#that's how much i love you bih 😂
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teopatra · 2 years ago
~ choose a meme for a channeled message // this is not a tarot reading .. happy Virgo season and happy Mercury RX 🥵 feel free to choose multiple groups-
Why do ppl love/hate u ??
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Group 1 : si or yes
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People do not know how to read you. The decision most people would immediately jump on you take the time to consider and really weigh your options. People hate that about you bc they think you’re too good but it’s lowkey a subtle flex bc it shows you have options. People feel like you get too many chances or things come to easy for you and almost like it’s not fair like you always win. If it’s a situation where you always win people feel like you don’t even try. For example at school it can be a random drawing and your name can get called in an assembly or in the morning announcements and people know you didn’t even try and they put so much energy into hoping they’d get it. 😂
Folks pay a lot attention to you bc you always seem so oblivious yet you’re so rational. You say the most intelligent things and overall you make people feel stupid because a lot of times people assume you’re slow or have dumb blonde energy when half the time you’re not even paying attention. But the other half of the time when you seem like you’re not paying attention you actually are you’re just very strategic. Life is like a game of chess for you and this can make others feel like you’re sneaky or have the intention to one up them by using information when it’s convenient for you. You give non chalant energy but not in a rude way in a calm at peace type of way. People leave you out because you make them realize they’re lowkey thirsty or pick Me’s since you don’t jump at every opportunity like they would, but you teach others about the vastness of life by being patient. Others see you as abundant and before you come into peoples lives even if you’re not close to them they see things as very black and white, this or that, left or right, but you being a multi faceted perspective energy to things. I’m getting mutable energy especially gemini, or heavy Jupiter energy or aspects to your Jupiter or 9th house.
People do love that you kind of don’t care about things BUT YOU DO😂 people really don’t understand you, but the crazy thing is with you it’s what you see is what you get but people swear that you’re hiding something or people may ask you what’s wrong a lot and you’re like nothing????? You don’t have the typical type of resting face it’s more of a stare into the distance because you’re trying to remember if you unplugged your flat iron or turned off the TV before you left the house. If you’re in school you may forget about assignments or homework and end up having to do them on the bus, in the bathroom or in other classes and people hate that they’re tying to fill you in on things but you seem so preoccupied like you don’t care but girl you’re just trying to passss.
EVERYONE wants your energy meanwhile they’re all gossiping about you lowkey bc you’re so interesting and they don’t have anything better to talk about in the sense. But not bc there isn’t anything to talk about it’s just you’re so mysterious. You’re a popular loner like people will try to leave you out just to tell you about it later and you’re like 😃 ohmygosh that’s so wonderful and they’re like BIH you should be jealous like… people really wanna make you the villain. The type of look you have is very girl or guy next door but effortlessly sexy. You actually do alot of self care and you’re intentional with getting dressed but you’re subtle. It’s just a I washed my face and brushed my hair type of thing. You could have a chiseled jawline or symmetrical face. I’m seeing Reggie’s fine self from riverdale. It reminds me of the main character from clueless also how she’s very girl next door almost typical looking but still very standardly pretty. Don’t get me wrong you’re gorgeous and you eat everybody up on your normal day to day. I feel like you actually plan to really make yourself look nice n the mornings before you go to work too but half the time you’re almost running late bc that sleep just be too good.. you focus mostly on your dental health and I see you putting drops n your hair like hair vitamins or oil so your hair must be long and light brown. OHHH you’re giving me Ariana vibes , “no tears left to cry” like people love that you’re unproblematic but that’s the problem lol who do you think you are to be so unbothered? Meanwhile you’re oblivious 😂
Signs: STRONG Scorpio, cancer, gemini, Pisces too actually all water
Side note: People love your hair and be wanting to play with it, when you flip your hair it’s smells like Garnier fructise or something like that like not the new style shampoos that smells perfumy the old type shampoos that smell fruity but still that tumblr era shampoo smell . Your hair puts people n a trance everyone stares at the back of your head when you’re not looking so keep protection crystals around or evil eye
Group 2 : eeyuh?
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People love how talkative you are; you’re funny as hell like why you be saying crazy stuff. Even teachers love you or superiors look up to you even if you’re younger. Your supervisors or older colleagues could have crushes on you because you make them feel young like you. People love your light hearted youthfulness it makes them feel comfortable being themselves. This causes people to get clingy and obsess over you. People may send you random messages through the day like when they’re at the store shopping like Ohemgee this reminds me of you haha and it’s like a notebook or some random stuff they have at 5 below and you’re thinking uhmmmm ohhhkay should I be offended orrrrr…? Lol people make themselves uncomfortable with how much they love you because everyone kinda volunteered you as tribute to be THEE it girl or HIM, and you’re like Ohemgee I’m the main character but you just keep that to yourself. People feel like bc they praise you or put you on a high pedistal that you owe THEM something 😂 it gives you wouldn’t be here without me energy almost like you’re a local celebrity and if it wasn’t for your fans that you would be a nobody. You mind your own business and sometimes you can’t get time to yourself bc someone is ALLLLLWAYS calling your name and you’ve gotten caught a few times trying to avoid people n the halls, office, target or whatever and those people feel slapped by will smith n the moment bc how dare you. Next thing you know you’re shadow banned irl by everyone. You have this very magnetic control on folks to where everyone’s energy is the EXACT SAME towards you it’s almost scary sometimes cuz you’ll think dang did someone pass away? Cuz the energy is HEAVY; you’re left confused as if you didn’t get them memo then BOOM almost as if paparazzi announced the new issue of YOU is dropping and everyone needs the scoop and now you’re bombarded at once. Angry mob vibes almost. Heavy air sign energy I’m sensing Kanye, Doja, trump even tho you prob can’t stand either of those 3 ppl the example is to show how they can have such a strange cult like following and be hated but followed at the same time.
