in your mouth as you searched for the right key on your set when suddenly the sound of thundering footsteps made you spin around, your jaw dropping when you saw Walter appear from the staircase and running to your side. His hand was on your arm and he was pulling you to the side of your door before holding you to his chest;
“There’s someone in your apartment”
“What? No, i locked everything before i left… and there’s no sign of any damage to the door…”
Letting you go he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled for the sheriff, but as you listened in you could hear the volunteer dispatcher explain that both the Sheriff and the two deputies were out on the highway dealing with an 18 wheeler logging truck that had spun off on a bend. Walter cursed under his breath and hung up;
“Do you still carry?”
“No… not since…”
“Ok. Unlock the door and stay behind me”
The next minute seemed to last both seconds and hours, following Walter through your apartment until he silently pushed the bedroom door open with his gun;
The shape in the darkness didn’t move, and when you peered over Walters extended arm and you realised what he was looking at, you let out a sigh and flipped the lightswitch, the ‘threat’ suddenly illuminated and Walters shoulders dropping;
Your spare uniform shirt was hanging on the frame to the window where you’d hung it earlier in the day so the sunshine would dry it. You let out a deep breath and laughed, resting your forehead against Walters shoulder;
“It’s just my uniform…” you hadn’t realised your voice was shaking until Walter turned and wrapped his arms around you
“I’m sorry i scared you”
Burying your face in the warmth of his sweater, your voice was muffled as you spoke;
“Its ok. I’d rather you have seen the mess in my apartment and saved me from an intruder than the alternative…” you smiled weakly at him, and it was then that the tension in the room was like static before a storm. Like the first lightning strike, when Walters lips touched yours it was as if electricity coursed through your veins, the kiss hungry and needy, contact between two touch starved people needing that connection. Your fingers curled in threads of his knitwear, pulling yourself closer as his arms wrapped around you and his hands splayed out over your ass, squeezing handfuls of flesh so he could pull you flush against his body. The kiss deepend and his tongue sought entrance between your lips which you eagerly granted. He tasted of coffee and peanut butter chocolate, and when he pulled away you were both gasping for breath.
“So, vampires do need oxygen then?”
“How do you…? How are you not scared?”
“Because i was there when it happened. And I've seen you hundreds of times since. I’ve seen you in the mirror, I've seen you outside in the sunshine, i’ve literally served you garlic bread…” you paused; “And i didn’t need to invite you in. Whatever myths are linked to your condition, i know the Walter behind them, i know the quiet and controlled Walter that assesses a situation and ensures everyone is safe…” you paused; “Because I know i’m safe with you”
Walter opened his mouth to speak, but the lump in his throat caught the words. Closing his eyes he rested his forehead against yours, letting out a shaky breath as you gently held his face in your palms, your thumbs softly caressing the skin of his cheeks where his beard ended. You pressed your lips to his, and this kiss was different, this kiss was full of passion, of acceptance and the growing need that was blooming. 
Clothes were scattered as fingers and lips found each new patch of exposed skin, running your fingernails down his massive chest as you both fell to the bed, your fingers curling in the coarse hair that covered his chest before clutching at his belt as his teeth sharply ran over the line of your collarbone and you let out a gasp;
“I… I’m not going to bite you…”
“I don’t want you to, but my neck is super sensitive, it's like my biggest turn on…”
At that moment Walter could feel the change, his eyes paling and his fangs growing more prominent as you watched from below him, but what he wasn’t expected was the groans that escaped your throat and the way your body shook;
“Did you just…?” he cocked an eyebrow, he already knew you’d just cum, but he wanted you to admit it.
“Yes, fuck yes, now i need more…”
With a growl he ducked his head down and peppered sharp kisses over your neck, hands working on each others jeans before you were able to kick them off. Your hands ducked into Walters pants and you grasped at his hard length, hot in your palm through his underwear;
“Oh fuck, you’re big…”
“Don’t worry, i’ll go slow… do you… do you have protection?”
“In the drawer”
He reluctantly pulled himself off the bed, and you propped yourself up on your elbows as he searched out the condoms, pulling the box out and swinging something else from his fingertips;
“These aren’t regulation edition”
The pink fluffy handcuffs had been a present a long time ago, and had somehow moved apartments with you;
“Next time…” you reached and grabbed them from him, tossing them aside before grabbing the box and a small foil packet, ripping it open with your teeth as Walter quickly shed himself of his boots and jeans, his dark boxers discarded as you reached for him and smoothed the latex over his fat dick.
He smoothed his hands down your legs, before tugging you down the bed and flipping you onto your stomach, pulling your hips up until your ass was in the air. The rough brush of his beard against your soft inner thighs was quickly soothed by his tongue swiping a firm lick through your soaked folds. He took hold of your hips and you felt him move into position, the firm nudge at your entrance before with a low groan he speared you with the slow stretch of his girth.
“You feel so fucking good… so tight…”
Your fingers curled into the bedsheets and your jaw hung open, the sheer pleasure that was coursing through your veins felt like an elixir as Walter hammered into your tight velvet channel. The carnal slap of flesh on flesh resonating around the room, only joined by the breathless pants escaping your lips and the grunts Walter would let slip as he sought pleasure in your body with his own. He splayed his fingers over your back, running the palm of his hand up your spine until he was able to cup your neck and pull you up, flush with his heated body. His sharp teeth scraped over your neck, his beard rough against the etched skin;
“Look in the mirror. See how amazing you look”
Focusing your attention on the dresser mirror that stood in the corner, you watched as Walter continued to slowly rock his hips, fucking you slow and hard from behind. But it was his eyes that drew your attention, icy pools of white with deep obsidian pupils piercing the tundra, and the flash of danger from his sharp teeth at your neck, just catching on the skin as he spoke;
“You’re so fucking beautiful, dunno what i did to deserve you… will you cum for me?” he slid his hand down your stomach and in the patch of curls at the apex of your thighs, seeking out the sensitive pearl of your clit and rubbing the pad of his finger over it in firm circles; “Will you cum for me?” he repeated, punctuating each word with a sharp thrust of his hips.
“Yes… Walter, please…”
“What do you need…”
“My neck, please…”
Walter knew he couldn’t bite you, there were so many unknowns he’d never explored, but he closed his eyes and focused his energies on bringing you to completion. Thrusting his hips in time to the movement of his hand, whilst sucking a hickey onto your neck, knowing his teeth were rubbing against the skin but not breaking it. The triple stimuli sent you over the edge, your head rolling back onto his shoulder and your mouth open in a silent scream as you came so hard you saw stars, shockwaves of pleasure coursing through your body as your walls gripped Walter tight, before with one final thrust you heard him growl as he came hard.
He held you for the longest time, your heart racing in your chest as echoes of your orgasm ricocheted through your body. As Walter started to soften you felt him hold the condom at the base of his shaft as he pulled out gently;
“Err… bathroom?”
“Just through there” you nodded to the door off of the bedroom as you fell to the bed, laying back with a smile on your face.
A few moments later he reappeared with a warm washcloth, first soothing your neck before tenderly attending to the mess between your thighs. After putting it back in the bathroom he appeared at the side of the bed, reaching for his jeans when you caught his wrist and pulled him onto the bed;
“You don’t need to go”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to overstay my welcome…”
“Look, unless you’re going to turn into a bat or something, you’re fine… we can talk, order some takeout…”
Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, you snuggled to his chest as he smiled sleepily;
“That sounds good. Can i take you out on a proper date at some point?”
“That’d be nice. Though our options are slim in this town, its only Sue’s Coffee Shop or Big-G’s Bar… unless you want to get a take-out pizza and sit outside on the kerb”
“I’ll cook, come to my place? What are you doing Friday night?”
“I’m off, but…”
You felt your cheeks flushing with heat;
“I’m due on by the end of the week…”
“Oh. OH…” You looked up at Walter and saw a flush over his cheeks and his blue eyes glinting with excitement and a smirk on his lips.
“Oh… you’re into that?”
“You’re… not? Because i just want to say, i would happily give oral to my girl on her period even pre-vamp status…now its just…”
“A snack?”
He let out a low belly laugh;
“Yeah, you could say that”
Curling up to Walter’s chest you felt a sense of calm you hadn’t experienced for a very long time, the conversation flowing easily and long into the night, before you both fell asleep in each other's arms.
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roanniom · 4 years ago
My request is probably so lame lol. But will you please tell us about Valentines Day with Flip? How does he spoil you and make it extra special for you? I’d love it if you could throw in some praise kink and size kink too please!
I love all your writing and you’re so talented! Thank you for entertaining my request! 💛
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Hi my lovelies, thanks for your patience with this, seeing as it is coming over a week after Valentine’s Day. I wasn’t 100% I had another Valentine’s story in me after my Clyde and Charlie ones, but I chose to combine these prompts, got a little inspiration today and voila - a sweet and salty Flip one shot was born. Hope you’re cool with me combining and taking a bit from each of these requests! ❤️
Stupid Little Day in February
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Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Word Count: 3,890
Warnings: NSFW, PIV sex / semi-public sex / unprotected sex, angst in the form of Flip wanting to love up his lady but having work get in the way
Flip had never intended to find himself in this position. He was a perfectionist, giving everything he had and then some in an effort to be successful in all he did – high school sports, his career at the department, his relationships. It’s why he always tries to make time for the boys, being there for Ron whenever he needs help or just someone to bitch to over a beer after work. It’s why he does his best to shower you with love and affection every chance he gets, bringing home little gifts and spending lazy Sundays doing nothing but you. And he thought that, all things considered, he’d been doing a damn good job.
That is until he overheard you on the phone with your friend the other day. You were twirling the coiled cord around your finger while you lounged on the couch laughing and chatting animatedly. He’d walked by and into the kitchen, careful not to disturb you, but as he cracked open a beer he heard something that made his stomach drop.
“Yeah I know I love Valentine’s Day, but Flip hates it so I can be cool with that.”
Flip had left his beer on the counter and moved silently to the doorway, ears straining to hear the rest of the conversation, mind racing to all the times he had, indeed, condemned the holiday of love as a sappy excuse for bad boyfriends to redeem themselves. A day to stimulate the gift industry. You’d laughed and teased him for his soap box routine and grumpy demeanor but you hadn’t argued.
“Besides, I’ve told you. The man gets me flowers like three days a week. He remembers things, like really remembers things. And he listens. I’d trade fancy dinner, red hearts, and chocolate for him any day.”
And though you’d defended him to your friend, your words had stuck with Flip. He wanted to give you the moon, he would if it wasn’t so damn high up. The least he could do was indulge you in something you enjoyed. You did that for him constantly – sitting through football games, hanging with the boys at the bar, listening to country music though you told him that deep inside it made you want to murder the jukebox. You sucked it up and took it with a smile so you could be with him. Flip kicked himself for not being able to do the same with some stupid holiday.
But at the exact moment Flip vowed to right this wrong, the universe seemed to have made a competing vow to ruin all of his efforts. It seemed that the revelation had come to late, being that it was already the night before Valentine’s Day. He was horrified the next morning to find, after a series of tense calls made at his desk hunched over and hushed so none of the other detectives could here, every restaurant in town was booked full. Which ended up being a moot point because the chief demanded he stay late, regardless of how much he gnashed his teeth.
“Everyone with a serious gal already asked for the night off, Zimmerman. It’s too late now. Guess your gal isn’t that serious,” was the only reply he received.
Head in his hands at his desk, Flip flinched when his back received a firm clap.
“Now I know we’re in the contemplating-marriage-territory here with this girl,” Ron said, pulling a seat up and fixing Flip with a concerned look. “What’s all this about not taking time off?”
Flip repeated the conversation that he’d overheard, sure to explain that he had no intention of disappointing you despite your good nature.
“You do realize that this could easily be remedied by a simple call to your woman, right?” Ron asked as Flip massaged the space between his eyes.
“I wanted to surprise her. Calling at this point feels like admitting defeat.”
“Do you hear yourself? ‘Admitting defeat?’ This isn’t some damn battle, it’s a holiday for a fat little baby with wings.”
“Hey, he does have a weapon,” Flip countered, though this time he cracked a smile. Ron laughed heartily.
“Yeah, one that’s been used to shoot you and your little lady enough to kill a small elephant. You guys are pumped so full of the love juice it’s a wonder you’re able to concentrate on anything else.” Ron turned then and flicked the large stack of files on Flip’s desk with a smirk. “Or maybe that’s your problem, Zimmerman.”
Flip shook his head.
“That might be the case for me, but – ”
“Are you seriously about to argue that she doesn’t feel the same way?”
“How the fuck would you know?” Flip asked gruffly. Ron, used to Flip’s gruffness much as you were, plowed right on through.
“Well besides all the dinner parties and barbeques and nights we all go dancing?” Ron raised an eyebrow with a laugh. “Patrice, man! You think those women get together and don’t talk about us?”
“Patrice has told you things?” Flip’s whole body tensed and Ron was quick to reassure.
“Calm the fuck down, I don’t want any of your dirty details. All I know is your woman is crazy in love with you. I don’t think some stupid little day in February is going to rock your world as much as you think it will.”
“Maybe you’re right,” Flip conceded, putting his head in his hands.
“I’m always right, you just never listen,” Ron said good-naturedly as he headed back to his desk. Over his shoulder he tossed one final piece of wisdom. “Whatever you do, just call her!”
And Flip did try to call you. Ten times as a matter of fact. It wasn’t until the sun set out the window and he hung up the phone for the tenth time that he remembered you’d had plans to hang out with your mother today. While that probably should have made him feel better – you had filled your day with plenty of things and probably wouldn’t even notice his failed attempt at romance – he couldn’t help but agonize the fact that it proved you had expected so little of him in the first place.
It’s with this on his mind that Flip buries himself in his paperwork. It’s 8pm and every member of the Colorado Springs police force that hadn’t taken the holiday off is out for a dinner break, Flip having sullenly waved them off so he could sulk in peace. He’s neck-deep in casefiles when he hears the sound of footsteps coming in from the bullpen. It was much too soft to be the tread of any of the beat cops he’d expected to see tonight and Judy, the night shift receptionist, wasn’t due in till later.
“Burning the midnight oil there, detective?”
Flip’s head snaps up at your voice to find you leaning against the doorframe to his office, arms folded casually across your chest, cheeky smile gracing your lips.
“Baby, what are you doing here?” Flip asks breathlessly as he makes to stand up. He freezes mid-motion, however, when you hold a hand up.
“Ah ah ah, no need to get up,” you tsk, closing the door with a gentle click and dropping your bag to the floor before making your way over to him. He hesitates but lowers himself back into his seat, eyes trained on your frame slinking toward him. You drop your palms to his desk and hoist yourself up onto it, prowling forward across the surface on your hands and knees toward him. “I heard my man needed some cheering up.”
“You did?” Flip asks, a smirk forming at the corners of his mouth as he leans back in his seat to enjoy what has already been and promises to be quite a show. Legs spread wide and hands gripping the arm rests he hasn’t really even heard what you said. Instead he is focusing every single brain cell on the cleavage that is visible through the red peacoat he’s never seen you wear, chest now slightly exposed as you slowly slide off the scarf you’d used to obscure it.
“Yeah. I heard you wanted to love on me but couldn’t because of work,” you say in a low voice, scooting forward so that one leg dangles off the edge of the desk on the outside of Flip’s left thigh while you place your other foot on the edge of his chair to the right of his other thigh. His gaze flits to the expanse of inner thigh that is now visible to him, your legs bare beneath the peacoat despite the freezing mid-February chill outside. His hand shoots up to smooth over your thigh, warming your skin, just as his brain catches up to your words.
“Now where exactly did you hear that, sugar?” He asks with a small frown. One of your hands reaches out to his shoulder, pulling him in his wheeled office chair closer to you and the desk. The same hand slides down his shoulder to smooth back and forth over the plane of his chest, just as your other hand threads into his hair.
“I can’t go around divulging my secrets,” you say breathily, leaning forward and arresting his lips in a sensuous kiss. You are the first to deepen it, tongue flitting over his lips to beg for entrance before plunging into the depths of his mouth. You kiss him greedily like you’re seeking the breath from his lungs to be the source of your own oxygen. Like the pressure of his lips on yours will warm the late winter cold from your bones. When you slide off the desk and into his lap, straddling his thick denim-clad thighs, Flip moans into the kiss, making you break away with a pleased hum. You relish in the look of his kiss-bruised lips, red and wet from the fervor of your contact. “Maybe cupid dropped by with a little message. Told me to come on down here and drive you wild.”
Flip’s breathing deeply at this point but the new intake of air seems to get the gears moving better in his mind. He frowns.
“And by cupid you mean Ron.”
“Bingo, baby,” you confirm with a smile before pressing a kiss to his furrowed brow. “Don’t be mad at him, though. He told me how you tried to make tonight special for me and that you’d probably bite off the heads of everyone working the night shift if I didn’t make my way down here quick.”
“I set something up. I did what I could, things just kept going wrong…”
“Shhh….” Your kisses migrate from his forehead to his cheek, pressing into his dimples till his frown smooths out and his eyes close again. Only then do you move down to mouth at the column of his throat, pressing your lips to his Adam’s apple. “So how many are there?”
“How many what?” he asks distractedly, eyes still closed.
“Dead bodies of people who had the misfortune to cross paths with my grumpy mountain man?” you ask, the smile clear in your voice though you speak the words into his skin. Flips hands tighten around your hips.
“I’m only grumpy because you deserve the fuckin’ moon and I’m stuck here behind a desk.”
“Well, if you haven’t noticed,” you say, angling in his lap so that your lower back leans against the edge of the desk behind you. “I am also behind the desk with you. So maybe it’s not all bad.”
It is at this point that you pop the few buttons at the front of our coat, allowing it to drop open and reveal the gauzy, see-through red negligee you are wearing beneath. It comes down only to the tops of your thighs, but most important of all, you are completely bare beyond the fabric. Your breasts are held in the negligee’s sheer lace cups, nipples hard, and not a scrap of panties obstructs his view of your cunt, evidently glistening from this angle, even through the garment.  
“Sugar.” He intones it soft, deep. It’s a statement. A warning as his eyes slide back up your body to lock on your own hungry stare. “You’re just looking for trouble here.”
With a devious smile you settle forward again, rolling your pelvis this time to rub your heat conspicuously over the growing bulge in his jeans.
“You can punish me later, Flip,” you whisper softly in his ear as you reach down to unbuckle his belt. “When you get home. But for now let me reward you.”
“What’s there to reward me for, darlin’?” Flip asks, helping you rid him of his belt and unfasten the buttons of his Levi’s. He’s not even sure why he’s pressing the matter. You’re here, rubbing your gorgeous body all of his in the middle of his workplace like some fucking fever dream and here he is, practically reminding you of his unworthiness. In some kind of verbal act of self-flagellation.
“Flip Zimmerman,” you chide, even as you pull his half-hard dick out of the opening you’ve made in his pants, careful to keep the rest of his clothing neat. “There’s always something to reward you for.” You begin applying a few measured strokes to his length, squeezing at the base and rolling your wrist to smooth the motion up to his tip.
“Fuck,” Flip grunts quietly, his head dropping to hit the back of the chair.
“This morning you sprinkled cinnamon on my oatmeal. Last night you handed me that lotion that smells like jasmine when I got out of the shower, the one I love so much.” You kiss his jaw as you say this and let your eye lashes flutter against his cheek in the process.
“Those are little things. Nothing,” Flip argues, still mentally kicking himself for the knee-jerk way he keeps dragging this on. Living in this guilt despite your loving ministrations which suggest you feel exactly the opposite.
“They aren’t little to me,” you say, your tone abruptly serious and your fingers digging into his jaw to keep him looking at you. “You read to me on Sunday afternoons. You take me camping whenever you get time off.”
Your tone returns to its original gentleness and you duck your head so that you can nip at Flip’s earlobe. Your hand continues its steady pace on his cock, thumb swirling around in the precum collecting on his tip.
“You fuck me. Good and hard and slow and fast and every which way I need it.” He’s painfully hard now, both from your hand and from your focused attention on him. From the words falling from your lips. He gazes back at you with blackened eyes and massages the skin of your hips and ass with his large, warm hands. You lick the shell of his ear then, marveling in the way it always turns red and hot, regardless of his confidence, regardless of his dominance. “You meet my needs, Flip, every day. And today is just any old day. So just like you do for me, I’m going to meet your needs, and you’re going to enjoy it.”
You say this as you lift yourself up with the muscles of your thighs and line him up with your entrance, sinking down on his cock just as you get to the last few words. Flip immediately mutters a string of hushed curses, fingers digging into your hips through your gauzy negligee so hard you’re already looking forward to the bruises. He breathes through his nose, his labored exhales fanning across your face as you work to adjust to him, eventually swiveling your hips a bit.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he mutters, dropping his forehead to yours. Your face is screwed up in pleasure-pain and you huff out a laugh.
“No, you’re just fucking huge.” Your statement gets a groan from him and you smirk as you begin to lift yourself up and down on Flip’s cock with his help. Your walls pulse, stroking his cock as your tongue moves on to stroking his ego. “You’re so big, Flip. Too big. I can barely take you.”
“You’re taking me just fine, sugar,” he shakes his head, eyes rolling back in their sockets as you grind into him on a down motion. “So wet. This little pussy takes me so well.”
“You fill me up, Flip. Stuff me – ohhh fuck – stuff me so full I think I might burst.” You reach one hand back to grip the edge of the desk for leverage while your other hand digs into the skin of his shoulder.
“Oh for me you do burst, baby. You burst and gush all over me like the good girl you are,” Flip whispers into your clavicle when you throw your head back, an automatic response to him beginning to aid you by thrust up into your quivering cunt himself. This sounds more like your Flip. Confident and powerful. Pressing all the right buttons to drive you wild. “My good girl.”
“I love it when you call me that,” you admit softly.
“A good girl?”
“Your good girl,” you correct.
“My good girl,” Flip repeats and your pussy clenches around him hard in response. So naturally Flip says it again. “You’re my good girl.”
Your breathing has increased rapidly, spurred on in no small part by the way one of his hands has snaked up to pluck a breast from its lacy confines. His head dips to suck your nipple into his mouth and you hum.
“Who’s good girl are you?” Flip asks into your breasts.
“I’m your good girl.”
You begin ridding him harder, faster. The slick seeping onto his cock around your swollen lips indicates that you’re farther along than he’d expect, a suspicion that you soon confirm with a whimper.
“Fuck, baby, I’m close.”
