#that’s not important to this post just.. fun fact
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elikellyhall · 2 days ago
I'll say this. I really like this post. It means a lot for how some and I can feel.
We do make fan-made canons of our own, but it's very important that we will still acknowlage and respect the fact that our fan-canon is not canon to the real respective source material. We do make fanon so we have fun, but we don't impact real canon and still respect what was established in the real canons themselves.
Example: It's not just Toy Story, not just Inside Out, and not just Pixar (Those two and other of Pixar's movie library are a big example, as well as what I'll say here), but a lot of animated movies in general from various studios, like keeping the sentient beings secret from humans. (Like Toys, emotions, or even talking animals [Like in the human point of view where the animals sound and act like animals] like Madagascar and Over the Hedge, two DreamWorks films)
I myself have fanon (And based it on those classic Pixar bloopers, and animated movie character interviews from back in the day) and the way I treat many animated characters is NOT canon to the world of the animated movies themselves in any way.
I had to say this as an example for "We can make fan-canon as a way of having fun, but we can still acknowlage the respective real canon and what's been established in the movies themselves". We can choose for our own fan-canon, but not respective real source material canon.
"you can't pick and choose what you like from canon" common misconception! yes you can
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girl-lostconnection · 3 days ago
This post was probably a little overdue but here it is now.
Guys, I’m happy to see people that are excited to see my work. I’m always glad to geek out with you over these things because that’s one of the reasons why I made this blog in the first place and I really appreciate all the support I receive from you — it is much more than I could have ever expected.
What I’m not elated to see is the increased “I followed you for *insert specific AU*” and “when will you write more about *insert specific AU* i followed for it” in my inbox/askbox. First of all, I truly do not understand the point of coming out to say that you followed someone for one specific thing and then getting upset it’s not the main priority of the blog or not the main centrepiece.
I have been having some issues with Fruit bat AU for a little while now. While it was fun to write something this soft and funny and see how much people enjoyed the little jokes and animal facts that got woven in there, the continuous demand for more and more and more and more but in different font is overwhelming.
Also important notice: unless we talked about it and I specifically said that it’s okay, I’d appreciate my work NOT being rewritten and their endings changed just because you did not enjoy the original.
This is fanfiction, not an original piece of media. You don’t like mine? I hope you will find the one that works for you from a different creator.
But let’s respect my work and your time. Don’t do stuff like that, it does feel unpleasant.
And maybe I should have announced it specifically when I started writing in the first place but I write things I like reading AND writing myself. I’m my main Reader, I’m my most important audience.
I love sharing my work on here but it does not mean that I OWE to anyone what, how and when I write things.
I do not appreciate being treated like market and not a writer. I do not enjoy influx of demands, I do not like being someone to place pressure and disappointment on because I did not fulfil an expectation I didn’t know was there.
As of right now the requests are officially closed for an indefinite period of time. I will open them back when I will be emotionally and mentally ready to give more.
Clarification: I do like receiving requests from you, guys. I like being able to share and to write out something that before that only existed as a thought or a dream or an idea — it’s incredibly satisfying to see people be happy at the sight of my work and know that yeah, I did that.
What I do not like is pressure of expectations I never placed on myself.
I will write things not all of you may like and that’s okay. I will update things you did not want or did not wait for and that’s also okay. I like them, so I wrote them. I was interested in them so I wrote more.
I enjoy being part of this community tremendously but guys, you are in my sandbox.
This is my playground first and foremost. And as much as i like to share it — that’s what I do. I share.
You don’t own it or my time or my writing.
Let’s treat each other a little nicer. Because next time the continuous pressure may backfire severely.
And it may not only not get you the thing you want, but cause me to start reject said specific work.
As the result it not only will never be updated — I may consider removing it all together.
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seilnakyle · 3 days ago
do you have any dickbabs reading recommendations (especially if they're babs focused)? I read batgirl year one and some nightwing too, but I would love to delve deeper into their relationship
thank you sm in advance 🙏
They just don’t do slow burn in comics like Dickbabs anymore ♥️
If you’re coming right off batgirl year one (masterpiece. Redefined my life. Forever altered my brain) I definitely recommend you read Nightwing Year one as well, (starts at issue #101 of Nightwing (1996)
In this list I have included everything I can, but If I missed anything significant please feel free to let me know!
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Detective Comics (1937): #359
The Batman Family (1975): #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20
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Robin Year One (2000): #4
Batgirl Year One (2003)
Nightwing Year One - Nightwing (1996): #101-106
Nightwing (1995): #2
Nightwing (1996): #0.5, 7, 14, 16-18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 37, 38-87, 88, 89, 100, 104, 109, 117, 153 (this isn’t EVERY issue Babs is in but all the important ones)
Batman Chronicles (1996): #9
Some of the best and most beautiful dickbabs moments come from birds of prey, and they give a great look into Babs’ side of things too! I recommend reading Bop and Nightwing alongside each other (If you can!) And I alos recommend you read some Batman arcs like Cataclysm, No Man’s Land and Bruce Wayne, Murderer? They show Dick and Babs working together and with the batfam. Fun Fact and slight spoiler for the ending of No Man’s Land, The ending scene where Dick and Helena randomly kiss was supposed to be between Dick and Babs, but someone messed up, and Rucka kinda just thought Dick was a horndog so no one fixed it 💔 there is still some good Dickbabs moments within that arc tho
Birds Of Prey (1999): #8, 19, 20, 23-61, 71, 76, 86
Robin (1993): #71
Gotham Knights: #17, 18, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 42, 43
Harley Quinn (2000): #10-12
DC One Million (1998): #1 , 3
DC Universe Holiday Bash (1997): #2
Batman: Black Mirror (they aren’t together in this but it’s still important reading for their relationship imo and a fascinating/thrilling Dick!bats story with lots of Oracle besides)
Nightwing Annual 2 (for the conclusion of the proposal from Nightwing #117)
Li’l Gotham (2013): #1, 7, 10, 17
Convergence Nightwing/Oracle #1-2 (for the wedding. This is how pre-boot ended as far as I’m concerned)
New 52 Reboot:
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Nightwing (2011): #4, Annual 1
Batgirl (2011): #3, 18, 21, 30, Annual 3, 45
Grayson (2014): #2, #12
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Nightwing (2016) #1, 2, 3, 15, 44, 45, 46, 47, Annual 1
Batgirl (2016): #7, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25
Dark Nights: Death Metal - the Last Stories of the DC Universe: #1
Batman (2016): #55
Batgirl (2016): #43, 50
Nightwing (2016): #50, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 (ongoing)
Batman (2016): #100, 104, 118, 126, 127, 128, 137, 141, 145, 146, 148, 149,
Batgirls (2021): #7, 8, 10, 12
The Flash (2016): #787
Future State: Nightwing (2021): #1, 2
Future State: The Next Batman (2021): #4
Superman: Son of Kal-El (2021): #13
Saved by the Belle Reve (2022): #1
Tales of the Titans (2023): #1
Titans: Beast World (2023): #2, 3, 4, 6
Titans (2023): #6, 7
Batman / Santa Clause: Silent Knight (2023): #1-4
How to lose a Guy Gardener in 10 days (2024): #1
Super-Pets Special: Bitedentity Crisis (2024): #1
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Thrillkiller (1997): #1-3
Young Justice (2011): #22, 23, 25
Earth 2: World’s End (2014): #1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10
Earth 2 (2012): #29
Batman: White Knight (2017): #1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Batman: White Knight: Batman Day (2018): #1
Batman: Curse of the White Knight (2019): #4
Batman: Beyond The White Knight (2022): #1, 4, 6, 7, 8
The Batman & Scooby-Doo Mysteries (2021): #4
Dc vs. Vampires (2021): #1, #2, #3, 4, 8, 12
Batman: The Long Halloween - The Last Halloween (2024): #1
Batman: Dark Age (2024): #4, 5, 6
The Boy Wonder (2024): #1
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thiccpersonality · 3 days ago
To Be With You In The Morning Is My Favorite Tradition
This was the fic I wanted to post on Bruce's Birthday, but due to me being disheartened about losing half of my progress on the story from the phone glitching, I decided I would post this on my Birthday (which is today!)
If you'd like to go support my other two stories in this series liking or reposting, that'd be appreciated! But even if not, that's perfectly okay! Anyhow, here they are: 5 Times Bruce Was Protective of His Pups (+2 Times They Were Protective of Him) and The Difficulties of The Working Class (Just Clark Kent): A Beautiful Omega, His Pups and The Fact He Wants Both
This story is-for some reason-so incredibly mushy at a lot of points that I think it made me sick 😂.
Also, a very Happy Birthday to anyone else who shares March 1st as a B-day too! Eat good food and have fun! You darlings deserve it.
Anywho, without further ado; the story. Enjoy! 💛
Birthdays are like a special holiday in the Wayne-Kent household–mainly for Bruce and Clark's kids–it's as if something takes ahold of the omega whenever one of their babies Birthdays are near and all he can do is plan accordingly. I mean, it's a day to celebrate (with very good reason) the lives of all his children, so sue him for decorating almost every room in the house with the best decorations.
He is just glad for his husband, Clark, and his superspeed coming in handy. The rooms get decorated faster that way.
Anywho, Birthdays are a very special and beloved occasion in the Wayne-Kent household, a day for both the alpha and omega to lavish their children with gifts, kisses and love, while reminiscing on the days when the kids were smaller and more big eyed towards everything.
Birthdays are a treasured thing by Bruce Thomas Wayne, especially as he has a reason to feel excited for them again, the familiar feeling of excited fluttering happening in his stomach as the days leading up to his kids, dad's or husband's Birthday draws closer and closer. All from the joy of imagining their reactions to his carefully thought out decoration plans and the moment they unwrap every perfectly wrapped present.
I know I keep saying it, but Birthdays are like a national treasure in Bruce's home.
However, the issue is how the stubborn omega becomes disinterested whenever his special day draws near, as though his Birthday is somehow less important than anyone else's just because it's him. And the more annoying aspect of that behavior for the family is how Bruce never means it in a negative way...even if once upon a time he did, he's admitted that he doesn't feel as depressed and unhappy whenever the day rolls around like how he used to as a child or teenager.
Clark and the kids have asked Bruce repeatedly what the reasons are for his disinterest, just to make sure that the omega remains as happy as possible as his Birthday nears, because if anyone deserves to feel such joy, it's Bruce.
