#that’s why no one ‘aww’s over Silco from Arcane
darkfire359 · 2 years
Once again reminded of just how baffling it is when people criticize the woobification of characters by saying it’s something that fans disproportionately do with men. Just…huh?
Call it whatever you want. Babygirlification (where do you think that word comes from?). Poor little meow meow-ism (remember that the most literal and canonical poor little meow meow is Catra from She-Ra). The practice of looking at a character who is mean/evil/villainous and going “aww, cute little person just needs some love” is ABSOLUTELY done more with FEMALE characters.
Look up the TVTropes page for “High Heel Face Turn” or “Females are more Innocent”. The idea that women can’t be villains without some kind of trauma that excuses their actions is SOOO common. As is the idea that they can be fixed if they get a love interest.
Look at the concepts of “tsundere” and “kuudere”. These are some of the most common archetypes in anime—the girl that is mean or cold to others, but who is soft and sweet on the inside, just unable to express affection properly.
Part of OFMD’s entire premise is that the idea of looking at a scary guy in a villainous profession and going “he’s a sweetheart deep down” is *unusual* in our culture. Now, Tumblr is a specific slice of culture, and there are certainly no shortage of male characters here who get the poor little meow meow treatment. But it’s definitely not a male-specific or even male-leaning phenomenon.
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greenlightbulbonawire · 3 months
Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
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Author's note: this fic is going really well on all platforms and I'm so happy cuz of that, so I just wanna say that whether you are just reading this, leaving a like whatever, I'm thankful for you all :] xoxo
Sixteenth chapter
Vi let you go finally and Caitlyn came a little closer. You gave her a nod and turned to Ekko.
"You all good then?"
He chuckled and shrugged, Vi's lips turned into a grin and Caitlyn just looked confused.
"Apart from these two almost killing each other."
Vi added and you raised an eyebrow at Ekko, he rolled his eyes and nodded.
"But [reader], tell me, how did you end up here?"
You opened your mouth but Ekko was faster.
"They blew up one of Silcos' airships, and almost fell to their death."
"Simply put, yeah."
You agreed with him and Vi laughed a bit.
You all conversed for a while and then Ekko and you went to show Vi and Caitlyn where they'd sleep for the night.
"Aight, 'night. See you in the mornin'."
"Me too."
You said your goodbyes and Vi closed the door.
"So, how'd it go?"
You asked Ekko about the interrogation he gave Vi.
"Let's talk somewhere different."
"Okayy? Where do you suggest?"
"I dunno, your room?"
"Why are you so eager to talk with me in private?"
Ekko raised his eyebrows at you.
"Well forgive me for trying to have an one on one with my new member."
You chuckled a bit at his answer and shook your head.
"Okay, okay, my room then."
You hopped off the hoverboard first this time, watching Ekko to see if he'd at least falter, but he didn't move an inch. He then jumped off too and followed you to your door, leaving the hoverboard on the ground. You opened it and let him go in first.
"Your room looks the exact same it did when you weren't living in it."
He noted.
"I didn't feel the need to change anything."
You simply shrugged and watched him flop onto your bed, his shoes on and everything. Whatever.
You sat in the exact same position you assumed in his room.
"So, now will you tell me how your interrogation went?"
"Sure. I walked in, we argued, Vi unlocked her cuffs and shit and gave me a hug and that was 'bout it."
"Aww, that's sweet though."
Ekko was throwing one of his gloves and catching it repeatedly, he chuckled at your comment and sighed.
"Is that why you cried?"
The words came out of your mouth before you got to think them over. The boy stopped throwing the glove and you both waited in the quiet for a bit.
"I thought she was dead. The pillar, with the faces on it? Those are people I presumed dead and the painting is to honor them. She has the biggest portrait there, and she's still fucking alive."
You sat in silence again, not knowing what to say.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that."
Ekko shifted on the bed and sat up, letting his legs dangle off the beds edge, not far your body.
"You're good, don't worry about that."
"If you say so."
You started to fidget with your scraped and bloody knuckles, rubbing the dry blood off. He watched you and then he slipped onto the ground next to you.
"You really got into the punching huh?"
He commended at your hands.
"I guess, I thought that if I can't get a hit on you, I might as well go punch something else."
"I mean, your punches aren't that bad, but you need to aim better."
You nodded and took a mental note of that.
"I'm sure that if we have a rematch tomorrow, I'll be able to hit you at least once."
"About that... I'm going to Piltover with them tomorrow."
The boy explain that they have some blue sparkly marble that's magical and stuff and that they need to return it to Piltover to prove that not all people in the Undercity are bad and all.
"Take me with you then. I can be of help."
"I'm going alone."
The boy sighed and let his head slowly fall onto your shoulder.
"No, I'm sorry but you'd just slow us down. I'm not even taking Scar."
You sighed and let your head rest on his, burying your gaze to the wall in front of you, taking notice of the slowly fading light.
"Yeah I know, but it was worth a try."
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