“Really?” he asks, incredulous. He’s used to marathon lovemaking. Even a quick fuck in a bathroom stall usually becomes indulgent for you two, trading speed for roughness and lewdness.
“I kind of…got ready before I – ah! – came here.” You bite your lip as you say it and Flip resists the urge to pull your lip out and claim it for himself.
“And by ‘got ready’ you mean…” he prompts, a wicked smile spreading on his face.
“I touched myself,” you admit, no shame in your words. “I touched myself while thinking about my handsome man and his handsome cock and the way it was going to fill me when I came over here.”
Flip grabs one of your hands then, zeroing in on your fingers. All the while he keeps thrusting up into you, feet flat on the floor and muscles rippling throughout his body with the effort.
“Did these fingers rub your little clit?”
“Yes,” you say, still confident. Flip licks a stripe up your index and middle finger, almost as if doing so would allow him to taste remnants of your essence.
“Did you stuff them inside your pussy. Press that little spot inside you like so much?” As he says it he thrusts up and forward, making his cock drag against your front wall in a way that’s got you buckling in on yourself.
“Oh god oh yes. Yes!” You’re trying to remain as quiet as possible but it’s getting harder by the second. The station was empty save for Flip when you’d arrive but soon other people would return. A fact that made your pussy drool all the more on Flip’s throbbing cock.
Flip watches you fall apart in his arms and speeds up the process by sucking on your fingertips, splitting them apart with his tongue and laving each equally. You swallow a moan as he brings your own wetted fingers down to the apex of your thighs.
“Show me,” he breathes, moving forward to kiss your lips. “Show me what I do to you.”
You begin rubbing your clit just as Flip assaults your senses in all other ways. He captures your mouth in a kiss while simultaneously returning to kneading at your breasts with abandon, tugging and squeezing at the pillowy flesh.
“Did you cry out my name in that empty house when you came?” he prompts. You shake your head feverishly, your thighs shaking around him as your climax nears.
“No. I didn’t cum. I saved that for you.”
In a flash of blinding pleasure, you unraveling on top of him, careful to suppress the reaction to little gasps and whimpers instead of the loud praise and guttural moans you would have preferred to let out. The suddenness of your orgasm catches Flip off guard and he is utterly unprepared for the way your walls flutter and pulse, ultimately milking his cock of his own release. You collapse in his arms with a shaky laugh, one he’s only able to reciprocate when the ringing in his ears begin to lessen and his heart stops trying to pound a route out of his chest.
You both revel in the afterglow for a few minutes after, holding each other like you aren’t in his office in the middle of the Colorado Springs Police Department. Like people aren’t about to file in after their dinner break, bellies full and completely unaware of the fact that Flip had just railed you into next February.
After a while, Flip finally pulls out and tucks himself away, once again the picture of professionalism. Or at least, as much the picture of professionalism as Flip cares to appear, what with his eternal flannel and comfortably warm in jeans, the wet patch of your arousal finally fading. He helps you clean up with some napkins he has stashed in a drawer, ultimately bundling you back up in your coat and scarf. You now look sweet and warm again, a stark contrast to the vixen who had crawled across his desk and stripped for him.
Now descent, you settle back into his lap sideways, opting not to straddle him tis time in case someone did finally walk in. You run a finger through the hair at his chin.
“You said earlier you said you’d ended up setting something up for me. What was it?”
Flip blinks at your question for a few seconds before letting out a laugh that ripples from deep in his belly.
“I sent Jimmy and his brother with a box of chocolates over to the house. They were supposed to sing you a Motown duet.”
“I would pay to hear that. When are they supposed to get there?”
“They’re supposed to arrive right now.”
With that you dissolve into a fit of laughter, falling into his chest as you heave from it. Flip’s arms wind around you and tug you tighter to him. And in that moment, he almost believes in this stupid holiday. Almost believes in the cartoon hearts and the fat little winged baby that flies around shooting people. What else could possibly explain the sharp pain radiating from his chest when he looks at you? The ache that dulls as it floods to his extremities, simmering into a warmth that fills him from head to toe? All Flip can think as he smooths his thumb over your smiling lips is that cupid better have a up-to-date permit for that bow of his.  
Tagging some lovelies <3 (please let me know if you would like to be added to or removed from this list in the future!): @noocturnalchild @thedivinemissn @insufferablelust @historyandfandoms50 @lostinthedrive @thewilddingleberries @edencherries @mariesackler @safarigirlsp @direnightshade @sacklerscumrag @paper-n-ashes @clydesfavoritegirl @wayward-rose @hopeamarsu @thegreenmatt @barbers-glimmerin-darlin @finn-ray-nal-beads @fizzywoohoo @maybe-your-left @aliveandlonely @han-not-solo @morby @mrs-zimmerman @maryforyou @jynzandtonic @renmaulxo @millenialcatlady @equivocalrabbit @soggywhore @foxilayde @mylifeisactuallyamess
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binxyu · 4 years ago
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A psychopath? Choi Chanhee? You couldn’t believe that when you first met him, a scared man in an alleyway. You tried to just offer him some help before turning him in, but feelings got in the way of that plan and, before you knew it, you were cuffed to a guy you had fallen in love with.
>>Pairing: Choi Chanhee (dom) x fem!reader (sub) | psychopath!chanhee x cop!reader
>>Word Count: 3.8k
>>Genre: Oneshot / Requested / Smut
>>Warnings/Kinks: Aftercare, blood/injuries, blowjob, bondage, breast play, choking, corruption, creampie, extreme degrading, hair pulling, manhandling, marking, mental illness, murder/death, overstimulation, possessiveness, rough sex, scratching, unprotective sex, and weapons
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You had heard the gunshot before you saw him.
You always went on patrol in the area so hearing such things wasn’t new to you, but the noise always made a shiver go down your spine.
Cause with the sound of a gun always came death or injuries.
Your heart pounded against your chest as you rushed towards where you heard the deafening sound, the light of the moon shining down against your badge.
Sometimes you had wondered why you even decided to take night shifts, quickly finding out that the most brutal of crimes took place when the sun was set.
Your fingers tightened around your gun when you rounded the corner into an alleyway, the walls covered in moss and old graffiti.
There you saw Choi Chanhee.
Quickly, you had noticed that he was bleeding heavily and you rushed over, putting your gun back in your pocket and pressing down on the wound on his leg.
“Hey! What the fu-“, you put a little more pressure onto the wound when the bleeding didn’t stop and slowly it did, blood now covering your hands. The man could only let out a groan from the pain.
“What the hell did you do to get shot?”, you mumbled and ripped off a piece of your sleeve to wrap around his thigh as he watched you curiously.
He stayed silent and you wondered why. You were a complete stranger even if you were a cop and you assumed he retaliate or say thank you, but he never did.
He didn’t until you noticed something to your right, a flash of a badge similar to your own.
There, laying eerily still, was another officer. One with a chest soaked with blood.
“Shit”, the word barely came out before a gun was pressed against your head.
“Turn slowly darling”, he ordered and you slowly turned your body to look at him.
What had once been such an innocent, and dare you say cute, face was now dark and corrupted. A smirk played on his lips as he watched a shiver go through your body in fear.
“Ah, I’ll take those~”, he cooed and took the handcuffs off of your belt. As he fiddled with it, the gun dropped slightly and you came to the conclusion that possibly getting shot in the shoulder was better than letting this psychopath get away.
You quickly grabbed the handcuffs and tried to cuff the man, gripping the wrist with the gun and pushing it away. A bullet pierced the wall behind you as the gun fell from his hand, landing with a clatter on the concrete.
You had managed to cuff his other wrist, but he grabbed your own and cuffed the other onto you.
Now, you were stuck together.
You reached for your gun but it was quickly knocked out of your hand, sliding across the concrete to beside the dead officer.
The criminal pushed against your chest and you were pinned on the ground, squirming and trying to push him off of you. You could tell he was in pain from the movement and you pressed your knee against his wound, causing him to cry out in pain.
“Stop! I’m not going to hurt you”, his words were lies and every logical part of you knew that. A bullet had barely missed your head moments ago, but his voice sounded so desperate.
“Then why in the hell did you shoot him?”, you gestured your chin up a little in direction of the officer.
“Because he tried to take me back”, you didn’t understand what he meant until your eyes trailed down to his chest, his shirt reading ‘Seoul Asylum’.
You had dealed with clinically insane criminals before but not one that was a murderer.
“Okay, calm down uh-“, you waited, hoping the man would tell you his name.
“Chanhee. Choi Chanhee”, you wondered why he trusted you enough to actually tell you, but you let that question slip your mind.
“Calm down Chanhee. You’re okay. No one is going to take you back”, the words came out of you softly and, much to Chanhee’s dismay, they calmed him. His breathing was slowly steadying.
You immediately realized he wasn’t really an evil person. He was just terrified.
You looked into his eyes and only saw emptiness. Thoughts flew through your mind about how much the man had been through.
“See? Nothing bad. Now, let me call-“, you were cut off by a rough shake of his head.
“No! They’ll take me back”, he whimpered and you couldn’t tell if it was a trick or not, but you truly felt sympathy for him.
“Chanhee, did the officer look like something scary?”, Chanhee looked at you and then back at the officer, a shiver of fear going up his spine before he nodded.
“What did he look like?”, Chanhee’s grip on your wrists loosened and you gently carassed his cheek to try to keep his attention on you.
“A monster. He looks so scary. Like a demon. Big horns and flames everywhere. He was going to take me back to hell”, of course he would associate the asylum with hell. You had seen the place.
Hell was an understatement.
“Okay, Chanhee listen. We can keep the cuff on and I’ll protect you, okay? I’ll take you to my place and help you. But, you can’t hurt anyone else, okay?”, you waited for his response. You got a slow nod and he got off of you cautiously, obviously still scared.
You weren’t really going to let him get away with what he did, but you supposed helping him a little wasn’t bad.
“Wait, do I look like a monster?”, you asked as you both got up together. Chanhee looked at you, glancing over your entire body and your face before he was sure and shook his head.
“No, you look like an angel”, you blinked a few times in surprise and imagined what he could be seeing, making you laugh at the thought.
“Okay, you have to grab the guns Chanhee. I won’t touch them, but we need them”, you knew those guns would be great DNA traces and you needed them with you and not some other criminal that walked by.
“Why?”, he asked innocently and you got the sudden urge to pinch his cheeks but you wouldn’t.
“Cause we wouldn’t want any other demons to find them and get us”, despite the seemingly horrifying words your tone was soft. Chanhee’s lip quivered and he nodded, quickly heading with you to pick up the guns.
He shoved them into his pocket after putting the safety on and stared at you. He seemed calm now, but you knew from past experience that that would only last momentarily.
“Let’s go to my house now, okay?”, Chanhee nodded and followed behind you as you started to walk, the cuff around your wrist digging into your bare skin whenever he lagged a little.
Once you were inside of your home, Chanhee looked around and he hummed. It was a beautiful sound and you wondered what he must sound like singing.
“Okay, lets take the cuffs off so you can shower”, Chanhee immediately shook his head in disagreement. His arms wrapped around your waist and his face went to settle in your neck, inhaling your scent. The gesture would’ve felt nice if it wasn’t for your cuffed arm being in a rather uncomfortable position.
“Chanhee... let go”, you had to remember your place and his. He was a criminal. Your job was literally to catch criminals.
Not shower with them.
The man surprisingly listened and let go of you, stepping back a little. He fiddled with the cuffs and then looked back at you, a glowing hue around you. You literally looked like an angel to him.
“B-but you’ll leave”, you shook your head immediately at his statement, trying your best to reassure him.
“I won’t leave. I promise”, you put your pinky out slowly, not wanting to startle him. He smiled slightly and linked his pinky with your’s.
Oh, his smile is cute.
You forced the thought out of your head.
Chanhee allowed you to get the key for the handcuffs and unlock them, the handcuffs falling to the floor.
“There. All better, see?”, you smiled as you rubbed your wrist. Chanhee smiled and rubbed his own.
Chanhee grabbed your hand and started walking towards the bathroom, sitting on the side of the tub before he looked at you.
“Can you check my wound?”, he asked you and you nodded, turning around because he’d definitely have to take his pants off for that.
“Take off your pants and drape a towel over yourself if you can”, you didn’t see it but Chanhee smirked.
He could’ve definitely taken them off himself and he knew that. He’s been through much worse injuries.
“I can’t. It hurts really bad”, he whined and you sighed before turning back around, a blush forming on your cheeks when you saw that Chanhee had already been working on unbuttoning his jeans.
He definitely noticed your blush as you started to unbutton the rest and pull them down his legs. You grimaced when you looked at his thigh. Luckily, the bullet had only grazed him, but you could tell the man had aggravated the wound because it looks more than inflamed. It looked enraged.
“Hold on”, you whisper and moved to get your first aid kit. Chanhee watched you as you grabbed the kit from your unorganized cabinet and came back. You kneeled in front of him and Chanhee had to do everything in his power not to grip your hair and force your head down onto his crotch.
“It might sting a little, but it won’t for long”, Chanhee nodded slowly, biting down on his bottom lip as you started to clean the wound. He groaned under his breath as the stinging started and you apologized gently.
“There. All better”, you realized he needed to shower.
“You really can’t take them off yourself?”, your arms crossed over your chest as the man shook his head. You shook your head as you started to help him out of his clothes, keeping your eyes only on his face as you did.
Chanhee admired your rosy cheeks as you finally got him free of his clothes.
Everything in his world was dark except you.
Little did you know that also included him.
Eventually, it had been months since you had become Chanhee’s light.
You couldn’t bring yourself to ever turn him in. Especially when he always made an effort to help you.
He was oddly sweet for a psychopath.
He stayed in your home. Where he believed he was safe. Sometimes he’d leave at night, but he always came back home to hold you after a rough day or to joke around with you.
The only thing odd was that the less demons he began to see, the more demonic he himself had become.
Fear no longer masked who he was and you slowly realized that because, while he was sweet to you, he began to despise everyone around you.
“Y/n...”, Chanhee whispered as he held you in his arms. He was usually this clingy when you got home from work. He hated your job.
Not because you were a cop and he was a criminal but because you were almost always in a dangerous situation.
And you always smelt like the criminals you caught or your coworkers who hugged you after a highly wanted criminal was put in prison.
Chanhee hated that more than anything else.
You quickly realized that much.
“Chanhee... I’m fine”, you giggled and wrapped your arms around him too, trying to reassure him that nothing was going to happen to you.
Tragically, you had let the man steal your heart.
You loved him.
A murderer. A psychopath. A criminal.
How fucking ironic.
“Why do you always come home smelling like someone else? It makes me jealous”, you watched as that signature pout came across Chanhee’s face.
If you didn’t know better then you’d say he wasn’t really angry.
But you knew he was fuming internally.
“Chanhee, we’ve been over this. I’m not your’s”, you spoke the brutal truth, feeling your heart throb a little when you saw him frown.
It was the truth.
Chanhee never confessed to loving you too.
“You are. I’ll prove it”, it was shocking to hear such determined words come out of his mouth. A wave of pure excitement went through your body.
“How?”, you mumbled and his finger immediately went to settle under your chin, tilting your head up to look at him.
“May I... touch you?”, the question was soft spoken with absolutely no hint of force, but it lingered in your mind for a couple of minutes.
Was this right?
Eventually, you decided you wanted him and nodded.
You could feel your heart beating even harder then before as Chanhee leaned his face closer to your’s.
That’s when you noticed a vast difference in him. His eyes were dark, shaded over with lust.
He looked at you with such a primal desire that a wave of arousal went through your body.
“I feel like these are needed. They’re kinda why we’re together now”, Chanhee chuckled and you admired him as he took the handcuffs off your belt. You had never heard him laugh or chuckle. It was an amazing sound.
The cuffs were locked around your wrists, keeping them together behind your back. You squirmed as you got used to the knowledge that you were no longer in control.
“I always hated this damn uniform”, Chanhee gripped the inside of your shirt and ripped it open, something you didn’t think he would be able to do.
“Chanhee! I have to buy a new one now”, you huffed but he just shushed you and buried his face in your neck, kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin.
You looked down as he started to trail his finger down your stomach, noticing a small cross tattooed onto his left pinky. It was a small detail you had never noticed before, but it seemed to make the action so much more unholy.
Chanhee fingers started to work on unbuttoning your pants as he trailed his kisses down your body to your chest, swirling his tongue around your nipples.
The sensation sent a shiver up your spine and a soft moan slipped past your lips. It was the first time Chanhee had heard such a sound from you and he perked his head up to look at you.
You could tell something had snapped inside of him.
A wall that kept the darkness from destroying his angel. It disappeared.
Now, all he wanted to do was destroy that beautiful innocence inside of you.
“Fuck, make that sound again”, he groaned and bit down on your breast, causing a louder moan to come out of you, “you sound so pretty”.
You weren’t sure if it was his words, the way his fingers were stroking your folds through your panties, or the bite but you were drenched.
“Get on your knees angel”, the pet name sounded like honey as it came out, his voice no longer cute but rough instead.
You obeyed. For once, you never questioned what you were told to do. It was like he had you under a spell.
Chanhee licked his lips at the sight of you, looking up at him with your hands bound behind your back and only your soaked panties left on.
He quickly worked on getting his pants and boxers off, the unnecessary fabric falling to the floor before he stepped towards you.
Your eyes widened at the sight in front of you. He was so attractive and big. You weren’t sure if you could take him.
“Open up”, he tapped his tip against your bottom lip and you whimpered before opening your mouth wide obediently.
“You really don’t have any shame, hmm? How cute”, he cooed as he slipped his cock into your mouth, waiting for you to get used to it before he was roughly gripping your hair and thrusting into your throat. His stomach was almost pressed against your face when he went all the way in.
You had never felt so used and needy in your life, rubbing your clothed clit against his shoe in hopes that the friction would satisfy you. Chanhee felt the movement and you would’ve called the sound he made a growl if it was any lower of a groan.
You hallowed your cheeks to suck him, hoping to bring him to his orgasm quickly, in desperate need of his touch. He twitched in your mouth before he came into it moments later, filling your mouth with his seed.
“Swallow”, he ordered as he pulled out of your mouth, moving his foot so you couldn’t rub against it anymore. You listened and swallowed the slightly bitter tasting seed, feeling it go down your throat and rub against the walls of it.
“Good girl”, Chanhee smiled and patted your head once he let go of your hair. He picked you up bridle style and walked towards your bedroom, tossing you onto your stomach onto the bed.
You moved to get up and his hand wrapped around your neck from behind you hard enough to leave dark bruises on your flesh. His other hand gripped your panties and tore them off your body, the sound of the fabric ripping filled the room along with your heavy breathing.
“Angel, your thighs are covered in it”, Chanhee chuckled as he ran his finger up your thigh to collect your wetness on it, sucking on the digit to taste you.
“You taste amazing too. Do you really want me y/n?”, he asked you as he walked across the room, grabbing a black sharpie off of your desk and coming back.
“I really really want you”, you nodded enthusiastically, but the sound of the lid on the marker coming off made you turn your head to look at Chanhee.
He hummed and smiled at you, making your cheeks go a rosey red. Chanhee started to dig the marker into your skin, writing degrading words along your perked ass and curved back.
Words that showed you truly did belong to him.
And in the middle of all the ‘cumslut’s, ‘whore’s, and ‘needy bitch’s was Chanhee’s name in big bold letters in the middle of your back.
He leaned back to admire his work and licked his lips, rubbing your ass with his hands, causing some of the black ink to smudge.
“Are you ready?”, he asked, just a hint of the cute boy you once knew was there. He really needed to know if you were okay.
“I’m ready. Everything is okay”, you smiled slightly with a nod, your legs trembling when you felt Chanhee rubbing his tip against your folds.
Slowly, he pushed himself inside of you, knowing you had never done something like this. It felt like he was made for you, filling you to the brim as you cried out from the stretch.
His hips pressed against your ass, finally all the way in. He stayed still as he waited for you to adjust, groaning when you clenched around his length.
“M-move please”, the words came out in a stutter as your eyes rolled back, completely overwhelmed in pure ecstasy. Chanhee smirked and started to rough go in and out of your tight cunt.
“Fuck, you feel so amazing”, he groaned as he brushed against your g-spot, causing your back to arch. You had never felt so good and Chanhee wasn’t going to stop until he was sure of this fact.
Chanhee gripped your hair to pull your head back as he fucked you, moans falling from your lips as the pain and pleasure mixed. His other hand gripped your hip, his nails scratching the skin as his hips pressed against your ass. The marker smeared even more, showing up on his stomach and hips.
“Who do you belong to?”, he groaned and you struggled to get any words out. He knew that. He wanted to watch you struggle to compose yourself as he absolutely ruined you.
“I-I’m y-yours! All yours!”, you screamed out and he smiled sweetly, a sharp contrast to his words.
You clenched around him again, your pussy throbbing around his cock. You started shaking and you felt a knot start to form in your stomach.
Without warning, you released. Your cum coating Chanhee’s dick that was still thrusting deep inside of you. He didn’t stop. He wouldn’t stop.
Tears welled up in your eyes from the overstimulation. Heat engulfed your body as Chanhee leaned more into you, his chest pressed against your back so you couldn’t move.
Your hands gripped the cuffs around them to keep your mind intact. Otherwise, you probably would’ve already been fucked way beyond dumb.
“I’m going to cum angel”, you heard his voice in your ear but none of it had registered. You were too focused on all the sensations happening to your body.
Soon, Chanhee’s load was shot deep inside of you. You whimpered as you felt his cum stick to the innermost parts of you, a warmth erupting from the action.
He pulled out and you whined from the emptiness, but you slowly gained your sense back as your chest heaved in desperate attempts to get air.
“Are you okay?”, just like that, the cute Chanhee was back. The one that cared about your safety and wanted to hold you all the time.
It shocked you a little, but you smiled weakly and nodded.
“I’m okay”, your voice sounded hoarse from all the screaming and moaning so Chanhee uncuffed you before he went to get you a glass of water. He handed it to you once he helped you sit back up and you drank it, mumbling a thanks.
“I love you”, the words caused you to choke a little on your water before you looked at the man. He was serious. You could tell by his face.
“I love you too”, you spoke without thinking. Chanhee smiled and put his arm around your waist, placing a chaste kiss to the side of your head.
You two stayed there, cuddling and loving on one another. You were the only one Chanhee would ever want and he knew that. He’d never let anyone hurt you.
Sleep overcame you both until you woke up, hearing a familiar sound.
The sound of sirens.
Police sirens.
You quickly got up, startling Chanhee into waking up. He looked at you, his hair a mess and a groan slipping past his lips.
