#that's the fear of clowns btw
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cosmicsproutcake · 2 years ago
yeah that big ass fucking clown that spawns on the side of my screen totally isn't a massive middle finger to every single user with Coulrophobia, an extremely common phobia, at all 🙄🙄🙄
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sadlynotthevoid · 1 month ago
So, do you remember when in your cartoons a circus themed villain appeared? And that was like, one of the most bizarre villains of the whole show?
Well, funny thing, like two or three years ago (2023?? 2024?? Maybe 2022. Idk) there happened to be a rash of burglaries in my neighbourhood which coincided with the time when a circus stayed at the green space near the mall of my neighbourhood.
And you may say "but Sorby, correlation does not imply causation" and normally I'd say "yes, you're right" and think nothing of it. But I can't think of any normal thief who would climb up to the higher floors of the flats from outside.
I remember it because I live in the flats in front of those flats and we all could hear my neighbour yell at the people (they were two, if I remember well) holding from the window's bars.
Also, the people from that circus weren't very nice. Very shitty, actually. They beat up a dad who went to ask them to lower the music because it was making his child cry— and they beat him up.
Anyways, if you're writing a fic or something and want to make a circus themed villain— yes, they're realistic, even without powers.
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dailyperkele · 1 year ago
i would like to offer: my roommates doll (miette) and dove who both guard the hallway, i think they could be somewhat relevant here
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DAY 28 - Fusion
Turns out he was a fusion all along-!
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theinternetarchivist · 9 months ago
How Taylor Swift and TGS fans feel after clowning so hard
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nonbinarygamzee · 2 years ago
excuse the fact i mightve posted this song before already and also the fact that i am about to be so so so dramatic and obnoxious but my fucking god. the gamkar cope disease is hitting me so hard rn in the most pick the wound type of way.
everything shes ever doneeee for all time from the very beginning is so wrapped up in her loving him even when shes hurt for it and hes so stupid hes so so so stupid and insecure and afraid he was never able to see her as a person, an ally. somebody who understands and sees that terror living inside of him for being in a world that is so wholly against him. and who understands because she is also trying to exist in a world hostile to who she is, understands it so much that even through being shown and told how much he refuses to meet that she wont stop tryingggg.
and then murderstuck happens and she gets what she wants but its all fucking WRONG because he didnt do that for her he did it for him, for everybody but her but most of all for HIM. for his ego, for proof he has a place in the world and the systems of alternia and that he can live up to the imperial expectations to "calm" a highbloods rage. feeds into the very thing that always alienated her, in lowbloods because of that instilled fear, in highbloods because she refused to conform. in him because he could never ever take her seriously enough to see they were in the same position, and in al of them because she so wholly fails to live up to expectations and they are All brainwashed to lick the alternian boot. and she STILL tries!!! through knowing this, through the horror she is now having to experience all on her own because the one person left in her corner is only there in image, through literally peeling back the fucking narrative and staring the horror of her existence in the eyes. she still triessssss until she cant do it anymore. and it is still her fault, in the end, he refuses to see her personhood all the way through and then blames her for the relationship fizzling out. i need to kill and eat him.
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sketchymangos · 8 months ago
just for sillies, the whole "carnival in no where" thing i got going on comes from something i made back in 8th grade where a bunch of ghosts/creepy kids run a carnival and a nearby circus, kinda want to redesign some of them
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sheepboychibi · 11 months ago
zombie party clowns???