But, the man just smiles softly whenever they ask, because he knows the reasons as to why they are questioning him, and just explains with the same answer: I'm married and have kids now. An answer that Clark doesn't completely understand, but then again, he acts like a hyperactive toddler whenever the days draw nearer to his special day, bugging his wife about what his theme is that year and what are his gifts and whining loudly whenever he can't find the presents the man hid from him. The alpha just doesn't fully understand Bruce's reasoning. I mean, he's an adult (doubtful), as well as a mature (mhm) alpha and a father as well, and he still feels antsy with anticipation whenever his Birthday rolls around.
No matter though, Clark and the rest of the family always decorate just as much for Bruce as he does for them, the gifts heartfelt and usually handmade by the kids (or else he wouldn't be as excited for the gifts). And yes, they continue to buy things for him even though nine out of ten of most his gifts are immediately on display as decoration for no one else but Bruce's eyes.
But if you were to ask Bruce what his favorite part of his Birthday day was, the answer would be-after listing a billion reasons having to do with the kids-his and Clark's morning ritual of waking up way before anyone else in the house (especially the twins) to just simply bask in one another's presence. Its one of the omega's most favorite moments: to wake up to the gentle nosing at his neck by Clark and the man's incredibly soft, deep voice rumble out a, 'Happy Birthday', to him.
Even if Bruce doesn't show the same enthusiasm for his special holiday like when he was a kid, he still finds his heart fluttering in excitement and love when his family bombard him with lots of hugs and kisses.
Like today: February 19th, Bruce Wayne's Birthday.
The sun has barely begun to peak over the horizon, the sky lightening from a deep, midnight blue to something still dark-yet light toned-at the same time, in preparation for the impending sunrise.
Clark smiles down at Bruce and gently nuzzles the omega's neck, his left arm draped over the curve of the other's waist while he props himself up on his right elbow, his deep blue eyes fondly watching as the shorter male scrunches up his nose cutely at the feeling of the alpha tickling his neck with his lips. "Bruce." Clark's voice rumbles soothingly in the omega's ear, the older placing a soft kiss to the exposed shoulder and hiding his smile in the warmth of his wife's neck. "Baby, s'time to get up. It's your Birthday." Bruce hums low in his throat, his eyes bleary as he cracks them open only to see the darkness of the room, a small yawn escaping him as his body extends into a stretch. "Mm..." He grunts softly from the way his muscles tense momentarily from the force of his sleep rested muscles suddenly extending, before relaxing against the fluff of his pillow with a soft sigh, his icy blue eyes looking up and over to where he knows Clark's face is. "Alpha."
Bruce can practically feel the smile he knows is being directed down his way, his ears tingling at the sound of happy alpha filling the quietness of their bedroom.
"Stupid alpha."
Nevermind, moment ruined.
Clark stops his pleased rumbles in favor of whining pitifully at whatever he did, "What did I do? You always ask me to wake you up every year, even when I feel guilty for doing so."
Bruce huffs a soft, sleepy laugh and pinches at the Kryptonian's cheek, "That's not why you're stupid."
Said stupid alpha responds to the comment by squeezing the omega closely to his body, carefully pinning the shorter underneath his comfortingly heavy weight as he mutters pitifully in the man's ear. "Then why doesn't my omega tell me why I'm stupid so that I can fix it." Bruce can't help his giggle at the ticklish puffs of air against his ear, his hand raising up to gently brush back Clark's curls. "You'll always be a stupid alpha-" he yelps at the teeth playfully digging into his earlobe for the accusation, a sigh of defeat escaping him as he concedes to the reprimand and gently wraps his arms around Clark-"but you're my stupid alpha."
The man hums appreciatively against Bruce's throat before licking apologetically at the now pink lobe. "The actual reason you are stupid is because you didn't turn the lamp on so I could see your face."
Clark stops his licking to prop himself up above Bruce, a beaming smile on his face as he stares down at the omega. "You wanna see my face first thing in the morning, baby?" Being able to make out the omega's blush despite it still being dark in the room is truly a blessing, thank Rao for his superpowers. Bruce huffs again in displeasure at the disgustingly happy smile he can sense Clark is giving him...and from the fact he can't see the alpha, but the stupid alpha can see him. "O-Of course I do...you're beautiful always, so why wouldn't I want to see you?" Clark smiles fondly down at Bruce for the timid remark, momentarily leaving the other's side to flick on their bedside lamp, both squinting against the soft glow of the light.
"Hi." Clark whispers as he settles on top of Bruce once more, his thumb caressing his mates pink cheek tenderly.
Bruce looks up at Clark with a soft look in his eyes, his breath hitching at how handsome his husband is. "Why do you never look like you slept?" He sighs wistfully as he looks at the ever perfect hair, as though he is imagining waking up in the morning looking just as put together as his alpha does.
"Really? No good morning or anything?" 
Bruce looks away from the dark curls and finally makes eye contact with his mate, a small smile gracing his face as he softly greets the taller. "Hi and good morning, Clark." Clark is soft for Bruce, he really and truly is, to the point where it seems overwhelming. The alpha returns the smile and whispers, "I'm going to kiss you now." Waiting for his mate to nod his head before he lowers his head and gently presses his lips to the omega's, smiling into the kiss when hearing the satisfied hum from the other and softly licking at his mate's lips carefully for permission to enter, rumbling in satisfaction when the omega opens up for him. Bruce feels overtaken with warmth as he kisses Clark; that's the way it always goes. The omega purrs contentedly as he kisses his husband, his arms wrapping around the alpha's neck when the man slowly deepens the kiss by licking into his mouth, his chest rising to meet Clark's as his back arches instinctively at the other's long tongue brushing against that one sensitive spot on the roof of his mouth. "C-Clark."
Bruce whines softly against the warm tongue, his heart fluttering at the possessive growl coming from Clark, the others warm, earthy scent turning to something deliciously smokey and heated as he nips at the omega's pink lips. 
"Bruce-" a suck of the tongue-" my omega-" a soft peck to plump lips-"my wife-" a deep, possessive growl as canines bite none to gently at the trembling mouth-"my mate." Clark whispers almost reverently against the sharp lines of Bruce's jaw as he trails a burning path of kisses down the omega's jaw and to his beautiful neck, biting at the mating mark and groaning softly at the pheromones released from the sensitive gland. "Rao, baby, you can't do this to me." Bruce squawks indignantly and weakly slaps at his alpha's shoulder, "W-What are you talking about?! I'm just sitting here and doing nothing–" the way Clark looks at him makes the omega pause, that godforsaken blush returning to his face as he forces down the urge to squirm away from the heated gaze–"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Clark gives Bruce an appraising look before nipping at his oblivious omega's nose, his voice laced with something heated yet soft as he looks down at the other and says: "You're the oblivious to my stupid, y'know that?"
The alpha only has point five milliseconds to explain/defend himself before Bruce starts trying to kill him, he hates any sort of implications that he doesn't know about something...even when sometimes said implications are true. 
Bruce-once what the alpha said catches up to his kiss melted brain-narrows his eyes warningly at his very stupid husband, his mouth opening to complain and argue about what Clark even means, when suddenly the dumb alpha overtakes his mouth once again with a self-satisfied smile. As though he knew exactly what the omega was thinking and decided to stop him before he could even say it. Bruce tries to fight against the surprise attack, but it's hard to when the alpha growls low in the back of his throat as he struggles around, the taller forcefully pushing his wife back down on the bed and wrapping the omega up in his arms when he arches too far away from him.
And if Clark is soft for a sleep addled Bruce (and just the omega in general) to the point of feeling overwhelmed. Then Bruce with a very forward and demanding Clark (and the alpha and who he is in general) is beyond overwhelmed.
And curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Clark smiles smug against the kiss bitten lips of his mate, tugging at the pink flesh for a moment before releasing the muscle with a soft hum. "You gon' let me explain?"
Ugh! That Midwestern lilt Clark can have in his voice is so darn charming. The alpha knows that and is once again using it against Bruce.
To reiterate: curse the alpha for knowing that and using it against him.
Bruce narrows his eyes in an attempt to show his displeasure, even though his body betrays said attempt by relaxing into the warmth of Clark's arms circling his body. A soft noise escapes the omega when his alpha just smiles knowingly down at him and kisses the tip of his nose softly. "You are oblivious because you seem to not truly understand the effect that you have on me-" Clark trails the gentle kiss to Bruce's nose down to his mates kiss bitten lips-"All you need to do is sit there for me to want to do anything for you. All you need to do for me to want to move the world is simply look at me and I would do it all."
The alpha's gaze suddenly returns to a heated look while he nips at the omega's chin, trailing a heated path of messy kisses from the delicate chin down to the pale, elegant neck.
"You don't even know how much you turn me on by just simply existing, sweetheart-" Clark's nostrils flare at the burst of pheromones Bruce releases because of the pet name, a low growl escaping him as he licks at his omega's neck-"when you let me do anything and everything for you." The alpha trails his kisses back up to Bruce's ear, his voice deep and seductive as he whispers. "You are always doing so much for the family and the world around you. Always moving, always acting, always doing absolutely anything to make sure people want for nothing, but what about you, sweetheart? What about my omega? What about my wife? What about my mate?"
Bruce squirms underneath Clark's heavy body, a soft whine escaping him at the tongue sucking on his earlobe, his arms wrapping around the alpha to keep him close.
"Y-You take care of me, alpha."
Clark's grin is all pride at Bruce's quiet confession, a low rumble of affection filling the room as he presses the omega into the mattress, as though he's completely trying to cover him from the outside world. "That's exactly right, baby, your alpha takes good care of you in a way I know no other alpha has before–you've told me as much, hm?" Bruce nods his head obediently, not even sure if the alpha meant it as an actual question or not, but answering anyway. "That's right. I take care of you because you chose me, and I can only thank you everyday for that honor, cause you-" a tender kiss is placed on Bruce's lips-"deserve the world and more. I love the way you sit back and allow me to do the heavy lifting when it's needed."
Clark groans and tightens his hands carefully around the omega's hips, "You are always so strong, and yet you sit back and let me protect you and the kids, you allow me to love every single one of you with all my breath."
Bruce doesn't know whether he's extremely turned on right now or falling absolutely in love all over again?
