#that'll be fun HAHAHAHA
tonbanereblogs · 6 months
Tag Game: 10 fandoms, 10 characters
Tagged by dear friend @bloobluebloo (I should be doing this from @tonbane account but I've been too talkative there 🙊) I don't consume a lot of media so this is a challenge for me
1. Just like Bloo, Ganondorf from Legend of Zelda. I love him so so much there's so much made up lore in my brain 🧠
2. Marcille from Dungeon Meshi. I love stressed lesbian 🤝
3. Crowley from Good Omens. I love stressed nonbinary lesbian 🤝
4. To all my Sims 2 besties: Pascal Curious from Strangetown. He's literally my blorbo I love to play as him
5. I'm running out of shows. I really like our goddess Cybele from real life. She originated in Anatolia in the Neolithic and I love that there's traces of her throughout the southern Mediterranean travelling west until it reached iberians and she became the patron goddess of Madrid :3
6. I ran out of recent blorbos. I too watched Shin Chan when I was little, does that count? But I related more to Misae the mom because once again, the levels of stress HDHDJSH (there's something wrong with me)
7. I also watched Doraemon but Nobita was so cringe for me when I was little, I felt so much embarrassment at his mistakes lmao. Also both shin Chan and Doraemon are translated to almost all languages in Spain, my sis could watch it in her native language, isn't that neat? :3
8. AH!!! Yennefer from The Witcher!!! I literally wrote a 10 page essay about her at university lmaooo. So yeah I love the symbolisms and how she's always had fortitude and resolve and potential power but was not respected for her looks (and blood) so she changes to a conventionally beautiful body and NOW people feel afraid? She's always been that insanely powerful (and insane <3)
9. I'm literally going through my gallery to remember what shows I like. I love WWDITS (film and show) how could I forget. From the show, I love Nadja because she's like an exaggerated version of my beloved sister. I know it doesn't sound like a compliment but it is HAHAHA she's so alive!!
10. I had to rack my brains for this. Miku has been one of my longest blorbos since highschool. One of my fan videos has 63k views in YouTube but you'll never find it 😈 (jk it's extremely easy to find)
PHEW!!! That was fun!
I tag my recent boopers 🐾 if they're up for it! @panna-acida @avenin @gay-moth-nerd @mailjeevas66 @ganonfan1995 WEEEEEE!!!
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b-blushes · 4 months
monday quest is to order the couple of supplies i need for a project. this is challenging to me because it combines 2 things that melt my brain: 'online shopping' and 'deciding between similar but subtly different things'. HOWEVER i can do it!!! and it will be fun to make things when they arrive >:) side quest make a different dinner, i have got some fresh fish to try and i have never cooked with it before due to we always bought it frozen. worst thing that can happen is it doesn't agree with my health stuff and i do not cook it again 👍 i'm making it so basic style for this reason. i feel like it could be delicious!
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sheeshiki · 4 months
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Hello! I saw that requests were open and wanted to give them a shot!
Could I request Ace, Deuce and Sebek with a confectioner reader?
I know this one's really boring, so feel free to ignore this one.
ooooh, I actually like this one! As someone with a huge sweet tooth- (gonna admit I had to look up the meaning for "Confectioner" because I never heard it before lol)
Deuce, Ace and Sebek with a Confectioner!Reader
♤ I believe Deuce would have a sweet tooth, so he would probably love to hear about your occupation as a Confectioner, He would probably be your most loyal customer, entering the shop every two days to stock up on sweets, or just to see you work.
♤ He even sometimes offers to help, though he may not have much experience, he tries his absolute best, and it comes out quite well!
The bell from the front foor of your shop gives out a little "Ding!" indicating the presence of a customer, you come out from behind your work area, expectant that the customer is none other than Deuce, one of your most loyal customers, and low and behold, you were correct!
"Hey Deucey!! Nice to see ya this morning!" you greeted him as he approached your counter, "Hello! Good to see you as well, Y/N!" he replied, smiling.
"So, whatcha in the market for today? I just finished making some of your favorite chocolates, if you'd like some!" you beamed, a sweet smile across your face.
"I would, thank you!" He beamed, you giggled at his excitement, but of course, who wouldn't be excited for chocolate? You knew Deuce has quite the sweet tooth, and it was originally why he began coming to your shop, but then he ended up becoming a regular, and you both had become good friends during this time, he's helped you out in the shop a bit, and he's surprisingly good at making sweets, despite his inexperience.
"Aaand here you are, Deucey! Your chocolates!" You spoke as you handed him the chocolates, and he handed you the money, but you refused.
"Eh?" he stared at you, confused on why you didn't want it. you laughed at his reaction, "Just take it for free, its on the house today!" you smiled, putting a hand on his head a ruffling his hair gently, which was quite fun, because he always had a cute, flustered face whenever you did that.
"A-are you sure?" he asked curiously, giving you a guilty look. "Yep, very sure! Look at it as a... friend discount!" You said as you smiled.
