#that's so adorable I want to draw him in a sweater now oh no
madxyy · 6 months
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| pairing : peter x reader
| summary: your boyfriend comes home injured--as usual--late at night and you can't help but want him safe from his life as spider-man
| warnings: fluff, touching wrists (sigh, again), y/n used once, baby used, peter being cute and angsty as usual, reader also being cute, light angst
author's note: i am trying to write angst so bare with me lol
2 am. 
It’s always when you hear that faint knock on your window that makes all your worries wash away in a split second. But not today, no, today was different. You were waiting all night to hear that thud on the firescape or the cries of the window seal being opened. All night you were absorbed in your own anxieties and worries. Your hopes were dreading as time went by. You were getting scared for the local crime fighting hero and you did everything in your power to take your mind off it.
You really did. 
Drawing, watching tv, listening to music, cleaning the room—which was a bad idea as it just bought you a reminder of the boy who has your heart. You would stumble upon Peter's belongings that were scattered around your shared apartment like confetti: his engineering notes, his sweaters, his latest sketch of a brilliant idea he had to improve his spider-man suit. It only made your heart ache even more, longing for his presence and increasing your worries for your vigilante boyfriend. So you would take another route and try binge-watching a new season of a recent tv show you are watching, which would likely just be collecting dust in the column of ‘continue watching.’
Your mind keeps on going back to him. ‘He’s okay. He’s okay.’ You thought to yourself. ‘He’s coming back to me. He’ll be alright. He’s probably on his way right now. It’s just going to be a scratch, hopefully. He's going to be okay, right? Oh god. Oh god.’ 
As much as you love and adore that your boyfriend is helping the city and its people by saving anyone from another lab experiment gone wrong or from a dangling car that’s about to fall off a bridge, you can't help but wonder if he would ever take care of himself. It’s hard seeing him everytime he comes through your window with a new bruise on his keen jawline, a wound on his ribs, a scar on his hip. You couldn’t deal with it anymore. You wish he stopped just for his own safety. You know it’s selfish but is it so wrong to want him safe? Just the thought of turning on the news and seeing J. Jameson reporting: “Breaking News: Our local friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man reported dead by …” 
You want him back with you already, his arms wrapped around you, drowning you into his warm embrace, so distinctly Peter, while he whispers soft and reassuring words that always mend your heart. You long to hear his random facts about science, see his lopsided smile that always welcomes you back into reality whenever you wake up next to him each morning. You yearn for his contagious laugh that makes your heart throb in delight over the euphonious sound. You want to smile at the tics he does when he gets nervous or the way he avoids eye contact and scratches the back of his neck when he is stuck in an awkward situation. You want him to be back so you can smooch the newly embedded scars that are planted all over his body which you love kissing away everyday when he wakes up. You want to see his dimples that adorn his face when he smiles wide enough because he finally got his web shooters to work, followed by a triumph fist bump to the air. You want to see his eyes, oh his eyes: brown, soft, autumnal, brimming with love and warmth, despite the grief and cruelty he has been absorbed in. His scent, a mix of cedarwood and asphalt (due to his high-flying urban adventures). You want to see the way his hair sticks up in the morning whilst the sun gives it a mixture of honey and bronze aura, running your hands through the mused up tufts of hair, which always leads to the corners of his eyes crinkling up as a sleepy, boyish smile tugs up on his rosy lips. 
Selfish. You can’t help it. 
You waited as long as you could; staring at your window for who knows how long. Your eyes were trained on the window for a good while, but you couldn't help it, all this anxiety finally got to you and you were feeling drained and your posture slumps with exhaustion. Your eyes burn from keeping them open, and soon those same eyes start to slowly droop. Blinking back sleepiness proved futile; your head eventually settled onto the cool silk of your pillow. The material greets your cheek, making it easier for you to be welcomed into slumber. 
It was 4 am, yet your worries haven’t gone down at all. Your eyelids started to grow heavier, and darkness gradually enveloped your senses, until you heard a faint knock on your window, piercing the silence. 
Your heart leapt, and you twisted towards the sound. In an instant, sleep was gone.
Not even a second later you heard your window opening—mm the sound of the cries. Your tired, red eyes snapped open. You were met with a disheveled and drained Peter Parker. His hair sticking to the nape of his neck and forehead, sweat giving him a post-shower appearance. A large laceration marred his chest. Oh. Your stomach dropped, eyes widened with horror at the sight of the injury. It looked like he was scratched -- no, clawed by someone or something. With quick motion, you quickly peel away the sheets, disentangling yourself from its soft embrace, and quickly hurrying to his side.
“Peter” you gasped softly. A hand settles onto his latex-clad one, the other arm wrapping around his waist to support him as you guide both him towards your bed, placing him where you had lain just seconds before. “It’s not that bad, don’t worry about it, seriously, I mean you should see the o-” Peter quickly swallows his words upon seeing your stern glare. He slumps his head downwards as he sighs in defeat. 
You sigh, telling him quietly that you'll be back soon. You left him for a few moments before coming back with a wet rag. Gently, you tug at the suit, trying to cautiously take it off him without aggravating his wounds. Soon, you were met with his bare torso, which is marked with a huge claw mark. You mentally steel yourself before starting to lightly clean around the injury, dabbing the wet rag gently onto his toned chest as you avoid his eyes. It’s not like you were trying to make him feel bad, but you were also trying to cope with the situation. You don’t know if you were mad, relieved, sad, maybe all of the above? Uncertain emotions swirl within you, but one fact anchors your turbulent thoughts: he is here, safe, and alive. That's what truly matters.
Peter seems to catch your avoided gaze, he studies you for a few minutes. Biting the inside of his cheek as he purses his lips to the side, trying to figure out how to approach this situation. He takes in your furrowed eyebrows, the way you’re also biting the inside of your cheek as you put all your strength into avoiding his worried amber eyes. He knew the consequences of inviting someone into his dangerous life, it wasn’t exactly a warm and inviting embrace, nor was it appealing, but what he didn’t fully grasp is how it truly hurts you, in more ways than one.  “Y/N…” he whispered, rough hands that have been through so much and experienced so much, reaching for the comfort of your skin but you gently dodge his touch, leading to a sudden twinge of anguish in his heart. You give him a slight smile to distinguish any suspicion – I mean, you weren’t doing a good job at it – before you continued cleaning the dirt away from his injury. Peter’s eyebrows furrow while his lips start to droop downwards, a frown laid upon his lips at the rejection. 
Biting the inside of your cheek harder to stop the tears from flowing down the curve of your cheekbones. You keep on wiping his cuts clean, overs and overs again, getting flashbacks of his visits from the last time you had to patch him up. Blurred vision starts taking over your eyesight and all you can think about is his pain, what he goes through, his blood, the thought of losing him, life without him, the many ‘what ifs.’ The many times he almost visited death's door. You couldn’t keep it in anymore, it was like a burning sensation bubbling in the back of your throat, the sadness was too hard to keep buried down now. You started shaking and before you knew it your sobs filled the walls and all your fears were coming out of you in the form of a liquid pea that contained so much. As soon as the warm liquid left a path down the curve of your cheeks, peter panicked and rose to action just like the hero he is—your hero. 
Quickly sitting up and fixing his posture, which made him wince slightly from the injuries but he pushed through, his mind set on you and only you. He wipes the tear away with the pad of his thumb and takes the wet rag away from your slightly shaky grip; gently putting it on your nightstand before he lightly reaches both of his hands out and holds onto your wrists.
“I can't” You choke out a sob. 
“Hey shh it’s okay baby, what’s wrong? You can’t, what? Tell me,” He coos. 
He hunches down, trying to find those eyes of yours that he swears are otherworldly, but you just can’t. You can’t see him like this. Hurt. In pain. Suffering. It pains you that he is in this much pain -- you can’t. “Peter I just… ” he gently takes your face in his hand, caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs that are growing wet from your moist cheeks. His heart hurts from the sight of you crying, it conjures a deep-seated throb of pain in his eyes. “Look at me,” he whispers softly, gently nudging your head up with his right hand that is slowly descending down to grasp your chin as if you were a treasure, in a way you are, to peter you are his treasure, the main reason he even gets up or even tries, you are his rock, the only thing that makes sense in his life, and god does he love you, he loves you so much that his heart hurts. A quiet sigh escapes you, it sounds defeated. “Please,” He pleaded oh-so-gently, his gaze unwavering but patient. You sniffle before swallowing down a ball of saliva forming in your throat. As soon as you look up you are met with a pair of almond-shaped umber eyes that are filled with the utmost care, worry, and a hint of guilt. 
“Talk to me..” he whispers desperately, his heart crushing at the pain you are experiencing, he just wants to take it all away with his soft whispers but he knows they will be in vain. Shakingly exhaling “I can’t,” you frantically shake your head. “Please baby…” A few silent beats pass before you finally look back up to find those amber eyes looking back at you with nothing but worry and sincerity. 
You take a deep breath before swallowing deeply ”Peter...I just…” another beat passes. You take a sharp deep breath. “I just really wish you would take more care of yourself, I...I know you love saving people and fighting crime and trust me I love you deeply for that but you come home everyday with a new wound that’s even deadlier than the last one,” You pause, licking your salty lips. “aren’t you worried that maybe those people that you save won’t have anyone to save them if they’re local neighborhood spider-man won’t be there to save them anymore..?” You ask him, almost in a plea. Peter bites the inside of his cheek, thinking over your words with a solemn expression forming on his face that are littered in small cuts from his last escapades. He diverts his gaze to the floor and the room is quickly overcome with silence as he takes in your words, letting the heaviness of your words sink in.
The silence fills the room, it lets you both engulf into your own thoughts. Peter knew what it meant when he finally told you he was the unmasked superhero. He remembers spilling his deadly secret on a rooftop late at night, where you both were admiring the stars, laying on a blanket and talking about anything and everything. He remembers looking over at you and admiring the way the moon was cascading down on you, making you look even more angelic and completely ethereal. 
Peter looks at you hurt and guilty and god do you hate that. Both of you guys shared a gaze that held so much that it made the room feel denser as the distant sounds of ambulances filtered through the slightly open window. A breeze wafts in, brushes against you both, causing small goosebumps to prick up on your skin. Peter grew to learn from his past relationships and the impact it had on his partner knowing he was Spider-Man, which is why it hurts him to know he is the one making you feel like this. A calloused hand slowly creeps up, gently grasping your cheek with the utmost care, as if you were made of glass and he was scared of causing further harm. “I know, I know,” He murmurs, his voice breaking while his toughened fingers absentmindedly traces the curve of your cheek. “It’s just so hard to stop when I know I can make a difference.” 
You swallow the lump in your throat as his words sink in. Your heart breaks knowing how much his words are true and the scary reality that he won’t stop until crime is put to bed and everyone can roam around the streets freely. You shook your head, one hand gently grasping his wrist. “But at what price, Pete?” you ask ever-so-softly like the question itself was forbidden territory. Those eyes that he loves so deeply, look up into his eyes and it causes a gnawing feeling in his chest, almost making him wince from how hurt you look, how scared you look. Peter bites the inside of his cheek a bit harder while furrowing his brows, trying to think of what to tell you because he himself doesn’t know.