Both could be absolutely possible, but his body is going through this weird push and pull of feeling hot with pleasure and warm with fondness for Clark.
The omega's eyelashes flutter as he watches his mate slowly-gosh, every so slowly-roll his hips into the plush of his backside, a surprised gasp escaping him when the taller leans into his ear to whisper once more. "I love seeing you sit back and take it all from me: my love, my affection, my protection-" midnight blue eyes somehow darken even more as Clark thrusts his hips suddenly against Bruce's-"my pleasure. You always look so pretty when you lie back and take it all." Bruce feels his body trembling, a whine escaping him when Clark gives him that charming smile, his body reacting to the touch of self-satisfaction hidden within the smirk as the alpha deals the final blow. "Like such a good wife." Bruce gasps and feels his eyes water automatically from the words, from the overwhelming heat consuming him inside and out, his hands raising to try and cover his red face when Clark stares at him for too long. 
"W-What-" he stutters and grips at Clark's broad shoulders tightly-"I thought you...you were just complimenting me so innocently."
Clark chuckles and Eskimo kisses his omega, continuing to give his mate emotional whiplash from the two different sides he's showing. "I was-" a loving kiss to the other's forehead-"and I meant every word about how it's an honor and even a privilege to be able to love you in all the ways I've ever wanted to, and in the ways you deserve. But, it's also an honor to see you be good for me when we're alone, just the two of us, and it's also a pleasure to see you exactly like how you are right now: pretty and pink underneath me."
Bruce blushes (again) and slaps weakly at the older man's shoulder, "I married a monster-"
"No. You married an alien."
Bruce furrows his brows at the interruption and swats at the back of his mates head, "Shut it. Depending on who you ask, it's the same difference. The point is, I married an alien who's actually just a monster in disguise and no one would ever believe me if I told them that." Clark snorts playfully, "No. They wouldn't believe you because Bruce Wayne isn't married to an alien, he's married to a kind-hearted, mild mannered reporter from Kansas. Do you really want to be seen as insane? You come from Gotham, I think that's enough evidence to get you booked, so stop adding onto the list."
The alpha laughs at Bruce's displeased grumbling, accepting the slaps the other assaults him with with a toothy smile, crooning softly towards his mate when the other pauses and reddens from the smirk.
"You leave Gotham out of this, Kent. Don't you even get me started on Metropolis. And I don't care if I look insane, I'm used to seeing people say anything and everything about me...whether I'm Bruce Wayne or Batman. Plus, when I was younger I think the mental breakdowns I went through constantly didn't help my reputation either, so I'm pretty sure that some people still remember that and think I'm crazy."
Clark looks at Bruce in concern, "That...sounds horrible. I didn't know there were articles of you that young-" he pauses thoughtfully before asking-"just...just how old were you then?"
Asking questions like this can always go one or two ways: 1. Very good or 2. Not so good, there is hardly ever an in-between with these kinds of things. Especially as Bruce hardly likes recalling his childhood...and Clark doesn't wish to make the omega feel horrible on today of all days, but he can't help his curiosity and can only hope his mate will be comfortable enough to share more of his past with him.
Maybe it's the fact that it's his Birthday or maybe it's the snuggles and pheromones relaxing Bruce? 
But, all he does is frown slightly in thought towards the question. "Hm? I was only thirteen at the time...that was the age I officially tried to insert myself back into the media, but it turned out I actually wasn't quite as ready for it as I had expected-" he smiles awkwardly up at his husband-"As usual, I pushed myself a little too hard and got overwhelmed really quickly, it was really bad the first time and made Alfred really mad. Alfie really put work into making sure those articles released about me over the years were never heard of or talked about ever again. To this day, I still don't know how he managed to achieve that, and it's something he's never willing to tell me."
Clark relaxes at hearing what Alfred did, a happy smile overtaking the worry as he kisses Bruce's cheek, his voice a pleased rumble when he speaks. "I bet he killed them all."
Bruce chokes on his spit in surprise, his hand raising to check Clark's temperature in mock worry. "Who are you and what have you done with my mate? You are a hero, Clark...you shouldn't wish for the death of any innocent people." He can't help the giggle that escapes him when Clark playfully snaps his teeth at him, as though he's going bite him. "You said it yourself that you married a monster. Maybe it's my inner beast coming out? And I am a hero, that's why it sucks sometimes, because I'm not supposed to wish any harm to come to anyone-even the bad guys-even when I really want to. Those 'reporters' who said what they did about you are absolutely not innocent, they are predators who took advantage of someone who was in pain just for a good story, and that someone was my beloved who would grow to become the bestest omega, mother, wife and mate to ever exist."
Bruce doesn't even know how he manages to keep blushing, it should be impossible right now, but leave it to Superman to achieve the possible from the most hopeless of things.
"Stop it, Clark-" Bruce mutters bashfully-"I wouldn't say that I'm the best at it...but I try my hardest to be as great as I can in those roles." Clark nods to show he's listening before biting the omega's shoulder, smiling innocently when his mate protests. "That's for speaking negatively about yourself. And I'm sorry, baby, but we can't accept the wrong opinions at this point and time, so when you are actually right, come try again."
Bruce huffs and tries to hold back his smile, resting back against the pillows as he hugs Clark close to his chest.
The silence in the room is comfortable as Bruce strokes the alpha's curly hair carefully, the taller inhaling the scent of the omega deeply before exhaling in deep satisfaction from the smell alone, a long-suffering sigh escaping Clark as he nuzzles into the shorter man's chest. "I can still smell your arousal from earlier, B, s'clinging to you like a second skin. I don't know whether to be relaxed or turned on." Bruce chuckles softly and playfully tugs at the short hairs on the back of the alpha's neck, "That's your fault. You had to switch from innocent poetry to verbal p-o-r-n." Clark lifts his head up from the omega's endowed chest to raise a curious brow at him, "Why did you spell it out? It's only me and you."
Bruce rolls his eyes and pinches at Clark's nose for the dumb question, "The twins are in the nursery right next to us. We don't know what their cute, sensitive little ears can make out."
The alpha just smiles fondly at his mate, enjoying when the man acts like such a mother. "Honey...they are only eight-months-old, they can't even read and don't know what most words we say mean yet-" the glare his mate gives him causes Clark to backtrack immediately-"Of course, our kids aren't a stupid alpha like I am, so they are definitely way smarter than that and could probably understand what we are saying. I think you are right for being so careful about this, that's what I think."
Bruce purrs in contentment and nods his head, "Yes. Which is exactly why we can't just say everything in front of them, especially as our babies are learning to speak now, they'll be picking up what we say a lot more now than ever before."
Clark nods and hugs his omega close again, sighing wistfully into the other's neck, "Yeah...maybe I should have taken you on a vacation for your Birthday? That way we can say whatever we want and do whatever we want without cute, sensitive little ears hearing us. You aren't known for being the most quiet-ow!" Bruce sticks his tongue out at Clark when the alpha whines pitifully at being slapped, "You're being dramatic! I can't even hurt you like this. And I do know how to be quiet–" his cheeks redden at the way Clark looks at him, the man's dark stare saying 'oh really?'–"What?! I do know how to be quiet. Maybe it's you that makes all the noise."
The alpha just chuckles low in his throat and places a tender kiss to his mates pouty lips, "Defensiveness has never looked prettier-" he croons deeply-"Though that argument doesn't work, sweetheart, not when we got noise complaints at my crappy apartment. A crappy apartment with thin walls with-might I remind you-residents that already knew my name by then. I still remember when Mrs. Greta congratulated me for finally getting a mate–you remember that? She baked us some cookies and demanded I massage you for the rough treatment."
Bruce groans loudly in embarrassment, throwing his head back against the pillow. "That was such a horrible first meeting to all of your neighbors! I never wanted to show my face there again for my lack of decorum."
Clark smirks against the other's chest and places two loving kisses on his sternum, "But I like it when you de-decorum-ize." He smiles, pleased at the laugh he gets from Bruce for the made up word. "And if I'm not able to make you lose a bit of your etiquette with my–" he glances towards the nursery thoughtfully–"you know what buried deep inside of you, then I think I'm failing at my job." Bruce giggles and kisses the corner of his alpha's mouth in thanks, "You do care about the babies! And it's okay, Clark-" his icy blue eyes soften, that familiar pink coloring his cheeks as he looks down at the man through fluttering eyelashes-"I like losing my decorum for you."
Clark feels his breath being taken away at the sight of his lover, the soft glow of their lamp seeming to soften Bruce's face while also calling attention to the piercing glow of his brightly colored eyes.
The omega watches his mate humorously as the man loses control and smothers his face back into his chest with a loud, frustrated groan, a few fake sobs escaping him as he hugs Bruce close. "We should have totally went on a vacation for your Birthday! Then I wouldn't have to wait until night to get my hands on you." Bruce shakes his head fondly at the alpha's attitude while also grunting in disapproval, his fingers stroking across the alpha's head reassuringly. "You wouldn't dare. I love being with all of my family during special days like this and would hate to be separated from any one of them if I can help it. Especially the babies, they need me–need us right now, and I would hate to deprive them of our time together."
Clark sighs softly, "I know...but how much closer could they want to be with you? They incubated for eight to nine months inside of you. It was crowded, dark and I'm sure comfortable, they could learn to give you some free time with me."
Bruce's brows twitch as he tries not to laugh, unable to help the laughter that escapes his upturned lips anyway whenever Clark gets this way. He knows that the alpha isn't genuinely possessive over him, especially when their pups are involved, however, the man can feel a little put off whenever he feels he hasn't been able to spend an appropriate amount of time with his mate.  And as usual. The omega just hugs the man close and pats his back reassuringly, "But you are such a good father, Clark, so patient even when you feel frustrated. And you help me so much too when I need help and feel a bit overwhelmed as well. You know...one of the reasons I love spending my Birthdays and holidays here, is because you are such a good alpha, mate and husband. You make me feel so comfortable in a place I felt so alone in for such a long time, that now, all I want to do is make new memories here."
He smiles at Clark when the alpha looks at him, "Like this one. It's always nice to wake up beside you in our bed, not some random bed halfway across the world or in another state–but here, with you, in the house you turned into a home with me."