"Heylooo! Ace in the house!" Ace said as he entered you shop with a sweet smile, "Well, well, well, if it ain't my favorite trouble maker!" you smiled, resting an arm on the counter, and one on your hip. "Ha! Of course I'm you favori- wait... Touble maker??" he flinched, you couldn't help but laugh at his stubborn reaction. "Hey, at least you're my favorite, am I right?" you winked at him.
"I- uugghhh... you hit me with that everytime!" he groans. "Hahahaha! okay, jokes aside, whatcha looking for?" you ask him, smiling slyly. "Do you have anymore of those chocolates that you made the other day?" he asks, "Sure do! You liked em that much?" you ask slyly, giving him a cheeky smug smile, "Uh- Ye- No! it's just uh...." you laugh at his reaction, "Cat got your tongue? anyways, I'll get those chocolates for you!" You say as you give him a wink, dissapearing behind the wall that separated your workspace and the main shop for a moment, only to come out with the sweet chocolates he requested.
"Here you are, Acey, now... that'll be 9-" aaand he's already handing you the money, aaand now he's also gone... leaving you confused on how he was that fast.
Sebek (May be ooc! I haven't written much for him so I apologize!)
"Good morning, human!" Sebek announced his presence as he entered your shop, "Morning, Sebek, what's up?" you ask the half-fae, half-human customer, "I am quite well! I have come to ask, would you happen to have more of those sweets from yesterday? Waka-sama said he enjoyed them very much when I gave him some, so I'd like to get more!" he announced.
"I sure do! I'll get the them for you! Give me a moment!" you smiled at Sebek before dissapearing into your workspace to quickly grab the chocolates and give them to him, you knew he was rather impatient, so you gotta be quick if you don't wanna be yelled at by him....
"Here you are! that'll be 9 dollars!" you say, as he hands you the money, "Thank you, human! I'm sure Waka-sama will appreciate these!" he said as he left, giving you a slight wave, you were quite surprised he didn't yell at you, he was still loud, but not yelling loud. Of course, not that it bothered you, he was just another one of your quirky customers!
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xoxoemynn · 9 months
Can I just say..the tag “misuse of glitter” on your fic tags has me rolling with laughter 🤣
Hahahaha YAY. I'm excited for the misuse to be revealed soon!
While writing this one I realized I may have a thing for some glitter abuse as plot (the first being Here's to the Night, which is a Y2K New Year's Eve fic if anyone is looking for something seasonally appropriate to read!).
But I can't help it. It's so fun. It's so obnoxious. It's so them. I am but a mere mortal. Who am I to resist? In fact, I think I'm going to start including glitter in all my fics. That'll be my brand!
✨xoxoemynn, glitter freak✨
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watchingspnagain · 2 months
Rewatching I Believe the Children Are Our Future
Welcome to “Itching Powder and Whoopie Cushions and Rubber Chickens, Oh My!: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e6: “I Believe the Children Are Our Future.”
People are… dying weird in a… small town, so the boys… go to investigate. (Have we been here before?) Turns out childhood myths and falsehoods (like you can electrocute someone with a joke hand buzzer and your face can freeze that way) are true in this small town—or in part of it anyway. And it’s all because of Jesse, a sweet pre-teen kiddo who has the power to make such things come true—mostly unintentionally. Why? Well, because he’s the antichrist, of course. Sam, Dean, and Cas argue about what to do about him (side trip into Cas getting turned into a plastic action figure), and eventually Jesse decides to leave on his own, to protect his (adoptive) parents. Aaaaand then we never hear about any of this again. It’s fine. It was all really about Sam, afterall.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
ew, kid
yep gross
okay, when I babysat, I turned on as many lights as I thought I would not get made fun of for when the parents got home
omg the dude’s scream
you need to see Amber’s body, Bean? CAN DO
omg boys
scratches head
she clawed through her SKULL in the time between a ten year old's bedtime and when the parents got home?
I bet there's something.... supernatural happening
did you…did you just take your sunglasses off when you said that?
HAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA of course you can't deliver a line like that with your sunglasses on. come on, Mace
snork! silly me
omg Dean with the kid
you break out those safety goggles, Dean
"That'll do, pig" haaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha
can't waste good ham
don't know when you might eat again
uh huh
the dude’s shirt
oh man, that melted chicken probably smells TERRIBLE
oh yeah gross
kid's ready for Pratchett!
Look, if the kid doesn’t want the tooth fairy thing, then don’t make her, JFC
omg Sam’s FACE
how many takes did they need for that I wonder
“or you"
one. Jensen practiced constantly
Now I want a ham sammich
"we don't have a fridge!"