He takes a shaky breath, adjusting the grip on your face and slowly pulling your head a bit closer until both of your foreheads are resting against one another, a silent plea for understanding in his eyes. The brush of skin itself was tender-filled, telling a millions of words with just one movement. “I am just sick of all the crimes happening here and the cops not even doing anything about it.” Peter whispered, his voice a low blend of anger and helplessness. You could feel the raggedness of his breath, each exhale a testament to the battles he fought alone in the shadows of the city. The close proximity allowed you to see the subtle tension in his jaw, the way his eyes shuttered as if bracing against a storm of inner conflict. “Peter, I know you care – it’s one of the things I love about you,” you respond gently, reaching up to smooth a stray lock of hair from his clammy forehead. “But you can’t carry this burden alone. It’s too much for one person, even for Spider-Man.” Your voice was a soothing whisper, trying to pierce the armor of duty he wore so steadfastly.  
Peter simply nodded, the weight of the world momentarily lightened by your understanding. You saw the fortress around his heart crumbling, if only just a bit. His eyes, usually so vibrant and full of life, now shimmered with unshed tears, reflecting the constant battle between his duty and his love for you.
“I’m sorry…” Peter’s voice broke through the silence, each word heavy with remorse. He leans forwards, delicately kissing your forehead which grounds you and makes you close your eyes momentarily as you cherish the soft kiss that eases your heart just a bit. “I am sorry for not fully understanding what you are going through. I am so, so sorry,” He whispers into the dark night, the words flowing into the air as gently as ever. A few beats of silence pass while you take in his words. It gave your weary heart time to mend. Peter leaned back slightly so he could get a better look at you, his gaze locked with yours, conveying a depth of sincerity and vulnerability. “I’m truly, deeply, sorry” He whispers once more before he starts to softly press kisses underneath where your ear and jaw meet, your cheeks, forehead, nose, the wrinkles in the middle of your eyebrows, smoothing them out with the pad of his thumb, and finally kissing your lips, so delicately, it makes you want to cry even more. 
The kiss was so deliberate, it was a bundle of promises that his lips sealed to keep, an abundance of love, tenderness, deep affection and care that runs so deeply into his veins that it affects his touches and kisses, he can’t help but pour it all into the kiss, he just wanted you to know how sorry he is. He wanted you to know that he never meant to hurt you, whether it was indirect or direct. It makes your heart flutter and reassures your timid heart. Slowly one hand moves to cup the left side of your face as his other hand descends down towards the side of your neck as peter tastes the saline on your moist-tear lips, but even that doesn’t stop him from pressing gentle kisses against your lips, it only fuels his love, turning the kisses even more tender. Each kiss conveys a message of “I’m sorry, I love you, please know I love you.” You can taste the metallic on his lips as your lips were caressing his back as equally gently and lovingly, your kisses filled with a message of “It’s okay, I love you.” 
Peter slowly pulls back from the kiss, his mouth hovers over yours, his breath fanning over your lips, noses rubbing against each other in the tenderest manner ever. Both of your eyes were still closed, taking in everything, cherishing one another. His right hand moving back up to cradle your face, both hands cradling your cheeks and caressing them with the pad of his thumbs in a feather-like caress. You nuzzle your cheek against his right hand, feeling the rough and calloused palm that you grew to admire and adore. It always provided you with such care and comfort, always caressing or reaching out to gently touch you. Both of your hands now encircled around his wrist, caressing the inside of it so softly that it makes Peter almost melt.
Slowly, Peter opens his eyes. His amber gaze held nothing but love and the utmost care. Shortly after he opened his eyes, your eyes opened as well. Both of you search each other’s eyes as a white noise of admiration passes you both. After a moment of silent communion, the air between you both thickens with unspoken words and shared feelings, Peter finally speaks, his voice a soft murmur against the quiet room. “I can’t promise there won’t be more nights like this,” he says, his honesty laying bare the truth of both of your lives entwined with danger and uncertainty. “But I promise you, no matter how many crazy guys in suits I have to fight, I’ll always do my best to come back… to this, to us.”
This promise, simple yet profound, strikes a chord within you. It’s not a heroic declaration from Spider-Man, but a heartfelt vow from Peter Parker, the boy behind the mask, the one you fell in love with. His words acknowledge the reality of his life—danger is part of the package, yet he’s equally committed to your shared life, to you, and he isn’t going anywhere.
You feel a surge of mixed emotions: fear for the dangers he faces, gratitude for his honesty, and love for the person he is. “And I’ll be here,” you say, matching his tone with a blend of seriousness and affection, “not just to patch you up and be your personal nurse, but to love you.” The corners of his lips quirk up, his eyes twinkling with love as he takes in your words. He leans in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss on your forehead, a silent vow of his commitment. “Thank you,” he whispers, gratitude resonating in his voice, “for everything.”
“Of course,” You whispered. 
The two of you stay like that, embraced in the warmth of your love for one another, finding comfort in the silence that now speaks volumes. The world outside, with its chaos and challenges, seems momentarily distant as you both cherish this safe haven of understanding and love you’ve created together.
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annymation · 9 months
Reimagining the characters in Wish
(Part 5- The Goat)
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This will be the last one of these blogs about the characters. I was stalling on this one because honestly there’s really not much to Valentino in my rewrite.
Will his existence influence the plot tho? Yes, definitely way more than the movie Valentino did… Although that bar isn’t high.
So let’s go, animal companion time!
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- Valentino is a one month old baby goat, a little ball of energy, too pure for this world, doesn’t know basic math and we must protect him at all cost.
- His main gimmick is that he follows Asha EVERYWHERE to the point it’s comical, like, I didn’t write him much so far in my rewrite (we’re currently on chapter 3 and he was alive in only 2 of them, so no wonder) but even when I don’t mention him just assume, he’s there… All the time.
- He cares a lot about Asha and sees her as his mother, since well, she technically is, she took care of him all his life (a month).
Main Traits:
- Curious
- Loyal
- Silly
- Innocent
- Determined
(Because it wouldn’t be a rewrite of mine if the character didn’t have at least some angst, not even the 1 month old goat is safe from me)
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- A month before our story begins, Asha was drawing animals at one of the farms in the kingdom, to practice, when suddenly she heard a new born goat all alone.
- She asked the owners where his parents were at, and they explain they didn’t notice the little guy under the hay earlier, they sold their goats to be exported to a neighboring kingdom.
- Asha felt really sad for him, so she asked to buy him, the farmer said she could keep him for free, taking care of baby goats without a mama goat around was too much trouble anyway, Asha was basically doing them a favor.
- Valentino obviously doesn’t know all that, but even if you told him it’s not like he’d care, he sees Asha as his mama and that’s all that matters.
- He’s very thankful for her taking care of him, getting him a nice sweater and a cozy little bed… He wishes he could thank her.
Which leads us to:
This Book
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- So hear me out, there’s this kids book, “The Grateful Goat”, about Valentino, and it’s adorable, it’s my main inspiration for his rewrite.
- In this book we follow Valentino trying to communicate something to Asha and her friends, but they can’t understand him, since we’ll, he’s a goat.
- They try over and over to guess what he wants but nothing makes him stop bleating.
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- Then, once Star came down and granted his wish, it turns out all he wanted to say was “Thank you”
That’s cute, I like that.
- Imagine this, in my rewrite, once Aster does grant Valentino’s wish and makes him talk, it’s a cute scene of Valentino going like:
(And he sounds like a child by the way, because that’s how a baby goat should sound like DISNEY)
- Now, am I saying that Valentino is just gonna speak once to say thank you?… Kinda, but not quite.
- You see, Aster’s wish granting magic is only effective on you if you really really REAAALLY want it to be.
- As he makes animals in the forest talk for example, or brings the tress to life, they only remain like that as long as they really want to, and what do you know, turns out most trees are chill just being tress so his magic fades away from them in a short while.
- Valentino’s wish won’t be to permanently talk, he just wanted to thank Asha, so once he’s done doing that Aster’s magic fades away after a few hours.
-… However, some of Aster’s magic remains deep inside of Valentino, so if for whatever reason Valentino reeeeeally wants to communicate something… Something urgent perhaps… Then he regains the ability to speak.
- Not gonna lie, I’m really happy with this, because that just means I won’t have to come up with lines for him all the time, he’ll only speak when necessary.
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- It’s fine, I’m fine *breathes* we can fix him.
- First of all, he has horns, because believe it or not 1 month old goats already start showing their horns.
- Second, I debated a lot on this but we’re keeping the little sweater, yeah I’m surprised too, I hated it at first (still do hate it in the way that it is in the movie) but then I was informed it’s a reference to how Walt Disney used to put clothes on the animals of his family’s farm when he was a kid, and that’s the type of deep cut and cute reference I wish we had gotten more of.
- But the sweater won’t be so tight on him, like, let it be a little bit more loose, and maybe don’t cover his lower half.
- This concept art I used for the second chapter of my rewrite kinda illustrates it perfectly how I’d like him to be:
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- The fluffy tuff of hair, the big eyes, the long ears, the lil horns, it’s perfect, that’s it, that’s our boy. Tho I don’t imagine him being all white, lets say he has some brown spots.
Final Thoughts
This post actually made me really mad because I wrote it all once and it was perfect, but I forgot to save it before closing tumblr, so I lost it all, ughhh why don’t they have auto save on cellphones??
I have plenty of ideas on how to make him more plot relevant than he was in the Disney movie, he won’t be like THE MOST ESSENTIAL CHARACTER OF ALL, definitely not, but little things that he does move the story forward.
If my calculations are correct he’ll most likely be useful on chapter 4 of my rewrite (or chapter 5, cause like, I’m trying to make them a bit shorter)
Not gonna tell how he’s gonna be useful in the story tho cause I think it’s better as a surprise.
A bit of a quick tangent here, but have you guys ever noticed how some Disney animal companions are the opposite of their human friends?
Ariel is brave and curious - Flounder is a coward
Pocahontas is wise and calm - Meeko is a dummy and Flit has anger issues
Alladin is generous - Abu is a kleptomaniac
You get the idea.
We didn’t get that at all in the Wish movie.
I was trying to come up with ideas on how to make Valentino have an opposite trait compared to Asha, but I don’t really know how to incorporate that into the story, oh well, I might just figure out as I go.
Anyway, that’s our goat, hope you like him!
Thank You For Reading!
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sephtissss · 3 months
God was playing a prank on me when he decided I couldn’t draw bc why am I plagued with visions of feminine Neil AND I CAN’T SHARE IT????? Pls I have SPECIFICS.
