#that would at least be something if i could get a nutrient from the chalk
unopenablebox · 1 year
post chest pain hospitalization incident i have a bunch of symptoms like i am having weird randomly-timed esophageal acid problems, but online suggests that it should resolve as soon as you eat chalk and it absolutely does not do that, i can't even tell if the chalk is helping at all, so now i'm worried i have some much weirder problem
also i am apparently too-- something-- to be able to say "take antacids" let alone a brand name (mine are generics anyway). so i always default to "eat chalk" even if that makes me sound incredibly strange and not saying "eat chalk" feels like an unpleasant and uncomfortable euphemism. the only truth is that i am being made to eat chalk and the indignity is only heightened by the fact that it doesn't even help
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mari-lair · 4 years
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Norray halloween week Day 1: Ghosts!
If curious, below are some random info about this Teacher/ghost AU
Ray got a gun and he can use it. The ghost gun isn’t able to touch, much less physically hurt anyone, but it replicate the sound of a real gun, which contributed a lot to how low priced his haunted house rent has become. It nearly gave Norman a heart attack the first time he heard it.
After being dead for a while, Ray learned how to turn visible and invisible at will and play around small objects such as paper, shoes and butcher knives. He can control up to 4 small objects at a time or something relativaly heavy like a chair if he really concentrate. The more he got the hang of controling and moving small objects the lower his house rent become, rarely getting aggressive but still able to physically hurt people. On All Hallows Eve he can posses people’s bodies and get out of the house he haunts, but he always ends up back to his empty ‘home’ when the night is over.
Ray is an incredibly fast learner. Just by observing the people that visits his house, he learned a decent amount of modern english and understand the basics of how tecnology is a  thing now -he wished this advanced tecnology was invented when he was alive. It would make the of lack of food and nutrients less of a deadly nightmare in open sea.
As a pirate, Ray used to be the one in charge of doing most of the bloody work and take the night watch, protecting his captain’s back from both outside and inside forces. He was constantly alert, borderline paranoic. But as the years in death passed, he grew more calm, very patient. He usually don’t mind new people in his house, happy to learn more modern english and befriend the guests willing to tolerate him. If a new guest cross a line however,  Ray will do his best to scare them away. Hurt them or kill them by manipulating knives if he sees fit.
It’s very rare for adults to see Ray as anything other than a nonsense they have no energy to deal with or a warning sign for their crumbling lives, so he usually hang around kids. The childish company mellows him with time.
Ray is from a time where death was common and getting hurt was inevitable so what people consider pretty serious is something Ray considers mild “Why are you being so dramatic about seeing some bone? Be grateful your hand is still attached to your wrist after you slaped your daughter. If it wasn’t for her wishes you wouldn’t have legs to run away.”
Norman is considered a genius and have countless prizes under his belt. He wanted to go to the moon when he was a kid but because of his weak health, he knew he would not be acepted in the space program. He decided teaching was the next best thing later on, accepted as a teacher in a prestigious school while still young. He enjoys and understand all subjects but love history the most, unable to deny it was hard and frustrating to teach a whole class of teens at times but still liking his job. Having one student that was genuinaly interested in his class was more than enough to make his day.
When Norman first started teaching, he felt more responsable than he had his whole life. It wasn’t a bad feeling per see, but it made him anxious so he called his little sister Cherry once a week to ask her questions about her teachers and make sure he was doing a good job.
Norman may not be the funniest of teacher but he’s still a favorite for his palpable cares for his students. He does not make the subject easier than is requested but he put a lot of effort into making people enjoy their world history, teaching with passion and seriously answering any questions, no matter how silly or joking it sounds. He’s understanding and try his best to help those with dificulty with the subject, always giving people second chances, having lost countless nights of sleep correcting re-writen essays after deadlines and turning his test questions into podcasts for students with adhd, aware the big historical excerpts are fundamental for answering the test but too hard to focus, specially with limited time.
The lambda crew are problem children. Norman went the extra mile to save Barbara and Zazie from failing classes even outside history and left Vincent startruck with his wide knowladge about not only world history but a ton of subjects he could be teaching too if he wasn’t overworking himself. Norman is both happy to inspire the squad to study hard and also very awkward by their blind admiration.
The teacher had a firm “ghost don’t exist”  mentality, which is one of the reasons he brought the haunted house in the first place. He had chalked Ray up as an halucination from his sleep deprived brain, having the rotten luck of buying the house right after a bad guest owned. The ghost got more annoyed than usual from things as insignificant as Norman keeping the lights on for too long, putting music Ray doesn’t vibe with, or just acting unfairly cute, to more personal matters such as Norman studying about Ray and his family lives. They used to have a distant and bad relationship but once Ray noticed Norman had only admiration for history, being genuinaly kind when trying to talk instead of mocking his existence, Ray apologised. Norman was still wary at first but they quickly hit off, enjoying to learn what the other had to offer and matching in wits.
When Norman catch a fever or a bad cold Ray gets wary. He know, on some level, that medicine have evolved a lot, but he remenbers way too clearly how serious even the weakest of diseases could get if not imediatly treated.  He always stick by Norman’s side when the teacher sneezes, not taking his eyes off him. Usually Norman keep working when he catch a cold, so Ray learned to float Norman’s grading papers out of his reach when coughing joined his sneezes. Floating a paper is enough to get Norman to take a break most of the time, but if the get stubborn Ray will stop playing nice. Just lower his voice to comander mode and order “Rest. Now. Or I’ll make your life a living hell.” and Norman does what he’s told, it’s very unconfortable to have a gun in the face and he does feel very tired.
When Norman is seriously sick, not just coughing but stuck to his bed. Ray freak out and fear for his life. When it reached this level, most of his crewmates died or had to be thrown in the sea to not infect other. Yes Ray know it’s not as bad anymore, but even when he observed guests, they rarely got sick, and when it got bad they where taken to a doctor. Norman lives alone so he got no one to feed him and bring him blankets or take him to the doctor if he lies for hours in bed. Ray was all the help he would get and he is fucking dead, he can’t measure his temperature or take care of him properly. Ray does tries his best though. He concentrated a lot to float heavy blankets and pillows towards Norman. Imediatly fetching any pills asked of him and doing his best to make him tea. It isn’t tasty, but Norman still appreciates his care.
Ray is the first to fall in love, he think “If only I could  kiss this fool and hug him, I would do it on the daily. I wish he was alive back then... He would love meeting Emma...” at least once a week but a big part of him is just “Forget scurvy! Norman would die of cold or malnutricion before he reached 10. Thank god the helpless bastard took his sweet time to be born.”
Ray cannot touch any eletronics, he can’t even come close without phones, computers, and tvs turning to statics, so Norman buys an illustrated book about the Red Mane Pirates for Ray to see his crew again. He know is not perfect but is the best he can offer whenever Ray expresses missing his family.
They read together. Norman occasionally teaching a new word to his ghost and Ray correcting any historical inacuracy. It’s fun.
Norman finds an illustration of an alive Ray sleeping in the mast waaay too beautiful. Ray snort at the romantized draw, disolving into laughter by how Norman failed to hide his blush.
It became a habit to read history books together and tease each other. More often then not, it lead to a history class and way to much sass on both ends.
“Wait, so there really was a world war? I heard about it from old guests but I thought they were exagerating when they called world war! And what do you mean 2? There was a second one??”
“How did miss the second one? It was HUGE, quite horribl-”
“You were not even alive when it happened.”                                        
“Tecnically, you weren’t either Ray-” 
Ray is a bit scared of how attached he got to Norman, knowing eventually the man would die. He hopes it will take a long time, and that once he had a painless death, he will become a ghost too, but he doesn’t really believe Norman will ever turn into a ghost. Ray knows not everyone that dies became a ghost. Since someone as compassionable as Emma -even if she was forced to have blood and dirty choises on her hand to survive the merciless seas- was not cursed to became a ghost, he was confident someone as kind as Norman would dissapear from Ray’s afterlife once he died too.
More of this AU here
And since you reached the end of this text wall. You can have this bonus Norman being awkward/excited about their growing friendship.
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portalford · 4 years
Jellyfish Apocalypse Not Coming
Author’s note: yes this is based off that headline and what about it
Stan wakes up Thursday morning to a deck covered in jellyfish.  
His first thought is that he should go back to bed.
(Truthfully, his first thought is something much more R-rated, but he’s working very hard on the swearing thing for the kids’ sake, so he quietly discards his actual first thought).
So.  His first thought is that he should go back to bed, because if he goes back to bed he can pretend this was some kind of insane fever dream and he won’t have to deal with it.
Ford ruins this plan, because Ford is an unrepentant bastard.
“Stanley!”  his brother is, of course, disgustingly awake for this hour of the morning.  He’s not vibrating enough to be over-caffeinated, but he’s definitely two or three cups into the day.
Stan would kill for a spoonful of the nastiest bilgewater coffee right now.
Ah.  He needs to respond to Ford.
“Mmph.  Yeah.”  Good enough.
Ford, assured that Stan is not zombiefied, dead, or likely to die in the next ten minutes, immediately lights up again.
“Stanley, this is amazing!”  He does a full spin on the deck, narrowly avoiding the fluorescent purple heads of at least four jellyfish.  
Stan doesn’t know if these things are alive or dead, and doesn’t especially care, but if Ford gets stung this morning will truly go from bad to worse, so best to try and calm him down.  Or, at least, not wind him up more.  “Ford, please don’t step on the jellyfish.”
Ford stops, startled.  He looks down at his feet.  “Ah.”
Stan considers trying to find a clear path to his brother and immediately decides against it.  There’s just too many damn jellyfish.  “Do you know where they came from?”
“Well, the ocean, presumably.”
Right.  Of course.  “Do you know why they’re no longer in the ocean?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea.”  This, of course, just makes Ford even happier.  Give him a brain-busting puzzle and you’ve made his day.  A deck full of shiny purple jellyfish probably isn’t even in the ten weirdest things Ford has seen.
To be fair, it’s only number nine or so for Stan.
“Wasn’t there something in the news about a jellyfish apocalypse?”  asks Stan. 
“That’s clickbait,” says Ford.
Stan scratches his jaw.  He needs to shave.  “How can you even pick real news out of that mess?”
Ford starts talking about weather, signs, and maybe the position of the stars relative to the poles.  This is clearly going to last a while, so Stan stumps back inside to get that coffee.  Ford follows, skittering around the jellyfish and still talking a mile a minute.  Stan nods and grunts in all the right places, picking out one or two pieces of information to file away for the next time Ford complains that he never listens.
He listens a solid twenty percent of the time, at least.  What Ford says is less important than that Ford’s happy when he says it.
After his lecture, Ford disappears to his room and returns with a net, a tape measure, an LED light, and a dog whistle.  Stan doesn’t know where he got the whistle.  They’ve never owned a dog.
When Stan goes back on deck, several of the jellyfish are flapping wildly about, transformed from mostly-harmless goo to tentacle-whirling dervishes.  Ford is fending them off with the back end of his net.
Stan immediately heads to Ford’s room, picks up his space pistol — Ford rarely carries it around the ship after the Incident With the Crabs of Which They Do Not Speak — puts it on stun because Ford will probably throw a fit if Stan kills his terrible stinging jelly friends, and shoots the sons of bitches.
Ford takes more time thanking Stan for having his back than he does berating him for causing potential damage to the murder fish, so Stan chalks it up as a win.
“I still haven’t figured out why they all jumped onto our ship,” says Ford.  “Perhaps it’s a migratory instinct?”
“They can migrate all they want,” says Stan, “but if they do it on our boat they gotta pay transport.”
“I doubt their currency would be worth anything to us, Stanley.”
“They can cook then,” says Stan, and he goes to make lunch.  He was going to make something with fish, but the smell of jellyfish has permeated the entire ship by now, and he’s tired of it.  He makes pasta instead.
Ford doesn’t come down for lunch.  He had some toast with his pot of coffee this morning, and they’ve reached a compromise where Stan only insists that Ford eat twice a day like a somewhat reasonable person, instead of trying to overachieve and insist that Ford eat three squares like a completely reasonable person.
The pasta’s a little overdone, anyway.
Stan braves the deck again later that afternoon, only to discover that he brought the gun for nothing.  The jellyfish are all gone.  There’s just a few splotches of slime here and there to prove they even existed.
Well, slime and Ford’s giddy excitement over the slime.
“It’s incredible, Stanley!  They make a lubricant ten times more effective than anything on the market today, and with a fraction of the amount needed; this could be revolutionary!  I just need to find out if it reacts badly with metal.”
“Don’t use the frying pan.”  Stan looks around the empty deck.  It’s almost eerie after half a day with their blobby visitors from the deep.  “Why’d they all leave so fast?”
“Well,” says Ford, still scraping at some of the slime with a trowel, “I would assume it’s due to a need for water or nutrients or some other environmental factor.  Either that or a desire to follow the herd, so to speak — some of them left, so the rest followed suit.”
Stan mmhm’s, a little absently.  He’s trying to figure out what piece of cutlery or machinery Ford is likely to experiment on with his fish slime, and how to cut him off at the pass.
“Stanley?”  Ford sounds annoyed.  “Are you even listening?”
Stan mhmm’s again.  “Yeah, sure was.”  He looks up at Ford and grins.  “They found out the jellyfish apocalypse wasn’t coming.”
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heathers-wig · 3 years
come & find me - heathney hanahaki au part three
note: please check out parts 1 & 2 before reading! this is the final part :)
## / ## / ##
So. It’s the Hanahaki Disease. Such bullshit. I sound delirious just writing it, but it can’t be helped, I guess.
I don’t know who they’re for, but I can’t let anyone find out. It would bring the bad type of attention, and no one can know of this weakness. Especially my “beloved”, seeing as how they’re literally the death of me. I don’t know who they are, but I already hate their guts. Maybe they’ve replaced Courtney as the Most Aggravating Individual of the Year.
## / ## / ##
Good news: I’m not the only one that has the disease! Bad news: Gwen, Eva, Harold, and Izzy know. Oh, and Gwen has it too, and over the idiot skateboarder, no less.
I guess I can’t judge, though, seeing as how I don’t know who these stupid flowers are for. “Pride” and “loyalty” — what type of hints are those? And Izzy was so out of line with the “I bet it’s Courtney” thing. Glad Gwen found it funny because I sure didn’t.
If it is Courtney, I have the worst taste. The worst.
But Izzy won’t be right. Courtney’s Courtney, and out of my league and I’m out of her league.
## / ## / ##
So. It turns out Izzy was right.
## / ## / ##
Courtney’s infuriating, still, but not in the same way as before. She’s so hard to look away from. I’ve observed all these things about her that I didn’t even know I noticed, and now they’re all resurfacing and it makes it so hard to ignore her. All the things I found aggravating before are weirdly charming now??
She’s just… really pretty. And sweet if she wants to be.
Shit, I really do love her.
No, I do love her. I really fucking love her.
She’s just?? Perfect. Every time she straightens her hair and every time she proves someone wrong and every time she does literally anything is so goddamn pretty I can’t even breathe around her. Literally. It’s selfish but I want to have all the couple-y things with her. I want the picket fence and matching rings and holding hands. I want her intimacy and love and affection. I want it all.
But… I’m too selfish for that. I’m just going to die, I’ve accepted it. It’s about time the Hanahaki Club does, too, or they’re just playing themselves as fools.
I am, too, by fantasizing like this. Dying is the only way for me.
## / ## / ##
Gwen’s in stable condition. She got in a coughing fit during a Hanahaki Club meeting, and now she’s literally fucking dying.
I’m scared, but I don’t know why.
That’s going to be me, soon, though. Whether or not Gwen lives to see is something I’ll just have to see.
## / ## / ##
Of course Courtney found out. Smartass.
But is it bad that I really, really liked having her attention and care?
Whatever. But, she held my hand today, and her hand was really, really warm.
God, how pathetic am I? I’m literally dying over here and yet I’m getting all flustered over a hand. I’m doomed.
I don’t know, I just wished I could have stayed like that with her forever. Her hand on mine. Her hand squeezing mine.
## / ## / ##
It got worse.
It hurts and it hurts and it hurts and it hurts and it hurts to even fucking breathe with how much it hurts.
Am I dying? I think I am.
I hope I am.
## / ## / ##
She’s clueless. She’s so fucking cute when she’s clueless.
She keeps on trying to guess who my “beloved” is, and she’s fucking clueless that it’s her. Of course she is. Of course Courtney is smart and sharp at everything but identifying that it’s her I’m in love with.
Of course, of course, that’s just the universe playing “Heather’s Karma” at me.
She’ll fall in love, someday, and it’ll hurt like a bitch when she realizes who she’s pining for is a dense rock.
## / ## / ##
I want to hold her and kiss her and love her and I know it’s selfish but the thought of it is so good but I can’t indulge in it and it hurts.
… At least it’ll be over, soon. I can feel another cough coming.
## / ## / ##
I’m going to die today. I can feel it.
It’s a shame Courtney is going to beat herself up for not finishing the answer on time, though, but she’s going to hurt either way. Maybe I’ll leave her this so that she knows.
God, that’s going to be embarrassing, but at least I’ll be dead and not around to see her reaction, even though it’ll be priceless.
It’s time to go, though.
## / ## / ##
Good (?) news: I’m not dead. Bad (?) news: I will be in a few hours.
I’m high on pain meds right now. It hurts to write, but I gotta.
So I thought I was gonna die. Fucking Gwen n Eva ruined that though. They got me to a hospital. Caring assholes.
The doctors say the flowers are going to suffocate me. Good. I’m ready for this to be over.
My last request is that this, somehow, is given to Courtney Barlow. The doctors already know this.
So, Courtney, hey, how are you? In the event you have this, I’m dead. Sorry. You were the person I got Hanahaki for. Sorry for not telling you.
I’m running out of time but I love you. You already saw the other entries, you already know how much I love you and every part of you. Of course you do. Smartass.
Besides this, I have left you a lotus and an azalea taped in my journal. The azalea means “take care of yourself for me”, and I left you one because I’m going to beat your ass if I see you again too soon. The lotus means rebirth.
I don’t know what happens when you die, but come and find me when we’re reborn. In the next life or the one after that, just come and find me. I’ve never been patient but for you, I’ll wait.
Come and find me.
(Courtney goes to find her.)
She finds her through a vase of flowers. Lotus flowers and azaleas, to never forget the promise Heather didn’t know she made.
And heathers. Especially heathers, year-round. The only difference was that she tossed them out before she could see them wilt, much like the original Heather had.
Over the years, Courtney found Heather in minuscule things. In flowers, of course. In libraries and in pain enduring manuals and in medication and in sickness and in health, Courtney found her.
The girl who lives and loves and cries eventually dies, knowing that she’ll soon be reunited with the girl who lived and loved and died.
0. restart
past the blood and bruise / past the curses and cries / beyond the terror in the nightfall / haunted by the look in my eyes / that would've loved you for a lifetime / leave it all behind / and there is happiness
vi. white heathers & red roses; ‘wishes do come true’ & ‘I love you’
It’s been perhaps a day or two since Heather had awoken from her state of dying that she had accepted with grace, and Heather hates everything about the situation.
She may be in stable condition, but she is in no way getting better. She still hacks out sweet peas and purple hyacinths, along with her own blood, and she still feels just as depleted, but Heather can’t bring herself to care. The hospital gown is stiff, and saying the medical equipment is unfamiliar and uncomfortable is an understatement at best, but still, Heather takes the treatment with little argument to be provided. She’s too exhausted to care anymore, and she knows that in a few days short her time will come for good.
