#that's his sister not his mom in the first one. by the way.
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jjjjisun · 11 hours ago
Pre-Game Ritual (Part 1)
Minju X Male Reader | 16075 words
TW: Incest
— Part 2: early access here.
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They were at it again.
Y/N and his girlfriend were always cautious when their parents were around, but if it was just his little sister Minju left in the house, they didn't have a care in the world. It was funny, too, because Minju and her brother never had the 'you won't tell Mom and Dad, will you?' conversation. She could have easily just hinted to her parents what was going on after they left the house.
But ultimately, Minju wasn't going to do it. Her brother was usually sweet to her. Besides, if ever Y/N did something to piss her off, she had his afternoons with that awful girlfriend Eunju to hold over his head.
Eunju let out one more dramatic moan, and she couldn't take it any longer. Minju grabbed her phone and running shoes and made for the door. As she closed it behind her, she was relieved to hear only the breeze blowing through their front yard.
Running was Minju's way of taking her mind off things. As soon as she took her first stride, her frustration began to melt away. The fact that her big brother was inside fooling around with his obnoxious girlfriend didn't matter anymore when her favorite song came up on her beloved running playlist.
Her routine kept her sane, and it was also why Minju was one of the fittest girls she knew. At 5'-6" and 105 lbs., she was proud to be in such good shape; it made a hard run all the easier. And though she hated to admit it, seeing the eyes of neighborhood boys and husbands follow her as she ran by was a rush.
Minju didn't have a boyfriend; that was probably part of her frustration with her brother and his bedroom antics. It wasn't that she didn't want one; it was more that nobody had come along with whom she felt compelled to start a relationship. Either they were silly boys her age, eighteen and immature, or they were older and with transparently lustful intentions toward her.
Minju could see what Eunju saw in her brother. He was twenty, smart, handsome, and yet very unassuming. Being a quarterback on his college football team probably didn't hurt, but he wasn't a colossal jock the way most might have expected. Family-oriented, driven, respectful... Y/N was the works. Why couldn't more boys like him approach her than the guys she was used to?
That's also why she held such high standards for him. Not only was he handsome, with short brown hair and masculine features that already resembled her dad, but he was just an all-around good guy. Eunju didn't deserve him; Minju always felt that Y/N had just fallen for her fast like he always did and that he liked the quarterback cheerleader cliché, too. Whatever, she thought, he'd only been with her a few months, and she could always hope things wouldn't work out.
Minju wondered if maybe her brother would set her up with one of his friends when she rounded the corner heading back to their house. She was intimately aware of how much her boobs were bouncing in her workout top when she passed Mr. Taylor's house; he was such a creep he might as well have blown her a kiss as she passed him while he was watering his flowers.
Minju's tits... They'd been trouble since they showed up in her early teens. Boys at school stared like they'd never seen breasts before in their lives. Men, too: men who were way too old to be gawking at a teenager would pretend they weren't trying to get a look down her shirt. Even her brother! Sometimes, he would stop in the middle of a sentence if she accidentally showed them too much. Maybe 'accident' wasn't the right word. Y/N was the only one she teased on purpose, perhaps because she knew he could do nothing about it.
When she ran up to the driveway, Y/N and his bimbo were on the front porch.
"Good luck tomorrow, baby," Minju heard her say.
"Thanks," her brother replied, "I'll see you after the game?"
"You'll see me at the game!" Eunju said, standing up tall to kiss her brother on the lips.
"You know I don't look over there. I can't be distracted." Y/N reasoned.
"Yea, yea, I get it. Mr. Quarterback can't take his eye off the ball," Eunju said, lovingly touching her brother on the chest.
Minju couldn't help but laugh at the flirty way Eunju said it. She'd tried her hardest to get to the door, but she was thirsty and didn't want to listen to it anymore.
"O...M...G...ARE-YOU-DONE!" She chanted, mocking one of the standard cheers, "CAN-I-GET-IN-THE-FUCKING-DOOR?"
Y/N laughed at his little sister's attitude. He'd seen her running up and knew he'd get an earful when his girlfriend left.
"Very funny, Minju," Eunju said, unimpressed, "Though I hope that's not what you'll be trying out with next year."
"Ugh..." Minju sighed, cocked her hip, and fluffed her ponytail "Should I dye my hair blonde instead?"
Minju shot a nasty look at her brother. He was NOT supposed to be telling anyone on the cheerleading team that his sister would try out it if she got accepted at his school. Even though she couldn't stand many of the girls on the team, she still loved cheering. Being close to the game, getting the crowd engaged, and staying in shape - all of it appealed to Minju, and she had her eyes on doing it for her brother's team if she got in.
Content with the frown on Eunju's face, Minju simply shouldered past her brother and headed inside. He took a moment to say his last goodbyes before following his little sister into the kitchen. He had to take a deep breath when he saw her tilting the bottle back and witnessed a few drips falling onto her chest as she gulped it greedily. The light glisten of sweat on her abs, the tight-fitting workout clothes...oooph. Despite having recently fooled around with his girlfriend, a hot girl was a hot girl, related to him or not. Sometimes, he wished his sister understood that the way he did.
"Why do you always gotta give her such a hard time?"
Minju almost laughed out loud, wanting to say something about her brother giving the dumb blonde a 'hard time' himself.
"Hey, if you are gonna bring your ditzy girlfriends around the house when mom and dad aren't home, I'm gonna reserve the right to make fun of them."
Y/N had difficulty arguing with that. He admired his sister's tenacity most of the time. She knew what she wanted, and she was vocal and rambunctious - everything he wanted in a girlfriend. She was probably right anyway. Eunju didn't knock him out with anything but her looks. And even then, the girl standing right before him was far more attractive. He was sure he could find someone that was right for him; Eunju was simply right for right now.
"Hey, Minju'," he said to her. She wanted to be mad at him, but she loved it when he called her that. "I'm sorry about the cheerleading thing. Eunju put two and two together, and I told her you'd probably try out."
"Two and two huh? Did Eunju finally pass remedial math last semester?" Minju quipped, narrowing her eyes after she'd said it.
Even though he could see her glare, Y/N knew she wouldn't stay mad at him. She only had a few hours each week, if that, to see her brother. He'd come home on Friday and stay the night before his Saturday game. They lived close enough to campus that he would be off before she awoke the next day and went to see him play. Eunju was a part of the weekly routine, but Y/N always got rid of her before it even got dark.
She always wondered how he managed to do it. Minju felt like girls were pretty dramatic when it came to quickies like Eunju seemed to come over for. One weekend, she'd heard the stupid blonde say something like, "...if it helps you play better, then I don't mind!" She hadn't made much of it then; Minju was glad to hear Eunju saying it on her way out.
"Yeah, yeah, I forgive you," Minju said, walking towards her brother and stopping when she smacked the almost empty water bottle against his chest and held her hand there, "I'll be picking the movie tonight."
Y/N rolled his head back and smiled, glad everything was cool between him and his little sis. Maybe he'd even convince her to give him a back massage later if he played the "It'll help me play well tomorrow" card.
Things went as they usually did that night. Minju even agreed to massage her brother's shoulder for a bit, even though she made sure to get a dig in about how he wasn't even a starter. Y/N had fought hard with his coach for his nights at home. Sure, seeing his girlfriend when most other guys were forbidden was a big plus. But he loved seeing his little sister and was so glad she always freed up her Friday nights for him before the game.
They just got along so well. Close in age as they were, Y/N and Minju had a lot of common interests. Football and video games, music, and crappy TV, they typically had a blast every Friday and Y/N went to bed once again, happy to spend time with his little sister. Their parents always did date night on Friday, so they'd only be home shortly before he went to bed.
Sometimes Y/N felt guilty, but more and more he was seeing his little sister in a... different light. She'd grown up fast. Not only was she more mature, but her body was too. He was often confused by how much he enjoyed having her around. He tried to reason that being near a pretty, youthful brunette would always be desirable. She just happened also to be his sister, and as long as he kept his hands to himself everything would be fine.
Typically, that's the way things worked out. Yet, Minju felt just as comfortable as her brother did around her. So, as she sat there massaging his naked shoulder and seeing how huge and muscular he'd gotten since starting college, Minju had some of the same issues her brother did. She also loved being around him, and not just because of how much he made her laugh or how she could talk to him about anything. She loved massaging his back because it was the closest she'd gotten to an attractive guy, and this one didn't try to touch her ass or her boobs whenever he got the chance.
She was only wearing a crop top and her favorite sweatpants, which she rolled and wore low at the waist when she remembered her brother had commented dressing inappropriately around him. Minju had brushed it off... and then wore seemingly less every time he was over after that. Hey, she thought, if he could get off while their parents were out and then get a massage out of her, she could at the very least, feel sexy and comfortable at the same time. His stare didn't bother her one bit.
The next day was incredible. Y/N wasn't a starter, so he'd begun the game uniformed but sitting on the bench. He was only a sophomore but next in line to start as quarterback for the prestigious college team. Things weren't going well for the starter. He fumbled in the first quarter. The offense struggled and only got one field goal out of four or five possessions in a row as the first half was nearing its end. When the QB threw his second interception, and the whistles sounded at the end of the half, Minju was buzzing in her seat that her brother might get his chance.
He'd played before, but only a quarter or a few minutes here and there. They entered the locker room, and Minju's mom touched her shoulder.
"Wouldn't it be great if your brother started the second half?" She said, looking excited.
Minju's heart beat faster. "You think he will, Dad? Do you think Oppa is going to start?"
Her dad raised his eyebrows and said, "I know what I'd do if I were the coach... he just might."
"You think he's ready?" Minju's mom asked her father.
A passing memory took Minju as her parents chatted about her brother's workout routine. Eunju had said something that other day when she'd overheard them. "...gotta make sure you're ready," she'd said, or something like that. Why was she remembering that now?
Sure enough, as halftime ended Y/N ran out of the tunnel with his helmet on. He was going to play.
He looked shaky as he lined up for his first snap. This time, seeing him on the field felt a little different. They were coming from behind, and her brother wasn't just a quick substitution; he was meant to be the solution.
He handed the ball off twice, but they still had a few yards to get the first down. It looked like they were keeping the ball out of the air and in the unknown hands of her brother. But when they lined up and Y/N called for the ball, he dropped back to pass it.
Minju held her breath the whole time.
'Pass it Oppa...!' she screamed inwardly.
And then he did.
It was a beautiful throw - a bullet right across the middle.
The receiver was brought down right away but well beyond the first-down line. The whole crowd cheered, and Minju and her parents locked arms and jumped up and down. He'd done it; she was so proud.
After that, Y/N was everything he needed to be. They didn't do anything too crazy, and he was playing pretty safe, but in no time, they were near the end zone, and Minju was clenching her mom's arm tight until he threw a perfect pass to the back corner for a touchdown.
Minju felt like she knew exactly why girls were so drawn to quarterbacks at that moment. Here she was, screaming like a complete fool and jumping up and down in her team sweatshirt, yelling her brother's name and practically in tears. Dam,n does he look good in that uniform, Minju thought as he trotted off the field to let the kicking team on.
The rest of the game was a haze. She was so excited to see her brother finally playing as she was, but Minju almost couldn't handle it that he was leading them to a win. When the final second ticked off the clock, and it was her brother holding the ball, she giggled outright as he threw it up in the air in his excitement.
The team rallied and celebrated on the field, and her family was allowed to walk on while the rest of the crowd shuffled out of the stadium. Y/N hugged their mom and dad, picked Minju up, and spun her around in a circle. Minju could feel the sweat on his pads and the heat radiating from him until he set her down with a huge smile.
"I think it was all because of the shoulder massage, Minju," he said, "this ball's for you."
Minju felt him push the ball into her midsection like she had the water bottle into him the day before.
"You were so awesome, bro," Minju praised, "but you better take this thing back before somebody tries to tackle me."
"You mean like me!" He said, bending down to grab her waist and picking her up again, slinging her over his shoulder like it was nothing. Minju screamed and kicked, but he didn't set her down until he'd made her sufficiently dizzy. Their parents looked on and laughed the whole time.
Minju saw her brother's girlfriend looking at them from afar, clearly displeased that she wasn't getting all the attention. It gave Minju an odd sense of satisfaction, even if their relationships with her brother differed.
"You better go do the same thing to Eunju," Minju whispered when her brother put her down. She looked jealous."
Y/N sighed knowingly and gave his sister a hasty, final hug. Saying goodbye to his parents and Minju, Y/N ambled over to talk to his cheerleader-girlfriend. Minju couldn't help but notice him looking in her direction over Eunju's shoulder as she was leaving.
After that, things blew up. People went on and on about how poised her brother was in the game despite having minimal experience. He started in the away game the following week, and they won. It was a close game, and Y/N made some mistakes, but watching him on television, she couldn't help but see all of the strengths that people had been touting in the write-ups of his first big performance.
Minju congratulated her brother via text, and he quickly responded that he was looking forward to a Friday at home the following week.
-I bet you would have made that pass at the end of the first half if you had a shoulder massage!-
[I bet you're right. Do you think I'm a big loser for wanting to hang out with my little sister on a Friday night?]
Minju blushed, even though she was alone in her room with the lights off.
-Are you kidding, a loser? Did you SEE the game I just did?-
-Oh, that's right... you were that stud quarterback who WON it!-
[Thanks Minju, I can't wait to see you next week.]
God did he love his little sister, Y/N thought. He was in a cab on the way out to celebrate the victory that night, and all he could think about was how great it would be to talk through all the plays the way he had on the phone with Minju after his first game. Inevitably, there would be a thousand girls throwing themselves at him that night, but Y/N felt sure none of them could match his little sis. Maybe he was wrong, but first and foremost, they were hungry to sleep with a football player, and most of them wouldn't even be as attractive as Minju. If only she wanted that too, then he'd have the whole package. 'Ugh,' he shook off. It was probably the booze talking.
Minju wished they'd seen his potential from the very start. Her brother started and won every game for the rest of the season, which was already more than half over when he'd first come out onto the field for that fateful second half. Because they had enough losses before that, there wasn't much left to make of their season when Y/N stepped in, but there was a lot of talk about the season to come.
And each week, each home game at least, Minju and Y/N hung out just the two of them for as much time as they could. She couldn't stand that he insisted on Eunju coming over, hearing them in his bedroom after she got home from school, but glad to see her leave shortly after. Y/N had insisted that their parents give him time to himself (with Minju...and Eunju), and they'd obliged, given his success on the field.
Their time together was usually the same: a movie and a lot of talking about what was going on in their lives. But for Minju, her feelings were slowly evolving. She couldn't help it. Everybody was talking about him. Her parents were so proud, and girls at school went on and on about how hot he was. Being that he was the quarterback of the state college team, the exposure meant constant reminders of him everywhere Minju went.
So her attitude toward him was gradually changing whether she knew it or not. She'd often lay on top of her shirtless brother for a long time after kneading his back, just enjoying the deep bass in his voice that vibrated her chest as they bantered. Minju began to crave that time with her brother, cuddling seemingly closer every week when they watched a movie. She simply wanted to be with him.
And Y/N was no dummy. Despite being a big, burly football player, he was quite smart, or so he told himself. It wasn't as if he didn't notice that his little sister was not so resistant to touch his back anymore or that she was wearing seemingly less and less every time she came downstairs for their movie. Yet, it still felt... natural. Many girls were throwing themselves at Y/N nowadays, but Minju had earned his attention rather than exploited it, and he liked giving it to her.
There was this one day he'd almost called her out for it. She might as well have been naked... well, not quite, but perhaps the fact that he'd never seen her naked, and this was as close as he'd get, was why he kept his mouth shut.
The underwear was enough to make him shiver: an orange-ish pair of panties, simple but tight at each curve and the gap between her thighs. They had a white edge that he followed with his eyes as it wrapped around her tiny waist and those damned legs of hers. But then the shirt, or was it a sheet? This draped white thing with a big curved neck exposed her almost from shoulder to shoulder. The tiny sleeves were all that held it up. And, of course, it didn't reach more than halfway down her upper half. His little sister's entire midsection, perhaps one of his favorite parts of hers, was left entirely to his view.
Both of the small pieces of clothing looked somewhat transparent. Y/N wanted to look long enough to determine whether he was seeing the dark circles of Minju's nipples or the tiny dark slit at the gap between her thighs, but he tore his gaze away before it became inappropriate. He couldn't believe that you could buy clothing like that or that his little sister was wearing it around him. Did it look that good on other girls because Y/N was practically hard during the entire movie, and wondering why his sister would be so brazen around him? Did she know how attracted to her he was that night?
