#that's fine you can unfollow me- idm
kulemii · 2 years
so i was thinking about how nice it was be if you could go to karaoke (or whatever ishin's equivalent is called) with harada.. i know you cant but what if they added it in ishin just for me? i mean, they already kept aizawa for me. what if they were like, you know what else what make that psychotic bitch go fuckin nuts????
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stariel-and-stuff · 6 months
Hi, I know this isn't any of my business, but you follow me and I occasionally get your posts on my dash, so I decided to ask.
Why do you watch "think before you sleep" and "sensitive society". I mean, maybe you didn't know, which would be hard, but I digress. They both have made a lot of incredibly harmful videos, both attacking trans people and the queer community in general. I also have the shinimagami eyes extension, which marks trans friendly, and anti-trans channels. I didn't even do anything and the channel was already flagged as the latter. I also know both of them really hate fat people for no reason, which isn't fun at all...
Basically, if you somehow, like, agree with them, then I don't want you to follow me or interact with me. Sorry if this comes off as aggressive, I genuinely don't mean it, but I just can't wrap my head around how s queer person can watch these channels.
Hi, it’s totally fine to ask idm answering. I don’t really watch sensitive society much (tho I do watch similar channels) but I do watch a lot of think before you sleep. I personally watch them because I believe it’s important to listen to people with different views and opinions as you to learn and grow. I agree with a lot of points they have and I disagree with a lot of points they have. I LOVE psychology and TBYS’s vids are very well researched and psychological so I like to analyse why they think certain things and I love how they cite their sources so I get to read them!! If you want me to unfollow you that’s totally fine but yeah that’s my reasons for watching them :PP.
Also!! You don’t come off as aggressive to me so don’t worry at all!! Hope you have a great day (pinch and a pinch for the 1st day of the month slip slap can’t get me back, if you do that- idk if it’s a popular tradition outside of Aus) and understand where I’m coming from!!
Also also!! Gah I ramble too much, Ik they’re flagged but I do recommend giving TBYS a try as they aren’t transphobic/fat hating which I get is how they might come across until you understand where they’re coming from (they’re not concerned about the promotion of these things in media more the why, politically and economically they’re getting promoted). However it’s your life and your choice I’m not gonna live it for ya, once again have a nice day and byeeee!! :PP
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chrisbangs · 3 years
Okay, same anon. Your blog isn’t as personal as you think. You talk about Chan and SKZ too much for it to be personal. That’s why it’s annoying and I’m entitled to my opinion because you over do it. Side blog would probably be best but you don’t even see it as a problem
just because this is a fandom blog doesn't mean i cant talk abt my own stuff on here ?? this is still MY blog ?????? i am allowed to talk abt the things that happen in my life on my blog ?? just as you're entitled to your opinion i'm entitled to do whatever the fuck i want on my fucking blog!
and if it bugs you so much like i said before, feel free to idk unfollow ??? blacklist the tag ??? like ???????????
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rotten-dan · 3 years
hey i’m sorry if this is coming at an unwelcome time, please feel free to completely ignore this if it is. but i am just. in shock and awe at the lack of self-awareness from the previous anon who said you were overreacting to a ship. like??? nobody’s forcing them to stay and tbf they probably HAVE left now but they could’ve done that quietly?? i don’t understand how or why they think it’s cool to send you a near passive-aggressive, bordering-on-condescending message about how you’re ~over the top~ with your actually valid dislike of this fictional ship and you ~should think about why~
LIKE??? NO THE HELL YOU’RE NOT OVER THE TOP???? you’ve been pretty respectful about your opinion on it (i think the crush thing is cute but idm reading your responses to it. the “I DONT CAREEE” thing actually made me laugh akskdjjsjfj) and even if their feelings were hurt, unfollowing and blocking over smth like this should not require a personally crafted message!! sorry you had to deal with that, i hope the rest of your day goes better :’) again, feel free to completely ignore / not answer this ask if it’s unwelcome
u are not unwelcome, nobody is I'm just exhausted.
It's not like I'm going out of my way to antagonize anyone who likes the ship is it?. it can exist. its fine. of course people would find it cute.
glad ya found that stuff funny.
it's like that car anon thing all over again.
thanks for the good wishes and the reassuring ask.