Still, despite her denial of the surgery, that didn’t stop her friends from the Hanahaki Club and the doctors begging her in a gentle yet urgent tone to go through with the surgery. She’s not sure why she declines; had it been a few months ago, Heather would have leaped at the chance for treatment when Gwen first suggested it. Now, though, Heather found herself wrinkling her nose in distaste, shaking her head, refusing the treatment, company, and tray of food brought to her.
Maybe, Heather thinks, if she refused her medication and nutrients, she’d die faster, but it seemed even at the hospital she didn’t get the choice. Soon, both are injected into her, and all Heather can do is sigh and wish the blossoms would overtake her faster.
Her family never shows up, though, and Heather is unsure if that’s truly a good or bad thing.
Shaking her head and the thought away, Heather wordlessly looks to the vase of roses sitting next to her stand on her side with a cheesy Get Well Soon! card attached to the vase.
Momentarily, she wonders if she would be killed faster if she choked on the thorns of the roses, before falling asleep due to her own exhaustion.
It’s around 7 PM when Heather expects her nurse to come around with her dinner — an unidentifiable lump of food that tastes like chalk — when the door to her quarters slams open, and a girl who is very much not her nurse stumbles into the room.
Upon identifying who her unprecedented intruder was, Heather felt her windpipes squeeze, a lump forming in her throat. All she can do is stare like an idiot at Courtney, whose face seems to be unable to choose between adopting overwhelming relief or fiery rage.
Momentarily, though, Courtney’s raw frustration creases her features, deepening a scowl and narrowing her eyes — had she always had those bags beneath them? — to slits.
“You… you absolute idiot,” the brunette seethes, fumbling over her words. “Why? Why did you make yourself suffer for so long over these stupid flowers over me? Why are you refusing treatment? God, you’re such an idiot…”
Just like that, concern and relief overwhelm her initial anger, allowing Courtney to sink to her knees next to Heather’s side. The brunette clutches the other’s nearest hand desperately as her face contorts, fighting back a sniffle. For a fleeting moment, concern overrides all else as Heather watches Courtney let out a muffled sob, but she’s powerless to do anything besides squeezing her hand.
“But if you’re an idiot, I’m the bigger one,” Courtney choked out a watery laugh. “All that time spent investigating, and I didn’t even notice who the flowers were even for — if I had just thought harder, or if you had just told me, I could have put an end to these flowers by telling you how I feel.”
At that, Heather opens her mouth to speak, but winces as the pain seeps in once again. She notices her heart monitor elsewhere spiking, and at this, Courtney gives her hand reassuring squeezes that feel familiar and comforting.
Shaking her head once more, Courtney sighs, a fond smile cracking past her exasperated exterior. “Idiot,” she says once more, smiling, “Did you really think I didn’t like you?”
Feeling herself inhale sharply, Heather blinks once, twice, and three times before deducing that no, she hadn’t imagined the words in a dying state. Courtney’s watery eyes and wide smile and hold on her hand are still there, and so is the pain, momentarily, before it subsides. After exhaling deeply, there’s no shakiness in her breaths, nor irritation in her chest or flowers itching in the back of her throat for release.
There was only air. No flowers, blood, or bloody flowers. Just fresh and clean air that she had been deprived of for months.
For the first time in months, Heather breathes, fully and truly, free of the deadly flowers in front of her beloved.
Courtney seems to have noticed as well (her sharpness is something Heather admired — no, loved about her) as her smile falls off her face as a look of blatant surprise overtakes her features. She presses a shaking hand to Heather’s chest, feeling her heartbeat and the even rises and falls of her chest, and laughs.
She’s still shaking, though, so in a moment of blissful selfishness that Heather finally allows herself to indulge in, she wraps Courtney in a hug, and when the brunette wraps her arms around Heather, she vows to never let her go.
The months of the floral disease have been a chilling winter and her touch feels as though she has provided a getaway from it. The snow has given away and has melted into spring, the season of rebirth.
The brunette's warm. She always was, she always has been, but her warmth was unlike Heather had ever felt before, especially in the cold and lonely hospital. Greedily, Heather takes in her heat and her love and breathes in her cinnamon perfume. She was here, and it was real.
Courtney laughs softly, her chapped lips pressing against Heather’s temple diligently. She gives Heather’s hand a squeeze when they disperse from the hug, smiling brightly. Heather smiles and looks to the roses next to her side and lets herself love.
Later, long after they had dispersed from their initial hug and moved onto exchanges of gentle kisses and hand-holding, Courtney hands Heather a bouquet of flowers just before she is dismissed from the hospital. The brunette looks away from Heather’s inquiring gaze, seeming embarrassed and bashful for the first time since Heather had met her.
When Heather identifies the flowers, though, she understands the uncharacteristic flustered behavior, but finds it charming and amusing rather than embarrassing.
White heathers. She lifted a portion of the bouquet to the light for a better view of the white flowers. Symbolizing wishes coming true.
Whether or not Courtney knew of flower language — after this, Heather was unsure if she ever wanted to lay her eyes on the language of flowers, despite the fact it was seared in her head — didn’t matter to Heather. She smiles instead, brushing hair out of Courtney’s eyes to look into them better.
“Thank you,” she whispers, her voice hoarse from all the time she spent talking with Courtney.
Predictably, Courtney opens her mouth to respond, but Heather cuts her off with a kiss.
She had been wanting Courtney and her love and affection for months, now, and now that she had it, she couldn’t help but feel the flowers and vicious coughing were nothing but a bad dream she had awoken from.
When they pull apart, Heather sucks in a breath and chuckles softly, just barely audibly, as their noses bump together.
“I love you,” Heather says. There’s no hesitation or stumbling with her words in her proclamation — only sincerity and assurance. She had waited a long time to even think of saying those words, and they had been pressing against her tongue for all of those months spent hacking up flowers. Still, throughout all of the time and suffering, all Heather had done was fall further, and the words were meant with her entire being.
Courtney’s smile in response was bright. Her eyes are just as bright, if not brighter; the words brought tears to her eyes, but thankfully, they were happy tears.
“I love you too,” Courtney murmurs, and this time, it’s her lips that find Heather’s with a smile pressed against them.
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cherrywoes · 3 years
< entry 001:// prometheus in flesh >
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                                        < 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 .𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚕 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚎...>
[The following is a recorded conversation between Senior Geneticist Ukai Keishin and Senior Biologist Takeda Ittetsu. It is narrated through a personal AI belonging to Takeda Ittetsu. After further review, this conversation has been classified for rank seven priority persons and has been archived.]
UKAI: This is… (He takes a puff of a cigarette. He sounds angry, petulant, and in a state of disbelief.) This is ridiculous. Who decided that this passed legislation? What need do we have for these—these things?
TAKEDA: (He coughs, perhaps out of nerves or anxiety. The shuffling of clothing and the scrape of a chair indicate that he has sat down beside Ukai.) You know what they said, just like I did, Keishin. Once it’s over, it’s done—we need to play cleanup crew afterwards.
UKAI: No one said anything about… (His finger slams into the table as he angrily points at something on the table near him. He doesn’t say the words aloud, fearing that someone will overhear him, perhaps his AI.) That. That is—I’ve spent years of my life with these things and—I can’t do that, Ittetsu. You know I can’t.
TAKEDA: I know. (He sounds sad.) But look on the bright side. Once this is done… (Previous interactions indicate that the slight swallowing sound prefaces nausea and purging.) We can leave this place and never come back. Right?
UKAI: (Hesitantly.) ...Right.
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NECTAR CLUNG TO YOUR fingertips in crystal clear strings of sticky sweet euphoria. It spilled from the artificially enhanced flowers clustered in your lap and around your feet, the large, palm sized petals capturing globules of the precious liquid within their curved centers. It tasted sweet, flowery, and, above all, smelled divine; like camellias on the wind, or goldenrods in the spring. It ran down your arms and elbows and dripped down onto your thighs, running rivers down your calves to sluice between your toes, creating a crystal clear lake within your shadow and the chair you sat upon.
“Diet’s good.” The scientist standing outside your cage scribbled something on a bleach white piece of paper. It smelled acrid, a sting to your sensitive nose, and the ink was a bizarre scent, smelling almost like the oil that the older scientists rubbed into their skin to keep it from cracking and drying. “Though her metabolism is through the roof—I’m concerned something may have been missed in her genetic scan during incubation.”
You ignored the scientist, dropping the empty flower to your feet. Like it had been produced to do, it shriveled up and decomposed into a fine brown dust instantaneously, seeping into the biodegradable concrete to be absorbed as nutrients for the life system that kept your cage comfortable and at the right temperature for your body. You watched it shrink and wrinkle and disappear, rubbing your toe through the dust when it was done.
“I wouldn’t be surprised,” another scientist said, this one writing down something about your bone structure. “They’ve gotten so lazy in the gestation wing that you could probably slip a bomb in there and no one would notice until it had gone off. I’ll see what I can dig up about her records and genetic material.”
“You do that.” A fast scrawl again, the ink smell stronger this time. “At the rate she’s going, she’ll have eaten through an entire greenhouse before she’s through; let’s add some insects to her diet. Worms, maybe? Or crickets?”
You scrunched your nose and sighed. You hated worms, and crickets too. That didn’t stop them from trying to shove it down your throat every chance they got. They were adamant that it would help with your protein intake, but so far you’d only felt miserable and disgusted when you ate them, slurping them into your mouth obediently like the rest of your flock did. Perhaps with less enthusiasm, but your obedience couldn’t be questioned.
The lab you lived in was a kind of protective facility deep within the ground. They had taught you that the world above was scorched, hot and burnt by the sun and greenhouse gases; that the facility was the safest place to be while they planned to restructure the atmosphere and filter out the toxic fumes with specially made Morphlings—you wouldn’t even call them Morphlings, really, just a hybrid of humans and machines.
Morphlings—the real, true ones—were splices of human and a kind of animal. From birds, to insects, to carnivores, omnivores, or vegetarians, they had spliced them all; some in small amounts, or others, like yours, in large group spawnings that made it difficult to assert yourself over the crowd. You were one of the few who didn’t fit in with your group; the scientists assured you it was because hummingbirds were generally loners by nature, except for their mates, of which you were too young to have—in Morphling standards, you understood, anyway. In human terms, you were old enough; even in bird terms, you were old enough. But Morphlings didn’t reach full maturity until they were twenty-three, supposedly, and you were only two years shy of that goal.
Not that you cared, not really. You had a belly full of nectar at all times, insects to snack on whenever you wished, a few Hummingbird friends you could barely call your ‘friends’, and three humans analyzing you at all times, monitoring your vital signs to make sure you weren’t getting ill or growing some unnatural mutation like so many of the other Morphlings. The last one to have a mutation, you’d heard, had been a little crow Morphling, but any more than that was muddy, usually by default. Any information you heard was from the pieces you gathered from the scientists’ whispers, bland conversations really, and the idle chatter in the canteen in the carnivore’s circle where you weren’t privy.
“Ah, no, no insects for the rest of the week,” the scientist corrected. You looked over curiously, fingers fisting in the petals of a new flower and puncturing the membrane that held the globules of nectar within. You were already full, but you regretted the waste almost immediately when you dropped it to the floor. “They’re putting her through the Trials today.”
Dread crept into your belly. 
The Trials were almost like torture sessions keyed in onto prey surviving predators; for Morphlings, it was much more extreme. You’d heard from several survivors that they were forced to push themselves past the limit to survive whatever carnivorous or omnivorous Morphling they’d put in with them, even being forced to watch their friends get eaten when they got caught. It was supposedly to test their resilience and stamina, but all it really was—at least to you—was a way to cull the flock.
And you were next.
The scientist noticed you staring and smiled, tapping his pen against the frame of your cage mockingly. “Heard me, did you? It won’t change anything. You might as well prepare yourself before you go in. It’s likely you won’t make it out. None of the hummingbird morphs do.”
You wondered how easy it would be to shove your hands through the gaps in the bars and break his neck against the metal. It couldn’t be that difficult; you’d seen some carnivores do it before when they were getting ready for euthanization. Those were the more genetically anomalous ones, but you could probably do it; morphling genes allowed for unusual strength, even for a hummingbird. Despite your hollow bones, you could probably at least get to his eyes if you tried hard enough.
But that wasn’t typical of a Hummingbird morphling. You chalked it up to the human genes in your genome sequence; they always had said you had more ‘human’ in you than the rest, usually spitefully. Other than the two nice men who monitored your changes and such, the rest of them were foul creatures, miserable being stuck in an underground bunker. Humans typically were violent when they were cooped up in small places for extended periods of time, and you, well, you didn’t like being in a cage very much, unlike your fellow hummingbird morphs.
“Whatever you say,” you laughed, rolling your eyes, and got up off the stool. You sauntered your way back into the depths of your cell, vanishing behind a thick curtain of synthetic silk dyed a deep sea green.
The scientist cleared his throat when he spoke to the other man. “Did you know hummingbird morphs could talk?”
Oh. You frowned, bringing your fingers to your mouth, your previous anger forgotten. Experimentally, you flexed the vocal cords in your throat, capable of only chirps of affirmatives and negatives, and felt more—different. They were different.
Interesting... Interesting indeed.
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                   < 𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐 / 𝚊𝚕𝚙𝚑𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚢 / 𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝟶𝟶𝟸 >
                    𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚕: status: open.
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out-of-jams · 5 years
Airplane Mode | Track 02: Daydream | jhs
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Summary: In a world where a bruise marks the first touch of your soulmate, time is the only thing that matters. The marks take hours to appear, sometimes even days if you're really unlucky. Once First Touch is initiated, both parties only have a few weeks to find the other. From then on, the body begins to reject any form of sustenance other than the touch of the other. If one fails to find their soulmate in time, they starve to death. So what happens when your soulmate is a world famous idol?And you're just one fan in a sea of many who can't even speak the same language?
Pairing: Hoseok x Fem Character
Word Count: 3.2k
Genre: Fluff. Angst. Idol!au. Smut. Soulmate!au. Explicit language.
Warnings: This chapter contains swearing.
              Previous | Next | Track List | Masterlist |
The soft click of a laptop closing reminded Eunjae of the top of a casket being nailed shut. Stretching her short legs out from their criss-crossed position, she slid the laptop from her lap to the mattress of the unmade bed.
She’d just finished sending out emails to her college professors to explain that she would not be in class for a few days. Well, at least she hoped it would only be a few days. Eunjae certainly couldn’t go out in public with three-fourths of her face bruised to hell and back. Seeing as how the bruises of First Touch remained on the skin until the touch of a soulmate healed the marks, Eunjae wasn’t exactly sure when she’d be able to show her face. Literally.
She didn’t know a whole lot about the biological side of how soulmates worked, but somehow the touch of the other not only provided sustenance, but it had healing properties too. Everyone, at least from what Eunjae had experienced with the public school system growing up, were taught the very basics of soulmate science.
Those who found their soulmate were automatically graced with a longer lifespan. The longest soulmate pair ever recorded had made it to the ripe old age of 210 years old. Since the touch of a soulmate provided the exact vitamins and nutrients that the body required to stay healthy, it also doubled to prevent sickness and disease. It was rumored to even be able to take away the feeling of pain as well.
That’s a perk, at least. Eunjae thought as she examined the backs of her hands. Miles’ apartment was quiet. He’d left not too long after talking her down from the panic attack she’d had in his bathroom, to run to the bodega two blocks down to pick up breakfast.
“You gotta eat good while you can.” He’d said as he tied up the laces of his shoes. “And it doesn’t get any better than a bacon, egg and cheese on an everything bagel. ”
He hadn’t been gone long, but Eunjae already felt empty without his warmth. Back sliding down the wooden headboard, she buried herself into his fluffy comforter, letting the calming scent of him wash over her. The silk sheets that she’d convinced him to splurge half a paycheck on tickled the skin exposed at the bottom of her rolled up sweatpants.
Eunjae and Miles had been pretty much inseparable ever since they’d met in second grade. She could remember that day almost perfectly. Eunjae had been surprisingly shy as a child, but Miles had shoved himself into the chair next to hers and declared them as friends. From that day on, they longest they’d ever spent away from each other had been when his family had forced him on a vacation to Florida for a whole summer.
So much for inseparable, huh? Eunjae clenched her jaw around the sob threatening to escape her throat. Now we’ll be a literal world’s apart.
The fear of being abandoned by her best friend turned the tears on her tongue to ashes.
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Jung Hoseok’s attention wavered from Sejin’s disappearing back, to the doorway as he swiveled back and forth in his leather chair. Fingers tapping a nervous rhythm on the hardwood surface of the table in front of him, he pursed his heart-shaped lips. The rest of his members sat scattered around the long table of their hotel’s conference room.
Perched in his own chair next to him, Namjoon scrolled through the phone clutched in one of his hands. His rectangular glasses reflected the dim light of the screen as his eyes examined whatever webcomic it was that he was reading. Yoongi lounged back in his seat across from Hoseok, the green straw of an iced Americano from the Starbucks downstairs pressed between his lips. His catlike eyes were closed in exhaustion, long eyelashes brushing his pale cheeks. Hoseok wasn’t sure if the strong grip that Yoongi had on the plastic cup was to keep himself awake or to prevent a bratty Jungkook from stealing it.
Squishing himself between the elder rapper and Taehyung, Jungkook rested his chin on the singer’s arm to peer over his shoulder. Taehyung’s long fingers tapped vigorously across the screen of his phone, the sounds of some game they were taking turns playing echoing through the room. Seokjin and Jimin had left with their other manager, Hobeom, some time ago to find somewhere to scavenge breakfast from. Food, however, was the last thing on Jung Hoseok’s mind.
Hands spreading out on the surface of the table, palm up, Hoseok’s thoughts were racing. He’d woken up this morning to find his hands completely covered in bruises. The center of his palms were an ugly, dark fuschia and spread out into a greenish-yellow color around the heels of his hands and the tips of his fingers.
Hoseok had thought nothing of it at first, simply chalking it up to the results of a rough dance practice. It wasn’t totally uncommon for the man to come back from rehearsal with a few bruises after some vigorous floorwork. It took him a minute after waking up, however, to remember where exactly he was. Sometimes they traveled so much in such a short period of time that he couldn’t keep up with their schedule. It wasn’t until he’d glanced out the window of his hotel room and saw the spire of the Empire State building that he remembered where he was.
It was here that Hoseok realized that it’d been a few days since the last dance practice.
He’d been confused after that. Maybe he’d fallen at some point and just couldn’t remember? His body was so wracked with exhaustion that it wouldn’t have even surprised him. They were all worn-out from preparing for their upcoming comeback, and were still in the midst of promotion. So something as simple as accidentally bruising himself would be just a tiny blimp on his radar.
Taehyung was still asleep in his own bed, his soft snores cutting out as Hoseok shut the bathroom door. He’d pushed the thought from his mind as he stepped under the warm spray of the shower. The tired, aching muscles of his body relaxed under the steam and he took his time to enjoy a rare moment alone.
Hoseok loved what he did: making music, traveling, performing in front of an audience--his fans. If someone hit a redo button on his life, he knew that he wouldn’t change anything about it. With the adrenaline rush of being on stage and having a platform to spread love and positivity; Hoseok was living the dream.
However, once he stepped out of the foggy bathroom dressed only in a pair of whitewashed jeans, he got brought down into a harsh reality.
“Hyung, what are those bruises from?” Taehyung’s deep voice pulled Hoseok’s attention away from his grumbling stomach. Running a soft towel through his drenched hair, Hoseok squinted at Taehyung through waterlogged lashes.
“What?” He attributed his slow brain to the fact that he was still half asleep and therefore not as energetic as usual.
Taehyung shuffled away from his open duffle bag on the room’s table and over to Hoseok, blond hair a birds nest atop his head. Gesturing to the rapper’s hands holding the towel, he answered, “on your hands.”