Suddenly, he couldn't get Eunju out of the house fast enough on Fridays, though he believed he needed the release the night before the game. More and more, it seemed like she was just happy to be the girlfriend of the star quarterback; he got a little release when he needed it, and she got to parade him around when she wanted to.
And just like that, the season was over.
The hype continued for a few weeks after their last game. He had to do some interviews and a couple of articles for newspapers and magazines. He was no international star, but the college team fanatics demanded plenty of him. The holidays came and went, and we were busy as usual. Before they knew it, Minju and her brother were well into the second half of the school year.
Sometimes, he couldn't make it on Friday nights to be home with his little sister. Y/N had loaded up his second semester with classes to make the workload easier during the football season. He felt awful, but she understood, making him love her even more.
But when he did make it home, it was awesome. Every time he saw her, Y/N seemed to get closer to his little sister. And she just kept getting more beautiful. She was only recently eighteen, and every day, she became more aware of her body and how to carry herself. Each day on his way home, Y/N guiltily looked forward to what his little sister might wear that night.
Sometimes, he wondered if the two of them were toying with each other, playing with the possibility that one of them might do something rash. But he knew how happy it made Minju to have someone like him that she could entirely rely on to make her feel comfortable; he didn't want to ruin that. He didn't know that Minju was struggling to respect him similarly. But they loved their time together so much that it didn't matter.
They were starting to talk on the phone regularly or at least text when he hadn't seen her in a while. They were so busy with schoolwork, sports, and training that they marked their weeks by the time they talked to or saw each other. Sooner than both Y/N and Minju could have imagined, pages of the dog calendar their mother hung in the kitchen flipped by, and the summer was upon them.
Y/N had trained almost daily for the upcoming football season. He'd never expected his responsibilities to become important to him, his coaches, or his team. Add to that, finishing up a semester of college, and his schedule was chock-full. The first week of summer would be a much-needed breather, but then it would be off to summer training camp. He even had time to spend with his family and a few days hanging out with only his little sis. They took a day out on the lake together, went to dinner one night, and even agreed to go shopping with her the day before he left for summer training camp.
"I don't want you to go," Minju said, her big, green, puppy-dog eyes looking teary. She dreaded that this would be the first summer she didn't get to spend with her brother.
"Do you have to?" Minju asked sadly, feeling her brother's big, strong arms wrap around her in the middle of the department store.
"I don't want to leave you, Minju, but I want to be at my best for next season. It's gonna be a big year for me." He said regretfully, holding her close enough to catch the subtle shampoo scent in her soft, brown hair.
"We can talk or text any time you want," he promised, pulling back and staring into her sad eyes.
That only made her feel marginally better, but she shook her head knowingly. Y/N held his sister for a while as they walked through the store. She picked out a new pair of sweatpants that admittedly excited Y/N, reminding him of how she usually looked when she'd be wearing them and the time they spent together... how they rode low, and her hip bones were often revealed to his wandering eyes as she laid in front of him on the couch.
"What do you think? She said, coming out of the changing room for the third time.
Minju saw her brother jump when he looked up from the green sweatpants he recognized as the ones she'd picked out. Suddenly, he was looking away like his eyes were burning.
"Minju!" He said, looking back toward her through his hand.
"WHAT?" She mocked, giggling.
"You can't wear that out here!"
He was probably right, she had on the sweatpants, as low as she possibly could wear them. The lines of her toned abdomen led down to what was likely a totally bare pussy based on what her brother could see. But the top wasn't a top at all. It was a sexy, black bra. The lace revealed much of her breasts to her brother's eyes. He'd always been totally caught off guard by how amazing his sister's tits were, but this was more than she'd ever let him see.
"Oh you can look Oppa, stop being such a wuss."
He did slowly look back in his little sister's direction, but it felt like he shouldn't. Yet, as soon as he saw how the black lace pushed his sister's breasts upward and most of the demi-cup left her chest bare, Y/N wasn't about to look away.
"So... what do you think?"
"Incredible..." he said, unwittingly. Minju's breasts had been amazing for years, and now that the rest of her body had caught up, he was like a helpless puppy.
"The sweatpants and the bra?" she asked with a huge grin.
Y/N was so embarrassed. He'd literally just complimented his little sister's tits, her beautiful body... no question there. Thank god she'd let him off the hook.
"I think you should buy them, both of them." He said without flinching.
Minju had never felt sexier. As her brother pretended, poorly, that he wasn't looking up and down every inch of tanned skin she'd revealed to him, she realized how loved it made her feel. Plenty of guys had complimented her before, but nobody made her knees feel weak the way that Y/N did. She turned around and headed back to the changing room after being sufficiently convinced that he'd liked what he saw. Y/N almost exploded when he saw the dimples in her lower back and then their eyes met quickly before Minju perked her little butt up for him once and then closed the door behind her.
Y/N had to take a deep breath. What on earth had gotten into him? And what about her? God damnit did she look breathtaking in even the simple two pieces of clothing. Why did she insist on flaunting it in front of him, and why was he feeling so much like touching her?
Minju walked out of the dressing room wearing what she had on before she went in. Somehow seeing her clothed now got him just as excited. Even the cute flannel shirt and tank-top she was wearing made her beautiful, and he wondered if he'd see the bra and sweatpants she was holding in her hand again before he left.
When Y/N stood, his little sister stopped him before he could exit the changing rooms. Nobody was around; it felt private... intimate as she placed hand on the middle of his chest.
Minju rested her head against him and wrapped her free arm around his back. Everywhere she touched he was just...solid. When his arms encircled her she felt that familiar tingling coursing through her, made stronger as she sensed the strong beat of his heart against her hand.
"I'm really going to miss you, you know that, right?" She said quietly, like she didn't want anyone else to hear.
"I know little one, I'm going to miss you too."
Before he could do or say anything else, Minju stood up tall and kissed him right on the lips. His face had been downturned and his eyes closed as he held her; he didn't even know it was coming.
But her lips were so soft. There was a hint of sweetness on them, and they moved ever so slightly. He shouldn't have been kissing his little sister that way, with his hands around her and the kiss lasting longer than it could have. But nobody could see them, and nobody had to know who they were. In that moment, the kiss felt like the best way to say goodbye.
Minju dropped back from her tiptoes and finally took a breath, realizing how fast her heart was beating. She hadn't planned it, but all of the sudden their lips were together and she didn't want it to end. 'Why did he have to go?' she repeated in her head again and again, knowing the answer but still feeling frustrated.
They didn't get much more after that. They talked and laughed and played around for a bit longer before it was time to go. Even after the kiss, everything just felt ...normal...right. She hated that pulling back into the driveway meant they were all that much closer to her brother leaving for the summer, but she was finally coping with it. She lay awake that night listening to her dad and brother talk in the other room as he packed until she finally drifted off to sleep thinking of Y/N.
Minju went with her dad to take Y/N to the airport the next day, but there would certainly be no more kissing her brother the way they had the day before. She looked down at her feet as her dad was shaking her brother's hand and wishing him good luck before heading back to the drivers' seat.
"Hey," he said, putting his finger below her chin and lifting it up to him. His heart almost broke apart to see that Minju had tears in her eyes. "Ohhh Minju', come on, you're killin' me."
She half giggled, half sobbed as their gazes met.
"I love you little sis, and it's only a few months," he assured her.
"I know," she sighed, "it's just...ughhhh!" Minju stomped her foot on the ground like she was going to throw a fit. She was so upset to be losing her best friend, even if it was only temporarily.
"Just go... you big jerk."
"I'm already marking our Fridays on my calendar for next year, and I'll see you on the sidelines too."
"Okay," Minju agreed half-heartedly, knowing she still had to make the cheerleading team but flattered her brother just assumed she would.
"I love you too," she said finally.
She jerked when her brother kissed her cheek and then squeezed her side like he always did. Watching him walk away, she felt like it was going to be a long summer.
It was tough without him, but not unbearable. A couple times a week they would text about what was going on at the football camp or how Minju was choosing her schedule, this and that. She'd gotten into the state college during Y/N's amazing football season and knew she'd be going there from the minute she opened the letter. The program they had for her major was one of the top in the country, so she didn't feel like she was just following her brother to the same college.
In fact, she was looking forward to them being at the same school. Y/N was going to be a junior and Minju a freshman. Despite being very independent and proud of it, Minju had already made some friends due to Y/N's newfound fame. Every time somebody recognized her last name in the programs and orientations she attended over the summer, she felt proud to call him big brother.
Minju looked forward to the times he would call her on the phone. It was always late at night, sometimes waking her up, but Minju was so glad to see his number pop up that she awoke immediately an answered with an excited "hey big bro!"
Y/N could sometimes hear his sister waking. He imagined that she was wearing one of those outfits from their Friday nights at home. Laying in her bed, maybe in just a tiny pair of underwear she felt sexy in, Y/N could hear his little sister yawn and he pictured her tiny frame stretching out under the covers.
Sometimes late at night, their conversations felt so private, almost secretive. Whether it was the fact that they were both in a darkened room with nobody else around or that they weren't wearing much or something else, to Minju it felt kind of naughty. She thought that the way they talked was more like the way she imagined talking to a boyfriend, one she didn't have of course.
And Y/N didn't have anybody but Minju. Eunju would call now and again, but she was... not all that interesting to talk to. Usually, when he hung up with his girlfriend, he couldn't go to bed until he talked to his little sister, hoping to have some meaningful conversation before he finally turned in.
"Hey Minju', how come you never let any of those boys you tell me about take you out on more than a date or two?" Y/N asked her one of the nights when they were both talking in bed a couple hundred miles away from each other.
"Well that's a little personal, isn't it, Mr. Nosy?" she responded.
"Well, seeing as how you asked what Eunju looks like naked, I think we're past being bashful about stuff like this," Y/N chided back.
He was probably right; Minju was feeling competitive one night when her brother told her he'd just hung up with his girlfriend and she wanted to know. She was now confident that her body, especially her chest was sufficiently more appealing to her brother (apparently, he was a "breasts man")
"FINE..." she replied, "I dunno, I guess I just... I haven't met anybody worthwhile yet. And they all want to get in my pants on like, the first date. It's exhausting."
"Aww shoot, Minju, I didn't know that. I mean, you gotta give the guys a little slack though you know?"
"Why would I do that??" Minju asked, frustrated
"Well, you're... I dunno... you're really..." he couldn't seem to get the words out.
"I'm what Oppa?" Minju asked, sort of expecting her brother to say something about her being too stuck-up or bitchy.
"How do I say this..." he continued, hoping she would give him an out.
Minju just waited in silence, wondering what he was trying to say.
"Ugh, fine." he started, "You're hot, Minju. Guys are going to want to hook up with you when they first see you. Frankly, I'm worried about it for when you start at school with me."
"Oh..." Minju said. Y/N wished he could be there with his little sis so they didn't have an unknown, uncomfortable silence on the phone. He was glad when she continued:
"That doesn't mean they can just be dogs all the time though. One guy actually pulled the car over and asked if I would blow him on the way home from our second date!"
"Whoa..." Y/N let out, sounding upset, "That's not okay... Who is he? What's his name?"
Minju smiled when she heard her brother getting mad. As much as she would like to see her brother pummel that douchebag Hyunmin, Y/N wanting to defend her was reward enough.
"Oh, relax Oppa, you'll never need to see him, nor will I."
"Hmmph..." He sighed, sounding unsatisfied, "So...did you?"
"Did I what?... OH GOD NO!" Minju gasped, "Did you need to ask?!"
She could hear her brother laughing on the other end. "No, I figured. I just wanted to rile you up."
Minju giggled, too. He did always knew how to push her buttons.
"Can I tell you something Oppa?"
"Sure Minju', anything."
"I've never done... 'it'... before."
Y/N paused a few seconds, trying to process what he'd just heard. Though he hadn't thought his little sister would ever share something like that with him, a small part of Y/N was happy to hear that she was a virgin.
"Oh..." he responded, "You know that's totally okay right? A lot of girls get all worried about it but you shouldn't be."
"I know," Minju said, "but I just don't want to come off as really prude like I'm above it or something; I just haven't found the right guy."
"...and that's awesome." Y/N assured her, "I think it makes you even more attractive. Like you know what you want, and it means something to you."
Minju curled up tightly in her bed. She bit the tip of her thumb, thinking about what her brother was telling her. Not only was someone she loved and wholly respected telling her not to worry about something she'd spent all too much time agonizing about, but he was also telling her that it made her more attractive.
"What about you?" Minju asked, "I mean I guess I know you've done it before."
"Yeah, I guess you do..." he said, knowing that Minju had heard him with Eunju before and feeling somewhat bad about it now that she'd told him she was a virgin. "But I wish I thought about it the way you did or that I could."
"What do you mean?" asked his little sister.
"Well when you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and you have sex, things can just kind of change. Sometimes I wish I could really take time to care about someone before jumping into it. You can do that, at least."
He paused, seeming to be hung up on his feelings.
"Eunju and I...well... I don't want to talk about her.
Minju could hear some hurt in her brother's voice. She felt terrible for razzing him all the time about his girlfriend.
"It's okay Oppa, I know things can be complicated sometimes."
He was quiet.
"Do you know how much I love you?" Minju asked.
"No, how much is that?" Y/N said, smiling again.
Minju put on the most innocent, girly voice she could, "LIKE...sooooo much," she said. He could almost hear her smiling through the phone.
"I love you too Minju." Y/N told her.
For the moment of silence that followed, both Minju and her brother truly wished they weren't talking over the phone but instead being there with each other. It wasn't just that he knew his little sister would be wearing very little and stretched out alone in her bed. It was also that he wanted to hold her so she could understand how much he meant that he loved her. Minju, too wondered how he might touch her if they embraced right then. Her skin tingled, wondering what her brother might look like after the months of workouts he'd been telling her about. Something told her she'd be intimidated by how big and muscular he'd gotten.
She wanted to say something more. The tingling sensation working its way from her core out to her fingers and toes made Minju speak without thinking,
"I wish you were here with me," she said. Her fingers traced a path from her neck down to the curve of her breast.
Y/N could hear something more in his sister's voice, and though he knew he shouldn't, he wanted her to feel the same thing her words doing to him.
"I wish I were there with you too Minju."
Minju's whole body was feeling warmer. She didn't know what to think about how he was making her feel.
"Goodnight little sis," Y/N said after waiting long enough.
"Goodnight big bro," she said, not meaning to sound quite as sexy as she did.
"Two weeks," Y/N said right before he hung up, hearing his little sister say sleepily, "I can't wait." as he hit a button to end the call.
Was he going crazy? Was he supposed to feel like if his little sister was in the room right then he would have been unable to help himself touching her all over, running his hands over her body: those wonderful breasts he longed to see, kissing her beautiful neck and shoulders, caressing her legs. Did she know that he'd hung up the phone and found himself fully hard, thinking of her in a way he knew he should not?
She was just so gorgeous. Even over the phone he was conjuring up all the times he'd looked at her and marveled at her beauty. What was he going to do when they were finally going to school together? What if he had to watch guys talk to her, flirt with her, even make a move. Y/N knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep until he took care of his erection. Strong as his feelings were, he couldn't force the images of his barely clothed little sister out of his mind. When he finally released the pent up excitement he'd discovered in talking to Minju, it was to the image of her lying in bed.
He couldn't possibly know, but his little sister had done the very same thing, imagining that Y/N came home and finally helped her understand what it might feel like to be with a boy.
Two weeks flew by. Both Y/N and Minju had fully packed schedules before he was to return home. When their heads hit the pillow at night, they were lucky to even exchange a few texts before falling asleep.
Then, Minju came home from the gym one day during the week before school started and almost fainted at the sight of her brother. Not only was she so unbelievably glad to see him, but he looked incredible. He was tan from all the time out in the sun. His hair had grown longer and unruly. He even had a dark scruff on his face, so he looked considerably older. And he was huge! He filled out an old t-shirt so it looked stretched across his muscles. His chest, his arms, his abs! Minju felt so guilty when she sensed herself getting wet as she approached him.
And Y/N was in for even more of a treat than his sister, or at least he thought so. She had obviously spent some time in the sun, but her body... God was she even more beautiful than he remembered. It had been less than three months and he wondered if it was the same girl. Or perhaps he was seeing her differently, still unbelieving that such a beautiful girl could also be his little sister.