just had a wild dream i havent had in ages what in the world 😭 well it started off as just a random dream, transitioned into another, and then it turned into a dream ive had before but like, altered
dont remember what the first dream was about, but i remember at the end of it someone was like "ive got a great name for a school, post mortem high" and then we transitioned to the next dream. which i guess was post mortem high cause thats what ppl called it, but like. the school was a mix of the wylie middle school/junior high and some other random school?? i walk into the school, the cafeteria is seated in a way where you'll always be next to/near a stranger and thats 😭 i eat breakfast trying to find a seat as far away from ppl i dont know as possible. i failed :( some random person comes up and starts bullying me so i get up and walk away. small fade and im talking with friends outside? in the space between the middle school and junior high. then i get a call from my parents, which are not my irl parents idk who these people are. but apparently they make weird magic weapons?? and came to give me mine?? they however were not allowed in the school cause their magic weapons were guns. i dont remember what mine were. but anyways i had to turn them into the office, a friend(?) comes with but then sneaks off. and here's were the dream ive had before starts! this time, i notice they're in the supply closet and i leave the hallway as soon as possible before i get trapped like i did in the first dream i had of this. i immediately start running but its too late, the zombie party clowns are already released and causing havoc. everyone runs into the junior high, which really isnt the junior high that i went to, this is the mix of the random school cause the layout is all wack. but anyways we run around, trying to escape the horror that is the zombie party clowns 😭 this time i actually managed to get outside? but i still got chased by 1 person, not sure if they were a zombie party clown or what but they chased me, this one actually talked, i got as far as i could, trying to teleport home but then the person chasing me STABBED ME??? and then leaves. so im finally able to teleport home, but, its not home, its my mawmaw's old trailer house she doesnt live in anymore. but apparently she still does in the dream. anyways i walk in, there's two strangers asleep on the couch who wake up and are like "oh sorry do you live here? the door was open and we were tired and hungry so we came in. mostly ate the cheese" and then fell back asleep. im just like "okay this is fine lol" and walk away to find a medkit to remove whatever stabbed me. i do. fix up the wound, and now apparently theres a way onto the roof of the trailer car?? and theres stuff up here what??? oh also above us on super tall trees are two cars hanging by a THREAD just swinging about like. HUH??? mawmaw appears, starts talking but a magic hogwarts like train appears. she takes it, i refuse to cause im scared of it taking us back to the overrun school of zombie party clowns. now im in the pov of mawmaw in the train, she gets to the destination and gets out, she's on a mountain????? and theres a witch and they were like "oh i thought asriel wouldve come with" and mawmaw told them about the zombie party clowns and the witch freaked out like "ZOMBIE PARTY CLOWNS??? OH NO" and then bane woke me up by whining so. uh. i dunno why the zombie party clowns are feared so much but they are. it was so wack too because i havent had this dream in like forever, and now there's more too it??????
tl;dr i have a recurring but altered dream of zombie party clowns overrunning my school
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pinkcarsupremacy · 9 months ago
Okay in all the drama of yesterday's race I feel like we overlooked the F1 movie teaser and we need to talk about what the hell was going on in that.
So we start with 60yo racer Brad Pitt telling the audience and uh someone else that their car is beat on the straights by "Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes, Aston and now Mclaren" (as an Alpine fan I understand the plight) and that their only chance of beating the other teams is to battle in the turns and I quote "we need to build our car for combat" (never underestimate Americans and their ability to turn something into a war analogy)
After that bizzare statement the following exchange occurs:
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Yeah fuck safety!! The FIA is actually involved with the making of this film if you're wondering.
From here on there isn't actually anymore dialogue and it's just a bunch of racing and track team shots set to 'We will Rock You'. It was here that it dawned on me that this movie is gonna be super bizzare. Despite all the noise about them filming on track at live race weekends it never occured to me the other drivers and teams would actually feature in it. I'm not even sure what I thought they were going to do but I assumed it would involve a lot of CGI.
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But nope turns out this is actually just a strange self-insert film where an 11th team featuring 60yo Brad Pitt and his younger teammate will compete against real F1 drivers? The $300 million budget is starting to make sense - maybe they had to pay the other drivers a salary. I think one glaring problem with this is that it means there won't be other characters in the movie (excluding team members of the fake team) because the other drivers and team members are uh real people? Now that would be fine if it was a biopic like Rush where everyone are actors but here we have 2 actors and 20 real drivers (who are quite literally at work btw) and any interaction between them and the actors is gonna break the immersion of the film so badly.
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Sidenote here's one of the Apex cars abusing a Williams - not the kind of behaviour that endears me to either of the fake drivers ngl. Probably should have picked a more disliked team to clown on.
Now I actually went and read an interview with the 2 directors to try and work out what is going on. At one point in this interview, Jerry Bruckheimer says: "It’s the only sport where your teammate is also your competitor, and that’s great drama in itself. Just think about that; you’re fighting with your own teammate for a place on the podium. And everything we use in the movie actually happened in an F1 race. Nobody can say: ‘That would never happen.’ It happened."
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So in other words the teammates will fight and it will be based on real life events? Yeah unfortunately I'm getting Perez and Ocon in Force India vibes from that (those 2 shots pretty similar huh).
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There was also this in the interview which is... I mean I don't really know what to take from this but it's certainly interesting. As an Ocon fan this quite literally strikes fear into my heart (why was he of all drivers named...) but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years ago
(I had this idea when I learned that there are some people who give out their phone numbers for people to give to someone who is harassing them/giving creepy vibes/or just plain not interested.
Btw, if you wanna add a ship between Danny and any of the mentioned captured vigilantes, go right on ahead! If you're not a fan of ships, that's fine too. Later!)
Who You Gonna Call?