Back to the funny thing where you end up being like the class clown bc once people get your joke which it’s not like you’re trying to be funny but you’re very theatrical in how you talk and communicate and it cracks people up and those laughs just fuel you. People hate that you’re so funny they don’t want you to stop but then they realize so much time has gone by that they’ve spent laughing at you they’re now mad bc THEY got distracted 😂 people hate how you disappear or you like to eat alone people be literally wanting to watch you eat. People hate how obsessed they get over you because they start to feel like the feeling isn’t mutual but even as outgoing as you as you tend to be a bit reserved at times especially when you’re trying to focus. You have very good time management skills and you type fast lmao. People hate how fast you finish your work and how fast you run 😂 you’re a runner you’re a track star 😂 you be runnin from people huh lol people will literally chase you like this old school Disney channel movies where the fans chase the pop star.
People love love love you but they hate how lost in time you make them feel and everyone wants to be your best friend and people may try to make it seem like you’re mixy or you’re just social for attention.You actually made yourself be social to help with your shyness or anxiety; only your close family would realize this and you almost live a double life like Kim possible or Hannah Montana where your family would be so surprised to see how much of a starrrrrr you areeee. You may like to read books or do skits; I’m hearing theatre kid or you like to sing old pop or rock n roll. I heard “that’s just the way we roll” by the Jonas brothers 🥺 I love them they’re actually having a concert n my city this week 🫶🏽😭I’m getting more Pisces and gemini vibes like group 1, also Leo and Sagittarius
Group 3 : doj
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People hatteeeee how fine you are 😂 you will catch people staring at you and you don’t know why? You also can be super tall or super strong and if you’re a workout girly people like staring at your muscles or buttocks lol . People hate to see you in the gym or gym class bc you can do so many reps OR it’s the fact that you’re not the typical type to look as strong as you actually are and there’s a saying/ word for this but I can’t remember what it is. You could be very slim or maybe more thicker or big boned and if you’re on the heavier side you’re super beautiful and people have never seen someone plus size be that beautiful. Sorry if that’s triggering but people are superficial. People hate that you look better than them even tho you’re big 😂 BIG SEXYYYYY . For my plus size girlies and gents you have a lot of confidence and everyone loves you and people hate that bc you make them feel small no pun intended but n the sense that they try to put you down maybe by making a fat joke or a skinny joke and it just makes them look lame bc you’re actually the total package you’re smart, creative, strong mentally emotionally and physically and all they can do is comment on your weight 😂 people actually wish you were their friend bc you sound so smart when you speak it makes people feel slow bc you’re very wise.
People love how you dress and they love your shoes and the bags you carry. If you get pedicures pay attention to when you get a fresh set bc I’m hearing it be looking good and people lowkey wanna copy they wait for you to get a new color. Or you have gorgeous looking feet it makes people stare it them in a weird way lmao and you may catch people staring at parts of your body even if it’s your face and they feel awkward and may try to make a 😒🥴 face because you looked at them back bc of how hard they was staring like 🙄. Your family or friends may be very well known and you’re very quiet which for some reason attract a lot of rude people to you like someone may try to cut you off in line and you call them out now they’re embarrassed. You could have to deal with confrontation a lot or have disciplinary hearings like someone was always telling on you trying to get you into trouble 😂you’re literally so quiet half the time but you also speak multiple languages so you could be part foreign and people assume you’re dumb bc you’re foreign smh.. you could be into spirituality or some associates from school or your neighborhood could have seen you in your traditional dress maybe you’re of Asian/Indian descent or you’re Muslim … if you’re into spirituality people actually watch your YT, tiktoks or listen to your tarot readings and may blame you for being right like😂 I was just trying to warn you. People really do not like you sometimes and you honestly don’t even do anything aww 🥺 PLEASEEEE don’t let this make you feel bad bc tbh your lil feelings would be hurt n the moment but after about 5 to 10 minutes you don’t even care 😂
Like you’ll go home and forget that even happened and if you are sensitive and it hurts your feelings people are threatened by you and sometimes that’s just life and both life and people can be sucky but you’re not here n this lifetime for people your here to share your research findings and your creativity/art. Especially if you’re a tarot reader, a yogi, a herbalist, spiritualist or any type of healer , you heal those who have negative energy around or towards you bc they cannot transmute the energy in their own. It’s not your job to transmute energy for others tho bc if you do that people will only become codependent off of you then turn on you. You have to build up strength and boundaries and if you have been doing so or done that already then good. People will try you sometimes and just don’t even let it get to you bc they are projecting onto you but people love your advice they just hate that it’s you giving it 😂 you really bother insecure folks
Big libra, Capricorn vibes .. also Taurus or Saturn dominants /aspected Saturn
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strongheartneteyam · 2 years ago
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Realize where you belong.
Pairing: neteyam sully x female!dreamwalker!reader/female!human!reader
Chapter 4
CW: jealous neteyam, angst, restless neteyam, obsessive and toxic behavior, mentions of violence, neteyam's current mental health is not the best out there (let's put it that way), the word "bloody" being mentioned in someone's thoughts, TRIGGER WARNING for dubious consent and slight NON CON, angry thoughts, melancholic reader, hints of depression on reader, anxious reader, mentions of breeding kink, reader thinking a lot about neteyam, reader finds out she's crushing on neteyam, reader is afraid of neteyam + attracted to him, neteyam stepping over reader's boundaries, creepy yandere vibes, slight nudity, sexual tension, neteyam almost trying to have sex with reader (if you squint)
Not proofread… as always 😂 I'm so sorry PLS don't give up on me, my babies! My readers are my lil rays of sunshine! No false praising here, I'm way too much of an honest, and sometimes blunt bih to do that! Ahaha you guys have changed my life. Having you guys reading my stories, appreciating my art… I'm still speechless. I love y'all until the end! 🥲🥺🫀💕 when I'm sad, you guys cheer me up with your comments, reblogs, asks, likes… I'm forever thankful ✨ I'm sending A BIG KITH to everyone that commented on the other chapters! I didn't have enough time and mental/physical health to answer everyone bc I've been going through some tough things in my personal life lately. Like, REAL tough. But I always do my best to try and show my gratitude to all of you <3 hope you enjoy this chapter. Leave comments below if u wanna I LOOOOVE READING YOUR COMMENTS 🥰💕💕💕
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Chapter 3
Watching me, wanting me
I can feel you pull me down
Fearing you, loving you
I won't let you pull me down
Haunted (Evanescence)
Hours had passed since Neteyam Suli had appeared to you in the window of the kitchen you worked in.