You heard the pounding on the front door and as the first officer ran in, the first pull of your trigger took place.
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softlyjiminie · 5 years ago
yes, officer jeon! | j.j.k
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⇢ pairing(s): police officer!jeon jungkook x thief!reader.
⇢ word count: 2.1K.
⇢ rating: 18+, mature.
⇢ genre: smut, police!au, thief!au, hints of gotham city!au.
⇢ summary: as an officer of the law, its jeon jungkook’s rightful duty to put you in your place, whichever way that might be...
⇢ warning(s): please read! heavy smut, pwp, dom!jungkook, sub!reader, oral sex (female receiving.), fingering, light!exhibitionism,  daddy kink, heavy!degrading, overstimulation, handcuffs, light!choking, spanking, cumplay, creampie, unprotected sex - please wear protection!
⇢ author’s note(s): ahhhh !! hello hello everyone its been such a long time since a last posted :(( i've been trying to find the motivation to write along side my exams while planning my upcoming series ooooo. i haven't written for kook in a while so i hope this suffices until my other projects are done. enjoy my loves <3.
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jungkook knew you liked doing it on purpose, riling him up on his late night steak outs— testing his patience as you rattled your cuffs against cell bars. you’d always escape, he knew that too...but something about you slipping from right between his fingers always made him all hot and bothered. always flustered with a red hue, the vein on his neck popping as his treacle eyes steeled and scowl pressed prominently at the swell of his lips. you liked to piss him off. it turned you on. it turned him on. 
a sleek little thief like you, taking things that you couldn’t have. devilish eyes glinting like the diamonds that went missing without a trace and a figure with curves snatched away like any prize you could get your hands on. you were bad, you were cunning, smart and tricky. you take things you know jungkook is on the hunt for, the detective always the first on the scene. you like the chase of cat and mouse, of course you play the feline in his game. 
but tonight, you wanted a change of plans, a new game where you were the mouse. the young officer could see it in your eyes, the way you longed for him as his partner lost your tracks in the dark alley. you knew he’d be back to look for you later, he wouldn’t rat you out. not tonight. because he wanted something from you too. 
“oh... now you’ve gone and fucking done it baby.” jungkook snarled, pressing your body against the cool, smooth hood of his police car, he’d parked it somewhere he knew you’d find him after driving his partner home. your trailing blaze a lost cause for kim seokjin. chuckling under your breath, you preened into his grip— he hated the cockiness that ran though your veins even as he manhandled you underneath him. he would break you tonight, as he had done before. make you submit to him.  jeongguk’s calloused and practiced hands trail down to your ass, gropping the peachy flesh through the mesh of your little get up— before delivering a harsh spank to your right cheek, pain blooming just beneath your skin. “such a bad bad girl, sweetheart, why do you love pissing me off?” jungkook delivered one last blow to your ass before he ripped his hands from you, making you whine at the loss of his burning heat that only fuelled your desire. but the officer was back in an instant, grabbing the silver cuffs from his belt and locking your hands behind your back. “do i have to teach you a lesson? put you in your place again?” 
a strong hand yanks your head up by your sleek pony tail, sweaty skin peeling off of the frosty vehicle— large fingers curling around your throat in a way that made you whimper. “jeonggukie—“ you smiled through all his hasty movements, only igniting the anger in jungkook’s chest. he hated the way you basked in this, how wet you got just from pissing him off. he could smell the slick that gathered in your panties, that dribbled down your thighs which only made him growl harshly. hands reached down to smack your clothed cunt, causing you to lurch forward on the hood of his car and for more of your nectar to gush from your warmth— cuffs cutting deliciously into your skin. “mnn, j-jungkook!” 
another smack and a cruel smirk from him. “what’s my fucking name, little girl?” 
“o-officer j-jungkook,” you managed through a broken moan as he tore through your black pants and exposed your red-hot pussy to the cold night air. your arousal glistened under the false light of street lamps near by, he loved how prettily your cunt shined just for him but he knew you’d like better under the bright of the moon— a sole finger curiously trails down to your wet folds, jungkook smirking as you writhed beneath him, craving more than just a feather light touch. he could see your cock resolve fading into the night, cute lil pussy begging to be touched your dribbling hole clenched around nothing. 
“please? so now you’re using manners, slut? so cute but officer jungkook can’t help you if you don’t tell him what you want, little love...” his tone is teasing as he drops to his knees to blow cool air on your pathetically dripping cunt. wiggling, you tried your best to push your ass back onto his face, yearning for jungkook’s lips to wrap round your swelling nub— only to earn a push to your hips and cruel smack to your bare skin. “tell me what you fucking want, or i’ll leave you here...high and dry for other cops to come find, baby.” the officer pinches your clit when you remain silent, smiling as you crumble beneath his touch. “would you like that? if they found you here, all open and exposed?” he continued, smoothing his rough palms over the backs of your thighs, still avoiding where you needed him most. you spasmed at his words, desperately trying to rut your hips into something, anything, for friction. “of course you would, you little minx, go on and answer me— tell me that i’m wrong.”
“i do!” you cry out, finally letting jungkook’s words break you while he moulds you into obedience. “i-i want them t-to find us...with your fingers buried deep in my needy pussy, please,” you finish with a strangled moan, letting out a sharp curse when the officer presses a wet kiss to your pulsing clit before he pushes his tongue between your folds. jungkook’s  laps at your sticky slit, fingers coming up to spread your lips and spit into your hole. you scream into the night air, pushing your forehead into the cool hood of the car, hoping to ease the burn of your skin.
jungkook chuckles darkly, watching as you desperately try to soothe yourself from the stimulation he gives to you. “you’re bein’ so fuckin’ good baby, taste so good for daddy,” he draws back a bit, letting your juices drip down his chin. watching closes, jungkook smiles as your needy little hole sucks in two of digits right away— sliding in with the help of your hot slick. you whine at the full feeling, his two digits stretching you perfectly before, he whispers again. “you love this, little girl, the thrill of getting caught...why don’t you fuck yourself on daddy’s fingers, hm? maybe then i’ll give you my cock.” 
a deep groan settles in the back of his  throat as you begun to grind yourself down on his fingers, his tongue dipping in again to suckle on your clit. you’re soaking wet, sweet nectar pooling onto jungkook’s car as you work yourself to orgasm. the officer could feel you clenching around his digits, quickly deciding to pump them within your hot walls, fucking your hole faster and faster until you came close to your high.
the coil in your stomach snaps, as white light flashes behind your eyes— making them roll back in your head. “officer, oh mnn—jungkook ‘m gonna...” you weep, still moving your hips as you finally cum,  juices squirting out onto his fingers. the dark haired man didn’t stop there, his tongue slurping at the rest of you, working you harder as you calmed down from your orgasm. 
“love it when you squirt for me princess, gimme one more and you’ll get my cock yeah? be good for officer jeon. he breathes against your core, still sucking at your clit—  you can only nod breathlessly as he moved faster, wanting you to cum again. a second orgasm hits you in seconds, jungkook moaning at the taste of your release gathering on his tongue. you could barely blink as he pulled away from your dripping cunt, lifting one of your legs to the car’s hood. the hairs on your skin rose on end as the sounds of officer jeon’s belt unbuckling filled the empty alley way— twisting with the sounds of your lost breath. “officer jeon’s gonna fuck you now baby, and you’re gonna take every inch of him alright?” 
relieved tears stream down your cheeks as he finally slides his thick, hardened length up and down your slick folds,  soon enough bottoming out inside of you until he was balls deep in your pussy and so far up that you could feel him in sitting heavily in your womb. jeongguk lets out a  broken moan from above you, his hands slamming either side of your head as sweat drips from his hairline— relieved to finally be nestled within your warmth. jungkook was still for a moment, his head dropping to your shoulders to leave bright blooms of red, purple and blue hickies that would be hard to cover in the morning, of course while you adjusted to his length. 
“f-fuck, little one, you’re so tight n wet,” he gasps, drawing his cock almost all the way out of your crying hole before slamming back in— tip catching on the ridges of your red hot walls. your cheek  presses against the car, skin growing sticky with perspiration as he fucks into you hard, abusing your little hole. the dark haired male’s balls slap against the curve of your ass, the head of his dick prodding at your g-spot. 
the cuffs that bind your wrists rattle at every push of his hips into yours, jungkook switching between hard, deep thrusts and shallow fast ones. saliva gathers in your mouth, seeping out of the corners as you allow him to take you, use you for his own pleasure. his pants were heavy above you, mingling with your loud, wanton moans while forced his cock deeper into your heat. “j-jungkook, i can’t,” you sniffed, tears mixing with the shine of sweat and saliva that painted your skin. your core is still sensitive from your last two orgasms and the lewd sounds of your squelching cunt are only making you needier. “too much...”
“shit—you can and you will, dumb little girl....” jungkook growls back, his voice dropping an octave as he watches you cream against his girth, his precum spilling into you and intertwining with your gushing juices. spit gathers in his mouth and he parts his lips, letting it drool into where his lengthy cock stretches open your abused, sopping hole. “now shut the fuck up and cum when i tell you to, good toys don’t fucking talk.” 
your pussy clenches involuntarily around his girth as he feeds it to your greedy hole, his dirty words driving you up a wall. jungkook grabs your cuffs, using them to pull you back onto his length as your hips naturally begin to fall into synch with his thrusts, fleshy ass bouncing every time your hips meet. “look so fucking dumb and worthless on my cock...” jungkook goads, freehand snaking up to your jaw and pinching your cheeks to muffle your moans. “sucking in my dick, dripping all over it. such a needy little thief. so needy for an officer. “should i lock you up just for taking my cock like this, huh?” each word that tumbles from the officer’s pink lips have you crying, moaning, whimpering harder for release— squeezing around him in a silent plea for his load to stuff you full. “my dirty little bitch, fuck baby, wanna breed this dirty, thieving pussy.”  jungkook’s thrusts were beginning to grow sloppier and sloppier, your arousals gushing down your thighs and painting his abdomen with a glittering sheen, he didn’t let up on his pace, knowing that you were both teetering on the edge of orgasm. letting go of your restraints, jungkook forced you flat on your face, gripping at your ass again and landing a few stinging spanks to your marked flesh. a high pitched squeal escaped you as sounds of your wet cunt mixing with the sound of skin on skin driving you right into the arms of your high, the slight touch of jungkook’s fingers against your clit pushing you over. 
“f-fuck! officer!” you cum with a loud shout, creaming on his cock as you squeeze around him— milking jungkook for every last drop of his hot seed as he speeds up his thrusts and paints your cunt with white. jungkook collapses on top of you with a pant in your ear, letting your cum mix as he finally drops he pace of his thrusts into slow grinds.
you barely have time to recover before jungkook is pulling out of you, you’re so full that you can here the mix of your releases falling to the floor. the darker haired officer pulls you up with him by your cuffs and forces you onto your knees,   giving you a view of his bright red, hardened cock. you look up at him with tear stained cheeks and galaxy eyes, as he prods his tip against your lips.
“open up baby girl, maybe if i feed you my cock, you’ll finally learn to shut your mouth and not piss me off.“
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shipskicksandgiggles · 4 years ago
Dialogue Prompts
aka College Prompt List pt. 2: second semester edition. it's been a chaotic year
send a number and pairing/dynamic and I'll see what I can do
“A cute person just complimented me and the sound I made was Not Human and I don’t want to think about how gay I am.”
“Hey did you know that it’s possible to bruise your ass? Because it’s possible to bruise your ass.”
“Yes I’m in college, yes I just built a pillow fort, please don’t ask because I don’t know either.”
“I’m going to get sent to counseling if I turn this in.” “English paper?” “Yeah.”
“You don’t know if that chicken has body dysmorphia!”
“Did you name your cat after Puff the Magic Dragon?”
“This professor just heavily implied that he and the head of my department get drunk when they grade student projects and I honestly don’t blame them.”
“How did you do that?” “You taught me how to do this two days ago.” “Not that, the voice thing.” “You mean… vocal mimicry? I’m ADHD man, I don’t know.”
“I’m being stupid right now and I think the person I’m talking to is going to be disappointed in me.”
“Why did they put cinnamon on zucchini? That’s a terrible idea, did they think it was a sweet squash?”
*shrieks* “WHOSE CAT IS THAT?” “Oh there you are, Zazu.” “... you named your cat Zazu?”
“I just had to break the news to someone that their favorite singer got arrested so if you’ll excuse me I need to go take a nap.”
“How do we feel about a murder-themed wedding?” “I’m gonna regret asking this. Why?”
“What do you mean that was real? I thought that was a low quality meme!”
“Hey I’m back- What happened here?” “They may have had an aneurysm because of how horribly this paper was written, please hold.”
“Violence… can be good for your mental health.”
“Your favorite Avenger is Hawkeye? Are you okay?”
“I don’t care that he’s your boyfriend, he called Sam Wilson irrelevant and therefore he has to die, those are the rules.”
“Are we talking about super soldiers? No? Then I don’t care.”
“I’m not gonna lie I think I almost died yesterday, but I got my homework in on time so-”
“It’s 10 a.m., I have not had a cup of coffee yet, and I just had to explain to two 20 year olds how to use Google Slides. This is the third time in six months. No I’m not okay.”
“Hey, do you remember that time I almost got stabbed?” “It’s 2 in the morning.” “And? I’m writing an essay. Do you remember or not?”
*hears someone scream Mothman three times* “Oh hell no, that’s some horror movie shit I’m not fucking with that today, no sir no thank you.”
*R2D2 shriek* “...Dear lord.”
“Have you even seen Avatar? Don’t you know how important the moon is?”
“Sororities are a cult.” “Explain.” “No.”
“I don’t like the way you just implied that I have a praise kink.”
“Why wasn’t I a business major again? No offense but I would rather punch a frat boy in the balls than write another email.”
“Non-Newtonian physics is really fucking hard.” “This is an English class?”
“This is painfully on-brand for me, but I almost just told a cop to go fuck himself while making a professional phone call and I can’t imagine that would have ended well.”
“Swords are a short term solution. I need a baseball bat.”
“I’m not your personal tech support hotline, you know.”
“The statute of limitations for spoiling that movie expired about 20 years ago.”
“I fucked up.” “What did you do?” “...I fucked up again because I don’t want to admit this to you either.”
“If you drive a Ford Focus, you legally cannot have The Audacity™. It’s too easy to crush your car babe, don’t think I won’t.”
“You sound like a turtle having sex.”
*cat noises* “Shhhhhh, we have to be quiet.”
“I am dark and edgy and have no weaknesses and you have to help me move across the country because I just baby talked a dog in front of someone I know and my reputation is ruined.”
“Yeah I flew through a hurricane once. It wasn’t as awful as the time we almost crashed in Boston, but that’s another story.”
“Every 90s movie was made while the entire production crew was on crack.”
“Don’t touch my food. I am holding a very large knife and I don’t want to stab you.”
“Honestly I just saw a person carrying a whole television set through the park so the concept of normal is kind of lost on me.”
“Why does every 20 year old I meet not know how to use a computer? I’m going to break something.”
“Look in theory I would have shit done by now, but I also died a couple days ago so please excuse the fact that I decided to live.”
“Getting aggressively misgendered was unironically the funniest thing that happened to me today.”
“That man gave off John Mulaney energy and I’m living for it.”
“First of all, that’s not my name, why did you put a D in it? Second, he’s not a girl and if you think he is, your opinion is irrelevant.”
“Don’t take this the wrong way, but you look like the exact type of person who wouldn’t mind getting their hands dirty for the sake of finding something interesting.”
“Turns out my breaking point was in fact trying to do my laundry at night. My bad.”
“I’m gonna get arrested because I keep giving cops attitude and I didn’t even mean to do it this time.”
“I’m convinced this one city block is cursed but everyone I talk to about it just tells me another thing that went wrong, so I have more questions than answers and I’m terrified of all the buildings there.”
“Okay, I’m hearing what you’re saying, but everything you’re saying is hot garbage so I’m gonna need you to shut the hell up.”
“Are you doing okay?” “I’m eating peanut butter from a spork. What do you think?”
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coline7373 · 5 years ago
Teen Wolf Recc List: My Top Favourite!!!
A Non-Exhaustive List Of My Most Beloved Sterek Fics
(not even the good ones made it there, just My Favourite Ones)
 @isthatbloodonhisshirt @someofusarequeer @grimreaperlover11 @offeringpeoplegumisnotcooking @samslave @namelessfanficreader @yes-yo-yum @sideeffectofthedrug @maia-nebula @citrustree @thegilewhodreamswhileawake @teen-wolf-reimagined @ohhoechyasss @theanarik @she-was-the-universe16 @stilesgrumpysourwolf @obscenitied @butimtheuglytwin @alienace
Not wanting to think on it took much, Stiles took a step forward and passed his hand between the bars, moving the bleeding side closer to Derek’s mouth.
“Not too close, he bites.”
Stiles snatched his hand away just as Derek had been about to lick at it. The snarl he got in response was not comforting.
“He what?” Stiles asked nervously, turning to Deaton.
The man looked a little amused. “Don’t worry, only if he doesn’t like you.”
“Well, he probably hates me, now!” Stiles insisted, turning back to Derek.
He looked extremely displeased.
Words : 81015
Tags : Alpha Derek, Feral Derek, Magical Derek, Possessive Derek, Chosen As Yearly Sacrificed Caretaker Of The Beacon Hill Beast Stiles, Compassionate Stiles, Werewolves Are People, Respecting What And Who You Don’t Understand, Hale Line Is Connected To The Nemeton Who Is Connected To Beacon Hill, Jackson Is A Douche, Stiles Is Awesome https://archiveofourown.org/works/15503010/chapters/35989302
  Number Two !!!!
Don't Savage The Messenger
There is an uneasy truce between the werewolves in the woods and the humans who live in Beacon Hills, protected by a magical boundary that gives warning any time a werewolf crosses it. Then the sheriff is taken by the werewolves and his son offers himself in exchange.
Stiles promises to serve the werewolf pack, not knowing what horrible use they might have for him. But it turns out his most useful skill is the ability to cross the boundary line between humans and werewolves. Life with the werewolves is nothing like he feared and the werewolves themselves are nothing like the hunters' stories would have him believe.
Words : 172379
Tags : Werewolf Are Known, Sort Of, They Live In Separate Territories Humans Don’t Have Access To, Cold Racial War, Discrimination, Rape Threats, Non Sexual Endenture, Emissary Stiles, Just Amazing, Alpha Peters, But He’s good At It, Big Pack
  Number Three !!!
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Words : 167178
Tags : Dead Sheriff, Derk and Peter are the Only Survivors of the Fire, Derek is the Alpha from the Start, Derek lives in a Mansion, Punch to the Freaking Guts, Emotionally Damaging, So Sad, Be Ready to Cry Your Heart Out, But Happy Ending, Will Leave Grief in Your Throat and Warmth in Your Heart, Masterpiece, Beautifull Fanarts, All The Feels, Very Intimate
   Number Four !!!
With or Without You
Derek thinks that the mating rituals are overly romanticized bullshit, but claiming a mate and defending them from challengers is something werewolves do, and his pack can't afford to appear weak after the fire. Especially not when Deucalion and his friends are in town for the rituals. Enter Stiles Stilinski, who offers to let Derek claim him so he won't be overrun at the ceremonies. Nothing goes as expected.
Words : 62556
Tags : Alive Laura, Alpha Laura, Cora and Peter Are Alive, Mating Games, Think Mating Run But Hunger Games Version Without The Killing Each Other, Smart Stiles, Murder Mystery, Werewolf Politics, Werewolf Are Known, Action
  Number Five !!!
Sell Your Body to the Night
"No," he repeated impatiently. "I'm not a cop. I'm someone who wants to exchange my money for your sexual services. I was told you were in that line of work."
"I, uh, yeah, sorry," Stiles said. He glanced around again and then up--the full moon was almost directly overhead. Just one of those nights, maybe. "Yeah, I am. I do that."
Words : 121553
Tags : Heartbreak, Dead Sheriff, Prostitute Stiles, Stiles Is Not A Victim, Stiles Is Not Your Pretty Woman Waiting For Richard Geer, Stiles Will Save Money Then Himself, But He Doesn’t Have To, Derek Know Who He Is, One Bad Decision Per Month, Lots Of Sex And Grief, Kinky Kinks Who Kink, Aliva Laura, Alpha Laura https://archiveofourown.org/works/2838161/chapters/6366899
 There's Monsters at Home
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
Words : 83600
Tags : Kind Of Five Times But Each Times Is Long, Alpha Derek, Failwolf Derek, Badass Magical Stiles, Older Stiles Than In The Show But The Others Have The Same Age
  One Dollar Yoda
Stiles is an unbonded spark, so he's been dealing with courting alphas since he was ten. It's gotten a lot worse since he turned sixteen. Some are assholes, some are nice, but Stiles hasn't wanted to spend the rest of his life bound to any of them.
When Derek Hale shows up at his school, Stiles expects him to be just another asshole alpha attempting to buy him with expensive gifts. But Derek Hale puts no effort whatsoever into his courtship gifts. Stiles ought to be offended but instead he finds it refreshing.
Words : 10578
Tags : Humour, Spark Stiles, Werewolves Are Known, Reluctant Courtship
  Darling It Is No Joke
The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.
 Words : 13250
Tags : Stiles is a little shit, So is Derek
  Lock All The Doors Behind You
He has no idea what you're supposed to say when you find one of your...werewolf acquaintances, completely out of their mind, growling like they're about to see what your insides taste like. There's no handbook for this. Stiles is thinking that if he survives he might write one.
Words : 25960
Tags : Feral Derek ; Early seasons
  Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly.
Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding:
DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK -- Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
Words : 35197
Tags : Pack Feels ; Early seasons but No Peter
  Every Step You Take
Stiles accidentally ends up magically bound to Derek. It’s super.
Words :49347
Tags : Foced Bonding, Derek and Stiles do NOT like it
  All you're giving me is friction
Stiles is Alpha bait
Words : 4707
Tags : Funny, Possessive Derek, The Alpha Pack is full of Hot Young Men who Want To Steal Stiles
  Fly a Little Faster
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Words : 32052
Tags : Accidental Time-Travel with a dash of tragedy and a dash of humour, Peter is a Lying Liar Who Lies
  Prince Among Wolves
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable.
Words : 101 000
Tags : Werewolves Are Known, Nanny Stiles, Businessman Derk, Cold Derek at First, Derek work All the Times But For Good Reasons, Kate is the Children’s Mother, Trans Child, Derek is Middly Transphobic at First, Learning to Become a Parent, Credible Children (not impossibly developped and sassy yet don’t know how to speak english)
 Electricity In the Contact
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.