The internet is talking about Neil again. He’s prone to scandal, but this time it’s not his fault. Conservative exy fans are PISSED bc he decides to grow out his hair past shoulder length and his face is just too pretty (This is canon) so with the long hair combo they think he looks too girly (and ofc Neil claps back with a long response on twitter that basically just says Fuck You but with a Kendrick diss track level of animosity). ANYHOO
One of his favorite fits rn are these oversized overalls that Renee bought but couldn’t fit. He wears them year round with a lose t-shirt on warm days and thick sweatshirts/sweaters on cold days. You’ll often see him around campus in these overalls with his hair down or maybe pulled half up.
And the VISION I had of Neil in 2 French braids that just reach his shoulders. Dan thought it would be fun to braid his hair since it’s gotten so long and Neil genuinely loves the braids and refused to take them out. He looks adorable in his sweatshirt just chilling in the lounge after practice.
Allison teaches him how to do makeup and at first Neil finds it a pointless hassle and quickly decides he doesn’t want to waste time hiding his scars. But the eye makeup was kinda fun and he found he liked playing with the colors and glitter. And he always liked when Andrew wore eyeliner when they go to Edens so he wouldn’t mind putting on some quick makeup when he feels like it. Sometimes it completes the look :)
During after game interviews, Neil has his hair pulled up in a ponytail and he’s wearing his bandana but he still manages to get long strands of hair plastered to his face with sweat and its not not a good look…
Occasionally people spot him on the street during his runs in his usual atrocious running shorts and hair pulled back or walking casually, hair in a bun and his shorts and baggy tee combo (Neil is LUCKY those big ass jorts are trending). One day he sticks a pencil in his bun and forgets about it all day and it kinda slayed.
At banquets and formal interviews/events, Neil likes playing with makeup and wearing loose flowy pants that, when he stands with his legs together, look like a skirt.
Dan and Matt have gifted him a lot of jewelry over the years, so now Neil has a collection of rings and necklaces that he wears occasionally. He likes the look of them but they do tend to bother him if he wears them for too long. They tend to be reserved for Edens or banquets.
Andrew is getting gayer every day but he’s lowkey part of the problem. He studies Neil’s new style and buys him SO much clothes. That man spoils his not-boyfriend so much. He’ll be at Target buying like batteries or smth and then randomly come across pretty hair clips or some pants he knows Neil will love. Oh he’s definitely responsible for Neil’s entire shoe collection bc that man would wear the same ratty old sneakers every day if it weren’t for the red converse and doc martens that Andrew bought him.
Anyhoo, that’s pretty much it. It’s been almost 2 years since he’s been on the run and Neil’s realizing what his style really is. Clothes have no gender, he likes the look of his long hair (which is very different from his dad’s hair), and he’ll wear whatever the fuck he wants thank you very much.
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ryusuisloveinterest · 11 months
Hiiiii!! Hi enjoyed the domestic headcanon very much!! Could you write what would be a date with husband!Ryusui please ? I just love him so much he’s my n°1 anime crush🤭.
Welcome back girlypop! I understand i love love Ryusui❤️ i assumed you wanted a drabble so that’s what I wrote. It’s kinda long but I hope you like it 💕
A date with your husband, Ryusui
It’s a good thing you aren’t claustrophobic, because the amount of people surrounding you right now is absurd. Makeup artist grabbing your face, tailors finishing sewing the dress/suit you’re already wearing, and hair stylist yanking and putting up your hair. You were used to it at this point, after all you had been modeling for years now. I’m fact it’s exactly how you met your husband, Ryusui. Right before the petrification of everyone in the world, the Nanami Conglomerate wanted to venture out and produce things besides ships. They started producing jewelry, perfumes and colognes, even kitchen utensils. But when they starting making clothes, that’s when you were called in. Very soon, you were one of the Nanami Conglomerates top models. There was photo shoot where you had to showcase watches; you were told you’d get a partner to pose with, but you didn’t think it be the heir of the Nanami Conglomerate himself. Safe to say you both adored each other. Even after everyone was petrified, you two thought about each other, and when Ryusui was revived, he wouldn’t dare do a thing without you by his side. After all the work and finding out who the Medusa really was, he bent down on one knee and asked to you to be his forever and in return he would be yours. It’s been a few years since that fateful day, having been married for two of them. 
You take one final breath before stepping out on the runway, everyone clapping and cameras flashing. There’s one distinct voice that sticks out above the rest… “(Y/n)! Over here! You look so beautiful my amazing wife/husband/partner! “ You can see the people around him get annoyed (especially the photographers) but he could care less. Right now all he wants to do is support his partner
After the runway, and the close up photos, AND the after party, you sit in the back seat of a limousine with Ryusui with socks and sandals, one of his sweaters, and some sweatpants. You lean onto his shoulder, exhausted from the hectic day. “You did amazing love! That’s no surprise though, you’ve been this good from the first time I met you.” You softly smile, his words never stopped making your heart flutter. “Thank you darling…” you whisper back. “Why don’t you get some rest for a while? We’ll be home shortly.” You nod and take a short nap, falling asleep to the sound of his breath. 
A few minutes pass when Ryusui wakes you up. As your eyes flutter open you can tell you’re not at home, but you know exactly where you are. Ryusui opens the door for you helping you out of the limo. You follow him into the woods, leading to a small picnic on the edge of a cliff. It hasn’t changed since he proposed to you. There were small candles glowing, flowers placed on the ground, and a small speaker with your favorite music playing. “What’s all this for love?” You question to him. He laughs, “Do you not know the date today?” The date? It’s just November 17….oh shit. “Oh my gosh, Ryusui I’m so sorry it just slipped my mind!” How could you forget your anniversary?? Ryusui treats you like a queen every day and you didn’t even remember to get him a gift for your anniversary? “Please forgive me Ryusui! I can’t believe I forgot! With the rehearsals and the fittings and-“ Ryusui laughs even louder this time. “You think I’m upset? Dear I know how busy you’ve been this month, I see how tired you are when you get home. I haven’t even seen you draw I’m forever!” You smile at him, how were you so lucky? “Come love, let me spoil you.” He helps you sit down, opening the picnic basket with your favorite foods and treats. You sit together for what feels like hours and enjoying each other’s company. You shared kiss after kiss, on your lips, on your cheeks, your nose your neck. The wine bottle and grapes are finished along with the snacks sandwiches. As your laughter dies, you can hear one of your favorite songs, the first song you and Ryusui danced to when you were married. “Do you hear you the song darling?” You ask him. “How could I not? It’s the song that reminds me of you.” He stands, offering his hand. You take it as he lifts you gently. One hand holds your hand and his other on you waist; your hand on his shoulder. Your bodies touch as you two dance, your head leans on his chest, his heart acting as the best melody. “Happy anniversary Ryusui…” you whisper to him, kissing his chest. “Happy anniversary (y/n), I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know.”
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Buy It [Nanami Kento]
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an: inspired by some feels I had earlier and fantasy shopping is definitely something that I personally indulge in.
prompt: your husband doesn't know how to lift your bad mood, however, he manages to do so just by being him...
pairing: Nanami Kento x female reader (established relationship)
warnings: none, SFW with a hint of suggestion at the end, fluff so sweet it'll hurt your teeth, idiots in love, a tiny bit of angst and worry but like only if you squint, Kento being the best damn husband
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Your husband Nanami knows you’ve had a hellish week. He had listened to your complaints about work and your concerns about the boss that he’d love to give a piece of his mind to, but won’t because you’d be upset.
Kento hated seeing you like this, in fact, he detests it, abhors it. There aren’t words emphatic enough to describe exactly how it makes him boil inside. Calm as ever on the surface, yet worry gnawed at his stomach like a pit of furious vipers.
He missed your easy smiles, now replaced with tight, forced ones like you’re trying to convince him you’re okay when that’s far from the truth. He missed your laughter, the way you think it’s funny to tell him the worst jokes imaginable and when he only rolls his eyes or groans in response, you fall into hysterics.
Now, you’re quiet. Too quiet and he wanted to draw you out of that pretty head that worries too much and overthinks things a little too much.
Nanami had considered several options but each he discarded for one reason or another. He spent large stretches of his time on the job thinking up ways to cheer you up but he could never know that what he was about to do on a whim would be more than enough to brighten your day and mood.
He found you in the bedroom, sprawled sideways across the mammoth bed and still wearing your cute pink pyjamas even though it was the middle of the day. Sighing softly, he tiptoed quietly until he could sprawl atop your body.
His weight remained braced on his wrists and knees but he sank enough that you could feel him pressed along your back like a personal comforter.
“What are you up to, dearest?”
You hummed in quiet appreciation for the gentle kisses on your shoulder, the way he was asking for permission to look at your laptop screen rather than just doing so and you couldn’t love him more.
Kento made you feel loved with everything he did, his every action and word was to ensure your happiness and at times you didn’t feel worthy of him. This was one such moment and you debated on closing the browsing window and feigning innocence, but he didn’t deserve evasion.
“Oh. Nothing really, just having a look at some clothing stores online. Did you want to get out for some fresh air?” It wasn’t so bad telling the truth, even if you did deflect it by trying to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Show me.”
It was a demand. Calm and patient but not to be ignored. For a second you admired that he was maintaining a press up position above you and for such a long time, your man was strong and you knew that fact very well.
The shopping cart popped up and you sensed Kento eyeing it with curiosity. It had only meant to be some fantasy shopping; pretty dresses, sweaters, skirts and at least a dozen or more different lingerie sets. They ranged from demure and virginal to raunchy and debauched. You hadn’t planned on buying any of it, it was simply something you did to make yourself feel better. An indulgence that you had participated in many times in the past.
“Buy it,” Kento stated, his breath warm on your neck and his lips finding your pulse point, “I want to see you in every piece. Get next day delivery too and don’t protest.”
He knew you too well, your lips already parted to tell him this was foolish and unnecessary, but he was hearing none of it.
Perhaps he didn’t know it but this one act of adoration made your entire week. To feel so cherished and most importantly - wanted - was more than enough to drive away your bad mood.
You did buy it all, you did get express shipping and you did go out for a walk. It felt refreshing, a heavy burden lifted from your shoulders by your loving and ever-thoughtful husband.
And you did wear every piece, although it was over the course of many days. Each outfit elicited new and differing reactions from Kento but each of them had you seeing heaven in one way or another.
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cherry-pop-elf · 8 months
George Weasley x Reader
Inspired by a birthday drawing @mortimerdreadnaught drew for me. Love you Mi Familia!
Warnings: Fluff fluff fluff and more fluff. It’s an Aquarium Date that’s very self indulgent, and an excuse to blorb about fish. Along with domestic moments of a disabled person. So reader is gonna be crazy about fish, and George is gonna be his dang self. My Birthday, my rules.
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“You’ll love it-!” You nearly squealed, as you were dragging your boyfriend towards the building. You couldn’t believe your boyfriend had never been to an aquarium before. Then again, you both kinda had a lake with merfolk and giant squids. That kinda pales in comparison. Somewhat. You had a passion for fish, and you needed to share it.