Her stomach was flat as ever, with a hint of her abs showing when she ran over to jump into his arms. She wrapped her toned little legs around him and squeezed him tight. Y/N remembered talking with Minju about the size of her boobs compared to his girlfriend's and he knew as she pressed them against him, even in a sports bra, that Minju's were bigger.
"Are you ready for school next week?" He said excitedly, setting her cute bottom on the counter top. Y/N was glad their parents weren't around because he was definitely taking some liberties with his hands, leaving them on her hips as he set her down.
Minju shook her head, 'Yes,' looking anxious and adorable at the same time. She had imagined her brother coming home so many times, and this was even better. She couldn't help herself from leaning in and planting a quick peck on his lips.
They were quiet, contented, for a while. Neither of them really cared to speak. Y/N was standing between his little sister's legs and holding her close enough that he was glad he hadn't gotten hard...yet. Even thinking about it worried him that Minju might soon be feeling something she shouldn't pressing against the tight fabric of her workout shorts.
"I know you're going to hate me for this, but I have to be at school 24/7 before our first game in a week and a half.
Minju's mouth dropped open. She was half-pretending, she'd expected it based on everything he'd been telling her over the phone. When he saw his little sister crack a grin instead of the big grimace he expected, Y/N narrowed his eyes at her.
"I know, I won't give you too much shit about it. I'm just really happy you're home!" She said, hugging him again. Y/N was truly worried she might feel something in his shorts.
"...And so BIG!" she fawned, seeing his worry disappear as she put her hands on his shoulders and rubbed them. He could tell she was giving him a hard time, acting like one of the many girls he expected to encounter on his first week back.
"Will you come back on Friday before the game?"
"Well the coach made a big deal about it, but after telling him it was my ritual every time last year... and then you know... we won every game... he gave in."
Minju showed her beautiful white smile, and it was all Y/N really needed to see that day. He was so glad to be holding his little sister and to know that nothing had changed about how they interacted, even though he knew the way he felt about her had.
The week before school started, tryouts for the cheerleading team were held. Minju had been working all summer for her big moment, and she knew she was ready. Y/N had even walked with her from her dorm to the facility and given her a big hug before sending her in. She felt all the more confident that he believed in her.
"Can I watch?" Y/N had asked.
"NO!" Minju fired back. She did not want him to see just in case she didn't make it.
"Aww, Minju, you know you're going to kill it, right?" he said, hugging her and pushing her through the door. His touch on her lower back was comforting; it lingered even as she walked out into the gym when her name was called.
She needn't have been nervous. The panel of four girls, a coach and an assistant coach were all that was there to watch her do her routines. There were a few routines they published online weeks before, and one that Minju was supposed to compose on her own. Everybody had seemed pleased after she completed the pre-selected routines, but everybody had cheered and clapped when she finished her own. Everybody but one... Eunju.
Even though she felt like she'd nailed every part, the fact that someone on the panel had held their applause made her nervous. She hated to admit it, but Minju really was getting her hopes up for being on the cheerleading team. If she was really good, they might even let her cheer for the football team in her first year, but she had to be truly impressive.
She was ecstatic to get a callback that day, and to be told that practice started that weekend. Y/N told her he knew she'd make it, and that he'd be shocked if they didn't put her on the field with him.
When the Friday before his first game finally came around, Minju rushed home—the first week of school had been crazy. She'd started all of her classes, been really successful at cheer practice and she was really hopeful that she'd make the first team and maybe cheer during one of the earlier football games. She didn't look forward to hearing or seeing Eunju, Minju thought as she pulled in the driveway, but she was out of control excited to spend her first Friday catching up with her brother.
When he entered, there was no noise, no sign of her brother's girlfriend, and the house sounded pretty quiet. She heard a bowl clinking in the kitchen, so she followed the sound inward.
"Hey you, where's your girl?" Minju asked
"She's not coming today," Y/N said, sounding strange.
"Oh...um... is everything okay?" Minju continued, coming up behind her brother and putting a hand gently on his shoulder.
"Yeah," he said, sounding exhausted, "I don't think either of us will be seeing her much anymore."
"Oh no, I'm sorry Oppa, did something happen?"
"Don't worry about it, Minju. I'm not. It was a long time coming, " he said, but she could tell it was wearing on him. Minju draped herself over her brother's muscular shoulders, and she could feel him start to relax. She knew he was upset but was desperate to do anything that would make him feel better.
"How about you can pick the movie tonight? And if you're really lucky I'll even throw in a back-rub."
He knew she would do that anyway, but it made him smile to hear her offer. Y/N always liked that Minju didn't only talk about football with him, especially right before the game. She might ask a few questions about who they were playing, but she didn't get him all anxious the way others might if he didn't hole up at his house. It was just one more reason why he liked being around her so much.
They both had work to do before they could hang out, but around the time it was getting dark and their parents would be meeting after work for their weekly dinner date, Y/N waited for his little sister in the TV room. It had been a long time since they last did this, and he was a little nervous about what might happen since their relationship had progressed.
He had to keep his jaw from dropping when she came bouncing down the stairs, or rather her breasts did. Just as she promised, she was wearing the outfit that she'd tried on right before he went off to training camp months ago. Was it possible that she filled out her bra even better than before, because she certainly looked it? And the pants, hanging like they might fall at any second but for the drawstring around her waist.
This wasn't going to be easy. Now that he didn't have the typical release of spending an hour or so with his girlfriend, spending time with his far hotter little sister seemed like it might not be as easy. It worried him even more as he watched her perfect, round breasts shudder and threaten to escape her struggling bra with each step she took down the stairs.
It was nice to have his eyes on her like that again. Minju hadn't felt so desirable since they'd last had real alone time, and her brother's gaze was more than welcome. Just being in his company and him in hers made the two of them buzz with love for each other and excitement about being together.
"Lie down over here will ya?" Minju asked after they'd been watching the movie and chatting for a while. She could tell he was tense, far more than expected and she just wanted to help.
Y/N obliged, sucking in a breath when he felt his hot little sister straddle him. He was truly glad to be lying face down, because the thought of her perched on top of him in that outfit was driving him nuts. She was actually quite good at massaging him, seeming to know all of the tight spots after doing it many times. Y/N was finally starting to feel a lot better when she'd been doing it no more than a few minutes.
At some point, when Minju was trying hard to get him in the right spots on his back, she shifted over and the back of his leg as pressing against her mound. She hadn't meant to, it had just kind-of...happened. She couldn't help that it felt really good. But as she moved around, pressing her hands into different spots on her brother's muscular back, it just kept arousing her more and more.
Y/N had no idea it was going on either, he was in a sleepy state after how good his sister's hands were making him feel. He heard her breathing heavier, thinking she was just exerting herself as she pressed harder on him.
It never took her very long, especially not when she was really turned on; Minju should have known better. She was just sitting down harder on her brother, leaning into him to 'get more leverage on his back,' or so he might think. Minju didn't know what had gotten into her, but within only a minute or two of feeling her brother's leg pushing against her pussy and her little clit being trapped and stimulated just the way she liked it, she was lost. She had to try hard beyond measure not to make a sound, yet she couldn't stop herself squirming.
It only took a moment, and Minju managed to stay quiet. Her arousal that had built up in the time she spent apart from her brother did the brunt of the work. All it took was a little push, back and forth, of her hips and then suddenly she was clenching her legs. She bit down hard on her lip, desperate not to reveal what she'd just done and feeling embarrassed as a short but powerful orgasm took her.
Y/N came to when he heard his sister take a few sharp breaths atop him. He couldn't see her face, but he would have seen her coming down from her orgasm and trying to catch her breath. Her hands weren't doing much anymore.
"Tired little sis?" He asked.
From the tone of his voice, Y/N didn't know anything. She felt guilty, but Minju thought maybe she could get off without him knowing and without experiencing any of the embarrassment.
"Uh huh," Minju lied. She lifted her hips off of him so he wouldn't feel it if she'd gotten too wet.
"What if I took a turn for a change?" Y/N asked.
It was the only thing Minju could think of to put her out of harm's way, or at least her brother's discovery.
She agreed and laid down on the floor where he'd just been. After cumming, her skin was sensitive and crawling for his touch. Even when his fingers grazed her, Minju could feel it through her whole body. He started slow, and then worked his fingers into the tight spots on her shoulders. His hands felt terrific - big and strong, and a little bit rough from all his hard work.
Maybe Minju didn't know she was doing it, but Y/N absolutely loved the way his little sister was letting out adorable sighs and moans when he touched her just right. Y/N was probably getting just as much enjoyment as his little sis from his touching her.
He wasn't sure why he thought it would be okay, but her bra was simply in the way. In one quick motion, Y/N unclasped his little sister's lacy top. It sprung open and revealed her back to him, and Minju quickly opened an eye to look backward at him. When he didn't offer an explanation, she stayed quiet.
The tension seemed more incredible then, but his hands felt even better. Y/N could see his little sister's tits spreading out from her thin frame as she lay against the floor. He wanted to touch them; he even got close a few times with his fingers. Minju was fully aware of every square inch of her body that he felt: the way his fingers daringly slipped just beneath the waistband of her sweats, or how he grasped the tops of her hips a few times like he wanted to pull her towards him. After only a few moments, both of them were totally turned on, though neither was about to admit it to each other.
If Y/N hadn't seen it, they would have been totally screwed. The flash of headlights shown in the room for only a second.
Their parents had walked in on them watching a movie before, even when Minju was wearing relatively inappropriate clothing. But in the position they were and with Minju's suggestive bra unclasped, it would have looked a bit more...naughty. Minju didn't even know what hit her before she was being scooped up and flipped around into her brother's arms as he took two stairs at a time up to her bedroom.
"Oppa what th...!" Minju gasped as he manhandled her. Her hands darted to the dangling bra that she'd only just managed to hold on to. Then she was twisted around and had her legs wrapped around her brother's wide frame before she could speak another word. As they hit the top of the stairs, she heard her parents at the door.
Y/N dashed into his sister's room and then stood quietly, both of them being very still in their utterly suggestive position. Even in their haste, both siblings could intimately sense Minju's loosely covered breasts against Y/N's chest, and she couldn't be sure, but was something extra trapped between their hips?
"Kids, we're home!" Their mother called out as she came in.
"Up here, be down in a minute!" Y/N called back.
When he was sure they were in the clear, he flopped back onto the bed and took his first deep breath. Minju laughed first; of course, she would find that funny.
"Oh my god that was close!" She said, giggling.
"Well we wouldn't have to be worried if you were still wearing your bra!" Y/N said righteously.
"Um excuse me, I wasn't the one who took it off," Minju said.
By the time they'd reached the bedroom her bra no longer covered either of her breasts. It was still trapped between them, but looking down Y/N could see the full weight of his little sister's chest held between his and hers. They were big and hanging down slightly as she propped herself up to look at her brother. With an adorable and mischievous look on her face, she looked irresistible, perched on top of her brother with both her knees on the bed.
"I didn't mean anything by it, I was just..." he started, obviously not knowing where he was going with it.
Minju smiled at him, "I know you didn't," she said, letting him off the hook. She wiggled her hips playfully as she said it, and Minju was almost positive she could feel her brother's cock tucked up between their two connected hips and at least partially hard. The way it was pressing against Minju right where Y/N definitely shouldn't have been made Minju desperate to know if she was the cause or not. Whatever it was, her brother felt big.
Knowing that their parents would be waiting for them downstairs, Y/N spoke first, breaking the silence caused by the way the two of them lay on Minju's bed.
"You should probably cover those up," he said, half-heartedly looking away.
Minju reached for her bra and finally sat up on top of her brother. For a split second, her breasts were neither covered by her hands or her bra, and Y/N must have seen, because Minju felt her brother throb against her where he was touching below. Not wanting to be captive and helpless to his beautiful sister, or so obviously showing her his affection with his growing stiffness, Y/N reached up to his sister's enticing sides. She was about to inhale profoundly and let him touch her, but instead, he only savored her soft skin for a second before he forcibly tossed her off of him onto the other half of the bed.
"HEY!" she shrieked
"Time to put some clothes on, little sis," Y/N said callously. See you downstairs."
And then he left. She watched him walk out, still holding her arms up to cover her breasts so he didn't see, but a part of Minju wasn't entirely sure she didn't want him to.
This was uncharted territory for Minju and her brother both. As they spent the rest of the night around their parents, both tried hard to wrap their heads around what was going on between them. On one hand, they were still spending time together on Fridays like they always did, laughing and conversing with the same fantastic level of comfort that seemed to make Minju's weekend. And when Y/N woke up in the morning he was smiling and simply glad to have had the time with his baby sis despite the anxiety of a big game ahead.
On the other hand, both siblings had gone to bed thinking of each other in ways that they weren't supposed to. But imagining Minju wearing even less on top of Y/N than just the pair of sweatpants she had been was a dream they both shared that night, 'supposed to' or not.
Just before the game the next day, Minju got an email that she was to attend a different cheerleading practice on Monday. She was going to be cheering on the football field at their home game in two weeks! Minju was ecstatic and wanted badly to tell her brother, but decided to let him focus and wait until after the game.
There was a lot of talk about how the football team would play in their first home game. There was equal coverage of Y/N and how he would perform starting his first full season. Minju was perfectly confident that he would blow the competition away.
And he did... for a time. He started strong, very practiced in every play. They went into the half leading, but Minju's dad wasn't impressed.
"He looks a little off today, don't you think?" said her father.
"You know honey, I noticed that too. What do you think is up?" Minju's mom asked.
She wracked her brain. Suddenly, Minju hoped that the way she'd teased her brother wasn't the cause. She felt guilty all of the sudden. Perhaps it hadn't been fair to him for her to flaunt herself like that. It was selfish. His attention made Minju feel good and she hadn't taken him into account. It was especially bad considering Y/N wasn't with his girlfriend anymore.
"Did you notice anything last night Minju?" Her mother asked.
"No, not really mom. He was just as happy to be home like he usually is." Minju assured them.
And she wasn't lying. Aside from being a bit downtrodden about breaking up with Eunju, he'd been very playful and content with her the night before.
Yet, when he came out for the second half, the same rustiness seemed to be staying with him. Perhaps it was the team. Nobody seemed to be blaming Y/N for the way their offense was playing, but before long they were losing. And then the fourth quarter was nearly over. And then... the whistle blew for the end of game and Y/N's team had not done enough.
He was understandably bummed when they met him on the field after the game.
"Sorry bro," Minju said compassionately, feeling him wrap his arm around her side and walk toward the locker rooms with their parents. She looked cute in her little, team t-shirt, but Y/N wasn't really in the mood to check her out just then.
"Yeah... " he said dejectedly, "I don't know why we couldn't pull that one out... damn."
"Don't beat yourself up too much about it, you promise?" Minju asked, looking up at him hopefully.
"I won't." He said. "Maybe I'll just beat you up."
That elicited a smile from his sister, but Minju could tell his heart wasn't in it. She felt bad for him; he was probably internalizing what was just the whole team's off performance.
"See you soon?" Minju asked, "Next Friday at the latest?"
"...away game," Y/N sighed. "But the week after for sure."
He squeezed Minju's side before breaking contact and saying goodbye to their parents. Minju watched him jog back to the lockers and hoped he wouldn't be depressed about the loss for too long. She hadn't even told him about her cheerleading spot, but that could wait until later when he might be more willing to share in her excitement.
That week went by even faster than the last. It was Minju's second week of school and she was loving every minute of it. She only got to sit down to lunch with Y/N once before he was off to the away game, and when she'd told him her news he had been so happy for her. She wished furiously, as he hugged her, that she might someday find somebody who cared about her the way Y/N did.
It turned out that Minju hadn't just been brought onto the football cheerleading team, but she'd replaced someone. Of course, it had to be Eunju. And making the team wasn't the end of it.
"You know you're going to fuck this up right?" Eunju had asked, confronting Minju on the way to class one day that week. Minju wanted nothing more than to get away from her so she just kept walking.
"You don't belong in my spot, you little bitch." Eunju spat, obviously annoyed that Minju didn't intend to engage.
"Oh and tell that second string quarterback you call your brother to enjoy being tended to by his sister instead of his girlfriend... a lotta good that'll do him."
Minju didn't quite understand, but she wouldn't let Eunju talk bad about her brother.
"The only one who's second string here is you... bitch," Minju flung the blonde's words back in her face, "you were NEVER good enough for him. You were just EASY."
With that Minju turned on the path and headed into the Math & Science building. It took her a few minutes to calm down, and almost half the period to stop thinking about what Eunju had said...'tending to her brother.'