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6kuros · 4 years
allow me to just *taps my sign*
idm kinnies and im not going to be like "UNFOLLOW IF YOU KIN HLV/RAI" but y'all gotta understand something. i think the cast has expressed that they're fine with shipping but the same can't be said for kinning
to me it's really apparent that the cast sees themselves in the characters they made/played so like. if you're going to kin then keep that out of their servers, their social media, their streams because it's weird!! ngl it's weird!!! ik there's a strong "kinnies are valid" sentiment around these parts but like! read all of the above, you can kin if you like but respect the cast and behave man
and honestly the same can be said for shipping. to a lesser degree mind you, since the cast has acknowledged it and doesn't seem to dislike it strongly, but like... unless it's a hlvrai stream or the cast is willingly bringing it up don't talk about hlvrai or shipping or whatever
thank you and good night
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ablednt · 3 years
hey mate im gonna have to unfollow cause you keep talking abt proship stuff untagged and its really stressing me out no hard feelings tho
Oh I'm sorry! I can tag it I forgot it anyone asked me before to! But that's fine idm people unfollowing for any reason!
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xuune · 4 years
Ok generally I can fall asleep when I want but I have lots of friends who can’t so here goes! Also I’m on mobile so... sorry for not reaching out in chat my phone doesn’t let me oops! 1. If u are laying in bed for more than thirty minutes and still aren’t sleeping, get out of bed and go do something else. Ur supposed to associate ur bed w sleep, not w NOT sleeping. 2. Take melatonin like 30 mins before bed, ive been told it rlly helps.
3. Practice meditation! Do it during daylight hours to start but I + others have found that meditation helps u clear ur mind and have u gently focus on ur breathing and that shit gets boring REAL fast so it’s easy to conk out from a certain point meditating. I can ask friends for tips but like this is all I got on me rn oops. I hope it proves helpful to u and like... wow I’ve been following u since 2017. Weird
its fine, idm ppl reaching out to me thru inbox. and holy shit you’ve been following me since 2017? that’s insane. i would’ve thought lots of people started unfollowing right after i stopped posting the usual kl art back in 2018, glad you’re still around though 
i use an app called youper that gives meditation and breathing exercises, i usually try those when i’m unable to fall asleep, but lately it hasn’t been working for me at all B^( another friend suggested taking melatonin but i haven’t tried that yet since i wasn’t sure what exactly with melatonin could help me. i’m not that fond of taking meds or pills since i’ve had shit experience with things like tylenol, and all that really did was give me nose bleeds. someone commented to try melatonin gummies, so i’ll think i’ll try those and go buy some. 
i will try to actually do what you suggested first, since what i end up doing is keep laying in bed until sleep takes me away. other times, when i know im unable to sleep, i try to draw a bit in my sketchbook, but even up to 4am when i’m doing that i’m still unable to sleep. i feel like it would be really hard to figure out what i could do once im out of bed when im unable to sleep after 30 min
i feel like another thing thats also a reason why i can’t fall asleep is my mind being unable to shut up about various things. i would feel my face tense up while my eyes are closed, i would try to pay attention to something like environment noises from outside to calm my mind or at least let the thoughts stop, but my mind usually resumes back to a state of “hey im gonna keep you up with all these vague, random thoughts that won’t let you sleep B^).” i’d try to do things like listen to white noise or music too but neither would work on actually having my mind shut up
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diaforetikes · 5 years
5,6, 13 y 15 ajaklajlkjalk aaaa
5.- Have you ever had to block someone or cut off contact with them?
[[ Multiple. Times. The most recent one (2 years ago) was a yarn ball head oc that was a douche of a mun, we were close friends until she decided to mix IC and OOC and take it out all on me...... Just because my muse is a douchenuzzle, in the past i blocked someone as well for pestering me on about why i unfollowed them. ]]
6.- Your view on Mary/Gary sues?
[[ Honestly.. depends on the degree of the sue/stu, if it’s just a character that’s bred to have a buttload of powers, races or whatever, ig it’s okay as long as the writer knows how to write them, no god modding nor using it in situations of “i must win”, casual interactions? sure, fine, now if people godmod and just... it’s not a pleasant time, they can suck my toes. ]]
13.- Your opinion on straight shipping?
[[ Why is this even a question lmao
Straight shipping is FINE, it’s not overdone as ppl claim it to be, if anything, m/m ships are the ones i see the most, but probs due to the people i follow, either way, it’s fine and idm it, any kind of ship is fine as long as it’s well written and not done just as a fetish, i have my opinion on what i usually see when it comes to shipping in general and MOST of the time people have been doing it just to get some hot smut in, gender does not change a ship. ]]
15.- What is your biggest pet peeve?
[[ -cracks knuckles- Connected to the story on 5.
People thinking IC = OOC
I do not condone to any of the actions my muses do, sometimes I’m even disgusted by them, with that person in particular, Alec was a piece of dookie to their character, which is NORMAL to him, and i made it clear, and this person kept taking it personal, over and over, because they couldnt stand their character not being everyone’s friend.
I despise that sort of behavior.]]
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