Clark's eyes crinkle at the corners from how hard he's smiling, his chest puffing out in pride at the knowledge of how relaxed and happy he's able to make his lover feel around him and around places he once used to not be so fond of. "Well...when you put it that way, I see what you mean. I've always wanted to have a family of my own...and you all are my everything now–this place is my everything. I don't think I'd want to be separated from it either. Even if it's just for a Birthday."
This is why Clark is so amazing to Bruce: he always understands what he means and how he feels.
And the omega knows that it's not just on a surface level, the alpha has gone through very similar losses and feelings of loneliness throughout most his life, in just the exact same way Bruce has felt the majority of his. It's just that they handled their loneliness and hardships very differently, with the omega being a touch more harsh around the edges when it comes to the people around him (except children of course), and Clark being in a weird limbo of wanting that connection with the people and world around him, yet never really feeling he fit in or related with those he interacted with.
They both grew up thinking they were or would be monsters in their own way.
Clark with his constant worrying he'd harm someone with his superpowers, always fearing a lack of self-control.
And Bruce, who always fretted about being a curse to anyone and everyone around him, thinking that all he would ever do was harm those around himself with a curse of death. I mean, it happened to his parents during one bad night, so why wouldn't it happen during another?
But both?
Both have strived for control out of their fears of never being in control. And all the years of patient and grueling training have payed off: they both ended up meeting one another due to a common goal; protect their cities and their world.
Clark often likes to say that fate is what led them to each other, that their similarities in losing their worlds in just one day and never wanting that to happen to anyone else, is what drew them together like moths to a flame.
While Bruce says it was just Clark playing kindergarten and trying to make friends that made them meet.
Or his ass.
He's not too picky about the answer. Just as long as it's not mushy and romantic like Clark's comment is.
Those kinds of responses always cause the omega's heart to flutter, because even if he won't admit it to anyone out loud, he is actually a little bit of a romanticist at heart; little romantic gestures make him swoon.
Too bad he doesn't know how to handle his own deep desires though, cause he always ends up saying something insulting or otherwise about what's going on. But luckily enough, Clark understands his mate well and just laughs it off, calling the shorter cute for the embarrassment (which he likes doesn't like).
Whether it's fate, good timing or an omega's ass that brought the two together, they are here with one another now. And that's all that matters to them both.
Bruce leans his head down to lightly kiss Clark's lips, his eyes squinting against the sunlight peaking through the crack of the closed curtains, a soft hum escaping him as he pulls away from the alpha. "I hadn't even realized it was sunrise already." Clark hums softly and glances at the clock, "Why is it already seven-thirty in the morning? I'm surprised none of the kids have woken us up yet."
It's as if the comment sparks a chain reaction as a soft gurgling sound comes from the babies nursery, another little sound being made right after the first one. "Neeeeever mind. The boys are up."
Bruce smiles up at the alpha and gently pushes at the larger man's chest hurriedly, "Get up. I want to see my babies."
The twins must be developing super hearing already, as one of them lets out a loud coo at hearing Bruce's voice and a small, "Ma...ma", is babbled. The omega just smiles wider at hearing the noises coming from the nursery, a loud purr escaping him as he coos back at the baby, "That's Damian."
Clark raises his brow, curious as to how Bruce can even tell the difference between the babbling baby voices.
"How do you even know that?"
Bruce looks at the alpha as though he's insane, "Because it's Damian. I don't know how to describe it...I just know it is."
Clark watches his mate sit up, a deep, overwhelming feeling of love overtaking him at the sight of the omega's sleep tousled hair, rumpled up night shirt and naturally pink lips upturned into a happy smirk at the sound of their pups.
Clark whispers softly and smiles wider when the omega finally looks at him, leaning in and capturing the other's lips tenderly with his own, not allowing the shorter to voice his curiosity as to why his husband is staring so intently at him. "You're as radiant as the sun on a hot summer's day." He smiles against Bruce's lips before pulling away until they are touching forehead to forehead, his hand rising to cradle the omega's cheek in his hand. "And as gorgeous as a flowers first bloom in spring."
Bruce exhales shakily at the soft tone, his heart warming with a deep, all consuming affection as he shakily calls his alpha's name, "Clark."
The alpha just kisses the tip of Bruce's nose in response, a soft sigh escaping him as his thumb rubs back and forth on the other's soft skin of his cheek. "And the fact that you're all mine and I your's is as exciting as getting a present on Christmas Day."
Bruce flushes heavily at the words, butterflies wings lightly fluttering against his stomach as he whines in embarrassment and pushes at his husband's face, lifting their blanket up to hide his face and cover his reddening cheeks. "S-Shut up-" he stutters out, his ears twitching at the fussy garble coming from their babies, waving away Clark to the nursery while being thankful for the distraction-"Go get the twins. They are getting impatient waiting on us."
The taller just hums in pleasure at seeing his beloved mate so shy, floating over to the nursery door and cracking it open with a soft call to Damian and Jon.
Bruce exhales in relief when Clark finally disappears, lowering the blanket from his disheveled appearance and smoothing back his hair as he fixes the bed so the pups will be comfortable, taking his and the alpha's pillows and placing them at his sides in preparation to feed Damian and Jon. The omega finds himself pausing in his careful ministrations in favor of listening to his mate croon to the two boys, a fond sigh escaping him as the man talks to the boys as though they understand him, asking them how they slept and if it was a good one. A chuckle escapes Bruce when the soft moment is interrupted by the alpha fake scolding Damian for hitting at him suddenly, his eyes crinkling at the corners as Clark appears in the doorway with the two pups cradled in his arms, a coo escaping him at the sight of the gurgling babies and a despondent alpha.
"What happened, poor baby."
"Damian attacked me suddenly." Clark answers at the same time Damian and Jon babble, the former twin shouting at his daddy's interruption and glaring at him.
Bruce giggles again, smile growing wider when Jon copies him with a cute laugh of his own, his chubby hands clapping together as his excitement overtakes him, "Mama." The omega purrs happily and extends his arms to the babies, happy and content pheromones escaping his neck glands at being called by his name. "Yes, honey, mama. Good boy, Jon. You're so smart already, yes you are." Clark sighs dramatically as his assault is brushed aside, walking forward and carefully handing off the boys to their mother, his own own pheromones betraying his pretend dramatics as he croons at seeing the pups snuggle up to Bruce. "Ma...ma."
Damian gurgles happily too, his big eyes staring expectantly up at Bruce, as though he's waiting for the same praise.
Bruce smiles down at both pups and kisses their fat faces, scenting the babies and tucking them in close as he praises them. "I didn't forget about you, Dami, you're a very smart boy too. So good at saying mama already, do you know how happy that makes me?"
It's as if they truly understand every word coming from the omega as they giggle and clap their small, fat hands (their favorite thing to do), cooing up at their mom as if they are holding a conversation with him. The bed dips suddenly and Clark is quickly scooting closer to the trio, a happy smile on his face as he croons softly for his pups attention and smiling when they look his way, a large finger pointing to himself in barely concealed excitement. "Very good, boys. Can you say, dada?"
Jon innocently eats his fist while glancing over at his twin while said twin just stares at their father surprisingly disinterested for a baby.
Clark doesn't give up though and keeps pointing at himself, "Say dada. You got it boys."
Damian smacks at Bruce's arm, looking up at his mom and back to his dad before keeping his stare on the omega, a wide smile gracing the round face as he coos. "Mama."
Bruce squeals at how much more smoothly his baby said his name this time around, hugging the babies close and kissing them again. "Good boy, Damian! You said it even better than before. Isn't that great, alpha?" Clark just stares dejectedly at the pups, feeling betrayed by his own seed and flopping onto his back with a groan. "Yeah, omega, it's great. But, I think Damian is out to get me...he doesn't appreciate me that much." The omega frowns at his mate and grumbles in disagreement, "You're his daddy, Clark, why wouldn't he appreciate you? He's just a little baby-" Bruce smiles down at the pups, inhaling their milky scent and kissing at their fat necks-"our little baby. And sometimes they just smack things a lot, hm? Maybe they sense that out of the two of us, you are the near indestructible one, so they feel better smacking you."
Bruce snickers at his theory, gently nudging the alpha with his foot and pausing when his ankle is carefully grabbed in a large hand.
"It all makes sense now-" Clark kisses at the bone-"They are just copying you. You slap at me all the time."
Bruce opens his mouth to protest but immediately flashes back to all the times he swatted at Clark this morning, a soft pink coloring his cheeks yet again at being called out. "T-That's because you always say the dumbest things...and the next thing I know, my hands are slapping at your arms or shoulders." Clark hums and releases the other's ankle, "Well...you are quite the charmin' little thing whenever you're flustered. You look like a cherry blossom and are just as pretty as one whenever you blush." 
Bruce has no words right now. Why does his alpha insist on trying to kill him this morning?
Even worse is how Clark just smiles self-satisfied and croons to Damian and Jon for their attention, his voice soft and sincere as he asks, "Ain't that right, boys? Your mommy is the most beautiful person to ever walk the earth?" Damian stops his pulling at Bruce's night shirt in favor of cooing in answer, the way he stares up at the other with shining green eyes making both alpha and omega think their kids understand a lot more words than regular babies do. "Mama." He gives a toothy smile up at his mom, the apple of his cheeks rounding out as he gurgles happily, chewing on his fist while continuing to give Bruce an amazed look.
Jon coos too, his little feet kicking into Bruce's breasts as he wiggles and squirms around, his smile wide and joyful just like Damian's and the way his eyes squint while smiling similar to Clark's as he claps his hands in a random burst of excitement. "Mama."
The amount of adoration Bruce feels for his children is overpowering, tears wetting his eyes as he looks down at his pups and quickly hugs them close to his chest, an overjoyed scent permeating the room as he sniffles against the softness of their baby hairs. "Clark...thank you for making them with me." The alpha's deep blue eyes soften at the omega's wobbly smile and his sincere thanks, his large hand reaching out to squeeze comfortingly at Bruce's ankle. "I wouldn't have done it with anyone else but you. You cooked up some beautiful babies for us, thank you for your hard work."
Bruce smiles at his mate, startling slightly at the small mouths drooling over his shirt and trying to suck at his nipples through the cloth, a soft laugh escaping him as he purrs at the pups. "I know, I know. Mommy's sorry for not getting your breakfast ready yet."