The away game did not go well. This time, Y/N did look bad. It was like he just couldn't find his stride. He gave up one interception in the first half and one in the second. The rest of the team could have played much better, but they simply didn't have that momentum that everyone had seen driven by the star quarterback. There were whispers that Y/N would be replaced if he kept playing like that, but that's all they were.
There was something that Minju heard in the locker room after cheer practice one day that week that put pieces together for her. It was hard for her to believe, but Eunju, whom she'd overheard, had made some sense.
"You know why he's playing like that?" She'd been gossiping out of sight in another part of the locker room near the showers, "because he doesn't have me."
"Oh come on," another girl on the team, who sounded like Tamara, laughed, "I know you two had your thing, but you weren't exactly throwing the ball for him!"
"Think what you want, but he's the one who insisted that I come over on the day before the game... he said having sex helped him play better."
"Yeah, right," Tamara said, "that's a myth."
"You say that, but we did it before every game last year..." she'd continued, but Minju didn't want to hear it.
No way. No way hooking up with that blonde bimbo before their Friday nights together was helping her brother win.
Minju kept repeating that to herself all week until Friday arrived. But at some point, she didn't believe it anymore. He'd always been so quick to shoo Eunju out the door on Fridays, but he HAD invited her there week after week anyway. And she was right; as far as Minju knew, her brother hadn't been hooking up with anyone else. Minju had only succeeded in teasing her brother with her skimpy clothing, certainly not helping him get any relief. Could it be her fault? It seemed ridiculous.
And then came the next thought - far more questionable than the last. Who was going to 'tend to her brother' now that she couldn't expect Eunju to do it before she came home that Friday? As far as she knew, Minju would be the only girl around, the only one Y/N was technically allowed to see. He could start seeing another girl, but she knew her brother, and he didn't just start sleeping with somebody because he needed to get some ass.
The thought that it might be up to Minju to... relieve him... and more so than just giving a back massage seemed crazy to her. Y/N would never go for it. They were brother and sister; no way! Minju thought.
But by the time she arrived home on Friday, Minju had debated with herself a thousand times about it. She'd been hinting at her brother toward something for a long time, always knowing that he'd never cross the line with her. But what if she told him it was okay to? She'd sensed that he was hard that one day on her bed. She'd seen him looking. She'd felt his hands touching her back in ways a brother wasn't supposed to after he'd unhooked her bra. What if he wanted something, and she was just naive or self-centered? What if it was way easier than she was making it out to be.
Y/N could tell something was up with his sister when he got home, despite her pretending.
"Do you know how excited I am to see you on the sideline tomorrow Minju'?" he asked, eliciting a massive smile from his sister.
The way she looked right then was how he wanted to picture her always. A big smile, flashing her teeth because she couldn't help herself. A cute, white tank-top, comfortable little shorts and her body language telling him that she'd been waiting to see him all week. It was crazy that they didn't see each other more often, going to the same school and all, but they were just so busy with the beginning of the school year and their respective activities. Seeing her now, with that radiating energy she carried with her everywhere she went, her perfect breasts stretching the neckline of her top, and legs that went on forever... he wondered why he didn't find the time.
"Are you ready?" he asked.
"Are you kidding," she said confidently, "I was ready for this since your first game."
"I knew it," Y/N said, "good because I don't need anyone else messing up out there on the field." He sounded somewhat anxious.
How on earth was Minju going to bring this up? By that point, she'd imagined and even gotten excited about the possibility of doing something for her older brother that his girlfriend might have done behind his bedroom door upstairs. She'd wondered what his cock might look like in her hand, what she would do with it if she got it there. Would he find her attractive enough to get hard. Minju had felt a boy before, even had one in her mouth once when she got a little too drunk, but the thought of doing that with her brother made her heart flutter. It made her shift in her seat and feel an unexpected tingling between her thighs.
Yet, she was hopelessly lost on how to propose it. It would be just for his benefit so he could play better the next day... She only wanted to help him win...
"I feel really bad," Minju started. I was always so mean to Eunju, and now I've taken her spot on the team."
Minju told her brother about the day Eunju had confronted her on the quad. She conveniently omitted the part about 'tending to him,' but he seemed impressed with his little sister's defense.
"Yeah, don't worry about her, Minju'. She's probably just mad at me and taking it out on you,"
"For breaking up with her?" Minju asked.
"Well, that... and I might have had something to do with you taking her spot."
"YOU DIDN'T?" Minju cried, fearful that she hadn't deserved the advance.
"No, no, no!" he stopped her, "it's nothing like that. I discovered she was intentionally sabotaging your chance of making the field team. A couple of your teammates told me she was talking shit to the coaches and voting against you for no reason."
"So what did you do?" Minju asked, hanging on his words.
"Well...I might have told the coaches that Eunju was making it personal." Minju was squeezing her brother's arm tightly as he leaned over the table. "I guess they agreed because pretty much the next day, I found out they had replaced her with you!"
Minju's mouth was agape. She had no idea.
"Don't worry about it, Minju. My spies told me that everybody wanted you on the field team, and this wasn't the first time that Eunju had created drama. Apparently, it was time for her to go, and they were waiting for someone talented enough to help them go through with it."
"I don't know what to say... Oppa..." Minju hesitated before throwing her arms around her brother and kissing him a few times on the neck.
"Thank you," she kissed him, "thank you, thank you, thank you."
Minju giggled as her brother tried to shrug her off.
"Alright, already," he said, feeling that he liked his little sister's kisses more than he should have.
If Minju thought she owed her brother something before, now she was overcome with the desire to repay him. Not only had he been spending time with her on Friday nights and being the perfect brother, but there was more. He'd gone to bat for her with the cheerleading team, risked losing his girlfriend, and then eventually lost her and any of the physical aspects that came with... all for his little sister. Her handsome, strong, and unflinchingly loving brother, Minju, was enamored as she looked at him.
Yet, it took her until hours later, when he was lying face-down in his usual spot on the carpet in the living room before she could build up the confidence to say anything. Feeling guilty, Minju hadn't changed into anything more revealing. Unbeknown to her, Y/N had been drooling over her since the minute he'd walked in the door. But now, she wondered if she should have put something on to make him more agreeable.
"Oppa," she said timidly, straddling his back. "can I ask you something?"
"Duh," he joked, his face pressed halfway into the carpet.
Minju paused. Her heart had been beating faster in anticipation of this moment, but now it felt like it might explode.
"I heard something... the other day..." she started.
"... yes?" Y/N prodded
"I heard some girls talking about you..." she continued. Y/N could hear the concern in her voice, so he maneuvered quite impressively under his sister's straddled position and faced her. She looked enticing with her legs spread right over his lap and her shorts bunched up even higher on her tanned legs. Y/N thought immediately that he might have made a mistake now that his manhood was getting the full brunt of the eighteen-year-old's sexiness.
"...and...what did they say?" Y/N felt like he was dragging it out of her.
"They seemed to think you weren't playing well because... you weren't..." Minju hesitated again, seeing her brother look up at her impatiently.
"...getting any."
Y/N laughed. It was a standard theory. Y/N somewhat believed the sentiment himself; that's why he'd always asked Eunju over to the house before he expected to hang out with his little sister, who would inevitably be tempting him throughout the night. Of course, people at school would speculate that his breakup with Eunju was causing him some issues.
"So what, you're wondering if it's true? If Eunju is the reason I'm not playing well? I bet she's the one you heard saying that in the first place, right?"
Minju paused for so long that he had to shake her hips with his hands to get her to speak.
"Well, yes, but that's not it. " Now for the hardest part. Again, she paused.
"Come on, Minju', spit it out!"
"I thought that, maybe... you know... I could help you if you needed."
At first, Y/N didn't say a word. His brain seemed to go numb with disbelief. His first reaction was to look at her, his gorgeous little sister, perched right on his lap. He couldn't believe she was suggesting it, even if he'd been secretly lusting for her. What was she telling, that he just do what he wanted with her... take off that tiny tank top of hers and reveal her small, naked body to him like he'd imagined. Both of them felt his cock throb beneath Minju's seated butt.
"Minju... I... we..." he stuttered, "No way, we shouldn't... I mean, we can't."
Minju had no idea what to expect. Her daydreams had all gone so much differently. One way, she'd imagined him simply flipping her over and tugging off her bottoms. She'd never had sex before, but he could fix that in one steady stroke, and she'd wanted it so bad. In another, she'd sucked on him in the kitchen right when he came in, convincing him that she needed to do it so he could win. In all of her scenarios, even now, Minju had trouble admitting that she wanted him and hoped that he wanted her, too. And now it seemed that he didn't.
"I didn't mean...I just thought that you might need it," she said, trailing off, disheartened, into a whisper.
Y/N didn't know what to say to her. He struggled not to let the image of his little sister being on top of him in a much different way enter his mind. He worried that she could feel him stiffening through his shorts that he would send her a different message when he needed to be simply saying no.
"I'm sorry," Minju said quietly, "I wasn't thinking, it was stupid."
There was this long exchange where the two looked into each other's eyes. In a moment that should have been uncomfortable or strange, they made a connection that shouldn't have been there after Y/N's reaction. Minju could feel that Y/N was trying to do the right thing. She hadn't thoroughly thought through what she was asking of him. Once again, she was being unfair.
"I'm gonna shower before Mom and Dad get home," she said after not too long. Do you want to eat all of that pie Mom left in the fridge before they do?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood.
Y/N smiled sideways, "I'll have it ready when you get back,"
With that, Minju lifted herself off her brother, unsure whether to be disappointed or glad they hadn't crossed a very unsteady line. She scampered up the stairs, not wanting to look back at her brother and give away that she wished he'd chosen differently and didn't just want to help. She wanted him.
Y/N lay his head back in the same spot on the carpet. What was he thinking? He wanted her... he wanted Minju so badly. He'd spent countless nights leading up to that, either falling asleep thinking about her or dreaming of her in ways he'd feel guilty for in the morning. He'd wanted to see her naked little body, put his hands on the breasts that were incredibly generous for her frame, hold her hips as he discovered how tight she was... Now she was offering him a free pass, and he was just going to turn it down?
He knew that she had been so disappointed; that was the worst part. He kept seeing her face when he'd first said no: it had changed immediately from one of apprehension and hopefulness to complete embarrassment. How could he do that to her? She just wanted to help! He had to smooth things over, at the very least.
Y/N didn't know how long he lay there, but eventually, he built up the courage to talk to her and practically ran up the stairs. He wasn't thinking, opening the door behind which he'd heard the shower running in one swift motion,
"Minju, I didn't mean I didn't want you to; I just..." but then he stopped.
Minju was just bending over to take off her shorts. She was wearing an incredible pair of panties, cute, purple, and lacy, but only that. She was topless, and now that her shorts were off, nearly bottomless as well. Minju quickly covered her breasts with her arm, but her brother had seen them unclothed.
It took him too long to realize that he was staring or had stopped in the middle of a sentence. He'd never seen Minju entirely so revealed to him; he hadn't been prepared. Y/N's brain searched for words, but it seemed entirely too focused on what his little sister looked like in front of him and what it made him want of her.
Minju had not expected him either. She had wanted to take a shower because she simply felt... dirty after asking if her brother wanted 'help' and then being denied. But now he was there. He was staring at her shamelessly, and whether he knew it or not, he fully hardened in the time it took him to gather his wits.
"Minju I came to tell you..." he started, watching his little sister walk towards him and stop but a foot away.
"Shhhh," she said. "you don't have to say anything."
Minju removed her hand from her chest and watched her big brother's eyes widen. She was giving him an uninhibited view of her breasts; she knew that he'd wanted it badly.
"It's okay Oppa," she said. He took it as permission to look at her, up and down. He took in every inch that he could see, from the beautiful tits she was baring for him, to the perfect, little pink nipples that graced them. He saw her abs, strong and smooth, the way her sides curved to her soft-yet-thin hips. He longed to know what she looked like without those adorable bottoms on, but hadn't he come in to say something to her? At the moment it felt like he was just there to look.
"It's okay Oppa," Minju repeated, "you can touch me." She took his hands and brought them just below her chest. He grasped her, making it clear that he didn't expect to let go. Minju guided his hands upward over each tit before letting him do it on his own. His eyes rolled when he finally got his hands on them.
Minju surprised him with a kiss. She'd leaned in while he was distracted and planted it on his lips. Firm and knowing, it lingered for a few, meaningful seconds. Upon breaking, Minju slowly bent at the knees.
She held on to her brother as her knees made contact with the thick bathmat in front of the sink. Carefully, watching him, she pulled the waistband of his sweats over his cock. He did not protest.
She knew he didn't wear underwear beneath them! Minju thought victoriously. 'But ohmygod was he more than I was prepared for,' Minju thought. Perhaps she'd had some idea that he was big, but her brother's cock was much more than she'd seen before. It looked like she could hold it with two hands.
So she did, watching her brother intently the whole time, Minju gently moved her hands toward him. As they slid up his thick quads and lingered an inch or two away, Y/N's cock throbbed in anticipation; he needed her to touch him.
That made Minju smile wide. It was comforting; he wanted her. Seeing his little sister happy to finally take hold of him, Y/N felt like this was what he had truly come upstairs for.
"Minju'" he breathed, unbelieving that her hands were now wrapped around him.
Again she smiled and held him firmly. The contented little teen slid her hands up and then down, watching how the surface of his shaft followed the path of her grip. Y/N thought she was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen with the look of pure wonder and excitement on her face.
A couple times she slid her hands intently back and forth. He was so warm; Minju could feel the flowing heat in his penis. Every stroke or so she could feel a throb in his cock, and by look on his face it must have felt good. The fluttering feeling in Minju's tummy returned with intensity each second that their eyes held. Her hopes had been only temporarily dashed. It was hard to believe that she'd come this far, but clear to Minju that she was glad her brother was finally in her hands.
"Am I doing okay," Minju asked him sweetly, lovingly and wide-eyed.
"God Minju', yeah... is this... are you sure..." He was never lost for words, Minju thought.
"It's okay Oppa," she assured him, "I'm just helping you for the game tomorrow. You can relax."
It was a lie, but somehow pretending it was just this once aroused both Minju and her brother. As if they could just pretend tomorrow on the field that Minju, the cheerleader, had not taken new duties to relieve the quarterback the night before.
Minju had begun moving her hands around differently, she was gracing the skin around him with light touches and then testing his tip with firmer ones. Her brother flinched when she ran her palm carefully over his head and closed her fingers over it. It didn't seem enough to her, yet it was Y/N who spoke first.
"Minju, ohgodMinju...will you put it in your mouth?" he asked.
Minju was stunned. And yet, he was used to calling the shots; it was good to know he was playing along. It made her feel sexy to hear her brother finally asking for more.
Minju shook her head 'yes.'
It seemed like the right move. Perhaps he would do better, play better, tomorrow if Minju were to take his cock into her mouth. Perhaps that, or maybe he simply wanted his beautiful little sister to go a bit further. In truth, he wanted to take her up to her feet, set her on the vanity and remove her cute panties to see what she hid underneath. He could line up and ask her if she wanted to...
"Oh fuck Minju," Y/N let out involuntarily. She'd pushed him inward past her lips and was swirling her tongue around his tip amazingly. "your mouth feels so good sis."
Minju would have smiled if her brother wasn't a few inches in. She had to open her mouth wide to fit him, but the mischievous little brunette was determined to make her brother cum. She wanted to be better than his girlfriends, than anyone he'd been with before. She didn't know that she had already surpassed that with her alluring beauty, and that being his little sister was going to bring him to orgasm even faster.
Minju continued sucking on him. She couldn't fit the whole thing in her mouth, perhaps not even half. Yet her sincere attempt had Y/N wanting her more than ever. Hadn't he been so dedicated to holding them back only minutes ago? But here he was loving every second that his little sister was stroking her hands up and down while she bobbed her mouth upon his tip, about to release.
"If you keep doing that...mmmnnhh... I'm gonna cum Minju," he warned her.
"Oh yeah?" she asked innocently after popping her mouth of him with a slurp.
"Are you gonna cum for me Oppa? Is your little sister gonna make you cum?"
He could only groan. Minju leaned close and licked the head just under his tip once again, twice, sending hurtling to the edge.
"Cum on my tits Oppa, it's okay...please, I want you to." She said, pushing him over. He looked down at her in disbelief and deep affection and she held his gaze, not looking away for a second.