Words : 27067
Tags : Scent-Marking, Fake/Pretend, Mates, Knotting, Funny
  Don't Worry Baby
"You know you're allowed to ask for vanilla sex, right?" he says, afterwards. "We can do whatever you want. That's kind of the point."
Derek doesn't respond.
Words : 20276
Tags : Prostitute Stiles Turned Kept Boy, Fucked-Up Derek Who Need A Boyfriend, Porn & Feels, Knotting, Possessive Derek, Lot of Soft Feels, Good Friend Scott
  Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways
“I called you a slave-driver!” Stiles cried hysterically. “I called you an ogre! I stole all the blue paperclips!” Derek raised an eyebrow at him. “That’s company property!” he shouted, waving his arms madly in distress. Derek ran a hand over his face. “It’s not theft if the vice president of the company gives you permission.”  (Otherwise known as the Elevator AU)
Words : 7 799
Tags : Humans AU, Office AU, Funny
  What I Did On My Summer Vacation
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
Words : 118749
Tags : Sherif Moved In BH Whiles Stiles Was In College, Stiles Is Just Here For The Summer, Alive Laura, Derek Is The Alpha From The Start, The Nemeton is Connected to The Town, Near Eveyone In BH IS In The Known, The Town Is Pack, Magic, Made Of Awesome
  Five Times the Sheriff Found Derek Hale in His Son's Bedroom
There's a pattern Sheriff Stilinski just can't ignore.
Words : 3525
Tags : What the Title Said, Humour
  By Any Other Name
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.
Words : 33090
Tags : Both Stiles And Derek Get Amnesia, They Make Assumptions About Who They Were, Action
  What Fresh Twilight Bullshit Is This?
“I am not Bella!” he insisted, shaking his fist angrily at Jackson, as if he’d been the one to suggest he was. “I am not Bella! I am, like, a Jacob, at least!”
Lydia made a noise of debate from his right and he whipped around to look at her.
“What?! What was that sound?!”
“You’re more of a Mike,” she insisted, shrugging neatly and flipping some curls over her shoulder.
“Wha—” Stiles had never been so offended in his life! “I am not! No way! I am a solid Jacob!”
“Mike,” she argued.
“Who’s Mike?” Scott asked.
“Shut up, Scott!” Stiles insisted, pointing a finger at him but still glaring at Lydia.
Words : 196127
Tags : Not Crack, Serious And Real Issues With Impriting, Derek Is Seriously A Creep At First, This Is Not Cute But Scary, Alive Hale, Cop Derek, College Student Stiles, Mates, Stackson BroTP, Scott and Stiles Meet In College, Really Good, Not Twilight Level of Writing, Better
  Pack Wars
Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.
Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.
(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Words : 158626
Tags : Kidnapping Taken Lightly By The Captors But Not The Kidnapee, Angst And Humour, Pack Dynamics, Learning When You Think You’re Going To Teach A Lesson
   here is the deepest secret nobody knows
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
Words : 22322
Tags : Pack-Mom Stiles, Pack Feels, Stiles And Erica Are Bro, Derek Doesn’t Know How To Do Feelings, Post Seeason 2 So Jackson Is There
  Divided We Stand
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
Words : 156742
Tags : Lenghty, Plotty, And It’s A Serie, If You WAnt To Be Occupied For Days Here You Are, Werewolf Are Know, Searching Ceremonies, Mate, Alive Hale, Pack Dynamics, Den Maker Stiles, Antagonisitc Talia, She Will Come Around But At The End, Sass Master Peter, Courtship, Detective Stiles, Seriously, Such A Good Serie, So Much Plot, Very Interesting
  Love Runs Wild
"You've got a hickey on the back of your neck!" A Neckz 'n Throats story.
Words : 9494
Tags : For Those Who Are New To TW Fandom Or Lived Under A Rock, Neck’n Throat is An AU Fanon Porn Mag Targeted Toward Werewolf Audience, And It’s Awesome, Possessive Derek, Model Derek, Model Stiles
Stiles already had a history with skin magazines for werewolves. It wasn't like he was new at this, even if his modeling portfolio was completely pathetic. He was cool and collected. He was a jaded professional. He was not at all prepared for working with Derek Hale.
Words : 37712
Tags : Necks ‘n Throat, Model Derek, Model Stiles, Past Exploitation, Past Offscreen Torture And Rape, Kate Argent Is Her Own Warning, Jackson And Lydia And Scott and Allison And Stiles Are All Friends, Derek Is A Hale Outcast, Alive Hale, Laura Is A Good Sister But A Forcefull One, Angst And Humour, The Best Revenge Is life Lived Well, Leaping Wall Of Love
   My Heart Comes Tumbling Down
"This is a casual, adult relationship based on sex, and it is awesome." In which Stiles and Derek have a great time buddyfucking until a burrito ruins it all.
Words : 5689
Tags : Assumption, Discrimination Toward Hot People, Stiles Think Being A Hot Man Makes You Automatically A Player And He’s Wrong, Stiles Discover Sex, Derek Discover Feelings Again
  Love So Hard, It Could Rip My Heart Out
Stiles is seventeen, and his best friend is drifting away, and his dad isn't speaking to him, so he's going to make some bad decisions. He's seventeen and he needs bad decisions to look back on when he's thirty, and nothing is a worse decision than Derek Hale. He'll let the Big Bad Wolf in, let him press Stiles down into the couch and he'll wrap his arms around him and he'll know it's a bad choice, but it's his, and Derek is here when no one else is.
Words : 7552
Tags : Stiles Think Being A Hot Man Makes You Automatically A Player And He’s Wrong, Stiles Discover Sex, Derek Discover Feelings Again, Stilinski Family Feels, Angst But Hopefull Ending
  Single Parent, Multiple Problems
Derek tries really hard to do the right thing, Stiles thinks Derek's idea of the right thing is the wrong thing, and John does his best to help.
 "Is, uh--is Stiles home?" Hale is staring at the ground and his shoulders are so tense that John's tempted to say 'Boo!' just to see what'll happen.
Words :
Tags : Developping Sterek, Parenting Is Hard, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad, Middle Of Season 2 But Melissa And John Know About Werewolves, Consent Is Sexy, Building Trust And A Relationship Before Sex
  Derelictions of Duty
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news to someone as nice as Sheriff Stilinski -- especially when he's your boss. That's why none of his employees want to be the first one to tell him about the scandalous goings-on between his only son and the former murder suspect Derek Hale. For all of their sakes, hopefully the Sheriff will find out all on his own...
(Or, 5 times a Beacon County Sheriff's Office employee witnesses the unique relationship between Stiles and Derek but neglects to tell the Sheriff and 1 time he witnesses it for himself.)
Words : 10846
Tags : Outsider POV, Mistaken For Being In A Relationship, Humour, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad
   Scent Marking For Dummies
Stiles is almost used to being chased around the school by werewolves at this point. Having to share a bed with Derek freaking Hale, on the other hand, is just needlessly complicating his life.
Words : 8824
Tags : What The Tile Said, If Scent-Marking Is Your Kink, Go For it, Humourous Situations, Obvious Stiles
 That Which You Cannot Undo
By twenty-eight, Stiles has resigned himself to a quiet life of working in his magic shop, selling Jackson Whittemore fart-inducing tea, and looking after his goddaughter. It's a good life. But the quiet goes to hell when his sister, Lydia, shows up with a crispy werewolf in her trunk and a bite mark on her shoulder, because hard on her heels comes the hottest person Stiles has ever seen, and he happens to be looking for his uncle.
You know, the dead guy Stiles helped Lydia bury last night.
(Or: the Pracitical Magic AU nobody asked for.)
Words :28182
Tags : Lydia And Stiles Friendship, Orphan Stiles, Stiles Is Adopted By Lydia’s Moms, Magic Stiles, Single Parent Stiles Of His Goddaughter, Familial Love Curse, Dead Peter, Sweet Derek
  Wolf in the House
“What? It’s totally an improvement. He’s not scowling, or dating bad guys, or slinking around in unsanitary places. Still a bit paranoid, but what can you do. At least he’s a lot easier to get along with when you can buy his affections with ear rubs.”
“And you always wanted a dog,” Sheriff added wryly.
“And I always wanted a dog.”
Words : 33481
Tags : Trauma Induced Tansformation, Actual Wolf Derek, Unable to Speak or Rationalize Derek, Derek’s POV, Stilinski Family Feels, Pack Dynamic
  The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.
Words : 31661
Tags : Alive Laura Hale, Actual Wolf Derek, Humour And Angst
  Little Wild Animal
Derek Hale finds a feral human on his pack's property. Humans are supposed to be extinct. But then, Stiles is full of surprises.
Words : 61036
Tags : Extinct Humans, Feral Stiles, Kind Derek, Alive Hale, Gender Fluid Child
  Introduction to Zero-Sum Anthropology
Stiles buys Derek a set of cooking spoons. Derek retaliates with lunch.
The war begins.
Words : 19773
Tags, Humour, Post Season 3A, Gifts War
  You Don't See Straight
Stiles finds himself in a secret werewolf community to participate in a mating run. Sterek happens. Side OC's.
Words : 174981
Tags : Werewolf Community, Rape, Non Consensual Bonding, Non Consensual Mating Run, Xenophilia, Knotting, It Fuck Stiles, Derek Is Fucked Up Too, Big Paragraphs With Not A Lot Of Space, But It’s Good, Definitely Original
  Crash Landers
In which Stiles learns to Stalk That Stalk. (Or, how to accidentally woo your unfriendly neighborhood alpha in roughly five hundred handwritten steps.)
Words : 31173
Tags : Stiles Leaves Derek A Fake Parking Ticket And It Kind Of Get Away From HIm, Epistolary But Not Formally So, Senior Year Of High School Post Season 2
  Actions Speak Louder than Words
“I apologize.” The cop finally looked back up at his face, seeming thrilled. “It’s just—it’s been so long. And we finally have you.”
That was a bad word. Not found.
Stiles wrenched his hand free and took a step back, but before he could even think up a gameplan, he felt a prick in his neck and jerked away, reaching up to slap one hand against it and twisting in the same moment.
Words : 434619 !!!!!!!!
Tags : Supernatural Are Known, Spark Stiles, Orphan Stiles Alpha Derek, Mute Derek, Cursed Derek, Dead Sheriff, Imprisonement, Stackson Brotp, Cora And Peter Are Alive, Stress Inducing, Badass Long Fic, Longest Completed Sterek Fic
  You are the Moon
Stuff Stiles doesn’t like to deal with first thing: hot, moist dog breath in his face, a cuddly werewolf creepifying his perfectly normal morning wood with shades of bestiality, and his dad holding his service revolver up against the skull of his bedmate, never mind the fact that his bedmate could possibly be a vicious unhinged rogue omega.
Words : 10055
Tags : Alive Laura, Werewolves Are Known, Derek Is Though To Be Dead, No Sense Of Personal Boundaries Derek
 Then You Think Again
"Holy crap!  Why the hell did you lie to incredibly powerful magical beings with trust issues?  How was that Plan A?"
Derek says, "We're not arguing about this, it's already done."
"Like hell we're not fighting about this," Stiles says, indignant.  "What were you thinking?"
"I was thinking it was worth the risk if it kept you alive!  And it worked, so drop it."
"You had no idea that it was going to work!" Stiles throws his hands up.  Why is Derek the most frustrating werewolf in the history of ever, why is Stiles even helping him, why is this his life?  "Why did they even believe you in the first place?"
Derek says, "You reeked of me," which is unfair.  Stiles only smelled because he'd gotten covered in Derek's bodily fluids trying to staunch the bleeding.
Words : 22552
Tags : Hags, Hags Made Them Do It, The Forced Bonding I mean
Alternate Title: "Dick Failwolf, Private Eye."
(Or, Derek's hit with a Film Noir curse, which forces him to narrate his own life in luridly-detailed prose.)
Words : 3126
Tags : Bottom Derek, Top Stiles, Truth Curse, Failwolf Derek, Fluff
  On Building an IKEA Den for an Alpha Werewolf.
Senior Prom is coming up, and Stiles doesn't have a date. Additionally, Derek has an unfurnished apartment, and no one to take him to IKEA.
Words : 13892
Tags : Pack Mom Stiles, House Making, Failwolf Derek, Cute, Domestic
  The Alexandrian Solution
"I accept your body!" Stiles says hurriedly. "I accept you. Sexually."
There is a pause. Derek says, "Thanks."
Words : 5317
Tags : Knotting, Derek Didn’t Know It Was Possible, Humour, Fun Sex With Feels
  Father Knows Best
Sheriff Stilinski has finally figured out the cause of the rift between them: his son's gay, and he's effectively cut that line of communication. Being the good father that he is, he tries to make sure Stiles knows that he can tell him anything, especially about Derek Hale. Their wires seem to have gotten crossed somewhere.
Words : 5984
Tags : Humour, Miscommunication, Sheriff Love His Queer Son
  Things To Do On The Dates You Aren't Having
"So are we dating now or what?" Stiles asks the third time he finds himself doing the obligatory postcoital cuddling with a certain sour wolf.
Words : 5557
Tags : Humour, Stiles Bullied Derek Into Dating, Jackson in an Ahole And Lydia Is A BAMF
  we can take our time
Tact and social mores are completely relegated to the back of Derek’s brain, and without thinking, he blurts out, “Did you spend your heat alone?”
Stiles’ head jerks around in surprise, and then he flushes pink and looks away. His voice comes out brusque and unfriendly. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I spend every heat alone.”
Words : 17476
Tags : Cops Stiles And Derek, A/B/O, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles, That’s How Consent Is Done And Respected, Very Real Thoughs On What Consent Is And How It Works In An A/B/O Setting
  Come with Me and Walk the Longest Mile
"Stiles shouldn't accept rides from werewolves he meets behind abandoned convenience stores." In which the zombie apocalypse is just one of their worries.
Words : 39275
Tags : Zombie Apocalypse, Omega Stiles, Heat, Road Trip Of Survival
  Help Wanted
Nice things begin to happen to Derek Hale and it kind of freaks him out.
Words : 15593
Tags : What The Title Said, Classic Good Teen Wolf
  Come Fly With Me (Or Don't)
Stiles is overworked and stressed out when his flight home gets delayed due to copious amounts of snow. He finds entertainment with one Derek Hale, whom he hasn't seen since high school but really doesn't mind getting reacquainted with.
Especially when it turns out Derek is surprisingly hilarious and will reluctantly play snap with him. And can walk on his hands.
Words : 15319
Tags : Good Old Stucked In An Airport AU Because Of The Weather, Human AU
  The Chase
Derek's fourth Chase will be his last if he doesn't catch an omega this time. He's starting to doubt this whole soul-mate thing anyway, at least until someone from his past shows up and gives him the run of his life.
Words : 10435
Tags : Mating Run, Werewolf Everyone, Knotting, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles
  pretty in tents
Even though he’s making fun of it, Stiles thinks the whole thing sounds awesome and, like most stuff these days, the experience is going to be totally wasted on Scott.
Words : 7657
Tags : Fake/Pretend Relationship, Werewolf Politics/Culture, Pack Dynamic, Stiles Is Awesome
  In Desperate Times
Stiles gets magic wish-granting powers, but only when he's in danger. He begins to teleport to Derek in increasingly awkward moments.
Words : 3454
Tags : What The Title Said, Awkward And funny, Those Two love Each Other Even If It Would Cut Them Up To Say So
  Whatever Works
The problem with having your soulmate's first words to you tattooed on your arm is knowing your whole life that you're fated to be with a jerk. It's enough to make Stiles want to date other people ... which is how he winds up dating his soulmate's nephew.
Words : 61929
Tags, Asexual Derek, Aromantic Peter, Sexual And Romantic Stiles, Soul Mates, Not WHat You Expected But They Make It Work, Rich Hale, Just The Kids And Peter Are Alive, Corporate Thriller, Stiles Is Awesome, Peter Is Smart, Derek Is A Sweeheart
Stiles is 25 and runs his own coffee shop. Derek doesn't know this. Derek, a mechanic, thinks that Stiles is 17 and jail-bait.
Misunderstandings ensue.
Words : 2765
Tags : Pining, Stiles Looks Young, Idiots Crushing On Each Other
  This is Ridiculous
There's a unicorn in Beacon Hills. A fricken' unicorn. In fricken' Beacon Hills, California. And it turns out that unicorns aren't drawn towards virgins in a happy-go-lucky let-me-lay-my-not-at-all-metaphorical-horn-in-your-lap way. No. They kill them. And guess who's the only virgin idiotic enough to get sucked into the Beacon Hills supernatural scene? Stiles, that's who.
Words : 35818
Tags : What The Summary Said, Freaking Evil Unicorns, Crack Yet Not
  The Scientific Method
Stiles’s life was so much easier before his BFF got super powers. “But, so, werewolves have super strength, right? And super speed. And better vision, and better muscle control, and healing powers, and stuff. And some of that’s probably, like, genetic, if you can be born a werewolf. Right?”
 “Yeah,” Scott says. From the perplexed look on his face, he doesn’t yet know where Stiles is going with this. “So?”
 “So what if you have condom-defeating supersperm?”
 Stiles has a lot of research to do. He decides Derek's kitchen is the place to do it. Derek probably regrets giving him a key.
Words : 5947
Tags : What The Summary Said, Crack Yet Not, Hilarious, Stiles Does Research
  Not Quite Lost (Not Quite Found)
A year after the nogitsune is defeated, Derek is living a quiet life in the mountains above a small town in Colorado.
Then Stiles shows up.
Words : 25025
Tags : Emotional Healing, Derek Leaves Beaacon Hill After Season 3, Stiles Leaves After High School, Sad Boys But The Are Going To Get Better, Melancholy In A Beautifull Setting
  Outrun Your Ghosts
When Derek Hale arrives at the Beacon Hills Young Adult Rehabilitation Center, he plans on keeping his head down and serving the rest of his time in minimum security peace. Stiles Stilinski changes all of that.
Words : 19148
Tags : Rehab, No Werewolves, Stiles Is Still Sort Of Magic But Everyone Think He’s Mental, Derek Is Accused Of Kate’s Crimes, Everyone In Rehab, Scott And Allison Met At Anger Management Issue Anonym, Jackson Is Here Because He’s A Douche, Patient Abuse, Harris Is The Worst Everywhere
  When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear
There are some salvageable things though. A virtually untouched heavy slate sign that says, engraved in an ornate script that confirms at least one person in the Hale family had a sense of humor (Stiles has a horrible suspicion it might have been Peter), When You Stop Believing in Santa You Get Underwear.
Words : 7817
Tags : Christmas Memories, Found Family, Pack Mom Stiles, The Boyd And Reyes Are Actually Include In Pack Big Gets Together, Seasonal Feels
  What Goes Around
“Well,” Stiles says, “if they’re going to hunt werewolves, I’m going to hunt them.”
It’s a ridiculous statement from a ten-year-old, but he’s obviously one hundred percent sincere. For the first time since the fire, Peter feels life stir inside him, feels purpose. It’s kismet, clearly. He’ll never meet the child he would have had with Olivia. Instead he’s met this boy, this brilliant, determined, cynical child with a world of potential.
Peter kneels down in front of him so they’re at eye level. “How do you feel about doing that together?”
Words : 71451
Tags : Dead Sheriff, Dead Hale, Dark Vengeancefull Kid Stiles, Dark Vengeancefull Peter, Murder Spree, Yet Found Family, Stiles Thinks He’s Robin To Peter’s Batman, More Or Less Good Peter, No Completly Moraly Bankrupt, Still Pretty Dark, We’re Talking About Acomplice Murder At Ten Years Old, Smart Stiles And Peter, Derek Hang On For The Ride
  How far do I have to go to get to you
Stiles never knows if it's worse when Derek Hale steps out of the shadows or when he slinks back into them; either way, Stiles never expected to have this many feelings about his stupid old yellow owl shirt.
Words : 5189
Tags : Gaming, Teenagers, Derek Is Tragic But Catching Up On Late Teen Years
  Fire, Fury, and Flame
Stiles Stilinski was never going to be the omega who got knocked up right after high school, and then he's accidentally artificially inseminated with a stranger's sperm. Awesome. And the father of Stiles's baby just so happens to be Derek Hale. Half-feral, quite possibly a murderer, and pursued by a gleefully sadistic band of hunters who are only too eager to use Stiles and his baby to hit Derek right where it hurts. Joy.
Words : 124597
Tags : Accidental Virginal Pregnancy, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek Making The Best Of It, Derek Is Running From His Past, Half Feral Derek, Action, Plot, Angst Love And Badassery, Stilinski Love Each Other, Sheriff Is An Awesome Dad, So Good, Making Family, Falling In Love, Secret Werewolf Compound
When Stiles's best friend Scott presented as a werewolf, it was just the worst. It was front-page news, there were reporters outside his house asking him questions, and people at school stared and kept their distance or interrogated him mercilessly. Worst by far was that it meant Scott had to leave immediately to live with the werewolf pack in the mountains -- which no one knew anything about. Stiles couldn't even visit, so he only got to see Scott once a month when he came back to visit his mom. It sucked.
A year later, he presents too.
Words : 112399
Tags : Not Always Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, Turned Werewolves Scott And Stiles, Werewolves Are Known, Human/Sup Segregation, Stiles Hates Derek Guts At The Start, Like Hates Him, Then Resent Him, Then Become Okay, So Slow-Burn Feels
 Like the Sun Holds the Moon
Stiles is an omega, and he's supposed to be obedient. He's supposed to mate with the stranger chosen for him and quietly disappear. He's not supposed to talk to alphas, or have sex, or fall in love. Then he meets Derek Hale. Obedience was always overrated, anyway.
Words : 118155
Tags : A/B/O Dystopia, Racism, Sexism, Omega Stiles, Alpha Derek, Omeaga Are The Lowest Of The Low But Still Too Good For Werewolf, Forbidden Love, Running Away Together, Sheriff Is A Good Father, Mpreg, Childbirth, Parenthood, Omea Rehabilitation Center, Imprisonment, Minnor Character Suicide, Short Non-Con Elements, Forced Kate/Stiles In Chapter 14, Fighting Back, Smart Stiles, So Good Derek
  Break the Lock If It Don't Fit
"Do you know what just happened?" Peter asked, frowning. "Do you know what Derek did?"
"He dislocated my shoulder," Stiles snapped, but Peter just arched an eyebrow, unimpressed by that answer.