“I trust you-! I trust you-!” He laughed, as he would follow you. It would be nice to just spend a day with you. Along with explore the muggle lands. His father really showed them the beauty of muggles, even at a young age. Now, he had a brilliant excuse. Just a day with you, at one of these aquarium things.
“You’ll love it love it love it-“ You keep beaming, as you would guide him into the large building. Just so excited to share it with him. You figured it could be very therapeutic as well. Ever since the war, after all, he’s had some issues. PTSD, losing part of his hearing, it just takes a toll. Some fish could be comforting. Just a pair of sweethearts, in cozy sweaters, enjoying some fish.
“Oh where to go first? Oh so many places-!” You were just so hyper. How could you not be? It’s the AQUARIUM?! Course, they wouldn’t have fantasy creatures you’ve come to adore. Thank you Hagrid. Doesn’t make it any less fun. The icing on top was the fact you’ll be showing your wizard boyfriend it.
“You are so infectious-!” George laughed, as his arms were soon around you. His working ear pressed against your cheek, as if to hear more of your giggles of excitment. To just be engulfed by your laughter. He just adored you, and loved to see you so excited to show him around. Fred was handling the shop just fine, with Angelina. It’s about time he took some date nights with you.
“Let’s just let our feet guide us.” You figured, as you happily held his hand. Making sure to be on his right side, to make it easier to hear you. With that situated, you two went on your adventure. You would gently guide him around, as you were quick to make off any fish you saw. From the tanks, to the tunnels.
The tunnels were where you two stopped, properly. The two of you sitting on a bench, and just looking up. Utterly enchanted by the many fish swimming by. From the sharks, to the sea turtles. It was so magical, in its own way. George was quick to see why you liked it so much. Just wish the place wasn’t so loud. It’s hard to hear.
You didn’t need to hear him say that, to know he was thinking about that. It’s frustrating for him. Losing part of his hearing, but you did what you could. Such as picking up BSL. You didn’t master it, given you need to learn from someone else who uses it, but you’ve learned small things. You wanted it to be a surprise after all.
You would poke his shoulder, to get his attention, and he looked to you. With a smile, you made an attempt. <SHARKS> You signed, making his eyes light up. “Sharks. Yeah-! Not bad-!” He beamed, as he ruffled your head. He truly looked so proud, and touched, because he was. You may not know alot of Sign, but the heart counts.
It was a fun little game, you two were sharing. He would point to a fish, and you would try and sign it. If not the name, you tried to use the alphabet to spell it out. Slow, but it still gets the message across. It was a really fun way to practice, and it gave George kinda a break with his brain. To not focus so much on what he can’t hear and just on you. How your own eyes lit up, when you translated something correctly.
“My fingers are getting tired-“ You whined, as you thumped your head on his shoulder. “Alright alright. You did amazing.” He would praise, as he kissed the top of your head. Your tired fingers tangled in his hard working ones. Just sharing in the beautiful lighting.
“Muggles sure are something-“ He muttered, trying to whisper against the noise. “Yeah. It’s so beautiful.” You sighed, as you nuzzled into him. Just cuddling, as you both watched the fish swim by. It could have been a few minutes, or a few hours. It was hard to tell. You both just knew it was peaceful.
“Maybe we should get some fish of our own-?” He offered, as that had you beaming. That sounded so wonderful. “Oh yes. But we need to make sure the tank is big. No goldfish bowls. Those are so bad. We will also need to make sure there is plenty of fauna. And then-“ You rambled on.
He would listen, as best as he could, as he watched you go on about the proper ways to care for the fish. He knew he could trust you on making sure you always had it all written down. He knew he couldn’t always hear what people say, but he could trust that you would make sure he did. It’s hard, but you made it easier.
“And then there is the matter of temperature. Are we going for tropical? If so-“ And on you went, and he watched. Enjoying it all. Just holding your hand, smiling, as you were just this angel under the ripples of water. How the excitement seemed to glow, whenever a shadow passed you by. He hasn’t felt this relaxed in ages.
“Let’s make this a thing.” You heard him cut in. “The tank-?” You puzzled. “Maybe that, but also this.” He would then motion around you. “This is really nice.” He added, as he rested his head on you again. Able to hear your heart beat, and fine it soothing.
“I would love that. I hoped you would enjoy it. Water is very therapeutic. Seems even to the likes of you, Mr. Arsonist~” You tease, as you kissed his head. Enjoying the scent of his hair. Always smelling like sweets and fire. That was your Georgie. A sweet heart, with fire in his soul.
“Really is. There is just something about it. Kinda gave me an idea for a new invention-“ He made sure to say vaguely, to not alarm anyone around him. “I’ve already got this concept ready. I’m thinking-“ And it was his turn to start rambling. You would listen, as you nearly snuggled into his lap.
The water truly did hold some healing. Maybe there might be more magic here than you expected. Maybe that’s just what you get for falling in love with a wizard. Who knows. You just knew that your boyfriend was finally relaxing. Something he really needed. PTSD is hard. You couldn’t be happier that your own passion was helping.
“Like it-?” He asked, and you nodded. “It’ll be a perfect sell for summer break.” You encouraged, as that had him give that adorable Weasley smile. Crooked, and just making his freckles sparkle like stars. All the more a glow, under the water lighting. Just this fire under the moon, in a sense.
“About time you took some mental health days.” You would keep teasing, as he rolled his eyes. Didn’t stop him from having his arm around you, and planting another kiss to your cheek. “Suppose a few can’t hurt. Long as I got you.” He would flirt, as you blushed.
“Someone needs to teach you about the fish.” You joked, as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “You want to hear more-?” You would puzzle, before he gave a little nod. Just staring at you with such fascination. Just like how he did, whenever Fred came up with a new idea.
“Well…..Sharks can actually grow pretty small-“ You begin, as you two remained there. Right on the bench. Able to spend hours there. Watching, learning, and being so happily in love. It was a nice break from it all. Just helping each other, in each others own way.
You were helping him with this new outlet. A nice place to unwind, turn his brain off, yet also be inspired. To enjoy the calm of the water, and explore new worlds. To pet manta rays, learn about muggle science, and just be engulfed by something so new.
That, by proxy, was so soothing to you. To share something you loved and adored so much. To know your passions made him calm and happy. That it was helping his trauma, and you two can rest a little easier. To leave with a new fond memory. And, of course, an underwater plushie for your bed.
It was just perfect, and many more would be shared. Even as you two laid in bed together, with the newest member of the pillow paradise, you two were still in awe. You were unable to stop with your random fish facts, and he was unable to stop questioning.
You didn’t know when you fell asleep, and you didn’t care. You were snuggled with your boyfriend, and dreaming of fish. He himself was dreaming of them all the same, as he would rub your back. The two of you just able to finally get some needed rest.
Oh you just couldn’t wait until next week. To be able to relax, and unwind with the world. So full of underwater beauty. To just share more of what you love, with who you love. Simply a slice of heaven, with your angel. Together, on a new path of healing. What more could a wizard want? Just fish, and sanctuary.
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trashybasket · 12 days
Cozy embrace🎃☕
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Since nobody is using this gif in the realm of him needing to be held I will so I present my first fic on here!! (This will be about Cillian because I haven't finished peaky blinders yet and don't want to butcher his character!)
It was a late fall afternoon chilly but not quite cold Cillian was on his way home after shooting he had been away for months leaving his girlfriend at home to roam by herself once he'd arrived outside their beautiful home he'd realized y/n had decorated the outside while he was away he'd remembered her saying over the phone how she wanted to decorate but wanted to do the inside of the home with him so it seemed she'd kept her word he smiled and laughed slightly at the thought of his adorable girlfriend getting frustrated trying to reach to put up the higher decorations he shook his head and began opening the door getting smacked in the face with the smell of their favorite fall candle burning walking in setting down his bags in search of y/n oh how he'd missed her missed holding her and being held God how he missed how her arms would hold him so close to her it made him feel safe like nothing else even mattered but it also allowed great view of her boobs which he loved but that's not what was important right now what was important was the stunning woman laying on his couch in their shared home with nothing but a cozy sweater he's pretty sure she stole from him and blanket covering her legs all the while reading a book listening to music in her own little world he walked over to her after kicking off his shoes immediately going to give her a kiss on the head and say hello "Oh my gosh your home! I missed you so much!" Y/n brimming with excitement to finally see that handsome face of his in person after all this time giving him a peck on the lips holding his face in her hands Cillian's facial expression gave it away that he wasn't to energized and didn't want to talk looking at his sad tired blue eyes and seeing sleep trying to take hold she said "You must be pretty tired huh? I'm assuming shooting was very taxing this time around?" "Yeah it was a lot to handle I mean it was great but there were so many interviews then workouts and reshoot after reshoot because we couldn't get the scenes just right... I just missed you a lot sweetheart I couldn't wait too come home and be with you even if it's only for a week till they need me again I just wanted to be home with you" Cillian said crouching down to hold onto her looking into her beautiful eyes he could get lost in there so full of adoration for him so filled with the warmth of her love for him he loved it so much Y/n spoke breaking his concentration "well get up here love and we can just hold each other and chat or just lay here whatever you prefer my love" she said grabbing his hand rubbing her fingers over his knuckles soothingly giving trailing kisses all the way to his jaw she loved him loved being able to care for him how he cared for her without it being awkward no tension of any kind just love and warmth in the safety of their shared home so when he silently stared climbing on the couch to lay on top of her and rest his head on what he called the best pillows ever and she wrapped her arms around him one on his back drawing shapes into it soothingly and the other hidden in his hair he looked up at her somehow saying everything yet nothing at the same time "I love you Y/n" "I love you too Cilly" he smiled softly shoving his face back into her sweater "But we are decorating this house tomorrow it's so... Bland" He laughed into her chest allowing her to feel every small giggle "Whatever you say sweetheart as long as it's with you I don't care" This time she's the one who smiled feeling content with life closing her eyes along with her boyfriend to just enjoy each others presence
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hazgoldenstyles · 1 year
In a quiet, empty bakery, there he sits sipping his strawberry tea while humming a tune of Mac DeMarco. While His soft humming gets interrupted by the clock striking twelve, he gets startled by the slightly loud noise causing his tea to spill a bit on his chin.
“Oh goody, I guess I better get outta here”, he says wiping his chin while quickly standing. He leaves a good amount of cash by his receipt and draws a sloppy flower while saying his goodbyes to the last workers on shift.
Harry has had his fair share of women in his life. So his experience was lets just say… pretty good. He’s always been really shy and sweet but the upmost caring person to anybody, even if he didn’t know them.
Most of the women in his life knew his needs and knew how fragile he was but always found a way to take advantage of him. But Harry didn’t like being alone, so he suffered with the mistreatment while also doing things that he didn’t like so much.
But Harry is a vampire.
A sweet soft one at that.
The 27 year old loves marshmallows and strawberry tea… quite weird right.
But right now he’s thinking about someone who can fulfill his needs, but also want him for who he is.
He walks down the street in his baby pink jumper and cream slacks on his way home.
While he’s walking he sees a girl sitting all alone on a bench with pretty arm warmers on.