Oh, he’s gonna use your razor, Sam
"do not use my razor" and his little grin
lookit em all snazzy out there in the middle a nothing
you did NOT. Dean made it for you
"my dad told me different stories" ooof
omg Lor, I’m sure he made his own dinner when he was a little older, simmer down
SAM'S FACE when he shocked him
NNNNG Dean's jewelry
OMG is this the antichrist one?
the antichrist the show conveniently forgets about, like, immediately after?
so weird
it's such a BIG thing to just be like "eeeh never mind"
"that wasn't me"
"no of course not" no, we're saving that for season 13
oooooo a Theme. a theme about free will
“you didn’t”
"you didn't" dang, Cas
i think you mean "be not afraid," Cas
he's gonna be tough to kiss that way, huh, Dean?
no, you’re not friends, Dean.
just like you’re not cousins...
so this kid went through his terrible twos and never made the house collapse?
right? there are more holes than plot here, but the boys are pretty cute in this one so I’ll let it slide
They are awful pretty
i think you better go hug your boy
aye aye capn
"kid, you're awesome"
"he's kind of a buddy of mine" oh Dean
buddy. sure.
omg Sam’s FACE
the careful way he sets Cas back down
jeez lookit Sam's HAIR
i love that Sam tells the kid he’s not a freak since from experience he knows it hurts to be called that cough*DEAN*cough
hands you a cough drop
this is such a WEIRD episode
like is it just here to give Sam the opportunity to think about himself and make the speech?
yeah, it is
yeah, dunno
i wonder if they WERE gonna do something more with it and then just…didn’t?
it feels WEIGHTY for a MotW ep, but then there's no threads from it at all?
yeah, maybe
gee, bummer. maybe Dean and Cas should go to a hotel and snuggle about it
John should have done a LOT of things better, boys
DO THEY wish that though? they wanted to live nice normal lives and then one day POOF some angel shows up and is like "Oh, hi, Dean, you're an angel's vessel? Sam, look out, Lucifer wants you"?
well THAT is true
fair point
it absolves John of NOTHING though
fair point
it absolves John of NOTHING though
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moth-yknowtheartist · 2 years
> ... oh god, not you. Not right now.
do You want to TALK?
> ......
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> ... how are you doing that?
doing What?
> Anything. That corrosion did a lot of damage, you said it yourself, I don't know how you've still been FUNCTIONING for so long. How you're even coherent. I know I didn't do THAT good of a job.
does It matter?
> To me. Yeah.
don't Know what you want me to TELL YOU. im not Looking a GIFT HORSE in the Mouth.
> Why are you here?
i'Ve been STAYING INFORMED. wanted To HELP.
> Why?
impu.lse. does It matter?
> Have you seen Gale?
no. I Found you first. can we GET ON with This?
> ... you can sit down.
> ...
> so?
what Happened, MOTH?
> .... I messed it all up. Everything. Gale- they pressed me on it, I got more- remembered more and- they confirmed the worst.
it Was an Accident, then? not Peep?
> .... It was my fault. Yeah. It all- it all is.
> I did something stupid, and I paid for it and I died, I left everyone behind and it hurt everyone I care about and- and that's not even it. I'm the reason you're around, I made you, and on top of that I was silly enough not to properly secure you- god, I bet whatever made you how you are wasn't even super complex, probably some easy vulnerability I could've patched early if I actually thought.
> You've gotten EVERYONE I care about caught up in this- this fucking web, and it all comes back to me.
> .... I shouldn't even be here. I ruined everything, it's- it's all my fault.
hm. YEAH. it IS.
> ...
what? im NOT going To SUGARCOAT It. you Explained it PRETTY WELL. you Catalyzed this. it is Your fault, on a basic Cause and Effect level.
> Great, so you're just here to make me feel worse or something, then??
no. I'm Helping. ignoring The TRUTH isn't Helpful no matter How much YOU don't like it.
> ... it's weird talking to you.
> You're- it's, for one this isn't supposed to be happening on a basic level I never really expected this, and for two it's like- it's like talking to myself, but also you're so far removed from me I can't even say it feels that way. It's such an uncanny familiarity it's so hard to parse.
imagine How it feels for ME.
> -true.
.... not Everyone you care about, y'know. got Caught in It. some People managed to STAY OUT of it, for the Most part. unfortunatE for ME- but good News for You, probably.
people like GA.LE just happened To be. intensely Unlucky.
> ... Who?
NAT, for ONE.
> Nat's okay?
she Doesn't KNOW. about your DEATH. i received a LETTER.
> I- yeah we- we're pen pals. It's fun. She doesn't- She thinks I'm alive? That everything's okay?
probably. she May have been DISCONCERTED somewhat from when I talked to Her BEFORE. but.
I was going to WRITE her BACK. as You. but I don't Want to be You ANYMORE. it hasn't Served me LATELY, and I've constructed Something NEW anyway.
[A crinkling and fluttering of paper.]
take It. you Respond. do What you WILL.
> I- um- ... thank you. You didn't have to tell me. I would've never known, or at least not for a while.
makes Things EASIER for Me.
> .... what about with Gale? The damage is done there. Shell's been through all the stuff you put shell through, been so terrified, scared of losing shells humanity, close to dying so many times, and- it's all because of me, in the end. Shell blames me, and- god, I can't fix that. I don't even think I can go back, I can't- can't look shell in the eye or-
so You left them?
> -Wh?
you Left them instead? you Decided the BETTER ROUTE was to Leave Gale Alone, in the Forest? you Do know I used that as a Tactic to get them SO UPSET they Shut Me Down, right? you Think that'll make things BETTER?
> ... Gale said he wished he left me in hell. He doesn't want me around.
HAHAHAHA WHAT- he wanted you Around SO BAD he got ATTACHED to a MURDEROUS SCALE REPLICA. which tried To KILL HIM. oh my God and You BELIEVED That???