Words :12738
Tags : Pack Dynamic, Domestic Violence, What Derek Did Was Not Romantic Sexy Or In Anyway Okay, He Apologised And Will Do Better
  Theory of Overprotective Canines
Stiles is totally looking forward to living alone in his super cool apartment off-campus. He is. He is also very excited to bike to school every day, ready to set up an awesome game room, and definitely over his crush on Derek Hale. Completely over it.
Or at least he is until Derek decides he's moving in with him. And then turns out to be the perfect roommate. And then starts attending all his classes. As a wolf.
This is not going according to plan.
Words : 11798
Tags : What The Summary Said, Idiots In Love, Mutual Pining, Actual Wolf Derek, Smart Derek, Possessive Derek, Obvious Stiles, Succesfull Cohabitation Come From Compromise
  A Simple Life
Derek plans to spend the rest of his life holed up in the woods after Laura dies. Then he meets a stubborn young fox, and the stubborn young fox meets an urn of Deaton's magic powder, and his plans change.
Words :13763
Tags : Actual wolf Derek, Fox Stiles, Not A Werefox But A True Fox, Magical Powder Thanks To Deaton
     A Very Special Mention For A Technically Steter Fic But It’s WIP And SUPER Long So We’re Not There Yet
Consider it Gen !!!
It’s Awesome ! Check It Out !
Fanart !
We Don't Need Grace
The only reason Stiles and Finstock even met was because the Sheriff needed someone to wear his kid out. Countless clubs and sports turned Stiles away, and the alcoholic gym owner with a foul mouth and crazy hair was the Sheriff’s last hope. What started as an awkward arrangement would become an incredible journey full of gymnastics, blue ribbons, and gold medals.
Family isn’t always blood, sometimes it’s finding someone at the right time. Sometimes family is a hyperactive kid who hangs around the gym and his coach who takes his coffee with whiskey.
Otherwise known as The Olympics AU.
Words : 53905
Tags : Uncharacteristically Bad Father Seriff But Bob Finstock Make Up For It, Sheriff Is Too Preoccupied with His Wife And Don’t Understand His Son, Alive But Of Fragile Health Claudia, Bright Stiles, Stiles Keep On Being Happy, Stiles Wants To Be Spiderman But Will Make Do With Gymnast, Bob Finstock Is Made Of Awesome, Sport !!!, Olympics !!!, Found Family, Good Bobby, Allison And Kira Apparition
How could I forget this one?!!?!
It’s a fancomic! It’s awesome! It’s long! It’s sweet!
You haven’t lived until you’ve read it!!!
Seed Wolf!
Stiles finds a mysterious packet of seeds one day called 'Seed Wolf'. He doesn't expect anything to grow from them, maybe a flower or something to replace his beloved (and deceased) cactus Bertrand.
What grows from the little seed is surprising.
Words: Zero, obviously. But it’s really long
Tags: Awesome cuteness, Dying of cute, Thumbellina trope, Anthropomorphic animoid plant people, manga style, so sweet, fluffy tails, soulmates
143 notes · View notes
buckybarnesbingo · 4 years ago
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BBB Round Three Week 3 Roundup!
Only 5 more days to request changes to your card!
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Title: Obliged Collaborator: snowstark Card Number: B037 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Sharing Body Heat Ship: Stuckony Rating: Teen Major Tags: Fluff, Cuddling Summary: Tony works in the lab for too long without taking care of himself. That’s why Steve and Bucky have to do it for him. Word Count: 388
Title: A Place Where It's Always Safe And Warm Collaborator: IndigoNight (Ao3), jeminamoonnight (tumblr) Card Number: B011 Link: AO3 Square Filled: U1 - Kink "So Glad You're Alive" Sex Ship: Bucky/Clint/Steve Rating: Explicit Major Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Porn with Feelings, Fluff and Smut, Edging, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Prostate Milking, Oral Sex, Cock Rings, Body Worship, Sleepy Cuddles, Dirty Talk, Dirty Talking Bucky Barnes, Shower Sex, Deaf Clint Barton, Hand Feeding, Established Relationship Summary: Bucky’s grin widened. He leaned down, lips hovering barely centimeters above Steve’s, close but not close enough. “Take your clothes off,” he whispered, intentionally making his voice lower and husky in the way that he knew drove Steve wild.  It had exactly the effect Bucky intended, but a part of Steve still resisted, “this isn’t exactly a good time-”  Bucky gripped Steve’s chin, metal fingers cool and solid as they dug into his skin a little. “Steve,” he said seriously, forcing Steve to meet his eyes, “stop trying to cockblock yourself. Clint is fine. I promised him that I would make sure you’re in the right mood to greet him when he gets home, and that is exactly what I intend to do.” Word Count: 17,645
Title: Prosthetic Arms and Impossible Things Collaborator: rebelmeg Card Number: B007 Link: AO3 Squares Filled: Chapter 1, C4 - Tony Stark/Iron Man Chapter 2, Y3 - shared trauma Chapter 3, U4 - disability fic Chapter 4, U5 - Sam Wilson/Falcon Ship: Bucky & Tony & Sam Rating: Gen Major Tags: disability, recovery, friendship, supportive friends Summary: Over the course of a year, Tony builds and gets used to wearing a prosthetic arm with the help of Sam and Bucky. Word Count: 3000
Title: Angel Baby Bucky Collaborator: Kay/abitnotgoodiebag Card Number: B0002 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B3 - Kink: lingerie Ship: SamBucky Rating: Mature Major Tags: Crossdressing, nudity-ish, art Summary: Bucky had a new set of undies to model for Sam
Title: The Virgin Sacrifice (Virginity Not Included) Collaborator: newtypeshadow Card Number: B038 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B2 - AU: Wings Ship: WinterIron Rating: Teen Major Tags: No Archive Warnings Apply, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Magic, Magic, Established Relationship, Rescue Missions, Protective Bucky Barnes, Magic Tony Stark, Wings, Monster Hunters, Fluff, Banter, Snakes, Virgin Sacrifice Summary: Tony volunteers to be the virgin sacrifice for a giant snake. Bucky, his betrothed, is not amused. Word Count: 710
Title: Moon Stuff Collaborator: Vaysh Card Number: B044 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - Missing You Ship: Stucky Rating: Teen  Major Tags: Not Avengers: Endgame Compatible, Amnesia, Blackouts, Gaslighting, Steve Rogers on the Moon, Alternative Universe: Canon Diversion, Background Peggy Carter/Gabe Jones Summary: Marvel S.W.O.R.D doesn't want Steve Rogers on Earth. So when Steve goes into the time machine to return the Stones, he ends up on the Moon instead. Word Count: 3050
Title: Searching Collaborator: Raz Card Number: B076 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C3 - free space Ship: none Rating: Gen Major Tags: Bucky, The Mandalorian, Din Djarin, Desert, Canyon, Guns, Crossover Summary: A Mandalorian Crossover. Or local ex hydra assassin takes up residence on Tatooine to get away from Earthly headaches and becomes a mercenary to help pay the bills. A certain shiny space dad requests his help to go flush out some Imperials. (Bucky insists on keeping his trademark rifle because it’s like an ol faithful even if he loves the space tech.)
Title: Tentacles? Nope! Collaborator: Rufferto9 / Rufferto Card Number: B096 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: B4 - there's nothing but a picture I interpreted. :) Ship: Bucky/Tentacles ? Rating: Teen Major Tags: Tentacles, NoTentacleSex, maybe, YoungWinterSoldier, buckybarnes Summary: Bucky is in training as the winter soldier and tentacle monsters was not on the list but he won't let get in his way.
Title: i don't need serotonin if i can just have your hand Collaborator: cyanica Card Number: B032 Link: AO3 Square Filled: B1 - nightmares Ship: BuckySam Rating: Teen Major Tags: panic attacks, insomnia, hurt/comfort, ptsd, angst Summary: "Can I… Can I hold your hand?” He reached out, human and warm in the sunlight that shone upon Sam in a kind of iridescence that was all-consuming. His eyes were half-lidded and glassy, the twilight dawn breaking all over the atmosphere as he watched it devote itself to Sam’s presence like each spec of dust caught within the sunshine were fireflies addicted to his glow. “Something – something else to know what's real if I wake up and can't remember.”  Or making amends doesn’t lie within old evils, but rather new loves. Word Count: 3042
Title: Taxes, Death & Trouble Collaborator: Kay/abitnotgoodiebag Card Number: B002 Link: Tumblr Square Filled: C1 - Au: cop/detective/fbi Ship: BuckySam Rating: Gen Major Tags: Two dudes looking better than they have any right to Summary: What happens when a by-the-book forensic accountant for the FBI is assigned the file of one of the most notoriously slippery con-men in the country?  Especially after Sammy has driven the last four agents to quit the bureau (and accounting) with his completely foolproof bookkeeping skills. Will Agent Barnes be just the latest in a string of failures, or does he have what it takes to finally find a flaw in Sammy’s finances?  When they both get stranded in the Florida Keys during a category 5 hurricane, can the oh-so-charming hustler cooperate with the no nonsense, company man enough to weather the superstorm?  Or will their differences cost them everything?
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miss-m-calling · 4 years ago
Chocolate Box 2021 letter
Dear writer,
Hello and thank you for writing for me!
I’m Miss_M on AO3. For all requests, I am asking for fic.
My requests this year are: American Gods (TV), The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV), Starred Up (2013 movie), Witchblade (TV), and Бeсa ǀ Besa (TV)
General likes:
-pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and missing-scene stories
-character-driven as well as plot-driven stories
-fics which mix humor and angst/serious business (when this fits the canon)
-characters at work and play
-group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples (new lovers/first times as well as long-term/established couples), UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too
-irony, snark, humor, angst -- all arising from the characters rather than the plot crowbaring it in
-linear, non-linear, and 5+1 stories
-hopeful endings, happy endings, bittersweet endings, “everything is awful but you’re here and maybe I don’t entirely hate that” endings
-spiky characters who keep their jagged edges and spikiness in adversity as well as when their lives are going well, square-peg-in-round-hole characters, tough characters with (maybe not so well) hidden vulnerabilities, characters who are their own worst enemies, characters who manage to get over themselves when the occasion calls for it, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other, characters who may not be exactly friends and may well irritate one another but manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise/reluctance/discomfort), characters who just cannot get along with each other or find common ground
-workplace stories (this can mean anything from an actual workplace/casefic/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters get to be competent
Shippy and smutty likes:
-(where it fits the characters) banter
-competitiveness or antagonism shading into attraction (this tension need not be resolved)
-”oh god why did it have to be you what did I do to deserve this“
-”come here and say it to my face/do that again/kiss me, you motherfucker”
-bickering yet loving couples
-characters who are serious about their romantic interests
-characters who think they are much better at flirtation than they actually are
-characters forced to work together only to prove much more compatible than they initially assumed
-fics which mix an exploration of characters’ professional and everyday lives with shipping
-characters who are incompatible in some important way (they are ideological enemies, cop and criminal, spies from opposite sides, or there has been betrayal!!!), and while they love and/or want each other, they’re not willing to change sides or abandon/compromise their identity/beliefs for the other’s benefit
-I don’t know how better to phrase this than: smut which fits the characters; how does their canon dynamics spill over into hubba hubba stuff?
-sexual scenarios that subvert expectations a little and surprise the characters themselves
-sexual scenarios that contain an element of competition or antagonism
-"this is a bad idea but we’re going for it hammer and tongs”
-not wanting to admit feelings or show vulnerability except oops it happens anyway, whether the characters acknowledge it or not
-characters getting way more into the sex or being more affected by it than they thought they would
-quick and intense sex, slow and intense sex, rough yet willing sex (when it fits the characters), unexpectedly emotional and/or tender sex
-masturbation while thinking of the other half of the ship (or not wanting to think about them only oops there they are in the fantasy!)
-first time sex
-established relationship, we-know-each-other-so-well sex
-”we’ve both wanted this and now we both know it so here we go diving in headfirst” sex
-for het and/or slash, oral, vaginal, anal incl. pegging, manual (ifyouknowwhatImean) -- all is good. You can go as veiled or as explicit as you like, but please avoid excessive medical jargon – I don’t find a lot of mention of “penis” or “clit” sexy.
Ship/smut DNWs:
MPREG, A/B/O, knotting D/s, formalized BDSM, painful sex, hard kinks (holding someone down playfully, hair pulling and such like, the odd spank are a-OK) scat, watersports knife/gun/blood play incest deaging/infantilization, mommy/daddy kink under-16yos in sexual situations humiliation body distortion/horror (feeding/weight kink, come inflation, vore, etc.) unrequested ships/pairings soulmates and soul marks pregnancy and children (can be mentioned if canon, just don’t make the whole fic about them) wedding setting/theme secondary characters shipping the main pair like it’s their job xeno, tentacles, bestiality noncon/dubcon
Other DNWs:
torture and abuse (this and noncon/dubcon can be mentioned, but please don’t dwell on it in loving detail or subject any of my requested characters to it) descriptions of vomit, shit, and piss (”He pissed up against a tree” and the like is fine), toilet humor lots of gore/blood (mention it, yes; lovingly describe it, no), cannibalism, serious illness or injury character bashing genderswap/genderbent characters, characters as kids/young teens issuefic, gender/sexuality/race/ethnicity/religion/ability/identity headcanons death of requested characters hopeless, unrelenting gloom/angst/horror RL holiday setting/theme, RL religions as a major theme (invented fictional holidays and rituals are fine) reference to RL current events 1st and 2nd person POV unrequested crossovers or fusions AUs which have nothing to do with canon fic written in lapslock
American Gods (TV)
Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
I ship it. Yes I do. They had me at “gimme-my-coin-dead-wife”-flicks-him-into-wall. The snarky road trip was the best thing I never knew I wanted until it happened, and I adored every second of it, not to mention the upped shippiness in S2. They’re both such assholes and so fascinating, even if they start to mellow toward each other a bit, and all the gods/magic/resurrection stuff swirling around them begs to be explored further. Also I love love love how their dynamic is about equal parts spikiness, pathos, and humor (they’re funny! and the canon doesn’t shy away from putting them in ludicrous situations), and it weaves seamlessly between those three. Plus she’s half his size yet can and does beat him up with literally one finger, and then there’s the angst of he having killed her, feeling really guilty about it, and then bringing her back. And the way that their New Orleans adventure makes clear they have feelings for each other but neither wants to admit it. And and and… yeah, I just love them.
Even if some of my prompts are about stuff that’s addressed or hinted at in canon, feel free to diverge – canon divergences and canon-adjacent stories are my jam, as are missing scenes and post-canon stories! Also, I’ve read the book, so feel free to riff on that if you want.
Canon-specific DNWs: Laura as Essie or Sweeney's wife's reincarnation/descendant or lots of comparing her to them, Sweeney staying dead, any S3 spoilers.
Exception to blanket DNW about blood/gore/bodily fluids: describing the physical decay of the living undead (undead? there but for the grace of magic coins dead?) is fine!
-Laura discovers (how? you decide!) that Sweeney gave her back the coin after their accident – whatever happens next, some punching may be involved.
-Wednesday’s big war finally comes, and “don’t you dare die on me [again], you asshole” is a line either Sweeney or Laura (or both) might say to each other.
-Laura asked “What does Wednesday have to lose?” and the answer is…? (Yes, give me that sweet poetic justice. One possibility, though not remotely the only one, but as of S2E3 Laura is technically a god-killer...) Or later when she straight-up says she’s going to kill Wednesday, but is warned to bring power with her when she does, how does that work? How else might she damage Wednesday or ruin his plans, just in case she can’t actually kill him?
-At the end of S2, Laura hoists Sweeney’s dead body over her shoulders and strides off, seemingly leaving Cairo, Shadow, and all of it behind. Tell me what happens then – does she use Baron Samedi’s potion to bring him back, and whose is the blood filled with love she uses (does she still bleed? You could get creative here, worldbuilding is also my jam)? Does her/his coin play a part – and how come the coin still “powers” Laura despite Sweeney’s death? Does she bring him back another way, maybe figuring out how to keep herself around and be able to give Sweeney back his coin? Does he come back like she did, more undead than alive, or does his godhead, however depleted, help with that? That still leaves Laura to be fully resurrected too… Or does something completely out of left field happen – surprise me!
-Possible divergences from “Treasure of the Sun”: Sweeney manages to kill Wednesday, and then Laura rolls up, and then…? Or Laura rolls up and makes like Mama-Ji told her – destroys some motherfuckers? Or Sweeney gets killed temporarily but Laura brings him back, or brings herself back, or does something else with the Baron’s potion, and is Sweeney’s blood the one filled with love, or can we interpret voodoo spells in a non-literal way? Or what happens with Gungnir hidden in Sweeney’s hoard? And definitely how do they deal with each other once they meet up in Cairo, given how they parted in New Orleans?
-Or how about a wild divergence from the last several episodes of S2? Sweeney and Laura manage to settle their differences (ahem, more fucking, on this plane of reality, might help) and don’t part ways before leaving NOLA. Or they roll up in Cairo separately but at the same time, and confront Wednesday together, and neither of them die (or die more, in her case). Or they’re there together when the police nearly raid the house. Or they have Wednesday (the ultimate cause of Laura’s death) and Ibis (a death deity) and Bilquis (a love/death/life deity) on hand, surely they can concoct some kind of resurrection thingamajig for Laura, and if they have to twist some divine arms then so be it. Or or or…?
-Wednesday told that luckless cop that Sweeney had been against the big gods’ war from the start, and while Wednesday lies, what if Sweeney decided much sooner to say to hell with Grimnir and his war and his having Sweeney kill random people? I’m guessing Sweeney too drank three glasses of mead so he can’t back out without dire consequence – but he does have a fierce, dead woman in his corner.
-They go to some as-yet-unnamed old god (feel free to bring in whatever mythology you want) in order to bring Laura back to life. Between Sweeney’s mouth and temper, and Laura’s mouth and temper, it doesn’t go well. Now one or both of them are in big magical trouble with a pissed-off deity and have to get themselves/each other out of it. Speaking of other deities, I really enjoyed their brief canon interactions with Ostara, Anansi, and Mama-Ji, and I’d like to see more of that, especially Ostara’s polite yet over-it attitude, Anansi very obvious over-it attitude and his dramatic flair, or Mama-Ji being one of the few capable of giving Laura pause.
-All the petty, ridiculous ways in which Sweeney’s bad luck manifests itself make me laugh (can’t help it, won’t even try), and I’m down for more variations on that theme.
-Sweeney and Laura fighting together, like they did on Mr. Town’s train of torture. Whether it’s a bar fight of their own making, or the big gods’ war they find themselves embroiled in, or something else entirely.
-Things happen and Laura finds herself in the position to throw Sweeney under the bus but also help/save him, and while he knows it’s only karma (he did kill her way back when), he can still be pissed off about it – how do they navigate this?
-Related to that, the Baron said: “In death is her true love, but she betrays him also.” If that meant Sweeney, or can mean Sweeney in the future (I don’t like destiny-wills-it stories, and they’re definitely not there yet, but they could maybe get there at some future point, and even then It Would Be Complicated), was the betrayal Laura rejecting him after the loa ‘fuck them,’ or is it something that hasn’t happened yet, and if so, what?
-Laura gets fully alive again, but traces of her (un)dead state remain – what are they, how does she cope, what price did she/he/they have to pay for her resurrection, and how does their relationship change? I’d especially be curious how it would work if they’re already a sorta-maybe-item and then she’s alive again and it’s weird in a new way.
-For reasons I’ll leave up to you, Sweeney and Laura have to stay put in a single place for a while and end up essentially cohabiting, regardless of what their relationship is at that point. Take “cohabiting” as literally or as creatively as you want – in any case, I’m sure it will be marvelously disastrous and amazing. If the place they have to stay happens to be NOLA, all the better, I find everything about that city fascinating. Or, if you wanted to use book canon, Laura and Sweeney (rather than Shadow) are the ones who have to spend time living in Lakeside and deal with its creepy Norman Rockwell-ness and with Hinzelmann.
-Slight or major AU from the opening of “The Ways of the Dead”: Laura has hitchhiked with Sweeney instead of going off in a huff with Wednesday, or she otherwise gets to New Orleans sooner, and she and Sweeney tear up the town together. Maybe they even cross the paths of some loa and it doesn’t get all angsty. They were actually getting along nicely in those first couple of scenes in NOLA, only ribbing each other a little while still being their grouchy selves, before they got to Le Coq Noir. I wouldn’t have minded seeing some more of that.
-AU from the end of “The Ways of the Dead”: they still have their big fight (which was amazing as well as painful) or some variation thereof, but they don’t split up. (Maybe the reason is as mundane as Sweeney refusing to get left behind or they have a shared ride out of town, or maybe the more time passes the less Sweeney can afford to be far from his coin – or maybe the coin needs him close by to work at full capacity.) And then what?
-All the old gods hide their true appearance to an extent. A situation arises in which Laura sees Sweeney’s true, or at least old, self. Or Wednesday’s war ends in victory, meaning the old gods again get belief, worship, and sacrifices. How does Laura, the ultimate skeptic even when she’s on the other side of the mirror, react? How does this new knowledge and new reality change her opinion of/attitude to Sweeney? Or to flip that around, if Sweeney were again relevant and believed-in, would that actually change his bad attitude and fix his issues (my guess is it would be complicated)? On that note, Sweeney’s decline from Lugh to king to leprechaun was more sketched in than really explored in canon, ditto I didn’t really get why he couldn’t seem to remember his own history except in snatches (the curse that made him a bird/madman of the woods?) – I’d love to see more about it and his (not) dealing with it, or with a reversal of that decline. Eorann told him long ago to adapt and change with the times – but what does that mean after humpteen centuries in a rut and becoming used to always feeling angry and unappreciated?
-The power of names, since they never use each other’s in canon: for all his “dead wifeing,” there comes a time when Sweeney (has to) call her by her actual name, and that’s a tricky moment for them to navigate. Or, Mad Sweeney is not his actual name, and true names have great magical power and so must be kept secret; Laura discovers or learns his name, from someone else or from himself; what does she do with that knowledge? Or, Sweeney gets to say “cunt” in a situation (sexual or otherwise) where, not only does Laura not peel his lips from his gums, but she finds that she can’t object, even though she knows that he knows that he’s getting away with it.
-They’re both so complicated and contradictory and spiky, but they also start to care and rely on each other - and react really badly when they (think the other one) betrayed them. I would like to see those nuances explored some more and/or to see Laura and Sweeney get to a point where they trust each other and rely on each other, and know it and accept it, however difficult the getting there and being there may be for them.