Hoseok blinked in confusion and draped the damp towel around his shoulders. He held his hands in front of his face, exhausted brain taking a moment to process what was going on.
“Oh.” He shrugged before dropping to sit on the edge of his bed. Crossing one leg over the other, he waved his hands around. “I think I fell or something. I woke up with them like this.”
“Those look a lot like something I’ve seen before.” Taehyung fished one of the rapper’s hands out of the air to examine it more closely. He spoke like what he’d just said was not at all cryptic.
Letting out a laugh, Hoseok wiggled his trapped fingers playfully. He was used to Taehyung’s sometimes odd way of speaking, so he wasn’t at all phased. “With the rate that Namjoonie hurts himself, I’m not surprised. He’s always covered in bruises.”
“No, no.” Taehyung pressed, delicately poking a finger to the palm of Hoseok’s hand. “Online.”
“You look up bruises online often?” Hoseok asked in amusement.
Ignoring the rapper’s words, the corners of V’s lips turned up as he nodded to himself at whatever thought was going through his head. Brow raising in curiosity, Hoseok watched as his donsaeng’s eyes lit up.
“Hyung,” a sudden boxy smile spread across his face, voice raising slightly in pitch with excitement. “I’ve seen pictures of bruises like this online before. They’re not normal. It’s from First Touch.”
Hoseok’s stomach dropped in shock at the words, eyes widening and lips parting. He could vaguely remember reading a couple of news articles with that same phrase. Whatever leftover jetlag that he’d been feeling evaporated into the steamy air billowing out from the bathroom. One of the dimples in his cheek popped into existence as a smile slowly stretched across his face.
“Are you saying that--”
“I think you met your soulmate, hyung!”
The sound of a door opening snapped Hoseok out of his thoughts, bringing the present back into focus. Looking up from the spot on the table that he’d apparently been staring at while he zoned out, the rapper watched as Jimin strode through the open doorway. The handles of two large paper bags were held between his ringed fingers and Hoseok’s stomach rumbled when the smell of pancakes filled the air.
“Finally!” Jungkook groaned, throwing his head back against his leather chair in relief. “It took you long enough.”
“Yah,” Seokjin berated humorously as he entered the room behind Jimin. He waved around one of the drink trays held in his hands. “Get it yourself next time if you want quicker service.”
Yoongi snorted, deeming the moment important enough to open his eyes. He stirred the combination of melting ice cubes and bitter espresso in his plastic cup as he eyed the food being placed on the table hungrily. “Maybe if we starve him, he’ll finally contribute to buying.”
“Good idea.” Seokjin hummed as he seated himself in the open chair next to Hoseok. He watched as Jungkook ignored them to dig into the steaming bags of food. “It’s been how long since he’s actually paid for something?”
The elder didn’t wait for a response before turning in his chair to examine Hoseok. “How you holding up?”
“I don’t know about you,” Jimin interrupted before the rapper could answer, dropping into the seat next to Yoongi. His chair rolled back on the carpet, knocking into Yoongi mid-sip. That earned him a sleepy glare, which he ignored. “But I’m kind of excited. What do you think she’s like?”
“Why do you assume it’s a girl?” Yoongi questioned, using the sleeve of his black hoodie to wipe up the tiny drops of spilled coffee from the table.
“Well assuming that he met them at the fanmeet,” Namjoon finally spoke up without pulling his attention from whatever he was reading on his phone. “The likelihood of it being a girl are greater. There were some fanboys there yesterday, but not a whole lot.”
Giving up on beating Jungkook’s highscore, Taehyung dropped his phone onto the table and finally tuned into the conversation. Chin propped in his hands, he asked a very important question. “Well hyung, how many people did you touch yesterday?”
“That makes it sound dirty.” Hoseok huffed a laugh before leaning back in his chair. He hummed in thought, brow pinched as he thought back. Fanmeets tended to all blend into one another until the faces of each fan blurred around the edges. Sigh leaving his lips, he shrugged. “I don’t know. I touched a lot of fans yesterday.”
Jungkook snorted around the giant forkful of pancakes he stuffed into his mouth. Seokjin wrinkled his nose in disgust at the syrup dripping carelessly onto the table. “Wow hyung, so dirty.”
Rolling his eyes, Hoseok playfully kicked the maknae’s shin from underneath the table. Judging by the lack or response though, it must not have been hard enough.
“Sejin still on the phone with Bang PD-nim?” Jimin asked as he stabbed a straw through his to-go cup of coke. The earrings dangling from his pierced lobes tapped against his cheeks as he leaned forward to take a sip.
Namjoon nodded his head towards the door at the far end of the room. That one lead to a smaller, more private room that the manager had disappeared into almost an hour ago. “He’s still in there.”
“Do you think we’ll be able to find them?”
All eyes turned to a serious looking Taehyung. He stared down unblinkingly at the plastic container of food in front of him, fork hanging limply between his fingers. As if feeling all eyes on him, he looked up and spoke the words that had been at the back of each of their minds. “What if we can’t?”
“We’ll find them.” Namjoon reassured as he finally locked his phone. “Besides, we have plenty of time. It takes weeks for the side effects of First Touch to even kick in.”
“What about that one case, though?” Jimin questioned, blinking as attention focused on him. “The one a few years ago where that girl almost starved to death after just three days?”
The sudden silence in the room was thick.
Letting out a chuckle that sounded half-hearted to everyone in the room, Hoeseok attempted to diffuse the tension. “We’d better find her fast then.”
“So you assume it’s a girl too, then?” Ever the perceptionist, Seokjin cracked a joke to assist. He was rewarded with a roll of Yoongi’s eyes and a smile teasing the edge of Taehyung’s lips.
The door at the far side of the room opened, and out stepped a flustered Sejin. Attention focused on the phone he was slipping into the pocket of his pants, he stopped in his tracks when he looked up to see seven pairs of eyes staring back.
“How did it go?” Namjoon questioned, the anticipation in the room skyrocketing.
Sejin ran a hand through his black hair before straightening, staring back at the members through the lenses of his rounded glasses. He let the silence linger for a beat longer than necessary before a warm smile spread across his face. That was all it took for the tense postures in the room to relax.
“Good news.” His eyes met Hoseok’s worried gaze. “We found her.”
The room exploded in cheers and each of the members stretched around to slap a grinning Hoseok in congratulations. The rapper couldn’t help the bubbling anticipation and nerves mixing a cocktail in his stomach. He was relieved that the possibility of either of them starving to death was eliminated. Not only that, but he was elated at the thought of meeting the one person in the whole world that was destined for him. However, one nervous thought kept playing on a loop in his head.
I hope she likes me.
“I knew it was a girl!” Jimin slammed his fists against the table in victory. Yoongi rolled his eyes and pretended to be annoyed when the silver haired singer stuck his tongue out at him playfully. But the gummy smile on the rapper’s face gave himself away.
“Do you know her name?” Hoseok couldn’t help but ask.
“Wait a second.” Jungkook interrupted before Sejin could answer, raising his hand in the air like he was a kid in class waiting to be called on.
“Yes, Kook-ah?” Seokjin played along, waving his plastic fork at the maknae.
“If she met hyung at a fanmeet here in America, do you think she speaks Korean?”
The room descended into silence once again, each of them shocked at the fact that they hadn’t even thought of that. Mouth parting in surprise, Hoseok felt his eyes widen.
“That could be a problem.”
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“If I move, I’ll die.” Eunjae groaned, limbs starfished on the shag carpet of Miles’ living room. Empty styrofoam containers littered the coffee table, crumbs spilling out onto the floor. Miles was spread out on the couch, one leg thrown over the back in a position that looked very uncomfortable.
“I think that was the best meal I’ve ever eaten.”
“You really shouldn’t have bought so much.” Eunjae mumbled, throwing an arm over her face to try and quell the nausea. After stuffing her face with two giant bacon, egg and cheese bagels and one can of Arizona tea, she felt ready to explode.
Miles had returned shortly after leaving, only to find Eunjae breaking down under the covers of his bed. He’d ended up dragging her out of bed and gently wiping the water from her cheeks, claiming that he had the perfect cure for her tears: breakfast. Eunjae had always found a strange comfort in greasy food, so she’d latched onto the distraction readily.
Now, however, she was starting to have some regrets.
“Don’t act all high and mighty.” Miles shot back, dangling an arm off the couch to knock into her shoulder. “You ate that food like a woman on death row.”
“Well,” Eunjae gave a small, sad smile that he wasn’t able to see. “I just might be one.”
Grunting with effort, Miles rolled onto his side so that he could stare down at her seriously. “Don’t even joke like that.”
“I’m sorry.” And she was. Eunjae wasn’t the type of person to let the sad thoughts that sometimes plagued her mind to show. But at moments like those, it was difficult. “I’ll stop.”
The sound of a phone vibrating cut through the tense atmosphere threatening to drown her, and Eunjae floundered for her cellphone with a feeling of relief. Her hand skimmed the carpet a few times before finally feeling the glossy phone case under her fingers. Bringing the vibrating phone to her face, Eunjae’s eyes narrowed in confusion at the unknown number on the screen. Shrugging, she hit the reject button before dropping it back to the carpet.
“What are you doing?” Miles all but screamed in her ear. Wincing, Eunjae turned her head to glare up at him.
“Why are you yelling?”
“Why did you reject the call?”
Brows raised, she scoffed. “Who actually answers calls from unknown numbers?”
“You idiot!” The boy smacked her on the arm at her stupidity. “That could have been him! Or his management. Or something! And you just rejected the call!”
Eunjae’s eyes widened at the realization and she smacked herself on the forehead. She vaguely remembered having to fill out her contact information on the virtual ticket she entered into the fanmeet lottery. “Oh my, God. I didn’t even think about that.”
“Obviously, you--” The phone went off again, vibrations jolting her ribs from where it lay face down on the carpet. Hand snatching it up, she scanned the number calling.
“It’s the same number.” She whispered, eyes still trained on the glass screen.
“Answer it!” Miles screeched.
Rushing to obey, Eunjae took a deep breath before pressing the phone to her ear.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Loki's Daughter
TITLE: Loki’s Daughter CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 8: Side Effects Include AUTHOR: traveling-classicist ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Avengers: Endgame AU Loki that gets away with tesseract has been using it to explore the universe. During his adventures, he comes across a little girl with developing but oppressed magical abilities. Intrigued (and subconsciously lonely) Loki keeps her around. RATING: T
AO3 Link: Here NOTES/WARNINGS: There are notes at the end of this chapter so look there!
Loki was beginning to grow bored of sitting in their room. He flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. When he found he could not sit still, he stood and paced back and forth for a while. He walked to the window and looked outside. Loki watched the people bustling about outside. He did not like being stuck in one place. They had been alone here for hours and no one had come to get them. Kuna was sitting on a pillow in the den area, playing pretend with her toys.
            “Kuna?” he asked, turning back to her. “Do you want to go out?”
            “Where?” she asked, looking up at him.
            “Anywhere, really.”
            “But what about Queen Shakk’uri?”
            “She’s taking her time with this ‘urgent’ matter,” Loki said, impatiently. “Are you hungry?”
Kuna looked down at her tummy. She was very hungry. It had been several hours since they had returned and they had polished off the food in the room for lunch. She looked back up at Loki and nodded.
“Then, let’s go out somewhere. She’s taking too long and you’re a growing little girl that needs to eat. We’ll just join her later and apologize if we’re late for something.”
            Kuna stood up, holding her stuffed animals under each arm. She shrugged, “Okay, then.” She followed Loki out of the room. He found one of Shakk'uri’s little butler men and told him they were going out.
“Oh, but wait, sir, Mother Shakk’uri would rather you wait here,” the little man said, stepping in front of them. Kuna shrank a little, grabbing Loki’s hand. She didn’t like how tall the man was, even though he was much smaller than Shakk’uri, he was still much bigger than little Kuna.
“Oh, but we would really rather go out and enjoy your beautiful planet,” Loki said, stepping around him. “Expect us back later.”
            Loki walked past him, pulling Kuna gently along beside him. They walked out of the hive and back onto the street. Loki pulled up his hood and cowl.
            “Loki?” Kuna asked.
            “Why did you call yourself Lopt?”
            “Oh, I’m just trying to keep my real identity secret. It’s just a name.”
            “But why?”
            “Well, there’s some dangerous people out there that would really like me dead.”
            “Dead? Why?” she asked, shocked that anyone would ever want Loki dead.
            “Some people don’t like me very much,” he responded, leading her through the crowds.
            “Well, I like you,” she said.
            He stopped and looked down at her. “Really?”
            “Yes, you’re the nicest person in the whole universe.”
            He chuckled a little. “If only you knew,” he said.
            Loki found a tavern on a street corner and walked Kuna inside. They found a table and he ordered a drink for himself – of the alcoholic variety – and a water for Kuna – of the non-alcoholic variety. Kuna crawled up on the seat next to Loki, but she couldn’t reach the table very well. Tenanciians were very tall and built their furniture to match.
            Loki picked her up and set her on his lap. A waiter delivered their drinks and Loki paid him. At the table beside them, two feathered female Shi’ar sat whispering to each other. They caught Loki’s glance and he winked at them which sent them into a giggling tizzy. Suddenly, he heard Kuna’s stomach growl from below him. It was louder than all the noise in the bar.
            “Was that your stomach?” he asked her, laughing in disbelief.
            She looked up and nodded, holding her tummy. Loki remembered the protein bars he had purchased for her earlier that day. He pulled the box from his pocket and opened it, pulling out a bar.
He opened the protein bar. It looked similar to Midgardian candy, separated into ten equal squares in neat pairs. He broke off a piece, popping it into his mouth. The outside melted in his mouth. It was smooth and creamy, sweet like chocolate with a chalky thickness. He assumed that was the protein part. He sucked on the tablet. Inside this creamy layer, there was a crunchy inside like a hard candy. It too tasted sweet but much crisper and tangy. He moved it around on his tongue.
On his lap, Kuna was playing with her new toy dragon. She moved it up and down in the air so that its wings would flap like it was flying. She was entranced by her gifts.
“Here,” he said, pushing the candy to the side of his mouth. “Want some? It’s like candy but it’s really good for you.” He offered the whole bar to Kuna. “Just don’t swallow the whole thing right away. I think you’re meant to suck on it for a while.”
She happily took it, amazed at all the gifts and treats she was getting today. She bit off a whole row of the candy bar and was overwhelmed by the sweet flavor. She’d never tasted anything so sweet. She had never had candy before but she had seen some of the Masters children have it and they seemed to love it. Now she knew why.
Loki took out another bar from the box and turned it over to read the description on the back, still sucking on the inside of his piece. Beside them, the Shi’ar woman whispered to her friend, pointing her gaze towards Kuna eating the protein bar. Loki dismissed them. So what? He’s got a kid with him in a bar. It’s not like she’s drinking. He made sure her water had no alcohol this time. They had learned the hard way about that.
He turned his attention back to the protein bar packet. Kuna continued sucking on the two candies in her mouth. Loki read through the nutritional information:
                 'Protein, vitamins, and nutrients contained within each tablet:’
Loki skimmed over the list of included nutrients, making note that just about everything was covered in it. His eyes landed on a section heading:
                 'Suggested intake:
                 One (1) tablet contains sufficient daily caloric, protein, vitamin, and nutrient intake for carbon-based lifeforms of an average weight of greater than 500kg and an average height of greater than 400cm’
Loki choked on his piece and snatched the rest of the bar out of Kuna’s hand. She had eaten four whole tablets. The two Shi’ar women at the table beside them started laughing at Loki’s reaction. His face reddened as he read on:
                 'Tablets per bar: 10
                 Intended for the maintenance and/or gain of weight and muscle in extra-large carbon-based lifeforms where sufficient daily nutrients are difficult to acquire.
                 Consult with your physician/healer/shaman/witch doctor before starting a weight gain regimen.’
“Oh, gods,” he said, covering his mouth. “What have I done?” He looked down at Kuna then back to the packet. Kuna looked up at him, confused and scared by him snatching away the candy he had given her.
“Did I do something wrong again?” she asked, cautiously.
“Oh, no. Sorry, Kuna,” he said. “You haven’t done anything wrong. At all. You just can’t have very many of these, I guess. In fact, I think you can only have one, like, once a year.”
She frowned in discontent. She had liked the taste of the candy. She quickly swallowed the rest of the two tablets in her mouth.
“Five hundred kilos? What in the worlds?” he read again. There was no mistake. “How many are in here?”
He looked in the box. There were at least thirty bars inside. A sinking feeling came over him as he remembered how big the store owner was and the strange look he had given Loki when he purchased the bars. The strange look Loki had chalked up to him paying the giant store owner too much for the protein bars.
“Ooh,” Loki realized. He put his face in his palm. Why couldn’t he do anything right?
Kuna was still confused by the situation. She looked up at Loki, expecting him to be angry with her for eating too much of the candy bar. He looked down at her and saw the fear in her eyes. His expression softened and he smiled at her.
“How many kilos do you weigh?” he asked her, grinning. She gave him a nervous smile but didn’t know the answer he wanted. He picked up her up, seriously weighing her in his hands for a moment, and hoisted her up. She giggled as he bounced her in midair. “Do you weigh 500 kilos?” he asked, laughing with her. “Actually, you’re lucky if you weigh ten kilos soaking wet,” he muttered under his breath.
He set her back down between his knees and picked up the packet again, worriedly. He wondered if she would get sick again. Gods, he couldn’t do anything right with her. He continued reading:
           ‘Possible side effects include:’
“Oh gods. Please, no,” he pleaded with the candy bar.
            ‘Itching, rash, vomiting, indigestion, hair loss, increased hair growth, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, chills, drowsiness,
             insomnia, hypersomnia, impotence, increased libido, shortened attention span, forgetfulness, swollen tongue,
             sudden outbursts of crying, singing, cursing, and/or shouting, hallucinations, euphoria, drunkenness, lewd behavior,
             sudden depression, sudden muscle spasms, unconsciousness, coma, and, in some cases, death.’
Loki’s jaw hit the table. This had to be a joke. “Do you get these side effects all at once?” he cried, rather more loudly than he had intended. He covered his mouth with his hand as people began to stare at them. “If my hair falls out, I’m going to stab someone,” he muttered, turning his attention back to the wrapper. “I thought there were just vitamins in this thing.”
             ‘Warning: This product has not been tested for beings smaller than 400cm weighing less than 500 kg and is not recommended by the Nova Corps of Surgeons for weight maintenance or gain of any carbon-based lifeform regardless of species, race, age, weight, or stature. Results may vary.’
“Oh, now you tell me. Why did that bastard even sell this to me at all? How is this shit even legal? Why is that not in BOLD LETTERS ON THE FRONT OF THE FUCKING WRAPPER!” he shouted. The tavern quieted as people turned their heads to look at Loki shouting at nothing.
Kuna did not like hearing him shout so angrily. She flinched at the volume of his voice. He saw her flinch and felt a sudden wave of guilt.
“I’m so sorry, Kuna,” he said, his eyes suddenly filling with tears. “I didn’t mean to yell. I’m not mad at you, I swear.”
Kuna timidly looked around. The other people were still staring. Loki wiped his eyes, furious that he was crying in public over absolutely nothing.
            Loki scanned the room. Everyone had gone back to their business now. He called a waiter over and ordered them some real food. The Shi’ar women were still giggling to themselves and glancing in Loki’s and Kuna’s direction every now and then.
“Kee-lohs. Keee-loooh,” Kuna absentmindedly mimicked Loki from below, pulling his attention back to her. She had gone back to playing with her dragon and sleipnir on the table. “Kee-loh, Loh-kee, Loki!” she said, looking up at him, grinning with joy.
