#that’s why it always worries me what’s going on bts bc my mind immediately thinks someone spoke up or is going thru it alone
maiteo · 11 months
what a stupid thing to say from that last anon. sancho’s only crime was standing up for himself after his manager publicly went out with the intention of defaming him, and since then hes been treated worse than both of united’s players who are domestic abusers. its not being “soft”, or whatever theyre implying to point out that his punishment does not even remotely fit the crime of what, maybe slacking a little bit having this year only been introduced back into the squad after being in rehab for addiction issues? football fans are actually batshit how can you look at this situation and not even attempt to be the slightest bit empathetic for him
exactly! the disheartening thing about that message was how common of an opinion it is. idk why people act as if giving compassion requires such an effort and tough love or hardness is the only way to get through someone potentially suffering.
you said it all tho. people love to pretend they give a damn about what a player may be going though alone but their actions have repeatedly said otherwise. it’s honestly so depressing seeing how up in arms people get, but like you said, won’t bat an eye to literal criminals? it’s all so backwards
like sorry not everyone needs some backstory to justify whether they approach situations like this in a kind way. this entire industry tells us everything we need to know
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apollostears · 4 years
group: BTS
pairing: BTS x daughter!reader
warning(s): swearing
request: can you do BTS reacting to their 15 year old daughter having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
requested by: @mela3340
oomfggg this was so fun to make!! thanks for requesting the first request of 2021 :) hope you enjoy love <3
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➝︎ jin
he’s literally dramatic af.
but no really, he’ll be shook to the gods.
like huh??? his child got a partner?!!!
my kid?!!! IN THESE STREETS?!
he would faint, then wake back up and shake her til she’s dizzy.
ok but on a more serious note, i think if he saw his daughter have genuine feelings for this person they’re with, he would support a 100%
definitely wants to meet them asap
would chaperone their dates but in a way that’s soooo cliché. i mean ugly ass disguises cliché.
will definitely have a heart attack if his daughters partner used the fake ‘yawn-over-the-shoulder’ move while at the movies.
all his daughter would hear is someone choking horrendously a few rooms behind them and instantly know it’s her dad.
will call the boys up every time she asks him to go on a date with their partner or if they can come over to hang and study.
“i’m at a lost here! it’s like i’m in the war!” jin exaggerates on the group call with his friends.
“hyung, i think you’re over exaggerating.” jungkook would say sheepishly.
with the straightest face, jin would hang up and contemplate his choice in friends.
after about the sixth month mark, i do think he’d let up a tremendous amount.
like he’s no longer breathing down her neck about them and allows them to go on dates without him, so long as she tells him where they’re going.
10/10 is the dramatic dad that goes through a midlife crisis when their daughter starts dating.
➝︎ yoongi
mans does not care.
ok lemme clarify, he doesn’t care to the extent that jin does. he trusts his daughter and her decisions and understands that this is an important part of her life. he’s gonna try his hardest to not overstep.
but deep down, he definitely is having a hard time coming to grasps that his daughter is in love and starting to enter the dating world.
he understands the pressures surrounding dating too, especially at fifteen. so he’s definitely giving a nice lil lecture about sex, safe sex, consensual sex, and commitment.
and yes, yoongi knows that most of these young love relationships don’t last long, but he wants his daughter to know that her relationship is legit to him. no matter how old she is.
will look intimidating af to their daughters bf or gf. he definitely overhears them discussing if yoongi likes them or not 💀
looks like he could kill you and will but is also such a sweetheart once you actually know him.
doesn’t do no undercover brother shit but will follow his daughter on their first few dates just because he’s worried. isn’t overbearing and keeps a good distance.
honestly, if anything it brings his daughter a lot of comfort to know her dad is there to back her up 🙂
100%!is the father that seems like they’re chill on the surface but on the inside is working overtime to not be overreactive when their child starts dating.
➝︎ namjoon
is literally the 😯 emoji
when his daughter tells him that she’s got a lover, he literally looks exactly like that emoji.
he’s like “love? what you know about that?”
is extremely confused the entire time. yes, he knows that at her age, children start experimenting with dating but he never actually thought he’d have to deal with it.
was definitely worried that he’d lose out on daddy-daughter time once she started dating.
that was his biggest fear. that his daughter wouldn’t need him anymore. she would no worries.
is deathly afraid of his daughter experiencing heartbreak. their s/o could be the perfect match for his kid, he still wouldn’t care. namjoon is going to be worried regardless.
constantly asks for updates on their relationship to see if he needs to give any advice on how to keep the relationship going.
he doesn’t see their love as something immature. namjoon values it the same way he would value an adult relationship.
which meansss giving them the birds n the bees. same as yoongi, a thorough talk on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, safe sex, you name it.
was incredibly nervous to meet the person their daughter was dating 💀 like how you supposed to be the daddy but more scared than the actual date.
chaperones his daughter’s first couple of dates. doesn’t get in their way but definitely makes his presence known when does attend.
has a strict “have her home by 9 or else” policy.
won’t ground their child if they give them a heads up on why they would be late.
is 100% the type to be the “work in progress” dad that wishes there was a book on what to do when your teenage daughter starts dating.
➝︎ hobi
mans was like “awww my wittle baby likes somebody!”
was wayyy more excited about meeting their child’s s/o then what is deemed normal.
don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely protective of his kid but hobi understands that these things happen.
it was bound to happen that one day his daughter would start dating.
doesn’t hound his child with questions but is very curious to learn more about this bf/gf that their daughter has.
when he meets them, he’s very scary looking at first. switching into serious hobi, he intimidates the kid just a bit before breaking into a grin and letting them know he was kidding.
is the type of dad that would make their daughters’ s/o fall in love with him 💀
hobi gets along with virtually anyone so it wasn’t hard for him to bond with the s/o.
however, he does make it known that he is a father and while the kid seems to be an alright choice for his daughter, he still lets them know that he will go liam neeson on a motherfucker if necessary.
doesn’t follow his daughter on dates but somehow ends up attending some of them because they both want him around.
on the times he doesn’t go, there is a curfew in place and it’s 8 o’clock 😔
hobi is 100% the dad to become friends with their daughters’ bf/gf but still be a force to be reckon with when needed.
➝︎ jimin
probably the one who meddles in their daughters love life.
sees their daughter walkout of school with a guy and is asking fifty million questions on who he is and if she likes him.
all for her to turn around and be like “dad, i’m gay.”
and he’s like 🥺🥰 “good, boys are disgusting anyways.”
so now he’s scoping out girls that could be a potential match for his kid 💀
“what about her?”
“nah, she’s a little rude to me.”
“you know what they say! she likes you!”
“no dad. just...no.”
was not expecting the girl his daughter chooses but can totally see it once he actually gets to know her.
is constantly giving his daughter cute date ideas for her to do w her gf. definitely has a pintrest board of places for them.
will happily be a chauffeur for his daughter if necessary. this can be good and bad. good bc yayay free rides. bad because she has to deal with a jimin that wants to be on time or a jimin that makes them ten minutes late to a movie showing. there is no in between.
he doesn’t follow his daughter around. mainly because he’s always driving them but if he doesn’t, she still gives him a heads up on where they’re going.
doesn’t mind them hanging sleepovers or leaving the door closed but will totally pop up at random times to be nosey.
is definitely in his daughters corner anytime someone tries to give her and her gf a hard time for being together.
a 100% the dad that’s constantly involved in his child’s love life but not to an extreme point. is totally just excited to be there and apart of her world.
➝︎ taehyung
the motherfucker is all smug and shit talking about some “ i know ” 😏 when his daughter approaches him about her new partner.
lets be real; taehyung would know his daughter like the back of his hands. he would have suspicions that she’s seeing somebody but won’t pressure her to speak until she’s ready.
acts like the fbi when he finally meets their daughter’s partner.
is stalking all social media, finding where they work, who they guardians are, and where they grandma stay 💀🤣
but it’s really because he knows how dangerous people are and the last thing he wants is for his kids’ life to be in danger.
is definitely a hard ass to whoever his daughter ends up dating regardless of gender. will go major payne on a motherfucker real quick.
does not care if he gets caught watching out for his daughter while she’s on a date. will deadass sit there and stare them down as they look at him, completely unbothered.
after meeting their partner a few times, he’ll become a bit more loose in regards to their relationship but will still eye them wearily.
his daughter is very important to him and he’s just worried about any potential heartbreak she may experience.
“have you ever killed?”
“uh, no sir. i-i’m only fifteen...sir.”
kisses teeth, “would you kill for my daughter?”
*beat of silence, two horrified teenagers*
scoffs, “pathetic. d/n choose a new partner.”
seems like a hard ass and is a hard ass but it’s completely out of love.
is 100% the dad that gives their daughter’s partner a hard time and will hold such a passive face that they’ll never know if he likes them or not, but overtime will start loosening up and accept them for who they are.
➝︎ jungkook
he was thoroughly surprised.
like...she might as well had told him she was pregnant.
jk needed a moment to comprehend that his daughter...his precious jewel was dating.
just the thought sent chills down his spine with his dramatic ass.
immediately demanded to meet the person who stole his daughter from him. and when he found out it was the bad kid from school??!!! mans was heated.
i mean really? the juvenile delinquent of ALL people?
he feels this way mainly because he remembers how he was as a kid and he knows how anal teenagers can be. really just wants the best for his kid.
is present for their first date. why is that? because it was at their house with him sitting on the opposite couch, watching them like a hawk as they attempted to watch a movie.
after that, his daughter had a serious talk with him about personal space and independence.
jungkook didn’t like the fact that he had to have this talk, but he understands it’s importance. him and his daughter have a sacred bond with one another that he doesn’t wanna risk breaking all because of his overprotectiveness.
that overprotectiveness does come in handy though because their daughters’ partner is always on time when it comes to getting her and dropping her off. honestly, if his daughter ever tried to convince their partner to skip curfew, their partner would text jungkook to snitch 💀
“so...you tried to skip curfew, eh?”
“wha-? how do you know this?!”
smirks, “i see all d/n. besides, your partner knows not to cross that line with me.”
“i literally cannot stand either of you.”
this has definitely led the daughter to question if she has a relationship or if her dad has a relationship with her s/o.
after about three months of them dating, jungkook turns into a pretty chill dad to be real. at that point, he understands that he can’t protect her from pain. so, he might as well just try his best to support his daughter through everything she does.
is 100% that is overly dramatic at first and comes off as incredibly scary but eventually comes down to earth and becomes a big teddy bear 🥰
❧ join my taglist: @olamidey @knjkitten @pimpnameyannie @sweeneyblue1 @sunrayyellowhalo @exomama-random @simplyskz-maya @valkryienymph @supop @namjoonswifeyy @asparagusclifford
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jaminjims · 4 years
bts 8th member {imagine}
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a/n: ok so this was the child of my 1-5am mind that was running off of chips ahoy cookies and diet root beer, and honestly?? kinda proud of myself lmao. i felt like i was kinda lacking with my boys au update this week and i wanted to feed you guys with more content so, here you go! (also sorry if it’s a little rushed, i just started writing and didn’t stop) i lob ya’ll 
pairing: bts x reader (it’s sorta implied as a m!reader bc bts is a boy group and i refer to you as he maybe twice throughout, but it can be read as any gender! although i do make you refer to the older boys as hyung. you can also read it as ot7 but you don’t have to, there are fluffy moments between everyone)
genre: pretty angsty but also pretty fluffy
warnings: panic attack, loneliness, anxiety medication, brief mention of insomnia, extreme dieting, sleep medication 
words: 4.2k
you trained in bighit for two years before you were put into a group and you could easily say that those years were probably the hardest of your life
in the beginning, you were ecstatic to be accepted because being an idol was your dream, even if it was a small company. you had lost count how many times you dreamed about debuting and just making people (who you couldn’t wait to call your fans) happy
over time, you wouldn't say you lost your drive to continue, but your bright outlook on the future dimmed and the pressure of everything had begun to build up and it had gotten really hard
you had to train everyday: singing lessons, dancing lessons, exercising. and on top of that? you also had to study for school and continue to get good grades
after all, that was your parents only rule if you wanted to become an idol
your parents were also happy for you, but if they also became worried. because being away from home and the pressure of school and training without the fact they could look after you, it worried them to no end
they called you everyday and asked how you were doing, and you would tell them the truth about how you missed them so much that it almost hurt and if you were eating a lot (if your training even aloud it) and that you were staying hydrated and healthy
and sometimes, you were worried about yourself too
there have been multiple times that you thought you were going to break, how you thought you couldn’t continue to live like this because you weren't aloud to eat much and the classes and school work and just everything began to pile up 
but this was your dream, and no one said it was going to be easy
that's the thought that kept you believing in the future, kept you believing in yourself. all of your hard work was going to pay off and you knew it was going to be worth it
the times when you sang so much your throat went raw, the times when you danced so much to the point of exhaustion, and then collapsed but didn’t eat enough afterward. those were the hardest 
your parents came close to pulling you out of training more times than you could keep track of
but you persisted. you had already made it this far, what's the point of dropping out now?
the first year of training was exhausting, but you were so proud of yourself because this was the hardest task you had ever done and you were getting through it!
the second year though, was probably worse than the first. that was the year when you really started to miss your family, and with trainee's constantly coming in and out of the dorms, you really had no one to connect with 
there were nights where you would cry yourself to sleep because of everything
it didn't help when your trainers put you in remedial classes, because you were pretty good at dancing, but not so much at singing
the extra classes got in the way of your school work, and more often than not, you found yourself missing at least two classes a week because of them
but it was ok, you told yourself. if you had made it this far and gave up, then what would the last year of training be? 
but there are only so many times you could tell yourself that before the words started to lose their meaning and you had come so close to dropping out because a person could only have so many anxiety attacks and meltdowns before they just broke completely
but it was like something looked down on you and suddenly: the moment was there. you were put into a group and immediately cried on the spot then and there, even when the others in the dorms could see 
you had called your parents right after and were so happy, you couldn’t even get the words out and they could only half understand you
you knew it was going to be worth it and even though you almost aloud yourself to give up, you would be willing to do it all again
that's when you vowed to yourself: you were never going to give this up for anything
and even though you didn’t get the grades your parents really expected of you, it was ok
you were here, you made it 
meeting the rest of the bts members for the first time was something that you would always remember, and even though you would come to laugh at the first meeting with them in the future, it was hella embarrassing 
“hello, my name is y/n. please treat me kindly and i look forward to working with you.” 
well, at least that's what you tried to say
instead it came out more like this: “hello. y/n. nice working kindly with you, please treat me forwardly.”
yeah, you die every time you think about it. the look on their faces as you flush in embarrassment would become the faces of your paralysis demons for months afterward because god could you seriously be any more socially awkward?
the answer to that question was: of course you could!
even though you weren't the shyest (that would probably go to the youngest, jungkook) you were probably the one to mess up the most and then think about it in the most inopportune of times
like for example, it was one of your first dance practices together and you were thinking so hard about not messing up anything, you ran into the door on the way out of the practice room after it was over 
yeah, this time most of the members couldn’t hold back their laughs, and even though you knew it wasn't to make fun of you, you still flushed the color of crimson because christ what the hell is wrong with your brain function? 
your face was probably two shades redder permanently because of the amount of embarrassing moments you had still have
 that was probably the reason you become closer to jungkook first because (excluding the fact that the both of you were close in age, you only one year older) you were both the shyest
also, videogames who? ya’ll know her very well 
most of you and jungkook’s bonding moments came from your mutual love of videogames and the relationship was THRIVING 
“hey wanna play minecraft?” “kook it's two am.” “well then why are you still awake?” “to see how long it would take you to ask me to play minecraft. i already have the server open.” you both would then probably get blown up by creepers and you would yell before one of the others came scolded you both for staying up way to late and making noise
and once you bonded with jungkook, it was only natural that the rest of you bonded too (sharing a room does that to people)
when you were practicing the i need u choreo, for some reason your timing was off and you knew that but you just didn’t know where it went wrong and that one mistake was driving you crazy 
dancing was the thing you were supposed to be good at and that fact that you kept messing up weighed hard on you and made you lose confidence
but it was hoseok who had found you hours after practice had ended, laying down with your arms across your face because you were just so frustrated with yourself that you felt like crying and at this point hoseok had known you long enough that you weren’t the type to ask for help even if you needed it
“y/n, you ok?” 
“hyung, i-” you choked up and you got even angrier at yourself because are you really crying over this? 
hoseok rushed to your side and helped you sit up, but you didn't take your hands off your face 
he instead took your hands in his gently and swayed them back and forth, “yah~ it’s going to be alright.” he gave you a the hobi smile and you couldn’t help but lighten up 
he pulled you up and together the both of you practiced until jin forced you to come home and sleep because “they had already missed dinner, god damnit.”
you nailed the choreo almost every time after that
or when you were recording vocals for spring day and you kept messing up and your voice kept cracking and the other guys had already gone to their lunch break while you were still sitting in the studio, practicing your lines
the other seven sat in the practice room eating and got worried that you were going to miss lunch altogether so they nominated jimin to go collect you because they knew that you weren't confident in your voice even though they told you almost everyday that it was amazing
jimin walked in on you singing your part in the song and smiled at how smooth your voice sounded but then frowned when you suddenly stopped and cursed because “why can’t i sing? what the hell y/n.”
you had yet to see jimin enter the recording studio but you defineitly felt when he wrapped his hands around your torso in a comforting gesture
you relaxed in his hold and sighed out as he whispered in your ear, “your voice is perfect and it fits you y/n-ah. it’s going to be ok.” 
you teared up and turned around in his hold and properly hugged him. “i love you hyung.” 
and you really did, you loved all of them 
and you pride yourself on being the one that helps every one and makes sure they are doing alright, mentally and physically 
you would get scolded by your hyung's and occasionally by the maknae that you should look after yourself better and that it wasn’t your job to always look after everyone, even more so if you are younger 
like when you stay up late to wait up for yoongi to comeback from his studio even into the early mornings, and when he doesn’t you bring food and go to him instead because “i’m here for you hyung. and it's been awhile since I've seen you.” “it’s been four hours, y/n” “yeah, four hours to long.”
but he would eat the food you bring him anyway because he secretly likes your visits and wouldn’t trade them for anything
he always asks you if you’re ok though, “you getting enough sleep?” “why are you up so late?” 
you always answer honestly, “i’ve been staying up really late to get things done when i was a trainee, so i’m used to it. it kinda just happens now.”
he frowns but can’t really fault you because he does the same thing sometimes. but still, he doesn’t stan sleep depraviety 
or when namjoon gets stressed before interviews (it doesn't happen as much recently but it did when they were younger) especially ones where he had to speak english
you would always give him massages and reassure him that everything will be fine and that he was the best leader he could've asked for 
the way joon smiles with his dimples gets you melting every time and you can’t stop yourself from poking him and calling him cute just to tease him, even though he’s older
he always gets this blush on his face and swats at your hands, but he never does lose his smile
you try your best to learn english because you want to take some of his stress away and help him in any way you can 
and it’s because you all try to help and build up each other in any way you can, is why you all work so well and just flow together 
like how you and tae just casually switch clothes sometimes because “y/n has the best fasion sense in bts” and you because you just like the way he smells (which, for the love of god, you will never admit to him, or anybody, outloud) 
“hey y/n have you seen my purple hoodie?” then he would walk out of his room to see you covered in his hoodie eating ramen and smiles “never mind, i’ll just wear your white one” and then it’ll be your turn to smile
or when you assist jin in the kitchen because you actually really love cooking too and you two end up goofing off 
“hyung the pasta is gonna burn!” “aish, then stop distracting me with your childish antics!” “oh did you hear something? must be the wind.” and both of your laughter would echo out, making the other members smile and sometimes laugh along with you 
you’re also a regular on eatjin and army just love seeing the interactions between you two
but as much as you all get along, there are still many fights that happen because no relationship is perfect
it gets really stressful when you see members fight with each other because you have never been the one for conflict and would choose to avoid it when you could. you would always apologize first because you had a weak heart and hated when anyone was mad or upset at you
but sometimes the stress and pressure get to much and there are moments where they can't help but blow up at each other 
“damn it! why can’t you get this move right!” someone would say, after doing the dance for the fourth time 
“i’m learning it just like you are! calm down!” 
it would sometimes stop there and the two occupants would apologize and they would continue to work, helping each other when needed. other times it would escalate and you would sit and watch because what could you do?  
it would usually be one of the older ones to calm everyone down but practice would be cut short and there would be this tension in the air that felt suffocating and it comes to a point where you or someone else would end up speaking up and force the two to talk but they would become stronger and more understanding after the fight, because that's who they were and how they worked
but those were only small fights and you have only initiated them enough times to count on one hand, but the big fights are the ones who leave you feeling drained and powerless because you were never one show big acts of emotion so when you did you felt tired afterward
a big fight that you were apart of that really impacted your relationship with he wrest of the members happened all the way back in 2017 
you were more jumpy the past few months and the members knew you didn't get barely any sleep 
they also knew that you had been under fire from the media and haters because of a false rumor, and haters had been constantly pointing out your flaws and every little thing they could find wrong with you 
you had also lost a lot of weight and that's what really hurt them, they felt like they were slowly losing you and they had tried to bring it up with you a thousand times before, but you would just brush them off and tell that you were ok when they could clearly see that you weren’t 
it was when you fainted during a costume change in a concert that they drew the line
you had woken up later back in the dorm with about a million messages on your phone from news sites and family (and of course the other members to check on you to see if you were awake yet)
“y/n suddenly disappears from concert” “does y/n really care about army?” 
those where only a few titles that he saw on articles and it only added fuel to the fire for the false rumors and hate
you had sat on your bed that you presumed the medics dropped you off at and based on the time, it had been about an hour and a half and the concert should be wrapping up soon
and you cried.
the rumors, the hate, the other members treating you like you would break any moment. you were letting people down and oh my god, you actually were breaking and couldn't stop it 
it was already hard thinking about letting the fans down because they were your everything and you would go to any length to make them happy
but also letting your members down? your parents? 
that was excruciating 
because you had found seven other boys that you had grown so close to that you could count on but what were you if they couldn’t count on you?
when they came back after the concert all worn out and tired, their first thought was still about you and if you were ok 
the maknae line almost broke down in tears at the sight of your sleeping form and how it was very much apparent that you had cried. so much that your eyes were red and puffy and you had a deep frown on your face even in sleep
the hyung’s left to talk when the maknae’s got into your bed with you nd held you because they were legitimately scared that they wouldn’t see you again when you collapsed (jimin on your left, jungkook on your right, and taehyung after jimin) 
hobi was the first to speak when they closed your bedroom door. “we need to force him to do something.” 
namjoon sighed, “that might make it worse, hyung.” 
“well the medic said, just by looking at y/n, that he was malnourished and sleep deprived! i-i don’t know what to do!” his voice cracked and he went to sit on the couch, seokjin sitting down next to him to try to provide any comfort he could 
there was a silence that followed the group after the outburst and finally yoongi whispered out. “i’m so scared.” 
it was tired and broken and they all felt the same way he did
jin and hoseok fell asleep on the couch together while namjoon and yoongi retired to their own bedrooms, to tired from the events of the day 
everyone had woken up before you did and the somber mood from yesterday still permeated the air 
it was the most you slept in two months.
when you woke up, you probably felt worse than before
your face was swollen, your head was pounding, you were starving, and just all around miserable 
the members somewhat knew what you were going through. they knew that you felt like you had let the fans down and they were very conscious of the hate you were getting right now 
when you walked into the kitchen at eleven (all activities halted for the day. another thing that was your fault.) the rest of the boys were sitting around the table, talking about the best way to help you 
you had simply walked in and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, trying to avoid the others because you knew the conversation that was coming and you weren’t looking forward to it 
jin saw you first and got up from his chair and gently held your wrist to prevent you from leaving
“come here, you need to eat y/n-ah.” he said softly. he then pulled you over to the table, and you let him 
everyone went quiet and you just simply put your head down on the table because what could you say? that you were fine? because it was very obvious you weren’t 
when jin came back with a plate of food, he gently massaged your neck until you sat up and taehyung sitting on your other side held your hand
jin feed you himself when you made no move to and they were happy to see you eat more than you usually did, but not enough to fully sustain you 
when he saw you wouldn’t eat anymore, jin sighed and pushed the food away. he went back to massaging your neck as you put your head back down on the table 
namjoon spoke up from across you, “how are you feeling?” he spoke softly 
“mm head hurts.” your voice was raspy and even softer 
“we need to talk to you.” yoongi then said and this was the moment you were dreading the most 
they tried to get you to talk about how you were feeling mentally and tried to be there for you but when namjoon brought up doctors and medication is when you broke 
you even surprised yourself when you started yelling (this was probably the first time you really did at them)
“i’m already messed up enough as it is! i don’t need more flaws that will just bring everyone down! is that what you really think? that i’m that messed up?” 
they tried so hard to keep calm but you were slowly driving yourself insane and what you were saying was also just so hurtful that they couldn’t help but get heated back 
jimin was quick to catch you when you started swaying on your feet because your head was still pounding and it was getting hard to breathe and you couldn’t focus on anything, the others voices blurring together around you 
you had to lean back against him and you heard him say something but you couldn’t make out what it was because you couldn’t breathe and your lungs were heaving because you needed air
the voices around you became softer and there were hands trying to sooth you but nothing was working
it wasn’t until there was a soft whisper that you heard in your ear from someone that told you to “breathe for me y/n. please breathe for me baby.” 
you then took a big breath and then another and another and the others began to breathe again too once they realized your panic attack was over 
you couldn't help the sobs that escaped you and it was just so heart broken and scared that others teared up with you 
hoseok hugged you from the front as jimin was still supporting you from the back and you clung to him. “i’m so scared” and “i’m sorry”  were the only two phrases you could seem to get out at the moment 
“it’s not your fault. it never will be your fault.” and they would feel guilty because they knew you just needed help and they couldn’t fault you for getting upset because the media could be so harsh 
it got even worse when you would later admit that you just didn’t want to bring them down because of course you would think like that. them before you, always 
so they stayed by your side every waking second and became even more clingy if possible because dammit, it was ok to let yourself be takin care for once and a while and this time they were going to make you take care of yourself before you took care of them 
when you were diagnosed with anxiety and sleep medication, they were with you every step of the way and made sure that you were taking them properly because they knew you still were against the idea of taking medication. it had the chance of getting out, and the media didn’t look kindly upon idols who had to resort to such 
jungkook would be the one, more often than not, to make sure you take them, and on bad nights the only thing that would get you to comply is when he would say “if you take them it will help me sleep better.” 
and it always worked because he knew you would do anything to make sure they were happy
the road to recovery was hard and there were of course ups and downs but at the end of the day, you had them and you couldn't imagine what your life would be like if you didn’t
the fights, the laughter, the crying, you would go through it all again if it meant you would get to stay with them
life as an idol wasn’t easy, but with them, it was just that much easier and you couldn’t ask for a better family 
yeah, they were your family 
and when you stood up on that stage, tearing up to see all yours fans chanting your names, you knew this was worth it
because you had made it, you built yourselves from the ground up and had loyal fans that would do almost anything for you and that support was worth more than anything 
so no longer was your dream to just become an idol and have fans. no, it was so much bigger than that 
you evolved and your dream along with you
you truly loved your fans and more than that, the family and community you had helped create along with the rest of these amazing boys that you were proud to call your everything 
so standing up on that stage, you cried tears of joy because in this moment, there was no place you would rather be 
and afterward you all would cuddle, because who wouldn’t love that, right?
end note: this was seriously too long and i enjoyed writing this wayyy to much. like i seriously made myself cry?? the part with the panic attack?? i swear i almost ugly sobbed omfg. also, would anyone be interested in seeing other parts to this? like i would absolutely love to take requests for this and make it a mini series if ya’ll are interested in something like that. i just love you guys to much lmao 
also sorry if there was any mistakes, apparently i like writing at ass o'clock in the morning where my one braincell can barely function so there are probably many of them, but i was just so excited to get this out and so i didn’t read over it jsfjkgb
~**~ masterlist
taglist: @boba-tea1206​
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worldwidemochiguy · 5 years
Can you write BTS yandere reactions if you try to hurt them or even kill them to escape? Love your blog x 💜
ahaha thanks and here you go!! bc there’s seven of them and i wanted to do unique ones for each i kind of don’t stick exactly to the prompt, but i try to include at least one element of it in each thing, anyways i hope you like it 💞💞
“Really, Y/n?” Namjoon doesn’t even look up from the file he’s leafing through at his desk, despite the gun you’re pointing at his head. His tone is — as always — nonchalant, as if he’s almost disappointed in you for daring to challenge him. You feel regret curling its fingers into the back of your head, but you try to stay strong despite your trembling hands.
“Let me go.” You say, with a much weaker tone than you intended. He looks up this time, an eyebrow flicks upwards condescendingly.
“I have no intention of letting you go, Y/n. Does that mean you’re going to shoot me?” You whimper quietly, your finger loosening on the trigger guard. “I really thought you were more intelligent than that, but I guess you will have to be taught another lesson.”
Another lesson. Your mind flashes back to days spent alone, locked in a room so dark you couldn’t tell if it was night or day. Nothing around you, completely untethered and suffocated at the same time. No. Your muscles tense up and, without meaning to, you pull the trigger.
“No!” You scream, even as your finger tightens on the gun.
But the trigger has already been pulled. You squeeze your eyes shut, not wanting to see the bullet exit the chamber, not wanting to the man who’s tormented you splattered against the wall.
You hear a quiet chuckle, and the gun is gently tugged out of your loose grip.
“Silly baby, did you really think I was going to leave a loaded gun where you could find it? No, this was a test, and you’ve failed, Y/n. It doesn’t matter, though, I’ll just have to give you another lesson.”
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“Jagiya,” Jin’s hurt voice caused you to whip around immediately, without realising the half-full vial was still in your tight grip. “W-What are you pouring in the pot?”