It was late at night already and you should be sleeping but, you just could not stop thinking about what had happened. How weird it had been to see a real na'vi - not an Avatar - real close. How odd he looked in your eyes, massive in size and so, so blue...
You laughed alone in your small room in the back of the laboratory after taking a quarter of a second to realize that the thought you just had was actually really funny.
Neteyam looked like a huge and thick brushstroke of sky blue paint. Still, he was… incredibly beautiful. He was eerie, weird looking compared to the human guys you're used to, but… something about him made his face linger on your mind.
You did not know how it was possible that you were finally having to admit to yourself that you felt attracted to Neteyam Suli, even after he appeared to you only once and, let's not forget, he appeared completely unanticipated, saying he had seen you before, multiple times.
You knew that raised like a billion red flags. Yet still, even though you did not feel safe enough to trust him or let your hair down when he was around, he intrigued you immensely.
You woke up the next morning feeling anxious. You did not know what it was exactly, but, lately, you had not only been depressed, but anxious too. You knew you probably would be diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety if you cared to go to the mental health department of the laboratory, but the thing was… you did not care to. You did not want to. The real reason for your lingering sadness was already so familiar to you: you did not like the life you were living.
You looked to be free like the na'vi. To not have deadly boring obligations everyday, to not have to care so much about so many strict rules of what was socially acceptable and what was not. You thought your own race to be too complicated. Humans don't really say what they mean just so many times. Humans care too much about money and power when, in reality, deep down, we all know that's not what's gonna make us happy, what's gonna keep us warm in a cold night.
But you were never really like that.
Not to pretend you were a golden, precious jewel, so incredibly hard to find, so utterly different from everybody else but, in all honesty, as much as you did care about money and having a comfortable life - to some extent - you were never a greedy for riches kind of person. You had always felt perfectly happy and content to just have a few things to keep you cozy, like your earbuds, a good book, your favorite sweet treat… You liked it simple. Calm. Balanced.
You believed that everything needs to be balanced to work well.
Chaos and light. Pain and happiness.
People need all of it to learn, grow and live a good life, that doesn't get painfully boring and unbearable with time.
But humans lacked balance.
Too much greed, too little contentment. Too much hate, too little compassion. Too much selfishness, too little altruism. That's why your kind was, as unfortunate as it was, doomed to misery. The human race dug their own grave. God, they couldn't even respect and take care of their own planet, their own home, the place that kept them literally safe and steady in the middle of the immense galaxy, let alone being able to take care of each other, to consider other's feelings before their own because, sometimes, we all need to do it.
And that's one of the reasons why you admired the na'vi so much. They were so much more wise than your own race.
How many times you had wished, talking to yourself in the dark of the night, that you could have been born na'vi. Why was fate so cruel to you? You did not even believe in fate. But it is only an expression, anyway.
Neteyam was tossing around on his mat since he went back home from training.
Yesterday he was way too busy to try and go see you or at least watch you from afar.
Sometimes he truly felt exhausted from his hectic routine and just wished he could be like Lo'ak and the other Omatikaya young men and just be able to relax more, to have more free time to engage in hobbies or, Eywa... to have more time to sleep... Sometimes he went back home all sore. He was as athletic as one can be but it did not mean he could not feel jaded after pushing himself too hard.
But Neteyam tried to always keep in mind the noble, sacred reason why he did all that. He was going to be the next leader of his clan, a privileged position, blessed by the Great Mother. A position that so many wished to have and he was lucky enough to be waiting to take on.
He was the current Olo'eyktan's son. It was a gift, he should not be ungrateful. He felt bad for thinking that was exactly what he was being... His father, Jake, was Toruk Makto. He was brave enough to earn that title. Neteyam felt it was his duty to be as brave and fearless as his father, to honor him and all his efforts to defend their tribe from any danger, specially from the Sky People.
Everything was going as usual, if it was not for only one thing: Lo'ak seemed to be suspicious of the fact that Neteyam was out for so many hours, almost everyday (meaning, every time he was free to just do whatever he wanted and not training to become the next Olo'eyktan of the Omatikaya) and nobody had a clue of where he was.
His parents seemed to be too busy being the Olo'eyktan and the Tsahìk to notice something seemed off about Neteyam's behavior lately. And it is understandable. It was anything but easy to be the clan leader and the clan healer and spiritual leader. Mo'at was getting old and had passed the position of Tsahìk to Neytiri a while ago. So, Jake and Neytiri already were making such a huge effort to be able to live up to their duties, be parents of a little girl, Tuktirey, three teenagers and still keep their sanity. It was a lot, indeed. But they tried as hard as they could to still be good enough for their clan, their family and for each other, as a mated couple.
Neteyam decided he was way too restless to be able to sleep that night. He could not stop thinking about the way that human male talked to you, looked at you... He wondered if he really was your mate. He was not sure but if what he thought when he saw you two together was true, he knew it would not be a problem. He hated to get violent, his natural self was calm and composed. But he was going to fight for you, and, if it needed to get bloody, then so be it.
He decided to go outside his and his family's home, to breathe some cold, fresh eclipse air. It helped him to calm down a bit but it was not enough. He missed you. Like crazy. Deeply. He craved your scent… your delicious human scent. He did not even believe he was saying that about the way a human smelled. But he would always insist in saying you were different. You had a na'vi heart. Just like his father, back when he was still all pink and small.