-Sweeney and Laura get drunk and wake up married. Or some sex and/or blood resurrection spell results in basically an unbreakable marriage bond, whether it also secures resurrection or not. Or marrying the dead keeps them (sorta) alive. Or being married makes it possible for them to share magical/supernatural abilities. They’re both pissed about it, but secretly having to make it work may not be the worst thing that’s ever happened...
-My perfect AG spinoff would basically be Sweeney and Laura tooling around America, looking to get her resurrected (whether they succeed or not is up to you), stealing ever more ridiculous vehicles, arguing/fighting and having those pesky moments where vulnerability and genuineness creep in – and fucking. So yessiree I’d be down for porn, including “it’s technically necrophilia/zombiesex” porn, including a canon-divergent first time, or their second time, or all the later times after they had their first time in NOLA in canon.
-If you wanted to throw in some worldbuilding, maybe something exploring living death. Magical bargains. What kind of favor did Sweeney do for Ostara that would be worth her bringing someone back to life as repayment? What other powers might Sweeney have – or have left from when he was Lugh? How long can a dead wife keep going before she’s “soup”? What other superhuman abilities might dead!Laura have? Can the dead do magic? What even are the rules governing and the limits of different beings’ magical abilities? For example, why can’t Sweeney just take his coin back, or why does Laura gain super-strength as part of her undead package deal? Is the hoard in the same space as the behind-the-scenes accessed through the merry-go-round, or it’s a different place? Why does the coin seem to start to “run down” the longer Laura has it? Why did Wednesday need Laura to kill Argus when he killed Vulcan himself just fine? What happens with Gungnir now it’s in the hoard – can only Sweeney get to it, has it been transformed somehow (it’s now the treasure of the sun), etc.?
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV)
Lenny Bruce/Miriam “Midge” Maisel/Susie Myerson
Lenny Bruce & Miriam “Midge” Maisel & Susie Myerson
Lenny Bruce/Miriam “Midge” Maisel & Miriam “Midge” Maisel/Susie Myerson
I’m here for Midge’s adventures in the intoxicating, foul-mouthed, and often-frustrating world of comedy, so her dynamic with Susie and Lenny is where it’s at. Shippy or platonic, I just love the interactions between these three, and between every pair combination among them: Midge and Susie bantering and swearing and tits-upping even when they irritate each other, Midge and Lenny bringing the pathos as well as the humor, and Lenny and Susie both being hardened old pros with still a little glimmer of starry eyes. I am good with L/M/S or L&M&S or L/M & M/S – so, if you go the shippy route, either a V-shaped triad or hey, Susie (whom I absolutely read as gay) might find a way to be good with a full-on triangle… If you want to keep it platonic, True Companions all the way, always there for each other, even when they want to strangle each other. And as much as I like the comedy inherent in the characters, I also love that they’re all three, each in their own way, messed up people and dysfunctional to various degrees. So yeah, I just want Midge to hand the kids over to her parents, ditch Joel once and for all, marry (interpret that as literally or as loosely as you want) both Susie and Lenny, and for the three of them to ride off into the sunset to make comedy history.
Canon-specific DNWs: explicit sex (so nothing above M rating for sex), pairing any two as a / couple with the third as a & hanger-on, Lenny can still be his RL messed-up, drugged-up self – albeit the gentler version the show gives us – but I don’t want him dying if your fic is set in 1966 or after.
Prompts (most of these are from before S3 dropped, feel free to work with canon or diverge however you see fit -- I am all caught up with S3):
-Does Susie manage them both? Does Midge open for Lenny on tour? Does he open for her??? Or they become equal stars on the comedy circuit?
-Maybe Lenny joins Shy Baldwin’s tour, or they run into him while touring Europe or the US, or after Shy fires Midge, Midge and Susie cobble together a Midge-only tour of America and keep crossing Lenny’s own touring path, and they all tool around, and yes I would love as much period detail and geography porn as you can throw at me. And while Lenny and Midge have seen the world, Susie hasn’t – her reaction to different foods, languages, customs, landscapes would be spectacular to witness. Especially if “different” is someplace as close to New York as Jersey or Connecticut, or someplace as far away and different as, say, Japan.
-If they do go to Europe, somehow or other they also tour the Soviet Bloc. Cue culture clashes, getting followed (or thinking they’re being followed) by the secret police, getting hammered on vodka and herring and pickles, and then when they get back to the States, the Feds grill them. It’s all dead serious, and Midge and Lenny refuse to take it as seriously as they should, while Susie is trying but the whole thing is really pissing her off…
-Lenny’s burned out, and Midge is just getting started. This dissonance may or may not find some sort of resolution. One thing’s for sure: Susie has limited patience for both Lenny’s depression and Midge’s need to make everything pretty.
-Instead of going to Joel for a no-way-is-that-closure fling after the Steve Allen Show taping, Midge goes to have a drink or seven with the two people who have, in their own ways, always been there for her and never let her down.
-Midge goes on TV again, this time as the star: longer set, prime time slot, dressing room, the works. She’s dying of nerves. Lenny and Susie coach her through it.
-More radio work to make ends meet in between gigs: hilaribad period ads, hilaribad radio drama, running all over town to be on time, getting paid in all kinds of dubious merch…
-Midge and Susie head out west to make it big and stay with Lenny once they’re in Los Angeles, and it’s marvelous (ha ha) and disastrous in equal measure.
-More of Susie being the hypercompetent manager we saw especially in S3! (And please don’t dwell on her gambling problem, I was not a fan.)
-They all three get drunk, maybe with a hint of sadness if it’s the holidays (you can ignore my DNW about holidays, but please let that be just the background, not the lynchpin of the story) or someone’s birthday, and there’s a bar fight, running from the cops, eating greasy food at ass o’clock, and possibly kissing, not necessarily in that order.
-One or two or all three of them get arrested/have court appearances all over America and have to bail each other out, or find someone to bail them all out, or secure legal counsel – you get the drift. Or all three of them are trying to explain to a single lawyer what happened, talking over each other, the two pros not being able to resist landing zingers and Susie not being far behind, and the lawyer just getting more and more confused.
-They get in trouble some other way – offended patrons, surly management, shitty hotels, tour bus breaks down in the middle of Wyoming – and have to have each other’s backs because no one else will.
-Three-person road trip or tour, and only Susie knows how to drive. So Midge decides to learn, right then and there. And Lenny… Lenny may or may not be too lazy/hungover/lying about not knowing how. There’s supposed to be a rotation so everyone gets to stretch out on the back seat for equal lengths of time, but you know the system doesn’t work too well in practice. Also, they play games in the car to while away the time, and they do it their own way of course: I spy, cows on my side, yellow car, never have I ever, 20 questions, or riffing on whatever’s playing on the radio…
-They sit down to watch the moon landing (you can move it up a bit so it’s not happening a whole decade after S2) – by which I mean, Midge is all gung-ho about the moon landing, and Lenny and Susie are like whatever – and things don’t quite go to plan, but a good time is eventually had by all.
-It’s Yom Kippur again, and Midge wants to do the whole production: synagogue, breaking fast, the lot. Lenny and Susie would rather eat glass. Midge gets her way, of course. Does she decide to bring Susie and Lenny home to meet – or meet properly – her parents??? I bet Abe and Rose’s reactions would be something to see. (This too is an exception to my DNW about holiday settings – I just want stuff to get as crazy as it did the two times we saw Yom Kippur celebrated on the show, and for everything to still somehow turn out relatively OK.)
-Midge and Lenny have cheered each other up when the going got extra rough. I want for Susie to be especially down in the dumps – maybe her boozehound of a mother died and Susie took it worse than she does in canon, maybe some asshole told her she’s a shit manager and got her right in her insecurities – and Midge to rope Lenny into trying to cheer her up. And for Susie to fight them every step of the way but still be glad they care enough to try.
-Inspired by Susie’s brother looking just like her, by which I mean she and he and their sister look nothing alike, and by Lenny’s “she’s my mother” quip about Midge at the TV studio and then his “let me introduce my wife or maybe my sister” in Miami – Midge, Susie, and Lenny pretend to all be blood relatives, or mafiosi, or spies, or something else they’re not, while out in public, say in a restaurant. Just to be assholes and see how long they can keep it going before they break character or people figure them out, or call the cops, or something. There’s totally a bet on who corpses and breaks character first. Or, nice hotels ca. 1960 weren’t very big on letting unmarried couples, let alone threesomes stay in rooms together – pretending to be family might make that easier; forgetting what they’re meant to be to each other, or mixing up their backstories might make it harder. This could also work platonically, if they’re trying to save money by only getting one room, there only being one free room in the hotel, or for any other screwball reason you can invent.
-Lenny and Midge do a (comeback) tour of the Borscht Belt, and all the Steiner Mountain Resort guests (especially the gossipy old hens from the beauty salon) and staff go to see them – and heckle.
-Stuff happens and they end up performing at some hole in the wall place where no one knows who they are (or no one believes it’s really those people they’ve seen on TV) – tough crowd, but a good workout for the two comics, and if Susie gets to threaten to rip off someone’s head, all the better.
-Lenny and Midge honing their routines – and maybe developing a double act – and Susie being all “oh my fucking god, what the fuck!!! … They’re actually good. I’m so proud.”
-Sharing a bed with two other people is an ongoing project: who sleeps (or refuses to sleep) in the middle? Who gets up during the night and why? Who starfishes across most of the bed? Who snores, and how does this get handled? If alcohol or pot have happened, how does that affect the sleeping arrangements? Also, Susie and Lenny witness and react to Midge’s beauty routine, ‘nuff said. Or, for various reasons one person after another ends up decamping to another room/bed/couch, but it doesn’t help them get much sleep or even stay there very long (this is inspired by my love of Shirley Jackson and her short story/humorous essay “The Night We All Had Grippe”). If you prefer to keep it platonic, most of this would work if they’re just sharing a double bedroom on tour (I leave the reason for why Lenny is bunking with the women up to you).
Starred Up (2013 movie)
Oliver Baumer/Eric Love
Yes I do ship it, I do, I do!
Ahem. Don’t get me wrong, I liked what the movie did with the father-son relationship and its influence on both men’s character development – but I really wish they hadn’t got Oliver out of the action before the story’s climax (not like that!). The final denouement with Love father and Love son was great, as was the hint at the end that Eric learned something in anger-management group and has a support network that will help him a lot. But. I would have wanted to see more of the intriguing dynamic between Eric the intelligent, semi-feral, yet not-incorrigible, young thug and Oliver the educated, dedicated, kind yet aware of his own potential for violence (what was he on about with “I need to be here”?), slightly older counselor. They had me at Oliver’s “I want him” and Eric later telling his father that Oliver’s a better man than Love Sr. Also the not-flirting and the push-pull in the scene when Oliver picks up Eric from his cell - yowza!
Exception to blanket DNW: dubcon is a-okay! If you decide to go there, my preferred flavors of dubcon for this canon are: power differential makes it a bad idea but they do it anyway; “I know you want this”; “if the answer’s no/you’re only doing this for a dare or to prove a point, then why are you enjoying this so much [as am I]?”; no no yes a.k.a. starts as dubcon (or one of them thinks they’re dubconning the other), becomes enthusiastic consent. 
Also, if this is relevant or makes you nervous about writing for me, Eric would be 18-19, and Oliver is maybe 10-12 years older – and I like it!!! (The actors were 22 and 31 when the movie was made, FWIW.)
-I would love to see Oliver return to holding his group in prison, so the two of them can interact more, either in the movie’s immediate aftermath or years down the line, as it’s implied that Eric will be serving a long sentence. Give me more scenes from anger management or the ribald, honest, free-flowing conversations in group, either with the other men present (I liked Hassan and Tyrone especially, among the group members) or a one-on-one session.
-An oblique or open-but-undramatic admission/declaration that they both know there’s something there, even if they don’t know what to do with it. Or, one or both of them knows exactly what to do with it, and the push-pull that would result from that.
-Dirty talk: used for arousal, as a defense mechanism, as a form of flirtation. Eric using slurs to assert dominance, and Oliver not letting him hide behind profanity, when he can use colorful language to express emotion and/or sexual interest. There could definitely be some verbal taunting/flirting about who wants/is eager to do what or is good at doing something. There may be some sniping comments about logistics and (lack of) condoms and barebacking and what men get up to in prison. There probably wouldn’t be deep discussions about sexual identity.
-An emergency in the prison requires a lock-down, so Oliver gets temporarily stuck in Eric’s cell or another room with only Eric for company. Things get porny and/or emotional.
-Eric is eventually released (you can handwave this so it happens soon after the movie or have it happen years later) and crashes with Oliver while he adjusts to the outside world. You guessed it: things get porny and/or emotional.
-How do they get to the point where both can cross that line from friends/whatever the hell they are and become, to lovers? (There’s Eric’s personal history and general discomfort with vulnerability, plus all the ways prison sex can be or make things complicated, and if it helps, I headcanon Oliver as either gay or bi and at least somewhat closeted, at work especially.) Who initiates and “directs traffic”? How does their always-contentious dynamic shift during and after sex? Is the sex an isolated (series of) occasion(s), or a progression/escalation over multiple encounters (how would I love especially an escalating series of encounters, let me count the ways)? Eric might seem like the logical initiator and/or dominant partner as well as using the possibility of sex to manipulate and exert control, but then Oliver might (or might not!) surprise him and is definitely the one more in touch with himself as well as aware of his custodial duty toward the men in the group.
-At some point in their intimate relationship (probably not right at the start, and probably not in prison, though if you can make it happen in prison, more power to you!), Oliver decides he’s going to take his sweet time and make Eric fall absolutely apart with pleasure, while using dirty talk to both arouse and empower Eric to own his desires – by that point, Eric is in a place where he can let that happen and enjoy it, even if he still talks tough.
-Or how about this: Eric gets out, relationship happens or is in the process of being negotiated, and while physical intimacy is a whooooole neeeeeew woooorld, you know what else would be cool? Phone sex. Yep. Or even, Eric gets himself one of those secret prison burner phones (preferably hidden somewhere that’s not someone’s arse), and… phone sex after lights-out and lock-down. Maybe nothing (much) has happened physically (yet), so phone sex can be a building block to that or one facet of that deepening intimacy.
Witchblade (TV) Sara Pezzini/Danny Woo
Sara Pezzini & Danny Woo
I used to love this show back in the day, and loved it again in all its hokey gloriousness when I rewatched it recently. Sara figuring things out and being a principled badass, but maybe out of her depth with the Witchblade, and her dynamic with Danny, whether he's a ghost or alive, it’s all catnip to me. Sara is not extremely quippy, she has a job to do dammit! and don’t look at her vulnerable side, just don’t look at it!, and I love that about her (she’s much harsher in S1, after Danny’s death, than in S2); ditto that Danny is somewhat softer than she is, but still can hold his own thanksverymuch (well, when the plot doesn’t require him to get nabbed by bad guys) and has a bit of a deadpan snarker side too. I’d love something that plays around with their canon dynamic from either season, or uses canon as just a starting point. Gen is good, shippy (incl. porny) is good. Some of my prompts lean dark or horror-y, so don’t be shy about going there; I’d also enjoy a story in which the Witchblade itself ends up not being very significant (say, they start to investigate a possibly mystical case and then nope, plain murder). BTW I really like Conchobar too, so if you want to include him (that means also Conchobar Lives AUs), his relationship (current or past) with Sara, or his canonical death somehow, go for it!
Canon-specific DNWs: Irons and any version of Nottingham appearing (you can mention them if you need to).
Exception to blanket DNW: dubcon is fine (see first prompt).
-The Witchblade is more parasitic than symbiotic, and instead of Sara learning to control it, its feeding on Sara affects her more and more over time. Or, the visions and dreams ramp up into full-blown paranoia and/or disassociation. The Witchblade's POV, maybe (it is sentient)? Asking for help is the hardest thing for someone like Sara, but what are (more than) friends for? I’d also enjoy a dubcon scenario where Sara really shouldn’t be having sex when her head is all messed up by the Witchblade’s influence, but… well… they do. The Witchblade canonically enjoys violence and bloodshed perpetrated by its wearers, so it stands to reason that it might lower other inhibitions too.
-Witchblade v. mythological monsters. In S1, even with everything else that's going on, Sara absolutely scoffs at the possibility of vampires. So of course I want: Witchblade v. vampires! The scarier and more feral, the better. Or, it's implied that the Witchblade was forged from a meteorite, so it's basically an eldritch artefact from outer space. Yes, please lean all the way into the Lovecraftian tropes! (The moon is turning red, the Old Ones are back, it’s the end of the world as we know it, but Sara’s got her partner by her side.) Or something from Chinese mythology, so Danny can kick extra ass. Or, for a silly take on Chinese culture: Sara and Danny in the world of Big Trouble in Little China (another old fave of mine, the entire plot of which revolves around… a woman with green eyes and an unwanted connection to the supernatural).
-The Witchblade has a reputation for abandoning its wearers just when they need it the most. True to form, it slips off of Sara’s fist, leaving her and Danny to save themselves with good old-fashioned guns, fisticuffs, martial arts, and of course having each other’s back.
-More of the psychedelic-ness in many of Sara’s fight scenes, where now she’s a woman in a leather jacket with a gauntlet on her arm, now she’s a knight in armor! Now her opponent is human, now he’s a wolf-shaped spirit of evil and hatred! Playing around with the characters’ senses and perceptions – yes!
-Instead of seeing only Danny and needing him to play intermediary for Sara to talk to other ghosts, the Witchblade makes Sara see ghosts all over the place, and it's getting to her. Ghost!Danny may or may not help with that. Or, ghost!Danny is basically always around, whether Sara can see him or not. He manifests when Sara is masturbating, and you can't really feel guilty if the ghost of your dead partner whom you’ve always had a thing for helps you out, and anyway you’re probably going crazy and none of this is real, so it doesn’t count anyway... right?
-Case fic/stakeouts and banter. Flirting/ribbing/joshing to pass the long and stressful days at work.
-Quick and guilty sex because Danny's married. Slow and intense sex if handwave he's not married but “oh noes we’re partners, we shouldn’t be doing this, but somehow we keep doing it anyway.” Hooking up in the car. I've always headcanoned that they had a thing pre-canon which ended for Reasons, but they both kinda wish it hadn't, hence the hand kissing, and the “I can’t even touch you,” and the coffee bringing/stealing, etc. So feel free to play around with that.
-Undercover as married, undercover as a gangster and his moll (LOL at Sara as a moll, or have Sara as the gangster and Danny as her arm candy), undercover as “they think we’re fucking, better fake it real good for the people listening in, oops shit got real fast, careful don’t say each other’s real name or you’ll blow your cover.”
-More timey-wimey shenanigans with the Witchblade. Maybe it allows Sara to manipulate time more than once. Maybe she starts doing it way too often, throwing the continuum out of whack (something non-linear would be very interesting). Maybe she and/or Danny remember some or all of what happened in S1. Something about all the multiverse versions of them, possibly splitting off from a dramatic moment. Time loops and feelings are a combustible mix.
-Apart from the pretty obvious shippiness, what I like about S1 especially is how Sara rolls with the weirdness the Witchblade has brought into her life, instead of reaching for rational explanations. More of that (I can't think of a better way to put it), and double extra brownie points if alive!Danny figures out at least some of what's going on with Sara's bracelet and somehow gets in on the action. Maybe a Danny saves the day divergence? Or how about a loophole that allows a man close to the Witchblade's wearer to wield it temporarily, but There Is a Price to Pay.
Бeсa ǀ Besa (TV)
Dardan Berisha/Petrit Koci
Skënder Berisha & Petrit Koci
Teuta Berisha/Petrit Koci
Divna Dukić/Petrit Koci
Petrit Koci/Marija Perić
Petrit Koci/Uroš Perić
My longest of long-shot requests! If you already know and like this canon, yeeees come sit with me. If you don’t know it, here’s a quick intro: this is a crime drama, one 12-episode season so far, produced in Serbia and created by Tony Jordan of “Hustle” fame. Set in (and with a cast including actors from) several ex-Yugoslav states, the story follows three main characters: a Serbian family man and regular joe who accidentally kills the daughter of a major Kosovar Albanian crime boss in a car accident; said Albanian crime boss who coerces his daughter’s unwitting killer to start working for him as an assassin; and a half-Albanian, half-Serbian Interpol agent (Petrit Koci) who’s after the crime boss but starts investigating the regular joe turned assassin as well.
The show has a twisty plot, gritty and handsome visuals, excellent performances, and a great through-line of deconstructing Balkan machismo and patriarchal culture. All three of the main characters have an image of themselves as MEN who Provide and/or Take Care of Business and Put Family First, each in their own way, and all three end up compromising on all their principles by season’s end. The women in the show’s ‘verse sometimes become collateral damage but also assert themselves in unexpected ways, which is great. The title refers to the Albanian (but more broadly, Balkan) cultural concept that one’s promise/vow/word of honor has to be kept and carried out no matter what, at peril of losing face, dishonoring both oneself and one’s family, even death. This gets deconstructed five ways from Sunday too, and it is awesome.
If you glance at the pairings I’m requesting, I think you can guess who my favorite character is. :-) Koci is so committed to being the “good sheriff” and carrying out his professional duty regardless of whom he has to piss off along the way, but is also often quite ineffectual because the local police forces with which he has to cooperate tend to resent both his attitude and his ethnic background – not to mention that when everyone’s corrupt and compromised, the man who refuses to play the game makes lots of enemies. He’s also a real hard-ass who made a conscious choice long ago to have nothing in his life but his work, is a bit of a bastard, has a huge blind spot about gender which comes back to bite him, and ultimately is driven by a desire for personal vendetta more than an abstract commitment to justice (I love a character who is super focused on their goal and presents themselves as invulnerable, yet whose insecurities and traumas are always just beneath the surface of what drives them). And yes, by the end of the season he’s presented with a Faustian bargain and gets a huge target on his back. There’s a lot to unpack there!
I will eat up any local color you want to throw in. Ditto, the canon is super intense, but if you find a way to bring in some vintage Balkan pitch-black humor, I’m here for it. If you wanted to include some dialogue or phrases or hey write the whole fic in any variation of what used to be called Serbo-Croatian, I’m here for that with bells on! (Unless you’re writing smut – I just can’t with E-rated prose in Slavic languages, sorry.) Alas, I do not read Albanian, but if you want to include dialogue/phrases in it, go for it, so long as you tell me (in parentheses, in footnotes, whatever works) what’s going on.