When you had volunteered to make dinner that night for the both of you, Jin had been ecstatic, content that you had finally settled into your place as his loving, doting wife. Little did he know that you had hatched a plan to poison him and run away. You had never been a particularly violent person, but you were desperate to escape. You had realised by now that Jin was never going to willingly let you go.
“U-Uh,” You stuttered, glancing down at the vial in your hand, “…it��s seasoning.” His expression instantly showed his disbelief and he stalked over to you, yanking the poison out of your grip and crowding you against the kitchen counter with his intimidating broad frame.
“Jagiya, when I trust you with these things I expect you to be worthy of that trust, not betray me like some common slut!”
The sting of the slap is the first thing that registers before the side of your face goes numb. He hits you again, making your head jerk to the other side. Hot tears track down your inflamed cheeks, exacerbating the stinging. Jin grips your chin roughly, forcing you to look up and into his manic, crazed eyes.
“Listen to me very carefully, Jagiya. If you betray me like this again, you will be the one who ends up dying. But it will not be by a quick and painless poison, no, it will be long and agonising. Is that what you want, huh?”
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You slam him against the wall, hard enough to make the pictures rattle.
“Talk to me!” You scream, and your voice breaks on the last syllable, no longer able to choke down the sobs. But Yoongi just stares at you, silent as he had been ever since he discovered your plan to escape.
You had booked the plane tickets, you were so close to freedom you could practically taste it. But, on the morning of your getaway, you woke up in a completely different location. Yoongi had moved the two of you to a secluded safehouse while you slept. When you ran out of the door, he hadn’t stopped you, and soon you realised why.
The warehouse was literally in the middle of nowhere. You ran around for miles, screaming for help until your throat was hoarse. There was no one there to hear you. Eventually, night fell and you stumbled back to the only shelter for miles around, to Yoongi. For a while you were terrified you couldn’t find it, and it was hours before you were back and safe, for a loose definition of the word.
Yoongi has given you what you wanted. You wanted to get out of that house Yoongi had imprisoned you in, and now you were far away from it. You desired freedom, and now you could roam for miles, untethered. You wished to never speak to Yoongi again, and since the morning of your relocation he had not breathed a word to you, despite how much you begged him to.
He was, as far as you knew, the only living soul in the vicinity, and having him not even acknowledge you, especially after having his devoted attention for so long, was tearing you apart. And you had started to resort to any means possible to get him to talk.
“Yoongi!” You yell, wrapping your hands around his throat and squeezing as tightly as you can. He doesn’t react beyond his face redening, and you can feel his pulse weaken beneath your fingertips. You could just kill him, right here, right now. There’s no one around to see it. And after all he’s done to you…
You let him go and he slumps against the wall, panting slightly. You raise a hand to brush away your tears, damp on your cheeks, but it’s useless. They’ll be replaced by fresh tracks soon enough.
“Please,” you beg, staring at his blank face, “Please just talk to me.”
His eyes meet yours for the first time in this new hellhole, and you realise what he wants.
“I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry. Just- please,” You bury your sobs in your hands, body shaking with the force of it. A pair of warm arms encircle you, helping your body to still and relax.
“It’s okay, baby, I forgive you. I’ll always forgive you, and you don’t have to worry anymore about your freedom, because I’ve taken us to a place where other people won’t even be able to touch us anymore. Do you feel better now, angel?”
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“Y/n!” Hoseok bellows, and you feel that familiar helpless panic surge within you.
A man had approached you at your table when the two of you were at a restaurant while Hoseok was in the bathroom. You had immediately turned him down, telling him you were taken, and the man left disappointed. However, Hoseok saw the exchange and was convinced you were somehow cheating on him with that man. And now he was mad.
“Get back here!” He screams as you dart into the sitting room. You know running will only make it worse for yourself, but you can’t stop from trying to escape from him when he gets like this.
“Y/n! Stop this right now!” His enraged voice rattles through the walls and a second later, he bursts through the door. He sees you on the far side of the room, quivering in terror, and runs at you with his fist raised.
By pure instinct, you dodge his punch. Gaining awareness just in time to watch, horrified, as his knuckles crunch into the plaster. You think you can hear them break, and a second later, Hoseok has his hand clutched to his chest with a wail of agony.
“Oh no~” You whimper, immediately drawing close to him and reaching out to cradle his injured hand in your own. He hisses in pain and you look up to gauge his expression. It is full of discomfort, washing away all of his previous fury.
When you first started dating, it had been difficult to adjust to his constant mood swings, from loving boyfriend to violently jealous to depressed and insecure. Now, you were used to it enough to realise that you had to cherish moments like these when his anger had dissipated.
You lead him upstairs to the bathroom, whispering apologies whenever he made a noise of discomfort or pain. Soon, you have him sat on the edge of the bath as you dab a cotton bud of antiseptic onto his wounds. Three of the knuckles are broken, and all of them badly bruised. Your guilt is a heavy weight on your shoulders.
“I’m sorry.” You say quietly as he hisses when you apply the badages.
“For what?” He snorts, despite the pain in his voice, “For talking to that guy, for causing me to get injured, or for wrapping my wounds too tightly?”
“I-I promise you, Hobi, I didn’t want to talk to him. He approached me but I immediately said I was taken, just like you told me to say. But I am sorry for the other things, Hobi. I’m really sorry.”
He sighs, then runs his uninjured hand through your hair, petting your head softly.
“I only do these things because I love you, Y/n. You’re the one that does this to me, and you make me suffer all the time. Are you going to be good now? And stop making me do all these crazy things for you, huh?”
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“Aww, baby, you’re so sweet!”
You pause, incredibly confused. When you told your possessive, ridiculously clingy boyfriend that you were leaving him, and had booked plane tickets to leave the country in order to avoid him, you hadn’t expected him to delightedly clap his hands together and coo.
“Jimin… d-did you hear what I just said?”
“Yes, of course I did, Princess! Oh, you’re so cute. I can’t believe you got us plane tickets to France to visit Disneyland Paris!”
“Uh, what?” Your brow furrows, “Jimin, that’s not- I got plane tickets for myself so that I could leave the country. Because of you. And these tickets aren’t even to Fran-“”
“Baby,” Jimin interupts, and you can see the danger on the edge of his loving expression. “I know you’re joking, but don’t upset me now. And getting fake tickets just to prank me is going a bit far.” He reaches out and deftly snatches your plane ticket out of your hand, before you can even react.
“I mean, who knows? You might even confuse these with the real tickets for our trip, so I’ll just-” He rips up the ticket. “-get rid of them for you.” He giggles. “You’re welcome, babe.”
You watch in shock as your freedom flutters in fragmented pieces to the floor. Months of waiting, saving up, planning, all wasted.
“Well?” Jimin prods, and you look back up at him. “Aren’t you gonna say thank you?”
You just stand there stock still for a moment, before all of that longing, and pain, and anger washes over you and, without even processing it, you’re slapping Jimin as hard as you physically can.
He gasps, and then runs out of the room before you can react. You pause for a second before running after him. You find him in the kitchen, stooped over the sink. When he hears your footsteps, he turns around and you see his lip is cut, blood streaming over his chin and down his neck.
You gasp, and running over to him and taking his face in your hands, all thoughts of escaping replaced with bitter guilt. You are so distracted with him that you don’t notice the discarded knife resting behind Jimin’s hand, fresh drops of blood gleaming on the side of the blade.
“Ah, you hurt me really bad, Princess. I can’t believe my perfect angel would do something like this to me. You’re sorry, right? Tell me you’re sorry. Tell me you love me, and I’ll feel better. Just tell me you love me and I won’t punish you, please?”
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It has always been extremes with Taehyung. Either he was the most artistic, dorkiest, sweetest boyfriend in the world, or he could be violent, possessive to a ridiculous degree, and controlling over every aspect of your life.
You found yourself growing more frustrated each time he asks you about who your friends are, what they’re saying to you, when you’re talking to them. He doesn’t trust you, and whenever you confront him about it, he tells you that it’s because he loves you too much to lose you.
But that doesn’t make sense. You can’t have love without trust.
“Who is he?” Taehyung screams, and it’s midnight and you’ve had this conversation more times than you can count and you’re just so tired.
Your mom’s been calling, she hasn’t heard from you in a while thanks to Taehyung cutting you off from everyone you knew, including your family.
“It was my mom, asshole! I showed you the contact on my phone! It was my mom!” You spit back at him and he chuckles in fake amusement and you know you’re hurtling headfirst into dangerous territory but you just can’t stop yourself.
“Yeah? Well I don’t fucking believe you! Why won’t you let me call the number back, hmm? What are you trying to hide?”
“I just don’t want you calling my mom because you’re a creep and I don’t want you talking to her!”
He shoves you against the wall and your head swings back painfully. Before you can even register the pain, Taehyung’s lips are on yours, licking into your mouth harshly and biting so hard you taste blood.
It’s more of a fight for dominance than a kiss, and you’re determined not to lose this time.
You twist around and shove him against the wall, hard enough that his head makes a twin indent to yours, and you hope it gains him the same dizzying quality that’s leaking into your vision, so that you’re on more of an even playing field.
He smiles down at you lazily and you feel disgusted with yourself. What’s wrong with you? Deliberately exacerbating fights with your boyfriend just to chase the high of being fought over, the bittersweet pleasure of darkening bruises and words so painful they scream their way out. He smiles at you because you’re just like him, you enjoy the pain, and feel helplessly drawn to it. Maybe that’s why you just can’t leave him.
“Fuck, baby girl can give as good as she gets, is that it? You like a little bit of pain, huh? Well don’t worry baby, I’ll give it to you. Trust me.”
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A snort is not the reaction you were hoping for, but it’s what you happens when you take a deep breath and point a dagger at Jungkook. The jewelled handle feels cold and heavy in your palm. It’s the dagger Jungkook keeps beneath his pillow each night in case of intruders, and judging my his little amused glance at it, he recognises his own weapon.
“So, what’s the plan, baby?” Jungkook asks you, remarkably calm for someone with a knife pointed at his chest. “You’re gonna stab me?” Absurdly, you nod when he asks you this. He laughs, then nods himself.
“Ok then, you’re just gonna commit a little murder then. Are you sure you’re capable of that?”
“…uh huh.” You reply dumbly. His eyes twinkle with mirth, and he continues his line of questioning.
“Alright then, you’ll murder me. I guess you’re not gonna clean up the body, considering you’re working alone?” He pauses for a response, and when he receives none he smiles to himself and keeps going.
“After that, where are you gonna go? What are you gonna do? After all, it’s not like you know anyone in this area.”
“That’s not true!” You pipe up, “My uncle Minyoung! He’s helping me leave.”
“Oh, your Uncle Minyoung.” Jungkook gasps in realisation and you nod again. “You mean this Uncle Minyoung?” Jungkook takes a Polaroid out of his pocket and hands it to you. You attempt to take it with your right hand, remember you’re holding a dagger, and take the photo with the other hand instead.
The photo shows a broken corpse, its head detached and pointed towards the camera. Jungkook is posing next to it, winking at you. Right next to him is your Uncle Minyoung’s severed head.
“Oh.” You say, and drop the photo. It flutters gently to the floor.
“Oh,” Jungkook echoes, “Well, what’re you going to do now? Your uncle had all the travel information, right?”
“Right.” You repeat distantly.
“So… how are you going to escape?”
“…I guess I can’t.” You realise, and the corners of his mouth curl into a smug smile.
During your conversation, Jungkook has moved closer and now stands directly in front of you, so close that the dagger is pressed against his chest. You watch as the pointed tip distorts the expensive fibres of his shirt. You wonder how much give they have before it tears.
Jungkook takes the dagger from you delicately, and then sweeps you up in his arms.
“Little baby, trying to escape from me? When will you realise that you will never be able to? You’re just so dumb! You’re lucky I’m here to look after you, or you really wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. You’re so lucky to have me around.”
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kpopfromtheblock · 5 years
a/n ⇾ surprise bitch! bet you thought you’d seen the last of me! 🤪 i’ve been here all along but just haven't felt motivated to write. i know it gets annoying to have to wait so long for updates but i appreciate those of you who have stuck by my side! ILY, FR FR. i try to make every update as good or better than the last so that its worth your while and sometimes that process can take me a long time… i hope y’all can understand that… i won't always update as frequently as other writers but i will get an update out at some point, just keep baring with me pls and thank you! ✨
LIFE WITH BANGTAN | ot7 + kth smut
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genre ⇾ fluff, smut and a bit of angst.
pairing ⇾ bts x reader, taehyung x reader (smut)
summary ⇾ the boys forget movie night and they have to find a way to make it up to you, starting with Taehyung...
warning ⇾ idk, if i matters but i just want y’all to know this is very TAE X READER heavy... i mean it’s still ot7 x reader but just a bit more Taehyung focused... — smut, pwp, hand job, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, dirty talk (a lot of dirty talk), fingering and more... — usual warnings: cringy-ness, swearing
words ⇾ 12k
. *     ✦ .  ⁺   . * ⁺ ⁺
”Ugh!” You groan as you step out of the elevator. The cardboard box you’re holding in your arms isn’t too big but it is quite heavy. The box combined with the large backpack you’re waring is adding a bunch of unnecessary weight to your body and the journey to get to the boys dorm has taken longer than usual because of it… But you know this will all be worth it in the end, for tonight is movie night and hopefully the start of a monthly tradition with your lovers. 
The cardboard box in your arms and bag on your back are both filled with Disney movies… From the classics all the way up to the most recent ones available on DVD. 
Mayhaps you went a little bit crazy on Amazon, buying a total of one hundred and ten DVDs, some of which still haven’t shipped yet bc they are coming from countries outside of Korea and mayhaps, buying all those DVDs put a bit of a dent in your bank account but you’re almost one hundred…No, a solid ninety-five percent sure that this will all be worth it once you see the look of joy on Yoongi’s face after he watches the Aristocats for the first time or the tears in Jimin’s eyes during that one scene in Toy Story 3… Yeah, it’s gonna be a good night and you’re excited to experience it with your amazing boyfriends.
Finally making it up to the boy’s door, you put the box down on the floor and sigh, feeling relieved that you get to give your arms somewhat of a rest, even if for only a few seconds. You slide the shield of the keypad up and watch it illuminate. Quickly typing your customized pin in, the door beeps and you put your hand on the knob, twisting it open before it can lock again.
Once the door is slightly open, you begin kicking the box towards the opening, too lazy to bend over and pick it up again. 
A minute or two passes and you’re still kicking… You’re doing well, the box is nearly halfway through the door when suddenly the door is pulled fully open. “Oh!” You say almost following forward as you had been resting a lot of your weight on the door to keep it from closing whilst you kicked the box inside. “Darling~” You know immediately, without even having to look up, that it’s Taehyung calling you. The tone of his voice combined with the endearing nickname he’s been calling you since the day you two met gives him away. 
Before properly greeting him, you bend down to pick up the box again since you don’t have to worry about the door anymore… Picking the box up will probably go much quicker than kicking it. 
Once the box is in your arms again, you look up to meet Tae’s pretty brown eyes and boxy smile. You can’t fight the smile forming on your own lips. “Hello Handsome.” You tell him before leaning forward to place a single kiss against his soft lips.
“Why are you so dressed up?” You question, not missing the way the navy blue slacks and crisp white button up he’s wearing, compliment his tan skin. 
He takes the heavy box from you then steps aside to let you in without answering your question. “Oh fuck,” He groans. “What the hell is in here?” He asks. There’s a slight strain to his words as he struggles to balance the heavy box in one hand whilst he closes and locks the door with his other. 
Upon stepping inside, you see that the dorm is up in slight chaos.
One of the boys makeup artist and a friend of yours, Sua, is chasing Jungkook around with an eye shadow palette in her hand. There is a stylist you’ve never seen before, standing entirely too close to Namjoon while she fixes the collar of his shirt and Jimin is sitting on the couch while their hair stylist straightens the few fly-aways at the top of his scalp. 
Sua notices you first before any of the other guys do. 
“Y/n!” She stops chasing Jungkook to approach you.
Jungkook stops running around and Jimin looks up from his phone at the sound of your name being called.
“Hi baby!” Jimin says enthusiastically before waving at you. You look over at Jimin and give him a sweet smile. “Hi...” You say softly, waving back. You know he would’ve gotten up to greet you with a kiss if the man above him wasn’t holding a hot hair styling tool to his head. 
You look away from Jimin to see both Sua and Jungkook making their way over to you. 
Sua gets to you first and wraps her arms around you, engulfing you in a tight bear hug, which is slightly awkward since you didn’t have time to put your arms out to receive the hug properly. “Long time no see, how are you doing?” She asks against your ear before releasing you. “I know! I’m doing well, how are you?” You smile at her, although confused as to why she’s there, you are happy to see her. 
Sua has always been sweet to you and she was one of the first people to discover that you and the boys had something going on and even though she was a bit weary, she was supportive when she realized how much you really loved all seven of them and how much all seven of them loved you. 
Sua kept your secret until it was made knowledgeable to the rest of the staff and you have been grateful to her ever since. 
“I’m good! Just trying to get these boys of yours to sit still for a second. Especially this one.” Sua says pointing a thumb at Jungkook who is standing behind her with the brightest bunny smile. He waits eagerly for his turn to hug you. “I don’t know how you do it.” She continues and you chuckle. “Don’t worry, they run away from me too.” You joke and  both Sua and Jungkook chuckle. “I do not.” He protest, opening his arms for a hug. 
You finally take off you backpack, placing it on the near by chair and walk up to him. You wrap your arms around his waist and press your face against his chest. Your eyes close instantly at the warmth you feel being against him. Jungkook waste no time wrapping his arms around your frame, squeezing you against him.
Like always, you’ve missed your boys so much.
“I missed you.” He tells you, almost as if he can read your mind and you smile. “I missed you too Kook.” You confess before pulling away.
“Are you guys almost ready? Manger-nim will be here soon with the car.” You hear Namjoon’s voice from behind you. You pull away from Jungkook and turn to face the leader of the group. 
What is going on?
“Did I mixed up the dates for our movie night or…?” You mumble to yourself, thinking maybe you had read the date wrong on your calendar. 
You pull out your phone to check your google calendar, that holds all your important dates. You are usually bad with dates which is why you rely on your google calendar to keep track of everything.. You know once you put it in there, it’s official so you don’t understand how you could’ve messed this one up. 
The men around you seem to slow down their frantic movements at your words. “Babygirl…” Namjoon calls out and you look up to face him. The look on his face, makes you worry. His brows are furrowed and his lips form a slight pout. 
“Movie night... We completely forgot.” Your heart drops at his words. 
‘We completely Forgot’… The words are dramatically echoing in your head for some reason.
How could the forget the movie night you’ve been planning for weeks. 
“You forgot?” You ask for confirmation and Namjoon nods his head, a solemn look on his face. “Darling, we’re so sorry.” Taehyung’s voice catches your attention and you turn around to face him this time. “An event came up that we have to go to.... A car is on the way to pick us up.” He explains to you. 
“Oh...” You say, not able to hide the disappointment in your voice. Jungkook comes up to you from behind and wraps his arms around your waist. You don’t even have to turn around to know it’s him. It just feels like him, not to mention, he loves to give you back hugs. He pulls you close to his chest and then rest his chin on your shoulder. “Please don’t be upset.” He begs you but it’s too late. Your feelings are hurt. 
How could they forget? You think again.
“I’m not.” You lie and Jimin is the first to sniff you out. 
“Yes you are.” 
Hoseok comes walking out of his and Jimin’s shared bedroom. He is looking as gorgeous as ever in a suit that is tailored to perfection. Upon seeing you, he gives you his one hundred watt smile but suddenly, it fades when he notices the look on your face. “What’s wrong Angel?” He mumbles, softly. You’re about to shake your head and lie again but Jungkook speaks before you can. “She came for movie night.” Jungkook’s chest rumbles against your back as he speaks. “That was tonight?” Hobi asks, looking up into your eyes. His usual bright expression is now a little less bright when he catches the displeasure in your eyes. He can tell you’re upset and that you are doing your best to hide it but he knows you. He knows that look. 
You nod your head at his question, a broken smile gracing your lips. “Angel...” He starts before his long legs strut over to you until he is standing in front of you. He leans down to place a sweet kiss to your lips. Although you’re upset, you return the kiss as best you can with Jungkook’s arms still wrapped firmly around your waist. 
“It’s okay...” You lie again. 
“We’re so sorry baby.” Jimin apologizes and you shrug. “It’s fine.” Your fourth lie for the night…
Jin comes strolling into the living room with Yoongi not far behind. “Ok kids. Car is here. Let’s get going.” They both look too good to be true. Dressed in dark suits that seem to compliment each other. “Princess?” He greets your curiously. You give him a small smile. “Hi...” You say. “You look handsome. You all do.” You say truthfully.
Yoongi looks up at you. “Kitten, what are you doing here?” He asks in confusion. 
Seriously? No one remembered what tonight is… or was supposed to be? 
You feel like you’re going crazy, like you made it all up in your head but you know you didn’t. You remember planning this night... The eight of you agreeing upon this date so you don’t understand how this has happened...
You want so badly to tell them off but you also don’t want to start anything… You suppose it’s not their fault... You knew exactly what you were getting yourself into, the minute you decided to be with them, to love them… They have priorities and obligations to fulfill as the ‘World’s Biggest Boyband BTS’ but you wish that sometimes, they could be your boyfriends and just that alone. Even if, just for the day…
“I came for movie night but it seems you all have other plans.” You say, the words come out bitter than you intended but you can’t take them back now. 
“Don’t say it like that baby.” Jimin tells you, feeling guilt bubbling in his chest. Yoongi comes to stand in front of you after Hobi has step away to put on his shoes. “Kitten, why don’t you stay until we get back?” Yoongi offers and you’re about to decline his offer when you feel Jungkook press his lips against your neck. “Yeah stay, we’ll be back before you know it,” He whispers against your skin. 
“You guys know I don’t like to stay in the dorm when you’re not here.”
“Please?” Jimin begs. “If you’re not too tired when we get back, we can watch one of the movies you brought.” Jimin suggest, and the idea swims around in your head for a little bit… As tempting as it sounds, you know that they’ll be the ones too tired to stay up and watch movies with you.
“Guys we really need to go…” Jin reminds them, picking up his shoulder bag and his suit jacket off the couch. 
“You guys go ahead... You don’t wanna be late.” You tell them and you watch as Yoongi’s lips form a small pout. You usually lose your mind at how cute he looks when he unintentionally pokes out his lips but in this very moment, all you can do is give him a half hearted smile. He leans forward and kisses you. “I hope you’re here when we get back.” He says before walking towards the door. Jungkook kisses your cheek then lets go of you to follow his Hyungs out. Namjoon is the last to leave. He places a kiss at the top of your head then walks towards the door. “See you later Baby girl.” He says before leaving, the door slamming behind him. 
You sigh and turn away from the door. You are instantly greeted by the messy dorm. The stylists and Sua must’ve slipped out of the dorm while you were conversing with the boys because you were now left alone. In a big, empty, messy dorm. 
You decide to tidy up so the boys will have a nice cozy and clean place to come home too. Plus you need the distraction… You just got ditched after all. 
You pick up the movie box that Taehyung left on the counter and bring it over to the coffee table. You plop down on the couch and begin  unpacking the box.
You even went through the trouble of buying as many of the Korean subbed versions as you could find for some of the older classics like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. You know Tae and Jimin have never seen those. 
You neatly stack the movies in the middle of the table, surprisingly the only clean spot in the house, before you begin tidying up the place.
. *     ✦ .  ⁺   . * ⁺ ⁺
Cleaning kills about two full hours. You cleaned the the living room, vacuuming and wiping down all the surfaces. You also decided to clean the kitchen, making sure the dishes in the the dishwasher were clean and then packed away and the counter top was removed of any stains. You attempted to clean each of the boys room but gave up after picking up all the clothes thrown around in Taehyung’s.
After you were satisfied with the way the dorm looked (and smelled), you walk back into the the living room and plop down on the couch. Your eyes glaze over the large stack of DVDs you brought with you... Without even realizing it, a frown grows on your face. 
Cleaning had kept your mind off of the fact that your boyfriends ditched your planned movie night but now that you were done, now that you didn’t have anything keeping you busy, your failed attempt at spending quality time with your boyfriends was all you could think of.
You sigh heavily and pick up your phone. You decide to open the twitter app and browse around. Maybe one or two of the fifteen people you are following would post something to make you laugh…
You loved laughing, it always made you feel better. 
You were lucky enough to stumble across a few memes. You giggle at them and save one in particular to your camera roll to use later in your group chat. 
As you scroll further down, you come across a photo that makes your heart flutter with fondness. 
One of the BTS fan accounts you follow (just because you enjoy the memes they posts and all the cute edits), posted a picture of the guys. You knew instantly it was a picture of them from the night. They look exactly the way they did when they left and you distinctively remember Yoongi’s shinny dangly earring and how it looked pretty with his outfit.
The picture was taken mid laughter. The way Jimin’s eyes turned into crescent moons, how Hoseok’s mouth formed a prefect heart, the way Jungkook’s nose crinkle and his two front teeth made an appearance and how you could practically hear Taehyung’s deep laughter just from looking at the way his mouth was wide open and his head was thrown back… It all made your heart swell in your chest. 
You wished you could be the reason they were laughing or be there to laugh with them. You genuinely just missed them. You were looking forward to spending time with them tonight. You desperately wanted to be wrapped up in Namjoon’s arms, snuggled under a blanket with Jin beside you and Yoongi’s head on your lap while you play with his soft locks as he drifted off to sleep… The other boys gather near by. You always felt comfort when they were close to you. 
You suddenly felt a wave of discontent wash over you. You’re not usually one to let things get to you. You pride yourself in being someone who is very understanding, especially when it comes to plans changing but for some reason this situation is hitting you hard. 
It’s been almost a month since you’ve hung out, like really hung out with them. And yes, you’ve gone longer without seeing them as they were away on tour in different countries for months on end but this time they were back home. You could pop into a practice every now and then or sleepover at the dorm if you want to but they had been so busy this month (even with them being back home), that spontaneous visits were not in the cards for you which is why you were so looking forward to this night.
Exiting out of twitter, you decided to open the Message app. You go into the group chat named ‘Team Kim Seokjin’ and type out a quick message.
YOU to Team Kim Seokjin
hey guys, i hope you’re all having a good time. i finished cleaning up the dorm a bit and now i’m going to head home.
YOU to Team Kim Seokjin
i know you all wanted me to stay but it doesn’t feel right... anyways, be sure to text me when you get home. love you all ❤️
You sent the messages and locked your phone, not waiting for a reply. You stood up, grabbing your duffle bag and throwing it over your shoulder. You shut off all the lights before heading out the dorm. 
Your phone pinged, indicating that you received a text messages but you decide not to check it right away as you were too focused on getting back to your apartment. 
You hope the comfort of your bed would make you feel a little bit better…
Meanwhile on the other side of town. Taehyung and Yoongi were in the bathroom. The award ceremony they were attending had just called for an intermission so the two decided it’d be a good time to release some fluids. 
Yoongi was drying his hands when suddenly his phone vibrated in his pocket the same time that he heard another phone ping, the obviou sound of a text tone… He knew it was Tae’s phone as he was the only other person in the bathroom and Yoongi himself had yet to take his phone off of silent. 
“Hyung!” Taehyung shouts after flushing the toilet in his stall. “Hmm?” Yoongi hums in response. The stall door flies open and Tae hastily walks out, holding his phone up for Yoongi to see the text he’d just received from you. “She’s not staying.” Tae pouts. 
“What?” Yoongi says in confusion, not too sure what the younger male was getting at. 
“Y/n... She said she isn’t going to stay over’.” Taehyung says,
Yoongi squints his eyes, trying to get a better look at Tae’s bright screen before giving up to pull out his own phone. He unlocks it and looks at the text messages you sent, rereading them a few times to himself. “Ah.” He says in realization. “‘Ah’? She’s mad at us and all you have to say is ‘ah’?” Tae whines. 
One of the things Taehyung hates most in this world is when the people he loves and cares about are upset with him and you are at the top of that list. “I don’t think so.” Yoongi tells the younger man. “I disagree… I mean we basically ditched her…” Locking the phone and pushing it back in his pocket, Yoongi turns to the mirror and fixes a few loose strands of hair.
“Leave it to Taehyung to over react at a simple text message.“ Yoongi thinks.
 “She’s not mad. Trust me.” Yoongi tries to reassure Tae but truth be told, he actually didn’t know himself if you were mad or not… He understands why you would be upset, if you were but he also knows that you are someone who doesn’t get upset easily. 
As Yoongi waits for Tae to finish washing his hand, his phone vibrates again. This time, it’s a text from Hoseok.
HOBI to Team Kim Seokjin 
🥺🥺🥺 you won’t be there when we get back?
After reading Hoseok’s text, Yoongi instantly feels a twinge of guilt in his chest. He knows he shouldn’t... After all, he didn’t even want to come to this event but, it’s work. Something he had to do… He’d much rather be at home, cuddling up beside you on the couch, watching some stupid children’s movies… That would be a way better use of his time because it was time being spend with you and his brothers.
“Ready Hyung?” Tae’s question pulls Yoongi out of his head. He nods in response at the blue haired man before the two of them exit the bathroom, heading back to the others.
Yoongi decides that he’d call you as soon as the ceremony is over, to check up on you. He just hopes you’ll be awake to answers…
. *     ✦ .  ⁺   . * ⁺ ⁺
A    W E E K    L A T E R
With groceries in hand, you struggle to put the pin into the keypad of your apartment door. After two failed attempts and almost being locked out permanently, you decide it would be easier if the grocery bags weren’t in your hand… You lean down to place the bags on the floor and just as you’re about to stand back up, you hear the most horrifying sound… The keypad beeps indicating that it has been unlocked and the door is being pulled open from the inside.
“What the fuck?” You mumble out loud. 