He decided he wanted… no, he needed to see you. And it could not wait. It had to be now. He craved you and that craving would not go away like that. It was stronger than his rational brain. You woke up his animal side more than anything else did. He wanted to mate with you as soon as possible. He dreamt about the day he would be able to breed you, have you carrying his offspring on your womb. He would make you so happy, give you everything you've ever wanted, everything you need. And while you were still not permanently living inside your Avatar body, he still wanted to have you, even if it meant having you in your demon form. You were a pretty, lovely demon. His cute, sweet demon girl. His yawntutsyìp. (little loved one)
You just could not believe it was really happening, how the hell you got into those circumstances.
Right before that moment, you were almost sleeping peacefully, finally (you know that state when you're not awake nor asleep?), after having been awake, tossing around on your bed for hours for the most ridiculous reason you could ever think of: you were undeniably crushing on that weird alien boy. Neteyam Suli.
Yes, he acted like a creep when he tapped on your window. You knew it was pathetic but… he just would not leave your mind. He was shamelessly living rent free in your brain. All cozy there.
But the worst and craziest part was: you were still afraid of him.
Ok, the na'vi were a peaceful, highly intelligent (arguably much more smart, interesting and wiser than humans) alien race but he was still almost 10 feet tall and was so freaking intimidating. You shivered at the thought that he could ever hurt you, even by accident, one day.
Still, you were now here with him. Outside the laboratory. Because he put his goddamn eerie but cute (the guy is a complete paradox) looking ocean colored fingers through the tiny gap you left open in your bedroom window - a passage you left for air to come in when it was really hot and dry, like it was that night - and that made a strange noise, enough to put you in alert mode.
Damn, what a bad habit… Leaving the window open, even slightly, was not even permitted by the people who took care of the lab's security norms. That could be dangerous. But you had always been a stubborn little thing.
You were now regretting your decisions, though. 
Neteyam approached your window being what he could be like a pro: a crazy stalker.
How you were still attracted to him… even though you were fearful of his na'vi build and strength… that was a question that maybe a mental health professional could answer. It was weird and problematic and you knew it. But you never imagined you would feel like this about Neteyam Suli. You really did not. When you first saw him, he seemed cute and handsome in your eyes, but he was still an alien. You had never considered being attracted to one. But now… nothing made sense anymore, things were getting weird.
Stupidity took over you when you were so sleepy and groggy and you saw it was his huge hand on the wooden window, so, you wanted to ask him why he ran away the last time you two spoke. You know when you're so sleepy, you make the most unimaginably silly mistakes? So… there you go. You dragged your heavy with slumber body out of your bed, grabbed your oxygen mask that was kept inside your closet and opened the window.
But why, though?
In the beginning, you two were having a trivial talk about mundane stuff, like how he learned the English language (his father, of course), he started to ask how and why you got an Avatar etc 
He acted suspicious but still normal-ish, for a na'vi. They always looked mysterious when interacting with humans. But then, when he was telling you about his little sister, Tuktirey, and your eyes were slowly falling shut, your body begging for some hours of sleep… you felt a change in the atmosphere around you.
Your eyes had closed for a while, on their own, and suddenly, you knew Neteyam was really close to you, now. He had been keeping a respectful distance in the beginning. But now… now he was inches away from your body. He had moved closer, his fleshy but toned blue thigh almost rubbing against your leg, as you were sitting sideways on the window frame, your legs hanging in the air, making you feel a bit cold because of the nighttime Pandoran air.
You woke up from your 5 seconds long involuntary nap really startled.
"Hey! Why are you… so close?" You looked at him, dazed and nervous, visibly shaken
"Sorry… Is it too much? You're just… so pretty…" Neteyam says, looking at you like he's looking at a graceful, otherworldly being.
"Yeah. It is." You warn him "Can you… step away a bit, please?" You said, looking into his eyes. Your gaze serious but amiable.
Neteyam respected your request and did what was decent. But you did not expect that he would soon change his demeanor, just like something was taking over him.
You were so distracted with your chat with Neteyam but so utterly sleepy too that you did not notice when your nightgown's thin strap slipped through your right shoulder, leaving your breast exposed, your nipple out for Neteyam to see.
It was like a beast had replaced that nice-but-weird-vibes guy you were previously talking to.
Neteyam had just lifted you off of the window with amazing ease, your feet now touching the ground and he got closer to you again. He had you with your back against the lab's outer wall, keeping you there just by being in front of you, looking at you.
His size was enough to keep you still. You did not want him to maybe get mad at you if you tried to run away. That could become terrifying in a heartbeat. You were brave since a child, but you were also realistic. Your height and body strength was nothing compared to Neteyam's.
He looked at your exposed breast with such desire, you felt like his amber gaze was scorching your sensitive skin.
"Neteyam! What-?"
"You're so… perfect." His breath was labored while he stared down at your nipple, hardened by the cold temperature of the eclipse air "Sevin…" (pretty)
"I'm so afraid of you, Neteyam... You're too big and honestly...scary. I'm so sorry. I'm always trying to pick up signals that may indicate you're gonna hurt me. I don't feel comfortable at all right now. Please, let me go" You said as your cold, anxious hands took your nightgown strap back to where it belonged, covering your boob again, feeling ashamed of the vulnerable way you had just been seen by Neteyam, ashamed of the fact that he, a boy you barely knew, had just seen your naked breast, even if it was only for a brief period of time
"My cute little 'emyu…" (cook, cooker) "You don't need to be afraid of me." He smiles at you in such a sincere way, trying to show you he means no harm whatsoever. 
Though Neteyam felt his heart tightening way too much inside his chest, hurting so much it was like you had crushed it when you said you're afraid of him, he was carefully trying to make you see he would never in a billion years harm you, his precious little yawne (loved one).
He wished so hard, even prayed to Eywa, in a millisecond, inside his mind, that you would soon realize he loved you so much he would kill anyone who ever hurt your precious, frail human body. He could not understand how you could think he himself would do such a horrible thing towards you.