Canon-specific DNW: soapboxing about Balkan history/conflicts/ethnic relations (the characters can clash about this, use stereotypes, etc. – I just don’t want the fic to be an excuse for the writer’s hot takes, ‘kay?)
Exceptions to blanket DNWs: RL current events being mentioned + dubcon *but* for M/F ships I want both characters to be motivated by anger/revenge/general existential bleakness/whathaveyou instead of or as well as lust, so just no M/f dubcon, please!
-Any of my requested pairings in any kind of casefic, either a divergence, something pre- or post-canon, or a side investigation spinning off from the canon’s central plot. Anything that requires Koci to again traipse all over former Yugoslavia, butt heads with everyone, interrogate people, and do that soft-spoken “you don’t want to give me what I want but you’ll do it anyway” thing he does along the way. 
-Something that requires Koci to use his knowledge of Albanian language and culture even more than in canon. I love how the canon depicts the existential discomfort of never fully fitting into – or being accepted by – either of the cultures/communities to which one has a connection, and how a person can become antagonistic and volatile as a result. Leaning into that would be wonderful.
-Koci has devoted his whole life to bringing down the Berisha clan. With the help or hindrance of any of the other requested characters, he finally gets his wish. Now what?
-Maybe the other character has to turn to Interpol for help/becomes a material witness/gets arrested/enters witness protection, or otherwise has to do teeth-clenched teamwork with Koci. For / pairings, the shippiness doesn’t have to be overt -- antagonism, barely finding common ground, something that reads more like gen or shippy gen than explicit shippiness is fine! If the relationship turns porny, the antagonism (I keep using that word because it fits!) and complicated dynamics and maybe a reluctant recognition that they’re not so different would perpetuate themselves in the porn too, and I’m here for it.
-A few words about the other characters and how they (could) fit with Koci:
Uroš Perić – the regular joe turned assassin, who gets multiple chances in the course of the show to seek Koci’s help and doesn’t because he gets in deep and wants to be the guy that protects his family and takes care of everything himself. I keep thinking back to their very first scene, when Koci gives Perić his calling card and tells him to get in touch, and Perić could have done that before he committed his first murder but… didn’t. And then at the end, there’s that huge spoiler setting up S2. Despite becoming a murderer several times over, Perić is a much softer character than Koci, but he doesn’t like getting pushed around either. How would they work together, how would they clash?
Marija Perić – Uroš’s Croatian wife, who has the thankless role of being married to the guy who’s keeping her in the dark about major plot developments, but makes up for it with how she reacts to the hints she gets of Uroš’s continuing troubles as well as getting on Koci’s radar. She’s scared and out of her depth, but she’s also angry and, yep, antagonistic when she thinks Interpol is harassing her for no reason. I love the scene where Koci interrogates her and she lashes out and won’t give him an inch even when he blindsides her with evidence of her husband’s activities – more of that kind of thing, please! Or what if she decided to protect herself and her kids by cooperating with Interpol, or maybe thought she could help Uroš by turning on him?
Divna Dukić – Koci’s Interpol colleague and maybe the only character that likes him. Their dynamic is both very professionally respectful and yet… “flirtatious” may be too strong a word. They pretty obviously have a little thing for each other but choose not to act on it for a whole mess of reasons (he’s an emotional disaster area, she has enough on her plate as a single mom with a shitty ex, they work together). Also, I have a theory that Divna, while seeming loyal, may take her marching orders from one of the criminal elements or maybe from the more corrupt parts of Interpol or the Serbian police. I would love any or all of that to get explored more.
Dardan Berisha – the grieving crime boss and main target of Koci’s obsession (even though it was actually Dardan’s old uncle Skënder who had Koci’s father killed decades earlier). They’re both such hard, intense men, in part because they’ve had to be, and the narrative sets them up as mirror images of each other (while Uroš Perić is more a study in how someone becomes hard when circumstances push them to it). Yet while their conflict underpins the whole show, they rarely share a scene. Put them together more; let them fight or y’know *waggles eyebrows*.
Teuta Berisha – Dardan’s wife, who first loses her daughter, and by the end of the season her family is totally blown to smithereens, in part because of how she chooses to assert her agency within the super-patriarchal context in which she lives. She was ambivalent about her marriage before we meet her, and I love how canon events bring out her anger, grief, and quiet steeliness. Also, that moment at her daughter’s funeral when Koci gives her his condolences really hit me – they know they are enemies, but there’s that moment of standoffish respect between them. What if somehow they had to work together? Or what if she took over as the head of either the Berisha or the Sokoli clan (or both!)? A divergence from the end or any part of S1 would be very welcome.
Skënder Berisha -- Dardan’s uncle who still wields enormous influence in the Berisha clan and was behind the assassination of Koci’s father decades earlier. I only want this as a & pairing, but the character dynamic is still one of difficult shared history, knee-jerk antagonism, goading humor, not being at all intimidated by each other, and yet recognizing something familiar in each other. One of my favorite scenes from the whole show is their conversation at the hospital, in which they cover both present troubles and the past. Skënder is one of the few characters who can and does consistently run rings around Koci, and I want more of that as much as I want the tables turned.
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chubby-derek-and-friends · 6 years ago
Chubby-Kink quote prompts
1. “Are you gonna finish that?”
2. “I’m full. Do you want the rest of this?”
3. “So,...dessert?”
4. “I swear these fit last week!”
5. “Are you sure those are your size?”
6. “Aren’t those MY leftovers?”
7. “Want another slice?”
8. “Jesus, I thought there was an eclipse!”
9. “Is that your stomach making those noises?”
10. “Is that a new stretch mark?”
11. “Excuse me, I believe this button belongs to you?”
12. “Are you still eating?”
13. “I told you you couldn’t finish it!”
14. “What do you mean that was a snack?!”
15. “They’ll have both.”
16. “This was all just for you?!”
17. “You’re still hungry, aren’t you?”
18. “Are you ready for more?”
19. “Did those EVER fit?”
20. “Are your clothes getting a bit snug?”
21. “Didn’t I deliver here this morning?”
22. “I hope I made enough...”
23. “That is supposed to feed a family of four!”
24. “Are you stuck?”
25. “Did you hear something crack?”
26. “I thought we had ice cream left...”
27. “Have you been sitting here all day?”
28. “Is the scale broken?”
29. “Did something just rip?”
30. “You’re STILL hungry?”
31. “I just passed a Girl Scout who was skipping and counting a wad of cash. She was here, wasn’t she?”
32. “So do all the drive through workers know you by name?”
33. “I don’t think those will stretch anymore.”
34. “Could you pass me those? I’m too full to get up.”
35. “When they say ‘all you can eat,’ it’s not a challenge!”
36. “I didn’t say you COULDN’T eat all that, I said you probably SHOULDN’T!”
37. “Are you aware that what you call a snack could feed a family of four for a day?”
38. “I think we might need to get you some larger clothes. Or maybe see if the circus has any tents we could borrow.”
39. “I can’t tell if you’re fatter. At some point it’s hard to tell if you’ve put on two pounds.”
40. “You know, those ‘your mama’s so fat...’ jokes aren’t meant to be aspirational.”
41. “So what’s another ten pounds?”
42. “Remind me again why you eat every day like it’s Christmas? Oh, yeah, I suggested it.”
43. “While I appreciate your commitment to not wasting food, this is getting ridiculous!”
44. “When I said I cooked enough for an army, you shouted ‘Army of one!’ and attacked the table!”
45. “Have you heard about the cacao shortage we’ll be facing in a few decades? I bet you’re the main cause.”
46. “You eat like a professional swimmer, and you’re starting to look like one. Shamu!”
47. “I think you have ‘gobble ‘til you waddle’ embroidered and hanging above your bed!”
48. “I can see you’re confused so let me help you. Pies? They aren’t single-serve.”
49. “Shouting ‘Challenge accepted!’ Is not an appropriate response when the waiter says the mean includes bottomless fries!”
50. “This is getting totally out of hand! The waiter asked you to say when and now there’s so much cheese I can’t see your plate, the waiter has carpal tunnel, three people are dead, and the cows are screaming!”
51. “I love that you only wear crop tops. Oh, they’re just regular t-shirts?”
52. “The gain is hardly noticeable! And we could dress you in something slimming. Like...Wyoming?”
53. “Ah, we’re going out for dinner! I can hear the buffets quivering in fear already!”
54. “You know, the whole ‘the dog must have eaten it’ excuse would work better if we had a dog, right?”
55. “You don’t win anything for having the highest calorie count!”
56. “You know you’re the walking cliché of the doughnut-eating cop, right?”
57. “Of course you can’t fit in your football team jacket! It fit when you were the quarterback and now you’re more like two linebackers!”
58. “You realize that when people gift us with food, it’s for the both of us, right?”
59. “I got this ‘Wide Load’ sticker for my truck but I think you may need it more.”
60. “...you’re resumé says ‘can eat my weight in doughnuts’ and ‘I never met a cookie I didn’t like.’”
61. “I know the phrase is ‘could bounce a quarter off that thing’ but for you, I think it’s more like a quarter pounder!”
62. “You know, a love seat is built to accommodate two people, not just one person’s love handles.”
63. “When you go to sit on bar stools...are they afraid?”
64. “That’s not a spare tire! That’s Michelin’s entire product line!”
65. “It’s more than some cushion for the Pushkin’...at this point it’s an entire couch!”
66. “Maybe you should show those poor pants some mercy and just take them off.”
67. “I was gonna go mattress shopping today but with you, I think I can cross that off my to-do list.”
68. “What’s your Halloween costume gonna be this year? Santa? The planet Jupiter?”
69. “They named a menu item after you? How often do you eat here?!”
70. “I don’t think French fries were what they had in mind when they said to eat your vegetables!”
71. “Pretty sure the serving size is two slices,...not two cakes.”
72. “You can’t eat your problems away!”
73. “When I said you had to choose between the pecan and the apple pies, I didn’t mean you eat the pecan pie then ‘choose’ the apple pie because it’s the only one left!”
74. “I HAD to eat them all! I didn’t want any of them to feel left out!”
75. “How did you even get those pants on?”
76. “It used to be cute when you stole my clothes to wear because they smelled like me...a hundred pounds ago.”
77. “What did you have against that chair?”
78. “I thought you were going to kiss me, but you just leaned over to steal my dessert!”
79. “Hun, you order from that place so often, they sent you flowers for your last birthday.”
80. “I’m honestly a little jealous of the looks you’ve been giving that cheesecake...”
81. “The school checks your schedule before scheduling bake sales!”
82. “Vacation calories DO count and that’s why you had to buy a second seat!”
83. “I wish you looked at me like you look at the dessert tray.”
84. “So when you booked this cruise, did the words, ‘all-inclusive dining’ flash in front of your face like neon lights?”
85. “The things you did to that cake...I can’t decide if I should be more turned on or jealous!”
86. “I told you I didn’t want you to double-bounce me on the trampoline! I have altitude sickness now! I saw satellites! THE MAN IN THE MOON TOLD ME TO SAY HI TO YOU!!”
87. “We lost half the water in the pool after your cannonball!”
88. “I’m caught in your gravitational pull!”
89. “Well, suck it in! That’s the largest size this store sells.”
90. “So, is that a sausage in your pocket or are you just happy to see m...oh, it really is a sausage!”
91. “Didn’t the tailor JUST let those out?!”
92. “When you said you were training for a sport, I didn’t think you meant SUMO!”
93. “Is this what you looked like in high school?Well, now you look like you swallowed your younger self!
94. “I know you’re trying to bulk up, but maybe putting ice cream in your protein shakes isn’t the best strategy?”
95. “Hey, that restaurant that you like is doing their endless pasta promotion! Babe? ...Aaaand you’re already out the door.”
96. “So, need a belly rub?”
97. “So you were jock in high school, huh? At least judging by this itty, bitty letterman’s jacket you were.”
98. “I don’t think lifting your ass off the couch counts as exercise!”
99. “It looks like someone’s been bulking a bit TOO hard!”
100. “You were only on the injured list for three weeks! Like, I’m glad you’re okay, but how did you put on thirty pounds?”
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archiefm · 5 years ago
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         ... claws my way up from hell once more and vomits onto the dash.... hello. its nora. i used to write rory bergstrom, but if u were here before that u might remember me as greta or alma putnam or..... som1 else.... an endless carousel of trash children..... this is finn, who i actually wrote for an early version of this rp abt 5yrs back now...... grits teeth..... so forgive me if im rusty i havent written him in a long time but seein honey boy gave me a lotta finn muse n im keen to get Back On The Horse yeehaww...
DYLAN O’BRIEN / CIS-MALE — don’t look now, but is that finn o’callaghan i see? the 25 year old criminology and forensic studies student is in their graduate year of study year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be judicious, adroit, morose and cynical, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he will make a name for themselves living off-campus. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her )
shakes my tin can a humble pinterest, ma’am....
finn has a bio pasted at the bottom (n written in like.... 2015.... gross) but it’s long  so if u don’t wanna read it here’s the sparknotes summary..... anyway this was written years ago n a lot of it seems really cliche and lame now but..... we accept the trash we think we deserve
grumpy, ugly sweater wearing, tech-savvy grandpa
very dry sense of humour and embraces nihilism. 
if ron swanson and april ludgate had a baby it would be finn
he was raised in derry, just south of dublin.
from a big family. elder sister called sinead. he also has a younger sister (aoife), a younger brother (colm), and a collie named lassie because his father lovs cliches (finn hates cliches but loves his dog). 
his father was a pub landlord and his mother worked at the market sellin fruit n veg when they met but got a job as a medical receptionist when she had kids cos it meant she cld be there with them in the day and work nights.
his parents met when they were p young and fiesty and rushed into marriage cos they were catholic n just wanted to have sex. his family were literally dirt-poor, but they had a lot of love i guess
hmmmmm his relationship w his father wasn’t the best cos i can’t write character who have healthy relationships w their parents throws up a peace sign. yh, had a pretty emotionally distant, alcoholic violent father n so gets a lot of his bad habits i.e. drinking as a coping mechanism and poor anger management from him BUT anyway
as a kid he was never very motivated in class, he always had a nervous itch to be off somewhere doing something else. struggled under government austerity bcso there just wasn’t the resources to support low income families where the kids had learning difficulties n needed support. fuck the tories am i right 
his mum suggested he try sports to help w his restless energy but he was never any good at football so he took up boxing and tap dance instead. he took to tap dancing like a fish to fuckin water. as adhd n found this as a really good way to use his excess energy in a creative way
had a few run ins with the police in his early teens for spray painting and graffiti, but he straightened himself out n now actually considering becoming a detective inspector??? cops are pigs.
he had a youtube channel where he posted videos of him tapdancing and breakdancing as a kid, basically would be a tiktok boy nowadays, n had like... a small fanbase in his early teens. attended several open auditions unsuccessfully, until he was finally cast in billy eliot when he was fifteen.
during billy eliot he began dating an italian dancer called nina. they became dance partners soon after and toured across the republic with various different shows (inc riverdance lol the classic irish stereotype). their relationship was p toxic tbh, they were both very hot tempered people and just used to argue and fight all the time.
he went semi-pro at tap dancing, and nina couldn’t stand being second best so she moved back to italy with her family. ignored his texts, phone calls, etc, eventually he was driven to the point where he used his savings to buy a plane ticket, showed up at her house and she was like wtf?? freaked out and filed a restraining order accusing him of stalking.
he was fined for harassment and then returned home to derry, but after the incident with nina he quit dancing for good and finished his leaving cert before heading to university in the US to get as far away from nina and his past life as poss. and basically since he quit dancing to study forensics (death kink. finn cant get enough of that morgue. just walks around sayin beat u) he’s become a massive grump and jsut doesn’t see the good in people any more.
u’ll find finn in an old man bar drinking whiskey bc he is in fact an old man at heart or sat on his roof smoking a joint, drawing wolves and lions and skeletons and shit, playing call of duty or getting blazed or at the corner of the room in a house party ignoring everyone and scrolling through twitter. is a massive e-boy. always up-to-date on memes and internet slang. has reddit as an app on his phone
not very good at communication. rather than solve his issues by talking, he’d prefer to just solve them through fighting or running away from his problems hence why he has come halfway across the world to get away from an issue which probs cld have been solved w a few apology emails.
takes a lot to phase him, but when his beserk button gets pressed he can become a bit pugnacious like an angry lil rottweiler. in his undergrad he was in a few fist fights but doesn’t really do tht any more as he doesn’t condone violence.
 in the previous version of this rp he was hospitalised like 5 times. pls, give my son a break. stop tryin to kill him. he literaly got a bottle smashed over his head and bled out all over his favourite angora rug that was the only light of his life
works at the campus coffee shop n always whines about how he’s a slave to capitalism. always smells of coffee
lives off campus with an elderly woman named Marianne, and basically gets reduced rent bcos he makes her dinner / keeps her company. they have a great bond
fan of karl marx. v big on socialism
insomniac with chronic nosebleeds
cynical about everything. too much of a fight club character 4 his own good n has his head up tyler durden’s sphincter
always confused or annoyed
basic information
full name: finnegan seamus o'callaghan nickname(s): finn age: 25 astrological sign: aries hometown: derry, ireland occupation: phd student / former street entertainer fatal flaw: cynicism positives: self-reliant, street smart, relaxed, intelligent, spontaneous, brave, independent, reliable, trustworthy, loyal. negatives: hostile, impulsive, stubborn, brooding, pugnacious, untrusting, cynical, enigmatic, reserved.
colouring: medium hair colour: dark brown, almost black eye colour: brown height: 5’9” weight: 69kg build: tall, athletic voice: subtle irish accent, low, smooth. dominant hand: left scar(s): one on the left side of his ribs from a knife wound that he doesn’t remember getting cos he was drunk distinguishing marks: freckles, tattoo of a wolf howling at a moon allergies: pollen and the full spectrum of human emotion alcohol tolerance: high drunken behaviour: he becomes friendlier, far more conversational than when sober, flirtier, and generally more self-confident.
dreams/goals: self-fulfilment, travel the globe, experience life in its most alive and technicoloured version, make documentary films, help the vulnerable in society, grow as a human being.
skills: jack-of-all-trades, very fast runner, good at thieving things, talented tap dancer, good in crisis situations, dab-hand at mechanics, musically-intelligent, can throw a mean right hook and very capable of defending himself, can roll a cigarette, memorises quotes and passages of literature with ease, can light a match with his teeth.
likes: the smell of the earth after rain, poetry, cigarettes, shakespeare, whiskey, tattoos, travelling, ac/dc, deep conversations, leather jackets, open spaces, the smell of petrol, early noughties ‘emo phase’ anthems.
dislikes:  the government, parties, rules, donald trump, children, apple products, weddings, people in general, small talk, dependency, loneliness, pop music, public transport, justin timberlake, uncertainty.fears: fear itself, drowning alignment: true neutral mbti: istp – “while their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, istps are actually quite enigmatic. friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, istp personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. istps can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.” (via 16personalities.com)
full bio (lame as fuck written years ago..... pleathe...)
tw homophobia
born in quigley’s pub on the backstreets of sunny dublin, young finnegan o'callaghan was thrown kicking and screaming into the rowdy suburbs of irish drinking culture. the son of a landlord and a fishwife, he never had much in the way of earnings, but there was never a dull moment in his lively estate, where asbo’s thrived, but community spirit conquered. at school, finn was pegged as lazy and unmotivated, though truly his dyslexia made it hard for the boy to learn in the same environment of his peers and only made him more closed-off in class. struggling with anger management, finn moved from school to school, unable to fit the cookie-cutter mould that school enforced on him, though whilst academic studies were of little interest to the boy, he soon found his true passions lay in recreational activities. immersed into the joys of sport from as young as four, finn was an ardent munster fan and anticipated nothing more than the day he could finally fit into his brother’s old pair of rugby boots.
his calling finally came unexpectedly, not in the form of rugger, but through dance. to learn to express himself in a non-academic way, he began tap dancing, finding therapy in the beat of his soles against the cracked kitchen tiles (much to his mother’s disgrace). it wasn’t a conscious choice, finn just realised one day that dance was something that made him feel. a king of the streets, finn made his fortune on those cobbled pavements – dancing and drawing to earn his keep. by default, finn became a street artist, each penny he earned from his chalk drawings saved in a jam jar towards buying his first pair of tap shoes. though many of his less-than-amiable neighbours called him a nancy and a gaybo, finn refused to quit at his somewhat ‘unconventional’ hobby, for the young scrapper found energy, life, and released anger through the rhythm of tap. soon he branched out into street dance, hip hop, break dancing, lyrical, his days spent smacking his scuffed feet against the broken patio into the night.
when he was thirteen he took up boxing, and as expected, his newfound ‘macho’ pastime conflicted with his dancing. the boxers called him ‘soft’; the dancers called him ‘inelegant’. he felt like two different people; having to choose between interests was like being handed a knife and asked to which half of himself he wished to cut away. he couldn’t afford professional training in dance, with most schools based in england and limited scholarships available. instead, he made the street his studio, racking up a small fanbase on youtube. when he was fifteen he made his debut in billy eliot at the olympia theatre in dublin. enter nina de souza, talented, beautiful and italian; ballet dancer, operatic singer, genius whiz kid, and spoiled brat. she was selfish, conceited, hell bent on getting her own way, and every director’s nightmare. finn fell for her like a house of cards. he’d always had a soft spot for girls who meant trouble. and so their hellish courtship began.
by the time they were seventeen, the two young swans had danced in every playhouse across the republic. they were known in theatres across the country for their tempestuous personalities, their raging arguments with one another, their tendency to drop out of shows altogether without any notice, yet the money kept rolling in and the audiences continued to grow. for three years, their families continued to put up with their hysterical fights followed by passionate reconciliations. he was too possessive, and she was too wild. their carcrash of a relationship finally came to a catastrophic halt when nina broke off the whole affair and returned to italy with her family. for months finn tried to contact her, yet his phone calls, texts, facebook messages were always ignored, until finally he was driven to drastic measures and used his savings to get a plane to her home town. when finn turned up uninvited at nina’s house she freaked out – and rightly so – she contacted her agent, accused him of stalking her, and had a restraining order placed against him. finn was arrested, held in a station overnight, and charged with harassment before he was allowed to return to dublin.
after the incident with nina, finn lost the fight in his eyes. he became far more hostile, far less likely to retaliate with his own fists, and picked fights not for the thrill of feeling his own fists pummel another into a wall, but for the sensation of his own brittle bones cracking. he dropped his tap shoes in a dumpster, stopped talking to his friends, followed his father’s advice and went back to school to complete his leaving certificate. a few short months later, and finn was packing his bags, saying his bittersweet goodbyes, and travelling half-way across the globe to be as far away as possible from his past self, his mess of a life, and most of all nina. it seemed somehow ironic that the boy who had been cautioned by the garda so much during his youth for spray painting, busking without a liscence, and raucous parties would become the grumpy, aloof overseas student studying a degree in criminology; that his once reckless spirit could be crushed so easily. 
of all things that finn could be called, straightforward would never be one of them. ever since his first days in atticus, the boy was pegged as hostile, hot-headed, cynical, rude. he seemed to spend more time in his thoughts than engaging in conversation. like a ticking time-bomb, finn’s anger was of the calm kind, liable to explode without a moment’s noticed. his unpredictable personality make him something of an enigma to those who aren’t amiable with the lad, though hostile as he may appear, he harvests a good heart. loyalty lies at the centre of his affections, and whilst his friends are few in number, he makes a lifelong partner. somewhere within finn, there’s still some fight left, but mostly he has recognised that his hedonistic lifestyle did little to leave him fulfilled – mostly, it just emptied him out – and over his three years at university has resigned himself to a nihilistic predicament.
        if u wanna plot with me pls pls pls im me or like this post!! i am always game for plots i love em so excited to write with you all here r some ideas
study buddies. finn is now a phd student so has to start takin shit seriously. he gon be in the library every day doing that independent study. if he had ppl who were also regular library goers n they get each other coffees to save time.... tht wld be sweet
ppl who love techno dj sets and going super hard on the weekends!!! fuck yea
friends with benefits. exes on bad terms. ppl he tried to date but couldnt because he’s always emotionally hung up on someone else. spicy hook up plots
ppl he met touring?? maybe ppl who were also in the entertainment industry..... anyone got a character who is ex circus hit me up
does anyone else study criminology / forensics / criminal psych / law? phd students sometimes lecture so he cld be an assistant lecturer / tutor if ur character is in a younger year
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
finn goes to the skatepark and all the young boys there think he’s a gradnpa which he is! 