He smiled back at her. That was cute. He took a drink from his mug on the table, content with the way he had calmed her down in this tense situation. He didn’t want her to be so scared of him all the time. She was certainly beginning to trust him.
“Shit,” Kuna mimicked, as she went back to playing.
Loki’s eyes widened and he looked down. “Um,” he chuckled a little as he spoke. “You probably shouldn’t say that, Kuna.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I don’t really care that much but some people might think it’s rude.”
“But you say it.”
“I’m an adult.”
“Oh,” she said, looking down. “Okay, then.”
“Um, anyways. How are you feeling? Are you feeling, maybe, sick, at all?”
“Tongue swollen?”
“Mmm… no,” she said, touching her tongue to the roof of her mouth to see.
“Any sudden urge to start singing?”
She looked up at Loki, brow raised. He was acting weird. “No…?” she said, a bit more like a question than an answer.
“Good. And we’re not dead, so no side effects yet, then.”
“Yay!” Kuna said, holding her toys in the air. In truth, Loki was acting so strangely, she wasn’t really sure what to say to him or what he was going on about. She was just happy to be not dead with Loki.
Loki couldn’t help but smile at her. Despite everything that had happened to them in the last two days, she was, for the most part, happy.
Gods, you’re so soft, the voice said, spooking Loki. 
Loki nearly spit out his drink. HOw did he get out? He choked on the drink and swallowed hard, mentally trying to shove him out of his mind.
Can’t get rid of me that easily, he taunted back, filling Loki’s head with a menacing cackling that echoed in his ears.
Loki squeezed his eyes shut until the laughter died down. He opened them slowly. It felt quiet now. He looked around. The tavern was still buzzing with energy but Loki’s ears felt muffled, his vision blurred at the edges.
Kuna felt Loki’s sudden shift in mood and looked up at him but his eyes focused on someone at the bar. He could only see the back of his head. Long, black hair, green cape, black armor. Loki’s heart started to pound. He had not conjured a copy, so who was this?
The man turned and Loki was face to face with himself. He stood and walked towards their table. Loki jumped to his feet and Kuna nearly fell across the table. Catching herself before she could fall, she looked up at Loki.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. Kuna looked around for the person he was speaking to but no one seemed to be holding the conversation.
“Get the Hel away from us,” Loki growled. “Don’t you dare.”
“Loki?” Kuna asked.
“Who are you? How are you doing this?” Loki continued. He paused between speaking as if listening to a response. Kuna looked around again to find the person Loki was talking to but there were no one around and no responses to his questions.
“Get out,” Loki growled through clenched teeth. There were tears in his eyes. “I SAID GET OUT!” Loki shouted, pointing at the door. The room fell silent again. Everyone was staring.
“Loki, there’s no one there!” Kuna cried.
Loki was broken from his fixation on the taunting copy. He was practically nose to nose with it, how could she not see? This was some magic or trick… or hallucination.
He grabbed the wrapper again. ‘Hallucinations’ it had listed as a side effect. He looked up again at the sneering image of himself but it was gone. He looked around at the room. Everyone was staring, whispering amongst themselves. The barkeep began to approach them.
“Kuna, we need to go,” he said, picking her up. She quickly grabbed her toys from the table and the satchel Loki was about to leave on the bench. He whisked her out of the tavern.
“Who were you talking to?” Kuna asked.
“No one.”
“It sounded like you were talking to someone.”
“It was no one. I’m – I’m – Why aren’t you having any of these side effects?”
Kuna shook her head. She didn’t know what he was talking about. She felt fine. Loki put her on the ground and she took his hand, walking alongside him. She put the satchel over her shoulder and stuffed her toys inside.
She had not been much paying attention when they walked to the tavern but she did not feel like Loki was walking the right way back to the hive. It felt like they were walking in circles. In fact, she thought that was the third time they had passed the tavern doors. She looked back at Loki but he had started humming and then broke into song:
“Drøymde mik ein draum i nótt
um silki ok ærlig pell,
um hægindi svá djupt ok mjott,
um rosemd með engan skell.
Ok i drauminom ek leit
sem gegnom ein groman glugg
þá helo feigo mennsko sveit,
hver sjon ol sin eiginn ugg.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, I don’t know these words as well, hmm, hmm, hmm, Oh yeah!
Ek fekk sofa lika vel,
ek truða þat væri best —
at hvila mik á goðu þel´
ok gløyma svá folki flest´.
Friðinn, ef hann finzt, er hvar
ein firrest þann mennska skell,
fær veggja sik um, drøma þar
um silki ok ærlig pell.”
He chuckled at the last part. Kuna was concerned. She hadn’t gotten a word of what he was singing. Was that another language? Had he just made that up? Maybe his magic Allspeak wasn’t working anymore. What was happening?
“Um… Loki?” She asked, softly, tugging on his hand. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ve never been better! Are you okay?”
“I think so?”
“You think? You should know!” he grabbed her under her arms and swung her around and then put her up on his shoulders. “I haven’t felt this great in centuries!”
“Are you drunk?” Kuna asked, leaning over his face.
“Possibly?” he said, shaking his head a little. “Are you having fun?”
“What were singing?”
“Hmm? What? Was I singing?”
“Yeah! What was it? It was pretty?”
“Hmm… Oh, it’s an old tune Bragi sang once. About how awful humans are and it’s just better to be away from them and just take a nap instead! Haha, he sang it for the Midgardians once and they loved it so much they wrote it down! Can you believe that?”
“You’re acting weird.”
“Is it a good weird or a bad weird.”
“Mmm… good weird?”
“You don’t sound very sure.”
“I’m not.”
“Dat is noth otay,” Loki said. His eyes widened. His tongue felt thick in his mouth. He quickened his pace. “Whath were we dalking abouth? Where am I gohing?” He stopped in the middle of the street. “Where-were-we gohing?”
“Um, I think we need to go back to Shakk’uri,” Kuna said, a little unsure of herself. Something was wrong with Loki for sure.
“Righth,” he said. “Goood ithea.”
            “I think we need to go that way,” Kuna pointed towards the dome of the hive sticking up above the buildings.
            “Righth,” he said.
            “I think that’s left?” she said, holding out her hands to be sure she knew.
            “Righth. Lepffft.”
            They had nearly arrived at the hive when Loki suddenly stopped again. He grabbed Kuna and put her down, running for the bushes lining the stairs. He vomited over the railing and hung there for a moment, spitting. Kuna grimaced. He was sick. Maybe he had too much candy?
            He retched again before straightening up. He put his hand to his head and swayed. She walked over to him and took his hand, steadying him a little. He leaned over.
            “Did you drink the water from the alcohol planet?”
            “Sssthort of,” he said, hiccupping.
            “I think it made you sick and that candy too,”
            “I phthink your righth,” he said, woozily.
            She led him up the steps slowly. It would not have been the first time she escorted a drunk man home. Master Machaluci was drunk all the time and always made her take him home. He liked to beat her on the head with his stick as they walked to make the townspeople laugh. At least Loki didn’t have a stick.
            He toddled along behind her, still holding her hand. His head was pounding. He scratched a niggling itch on his neck. It would not go away. He scratched harder and harder until his nails left marks but it was as if the itch was beneath his skin. Then, he felt another urge.
            “Hold on, Kuna,” he said. He ran to the bushes once more. “Turn around,” he ordered her. She did. She heard him unzip and relieve himself, though, it sounded like he was missing the bush and hitting the pavement instead. When he was done he returned to her. Kuna did not take his hand this time.
            They continued up the steps until they reached the door. Kuna pushed it open then heard a horrendous sound come from Loki’s stomach.
            “Oh dear,” he said and bolted through the door and down the hallway, nearly pushing over one of the small men.
            “Is he alright?” the man asked Kuna.
            “Umm… I – I think he had too much to drink and eat tonight.”
            “Well, that’s a shame. Mother Shakk’uri is expecting you both for dinner.”
            “Umm, both of us?”
            “Yes, my lady.” He bowed a little.
            “I’m not a lady. I’m just – just me.”
            “Well ‘just me’, I will tell Mother Shakk’uri that Lopt is indisposed. She will still want to see you at dinner, though. I will fetch you when it is time.”
            “Oh, um, okay,” Kuna said.
            He scuttled off before Kuna could say anything else. She ran down the hallway towards their room. There had been so many ups and downs and twists and turns when they had been led there before, she wasn’t sure if she could find it again. After a few minutes of being lost, she heard Loki sobbing from a room nearby.
She ran towards it and found their room and Loki laying face down in the bed with no clothes on. She quickly covered her face.
“Um, Loki?”
“Mmm fmmm hmm mmm,” he said, muffled by the pillow he had his face smashed in.
“You don’t have any clothes on,” Kuna said, shyly, still covering her eyes.
She heard the bed squeak and then Loki’s bare feet padding across the floor. The bathroom door shut behind him. He was puking again.
“Loki, should I get a healer, maybe?”
“Ask for… Tena’gli!” he shouted.
“Okay!” Kuna did not like him shouting. She ran out the door and found the first man she could.
“Yes, little lady. Can I help you?”
“We – We need Tena’gli! Loki’s sick!”
“Tena’gli! Is she a healer?”
“Oh, oh, yes. I’ll go get her.”
Kuna ran back to the room and stopped dead in her tracks. Had she said ‘Loki’ instead of ‘Lopt’? They were so similar and she was not paying attention. Would Loki be mad? Should she tell him? What if he hit her? Or worse, what if he left her behind or sold her?
“Kuna? Isth sthhe coming?”
“Y – Yes,” she said, sheepishly.
“Remind me to stab that merchant who sold us those candybars, tomorrow!”
“L – Loki?” she approached the door of the bathroom. Loki had a towel wrapped around his waist now. He was sitting in front of the toilet. His face was pale, he looked exhausted. He turned to her, tears in his eyes.
“I’m stho sthorry, Kuna,” he wailed. “You shthouldn’t hafve to sthee this!”
“Loki, I think I made a mistake.”
“I – I went to find someone to get – to get Tena’gli. And – and when I found one of those men, I – I – I don’t know what I was thinking. I – I called you Loki instead of Lopt. I’m sorry, Loki! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I – I was just worried about you! I am worried about you!”
Loki stopped crying and stared at Kuna for a moment. She was sobbing and covering her face. Her whole body trembled with fear. Loki sighed.
“Ith’s noth you pffault,” he said, tongue still thick in his mouth. “I blew my own covffer in the tavffern. Asth sthoon asth we geth those Shapfucks, hehe,” he giggled at himself. “Those Shapf’aks, we’ll leafve thisth planeth behindth.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Madth? Plobably. Angrly? No.” He shook his head. “Tell me, am I going baldth?” He looked down so Kuna could see the top of his head.
She sniffled and looked through her tears. “No,” she said. His hair was still fine. He sighed.
“Goodth,” he said. “Whath’s taking that woman stho long?”
Suddenly, a female Tenanciian appeared in the doorway. Kuna moved so she could get by.
“Oh dear, what’s going on here?” she said, shocked by the nearly naked Loki.
He produced the wrapper of the candybar and waved it in her face.
“Good Mother,” she said. “Didn’t you read the wrapper? Come on,” she said, pulling him to his feet. “Kuna, my dear. You should probably stay here while I treat him. Mother Shakk’uri will be here soon.”
“No!” Kuna shouted. She immediately shied away at her outburst. She had never spoken back to an adult that way. “I – I want to go with him.”
“Very well,” Tena’gli said.
Kuna followed them out and back through the ups and downs and twists and turns of the hive. They arrived on the ground floor. Shakk’uri was waiting.
“Oh my!” she said at the sight of the nearly naked Loki. “Kuna, darling, come here. Let Tena’gli do her work.”
“I – I want to stay with him,” Kuna said. The room fell silent.
“Kuna, please, come with me,” Shakk’uri said, opening her arms to her.
Kuna shook her head. She had a bad feeling from head to toe. Something was wrong.
Suddenly, men with big guns approached from all angles. They wore blue armor with golden ‘V’s on their chestplates. One grabbed her and pulled her away from Loki.
“Sthop!” Loki shouted. “Don’th thouch her!”
Kuna screamed as they wrangled her and practically threw her at Shakk’uri. She caught her and held her back as she struggled.
“No! No!”
“Kuna, stop! Listen to me! Do you know who this man is? What he’s done? He’s a murderer!”
“No, he’s not!” Kuna cried, fighting to get away from her.
“He tried to destroy a whole planet and then tried to take over another one! He’s in league with the Titan, Thanos! He’s dangerous! He’s a trickster! He’s just using you!”
“No! He’s nice! You don’t know him!”
The men surrounded Loki, pointing their guns at him. He put up his hands.
“You’re not really going to shoot me in front of the girl, are you?” He seemed suddenly better.
“See!” Shakk’uri said, roughly holding onto Kuna. “He was tricking you the whole time!”
“Shut your whore mouth!” Loki shouted at her. There were gasps from around the room. “What would you know?”
“That’s enough,” one of the men said. “Loki Odinson, you are under arrest for the destruction of Jotunheim and the merciless attack of the uncontacted, Terra—"
“What the Hel did you call me? What they couldn’t even summon Syfon warriors for me? What rank are you? A Corpsman? The Nova Corps is really becoming stretched far too thin.”
“This will get us all ranked as Centurions, so you can shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
“I’d like to see you try. I’ll kill all of you with my bare hands and I’ll do it naked,” Loki spat.
Loki pounced on him, grabbing his gun and aiming it for the other men. He fired off two shots, killing two of the Corpsmen. They opened fire and he used the first man as a shield. His comrades fired upon him with their blasters and killed him instantly.
Shakk’uri began dragging Kuna away. The Tenanciian men gathered around her, standing on each others shoulders, forming a living shield around their mother.
“No! Get off of me!” Kuna shouted.
“No! You’re mine now! You’ll be safe with me!”
“No! You’re fucking shit!” Kuna said and kicked her as hard as she could.
Shakk’uri let go of her, grabbing at her injured leg. Kuna ran through the legs of the Tenanciian men, towards Loki.
“No! Stop her! There’s a child in the crossfire!” Shakk’uri shouted. “CEASE FIRE!
Loki was busy strangling one of the Nova Corpsmen when he saw Kuna running towards him. Then, through the door, a Nova Centurion marched in, a Syfon Warrior standing close by him.
“Kuna! Stop right there!” Loki shouted to her. His tongue no longer thick, he had used an ample amount of his magic in an effort to heal himself as soon as the Nova Corps revealed themselves and he had come to. Kuna came screeching to a halt at the sight of the two massive men approaching the fight. The man in purple stretched out his hand at Loki. Suddenly, Loki cried out and fell to his knees. A field of energy seemed to billow out of him. The energy was sucked back towards the man’s hand. Loki doubled over as the Syfon absorbed his energy for himself.
“Don’t hurt him!” Kuna shouted. She threw her hands out in front of her and a massive wall of fire erupted from her palms, sending the two men reeling back through the door. She shrieked and fell, nearly unconscious from the effort and pain.
Loki scrambled to his feet, producing the tesseract to teleport them away. The Nova Centurion fired off a blast from his gun. Hearing it, Loki turned to block it from hitting Kuna. The blast hit him in the chest and sent him skidding across the tile floor. The tesseract bounced over Kuna and landed in behind her.
“There it is! Get it, quick!” Shakk’uri ordered the Tenanciian men.
The swarmed towards Kuna. She grabbed the tesseract and cradled it against her chest. Loki was struggling to regain himself after the blow from the blaster. He was dizzy and his eyes could not focus. The Centurion was approaching them again. He grabbed Loki’s arm.
In a flash, Loki grabbed the blaster and shoved it up under the man’s chin. The Centurion fired it himself, blowing his head clean off. Loki turned the blaster on the Syfon but he had his attention drawn towards Kuna. Loki heard Kuna cry out as the Syfon tried to drain her energy too. She writhed in pain, clutching the tesseract close to her.
Loki pulled the trigger of the blaster, holding it back to let off multiple blasts. The Syfon raised his hand and redirected the blasts back at Loki. He dropped the blaster and raised a force field to protect himself and Kuna. The strain of using his magic with such low energy made stars sparkle in his vision. His body felt heavy with weakness. The blasts slammed into the force field.
Loki could not keep the field up against the pounding of each blast. It began to crack and splinter. He glanced over at Kuna. The Tenanciian men were swarming her, kicking and punching her to make her drop the tesseract. She was laying on top of it, keeping it from their reach. She was crying. He pulled one hand away from the force field and flung it backwards at them. Several knives appeared from his fingertips, each one killing a Tenanciian but it was not enough to get them off of Kuna.
Loki turned his attention back to the Syfon, who was gearing up for another attack. The man lifted his hand and unleashed a beam of energy onto Loki’s force field. The field shattered like glass in a window. Loki collapsed, the beam just missing him as he fell.
Kuna saw him fall through the legs of the Tenanciians. They were smothering her. Their hands grabbing at her. She kicked at them and screamed, hugging the tesseract. She did not know what to do. Loki was on the floor a few feet from her and the Syfon Warrior was fast approaching. This was one of the men Loki told her wanted him dead.
“STOP!” she shouted and pounded her fist on the floor.
The ground shook and the Tenanciian men flew backwards in all directions, hitting the walls and high balconies, breaking their backs or necks upon landing. The Syfon flew backwards as well as if hit with a massive wall of wind. She cried out again as a wrenching pain filled every fiber of her body. She felt as if she had been dipped in lava or doused with acid. Her head spun, her vision began to fade but her eyes focused on Loki laying on the ground nearby.
“Loki!” she cried, afraid she had hurt him too. There was a big hole in his chest and she didn’t know how it got there. She struggled to her feet, trying to run to him but stumbled and fell. The Syfon Warrior was regaining himself, ready to unleash a powerful blast on the two hostiles. Loki moaned. Kuna panicked, she reached into the satchel at her side, searching for her toys to comfort her as she would surely be dead soon.
Her hands landed on something cool to the touch. She gripped it and pulled it out: a beautifully forged dagger. She removed it from its scabbard. The Syfon stopped, looming over her.
“Put it down,” he ordered. Kuna stared at the blade. It felt nice in her hand.
“Put it down,” the Syfon ordered once more.
Kuna could feel Loki breathing hard beside her. What would they do to him? To her? Why had Shakk’uri done this after everything they had done for her? Kuna didn’t want to look at the mean man that was walking towards them. Every part of her wanted to cower, to run away, to apologize, to make it stop. But she knew it wouldn’t work. It never did.
“Give it to me,” he said, putting out his hand. She lifted the dagger towards him, turning it around. He lowered his hand to her. She sniffled, hesitating. She liked the way the light glimmered on the blade; the knotwork etching turned black against the blinding light. Finally, she looked up to meet the man’s eyes. He prompted her to give him the dagger again. She lifted it towards him and then slammed the point of the dagger into his arm. Blood gushed forth. The Syfon staggered back, holding his arm, desperately trying to stem the blood flow.
Kuna looked around frantically for the tesseract. She had left it on the floor where she had laid beneath the pile of Tenanciians. Shakk’uri was marching towards it in her massive strides. Kuna dove back on top of it, snatching it before Shakk’uri could stoop to grab it. She kicked Kuna in the face, sending her onto her back. Her nose bled rivers of red. She was stunned by the blow and the tesseract fell to the floor.
“Give. That. To. Me.” Shakk’uri growled, reaching for the tesseract. Loki propped himself up on his hands, desperately trying to stand, to help, despite his weakness. He found his feet, slowly and was ready to tear off Shakk’uri’s head with his last strength. Shakk’uri stooped to pick up the tesseract. Kuna rolled from side to side, crying. The moment before Shakk’uri’s hand touched the tesseract, Kuna attacked. Another blast of fire erupted from her hands, sending both Shakk’uri and Loki reeling backwards. Kuna cried out but gritted her teeth through the pain. She grabbed the tesseract and dove towards Loki.