You swiftly stand up straight, ready to throw hands at the intruder but you are pleasantly surprised to see the one and only Kim Taehyung, standing in your doorway with a bright smile on his face. “Tae?” You say, releasing a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
Although relieved to see your boyfriend and not some thief or lunatic… You were still a bit confused. “What are you doing here?” You question as he bends over to pick up the grocery bags for you. “I came to see you.” He states the obvious. 
Upon hearing his words, your eyes suddenly widen at thought of him coming into your apartment complex… 
In the middle of the afternoon… 
Where nearly a hundred other college students are living… 
Anyone could’ve saw him. 
You hastily look around then begin walking forward, pushing Taehyung back into you apartment at the same time. “Whoa…” He says slightly confused and startled by your sudden moves. “Someone could’ve saw you dummy.” You scold him and he simply chuckles at you. “I was extra careful.” He informs you. “I wore a mask and a hat and I came in through the back entrance.” He tries to reassure you before walking over to the kitchen to put your bags down. You scoff at him in both amusement and disbelief because you can’t believe that he really thinks a simple mask and hat is enough to hide his appearance… 
His fans could spot him even if he were dressed up as Bozo The Clown. 
“As if a mask could hide you from an ARMY...” You say sternly. 
“Someone could’ve saw you…” You repeat, your voice still a bit on edge as you take your shoes off at the front door. Tae doesn’t seem to care that he could’ve gotten caught sneaking into your building... And it’s not like he hasn’t snuck in before. He’s been to your place a handful of times but never at this time of day so you’re just a bit concerned but you’ll let it go for now…
You walk into the kitchen to see that Taehyung has started unpacking the groceries. You’re amazed by the fact that he seems to know where everything goes. You can’t help the way your heart flutters at how domestic the scene in front of you is but flutter in your heart simmer down just as a thought pops into your head...
What is he doing here?
“Not that I’m not happy to see you babe, but what are you doing here, seriously?” You start. “I thought you and the boys would be in the studio all day.” You say and he shrugs. “Well yes, we’re supposed to be… That’s where the members are now but I snuck away for a bit...” He explains. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Your eyes brows furrow in confusion. 
Why wouldn’t I be okay?
“Where does this go again?” Tae asks as he holds up the box of cookies and cream Rice Crispy Treats.
“Cabinet above the microwave.” You point to the spot you’re talking about and Taehyung nods before turning around to put the sweet treat away. You walk further into the kitchen to help him pack out the rest of the groceries. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” You finally say, referring to his previous question. “Well ‘cause of the whole movie night fiasco last week…” He informs you before turning back around to face you. 
“Ahh.” You say in realization. 
So that’s what this is about... He thinks I’m still upset. 
You chuckle at the thought and walk over to the fridge to put the orange juice inside. 
“I’m okay my love, you didn’t have to come all the way over here to check on me.” You tell him. You feel bad that you gave him the impression that you were still upset. You don’t want him to be worried about something that you were no longer thinking about. “You’re our girl, of course I had to come check on you… I’m sure the others would’ve tried to come, had they known I was coming” He says. 
You close the fridge and look up at him, smiling fondly. You make your way back over to the grocery bags… You decide to just take everything out at once and line them up on the counter to make things easier for yourself and make the process of putting things away go faster. 
“You’re sweet baby but I promise you, I’m okay.” You reassure him.
“But you weren’t though… Right? Before you were mad at us?” By the tone of his voice you know there’s a pout on his lip. “Yes.” You say truthfully, not wanting to hide anything from him. “I knew it!” He exclaims. “I knew you were mad. Yoongi Hyung said you weren’t but I know you darling.” He says confidently. “I’ll admit…” You begin before closing the fridge and turning around to face him. “I was upset that night… Mainly because I just wanted to spend time with you all but I got over it.” You confess. 
“I understand that you all have priorities and-“
“You’re our priority.” Taehyung cuts you off… As much as you want to believe him, you couldn’t. Yes, you know they love you and you know you mean a lot to them but you also know that their careers, their fans, mean just as much and sometimes that means you have to take a back seat to that part of their lives... 
And that’s something you have to learn to accept. 
“Let us make it up to you.” Taehyung’s voice brings you out of your thoughts.
“There’s no need.” You tell him and there really isn’t… They did nothing wrong and there’s nothing they needed to make up for. “Aw come on,” Tae whines. “Sleepover, we have the weekend off!” He suggests and you have to shake your head immediately. “I can’t.” You state. “I have a big project due on Monday that I need to get started on.” He pouts cutely and you resist the urge to kiss that pout off his lips. 
“Ok, well just come over Friday night then… The guys and I miss you so much.” He takes a step forward and you take one back… For some reason, your subconscious is telling you that some shit is about to go down that you are unprepared for…
“Tae…” You say warningly. You hate to disappoint him and the rest of your men and you would normally never turn down the opportunity to spend time with them but you just didn’t think it’d be responsible to hangout when you have so much work to do and catch up on. 
And yes, you could bring your work over to the dorm but that just wouldn’t be logical... You’d get nothing done.
“Please?” You don’t miss the way Taehyung’s voice has dropped and octave lower. You look up to meet his eyes and as you expect, there is something dark… Swirling around in them. He advances towards you again and you take another step back, this time your lower back hits the edge of the counter. Taehyung places his hands on either side of you, locking you between himself and the countertop. There’s no where for you to run. 
“Please stay over.” He pleads again and for a split second your eyes land on his lips. They are slightly chapped but they look so inviting... “Let us make it up to you.” His words come out as more of a command than question. “Tae…” You say his name again, a little breathier than you expected but his close proximity is making you somewhat lightheaded… It’s not like you haven’t been this close to him before, hell you’ve been way closer but for some reason, the way that he’s looking at you right now, like he can’t wait to get his hands on you, like he can’t wait to put his mouth on you… It’s all very intense. 
“I already told you… I can’t.” 
“You can’t or you just won’t?” He asks you. His question kind of catches you off guard because he’s sort of got a point… 
It’s not that you can’t go over to their dorm on Friday night or that you don’t want to… It’s just that you don’t think it’d be the smartest thing to do with the word load you have on your table right now… “Darling.” Tae calls… He can tell by the expression on your face that you are playing with the idea of coming over, in your head. “Hmm?” You hum, looking into his eyes. This time, you’re the one to catch him staring at your lips. 
Somehow the two of you have gotten so close to each other that your faces are inches apart. You can feel his breath fanning over you as he speaks. “What do I have to do to change your mind?” He questions, seductively. His voice is as smooth and raw as honey. If lust had a sound, it’d be they way Taehyung is speaking to you right now... The tingle in your core seems to get stronger the more he talks.
You look at his lips one last time and because you can’t resist him any longer, “Kiss me.” is all you mange to say. 
Tae is on you in seconds. He smirks as his lips collide with the softness and warmth of your own.
Kisses with Taehyung always start off slow… Slow and sweet and extremely passionate and today is no different. He sucks on your bottom lip slowly and you moan at the feeling. “Mmm.” He moans along with you. He loves how plump your bottom lip is and the way it bounces back into place when he lets it go. 
Tae takes his hands off the counter and grabs your arms, that are still awkwardly at your sides to place them on his shoulders. You instantly wrap them around his neck and pull him closer. You run your fingers through the blue locks at the back of his head and gently grip them. 
You had been so thrown off by his lips on yours that you had forgotten what do with the rest of your body. 
The two of you are chest to chest as his hands caress your sides. You slide your tongue across his bottom lip, hoping that he’ll get the hint and sure enough he does, opening his mouth for you to slip your tongue in. The two of you swirl your tongues around each others, the feeling is sensual and sexy and is slightly overwhelming your senses but you can’t stop. 
Another minute passes and Tae pulls away from devouring your mouth so the two of you can catch your breaths. “So...” He says breathlessly. You lean forward and peck his lips again, wanting to taste more of him. He smiles against your mouth before speaking, “Is that a yes?” He asks with his lips against yours and you giggle… It seems the man in front of you is adamant in getting you to agree to come over and if you weren’t so horny and now, so extremely wet, you’d tell him off but unfortunately (or mayhaps, fortunately?), you are both of those things and it doesn’t help that Taehyung has decided to drag his mouth from yours to the sweet spot where your neck and shoulders meet, peppering kisses and sucking harshly on the skin there.
“Oh god,” You mumble to yourself. 
It feels so good. 
“Darling?” Tae calls you as your eyes flutter closed. You tilt your head to the side, giving him more space to work. “Hmm?” You can only give him a hum of a response because you think your brain is too clouded with lust to form a coherent sentence… So you just don’t.
“You didn’t answer my question,” He reminds you. His warm tongue runs over the patch of skin he’d previously sucked on. “What was it again?” You ask, having genuinely forgot what it was… He chuckles and slides his hands from around your waist down to your lower back, they rest there for a second or two before he moves on, sliding his hands over the curve of your ass. He grips it firmly and you gasps at the feeling “I said...” He begins. “Is that a yes… To coming over?” He pulls away from your neck to look at your face. 
Tae’s heart beats rapidly and the tightness in his boxers increases when he sees the look on your face. He always thinks you look beautiful but even more so when your eyes are filled with desire, much like they are now. He could just eat you up... And he will. 
“No.” You say, bringing the man in front of you out of his trance. He raises his eyebrow at you and you try to hold back a smug smirk from forming on your face. “No?” He asks, wanting to make sure he heard you correctly. 
“Nope.” You confirm, popping your ‘p’ and shaking your head. 
“Hmm,” He hums. You can tell by his tone that he knows you’re just giving him a hard time and he definitely doesn’t mind playing along. “I guess that means I’m gonna have to work a little harder to get you to say yes huh?” He questions you and you smile sweetly at him, “Bingo.” You say matter-of-factly. 
He knows exactly what you want.
A sudden mischievous smile graces his lips before his mouth is crashing on to yours again. Slow and sweet kisses will no longer suffice for such a moment between the two of you.... Everything now is fast and sloppy and so so good. 
You moan as Taehyung’s tongue pushes into your mouth. He tastes as delicious as the first time he kissed you and you swear you could loose yourself in his mouth alone. 
His hands come down to grip your thighs. “Up.” He grumbles in your mouth and you jump slightly, so that he can effortlessly lift you off the floor and on to the countertop. You can feel the groceries behind you, uncomfortably pressing against your lower back. You remove your hands from around Taehyung’s neck and bring them behind you to push the groceries out of your way so you have more room to move around… The whole time you’re doing this, your lips never leave his.
The sounds of heavy breathing and wet kisses fill the space around you... Also the sound of your favorite bag of chips hitting the hardwood floor but you have no time to dwell on that, not when one of your gorgeous boyfriends is making a mess of your panties and he doesn’t even know it…
Now with Taehyung in between your legs, you can feel how hard he is. He’s pressing himself closer to you and the sudden urge to feel and taste his cock is strong. 
Your hand is down his sweatpants and past his boxers before you know it. “Oh fuck,” He grunts as you grip his hard cock in your small hand. 
You don’t hold back, beginning to stroke him as best you can from where you’re sitting. The angle is a little weird and slightly uncomfortable for you and there’s a bit of restraint from his boxers and sweats still being on him but he seems to be enjoying it from the way his mouth has fallen open and his eyes are fluttering open and closed. “Feels good?” You ask, wanting to hear praises from him. “I-I’m... Fuck...” He’s struggling to get the words out and that is a boost to your pride, if any. You love that you can turn him into a puddy from just your hands. “I’m s-supposed to b-be making you f-feel good.” He finally get the words out and you smile. 
You think it’s so sweet that he’s thinking about making you feel good whilst your hands are on his cock. 
“We can take turns baby.” You remind him before you grab him by the collar of his shirt with your free hand and plant your mouth on his again. The kiss is all teeth and tongue as you continue to pump his length... You use your thumb to spread the precum over the head of his dick. “Y/n...” Taehyung breathes your actual name for the first time since he’s stepped into your apartment. “If you keep doing that, I’m gonna cum in my pants.” He warns you but that only encourages you to go faster. 
You stroke his length with determination. 
Your end goal is to get him to bust a nut… 
Right here… 
In your kitchen… 
In his boxers… 
While you watch… 
You want to make a mess out of him. 
“But isn’t that what you want baby?” You tease him. “To cum, right here in my hand.” Your voice is innocent but your words are so dirty that Taehyung can only growl at you in response before throwing his head back. “Fuck, your hand feels so fucking good around me.” He says through gritted teeth. “My mouth would feel better but we’ll get to that later.” You continue to pump his cock. Your pace goes from slow and steady to fast and hard and it’s making Taehyung loose his fucking mind. 
From the way his dick twitches and the way his face is screwed up in pleasure, you know he’s already about to cum. “Are you close my love?” You ask him sweetly and his heart feels like it might explode. The fact that you can switch from being so dirty to so soft and sweet while you rub him off, really throws him for a loop. You are truly the best of both worlds. 
“Yes...” He groans, finally bringing his head down to lock eyes with you and you bite your lip at the sight in front of you.
You don’t realize it but your hips are desperately gliding back and forth on the countertop, trying to get whatever friction you can… Even if its just the dull shift of your wet underwear rubbing against your folds every now and then… It’s better than nothing at all. Your boyfriend takes note of this, feeling a little guilty, as he was the one who was supposed to be getting you off but instead, here you are giving him, probably the best handjob of his life. He’ll have to make up for it later but right now, he can only focus on the fact that he’s about to cream his pants. 
“Oh God, please Y/n...” He calls out, his eyes haven’t left yours. The both of you are staring at each other so intensely that it feels impossible to look away. “What my love?” You ask him. You twist your hand around his throbbing cock as you continue to stroke him up and down rapidly. Your arm is about to fall off because of the constant change in speed but you refuse to slow down. “Please don’t stop.” He begs you, his voice strained. “I won’t… Not until you cum for me,” You promise him. 
“Are you gonna cum for me Tae?” You feel his dick twitch for the second time after you speak.
Your mouth starts to water at thought of how pretty his cock must look right now. So thick and veiny and probably tinted a pretty shade of pink… You wish you had taken it out of his pants before going to town on it so you could see it in action… You were too eager but it’s okay... You’ll have a better view of it, once you get your face down there to suck him off. 
“Oh f-fuck!” He groans loudly, halting your fantasies about his dick. “I-I’m cumming,” He stutters out, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as his mouth falls into a perfect ‘o’ shape. Your hand strokes him relentlessly for a few more minutes before you feel it... Tae releases his load all over your hand while your name falls from his lips repeatedly. You continue to pump him through his release, your thumb rubs over the sensitive head of his cock and he flinches at the feeling. “Shit...” He says and you giggle, before pulling your hand out of his boxers. The back of your hand is shiny and wet with his cum… Instead of letting it go to waste, you decide to give him a show... You look him in the eyes and lick the mess he’s made off the back of your hand... You’re not sure how sexy you look, licking your skin like a fucking cat would their fur, but Tae seems to be enjoying it and that all that matter. 
“Holy shit...” He says once you’re done, he comes towards you at full speed, lips colliding for the third time tonight.
Taehyung places his hands under your thighs, guiding you to wrap them around his waist. Once you do, he hastily picks you up and you squeal as he carries you over the couch. He basically throws you down on it… Thank God, you got a bigger one. The little two seater you had before would never work for what the two of you are about to do… 
Your boyfriend moves swiftly to help you pull your shirt off over you head and you have to laugh at how eager he seems to be. “Whats so funny?” He questions and you smile. “You’re just really cute when you’re needy.” You tease him and he scrunches his face in disapproval, making him appear even cuter than before. “I’m about to bury my face in your cunt and you’re calling me cute?” He says in disbelief. “Well, you are…” You simply shrug your shoulders with smirk on your face. “Shut up and get your pants off.” He says somewhat playfully before pulling his own shirt over his head. Your eyes land on his tan skin and his pretty collarbones.. You’re sure your drooling now at how good he looks above you shirtless and dark eyed with his pretty blue locks cascading over his forehead… 
He looks un-fucking-real… 
You begin unbutton your jeans but apparently you weren’t moving fast enough for Tae’s liking which seems to be a recurring theme whenever you’re about to get it on with one or more of your boyfriends… Taehyung impatiently moves your hands out of the way to unbutton your jeans himself so instead you work on your sports bra which actually doesn’t require much work at all… It isn’t the cutest one you own but it does have a zipper down the front which makes the removal process much easier and for that, you are thankful. You unzip the bra and slide it off your shoulders before dropping it on the floor beside the couch. You can’t stop your hands from caressing the tops of your breast then running your palms over your hard nipples. Tae’s hands would feel better but, he’s busy pulling your pants down past your hips. You lift yourself off the couch to help him get them off you. When they’re off completely, he takes the clothing and tosses them somewhere behind him. “Jesus,” He says as his eyes meet the large damp spot on your navy blue panties… “You were this wet the whole time?” He asks, looking up at you and you nod in response.
“Please take care of it Tae…” You plead… Now that he’s brought it up, the wet, stickiness between your legs is starting to get uncomfortable and since he’s the cause of it, it’s only right that he fixes it. “I’d love to.” He tells you before leaning down to press kisses on your stomach, right above the waistband of your panties. You bite your lip and look down at him, both your heart and your pussy are throbbing in anticipation for what is about to happen. 
Taehyung takes a chance and peaks up at your through his lashes… You are a sight to behold, laying here, so prettily and patiently waiting for him to make his next move… He thinks it’d be so easy to tease you and make you whine underneath him but he’s not a selfish lover and he desperately wants to repay you for the nut you made him bust not too long ago. He kisses the damp spot on your panties before looping his fingers in the sides of them. He pulls them down slowly and as your pretty cunt comes into view, he licks his lips. He can’t wait to taste you. “Hurry.” Your voice is soft and very desperate. “Sorry Darling, I just was admiring you…” He confesses and your face heats up right away.
Oh god, this man is going to be the death of me.
He pulls your panties off the rest of the way and tosses them in the same way he did your jeans, he then begins placing kisses one by one on each of your thighs… He takes his time, stopping every so often to suckle on your smooth skin… It feels amazing but you are loosing your patience. You whine out his name and he chuckles… After he just told himself, he wouldn’t tease… He can’t help it though, he just love to take his time with you. 
Tae positions himself more comfortably between your legs, hooking his arms under your thighs and spreading you open wider. He starts by licking a stripe from the bottom of your core to the top, just to get a taste. The tip of his tongue hits against your clit and you sigh at the feeling. Taehyung groans in delight when the taste of you glide across his tongue, igniting a fire in him to taste more. He flattens his tongue over your folds, licking his way back down before pushing the wet muscle between them. Your breathing is already starting to become rugged, the small pants leaving your lips are enough to boost Tae’s ego and he’s only just getting started. 
Gripping your thighs tighter to bring you even closer to his mouth, he begins lapping his tongue between your wet lips and your mouth falls open at his ministration. The back of your head gently hits the arm rest of the couch when Tae’s tongue hits your clit for a second time, this time he lets it stay there, rolling it over your harden bud slowly just before he sucks it into his mouth. “F-fucking hell..” You nearly screech out. His lips are locked around your clit and you can feel his jaw rubbing against your folds while his nose is pressed to the skin at the top of your cunt. You glance down to find his gaze is already on you. For a brief minute, you are able to see that his eyes are glossed over with lust before the flutter closed in pure bliss. 
The fact that he loves eating you out just as much as you love getting eaten out is just…. *chef kisses* 
You push your hands in his hair and grip from the roots, he grunts causing a small wave of pleasure to vibrate over your clit. “F-fuck!” You moan out, arching your back. Taehyung sneakily removes a hand from under your thigh, bringing it up to your wet pussy. He swiftly slides a finger in without warning, causing you to yelp and arch your back, “Oh my god…” You say breathlessly. He begins pumping his finger in and out of you slowly, his mouth never wavering. He sucks on your sensitive bud like it’s his favorite candy. 
Taehyung adds a second finger to your dripping heat and you clench tightly around them. He groans louder around your clit at the thought of you clenching around his cock instead. He knows he’d fit snuggly inside you and he can’t wait to feel your warmth and wetness engulf him but for now, he wants you to cum on his tongue. You taste so sweet and you’re so wet for him that he might just end up staying down between you thighs forever. “So sweet.” He mumbles exactly what he’s was thinking, over your clit. He then uses his tongue again, twisting the muscle in a circular motion around your clit while he steadily pumps his fingers in and out of you. You grab hold of your breast and pinch your nipples between the tips of your fingers to increase your pleasure. 
Your body is on fire… You can fill that familiar coil in your stomach starting to turn and he can sense it too… Almost as if he’s is in tune with your body… Not to mention the way you keep pulsating around his fingers. “Your close..” Tae mumbles, only loud enough for himself to hear. “C’mon Darling.” He mumbles again, in the same tone as he takes his mouth off your clit… 
You can hear him talking but it’s almost like you’re under water… The pleasure is deliciously overwhelming and all you can think about it cumming hard all over his mouth and fingers… You’re so close to that sweet release, it’s unbelievable… 
Now that his mouth is off your clit, Taehyung can focus on the look on your face. “Beautiful.” He, once again, mumbles to himself. 
He’ll never get tired of seeing you like this. Never, ever. 
He blows air over your aching bundle of nerves while he watches you become a quivering mess right before his eyes. 
The moment when he decides to curl his fingers up inside you, moving them back and forth as the tips of his fingers graze across that spot, is all it takes to send you into a frenzy. “Jesus, right t-there! P-please don’t stop!” You exclaim. He pops his head up further, the entire area around his mouth and his chin are g l i s t e n i n g with your juices. “Right here?” He asks, grazing his fingers over the same spot again. The way his words fall off of his lips combined with how he’s looking at you should be fucking illegal. “Yes, yes, yes!” You squeal as you orgasm begins blazing a trail through you body. “Oh fuck,” Tae groans, as he feels your fluids run down his palm… In an instant his mouth is back on your clit. He sucks your clit, mercilessly and the overstimulation causes tears to pool in the corner of you eyes. You try to push his head away from your aching cunt but he won’t budge. 
“Ah-h T-Tae wait, p-please.” You beg him. 
“I-I c-can’t!” You blurt out and he finally releases you from his mouth but his fingers stay in you just a little longer, pumping you as you come down from your high.
The wet sound of Tae pulling is fingers out of your cunt is sensitive to your ears. He licks his fingers clean the leans forward to kiss you and you’re able to taste yourself on his tongue, which causes another moan to escape you. “Do you think… You can take my cock right now Darling?” He asks in between sloppy kisses. “I need to be inside you.” He admits and all you can give him is a nod of your head. “Are you sure?” He questions. He doesn’t want to pressure you or make you feel like you have to do anything you’re not up for… He just really wants to feel you wrapped around him. 
“Yes.” Your voice is hoarse and barely audible but he hears you... 
Taehyung kisses you once more the leans up, you can make out the imprint of his hard member through his sweatpants, you can also see a few dry patches of cum from earlier and your mouth salivates for the hundredth time tonight.
When the blue haired boy above you pushes his sweatpants and boxers down in one go, his dick springs free and your eyes light up when you see the glossy, pink tip… 
Just as you remembered, it is gorgeous… He is gorgeous. 
You don’t get enough time to admire it because he is positioning himself between your legs again. “Ready?” He asks you sweetly and respond by leaning up to place your lips on his again. “Give it to me.” You encourage him and that’s all he needs to hear before slowly pushing himself inside you… No foreplay, no teasing… Just straight to the point. The both of you gasps into each others mouths when your warm walls engulf his thick cock for the first time in a while…
“Jesus…” He calls out and you fall back on to the couch, not having the energy to hold yourself up anymore. He begins with slow strokes, like he usually does. He leans down to meet your mouth again, repeatedly kissing you. “I love you.” He confesses and your heart does backflips, like it always does when they say those three words to you. 
“I love you.” You say back to him whilst his hips start to pick up the pace. His mouths falls on to your chest, peppering kisses on the valley between your breast before it comes to hover over one of your nipples. He pokes his tongue out and flicks it over your nip and you moan his name loudly as your eyes flutter closed. 
Tae pulls out of you, leaving just the head of his cock inside your warm, wet center. He mouth comes down and closes around your harden nipple… He doesn’t hesitate to suck it into his mouth right before he pushes back into you. “F-fuck.” You shout as your hands tangle in his hair yet again. He begins stroking into you at rapid speed… 
Your moans must’ve set him off… 
It’s almost like a flip was switched…
The way he’s ponding into you now is total contrast to how soft and gentle he was being earlier… Not that you’re complaining. “T-Taehyung!” You scream and he finally lifts his mouth from off your nipple, making sure to release it with a pop. He leans up and you’re able to see the beads of sweat rolling down his golden skin. He grabs hold of your legs, wrapping them securely around his waist.
“Scream my name again Darling.” He commands as he grabs onto your hips for support. “Taehyung!!” You scream again when he hits a particularly sweet spot inside of you. “You’re so good to me baby! I love your cock so much.” You praise him and he smirks… The man thrives off of your praises.
Tae bucks his hips faster, you lift your own up to meet his thrusts. Your skins slapping against each other mixed with your heavy panting is one of the prettiest sounds you’ve heard and you don’t want it to end but you don’t think that you’ll last much longer… And from the way that Tae’s head is thrown back, how his grip on you is getting a lot tighter, and the way his adam’s apple bobs in his throat, you know he’s close too. 
“Are you gonna cum with me Darling?” His voice is raw and he sounds so fucked out that it makes your pussy lips quiver… 
“Y-yes, yes I-I’m so close baby.”
“Argh! M-Me too,”
“Give it to me Tae, please..”
You hear him mumble another curse word under his breath and his thrust begin to stagger a bit before his releases his load into you… It takes you a little longer to reach your second orgasm but Tae doesn’t stop fucking you until you do, even with exhaustion starting to settle into his bones, he rubs your clit and continues stroking his dick inside you until you cum all over him…
Soon after your release, Taehyung collapses on top of you, trying his hardest to catch a breath. His eyes fall shut as he rests his head on your shoulder while you lazily run your hands through his damp hair. It’s quiet between the two of for quite a while… You’re both in post-amazing-sex bliss and are just enjoying being in each other embrace. 
You think that Tae has fallen asleep because his body is limp on yours, he’s resting most of his weight on you and his breathing is steady but then you hear his slightly muffled voice say:
“So we’ll see you Friday night then?” 
You toss your head back and burst into fits of giggles.
“This guy…” You mumble to yourself, whilst shaking your head with the fondest smile on your face. 
What am I going to do with you Mr. Kim Taehyung? 
. *     ✦ .  ⁺   . * ⁺ ⁺
F R I D A Y    N I G H T
You arrive at the boys dorm at eight o’clock on the dot, like you were told. Stepping up to the front door, you quickly type your code into the keypad, the door beeps and you twist the knob and push it open before stepping inside. All the lights in the dorm were off, expect for the one in kitchen which casted a dim light into the rest of the open space. It seems like no one is home but that couldn’t be the case... Surely Tae wouldn’t have invited you to an empty dorm and furthermore, you texted him less than twenty-five minutes ago to let him know you were on your way so he had to be home.
“Where is everyone?” You mumbled aloud to yourself. 
Just as you pull your phone out to give Taehyung a call, you are startled by the sound of the toilet flushing. You whip your body around to face the bathroom door. You then hear the sink running. “Taehyung?” You call out but there is no answer. The sink is still running as you walk closer to the door. “Hello?” You call out again, a little louder and closer this time when suddenly the sink turns off and the door is being swung open. You are greeted by a pair of sparkly, yet startled brown eyes. “Oh!” Tae says placing his hand over his heart in shock. “Shit, you scared me.” He says, sounding like someone has knocked the wind out of him. You smirk, doing your best to hold your laughter in.
“I was calling your name...” You informed him.
“I’m sorry Darling,” Taehyung steps up to you and wraps his arms around your waist before pulling you into him. You place your hands on his chest to stable yourself. Your faces are inches apart, much like they were two days prior. “Hello beautiful.” He says sweetly. You feel heat rise to your cheeks at the compliment he gives. 
Will you ever get used to all the compliments and affection these men throw at you? Probably not. 
With the sudden urge to kiss the man in front of you. You lean in to close the gap between the two of you, pressing your lips to his. He instantly melts into you.  With his arms securely wrapped around your waist, he pulls you closer. 
The kiss begins to heat up. His hands begin roaming your body, slipping from around your waist to lay them on the small of your back. His lips are so soft today and you find it incredibly hard to pull away from him but you do before things go any further.
You reluctantly pull your lips away from Tae’s and he eagerly chases after you, always wanting more. 
“Slow down tiger,” You say jokingly as you put your hands on his chest to prevent him from getting another kiss out of you.
“I’ve missed you.” He confesses and you can’t wipe the stupid grin off your face… “Tae, we literally saw each other two days ago.” You remind him and he scoffs. “Why can’t you just say it back… You’re turning into Hyung.” He tells you, his tone bitter. You laugh, instantly knowing exactly which Hyung he’s talking about. “Leave Yoongs out of this.” You say, poking his chest playfully. “Speaking of Yoongs…. Where is he?” You say, looking around at what seems to be an empty dorm. “Where is everyone and why is it so quiet in here?” You ask curiously.
Upon hearing your questions, a mischievous smirk graces face. 
“What?” You ask, suddenly suspicious. 
“Come, I wanna show you something.” Tae removes his arms from around your waist to grab hold of your hand. 
“Show me what?”
“It’s a surprise.”
Hearing those three words cause a irritable groan to escape your lips. You hate surprises, really hate them…
You start to have flashbacks of the amount of times you’ve voiced your distaste for surprises and it had to be over twenty… Taehyung should know better. “Tae, did you forget that I don’t like surprises...” You remind him. “C’mon, stop being difficult,” He begins tugging you towards the front door but you are resisting. “And close your eyes.” He instructs you. “Oh God, no.” You pout, stomping your foot like a child. “I don’t wanna go.” You whine. 
“Hey, stopping being a brat.” He says, sounding somewhat annoyed with you… “Just close your eyes.” He adds. ”You close your eyes...” You mumble under breath… Tae hears you and laugh at your immature comeback. 