The 18-year-old jerked him intently as his breaths got very heavy and then he took a single, sharp inhale. His eyes closed, and his cock throbbed perceptively against her palms. She sat up to direct him right at her youthful breasts, but not before taking the tip of her brother's penis in her mouth right as she felt the first pump on the underside of his shaft.
Minju didn't stop moving her hands as the first shot splashed against her tongue. It was hot, plentiful and he was only just starting to release when she popped his tip out of her mouth and pointed him toward her proud teenage breasts. Each stroke elicited another pulse of his white sperm onto her chest. It was the most amazing thing she'd ever felt; Minju savored every stretch of her skin that he covered.
Y/N was treated with the view of his topless little sister grinning naughtily as he winced and let out the last of what she was squeezing from him. His brain, teetered on the verge of consciousness as he watched the young brunette swallow the first taste of sperm she'd daringly taken into her mouth. Minju felt as if she'd gotten everything she wanted, and the messy tops of her breasts and wet streaks of her brother's cum up to her neck were evidence of that.
God was she beautiful, and she'd been a perfect little sister, just helping out her big brother when she knew he needed it. For a moment, they simply stayed as they were, breathing heavily and taking in the forbidden sight of a little sister splashed with her brother's cum, almost to the point of disbelief. Y/N took one of Minju's hands from his shaft and pulled her up to her pretty feet. Her other hand slid gently off of him, stimulating him one last time before falling to her side.
He wanted to say how much he loved her... that he wanted her to know how good she'd done and that she could ask anything of him, even if it was to never do that again. But that wasn't what either of them wanted, and he couldn't say it all at once so he said it with a kiss. Pulling her face toward his, feeling her silky brown hair between his fingers, he kissed her.
Was this just once? Would they wake up tomorrow and decide that it had been simply a crazy, impulsive thing that had happened and didn't need to happen again? It didn't feel that way when her brother's tongue was asking permission at her lips. She gave it with the touch of her own, and for a moment they kissed like lovers... for a moment.
"I better take a shower," said Minju, pulling away from him and watching the look of surprise on her brother's face. "I've got to clean off all this sticky stuff before mom and dad get home. You sure cum a lot big brother." She finished, running a finger over one gleaming rope and the testing it against her tongue.
Minju's mother had taught her to always make a boy work for her affection. She doubted that her mom had intended her 18-year-old to use it so effectively on her brother whose spunk now covered her breasts, but nonetheless... Y/N was left wanting more.
"Do you think that will help Oppa?" She asked blamelessly with that nickname he'd hated until now. It sounded more like she had just finished a backrub and not sucking her brother's cock. She let him take a good look at her before turning towards the shower.
"Minju, you are unbelievable..." he said, still in shock and still incredibly hard.
She knew she'd done well. Everything he said, everything his eyes and body told her verified it. The proud brunette walked to the still-running water, leaving her brother there to gather his pants. As one last tease, she seductively slid her bottoms over her pushed-out butt as if she'd forgotten Y/N was still in the room.
"I can't get enough of you sis," he said as he realized she intended for him to let her shower alone.
She smiled one last time as she stood back up. Her little pink lips teased him through the darkened gap between her thighs. The room wasn't brightly lit enough and he cursed it, wishing to truly know what Minju's young opening looked like.
"And to think..." Minju led him, "there's so much more."
She bit the side of her pouty, bottom lip before stepping in the shower and pulling back the curtain. Y/N would dream that night of what he might have done if she had invited him in.
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alotofpockets · 7 hours ago
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They grow up so fast | Alessia Russo x Wife!Reader
5k celebration prompt: “I love watching them grow up, but can they just stop growing for a minute?”
Woso masterlist | Words: 1k
When you first met Alessia back in college, you never imagined you’d follow her back to England, or that you would start a family together. But here you are, sitting in the stands at a sold-out Wembley, surrounded by her family, waiting to watch your daughter walk out onto the pitch with your wife.
You glance to your side, where Alessia’s parents and her brother sit, their eyes fixed on the tunnel with the same anticipation you feel. Her mom gives your hand a reassuring squeeze, a silent acknowledgment of the pride swelling in all of you.
By now, you had lost count of how many times you had sat watching Alessia play with them by your side. Her family was super supportive, and tried to go to every match they could. Even her brother, Gio, tried to watch all the way from Australia, always sending a picture in the family group chat of himself proudly supporting his sister in his Russo jersey.
Then the light show started, signaling that the players were about to walk on. You sat on the edge of your seat, waiting for Alessia and Avery to walk on. Your daughter had walked out with Alessia countless times before, but for you, it never lost its magic. And tonight, under the bright lights of England’s biggest stage, it felt even more special. What better way to show your football-loving daughter what she was working toward with every training session?
Avery had been obsessed with football from the moment she could walk. You and Alessia had always agreed that your children would be free to love whatever they wanted, never pushing them toward the sport just because their mom played. But Avery was a carbon copy of Alessia, determined, passionate, and already making waves in Arsenal’s U10s at just eight years old.
The moment they step onto the pitch hand in hand, Avery’s face lights up with pure joy. The sight melts your heart, knowing that Alessia wasn’t just her mom, but also her role model. Seeing them share moments like these together makes you grateful for the life you are building for your little girl.
Just before the starting whistle, one of the staff members brought Avery into the family room where you were waiting for her to take her to your seats. “Did you see me, mom?” She asked, full of excitement.
“Of course I did. You looked like you belonged out there, sweetheart.” You say with your arm wrapped around her shoulder, pressing a quick kiss to the top of her head before sitting down to watch the match.
Just a few years ago, Avery would have been all over the place, needing something to keep her in her seat, but now her full attention was on the match. She studied everything that happened on the pitch, her eyes darting between players, tracking their movements, and murmuring observations under her breath.
You loved how much she got into each and every game, and still found the time in her analysis to cheer along with the rest of the family when England scored. Which was a couple of times tonight, and even a goal for Alessia, where you of course cheered extra loud.
When the final whistle blew, Wembley erupted in cheer. England won their match with a three goal lead. “That was incredible!” Avery said as she fell into your arms. “Yeah it was!” You agreed as you held her tight.
“Come on, let’s go find Mama.” Hand in hand you made your way down to the pitch. The second you stepped foot onto the grass, Avery took off towards Alessia. Who scooped her up and spun her around a couple of times. “Told you I’d score one for you.” 
Avery nodded happily before going right into a recap of the match. Alessia loved how passionate her little girl was about the game she loved so much, and listened to her with her full attention.
When she was done with her recap, she ran off to find a ball. Without hesitation she did some keep ups and moved over to a group of players on the piEven after playing a full match, they happily passed the ball around with her.Even after playing their match, they joined her by passing the ball around. 
You made it to Alessia’s side and gave her a hug. “You played so well, darling.” You say while you both watch your daughter kick the ball around with the team. She was playing with top level players in front of a sold out crowd as if it was the most normal thing in the world.
“She’s going to be playing out here for real one day.” Alessia said with a proud smile. You nod in agreement, “Yeah, she is, but not soon please. I love watching her grow up, but can she just stop growing for a minute?”
Alessia chuckled and wrapped her arm around your shoulder. “Yeah, it feels like just yesterday we were bringing her home for the first time, and now we’re watching her play at Wembley. Time really needs to slow down sometimes.”
You lean into her side, and let her walk you over to your daughter, who’s face lights up as the two of you get closer. “Mom! Mama! Look at me, I am playing football at Wembley!” A beaming smile on her face. “You look amazing doing so, sweetheart.” 
Now you stood here with nothing but pride for both your wife and your daughter, thinking back of your college days, where it had all begun for your family. Just two girls who got randomly roomed together, you would love to thank whoever was in charge of that decision back then.
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22ayla21 · 3 days ago
Heya! can i request?
Amphoreus men’s wife (separate) had a playful banter with their husband in their room, and after some jokes they ended up chasing each other as she tried to throw so many pillows towards her husband, and their child peaking from the door lmfao 🤣🤣
Pillow Fight
A normal evening of jokes turned into a pillow fight. The children's reactions are more than eloquent.
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It all started with the usual teasing before bed. Mydei chuckled, his wife said something sarcastic in response, he narrowed his eyes slyly... And a second later a pillow flew straight at his head.
Of course, he didn't remain in debt. Jumping up, he threw a pillow back, but his wife dodged and ran away laughing. A real hunt began.
His wife tried to hide behind the bed, but Mydei went around her side. As a result, the room turned into a battlefield: feathers flew in the air, bed linen ended up on the floor, and laughter echoed throughout the house.
The children heard the noise and cautiously peeked out from behind the door. They expected to see anything - conversations, serious business... But not their parents chasing each other like children.
While the eldest son and youngest daughter didn't understand what was going on, the middle one, infected by the atmosphere, rushed into the fight with a squeal, grabbing the biggest pillow and slamming it into his father's back.
The eldest son folded his arms across his chest, watching this circus with an expression of "I didn't sign up for parents like these." The youngest daughter simply sat down next to him, looking bewildered as her mother victoriously straddled her father, holding two pillows in her hands like trophies.
Eventually, it turned into a family pillow fight, where the children could no longer resist and got into a fight. The result: the whole house in feathers, tired but happy parents and children who are still in shock from what kind of parents they have.
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It all starts with a simple joke. Maybe he makes a caustic remark about her habits, and she responds in kind. The exchange turns into a playful exchange. She laughs, playfully hitting him with a pillow - and of course he doesn't leave it unanswered.
Within a few minutes, their bedroom turns into a battlefield: pillows are flying in all directions, feathers are swirling in the air. She deftly dodges, but he is a strategist, and so he drives her into a corner. She pretends to give in, but then suddenly jumps on him and attacks again.
Laughter fills the house, and it is at this moment that their children appear in the doorway. They stand there in complete bewilderment: their parents, usually so reasonable and serious, are now behaving like children.
The eldest daughter, frowning, asks: "What's going on here?" The middle sister shrugs, more concerned with who will ultimately win. The youngest son is simply beaming with delight - for the first time he sees mom and dad having such carefree fun together.
They watch the chaos for a few more seconds, then the eldest daughter says: "I didn't see anything, you didn't see anything. Let's go to bed." The middle sister nods in agreement, but before leaving, she whispers to her younger brother: "Daddy will definitely lose in the end."
Their parents, finally noticing the children, stop, exchange glances - and immediately start laughing. In the end, the mother sends her husband out to clean up, and puts the children to bed herself, promising that "tomorrow they will again behave like adults." Although the youngest son is not at all happy about this.
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In the evening, after the children had fallen asleep, Phainon and his wife relaxed in the bedroom. The calm atmosphere gave way to playful banter. At first, it all started with light teasing and jokes, but gradually the tension went away, and everyone began to look for a reason to have fun.
At some point, his wife threw a pillow, as if by accident, and it almost hit him. Phainon grinned, grabbed the pillow and responded in kind. Thus began a real pillow war. Laughter, quick movements, funny pirouettes in the air, and now they are running around the room, trying to hit each other.
The sons, having entered the room for a couple of minutes, were completely perplexed, watching their parents. They looked at everything that was happening with surprise and incomprehension. The children were accustomed to the calm atmosphere of the house, but what they saw definitely shocked them.
After a few minutes of playing, they stopped, breathing heavily, trying to recover from the laughter and adrenaline. The children, standing on the threshold, quietly looked at each other and silently left, not understanding how all this squeezed into their idea of how adults should behave.
That same night, when they went to bed, one of the sons casually said:
- Mom, Dad, are you sure you're adults? You shouldn't be running around the house like that.
The wife barely held back her laughter, and Phainon only winked, realizing that their behavior would be discussed for a long time in the family, but this was, in fact, only part of their relationship - cheerful and sincere.
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bueckersbitch · 2 days ago
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Earthbound - paige bueckers x oc
✴︎ chapter one : welcome home
✴︎ based off of : the 100
✴︎ characters : paige bueckers x oc (vada rivers)
✴︎ warnings : violence, mention of abuse
✴︎ word count : 1k
✴︎ authors note : hi hi hi! moving forward each season will be a chapter, i just think this is a really good way to start off before going into longer chapters, you’ll see that clarke is not in this au. neither is finn, as paige is the main character instead of clarke. no vada in this one but trust she’s otw ;) enjoy!
✴︎ taglist : @sierrale8ne @thaatdigitaldiary @pboogerswbb @lupinqs @vamptizm @rosemariiaa @d3arapril @bueckersfive @lovegalor333 @xxloveralways14 @mrsarnold @janaelalfysblunt @tndaqlwifwy
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The smell of smoke lingered in the air after the dropship crashed onto earth. Another chance. With resources scarce on the ark, the leaders had run out of solutions, only one: send 100 juvenile prisoners to the ground to see whether Earth is survivable or not. Considering the fact that Paige wasn’t melting from radiation, she’d put good money on the fact that it is.
The dropship door opened, and Bellamy Blake urged his younger sister to do the honors. Paige had heard stories about her, the girl under the floor. The ark had strict rules; resources thinning throughout the years meant each family was only allowed to have one child, so when Octavia was born, her mother had no choice but to hide the girl in her stateroom, in the small space under the floor. When the council found out, Bellamy and Octavia’s mom was floated, in other words, ejected into space.
Paige unbuckled herself, standing up and grabbing her backpack. She made her way towards the dropship door.
Octavia stepped out of the dropship, taking a deep breath, opening her eyes, and shouting “We’re back, bitches!” Hollers come from those around them as everyone leaps into their new home. Leaving their past behind.
Paige diverges from the group, finding an opening and pulling out her map. Mount Weather, their source of supply, was a good 20 miles straight ahead, on the other mountain peak. “Why so serious, P?” Lillie questioned. Paige’s best friend since first grade, Lillie was like the sister Paige never had. “You see that mountain over there, Lils?” Paige pointed. Lillie nodded, “That’s Mount Weather, meaning there’s a radiation-soaked forest in between us and our next meal.” Lillie groaned in frustration, dragging her hand over her face in disbelief while muttering, “They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain.”
Paige scouts for volunteers to take the hike with her and Lillie. She can hear bickering coming from behind her: Bellamy and Octavia, no doubt. Something about Octavia not wanting to be controlled anymore. Lillie approaches Paige with two guys, thrown in jail for stealing weed. Monty Green and Jasper Jordan smiled and waved to Paige. Paige felt empathetic for the boys. Their crime was nothing like some people down here, including her. Granted, it was justified. Paige was charged with attempted murder, defending Lillie against her abusive, now (ex) boyfriend. 
“Have room for one more?” Octavia tapped Paige’s shoulder. Paige’s braided half-up-half-down hitting Octavia’s face as she whipped herself around. Octavia backed up in retaliation. “I’m sorry about that,” Paige said, smoothing her hand over her own hair. Octavia forced a smile, stepping closer. “Okay then, let's get moving.” They wandered off into the forest. Paige glanced at Lillie, nodding before following Octavia.
Paige and Lillie walked side by side, taking in all the greenery they were stripped of on the ark. The vibrant colors provided a fresh and comforting feeling compared to the dull greys of their past home in the sky.
“Soooo what’s gonna happen with you and Ivy?” Lillie broke the silence. Ivy. A girl that Paige had been seeing on the ark before she got arrested, a casual friends-with-benefits type of ordeal. Paige scoffed, holding her backpack straps as she jumped over a log. “I don’t know. We got the whole sky separating us now.” Lillie shrugged. “The sky’s the limit, I guess.” Paige rolled her eyes at her friend’s attempt at a joke.
Monty quickly shushed the girls, ushering them over. “Look.” The group watched carefully. A deer. The first sign of life they had found since crashing from the sky. They all smiled with excitement. They’d never seen an animal in real life before, let alone so close. Jasper took a step closer. A branch broke in the result, gasping, he looks up. The deer was alarmed, thrashing its head to locate the source of the noise.
Everyone stumbles backwards at the sight that's revealed to them. A second head.
“A result of the radiation, definitely,” Monty reasons, still shaken up by the distorted animal. Continuing to follow the map, the sound of water floods their senses before they can see it. Emerging from the forest, they see that a river separates the two forests. “Something’s wrong, there’s not supposed to be a river here.” Paige states, eyebrows furrowing. “Well, I’m not trying to find out what could be in the water, are you guys?” Lillie asks. “Yeah, I’m cool off that.” Paige says, looking around for something to use to get across.
A perfect vine, long enough to get everybody across, one by one. Paige climbs the rock, dry hands pulling the vine to check its durability. “Seems good enough to me.” Paige gets herself ready, anchoring herself to the vine, an inch away from pushing off the rock, when Jasper yells, “Wait! Let me.” Paige is puzzled, looking to Lillie for answers; Lillie nods her head to Octavia. Paige had been completely oblivious to Jasper's growing crush on the girl.