When Neteyam saw you did not show any sign that you were beginning to trust him more, he said:
"Hì'i," (little, small in size) "please... I need you... I love your scent so much. I miss it everytime I'm away from you. I love the way your human skin smells. I do. I dream about you at night... " He gets closer to you slowly and carefully, caging you between the wall and his broad, crazily tall blue body, leaving no way for you to get away from him "C-can I touch you? Touch your skin?" Neteyam breathes, begging for you with his wide eyed gaze "Just for a little while, please..." He kneels down at the ground to be as close as he possibly can to your height "See? I'm not so tall anymore. Am I a little less scary now?" He smiles faintly, trying to cover his pain with a fake demonstration of joy.
Neteyam feels so insecure, without any guarantee that you will eventually let him in. But he will never give up on trying to be worthy of your love.
"You're always gonna be scary to me. Even when I'm in my Avatar, I think." Using a sharp na'vi knife to stab Neteyam's heart repeatedly would have hurt him less than that statement "I'm not as skilled as you are or experienced as you are when it comes to using a bow or anything like that. God, I can't even work a bow right. If you'd ever hurt me, even by accident I-"
"I can teach you." He interrupted "I will teach you everything I know about archery. I'm a great archer, you know? I like to call myself "Mighty Warrior". " He smiles, frowning a bit, trying to make a joke to make the situation a little lighter.
You seemed so afraid he was starting to not know what to do anymore to try to make you see you were safe with him. That he would defend you from any danger without any hesitation and not be the danger himself.
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anxious-witch · 3 months ago
So, my (likely very scrambled) gig report from Zagreb, 3rd of December 2024.
-First of all, @xianvar and @chibi-chellist it was so lovely to meet you yesterday, thank you for letting me hang out with you before the concert, you guys were amazing
-I think I experienced the gig in a way that others do for the first time. Exchanging bracelets, talking to people I didn't know before, meeting international friends...honestly it was so amazing, I totally get why people travel so much for these concerts
-also big thank you to @spockowhales for not only sticking with me but also laighing at my swooning during some part (and a shade for screaming "NOGE" into my ear, I laughed through half of the song because of it)
Okay, onto the actual concert
-there were less people than the last time, but it was easier to breathe so I am not complaining. And the atmosphere was amazing, I think the audience was pretty much on fire during "Šta bih ja" especially. Definitely a song that's even better irl
-Bojan wearing a shirt with Jure and Jure wearing a shirt with Bojan on it? Perfection. I loved it
-Kiki being called onto the stage because it was his birthday recently, and all of us singing "Happy birthday" to him in croatian and him blushing so hard, it was adorable
-Bojan saying "and now, our DJ Maček will play one song for us" cue Jure coming down with the radio playing Stephanie was SO hilarious
-also Jure was so flirty with everyone while he was there. Especially with Bojan but he went from one momeber of the band to the other and honestly? Good for him
-bonus points for when Nace got close to Jan and it seemed they were gonna have a moment but then-here comes Jure! Lemme in the middle, you guys are around each other all the time! 10/10
-someone in the audience holding a rose and a sign "a rose for a pick?" Bojan upon reading it, in a true himbo fashion, saying: "the rose's name is pick?" And when we all laughed and he REALIZED he laughed and gave them a pick. And then received another rose and said: "oh, lovely! But I don't have any picks left now!" But then Kiki came to the recue and gave him another, so that fan also got their pick
-I don't remember at which song this was, but someone threw male underwear at Bojan. He picked it up, laughed and put it on the mic stand and then later on his head. Bonus points because there were no bras thrown that night, only male underwear. Truly, the gays have taken over 😂
-during Lips, when Bojan sang "put your lips on mine" he got into Jan's personal space and Jan slightly induldged him before stepping back and Bojan laughed and kind of, pretnded to grap his face except he only grabbed air? Weird shennanings as always
-During Tokio, Jan and Nace spinning and running at the first part and then Kris and Nace doing the same thing as some weird 3 in 1 dance. Very cute
-UMK, Bojan saying at the beginning: "and here we have 5 people who want to sing today!" Then after 2 people sang saying: "now we have...5 more people left who want to sing!" cue my friend groaning in despair 😂
-korean version went hard tho
-loved how Nace and Jan immediately went to talk to one another when karaoke started. As my friend put it: "they need UM karaoke just so Jan and Nace can have a yap session"
-Bluza goes sooo hard live too, oh my god. The way you can feel the emotions of the song?? I was dead
-during Omamljeno Telo, Bojan either threw or spat water at Jan again(I couldn't see well, I am short), and then IMMEDIATELY Nace appeared next to Jan after 😂 (protective bf activated)
-I can't remember during which song was this, but at one point, Bojan caressed Jan's face and rhen went and did the same with Kris' arm and it looked like Kris was trying very hard not to laugh
-ofc, Novi Val beloved, with all of them together on the stage. Magical, as always, I have no further notes to share
I wasn't feeling too well afterwards so I wasn't there for the stamp event so someone else will have to relay the details of it, but yeah! It was absolutely amazing experience for me and thank you for everyone who was there to share it with me ❤️
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patty-the-otterette · 1 year ago
I have finally slept well, so I'm ready to share my impressions regarding my 1st Joker Out gig of this year (3rd in total), this time in Kraków.
Ahhh!!! It was amazing! I loved that the guys were dressed in the colours of Polish flag 🇵🇱It was so cute and it suited them well! Watching the streams of previous gigs of the current tour, I wasn't very much convinced about more "casual" outfits (I'm a huge fan of Stožice outfits and their variations - Kris in the white outfit in Warsaw - my jaw literally dropped 😲), although now I really love them! It's just a different phase :)
The stage was pretty small and I was staying on my "casual" Jan and Nace side. I just love looking at them 😍 how they have fun with each other, either by walking around one another with stupid looks, playing peekaboo with a Polish flag, or when Nace is rubbing Jan's shoulder when the other one is pretty tired after the gig. I just love those two 😍😍
I loved all the songs, especially those with more intense guitar riffs (Šta bih ja, Everybody's waiting - second part, Ne bi smel, Plastika) where I could really lose myself in the music.