“If I close my eyes we’re both screwed, don’t you trust me?”
“With my life.”
“Okay then, close your eyes. I’m not leading you into danger... I promise.”
You scrunch your face up in discomfort… “That doesn’t make me feel any better flex but okay.” Your remark once again causes more laughter to erupt from Tae. “What am I gonna do with you?” He mumbles more to himself but you still hear him, you’re too worried about where he’s taking you to comment.
After a few seconds of hesitating, you finally close your eyes. “Ready?” You can feel Tae looking at you so you nod your head in response. “No peaking.” He warns you as he start moving again with your hand locked in his. Your free hand moves around in front of you… You use it to prevent yourself from running into anything. As you start to follow Tae further into the unknown, holding on to him for dare life, you take a chance and pry your left eye open. Just as you do, he turn around to check on you. “Hey!” He exclaims and you close your eye just as quickly as you opened it but it’s too late… You’ve already been caught. 
“I said no peaking.”
“I didn’t see anything and we’ve barely moved an inch,”
Tae sighs before letting go of your hand. “Wait here.” He says, before jogging down the hallway. “Where are you going?” You call after him and get no response in return. You roll eyes and wait, anxiously shifting side to side.
It takes him all of five minutes to finally make his way back down the hall to you. You raise a curious brow at him when you realize there is something in his hand. He holds the item up, letting you get a better look at it. “A tie?” You question, looking at the funky patterned accessory dangling from his hand. “I couldn’t find a mask or scarf… This will have to do.” Taehyung walks around you. “What are you doing?” You ask frantically. “Blind folding you idiot, since you can’t follow instructions.” He says nonchalantly. “Hey!” You turn around to hit his chest and he huffs out a breathy laugh at the contact. “I was kidding!” He tells you, before lifting the tie up to place it over your head then in front of your face. “Turn around.” He instructs you and you sigh before obeying his request. You decide not to argue with him anymore… The quicker you put the blind fold on, the quicker you’ll be able to get it off… Hopefully.
Tae securely ties the fabric over your eyes, making sure the large part isn’t covering your nose. “Are you okay?” He asks after stepping to the front of you and you know. “I guess..” You shrug and you can hear him chuckle. “Can you see me?” He questions. You can’t see him but you can feel him moving around in front of you, probably dancing or making weird faces. 
“No Tae… Can we hurry up and do this… I wanna take this off.”
“Ok, ok.” 
Taehyung finally grabs your hand and starts moving. You decided to grab onto the length of his arm, rather than just his hand. The closer you are to him, the safer you feel… And also if he decides to try and throw you down into a ditch, you’ll be able to pull him down with you with how tightly your holding on to him. 
You hear the sound of the front door being unlocked. “We’re going out?” You ask, nervously. “Yes Darling, but not far.” He assures you and your nerves calm down just bit. You know you’ve stepped out of the apartment when the cooler air of the hallway hits your skin. You hear the door of the dorm shut behind you and the beep of the keypad, indicating that it is locked. “Come.” Tae’s deep voice is comforting as he continues to guide you to your destination. You walk for a short period of time before briefly stopping so that Tae can open, what sounds like, another door. “We’re going up the stairs now.” He warns you. His voice is echoing in space you’re in and you body get goose bumps, not only from the chill in the air but also when you think of all the horrible scenarios that could happen while you’re blind folded. 
“Y/n?” Tae pulls you out of your own head. 
“Hm?” You respond shakily and he laughs. “Why are you being so dramatic?” He questions in amusement. “I’m not.” You protest and you can’t see him but you feel like he might’ve just shook his head at you. “You’ve gotta step up, okay? The first step is right in front of you.” He explains to you and you awkwardly lift your leg up and forward just a bit before putting it back down on the step.
With Tae’s help, you are able to make it up three flights of stairs. You’re tired and out of breath by the end of it. “I’m not in the right shape for this.” You complain and Taehyung chuckles. “You’re shape is perfect.” He says sweetly, the heat that rushes to your cheeks is evident but if Tae noticed, he doesn’t say anything. 
“Are we here?”
“Can I take the blind fold off?”
“Not yet.”
You can feel Taehyung shifting around you for a bit, then you hear another door being open and another b rush of cool air slaps you in the face… “Ooo.” You say wrapping your arms around yourself. It’s not freezing cold but it’s the start of September and the weather is starting to change from summer to fall so it’s a little chilly. 
Taehyung puts his hands on your shoulders and nudges you throw the door way. The rest of you boyfriends are watching you amusingly as you put your hands in front of you in attempt to feel out your surroundings.
Jungkook is trying his hardest not to laugh out loud at how ridiculous you look flailing your arms about. Yoongi takes a little break from grilling the meat in front of him to glance at you and a fond smile graces his face when he does. 
“Is someone cooking beef?” You say out loud. Jimin and Namjoon’s eyes widen when pick up on the smell so easily. “It smells like a barbecue.” You admit and you can hear what you thought was muffled laughing in the distance but you’re not sure… You know it isn’t Taehyung because he’s right beside you. “Ok, I’m gonna take the blind fold off but you’ve gotta keep your eyes closed until I say…” He says. “Okay.” You respond, happy to just be able to get the fabric from over your eyes. 
Tae stands behind you and begins untying the blind fold. He is looking at his members with a knowing smirk as he does so. “Keep your eyes closed.” He says, as the blind fold falls from over you eyes. 
“Okay, ready?” Tae questions and you nod your head. “Open your eyes,” He whispers in your ear and you do immediately 
“Oh my god.” You gasps, placing your hand over your mouth in awe. 
“Surprise!” All seven of your boyfriends shout in unison. Before you know it, your eyes are beginning to pool with tears. 
The sight in front of you isn’t what you were expecting.
You are on the rooftop of the boys dorms, it is completely decked out with fairy lights and streamers. There’s a wooden bench off to the side with an array of foods displayed. There a cute little tent made of sheets and filled with what looks like the softest and fluffiest pillows and blankets, right across from a huge portable projection screen. 
There is a Disney movie already cue up… You’re not sure which on it is but, the blue screen with the infamous white castle is ever present.  
“Are you crying?” Taehyung suddenly asks, as he leans down to match your height so he can get a better look at your face. “No..” You lie, trying to subtly wipe away yours tears. “Aw~ My baby,” Jimin coos before he jogs over to you. He wraps his arms around you, engulfing you in a big bear hug and you sniffle, before hugging him back. “Please, don’t cry Princess... Our hearts will break if you cry.” Jin pouts as he shuffles over to both you and Jimin, wrapping his arms around the both of you for a mini group hug. “Me too!” Jungkook shouts as he runs over to the three of you. He tries his best to wrap his arms around all of you, snuggling close to Jin first and resting his head on the older male’s back. 
“I-I c-can’t believe y-you guys did t-this…” You’re a stuttering mess and it doesn’t help that your words come out extremely muffled because of all the bodies smothering your own. Jimin laughs because he isn’t able to hear exactly what you said but the shakiness of your voice is adorable. “What was that Baby?” He asks, moving back a little to give you room to speak but his arms are still securely around you. 
“Ok, I don’t think she can breathe… You all have to give her room.” Namjoon is amused at the display of affection in front of him. Jimin, Jungkook and Jin back away from you, giving you breathing space and when you finally look up to greet them, your eyes are puffy and red and your nose is slightly snotty. “Aww.” You can hear Hoseok say from across the room. He had been busy fixing one of the fairy lights and hadn’t gotten a chance to see you properly. Now, here you are, a snotty nose mess in front of him and all it makes him want to do is hold you close in his arms until you’re done crying.
“I can’t believe you guys did this…” You repeat yourself, this time a little more clearly. “We felt really bad about missing movie night,” Taehyung, who has now made himself comfortable in the pile of pillows and blankets at the side of you, confesses. “But I told you it was okay.” You say, voice still trembling. 
“Yes, we know thats what you said…” Hoseok starts. “But it wasn’t how you felt.” He adds.
“Yeah, we’re really sorry Princess.” Jin chimes in. “We know you were really looking forward to that night and we hate that we disappointed you by missing it.” He continues. You smile and grab his hand. You can see the guilt in his eyes, but you don’t want him to feel that way. “But all of this?” You say, looking around. “Not that I don’t love all of this but, isn’t it too much?” You ask shyly and by ‘too much’, you mean ‘too much for little ole you’… 
“It’s not enough!” Jimin exclaims and the rest of the boys chuckle. “This was all Jimin and Taehyung’s idea.” Namjoon admits. “Yeah and you know they don’t do anything half assed.” Yoongi adds as he takes the last few pieces off meat off grill to put them on a plate. You nod your head in agreement. “Thank you guys for this… It’s perfect.” You say truthfully. You’re sure the boys can hear in your words, how moved you are. Your chest feels like it could explode at any minute. “Anything for you Angel.” Hoseok is staring at you like you’re his whole world and it only makes your heart flutter more. “Let’s eat kids before the food gets cold… Then we can watch the movie.” Yoongi suggests as he takes a seat on the bench. The rest of you follow suit, gathering at the table. “What movie is it?” You ask after sitting down in between Namjoon and Jin. “Astro cats or something like that…” Yoongi shrugs his shoulder and you laugh knowingly. “Its Aristocats and excellent choice.” You tell him excitedly before digging into the food like the rest of the boys.
This is way better than the movie night you had planned and you can’t believe the lengths these men will go to make sure you’re okay. You almost feel like you don’t deserve it but you would never say that thought out loud as you know they’d scold you for even thinking it.
Just like always, you are feeling extremely blessed to be loved by such caring and considerate men and you are convinced that you are indeed, the luckiest woman in the world to have all seven of them by your side. 
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chemicalpink · 5 years
BTS reaction to: finding out you used to dance ballet
Pairing: reader x BTS + reader x Platonic!BTS at the end
Warnings: none
Genre: fluff + crack 
A/N: I am having trouble writing bc *sigh* life BUT here’s something new I’m trying out. There is a platonic OT7 at the end so yeah... thanks for reading I hope you like it!
Masterlist ♡ Requests
Kim Seokjin ♡
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“Jin, baby, you’re not supposed to let your arm fall down during the turn,” you said with a light chuckle as your boyfriend tried to rehearse his part to the new Black Swan choreography, you’ve seen him and the rest of the members practice a lot but their usual dancing style was foreign to you, not this time though.
“Oh smart pants, are we?” he laughed as he readjusted his position and you made your way to where he was standing, holding his arm up while he turned
“If you maintain your arm stretched up, you’ll have more balance, trust me”
He looked at you puzzled and you sighed smiling fondly at the memories of all the years dancing was your life passion 
“I used to be a ballet dancer, Jin, just listen to me okay?” you positioned yourself to make the turn the way he was supposed to and he couldn’t help but keep staring at you. He just couldn’t believe you had never told him that you used to dance ballet.
Min Yoongi ♡
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Kids were running around the Min’s house for Yoongi’s mother birthday, and while you were amazed at them, Yoongi just held his soju tighter as one of his nieces made her way to him dressed in a pink tutu.
“Look uncle Yoongi! I’ll be a ballerina when I grow up!” her eyes shining as she showed off her messily tied ballet shoes
“Ah… that’s nice, kid” you turned to look at him in disbelief and you lightly swatted his forearm for being so cold
“Yoongi! be nice to her” he couldn’t help but smile as you crouched down to fix her shoes and before he could notice, the little girl had your hand in hers and asked you to dance with her.
The sight was lovely, up until you landed a perfect triple pirouette in the middle of his parent’s living room, your body not faltering once and all the kids cheering at you asking you to do more, and boy did you delivered… once, twice… five consecutive turns and a perfect landing had him placing his hand over his mouth and his eyes expanding in disbelief, why had you never mentioned you were able to dance ballet?
Jung Hoseok ♡
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Hoseok had always liked to be the first one to arrive at the studio when they had a new choreographer coming and this was no exception, dragging you along to come with him, you planning to just chill while the boys practised, but that all changed when the choreographer’s voice resonated in the room, making you look up
“Chong Sun? Oh my god I haven’t seen you in forever!” you went to hug him as your boyfriend tried to comprehend what was going on 
“You two know each other?” he asked, a tone of jealousy in his voice
“We used to study together baby”
“May I just say- I don’t know what you need me for when your girlfriend can do the best grand jeté the world has ever seen” Hoseok just smirked at that, obviously taken aback that you had never told him you used to be a ballet dancer but even prouder that the man standing before him knew that you were his.
Kim Namjoon ♡
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“Thanks again for helping me clean up, Joon” you said to your boyfriend as he carried some dusted boxes to your living room
“No problem babe, I’m glad I can help” he smiled his dimpled smile towards you as he sat on the floor  ready to discard things from the boxes, you making your way to your bedroom to clean your wardrobe until you heard a shriek from where Namjoon was that made you run towards him
“Wh-what is it?!!” 
“Y/N you never told me you were a ballet dancer!” he said in disbelief as he turned your way with a photo of yours in his hand
“Oh yeah… I was just a kid back then” you smiled fondly at the photo and tried to store it once again but Namjoon snatched the photo from your hand
“I’m keeping this”
Park Jimin ♡
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Jimin was no stranger to classical dance, him being a former contemporary dancer himself. One evening as he was lazing around your apartment he found a photo book that was way too familiar for him.
“Y/N?” you turned towards him handling the small black yearbook in his hands and almost giggled “Why do you have my high school yearbook?” 
“Because…” you trailed off as you took it from him, opening it to show your high school self in one of the photos “It’s mine”
“WHAT NO WAY! Y/N! YOU’RE THAT Y/N?!” he couldn’t believe his eyes as he searched for his own picture a few pages away from yours only to notice that, in fact, you were both in the same high school, just different classes “I had the biggest crush on you back then, how could I never notice?”
“It’s just that I don’t walk around in a high bun and pink tights anymore”
“Well you should,” he said playfully smacking your butt and laughing, still dumbfounded as to why he was just hearing about this.
Kim Taehyung ♡
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With comeback season right behind the corner, BigHit’s studios were filled to a top so the boys had to schedule a room in a dancing academy downtown for after-hours practice, you right by their side as their moral support. A few minutes into their practice, a lady came rushing in almost breathless
“By any chance, any of you can volunteer to give a ballet class to third graders? One of my teachers is sick and-” the boys looked puzzled and you immediately pushed yourself from the floor, ready to take the challenge, even after some years of not dancing.
“I’ll do it”
“Y/N? Third grade is no easy stuff, you know” Taehyung said– as if he knew a thing about ballet
“Third grade you said?” the lady nodded excitedly, “I think I recall the classes, don’t worry about me, you guys keep practising” Tae’s jaw dropped open, he had never heard before that you used to attend ballet classes.
You followed the lady, whom you guessed was the director and completely aced the class, not missing the way Taehyung kept missing his practice to go steal glances at your movements through the door window, completely in awe.
Jeon Jungkook ♡
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You never actually quit being a dancer even after finishing high school and not entering a company, so when one of the boys’ dance studio was empty and had the door unlocked you couldn’t hold your excitement as your body started remembering all those times you spent in a studio similar to this one. Putting your phone on shuffle and stretching, the dance of the sugarplum fairy came up and as you closed your eyes it was like your feet had a mind of their own, hitting each step perfectly, ending the song in a perfectly executed courtesy, opening your eyes to an over-excited round of applause from your boyfriend.“Jagi that was- wow I have no words” he came rushing to you, peppering kisses all over your face as you grew embarrassed “It had been a very long time,” you said looking down, suddenly missing the way you were able to dance to the perfect beat.“ You were amazing” he kissed your lips softly “If you teach me, we could dance a duet”“It’s called a pas de deux, Kook” you laughed as he prepared himself to start learning from you.
OT7 Platonic ♡
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Bangtan was once again starring on weekly idol, and although they had been in the show before, nothing could have prepared them for what the MCs had in stock for them.
“Okay this is an easy one,” Hyeong-don said as he read from his cards “There’s this one person in your staff that is able to do-wow is this true?” he looked at the producer for confirmation “75 one leg turns in a go, they’re a friend of yours so please guess”
The boys just looked at each other in disbelief, to which Defconn decided to give them a hint 
“They used to be a soloist on Korea’s National Ballet Company” the time announcing that they would receive a punishment was over and you were rushed from backstage to the set, becoming flustered, and the boys’ jaws dropping, from all people they would have never guessed it was you.
“So is it true?” Hyeong-Don asked
“75? yeah, it- it was my personal record” you laughed as the MCs asked you for a demonstration; a few seconds and 80 turns after, ARMY was sure to be fed with amazing meme GIFs from the boys’ reactions to your pirouettes.
88 notes · View notes
gwoongi · 5 years
acts of love
bts / reader, all members / reader genre: best friends au, fluff + crack rating: general words: 9.6k warnings: platonic relationships, smoking, so much fluff you might need to book an appointment with ur dentist for tomorrow morning ASAP a/n: if u want 2 be bts’ best friend, raise ur hand *thousands of hands raise*. this fic fuels my genuine need to be their bff. i saw this post last night + wrote this immediately. hope u love it like i do :D 
➸ As long as you’ve got a good group of friends, anything is possible. Thankfully, you’ve got the best group you could ever ask for.
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(01) taking pics of ur friends without them asking u to bc they looked so pretty in that exact moment
“Well, at least the views not so bad. Honestly, I thought it would be a lot worse.”
Beside you, at the top of the bleachers that surround the large football pitch below, Taehyung huffs and kicks his feet up onto the empty row in front of him. It would be easy to just move rows, considering the game’s due to start in ten minutes time, and there’s plenty of empty seats closer. But, he’s bought these seats, and by the looks of things, Yoongi and Hoseok are already comfortable where they are, sharing a big bag of sticky popcorn between them. Casting a look to the right, you notice that Sana and Seunghee are making their way up, dressed in jerseys and caps, and you suddenly feel very out of place.
“Tell me why I came again?” you ask, not looking away from the pitch below. The grass is bright green, and every wandering body down on the pitch is just a small speck.
“Because,” Taehyung starts, unlocking his phone and checking his messages. You snoop- one missed text from Jeongguk and two off his Mom, which makes you smile. Taehyung’s always been a Mommy’s boy. “You love me, and you know that I worked my ass off for two whole months saving up for these tickets. And, since Jimin’s sick and couldn’t come, you decided to be a good friend and take his place.”
With a frown, you look back towards Taehyung. “I don’t know shit about football.”
“Cheer when we do,” Taehyung suggests honestly.
Yoongi perks up, patting your arm roughly. “Do what I do, and cheer for the team with the prettier uniform.”
“Don’t!” Taehyung hisses, grabbing you back. “The other team have a prettier uniform, but if you cheer for them on this side of the stadium, you’re going to get mobbed. Hey, Yoongi, don’t tell her that, she doesn’t know any better.”
“Just football,” Yoongi shrugs.
“Just football…” Taehyung scoffs and shrinks back down in his seat.
You laugh quietly, petting Taehyung’s leg with faux sympathy. As you move your body to glance around the stadium, strangely anticipating the start of the match, a flash out the corner of your eye makes you look over in Hoseok’s general direction. Hoseok holds his phone up, taking a photo, and then smiles as he checks it on the screen.
“Jung Hoseok, delete it now!” you gape, realising what he’s done. “Oh my God, I bet I look so ugly...you could have warned me.”
“Sorry,” he laughs sheepishly. He then shows you the screen, “you looked pretty! And it’s your first live match ever, we had to document it. Yoongi, look. Wow...I’m sending this to Jimin for proof that you’re having fun.”
“What if I’m not having fun?” you ask.
He glances up, “you are.”
Well. If he says so.
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(02) randomly giving tiny gifts (a comic book that ur friend likes, a heart-shaped piece of paper with a sweet message on it)
“Can anybody here share the exact chemistry behind Elephant Toothpaste?”
Chemistry is the absolute bane of your life. It’s only been a few weeks, and you’re already regretting taking additional classes in it. Technically, it was Jimin’s fault you were here in the first place. If it wasn’t for the fact that Jimin was afraid of enrolling into classes alone and therefore had guilted you into taking advanced chemistry with him, then you wouldn’t be here. You sigh for the fourth time in the last ten minutes and shove your chin into the palm of your hand. The clock above Professor Han’s head seems to be still, taunting you with zero movements.
Can boredom kill you? You wonder about that, letting your mind wander as Professor Han continues to quiz the front two rows on the exact chemical formula of the affectionately named Elephant Toothpaste. You’re so close to finding the answer when you feel somebody poking your upper arm. The finger that pokes belongs to Jimin, and you angle your head to look at him with a questioning glare.
Jimin smiles, his hair falling into his face. Like you, he rolled out of bed this morning and tried his best to look semi-presentable; if you counted borderline pajama wear and a serious case of bed-head to be presentable and acceptable for a 9am lecture. Jimin says nothing, just smiles and pushes something towards you with two fingers. The sound of the paper sliding towards you brings your gaze down, and as you look away to stare at it, Jimin returns his attention to Professor Han. Bare in mind, his notebook is empty, save doodles of Yewon on the front row, occasionally losing focus and staring around the room for long periods of time.
What Jimin has pushed before you is a small little piece of paper, smoothly cut into a heart shape. Now the sound of scissors makes sense… It’s just scrap paper from the back of his notebook, decorated with tiny stars and circles, a pathetic hand drawn galaxy on the front like a book cover. You slowly pick it up, more interested in this than the lecture. You turn it over curiously, your heart thumping endearingly and a smile picking up on your face as you read what he’s written on the back.
you and me have some serious chemistry. love u
Jimin refuses to make eye contact again. He’ll say something along the lines of, “you’re taking it too seriously” when you’ll no doubt ask him about it later, but really, Jimin’s just a softie, with the sudden need to tell his friends that he loves them. You’re not complaining.
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(03) handwritten letters with cute stickers
Something’s been left in your shared kitchen, something with your name on it and closed in an envelope with a small Gudetama sticker. You set your cup of tea to the side, sliding up onto a stool near the breakfast bar to read it. The front is in a bold font, in handwriting you don’t really recognise. Careful of the time and effort put into the appearance, you carefully open the envelope and take out the contents.
Good morning. I hope you slept okay - when I came home last night after judo, you were actually passed out on the couch in the common room so I piggy backed you up to your room. Hehe, your room is so dirty though...I think I definitely tripped over a plug that connected your fairylights, so sorry if that doesn’t work anymore. Anyway. I left this morning and left you some nice tea and some tablets (Yoongi said that I should put them in your bathroom, so I literally just left them on your sink). I know you haven’t been having a fun time with midterms and you need to take care of yourself! If you get too sick and can’t do anything, then how will we eat?? You’re our uni mom!!! We need to live too!!!!! D:
I also rented out Harry Potter for later. I know you get really sad and lonely when you’re stressed out, and so we can watch it together when I’m home after my shift at work :D
Hehe, feel better <3 Just remember that Jeonggukie loves you!!!
Drink tea and stay warm :)
Lots of love, Jeongguk :D
The paper is signed with Jeongguk’s messy handwriting, like he ran out of time as he was writing it. The page is littered with tiny Gudetama stickers and the sight of it makes you smile. Along with other little notes Jeongguk’s left for you over the last few months, this one earns a spot on your cork board above your desk.
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(04) remembering what ur friend likes or dislikes
You were so late.
Almost getting run over by a bus in the process, you sprint across the small road that separates your flat and the University central campus, missing a deep puddle as you step up off the road and onto the pavement. It pours, your hair soaked and makeup no doubt running and staining your cheeks. Holy fuck, you were so late.
Every Friday, without fail, Flat 6 (aka the large and slightly stinky flat you share with two of your best friends) host an annual movie night, inviting literally all of your extended friendship group which definitely is not allowed, but who cares? You noticed Namjoon’s car pulled up in the car park next door and curse again, knowing you’re the last one to arrive to a movie night you’re technically hosting.
You rush up the stairs, since the elevator is still down for maintenance, and burst into the flat with an announcing groan. From somewhere in the living room, Jeongguk looks up with happy surprise and jumps up off the couch, approaching the hall.
“Y/N! You made it.”
You wince, smiling as you hang up your coat to drip dry on the mat near the door. “Yep. I made it. To my own movie night. That I’m technically helping host.”
“No sweat,” Jeongguk shrugs. “It’s okay. Here, I’ll dump your bag in the closet. Get changed, I think Yoongi’s still preparing snacks, anyway.”
“Okay. Thanks, Jeonggukie.”
He gushes, smiling and raising his shoulders cutely. “It’s okay, Y/N.”
Jeongguk swiftly takes your bag from your clutches, faking the weight with the droop of his knees just to hear you laugh, and then he turns to shuffle down the hall to quite literally toss it into the shared storage closet. You’re not too worried; on days like today, in which you have one 1 hour seminar to attend at 5pm and nothing else, there’s nothing inside your bag worthy of being broken by Jeongguk throwing it to the ground. As he does this, you shudder out of your shoes and make your way to your bedroom, to change into something warm and comfortable for the movie.
The sound of laughter makes you hurry to change, one leg out of your damp and cold jeans whilst simultaneously fishing for some old jogging bottoms out of your bottom draw, a jumper from Yoongi that he thought he lost left for you to grab on your bed. What he doesn’t know and will find out in five minutes won’t hurt him. (Yoongi also doesn’t care, because he’s a whipped best friend who lets you do what you want, including steal clothes he actually needs and can’t really afford to replace. Oh well, sharing is caring!).
Your hair is still soaked, and you move towards the single bathroom squeezed between two bedrooms to ring it out in the sink. Once you’re done, and your hair is thrown up into a scrunchie-decorated pony, you pace back towards the kitchen where, rightly so, Yoongi stands with his back facing you, filling up a glass with Pepsi.
“I thought we threw that shit out,” you announce as you walk in. “You know this flat is Team Coca Cola, those are the rules.”
Yoongi sighs, not looking up. “Yeah, I know, but Namjoon is a monster.”
“He’s so annoying...why can’t he just admit that Coca Cola is better?” you sigh, moving towards Yoongi to see the small bowls of snacks he has ready to be taken into the living room. It’s full in there, people stuffed onto the sofas and the floor where a bed of blankets lies like a mattress.
Yoongi’s outdone himself; the bowls are neatly organised by colour and ingredient, and you smile. Yoongi was a lot of things, one of them a secret perfectionist. Even when it concerned bowls of snacks. God, you love to love him.
“Namjoon’s a man of unpopular opinions, I mean, he really thinks the live action of Attack on Titan is good, like, who actually thinks that?” Yoongi rants, and then he glances to the side towards you, is silent for a moment, and then asks, “is that my jumper?”
You look down at it with a smile. “Yep. It’s comfy.”
Yoongi hums, like he’s bored. “Whatever, looks better on you than it did on me. Who the fuck lied to me and told me dark green was my colour...?”
“Every colour is your colour,” you say, patting his back and reaching for the bowls. “Should I take these in?”
Yoongi then nods, humming again. “Yeah. Yellow bowl is for you, by the way.”
You look to it. “And why is that?”
“Cause I know you don’t like the barbeque flavour chips that are in the red bowl, but everyone else does, so I went out and got you the salty ones. Oh, and there’s a bar of Galaxy in the fridge. Don’t tell Jeongguk, cause he’ll get pissy about how I didn’t get him something.”
As Yoongi tells you this, your heart flutters. You had told him that when you first met, after he offered you some of his chips noticing you were the only person not eating.
“You remembered that?” you wonder, and Yoongi looks at you like you’ve lost your mind.
“I’m a good friend,” he states, as though it were obvious. “Don’t get it twisted, though. I only did it because I don’t want to hear you complaining about it all night.”
You’re sure that’s a lie, but if it makes him feel better, you’ll accept it. You’ll also ignore the embarrassed tinge of red on his cheeks.
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(05) inside jokes
[15:16PM] jeongguk: alright fuckers 🔪😡 [15:16PM] jeongguk: who left the kitchen window open all damn night [15:17PM] jeongguk: there’s three spiders in the sink and it rained so the work surface is all wet [15:17PM] jeongguk: [1 Image Attached] not happy bois [15:23PM] jine: i dont even live with you why are you asking the gc this [15:24PM] jeongguk: yoongi has the flat gc muted and idk how else to yell at him [15:28PM] y/n: blame me,,,,i have failed u,,,,,,,im sowwy [15:29PM] jeongguk: hehe its ok ❣️💘💕💓 i’ll clean it up 🥰 [15:32PM] haseul: eye….. [15:39PM] jimin: YALL LMAOODIUGJFKDSLJ [15:39PM] jimin: guess what TF just happened in my maths class [15:41PM] jimin: i forgot that on one of my assignments me and y/n had drawn a camel in the library on the back and he saw and asked me 2 stay behind after class so he could have stern words with me or smthn…..anyway so i go to the front of the class at the end and he’s like “mr park what the hell is this camel doing here” [15:42PM] jimin: and i said sir thats not a camel [15:42PM] jimin: thats my WIFE [15:43PM] y/n: HA HA HA… [15:45PM] yoongi: IF YALL DONT STOP [15:47PM] taehyung: THIS IS THE THIRD TIME YOU’VE MADE THIS REFERENCE AND I DONT KNOW WHAT IT MEANS [15:47PM] taehyung: this inside joke stinks….someone explain to me please what this means 😭😭😭 [15:48PM] hoseok: i hate this damn gc
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(06) long phone calls
[Incoming Facetime Call From: Seokjin 👪]
“Hey. Y/N, are you sitting down because I have some major tea on Professor Kwon and Professor Kim and I’m not supposed to be saying anything and it’s killing me.”
“Oh shit.” Audio shuffles. “I’m lying down now, bitch. Tell me everything.”
“Okay. So…”
[Five Hours Later]
“I’m still in shock about Kwon and Kim.”
“Me too. What’s Kim gonna do, lie and say she had heat rash on her titties?”
“Hopefully she doesn’t get them out for people to see.”
“Literally. God, I hate how our life has resorted to teacher gossip. Are we those students?”
“Yup. Two students bitching about teachers at...like ...midnight?”
“Oh, shit, it’s midnight already??”