> ........ oh.
> Ohhhhhh oh my god no you're right. Oh god.
so? you're Gonna keep hiding Out then, or?
> No, nonono, I need to- shit, I need to fix this.
good. then I'VE done MY PART.
> .... you are, like- like thank you, obviously, but your style of HELPING is an enigma to me, you are just- you're confusing. How are you confusing me I made you.
> ...
> I should- I should start trying to retrace my steps. Find Gale. I went pretty far, I think.
good Luck. I won't Be too FAR BEHIND. close enough To LISTEN.
> Ominous, okay, I don't- there's not even a reason to be ominous right- AGAIN, CONFUSING.
> But. Thanks, um. Acher.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hello, I'm Ansy! Before we start, I just want to thank you all for voting– you're all incredible and this was the most fun I had writing a fic! This was probably the most interaction I've had in something I've written since I don't really know what people feel after leaving notes so thank you! You're all appreciated!!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I will not lie, I thought this was the question that'll have most people divided but apparently you guys don't have trust issues like I do hAHAHAHAHHA. 
To those people who voted "no", you are valid. In character, that's probably what a capo would've done. If that was the majority vote Alhaitham would be swiftly removed from the game. I will literally put a giant red "X" in his drawing if it happened but alas it was not. His entire route relied on that single choice and he won lololol
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My friend is in shambles. The Diluc Simps won in an Alhaitham/Tighnari/Cyno fic and she's dying lmao– It was so entertaining watching this part of the results. It just kept changing. I didn't even write the draft for this one for a while cause I can never be too sure how it'll end so I made plans to just write both lolol.
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Anyways, choosing Tighnari was supposed to be an easy route to a bad ending. But alas, yall survived. I thought I could get you all into blindly hunting Tighnari down but I guess not 😭 Well it's either you guys saw the danger coming or you're all Diluc Simps (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOL
And then we have the third results!
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You guys chose Barbara over Xiangling! Fair enough, it's basically choosing familial relationships over other things which is spot on for Capo!Reader. Or maybe y'all are big brained and realized this was going to score points with Cyno–
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To those 3 people who voted not to leave flowers for my dead husband, we will see each other in the eternal flames–/jjjj. 
Y'all better be glad I nerfed Dimitri into a dead man (death is the only way to nerf him) cause he would've broken everyone's limbs. There may not be visions in Fire Emblem: Three Houses but his minor crest is enough to fold you like paper hAHAHAHA–
Anyways, that's what the results look like! Once again, thank you so much for voting and I hope you'll be willing to vote for the next one! After all, it's a matter of life or death now :D
See you then! 
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compelledandcajoled · 1 month
Today was rainy, but it was a nice rain that felt cozy and comforting. At one point, it was even a sun-shower! I've been a little more anxious feeling because I had some strange body sensations, mainly a feeling of movement/whooshing in my right ear and some ringing off and on in it as well. I was able to walk myself through it and cope with the sensations. I even made it through another spell of vertigo...i think I realized the body sensations of an adrenaline rush as it seems each time I get that very transient vertigo, my sinuses open up immediately after. My nose stops being congested. Apparently, adrenaline can cause both that and the opening of sinuses. This all happened as I was unfortunately reading about heart problems again. I think that definitely triggered that specific sensation. Not sure about my ear ringing though. It seems like that was happening before I'd gone on the research bunny trail...but I suppose I just don't have to worry about it. It's probably sinus/allergy related.
I've felt very tired today too and that probably hasn't helped any. I did take a break from gaming to rest my eyes and shoulders. I made plans yesterday to go to the mini-con at the public library with dad this weekend. I'm looking forward to that. I'll get to wear [redacted fursona name] out, at least in parts, and that'll be fun I think! I'm also a little nervous about it, wondering if I'll look silly or stupid. I'll be doing it anyways though, hahahaha!
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nastrond-and-valhalla · 2 months
Hopeful Wrath Part 1: Retribution
*The exorcists were doing their own training regimend while their sisters that they rescued from Hell were getting medical attention for their wings and wounds. 3 of them were sitting at a table eating lunch.*
Exorcist 1: "Talk about a massive bust."
Exorcist 2: "I know right!? Just when we got the ok to do another extermination, we got our butts handed to us by some fantasy world pricks and a robot imp. And here I was hoping to score that nice promotion."
Exorcist 1: "Tell me about it. Apparently the one spearheading the attack was a sinner named Monokuma. You know, that bear thing that ran those killing games?"
Exorcist 2: "How the hell did one bear pull that off?!"
Exorcist 3: "Apparently he built a robot made of angelic steel or something, according to the three that tried to get a headstart. The stupid cheaters."
Exorcist 1: "Fucking christ....First there was that total loss last extermination and now this shit! Man, I feel like things are going down the shitter after losing Adam."
Exorcist 2: "Yeah. He wasn't the best guy around, but he was a fun boss. Who knows what's going to happen to us?"
Exorcist 3: "Well.....We can always look back at all the happy memories we've had. All those stupid sinners we've killed and slaughtered and all the happy times we've had."