Oh those look so fuzzy and warm Harry thinks to himself, I should go tell her.
Harry makes his way over to the girl nervously playing with the edges of his jumper and mutters out, “ex- excuse me”
The girl whips her head up and smiles, mostly because of how adorable and shy he looks. She tucks a curly strand behind her ear.
“Oh, yes” she responds.
Harry smiles a bit while rocking on the balls of his feet, “I really like your jumper, I- I think its really pretty.”
The girl smiles softly at the nervous boy, “why thank you, I love yours as well” she compliments. Staring at how the boy bashfully smiles at the ground.
“Th-thanks. My mumma got it for me back in England” he responds, looking around at his surroundings forgetting that its quite dark out and he’s just talking to a random girl while he should be on his way home. But Harry barely talks to people, so while he’s worrying, he secretly basks in it.
Not knowing how to exit the conversation with a pretty girl thats making him oh so nervous and giddy he says, “uhm okay… byeeee” he darts his eyes around while quickly making eye contact. He waves his fingers that she notices are painted a soft pink.
She smiles at that. How adorable can he get
In her own headspace forgetting that he bid her a goodbye, she sees him already a ways down the sidewalk.
Hopefully she sees him again.
Sunday morning Honie walks down the street on her way to Pinkys Cafe. A quaint, cute little cafe that one of her friends recommended to her.
While she’s walking, she hears some tussling and loud voices so her interest won her over. She follows the sound to see what’s going on.
Oh lord please don’t let it be nothing too bad she says to herself.
The noise trails to a group of guys surrounded by some boy in a all blue crewneck with fuzzy sleev-
That’s the boy who complimented her a few days ago.
Immediately she rushes over trying to help ease the situation and try to get the sweet shy boy somewhere she knows is comfortable.
She walks closer to the scene with rage in her eyes, “HEY” she yells.
The group of men quickly look up and scurries off, most likely not wanting to get into any legal trouble knowing she was bound to call the police.
She wastes no time in consoling the shaking, whimpering Harry. He put his sweater paws on his eyes to control his emotions, laying his head on the pretty lady’s shoulder.
“I was j-just trying t-to g-get to work… but I s-saw them so I didn’t l-know what to d-do” he stutters in vulnerability, tears falling down his soft rosy cheeks.
How could someone be so mean to this poor angel.
She looks at him with sadness and has the perfect idea.
“Oh no, hey hey, none of that now you’re too pretty to cry you know.” She says softly with a smile on her face. He looks at her with nervousness but with a small shy smile.
He looks down playing with his flower ring anxiously, remembering what just happened. “I was actually about to go get some tea if you wanted to come with?” She questions softly.
He looks up and nods his head with misty eyes, “yes please. I think that would make me feel better”
She smiles at him fondly and holds her arm out for him to latch onto. He loops his around softly snd cautiously, darting his eyes around so he doesn’t have to make eye contact and says, “okay, I’m ready for some some tea. I-Ive been craving it since yesterday” he says shyly while walking.
“Well lets go get your tea sweet boy”
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A/N- hi guys! I hope you like the first part to this series!! Give me feedback please, it really helps me and build my motivation to have the second part out faster than the original set date. Also, tell me your theories and what you think may happen in the future, it’ll be greatly appreciated. Thank you my bleu babiessss 🤍
Baby Blue Blood Masterlist
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fragileizywriting · 11 months
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Day 1: Coming Untouched
“Come in your pants like a good boy.”
“I would rather die,” Adrien bites back, quite plainly, face flat and dull, from across the living room.
It takes a Herculean effort to not roll her eyes. He’s being a bit of a brat about it, something about how his slacks take such a long time to come back from the dry-cleaners, something about who-knows-what, because she’s not paying attention. Who cares? That thing doesn’t even matter anymore, not really, because she has enough magic to make it disappear if she wants. Hell, if he’s really that concerned, she’ll suck the come right off the fabric itself, but he’ll probably complain about that, too. Something about it being gross.
God. She just can’t win.
So she twirls her finger around, just snagging his orgasm like she’s threading her hand through a taut string. With it, Adrien’s face cracks just a bit, showing the inescapable stress on his face, wheezing in arousal. His face is flushed darker than night, green eyes screwed shut when he lets out a shaking breath. That cock of his is hard. His abs might be harder. Maybe. He’s squeezing his own muscles in an attempt not to give into her, because, again, the pants, but it’s a losing battle. She has enough stamina to keep wrapping her magic all around him until he’s cocooned, looking up from her sketchbook as she doodles and draws and focuses on a round of anatomy— he’s on the other side of the living room, far enough to theoretically escape her grasp, but he should know better by now.
That’s what he gets for feeding her his magic for two years. And isn’t it just a perfect return gift? She’s always been so thoughtful, always so caring to reciprocate.
“Why now?” he hisses out.
She leans into her palms, chin right on the flesh of her hands, never once letting her forefinger curl on her cheek. “Oh. Huh. I’m not really sure, but you look just so cute today.”
Maybe she’s biased. There’s something so attractive about him when he’s absolutely minding his own business, which usually is practically never, but recently the dynamic in the house has changed. He minds his own business, nowadays. He knows better. Luka has taught him to relax. All he was doing was reading a book, curled up on the couch, cozied up next to the table lamp to see the words on the page. That was it. That was all. But she’d fallen for those expressive lips, peering over her sketchbook as she did her studies of him, following the contour of his nose… and here they are now, her toying with his arousal because she likes the way his lashes flutter like a Princess, expensive slacks tenting with an impressive dick.
“All I’m doing is reading.”
“I know! But in a cute way.” The taste of his orgasm is lingering in the air. “You’re like my very own little nerd, so cute and so adorable, I can’t help it. You look so innocent when you’re reading your books with your little sweater vests. So helpless. I can’t stop myself.”
“Please…” Oh, begging, this is her favorite part. He looks ashamed, though, looking down at his lap. “Don’t make me ruin my pants…”
“I’ll clean it for you.”
“You hate doing laundry.”
“No more than you.” Checkmate! “I’ll suck you off straight through your slacks,” she replies with a shrug, and a grunt comes out of him like he’s exhausted already.
He whines. “What if we… didn’t make me come today? Give my balls a break?”
Ever since Luka’s felt awake enough to exist, to be part of the relationship in a more active way than passive, he’s made Adrien’s life living Hell. Both of their lives. How many times has she walked in on them both going at it, Adrien’s face pressed into the mountain of pillows in the bedroom, getting the life pounded out of him? How many times has Luka snatched her, grabbed her chin and helped her open her mouth until the root of his dick was right behind her fangs? Even as her eyes had teared up, Luka had sighed in relief, thankful for some help relieving what he claimed to be one of the worst erections in his entire life, using her throat and lips like a vacuum seal. 
The orgasm had been worth it. Delicious.
The lack of voice hadn’t. Kind of hard to do anything without it.
Every time Adrien is done getting wrecked, she helps him get back to health. Usually, it’s by having him cuddle up with her as she smooths out her magic inside of him to fix anything that hurt or tear; their boyfriend loves it rough, loves it hard, loves making them scream whenever they can. Her approach differs sometimes. Adrien’s temple finds her chest, and the poor thing dozes against her breast. She’s fond of it. It’s cute. He finds her too soft.
“What was that? Something about coming until your balls break?”
“Don’t you dare—” It’s not really a scream that follows, but it’s a noise, and she loves it. A yelp. A surrender. A mewl. Adrien manages to drop his book onto the couch, frustration beading at the corners of his eyes, golden-brown hands turning white when he fists them, just doing his best to weather through it as she tightens the coil of his orgasm around her finger. Oh, demons are just so fun to manipulate. Large hands touch his abs, down to his belt, and he fumbles with the opening, trying to give him reprieve. “M-Marinette, Lord, please—”
“Poor Adrien Agreste, can’t even fight back a poor little succubus’s spell!”
“I could, back when you were weaker—”
“But now you’ve fed me too much and now I’m not weak anymore.”
“If I knew you’d get this strong, maybe I wouldn’t have been so— hnmnh— enthusiastic to feed you on the regular.”
“Awh, don’t be mean. I’m giving your ass a break!” Literally. He’s been complaining about the discomfort for a few days now, how raw he feels from how much he’s gotten pounded. Luka doesn’t play nice. She didn’t either, because succubus, and also because she’s hungry, always, forever, whatever, but she’s been laying low for a while. Double teaming Adrien on the daily is no good for his sanity, even if he’s a young demon who heals nearly instantly. Plus, it isn’t as fun if he gets used to it.
She wants him to like getting numb with pleasure.
Not indifferent.
Also, raw skin starting to blister is not sexy at all.
“My balls also need a chance to rest! I haven’t stopped coming—”
“I know,” she sighs, all decadent, all excited, and no one can blame her when she bats her tail lazily and happily. Who would even want to make her unhappy? “Every day is a gift!” she chitters. “I’m getting protein shakes every day, I’m so lucky.”
“Please, please, please.”
“Just once for me, Baby. You won’t even feel it. A little one. A tiny one. A micro one. Just something to take the edge off.” She pouts when he doesn’t give in. “Won’t it be nice when this stops hurting?”
“You should hump the air. Thinking about me being in your lap? Hm? Or are you thinking about Luka easing you wide open?” A waggle of her brows to really sell the story, and her grin blossoms wide open when his hips move, as if he’s giving in. “Just like that! What a good boy!”
“I’m going to die.”
“Oh, please. You wish. You’ve done this plenty of times before, you can do it!” It’s going to be such a delicious snack when he’s done. “Do it and I’ll leave you alone. Just keep thinking about me squeezing your dick with my throat and come, Kitty-cat.”
Pointer finger and thumb meet, and with it, she pulls like she’s ripping the orgasm thread right off of him.
Adrien comes inside his slacks, shuddering out a pathetic, wet grunt, embarrassment burning his dark skin red.
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stargazer-sims · 2 years
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Eden: Cute sweater.
Haru: Thanks. It's my grandmother's.
Eden: You took your grandmother’s sweater?
Haru: Yeah, but she knows I have it. I like wearing it because it makes me feel close to her when I’m not with her. Weird, I know, but sometimes I just want to go home when I know I can’t, and this helps a little.
Eden: I don’t think it’s weird. It kinda makes me wish I’d brought something of my parents’ with me. I’m a lot farther away from home than you are, and I don’t know when I’m going to see my family next.
Haru: Oh. Sorry.
Eden: No, it’s okay. I knew it’d be like this when Charlie and I left. And I’m glad you can still see your family often, even if it’s not as often as you’d like.
Haru: If I had my way, I’d still be living with them. But, actually, if we're talking about literally seeing them, there's always video chats, and I can see my grandfather every evening during the week if I want to. Not in person, but I can watch him on TV.
Eden: Your grandfather is on TV?
Haru: Yeah. You’ve probably seen him too, if you ever watch the news on NHK.
Eden: Wait… Abe Sakuma, right? Same family name as you. I’ve seen him before, but I never made the connection.