“A’ight then, try not to fall in the water.”  Paige hands off the vine to the boy, bug-eyed goggles sat on his forehead, fingers fidgeting with nervousness in his fingerless gloves. Eager to impress Octavia, he takes a deep breath, then swings.
Cheers exclaim from the group, excitement overtaking their senses. Jasper lands safely on the other side, the vine bouncing back to Paige. Once again, she grips the vine, ready. Jasper lifts something above his head, “Guys! We made it!” Paige’s eyes move faster than she can register, reading the beat-up sign, somehow having survived three generations, it read: Mount Weather. The middle area was unreadable, but the bottom clearly said: Keep Out. Paige was about to cut through Jasper's yelling, wanting to tell him about the clear warning on the sign, when something cut him off before she could. A large spear, thrown with unimaginable accuracy, right through his chest, throwing him into the tree behind him. The group called out his name in disbelief. Paige removed her hands from covering her mouth, opting to quiet everyone down. 
One thing was for sure,
they weren’t alone.
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darsynia · 2 days ago
I gotchu for kiss asks - you know it's for Sam.
relieved kisses
This was unexpectedly cathartic and lovely, thank you for the ask! Roots, Sam Wilson/Reader, 1036 words, light angst, fluff, established relationship. edit: LMAO you found me a gif with dishes before reading this!?
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Sam’s exhausted. Running for your life on uneven, loose soil is as much hell on a man’s psyche as it is on the knees. His back aches from the uneven weight of his damaged wing apparatus, and the only things going for him right now are the gloves that protect him from the jagged edge of the broken wing he’s carrying and the fact that the enemy hasn’t spotted him yet.
He wonders if they found the helicopter he downed before getting hit.
He knows he’ll be rescued sometime, but that’ll be hours yet. The burning ache in his shin turns sharp in an instant and Sam hunches over, dropping the jagged wing onto his own toes as he hisses in pain. There are sounds now, a bright light, confusion, even fear--
With a ragged breath, Sam wakes up, hand reaching for the very real pain in his leg only to get his fingers bonked by a plastic toy.
“Mom said to wake you up,” AJ says, pushing his glasses up his nose with the action figure in his other hand.
“Great,” Sam groans. “Where’s your brother?” AJ shrugs the shrug of a child doing things a grown man would be verbally slain for, and lifts the first action figure as if to strike Sam’s leg with it again.
Sam snatches it just in time, turning the thing over to see that it’s an army guy, not quite a GI Joe but close. His heart clenches in his chest. To play off the reaction, he gets up and sets the figure on a high shelf, giving his nephew a hard glare followed by a more affectionate nod for the boy to head out of the room.
With a sigh, he rolls his shoulders to get out the kinks from his nap and heads into the kitchen to get some fluids, maybe flush out that nightmare. They’ve been happening more frequently, fed by a bone-deep fear of leaving someone behind, of being left.
“Hey, babe. You knock out some of that jet lag?” Your smile is warm and welcoming, even in his sister’s kitchen, and Sam can already feel the seeds of worry start to drain away. 
“Maybe if my own flesh and blood hadn’t betrayed me,” he answers--but you can sense something. “I’m good. Really,” he tells you, and your narrowed look of affectionate suspicion stirs a sheepish grin. “I had another one. I’m handling it.”
You nod soberly, reaching out to set a hand over his heart. “Those roots are tenacious. We’ll get ‘em choked out and grind down the stump.”
“You are the most violent amateur gardene--” he stops when your hand clenches into a claw and you start pulling him toward you, shirt-first. “Arborist. I know,” he corrects quickly. 
“Yes, well.” Now that he’s inches away, you brush away the wrinkles in the fabric. “A girl can either bring the violence of her job into her hobby or bring her hobby to her violent job. And I don’t think SHIELD wants me to plant a tree in the Atrium.”
His all-too-vivid dream strikes Sam sideways and he’s once again an adrift fugitive in a war zone, grounded with no easy escape. He squeezes his eyes shut, hating the way his trauma intrudes on these moments with you. When he opens his mouth to say so, your gentle hand sneaks up to his neck, to his cheek.
“Don’t-- or go ahead and say it, if you need to,” you tell him quietly. “Just know this isn’t the same thing, okay? You’re a soldier, and your pain isn’t a hobby. You don’t dwell on it for fun, and I know that. I’m here for you, warts and all.”
You make a little noise at the end of that, and Sam opens his eyes to see your face scrunched up in regret.
“Oh, so I’ve got warts now? I see how it is. Gotta drag your perfect man down from that pedestal somehow,” he teases--but even as he says this, Sam’s pressing a grateful hand against yours at his cheek, sliding your hand up and around, a hint to his next course of action. 
As always, you’re perfectly in sync, and you pull his head down for a kiss that singes his insides as much as the first one he’d earned from you months ago. Sam chases that feeling, crowding you against the counter, gripping your hip with a sure hand, his fingertips seeking the gap between your shirt and waistband. Your warm skin is sunlight, and your little pleased gasp melts his blood, sending healing tendrils of pleasure all over his body. He tastes you over and over, emboldened by your own fiery response. On the flat space behind you, something falls over, but all he needs is you, right here, in this moment.
“In my kitchen? Really?” Sarah’s outraged voice strikes the two of you apart like lightning through a solid tree. Sam reaches out and snags your hand before turning toward his sister, eyebrows stretching skyward.
“You’re the one sending your son to wake my ass up. You get what you get!”
Her arms folded at her chest, Sarah hmphs, then nods toward the dishes drying on the rack beside the sink. “Well, if you like the kitchen so much…” she dangles.
Sam twists his lips to the side, but he squeezes your hand before moving to do as he’s asked. He slides some plates into their places in the cupboard before asking, “You want to grab the cups?” --but when he turns around, he sees you following Sarah outside with a bowl of potato salad from the fridge. Sam leans over to watch your ass in those pants he loves so much, and something inside him shifts.
Normalcy. The ground under your feet when you step out onto the back yard is sold, familiar. The slightly-crooked picnic bench is cracked and worn from countless happy gatherings. Years ago he’d scratched his nephews’ birthdates in the thick wood underneath, something Sarah probably doesn’t even know about. The tree branches above sway in the warm summer wind, and somewhere upstairs, his wingsuit is whole and ready for his next mission.
He’s safe here. With you.
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ric3nation · 2 days ago
Mr and Mrs Ricciardo
summary: Daniel and Sophie get married
warnings: fluff
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August 2019
Was she nervous yes but it wasn’t for reasons you might think. Sophie wasn’t nervous to marry Daniel because he was her best friend, and she loved him like nothing else. What Sophie was nervous about was being the centre of attention she usually ended up tripping herself or doing something weird and that was the last thing she needed the day of her wedding. They were getting married in Perth it felt right to her and Daniel see as it was the place they fell in love. She had gone back to stay at her parents for the night choosing to get ready in the home she grew up in. While Daniel decided he would go back to his parents leaving their home empty for the night.
                                         The morning of the wedding out of everyone in the house Sophie was the first awake she never was one who could sleep when she was excited. It would be another hour or so before she’d have to start getting ready, so she decided to just make something small to eat knowing her stomach didn’t feel like anything, but she needed to eat. As she sat at the counter and ate the food there were many thoughts running through her head, she couldn’t believe that after fifteen years her and Daniel were getting married. In many ways it was just another way to celebrate their love because they had already made their promises to each other but being able to stand in front of all their friends and family today and tell them how lucky she was to have Daniel excited her. She thinks back to the shy fifteen-year-old girl who was too scared to say yes to him at first because she couldn’t understand why a boy in school was interested in her she thought he had to be messing with her. Though when Daniel was persistent with taking her out, she realised he wasn’t messing with her. She’s lucky she’s so lucky she thinks.
                                          Her parents joining her in the kitchen breaks her out of her train of thoughts. “Sophie your up early are you okay” her mother asks concernedly as her father walks over to the kettle. “Morning mam morning dad yeh I’m all good I just couldn’t sleep” she replies. “Excitement” her father adds. Sophie just looks at her parents confusedly. “Even as a little girl you could never sleep the night before something big like a school trip or going on holidays” her mother explains, now Sophie understood what they had been getting at. “What times everyone getting here at” her mum asks “The bridesmaids should be here soon around ten and then makeup and hair will arrive around half ten” the bride answers her mother. “There’s still time to run then if you want” her father jokes knowing full well that if there is one thing guaranteed that is Daniel and Sophie will get married. “Ha-ha very funny dad” she laughed along with her mother.
                                           If you were to ask her parents, they were over the moon she was marrying Daniel. He is an amazing person, and they couldn’t have wished for anyone better to be with their daughter. They had two sons after Sophie, but Daniel was already like a third son to them he had been that way for a long time. Marriage or not they knew Sophie and Daniel would spend the rest of their lives together and Daniel would forever be part of their family no matter what. Daniel’s parents Joe and Grace would have to agree with Clara and Damien. Ever since Daniel introduced Sophie to them, they knew she’d be part of the family. Having a daughter already Sophie quickly became a second daughter to them.  Knowing Daniel and Sophie were going to spend the rest of their lives with one another just made them ecstatic.
                                     Half ten wasn’t long coming around and the bridesmaids were either getting their make up or their hair done then it would be sophies mom and then her. She didn’t have many bridesmaids just two of her long-time friends and Daniels sister. For Sophie his sister Michelle was already like a sister to her growing up in a house with only brothers Sophie always wished for a sister and when she met Daniel that’s what Michelle became to her. The two of them were very close almost as if they had known each other their whole lives. Sophie sat there on the couch taking in the joyous atmosphere she was getting really excited now. That’s when the doorbell went. Her brother Connor spoke up “I’ll get it” “first thing you did all morning” her other brother Neil said making the whole room erupt with laughter at the two brothers sarcasm towards one another. “It’s for the bride” Connor sing songed as he walked back into the living room with a bouquet of roses a small box and an envelope. The minute she saw the roses she knew it was from Daniel. Giggling a bit knowing neither one of them lived up to the promise of not getting each other anything. She opened the small box to see an engraved keying saying Mrs Ricciardo. She could feel her eyes welling up anyone who didn’t know her would probably laugh but Sophie didn’t really like jewellery so since she loved keyrings so much Daniel always got her ones for as long as she’s known him. She opened the envelope next.
Good morning I hope the nerves aren’t eating at you because we all know you’re not going to fall and if you do don’t worry, I’ll catch you like I always do. The roses are because you love them so much and I know they always make you smile but more importantly the keyring in just a couple of hours you will be Mrs Ricciardo can you believe that. I knew I wanted you to be Mrs Ricciardo since the day I met you. Keyrings have always marked special moments in our lives, so it only felt fitting to give this to you today. I’m going to keep this note short and sweet because I don’t want you to be crying to much already. But know I love you so much and I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle. I’ll be the ruggedly handsome man at the bottom.
Love you always,
                                                        The tears were now free falling from her face she was lucky it was only her hair done at this point because if her makeup had been done to the poor woman would have to redo it. She couldn’t help but laugh at Daniel’s note though because he knew her so well and it was evident from the note. The morning moved on swiftly with laughter and joking happening all around it wasn’t long until it was time for Sophie to get dressed. She had asked her mother to help her because there was no possible way of getting into the dress alone but more importantly it allowed for some time alone with her before she walked down the aisle. As she got into her dress and her mother zipped her up there were small amounts of chatter and laughter between the two of them. Then Sophie turned around and her mother was speechless. “Sophie my dear you look so beautiful” she said as tears welled up in her eyes. Sophie hugged her mother “Thank you mam” she replied. “I’m so happy you found a good man like Daniel to spend the rest of your life with I couldn’t wish for my little girl to end up with anyone else. It’s clear to everyone he’s the one for you. “I love you mom” she said softly smiling at her mother “I love you so much too dear now let me go get your Dad” she added. She stood looking out the window waiting for her parents to return she couldn’t believe today was the day. Her parents returned she could see that her mother still had the tears in her eyes she looked to her father, and she could see now he was also tearing up. “you look beautiful” he said quietly. “Thank you” she replied. She moves to hug her parents before it’s time to go. “you’ll always be our little girl don’t ever forget that. We love you” they say in unison. “Mom, Dad, I love you guys too”.
                                The next thing she knew they had arrived at the beach. They decided to have their wedding at coast port beach choosing to marry on the beach because the sand and water were special to the two of them and then their reception would be inside. The minute Daniel and Sophie saw the venue they fell in love with it and knew it was for them. She could see the guests from where she was standing but she couldn’t see Daniel, yet she was still too far away. If she had her way, she would run down the aisle at this moment though she knows the bridesmaids need to go first. As she got closer to the end of the aisle, she could finally see him. In the moment she couldn’t speak. She could only see his back, but she could already tell he was smiling. In that moment her dad spoke and broke her thoughts “last time I’ll ask are you sure don’t want to run there’s a car just down the road” he joked. That made whatever nerves she had about walking in front of all these people go away as she started to laugh. “You know I’ll never run from him dad”. Just like that the music began and it was their que to start walking.
                                                                    As Sophie began her walk up the aisle with her dad, she could see the smiles on everyone’s faces. As she reached the top, she could see the smiles radiating off of her mother and Daniel’s parents. Then she saw Blake behind Daniel Blake was Daniel’s best friend from school she had known him as long as she had known Daniel. Blake was one of the first to know the two were dating it was only fitting that he was Daniel’s best man. Then almost like slow motion Daniel turned around and he was gobsmacked. The tears came running down his cheeks instantly. He knew she was beautiful everyday they were with each other she was beautiful but right now as she stood in front of him it all became so real for Daniel, he was finally getting the chance to marry his best friend.
                                             The ceremony had been a blur for Sophie she kept getting lost in Daniel’s eyes. It was not until the celebrant said it was time for the vows that Sophie realised, she hadn’t really been listening that made her giggle which ultimately made Daniel giggle. They agreed awhile back they would write their own vows to each other therefore it was time for Daniel to speak. “Soph to this day I am so grateful you were moved in maths class because it gave me the opportunity to talk to you. Though you did not make it easy for me basically giving me the cold shoulder, but I suppose maybe you didn’t want to get in trouble again. Anyways I’m so glad you gave me a chance because I wouldn’t be me if I hadn’t have fallen in love with you. That day when we were at the carnival, and you gave that little girl the teddy because she couldn’t win one that’s when I knew I’d spend the rest of my life with you. I promise the love you till the day I die in sickness and in health. I promise to never stop laughing with you and finding new ways to fall in love with you. Finally, because I am getting a little teary eyed here, I promise to always pursue you, to fight for you and to love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly for the rest of my life.” Daniel finished his vows.
                                                             Next it was sophies turn she was nervous she had to admit not because of Daniel but because she was the worst public speaker ever and considering she was already emotional she wasn’t sure how well she’d do here. That’s when she felt the squeeze of her hand Daniel did that to remind her that he was there and with her. “Daniel, Danny I have to start by apologizing because if I could’ve looked into the future and saw this one, I would’ve talked to you sooner and I would’ve said yes, the first time you asked me out. You are my rock somehow you always know how I’m feeling even when I don’t.  you manage to make me laugh even when I don’t want to.  I knew I’d spend the rest of my life with you when it became so easy to be myself around you so quickly as you know not everyone gets to see that goof, Sophie. Dan, I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you till death do us part in sickness and in health. I promise to always try and make you laugh. I promise to stand by you and your decisions no matter what. I love you today I’ll love you tomorrow and the rest of my life. The rest of the ceremony was a blur and before the two of them knew it they were walking down the aisle as Mr and Mrs Ricciardo.
                                                              The rest of the night went so fast they spent it with the people they loved most. Toasts were made each of them being welcomed into each other’s families though if you knew them you knew that that was already the case. They drank and ate good food and before they knew it was time for the first dance. They danced to Bless the Broken Road which their friend Rob sang for them. It was a slow dance but to the couple it meant everything because it was the first song they danced to at their formal. It only seemed fitting too since they were both country music addicts. As they could have predicted moths ago later into the night when they were tipsy, they got the cowboy hats out and had a real good dance along. To see their family and friends so happy made Daniel and Sophie so happy and no doubt the wedding would be a night no one would forget.