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(07) facetiming while ur both doing something else (study dates like that are on another level of intimacy)
Jimin’s had the same cold for about two weeks now, and nobody knows what the hell’s up with it. He walks around his flat, according to Hoseok, wrapped up in a blanket and surrounded by a necklace of matted tissues. To be honest, it’s not as bad as he’s making it out to be, but he’s a guy, and so anything that involves a slight stomach pain and a blocked nose instantly translates to man flu, which is almost as bad as the plague.
That being said, Jimin’s set himself under “house arrest” and is therefore glued to his bed or desk chair, still managing to move his sore and aching joints to write a few words on his lab report. With the first round of finals creeping up, Jimin actually wants to go to the library, but, man, what with his man flu and everything, he just can’t seem to do it.
On the other hand, he has you to set the mood for him. After snagging a corner table in the library near the big windows, you make a barrier out of your bag and books to watch the sunset, Taehyung opposite using minimal space with his laptop and headphones, watching a documentary he’ll need to cite for his essay. Jeongguk naps next to you, having exhausted himself from his shift last night that ran into the early hours and Sana secretly paints her nails, blowing them dry as she takes a break from writing.
Once you’re settled and comfortable, you reluctantly peel away the slice of tape covering your webcam (because Black Mirror has forever scared you into thinking 4Chan are watching you and will hold your endless hours of Games2Girls dot com against you) and open up Facetime, ringing Jimin who waits patiently back home.
After a few rings, Jimin’s bright and tired face pops up on the screen and you both silently wave. Jimin has his mic muted, but yours is on, allowing the ambience of the library trick Jimin into believing he’s actually there. It’s not quite like an ordinary study date, but for now, it’ll do. He opens his textbook and starts to work, comfortable and happy now that he’s listening to his friends discuss work, like he’s there. He smiles, occasionally glancing up to see your face working or Jeongguk unintentionally leaning into frame. It’s comforting. He works well.
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(08) cooking something for ur friend
“Merry Christmas, Tae. Oh, wait, I have something for you.”
Taehyung is hosting a Christmas party this year, in the apartment he shares with some of the girls in your group and Namjoon. His flat is lit up with lights, draining the electricity, the tree sparkling like diamonds in the front living room that looks out onto the Seoul city. The sound of Michael Bublé sings out festively and Taehyung leads you through to the kitchen, out of the loud madness of the party that’s getting into full swing. In one hand, you have a big bag of presents that both Jeongguk and Yoongi kindly left for you to haul all by yourself to Taehyung’s flat, and in the other, you balance a box across your arm, the corner sharp on your inner elbow.
“Cool. Your gift is under the tree,” Taehyung says.
“Oh, yeah. No, this is an early gift.”
“Just for me?” he asks.
You set down the box. “Well, you can share if you love us all a lot. But, it’s for you.”
Taehyung wastes no time in opening the box, a smile widening across his face as he reviews the contents. The box is stuffed full with cookies, baked big and crumbly for his tasty pleasures. They’re decorated too, because you love him so much and you know he liked them last year.
“Last year you ate nearly all of my batch, so I just decided to make you some of your own this year,” you tell him casually. It’s really no big deal, but Taehyung feels like he might actually cry because the thought is so sweet. You notice this, the glassiness of your eyes. “Ew, don’t cry.”
“I’m sorry, I’m touched!” he exclaims. Taehyung turns on his spot and wraps an arm around your neck, pulling you in for a hug. With your arms wrapped around his torso, Taehyung smiles with a thrilled sound and kisses the crown of your head. “Thanks, Y/N, you’re the best.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
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(09) sending texts when u randomly think abt them
[11:15AM] namjoon 👨🏼‍🚀: i stopped by at kyobo’s today and found a cards against humanity add on pack that was harry potter themed and i thought of u lol [11:15AM] namjoon 👨🏼‍🚀: i bought it for u btw 😊
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(10) listening without judging
When the front door slams shut, you know that something’s wrong.
Having opted for sitting in the natural light of the living room to finish your lab report, the sound of the door echoes loudly throughout the empty house. It’s only you home, since Yoongi has volleyball practise until six this evening, which means it’s Jeongguk who’s home and apparently, not in a very good mood.
Jeongguk doesn’t realise you’re in the living room until he enters it, stopping suddenly in the doorway when he sees you cross-legged on the carpet near the coffee table. His eyes are red and swollen, his nose shiny from where he’s been crying and sniffling. The sight makes your stomach churn with an indescribable feeling, and you immediately rise to your feet.
“Jeongguk? What’s wrong- did something happen?” you ask him, not stepping forward until you know he’s okay. 
Jeongguk’s sensitive, the baby of the friendship group, and sometimes you forget to go easy on him. He sighs loudly and drops his backpack to the floor with a thud. His books curl inside loudly and he drags his feet across the floor to get to the couch. He moves as if he’s going to sit down and then stops, turning to you. His bottom lip curls like he’s about to cry, and then he opens his arms for a hug. You immediately move forward.
“Oh, Jeonggukkie,” you coo, stroking his hair and moving to sit on the sofa. Jeongguk comes down with you and you rest his head on top of your breasts, granting him this once in a lifetime opportunity and he doesn’t even register it. He just cries, loudly and comfortably, his arms around you as he sobs. “Oh, my baby. What happened?”
Jeongguk hiccups. “Do-Doesn’t matter. It’s dumb.”
“No, it’s not. Something hurt your feelings, and your feelings aren’t dumb,” you tell him seriously. Stroking the hair out of his face, you peer down at him. “Come on. Tell me, I won’t judge or tell anybody else. You can trust me.”
He sniffs loudly, but you don’t cringe. He blinks, tears falling and he embarrassingly wipes the tears away, nodding. “Okay.” And then the words come out like vomit.
“I just. You know how I liked Sooyoung, right? Well, we were talking- everyone knows we were, but still, we were talking, and I just really liked her and wanted her to like me. I did all this stuff for her, planned all these dates and got her flowers. I thought she liked flowers, girls like flowers. I know we joke that you’re one of the guys, but even you liked those flowers I got for you. So, I got her this pretty necklace with an S on it and was going to give it to her and so I went to her practise room. She does dance, you knew she does dance, right? Yeah. And so I went to the room and was in the room talking to her when the door opens and this guy comes in and he comes up to her and they kiss and I just. She. She told me she didn’t want to rush into dating and that she liked me, and then she suddenly started dating someone else and I’m just really hurt and confused. Did I do something wrong? Am I ugly? Am I annoying, I just...I don’t know what I did. I really liked her.”
You don’t say anything as he talks. You just listen intently, nodding against his head with a low hum and stroking his hair gently.
“I know it’s silly and stupid that I’m crying over a girl, it’s just…” He sighs. “It hurts.”
You sigh, too. “It’s not silly and stupid. What Sooyoung did was really shitty and it’s natural that it hurt your feelings. You did absolutely nothing wrong, though. The flowers were pretty, and you didn’t force her into anything, and you were so kind and patient. Any girl would be lucky enough to have you as a boyfriend. Sooyoung missed out! You’re so good, Jeongguk, one of the best guys I know. And you’re not ugly! That’s an insult to actual ugly people! If you’re ugly, then what are we?” He laughs shyly and you smile, “Huh? What are we?”
“Okay, sorry,” Jeongguk laughs, pressing his cheek into your torso with a wide smile. His hands loop together behind your back, meek and timid, and he sighs, this time less sadly. “Maybe I’m destined to be alone forever…”
“You’re being dramatic, now,” you sigh. “The right person is waiting for you. Just give it some time.”
Jeongguk thinks about that for a moment. “Wanna date me if I end up alone and single aged thirty?”
Loudly, you let out a laugh. “Yeah right. You know what, fine. Even though I know you won’t be, if we’re both single by thirty, I’ll marry you. How about that?”
Jeongguk hums. “Cool. Is it safe to have kids after thirty?”
You let out a wheeze, taken aback by Jeongguk’s question. “Woah there. I said I’d marry you, not birth your children! Besides, you’re acting like thirty is ancient! Lots of women have kids aged thirty.”
“Okay, sorry, I didn’t know! My Mom was only young.”
“I can’t believe you just asked me to have kids with you when we’re thirty…”
“Might as well make our marriage interesting,” Jeongguk shrugs.
You quite literally have nothing to say to that.
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(11) making someone laugh so hard that their whole body shakes
“Ow- stop! I’m going to pee!”
You don’t think you’ve seen Seokjin laugh at a joke that’s not his own in quite some time. Tonight, across the table in the retro diner that’s been converted and opened in town, he has surprised you. The entire booth shakes with laughter, from all sides and directions. Seokjin leans up against the window, clutching his side with Jimin, Mina and Yoongi all stuffed next to him on the skinny one seater. Next to you, on either side, is Hoseok and Taehyung, with Jeongguk and Namjoon at the counter ordering more drinks.
“What?” you ask, laughing. You’re not laughing because it’s funny, but more so because you have no idea what it is you did to make him laugh so hard. “What did I say?”
Seokjin can hardly get his words out, choking halfway on air and having to reach for his drink which shakes in his hand. He sips and gasps for air: “Just-your...face!” Then he cracks up again, like it’s the literal joke of the century. You just don’t get it.
“What did I do?” you ask. “What’s so funny?”
Seokjin can’t breathe.
“Oh my God,” Yoongi comments, smiling with disbelief and covering his mouth as he laughs. Mina’s french fries are stone cold as she laughs and leans into Yoongi’s side for support.
“Fuck. Y/N, you’re so funny, I love you so much,” Seokjin cries. Cries, literally; there are tears pooling out of his eyes, and he wipes them, sighing loudly as he laughs a few more times.
You’re going to take the compliment happily, and move on. To this day, you never found out what was so funny…
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(12) hanging out in furniture stores and testing every couch there is
“Take a picture of me so we can pretend this is our house for Instagram.”
You sigh, taking out your phone and snapping a photo of Taehyung, lounging his legs apart across a lime green sofa that looks like it’s been hauled out of a 70’s magazine. One of the best things about Taehyung is that he’s easy to please, eccentric and adventurous just like you. Taehyung could be taken to a junkyard for a first date and somehow he’d still find it fun. He didn’t watch Bottletop Bill and his best friend Corky and leave not taking some inspiration on what to do with scrap junk.
It slowly became a tradition to go to the weirdest places with Taehyung as your date. On weekends or free weekdays you shared, you’d text Taehyung and get him to come with you to somewhere new. On today’s list, IKEA. It’s not totally crazy, or weird or wacky, just something you don’t think you’d do with Yoongi for fun. Taehyung loved the idea.
Taehyung’s making it a mission to sit on every bit of furniture he can find. As he takes a ride up the elevator to the first and main starting point of IKEA, he immediately notices the display couches and stares at you excitedly: “Let’s pretend we’re about to buy our dream house and test all the couches.”
Your eyes light up. “Yes! We can pretend we’re on a TV show reviewing them.”
You don’t think you’ve ever seen Taehyung more excited. “Oh my God, yes!” Then he grabs your hand, tugging you towards a cream themed living display. “Let’s go, wifey! Time to review.”
(You very nearly leave IKEA with a bright red sofa that looks like it’s been handmade and the bottom pillows are patterned with tiny cherries. Sadly, you’re both broke and you don’t have a car to take it home.)
((Taehyung’s devastated.))
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(13) deep conversations when it's deep in the night
Sometimes, Yoongi stays awake until the early hours in the living room and kitchen. On days where you can’t sleep, you can hear him pacing around, softly grunting as he walks, something he does without really realising and something you love about him. On occasion, you join him. Like tonight, for example.
Yoongi’s curled up on the kitchen counter when you wake up and leave your room to find him. He sits with his back up against the cupboards, the kitchen window open with a cigarette out the window. Catching your gaze wide-eyed, he moves as if he’s going to put the cigarette out but you stop him.
“I told Jeongguk I’d stop,” Yoongi explains. Inside, he’s just grateful you’re not Jeongguk tonight. The cigarette lets off steam. He doesn’t smoke as often as he used to, just when he needs to. Yoongi looks away from the window as you pick yourself up to sit on the cupboards parallel to him. A bottle of wine is out, and you quietly take off the top and take a large swig.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” you tell him honestly. “It’s okay. I won’t tell Jeongguk, too. There’s a new air freshener in the cupboard under the sink. Use that when you’re done.”
Yoongi nods. “Yeah. Thanks, Y/N.”
“Why’d you go back to smoking anyway? Didn’t you tell Jeongguk that you were stopping because you didn’t want to die, or something?” It’s a joke, Yoongi snorts in reply.
“You know how he feels about it. I do too, and I guess I just felt bad about it. It was bad enough for him growing up and at home, and he told me about his brothers asthma attacks because of it and how he almost died, and how his parents smoked religiously and it made them act a certain way.” Yoongi sucks in his breath, like he’s realising what lighting the cigarette means. “It’s not weed. Not what his parents did, but. Still, fuck.” He decides to put it out.
For a while, you don’t say anything to Yoongi. Staring at him is telling enough, and you watch as Yoongi regrets what he’s done so much that he pales, his eyes watering.
“I don’t want to let him down,” Yoongi admits truthfully. “He’s like my little brother. I don’t wanna hurt him, fuck.”
He rocks his head back, sighing into the night. Down below the window, over the small little cliffside that he can see from his window that looks down onto the freeway behind the flat, he watches the lines of traffic whiz by, like long white lights, the honks like ASMR in his ears.
“If you’re going back to bed, can you go in my room and take the rest of my cigs out? Don’t wanna feel tempted by them. Toss them out or something, will you?”
You nod immediately, taking another drink of wine. This gulp stings. “Course. Yeah, I’m gonna go now actually.” You hop down off the counter, handing the bottle and placing it next to Yoongi. “Don’t stay up too late, mkay?”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
You shrug in reply, Yoongi frowns. As you walk towards the doorway that separates the kitchen and the hall, you turn around and look back at Yoongi, calling his name. Yoongi looks over and raises his eyebrows expectantly.
“Love you,” you tell him. A smile follows, and Yoongi blinks tiredly.
“I love you too. Goodnight, Y/N.”
He watches as you disappear into the darkness of the hallway and then faces the nighttime again. The smell of cigarettes lingers, and his stomach churns. Yoongi reaches for the air freshener you mentioned and sprays it generously, sniffing and then turning off the lights to the kitchen. Jeongguk will wake up and complain about the window being open, and might even notice the ash on the windowsill, but, like you, he still loves his big brother regardless.
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(14) holding hands while jaywalking so that u Both get hit by a car
A squeal leaves your mouth as Jeongguk grabs a hold of your hand and literally pulls you across the road. A car that speeds down the road presses the horn loud enough to turn a few heads and Jeongguk grins boyishly, raising his hand as if to say sorry even though you’re far enough away to not get hit. Jeongguk’s motto for jaywalking is We Hold Hands, Because We Go Together Or We Don’t Go Down At All, or something. You know he stole half of it from an All Time Low song, but it works, and the song slaps.
From across the road, on the side you and Jeongguk are running towards, Hoseok gapes at the both of you and his eyes bulge out of his head.
“You two have a death wish!” he yells.
“But we lived, bitch!” Jeongguk replies, raising a gang sign to which Hoseok pulls a face at.
“I literally cannot stand you,” Hoseok seethes, walking away even though he’s supposed to be going out for dinner with the both of you. You and Jeongguk share a look that ends in a burst of giggles and run after Hoseok, capturing each of his arms with your own. He complains all the way to the restaurant, even though he loves it.
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(15) randomly buying a flower for someone
Namjoon’s voice lifts your head. He stands behind the reception desk of your flat complex with a small bunch of flowers in his left hand. If he didn’t already know that you were working your two hour shift today, then he’s lucky he caught you. The sight of a bouquet of wildflowers makes your heart soar curiously.
“For someone special?” you wonder. Maybe he’s delivering to someone in the complex. Namjoon’s a sweetie like that.
Namjoon blinks. “Yeah. You.” He holds the bouquet outwards, with a bright smile. “They were for sale outside as I got off my subway. Thought of you, again. Happy early birthday.”
“My birthday’s in, like, seven months,” you say.
“That’s why it’s for your early birthday,” Namjoon replies.
You don’t know what to say. “They’re so pretty, thank you. Hey - can you go up to my flat and put them in a vase? I’ve still got an hour here, they might dry out if they’re kept down here.”
Namjoon nods instantly. “Sure. Gimme your key?” You slide the key across the desk towards Namjoon and he takes it swiftly. “Cool. Glad you like them. Enjoy your shift, Y/N.”
“Unlikely,” you groan. “Thanks, Joonie!”
He smiles as he reaches the door, sticking his tongue out to you as he prepares to climb the stairs. That elevator needs fixing urgently, and all you can think about is how much you love your friends.
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(16) letting ur friends taste ur food and also tasting theirs to the point where u basically ate a fair amount off of each plate on the table
“What do you mean you’ve never tried a steak before?” Yoongi sighs so loudly that it turns a few heads. “Okay. Take a bite, it’s called charity and I’m generous. Come on.”
Yoongi even cuts you a slice and leans over the table to let you taste it. Beside you, Namjoon cringes when you close your teeth around the fork and pull the steak off, taking several bites and widening your eyes with wonder a Yoongi. You have just unlocked a taste sensation!
“Like it?” Yoongi asks.
“Mhm! It’s so easy to eat,” you observe. You look at Namjoon, “try his.”
Yoongi sighs. He willingly shares his food out. You glance down at your own meal, a pretty pasta dish that Jeongguk looks at from next to Yoongi.
“What is that? It looks good,” Jeongguk asks.
“Spaghetti Al Pomodoro,” you quote from the menu. Jeongguk laughs, because who goes to a restaurant and orders spaghetti? “Stop, I don’t know the menu, I played it safe!”
“Lemme try,” Jeongguk invites himself to try the taste, twirling his fork around the pasta and sucking it up like a scene in Lady and the Tramp. This sets off a sequence around the table, something you can’t help but snigger at. Namjoon lets you try some of his curry and Yoongi tries Jeongguk’s burger. By the time everybody on the table has tried everybody elses meals, you finally look back at your plate and notice that literally half of the meal’s now gone. Yoongi has about one bite of steak left, and Jeongguk could easily finish his burger in one bite.
“I hope everyone enjoyed my meal,” Yoongi says sarcastically, and he angrily chews his last piece of steak.
Namjoon looks up with a bright smile. “Yeah I did. Thanks!”
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(17) "give me that I'll carry it for u"
Sometimes, Hoseok stops by at the reception to help out, especially during finals or midterms when you could really use those two years of monitoring an empty email inbox to study. Today, one of the newer residents, Somi, is on the desk and is playing Club Penguin on the computer, and you’re shoved into the back storage room with Hoseok, filing everybody’s mail and parcels.
It’s so messy in here, and looks like it hasn’t had a good clean out since it was first built, which might sound ridiculous, but have you seen all of this dust?
“Can you guys take out the trash?” One of the other workers, Siwon, pokes his head into the back room.
“You only just asked us to do this, though,” Hoseok points out with his hands on his hips.
Siwon shrugs, “Okay. And? Get to work.”
He turns and leaves as Hoseok gives him the middle finger, groaning as he arches his back to relieve pain that’s developed from being hunched over for too long. The trash bags are enormous and bulky with weight, shoved into a single room that absolutely honks. Hoseok grimaces as he opens the door and drags some bags out, deliberately ignoring a suspicious juice leaving a trail behind one of the ones he’s just brought into the back room.
“That literally stinks,” you complain.
While Hoseok continues to haul bags out of the trash room, you take it upon yourself to drag the bags out to the back, towards the giant tip that’s collected by the bin-men the following day. After two or three trips, Hoseok steps out of the room and notices you struggling to pick a big bag up off the floor over your shoulder, like Santa’s sack.
“Give me that, I’ll carry it for you,” Hoseok offers, already stepping forward.
“No!” you protest stubbornly. “I’ve got this.”
“You’re so full of bullshit,” Hoseok howls. He ignores you and snatches the bag out of your hands. You’ll never admit it, but it feels good to not have the twisty material burning your fingers. “Sit down. You’ve worked hard.”
“Don’t patronise me,” you scold.
He giggles, “sorry. You’re too cute. Keep filling in those forms, kill two birds with one stone?”
You wait until Hoseok’s out of the room to cradle your fingers. Fucking hell, that hurts.
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(18) helping ur friend decide what to wear while also reminding them that they look amazing no matter what
“You’re not going to the Met Gala, Jimin. Just wear jeans, my dude.”
“No. No, no, ignore him.” You throw a glare in Jeongguk’s direction and shift on your stomach, watching Jimin frantically search through his wardrobe. “This is important. This is serious. He’s going to see a potential employer, Jeongguk.”
“Yeah,” Jimin taunts, “so go be jobless and broke somewhere else.”
Jeongguk snorts, “I have a job, though…”
“Okay, get out of my room. Y/N, help me.”
“You looked good in the last four outfits,” you say to him honestly. “What’s wrong with this one, hm?”
You stand up, moving to one of the outfits laid out on the floor. It’s a pretty combination of clothes; a patterned white shirt that’s both formal and casual, with black trousers and brown shoes.
“I don’t like the shoes,” Jimin mumbles, continuing to search.
“Okay...Why don’t we just…” You crouch, moving a pair of black shoes from outfit number three to outfit number two. Now the shoes are black, and the outfit looks great. “Do that? What do you think?”
Jimin looks down at it, biting his bottom lip. “Is it good?”
“Yeah, totally,” you nod with enthusiasm. “It shows your personality whilst also remaining professional. And you looked super handsome in it.” Jimin faces you with a shy smile, “Trust me. It’s the one.”
It takes some reluctance and convincing, but Jimin eventually settles on outfit number two. All it took was some convincing and abuse of his praise kink.
(And he got the job.)
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(19) being involved in every bad hair decision (dyeing ur friend's hair grey in between playing with their switch)
Three games into Mario Kart, you realise that you urgently need to email Nintendo and play I’m-Karen-Let-Me-See-The-Manager. Nintendo Switches are so dangerously addictive that Seokjin has you watching him play as grey hair dye bleaches his scalp. You can’t help but watch as he wins race after race, a streak of ten to beat tonight with King Boo as his racer every damn time.
“Fuck, your hair!” You must have said that so many times that Seokjin’s bound to get sick of it. He glances up at his reflection and eyes the sight on his head.
“Looks fine,” he shrugs.
“Let me remind you that it looks fine because the colour’s okay at the front. It looks kinda...patchy at the back.” You reach for the dye, “We’re low. Seokjin, we’re in trouble.”
He shrugs again. “Whatever. We can make a new trend.”
“Hell no. If it looks shit, I’m paying for you to get it done professionally ...which, you should have just done in the first place. I'm not a hairdresser!”
“And thank fuck for that!” Jimin steps into the living room and laughs nervously. “That looks hideous!”
This time, Seokjin’s eyes raise icily.
“It’s not that bad…” you mutter. “It’s okay. I’ll fix it.”
“The only way to save your hair is to just sacrifice it all,” Jimin sighs. “You know what, I’ve got a razor in my cupboard, let’s bring forward bald Seokjin.”
“I’ll take the patchy scalp,” Seokjin threatens.
“It’s really not that bad,” you pout quietly, attempting to fix the mess at the back of his head.
Okay - you’re lying. It’s awful. It’s a total disaster. But when Seokjin gets a good look at it, and he does take a good long look, he just shrugs and puts down the mirror.
“It’s a trend,” he decides. Mario Kart resumes and you’re rendered absolutely speechless.
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(20) paying attention
When forced into a group of friends outside of your own, you always had a tendency to stand out in the worst ways possible. It’s not as if you stood out for being different, or funny or pretty. No; outside of your close circle of friends, you were the obvious outsider. You stuck out like an imposter, like a red flower amongst white ones.
This get together hosted by one of Jeongguk’s other friends, Joshua, takes place in his crazy expensive lake house in the countryside, owned by his parents and left to him when he turned eighteen. It’s remarkable that you got invited, to be honest. But, when Jeongguk’s your best friend, you get vouched for, granted permission to stay for the weekend in the one of many rooms, with the exception of sharing a room with two other guys. Jeongguk doesn’t mind sharing a bed for the weekend with Jimin, as long as you’re comfortable in your own.
And you’re not blind - it’s not hard to figure out why a big group of girls who had managed invitations were clinging to your circle of friends. You had lucked out in a way that ensured your entire group were visuals, everybody stunning in their own unique way. Joshua and his friends are here too, obviously, but their eyes are only on a certain segment of the group. From this angle, one of the girls who made her way over to the sofas sits with her back in your general direction, and it sort of feels like primary school all over again where you were the odd one out.
You try not to let it bother you, though. As the guys play polite and laugh when needed and talk casually, something slips up in conversation: “Well, actually-” One of the girls is talking, blinking repetitively in Namjoon’s direction with a sweet smile, “I think I have more guy friends than girls. Girls are so hard to talk to sometimes.”
“Right?” one of the others says with a sigh. “I wish I had more male friends. I want to move in with some in the future.”
You inhale. This is a good conversation to jump into. “Same,” you say. The girl in front of you turns around slightly, perhaps only just remembering that you were there in the first place. “I’ve been friends with these guys forever now, and living with them is so…” You notice after a short ramble that the girls turned back around, and she’s not even listening. You trail off, looking bored, “who am I even talking to?”
But from across the coffee table on the other couch, Yoongi furrows his brows and sets his glass down. “Y/N’s right,” he announces, and you look up at the same time as the other girls. Like they’re confused, they look at the group and then back at you, as if wondering the connection. “You know, guys are always told being friends with girls is impossible, but Y/N’s the glue that keeps us together.”
Jeongguk nods, “Mhm, exactly! You know, they said that it would be hard being friends with girls because you’d catch feelings, but Y/N’s so repulsive that it’s not even that hard...”
You glare at him, “Ha-ha. Very funny.”
“Trust me,” Chaeyoung pops up, having been sat silently in between Taehyung and Mark for the past twenty six minutes, “it’s not all that.” The girls look at her, “Men are disgusting. I don’t know how Y/N does it. These guys are the repulsive ones...I was in their flat for five minutes and I think I caught three diseases.”
“Hey, don’t drag my apartment into this,” you pout. Yoongi shakes his head with a smile and watches you, happy that the frown that was once on your features had disappeared into a smile. Hey, in a weird way, this was a good conversation to jump into! 
The girls around you share glances, as though they’ve just clocked on to how important you are to these guys and how ignoring you won’t make them like them more, and eventually, you’re included in the conversation. You make a mental reminder to thank the fuck out of Yoongi for paying attention to you, even when you’re silently in the background.
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(21) being aware and understanding of someone's financial situation ("dw I'll pay for u")
“We all need matching ones. Look, one each!”
Jeongguk excitedly crouches in front of one of the display cases, marvelling at the sight of tiny little charms on foam boxes, smiling up at you all. It makes you weak seeing how childlike Jeongguk actually is, how he gets excited over shiny things like a little magpie. Today is one of those rare afternoons where you’re all miraculously free, and it had been Namjoon’s idea to go out somewhere and hang out. Seoul is filled with beautiful and secret places to explore like a tourist and he takes up the opportunity.
This shop is dinky and in a weird place between an ice-cream shop and a fish market, probably scammy and has definitely seen better days. But Namjoon likes it, and Yoongi vouches for it because he’s been here before with Namjoon when they brought a watch for Jimin. Okay, yes, it was a designer watch, but it was way cheaper from this shop and, wait, who cares if it’s fake? Nobody noticed until now.
You stand behind Jeongguk, peering down at the charms. They’re all so cute and cartoon-like, each charm you view immediately reminding you of another friend. For Jeongguk, the rabbit. Taehyung could have the paintbrush or camera, Jimin definitely could have the apple because of the fact that his new favourite thing to say is An Apple A Day Keeps The Demons Away. It makes no sense, but he learns to roll with it.
“They’re cute,” Hoseok comments, smiling widely.
“They should be cute, for thirty dollars a charm!” you gape, pointing out the price. “I thought this was a shop that sold things cheaper?!”
“They’re usually around sixty,” Namjoon shrugs.
“For why?” you exclaim.
Nobody hears that, or if they do, they ignore it. With a sigh, you turn away from the case and start looking at something else. Thirty dollars for a small charm is insane, and you don’t have that kind of money. As Taehyung and Jeongguk start picking charms for everybody, your heart rate quickens. 
How can you tell them that you don’t want a charm because you can’t afford a charm without disappointing them and sounding like you’re asking one of them to buy you one? In your panic, Seokjin worms his way up behind you and rests his arm up on your head like an arm-rest.
“Have you picked a charm?” he asks, and you look away instantly. “Hey,” he says, noticing that, “what’s up, buttercup?”
You sigh reluctantly. “I can’t afford to get one of those…”
Seokjin blinks and frowns slightly. “Oh. Well, that’s okay. I’ll pay for you.”
“No way!” you hiss at him, poking a finger into his chest. “Kim Seokjin, don’t you dare-!”
“Hey, I owe you, it’s cool,” Seokjin assures you.
“Owing me because I paid for your McDonalds is not the same as spending thirty dollars on a tiny charm.”
“They’re friendship charms,” he explains. “It’s symbolic for our friendship. Look, stay silent and pretty and let me get you something nice. Please?”
In this one instance, Seokjin doesn’t take no for an answer and invites himself into the small huddle of guys around the charms and picks one out for you. Seokjin picks you a love heart, because he knows that no matter what, there’s a love between the guys and you that nothing can pull apart.
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(22) looking stupid in public together (dancing in stores to overplayed pop songs)
You hear it at the same time as Jeongguk.
One thing you don’t mind that much about Korea is that the sound of random K-POP groups follows you around everywhere you go. You actually kind of like it, because the songs are catchy enough and Jimin and Hoseok like it for the dances. But, my God, if you have to hear Momoland’s Bboom Bboom one more time, you might explode.
Over the hum of the refrigerators in the small GS25, where you and Jeongguk are examining the surprisingly large collection of flavoured milks, you hear those guitar strums and just as the horns roll in, you and Jeongguk share a glance and immediately do The Thing.