Haru: You wouldn’t have any reason to until now.
Eden: So, your grandfather is famous too. No wonder you’re so comfortable with the spotlight. It’s kind of normal for you, isn’t it?
Haru: I guess you could say that. My grandmother says we’re both show-offs. I like to think of it as charisma and like, a talent for drawing attention to ourselves.
Eden: Some people might argue that consistently drawing attention to yourself isn’t a good thing.
Haru: Only if it’s the wrong kind of attention. Like, let’s say you’re trying to get attention from a cute boy. It’s not bad then, right?
Eden: Subtlety’s not one of your strengths, is it?
Haru: I don’t need subtlety. I’m sexy, rich and famous.
Eden: *laughing*
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Haru: *yawning* I don’t know about you, but soaking in the bath made me sleepy.
Eden: As I was saying about your lack of subtlety…
Haru: Yeah, but sexy, rich and famous, remember?
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Eden: Are you really sleepy?
Haru: Not really. I just want to cuddle.
Eden: You should’ve said so in the first place.
Haru: But, wouldn’t that be a complete lack of subtlety? Wouldn’t you prefer me to try, at least?
Eden: Your attempts are adorable, even if they’re hilarious, so yeah. I guess I would.
Haru: Adorable. Can you say that again, please?
Eden: You’re adorable, Haru.
Haru: Thank you. I already love hearing that from you.
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Eden: I wonder where everyone else is? We haven’t seen anyone since we finished eating and said we were going to the bath.
Haru: Do you want them around? I’m fine with being alone with you.
Eden: I’m happy to be alone with you too. I just thought it’d be… I don’t know. Busier around here.
Haru: Usually it is. Senjirō and Keigo are probably sulking in their room now, and I’ll bet Ryu is hiding out somewhere with Ji-Soo, doing exactly what we’re doing.
Eden: I didn’t realize Ji-Soo lives here with you.
Haru: She doesn’t. She and her brother have a place in town. She’s only here because you’re here. Not that Ryu’s complaining, I’ll bet.
Eden: So, Ji-Soo and Ryu are a thing? Is that allowed?
Haru: It’s not really allowed, but even if they’re not confessing it, they definitely are a thing. If you ask me though, I think they should just say something, ‘cause it’s like the worst-kept secret of all time anyway.
Eden: What would happen if they did officially get together?
Haru: Ji-Soo would probably lose her job. I mean, think of it like getting into a relationship with somebody you essentially work for. Like a nurse hooking up with a patient or something.
Eden: Yeah, I can see how that’d be a problem. But like, if that were you, wouldn’t you ask yourself if your job is more important than the person you love?
Haru: Yeah, I would. I love what I’m doing now, and it’s really important to me, but if I had to choose between this and a person I loved, you know what? I’d give all of this up in a heartbeat.
Eden: Hopefully it’ll never come to that. I hope you get to have it all.
Haru: If I’m lucky, and things keep going the way they’re going, maybe I will.
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taxkha · 1 year
Hi :3
Klapollo sleep headcanons?
Do they share custody of pets yes or no
What are your love language headcanons for each of them?
How did you discover the ship and why do you like it?
What are your post aa4 headcanons? or post aa6 if you consider 5 and 6 to be canon (since i know some people don't). So like apollo justice 2 headcanons
1. Before they actually go to sleep, Apollo likes to take up all of the space in their bed to annoy Klavier and Klavier then has to wrestle him to go over to his side but in the end they always fall asleep on the same side. Klavier has tons of photos of sleeping Apollo on his phone and he thinks he looks adorable. Apollo has terrible bed head. Apollo gets cold easily so he tends to sleep in Klaviers sweaters, especially in winter.
2. absolutely
3. I think mostly just spending time together and a looot of physical touch, I see Klavier as being a very touchy person which Apollo is not used to at first but that quickly changes.
4. I started playing Apollo Justice in December last year and I think I got to the third case and I really enjoyed their dynamic so I started browsing the Klapollo tag on tumblr a little because I did know the ship existed before playing the game and thought that its a sweet ship, but I then accidentally restarted the turnabout serenade episode because my emulator was being a bitch and then I was too demotivated to continue until uh. the end of February where I finally picked it up again, played through turnabout serenade AGAIN and the rest of the game and then I went straight back to browsing the tag on both tumblr and ao3 and yeah, I started drawing fanart and now look at me
5. So I havent finished AA5 yet so I also havent played AA6, yet but I do know what happens and. I'm not that big of a fan of what they did to these 2, sobs.
I just typed out something something which is irrelevant now because I just remembered that I drew a fanart about Klavier being convicted of murder and Apollo defending him and THATS my hc for AJ2, dual destinies and spirit of justice be damned.
The rough idea for this story I currently have for this case would be that someone whos connected to both Klavier and Kristoph, maybe a former colleague/mentor of Kristoph or something? Anyway, this person has had some shady things going on for a long long time that Klavier has spend a long time finding out more about, similar to Mia with Redd White. So this guy ends up killing someone and he frames Klavier and for reasons unknown to even me because I havent thought that far yet, Klavier isnt willing to reveal any informations and he absolutely does not want Apollo to get involved because that person is very dangerous and when Apollo insists Klavier actually snaps at him and asks him to please just let it go, but Apollo of course doesnt. He ends up talking about this with Phoenix and phoenix then calls in a favor with Edgeworth. Edgeworth is very fond of Klavier and gets along well with him and obviously doesnt want one of his best prosecutors be put in jail for a murder he didnt commit, so he lets Apollo into Klaviers office to find the files revolving around this person Klavier seems to be so afraid of. This is all I have so far but maybe Im gonna think some more about it.
Anyway, aside from that I like to think that Apollo, Klavier, Trucy and Ema become a very tight and close friendgroup that constantly give each other shit for everything. Oh and also Phoenix finally tells Trucy and Apollo that they are siblings.
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buckyismybicycle · 2 years
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Title: ((if you like it), put a ring in it [AO3 Link] Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers Tags: Top Bucky Barnes, Possessive Behaviour/Sex, Object Insertion, Fisting, Come Eating, Prostate Milking, PWP Summary: the “in” from the title is NOT a typo :)
For my precious @cable-knit-sweater in our impromptu “ring fic” exchange LOL. I adore you, and this ring obsession is all your fault 💗
Everyone should also read Maya’s “made your mark on me, a golden tattoo”.
It all starts with a friendly pat on the arm, when Steve shakes the hand of a potential business partner. That’s not all Bucky sees though — he sees Steve giving that naturally kind, brilliant smile and the man’s hand lingering for a beat too long on Steve’s bicep.
Someone will have to answer for that. When he tells Steve this, Steve had all but dropped to his knees right then and there in the middle of their nightclub.
Thankfully, or perhaps disappointingly, they were the only two left, so Bucky was free to fuck Steve on the bar counter, hoarse screams echoing in the large, open room.
When he finally pulls out of Steve, he has to stop Steve from pulling up his pants.
“No one touches my things,” Bucky reminds him in a low voice. “Did you need a little reminding?”
Steve’s pupils blow wide open at the rhetorical question as his lush, pink lips part in anticipation. Excitement. The big doe-eyed expression tells Bucky that Steve himself isn’t sure what the answer should be.
It’s not like Bucky had prepared to fuck his newlywed husband in the middle of their club that night, or any other night, though maybe he ought to start doing so.
Bucky doesn’t explain what to do next, he doesn’t need to. He simply picks up the closest substitute within reach — a simple, shiny jigger. Steve shivers and hikes his leg up, ass inviting, but it still takes some patience to work it in.
It’s the wrong shape, the wrong size, and yet it does its job and plugs Steve up all the same.
Then Bucky makes sure to hit every speed bump on their way home.
“Who’s my good boy,” Bucky coos, twisting and pulling the silver makeshift plug out of Steve, drawing a whine. “Good boys deserve rewards, don’t they now?”
He’s careful taking it out and the resistance he feels is enough to make Bucky’s cock stir again, his body eager to feel that same tight grip. His hands smooth over Steve’s voluptuous cheeks which are spread open, presenting to him like a delectable feast.
He traces a finger around Steve’s swollen hole, watching it flutter, greedy for more while a strangled affirmative sound comes from Steve’s throat, muffled by the mattress that he lies face-first in.
“Iunno, Stevie, you’re lookin’ pretty full as it is.”
“More,” Steve pants into the sheets. “Always want more of you.”
“Sure you can handle it, sweet thing?” Bucky asks, pressing two fingers into the loosened, slicked hole.
“Yes, yeah — fuck, please,” Steve babbles, weeping as he clenches the bedding in his fists.
Bucky loves when Steve is a mess. A crying, heaving mess of tears, sweat and come, covered in Bucky’s marks.
“You know I gotta take my time openin’ you back up,” Bucky teases, the third finger prodding at the entrance.
“S’fine,” Steve insists. “I can take it, I can nnnggh —”
He’s cut off by the sharp inhale he takes as Bucky pushes in.
Bucky watches with dark, hungry eyes as his fingers disappear inside of Steve, one of his many rings catching on the rim each time. “Fuck, look at you, greedy little thing.”
Steve’s past the point of coherent words, but he does push back, meeting Bucky’s slower movements. Bucky watches in amusement for a while before he curls his fingers, hitting that sweet spot he’s so familiar with.
“AH! Oh, Buck,” Steve moans, echoing in their room, his body trying to rock faster until Bucky puts a hand on his lower back.
“Time for what you really want, unless you’re just gonna fuck yourself on my fingers all night.”
Steve freezes, as if a switch has been flipped. The switch between “BRAT” and “BEHAVE”, if Bucky was going to label them. He gives Bucky a shuddering moan, canting his hips downward as if he could possibly open himself more for Bucky, submitting himself to Bucky’s plans for him.
Even Bucky’s self-control has its limits, though. As much as he’d love to tease Steve all night, his own cock is heavy between his legs, begging to sink into the sight presented in front of him. He tugs at Steve’s rim with both thumbs hooked inside and lets out a happy sigh. As if there was ever any question about who belonged inside Steve, Bucky spits into the swollen, winking hole watching the bubbles of his saliva get swallowed up before lining himself up.
“Who does this tight little hole belong to?”
“You,” Steve answers without hesitation, his breathing picking up again already.
“Who do you belong to?”
“You!” Steve cries out as Bucky breaches him.
“Mmm, and you wanna know who wants to fucking ruin you right now?”
“God, Bucky — please, Bucky,” Steve begs in lieu of an answer, clamping down on Bucky’s cock like a vice grip.
Bucky makes good on that promise, fucks Steve into the mattress within an inch of his life until they come together, groaning and grunting. Until they’re both a tangled mess of limbs and harsh breaths, sweat gleaming across their skin.
Steve smiles deliriously, trying his best to look over his shoulder when Bucky starts to pull out, even though all he sees are fucking stars right now. He whines at Bucky, tongue too heavy to formulate his demand for Bucky to stay, to keep him plugged. It’s one of his favourite feelings…
And yet, what Bucky does next might even be better.