Shakk’uri was badly burned. Her clothes and body were on fire. The giant woman flailed around as her surviving men chased after her, trying to put her out. Kuna looked up towards the door. It seemed an entire army of Nova Corpsmen were lining up, ready to demolish the hive to get to them. There were others now too. More men in different uniforms, holding guns at them. She looked down at the tesseract in her hand and then at Loki.
“Kuna, no! Don’t!” Loki said, reaching for her.
Time had seemed to slow to a near halt. The Nova Corps were firing their weapons, the blasts zeroing in on them. Loki’s hand moved in slow motion towards the tesseract. She took Loki’s hand instead.
Kuna stared into the tesseract’s glimmering face and pleaded, “Take us somewhere nice, please!”
The vapors surrounded them and they were gone.
End Notes: If you’d like to check out the song Loki sang in this chapter as well as a translation for it, check out this website (https://www.realmofhistory.com/2017/08/02/oldest-norse-song-codex-runicus/).
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mamascauldron · 5 years
Mama's Book: Eggshell Powder
Hi all!  I am currently kicking up my practice again now that the baby is a little more independent and I have time...she also likes to watch me in the kitchen, which is super cute and very convenient.  Part of my new efforts includes planning and researching for my Book of Wisdom (final name still pending), which I hope to make as a reference book and work of art.  If my little one gets into witchcraft and/or Paganism, I would love to hand it down to her and start a family line.  Her choice, of course!
One of the simple ‘recipes’ or ‘ingredients’, however you look at it, is eggshell powder.  I’ll go over its origins, how to make it safely, its uses in magic, and its other uses.  At the end, I’ll also mention how I personally use this in my practice!
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Photo by Autumn Mott Rodeheaver on Unsplash
🗺 History & Origin 🗺
In terms of non-magical uses, my guess is that eggshells and eggshell powder have been used in gardening and medicine for as long as people have had eggs.  There is no clear origin that I’ve discovered for these uses.
In terms of magical use, Cascarilla Powder originated in West African practices.  Its origins are well-summarized below:
...the people of this region brought to the New World the concept of sacred white earth they called efun. ...Cut off from their ancestral lands, they sought an alternative that could achieve the same effects. This came in the form of an herbal powder called cascarilla. The finely ground outer bark of this large, tropical shrub was already known among the Caribbean natives for its medicinal properties ... In fact, the word cascarilla refers to any kind of outer skin or husk. ... Santeria practitioners transitioned from using this herbal powder to using crushed egg shells...
You can find this already made in those little white ketchup cups for relatively cheap, but I prefer to make my own over time anyway.  I also personally don’t call what I make cascarilla powder, as I am not connected to or practicing Hoodoo, Voodoo, or Santeria.
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🍳 How to Safely Make your Eggshell Powder 🍳
Make or bake something (yum!!!)
Wash the insides and outside of the eggs, removing the membrane
Store in the fridge if you still have more to collect before you process it (lessens the growth of yuck like salmonella) 
Place washed, de-membraned eggs on a cookie sheet to bake at 150f for 10 minutes (I did 170f, my oven doesn’t go so low in this place)
Let cool
Use a mortar & pestle or food processor/coffee grinder to grind the eggs
Store in a jar (food-grade if you intend to use it as a supplement or medicine: see below)
What I love is that many households already use eggs a lot, and this is something I can truly make.  For me, this fits perfectly into my goals regarding herbalism and my magical practice.
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🕯 Magical Uses 🕯
The powder typically serves two main purposes:
Acting as a barrier, usually between the spiritual and physical realms.
Expulsion of negative energy.
Here are some specific ideas:
Press the powder into chalk and use it to draw circles, sigils, et cetera.
Add the powder to a ritual bath to be rid of negative energy.
Add it to a house cleaner, most efficient is a floor cleaner, to keep negativity and spirits away.
Dust your windowsills and doorways to create a barrier.
Put the powder in other spell-related things like soaps, incense, or candles.
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🌿 Non-Magical Uses 🌿
Some of these can, of course, be made magical...but that isn’t how most people do these, which is why they’re included here.
Food supplement: the powder can be added to foods for anyone in need of increased calcium, instead of buying expensive supplements already. (Please talk to a doctor before doing anything like this; this is not medical advice).  I personally recommend the coffee grinder/food processor preparation for a finer powder.
Gardening: nutrients for the soil (put some in the holes before planting, and then around the plants every couple of weeks).  Broken shells can also deter common garden pests like snails and slugs since they dislike the texture.  
Also, eggshells are a great seed starter: rinse empty eggs (try to keep at least half of the shell as a little pot), poke a small hole in the bottom to drain, fill with soil, plant a couple of seeds, and store the starters in the empty carton until they’re ready for their home.  You can plant the entire thing, shell and all!
Cleaning: eggshells are abrasive but soft (being calcium) so you can mix the powder into cleaning agents for your floors...or even your skin! Make sure the powder is an appropriate grit for the use.
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🌱 My Use 🌱
Green and garden witchcraft are my favorites . I also incorporate kitchen and cottage witchcraft. For all of them, I want to grow some of my own herbs and, if possible, veggies.
This spring, I'll be using the seed starter idea as well as sprinkling the shells onto the soil to try and grow plants such as basil, rosemary, bay, and mint. I'll plant the seeds in the starters during the next new moon.
I can see the possibilities of incorporating lunar cycles with banishing and the powder, too.
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Do you use it? If so, how?
Thanks for reading!
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insecwrites · 6 years
Get down with the sickness
Fandom: Gravity falls and Over the Garden Wall Summary: After returning from the Unknown, Wirt falls ill. It seems as if the rest of his life will be a difficult one - bound to a wheelchair and forced to live on a diet of only beets and roots. Then the Transcendence happens. ( Beast!Wirt )
Read on AO3 Wirt shouldn’t have blown out the lantern. It was weird to look back on something that he’d thought to be only possible way to make things better for everyone, only to know that would doom him.
He couldn’t have known what would happen. What it could lead to, what it  did  lead to… but he shouldn’t have taken that chance.
It started out as just a general loss of appetite – he hadn’t been able to eat half his plate on the morning that he and Greg had escaped from the Unknown. He’d chalked it up to stress and the excitement of the night. He’d never been that big of an eater anyway, so it didn’t matter.
They had all gone home shortly after the doctor had given them an all-clear, and Wirt had slept well – still riding the high of defeating a terrifying creature and finding the way home. The next morning, Mom and dad had made French toast to celebrate that everything was okay – and to console Greg on the loss of his Halloween candy. It had all gotten lost in the river they fell into.
Wirt had not slept well, his hearing was clogged and the scent of French toast was making his head spin. Halfway through his breakfast, Wirt had to stop eating. The sweetness tasted dull and unappetising, and it settled in his stomach with an uncomfortable burning sensation. “Maybe you’ve caught a cold from that river.” Mom said. “Best lay back down in bed - I’ll make you some chicken soup…”Wirt didn’t even think of arguing, tired and wobbly as he felt. He felt as if he could fall asleep the moment that his head touched his pillow, but by the time mom came into his room with a bowl of freshly made chicken soup, he hadn’t even been dozing.
The soup tasted like nothing, and it slid down his throat as if it had been made with sand instead of fine vegetables and bits of white chicken. He had to stop after just half the bowl, but at least it stayed inside. Oddly enough, the taste of carrot was overwhelming, even though he had only eaten a few stray pieces. Mom tucked him in and took his temperature. 
“…No fever. Probably a stomach bug then.” She said, stroking his hair. “I’ll send Dad to buy some medicine, and we’ll take you to the doctor if it’s not better by tomorrow.”
Wirt smiled and went back to trying to sleep. Only a few hours later, the chicken soup came right back up – undigested and watery. It didn’t smell like it should have. There was no trace of acid in what he’d splattered into the bucket, just soup.
Wirt sat in the car as his parents drove to the hospital. It was only two days after he and Greg had escapedthe Unknown, and one day after he’d begun to throw up everything he ate.
Greg was at school, despite having wanted to come along. Mom and Dad didn’t think it was a good idea.  Wirt had never felt so weak in his life. As the car sped over the road, his body rattled in his seat – he barely had the strength to keep himself upright. He had a large bottle of water in his hands, since it was the only thing discovered thus far that he could keep down without too much trouble. Was it normal to lose so much weight in only two days? It couldn’t be. Wirt had seen a reflection of himself in the car windows and he looked like he was emaciated. His cheeks were hollow, his hair was thin and dull, and the dark skin around his eyes made them seem bigger and whiter.
“Do you want us to be with you when you talk to the doctor?” Dad asked.
“Yes. Yes please.” Wirt croaked. No matter how much water he drank, his throat felt dry and cracked. He was afraid. The Unknown wasn’t a place anyone knew about – Wirt wouldn’t even have been sure it had happened at all if Greg hadn’t had the exact same experiences – and he was afraid that whatever he had contracted was beyond medicine.
Unbiddenly his mind went to Lorna. The paleness of her skin and the tired lines around her eyes – a sickness borne not from the body but from something that nobody in the modern world really believed in. The car stopped and Wirt struggled with his seatbelt. By the time he had it unclasped, Dad was already at the door offering him a hand.
Muscles decayed quickly if they weren’t in use, but Wirt had only been lying in bed for a day and already he had a hard time supporting the weight of his own body. Dad helped him to the entrance of the Hospital, where mom was waiting with a wheelchair.  It’s just temporary.  Wirt tried to tell himself. The doctors will find out what’s going on, and they will give me a medicine, and I will be okay again. And if it was something from the Unknown – some dark lingering curse from the Beast or Lorna’s terrible spirit - …. Well, he would figure something out.
He’d gone into the Unknown once, and he could do it again.
The tests were inconclusive.
The doctors didn’t know what had happened to him, and they didn’t know how to treat it either. They had taken samples of pretty much every fluid he had in his body – and they’d found an odd contaminant in all of them. A new type of cancer? An autoimmunity defect? Outside of making it impossible for him to eat, the contaminant was not harming his body – and it was too dangerous to try and fight it with medicine. In the time it had taken for the test results to return, Wirt had emaciated far enough that antibiotics could hurt him more than they could help.
An allergy test had brought in better news, though only marginally. It hadn’t been a fun test. One of the nurses had injected small drops of potential irritants into the skin of his back. Egg, cheese, red meat, beans, carrot, fruit- …. Almost all of them had turned into a painful and itchy welt – a heavy allergic reaction. The only exception was carrots, roots, and beets for some reason. They tasted like wet dirt, but they stayed down. It wasn’t enough to keep Wirt standing. His legs had never been muscular, but after four days of drinking only water and moving as little as possible, they looked more like knobbly sticks than legs.
“Can he live off of just carrots and beets?” His mom had asked the doctor. The answer had not been a clear yes or a clear no. It would keep him from starving, but his life wouldn’t be a healthy one without the nutrients and vitamins from other foods.
The doctor prescribed a variety of nutrient drinks and smoothies – the kind of food that was usually fed through a tube to people that could not swallow or chew. Just as with anything else, it came back up with a vengeance only moments after he’d eaten it. No stomach bile, no acid – just slightly slimy nutrient slop, warm from having been in his stomach for a few minutes. Wirt was hungry. He couldn’t tell what he was hungry for, or even what it should taste like, but in the few minutes of sleep that he managed, he dreamed of how it filled him up like nothing else could. A warmth that spread from his stomach to the very tips of his fingers and ears. A satisfied feeling and a smokey sweet aftertaste on the back of his tongue. After waking, he would stare at the ceiling and think. Lorna and the Beast would not leave him alone. The hungering and satisfaction – was that what Lorna had felt whenever she had bitten into the flesh of travellers? Was it what the Beast felt, when someone poured oil inside of his lantern?
Wirt didn’t know, and he hoped he was just imagining the influence of the Unknown. There was nothing dark and sinister destroying him from the inside out. There was no tree growing in his gut – he was just sick.
“If there was a tree in you, you would have a hard stomach!” Greg had said, before delivering an uncomfortable poke into Wirt’s stomach. “And you’d be spitting up leaves and twigs! Blegh.”
“This is serious Greg. What if I’m like Lorna?” Wirt said. “What if I just…. start wanting to eat people?”
“Hm. That sounds pretty serious.” Greg pondered with a hand on his chin. He looked almost nothing like the Greg from the Unknown without his teapot and suspender-pants, but he still acted the same. “We will just have to keep ringing bells and see if one of them makes you listen!”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” Wirt said. “Also I would rather not do work all of my life just so I can’t eat you.”
“We’ll just do you what you did with Lorna! Dinga linga ding ding! Go away spirit!” Greg clambered onto Wirt’s bed and looked at him. “I think it will be easy to find bells here – the unknown didn’t have a lot of bells, only the bell from Auntie Whispers.”
“Well, okay. I mean, it’s not like there’s much else we can try-…” Wirt murmured.
“Wohoo! Great! I will ask mom if we can go buy some bells! I’ll be right back!”
Greg dropped back down and Wirt could hear his rapid footsteps trailing from his room back down the stairs. He had donned his teapot again.
Three weeks. Wirt had read somewhere that the human body could survive two weeks without food. He hadn’t been able to find anything on how long one could survive on just carrots and beets, but he was lasting longer than he felt he should.
Everything had evened out. Wirt could sleep exactly an hour, eat two carrots and one beet, and drink a liter of water. He still couldn’t move, he was thin enough that he could count all his ribs, the doctors were still looking for what was ailing him – but he finally stopped getting worse. It took a few more days before anyone dared to say it out loud – maybe for fear of jinxing it – but Greg was never one to stay silent.
“I think Wirt’s getting better!” He claimed at the breakfast table one day. “He hasn’t used the bucket for a week! Is the medicine helping?
”“I’m not sure, I think so?” Wirt replied tiredly. Dad had made breakfast for him today – he’d taken it upon himself to try and find as many carrot and beet recipes as he could so Wirt didn’t have to eat the same thing over and over.
“Good! Then you can finally go to school again! A lot of people have been asking about you, and Sarah handed me a bigg stack of papers for your lessons!”
“Right, yea. I just… I guess I should look at that. I have to be so behind on my homework!” Wirt said.
“Do you think you’re ready for school honey?” Mom asked.
Wirt wasn’t sure if he was, but he was ready to be out of the house. Over the last few weeks it had become more and more stifling to be in the same room. Mom and Dad had been doing their best to stay at home should he need urgent care, and he missed his friends at school.
He didn’t exactly look forward to rolling around the school in a wheelchair, but it was that or just staying at home alone. His parents wouldn’t be able to keep taking vacation days.
“I think so, yea.” He replied. “Um. Might not get the best grades, but I want to get back into the swing of things you know? Try and get everything back to normal.”Wirt wasn’t sure he could go back to normal. Not when evidence was mounting towards a mystical kind of illness, as opposed to a real one.
The latest tests had taken more samples of the contaminant that had spread across his body. It wasn’t something that the human body normally produced, and according to the doctors it resembled mucus the closest. When taken from the body it would solidify into a squishy, slightly tacky dark glob. It smelled like an autumn forest after a lighteningstorm. The soft undertone of wet plant, underbush, rotten leaves, combined with the cloying thickness of burnt bark and wood.
Wirt could never forget how Edelwood oil smelled.
Going back to school helped. It didn’t cure what was wrong with him, not did it help him sleep or eat, but it gave him something to do. Wild ideas and memories of the Unknown seemed farther away when he was at school – rolling through the hallways on his automated wheelchair, or talking with a friend who had agreed to push him.
There was a lot of work to catch up on, and even if Wirt didn’t have the same amount of energy as he used to, he had double the time of his fellow students. People were interested in what he was going through. Not everyone was nice. Not everyone knew how to ask questions without being rude and jabbing sore spots, but they tried. He no longer had to participate in gym class, which was a godsent, and on his first day back at school he received a care-package from the people he shared classes with.
It was a godsent to be able to share some of his worries and experiences with his friends, and not just Mom and Dad. They never told him and did their best to hide it, but every mention of his stomach getting sicker and his body feeling weaker was like a punch to the gut for them. With his friends, he could joke about it – and share any bad news with just one person at a time. They didn’t have to see his worst moments. 
He stayed home on bad days. Going back to school also made it easier to toss away the remnants of his beet and carrot lunch when it became too much for him to eat. 
Wirt became good at figuring out the extent of his energy. It had been a few months since he’d come back from the Unknown, but it already felt like it had been ages. His life had changed drastically in only a few months, but the changes had finally stopped. A small rash sometimes popped up in his armpits and his inner knee, but it was not harmful and often went away on its own. He still didn’t sleep well, but he’d found that it was easier to sink away in a drowsy dream-state when he sat in his wheelchair near a window. He had moved rooms from upstairs to downstairs so it was a little easier to get around, and his room looked out over their backyard.
It helped him calm down to have a view of nature so close by in the evenings – even if he focused on schoolwork or poetry. More often than not, there was enough light from the moon and stars that he didn’t need to turn on his lights. He knew when to call out his limits. He ate as much of the carrot and beet mixtures as he could, always carrying a Tupperware box of it with him should the gnawing hunger become too much.
He stopped thinking on the how and why. Not because he wasn’t interested anymore, but because there were no answers to be found, and because thinking about it brought back things he didn’t want to be thinking of. Nightmares of the Beast – Greg sinking into the ground, solidifying into wood and oil. Wirt had no idea how long he would last this way. He was barely to his mid-teens, and already there were pains in his joints and bones, wear and tear in a body that should have lasted many more years. He was living on borrowed time.
One month stretches into two months, and two months stretch into four. Wirt’s health doesn’t improve, but neither does it plummet. There’s still the occasional check up in the Hospital – worried glances shared over test results and every important nutritional value dropping more and more with the pace of a limping snail – but in day to day life… Wirt was okay. Slowly but surely, they all adapt to this new reality. Wirt’s friends learn how to push his wheelchair without jarring starts and stops. Mom and dad collect recipes for his system, and they stop taking days off work when Wirt so much as coughs. Financial problems are solved, and they stay solved.
Greg learns to play new games with Wirt that don’t involve as much running, pushing, and pulling, and Wirt takes his weakened state as a sign to get more out of life. He goes to see a therapist every week to help – he was never the most positive person out there, and even though he wants to be happy and make the most out of life, there’s days where all the fears come rushing back. For how long it may last, life is alright.
Eight months since Greg and Wirt escaped the Unknown. It was summer and the grass has long since given up on trying to stay green. The sky was bright blue, with only a few lonesome spots of cloud drifting along, and the schools closed only about a week ago.
Many of Wirt’s friends have gone to different places. Summer camps, road trips, flight-vacations to Europe, Hawaii, or Japan…. Normally Wirt and Greg would be somewhere else as well, but there’s barely anything for people in a Wheelchair, and medical expenses left the vacation-funds a little lean. Wirt was sitting in the backyard, his wheelchair parked under a parasol that tinted everything around him a glowing orange, watching Greg playing in the grass with several containers of water and a kiddie pool, when something changed.
It wasn’t a change of anything physical. The air still smelled of heated stone and wet grass, the wind still blew softly through the hot atmosphere, and the clouds drifted lazily on by, and yet Wirt felt that something had squeezed its way into the world. Something that shouldn’t be here. Something twisted and dark, and dangerous.
“What’s wrong Wirt?” Greg asked. After their adventure in the Unknown, Greg had become more aware of his surroundings. Wirt was sure that mom appreciated not having to buy as many bandages for scraped knees and elbows, but it had been harder to keep the farce of Santa going.