Exorcist 1: "Yeah. Hehehe. those were the days. I remember coming across this one sinner who wanted to protect her husband and some teenager she adopted. Poor bitch looked like a drug addict who was trying to get her shit together. Ran her through the fucking neck I did!"
Exorcist 2: "Hahahaha! i remember that! I saw her husband run at us with a fucking broom, thinking that'll do him any good! Like what we he even thinking!?"
Exorcist 3: "Clear nothing since he's dead now too! Hahahaha! I even mounting his stupid head on the very broom he used, just to taunt him! Hahahahaha!" *The exorcists laughs with glee as someone approaches them.* "Oh what I wouldn't give to hear the screams of those worthless ass sinners!"
Exorcist 2: "Preach it, sister! If anything, I'd do anything to kill that whore, Charlie and the inhabitants of that eyesore of a hotel of her's!"
Exorcist 1: "For real! I mean, really. Rehabilitate sinners? Redemption?! Hahahaha! There's no such thing as redemption! There never was such a stupid thing! If there was, then we'd be out of job!"
???: "Excuse me. Is this the exorcist training yard?"
Exorcist 1: "Who's asking?"
???: "A curious party. Nothing more. I've heard that someone by the name of Sir Pentious was redeemed."
Exorcist 2: "Yeah right. And even if it was true, it's nothing more than an empty fluke. It's only a matter of time before he does something that'll fuck-shit ends up in hell again. After that, all we have to do is wait for another ok 6 months later and bam! Every single sinful man, woman, and child is ours for the kill-" *Suddenly, the person kicks the exorcist out of her chair.*
Exorcist 1: "Hey! What's the big ide-" *That same person grabs the exorcist by the face and then slams her face first through the table, hard.*
Exorcist 3: "You bastard!" *The last exorcist throws a punch at the person, who catches their fist easily, gripping it hard and slowly crushing her hand. She screams in pain.*
???: "Feel that?" *The exorcist looks up at her attack, who stares coldly down at her.*
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"This is the exact pain you've inflicted upon all those poor sinners you've deemed unworthy of life, let alone redemption." *Kiko breaks the exorcist's hand and kicks her into the field, catching the attention of the other exorcists. Kiko with a glare of calm, yet burning anger, slowly marches towards the army of murderous angels.* "So many human souls, slaughtered by your very hands. So many of their lights, extinguished in your sick idea of a game. So many sinners, many I bet could've been redeemed, and yet you killed them off without a sense of remorse. I will not stand for this. You'll pay dearly for your crimes."
Exorcist 4: "Kill this motherfucker!" *The exorcists charges at Kiko with their spears. One of them thrusts her spear at him, only for him to seemingly vanish in the blink of an eye.*
Exorcist 5: "What the!? Where did he go!?" *They hear him whistle as he is seen standing behind the large wave of killer angels. He stood there with his arms crossed and tapping his shoulder impatiently.* "How did he!?" *One of the exorcists jumps at him, thrust her spear at him before he vanishes from sight again, along with the angel's spear.*
Exorcist 6: "What the!? My spear!!!!" *The angels spots him standing on top of one of the exorcists' heads, perfectly balanced. He looks at the spear he stool from them.*
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"For you so called heavenly beings to use weapons let this be so reckless. Have you lack any sense of humanity?"
Exorcist: "GET OFF!" *She swipes at Kiko, who leaps and then uses that spear to stab the angel in her foot, causing her to scream in pain. He kicks the angel into the crowd of other angels. He holds his hand over his hip, causing light to shine as his weapon of choice appears. he draws the blade, lettign it shining in the heavenly light.*
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*A rapier emitting a green glow.*
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"I heard that angels can be heard by angel steel. What about a weapon forged by the goddess of light and infused with wind magic?" *Angered, the exorcists all charges at Kiko as he fought back against all of them, single handedly besting them all in battle and outclassing them at every turn. The power this one boy held was too much for any of them, blowing them away with powerful wind base skills and magic, and even severing their wings with light based magic. He held nothign back, kicking their collective asses without a hint of mercy. One of them starts to back up, overcome with fear. He spots the angel.* "Don't." *The angel tries to run only for Kiko to appear in front of her. In a panic, she tries to attack him, only to be met with a backhand slap, a few hard kicks to the ribs, and a powerful roundhouse kick that sends the outclassed angel spin to the floor. As Kiko dusts his feet off, as more exorcists arrives, surrounding him. He glares at the entire army without fear. He grips his sword and readies himself for battle. Elsewhere, one of the angels that is able to still move reaches the office of Michael, the seraphim of justice.*
Exorcist: "M-Micheal! Sir! Come quick! it's an emergancy! W-We're getting....We're....We-We........." *The exorcist faints.*
Michael: "What the!? Hey!" *Michael checks on the exorcist to make sure she's ok.* "Damn. What's going on?" *And then, a large explosion is heard from the exorcists' training grounds. Michael looks out the window, seeing a large explosion in the distance. He flies towards the scene, finding the entire army of exorcists badly hurt and unable to stand or move. When Michael looks up, he sees the attacker looking down at his dirty work with his angelic wings flapping.*
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".........." *kiko and Michael's eyes meet for a brief moment before Kiko flies off in the distance. Michael wanted to chase after him, but he needed to tend to the wounded exorcists' first. He calls an ambulence and started getting the army of exorcists treated. But he wasn't going to let what happened slide. Not that easily.*
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dokitm-arch · 2 years
I've been queueing replies + playing genshin for the past few days, but tomorrow is an exciting day because I'm FINALLY getting my own switch!!!!!!