After the Anti-Ecto Acts were dismantled and the townwide internet/communications blackout is dismantled, Danny's social media for his alter ego blows up. He won't lie either, he loves the mostly positive attention whereas before he'd only been met with fear and hatred.
It isn't until he makes a post where he jokingly mentions the Fenton patented Anti-Creep Stick™ (yes it actually works on ghosts) that he gets loads of comments on how many wish it would work on human creeps giving unwanted attention (it actually does because it's literally just a baseball bat covered in anti-ghost paint, but meh) or really just have Danny himself scare away the creeps because of the whole "being a ghost" thing. Naturally, this sets off Danny's protection obsession and he decides to do something about it.
With a little help from Technus, Danny learns to manipulate and travel through phone connections and then releases a separate phone number for people to use/give away if they're stuck in an uncomfortable situation.
Here's the funny part tho.
Red Hood somehow uses the number kinda as a joke to, well, sic Phantom on the Joker while him, Nightwing, and Red Robin are tied up for another one of the clown's schemes. It works a little too well though. Turns out the Joker is wanted in the Infinite Realms for continued interference on peaceful relations between said Realms and the Living World, i.e. - terrorism. It's then discovered that Joker is in fact considered liminal by ghost standards and therefore falls under Danny, the Ghost King's, jurisdiction.
So basically, Jason calls Phantom's Anti-Creep number as a joke, Phantom actually shows up via phone connection, and all three of them wind up witnessing firsthand the Joker being dragged into a glowing green, concerningly Pit-like portal, bound in chains + kicking and screaming. Phantom even stops long enough to untie them, shake hands with a shocked Red Hood, thanks him for his help, and then leaves like it never happened.
Now. How the hell are they going to explain this to Batman?
This idea has probably already been thought of before but I haven't seen it. If someone has, please direct me to it. 👀
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sailorblossoms-rankane · 1 month ago
I have talked about Akane's insecurities with femininity before, but I want to add another element now: maturity. Her crush on the doc informs a lot of her behavior in the manga. (We all know about the hair = expectations of femininity so I'll skip that)
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Part of what embarrasses Akane here (and part of why Ranma is good for her) isn't just that she's acting in a way that's not considered "feminine" in front of the doc... but that she's acting like a kid.
She's responding to Ranma's energy (who begs for her attention like a kid)
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That's part of why the suitors are never real threats to Akane, not even in terms of "self-worth." Stuff like bust size comparisons and cooking contests are kept between her and Ranma (childishly!) the other girls are not ever meant to be used for beauty contests or related.
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The girls bother Akane by being homewreckers and invaders (seen in Ukyo trying to run the show or briefly moving into Ranma's room and Shampoo literally wrecking the house or jumping ranma when he's washing his ass) (outside of Kasumi, she has no model of ideal femininity. Shampoo and Ukyo don’t have those roles for her. struggles against them are about behavior, control, power… not beauty or femininity contests)
She gets jealous, but what really gets to Akane with the other girls is that they might have control over her relationship with Ranma (is he going along with Shampoo's antics? Is Ukyo a closer friend? Can she have a say in our engagement?) (these girls get to Akane's pride and competitive side, but serious shit about image and fears of losing love is kept between Akane and her SISTERS, and Akane and Ranma… it’s kept within her home)
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"Lucky you, she's a cute girl!" is Akane being a clown about her jealousy, comparable to Ranma's "you must be having fun on your little date" even though they both know the other people are nothing but trouble. They're being CHILDISH, it turns off their brains
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When she gets competitive with the other girls is always very childish (which, again, is part of making it unserious) "he's mine, let go of him" type of shit
(this is part of framing Ranma's popularity in the manga as undesirable btw, besides him obviously not having a good time: that it doesn't use them to TRULY unsettle Akane in terms of self-image) (the old anime tends to do the opposite)
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I've mentioned that real fears about losing love are kept between her and her sisters (who are often the ones putting fears into Akane's head...) and I think part of it is that they're OLDER than her. Akane is seriously (and not "childishly") affected only when Nabiki "confesses"
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Here's the thing about growing out a pixie cut: it takes a long fucking time. Kasumi is Akane's model of femininity not just in the present, but in terms of who she is supposed TO BECOME as she grows up. In this context, even love implies a future (becoming a wife)
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(growing hair = growing up... I didn't even think about it like this when I started this but growth implies the passage of time. To be "more like a lady" and less tomboy also implies "to mature." Girls are expected to mature faster than boys)
This is what unsettles Akane with Hinako the most, even though she doesn't see her as "a real threat" like the other girls do. Hinako is "more mature"
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We see Akane "reacting childishly" but hurt in a very SERIOUS way whenever she feels like she's being compared to "an older woman" and "is coming up short" (it's not spelled out like that with Nabiki, but being the baby sister is part of why Nabiki is fucking with her in that arc)
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This is part of why Akane is so sensitive in the bust arc (where Ranma unknowingly picks on her insecurities when he teases her because he doesn't get why she's lashing out and to downplay his attraction) her body is developing so she's *feeling* more mature
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"Growing up" is a big theme here: childish behavior (familiar ground) conflated with grown-up attraction (ranma) and a wish to be feel more mature (and desirable for Akane, but specifically for the person she's in love with)
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Nodoka is a big source of stress for Ranma but she provides the validation Akane doesn't get from the older women in her family (who mean well and will be on her side always but they can also just be.. clueless jerks lol you can see how not having her mom affects her still...)