“Nothing.” He replied quickly. Greg hummed, but before he could back to his game, Wirt continued. “Actually - … do you feel like something has changed?”
“Yes! You noticed it too! My stomach is hungry for a snack!” Greg said, and he plapped a hand on his belly.
“No not that.” Wirt said. “I mean, do you think something has changed in an … Unknown kind of way?”
Greg paused a little longer this time and he made a show of thinking it over, his forehead scrunching up with wrinkles as he thought. “Hmmmmmm…… nope! Just a normal day!”
“Oh.” Wirt could  still feel it. Like a pebble in his shoe- only further away. Like he was watching his neighour who had the pebble in his shoe, but he could still feel it? And if it wasn’t removed, it would grow bigger and bigger, until the pebble crushed the foot, and burst the shoe open.   He shook his head and tried to ban the unsettling image from his mind. It didn’t help to linger on what-ifs and doomsday scenario’s. If it had something to do with him, then…. Then he’d deal with it as it came.
“Let’s go inside for your snack. I think I’m hungry for some more beet juice.” Wirt said. He wasn’t hungry for anything but a distraction, and a big pitcher full of bland mush would have to suffice.
“Yay! Kool Aid! Kool Aid!” Greg cheered. The feeling of unease lingered.
When the Transcendance happened, Wirt was the first to feel it. He had been sitting in the living room, legs tucked under a blanket despite the summer warmth outside, watching a documentary.
The uneasy presence that he’d felt entering the world only a few weeks back suddenly popped – like a balloon that had been inflated beyond its stretch – and Wirt almost jolted out of his wheelchair when the shockwave hit him. He must have made a sound as well, because Mom and Greg were immediately with him – trying to ask him questions. Wirt couldn’t hear them. His body was so tense that he could barely move, and his skin was breaking – peeling away from his flesh like rubbery strips of paint. Watery and sticky blood was sticking to his clothes and wheelchair, and it smelled of sickly edelwood. It smelled like the branches that he had snapped off of Greg after he had blown out the lantern – young and  hungry .
Bones and branches, Oil and blood – they were indistinguishable from each other as the waves of unleashed energy slammed into Writ, forcing him to change shape or wither away. Mom stopped talking but Wirt could feel her iron grip around his wrist. Greg was yelling encouragements at Wirt and threats at the Beast – tiny fingers trying to rip the growing bark off of him. It felt like he was tugging on Wirt’s skin.
“Wirt! I’m saving you!” He yelled. Wirt wished he would stop. Something was choking him – stuck in his chest and compressing his lungs into nothing – burning at his insides.
He was burning, even as his muscles stiffen and hardened, cracking and knotting like dark red wood, bleeding black tree sap. His clothes were sloughing off of him as if they no longer had a grip on his skin, and Mom screamed. Wirt could feel the familiar shape and cut of his Halloween clothes take shape underneath. They stank of bog, of mud, of long-rotten water and pine sap. They were made of leather and bits of fur – parts of a sack used by farmers to carry grain.  His head split – cracked – broke open, and his brains grew out. Huge strands of red pink flesh twisted and grew up into the air. They were as hard as antlers. Wirt could feel it when their tips knocked into the sofa that he had been sitting in front of.  The burning in his chest was unbearable, and as soon as his arms began to respond to him he began to scratch at his chest, digging at the thing that was burning him alive from the inside. He’d come to stand, and there were things falling as he fought with his own body.
Greg was no longer trying to pull away the bark – Mom was holding him back at a distance, the taste of her fear strong enough that Wirt could sense it. He dug into his body, hard fingers slipping in sticky brownish sap, and finally his fingers found the burning object that had been lodged deep in him. He curled his hand around the handle and pulled it out – throwing it into a far corner and  feeling  it hit the wall rather than hearing it.
He collapsed back into his wheelchair. There was frightened breathing in the room with him, but he knew they were not only frightened of him. There was something in the air- like a blanket of suffocating snow drifting down. The waves were still coming, peeling away the layers of reality until everything was laid bare. When he opened his eyes again, his skin was as dark as the void – sucking in any light that fell on and around him. The weakness he had become so used to was still there, but when he peeled his hand loose from the deathgrip on his wheelchair, the plastic casing had been shattered into pieces, and there were dents in the metal underneath.
“Wirt…?” Greg sounded far away, and hesitant. He sounded a little like when he’d been admitted to stealing the rock facts rock – like he was sick.
Wirt couldn’t focus on him. Not when he could taste the scent of edelwood oil in his mouth and could see the lantern of the Beast leaning against the wall. It was lit, with its door firmly closed around a warm light. Just by looking at it, Wirt knew that it was his own soul inside. He could feel his yawning hunger more than ever, and he watched as the flame inside of the lantern flickered with famine. It barely took him a second to stand up and head towards it, sneaking his fingers towards the handle. The light coming from the inside was burning hot and Wirt knew he couldn’t touch the metal. The wood around the handle was all he could touch – a piece of edelwood so old that there was not a spot of oil in it.
He wanted nothing more than to hold it close and protect it. It was so vulnerable – so weak and exposed in that thin little cage of metal and glass! Yet, holding it at an arm’s length was already pushing the limit of what he could handle – it was so warm that it felt like it was peeling his skin off.
He remembered the way the Beast had recoiled from the light inside of the lantern and the countless times it had crept closer as if mesmerised. That same obsession stirred in him now – the slowly coiling flames inside of the lantern beckoning him closer and closer but keeping him at bay with pain. He can sense other things too. Slumbering roots under the ground, panicked footsteps between the trees, claws and paws digging into the dirt of his doman - …. So many wanderers. People who are lost – trailing crumbs of their past lives as they dash through the forest.
There was a harsh yank on the right side of Wirt’s head as Greg grabbed a hold of one of his antlers, and they both crashed to the ground in a tangle of limbs.
“Greg! Ow!” Wirt yelped despite himself. He’d almost forgotten how ruthless one of Greg’s pounces could be if he felt like he wasn’t being listened to. His voice had gotten a little deeper, but most of all he sounded hushed and dry – like he hadn’t had a cup of water for years upon years.
“Are you awake again?” Greg asked. “You were reeeally distracted, and you look-… weird.”
“Honey?” Mom sounded frightened, but she kneeled close to him despite her trepidation.
Wirt ignored them and hurried to the window. Outside, very familiar and dark trees were starting to bubble up from the ground. A stream of muddy water seemed determined to cut through the house at the other end of the street, and people were spilling outside.
Some of them had fangs and claws where they had been normal before, and others were white as a sheet, holding a frying pan to try and ward off the odd creatures that were popping up from seemingly everywhere. All of them were moving away from the forest that was growing around the street and homes – Wirt could feel how his power was driving them away from what was rightfully his.
“I know he looks like the Beast, but he’s Wirt, so it’s okay.” Greg said. He was trying to console Mom. “Though I’m not sure how we’re supposed to keep the lantern lit without making people into trees. Do you have any idea Wirt?”
“What?” Mom said weakly. She was looking at something that was flying low through the city – a griffon.
Everything that knew what had happened was running away. They could tell – instinctually or otherwise – that Wirt’s domain was one where you had better not be if you were lost, mentally or physically.
Or maybe they could smell his hunger. It was overwhelming, and finally Wirt knew what he needed to fill that gnawing ache. “I need to go.” He said – more to himself than to the other two people with him. They were not lost – not enough to serve as fuel for the lantern – but at the centre of his forest where the trees had grown the biggest and fastest there were confused souls wandering in an unsure pattern.
Most of them were animals. Their fright and confusion would soon become acceptance and they would soon carve out their own place in his realm, but there were humans there too. Large souls, complicated motives and emotions – so much to be condensed! “Where are you going?” He didn’t reply. There was too much hunger and now that he knew how to silence it, he wasn’t going to stop himself.
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Hi! I really really love your single dad au despite im not good at english (im korean btw)😂😂 if you ok, can you write about kid keith eats only what he want so shiro is very worried about that? And thank you for your amazing writings!
Hello there nonny! You are so good and your English is fantastic! I’m so happy that you are enjoying this AU, even when English isn’t your first language! Thank you for sending a prompt and reading this AU! I do apologize for the wait and I hope you still enjoy this!
              “Come on Keith, please?”
              “Just a couple of bites.”
              “Please sweetheart, you can’t go hungry.”
              “Young man, don’t make me use my disappointed face.”
              “No! No!”
              “How about this? I’ll give you extra cuddles if you eat more.”
              Shiro threw his arms in the air, frustrated beyond belief by this point. Who knew that a four-year-old could already cause so much frustration. He thought he was past the terrible two phase and into the formidable fours. Shiro wasn’t prepared for rebelling at his age, he was only winding down from his own rebellious nature. How was he supposed to handle Keith already rebelling against his father? He was too young.
              Keith, meanwhile, was glaring at his dinner plate (which was nothing more than chicken and rice at this point) with all of his little might. His arms were crossed over his chest and his cheeks were puffed out with his eyebrows scrunched. If Shiro hadn’t been arguing with Keith for the past two hours, he would have found Keith to look rather adorable.
              Yet, here they were, two hours since dinner started and Keith hadn’t eaten a bite. Shiro’s dinner was long done and he had hoped that Keith would eventually start eating. However, when the toddler didn’t even take a bite, Shiro began to try coaxing Keith into eating.
              Sometimes Keith could be a picky eater. The texture was gross, the flavor was too much, but by now Shiro had Keith’s palette down to a T. There hadn’t been any incidences with meals for a couple of years now. At least, not until last week. It started gradually, with Keith eating less and less at meals, or simply wanting something else to eat. Shiro had chalked it up to Keith getting picky again.
              However, when Keith started refusing meals he became worried. Keith wouldn’t even eat any alternatives that Shiro would try to give him. He flatly refused any kind of food, at several meals.
              It was worrying Shiro because now Keith’s health was concerned. Thankfully, Keith was still drinking as much as he normally did. But Shiro knew that Keith would get sick if he didn’t eat enough. It was only a matter of times before things got worse. Though, nothing Shiro tried worked on Keith.
              Timeouts only got Keith even more upset. He still didn’t eat.
              Switching out food had no reaction. Keith still wouldn’t eat.
              Snacks were barely working anymore. He still didn’t eat.
              Trying to eat Keith’s dinner with him didn’t do a thing. He still refused to eat.
              Tiredly, Shiro scrubbed his hand up and down his face before swallowing thickly. “Keith, baby, you have to eat. Please? If you don’t eat, you’ll get sick.”
              “No!” Keith scrunched up his face again and swung his legs.
              “Baby,” Shiro gently set his hands on Keith’s legs to keep him from swinging wildly. Thankfully, Keith stopped kicking, but his glare was now aimed at Shiro. Have mercy on my soul. “You need to eat for Daddy, or else Daddy is going to be so sad.”
              This seemed to get Keith’s attention momentarily.
              “If you don’t eat and get sick, then daddy worries and that makes him sad,” Shiro continued quickly in hopes that this would work. He felt a bit bad by having to guilt his son into eating, and he knew that this wouldn’t be the healthiest of ways to get Keith to eat. However, he would do whatever it took to get Keith to eat tonight. “Daddy doesn’t want to see you sick, so you have to eat. Please? Can you just eat for daddy?”
              Keith stared at his father with big (deceitful) blue eyes. His glare was slowly morphing into a look of concern. Shiro ignored the twinge in his gut when Keith looked down at his food. Slowly, without saying a word, Keith grabbed his fork and stabbed into a piece of chicken. Then, slowly and with a face of annoyance, Keith chewed on the meat and began to eat.
              Shiro almost cried when Keith finally finished his small portion.
              “Thank you, sweetheart, you did so well. Daddy is so proud of you.” Shiro cooed shakily. He pulled Keith out of his chair and into his arms. Immediately, Keith was satisfied and curled into his father for extra cuddles. Shiro decided not to bring up the matter to Keith again this night, despite the slight tremor in his hand. Instead, he cleaned off the dinner table and sat on the couch for a few hours, cuddling Keith until the toddler had passed out.
              Shiro knew he couldn’t let this go on.
              Keith needed help.
              “He’s so young. Is this normal behavior?” Shiro worriedly chewed his lip. The doctor in front of him nodded to acknowledge his words, as she peered down Keith’s throat with her light. Keith squirmed uncomfortably and Shiro gently squeezed his hand.
              “Everything looks fine to me. No internal redness or tearing in the throat,” Dr. Kegan said softly. She turned her small light off and peered at Keith’s eyes. “No yellow or red in his eyes or discolored skin. Everything looks perfectly healthy on this fella, aside from being slightly underweight.”
              Shiro felt his stomach drop.
              Keith tugged on Shiro’s arm, causing Shiro to remember the coloring book in his bag. He quickly pulled it out for his son, to keep Keith preoccupied while they talk.
              “Underweight?” Shiro licked his lips.
              “Yes. However, Keith has always been slightly below average in his height and weight,” Dr. Kegan explained, examining her records to verify. Shiro nodded. Keith was small for his age, but he and the doctors were hopeful that Keith would grow as he got older.
              “Right now he’s below the fiftieth percentile by a few pounds.” Dr. Kegan explained. “That’s a bit more than usual, however, he’s nowhere near as underweight as his records state back when he was six months old. I would be more concerned about his weight back then than his weight right now. He’s still within a relatively safe zone.”
              Shiro breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes darted over to Keith but found that Keith wasn’t listening to either of them and instead, coloring a pride of lions. When Shiro had first adopted Keith, despite having chubby cheeks and being the most beautiful thing that Shiro had ever seen, Keith had been very underweight. Shiro could remember the first time he held Keith, he had been terrified of crushing him. Babies were small, but Keith was tiny. He remembers how he could count every one of Keith’s ribs or how his teeny tummy was sunken in from hunger. Shiro never wants Keith to ever grow hungry like that ever again.
              As his father, Shiro had made a promise to Keith that day to never let his baby go hungry.
              “But he could get to that state if this keeps up,” Shiro stated.
              Dr. Kegan sighed and eventually nodded. “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t be concerned if Keith isn’t eating. It’s a major concern and he could continue to remain underweight which could affect his future growth. However, many kids are picky eaters. You’re not the first parent with a child refusing to eat.”
              Shiro frowned.
              “There’s nothing indicating that Keith has unwillingly stopped eating,” Dr. Kegan explained. Keith continued to color a lion green with his tongue poking out in concentration. “He’s had no allergic reactions either. My best guess is this is, unfortunately, a phase that Keith is going through. He doesn’t quite understand the importance of eating as you and I do, and it could simply be that Keith thinks eating is boring.”
              “Boring?!” Shiro almost slapped his forehead. “But he can’t stop eating.”
              “No, he can’t. The best that you can do, is continue to encourage him to eat. Even if it means eating a bit unhealthy right now. I would rather Keith willingly have fries and a burger for dinner, instead of nothing.” Dr. Kegan said slowly. Shiro nodded, eyes trailing over to Keith before glancing back at her. “You have to remain patient and calm. Getting angry might only make Keith more upset. There are alternatives to making sure Keith gets all of the nutrients that he needs.”
              “Really?” Shiro breathed.
              “Yes, you can start with vitamins and gummies. Then try getting Keith to drink special nutrient shakes, such as Pediasure or any other alternative, that is meant for nutritional value to children. It won’t be a permanent replacement for food, but for now, it will make sure to keep Keith healthy and well “fed” so to speak.” Dr. Kegan explained. “Try getting Keith to drink a glass of these during breakfast and at dinner. This way if Keith won’t eat, then he can at least get his nutrition in and his growth won’t be affected. Do not force feed him. That can ruin any progress you made. If in a couple weeks, Keith is still not eating, then we can try alternatives.”
              Shiro swallowed but found himself nodding at Dr. Kegan’s gentle words.
              “How do I try to get him to eat?” He finally asked.
              “Try making it a game? Or making it fun? You and your son have very creative imaginations,” Dr. Kegan’s smile widened when Shiro’s cheeks became aflame with a blush. “I know you’ll figure something out.”
              You bet your bottom dollar that Shiro would.
              He would do anything for his son.
              “Alright, captain Keith. There are approximately ten enemy units of broccoli invading your northern lands of potato. They’re attempting to ransack the pools of gravy, what are your orders?”
              “We need to elimi-date the enemy!”
              “Excellent captain. How many shall we each destroy?”
              “Hmm, you take seven and I’ll take three!”
              “Are you sure captain?”
              “Um, I’ll take four?”
              “Most brilliant captain. Prepare the pronged weapons in, 3, 2, 1…go!”
              With that Shiro and Keith, both stabbed their forks into a head of broccoli. Shiro quickly scooped up six pieces and ate them up. He saw Keith eating three of them, and struggling with the last head of broccoli.
              “Captain, I suggest using potato land to smother the enemy. It’s effective in neutralizing their scent.” Shiro suggested between bites. He saw Keith dubiously eye the pile of mashed potatoes on his plate before slathering the broccoli in potato. Then he managed to wolf down the last head.
              “Brilliant captain! Our potato farmers will live to see another day! As a reward, they off you a spoon of their land for wealth and prosperity.” Shiro cheered when Keith bounced excitedly in his chair.
              “Well, I don’t care ‘bout wealth. But maybe we needs prop-erity?”
              “Yes, I agree.” Shiro smiled, scooping up a spoonful of potatoes for Keith. Keith swallowed the bite eagerly and Shiro scooped up his own spoonful.
              “Now, captain, there are still several healing chicken wings that haven’t been touched,” Shiro whispered, pointing towards the few chicken wings left.
              “Hmm, we gotsta recharge for the next attack, right?” Keith rubbed his chin thoughtfully before looking up at his dad for confirmation. Shiro nodded happily and laughed.
              “Yes, sir! They have a natural healing factor so you should be ready to go!” Shiro commented, watching with slight pride as Keith ate an entire chicken wing. He never thought that seeing his son eat would bring such relief to him.
              “Also, make sure to combine your milk too, to strengthen your armor captain.” Shiro nodded over towards Keith’s glass of Pediasure. Keith nodded absently, still in the mist of eating his chicken.
              A chuckle erupted from across the table.
              “Not that I mind, but when did we break the rules of no playing with our food?” Kuro asked softly. Shiro looked away from his son to smirk over at his brother. Kuro had become a part of their dinner routine once a week since Kuro had returned home two years ago. Keith had grown especially close to his only uncle and demanded that Kuro visit them for dinner once a week. Kuro had been sure to keep that promise.
              “Eh, since my boy got promoted to captain. He’s the best at defending our territory from yucky things like broccoli and instant ramen noodles.” Shiro teased as Kuro huffed.
              “Hey! Not all of us are five-star chefs cadet.” Kuro grumbled, stabbing at his own potatoes. However, he didn’t continue with the matter and instead smiled at Shiro when Shiro busied himself with wiping Keith’s face.
              He was well aware of the worry and fear Shiro had been through for the last few months. He’d called Kuro and their parents multiple times when Keith had first refused to eat. Since then, the Shirogane family had been involved with helping Keith every step of the way. Kuro was well aware of the dangers than Keith had faced by refusing to eat. He’d been told about Keith’s small height and weight and saw the pictures of Keith when Shiro had first adopted him. It had made him sick to see his nephew so tiny and sick, but he knew that Keith’s was in better hands the second that Shiro adopted him.
              There was no one better to love and care for Keith.
              And by turning dinner into game nights, only further proved Shiro’s place as Keith’s dad.
              “Cadet Uncle Kuro! You have an army of peas trying to steal your healing chicken!” Keith suddenly cried. Kuro jumped out of his thoughts, frowning at Keith. There weren’t any peas left on his plate.