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shesinmy · 3 years
okay so how do you think would the jjk characters react when their crush is being pursued by another person? pursued meaning they caught someone's eye as well and wants to ask them to be theirs (like going into a relationship with them!)
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1. Gojo Satoru: oh this man is going to make this person's life a living hell. Not because he's jealous, though. But how dare them think they have a crush on his crush. He won't lose. He'll also be all hands on you whenever this person is around. "Oi, loser, give up already, will you?". No shame at all.
2. Nanami Kento: the situation annoys him, but he won't say or do anything unless he thinks you are uncomfortable. He knows that he can't demand anything from you since you don't have this type of relationship. But he'll be close. Close enough to see if the person's move is too much and make sure he doesn't lose you in the process.
3. Itadori Yuji: hahahahahha he won't notice. He thinks it's really cool that someone can see and recognize how amazing you are. He will end up being friends with the person and even create a fan club where them both will share their thoughts and secrets about you.
4. Fushiguro Megumi: oooh, he is pissed. He is REALLY PISSED. How come someone make a move before he does? He won't let it happen but his action is going to be behind your back. When he gets the chance to be with the person alone, he'll give them a glance that is significant enough for the person to disappear.
5. Kugisaki Nobara: another one that is pissed. She'll come to the person with her killer look and hammer in hand. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?". If that doesn't scare the person, she'll find your cellphone and pretend to be you rejecting them.
6. Inumaki Toge: he'll just observe for while. He knows how amazing you are and that you get people's attention. But if the person keeps showing up, he'll also get them alone. He just stares at the person and let them do their awkward greets until he says "DON'T COME BACK". End of story here LMAO
7. Okkotsu Yuta: it'll make him nervous. He'll see them as a potential match and maybe even a better match then him. He'll ask everything that is to know about the person always surrouding you to level your interest. That'll probably force him to finally make his move because this way he at least tried not to lose.
THANK YOU!!! THIS WAS REALLY FUN hahahaha specially killer glance Megumi. Hope you enjoy it!! :))))
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luanna801 · 2 years
If we're going for a controversial character for bingo, Jack Seward seems to fit the bill! Or if someone already asked for him, Satoshi Hiwatari/Hikari maybe?
... Okay, but let's start off with Satoshi 'cause that'll probably be less controversial. (Also, any excuse to talk about my boy!)
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"everyone but me is wrong about them" - There are very few characters where I'm LITERALLY out here like "I AM THE AUTHORITY ON THIS CHARACTER ACTUALLY, ALL OF YOU ARE WRONG." Satoshi is one of those characters.
"wasted potential" - I mean, he honestly probably was LESS wasted than some other characters in canon (Riku got SO badly effed over by canon, godammit), but that doesn't mean there wasn't still a TON of wasted potential here. I think one of the most disappointing aspects of the ending is that after spending pretty much the entire series suffering and being abused... there's never any meaningful confrontation or catharsis between him and either of his abusers? There's so much more that needed to be explored and addressed there.
"they're like a blorbo to me" - As with Dick Grayson, he's a strong contender for my #1 blorbo.
"deeper than they seem" - I should really just add this one automatically.
"I like them enough to project my own issues onto them" - this is interesting because on the face of it, I don't consider myself particularly similar to Satoshi. I guess it's more that... I connect with his character in a very personal way? And also I think that when you really love a character, there's always a certain danger of projection.
"they got done DIRTY by the fans" - So, fun story. Did I ever tell you guys that I was once so fed up with the DNAngel fandom that I made up a "Victim-Blaming and Abuse Apologism Bingo Card" with all the worst takes I'd seen? No?
... Yeah, I think that says it all.
"didn't get enough screentime" - I mean, he got a fair amount, but there's still SO MUCH MORE I WANTED TO SEE DEVELOPED AND DEALT WITH W/ HIS CHARACTER, GOSHDANGIT.
Jack Seward:
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"everyone but me is wrong about them" - I have this very particular reaction to the Jack Seward Discourse where it's like, I hate seeing people say they hate him and he's evil, but I also hate seeing the people who make excuses for him about things that IMO they really shouldn't? Like NO, you are NOT allowed to say you hate him and he should be kicked out of the polycule. But NO, you also should NOT be acting like it's totally fine and non-comment-worthy that he thinks letting Renfield eat kittens is a tempting scientific prospect. Goddamn!! Get it right!!
(Necessary disclaimer that in actuality everyone can and should feel however they like about his character and there are multiple valid takes, etc. etc. But also, mine is the correct one.)