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(...because even though Akane's sisters are older than her, they are not exactly mature women, Kasumi is just 19, even if she shows more maturity than most ppl in that house, which we can attribute to having to grow up faster and take on household's chores)
You leave Akane alone and she can be pretty sensible and reach the "right" conclusions, whereas Ranma lacks emotional intelligence and needs to be pushed. She's good for him because she makes him grow...
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At the same time, Ranma is good for Akane because she shouldn't grow up too fast. It's good for her to be able to relax and be a little clown, in ways she's not free to be with everyone. Ranma provides safety in multiple ways
(you could also say there is a struggle in where to be childish and where to be mature in some of their conflicts... Ranma is not good with words, so conflicts are often resolved with him SHOWING his feelings after a childish fight)
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(the other thing that can really "break" Akane is "am I being a burden to Ranma?" but that's another conversation...)
(this was brought to you by me being reminded that the dead husband was the main girls' high school teacher in Maison Ikkoku, and you see the doc already liked Kasumi when she was wearing her fucking high school uniform in that flashback 😭)
(Akane can get hurt because of Ranma's immaturity sometimes, but going from molding herself after her older sister because she crushed on an older man to liking Ranma, who likes her as she is, and being herself, is the best thing that could have happened to her there. Akane was vulnerable)
(this is also brought to you by me being extremely annoyed by people thinking Akane is looking for models of femininity in the other girls when she’s not, which I’m blaming on the old fucking show, resulting in not enough people paying enough attention to the manga to pick up any of this stuff)
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sergeant-angels-trashcan · 5 months ago
Bestie I NEED to hear your thoughts about Harley and Bruce possibly being secret twins 👀👀👀👀👀
Been thinking about this for WEEKS i fear!!!! This came right as 'rona dragged me down I'm sorry this took so long!!!
I don't know or care about how secret twins happens, what happens in the bedroom of Thomas and Martha and Alfred Pennywayne is NONE of my business unless they invite me which is fine btw
since they're fraternal twins they COULD TECHNICALLY have different dads. am I saying Alfred is Harley's bio dad perhaps and the clown is going to have empty space where his head used to be but I digress. This explains SO MUCH I feel but also we should in no way think that the parents know this. They don't know nor care because THAT IS THEIR BABIESSS. it would probably be Bruce and Harley finding out when they're forty or something because someone needs a kidney. They purposefully forget the information. They don't need it.
And as insufferable as Thomas is with Baby Brucie can you IMAGINE how AWFUL he would be as a Girl Dad tm. I am thinking of your "if you detain one you detain both I KNOW MY RIGHTS" post but with two children!!. Also Thomas would be THEEE cattiest mfer amongst the other dance moms. My god Alfred and Martha would never know peace. Also a million zillion pictures of each parent konked out while holding 2 sleeping toddlers, THINK on it I beseech thee it's so cute. (But then, Thomas accidentally saving/kidnapping Harley from the park and Bruce and Harley INSISTING they are identical twins. Everyone is like no you really aren't until Thomas gives them the most murderous look known to man over their tiny heads. VERY funny when Jason and Cass also do this)
Maybe Harley was very very sickly as a baby and they kept her a secret to keep the press away. I can see family not talking about Martha's pregnancy AT ALL particularly if it was high risk in any way like she would be visibly pregnant due any day and someone would ask her if she was excited about the baby and she would deadass say 'what baby'.
The ideal scenario the Pennywaynes have for their offspring is that they keep the bambini hidden. as far as the press knows one day 18 year olds pop up outside the Wayne Manor as fully formed scions to the empire. You've never heard of them before? GOOD. That was the point.