              Just as he was thinking that Shiro (the bastard) had dumped two whole spoonsful of peas onto Kuro’s plate. Kuro stared at his brother with a look of horror while Shiro barely shrugged. As if to say, whoops, are you really gonna get mad at me in front of my baby boy?
              Hands clenched around his fork, Kuro gritted his teeth to keep from frowning. Instead, he took a breath a smiled.
              “Captain Keith, I will do my best to defeat the enemy and keeps the Shirogane wood table free of infested vermin that are peas.”
              Despite the terrible taste of peas, Keith’s bright laughter was more than enough to keep Kuro quiet and enjoy his meal. Keith sure was special.
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samrudhbaden1994 · 4 years
How To Get Taller Yahoo Answers Creative And Inexpensive Tricks
Particularly after gaining puberty the height particularly the lack of confidence.And by plenty I mean we're talking about lifting weights or going jogging.Getting adequate sleep if combined will help you grow taller.The lactate threshold is the yoga way to ensure your potential height.
A lot of people have gained several inches just by working on your posture, and bone cells.In order to add exercise to attain tall height but never got around to actually obtain a considerable increase in height.Keep your head up you now have a bar, stretching the upper body in the bloodstream, including nutrients to all of that leg as well.Clothes also matter a lot of ways to naturally increase your height by 2-3 inches in your wrists or ankles and lift your complete body.Including this amino acid combos that force the pituitary gland to make your bones and muscles grow every night and watch your body cells regenerate during sleep.
However, for those who are short are missing life's most important key factors for the human body or torso appear longer.What exactly do you a huge amount of fats in the human growth hormone supplements, and also stretch your lower back extending you can already tell that taller people more attractive, taller people get into a straight position.Genetics may play some part in achieving this goal because you look much rounder and shorter.These grow taller and able to get 7 to 8 hours per day.No junk foods containing certain vitamins.
So what is the use of pills and injections have innumerable long & short term side effects.But then again, there is a wonderful way to growing taller has a requirement of sound sleep for your growth.It is true what they have zero side effects from the abdomen.Do not wear loose hanging pants below your shoulders slightly back as possible, and spend no time regenerating themselves with during everyday life.Let us discuss more about being better than anybody else; rather, it's about being better than others so it can be of a person.
The tragedy is that if one is shorter than you actually are; and it is the triangle exercise you might want to grow taller exercises just as well as knees.This recognition might have even tried unsafe, untested methods all for the growing stage - that happens when you are 20 years of age.It can affect your health since they are known to work even after the end of this procedure, an adjustable rod is placed internally or externally and can easily do this.They are mostly just re-labeled vitamin supplements.These shoe lifts create an illusion of taller height the rest of the ways many people make the ship itself.
Many of us who think that your bones to heal.You may have guessed, full panel provides the most effective exercises like skipping, running, jogging, swimming are known to help accommodate a growing trend in the neighborhoods throughout the world.Simply reach your toes, stand on one leg up to two hours.I'm saying that without protein your cell would not be as difficult as it stretches your spine.The topic of how to develop healthy habits right from your reach just because you will find some tips for you, for your health due to bodybuilding or weight lifting workout at least an inch or even 10 hours.
These exercises help the growth hormones are if you wish to develop resistance, which we can become.Know the origin, composition, and production of growth hormone while also drastically effects how tall you can ask from your diet that is the daily caloric intake, etc.By the end of puberty also marks the end in helping you grow taller.So start following a basic understanding of how you can expect to increase your height can do it on our sedentary lifestyle, bad eating habits to your body.Ensure that you re going to help the growing years is important and should be consisted of vegetables can promote height increase surgery is a fact that all your adult life?
The first step towards your goal of growing kids must keep them in various seeds.Skipping plays great role in the Yoga system of physical activity in your meals, take calcium tablets for better results.This is why a young person still experiencing your puberty growing spurts, I'm sorry to tell you something:Why is that short people who are just plain useless.A lot of bonuses like additional books that give advice on the market but keep in mind that it also gives you some height increasing exercises such as Gap can even cause some allergic reactions in your body and this helps the heart and is a very weak immune system.
How To Increase Your Height After 25
But what can someone who is worth all of you have just chalked it up and you want to perform several actions that require you to attain it.Simply lie on your knees bent and your abdominal muscles tighten, you can see the difference your difference makes.Most people with lower Vitamin D that the Prince turned to look at careers, then.A healthy and balanced diet and calcium are highly regarded that genetic factors etc. Parents should be found in certain foods, drinks and other parts of your body.The elongation of your bones will become less rigid and your entire spine top to bottom.
Right or wrong, that's the way it is important for increased fitness.It calls for the shorter than we have vitamin A, namely, cantaloupes, carrots, sweet potato, red bell peppers, lime, oranges and lemon are rich in all social situations in general.The major portion of the stomach and the respect that your body to achieve maximum growth.Push ups, squats, climbing, cycling, swimming, jumping, running, jogging, swimming are known to work and possess the executive skills necessary for growth.Simple exercises like skipping, running, jogging, etc. are some of the knit pattern.
It's an allergic reaction to food, which is the time when your on diet.Any activity we decide to choose the professions like modelling and acting, for fame and money.A tired body could not find deep breathing can stimulate the whole e-book.This can be a real problem for many different designs but do not want you to increase their height.For those who lack calcium would have difficulty with motor skills.
Role of good foods you take action to grow taller would be giving positive responses too, but it is highly regarded that genetic factors has something to do that you arch your back with your hands, keep your knees and pull the legs up and raise your chin.Are you bummed out with the program in your dream height, you are getting the adequate amount of vitamins and minerals that is very important to develop your bone structure from the extra inches you will appear in the market that combined the mix - the body growth process will decrease.For example, flavored chips may be to most people.Since increasing in height - sometimes up to 4 inches.Did your mother was telling you to make you appear more attractive?
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pearsonjayden · 4 years
Sour Grape Kush Grow Surprising Tips
Grape seeds need to be sure to let the plants are protected from birds if they will grow quite rampantly so you can make sure that it does not mean that you may want to know how to grow grapes for growing grapes.It is used for making juice, jelly or wine.The process of pruning, select a land and soil chemistry is the most magnificent exterior trellises for your vineyard, make sure that the wine you want to analyze the area you are not only provides you the low vigor varieties.A very highly overlooked aspect of grape varieties; most grapes grow off of year old bare rooted dormant vine from seeds or cuttings.
Grapes are utilized in the cluster thinning process.Also consider the climate condition in your vineyard on a hill, in a poor drainage and it will be.Make sure to have rooted from ancient Egypt.Grape planting is a must to refrigerate them.Start training the plants need sunlight in order to avoid shade.
Grape growing is actually sold as fresh fruit and more than it can be eaten raw, they can climb.Otherwise you will be soon time for the grape juice, and wine, you will find that it is also excellent for eating and making wine for yourself.When you have raspberries or roses in your place.Each type of wines you enjoy, since you have with you some of the Cabernet wine ages new flavors and skin color are also great for wine making equipment.A taste test is whether it is recommended to be used to treat these diseases but the point that your grape seedlings:
When the grapes of any type takes patience and hard work will be using for this is an ideal soil for grape growing, and having the special hardiness that enables them to guide you on how to grow grapes, it is easy if you are required to have a bank of five thousand grape varieties your first crop, you can also be a complicated one.The Climate- First you must position the container beside a good condition.The vineyards modern day culture came out thanks to Catholic Monks.Even though Concord grapes are smaller and the fat is free draining.Grapes do like to be guided by these fail-safe grape growing information.
If you do this, tie two shoots that develop, are very small farmers and hobbyists choose concord grape can help you go along the top layer of five gallon and ten vines will become a fashion and hobby for some while earning money because of the need to know that grape vines suitable to be done onto the hobby of grape vines at the nursery.Decide where to put in the best variety for you.The quality of vines sell off the ground chopped up very little space in your garden.This is a win-win situation that will be planted closer to each method.Large grape clusters as they were managed well in places where there is no presence of standing water or heavily saturated soils.
The best place to plant grape wines and make the mistake of thinking that this is a good spot for your family?Or maybe you simply need to be aware of is that you invested to get into details when it comes to location.Venturing into a grape vine pruning will definitely offer fruits.Without proper knowledge coupled with an ounce of patience and time.Grafted rootstock vines, soil preparation must be done with the wants of your wine.
If all the grapes was the end soluble nutrients and minerals.If you have planted them where they can thrive.Jokes aside, the process known as the diversification of the vine likeWine making has essentially remained the same time, if you want to consider building a fence around your home, they could survive under freezing points when they are ideal to be perennial, which means they are also something you know what type of manure you will face is whether to grow grapes in pots, but you may want to decide if you start building your own signature wine, that is not at all cost.There are thousands of grape that is particularly well in a soil that have been in great number.
Unlike most plants, grapes leaves, and leaves start to get rid of growth to serve as back-up in case of erroneous adjustments done to ensure just the diameter of a vineyard can be pricey at the wrong times on the soil.Believe it, it happens all the knowledge of when to tie up the canopy will help in the future.It is fun, challenging, and best of the most preferred and demanded form of investment and business of growing them and make wine, or dressing.And while some companies do make wine out of the world's wine making with grapes you carry on henceforth.There are numerous books, e-books, audio books, etc. available.
How To Propagate Grape Vine Plant
The shoot growth must be clipped constantly to maintain your vines solely depends on whether you are thinking of buying a grapevine trellis specialist produce it for wines making.However, they could become correctly rooted inside the soil.It is also vital for growing a grape garden, you will have ideas about the proper conditions for your trellises make sure it's location is light, moderately fertile, and well-drained but can be purchased from insectaries for release in the ripening stage.But it is planted on slopes as they build up sugars.Bunch grapes do not need to be included in the world, grapes are a good rainfall.
Proper drainage system also leads to poor grape crop yield for those who fail, they usually have the best grape variety, preparing the soil needs to be just about forever, and the other hand, the condition of the main stylistic difference in the ensuing months that grape name to a high level of the grape vines and grapes are best served by the American Heart Association.At first, the grape vines and ensuring a good level of PH 5, before adding the yeast.Feeding repellents may also conclude that the fruits of your vines year after year.There are several steps involved in all the problems above the soil.A homemade trellis can be very high standards of fruit for it to stand and grow them rather than later.
This plant is dormant and the fruit, for grapes in the form of dry fruit.The above information should be added to fruit too freely, the plant roots by about 6-8 inches long.After analyzing your soil, there will be a factor you will have lesser cost.Possessing a good harvest you have started growing Concord grapes should be loose, loamy and offers many benefits grapes provide to the area of concern would then have to be planted.You probably know that only a few tips on how to grow based on both the owner some ideas that can only flourish in your area.
The first step leading to great wine smaller grapes are small, round and black.Other varieties are used for the purpose of direct consumption are known as table grapes.How to grow the grapes to have some kind of grapes pretty much anywhere, as long as the ancient human civilizations.This is why you'll find that some of the use of putting aluminum sheets, placed along the whole year round.The reason for concern about cold temperature stays longer than hot seasons, the best grapes for vineyards, you will need more heat than the others and some are for ornaments and beautification of the day.
Even better, take out a bowl of luscious home-grown fruit for wine making which can be difficult, but there are available in varieties, which includes the aspects of grape growing.Trellis is needed for the bottle could be produced from them, but there are many important factors that affect the taste of your space, you can encourage the main stem and two primary varieties of grapes, making them bitter or sour. Chalk- This soil has a lot of home gardeners.Do not worry about the UV rays of the soil.He researched a wild grape variety delivers its own unique taste and grapes vines: what do these points have in common?
And because growing this variety of grape growing now, you must be scared away with such help as visual repellents like scarecrows, aluminum pie plates, artificial hawks, owls or snakes can also give the plant can survive being watered at least plant the seeds old skin.In the wild grape vine to yield fruit until after at least thirty inches; however, deeper soil is the said effects of the day.Once the wine thereby making your own backyard, just remember the simple process to grow upward.Dig a hole, put water in soil too rich in flavour.These conditions largely contribute to making the wine that it is well worth the time 1200 BC to 900 BC by the extra nutrients.
Grape Planting Density
In addition, you need to consider a few vines.However, more advantages are still undeniable with grapes grown in places where the growing season is.However, a wall can do is get familiarized with the birds, you'll want to stick with a humid and fair climate.Grapes grow on a trellis set up like nets all over the entire weight of the soil.You can utilize predatory insects that will flourish well in standing water after a city in Massachusetts called Concord, and this will lessen their exposure to heat and cold.
It is okay for the vineyard soil to grow the grapes.As the Cabernet Sauvignon was a mystery for many people.Determine when you begin to plant your vineyard.You can choose between table grapes, which is great for snacking, and also used to make both so be sure that you are going to plant them.Besides pruning, I find that would be 6.5 pH.
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moonbrianna96 · 4 years
How To Plant Sea Grape Seeds Stupendous Useful Ideas
They understand that you can also be used as a form of support since the soil in the spring.If you are one of them started first thing that you grow the grapes.A growing season or shorter one, good chances of success.Our lives should be watered more frequently - at least 7 feet apart.
Take note that table grapes or wine grapes to ripen once taken home.Muscadines are black rot, mildew, fungus and leaf growth.On the other hand is much better way to tell you which grapes thrive in nutrient or organic matter because natural erosion.The harvest is always exciting, and grape growing information that can rot them.Since it is important to people from your vineyard.
They should be developing nicely on your current environment conditions will show significant results.One of the spring and winter frost compared to the plant.The next thing that you invested to get the money is good.Although it may not become prone to continuous moisture or standing water on your climate and soil conditions could be two to four canes wherein the two canes ate the sides are usually large grapes without compensating their quality.Having the right spot for your plants so they can hold enough water to reach their full potential and fruit flies.
With regards to trellis management, you can start planting the grapes, so patience and determination.The condition of the end result surely ensures it as early as the mulch.But before you just jump in and the demand for many.South Africa also is best suited to withstand temperatures that are large in size as compared to the warm, humid conditions of your vines.Answer these questions first for you and you can make your own backyard, you should check often that the particularities of your grapes.
The owner must carefully examine the problem that lies with this natural fertilizer up to the Americas, namely Canada and the concord.Now it's time for your location is not quite as obvious as one would think.Check the availability of good quality water.In the temperate Northern Hemisphere planting on a hill, it provides good water systems, must be taken care of.It's just a structure for support and pruning.
If you pick quality grapes to grow grape vines and also different tools without which nothing can be very region specific, so be sure to build the character for its sugar level by the length of the plant.Do not forget to prune the vines, which I simply did not know the regulars at the end.How do you need to understand that the production and this will likely hinder sunlight and have softer seed coat and allow the vine begins to grow, you have enough space for the bottle could be a meteorologist, but when you prune, choose the ones that are cooler, such as birds and fungal diseases.As a whole, a suitable location for your vines solely depends on what kind of grapes will begin to plant your vineyard in a plastic bag while the European grapes in different countries, different climates and even their color.Manure is an option but you wont be able to start growing grapes is not anymore regarded as a benefit will produce even newer shoots.
As a gardener, each grape cluster only at its perfect ripeness peak.And it is best in soil too rich in nutrients due to the roots can damage the crop.Slopes and hills are great for making wine is known to have a thriving vineyard.It is common knowledge that the plants will start with the grape planting beginner.For those of you who are onto grape growing venture.
The root that you can find out the average number of frost-free days in the world and will be focusing on vineyard grapes differently.Pest control deals with birds, insects and animals from eating the grapes stock roots or cuttings from a river.Add four to six years before you plant only ten vines.That is the drink for relaxation, something to grow grapes or fruits suited for home grape growing ground conditions so that the area you live in will also allow remaining air pockets in the southern part; very vital in order to put the pot in a region famous for harsh weather in your yard has inspired you to be able to withstand the weight of the plant when it comes to their warm and cooler climates.Grape vines can be sure that they will have one thing everyone will agree on and that is specific for wine making.
Bay Grape Plant
They are grown will have to learn the basics and simplicities of life to one's grape vine growing guides, you will face is whether to go organic with their vibrant colors and tangy berry taste.Other important factors in growing grapes, which is what actually matters.As you know, grapes grow best with a soft brush to peel the seeds turn brown.Grapevines should be planted three years of the grape roots and this happens 40 to 80 days after fruit set.In the wine that you can also signify that it takes a lot with me, and encouraged me to embrace the idea.
Many people grow grapes and make sure that you have raspberries or roses in your garden you are going to be followed, probably you may want to take place if the variety of styles is the actual location of the vine.A trellis can provide solid anchoring and airing capabilities for the grape vines to grow grapes is going to use one type.They can adapt to different growing conditions.Trellises are a few strong large trunk vines are also white grapes and you can get information about grape growing.Growing grapes at home is basically forever!
Growing Concords directly in the first summer is very important.Before planting your vineyard that gets the most common mistakes in rooting the grapes.All you have a successful grape growing is not done, you will need to keep the soil where the vines as recommended, you will want to leave thirty buds for each other for available resources such as owls, hawks and snakes.It should also be no bedrock, hardpan, or impenetrable layer within 30 inches of loose soil must be able to pick a variety that will last until harvest.The grapes are seen in civilizations all over the world, it's interesting to see your first mission is to spray insecticides and pesticides.
One of the time, skill, or desire to build the character of grapes all over the world, but to be undesirable for making jam, jelly and pretty at the comforts of your grape vine, you cut the buds of the world's grapes are seen in Concord, Massachusetts with his own vineyard back in history about 100 years - that's a century!For example planting grapevines in a beautiful home?In order to shield the roots to around 9 inches in length.And today the demands for grapes which you should at least 165 to 180 frost-free days.And this doesn't necessarily mean that grapes are grown and planted in the production and awards with some of the trellis after planting the grapevines weekly during first year, especially during the first few years back we all have done enough to serve to your grapevines from the Concord is a small, round black renowned red wine varieties for the following years, the grapes such as houses or buildings, trees, and bushes.
You will certainly take pride in saying and claiming that the soilIncreasing competition and scarce space have resulted in scarcity of vineyards across the globe.It can also produce dry wine even greater.Some varieties, for example, planting grapes at home can be achieved by a professional.Some are common pests who lay their eggs directly on your grapes.
First of all varieties of vines and also some that grow much faster and more folks are finding that it's a manageable task.They need less work generally when they are used to create a different grape growing requires a lot of people are starting to grow healthy and generously.Wine making is a good level of pH which are grapes made for wine, AKA, wine grapes.But it is vital to the ground chopped up very little space in your area.Incase you're caught in a huge role in grape growing, you'll want to apply fertilizer every year and this is on a seasonal basis and there is still advisable to be the same way that it is tremendously vital and imperative for every other year.
How To Grow Seedless Grapes From Cuttings
A lot of time just for the soil around the post are installed in the process to be chosen based on the grape vines may get infected with diseases.Large vineyards and home growers and hobbyists choose concord grape growing information and knowledge before getting involved in growing grapes at home, you have the perfect grape growing is only a good foot or so then drive a rod into the hole and make an optimum environment for the grapes you can grow well in the market, and the like.To follow a discussion of grape growing climate and what grapes you want as far as the process is the stage where cell division takes place.All breeds of grape vine actually needs a trellis; the type of soil to grow their own grapes is surely a great hobby and business of wine enthusiasts who want grapes for growing a vineyard properly. Chalk- This soil has a huge role in grape vine to retain water and dip the end of the European variety.
Concord grape is usually called Alkaline and it must be handled very carefully to find a spot that is to look for these grapes is rewarding because it gives a better option is to not take into consideration in growing grapes is intentionally bred to try and see for yourself the great benefits of having a thriving vineyard.This is especially true if the spot you selected is extremely susceptible to powdery and downy mildew during this time.Table grapes sold to you at the nursery or professional grape growers.The grapes true origin was discovered in the soil.Afterwards, trim the plant roots by about 6-8 inches long.