Clark watches warmly as his mate fluffs up the pillows he prepared on his sides before setting the pups down on each side of himself, unbuttoning his shirt so that the twins finally have access to his breasts and helping them latch on. A content sigh escapes both omega and alpha; Bruce's due to the feeling of his pups gentle suckling and feeling of achievement and accomplishment at feeding the boys, while Clark's is from seeing his beloved relaxed and happy, and pups well fed.
The alpha shares a proud look with Bruce before he slightly tilts his head towards the bedroom door, his super hearing extending beyond their room and to the noises he finally realizes is going on beyond it, a tenderness shining in his eyes as he smiles.
"It seems like the rest of our pups are up and working on breakfast."
Bruce just hums softly and lies back against the headboard with a relaxed look on his face, the only sounds being made are the soft suckling of his babies, his own content purrs and the sound of the birds singing good morning outside. 
He's never felt so at peace before.
Clark places a soft kiss on top of Bruce's foot before rising from the bed, quietly walking over to the curtains and drawing them open and exhaling loudly at the comforting feeling of the sun against his skin, closing his eyes at his body quickly soaks up the energy. "It's a beautiful morning today, Bruce. It's shocking cause Gotham is usually so smoggy." Bruce keeps his eyes trained on the alpha as he turns around, his breath catching and heart stuttering in his chest at the sunlight outlining the other's strong body, his already sun kissed skin seeming to glow from the solar energy the sun provides and his black hair seeming almost as dark as ebony in comparison to the bright light shining down on him. "Gorgeous."
Clark blinks in surprise before smiling big, his chest poking out at the attention from his omega. 
Bruce smiles fondly at his mate when seeing the others reaction, "Maybe the sky cleared up because it knew you'd be here. The sun seems to be attracted to you no matter where you go, like you're a flower." He looks at Clark from head to toe, taking in the broad shoulders and strong lines of his body, glad that the alpha forewent putting on his shirt first thing in the morning so he can have this view. "A very pretty flower."
The look Clark gives Bruce causes the omega to snap out of his soft rambling and distracted staring.
"Now who's the one waxing poetic?" The alpha's voice is breathless as he asks, a small flush rising on his cheeks as he beams at the omega, though his eyes betray just how much he enjoys the compliments.
Bruce blushes himself at the other's tone, using Jon as a shield to hide his face behind as the babies are done feeding, his voice timid and slightly annoyed by being embarrassed. "J-Just put on your shirt before the rest of the pups come up, they've probably finished the food already." He gasps as Clark is suddenly in front of him with his shirt on, his eyes drifting down to his wife's exposed breasts and eyeing the small beeds of milk that escape his nipples, clearing his throat and looking the other in the eyes as he buttons up his nightshirt for him. "We can't forget about mama either."
Jon smiles at hearing his mama's name, small arms extending to Clark so he can be held. 
Bruce hands over Jon to Clark while he picks up Damian and scents the boy some more, doing his best to get over the alpha's heated look from before. "Stupid alpha."
The Kryptonian just chuckles at his omega and the fact his words don't have the same heat as they usually do when he says that, the alpha scooting over to sit next to Bruce so he can scent the shorter and Damian, said pup flailing his pudgy hand at his papa for interrupting his cuddles with his mama. "No hitting, Dami, I just wanted to scent you." Bruce giggles at the pout on Clark's lips, his ears twitching at the loud sound of his children scurrying through the hallway, their 'whispering' not so quiet as they debate who will enter first. The omega smiles softly and kisses Damian's cheek before handing him off to Clark, having to gently shush the older twin when the boy whines at being separated from his mother, "Hold onto them for me. Once Richard sees we're snuggling together, he'll immediately want in."
Clark nods in understanding and kisses at Damian's disgruntled face repeatedly, crooning happily when the pup (despite being unhappy about the sudden switch up) allows him to gently nibble at his chubby face and neck.
The doorknob slowly starts to turn, both Bruce and Clark remaining silent as the door opens slowly to reveal Alfred, the older alpha smiling kindly at seeing his son and son-in-law already up with the pups. "Good morning, Bruce, Clark and pups. I told these loud lot that you two would already be awake-" he gives a slight side eye towards the loudly protesting pups-"just as you are every year."
Richard pushes through his siblings, clutching a small vase of flowers in his hands and pouting Alfred's way for entering the room first.
"Alfie! You were supposed to let one of us go first-hey!"
Jason elbows Richard in his side, his brows furrowed in displeasure at the eldest. "You're the one to talk! I was supposed to enter first because I have the food...kind of."
The nineteen-year-old attempts to (gently) shake off the siblings that insist on clenching tightly to the food tray, their bodies dangling in the air and a squawk of protest coming from Stephanie at the rough treatment. "Stop moving us around so much, stupid! Both of you are in the wrong! You-" she narrows her eyes at Jason-"were supposed to let me and Cass carry in breakfast because ma would obviously want to see our beautiful faces first and not the horror story that's yours. And second: Richard was supposed to let Tim carry the flowers in since he's the one that picked them!"
The eldest gasps dramatically, a hand raising to grab at his heart as he stumbles backwards towards their parents bed and falls dramatically on top (making sure to keep the vase steady as he does), a whimper escaping him as he makes sad eyes at Bruce.
"Do...do you hear of this slander, mama? What I'm being accused of? Does no one recognize what I've done for this family?"
Jason rolls his eyes and continues with his attempts at shaking Tim and Stephanie off of his food tray, "Pfft! What? How you give us all a headache. Trust me...it's hard to forget what you've done for us when we are reminded everyday of it." Richard wails pitifully at the slander, sniffling loudly as he inches his way over like a worm towards a humored Bruce, hiding his head in his mom's chest. "I'm being bullied." Bruce's eyes crinkle in happiness, a soft coo escaping him as he indulges his eldest son's theatrics. "My poor Dicky bird." He purrs happily at the sight of the pretty roses expertly arranged inside of the vase, "The roses are gorgeous, puppy. Thank you for helping Tim with the flower arrangements."
Richard immediately perks up at the praise and looks up at his mom with a bright smile, setting the flowers carefully down on the side table after letting the omega smell them, sticking out his tongue at the rest of his siblings and smiling cockily when being praised.
Immediately causing a chain reaction from the rest of the group as they loudly clamber forward to receive compliments too.
"Mom! I helped grandpa cook breakfast!"
Jason extends the food tray towards the omega, scowling down at Stephanie and Tim when they start gnawing at his arm and even try to take credit. "Don't listen to him ma! Alfred did most of it."
Cass watches on the sidelines, an amused smile gracing her round face while watching the banter, her smile growing soft when she looks towards her mom and dad. Her hands tugging a confused and timid Kon behind her as she pushes through the battlefield and to the bed, "Good morning, mommy, and Happy Birthday! Sorry about the noise today...we didn't have much time to organize how we'd come in-" she gives an apologetic smile while nuzzling into Bruce in greeting and doing the same with Clark-"but we did our best on the presentation of everything-oh! And don't listen to Stephanie, Jason and Alfred did all the cooking while she burned everything."
Stephanie suddenly shouts in protest and releases the tray in favor of tackling Cass into the bed with a playful growl escaping her lips.
"You traitor! I thought we were friends?!"
Cass smiles and nips at the older girl's chin playfully as they wrestle on the bed, careful to avoid hitting the babies in Clark's arms. "The best of friends." Steph stops her assault at the admission, a happy croon escaping her as she lets the younger go. "Fine...you win cause you are just so cute." She huffs and turns to Bruce with a wide smile on her face, "Hi mama! I know that your day was ruined by seeing Jason first thing in the morning, but I hope that I can make it a little better?" 
The female alpha kisses the omega's cheek loudly, shouting when she's grabbed by the nape of her neck and pulled away from Bruce, only to have her face shoved into the mattress. "Shut the f–udge up-" Jason glances at the babies briefly before looking down at his sister-"you're just mad because you suck ass–tronomically at cooking." He ignores the girl's protests in favor of settling some of his weight on her while leaning forward to greet Bruce, his eyes shining in adoration towards the omega. "Happy Birthday, mama. I put my foot into the food...so I hope you like it?" Steph slumps in defeat underneath the younger boy's weight, rolling her eyes at Jason's words. "Why would B wanna eat food that tastes like sweat, testosterone and fungus?" Jason quickly hands over the food tray to Bruce so he can put Steph in a headlock, the pack smiling at the giggles coming from Damian and Jon.
Barbara shakes her head at everyone's antics like a tired aunt left to watch her rowdy nieces and nephews, rather than an older sister.
She gives their mom a knowing smile and kisses the man's cheek, scenting the other in her neutral scent before pulling away. "Happy Birthday, mom. Can't escape the noise even today of all days, huh?"
Bruce purrs happily at all the love, smiling softly when Tim crawls towards him and kisses him, the teen scenting Bruce in his cinnamon, nutmeg and orange scent.
"Good morning, mama. Happy Birthday!"
Bruce smiles at his seventh youngest and scents the younger back, his eyes sparkling with an uncontrolled affection as he looks at the beta. "I wouldn't want to escape the noise—this is the best kind any how." The omega looks at Conner afterwards as he's the only one who hasn't said his good morning yet, a soft chirp escaping him as he calls to the pup, opening up his arms wide when that's all the teen needs to launch himself into the omega with a soft call of his own. "G'morning mother."
Bruce smiles kindly and nuzzles the boy's head with his own, looking at the rest of his children tenderly. "Thank you my babies."
Conner smiles shyly at his mom before turning to Clark, his gaze turning to something more guarded as he looks at the older alpha wearily, feeling a bit more comfortable getting close as the man is holding babies. "G-Good morning, father." The boy fidgets and stiffens up, his heterochromatic eyes closely watching the elder as he shifts Jon to be held in the arm Damian is in and raises his free hand to slowly pat at the boy's head, crooning towards the half-Kryptonian reassuringly. "Good morning, pup. It was nice of you to help your siblings with B's breakfast."
The teen slowly but surely relaxes into the gentle head pats, a proud smile on his face at receiving praise from his alpha. 
"T-Thank you, father...I have never tried cooking before. I wanted to try making this thing called toast."
Clark raises a brow and nods his head to show he's listen, "Oh yeah? Did it work out for ya?"