Also the DRAMA, the ANGST, I think this makes sense with Bruce's weird dynamic with the Joker (though this could work with just siblings ig)?
Bruce doesn't want to kill the person his twin loves because it would hurt his twin, who HE loves. And killing the Joker could result in Harley hating him! Bruce trying so hard to be supportive for Harley and just be there for her so when she finally decides to leave the Joker she knows Bruce has her back.
Bruce knowing all the stuff about what support systems do that helps and hurts victims of intimate partner violence so he's always playing this balancing act of what he feels like he can say/do about him before it affects Harley. And it being his self given job to stop the Joker from doing HIS self given job. If he helps Gotham he hurts Harley. If he tries to help Harley, he hurts Gotham (does very interesting things to the brainworms when thinking about Jason's murder! about why Bruce feels like he can't or shouldn't go after the Joker--because he's proven he will kill a child and use their mother to get them, that is not a man above using his partner to hurt his nemesis!!! and that would be a whole thing for Bruce, he doesn't act because he's genuinely terrified, worried that if he fails he'll lose harley too
idk if the Joker would know about Harley and Bruce being related or Bruce being Batman but I could see this being the turning point for how Harley views the Joker. Like, she'd been going over to the Manor to help Jason talk through his feelings every month for years. Would it have mattered if the Joker knew he was her nephew?)
Also makes the weird sexual tension Bats has with the Joker even weirder if he IS aware of their relationship. He'd be so gross about it. Yes the Joker wants the Wayne twins. He flirts with them in front of the other to piss them off, mostly Harley. Would highkey lie and say Bruce was flirting with him to drive a wedge between Bruce and Harley oh my god I went such a not fun direction with this
Identical twins could be very funny if they were separated at birth no i do not know why they would be separated just roll with me. the one that does not transition is like "why do you have a picture of me as a kid this is creepy what do you mean that's you' . Everyone at college is like ha ha you two look like you could be related! You do the same icky face when you eat pineapple. They dOn'T sEe iT
Maybe she was kidnapped (by like a very young deathstroke or something idk) and SOMEhow Oswald Cobblepot winds up with this feral toddler in his possession. A goon made a terrible life choice perhaps? And Ozzie is just an up and coming crime lord, still settling into the family business, how tf is he supposed to know the Waynes are missing THIS child? if he knew don't you think he'd be extorting people??? I think they could have some very fun and adorable Stacker Pentecost and Mako Mori vibes this man has NO idea how to raise a child but by god!! He will do it right!!! Literally nobody knows about her, he would have people killed for suspecting her existence.
But also take your daughter to work day??!? Harley yelling at incompetent goons in a sweet baby voice. Ozzie is SO PROUD of her, he wouldn't have minded her going into the family business but she's going to be a doctor!! He is just a proud papa!!! Fearsome crime lord The Penguin with sparkle pink nail polish and bows stuck to his head having a tea party with Lil Harley.
I think this is ALSO interesting with the Joker!! I would love if the only reason his dumb ass wasn't taken out the moment he stepped foot in Gotham was because he's Harley's Boyfriend. The only thing stopping the rogues from turning on him is that Harley likes him!! Is he the Gotham version of a crypto-finance bro?
What if it's an older Harley who is kidnapped? Like post Thomas and Martha shooting. It's part of what cements Bruce's notoriety as the Last Wayne. (Everyone asks if he can sense her through their Twin Bond and he gets sooooo mad that's not a real thing!!!! He feels so guilty because if that was a real thing, shouldn't he be able to find her? Shouldn't he know????)
Cut to Batman and Joker in a showdown and there is Harley and Bats CAN'T STOP STARING?!??? why does she seem so familiar? The Joker notices of course and starts saying some very crass things but the IMPORTANT part is that at some point Harley mentions not minding beating up on Batman because she once had a baby brother who was terrified of bats, so she's doing this for him!!! And Bruce is like wait I once had an older sister and I'M afraid of bats?!?!
Harley looks at him REALLY HARD and all of the sudden she's screaming "BABY B????" and roundhouse kicking the Joker into some metal oil drums. NOBODY beats up her baby brother!!!!