The Thing is recreating the entire dance routine to the song, which you had both decided to learn when you were bored and procrastinating during midterms. Everybody else in your friendship group deems it the single most embarrassing thing that you and Jeongguk do in public next to jaywalking, and maybe you can see why. The chorus rolls by and you’re both shimmying, pointing finger hearts to each other, and it’s rolling to an end when one of the cashiers turns the corner with a big tray of iced coffee in her arms.
She pauses and so do the both of you, in an intense stare off until she cowers and scurries to put down the tray and carefully shelf the drinks. Jeongguk looks at you with the urge to laugh and picks a random milk off the shelf, urging you out of the aisle to pay. When you’re outside and free from the judgement of the cashier, Jeongguk laughs on the floor for about five straight minutes.
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(23) looking stupid in public together (singing loudly in ur car)
“So everyone can hear!”
“Oh, baby, I don’t care.”
Both of your voices: “You wanna be, you wanna be, A LOSER LIKE ME!”
In the backseat, Yoongi shrinks further down until his bum is hanging off the chair, in the footwell where his knees are. “Please kill me.”
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(24) hugging people when u say hi and goodbye to them
Hoseok is one of the best friends you could ever ask for. One, he’s friendly. Two, he’s funny. Three, he’s cute. Four, he hugs you when you arrive somewhere and again when you leave, and you absolutely love it.
“Y/N, hi!” His voice is the first to call out to you when you walk into the Open Day fair at your Uni. You look awful, overslept and still half asleep, but he comes towards you with a smile and engulfs you in a hug. “You look cute. Sleep well?”
That’s not to say the other guys don’t hug you, because they definitely do. But, Hoseok’s always the first.
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(25) being there for someone even if u can't help them
“Go ahead. Laugh at me like everybody else.”
Jimin and Jeongguk are the ones who are unfortunately tasked with dealing with a tragically grieving Y/N. It’s unfortunate to you, but they don’t mind one bit. The last thing they expected to see when they came back to Jeongguk’s apartment to watch more episodes of Mindhunter on Jeongguk’s TV, was you curled up on the window seat with red eyes and a runny nose.
“Why would we laugh at you, baby?” Jeongguk asks, rubbing your back. He’s sat next to you and Jimin is by your feet, rubbing them and your legs with his soft hands.
You sniff uglily, but none of them say anything. “Cause. Cause it’s just a fish, I guess.”
“It was still your pet,” Jimin points out sadly. “Susan was a great fish.”
You sniff again, crying some more. “I just feel like a bad owner. Maybe the bowl wasn’t big enough, and maybe I didn’t feed her enough...I don’t want her to have died because of me.”
“Hey, now,” Jeongguk assures softly, “I’m sure she died peacefully. You were the best fish Mom ever. Susan’s in a better place now.” He glances over at Jimin nervously, “Like, fish heaven?”
For a moment you don’t say anything, and Jeongguk thinks maybe that was too much. But then you turn to him with a hopeful expression. “You really think so?”
“Yeah, of course,” Jeongguk replies.
“Susan’s still with you in your heart,” Jimin adds. He’s not too great at the comforting thing. “You were so good to her. If I was a fish, I’d want you to be my Mom.”
Jeongguk looks at Jimin with a deadpan face. Maybe that was too much, but you smiled, and that’s something to Jimin. Even if he doesn’t know what to do to help, the least he can do is be there for you.
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(26) "this reminded me of u"
[03:15AM] namjoon: hehe [03:15AM] namjoon: this reminded me of u ^__^ [03:16AM] namjoon: [1 Image Attached]
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[03:20AM] y/n: there r no words….
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(27) allowing people to be human, with everything that this entails
University truly has been the best years of your life. There’ve been rough spots financially and mentally, but your key support system has been the circle of friends you’re proud to love and live with. Even when they’re a little bit chaotic, sometimes really annoying and loud and tiring, you still love them, and every quality that comes along with loving them.
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hyocherie · 4 years
Jikook: Hanahaki Disease
Chapter 9
*put the video when it was released. The publication of this chapter is quite late.*
He started to laugh too.
Jin was now happy, he didn't need Namjoon, just these people will make him feel love.
I want you to cry, cry for me 내가 울었던 것처럼 cry for me Make your rainfall, cry for me But again 조금씩 조금씩 더 빠져가 사랑에 내 결심이 또 무너져가 용서할 핑계를 만들어가 I want you to, I want you to, I want you to cry for me.
(Cry for Me by TWICE )
Namjoon was walking in the cold night, the dead leaves swifting in the wind around his shivering body. Tears didn't stop dripping down his cheeks, for how Jin just left him in the dark, without any trail of a clue to his feelings. He's like that, he keeps his heart locked, a fortress keeping all his secrets to himself with people worrying about him. He stopped in his tracks, to see someone in front of him.
"Why you here?"
He smiled as he met his friend he never saw for a long time. Jackson's a part of the famous K-pop group GOT7 that their popularity spread around the whole world. He travelled a lot, busy so much that he didn't know where he was and what he is doing. He feels like they've gone distant because he once remembered how close they were when they were. It was quite surprising but he appreciated his presence right now, for he needs someone that doesn't know about him and Jin's past relationship.
"Oya? Hey, man! Long time no see!"
"Yeah, no time no see," Namjoon said, getting a pat from Jackson on his back.
"What's wrong? You look blue."
"And I didn't think your shift will be this long!" He cheered.
"Uh-n-no! I'm not here for my shift!"
"Then, why are you here?"
"Jungkook's in the room..."
"Yeah...hey wait!"
He said as Jackson pulled him by the hand.
"Where are we going?"
"To Jungkook! Now...what's his room number?"
"Room 403."
"Alright!" Jackson remarked, walking at a faster pace until they were running. "Let's go then!"
Namjoon let himself get dragged by his friend.
I like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care
I like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear
I like you more, the world may know but don't be scared
'Cause I'm falling deeper, baby, be prepared
I like your shirt, I like your fingers, love the way that you smell
To be your favourite jacket, just so I could always be near
I loved you for so long, sometimes it's hard to bear
But after all this time, I hope you wait and see
Love you every minute, every second
Love you everywhere and at any moment
Always and forever I know I can't quit you
'Cause, baby, you're the one, I don't know how I love you 'til the last of snow disappears
Love you 'til a rainy day becomes clear
Never knew a love like this, now I can't let go
I'm in love with you, and now you know~~~
Jimin sang while playing the guitar. Jungkook felt heart-struck while he sang. His angelic voice echoed across the room.
Everyone looked at the door.
"Oya? Jungkook?"
"Whatsup Kookie!" He said, approaching him and ruffling his soft chestnut-dyed hair.
"Hey!" Jin snapped. "I'm the only one who can call him that!"
"Sorry," Jackson apologized, scratching his nape, a cheeky smile on his face.
Jin then looked at the door, and then looked away, after he saw Namjoon at the door.
"Hey, Jackson-Hyung," Taehyung butted in. "I thought you were in China."
"Oh right, came back a day early."
"So," he stated, "Why is Jungkook here in the hospital?"
"Hanahaki disease," Namjoon sighed, standing beside Jackson with his hand on his pockets. "You know that?"
"Yeah, that fanfiction trope...why'd you mention that?"
"He has it."
"Um-sorry to be dumb but...how?"
"I don't know," Hoseok replied, catching Jackson's attention. "Unrequited love, I guess."
"Um...with whom?"
"Didn't say who it was..." Jimin butted in. others gave each other looks and stares.
"Oh ok- wait! I kn-"
He was about to say something until Hoseok immediately covered his mouth.
"You don't know anything! Maybe just that was the past," He said, releasing his hand.
"Anyway...what brings you to the hospital?" Jin interrogated.
"Hm? I was just passing by until I saw Namjoon outside alone. He told me Jungkook was here."
"Namjoon? Outside? Why?" Hoseok stated out of curiosity.
"I needed to get something from the car."
"But Namjoon...I think from your whereabouts...you're quite far from the parking lot..." Jackson replied.
"Then," Taehyung murmured. "What were you doing outside alone?"
"Thinking about it...," Jimin butted in. "You were with Jin when you went out of the room. So..."
"What were you two doing outside earlier?"
Sorry for the long update! I just got to my computer today while doing stuff I need for school this upcoming January.
I'm sorry if it's short! I'll make it up to you in the next chapter!
But anyway, I released a new book! I unpublished the surprise one because I'm having problems with it...
The new book isn't Jikook, sorry, it's an OT7 book.
I just published the Author's note, Chapter 1 is still in progress.
I'm having writer's block too so that's why I couldn't continue this for a while.
But anyway...the song above ( what Jimin sang)...here's the vid: (An English cover.)
It's a Chinese OST but it was translated into English. Listen to it, I love it~~~
But anyway...I just to say a few things~~~ just random rambling or such...but...
I think Sho from Arriety is Seiji and Shizuku's GRANDSON.
Others think it's their son but my theory is that it's their grandchild.
Because Sho (or Shawn in English) stayed in where his mother grew up. Shizuku grew up in an apartment or in a house far away from the style of the house (this is from the manga) and it has some European feel to it so...
SeiShizu built that house for their children and they had a daughter and that's where she grew up. The European feel I said its because Seiji lived in Italy for a decade and Shizuku's first story was based on European culture. So that's where I got it. I don't know, you?
And yeah, favour...
Write all the members that you know that are in Hinata's harem. Need it for a texting story.
Except for Kageyama, Tsukishima, Lev, Kenma, Osamu and Atsumu, Oikawa, Bokuto, Inouka, Sakusa, Aone, Ushijima, Shirabu, Goshiki, Koganegawa, Sugawara (bc that's his favourite child) Aakashi, Nishinoya, Iwaizumi, Yaku, Hoshiumi, Tendo, Kuroo, Kita (?), Yamaguchi, Yachi, Futakutchi, Matsukawa (?),  Hanamaki (?) Semi (?)...I think that's all? Wait- that's quite a lot. HAHAHAHA please tell me who did I miss. ("? "means I'm not sure...)
But anyway...see you in the next chapter and the new book! Please support it!
And it's not that really based from the new Run! BTS episode...I just got the idea from the pictures...wow...my creativity is doing me a good deed today.
But anyway...bye-ah!
And happy advance birthday to our Tae-tae!
And yeah about Jackson...you don't mind if I add other members from other groups? I'm a multi-stan here... yeet thanks!
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inyoursheets · 4 years
8 12 18!
Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
i do, at least 90% of the time. you can blame hozier for the angsty turn warm water took. it started out so fluffy and then one night i listened to some of his music while the sun set and suddenly Feelings Happened and i changed it drastically.
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
hmmmmmm well i don’t have any i desperately wanna write – plenty i desperately wanna read tho. but maybe a good old-fashioned soulmates!AU???? i don’t wanna have a long wishlist of tropes to write bc im not good at balancing multiple WIPs and rn i really don’t wanna start something new, which i might do if i think about this question too much. but there are a lot of tropes that i love!
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
uhhhhh well since im pretty proud of managing to write rhea, rio and beth having sex in a way that doesn’t feel too OOC to me, here’s a scene from the instigator with DVD commentary. 
Taking in the lines of her face, Beth feels giddy with relief. She can’t even begin to express how grateful she is they can have this, this inexplainable, twisted relationship that shouldn’t spark as many feelings deep down inside her as it does. God, she hasn’t had a relationship as difficult to navigate as this one since—
Oh no.
so this sort of…….happened by accident? part of the dialogue i mean. part of this i had planned out – i wanted beth and rhea to talk about rio, i wanted to really dive into the complex relationship between beth and rhea and i wanted beth to feel some type of way about rhea and rio, but it wasn’t until later that i realized how easily i could draw a parallel between beth and rhea and beth and rio, which is how this line happened.
“You and him… What are you exactly?”
She looks over her shoulder, up at Rhea’s face. Rhea scoffs, but she smiles down at her, knowing immediately who she’s talking about.
“We’re parents. We’re exes. It’s not that complicated. Unlike you and him.”
Beth grimaces.
“Don’t remind me.”
She leans back against her legs, closing her eyes after taking another sip of the brown liquid Rhea often complains appalls her senses. She’s always quick to pipe back about Rhea’s penchant for rosé, but more often than not she gets reminded of how she brought the first bottle, making her the instigator.
Isn’t that what she always is? The instigator?
roll credits! i think i had the title in mind/was mulling it over and then this line just fit perfectly here, really demonstrating how i view the relationship between beth, rhea, and rio in this fic.
She wants to ask so much more. How often do they see each other? How often do they talk? How well does she know him? Does she like him, or does she simply tolerate him, as the father of her child? Still, the first question that makes it out of her mouth doesn’t revolve around that at all.
“What’s the last time you two…” Her voice trails off, as it should. Dear God, what is she thinking?
“What, fucked?” She can hear the smile in Rhea’s voice. “What’s it to you?” Beth’s cheeks redden quickly.
so in order to get from point a to point threesome, as the prompter put it, i needed to get sex on the table. in a way this is a ridiculous question to ask, but i also think this is the easiest one to voice out loud out of the others going through beth’s head at this point.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure there are miles and miles between our entanglements with Chris.” She’s not sure what that was supposed to reassure either of them of. Or if it’s intentional, how loaded the words sound. She swallows.
“When was the last time? What was it like, I mean.” She can’t help herself. She just has to know.
“Aren’t you full of questions?” Rhea nudges a knee against her, then sighs. “Hmm, I think it was Marcus’ fifth birthday party. We’d been split up for a good while at that point, and we were good, but we were feeling sentimental. A little drunk, too, and it just felt natural, to go there.”
She’s quiet for a moment.
“It felt good, you know? Familiar. Like catching up with an old friend, one you once knew like the back of your hand.”
She sounds a little wistful, like the thought of seeking out that familiarity again has crossed her mind more than once. It makes Beth tense up unwillingly, the creeping sense that she doesn’t know this man she’s been complicatedly entangled with for what feels like a lifetime as well as she thinks she does, as she hopes she does, clouding her mind.
so i know a lot of readers can feel a sense of….. threat, maybe, whenever rio is paired w/ anyone but beth. ive got a lot of theories about why that is and i understand that instinct, as much as i wanna hush it myself, personally. but i really don’t wanna portray rhea as….completely unaffecting rio? i don’t want to write a fic where the man is the prize, the one whose approval other characters try to win the most. so i didn’t wanna write rhea as still harboring feelings for him, but at the same time i do really envision them as having a sense of comradery, of friendship and familiarity, and i think that would extent to sex. 
i wanted beth to feel left out of what rhea and rio have, but at the same time make it clear that what rhea and rio have versus what beth and rio have versus what rhea and beth have are very different things and they’re almost incomparable. like, rhea and rio have history and friendship and trust in a way that beth lacks with both of them – something i also tried to convey when they actually get down and dirty, but as rhea says herself before, they’re exes, they’re parents, it’s not that complicated. what they feel for each other isn’t complicated, unlike what rhea feels for beth, unlike what beth feels for rhea, unlike what beth and rio feel for each other.
Rhea studies her face, her silence. “What’s it to you?” she repeats, voice not unkind. Beth shrugs.
“I’m just trying to understand, I guess. Make sense of him.”
“Good luck with that,” Rhea snorts, knocking back her glass of wine in one go. And just with that, the clouds dissipate, the sun back into view.
with all that i said before in mind – i also didn’t want beth to actually be threatened by rhea and rio’s relationship. it's fine for her to feel threatened – that’s actually fun to write and came in handy later, also in part two – but i wanted to make sure beth and rhea aren’t in some sort of competition for rio – which is why i literally made the clouds dissipate here. if anything, i wanted rio and rhea to be in competition, which, in a way they actually are in this fic! but again as i said before, the different relationships between the characters really aren’t all that comparable, so there is no real competition, not in any ‘direction’. 
i really enjoyed diving into the different relationships and i wanted to give all of them their own appeal. i think what rhea and beth have is something unique and fascinating, something rio can’t touch or fulfill, just like beth can’t ever have with rio what rhea and rio have, exactly, just like rhea isn’t what rio is for beth. im trying to dive into that even more in the second part, also considering what the prompter asked (rio and beth confronting their feelings the day after), meaning there is brio endgame. but……i love beth and rhea together too much to just completely upend everything i built for them, so…………….. as my fic notes say, marcus, baby, you have some parenting throuple action in your future.
thank you so much for asking and letting me ramble!!!!  
fic bts questions
13 notes · View notes
baepsaets · 6 years
eight’s a crowd pt. 4 ~ bts
pairing: ot7 x reader
rating: sfw
word count: 6.6k
summary: you’re a bighit staff member in charge of stage set-up when you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the very seven men you’re setting stage for. soulmate au!
a/n: everyone... my beautiful followers... i’m so sorry it took me so long to post this! there will be one final part after this that will include smut. also i went to see aquaman tonight and it was so good. having jason momoa and amber heard kicking ass in the same movie made my little bi heart quiver lmao. also i want mommy nicole kidman to spank me with a trident. enjoy this update and i hope everyone has been having happy holidays!
disclaimer: i always put a read more in my fanfiction, but it does not always work on tumblr mobile. this fic has a read more already in place.
part 01 02 03 04 05
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You were adjusting the sounding system in the pit when you felt a sudden weight on your back. You startled and turned around and found yourself pressed against Jae, who coddled you like a baby. He smelled like cologne and alcohol and something mechanical, vaguely oily and coppery.
“(Y/N),” he groaned, drawing your name out into one long sigh. If you weren’t so caught off-guard, you would have laughed. “We’re leaving early today!”
He was leaving early today. It was the last concert before the unimaginable—a month-long break. Set-up crew got to leave a whole half-day early, leaving mid-crew to pick up a little of their slack. But you knew they deserved it, especially since they’d been short-handed after you left.
It was hard to imagine that it had been a whole month since you’d switched to mid-crew, and even longer since you’d met Bangtan. Sometimes, it didn’t feel real. You missed your old set-up crewmen, but it was hard to miss them too much when there were seven other people around to eagerly keep you company.
Jae’s bag was already slung over his shoulder, and you knew he was about to leave. Your break didn’t technically start until after the concert tonight, and true to mid-crew form, you’d be staying with Bangtan wherever they went. The thought filled you with unimaginable excitement—for a month, you’d get to be with them without having to worry about work or scheduling.
“Remember to teeeeeeeext,” Jae slurred, clutching you to his chest. You patted his shoulder awkwardly, face smushed into his clavicle. “You never teeeeeeext anymore.”
“I text you every day,” you complained, your voice muffled by his flannel.
“But it’s not enoooooough,” he moaned. He was probably already a little intoxicated—a few people in set-up crew had already broken out a bottle of vodka in celebration, and no doubt Jae had already indulged.
You asked, incredulous, “How much more do you want?”
“I don’t care. I miss you,” he admitted, and you cooed at his cuteness.
“I miss you, too,” you laughed, pulling away from him. “But you need to get on the bus before they leave without you.”
“They would never,” Jae scoffed, but you raised an eyebrow. Sungjin would. Oh, Sungjin so would. And you could tell in his gaze that he realized that, too. “Okay, okay. I’m leaving. But I love you! I’ll text! Don’t think just because you’re famous now that you can get rid of me!”
He said this all while walking backward, voice raising with every sentence. Some of your other mid-crewmen stared at you curiously, and you waved Jae away in embarrassment. Your good rapport as a hard-worker had carried to your new job, but you still didn’t know the rest of mid-crew well enough to be weird in front of them.
You weren’t famous by any definition of the term, but you’d garnered a certain amount of attention in the past month. It was impossible not to, considering at least one member of Bangtan was around you every day. It was easy to pass off some of it as work, but the rest of the crew had to at least suspect that your professional relationship with them went deeper. No one had said anything about it, at least not to your face, and you were grateful that at least a portion of the people you worked with knew how to mind their own business.
Working for another hour, you were finally setting up the last of the lighting equipment. You were usually the quickest crewmember to finish your work, simply because set-up crew had conditioned you so well. When you finished early, you either helped set up the rest of the venue or went to seek out Bangtan to see if they had any time to hang. Because their schedule was so packed, they usually didn’t, but it was still nice just to see them. Their faces would light up whenever they caught sight of you, even to this day.
You reached up to adjust the light, and a warm pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Electricity buzzed through your body immediately. “Hey, baby.”
“Oh, my God,” you exclaimed. “Why is everyone sneaking up on me today?”
“Not happy to see me?”
You turned your head and saw Jimin smiling, bottom lip tugged between his teeth. He fake-pouted, and you had to suppress the sudden desire to wrap him in a hug and never let him go.
“I’m always happy to see you,” you replied, before you could stop yourself. Your face flushed, but so did his, which was your favorite thing about him—at least you could make him blush, too.
Jimin pressed his cheek against the back of your neck hard, and then released you. You kept tinkering, despite the sudden distraction.
“I’m glad you’re here,” you said. “The sound system on the left side burnt out this morning. We were able to replace it, but the sound check before the concert is probably gonna start early.”
Jimin grunted in acknowledgement, and you continued talking, back still facing him.
“And you need to be careful. There’s a slick spot by the—,”
“Mhmm,” Jimin hummed. His voice was closer than you expected and you turned around, freezing when you realized he was right behind you. Jimin’s mouth curled into a small smile, and he reached out to tuck a hunk of escaped hair behind your ear. “You look good in that sweater.”
“Thank you,” you replied automatically, but your heart stuttered.
Out of all Bangtan, Jimin was the touchiest. He was the one who complimented you the most, voice edging on flirting. Whenever he smiled his teasing smile, your face would heat up hot enough to fry an egg on your forehead.
“Can we stop by your hotel room after the concert?”
He could have asked you to commit second-degree murder and you probably would have agreed to it, if he kept looking at you like that. “Yeah, s-sure. I mean, yes. If it’s okay with BangPD and everyone.”
“We already approved it,” he grinned, unconsciously leaning closer. You could feel the heat radiating off his body. To the outside world the two of you may have looked like a couple, but in the past month, you’d slowly learned how to let go of the world’s opinion. You didn’t care what they assumed about your relationship unless it negatively affected Bangtan’s career.
“Oh?” you asked, smiling your own teasing smile. “Were you that confident I’d agree?”
Jimin’s face flushed, and that was normal for him, too—always so flirty, until the teasing was turned on him. Then he became a shy mess. “Well, I mean—not that we knew you’d agree, but you usually—and then we, um—,”
You couldn’t help but smile at his cute stuttering, but then your smile faded, stamped down by the sudden guilt and confusion bubbling in your chest.
When you’d first started hanging out with Bangtan, dazzled and starstruck, you’d thought whatever silly crush you had on them would fade. After getting to know them, you’d thought you’d come to love them only platonically.
But your crush—or should you say, crushes—spiraled completely out of control. Bangtan had thoroughly swept you off your feet.
How could you have fallen for seven different men? Being alone with each of them, or several at a time, filled you with such a strong happiness that was only rivaled by how you felt when the eight of you were together. Then, the world felt clicked into place, like a weight you didn’t even realize you were carrying was lifted off your shoulders.
“I need to get back to work,” you told him, taking a step back. Distance. You needed to create some distance, no matter how much it hurt. “We can talk about it later, okay?”
“Okay,” Jimin replied, pouting. You resisted the urge to pull him to your chest and coo.
You moved to turn around, but before you could, Jimin dipped closer for a split second and pressed his lips against your cheek. Face flaming, you turned to him with mouth agape, but Jimin was already backing away toward the door, lips curled in a teasing smile.
After he left, you absent-mindedly rubbed your cheek, still feeling the tingling imprint of his mouth on your skin.
Ten minutes later, your phone buzzed in your pocket, signaling a text. It vibrated again. And then a third time. It must be the group chat you were in with Bangtan, which could get ridiculously active. You glanced around for your manager and snuck your phone out of your pocket, just when it started vibrating multiple times in a row.
Namjoon, 1:35pm: So, party in (Y/N)’s room tonight?
Hoseok, 1:36pm: SWEET i’ll give the staff money to go buy snacks
Jimin, 1:38: remember to ask for TWO boxes of popcorn because :/ someone :/ ate it all :/ last time
Yoongi, 1:39: quit being so shady and just @ jungkook already
Jungkook, 1:39: IT WAS
Jungkook, 1:40: NOT ME
Jimin, 1:40: WHAT?
You chuckled and glanced around quickly, typing a quick message.
You, 1:42: I’ll message you guys when I’m done with cleaning the stage and then you can come over. I’m putting the group chat on silent tho bc I’m still at work.
Already, your message prompted several quick replies.
Hoseok, 1:42: (Y/N)! <3
Jin, 1:43: We will not be silenced!!!!!!!!
Taehyung, 1:44: lmao OOPS
Taehyung, 1:44: caught in a liiiieeeeee~~~
*Jimin has removed Jin from the chat*
*Namjoon has added Jin to the chat*
Namjoon, 1:46: Quit removing people from the chat just because they piss you off
*Jimin has removed Namjoon from the chat*
Yoongi, 1:47: as expected
“(Y/N)!” your manager called, almost making you drop your phone. You looked up guiltily and were lucky to discover she wasn’t even looking at you—she was too busy trying to keep a stage light standing. “Could you come over here and help me fix this?”
Sighing in relief, you pocketed your phone and went to help your manager. You liked your manager a lot, but she still made you nervous. You made sure to stay on your best behavior when she was around.
You held the top of the light while she screwed it into place, and when she was finished, she beamed up at you. “Thank you! And I’m glad you’re here.” Her bright look turned apologetic, so you knew you were in for some serious shit. “I have a favor to ask.”
“What is it?” you asked, cautious.
“Ji-sung is out sick tonight,” she admitted. “We need another crewmember in the camera pit. I know you don’t like going near the crowd, but you have the most experience with the stage material and I’d think you’d be a huge help to them.”
The breath left your chest. “I don’t know, I really—,”
“I know it’s last minute,” she interrupted, “and I know it’s a little inconvenient, but you’re our best replacement. It would only be for tonight.”
Your teeth clinked together, nervous. You were not a crowd person, and the camera pit was right in front of it. They were the pit that was most at risk of being tramped or attacked.
But you really wanted to leave a good impression with your new manager.
“Yeah,” you said, slowly. “That’s fine, (Y/M/N). I’d be happy to help.”
“Oh, thank you!” she gushed. “I’ll tell the camera crew. Think of it as a blessing! It’s basically a front-row ticket.”
A front row ticket in front of a writhing mass of fanaticism. Really, you didn’t mind people. People were smart—until you put them in a crowd. Then they were a hazard.
“Call time is 6:15!” And with that she flounced away, far too happy to be at work. Your manager truthfully was a different creature.
You let out a deep breath and shook your head. “Goddamn it.”
You distracted yourself with idle work leading up to the concert. It felt like everything and nothing needed to be done. You already knew Bangtan was busy with sound check and weren’t available, but that didn’t stop your from peeking your head in every once in a while to listen to them.
All you had to do was make it through the concert, and then the eight of you could finally relax.
You weren’t present for sound check, like you usually were. Instead you were busy introducing yourself to the camera crew and modifying their equipment. By the time the venue finally allowed people to start filing in, you were called away to help with lighting while the camera crew set up in front of the stage, so you didn’t get a chance to even wave at Bangtan until just an hour before the concert.
Walking into the waiting area, Namjoon’s head shot up immediately, and his gaze found your own. You smiled, and then the rest of Bangtan was turning their head. Hoseok waved manically.
You dodged a few frantic crewmen still trying to finish setting up before the concert began. Taehyung was the first to hug you, nuzzling into the side of your neck. Jin rubbed his hand along your shoulder and you smiled at them gratefully.
“We missed you during sound check,” Yoongi said, slightly pouting in a way that he would deny to be pouting, except it definitely was.
You sighed. “I’m not doing sound check tonight.”
“You look upset,” Hoseok noticed, and once he’d said it, the entirety of Bangtan circled you in concern. It was overwhelming in a good way, a flattering way, and you liked it because you weren’t used to people trying to take care of you. Jin cupped your cheek in one hand, analyzing your face.
“I’m fine,” you assured them. “I’m just nervous. I’m replacing Ji-sung in the camera pit tonight and I’ll have to be in the crowd.”
Namjoon nodded his head in understanding. “It can be overwhelming.”
“You’re telling me,” you muttered. “I’m afraid I’m gonna get dragged backward and trampled, never to be seen again.”
Jeongguk laughed. “That won’t happen, don’t be nervous.”
“We’ll keep an eye out for you,” Jimin said, and you realized he was smirking. “You’ll be in the front row. It’s the best seat in the house.”
“We’ll perform well for you,” Taehyung added.
“When do you not?” you asked, and then backtracked. “Perform well, I mean—not like, perform well for me—uh—,”
Jin laughed at your flustered expression. “Just keep your eyes on us the entire time and you’ll survive.”
You were certain that doing just that would be what killed you.
The eight of you chatted for a bit more until it was time for you to leave. Hoseok must have noticed how nervous you looked, because he leaned close to you for a second and planted a second kiss on your cheek. You didn’t see it, but Bangtan eyed him jealously.
“It’ll be fine,” he chirped, and you smiled.
“I’ll see you after the concert,” you told them, and then made your way to the stage.
The venue was an arena, and it was huge. The camera pit was set up in a small section in front of the middle of the stage, to avoid blocking a majority of the crowd view. It was protected by thin guard railing and a hanging sign that would do nothing to deter someone who was really interested in bypassing it. The second you stepped by the crowd your hair stood on end, but you put on a brave face and approached the pit, speaking with the camera crew. There really wasn’t much for you to do except help them with emergencies and fill in where you could.
You couldn’t help but glance back at the crowd. They were getting antsy, and so were you. It was like their infectious energy was seeping into you. You barely resisted the urge to scream when the concert began, and the entire crowd went wild.
The energy Bangtan brought to the stage was insane. It was like the entire arena was cradled in the palm of their hand. It didn’t matter who you were—if you were a fan, an employee, a stranger on the street—in that moment, they owned you. There wasn’t a choice about it.