Conner suddenly looks chagrined, bowing his head as he twists his shirt in his hands. "I think so? I ate it all." At his father's loud burst of laughter, Kon quickly looks up at the older alpha in confusion...he thought he would be punished for taking food away from mother. "W-Why are you laughing at me?!" Clark clears his throat to stop his laughter, though his lips betray how he still finds the situation funny, a soft look in his eyes as he ruffles Kon's hair. "I'm not making fun of you, Kon. I just thought the situation was a bit funny and endearing...I don't think your mother minds that you ate the toast."
Bruce purrs when Kon looks his way, "It's okay, pup. I'm glad that you enjoyed the food."
Conner's shoulders slump in relief at the reassurance, the boy blushing at how he freaked out over nothing and yelping when he's tackled by his siblings into the bed for pack snuggles.
The omega shares a small smile with his alpha before glancing at Alfred, who is standing at the foot of the bed watching his grandchildren lovingly, the elder turning to look at his son when the younger squeaks like a puppy. "Dad " The old alpha softens at Bruce extending his neck to be scented by the pack alpha, a soft croon escaping the Brit as he lowers himself down on the omega's side of the bed to scent him. "Happy Birthday, my dear boy."
The younger relaxes against the headboard with a content sigh, a feeling of completeness settling within himself as he's officially been scented by all of the family.
Apparently though, all the scenting has gotten to Damian-which also means it's gotten to Jon-as the pup(s) start cooing and whining for Bruce again, the eldest twin slapping at Clark when the alpha hasn't given him over to his mom yet. "Mama." The baby stretches opens and closes his hands towards the omega, slapping away at Richard when the man tries to comfort him. "Ow! I'm just trying to hand you to mom, Dami." The boy responds with a grumpy scowl on his face, a grunt escaping the baby as he is cradled in Richard's arms, his head swiveling automatically towards Bruce and keeping his eyes trained on the man. "Mama."
Richard playfully rolls his eyes at the pup's behavior, "Is that all that is ever on your mind is mama and milk? What about me? Aren't I your favorite"
It's as if Damian knows what Richard is saying as he stares the alpha down, a serious look in his eyes as he gurgles happily. "Mama."
Bruce laughs at the forlorn look on his eldest child's face, the omega clicking his tongue to get Damian's attention again and grabbing the twins from both alphas. "That's right! Mama is your favorite, right? Damian and Jon are my favorite too–" he trills happily at the joyful smiles both boys give him–"Yeah, that's right. You are my little babies, yes you are and I love you so much." Clark rubs at Richard's back comfortingly, chuckling to himself at the young man's dramatics, but know that he's not actually jealous (at least he hopes not). His deep blue eyes take in the sight before him: Conner being attacked with snuggles by the girls and Tim, Jason leaning against Bruce's side (though he keeps having to fight off his siblings who eye the spot jealously) and Alfred who has taken to feeding the pups fruits from Bruce's fruit bowl, his sons munching happily on the food while the old alpha croons at the twins happily.
Bruce notices Clark's staring and smile at the older, pushing his plate over towards the alpha and opening his mouth up when the other looks at him curiously.
"Feed me."
The Kryptonian chuckles and picks up a grape first, watching adoringly at how his omega closes his eyes and hums happily around the fruit, glad their kids are too distracted playing with each other to notice him leaning forward to capture his mate's lips in a sweet kiss. "Thank you, darlin' for allowing me to be a part of this family." His voice is nothing but a whisper, as though if he were to speak any louder, the moment would end and he'd realize it was all just a dream. "I'm glad I didn't take you in that vacation."
Bruce smiles against the other's lips, pulling away with a light laugh as he allows the chaos of his family to wrap him in a warm embrace. His forehead rests against Clark's as he thinks of only three words to say to the alpha, a special kind of gentleness in his gaze as he whispers.
"I was right."
(I bet y'all thought the three words were I love you, huh? I was going to end it all mushy...but I have had enough of that and made Bruce be smug about it instead XD. The man can't handle romance properly to save his life lol.
I had plans to make three more posts on my Birthday...but I obviously cannot and did not. So, sadly this all you all get of me today :3, I hope the story was just as enjoyable as all my other one's?
You all taking time to simply glance at this story is enough to make my heart full with love! So I truly thank every for the constant love and support ☺️, seeing you all actually enjoy the stuff I put out is exciting to me.
Also, this story is related to the 5+2 story as it has Kon in this along with Damian and Jon as twins (like the majority of readers requested in said 5+2 *on ao3*). While the Difficulties of The Working Class fic goes along the lines of if I stuck with introducing a 10 year old Damian like how it is in canon (I'm still working on that story btw...and I am truly sorry for the horribly long wait 💀💀💀).
I don't know what else to say except that I truly appreciate all of you! Everyone of you are very special and muchly appreciated, thank you!
I hope everyone has a great first day of March (it's my Birthday wish). So, please remember to stay safe, happy, healthy and of course lovely as always. 💛)
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its-no-biggie · 1 day ago
thanks for the tag!!
2012 (2020 remaster) by will wood and the tapeworms
ma meilleure ennemie by stromae (twins!!)
i/me/myself by will wood
vortex by baishajaws
black sorrow by park byeong hoon
november by sparkbird
mr capgras (2020 remaster) by will wood and the tapeworms (that isnt actually the full title but i dont want to type it all out 😭)
laplaces angel (hurt people? hurt people!) by will wood
moshimo inochiga egaketara by yoasobi
unknown (till the end) by akugetsu
4 will wood songs and 2 alien stage ones...... idk what that says about me but its certainly saying it loudly.
also there are songs in 5 different languages on this list?? (oh wait. vortex is in english isnt it..... well its by a chinese artist. honorary 5th language) honestly i mostly listen to stuff in english and japanese but theres like one of every language i ever listen to on here 😭
yknow even though its on shuffle this is a pretty good representation of the stuff ive been listening to lately. all really good songs!
tagging @adventure-line-tm @whatthefuckisasweep @the-animalcollective and anyone else who wants to <3
On repeat
I've been tagged to put my "on repeat" playlist on shuffle!
thank you @grapehyasynth 💜💜💜💜
Mondkuss - Rosenstolz
Beautiful James - Placebo
Kaleidoscope - blink-182
Lonely is the Muse - Halsey
Stockholm Syndrome - blink-182
Heart's All Gone - blink-182
Arsonist - Halsey
Hurt Feelings - Halsey
Girlfriend - Omar Rudberg
Viel zu kalt (Februar) - Rosenstolz
I've been.... feeling a little nostalgic.... what can I say....
Very much no pressure tagging @sobadbad @sillylittleflower @themarsbar @saynomorefic @phneltwrites @pagegirlintraining @earlgrey-lateatnight @iwouldnevergetintofanfic @enjoythesilentworld @toffeelemon @goldenwilmon @hergrandplan @bigalockwood @causethisismyblog & anyone who sees this and wants a go at it. Feel free to tag me in your posts so I can snoop on your music taste 💜
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miraculouslbcnreactions · 3 days ago
Regarding that scene on Werepapas, what a coincidence. My friend just finished watching the series up to season 5. While he agrees that the writing is far from ideal, while discussing Representation, he didn't get that Adrien is a senti! Only Felix. He felt that it was ambigous. He hopes that maybe Adrien was made thanks to the Peacock but without him being exactly a senti (he still can't exactly explain Gabriel's influence).
With Werepapas... I was astonished, and I don't know if my friend's theory might not be as farfetched... we are giving the writers too much credit, right?
(Post that spawned this ask)
I think it's perfectly valid to be on the fence. I wouldn't put money on Adrien being human, but I wouldn't put money on him being a sentimonster either. He probably is, I wouldn't hold hope for him to not be, but it's not explicit canon and that does matter to a certain extent.
There's a rule in story telling that no one is really dead until their body is show and that applies to more than just death. Any twist isn't truly canon until it's explicitly stated in the text and Adrien's status has never been officially stated. It's only strongly hinted at. This was likely done with purpose because this show is aimed at children. You don't go the subtle route with five-year-olds. They don't know enough about story telling for that to work.
Writers use this hints only trick for a variety of reason, but when it comes to writing in long running shows, the most common reason is to keep the story from having to commit to something before the writers are sure about it as they don't know how many seasons they'll have to write and what plot points they want to use. Right now, the writers can backtrack Adrien's status without retconing anything since he was never said to be a senti. Same goes for Kagami. The only canonically confirmed senti is Felix.*
This noncommittal tactic where nothing is confirmed in canon isn't a writing style I love, but it does have its place. Reveals generally should be teased out over time and not given after the first hint. Tease it out too long, though, and it's no longer solid setup and payoff. Instead it's just an annoying stalling tactic. When it passes from good pacing to stalling tactic is highly subjective and depends on how complex the reveal is. Adrien's status isn't remotely complex and was setup all the way back in season four, so I feel comfortable saying this has gone from the story slowly teasing out the reveal to a stalling tactic which is very much in line with the show's writing style. They're dragging the love square identity reveal to death. I will not be shocked if this gets the same treatment just to keep people watching in the desperate hope that they can finally get some clear answers. It's how show's like Miraculous work. There's not enough here to actually tell an eight-season story so we get this instead.
*Do NOT quote Twitter at me. Twitter is not only not canon, but Twitter "canon" has been retconed and contradicted by actual canon on several occasions. In Twitter canon, Luka is two years older than Juleka and that's clearly not true in actual canon. It's why I try to avoid using Twitter as a source. There are times when I feel you basically have to acknowledge it because it's the only source for any sort of explanation for some nonsensical but important thing canon did, but even then I never assume the statement is truly canon. It's just the closest we can get to canon at the given moment. Which is embarrassing because most viewers are not checking Twitter to understand this show for children!!! The text should speak for itself on all major bits of lore. Twitter should be reserved for fun but pointless facts like what Ladybug's suit feels like.
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yuttikkele · 2 years ago
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oh? you ship them?? hang on let me just.. for you….
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this should only take a second—
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ah there we go!
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funsizedcrow · 1 month ago
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When the youngest sibling becomes the oldest :)
Q&A (as asked by my sister and me to myself)
Q: Why is Time wearing his kokiri clothes while everyone else is just in smaller versions of their regular outfits?
A: Time came prepared for a situation exactly like this. shrunken or not child him is not wearing that armor (i didnt want to draw it)
Q: Why is Wind lecturing Legend?