"they're deeper than they seem" - I think there's honestly ENDLESS material to explore with Jack, from the way he interacts with his patients (to both the good and bad), what he represents in terms of the development of psychology, his depression and fears about his own mental health, his low-key mad scientist tendencies (and yet the fact that he has a strong enough conscience to hold himself back from going down that path)... there's SO much there.
"I like them enough to project my own issues onto them" - I honestly relate to Jack a lot, as someone who's struggled with depression for years, and decided to go into psychology partly as a result of that struggle. That doesn't mean I'm down for his dubious psychological ethics, but there's a lot about his core struggle that resonates with me,
"they got done DIRTY by the fans" - I should note that there are also a lot of fans writing really balanced, nuanced, thoughtful posts about him. But hooooo boy, some edges of the discourse can get... interesting.
"Didn't get enough screen time" - in terms of the actual story of Dracula and the need to balance all the different characters, he probably got the correct amount of screentime. But like, I would've been happy for more! He's kind of the polar opposite of what I said about the Joker, in that I probably would happily read a spinoff about whatever shenanigans he gets up to running the asylum and joining a 12-Step Program for Staying on The Mad Scientist Wagon or whatever, even if the rest of the Dracula cast only briefly showed up in it.
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kurooskorner · 4 years
not so bad࿐ ࿔*:・゚
warnings: just a small filler + a LONG bonus!
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a/n before the bonus starts:
the song below was made by Kelsy Karter and all rights are reserved to her! she made the song so please give it a listen, I am only using it in this fic, and I do not own it whatsoever!! thank you now enjoy! - angie <3
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*video begins*
Y/N (in frame): "I was crying at three am and I told myself fuck it, write about something that makes you happy, not about some stupid boy who broke your heart! He doesn't deserve it, and my mind thought back to the video that Kuroo had posted earlier that day and low and behold I had my idea!"
*genius intro music plays*
Interviewer (off camera): "Tell us how the song "Kuroo" came to be and who produced it."
Y/N (in frame): "Kuroo was produced by my amazing friend Tsukishima and the video was filmed by my awesome production crew! It was all super secretive too, we had to get a remote spot to film in with the band and also have everyone sworn to secrecy about the song because I didn't want anyone to know about it whatsoever."
Interviewer (off camera): "So you told no one? Just your friend Tsukishima?"
Y/N (in frame): "Yeah pretty much, he took the idea and ran with it and honestly he thought I was really stupid but hey he works for me." *throws a wink to where tsukki is sitting*
Tsukki (off camera): "I wish I didn't."
Interviewer (off camera): "Alright let's role with verse one!"
*cut to the insert of verse one intro*
Verse 1
I blacked out,
passed out,
first time we met.
Y/N: "At the time I had never met him, like ever."
It wasn't drugs,
could be love,
but it's probably sex.
Y/N: "Yeah the Kuroo stan were NOT happy about that line..."
I'm thinkin 'bout you
(Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na)
Cool stare, greased hair around your eye,
I wanna take a dirty picture,
send it to your mind,
I'm not just think 'bout you
(Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na)
Y/N: "What can I say, man has some cool fucking hair, like it defies the laws of gravity. As for the dirty picture line...hahahaha welll ummm I have nothing to say for that except that I will never live it down, ever."
*stares at camera with shamed look*
I'll treat you better than
the girls you're hangin out with,
Take you to heaven and I'll show
you all around it,
I'll never ever let you down,
Y/N: "I just wanted to let him know that I'm like the coolest person on the planet *sad smile* and that he should totally hang with me instead of people that'll make him sad!"
I'm gonna make you love me!
You're gonna make me breakfast!
It's a secret just between us,
we can keep it low-key!
I ain't bein funny!
You should be so lucky,
To put your, your velvet arms around me!
Ooh, ooh
I'm g-g-g-g-gonna make you love me!
Ooh ooh
So put your, put your, put your arms around me.
Y/N: "Whew hehe so like that was a lot but anyways let's talk about it. I really just wanted to pour my heart out and I did just that with these lyrics, and honestly have you seen that mans arms? Please hug me and keep me warm, please."
Verse 2
Yeah, I'm staring at you in
the magazines every day,
Feel like I'm seventeen,
Never been touched this way,
I'm thinking 'bout you
(Na-na-na, na-na-na, na-na-na-na)
Y/N: "No clue what was going through my head for that line, but hey it works!"
I'll treat you better than the boys you're hangin' out with,
Take you to heaven
And I'll show you all around it,
I'll never ever let you down,
Y/N: "Hey I don't know what he's into so I wanted to like no you know, assume!"
I'm gonna make you love me!
You're gonna make me breakfast!
It's a secret just between us
We can keep it low-key
I ain't being funny!
You should be so lucky
To put your, put your velvet arms around me
Ooh, ooh
I'm g-g-g-g-gonna make you love me
Ooh, ooh
Y/N: "Fun fact actually, Tsukki handed me a fake letter of resignation when I sent him the lyrics, with a message that said "No." And that's all, funny joke to be honest."
Tsukki ( behind the camera eating a piece of strawberry cake): "It wasn't a joke, I wanted to resign but she refused my letter of resignation."