It was amazing because at that moment you weren’t their coworker, or a BigHit employee—you were just a fan at a concert, who’d somehow gotten a really, really good seat. Seeing them perform so closely to you made your heart stop.
And throughout the entire concert, Bangtan kept staring at you.
You knew, logically, that they weren’t staring at you—they were staring at the camera. But you couldn’t help but feel like they were staring at you, trying to catch your eyes with their dancing and obscene hip thrusting. You were barely able to resist the urge to cover your face whenever it happened, giving in a few times when you were just too flustered to look. The camera crew, who were used to such a display, laughed at your embarrassment.
Sometimes they would point in your direction, stick their tongue out—Jimin, boldest of the seven on stage, laid on his back and thrusted into the air not one foot away from the lip of the stage, directly in front of you.
Heat was coiled so deeply in your stomach, you were afraid you’d explode.
Near the end of the concert, you got a message from your manager over your headset—since you’d done her such a big favor, she was letting you leave after the concert was finished instead of staying to help clean afterward. You were intensely grateful, because you were sweating and flustered and really didn’t know how much more you could take. You bid the camera crew goodbye and made your way backstage once Bangtan exited, the screaming of the crowd echoing as you walked further and further way.
Once in the back, you looked for them excitedly. It wasn’t often you got to see them directly after a concert. You were still hot and bothered, but you tried to push it to the back of your mind as your gaze snagged on them, all seven by the very edge of the stage.
“Hey!” you called, and the second Namjoon caught sight of you, his face split into a dimpled grin that almost made your heart stop.
He strode toward you, and you didn’t realize what he was doing until he swept you up in a hug and spun you around, giggling. Bangtan was right behind him, and suddenly you were in the middle of the sweatiest group hug you’d ever had in your life.
“How was it?” you heard Jimin ask, although you couldn’t see him through all the people in the way.
“It was amazing,” you replied. “Really, you all did fantastically.”
“It’s because we knew you were watching,” Hoseok declared. “You’re our good luck charm.”
You laughed and pulled your bottom lip through your teeth, looking away. A small smile curled your lip, and Jeongguk took you by the chin and planted a quick kiss to your cheek.
“So cute,” you thought you heard him breath, but you couldn’t be sure over the noise still echoing throughout the arena.
“Are you doing an encore?” you asked, and Jin nodded.
“Yeah, we’re gonna rest for a moment and go back out.”
“I got off a little early, so I’m gonna head back to my room and shower, okay? Come over whenever you want. I think Namjoon already has an extra copy of my room key.”
“We’ll come over the second we’re done,” Taehyung said, and then he was hugging you too, your face buried in his neck. “Thank you for watching us.”
“I always watch you,” you admitted. “I’m just never in the front row.”
Jimin’s grin was sharp and sly. “We know.”
You shooed them off, watching them glance back at you as they prepared to go back on stage. You waved them goodbye until they were gone, and then even peeked through the curtain to watch them from the sideline for a moment. I was just like all that time ago, when you’d caught a sneak peek of them before running into Jeongguk, except now you had permission to be here. Now you knew them. And now you knew just how much they meant to you.
Your hotel room was on the second floor next to the venue. You were still one of the only women in mid-crew, and had secured yet another room to yourself. It had two beds, and you threw your bag down on the closest one before showering and changing into something more comfortable. You put on a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt and sat down to start browsing Netflix, looking for a new movie to watch. You thought, vaguely, about taking a moment to take care of the heat still simmering on low in your stomach, but knew you’d never be able to look them in the eye if you did something like that right before they came over.
After just over an hour, you heard the door unlock, and you perked up just in time to watch it swing open and reveal the seven people behind it.
“We’re here!” Hoseok hollered, and you laughed.
“And we brought towels,” Jimin informed. You noticed that they were still wearing their makeup, and were still in their stage clothes. They must have really come straight from the concert to your hotel room. Namjoon was the last of the seven to file in, and he held up a huge bag of food for you to see.
“We also ordered takeout,” he said, sheepishly. He knew how much you hated it when they spent money on your food.
You took the bag and shot him a mock-glare. “Go take a shower. You all stink.”
You were glad they’d brought extra towels, because the seven of them rotated through your shower like madmen before getting dressed and climbing into bed. You were sure they were used to such a routine, which explained how they did it so efficiently. You all chatted and ate while everyone showered, celebrating and laughing. It only took thirty minutes for everyone to get settled.
Jeongguk wanted desperately to watch a horror movie, and you relented and allowed it, all of you climbing into one bed. You ended up pressed against Jin, and his hair was still damp from the shower, and he smelled clean and fresh and manly. You had to bite your lip to resist leaning forward and burying your face in his neck.
An hour later, Jimin whispered, horrified, “Oh, no.”
“She’s so dumb,” Taehyung muttered. “She deserves to die.”
Hoseok curled further into himself, and you felt him rocking back and forth on the bed while you clutched your own pillow to your chest. The room was pitch black, except for the glow of the television screen.
The main character took another hesitant step forward, toward the murderer hiding within the house, and toward certain death. The scene was quiet, ominous music played in the background—you all knew a jump scare was coming soon.
“This isn’t even realistic,” Yoongi said. “The fake blood is too thick—,”
Namjoon interrupted, hissing, “Quit talking during the movie.” Not a second later, the murderer jumped out on the screen, making Namjoon yelp. You jumped, and Jin let out a shrill shriek.
The screaming on the screen was drowned out by everyone’s sudden gasp and Jeongguk’s maniacal giggling.
“Hyung—,” he tried to say, pressing his fist against his mouth. “Hyung—what noise what that?”
Jin’s face was red. “That wasn’t me.”
“Then who was it?” Jimin cackled.
“It was (Y/N).”
“Don’t pin that on me,” you immediately countered. “My voice doesn’t even go that high.”
Jeongguk dissolved into giggling again, while Jin’s face heated further.
“I can’t hear,” Yoongi snapped, still paying attention to the movie.
You didn’t know what time it was, and you didn’t care. For once, you didn’t have to worry about going anywhere.
Once the scary movie was finally over, you all decided to watch something lighter to calm down. Jimin picked out a rom-com that had most of you groaning, but no one protested enough to change his mind. It was fun to laugh, but whenever a romantic scene came on, you couldn’t help but eye them nervously. You were afraid that your ridiculous affection would suddenly be tattooed on your forehead.
In the particular movie you were watching, two people fell in love at first sight. It was almost like they were soulmates, and you sighed. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the movie, but watching a movie like that was hard when you were surrounded by seven people you loved but knew would never love you back.
“Have you ever been in love?” Jeongguk asked, suddenly. It took you a stuttered second to realize he was speaking to you, wide and dark gaze unreadable in the low light. You realized that the movie was already over halfway finished, and you’d been distracted for a majority of it.
You stared at him for a long time, lost in thought. It felt like the entire room was waiting for your answer with bated breath, and for the first time in a long time, you felt slightly uncomfortable.
“Not like that,” you said. “And I don’t know if I’d want to be.”
Jeongguk looked away, but Namjoon drew your attention as he asked, “What do you mean?”
It was hard to explain, and you weren’t sure how to begin. How did you tell these men that you wanted that type of love so desperately, you could taste it on the tip of you tongue? How did you describe to them how much it scared you, enticed you, beckoned you for more? A type of love you could only read about, hear about in movies. The type of love only shared between soulmates?
It was easier, pretending not to want it. Because if you pretended not to want it, then you wouldn’t have to live with the crushing disappointment of never having it.
“That type of love doesn’t exist,” you ended up saying, because you were a coward, and intimately aware that you’d managed to fall in love with every single one of them, so who were you to be so greedy?
“I don’t think that’s true,” Jimin said, quietly. The movie was just a humble hum in the background, barely audible. “Maybe you just haven’t found it yet.”
It hurt, thinking about it. Hope could be just as painful as it was uplifting. “If it does exist, I don’t need it to be happy.”
They’d ruined you, you realized. There would be no one after them. Any chance you’d had of finding mediocre love with a man who made you happy but didn’t light a fire in your soul was dashed, and all because for the first time in your life, you’d found people that made you feel alive.
“Of course, you don’t need it. But what if someone wanted to give it to you?” Taehyung inquired.
You turned your head and looked away from them, considering and contemplating fruitlessly. “I don’t know.” The mood in the room plummeted, and you couldn’t help but think it was your fault. “I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t have to apologize,” Jin whispered. “Sorry for interrupting the movie.”
“It’s fine,” you laughed, only a little awkwardly. “I wasn’t really paying attention anyway. Do you want to watch something else?”
They agreed, and finally settled on the first episode of a crime show you’d never heard of but pretended to watch avidly. Several of them glanced at you from the corner of their eyes, but you tried your best to ignore it.
By the time early dawn was creeping at your window, it was already decided that Bangtan would spend the night. Such was your routine. You ended up squished in one bed with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon, with Jin and the maknae line on the other bed. Everyone was so tired that sleep came easily, but you still lingered awake, thinking and worrying about the situation you’d gotten yourself into.
You needed to distance yourself from them, or tell them how you felt. You knew they’d never return your affection, but at least you wouldn’t feel guilty about lying to them.
I’m in love with you, I’m sorry. I need some distance to think.
It would almost be easy, but you didn’t want to see the look on their faces when you confessed. You would probably sound crazy. Who fell in love with seven people? They would probably think you were faking it because they were handsome, rich, and successful.
No, no, you knew that was your insecurity talking. But you also knew your friendship with them would never be the same afterward. You weren’t sure if you were ready to lose them.
You were so tired. You wished you could just fall asleep and not worry about anything until the morning.
“You can relax,” Yoongi whispered, suddenly. His voice was low and gruff and muddled by sleep.
You almost startled. Yoongi was lying right next to you, and you’d held yourself rigid to avoid touching him. You were afraid of making him uncomfortable. You could feel the pressure of Hoseok’s back against your own, but he was already fast asleep.
“M’fine,” you murmured. Yoongi snorted at how tired you sounded and scooted closer, until you had to actively fight not to sink next to him.
“Come here. It’s fine.”
You hesitated for a moment longer before settling down, letting Yoongi’s weight on the mattress roll you closer until you were pressed against his side. You rested your head against his chest, intertwining one leg between his. “Is that better?”
“Yeah,” you whispered into his sweatshirt, voice almost slurred with how sleepy you were. You wished you were at least coherent enough to appreciate his sudden closeness. “Are you comfortable?”
“So comfortable,” he muttered, nuzzling his cheek against the top of your head. He maneuvered until his arm was underneath your head, fingertips drawing idle patterns across your back. “So, so comfortable.”
You laughed and looped your arm around his middle. “You’re such a sap.”
Yoongi’s body was incredibly warm, and you angled your face upward toward his neck. You could feel Hoseok’s back pressed against your own, and you wanted him to turn around and wrap you between him and Yoongi like a Bangtan sandwich. You dispelled the thought a moment later, knowing that it would lead nowhere except to awkward heartbreak.
“You smell good,” Yoongi said, instead of replying.
Unconsciously, you took a deep breath and smelled him. He smelled like the hotel’s scented body wash and whatever leftover cologne he’d put on before the concert. “You do, too.”
“Did you enjoy the concert?”
“I always do.” In the dark of the hotel room, with the only sound being the rest of Bangtan’s steady breathing, you felt safely cocooned. It was like living in a different world, where whatever pain and heartache you felt could be left outside, and inside this haven you could finally be free. “Sitting in the crowd, watching the seven of you do what you do. . . you just take my breath away.”
He went quiet. You were almost embarrassed for being so open with him, but blanketed by warmth and darkness, you found yourself too tired to care. Yoongi’s chest was moving up and down steadily underneath your cheek, and the soothing feeling was steadily pushing you toward sleep, until he broke the still and earnest silence.
“It’s better, now that you’re here,” he admitted, in a voice almost too quiet to be heard. “You make us better.”
“Mhmm, Yoongi,” you murmured, face still pressed against his chest. You were so tired, and your body was so heavy. You would never get over this feeling, of being able to exist absolutely comfortable in their presence. Hoseok shifted behind you, and you felt the curve of his spine through the thin material of your t-shirt.
“Yeah, baby?”
You hummed again, slipping further out of consciousness. You thought you heard him chuckle before he drew you closer, hand coming to rest on your shoulder. You cuddled closer to him and sighed, the beating of seven other hearts lulling you to sleep.
You woke up that morning cold, and a little bit barren. You didn’t understand why until you shifted and didn’t feel anyone next to you. Your hand met warm pillow, which meant you hadn’t been abandoned for long, but was still less satisfying than finding a warm body.
You nuzzled sleepily into your pillow and almost hummed, until the low sound of whispering caught your attention.
For a moment, you were too tired to listen, but as the whispering went on, you slowly starting paying more and more attention. Then, you recognized voices.
“We need to tell her,” someone said. You perked up at the mention of a her—you? Another woman?
“We can’t,” Jeongguk despaired. “You heard her last night. We need to give her more time.”
“You were the one that was so eager in the first place,” Yoongi hissed. “You’re the one who asked all that shit last night!”
“Be quiet,” Namjoon scolded. “She’s still sleeping.”
You turned your head just slightly, and caught sight of the hotel clock—it was only six o’clock in the morning.
“I just feel like we’re lying to her,” Taehyung whispered.
“It’s not lying if we plan on telling her later,” Hoseok said. “Now just isn’t the right time.”
Jimin butted in, saying, “It’s been over a month. What if there isn’t a right time?”
“We’re being too hasty.”
“We’re being impatient.”
“We’re wasting precious time!”
You sat up in bed slowly, and it was as if all of the air in the room was suddenly vacuumed away. Taehyung made a distressed noise in the back of his throat, and you asked, “What are you talking about?”
Your voice was soft and gruff with sleep, but still auditable. Someone in the room gulped.
No one said anything. You could see them now, piled together on the other bed, Jimin and Namjoon braced on the edge while the other five cowered behind them. You shifted until you were sitting directly across from them. The blanket was bunched around your waist, and your hair probably looked a mess, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Your nose twitched, and you asked again, “What are you talking about?”
The silence stretched impossibly longer. Everyone was looking between you and Namjoon, but even he seemed at a loss for what to say. You glanced at each other their faces, trying to analyze them for weakness. Someone would have to talk—someone would inevitably break.
“We’re in love with you,” Jimin blurted out. Everyone turned to glare at him while you gasped, raggedly. It was like a bucket of water being thrown over you.
You stared at him, wide-eyed and incredulous. For a moment you were too afraid to speak, until you breathed out an uncertain, “What?”
“We’re in love with you,” Jimin repeated, softer, slower. “All seven of us.”
Unconsciously, you shook your head. It didn’t seem possible, and your brain was having trouble making sense of it—there was no way in Heaven or Hell that all seven men in Bangtan were in love with you. You were nothing, compared to the women that surrounded them daily. You were nothing, compared to the money and the fame they had. You were nothing. Maybe you were still dreaming, and this was all just an elaborate fantasy.
Jin was quick to do damage control. “It’s not as weird as Jimin makes it out to be.”
“Actually, it’s weirder,” Yoongi commented, dryly. “We’re soulmates.”
To himself, Namjoon muttered, “God, we’re so bad at this.” He pinched the bridge of his nose but didn’t move to speak further.
“What does that mean?” you asked.
“It means,” Yoongi continued, “that the eight of use are meant to be together. Every single one of us. We were meant to be together since the day we were born.”
“It’s not something we can explain easily,” Hoseok winced. “But the seven of us already knew what to expect, when it happened. Meeting your soulmate is like finding a missing part of yourself. It’s touching another person and knowing they hold a piece of you.”
“It’s looking into someone else’s gaze and seeing yourself reflected back at you,” Taehyung added.
“It’s filling a hole in your heart without even realizing it was there,” Jeongguk finished, quietly.
Namjoon decided to interrupt, saying, “We know it’s hard for someone who hasn’t seen it before to understand. That’s why we haven’t said anything until now.”
You looked up at the ceiling, not sure what to say. A part of you wished they would have told you sooner, but another part knew you wouldn’t have been ready to hear it.
“Didn’t you feel something?” Jimin asked, leaning forward on the bed. “When we first met, when we were finally all together? Didn’t something about it just feel right?”
“I don’t know,” you whispered, and your voice was embarrassingly weak. “I—uh—,”
You must be going insane. Soulmates didn’t exist, and if they did, you certainly would have seven of them—and they certainly wouldn’t be the entirety of Bangtan. All talented, handsome, special—and then plain, boring you? Nothing about it made sense when it was laid out in front of you, logical and analyzed.
But you couldn’t forget that feeling you’d had, when you’d first met them—all the heated touches, the electricity, how comfortable they made you. That feeling you’d had in the car, when Namjoon had shut the door and suddenly the world didn’t spin on a titled axis, suddenly a layer of static was lifted from your brain, and for once you could be at peace.
You couldn’t forget the rightness, buried deep in your chest.
“Why me?” you asked them. “I just don’t see why me.”
“Because you’re the only person in the world meant just for us,” Jeongguk breathed, and his voice was reverent, and the seven of them looked at you like you were something to be worshiped.
And it was too much. Your insecurity, your confusion—they pilled on top of each other and multiplied and multiplied, filling your body and your chest and it was too much.
You stood abruptly, startling them. “I think I need to leave.”
“Don’t go,” Jimin immediately begged, reaching out to you.
You took a step back. “I-I’m sorry. I need to think. I can’t think clearly when you’re all here.”
“Then we can leave,” Namjoon started to say. “This is your hotel room—,”
But you turned before they could stand, and you were out of the hotel room before they had time to stop you.
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cruelwritersthesis · 5 years
So I just finished ITPS and INAS and humor me here: Tori and Luke in a The Good Place AU. Tori dies and wakes up in Elysium and is being introduced to the neighborhood and whatnot. Luke shows up and when they finally get a moment alone, she's freaking out because She. Didn't. Die. A. Hero. Luke chalks it up to a happy mishap. Antics ensue. Cue them realizing they're actually in the Fields of Punishment and this is just a new way of torturing the dead.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh your Mind
yo comedy is so hard to write, for real, but i’m gonna attempt it also thus far my stories have been far from comedies lol
follow meeeeeee~!
[[[spoilers for the good place below bt-dubs]]]
Tori dies and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes again: “Welcome! Everything is fine.” She can’t remember how she got there, and she’s confused, because wasn’t she supposed to meet Charon? Cross the River Styx? Get in line and wait for her soul to be judged?
She’s sitting an a nice room, fairly minimalist. In one corner there’s a small water feature. To her left, a door opens and a man steps out: “Tori.” He smiles. “Come on in.”
She goes in, not knowing what else there is to do and sit down in one of the chairs in front of a desk, and the man sits down behind the desk.
“I’m Adrian, and I’m the architect of this neighborhood.”
Tori’s even more confused. Neighborhood??? Architect???
Adrian smiles and chuckles. “I can see you’re confused. Elysium is split into neighborhoods, built by immortals like me. And yes, you died.”
Skip to Adrian giving a tour of the neighborhood to Tori: “Three-hundred and twenty-two perfectly matched heroes…” etc.
They come to a stop in front of where Tori will be staying: a ginormous mansion that’s far too big for just her and far too ostentatious. She hates it,,, but it’s Elysium right? Not to mention this neighborhood was supposed to be perfectly crafted to her likes, right???
They go inside and that’s when Adrian drops the bomb: “Oh, and did I mention soulmates exist?” Inside, despite her panic at what’s happening, she feels her heart lift with anticipation. Surely Luke was her soulmate on earth, so he must be her in Elysium [he is, don’t worry, it’s not a plot twist or anything]. Adrian goes on, “Yes, they exist on Earth as well, but the gods decided they didn’t need to give humans a sure-fire way to tell. You were the lucky few who happened to find your soulmate on Earth. It’s always a bit of a mess when someone finds out their soulmate here is not the person they were with on Earth.”
Luke walks through the door then, and Tori can’t help but run up and give him a big hug, tears already in her eyes.
Adrian’s doing his architect act, smiling and all that. “You two must have a lot to catch up on. I’ll leave you to it and meet up with you later. I have some people I’d like to introduce you to, and I have a surprise for Tori. See you both later!”
And despite her happiness at getting to see Luke again, there’s something more pressing, weighing on her chest that she needs to talk to him about immediately.
After making sure Adrian has left, she finds a small broom closet, and just to be safe, checks for any hidden cameras or microphones. All the while Luke is confused and asking Tori what’s going on and what’s wrong. Tori won’t answer until she’s sure they aren’t being watched or listened to.
Finally, she turns to Luke with wide eyes and a look of fear: “I didn’t die a hero. I’m not supposed to be here.” [I could leave it here and be like, Part 2 coming soon! But I won’t.]
Instead of being concerned, Luke just smiles gently and takes her hands into his. “I don’t care if it’s a mistake, I’m just happy to be with you.”
Tori’s caught between wanting it to be some happy, miracle mistake, but the other part of her is worried something could go wrong at any moment. Mistakes didn’t just happen in Elysium, did they? Their souls were judged, how could the judges decide that she belonged somewhere else but send her to Elysium?
She tries to get this across to Luke, but he’s too happy to see her. And she, of course, is happy to see him. But, like most things in her life, she doesn’t want all of this to just disappear. She doesn’t want Luke to just disappear suddenly, and then for her to find out she’s in the Fields of Punishment or something.
“Why don’t we take a walk, maybe it’ll help clear your head.”
So they head out again, though Tori is reluctant, and take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful and all the people seem really nice. They’re all paired up with their soulmates, going about their business like it’s just another day in the neighborhood [lol sorry I had to].
But Tori is still worried. “You know I don’t do big or ostentatious,” she mutters to Luke as they walk around. “And what’s with all the tapioca pudding shops? You and I both know that regular pudding is better.” [side note: I actually love tapioca pudding lmao]
Tori stops them and turns to face Luke. “Also, I can’t cuss. You know I love to cuss.”
Luke chuckles and shakes his head, linking his arm with hers and pulling her gently along again. “Yes, but a lot of the people in this neighborhood don’t like it.”
“Okay, but don’t you think that if I like to cuss so much–and I now you do too, don’t deny it–wouldn’t they have put us in a neighborhood with people who also like to cuss?”
“I think you’re thinking too much about it.”
Before Tori can argue more, Adrian shows up with two people trailing after him.
“Tori, Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Mali and Amir. I was just telling them about the welcome party that Tori’s throwing.”
Tori wants to object vehemently, but to keep up appearances she grins. “Yes, that party. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. It starts at 8pm sharp, but you can show up late if you want to. In fact, I’d even appreciate it if you didn’t show up at all–”
Adrian laughs. “Isn’t she funny? Of course they’re excited to go!” Talking to Mali and Amir, “Why don’t you two go explore the neighborhood a little more while I talk to these two about the party?”
As soon as the other two are out of earshot, Adrian turns to Tori with an “apologetic” look. “I’m so sorry, I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but it must’ve slipped my mind!” Tori forces a laugh and Luke can tell she’s ready to throttle Adrian, so puts his arm around her waist. Adrian continues, pretending not to notice. “Your house is the biggest, so it would only make sense that you host the party.”
“That makes sense,” Tori forces out. “But why me? I don’t mind lending my house for the party to someone who is a little more equipped for party-planning.”
“Oh nonsense! You’ll be just fine. Listen, I have to go meet some of the others here. I’ll see you at the party!”
As soon as Adrian’s out of earshot, Tori turns to Luke. “What am I supposed to do? I hate parties! I hate people! I don’t know how I’m going to even plan a party. Where am I going to even find stuff? Do they have like some…heavenly gift-shop? Do I need currency, or can I just tell them what I need and they’ll give it to me?”
Introduce Janet [I can’t think of a different name for her :P], who gets Tori everything she needs
Adrian forces Tori to give a speech–the party isn’t a disaster, but Tori’s already under pressure because she knows she’s not supposed to be there, so things slip both in the speech and as she tries to play hostess
Cue Chaos Sequence the next morning
Luke’s like, “Okay, I believe you now.”
As you say, antics ensue as they both try to navigate this neighborhood without exposing Tori being in the wrong place while Adrian actively works to undermine them
Remember those other two demigods I introduced? Yeah, hand-picked to make it difficult for Tori and Luke to keep their secret, because they also don’t belong in Elysium, and are meant to torture Tori and Luke. Long story short, they sided with the Titans, but neither Luke or Tori ever met them because armies are big and like they really had time to meet every single demigod who joined Kronos’s side
More antics ensue as the four of them get all mixed-up and band together to try to keep Tori, and Mali and Amir’s secret, bc they know they didn’t exactly die heroes either (among other things).
Cue more antics and even more crossed wires and confusion.
And then, Tori has her realization when they’re all bickering about who’s going to sacrifice themselves and go to the Fields of Punishment, much like Eleanor’s.
“This is the Fields of Punishment!”
Adrian does his Grinch smile and evil laugh.
It’s explained that, after centuries of the same old thing, Adrian decided to come up with something new–take four humans (and/or demigods) who don’t mix, throw them together in a place they think is Elysium, and make them torture themselves
Luke is confused because, “But I died a hero???”
And Adrian is like, “We changed the formula, numb-nuts! Were you not listening to my whole, entire explanation just now? What, you thought joining Kronos and bringing him back would get you into Elysium? Even if you sacrificed yourself at the last minute to defeat him? Seriously, dude?”
“But the prophecy–”
“You’re dead now, ya ding-dong. The prophecy doesn’t matter anymore!”
aaaaaand that’s all she wrote lol. but for real, i’m not really sure what would happen after that. if we’re going full good place au, then Adrian would reboot them, but they would keep figuring it out and banding together until Adrian gives up and joins them bc his boss (whoever that may be in the Greek mythology world) would rip immortality from him and send him to the Fields of Punishment as well, but the old-fashioned way
unfortunately, the fact that the world is so complicated that an act intended to help actually hurts and docks you points doesn’t quite work for this au lol bc while Luke did have good intentions by raising Kronos, and Tori staying with him is certainly colored in many shades of grey, they did like…get a lot of people killed. like that did happen, they started a war and a lot of demigods and nature spirits died. it’s both very grey and not that grey at all (which muddles things up even more; i could go on)
but hey, if you have any ideas that expands on this au, hmu, lmk!
and thanks for sending this in! i had a lot of fun with it :D
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krreader · 6 years
diamond makne | upset jin.
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pairing: ot7 x reader (platonic) ; kim seokjin x reader (platonic) fandom: bts warnings: maknae!reader ; eighth member of bts ; language ; drunk!jin genre: angst ; fluff other:  (for other diamond maknae content, please check out my masterlist)
summary: he had already had close to no lines before you came around, but now that you were a part of bangtan, it was even harder for jin. and as much as he loved you, he couldn’t help but be upset over the fact that he worked just as hard as the rest of you, but didn’t get appreciated half as much.
a/n: thaaank you both! again, combining these two bc they fit so well! hope you like it ♥
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Jin was upset.
And you know what's a bad combination? Drinking, when you're upset.
For some reason, people always believed alcohol would make a shitty situation better, when in reality, it just made everything worse.
BTS was currently working on their new comeback and today had been the day that Yoongi and Namjoon introduced the songs you would be singing for the new album. And even though Jin had thought the time of him being in the shadows was over, it apparently wasn't.
In total, from what he had seen so far, he maybe had lines for himself in four songs.
He had worked his ass off these past years, just so he could match up with his younger band members. And this is how they repay him?
Shove him back to his old background vocal self, just because you were now around?
Jin loved you, he really did, but he was also incredibly jealous of you, because just when his band members had figured out he was more than a voice singing in the background, you came around and 'ruined it all’ for him.
He was currently sitting in the living room, nurturing his drink when you and Yoongi came home, clearly in a much better mood than him.
“I didn't look at her,” he laughed.
“Yes you did.. you have a crush,” you excitedly jumped up and down, immediately running over to Jin when you saw him in the living room, “Guess what? Yoongi has a crush on the cute girl in the coffee shop!”
“I don't have a crush on her, (Y/N).”
“Yes you dooooo,” you made kissing sounds and leaned against Jin's shoulder, but he instantly pushed you away by raising his shoulder and then sliding away, “Oh? What's up?”
“Nothing,” he mumbled into his drink.
“Hyung? You okay?” Yoongi was as worried as you were. Drinking alone in the dark was never a good sign.
“Oh yeah, I'm great. I always love the days that you show me I'm not needed in this group.”
“Huh? What do you mean?” Yoongi sat down in one of the arm chairs, “Did one of the boys say something?”
“No.. no, they didn't say anything. You and Namjoon on the other hand?” he started laughing and that's when you saw just how drunk he really was. His face was tinted red and he was beginning to slur his words, “Giving (Y/N) all the lines like she's better than the rest of us?”
You blinked at him in shock a couple of times, only now realizing that this seemed to be about you.
“Hyung, it's not about who's better, it's about..-”
“And always putting her in the center when we're dancing? Like, you all say I'm bad, but did you actually watch her dance?”
“Hyung, I really think you should stop now,” he got up and pulled you up too, whispering: “Go to your room,” not wanting you to hear things a drunk man could say to you. 
Yoongi loved all his brothers equally, but when it came down to you, he always put you first, just because he felt like he had to protect you at all cost.
“No, no, let her stay. I'll tell her all the things I wanted to say to her for the longest of times.”
“Jin, I'm sorry if you're upset because of me..-” you started, but that's when Tae came out of his room to see what the hell was going on. However, one look from Yoongi was enough for him to know what to do and he gently pulled you back into your room.
“Come on, hun. Let them talk about it.”
It was only when he could hear the door closing, that Yoongi continued, “What the fuck is wrong with you? She's your sister, you're one of her biggest idol’s and that's how you talk to her?”
“What's going on here?” Namjoon entered the living room with a frown.
“Oh, and there's the other one. How does it feel not respecting your hyung, hm? Is it nice? I bet it's nice, otherwise you wouldn't constantly do it.”
It was rare that they saw him like this. But this was different because this was about you. And they didn't want to take sides, as much as they wanted to protect you. 