                                                               As the party died down the married couple snuck off to their room to spend some much-needed time together. “Come here Mrs Ricciardo” Daniel said happily beckoning her over to his arms. She embraces him tightly “Mrs Ricciardo sounds good, and this feels good” She replies. “You were so beautiful today” “You were more handsome” she joked that brought a laugh from Daniel one thing he learnt in all the years he had been with Sophie she didn’t know how to reply when he complimented her he usually made her go red faced she always blamed it  on her shyness. The two stood there for a while just embracing each other the day had been so hectic they barely had any time for each other. “Oh, hey thanks for the keyring it meant a lot” she spoke. “Anything for you darling. Thank you for the cufflinks” he replied. “I love you” she said looking up at him smiling. He smiled back down at her before saying “I love you too”. They spent the rest of the night just being with each other and sharing their love for one another.
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Hii I hoped to have gotten this out sooner but college got in the way. Anyways this is probably the longest fic I've ever written so I hope you enjoy it. As always please do send in some asks
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thanakite · 3 days ago
As I get older the more I consider it a smart choice by Avatar to have Aang and Katara's along with Toph's kids moderately messed by being raised by them
Now to be clear, I ALWAYS thought this was a good idea but as I got older it truly sinks in as a good decision and now I can also fully articulate WHY that is
Because realistically, yes, Aang, Katara, and Toph are all amazing people and amazing characters but MOST if not ALL parents fuck up their kids at least a little bit
Raising a kid is difficult and not a one size fits all thing, and while there's all kinds of advice out there, there is only so much you can do overall
Realistically, Aang and Katara and Toph WOULDN'T be the absolute best parents in the world, Aang didn't have parents in that way and Toph's parents seemed to teach her more about the type of parent she DIDN'T want to be and little about the kind she actually wanted to be (at least as far as we see), Katara is the one most likely to be a good parent seeing as she essentially acted as a mother to Sokka but her mom also died when Katara was young and her dad left soon after, and while she filled a parental role for Sokka she was still his sister first and foremost which does still result in a different dynamic and there is the added issue of them being close in age muddling that as well, so while she does likely have good ideas of how a parent should be she also likely has bad habits formed from essentially raising her brother on top of the issue with all 3 of them being very prominent political figures who all could have been considered prodigies in some shape or form (and really a lot of this could apply to Sokka and Zuko as well, but we see nothing about Sokka's kids and little about Zuko's (we see the most of Zuko's grandkid in Iroh, who seems to be a good and relatively stable guy but I would be completely unsurprised to find he's mentally messed up somehow as well) which is not an easy thing for the children of such people as it puts a lot of pressure and expectations on you (or of course the opposite where no one expects anything from you, but neither option is great for a person's mental health)
So yeah I do think that it's important to acknowledge that even people you'd think would be great parents can mentally fuck up their children just by trying to do right by them, and that it only gets worse if you don't care to even try to do better, because it acknowledges to children (as Avatar was for kids and LOK was more directed at teenagers (who are also children still) that parents aren't perfect and they mess things up, but sometimes they are trying their best and it just isn't good enough and other times they could try harder or do things differently because when/if you become a parent yourself you will have to decide what to take on and what to cast aside from your relationship with your parents and figure out how it applies to the person your child becomes in time and how that's different from your expectations, so showing that someone who you see as a hero and good person from the first show can still struggle with that is smart coming from both ends of the relationship, AND made sense with the characters as we understand them from what we are given
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ireadwithmyears · 15 hours ago
Hey, Shay! Congrats again on 300! Thanks for writing us stories! It's such a sweet idea to make personal ones.
I'm not picky. I'm currently writing for Dogma, Fox, Hardcase, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair, but really any clone is fine even if you want to make up an OC clone.
Could I get a fic where the reader feels she doesn't matter? She feels taken for granted by her family and forgotten by her friends—an afterthought. She doesn't think she's anyone's priority, and that's where the clone comes in.
Female reader please, but it can be SFW or NSFW, whichever way your imagination goes.
If You Love Me for Me
Pairing: Echo/Fem Reader
Word count: 3 K
For my 300 follower milestone event (Now closed) 
Tags/warnings: Angst, mentions of familial issues, anxiety and insecurity, friends to lovers, getting together, kissing, brief mention of very minor injury.
Summary: In a world where your family has made you believe that you are everyone’s last priority, Echo makes sure that to him, you will always be his first.
Authors note: So I named a fic after a Barbie movie song, to which, I say, what about it 🤷‍♀️ I really hope that I could capture all of those feelings that you were experiencing when you sent me that ask, Amber, and I really hope you enjoy this story.
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No one notices when you quietly slip out the back entrance of your parents’ house and leave. 
And maybe, you think, shimmying yourself up to hop the low garden fence, not wanting to risk unlatching it so that someone might hear the indignant, rusted whine the gate makes as it opens, that’s the part that stings the most.
They don’t notice, and a sharp, bitter and intrusive part of you can’t help but think it’s because they don’t care.
That, you concede, is definitely an oversimplification. They care enough, you try to tell yourself. Enough to make sure that there will always be food in your fridge and that you’ll always have a roof over your head. They care enough to, mostly, support your career endeavours even if they don’t totally understand them. They care enough to love you, or at least say that they do, even though sometimes, the sentiment rings hollow in your ears coming from them.
Maybe it’s because you’re selfish, your traitorous mind whispers as you wander the walkways beneath Pabu’s setting sun. Isn’t that what your mom had called you, in a fit of anger when you had gotten into some stupid argument about something or other that you couldn’t remember now long ago when you were still a teenager. Selfish, ungrateful, overly sensitive and, apparently, still needs to fucking grow up. 
All they are is words, you try to remind yourself, words from a long, long time ago. Words that, if you brought them up to her now, she’d probably claim she never actually said. 
Again, you think, hearing your mother’s voice in your head. Grow up, get over it.
Your eyes smart, and you frustratedly kick out at a loose pebble that’s gotten caught beneath your shoe on the pavement, listening as it bounces and quietly skitters away.
You had tried to stay for family dinner tonight, because that’s what normal, functional and supportive families were supposed to do. You had stayed, even as they passed you over in conversation. You had stayed even as they had celebrated your recent achievements in your career as an art vendor with the most cursory of congratulations. You had stayed even when, with difficulty, they had chatted and gushed at length about your brother's new shiny career as a lawyer, you had still stayed because you were a good, supportive daughter and sister.
You’re not sure what, exactly, was the thing that pushed you over the edge and had you quietly sneaking out the back door. All you know is that you feel taken for granted, forgotten and alone. And worst of all, like your family doesn’t even know you, or care to know you and your interests, your passions, the things that make you smile, the facets of yourself that make you, well, you.
And that, most of all, is the thing that twists like a knife in the pit of your stomach now, the tears openly sliding down your cheeks in a slow, silent stream as you let your feet carry you up and around the island’s spiralling staircases, unsure of where you’re going until you find yourself quietly mounting the steps to his porch.
You shouldn’t be here right now. 
You snap back into reality with a jolt so hard that you have to reach out a fumbling hand to grasp onto the wooden railing, lest you should stumble backwards off the steps of the porch and fall into the dirt directly on your butt.
He shouldn’t have to see you when you’re like this. 
Not Echo, who you’re convinced might be the one person in the world who looks at you with something more than a bland, passing interest  or indifference. He can’t see you when you’re unhappy, tears rolling down your face, because what if that makes him step away? What if, like your family, he finds the sight of your tears discomforting. What if, when you explain yourself, he thinks you’re just as ungrateful, just as selfish, as they all think you are.
A sob claws its way up your throat and you stumble, thankfully forward this time as you turn around to leave, to disappear into the night without him ever knowing that you’re here, and then creak…
The sound of the door opening in the quiet of the night scares you so bad that you trip, and your hands flail uselessly as you cry out, biting down on your lip hard enough to draw blood as you feel the rough and uneven pavement bite into the skin of your knees when you hit the ground.
“I thought I saw you sneaking around outside,” says Echo, and his voice is warm, jovial, even as he moves to help you up from the ground. “I didn’t mean to scare you,” he continues, looping your arm through his. “But seeing as I did, and it looks like you’ve banged up your knees as a result, the least I can do is help you patch them up.”
You let him pull you to your feet, suddenly lacking the energy to protest, blinking as you look down and catch a glimpse of torn jeans, a small collection of scrapes decorating the skin beneath. Great, you think, both exasperated and subdued. Now you’re burdening him.
“It’s cold out there,” he hums, steering you over to an armchair. “Did you forget your jacket?”
The fireplace is blazing, and only now that the heat of the flames is lightly caressing your skin from where you sit, do you realize how cold you are. Your arms prickle with goosebumps, and you belatedly realize that you must have left your jacket on the hook at the front door of your parents’ house. Mutely, you nod your head, and Echo clucks with disapproval.
Nonetheless, moments later, he’s quietly instructing you to lift your arms and when you do, he slides one of his, much larger, sweaters over your head, helping you gather your hair to gently pull it free of where it’s caught inside the hoodie almost without conscious thought.
“What would I do without you?” you ask, burying your hands within the baggy sleeves and holding your arms close to yourself as you look up at him.
“Probably forget your own head, if it wasn’t already attached,” he says wryly, giving you a playful tap on the nose, his scomp resting on his hip..
He settles on the floor, carefully lifting up one of your feet so that your leg is propped on an ottoman in front of you, letting out a low whistle as he moves carefully to snip away at the already ripped fabric at the knee of your jeans. 
“Am I gonna live?” you ask sarcastically, and have the satisfaction of watching as Echo tries to restrain his lips from pulling upward into a small smile.
“It’s bleeding a bit, and there’s also some debris,” he says, rising to his feet and moving towards the kitchen sink so that he can wet a washcloth. “But yeah, you’ll live. Shouldn’t even have to amputate,” he adds, not bothering to hide his grin this time.
You snort, even as you instinctively flinch when he starts cleaning the scrapes. He gives you an apologetic smile, even as he shifts to rest his scomp over your leg to keep you still. For a while, it’s quiet, the only sounds in the room your combined breathing, the gentle dabbing of the damp cloth against your skin, and the occasional chink of tweezers as Echo carefully removes small rock fragments from the wounds.
So,” he ventures, after the silence has stretched out for too long. “Family dinner really that bad?”
“How could you tell?” you ask with an exhausted sigh, leaning back as your eyes roll up towards the ceiling.
“I know you,” he states simply, and you startle a bit when you feel his thumb against your cheek, until he pulls back and holds up his hand, the tip of his finger smudged with something dark. Your mascara, you realize, your cheeks going pink with embarrassment. The lingering evidence of your tears.
“And I know that they’re the only ones who can make you cry like that.”
You sniff and his eyes, when you dare to turn yours away from the ceiling to actually look at him properly, are two pools of soft, amber warmth and compassion that nearly push you to dissolve into a fresh wave of tears all over again. Gritting your teeth, you force it back, straightening and trying to recover any shred of dignity that remains within you.
Still, the treacherous voice that lurks in the back of your mind still whispers. 
He doesn’t want you here. 
He’ll listen to what you say with passive interest, he’ll be nice to you because he feels obligated and still, all the while, he’s secretly waiting for you to leave. Because you’re unremarkable, you go quiet and make awkward pauses in conversation because you want, so much, to be liked, loved, valued, and at the same time you have no idea what you have to do to make people look at you with anything other than a detached apathy for your presence.
And here he is, fresh off a long stretch of missions working for the burgeoning underground rebellion, returned home, eager for a rest, and probably some quiet, and time where, for once, he doesn’t have to worry about other people, and can set aside his deep-rooted sense of duty to focus on himself.
Instead, you’re here, showing up unannounced because you’re too clingy, too sensitive, too reliant on others to deal with your emotions, because you can’t just be normal and take it all on the chin like everyone else does. And he’s here, he’s listening, but probably not because he wants to, but more because you, selfish, needy as you are, have taken advantage of his kindness, and he’s listening because he feels obligated to.
“I’m sorry,” you blurt out, abruptly rushing to get to your feet and hastening to get to the door. “I’ve intruded on your night long enough already. I know you have much higher priorities that you probably need to sort out so I’ll just.”
“Hey,” his voice, quiet but stern, brings your rambling attempt to make excuses straight to a halt, his hand catching your wrist insistent as he turns you around to face him, looking down at you, his expression almost inscrutable.
“I,” you blink, looking up at him, confused. It’s then that you notice the sleeves of his sweater have fallen down over your hands and you blink, startled, then realize that this must be what he wants before you go. “Oh, your sweater, sorry. Here, let me just.”
All of a sudden his hand falls away and his arms hang limply at his sides. He takes a step back, letting out a breath, exhaling softly in the quiet of the room. You freeze, looking up at him with widened eyes. His eyes keenly take you in, seeming to search for something that he doesn’t appear to find before he next speaks.
“Do you want to leave?” he asks, his voice carrying an underlying tension that you struggle to place the origin of.
“What?” you ask, bewildered, slightly taken aback and confused at the seemingly abrupt shift. “No, I, I just.” You shake your head from side to side, as if the action might help shake free the words that are quickly becoming lodged in your throat.
He once again steps closer, moving towards you in a similar fashion to how he might approach a wounded animal. Only once he’s there, he stops being timid. He steps into your space, lightly pushing until you’re pressed up against the door. Observing no further resistance or protest on your part, he then reaches down, lightly taking your chin between his fingers and guiding it upward so that you’re looking into his warm, honey brown eyes, his expression still unreadable.
“Whatever you’ve been thinking,” he says, his voice so quiet that it’s barely above a whisper. “Whatever I have done to make you feel like you are anything less than the first thing I think about every time I return home to Pabu... then I must apologize for not making my intentions clear.”
He strokes your cheek, and you absently saver in the feeling of his fingers trailing along your skin, your mind struggling to follow the thread of his words.
“Echo...I,” you stammer, because apparently those are the only words that your brain is capable of coming up with. You swallow, and, mortified, you feel your eyes beginning to burn with the sting of unshed tears. One drops, glistening on your eyelash a moment before falling to the tips of Echo’s fingers. He blinks, eyes widening as he looks down at it. Then, shaking his head, he pulls you into his arms, tucking your head beneath his chin as he lightly sways the two of you back and forth.
“Listen to me,” he speaks after a long moment, your silent tears dampening the material of his shirt as you bite down hard on your bottom lip to contain the sounds that are fighting to escape. 
You’re not even sure why you’re crying at this point. All you know is that he’s here, steady, solid muscles combined with the cool, foreign press of metal and steel as he holds you gently.
“You are my first priority,” he says, his voice low and soft, but almost firm in its promise. “My first, you hear me?”
You nod your head, not trusting yourself to speak and his arms tighten, pulling you closer just a fraction, so that you can feel his heartbeat, thumping steadily against your ear.
“And I am so sorry,” he continues, his voice falling into almost a saddened whisper. “That so many people have made you feel like you’re their last.”
A quiet sniffle forces its way from your throat and you tremble, struggling to hold the dam together as it breaks. Echo holds onto you, metal arm carefully tucked around your waist, his free hand slowly gliding up and down your back. He doesn’t speak, knowing that words would most likely be meaningless at best, and at worst, force you back into your shell of trying to keep yourself together purely for his comfort. He certainly doesn’t want that, and so, he holds you, simply allowing you to cry into the material of his shirt as he shifts on the balls of his feet, rocking the two of you back-and-forth until you calm.
“E-echo?” you ask after your tears have mostly subsided, looking up at him with still watery eyes as you blink.
“Hm?” he asks, reaching to wipe your tears away with his thumb. 
His eyes are soft, filled with an adoration that you feel is out of place, considering the state of you. But his fingers remain gentle, his hand still warm and soft, as he slowly brushes it over the crown of your head, smoothing back your hair. You can’t help the way you find yourself blushing, unable to explain it beyond the way he’s touching you, the way that he is looking at you right now feels almost... reverent? Which doesn’t make any sense to you at all.
“I’ve messed up your shirt,” is all that you can think to come up with, glancing down at the evident tear stain on the centre of his chest.
“That’s alright,” he says, giving you a small shrug before his eyes turn mischievous. “What, you looking for an invitation for me to take it off, meshla?”
“You’re ridiculous,” you groan, your eyes rolling towards the ceiling even as you feel your cheeks turning to a shade of bright red.
“And you’re blushing,” he says, sounding smug as he grabs your chin, tilting your head to look at him as his fingers brush against your heated cheek. “Now isn’t that sweet.” 