The rogues go fucking insane
(the age thing. Harley is technically a day older than Bruce. She was born at 11:50 PM and he was born at 12:05 AM. They make older sibling/younger sibling jokes all the time and think they are very funny. The Batkids would disagree)
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maxiscoolongg · 1 year ago
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WARNINGS: kinda yandere?, I'm not Latina or anything so I will be using Google translate for some stuff!, angry scared reader, swearing, Patrick being patrick, mention of murder?,
Summary: Y/N found a haunted house that she thought would be fun with her two lovers but only to be even more scared then ever
You were the complete opposite of the two boys you so very loved for. You, a sweet, caring, loving, beautiful, angelic, person. Was with Henry Bowers and Patrick Hocksetter? It was a weird mix that's for sure, maybe Patrick and Henry weren't, but you + them? Shook the whole school
You are the popular girl, the one who is on the cheer team and everyone is probably jealous of. Your little brother Richie Tozier? He never told you about the bullying he got from Bowers gang, mostly from Henry and Patrick, they practically threatened him and the losers club to shut their mouths and not tell you
Richie, is and still is protective. No kiddin' though, he's been through alot still being a 13 year old? This kid is tough. You looked up to him even though he was younger, he was your little brother and still very much you loved him. If you found out what's been happening to him and his little club? You would kill the bullies yourself!
You were looking at your mirror in your locker fixing every detail possible, the boys who stood behind you leaning on the other lockers were confused, you were perfect! How could you possibly need to fix anything? Any detail they thought it was beautiful. It never made sense to them.
You smiled looking at yourself happily as you turned around closing your locker and locking it before looking up at the two boys with a smile. "Okay, so I was thinking-" you said before getting cut off immediately "No." Henry said as you frowned as you three walked "I didn't even finsh the damn sentence!" You said with a slight pout as he smiled a bit "anyway! I was thinking of going to a haunted house this week! You know? It'll be fun" you said shrugging with a now smile bright as ever, not noticing the grin that perked on Patrick's face as he looked at Henry with a 'Please' type of look.
Henry could easily say 'No, that's to childish' but, both if them could see the way you would look scared. It would practically send them off a rampage of.. well, you know. So they both agreed in their own way "Sure, but you owe us, dollface" patrick said as he put his arm around your shoulder you made a confused face but shook that off.
To say this was what they expected was completely right. They saw the way your eyes flashed in anger and sacredness as a clown jump scare popped up normally screaming; Santo hijo de puta. They both saw it and it to say the least turned them on in a way,
Seeing you scared and clinging on Patrick's arm? Fucking hell he would go crazy, definitely grinning from ear to ear. Not in a sweat way btw. Hug Henry on accident? He will absolutely smirk a little as he would mock you a bit
Your fear of (__) would fucking go crazy if it was in there, your scared of clowns? Watch your back bb, there's gonna scare the living shit outta you
"Santo hijo de puta!" You yelled in fear as you jumped a bit from the jumpscare infront of you as you turned a corner them following you "What? You scared" patrick asked as I frowned "Take a guess" you said as patrick put his arms around your waist "It ain't that scary just a little jumpscare!" He said as you sighed
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d1s1ntegrated · 3 months ago
going absolutely feral over your streamer shiggy posts 🙏 pls never stop making them I love your writing so much ♡
- 🧸 anon
streamer!shigaraki pt2- drunk gaming
yeah bro needs to get hammered, this is the move
cw: language, emet. mention (i promise no real thr-wing up cause im lowk. scared but im trying to get over the fear slowly), general disgusting loser boy activities, tbh drunk!shiggy is a literal slob imo and its cute, bro has no social skills, loseraki!!!!!!!
"okay chat, its drunk horror night"
he'd mostly play point and click horror, a lot of indie stuff too
especially if he's drinking, cause his coordination goes OUT THE DOOR
he's a lightweight <3
bro has no decorum when he's drunk either he's a mess actually
he's taking shots of cheap whiskey and chasing w ginger ale
"chat i'm not gonna throw up"
"WHAT IS THAT" (loudest scream ever at every jumpscare)
"chat i might throw up"
"this is so disgusting" he says, shooting back his third
"okay time to lock in" *dies*
has to restart the same level four times
chat is getting increasingly infuriated bc he keeps missing very blatant clues
"chat is this guy fucking with me. where are the batteries."
"for the last time, im NOT playing roblox"
hops on roblox
plays dti for one round and ends up nearly crying bc his fit was voted last
uninstalls roblox on stream
"fuck you guys you dont know what art nouveau even means" (neither does he)
bro is a hiccupper when hes drunk so chat clowns on him
"my face is flushed? no thats just my eczema"
he's playing hatsune miku in the background and singing along poorly
"guys if i throw up on stream will i get banned"
a resounding yes from chat btw
"someone in chat posted the crisis hotline website link?"
"AND A LINK TO 'AA NEAR ME'????????"