As during the previous gigs, I'm in such awe when it comes to Bojan managing the crowd. He always knows what to answer, it shows his great experience on the stage ofc, but it's more than that! He's just... right person in the right place. For example, when a girl invited him to her prom he said: "But there's five of us, it will be funny, all of us dancing in a circle 😂😂😂 ", showing appropriate gestures
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Or when people started saying they have birthday 🎂 that day, after another person said that he was "Now you're lying 🤥😂" and he sang "Happy birthday EVERYONE" 😂.
Btw, it's my birthday today 🥳 and that's not a lie 😊
I really enjoyed this gig and I can't wait for the next one! Next stop - Antwerp! Who's coming there? ;)
Enjoy my very bad photos, but I like them anyway 😜
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Aha! And Jan in "Jan pierdolę" shirt and Adidas tracksuit! To give you a wider context - the phrase "Ja pierdolę!" where "Ja" means "I", can be translated into "Oh, fuck!", and, from my own experience, it can be used in different contexts - either to express irritation, anger, but sometimes also excitement. The name "Jan" is very same both in Polish and Slovenian, both in writing and in pronunciation. It was so funny 🤣 to see him in this t-shirt!
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eteisvalssi · 8 months ago
ruisrock report 7.7.2024
i'm now back home from turku and what a weekend it was! here are some of my thoughts:
i was a volunteer at ruisrock. i did two 7,5 hour shifts checking other volunteers in and out of their shifts and it was so much fun! an easy job, i got to enjoy one full day and two partial days of the festival, i got free food on the two days i had a shift and would've gotten free accommodation too if i hadn't had one already. all worth it :)
i did go see artists other than joker out. my favorites were definitely fröbelin palikat and robin! fröbelin palikat is something the main target audience of ruisrock grew up listening to so it was very nostalgic and there were so many people and literally everyone dancing and singing along to children's music. and robin is just robin, an amazing performer and literally everyone knows his songs
even on our day off we could use the volunteer bus and the crew entrance, so we did, and went to teltta straight away to check the situation. my friend wanted to stay there to secure barricade, but i gave my spot to a girl who wanted to only see the first two acts there
we had the joblr meetup! i loved meeting you all, it was so much fun, and i hope to see you all soon <3 next meetup in slovenia during the balkan tour? 👀
the others went to see käärijä but i felt bad for my friend for disappearing for three hours so i went to the tent after pehmoaino and the girl who i mentioned earlier gave me the spot back!
we could hear käärijä a bit from the tent and it was nice to hear how loud the audience was when erika vikman and joost came on stage
next up in the tent was ege zulu, i only knew like two songs but oh my god his performance was so good! he's a rapper and he had like a show with a proper band and dancers. at one point he just started improvising and singing/talking directly to the audience members and giving compliments and he truly knew what part of the audience he had to win over bc yours truly got complimented on 😂
after ege zulu the first rows started filling up from joker out fans
next up was alok and speaking as a person who does study event management i feel like there might have been some misjudgement from ruisrock's part on the timetables, because the two front rows were really not feeling it and it was very awkward. it would've worked better with joker out having performed before, but of course i know nothing about what their reasoning was
the 1,5 hour wait for joker out went by so fast. we were listening to pmmp from the niitty stage and during their most-well-known songs everyone who knew them was singing along. because of that the vibe in the audience was so good even before the gig started
katri norrlin and this other guy from ylex came to introduce them and even at that people were screaming so fucking loud. i read from jodel that one security person went to get second earmuffs bc it was so loud
after they came on stage nace looked me straight in the eyes and waved at me even though i didn't wave at him like ok??
i don't feel like i've ever been at a more high-energy joker out concert than this. the audience was so loud through the whole concert, the tent was full of people and you could see they got so excited by it and went completely crazy themselves
this one was truly for the shippers of the fandom with just everything that happened on that day
i didn't even realize jere and the others were on the side watching the gig before vse kar vem and i only heard about joost also being there after the concert
seagulls had somehow found their way into the tent and one of them got really scared during šta bih ja and flew around for a while before flying backstage
didn't expect sunny side of london or bele sanje to be on the setlist, but i'm definitely not complaining. ssol was just perfect for this gig
i've taken a video of novi val from every single gig and i was kinda sad that they didn't do it this time, but i do also get why they ended with carpe diem
after the gig we went back to the centre of turku and had an afterparty with some mutuals at a grill kiosk <3
i feel like i've forgotten something but idk i'll add some stuff if i do remember what i had in mind. thanks for reading <3
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 1 year ago
naw cuz u fr made me hug my phone 😭😭 you are such a a sweet person, and thank you for being my valentine this year!
I was so sad abt not being able to spend time w/ my irl friends, that I forgot I have people like you on this platform💕💕
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im actually not sure what so say now- bc all I can think about is how good you are? like? you haven't pulled anyone?
you must live around some blind ass people
my mind is just screaming rn, I'm gonna go re-read that shit again and get giddy all over 💐💐
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have a pic of my dad's lunch
HELPPPP jumping each other is a love lingo fr 😔✊🏾
aww :(( i'm sorry you weren't able to spend some time with your irl friends!! and i hope y'all get together for a get down soon bc irl friend getdowns >> trust 🎉🪅💃
but ultimately, I'm glad it served as the catalyst for THIS lovely piece of interaction and thereby cherished memory :)) <33
ah girlieboo I'm a single pringle and happy that way 😂🥰 gotta work on the temple before letting people in, yk? i just pray to Father that He's keeping MY future pookiebear hidden like me!! UNTIL WE FIND EACH OTHER FR 🤞🏾💞 #singlelifeandthriving 🥰 (altho i cannot deny being flattered by the fact that you think i could pull 😩🙌🏾 confidence boost like no other!! <33)
nah I just live in the ghetto 😜 not the kinda ghetto where brothers be roamin either, rip ☠ but it's aii I'm chilling!! i sleep in peace knowing the aspect of being done dirty is not somethin i gotta worry bout, feel me? 😘
me n' you fr 🩵(o´・_・)っ:
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"smek! <3* iluhyousomurch ❣💘
................now let's talm bout your old man's corn pops with ice--
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,,,,,,,, nah but YOU KNOW WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT???