You look up at him, feeling lost, because he still has that look on his face. The one that says that he very well might want to kiss you right now and, startled, you realize that in the same breath, you very much want him to do just that. A part of you still hesitates though, always waiting, always cautious, always wondering when the other shoe might drop. Echo notices the changed expression on your face and he stills, sobering immediately.
“A-are you sure you want me to stay?” you ask, your voice soft, breathless and nervous with restrained want, with held-back hopes and longing that pulls at all of the strings within his heart.
“Do I want you to stay?” he asks, his voice sounding incredulous as his eyebrows raise. 
He leans forward, his forehead lightly bumping against yours as his fingers gently thread into your hair. There’s a breath, a warm brush of air against your lips as he pauses, watching you for any signs of discomfort or objection. Finding none, he brings his lips to yours, kissing you softly, but wanting, eager and by no means delicate, pressing his lips against yours in a manner that suggests that he’s been wanting, needing to do that for a long, long time prior.
When he pulls away, you’re breathless, and he smirks, pleased and, probably, also a little bit smug, the corners of his lips twitching as he attempts to contain it as he looks down at you, blushing and unable to form words. He leans in, brushing his thumb against your parted lips, his voice a soft, low rumble of amusement as he asks you.
“I think that probably answers your question, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you say, stepping forward and rising up on your toes.
You press a kiss to his cheek, and then another one to his lips, unable to resist your own pulling upward into a broad smile. You’re surprised, filled with an almost overwhelming sense of giddiness that feels foreign, but it makes you want to dance or jump up and down or start flying. 
You can’t, though, so instead, you settle on kissing him again.
“Yeah,” you say again, gazing up into his warm, softened eyes. “I definitely think it does.”
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Thank you  @saradika-graphics for these dividers.
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art-of-a-ghostie · 2 days ago
More headcanons 'cuz people like them and they are so fucking funny to make (WIll make them for other fandoms too) (part 1 here):
Giovanni's boys met many people from the cast much more important than them (Percy, Lorelai, Martin, Arnold, Sylvie, Trixie, Feenie…) while hanging out while wearing their civilian clothes but had no ideas and probably never will unless they talk about it to Giovanni or Molly
Sylvie eventually learns that Giovanni is basically raising Molly and her terrible old life and joins the “Post-POP Molly support squad”
Now he has many more friends and he has no idea how to react to this
He also still has beef with Giovanni. Slightly less than canon and respects him more (they are now basically siblings with a rough relationship but still care about the other), but he still has one. And yet he is weirdly fond of his boys (including Molly)
But he will die before admitting it
Giovanni doesn't even find it insulting or anything (Giovanni VC: “HAHA! So you won't fall to my feet but you will fall to the ones of my minions? That's right!! Admire the PURE RAW POWER my boys hold!! Hehehe…. Soon you will join me too, Sylvester!! It's only a matter of time~”)
Sylvie also lied to the cops to keep Molly safe and keep supporting the whole “me and Molly were Giovanni's hostages” fake excuse stable
Sylvie went on a (play)date with Feenie once mostly because he had no idea how to tell her no and found the binder she made for him way too neat to reject her.
They decided to stay friends after that.
Ramsey probably Vegas married once
Mera is the only person existing in the EE universe who's a picky eater who doesn't like to eat inedible stuff (she still does but She Is Not Happy About It) (<- born for rich food forced to jail food and sand :< )
Rick has a secret diary too like Sylvie but it's written in a secret language he and his old friends created to communicate non verbally. And it's either filled with extremely dark and sad thoughts, dumb observations and doodles. If someone was able to read it they would probably cry.
Molly has an automatic aversion to toys after selling them for so long and being literally replaced by them in her own father and sister' life. Before Sylvie knew about her home situation he just assumed she did that to look more mature like him (he actually likes toys)/she did that because she was actually mature and said something along the lines of "Oh! I don't like toys either! We are much more mature than that, hehe ':D!" and she answered by something among the lines of "After being immersed in a world of toys, their utter futility become apparent. They have no love to give to you. They are just pieces of fabric without a heart. They are just masks adults wear to influence how children feel." (That was how Sylvie started to think that there was much more to dig other than "My mom died")
She still enjoys being gifted toys but has a preference have books or cards
Percy talks in her sleep. Not cute sleep-talking or no sensical bubbling who makes you laugh. Instead she mumbles ominous and anxiety-inducing riddles that she has zero memories about when she wakes up. Meryl slept from her once because of work and felt extremely scared by the offputting things Percy mumbled in her sleep.
Rick also sleep talks. He is the one who says nonsensical shit.
Both Naven and Rick have scary good reflexes
Crusher used to be very lonely, shy and coy in his first days as a Blaster and only spoke little and VERY straightforwardly. Some of the other blasters just assumed he was just being passive-aggressive at first.
The feeling changed very quickly after they got closer and now they think he is non-ironically considered the most supportive friend they ever had
He is also more talkative and affectionate, which they are very proud of it
They also proposed "Crusher" while playfully poking at his crush but didn't notice that Giovanni was right behind them listening and just went "Hey Crusher actually sounds cool! He makes you sound like a real badass! Is it okay if it's your official minion nickname, [CRUSHER'S REAL NAME]?"
Crusher.exe stopped working. Please reboot the system.
The rest just burst into laughter the moment Giovanni left and Crusher just stormed off while flustered yelling stuff like "LAUGHT AS MUCH YOU WANT, MY LOVE JUST CALLED ME BADASS! CRUSHER IS OUT!" which just made them laugh even harder
(Warning: Angst) Inspired by an old fic idea I had but Giovanni and Lorelai used to be online friends/penpals before/during the fire. Giovanni slowly saw his friend getting grumpier and more isolated until she had enough and decided to stop being friends. He wanted to help her but didn't have the right words to say that and she refused help.
Do you know when the bear took life when Sylvie used Nightmare Fuel on him he yelled "I should been promoted ages ago!" to him?
The last thing she wrote to him was "I should have blocked you ages ago"
He is technically over that but still thinks about it sometimes
And so she does (except that she is not over that)
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jenanigans1207 · 2 days ago
Holy shit did I miss my babies so much!! And I have so much to say!!!
-Miya being genuinely good friends with Reki and Langa and being so comfortable around them? To like affectionately tease them instead of making fun of them?
-the way Langa is clearly just already a fully integrated part of the family with how he just walks around and nobody reacts to him being there? MY RENGA HEART
-everyone in Reki’s clothes??? How big they were on Miya???
-literally everything renga but when Langa was the one giving Reki a piggyback and Reki was just resting his head on top of Langa’s? And Langa just looking like a lovesick fool??
-also renga doing the infinity fist bump again? Literally renga nation won so hard in this OVA im thriving
-Shadow precious baby my beloved
-please they’re so freaking stupid who let them be in the same class I would die for them
-I did not want to see anything Adam related, especially not his weird implied kinky shit and him just staring at a GIANT photo of Langa??
-and then his weird ass relationship with Tadashi with more of the weird dog-themed shit. Like putting gel in his “coat” and talking about how he’s been without his collar? Adam pls die challenge 2k25
-I will forever be an Adam hate account and this is just giving me further ammunition
-but okay when Tadashi smiled at the end? Pls he’s so precious and he deserves better
-MANAGER AT SHADOW’S HOUSE WHILE HES IN HIS S COSTUME?? And he just made a damn fool of himself ohhh shadow I love you
-the new ending is fantastic but I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t miss the palm trees lmao
Overall a 12/10 this was so worth the wait. I’m grinning so big and it’s so freaking good to have my babies back again. I’ve missed them. I can’t wait to rb every gif set of the renga umbrella scene!!!!!!!
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aevris · 1 year ago
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pokemon AU doodles featuring xan's parents' vaporeon
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whoblewboobear · 10 months ago
Jace was totally a Hudol kid right?
He failed wizardry 101 three years in a row, he probably hooked up with your crush, ​he was voted most likely to be arrested on account of all the pranks he pulled around campus. He smokes cigarettes in the parking lot. He’s at the top of his sorcery classes and his name is on everyone’s lips, he’s Jace Stardiamond and if you don’t know him, then maybe you’re just not cool enough to.
By the time he’s a junior, everyone has an idea of who he is but when he’s alone with himself, he has a hard time deciding if he knows who he is. Every moment of his life he’s been told the whos, whats and whys and he feels trapped inside of the labels and high standards so he takes comfort in the unknown.
For once he finally feels in tune with his magic. He doesn’t need to know where it comes from when it comes to him as easy as breathing. He still has such a keen eye for it, though. He approaches sorcery with such a precision and resolve that leaves people in awe of him, the attention doesn’t hurt either.
He always admired that quality in the wizards surrounding him, there’s no reason he can’t borrow that kind of self discipline for himself if it leads to better self discovery.
Still, he can’t take the way his old wizardry textbooks mock him from where they live on his bookshelf. He finds a home for them far at the top of his closet and doesn’t look back.
Is2g the way he told Adaine he couldn’t take a level of wizard, “I tried.” And then him saying he always thought wizards were a bit stinky has haunted me since the finale aired. That man has a deep vendetta associated with wizardry, you just know it. That shit haunts him.
#ngl I feel like Jace’s mom was probably a high elf and wanted her kids to go to the most prestigious school in Elmville but his dad was a#human adventurer that just wanted his sons to be happy#they get divorced by the time Jace is 15 and he chooses to stay with his dad bc the thought of going to live in fallinel with his mom makes#him itch#fallinel reminds him of Hudol and he doesn’t /love/ Hudol#his brother does though and his brother is definitely the good boy pragmatist wizard of the family#Jace’s dad tells him if he doesn’t wanna go to Hudol anymore he can transfer to aguefort and he does it. he doesn’t even attempt to try#wizard classes and it’s way too late to find an adventuring party#that final year is kinda a blur but it was fun.#he spent most of his time at parties and hooking up with more people than he could count#also in my head Jace has a brother and then when he’s like starting college his mom remarries and has his sister with his stepdad that he#haaaates#he hates visiting fallinel but he wants to get to know his sister#his dad also dies on an adventure during his college years#he comes back to an empty house because his brother just couldn’t#it’s the first time he’s really left to be the responsible one and he’s not bad at it but he’s so out of depths#he sells the house and starts couch surfing until he sees that Aguefort is hiring for a sorcerer teacher so he takes it#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#fhjy#jace stardiamond
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raddest-laddest · 9 days ago
ok. someone’s gonna have to come get my dad or i’m gonna tweak.
#no bc he does this fucking thing where he talks to me like a dog? it could be for any reason. any. sometimes i just walk into a room.#and i can’t even BEGIN to understand what he means by it; if he’s trying to belittle me or if he just.#doesnt know how to talk to me any other way. but it pisses me off to no end cus it ALWAYS feels like the first one.#take last night for example: it was my brother’s birthday; and none of us had expected him to be visiting around this time#this is especially important for my little sister; bc she planned a sleepover with her friends several months in advance—#—to celebrate some of them graduating and one of them moving away.#so all night she’d been trying to get away. my mom told her after cake; so that was the original goalpost;#but then my dad just kept ADDING THINGS. first it was “after cake” then “after this; after that”#and this thing just keeps getting pushed further and further back#then he said “it’s trash day. collect the trash first and then you can go” AND MIND YOU ITS LIKE 7 PM AT THIS POINT#I CAN JUST SEE HER GETTING SO UPSET so i step in; tell her “i’ll take care of it; lets just go.”#AND MY DAD. MY DAD. MY DAD. omg.#he goes “wow!! so good!! 😁😁” WITH THE SAME TONE THAT HE TALKS TO THE DOG. WHY. WHY.#look idk what he means by it; he could just be filling empty space for all im aware; me and my dad have weird communication skills#but the message that it sends me is “who the hell do you think you are helping her right now.”#and that. makes me angrier than anything.#who the hell do you think YOU are trying to keep her from her friends. who the hell do you think YOU are TALKING TO ME LIKE THAT.#and i swear he could see that in my eyes cus then he goes “want some icecream 🥺?”#so i tell him “i don’t know what you mean by that.” in the flattest voice i can give#and he just throws his hands up in the air and g r o a n s as if to say ‘HERE WE GO AGAIN’#and i just. bite my tongue and drive my sister to her friends house.#but i swear he does this all the time. he just uses different code words. an old one used to be “mom made curry!” (my favorite meal)#and he’d use it every time he had something negative to say to me. yk. the same way you’d tease a dog with a treat to get them all excited.#“positive sandwich” is what he’d call it. a positive; then a negative; then a positive to make the whole thing ok#but yk a sandwich is always gonna taste like what’s inside. and brother; i can taste the shit between your buns.#yes i know how that sounds.#but yea. as soon as i got home he asked me if i wanted ice cream again.#rubbing salt in the wound? or just trying to curb my anger? i’ll never know. but it drove me upstairs for the rest of the night.#but yea that’s my little rant. someone come get my dad.#stan’s forum
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voulezloux · 10 months ago
tw abuse in the tags
#my dad decided that he was going to share his posts on threads where he trauma dumped shit with me and my sister#and it pisses me off so much that he can talk about all the trauma he’s gone through#and all the shitty things he’s gone through#and literally anything and everything that’s happened to him#but won’t acknowledge that he abused me my mom and my sister growing up#i got the worst of it all bc ofc i fucking did my sister was his favorite and i knew from a young age that she was#still is tbh#i’ve only been back in contact with my dad for a little over 5 years and since then there have been 3 separate occasions#where he’s acknowledged what he’s done to me and how it’s affected our relationship#the last one being last year where he actually apologized#but the first was in 2019 when we first started talking again and then again in 2021#and then last year in 2023#and i can’t talk about the shit he put me through bc he shuts down and doesn’t want to talk about it#and it pisses me tf off that he can do literally anything else to better himself#but the minute i want to even throw a passing fancy towards our past he freezes#and i feel like i have to change the subject bc lol dad’s uncomfortable!#i’ll admit i don’t talk about the shit he put me through willingly to anyone not even my therapist#but how the fuck are you going to sit there and trauma dump to the person YOU traumatized? and won’t talk about the trauma with?#fuck all the way off that’s fucking bullshit and we all know it
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nexus-nebulae · 6 months ago
another childhood bucket list item obtained: i finally have a snuggie
#and it's the real thing not even a knockoff#kinda surprised they still exist#but also not surprised bc Blanket. blanket is universal#i just remember a lot of those As Seen On Tv ads like. imploding within 5 years#they still do As Seen On Tv products like there are still boxes marked with that logo it almost feels wrong like an ancient relic#bc most like. ubiquitous 2000s brands from my childhood are just Gone or at least so fundamentally changed it's not the same thing#heard about like 50 more companies going bankrupt probably in the last year alone#anyway ive always wanted a snuggie it's one of those Always Wanted things that never go away#others include: staples easy button (obtained!); mini fridge (not); pillow pet (i had a knockoff once); power drill (not)#i spent a surprising amount of my childhood actually going out of my way to buy stuff i could use in my own apartment in the future#i grew up lower middle class and then just lower class#so like. i always Knew i couldn't just furnish the whole apartment at once i Knew I'd have to build stuff up over time#also bc when my sister got kicked out she had like. nothing. in her trailer. and i did not want to have nothing#i knew if dad was willing to just toss out my sister like that i would absolutely follow suit#and i did! two years younger than my sister when she was!#it just happened that my mom didn't want me homeless at FOURTEEN when i legally could not work for two more years#so she went with me and we lived with my grandma#so take that dad. turns out throwing family members out willy nilly makes the rest of your family not trust you or like you!#and now i get to rub it in his face that HE can't function in a house by himself and still needs to beg my mom to clean up after him#bc i spent so much of my childhood getting berated and called lazy for not doing chores#getting told stuff like 'you have to function by yourself your parents can't always pick up after you'#and then he's literally useless without his wife#he's not disabled and he's not neurodivergent he's never even had a serious health scare he just doesn't bother to learn how to clean#his excuse is that he doesn't know how to use the washer and dryer (it has been almost ten years fucker. learn)#or he doesn't know which cleaning products to use (you have google and a library card. LOOK IT UP)#he's the only person i get mad at for this behaviour bc he's a fucking hypocrite and a child abuser about it too#he is the exception to my rule of everyone needs to be given the space to get things done where they're able and deserve help when needed#and I'll bend over backwards to make excuses for other people so i DONT exclude them from my rule i will try to find every good reason first#he has no fucking excuse though he made two teenagers nearly homeless bc he thought we were too lazy and then he's even worse
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purrvaire · 2 years ago
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good omens season 2 + text posts I have on my phone - aziraphale's version
1 / 2 / 3
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