“Bu — uh!” Steve bites his own lip hard enough to bleed as Bucky roughly shoves three fingers back inside him, his other pressing Steve down into the bed. “Oh! Oh, fuck, yes, yes…”
Steve trails off into moaning sobs as Bucky goes straight for his destination. He’s already right on the edge, so he knows it won’t take much, but he hangs on for as long as possible, just to savour the sensation of Bucky inside him.
Bucky gets his fourth finger in, the ring on it bearing his initials of “BB”. It gives him some inexplicable possessive feeling of making Steve his, as if he could brand his name inside of Steve.
The squelching noises of Bucky plunging his fingers in, past his knuckles are obscene, loud enough they can be heard over Steve’s breathless pants for air. Then he’s in deep enough that the tip of his thumb can run along the abused rim.
“Feels like I’m gonna split you right open,” Bucky purrs, slipping his thumb in to join the rest.
“Do it,” Steve huffs with a lopsided small, eyes glazed over and shining.
He can read Steve’s body, the way it tightens and his muscles ripple, building up an orgasm that shouldn’t be possible.
Bucky pulls his hand back an inch or so, fingers pressing on the front wall, and Steve jolts immediately. As Bucky curls his digits, slowly massaging the slight bulge, he watches as Steve’s muscles tense and shudder beneath him.
“Buck…” Steve gasps, face pinched in concentration. “C-can’t —”
“Oh, yes you can, kitten. You will.” It’s not a question, Bucky’s not asking, he’s simply announcing it as he plunges back in, all the way up to his wrist. His thumb smooths over Steve’s sweet spot, his entire hand enveloped in heat.
It’s thrilling to watch his whole hand sink into Steve’s body, to think about just how deep he truly is, to impale Steve on his arm like this. Steve’s unmarred skin stretches around him, his cheeks a blend of pinks and reds from Bucky’s assault on them.
Just as he’d planned, Steve shoots up from the mattress with a wail, his cock dribbling as Bucky milks him.
It’s music to Bucky’s ears, the desperate pleas to both stop and keep going.
When he’s finally wrung everything out of Steve, he starts retracting his fingers, sticky with come, webbing as Bucky spreads them.
If it weren’t for the heaving of Steve’s body from his laboured breathing, Bucky might’ve thought he’d fucked Steve dead. Instead, he lays himself over Steve’s back, bracketing Steve with his arms.
“Remember who you belong to?”
“M’yours…” Steve slurs, his mind halfway to the clouds, blissful.
“That’s right, baby. Open.”
Bucky doesn’t need to say anything more — his good boy follows the command in an instant.
Steve’s mouth is so inviting, lips shining with his own drool, tongue hanging out to get a taste.
Bucky brings his mess of a hand up to Steve’s mouth, fingers upon Steve’s willing tongue and simply watches. His eyes track how Steve sucks on each one and licks in between them.
When Steve gets to his rings, he takes extra time and attention to wriggle about, to get every drop of Bucky’s come out of every crevice. The tip of Steve’s tongue runs along his initials, and it makes the heat inside of Bucky flare up again.
He leans down to kiss the matching ring on Steve’s finger, the “BB” on Steve’s gold band an obvious claim.
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tangylemonade · 2 years
hi! I was wondering if you'd be interested in writing a dino (svt) fic?
if you are, maybe something gn and very fluffy with him coming back from tour. if not, thanks anyway! I hope you have an amazing day!
Dino Drabble ☁︎
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Dino x gn reader
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Fluff & Suggestive: contains kissing
Word count: about 970
Here you go anon! My day is actually going well 😊! How’s yours?
Sorry I took so long and it’s so short. I’m not sure if it’s what you were thinking of but I was drawing a bit of a blank 😆. Feel free to let me know what you think and what could be done better! I really appreciate constructive criticism.
Thank you for leaving me a request and I hope you stick around! Also would you like to pick an emoji?
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You awoke to a heavy feeling on your chest. Before you opened your eyes you already knew what it was.
You wrapped your arms around the body that laid atop you.
“What’re you doing here love?” You whispered against his head.
Dino looked up at you, his face mere inches from yours.
“I missed you too much, I had to come.”
“I’m glad.” You said placing a soft kiss on his nose.
Suddenly your stomach growled.
“I didn't eat dinner because I was too tired.” You said laughing.
“Then let’s feed you something.” He said getting up and pulling you up with him but you didn’t budge.
“No it’s cold out there.” You said refusing to budge.
He stopped pulling you and went to grab one of his sweaters. You sat up and lifted your arms so he could pull it over your head. He brought your slippers to you and slipped them on your feet.
“There. Nice and bundled! Now that’s eat because I’m also hungry.”
He grabbed your hand pulling you out the room and into the kitchen.
“The others went out to eat but I couldn’t do anything until I-“
He stopped mid sentence and turned around. You didn’t expect him to stop so you crashed into him.
“What’re doing?” You asked wiping your forehead where it now sorta hurt.
He grabbed your face softly with both hands, planting a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Until I kissed you.” He finished the sentence after he pulled away.
He couldn’t resist pinching your checks, he simply found you too adorable and your checks too soft and fluffy.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” You said scowling as if you were upset despite the fact that you enjoyed every second. Your cheeks were vibrant with blush from both of his actions.
“What do you want to eat?” He asked, ignoring your grumbling noises about the temperature again the moment you entered the kitchen
You flipped on the light and he opened the refrigerator.
“Oh I didn’t get to go shopping today because I was busy but I’ll go tomorrow. That’s another reason why I didn’t eat, also I was too tired to order.”
He looked at you in disbelief and you simply shrugged.
“This won’t do.” He said dramatically. “I have to baby you don’t I?” He asked while he check the also empty except for your favorite cereal cabinets.
“Possibly, yes.” You said very nonchalantly.
“I’ll order dinner. You sit down and think about what you’ve done.” He said with a mock scolding voice before picking up his phone.
“I want pizza.” You said hopping on the counter and pulling one of your legs to your chest.
He glared at you but still ordered your favorite pizza from your favorite shop.
“It’ll be here in 15.” He said putting down his phone.
You opened your arms and he laughed before giving you a hug.
“I’m so happy you're back.”
You pulled him closer and hooked your legs around his hips. He released the hug a bit and looked at you.
“What’re you doing?”
“Well I can’t just sit here bored for 15 minutes.” You said with a suggestive raise of your eyebrow.
A smirk dancing on your lips that he was now staring at. Holding your chin he leaned in but before he could make contact your fingers were at his sides tickling him.
He laughed and tried to instinctively pull back but your legs were trapping him against you.
“You made a mistake challenging me Channie.”
You were referring to the way he said goodbye to you before he left for tour. A sneak attack when you were distracted.
He grabbed your hands stopping you.
“Okay okay I’m sorry, you win.” He said, still laughing. “Now let me kiss you.”
“I suppose I can be gracious and call it here. You may kiss me.”
He rolled his eyes at your haughty behavior but that didn’t stop him from pulling you in for a warm kiss. Oh how you missed moments like this, even if it was only a couple months. It’s been too long and you were feeling it now.
Your hands creeped under his shirt, having fun feeling around.
“Ohh I think you've gotten bigger!!” You said breaking the kiss to pull up his shirt and take a peak.
Despite his blush he still pulled his shirt all the way off before giving you a better view by flexing.
“You noticed huh?” He said with pride on his face.
“Of course. Now come back here so I can kiss you more.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice. In seconds his lips were back on yours, your tongues continuing their fun little game.
Now it was his turn to feel you up, his hands traveling under your sweater and teasing along your underwear band.
You were getting hotter by the moment, the kisses getting longer and the breathing becoming more shallow. Both of you lost in the moment you found your sweater suddenly discarded and his lips leaving hot kisses against your tour neck and collarbone.
The doorbell surprised you both and you would’ve fallen off the counter if Chan didn’t catch you in his strong arms.
You couldn’t help but laugh as the bell rang for the second time.
“I’ll go get it.” He said.
“No, what if they recognize you? I’ll go.”
He laughed at you but he knew you had a point so he didn’t bother disagreeing.
You hopped off the counter and slipped your sweater back on before going to grab the food.
“This smells amazing.” You said already digging in.
After grabbing you both a drink Chan sat down and started eating as well.
“I’m not finished with you by the way.” He said between bites.
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Love In The Air episode 10 live reaction under the cut (long post)
Listen I know no one reads these but they make the experience more enjoyable for me. It helps me understand what's going on, keeps me from zoning out and usually makes me notice more details that turn into theories and predictions IT'S SO MUCH FUN
What I love most about the PrapaiSky arc is Sky. Just... Sky.