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(THAT'S THE MOST NIGGA-EST MOVEMENT MEAL I'VE SEEN ALL MONTH [/JJJJ /POS POS POS GIRL I BE PLAYIN TM 😭😭] I THINK WE'RE DOING A GOOD JOB!!! THE ICE IN THE MILK FOR SUPREME ICY COLDNESS ENJOYMENT 👌🏾😤💯 PAPA CHIP??? YEEEAAA HE KNOWS WASSUP. i haven't had me some good corn pops in a while now that i think about it!! man, i could tear some uppp rn..,,,, yo, send me a bowl too-)
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enchantechante · 2 years ago
Hey Tae and hey last anon! This gonna be long :
Sis,when I was reading your message,I saw soooo much of my OLD self in it(years 2012-2021 to be exact).I WAS that woman who was ALWAYS there for EVERYONE no matter how I was treated in return.I would ALWAYS come up with excuses when it came to the treatment of being treated as if I WASN'T important in other people's lives. I would be like...oh,well MAYBE they are busy and have a lot going on? Because that's life and all of us go through shit even if it's not mentioned. But man,listen! I was really playing BOO BOO THE FOOL! Two of my EX bestfriends got away with soooo much because I knew they really were going through so I let things slide then they started skating on a bih! Lol. I heard the same excuses... I got a lot going on,I forgot to call you back man you know my memory bad,I thought you probably didn't want to talk,I know you hate talking on the phone,I was depressed,you could've called me,I lost your number etc.
Like,say what? I was there for both of them when I barely had and was struggling to get on my feet!Even when one of them was locked up(he was the most ungrateful and in the end thought he was better than me, picture that,lol) and the others mom passed/he was jobless and without a home,I WAS THERE TEN TOES DOWN because that's what real friends do!
I provided money,years worth of time, support and inspiring them daily to not lose their shit!I tried to get my guys to eat better etc.
While I was working two sometimes three jobs six days a week,mom battling cancer,uncle ill, catching cabs to and from because my car broke down, depressed for real, struggling with being bipolar,hair coming out ,skin breaking out etc.
Meanwhile,they would NEVER text or call me to check and see how I was,my mom,NOT NOTHING!
I felt worthless and was considering suicide!I had no one to turn to other than talking to God and my sweet mama.
I woke up one morning and said fuck it!Fuck my so called friends and fuck my mindset!I told myself it was time to make a change in EVERY part of my life and I did!
I deleted their numbers and blocked them on social media including a couple others.I focused on myself for seven months.I lost weight(85 lbs),got my money up, credit right,fell in love with ME and met amazing people.I even got started with real estate.When I think about that I laugh.WHY?Because one of my EX friends is the one who made it seem like I wouldn't make it in real estate because he knew more than me and at the time,had more connections than I did.GUESS WE'LL NEVER KNOW BECAUSE I'M JUST GETTING STARTED AND ABOUT TO PURCHASE LAND! 😩🤭😂
It's crazy how life will turn around in a positive way once you release what's not meant for you and also FOCUS ON YOU!
What's also even more crazy is more than likely you will cross paths with those SAME people who treated you like shit and took you for granted once you really get your life together!
And when that happens,still SAY FUCK EM!Ain't no spinning the block on a REAL good person who IS genuine and did EVERYTHING out of love and NEVER counted them favors!You'll see what I mean baby girl!Release everyone who makes it seem as if you're too hard to love or show up for!Nothing is wrong with you!I wish you the best with EVERYTHING!and once again,FUCK ANYBODY WHO DON'T POUR INTO YOU LIKE YOU DO THEM. Leave them where they had you fucked up at boo! PERIDOT!!! 😉
me, cackling through the mssg 😂:
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yall are hilarious!
And thank you for this thoughtful response.
Youve caught on to something really empowering & often hard to see at times like this.
Our love and care are powerful.
Pouring out for ppl who only take (regardless of the reason) will drain you. Not just during those interactions, but draining you of energy that could make a real difference in your own life.
Creating boundaries w ppl, like blocking them on social media, closes that drain.
We decide how long we suffer w bad friends. We need our own friendship deeply, before anyone else.
i love yall sm
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teeresaresa · 2 years ago
Unh uh 😩 Riki and his lil bid for a boy cousin 😩 why is kids really like this ?
Awwww 🥹 when Njadaka told Tchalla bout Jobu. They were really his babies. Ugh! He probably smilin’ from ear to ear bout Toussaint and at how well the two of them are working together.
Oh lord Steve callin w the beginning of the end 🙄 I hated watchin’ that big nigga collect them stones. This damn snap 🤦🏾‍♀️ got me nervous af !
Chile I am nt shocked by the sexual activities that went down back in the days mmkay ! What I am shocked about is Queen N’Isiqithi Tha Firs considering the sharin’ of thee royal dick ! Cause miss girl was havin’ a damn hissy fit when he asked her to share w Disa bt oh yo lil friends can have a piece ? By all means let’s get it nice and wet together ! YANI !
Cuz like I’m sorry what tf 😀 ?!
And of course Mr Freak Nasty gon be all for it since she already havin feelins bout it. And he prob already know cause the nigga sense everything !
I know this they marriage and errthang Bt how is this any different from the poly shit ? Cause he ain’t in love wit em? Njadaka has grown very mature since becoming king bt at the end of the day he still a nigga. Yu cnt give ‘em too much ! Ijs Yani gurl press on that gas SLLOOWWW aight? 😂
And see this make me think she wasn’t mad all them ch back she jus wanted his sole attention. She just wanted to make sure he still loved her like he said he did! Sis had all of us goin thru it ch after ch ! Him! Disa! Even tha chullen ! Chile anyway. If she like it y’all kno the rest 😌
…had me thinkin she wanted monogamy. Is it really 🥴 Chiiii ! Nt she worried she can’t handle tht Jaguar dick herself ! Gurllllll ! Disa woulda been all the help yu needed Bt let’s move on ! 😭😭😭😭😭 Alright now dnt start tht shit Yani ! Nt when yu frm the island ! Mount that big bicycle n ride bih !