Verse 3
Oh, Kuroo, Kuroo
Mmmm, Kuroo
Oh, baby, I'm gonna make you love me
So put your, put your, put your arms around me
I'm gonna make you love me
You're gonna make me breakfast
It's a secret just between us
We can keep it low-key
I ain't being funny
You should feel so lucky
I'm gonna, I'm gonna
Gonna, gonna make you love me
Y/N: "My honest takeaway from this song was really, do what makes you happy and don't be afraid to move on from the past. I knew writing this song I would be seen as something I'm not but it was all for shits and giggles, I never actual meant anything in it you know? It was simply to get my mind off of an ex, I wasn't going to even have it produced or made into a music video but I said why not and did it anyways and I'm really glad I did!"
*genius outro plays*
Y/N: "Yeah I had to find a bunch if cats to have on set for the music video, good thing I knew a guy because I without him I don't think we would have gotten as many as we did on such short notice."
*video ends*
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taglist: @chaoticalybiased @anejuuuuoy @saturnfarie @miyayassy @aquzairus @gxrleexis-arctic-monks @curiouslilbeast @chokemelevi @airheadpillar @tetsuswhore @kiristanfirsthuman2nd @kukki-tsukki @krxstynnn @httpglxssy @otaku-fangirlse @peachacolada @tsumuboke @thathoneybee3 @xoxsly-bluexox
if you'd like to be added to the taglist send me an ask or message! <333
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I AM ANON I (M!A angst if you're okay with it mun mun!) CURSE YOU-Of you're voice and vision! HAHAHAHA You can't see or speak for...As long as I say! (A day
Spark Case isn't amused. He just looks dumbfounded at the strange creature. he moved his visor up slightly with a raised ridge. Amused almost about whatever this little thing is up to.
((Okay sounds interesting-but I'll just put it for the Ghost-thread. mk?)
Spark Case watches the thing silently before rubbing his faceplate. Irritation in his optics. Nice. That'll be another fun thing to deal with, bet that Hollester will be happy with that.
Though, he looked more uncomfortable and sat down. Looking at his servos he felt something was off...
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datingdonovan · 3 years
I had this in my notes and forgot to send it to you. Ajdbfkfjfjf.
It's so funny with Mattsun and Makki! There's a history for them, back when the Haikyuu fandom was waking up again because season four had started. There was one writer who loved Mattsun so much when nobody else did and her SMAU for him got so popular that everyone started writing for him. lollll. I'm pretty sure that's how the Seijoh Four started instead of just Oikawa and Iwaizumi. Someone just writing for an underrated character they love and then they became popular. I wish I could do that but I don't think that'll happen lol.
But oh no. I think we're hyping each other up with these underrated characters and just adding to our lists. LOL. I feel like I haven't chatted with another writer who likes underrated characters in a long time so it's all coming out again. And your pre-timeskip self-ship with Takeda!!!! That's so funny how it might be competition for your Akaashi one.
(Also, fun fact, Tsukishima was my first fav but I didn't like admitting it back then. LOL. But I knew he would be my favourite right when he was introduced because I knew exactly what type of character he was going to be. 😂)
Btw, how far are you in the manga?
omg that is HILARIOUS I can't believe that but it makes so much sense hahaha!!!! I feel like sometimes the smallest characters or randomest ships have some of the best most dedicated writers. don't know if you or anybody reading is into IT but when that was my big fandom I got hardcore into stozier & loved reading stozier fics bc like. it was so clear that people were so into the dynamic and would like, fight tooth and nail. die for those boys. sometimes their fics were like so much more epically long and thought out than the ones for the main ships and I was just like. im in heaven. I love this characterization. I haven't really read that much ab mattsun & Makki but I sorta feel the same about them like I love the way people come up with great intense emotions & characterizations for them. tbh I used to think seijoh 4 were overhyped in general but when I started reading some & just seeing art I was like. oh these dynamics! oh the intrigue! hahaha
and honestly that is like a dream. to be the one blog consistently talking about an underrated character and then they blow up and youre like im the [insert character here] blog. the only [character] stan. etc. hilarious and wonderful turn of events. and SAME im always like yeah im gonna write a fic for some guy idk which one, but ppl are gonna love it so much and that's gonna be me B) hahahhahaha
yeah omg we need to do some sort of fun challenge or collab where we and whoever else wants to write fics or just share recs for underrated guys. that would actually be such a fun idea like, picking a new guy every week or month or something and just doing a "book club" sort of thing hahaha :) I did a fanfic book club with a friend before and it was always really fun :) <3 also yeah. about Takeda. I saw some more of him in the manga and. started writing a goofy little thing for him last night :) hahahahaha :):):)
hahahaha that's amazing about tsukki. I love that guy so much hahaha :) im on vol 11 of the manga and I gotta say this & number 10 really are making me miss that intensity of high school training and the precision & adrenaline and like, I was reading the part last night with Kageyama talking about how he can feel in his body when he's in good form like, wow. that really hit me. ugh <3 im lucky that I still keep up with most of the activities I did in hs in some form but I feel like I do them more for fun now. sometimes I miss that competitive, tuned in, performing at the top of your game vibe. idk if im making sense but I hope you get what I mean hahaha :)
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