"My boyfriend's sick." HE'S NOT YOUR BF but yeah I get it your dad wouldn't give you time off because your crush is sick lmao
Oh no he had a nightmare while Pai was there 😭
Fuck that hurts. I'm gonna go beat up whoever did this to Sky and I have a feeling P'Pai is coming with me
Prapai do not even joke about that DO NOT ughhh why is he so insensitive sometimes
And then he's so gentle and sweet again aaaaaa
And they're holding hands while sleeping so Sky can feel safe and protected 😭❤️😭❤️
But Sky is still a tsundere / not admitting to himself and to Prapai that he's starting to like him
"You know what I want." - "No, I won't have sex with you." - "So you don't know what I want." THIS EXCHANGE >>>>> Sky needs to understand what Pai sees in him 😭❤️
"I won't like you" *proceeds to smile to himself the second Prapai has left* WHO YOU TRYNA FOOL BOY
"I don't like owing anyone" yeah right that's why 😉
My baby is so giggly and giddy but I know he's also so so scared that's why he still pretends he's not interested
It's not that he's not interested it's that he's scared of what will happen when he shows genuine interest because showing someone that you're interested in them always gives them some sort of power over you so you need to trust them first - especially if you've gone through whatever happened to Sky
Another race awww yeah lemme see Prapai in his racing suit again please
Ooooo the guy in the beige sweater is really pretty
That fucking chicken song again lmaooo
So soft 😭 right up until the "you should be spanked" comment brooo 😂
And Sky's little smile as he thanks Prapai, and Pai softly kissing his hair aaaaaaa
So far PrapaiSky has not been what I expected (though I did figure out pretty early on that they hooked up) but the soft cuddles are definitely getting to me
Great to see Sky feeling better in the morning <3
And PhayuRain being cute <3<3
Tsundere time again here we go lol
His face when Pai told him to smile tho
Awww those girls were adorable
And Sky actually gets a little worried hahahaha
Pai's like "I can't believe I'm about to do this" HE'S GONNA KISS HIM
Aw shucks
But yeah he's waiting for Sky to kiss him we love to see it
"Why the heck am I watching a sleeping boy?" LOVE, BITCH
He agreed to go on a date with him and he's all smiley and happy and he's playfully teasing him aaaaa Sky deserves the world
Wow Pai really hasn't been with anyone in two months because of Sky huh
Joy I love you but please stop spreading rumors hahaha
The back and forth in this episode is everything
Bro I'd be so mad if I was trying to focus and someone just stared over my shoulder the entire time
The shoulder kiss 🥰🥰
What is he writing? 👀
Drawing on each other's hands aaaawww 😭❤️
He was so focused he didn't even notice Pai got them dinner
Prapai describing his siblings but actually describing himself lmao
Sky: "Don't call me Nong Sky, it sounds fake" Prapai: "Sky." Sky: *ba-dump*
That almost-kiss and "I'll wait until you're ready" I'M ABOUT TO THROW SOMETHING THEY WERE SO CLOSE
Back to tsundere but we know he's just teasing now because even if he trusts Pai now he's too proud to just give in
Bro who sleeps with the lights on
Bonus scene: Pai googling how to take care of Sky because he wants to do everything right 😭❤️ and then he called his mom to ask her for advice awwww 😭❤️ and Sky was taking notes on Prapai bc he wanted to get to know him better? HOW CUTE IS THAT
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Miscellaneous Media Moment
Alright so I'm watching the anime The Way of the Househusband on Netflix and writing my thoughts as I watch. This might be a tad unhinged, but here we go. As always if you liked this content feel free to be me a coffee. Also, yes, I do know that there a multiple episodes in each episode but I'm going to number them by how they're contained and labeled through Netflix as that's how I'm watching it :)
Episode 5
A job outside of the house in a cafe interesting, beans =bullets, the latte art of a cat, aww doing it for extra cash to get his wife a present
He's so loud, Again the food in this series really does deserve its own analysis post, overtime is exhausting,
Boss lady of the torii group in a grocery,
this is going to be a disaster of a birthday lol, wow happy birthday song as a dirge, shades and bling
the old boss has a dog, he sewed a sweater for the dog! nice tie in to previous episode, the impromptu cooking is wild,
The cat adventure with the grocery lady
Episode 6
he was totally going to roast that lady's "72 hour" cured sausage, he's taking this show so seriously, man loves his wife so much
the excitement over the steam oven, white powder=flour again nice call back, well that's one way to beat the dough, oven down!, keep warm on the rice cooker is innovative
fire next door, talk about needing proper air ventilation. the cops probably wanted some food, oh its rare eh
I admit nothing, oh nice flowers, oh its not that much and then proceeds to unwrap a dessert feast, rain as a mood killer, they're such a good couple
why would you try hitting a watermelon blindfolded?, the volleyball smacking into them, I love how Miku can be high energy as well, a real man is willing to get wracked protecting his loving wife, her carrying him
teacher au?? what am i watching?, apron art, the intensity in this scene
Episode 7
tapioca milk tea, getting the intel from the streets, the scary smiles keeping the customers away XD
Adding to the arsenal of the blond guy
The waking up to the husband in the middle of the night is seriously ominous, well that was an interesting take on the classic peach boy story, and then they had a group hug,
The hit list of summer assignments, a pen holder, colorful soap, school is tomorrow, the report to the teacher is so good
Tatsu you're so dramatic ( this is true, he a very dramatic king), oh the housespouse meet up, family gopher, the differing interpretations of what he's describing, is that really what Miku is rally like?, listening in one the one side of the conversation, the support from the housewives is so good
Oh, cat adventure of fair fighting with the other cat
Episode 8
urg the rap battle, so unnecessary, the explanation of what a rap battle is, the punch of silence, well ok
take it easy (yeah no, this guy has no chill), febreze the sheets, instant noodles as a vice lol, Masa helping him take it easy but as a horror show, Tatsu kicking him as a flight or fight moment
Wanting second place instead of first for the rice, and Miku wants the vacation, what a bribe, the kid wins of course
buffet battlefield, welp I'm hungry now, fruit with cream cheese is a delicious combo, aww the splitting of a desert
Oh, the dad wants to do the hotpot, Dad and Miku cooking like each other, Miku being a wild child (this explains so much), aww the dad saying she has someone else to protect her now and then Tatsu saying he has the dad's back, the mom being the true master is perfect
Masa wanting make his boss proud through the way of the househusband, tomorrow though
Episode 9
Virus depicted as a group of punks, trying to head off a cold through early preventive measures is such a mood, Miku being the light aww, the light with grenades lol
new threads, Masa is so not subtle, the brown powder as opposed to the white powder, and Masa has officially broken, Pine Dew huh, Tatsu sleeping with eyes open, the utter chaos and Masa being the sober one, the next day drawing of them is adorable
Will I need to use my dagger? no a normal knife will do, the intense music x_x,
The power couple helping the newlyweds
winged pup from the sky, you can't run from boss fights!, the magic girl transformation, the deconstruction of the outfit, Its all a dream and the meeting next week is perfect
Oh no cat adventure this episode
Episode 10
The fact that Miku has such high energy, the toys r us tribute
Sending dog pics to his boss, the bonding over the dogs, the random kidnapping, but its to a dog park
The cafe hurts the guys eyes, too much sweet things, lemon and honey chicken sounds good, the flashbacks paired with the wistful music is a nice choice, I don't remember there being a wasp
ok extreme dental care, um yeah that's not a good way to get a kid to the dentist, gotta face the music
counting to try and get to sleep, calming sounds turning to dark past is hilarious, also him without glasses is rather adorable, accidentally made a whole meal (he's got adhd a bit doesn't he), the cat being awake
the cat adventure with crow/raven
End of Season One!
Alright well thanks for coming to this Miscellaneous Media Moment where I do unhinged and most likely nonsensical rambling of what I watched is a thing. I will most likely continue at some point, so stay tuned and please let me know if this is a format that you liked. Along with any comments on the show that you have.
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gingerel · 2 years
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Noctis never really expected to graduate high school and judging from the huge deal everyone else in his life makes about it — neither did anyone else.
They throw a party at the Citadel, annoyingly big so it’s more people Noctis doesn’t like than does, but Prompto’s number one on the guest list so Noctis has almost no complaints in the long run. He wondered if Prompto would be able to come at all, if his parents might make an unusual appearance for the event and whisk him away again. They had come but vanished again before Noctis could even say hello.
Prom looks nervous though, which is understandable. He’s never been to the Citadel before and this is a baptism of fire, so to speak. He looks adorable, tried to dress up by putting a new — Noct is sure it’s new — navy sweater over a button up that may or may not be one of his old uniform shirts.
Noctis tries not to stare.
Friends don’t stare at each other the way Noctis does Prompto, Ignis tells him whenever he’s lost in thoughts and fantasies he hasn’t been able to shake since they started.
Gladio flicks the back of his head and Noctis drags his eyes away from Prompto, talking with Ignis and Iris, scowling now.
“You’re doing it again,” he grumbles, ducking low so at least no one else can hear them.
 “Shut up,” Noct hisses, annoyed by the way his face flushes. A waiter walks by with a tray of drinks and Gladio stops him, grabs two of the little flutes after a whispered conversation.
Gladio turns back, shoving one in his direction.
“Dad said I shouldn’t —”
“It’s just apple juice with bubbles in it,” Gladio assures him. “Take it.”
Noct rolls his eyes but does, frowning when Gladio tries to give him the second glass too.
“What are —”
“It’s for Prompto,” Gladio sighs. “Dumbass.”
“Oh,” Noct says. “Right, yeah — I’m gonna go…get him.”
“Atta boy,” Gladio teases.
“Not like that,” Noctis gets out from between his teeth, stalking off before he can get embarrassed again.
Ignis spots him, which alerts Prompto, and Noct manages to draw him away with just a single jerk of his head.
“Sorry,” Noct apologises instinctively, offering Prompto his drink.
He takes it, stares at it for a few seconds then sets it down on a nearby table. Noct watches him square his shoulders, steel himself with a deep breath and finally meet Noctis’ eye.  
“Do we have to stay here?” Prompto asks.
“At the party?” Noctis wonders., “I kinda have to, yeah.”
“Oh,” Prompto says, deflating. “Never mind.”
“What is it?” Noctis urges.
“I just — wanted to talk to you about something,” Prompto mumbles. “But it’s — fine.”
“You can tell me anything,” Noct says. He starts leaning forward but catches himself, tries to lessen his intensity while Prompto seems so nervous.
Prompto laughs, but it doesn’t seem happy.
“Not here,” he mumbles. “It’s, I don’t know, don’t worry about it.”
He looks so sad all of a sudden, ducking his head so his eyes fall mostly into shadow, looking almost violet without the light to pick up the truest blue parts.
Noct grabs his wrist, so he has to follow when he starts walking, slipping behind the table holding Prompto’s drink, but unable to unclench his hand enough to put his own down. Noct knows the escape ways from this room like the back of his hand, has been using them since he was about six years old.
They slip through the door unnoticed, Noct thinks, automatic lights coming on and startling Prompto who almost trips over his own feet.
“There,” Noctis breathes, turning to face Prompto. He realises he’s still holding Prompto’s wrist and tries not to be too obvious about the way he lets go.
“Right,” Prompto says. He doesn’t look any more at ease.
“Prom —”
“If I don’t do this today, I’ll never get the nerve,” Prompto blurts. “Because I was thinking — today is a big day, right? Things ending, things beginning. No matter what happens, nothing will ever be exactly the same. And so, I was like, today is the best day for this because it will either start something or end it — except hopefully it won’t end anything because if this doesn’t go the way I want, then I hope we can still be friends at least.”
Prompto takes a deep breath. Noctis tries to make sense of anything he just said.
“We’ll always be friends,” Noctis murmurs. That at least, he can reassure him about.
Prompto nods and then —
Then he’s cupping Noct’s face in his hands and stepping into his space, pressing his trembling mouth tentatively against Noct’s. Prompto’s hands are soft on his face, one slipping back so his fingertips are buried in his hair. Noct finds he can’t really do anything but stand there and try not to spook Prompto into stopping.
It’s cold when Prompto pulls away.
In desperate need of something to do, Noctis raises the glass of juice still in his hand and drains half down in one swallow. Prompto watches him with wide, fearful eyes, chewing on his bottom lip.
“I really like you,” Noctis blurts. “A lot.”
“Oh,” Prompto says. He exhales and after a moment’s pause snatches the glass from Noct’s hand and drains the rest. His expression switches to confusion. “I thought this was wine,” he mumbles.
“No, it’s just —”
“Like a friend?” Prompto asks. “You like me like a friend.”
“Yeah,” Noctis says — Prompto expression falls all the way down to rock bottom and Noctis rushes on. “But also, more than that. It’s — you’re everything, Prom.”
Noctis leans in and their mouths meet more urgently. Prompto is still holding the glass so this time it’s Noct with empty hands and he gets to cup Prompto’s face, to thumb over freckled cheeks he’s been mooning over for years. He hears the glass hit the floor, shattering into pieces, but all Noct really cares about is Prompto’s hands on his waist, and the first breathy little sigh he gets to taste with his tongue.
They probably only have a few minutes before people notice Noct is gone, but he doesn’t care. They can come find him if they want him, Noctis has better things to be focusing on.
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