A: He tried to grab a fire rod
Q: Why are they all children except for Wind?
A: I thought it would be funny. Maybe a wizzrobe did it. Maybe blue stalfos from oracle of ages showed up. Maybe there was an incident with Purah's de-aging rune. Who knows I'm just the artist here
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heynhay · 1 year ago
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redrew my old Romellura art that KD unearthed lolll
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jacarandaaaas · 6 months ago
Mirabel Madrigal & Creativity:
So something I’ve realized after watching the movie a couple of times now is how mirabels story can easily correlate with the experience of someone creative when you’re only considered of use if you’re academically smart.
Not only do they refer to the magic as “gifts” and “gifted” very common terms associated with people who are considered academically smart but also the fact mirabel is shown as an artist. Our first introduction to her you see her room is plastered in artwork as a 5 year old and even after the prologue you still see she’s kept her artistic side. the thing is mirabel is incredibly talented she draws, she sews, she embroiders, paints, plays the accordion too! These are all incredible talents to possess and yet do we ever see her getting praised for them in the movie? not really. because mirabel doesn’t have a “gift” a literal magic gift yes but also could be interpreted for a creative as academic smarts. Creative thinking is something mirabel possesses and its quite literally the answer in the end but because she’s not smart in the expected way i.e academics she feels she’s not worth as much as others in her family.
I like to think making her an artist was an intentional choice as I know a lot of fellow artists have had people tell us it’s not a “useful” skill to have in the real world. It’s not worth taking the time doing when you could be pursuing medicine or law or something that uses your brain. Even in the ending of the movie mirabel tells them they’re “more than just your gift” which I feel can relate a lot to people who heavily rely on their academic achievements they can forget it’s ok to not do 100% every time and these ridiculous standards are just wearing you down.
So in conclusion I believe mirabels story resonates a lot with the experience of being a creative person but your skills not being seen as valuable. I just love that they made mirabel an artist to show how talented she actually is! she shows that creatives are valued and appreciated and needed and deserve to be encouraged not shot down! so thank you mirabel valentina rojas madrigal for being my favorite artist <3
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thefloatingwriter · 8 months ago
sunrise on the reaping is where headcanons go to die.
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sieglinde-freud · 14 days ago
i love laslow and nyx’s supports and i love how they go from trauma dump central in the b support
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to making fun of their angst in the a
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like theyre soooo lame and it makes me emo and every time i watch this support i kick my feet and twirl my hair theyre SOOOOOOO SICKENING. WHO WROTE THIS. WHOOOOOOO
#ann plays fates#THIS IS MY LAST GAMEPLAY (‘gameplay’ im reading supports and nothing else) POST OF THE NIGHT I SWEAR#IM DONE#i just have a lot of meaningless thoughts im having a lot of fun#i forgot how much i love these characters its been so long#but yeah i feel like i post about this convo a lot but its always just a different part of it#but its not my fault the whole thing is SO good#i love them so much… definition of comfort hets#even if theyre both definitely bisexual#las also has like aspec stuff going on as well but thats neither here nor there#theyre just sooooo…#im so into the ‘seeing the worst in yourself but the best in the other person’ thing#and they do it so well#bc its like u see their angst and where it comes from and it really is all so unfathomable#and with laslow like obviously the other two could feel the same but hes very much the most introspective of the three#and ive talked about it before but his relationship with death is very different than the other two#and so i think for him to get wrapped up in his own self loathing with this is so much fun#AND ALSO THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU FIGURE OUT HE BLAMES HIMSELF FOR LEAVING THE BAD TIMELINE?!#HE DOESNT TALK ABOUT IT ANYWHERE ELSE (to my knowledge?!)#and then with nyx i feel like a lot of her supports are about her helping others#which makes sense! she wants to repent and this is how shes doing it#but i think for laslow to come along and tell her there is someone like her out there (him!!) can help her come out of her isolation a bit#and its j really sweet#I LOVE THEMM I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM ALL THE TIME#also i LOVE two of the saddest people in the army coming together and making the happiest cutest daughter ever#two characters so moon and stars adjacent having a sunny baby… STOPPPPP#another episode of ann making up shit thats not even close to canon#i feel like ppl often say ‘laslow is fates’ best character’ ‘nyx is so well written!’#and yet no one ever reads their convo together which is a shame bc even if its j platonic i think its a really important one for both#anyways tag limit. i only reach it when talking about them…
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monstrsball · 2 years ago
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happy iwa day to all who celebrate
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breeberrypies · 2 months ago
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·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
meet the artist ✩
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🍓 ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
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me (real)
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cyellolemon · 9 months ago
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Some drawings with my wizard ocs!!
1st pic: Romeo (he/him) and Myel (he/she) they're bff!! :3 they really like each other
2nd pic: Stellan (he/him) and an oc i never posted before, she's Odette (she/her) she's the daugther of the magic academy director and this one wanted Stellan to marry her, he didn't really have the choice, so they're now fiancés, she's more like a little sister to him
3rd pic: Myel and Stellan! being normal about her
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the-silver-chronicles · 9 months ago
Siblings Q&A | Silva & Elsa Omar ONESHOT
Tagged by @raresbaby and @inafieldofdaisies
Tagging @voidika @icecutioner @socially-awkward-skeleton @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @strafethesesinners @rhettsabbott @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @imogenkol @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @cassietrn @carlosoliveiraa @adelaidedrubman @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @aceghosts @turbo-virgins @shellibisshe @deputy-morgan-malone @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @la-grosse-patate @florbelles @sleepyconfusedpotato @titiagls @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink @thesingularityseries and @nightwingshero + anyone else who wants to join. Taglist here.
Hey guys, SimpleGenius here! Decided to turn this short Q&A into a legitimate Oneshot for The Silver Chronicles, involving two OCs of mine; Silva and her younger half-sister, Elsa, set in a time in Hope County where Silva had no knowledge of Eden's Gate and the Omar's experienced a time of normalcy. There should be nothing but fluff, yes-siree. Oneshot below the cut:
The buzz of the worn-out camcorder complimented the numbing visuals of the frozen static, but swiftly the unused device booted up.
The specter on the screen was both haunting and ethereal, a memory from a time so much simpler. A normality so sparse in time.
With her trusty camcorder in hand, Elsa admired herself in the mirror. Hair twisted in many small blonde braids, wearing a white sundress laced with magenta patterns that looked like flowers.
The camcorder fizzled, the screen going blank for a moment. She gave it a good whack, faded red paint dusting her black gloves, and the camcorder proceeded to work like normal.
Elsa carried the camcorder away from the mirror, passing through into a lounge. Her hermana, dressed in a yellow flannel and black jeans, her dark hair flowing past her shoulders, seated on their couch having a cup of coffee.
"You ready, Sylvie?" Elsa asked, shuffling cards out of frame. Sylvester placed her cup onto the coffee table, laced gloves fixing creases on a dress she's not wearing. Realizing this, she stops the action and awkwardly cups her knees.
"Si, uh, seguro," Sylvester muttered out, clearing her throat, "How does this work?"
"Essentially, from what Rae-Rae told me, this is a fun little game where siblings answer questions for that net-work mambo-jumbo," Elsa explained, and again shuffled the flash cards she prepared.
"And since we're both sane enough to not invite people to put their noses into where they don't belong, I thought maybe, instead of doing this for strangers, we do it for Persephone," Elsa elaborates further.
Sylvester blinks, grey eyes staring at her younger hermana like a doe caught in headlights. She tilts her head, her right cheek sunk in, chewing her inner cheek.
"Elsa, she's una," Sylvester points out.
"Yeah, I know that," Elsa sighs, understanding but exasperated, "But she won't be for long. When she's older, we can show her this. Let her get to know her mamá and tía some more."
Sylvester's lips didn't quite frown, but she wasn't unconvinced either. "Derecha," she nodded, still wrapping her head around the camcorder's functions.
Elsa was likely grinning behind the camcorder, "Exactly! Now, to make this a bit more fun, I shuffled the questions out of order. Now let's begin."
Elsa showed the flash cards, the shuffle complete, and flipped over the first one.
"Question 19: Who has the worst ideas?" Elsa asked aloud.
Sylvester snorted, uncharacteristic of the person she's supposed to be, a small teasing smile on her healing chapped lips, "Well we both know who that is."
Elsa let out an exaggerated gasp, feigned offense, "Why Sylvie, I am but a respectable, humble and pious shopkeeper. Do you insinuate that I am anything but?"
"Bold words coming from the local daredevil who likes to worry her hermana to near-death," Sylvester retorts, arms crossed.
"...I'm guessing Rae-Rae snitched about my escapes on her roof?"
Sylvester had no need to answer, though Elsa must have seen that she had nothing to worry over, as Sylvester's smile held only amusement.
"Next question," Elsa declared, moving on, "Number 7: Most stable romantic life?"
Both wondered briefly, and Elsa states, "I gotta give this one to you Sylvie. You managed one relationship with Irene far longer than any ones I've had in our time here."
Sylvester narrows her eyes at Elsa, raising a quizzical brow, "Is that so? You and Ezekiel were like two peas in a pod every time you both talked with each other."
"That was brief, and we weren't official. Just some one-upping through flirtation. And he had been a real jerk at first, remember? At least you and Irene had a better start," Elsa deflects, waving a hand onscreen as she desperately denied her hermana's accusations.
Sylvester merely nods her head in feigned agreement as Elsa brings out the next question.
"Question 12: Best memory together?"
Sylvester leaned back on the couch, looking up for a moment. With Sylvester pondering which memory she liked the most, Elsa already found one.
"I'd say buying this residence," Elsa admits, "A place we can forever call our home. Wouldn't you agree?"
Sylvester looked to Elsa, and gave a short nod, "Si, it is up there. But... I'd say my favorite would be when it first rained. Just... playing and dancing like kids do... like we should have been allowed to do."
Elsa must have sensed the solemness in her voice, and replied, "At least we got to do it."
Sylvester hummed, appreciative of that fact.
"Question 15: Would you rather not being able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?"
Sylvester was immediate in her response, "Not shower for a month, obviously. We can just bathe in baths instead."
Elsa laughed, cheerful and loud, "Never thought you'd be the one to take advantage of a loophole Sylvie."
Sylvester smile wholeheartedly, grey eyes sincere as she admitted, "I learned the best from my crafty little hermana."