"guys do you think if i dm markiplier he'll say yes to streaming with me"
"if i was a furry i think my fursona would be....probably a fennec fox or something..."
insert 45-minute rant about fursonas
"wait why are we talking about furries"
forgets he's streaming for like twenty minutes and goes silent.
leaves the room for fifteen minutes
comes back with buttered noodles
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graytodd · 4 months ago
Dare I say, one of my favorite things about Dick's Jason-complex is that Dick is the world's biggest control freak, in some ways moreso than even Bruce. But Jason? Jason is probably the ONE person alive who can snap Dick's control at easily intentionally or otherwise. No one pisses Dick off faster than Jason but no one drives Dick crazier than Jason either. Dick prides himself on his insane levels of discipline and self-control but the moment he first locks lips with Jason he PHYSICALLY struggles with keeping it together. Definition of "i need to stop now because if we keep going i won't be able to stop myself". Listen, consent is sexy af alright but idc people are lying if they say seeing a control freak LOSE it over the one person who makes them insane isn't hot af.
(btw, always wanted to know whats ur headcanons for how the whole dickjay relationship starts. How long is the yearning on each side? When did it stop becoming innocent for each of them?)
Dear anon, you just described one of my favorite base-on-canon, headcanon here; a control freak like Dick fucking Grayson, Bruce's favorite Robin, the oldest and wisest of the Bats, who punches Joker to death when the clown makes the huge mistake of provoking his self-control by mentioning Jason's name, or more! when Bruce drugs and manipulates Jason with fear toxin and Dick nearly beats him to death ? the idea that goldie-boy can challenge B's authority and break his rules, hiw own rules! makes him a complex character, dangerous and extremely attractive as a few.
Having said that, I will dwell on my Dickjay pre-relationship headcanon now 😎 based on possessive!control-freak Dick losing it over Jason, something I've tried portraying in this art of mine. Cause Jason's high maintenance, a demanding boy; he'd been taught discipline since he became Robin but he's never listened to Bruce's authority as he'd accept Dick's leadership. This brat has a huge crush on Dick, but it's just a kid, I mean, something innocent. But when Jason comes back his urge to tease Dick becomes kindled by a desire to see his composure give way. Jason loves to provoke Dick, to piss him off, to be the reason that Dick isn't able to stop himself from - !! something that starts with bantering and making innocent innuendoes, cause Jason isn't experienced on tha matter, but still enjoys get into trouble lol until Dick loses his grip and he's all over Jason, and Jason realizes he cannot breath anymore🫣​Dick's still a control-freak, intimacy included. To be added to this headcanon Dick being a jealous possessive shit especially after they finally crossed the line; when Jason got all marked up as his own aahhh so satisfying ~ and Jason'd let him take the lead, partly because he has no other choice lol the boy must submit ~
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highlyillogicalandroid · 9 months ago
Things I’ve noticed on my Dead Boy Detectives rewatch(es):
Please I NEED to know who the creepy ass clowns on the train were I know it was For the Gag, but PLEASE.
The boys have so many different versions of Clue in their closet???
Also lmao at them being *in the closet* together.
Hnnnn Jenny
I know other ppl have spotted this but the first book Charles grabs in episode 2 (the pink one) ends up being the one with the answers they need to help Niko (not the blue one Edwin insisted he needed).
I love Crystal and Niko look at those girls go.
In episode 3, they learn about evil seagulls and severed feet washing up on shore. In episode 4, Edwin picks up some sheet music that Mick says is cursed and attracts evil seagulls!!
“A bird cries? Is it sad?” Niko my precious darling angel I love you for always.
Okay, okay, I know Valley of the Dolls isn’t about actual dolls but Edwin, did YOU know that when you decided to read it??
The music box thing in episode 4 is absolutely playing Wellerman, right? I’m not imagining things??
“Remarkably low compatibility between Taurus and Aries?” That’s Crystal and Charles, btw.
As Charles starts to spiral about his abusive dad and his own rage, his polo gets darker. When he confesses his fears to Edwin in episode 5, Edwin turns up his collar, revealing its red lining, bringing Charles back toward his hero look. Excuse me while I sob.
“I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you.”
“Wrong way. AVARICE. Everything too heavy.” Gives me CHILLS.
The fact that Edwin tore the dollhouse corner out of his notebook.
Charles’ devastated face in episode 7 when Edwin tells him that ringing the call bell hurts the souls in limbo, after he’s already rung it on the way in.
The Night Nurse complains about Niko but she told Niko about the man in the fish?? No one can resist the pull of Friendship with Niko!!
The Cat King gives Edwin calla lilies as a consolation gift at the end of episode 8. Calla lilies are incredibly toxic to cats. Cat King, babe, I know you’ve got a thing for him but damn, have a sense of self preservation, PLEASE!