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waterlilyvioletfog · 6 years ago
Top 3 Supernatural Episodes Per Season
Warning: Spoilers below the cut. I am SUPER biased. Take everything I say with a HEALTHY grain of salt. 
Season 1: omg they look like INFANTS
1. “Home” 1x09. This episode is amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing AND it’s super important to the mytharch AND we get Winchester family drama. One of those early instances of “Wow we need to give Jensen Ackles an emmy like yesterday”. Mary turns up and foreshadows like??? so much??
2. “Scarecrow” 1x11. Super creepy, major “The Lottery” vibes, fuck I just. I love it. 
3. “Hell House” 1x17. Close call between this one and “Something Wicked” but in the end, Harry and Ed and all the hilarity that ensues just. *chef’s kiss* 
Honorable Mentions: “Something Wicked”
Season 2:  ugh so many good episodes season 2 is SO good
1. “The Usual Suspects” 2x07. SAM GETS TO BE SO SNARKY IN THIS EPISODE AND I LOOOOVE IT. Also Diana is a bamf. 
2. “Croatoan” 1x09. UGH YASSSSSSS. Close call between this and “In My Time Of Dying”, though
3. “What is And What Should Never Be” 2x20. Look man, I don’t know what to tell you. I’m cheap as all get out. Dean angst? Gimme gimme. Also it has WYNONNA EARP IN IT.  
Honorable Mentions: “In My Time of Dying”, “Nightshifter” 
Season 3:  half of these episodes suck, the other half are perfect heeeelllppp
1. “Bad Day At Black Rock” 3x03. This episode it just hilarious from start to finish. Also, Bela vs. Dean. 
2. “Mystery Spot” 3x11. A double whammy of HILARIOUS and OH FUCK THIS IS DEPRESSING. 
3. “Jus In Bello” 3x12. It was real hard to decide between this and Ghostfacers but ultimately, Nancy Fitzgerald (aka Ella Lopez) and Victor Henrikson are the actual best and deserve all the love ever.  
Honorable Mentions: “Ghostfacers”, “The Kids Are Alright” 
Season 4: Somehow there is only one episode that is not stunningly amazing?? 
1: “On the Head of A Pin” 4x16. Cas becomes a main character and it is AMAZING and oh my god give Jensen ALL the emmys oh and ALSO we finally learn exactly what Sam and Ruby’s “extracurricular activities” entail. Feels like a movie. We get the reveal that the angels are working to break the seals. Anna is also amazing. Why is this episode so beautiful. I’m fucking crying and so is Dean. I could gush for hours. 
2. “It’s a Terrible Life” 4x17. This episode is just a fucking delight. (Am I giving it such a high score on the basis of The Kink’s “Well Respected Man” alone? Maybe. Honestly I SHOULD be putting Rapture here but oh well. I’m biased.) 
3. “Monster Movie” 4x05. It was hard to decide between this “In the Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “The Rapture” and “Lucifer Rising” (which all deserve all the praise ever) but ugh ugh ugh this episode is ALSO perfect AND I love it a bajillion. It’s in black and white and the guest actress is SO pretty and also I think I’ve already gone into detail about how the MoTW is a Lucifer Parallel. Also Dean says he’s been rehymenated so TRANS!DEAN RIGHTS! 
Honorable Mentions: “In The Beginning” “Lazarus Rising” “Lucifer Rising” “The Rapture” 
Season 5: You want to be sad? You also want to watch really good TV? SEASON FIVE IS WHERE IT’S AT! 
1. “Two Minutes To Midnight” 5x21. I know, I know. I should be putting “Swan Song” here but look,, I am easily bought with the promise of Julian Richings as Death. 
2. “Free To Be You And Me” 5x03. Funny Destiel buddy cop film, Sam gets to be filtered through the eyes of an audience-stand-in in universe, also contains Castiel’s ICONIC line “but today you’re MY little bitch”. 
3. “Dark Side of The Moon” 5x16. Narrowly beats out “My Bloody Valentine”, “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid”, and “The Song Remains The Same”. I am trash for any pieces of Sam and Dean’s childhoods and also this episode gives me SO MUCH material for beating up John with a baseball bat. 
Honorable Mentions: “Swan Song” “My Bloody Valentine” “Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid” “The Song Remains The Same” “The End” 
Season 6: We Don’t Talk About Season Six. 
1. “The Man Who Would Be King” 6x20. Cas. Destiel. Ow. 
2. “Mommy Dearest” 6x19. Eve! Sam Smith! idk, I just really like it.
3. “Appointment In Samarra” 6x11. As I said, I am easily bought with Julian Richings. Tessa the Reaper!!! Sam stop trying to murder your father. 
Honorable Mentions: “You Can’t Handle The Truth” “My Heart Will Go On” “Weekend At Bobby’s”
Season 7:  Terrible reputation given the fact that it has SO many great episodes. Sera Gamble? You’re mean. 
1. “Slash Fiction” 7x06. Why is this episode so hilarious???? Robbie Thompson starting out with a BANG!
2. “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” 7x14. In the total goop of “thick. black. ooze.” of this season, 7x14 is a light in the darkness. Every inkling of joy, of spark, of color, of childishness, all of it, poured out into this one episode, wherein Sam totally loses his cool and I love it. Sam looks so pretty at the end. Dean is simultaneously an actual child and an actual Dad and I love it. 
3. “Out With The Old” 7x16. I love me some levis, man, don’t know what to tell you. It’s just so fun!!
Honorable Mentions: All of Robbie’s episodes, “Hello, Cruel World” “Repo Man” “Reading Is Fundamental” “How To Win Friends And Influence Monsters” 
(The ONLY reason I’m not including TBAI is bc @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs is slowly converting me to hating Megstiel enough to not watch Destiel episodes) 
Season 8: That one season where we admitted that Crowley’s a DICK. 
1. “Hunteri Heroici” 8x08. CAAAAS!!! Also the only episode where anyone watching actually gives a shit about the Sam x Amelia flashbacks. 
2. “LARP And The Real Girl” 8x11. Super fun! CHARLIE RETURNS. Dean is a FUCKING NERD. Sam gets flirted with :) Real close tie between this one and Pac-Man Fever
3. “The Great Escapist” 8x20. Edlund really gave it his all for this last episode. Cas kicks SO much ass. Sam needs to be protected at ALL costs. Kevin ALSO kicks SO much ass. The actor who plays Sweet Pea on Riverdale is here??? Wow.  
Honorable Mentions: “Pac-Man Fever” “As Time Goes By” “Everyone Hates Hitler” “Trial And Error” 
(See note on The Born-Again Identity for why Goodbye Stranger is not on this list. Again, blame @mad-as-a-box-of-frogs )
Season 9: Sam is mad at Dean for not letting him go
1. “First Born” 9x11. No, I will not elaborate. Tim Omundson speaks for himself. There is nothing wrong with this entire episode and if you try to tell me there is I can and will gut you like a fish. 
2. “Heaven Can’t Wait” 9x06. DESTIELLLLLLLLLLLL. 
3. “Do You Believe In Miracles?” 9x23. Wow it’s the first Season Finale to make it to my top 3!! Metatron gets what’s coming, DEAN BECOMES A FUCKING DEMON. 
Honorable Mentions: “Bad Boys” “Mother’s Little Helper” “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” “Meta Fiction”
Season 10:  Dean is mad at Sam for not letting him go
1. “The Executioner’s Song” 10x14. See my comments on “First Born”. 
3. “The Werther Project” 10x18. SAMWITCH RISE!!!!!!!!!!! 
Honorable Mentions: “Hibbing 911″ “The Prisoner” “The Things We Left Behind” 
Season 11: Ahh, yes. You. Lucifer. Get fucked. 
1. “Don’t Call Me Shurley” 11x20. *slow clap* Robbie Thompson, you have served your country well. 
2. “Red Meat” 11x17. This is gonna sound strange, but this episode is sorta my comfort food?? I’ve watched it literally so many times. I love it. So much. 
3. “The Chitters” 11x19. Nancy Won wrote three episodes for SPN, all in season 11, they are all stellar. Chitters is GAY. She also wrote “Don’t You Forget About Me” and “Thin Lizzie” I’m putting them here so as not to crowd up the Honorable Mentions.
Honorable Mentions: “The Vessel” “Devil In the Details” “We Happy Few” “Baby” “Form And Void” “Into the Mystic” honestly just watch every non-bucklemming episode they are pretty much all amazing. 
1. “The Future” 12x19. DESTIEL. I would die for Kelly. Fetus!Jack. GOODBYE DAGON!! THE MIXTAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. “Stuck In the Middle (With You)” 12x12. Destiel love confession!!!!!! Drowley!! Mary will fight everyone willingly!! SAM GETS THE ORANGE JACKET
Honorable Mentions: Every. Single. Non-BL. Episode. Watch. Them. Now. 
Season 13: JAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!!!! 
2. “Beat the Devil” 13x21. DICK JOKES GALORE. Also, we must protect Sam at all costs. Gabena is perfect. Samwitch is also perfect. Sabriel is also good. Lucifer can go fuck himself. 
3. “Breakdown” 13x11. It physically pains me not to put “Funeralia” here but alas, I must not show Steve Yockey too much favoritism. Anyways. DONNA!!! DOUG!! CREEPY!!! SAM’S HEART IS WORTH SO MUCH MONEY!! GIVE SAMMY A HUG!!
Honorable Mentions: “The Scorpion And The Frog” “Funeralia” “The Thing” “The Bad Place” “The Big Empty” “Lost And Found” 
Season 14: 
 1. “Moriah” 14x20. Proof that Supernatural will go down in history as ALMIGHTY. GOD IS THE ULTIMATE VILLAIN.
2. “Peace of Mind” 14x15. I still haven’t recovered. Jared must have had literally all the fun in the world. 
3. “Mint Condition” 14x04. Yay!! Very fun!!! (I wanted to put Optimism here, but again, I can’t show Yockey so much favoritism. It’s not my fault! he’s too good!!) 
Honorable Mentions: “Optimism” “Ouroboros” “Unhuman Nature” “Byzantium” “Damaged Goods”
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officialthiamlibrary · 6 years ago
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Hello! Hello! So excited to share another fantastic creator this time on BTS. Thanks to everyone who’s given this series love and interest. It’s because of you that we keep highlighting the lovely talent in this fandom and today, is no exception. The writer of Compared to the Moon, Six/Seven, and more, parttimehuman, somehow stumbled into our ship and we’re damn happy she’s decided to stay haha. Read on to learn more about her.
Mercy! Ayyy, thanks for letting me besiege you with questions lol. Since the Thiam fandom is quite familiar with one another by now, any facts about you or your life that we’d be surprised to know?
I have a bachelor degree in financial mathematics. (Although I’m not sure how surprising that is.)
That’s wild, mostly because I can’t imagine beasting through an entire degree of math alone. Completely random, but I doubt I’ll have a chance to ask this again. In Shows/Movies, when the characters are in Math class and answering questions on the board, have you ever looked at their solution and thought, “wrong.” I always wondered if those were accurate.
Bold of you to assume that I still know high school math just because I’ve studied the more advanced stuff. Still, it has happened, yeah.
Ahh, touche, touche. Why don’t we actually talk about Teen Wolf and Thiam now lol. How did you find your way to the Thiam fandom? What about them drew you in?
It was a long and not very easy way, to be honest. I think I didn’t get beyond the pilot episode of Teen Wolf until the third try. I had over a month of free time after I graduated from uni, so naturally, I was bored. I finally watched all seasons. Thiam as a ship? Yeah, I’m not going to pretend like it was anything other than Cody Christian’s sexy ass that made that happen. And Theo’s heart-eyes for Liam in 6b of course. I wrote two fics, didn’t mean to stick around for long, and then I was invited to a certain Discord…
What do you think changed between your first time watching and your third?
You want me to be really honest? I had more time, was a little more bored out, had less other options. That’s about it.
Alol nothing but the truth here. Well, now that you’ve fully accepted the TW lifestyle, how would you put your own touches on a Season 7 spin off. What would be your very first scene and very last scene of the pilot episode? As an artist, how would you put your personal touch on those two scenes?
The first scene would be a steamy face-punching/make-out session between Liam and Theo. With proper lighting. Brett would be alive. Liam would look exactly like Dylan Sprayberry does. The last scene would be Theo falling asleep in an actual bed. With Liam’s arms wrapped around him. And forehead kisses. There would be a fist bump somewhere in that episode. And probably a lacrosse game. It would basically be an AU where it never gets dark because we all deserve to see properly after 6 seasons of TW.
“Proper Lighting,” *Slow Clap.* Honestly, we are owed that at this point. As a creator, do you only write Thiam? Any other fandoms or Pairings? Novels or Stories with Original Characters?
No. Actually, I believe these days I write slightly more for other pairings from Teen Wolf. I also have a longfic for another fandom in the works (The Raven Cycle). I will probably write a novel one day, I have quite a collection with abandoned attempts, actually. Apart from that, just like I do in the Thiam pack, I like to write my friends from real life little stories. I guess none of my characters are truly original, strictly speaking, because they’re always either borrowed from a fandom or I insert people I personally know in my stories.
Yessss! Just started the Raven Thieves and it’s my everything. Of all your stories, what’s been your favorite(s) to write or reread thus far?
Compared to the Moon. If I were to make a list here, the 26 chapters of Compared would be the first 26 points on it. After that I’d put My Sister’s Keeper, although it had me crying like a baby. As for smut, I’d say The Hot Cop Showdown, which is about Theo and Liam both turning up at a bachelor party in a police uniform, only that one of them’s an actual police officer, and one’s a stripper. The fun in that was that I wrote it live for a bunch of people who were guessing who was who, and I made my decision completely spontaneously.
Yass let’s definitely talk Compared to the Moon quickly because the worldbuilding is quite intriguing. First, for anyone unfamiliar could you offer a quick summary? How did you come up with what colors corresponds with an emotion? On an average day, what would your color undertone be?
Compared to the Moon is a High School AU where everyone is human, with the little bonus that people show their emotions as colors beneath their skin. While Liam, captain of the lacrosse team, bears a quite prominent red mark in his neck and back and is generally unable to control his colors, Theo, who’s new in school and the lacrosse team, doesn’t have any. They get off on the wrong foot, become roommates, fall in love. There’s a whole lot of drama. And a happy ending, but they do have to work a lot for it.
The idea to that fic came from a drunken conversation with my best friend who doesn’t give a single shit about Teen Wolf or my fics, but the thought had stuck with me. I did a bit of research on the meaning of different colors, but as I continued writing it, I more and more decided to not pay too much attention to that. One of the messages I wanted to convey was to not judge a book by its cover, which, of course, happens a lot in a world where people carry their emotions right under their skin. But the point is that you still never know. What exactly does Liam’s red stand for? Anger? Aggression? Pain? Blood? Or maybe passion? Leadership? Courage? Love?
And what does it mean that Theo doesn’t show them? Is he any less of a human being because of that? Does he not feel?
By the time I got towards the ending of the story, I’d realized that I didn’t want to answer any of these questions. And even if I had wanted to, I couldn’t have.
As for me, I feel like I’d be a little more blue and a little more yellow than I’d be other colors, for reasons I cannot explain.
That’s honestly lovely, especially since each color has a myriad of hues and therefore meanings. Including Compared to the Moon, would you say there’s one trope weaving your stories together?
Probably some form of bed sharing/sleeping together/cuddling. One of them watching the other. Someone who’s usually kept awake by nightmares finally getting some rest. Lazy mornings in bed together. Hand holding. Eskimo kisses. Innocent touches. Just a whole lot of vulnerability and trust and softness.
And I remember reading way back when (like Truth or Chimera haha) days that you write all of your stories by hand. Can you go into your writing process a little? Do you still keep everything you’ve written?
I don’t do that anymore. I write my notes per hand, also sometimes a few lines or ideas, but that’s about it. I’ve published around 600k words in the last year, so at some point I gave it up with the handwriting. I still have all my notes, though, among them the letter Theo wrote to Liam in Compared to the Moon. I’m a notebook hoarder, and I find that there’s a certain aesthetic to handwritten things, but now I mostly just sit in bed with my laptop and a kitty when I write.
Whatttt, live writing!?! How does it feel to write openly like that? Do you think it’s changed the way you create?
I mostly write my smut live. It’s amazing because the people who are following it can throw in their own ideas and make wishes. Many times that’s resulted in me taking a story into directions I wouldn’t have thought of myself. It’s a challenge, because you have to let go of the idea of changing something you’ve already written. Ultimately, I do it because the pressure of people literally waiting for the next sentence gets me to actually sit my ass down and type words.
I think it’s made me more spontaneous and more open to the idea of going into unknown directions. Most of the time, I have no idea what I want to write when I start writing it. But I’ve definitely learned not to stress myself about that. Some of the best things happen while live writing. By the way, almost all of Six and Seven has been written live.
Ok, it’s got to be asked lol. Six and Seven. How?! How do you write such steamy scenes and still retain the essence of the characters. Any writing wisdom to impart for writers who want to improve their smut skills?
This is a tough question, because if I’m being honest, I think the least about what I’m doing when I’m writing smut. I just go with it. I think a few good things to keep in mind are these: Call a dick a dick. Please and thank you. Consent is sexy, safe sex is sexy. There is no such thing as too much lube. Bananas and sex should never be combined. Communication is key. Literally. Dirty talk is the absolute best thing a smut writer can do, if you ask me. Them talking about their likes and preferences? Hot! One of them making the other ask for what they need? Hot! A nickname, a “Sir”, a praise, some begging? Hot, hot, hot, hot.
Other than that, one thing I really want to say here: Forget about who tops and bottoms. That is literally the least important decision to make. It doesn’t even cross my mind when I start writing a story. It also doesn’t have anything to do with who’s the taller or stronger one, or who’s the dominant one, or more experienced. That’s all bullshit.
Apart from that, your kinks are valid. Write the fucking hell out of them, seriously.
Everything. Everything about this is the best. I’m so tempted to say, “Introducing Behind the Screen with parttimehuman!” without the wrap of questions because of how helpful your advice is lol. I suppose, one final random question before we close up: If you were in a Breakfast Club detention situation with five characters from Teen Wolf, who would give you the wildest, most satisfying day. Who would be your teacher? And what’s one thing the six of you would end up doing?
I feel like Liam and Theo would be there, probably because they started punching each other in the middle of class. Stiles seems like the most likely one to have annoyed a teacher into giving him detention. Malia is there for skipping maths too many times. And Isaac. Nobody knows how exactly he ended up there, but everyone’s pretty appreciative of his sarcastic comments. We’d pass the time discussing conspiracy theories about what the hell is wrong with Beacon Hills. Coach Bobby Finstock would let us go early, because remember, Stiles is canonically like a son to him. And Daddy Finstock just can’t say no to his chaotic favorite boy.
Hahaha, Daddy Finstock. Finally, what’s next for you? In life or fandom or both?
In life? If only I knew. I might leave my home town (again) and go to uni (again), but I generally enjoy having no plan.
In fandom? A fucking lot. The Big Bang is getting closer and I am thrilled. I’m working on a whole list of other things, as always. Then there’s a special project that is for now a secret, a couple of awesome people will celebrate their birthdays soon, and Christmas presents are in the works. The Snow White AU will finally break some hearts soon. In case anybody reading this is still waiting for something, I swear that if I made you a promise, then I have it on a sticky note somewhere. Don’t give up on me! Prompts are always welcome (just don’t make me write angst).
And anything else you’d like to share?
If there’s anything I’d like to share, then it’s encouragement. From one introverted fandom lunatic to all the others out there. Never feel weird for loving something. Never feel ashamed of being passionate about what you love. Never let anybody stop you from obsessing over a character, or a ship, or a show, or whatever thing. Write that fic you think nobody will want to read. Draw the thing that’s been in your head forever. Share your love. There are more people out there waiting for exactly that thing to exist than you think. Write that comment, share your obsessions, never feel afraid to reach out. As for the Thiam fandom, some of the kindest people you will ever meet are in there.
My inbox is always open. For anybody.
On a proper cyclical endnote, Behind the Screens presents Mercy to you! You know what I’m going to say: the conversation doesn’t stop here. Meet her at these places:
Main Tumblr: flyde
Inbox/Ask: flyde  ask
AO3: parttimehuman 
Thank you for letting us get to know more about you! And thank you all for reading and requesting her. As always, if you have a Thiam Creator that you fan over, send us their names. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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