"Aww," Elsa lightheartedly cooed, and proceeded forward, "Question 5: Who sleeps the most?"
Sylvester raised her hand, "Mother of one very curious and fussy niñita, right here."
"No arguments there," Elsa replied, "Question 14: Dream trip together?"
In a moment of synchronized thought between hermanas, they both state, "Spain."
"Question 16: Who's the older one?"
Sylvester raised her hand once again. Elsa flipped to the next flash card, "Question 10: Who had a weird phase?"
Both pondered for a moment, trying to think of any moment in their lives of such a phase.
"I don't think we were ever given a chance to do so," Elsa states. Sylvester hummed in agreement, shaking her head in confirmation.
"Alright then! Question 6..."
Elsa paused, reading the flash card: 'Who's Mom and Dad's favorite? (If there is one?)'
Sylvester waits, worry building in her gut, and asks, "What's the question?"
Elsa hesitated, but responded, "Who's.... mo- ahem, father's favorite..."
Sylvester briefly gaped, but recovered, stating, "Well, we both know the answer to that question is neither of us."
Elsa hummed, throwing the card away as she proceeded with the next one, "Question 18: Role Model? Mine's you, of course. But who's yours Sylvie?"
"I'd have to say Paul," Sylvester mustered out, clearing her throat, "He saved me after all. Raised me. Gave me something that we were denied."
"I wish I got to meet him," Elsa admits, "From what you told me, he was funny and dramatic."
Sylvester smiled at Elsa's words, "You two would have adored each other."
Allowing Sylvester a moment to keep herself together, Elsa proceeded to the next card, "Question 3: Who eats the most?"
She raised her hand this time, the various rings displayed for the camcorder to catch, "That'd be me! Speaking of which..."
Sylvester cringed, swiftly adding, "I had a sandwich earlier."
But Elsa was not deterred, "While that's good, you skipped breakfast nor have you had any fruits or snacks prior to lunch."
"I'll have something later," Sylvester flimsily promised. Elsa, not satisfied, retorts, "I'll hold you to that."
"Question 8: Worst habit of each one?"
Sylvester sighed, "Well, you already know mine. Though your recklessness is concerning considering your condition Elsa."
"I'm not made of glass, Sylvie."
"Elsa, your bones are brittle and break easily."
"...Okay I'm a little like glass, but I'm not stupid. I can take care of myself. I know what I'm doing when I climb a tree, or go bungee jumping or help Rae-Rae around her farm," Elsa defends. Her hermana replies, "I... I know that Elsa, but even so, you've been seeking out riskier and riskier thrills lately, and I can't... help but worry."
"I appreciate it," Elsa assures, and adds, "But you worry way too often."
Sylvester doesn't argue, and Elsa takes advantage of the momentary silence, "Question 4: Who has been on the weirdest situations?"
Neither hermana could think of either one being in a "weird" situation. Sylvester opted to gesture to Elsa, "Well, given your escapades so far, I vote you."
Elsa huffed, "Seeking thrill is not the same as getting stuck in chance and strange situations."
"And how likely am I going to be in such situations?"
Elsa mumbles, indistinctly playful, and moves on, "Question 20: A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?"
Sylvester raises a brow, "Whoever finds it first."
"Pfft, a bug ain't that scary," Elsa comments, "Question 17: Describe each other in three words."
Elsa and Sylvester held gaze for a moment blurted out their answer.
"My badass worrywart-hermana." "Daring little hermana."
There was a silent beat before both responded to such descriptions.
"Surely that is four words, Elsa," Sylvester argued, but Elsa interrupted with her pointer finger as she replied, "Ah, but you forget my lovely older hermana, the power a hyphen holds."
Sylvester shook her head in disbelief, but did not debate further as Elsa brought forth the next question, "Question 1: Who looks the... ah mierda, another one?"
'Who looks the most like dad?' the question read.
"Is it another relating to... him?" Sylvester tested, her lips pursed in a thin line, her voice softer and quieter than normal. Her grey eyes dulled, hands clenched into her jeans.
Elsa sighs, a hand going out of the camcorder's view, probably to play with her blonde locks, and most likely undo a braid in the process.
"I... Do you mind if we skip this one?" Elsa asks, and Sylvester eagerly nods, much to Elsa's relief, "Question 11: Best cook of the family?"
Elsa answers before Sylvester could have a chance, "Yeah, I can't cook for shit, that's you right there, Sylvie."
Sylvester closes mouth, making no comment on Elsa's lack of culinary skill. Elsa flips the next flash card, "Question 9: Who's the most dramatic?! Why that would be me!"
Sylvester nodded with absolute certainty.
"Question 8: Worst habit of each one?"
Sylvester beat Elsa to the tea, "I got this. I'm a nagging worrywart who forgets her own needs sometimes, and you, mi querida hermana, are a crafty daredevil with a big ego that often gets you into trouble."
"Hah! Wow, you know me so well," Elsa said, flipping to the next flash card, but mentions, "However, you're wrong in your description; you're not a nagger."
Sylvester doesn't visibly react to this, but she seems to be stuck in a forlorn gaze. However, the next question snaps her out of this odd pause, and Sylvester listens attentively.
"Question 13... uh, worst memory together?"
Sylvester and Elsa pondered together, brainstorming.
"Our entire childhood was jodido and never the best," Elsa mentions. Sylvester frowns, and points out, "Si, but the run for the docks weren't any better."
Elsa couldn't not hum in agreement, and she moves on, "Last Question. Number 2: Who looks the most like mom...?"
Sylvester looks baffled as Elsa blows a raspberry, "Irrelevant. We've never met nor did we have the same mother."
Elsa throws away that flashcard out of the camcorder's view, much to Sylvester's visible annoyance.
"And... that's it. We finished the game. Yay!" Elsa lightly cheered, her camcorder focusing on Sylvester, "So... food for thought?"
Silva watched herself, younger and with so much more innocence, more hope, than she had now. The camcorder in her gloved hands was running hot, the flashing sunset-red indicating a coming end, but she could care less, holding onto the memory in her hands for as long as she could.
Sylvester chewed her inner cheek and said, "Besides two nosy ones, I'd say it was... nice?"
Elsa's mock offended gasp was as exaggerated as the younger hermana's mannerisms had always been, "Just 'nice'? This is a memorial moment for the both of us. It is evidence for Persephone to watch and rewatch for years to come."
Elsa placed the camcorder on the coffee table, and sat down next to Sylvester on the couch, a big grin spread out, pearly teeth shown. She grabs a hold of Sylvester's laced gloved hands, despite the latter's exasperation over the former's words.
"Wasn't it you who emphasized the importance of this? To immortalize ourselves through memories our family can visit decades after we're gone? Whether it be through ink, our voices or our image? You have to agree that this is quite a viable way to do that," Elsa assures Sylvester, who's doubt dissipated the longer she thought.
The camcorder began to buffer, the orange-red blinking faster, but Silva continued to watch, wanting to savoir this for as long as she could.
Sylvester's grey eyes looked to Elsa, softly asking, "Okay. But I have to ask; are you sure?"
Elsa laughed, her dimples caught by the camcorder's lens, as she says-
The camcorder's screen was blank, only reflecting Silva. The blinking light gone, the heat prevalent, and despite desperately pushing the power button repeatedly, Silva knew she wouldn't get those reassuring words she needed to hear. Not now. Nor ever again.
Silva's shoulders slumped, still sat down on the old wooden floor in the decrepit corpse of her home. The home she had taken care of for almost a decade. Even after her hermana's death, despite the ache for her visits. Even after Persephone's passing, though the yearning for her hija's laughter echoing in the halls hurt more and more with their absence.
And now... her residence, her home, was nothing more than a burned and decrepit husk full of dust and debris. All the memories that mattered, all the memories she held close to her, the journals, the photos, the shrines they rested under, were all tattered and ripped and frayed and singed and gone. Just gone.
And now... with exception to Silva's own visage of Elsa... the last thing of her hermana that she could have shown to her familia, could no longer function. The Collapse had reduced the resources required to charge such a small device to ash. Even if something survived, the camcorder was aged, and had some bugs.
Silva flipped the lid screen closed, clutching the little camcorder in her gloved hands, pushing it against her chest as she let out a shaky breath. The foliage that claimed her house rustled as a breeze swept past.
She shook where she sat, holding onto the pain, the knowledge that change has come and another chance away from her before she could appreciate it.
The wood creaked, and Silva didn't want to look at her amor's beautiful face, didn't want to shoulder her with more of her own pain and grief. But a dainty hand cupped her face, and Silva couldn't resist, relenting to her beloved's request.
Her tearful grey eyes connected with the warm green of Faith's. Her beloved, her esposa, her amor. Her Faith.
I am hers. And she is mine. As we both vowed.
And Silva wouldn't hide herself away from her. Couldn't. Even if she tried. How could she? They both knew the best and worst of each other. Intimately.
There was no judgement pitting them against one another anymore. Like now, there was only understanding. The grief for a present that they could no longer return to.
Silva did not resist the tears that fell across her cheeks. Nor did she push away Faith when she wrapped her arms around her. An embrace that held a strength that others underestimated about her. Both possessive and a comfort. All to tell Silva, I'm here.
Silva felt two more pairs of arms hold around her. The first was of her inventive Azriel, her grip unyielding as she buried herself into Silva's shoulder, just like she had done when she found her at age nine.
And the second came from her youngest. Her Mercy, clutching onto her with small hands, light-brown hair nuzzling into her body, perhaps not quite knowing why her madre was sad now that they were out of the bunker, but doing her best to lighten the load with her presence.
Silva placed down the old camcorder, and did her best to compensate in the embrace by wrapping her arms around her Faith and precious hijas. Her familia.
The grief was ever present, but this time, Silva would not be lost to it.
[A/n] I lied, the fluff was merely a front, there's only angst here. Well, mostly at least. Set before Old Dusk (the New Dawn WIP), with only a camcorder showing pre-Silva's Hope stuff. They probably only recently left Silva's bunker and well, Silva's obviously gonna be depressed about the state of everything. At least she has her family to keep her grounded? Also I haven't written in a while, so if it was repetitive or tone death, my bad, I've been trying to get my motivation back. Anywho, hope you enjoyed this lovely (and angsty) oneshot, and see y'all in the next one!
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