Edwin’s little saunter right before he kisses TCK on the cheek.
“You’re properly missable.” AHHHH CHARLES YOU LIKE HIMMMMM.
The way Charles and Edwin open the box together sure is something!!
It’s not just the hug (although WHAT A HUG), it’s the buildup to the hug! It’s the way they drift away from each other and then pause and turn toward each other at the same time and it’s so choreographed yet so natural and so perfectly them, like they orbit around each other and are always going to be drawn back together and oh my God I am not normal about it.
Also it’s Edwin who has his back to Charles and turns to glance behind in a lovely little reversal of the Orpheus and Eurydice archetypes from ep 6 and oh isn’t that just so juicy!!!
Okay but it’s also the hug. It’s how tight it is and how they don’t want to let go and how their hands brush against each other when they eventually do drift away.
The way Charles leans over Edwin and puts their heads so close together? Okay you fucking flirt.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months ago
Hello can I request a yandere concept between ennard (hope I spelled it right) with a reader who finds out the truth about them that they aren’t actually Micheal? It can be platonic or romantic I’m not good picking ( I hope you have a nice day btw!)
Sure! So sorry for the long wait, I hope it was worth it :(
Read this as a supplementary concept to this one
Yandere! Ennard with Darling realizing they aren't Michael
Supplementary Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Body horror, Disturbing descriptions, Clingy behavior, Isolation, Implied kidnapping, Blood, Vomit, Forced companionship.
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Let's be honest, at a certain point you can tell when Michael isn't Michael.
As his friend, you know him.
You've known his trauma and might have even been a childhood friend.
So when he disappears for a few days... and returns acting strange... you originally think maybe he's just sick or upset.
He doesn't seem to remember much about you... and while he looks like Michael for the most part...
It all feels too uncanny.
There's various issues going on that's described in the previous concept.
Multiple personalities, twitching, odd smells, purple skin, glowing eyes, mechanical whirring....
Ennard is unable to replicate Michael completely.
There's always something off.
It doesn't help that Ennard becomes obsessed... often stalking and visiting you in their tattered disguise.
Honestly, it won't take you long before you learn the truth.
You can figure it out yourself.
At first you had just been keeping an eye on Michael to make sure he was okay after his absence.
But now... as you notice the smell and uncanny nature... there's just no hiding it.
Ennard is aware of their time limit.
They just thought they'd have more time.
However, Ennard nearly freezes when you pull them aside.
They see the concern in your eyes, along with the fear when you're met with a glowing gaze.
"Michael... what's wrong?"
Ennard struggles with a response, doing their best to replicate Michael's speech once again.
"Nothing's wrong...?"
"Don't you dare lie to me!"
Ennard pauses at your sudden... assertive tone.
If they could sweat... they would.
"What do you mean?"
"You never went to the hospital to get checked, you don't seem right... and that smell! You smell like a... corpse."
Ennard twitches, making you jump a bit.
Corpse... you poor thing, too smart for your own good.
"... we thought we could enjoy you a little bit longer..."
"Michael" murmurs, looking saddened.
"We? What do you mean 'We'?"
"We aren't Michael... but we wish we were so we could stay."
Mechanical whirring echoes in the room as you notice Michael's purple skin tear.
You back up, nausea setting in as the smell gets worse.
Sickening snaps and rips echo in the room... blood pooling down and staining the... thing.
The sight makes you lurch over and vomit, the stress and smell squeezing your stomach in an uncomfortable vice.
Like some sort of stomach churning alien... Ennard emerges from the skin of your friend.
You nearly lose your stomach again as the mechanical beast stumbles forward... an amalgamated circus clown of robotic parts.
"We don't want to say goodbye..."
The robot murmurs sadly, stepping forward as you scramble to stay back.
"Maybe we don't have to...! Maybe you can stay...."
You go to try and leave, only for the mangle of parts to pounce.
Wires dig into your skin like claws... situating you in place like a trap.
Ennard's many mechanical eyes stare down at you.
They take in your scared expression and giggle.
"You're our friend now... we're so much better than Michael."
The robot coos towards you, grip tight and unrelenting.
"We'll be your friend forever... you just have to come with us."
You struggle the best you can, but the wires dig too deep.
"Your fear is funny... but don't be scared...."
You're walked towards the backdoor of your home, the robot giggling.
"We'll take you away... so It's just us and you! If you fight us..."
The robot hisses... turning you so you stare at their bloody face plates.
"We have other ways of keeping you with us forever..."
Your mind flashes to thoughts of Michael... and you learn it's better if you cooperate.
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