When Queen Mary came to her omg ! I always feel emotions when I read scenes like this because it’s so important to know where you come from, and how you came to be, and who stands behind you because it’s a motivation like no other! Especially as a black woman honey! So beautiful! I wish I could meet an ancestor like that. I woulda been sced as hell at first too tho !
We love a royal entrance! Had Big Nigga too stunned to speak ! On bended knee ! No Boyz II Men ! Purr !
Unt uhhhh ! Not the lil princess gf Vivienne ! Chileeee the world cannot be that small ! And just like boys do, these niggas up here laughin ! Chile I thought he’d run into Renata before he’d run into Viv ! Bt it does make more sense ! I loved her talk w them and her supporting Yani. She won me over for sure.
QUEEN KILLMONGER ! Whew chile he deflee got him a lil weapon as a queen honey ! Mububu was actual scum. Bt she was a great distraction and handled herself very well. She said yu wanna die in front of all these people? Dnt play w HER ! W THE VINTAGE CLAWS !? YAS !
DON’T THINK SHE JUST HIS LITTLE WIFEEE ! BOW DOWN BITCH or wateva Beyonce be sayin ! Lisssennn he nt playin bout her and she ain’t playin bout him okey ! Bt his reaction in the elevator was hilarious cause he was like wait nah …Bt I like that 😂
We love a family man wanting to come home to his kids and his queen 🥰 it’s cute I must say
And like I said ! Miss Yani was second guessin’ that royal dck shit when it was happenin’ bt of course he got it out of her ! I really dnt see that lady in waiting shit happenin as a regular thing. I think she just like the idea of it because her ass been sittin up watchin’ videos of his ass w randoms and now he like her personal porn star 😭 IJS THE SHIT MIGHT BACKFIRE ON HER
“Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 4, Chapter 73″
Masterlist HERE. 
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“They say she get it from her Mama…
I put that on my own mama, on my hood I look fly, I look good You can’t touch my bag, wish you could I look fly, I look too good Put that on my own mama, on my hood…”
Victoria Monet – “On My Mama”
T'Challa lifted his newborn son from his fluffy pram blanket and gently burped him near the wall-sized window of the Sun Room. Nakia fed the baby constantly and after only a week of being alive, Toussaint was fatter and his belly became a round ball that his father liked to tickle.
The deep rich melanin had evened out across his son’s body and looking down at the tiny face, T'Challa witnessed a mirror, a version of himself that depended on a family to raise him up the right way. He kissed Toussaint’s forehead, then rocked him quietly.
Keep reading
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destinyc1020 · 2 years ago
The most surprising thing that I really didn’t expect is how affectionate Z is. I find it so endearing actually. Because during 1.0 I always though that T might be a bit more in love or touchy or whatever. Not saying he is any less now but Because we barely saw girlfriend side of Z it is surprising me more in a good way. Esp seeing all guys wishing to be with her. I think it’s a testament to how much love she has for him and the level of trust she feels
The most surprising thing that I really didn’t expect is how affectionate Z is. I find it so endearing actually. Because during 1.0 I always though that T might be a bit more in love or touchy or whatever. Not saying he is any less now but Because we barely saw girlfriend side of Z it is surprising me more in a good way. Esp seeing all guys wishing to be with her. I think it’s a testament to how much love she has for him and the level of trust she feels
Lol I get ppl saying that a lot and I'm not so sure why? 😂 🤷🏾‍♀️
I honestly think that the "cold-hearted" bih image is one that a lot of antis or Z haters tried to pin on Zendaya just because she's dating Tom.
But yet, when you see Zendaya in interviews, or Z interacting with her fans or her nieces, or hear fan encounters with her, EVERYONE just says how NICE and sweet she is. You can even tell it by how she is with kids, and strangers. 🥰
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Obviously smthg isn't adding up. 😏
I can just tell by how Z interacts on social media, how she's so gracious to her fans, how she treats her family, and the sweet things she's done for Tom and other people that she's definitely NOT a "cold person" at all.
Z may be very private and shy and introverted, but she's never given me the impression that she's "cold". Not in the least. She's actually one of the FEW celebrities that I would feel 100% comfortable going up to and asking for a picture. 🙂👍🏾
I also feel too that woc (black women especially) are given this label more often than their white counterparts when many times its so far from the truth. Black women are actually quite NURTURING, warm, hard-working, kind, thoughtful, thinking about others and their feelings, always doing for others even to the point of neglecting ourselves, etc. This "cold" label is always put on us for some reason... especially when we're successful. 🙄
But yet, nobody puts those same labels on our white counterparts as often as they put it on us. 😒
Anyway, I did a whole lengthy dissertation post about some fans and their constant ERRONEOUS view of Zendaya HERE:
I'm like, do ppl even LOOK at actual evidence, or do they just go by what they ASSUME based on what they WANT to believe about a person?
I'm in the legal field, so I look at EVIDENCE lol.
I don't see how anyone can claim that Zendaya is cold, or wouldn't be a soft girlfriend. To me, she's always been pretty soft. The way she worried about Tom throwing up in the Spiderman mask (even after a breakup? ) was pretty obvious that she has a soft heart. What she does for children in her hometown of Oakland.... again, SOFT. 🥺
So, ppl can believe whatever negative thing about Z that they want to believe, but just remember that it's not based on any actual REAL evidence. 😒
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adam-scott · 4 years ago
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY NASTYA @billy-crudup  cannot believe we got to know each other through the weirdest human being aka colin james farrell :/ to all those years where we freaked out over cannes, tiff and colin’s undercut! and to many many more where we freak out over ted lasso, jason sudeikis and the morning show (i’m starting it soon i promise) anyway, i’m wishing you the best for your birthday 🎂 🎁 🎈 🎊 🍰 🎉 
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