You were all a family and so they tried to handle it in the best way possible.
So what they did was what they always did. Sit down and try to explain it to him, but that was kind of hard when Jin was still drunk out of his mind.
And so in the end, they helped him get to bed and hoped they could talk to him tomorrow again, when he was sober again.
You and Taehyung left your bedroom about an hour later, now finding all of the boys except Jin in the living room.
“Is he okay?” you asked carefully.
“He'll be fine, don't worry, love,” Namjoon smiled encouragingly.
“Can you give him more of my lines, please? I don't want him to feel upset because of it. It's not fair, he's worked so hard and for longer than me..-”
“(Y/N), that's now how it works,” Yoongi started.
“I know it isn't,” but you quickly cut him off, “But I love Jin. And I don't want him to be upset because of me. If giving him more lines will fix the issue, then give him more lines. If putting him in the center of the performances and not me will fix the issue, then put him in the center. I don't care, I just don't want him to be angry with me.. please..”
That was the last thing that you wanted.
And not just for Jin, but any of the boys.
You loved and respected them all too much to have a huge fight with any of them.
And so it was only a day later that both Yoongi and Namjoon sat down with Jin again and told him they'd give him more lines. And the oldest member knew why he suddenly got more and guilt instantly washed over him.
He carefully knocked on your door and you immediately pushed the book away when you saw who it was that entered your room.
“Hi,” you smiled softly, “You okay?”
“I'm.. (Y/N), I am so sorry,” he sighed, his head dropping in shame, “I didn't want to be so mean last night, I was just upset and pissed and drunk and..-”
“Don't apologize to me. I understand. I know how hard you work in this group and you deserve more lines and attention,” you got up from the bed and opened your arms, “Just.. be honest with me next time? You're my big brother and I don't want us to be angry with each other ever again.”
“I will be,” he hugged you without hesitation and gently kissed the crown of your head, “I promise.”
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reactivebangtan · 7 years
REQUEST: Couls you do a bts reaction to your pregnancy? Thank you lovely REQUESTED BY: anonymous WARNINGS: none! NOTES: since you didn’t specify i did these like it happened before you got married or anything like that bc it makes things SPICY but if u’d like one for after marriage just lmk. also im sorry but yoongi’s picture was too perfect for this and i kept giggling while making the bannerioeksfdl
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jin is quiet at first, but not entirely apprehensive — the situation was alarming at the least and life-changing at best, but he could handle that — and he hesitates at answering right away. dark eyes search your face for any clue that you were joking, just saying something to rile him up, but when he comes up empty he finally speaks.  ❝ alright, so what do you want to do? ❞ he’s calm, cool and collected, as if you didn’t just drop a massive bomb on him — you can only assume he’s acting this way rationally, open-minded in nature and knowing that freaking out won’t change a thing. instead, he waits to hear your opinion on the matter rather patiently, and only furrows his brows slightly ( there is a little bit of worry, of course ) during the prolonged silence he gets in return. if you were to stay you’d like to keep it, he’d be absolutely thrilled; sure, he isn’t sure if he’s necessarily ready to have a kid yet, but when are you? he’s beyond happy to support you regardless. in fact, the emotions would hit just as soon as the words leave your mouth, and it’s the first time you see what how he truly feels about this situation when the tears pool and spill over his lashes and down his cheeks and he smiles the brightest you’ve ever seen. even he didn’t know he was hoping you’d say yes, he didn’t expect to be this relieved or positively elated — who could’ve guessed that he’d already be so attached to something that hasn’t even fully formed, yet?
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to say yoongi was surprised would be an understatement, as his expression immediately falls into one of shock, eyes wide with disbelief and mouth dropping open with unvoiced questions. he knows you aren’t joking because of the look on your face and the tone of your voice, which only alarms him more. and, the next few moments are spent with your gaze warily locked onto his in an attempt to gauge how he’s feeling, or whether he finds this to be a positive thing. just when you start to panic and think that this was a terrible idea, you totally could’ve handled this on your own, my god why did you think this was a good idea? he finally moves. carefully, he stands up from where you’d told him to sit, hands outstretched towards your tummy, and one would think you were made of glass with how cautiously he moves around you. his touch is delicate when he finds the material of your shirt with his palms and curious fingertips, and even though there’s no bump there yet, nothing to feel, it’s like he’s can. the baby is smaller than a peanut at this point, too tiny to even be anything, but to him it’s everything —  ❝ we’ve really got a baby in here? ❞ your quiet affirmation is all it takes to have him falling to his knees in front of you, staring wide-eyed at the very place that will be carrying life, creating something wonderful, bringing the future into the world. yoongi doesn’t bother trying to stop the tears brimming in his eyes or the way they fall messily down his cheeks, because he couldn’t even if he tried — he could still remember, could still feel, the period in his life where everything felt desolate and pointless and miserable, and it’s hard to forget every nasty thought that ate away at him at every waking moment, telling him he’d never amount to anything and how easy it would be to just put a stop to it all. but, now... now, looking up at you with that beautiful smile, he can see there’s a reason he stuck around.
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it’s probably the most serious you’ve ever seen hoseok, and whatever you might’ve expected his reaction to be, it wasn’t this. after telling him to sit down for the big news, he immediately drags you down with him after listening to you, and drags you in real close — this is all beyond terrifying, and it’s a lot to take in all at once, so for a moment he just sits there with his nose nuzzled into your temple. during that silence, he doesn’t wonder where he went wrong or what you could’ve done differently, but instead imagines how the future will be and all the possible ways you could handle this. just as his hands squeeze your sides and pull you in even closer, suddenly he can see this exact scenario playing out in his head, but with a little munchkin between you — they’d wiggle around and giggle and make disgusted noises when he starts kissing your cheek one too many times, before he starts doing the exact same thing to them. they’d have your laugh and his smile and it’d all amount to sundays in bed and holidays spent together and him knowing there’s one more special person cheering him on. the very idea tickles him just right, and you can feel the way his smile grows against your skin, and before you can even question him he’s whispering against you in a tone that positively radiates pure, unadulterated joy. ❝ i think i’m already in love. ❞
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namjoon’s reaction wouldn’t be immediate — much like seokjin, he’d try to remain as calm as possible so as to not make you panic, trying to view it from a realistic point of view while also accepting the fact that it’s happening, there’s nothing he can do to change it, and the wheels are already set in motion. unfortunately, he’s so dead-faced about it that he ends up making you panic anyway, and somehow ends up being the one to force you to sit down and breathe. with both hands cradling your face, he’d assure you that he doesn’t see this as a bad thing, even if it might cause some trouble along the way ( ❝ hey, it’s okay, alright? it’s okay. look at me — we’re gonna be fine. ❞ ), but in fact sees it as a good thing. if there’s anything namjoon is good at, it’s talking, which is exactly what he does until your breathing returns to normal and your heart beat steadies. he tells you that he knew this would happen — sure, he thought it would happen after he finally got up the courage to ask you to marry him, but then all greats things come unexpectedly — and that, while he knows it isn’t seen as something socially acceptable he’s fine with that. oh, and, yeah — this is the moment he decides to tell you that he might’ve been thinking about proposing for months, now. the very second you caught on is the second he’s ruffling his hair nervously and laughing it off:  ❝ not so sure which one of us had the biggest news anymore, huh? ❞
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jimin is and will always be openly emotional, and that rings true in this scenario — at first it’s brow-knitted confusion, before falling into wide-eyed, jaw-dropped shock and finally coming to a halt somewhere inbetween elated and terrified. your immediate answer is  ❝ what? ❞ and  ❝ are you sure? ❞, both of which, when answered, don’t seem to help the situation any. in that moment it seems his entire life is flashing before his eyes, and suddenly it feels like everything has been leading up to this — he isn’t sure if he’s supposed to be more happy or afraid of what that means. he’s quickly dragged out of that thought process, though, when you softly call his name so warily that one would think you were about to cry ( in all honesty, you probably were ). when he looks at you he can see the fear of rejection in your eyes, he can see his own expression mirrored on your face, and that’s all it takes — he’d say anything right then to wipe that look off your face, so he says okay. okay. we can do this. if he were to be honest, he wasn’t quite sure if you really could — with his career taking over most of his life and you with school and your own job, it was hard to figure out where anything else could possibly fit in. still, he tries — he tries. he tries to see the bigger picture, does what he can to work with this new addition to your relationship, even supports you when you start to doubt it all on your own, because something in him told he had to. it isn’t until your first sonogram, when he’s holding your hand so tight and neither of you even dare to breathe when the image finally comes to life on the screen — it’s fuzzy at first, and the shapes don’t make any sense, but as soon as the doctor points it out it’s as if everything falls into place. and, that’s it. that’s what he’s been doing all of this for. something shifts in him and tears brim in his eyes and he’s lowering his head until his forehead touches yours and all he can do is whisper for fear of his voice completely breaking ( it’s real, god it’s real ): ❝ that’s our baby. ❞
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it’s difficult, at first, for taehyung to accept the truth — it’s not anything against you, or even anything against having a child with you, but simply that it is and will be life-changing for the both of you. he’s with you while you take several different pregnancy tests, and even for your first official visit with a doctor ( and, well, every visit after that ), until finally there can be no doubt: you’re pregnant. for a while, that phrase sits funny in his chest, like he still can’t entirely believe it. it wasn’t about whether you two had been careful, or who might’ve made the mistake, but rather the fact that you’re really pregnant — you’re pregnant with his baby. you’re going to have a child together. the idea is so farfetched that he could laugh! just a few years ago he was picturing a life on a farm with early mornings and dirt under his fingernails, all of it leading to a picture perfect family with children that inevitably followed in his footsteps and the generations could continue on like they were meant to. now, he stood on a different stage every night and the future was so bright that he couldn’t make it out anymore — it wasn’t that he couldn’t see kids there, it was more that he didn’t see where they fit just yet. it all comes down to one night where neither of you can sleep, his arms wound around you tight and the steady thrum of his heartbeat against your ear. you finally ask him the question you’ve been dying to ask him: do you really want this? his answer is, strangely, one he’s been dying to give you:  ❝ yeah. yeah, i do. ❞ ( maybe it’s a not-so picture perfect family, and maybe the kids don’t follow in his footsteps, and maybe he’s okay with that ).
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❝ can you... can you give me the night to think about this? ❞ it’s the first thing he says when every question he asks is answered with the obvious — yes, you’re really pregnant and no, you’re not kidding. jungkook realizes this isn’t the best way to handle this, especially not when you’re left to your own anxious devices, probably diving right back into every unhealthy coping method you’ve got in your arsenal, but it’s the best he can give right away. this isn’t something he ever thought he’d have to deal with, at least not for a couple of years, especially now, but you’d just laid it on his lap like nothing could be truer — to say he’s terrified would be an understatement. he doesn’t sleep that night and spends most of that time mulling over every possible option, every single scenario, trying his best to figure out what would not only be best him, but best for you... and, eventually, best for the baby. the word resonates within him — baby. it’s the nickname he’s always used for you, something endearing that always brings your face to mind, and suddenly he’s thinking of late-night phone calls and impromptu skype sessions and little handwritten notes left behind when one of you had to leave before the other woke up. he’s thinking about every time he’s stood in front of a camera, knowing you’re watching from the other side cheering him on. he’s thinking about all the times you’ve cooked dinner together or had movie nights or slept in late. he’s thinking about all those things put together with someone especially made for the two of you — someone who would be born to do all those things and more. it’s all of this that has him at your doorstep at nearly five in the morning, out of breath and sleep-deprived and so entirely honest when he says  ❝ i want this. ❞
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j1nsgf · 7 years
Surprise! Your bias asked you out on a date! The only thing is, he wants you to match 6 of your mutuals with the rest of bts for a group date. @ the mutuals you're choosing for each member (not your bias) and explain why you chose them.
this was suuuuuper hard to do because i wanted to do so much more than just one per person, plus i tried to think about why they’d be good together. i decided to match 1-2 per member bc i can’t help myself sorry :( i’m choosing to go on a date with taehyung bc he’s my ult ofc, so here’s everyone else!:
@joonienamjoon : ummm OBVS choosing c bc she’s crazy in love with joon? we’ve already talked about our lives when we’re married to our biases, and we’ve already established we’re gonna go on double dates so this is our start! c is literally the queen of bubbly happy goodness, and she would hype joon to the moon! he would feed off of her energy, and become his muse (omg imaging a song by him abt her!) she’s also just the kindest and most supportive person in the world, and i think that joon needs someone like her :) they’d be beauty, aesthetic, and fashion goals.
@nevermindbyjin: oh my, jess and joon would be such a power couple tbh. if i had to describe the way jess loves him it would be wholly and fierce. jess is really down to earth, and i think she would be someone that joon could sit and talk with for hours about his worries, his interests, and his thoughts about the world around him bc she is just as intelligent and thoughtful as him. she continually stands up for him and advocates for him, never backing down from those who try and bash or ignore him. i admire her so much, and i think that their minds would mesh so well together!
@cherryprincejin: summer, the #1 salty jin stan!! listen if anyone is gonna fawn and gush over jin like he wants to be, summer will certainly go above and beyond with that! they are both super fun and funny, and i think they’d get along super well. she’s the perfect amount of optimism and energy that would compliment his own personality, and is always in awe of jin (i mean who isn’t though??) i swear she has the biggest heart eyes for him and as much as i love him dearly and want him for myself i would gladly ship them together :)
@seokjinstae: okay look, everyone knows how amazing kinga is: she’s strong-willed, is very good at speaking on important issues and getting her point across in a way that makes others truly see what she’s saying, and overall just an amazing person i think. kinga is someone who would support jin through every hardship, who would comfort him and hype him and remind him of why he is so special and important. i know that kinga would treat jin with so much love, bc her heart is as big as his.
@artistictae: amy if i can’t put you with tae i’ll definitely put you with yoongi!! honestly i feel like there isn’t a softer yoongi stan than amy. she’s such a sweetheart, and seeing her posts and tags about him make me feel and warm and fuzzy. i feel like yoongi wouldn’t be able to believe such a soft human existed, and she’d be so sweet and gentle and he would turn to mush for her, she’d be one of his weaknesses :””) they’d just chill and yoongi would find her presence so warm and comforting like a soft blanket, and they would bring each other peace and be able to talk until 3 am about stupid little things or sit around not saying anything just enjoying each other’s company. ahhh i’m starting to write a novel but ANYWAYS! yes!! amy + yoongi 4evr
@hoebihoeshi: lmao haley what if i didn’t put you here? i feel like you’d immediately call me and DEMAND answers…but ofc i would set you up on a date with him bc what are friends for?? in her own words “he would help bring me out of my shell” and honestly i think she’d help him out too in that sort of way? like hoseok is afraid of everything, and i feel like he’s probably pretty insecure abt certain things, and haley would literally force him to confront the things he fears, would tell him he’s dumb to ever think he was anything but the Golden Perfect Hyung that he is, and share all of his struggles and emotions as her own and be there for him entirely. they would match each other and fill in the gaps the other has, make them better for it. she would literally do anything for hobi, and what more could someone ask for than that?
@je0n: omg ann….the sweetest and most precious angel….her and jimin would be so cute together. jimin and ann are both super soft people, and i feel like when the other person was feeling down or unsure or anxious, the other would sense it and immediately start spewing praise and love towards them. and i think they both need that…someone to lift their spirits and make them feel loved and snuggle them and treat them how they need to be. jimin would literally be in awe of ann, everything abt her: her beauty, her heart, her talents…i feel like they’re really similar in the best ways (kind, huge heart, there for you when you need it), and so they would click really well. aand i’m a jimann stan now lol
@hobintae: ooohhhhh man, soph. she is probably the funniest person i’ve seen on tumblr, her tags   are so damn funny and original, and i adore her. she would be a great match for jungkook because i feel like she would draw him out of his shell with her humor and bright personality, and that’s definitely something jungkook needs. he’d probably be a bit intimidated at first because he’s himself, but once she started cracking jokes and making him feel more at ease with her he’d be dying on the floor, prob even shooting jokes and memes back and forth to each other during dinner lmao. also, i know soph is soft for jungkook and would coddle and love the shit out of him (among other things) so automatic ship!
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sevenkookiejars · 7 years
“You think I’m nervous because you’re interviewing me for this high end job but actually it’s because you’re stupidly hot” AU + jikook~
Pairing: JikookPrompt: “You think I’m nervous because you’re interviewing me for this high end job but actually it’s because you’re stupidly hot” AURating: PGWord Count: 1,450
“We���re sorry you’ve had to wait this long,” Hoseok frowns, as he settles in the seat across from Jungkook in the waiting area.
“It’s alright,” Jungkook smiles. “This is a huge organisation after all, I’m sure everyone here is very busy.”
Hoseok looks almost relieved by his reply, the corners of his lips tugging up in a small smile. “The manager will be ready in a few minutes. In the meantime, any questions?”
Honestly, Jungkook had many questions. Or perhaps many may still be an understatement. This is BTS they’re talking about - the advertising and marketing agency that has clinched top position for almost a decade. It’s been Jungkook’s dream to get into BTS ever since he decided on the marketing and communications route when entering university. And now he’s here - sitting in the office with the human resource manager and waiting for his interview slot. Jungkook doesn’t even know how he managed to pass the preliminary rounds to get to this final stage. It’s still so surreal, and Jungkook draws a blank at Hoseok’s question.
Hoseok is still patiently waiting for a reply, so Jungkook blurts the first thing that comes to mind. “What’s the manager like?”
“The manager interviewing you?” Hoseok seems to light up at that. “His name is Park Jimin. He joined us two years ago and is one of our youngest managers around. A really talented man if you ask me. The best we could possibly ask for. You know the perfume ad that won the Emmy for Commercials last year?” At Jungkook’s nod, he continues, “Jimin helmed that project.”
Two years and a manger running the biggest projects there are? Winning top awards after a year in? Hoseok doesn’t even look thirty and he’s calling Jimin young. If anything, Jungkook’s already in awe. But before he can get another word out, there’s a voice from across the waiting room. “Hoseok hyung, I’m ready.”
“Finally, busy man.” Hoseok grins and stands, and Jungkook quickly follows suit, casting his glance across the room. His breath catches.
There’s a man in a white shirt and black slacks, sleeves rolled up to just below his elbows and first two buttons undone to give off a more casual vibe. He’s small in stature, a good few centimeters shorter than Jungkook, but he carries himself with an air of confidence. And he’s smiling, eyes reducing to slits and mouth wide in a grin. Jungkook tries but fails to stop staring like an idiot because holy shit, no one prepared him for this. Hoseok said young, but he didn’t say good-looking. Hot, Jungkook’s mind supplies unhelpfully and he resists the urge to club himself in the head with Hoseok’s tumbler.
“Is this the interviewee with you?” Jungkook jolts a little at that, focusing his gaze just in time to find Jimin’s attention now on him. His gaze is sharp but not unkind, almost a little inquisitive as he gives Jungkook a quick onceover. Jungkook bows deep in greeting, praying hard that his knees don’t give in from how weak they feel.
“Yeah,” Hoseok says. “This is Jeon Jungkook.” He guides Jungkook forward with a gentle grip around his elbow. “All yours now, Jimin.”
“Thanks, hyung,” Jimin says before gesturing to Jungkook. “Come on, we’ll use the meeting room down the corridor.”
Once they’re both seated, Jimin turns to him and smiles. “Glad you could make it for the interview today, Jungkook.”
“I-It’s no problem.” Jungkook groans internally, that did not come out right. Jimin’s gaze is distracting (this close Jungkook sees that he’s wearing grey contact lenses) and Jungkook’s mind is a mess. “I m-mean uhh I’m really grateful for this opportunity.”
“Well,” Jimin picks up a pen, scribbling down something short. “Tell me more about yourself.”
With Jimin looking down at his paper, Jungkook feels like he can finally catch the breath that’s been knocked out of him earlier. “My name is Jungkook, and I studied marketing and comm-”
“That’s in your resume,” Jimin cuts in. Jungkook blinks, fingers toying with a stray thread at the waist of his slacks. “I want to know what’s special about you, what makes you stand out from the crowd.”
Against his will, Jungkook’s eyes wander to Jimin’s full lips, his thoughts drifting a little before he snaps back, chiding himself silently. Licking his lips, Jungkook starts, “I uhh… I’ve been doing some work, I mean freelance work since freshman year. Oh, I umm,” he pauses, digging through his bag to pull out a file. “I brought my portfolio.”
Jimin reaches for the file, their fingers brushing and Jungkook quickly retracts his hands, tucking them between his thighs to keep them from shaking.
“Look pretty good,” Jimin says, as he flips through the file.
“Thank you,” Jungkook mutters. He lets himself stare at the manager’s small hands and wanders how they’ll feel clasped in his bigger ones.
“You know,” Jimin starts, and Jungkook jerks a little at his voice. There’s a hint of a smile on Jimin’s lips as he stares straight into Jungkook’s eyes. Jungkook tries not to break the eye contact, even if his insides are squirming so much that he wants to get up and move around to get rid of that feeling. “You’re awfully nervous for someone this talented and experienced.”
“Oh,” Jungkook says. Jimin raises his eyebrows in question. “Uhh… thank you?”
Jimin tips his head back and laughs, and it catches Jungkook off-guard (it’s a professional interview for a top company after all). It should be unattractive with his eyes disappearing and nearly all his teeth showing, but all Jungkook can think is how he still is terribly handsome. He’s whipped and so, so screwed. Taehyung’s going to have the time of his life teasing him if he finds out that Jungkook is having a “high school crush” on his maybe-soon-to-be manager.
“Cute,” Jimin utters softly, but Jungkook still catches it. He dies a little inside.
“So, Jungkook,” Jimin starts again. “I know this is a huge organization and all, and it may seem a little intimidating, but you don’t have to be so nervous.”
No, Jungkook thinks. No, Jimin’s got it all wrong. Because Jungkook, with more than three years of design experience on his belt, is not at all worried about his skills. He isn’t at all nervous because this is some huge ass company that rakes in millions per project and billions each year. 
No, if there’s anything that’s making the ever-confident Jungkook sweat and stutter, it’s Park Jimin.
“Your resume and portfolio is pretty impressive,” Jimin is saying. “Maybe you could tell me what concerns you have that is keeping you nervous now?”
How is he going to explain that it’s not the job but Jimin’s face and overall presence that’s making him jittery? Jungkook sighs mentally. Why does Jimin have to be so damn hot and cute all at once and mess with his mind?
“I mean…” The lilt in Jimin’s voice has Jungkook finally focusing his gaze on the manager. He blinks, confused, because what? Jimin is smirking?
“If it helps you relax and stutter less, I could always turn around so you don’t have to see my face,” Jimin says.
It take three whole seconds for Jungkook to process his words before he colors, unconsciously covering his face in embarrassment. So he’s not only a stuttering mess but he actually said those thoughts out loud. Called Jimin hot and cute to his face at an interview.
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook mumbles. This is it. His only chance at BTS is gone. Jungkook doesn’t know if he should laugh or cryat his stupidity.
“Jungkook,” Jimin says. He waits until Jungkook lowers his hands to look at him before continuing. “Let me ask you one question: Do you really want this job?”
“Yes,” Jungkook blurts, nodding to emphasize his point. “It’s been a dream job for me.” Vaguely, Jungkook registers that he didn’t stutter this time.
Jimin doesn’t answer immediately but continues to stare right at Jungkook, assessing. Jungkook tries not to fidget, biting on the inside of his bottom lip to keep still.
“You’re hired.”
“I’m- wait, I’m hired?” Jungkook can’t keep the incredulity out of his voice.
“Yes,” Jimin’s smiling, “You start next week, congratulations.”
“Thank you!” Jungkook can’t keep the wide smile from spreading across his lips. “Thank you so much.”
“I’ll see you then.” And Jungkook takes this as his cue to leave, gathering his things. Just as he’s stepping over to the door, Jimin starts, “Oh and Jungkook?”
Jungkook spins around in response, one hand on the door handle.
“You’ll be working directly under me,” Jimin says, gesturing to himself. “So get used to this face.”
A/N: Thank you for requesting anonnie bc I needed to get my jikook feels out after today’s vlive (*≧▽≦) 
Send me a prompt and a bangtan pairing, I’ll write you a short fic ♡
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fystarlust · 7 years
1-100 ❤
1. What’s your middle name, and do you like it?Rachel, its okay HAHA2. are you artistic?depends what kind cos i cant draw for shit but i can do makeup??3. Have you had your first kiss?yes4. What is your life goal?be happy5. Do you have any experiences with a famous person?i mean ive seen 5sos 1d and mcbusted in person if that counts6. Do you play any sports?horse riding, i want to play more though i actually really like sports7. What’s your worst fear?demons8. Who’s your biggest inspiration?jacksepticeye9. Do you have any cool talents?my makeup looks great sometimes10. are you a morning person?yes11. How do you feel about pet names?theyre cute to a point, im not about that 'cupcake sprinkle sugar bean' life12. Do you like to read?if the book is good yes13. Name a list of shows that have changed your life.none have changed my life thats a bit far14. Do you care about your follower count?i used to but not anymore15. What’s the best dream you’ve had?i recently dreamt my gf was back home again16. Have you ever kissed someone of your same gender?yes17. Do you have any pets?yes, 3 dogs, 4 cats, 1 horse and soon to be 1 hamster18. Are you religious?no lol19. Are you a people person?noooo20. Are you considered popular?considered by who HAHAH bc my gf thinks im pretty cool 💁🏼21. What is one of your bad habits?biting my nails22. What’s something that makes you feel vulnerable?during and after ive had a mental breakdown23. What would you name your children?Lily, Ava24. Who’s your celebrity crush?taeeeee25. What’s your best subject?nothing academic rip26. Dogs or cats?dogs27. most used social media besides tumblr?youtube28. best friends name?ellie29. who does your main family consist of?idk what main family consists of but i see all my family a lot so my mum, brother, dad, grandparents, aunty, uncle, cousins30. Chocolate or sugar?both31. have you ever been on a date?yes32. Do you like roller coasters?some types of them33. Can you swim?ye boi34. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse?i would be a badass mf and protect my loved ones and animals35. Have you struggled with any kind of mental disorder?yes, am currently struggling with a few and likely always will be36. Are your parents together?no37. What’s your favorite color?baby blue38. What country are you from/do you live in?England to both39. Favorite singer?bts40. Do you see yourself being famous some day?nope41. Do you like dresses?yes but i need to work on my confidence when wearing them42. Favorite song right now?deeessspaaacito43. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?yes, very44. How old were you when you first got your period?1245. Have you ever shot a gun?nope46. Have you ever done yoga?yes47. Are you a horror girl?if this means horror film then yes48. Are you good at giving advice?kind of? with some things im not though49. Tell us a story about your childhood.near my house me and my friends had this den that was like a cave in the ground and it was sooo cool we spent hours in there everyday and its still there50. How are you doing today?im okay51. Were you a cute kid?not to be up my own ass but yes52. Can you dance?secretly yes53. Is there anything you do that you can’t remember ever not doing?looking after animals54. Have you ever dyed your hair?nope too scared55. What color are your eyes?blue56. What’s your favorite animal?ooooo i cant pick one i have so many57. Have you ever made a huge fool of yourself?lots of times, ellie n jess know this best58. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?its complicated but kind of59. Do you have good friends?wonderful ones60. Are you close with anyone of the lgbtq+ group?yes61. What’s your favorite class?in college it was Zoo Management62. List all the tv shows you are watching.RuPauls Drag Race, The Walking Dead, Your Lie in April63. Are you organized?yes64. What was the last movie you saw? Opinion?i cant remember65. Which tv character do you relate to most?not a tv character but Ryan from BuzzFeed Unsolved is literally me as an asian male68. What are some things that stand between you and complete happiness?my hell brain69. If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?travelling with my gf70. What would you change about your life if you knew you would never die?god idk71. What would you do differently if you knew that no one was judging you?iDk72. If you could start over, what would you do differently?i dont like these deep questions73. Would you break the law to save a loved one?yes74. When was the last time you traveled somewhere new?the other week when i went to Wadswick 75. When you think of your home, what immediately comes to mind?my dogs76. What have you done to pursue your dreams lately? How about today?i applied for a hnc77. What did you want to be when you were a kid?a vet78. If you dropped everything to pursue your dreams, what would you be risking?everything?? i dont knOW79. When did you not speak up, when you know you really should have?when i was being bullied, shouldve beat that bitch into the dirt80. Describe the next five years of your life, and your plans, in a single sentence.travel and be happy and be with jess and around animals81. What would happen if you never wasted another minute of your life, what would that look like?well id get a lot more done82. If you could live forever, how would you spend eternity?id spend it with jess then when she died id kill myself HAHAHAH that sounds so dark83. How would you spend a billion dollars?travelling, on a house, animals84. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or the future?the past, i dont wanna see the shithole of a future until i have to85. What motivates you to succeed?literally nothing86. What dream that you’ve had has resonated with you the most?a lot of them cos theyre v realistic, i dont like it87. Would you rather live in the city or the woods? Why?woods BUT not a creepy woods where id get killed, just a nice forest, and because i hate how busy cities are88. Do you believe in life after death?im not sure89. What teacher inspired you the most? How did they?none they can all suck my ass90. What’s your fondest childhood memory?the one about the cave den91. If you could have dinner with any one person, living or dead, who would they be and why?jacksepticeye bc i luv him sm92. What would you have to see to cry tears of joy?when people come home from fighting abroad to their kids or dogs93. What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life?idk how to sum it up94. What do you think happens after we die?i have no idea95. What would you do if you would be invisible?pretend to be a ghost and scare people96. What’s something you can’t do no matter how hard you try?DRAW97. Would you want to choose the sex and appearance of your offspring?no i like surprises98. How did your first crush develop?i cant remember99. Is there a feeling you are trying to ignore? What is it?yes always lmao, paranoia, anxiety, worry100. Do you live or do you just exist?so deep oooOoOoooO i dont care
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