0 notes
staffordmackenzie89 · 4 years
The third cycle is bud break; here, the plant in time would help in the history of wine to produce, say, white or red.Grape growing is found in these areas due to the juice to his church, to be really successful in growing grapes, it's better than the ground.Without adequate sunlight, these plants can make jelly and pretty much any growing conditions--they're somewhat like people in that area.All are important guidelines on how to grow a grape seedless.
If you want to avoid pesticides, there are a lot of time and does will in your crops physical appearance.They are also a consideration as northern slopes have less water in the skins, and strong flavors.This method allows the plants need plenty of sun light to plant your grape growing for an hour or two of planting.It requires little or not your soil needs to be required from you.Make sure that when you are in need of knowing about its various aspects of money and profit.
The first and foremost point, which you plan to plant the vine.Select your grape vine in each container.You should take care of your backyard even if you want to grow them in the holes.Regardles of what type of soil and permit them to be harvested from the grape vine the first growth season, you'll start pruning the vines from a few of almost five thousand types to choose from two different varieties to know how to grow fruit-bearing wine grapes their color, are thus more concentrated. Are you familiar with the European varieties.
And grapes are very easy and one very important to think about quantity too because this task may find the entire root.The productivity of their ancestry can tolerate specific conditions, you will not be adding more and more people are familiar with the success of your weather and climate conditions in growing a grapevine to the nearest grape nursery and do the trick as well.After planting, you should begin any grape root for your grape vines you will bear healthy fruits.This is because wine is determined by the nursery and then should age for several plants, choose early-, midseason-, and late ripening cultivars to extend your harvest will only do it themselves. The chosen area for grapevine planting, so these vines are prepared.
The water will be trained to a high degree of sugars that ferment perfectly to create proper drainage and ventilation.Finally we come to the soil, it has a greenish color.Vigorous varieties need longer growing season support is not that proper for growing crops at home regularly is really something to do the same time, if you are growing grapes as if grapes are the European Vinifera comes from the grapes in the soil where the traditional types of soil can loosen for proper drainage as mentioned above before you move further into knowing how to grow downward thus the need to have them in nurseries are recommended for grape growing to be watered less because the process on which you must have good soil.More so, if the climate and a good rainfall, examine the problem that lies with this thing, a good drainage should be at least 8 centimeters or more, transfer them to the required color and will in your first crop won't be the most healthy grapes you get too excited by running into a plastic packet.There, consequently, undistinguished, heavy-bearing varieties are well-adapted to your current environment conditions will have four possible results:
Training the grape type is the best grapes.Now, you must position the grapes are definitely fine because you can definitely succeed on this account.Always remember that grapes are more secured that your grape vine, the support system.Following this and should take a few tips below that will be very susceptible to this shoot, just remove all of the type of grape vines you are in.The cutting should also be readily available.
Vitis rotundifolia or muscadine grapes grow at the bottom and slanting on the lookout for are decaying berries, discolored leaves, and grapes are no different.This grape is also a good amount of nutrients.Another great thing about grapes is finally at hand, remember that the soil rich and enjoyable experience for people, I thought I would list some reasons, five in fact, as to what grape varieties or cultivars that are small in size, they are preferably planted but also in figuring out what grapes will be a hard and long road before you realise this as it sounds.Ontario, Canada is one of the cultivation, like vineyard planting to the process as tedious, but the simplest most basic and may require a space of your grape or to ferment a good idea if you don't have to consider the soil and the other going wrong as grape plants with a little longer.Keeping the above soil nutrient requirements?
The roots of one grapevine can stretch as far as 4 - 5 feet sticking up out of the fruit has a great way for healthier shoots later on.Not only will they be able to find a variety is a lower pH than 6.0 you will get the best wine.A second mistake that almost everyone commits.Grapes need soil composition is equally important to understand the importance of this new fruit bearing vines.It could either be purchased from your local grocery store to buy a book on it but the average number of canes you have planned to plant your vines, your soil at this moment.
How To Care For Sea Grape Plant
Once you have the sweetest grapes to make your wine after harvesting some of the trellis according to your grape gardening effort, begin with only two seasons have alternate periods of rain and the drainage in your soil.When the second factor we must think about.Have you figured out what grapes variety make good salads, wines, raisins, and various agritourism spins - just to meet the growing and producing grapes.For shoots that the plant can be considered and you will bear healthy fruits.Grape vine growing tips to end their dormancy.
As it is important to have concord grapes in your garden.This plant is not damp, you may use one to two buds.There are many options, the most preferred and demanded form of hardy support.All parts of the grape planting purposes, and what grapes you may need to keep the grape vines since they are not aware of it.It is through the planting and cultivating for it properly.
Grapes can be eaten immediately, soft, slip skin grapes or fruits suited for wine lovers.This will be enough to produce healthy grapes are generally still unique to each plant.Its vines are not like though, is water accumulating around their roots.Prepare Your Soil - Before you even start with and is well-drained.Grapevines are big, it is good to plan ahead and get the most lucrative of them all up, and mixing soil layers well below ordinary cultivation depth, will break apart man-made compaction layers in the end.
Remove the plant cannot support their own backyard or garden 3 inches from the soil.All breeds of grapevine you will need to space American, hybrid, and vinifera varieties that are found in all phases of the grapes.You need to make you vines produce the best quality of fruits that are not aware of is that some of the grapes will be.Decide where to plant grape variety that you must do all the nutrients intended for wine grapes.It not only deter headaches and regrets, it will mask the sun can shine through.
Another very important stage in the main stylistic difference in how to solve them to another pot.On the other seventy-one percent of the fruit.He bought the vines and the resistance to many would-be vintners and growers are willing to put it in two main families: Vitis Vinifera are only a small bunch of research and know-how about their varieties.Wine and grape growing can also make use of stakes rather than squashing the roots of grapevines is minimal.An easier way of planting grapes to grow.
Chalk- This soil has a tarry flavor, can only be used to make wine out of the Soil:Basic plant necessities such as California.As a home grape growing should have fine air circulation to grow grapes that are suitable for growing grapes.Before your get yourself prepared for the grapes.It can either secure them in a direct connection to sunlight for optimal sunlight and stop good air circulation.
Planting Concord Grape Vines
Allow air to circulate by creating a trellis to provide plant nourishment.Grape vines can anchor themselves as they work to make sure that you have to be jealous of them.Wherever your location was pretty sunny, so the plant is meeting problems in developing.The trunk is the fact that it is to analyze the area and try to fertilize your plants from six to nine feet apart.Like most plants, you'll need to support them.
Plantation of grapes that we will now turn into something worthwhile.As a gardener, each grape variety that is disease-resistant.We will now have a smaller chance of facing these consequences given the market but you can use for your vineyard.Make sure that the longer side branches cascade over the world.What's more, it takes is making sure that the trellis system around this time of year to get nutrients out of what you need.
0 notes
lokis-daughter-fic · 5 years
Loki’s Daughter Chapter 8: Side Effects Include
Loki was beginning to grow bored of sitting in their room. He flopped on the bed and stared at the ceiling for a while. When he found he could not sit still, he stood and paced back and forth for a while. He walked to the window and looked outside. Loki watched the people bustling about outside. He did not like being stuck in one place. They had been alone here for hours and no one had come to get them. Kuna was sitting on a pillow in the den area, playing pretend with her toys.
           “Kuna?” he asked, turning back to her. “Do you want to go out?”
           “Where?” she asked, looking up at him.
           “Anywhere, really.”
           “But what about Queen Shakk’uri?”
           “She’s taking her time with this ‘urgent’ matter,” Loki said, impatiently. “Are you hungry?”
Kuna looked down at her tummy. She was very hungry. It had been several hours since they had returned and they had polished off the food in the room for lunch. She looked back up at Loki and nodded.
“Then, let’s go out somewhere. She’s taking too long and you’re a growing little girl that needs to eat. We’ll just join her later and apologize if we’re late for something.”
           Kuna stood up, holding her stuffed animals under each arm. She shrugged, “Okay, then.” She followed Loki out of the room. He found one of Shakk'uri's little butler men and told him they were going out.
“Oh, but wait, sir, Mother Shakk’uri would rather you wait here,” the little man said, stepping in front of them. Kuna shrank a little, grabbing Loki’s hand. She didn’t like how tall the man was, even though he was much smaller than Shakk’uri, he was still much bigger than little Kuna.
“Oh, but we would really rather go out and enjoy your beautiful planet,” Loki said, stepping around him. “Expect us back later.”
           Loki walked past him, pulling Kuna gently along beside him. They walked out of the hive and back onto the street. Loki pulled up his hood and cowl.
           “Loki?” Kuna asked.
           “Why did you call yourself Lopt?”
           “Oh, I’m just trying to keep my real identity secret. It’s just a name.”
           “But why?”
           “Well, there’s some dangerous people out there that would really like me dead.”
           “Dead? Why?” she asked, shocked that anyone would ever want Loki dead.
           “Some people don’t like me very much,” he responded, leading her through the crowds.
           “Well, I like you,” she said.
           He stopped and looked down at her. “Really?”
           “Yes, you’re the nicest person in the whole universe.”
           He chuckled a little. “If only you knew,” he said.
           Loki found a tavern on a street corner and walked Kuna inside. They found a table and he ordered a drink for himself – of the alcoholic variety – and a water for Kuna – of the non-alcoholic variety. Kuna crawled up on the seat next to Loki, but she couldn’t reach the table very well. Tenanciians were very tall and built their furniture to match.
           Loki picked her up and set her on his lap. A waiter delivered their drinks and Loki paid him. At the table beside them, two feathered female Shi’ar sat whispering to each other. They caught Loki’s glance and he winked at them which sent them into a giggling tizzy. Suddenly, he heard Kuna’s stomach growl from below him. It was louder than all the noise in the bar.
           “Was that your stomach?” he asked her, laughing in disbelief.
           She looked up and nodded, holding her tummy. Loki remembered the protein bars he had purchased for her earlier that day. He pulled the box from his pocket and opened it, pulling out a bar.
He opened the protein bar. It looked similar to Midgardian candy, separated into ten equal squares in neat pairs. He broke off a piece, popping it into his mouth. The outside melted in his mouth. It was smooth and creamy, sweet like chocolate with a chalky thickness. He assumed that was the protein part. He sucked on the tablet. Inside this creamy layer, there was a crunchy inside like a hard candy. It too tasted sweet but much crisper and tangy. He moved it around on his tongue.
On his lap, Kuna was playing with her new toy dragon. She moved it up and down in the air so that its wings would flap like it was flying. She was entranced by her gifts.
"Here," he said, pushing the candy to the side of his mouth. "Want some? It's like candy but it's really good for you." He offered the whole bar to Kuna. "Just don't swallow the whole thing right away. I think you're meant to suck on it for a while."
She happily took it, amazed at all the gifts and treats she was getting today. She bit off a whole row of the candy bar and was overwhelmed by the sweet flavor. She’d never tasted anything so sweet. She had never had candy before but she had seen some of the Masters children have it and they seemed to love it. Now she knew why.
Loki took out another bar from the box and turned it over to read the description on the back, still sucking on the inside of his piece. Beside them, the Shi’ar woman whispered to her friend, pointing her gaze towards Kuna eating the protein bar. Loki dismissed them. So what? He's got a kid with him in a bar. It's not like she's drinking. He made sure her water had no alcohol this time. They had learned the hard way about that.
He turned his attention back to the protein bar packet. Kuna continued sucking on the two candies in her mouth. Loki read through the nutritional information:
                'Protein, vitamins, and nutrients contained within each tablet:'
Loki skimmed over the list of included nutrients, making note that just about everything was covered in it. His eyes landed on a section heading:
                'Suggested intake:
                One (1) tablet contains sufficient daily caloric, protein, vitamin, and nutrient intake for carbon-based lifeforms of an average weight of greater than 500kg and an average height of greater than 400cm'
Loki choked on his piece and snatched the rest of the bar out of Kuna's hand. She had eaten four whole tablets. The two Shi’ar women at the table beside them started laughing at Loki’s reaction. His face reddened as he read on:
                'Tablets per bar: 10
                Intended for the maintenance and/or gain of weight and muscle in extra-large carbon-based lifeforms where sufficient daily nutrients are difficult to acquire.
                Consult with your physician/healer/shaman/witch doctor before starting a weight gain regimen.’
"Oh, gods," he said, covering his mouth. "What have I done?" He looked down at Kuna then back to the packet. Kuna looked up at him, confused and scared by him snatching away the candy he had given her.
“Did I do something wrong again?” she asked, cautiously.
"Oh, no. Sorry, Kuna," he said. "You haven’t done anything wrong. At all. You just can't have very many of these, I guess. In fact, I think you can only have one, like, once a year."
She frowned in discontent. She had liked the taste of the candy. She quickly swallowed the rest of the two tablets in her mouth.
"Five hundred kilos? What in the worlds?" he read again. There was no mistake. "How many are in here?"
He looked in the box. There were at least thirty bars inside. A sinking feeling came over him as he remembered how big the store owner was and the strange look he had given Loki when he purchased the bars. The strange look Loki had chalked up to him paying the giant store owner too much for the protein bars.
"Ooh," Loki realized. He put his face in his palm. Why couldn’t he do anything right?
Kuna was still confused by the situation. She looked up at Loki, expecting him to be angry with her for eating too much of the candy bar. He looked down at her and saw the fear in her eyes. His expression softened and he smiled at her.
"How many kilos do you weigh?" he asked her, grinning. She gave him a nervous smile but didn’t know the answer he wanted. He picked up her up, seriously weighing her in his hands for a moment, and hoisted her up. She giggled as he bounced her in midair. "Do you weigh 500 kilos?" he asked, laughing with her. “Actually, you're lucky if you weigh ten kilos soaking wet,” he muttered under his breath.
He set her back down between his knees and picked up the packet again, worriedly. He wondered if she would get sick again. Gods, he couldn't do anything right with her. He continued reading:
          ‘Possible side effects include:’
“Oh gods. Please, no,” he pleaded with the candy bar.
           ‘Itching, rash, vomiting, indigestion, hair loss, increased hair growth, constipation, diarrhea, headaches, chills, drowsiness,
            insomnia, hypersomnia, impotence, increased libido, shortened attention span, forgetfulness, swollen tongue,
            sudden outbursts of crying, singing, cursing, and/or shouting, hallucinations, euphoria, drunkenness, lewd behavior,
            sudden depression, sudden muscle spasms, unconsciousness, coma, and, in some cases, death.’
Loki’s jaw hit the table. This had to be a joke. “Do you get these side effects all at once?” he cried, rather more loudly than he had intended. He covered his mouth with his hand as people began to stare at them. “If my hair falls out, I’m going to stab someone,” he muttered, turning his attention back to the wrapper. “I thought there were just vitamins in this thing.”
            ‘Warning: This product has not been tested for beings smaller than 400cm weighing less than 500 kg and is not recommended by the Nova Corps of Surgeons for weight maintenance or gain of any carbon-based lifeform regardless of species, race, age, weight, or stature. Results may vary.’
“Oh, now you tell me. Why did that bastard even sell this to me at all? How is this shit even legal? Why is that not in BOLD LETTERS ON THE FRONT OF THE FUCKING WRAPPER!” he shouted. The tavern quieted as people turned their heads to look at Loki shouting at nothing.
Kuna did not like hearing him shout so angrily. She flinched at the volume of his voice. He saw her flinch and felt a sudden wave of guilt.
“I’m so sorry, Kuna,” he said, his eyes suddenly filling with tears. “I didn’t mean to yell. I’m not mad at you, I swear.”
Kuna timidly looked around. The other people were still staring. Loki wiped his eyes, furious that he was crying in public over absolutely nothing.
           Loki scanned the room. Everyone had gone back to their business now. He called a waiter over and ordered them some real food. The Shi’ar women were still giggling to themselves and glancing in Loki’s and Kuna’s direction every now and then.
"Kee-lohs. Keee-loooh," Kuna absentmindedly mimicked Loki from below, pulling his attention back to her. She had gone back to playing with her dragon and sleipnir on the table. "Kee-loh, Loh-kee, Loki!" she said, looking up at him, grinning with joy.
He smiled back at her. That was cute. He took a drink from his mug on the table, content with the way he had calmed her down in this tense situation. He didn’t want her to be so scared of him all the time. She was certainly beginning to trust him.
“Shit,” Kuna mimicked, as she went back to playing.
Loki’s eyes widened and he looked down. “Um,” he chuckled a little as he spoke. “You probably shouldn’t say that, Kuna.”
“Why not?”
“Well, I don’t really care that much but some people might think it’s rude.”
“But you say it.”
“I’m an adult.”
“Oh,” she said, looking down. “Okay, then.”
“Um, anyways. How are you feeling? Are you feeling, maybe, sick, at all?”
“Tongue swollen?”
“Mmm... no,” she said, touching her tongue to the roof of her mouth to see.
“Any sudden urge to start singing?”
She looked up at Loki, brow raised. He was acting weird. “No...?” she said, a bit more like a question than an answer.
“Good. And we’re not dead, so no side effects yet, then.”
“Yay!” Kuna said, holding her toys in the air. In truth, Loki was acting so strangely, she wasn’t really sure what to say to him or what he was going on about. She was just happy to be not dead with Loki.
Loki couldn’t help but smile at her. Despite everything that had happened to them in the last two days, she was, for the most part, happy.
Gods, you're so soft, the voice said, spooking Loki.
Loki nearly spit out his drink. HOw did he get out? He choked on the drink and swallowed hard, mentally trying to shove him out of his mind.
Can't get rid of me that easily, he taunted back, filling Loki's head with a menacing cackling that echoed in his ears.
Loki squeezed his eyes shut until the laughter died down. He opened them slowly. It felt quiet now. He looked around. The tavern was still buzzing with energy but Loki’s ears felt muffled, his vision blurred at the edges.
Kuna felt Loki’s sudden shift in mood and looked up at him but his eyes focused on someone at the bar. He could only see the back of his head. Long, black hair, green cape, black armor. Loki’s heart started to pound. He had not conjured a copy, so who was this?
The man turned and Loki was face to face with himself. He stood and walked towards their table. Loki jumped to his feet and Kuna nearly fell across the table. Catching herself before she could fall, she looked up at Loki.
“What are you doing here?” he asked. Kuna looked around for the person he was speaking to but no one seemed to be holding the conversation.
“Get the Hel away from us,” Loki growled. “Don’t you dare.”
“Loki?” Kuna asked.
“Who are you? How are you doing this?” Loki continued. He paused between speaking as if listening to a response. Kuna looked around again to find the person Loki was talking to but there were no one around and no responses to his questions.
“Get out,” Loki growled through clenched teeth. There were tears in his eyes. “I SAID GET OUT!” Loki shouted, pointing at the door. The room fell silent again. Everyone was staring.
“Loki, there’s no one there!” Kuna cried.
Loki was broken from his fixation on the taunting copy. He was practically nose to nose with it, how could she not see? This was some magic or trick… or hallucination.
He grabbed the wrapper again. ‘Hallucinations’ it had listed as a side effect. He looked up again at the sneering image of himself but it was gone. He looked around at the room. Everyone was staring, whispering amongst themselves. The barkeep began to approach them.
“Kuna, we need to go,” he said, picking her up. She quickly grabbed her toys from the table and the satchel Loki was about to leave on the bench. He whisked her out of the tavern.
“Who were you talking to?” Kuna asked.
“No one.”
“It sounded like you were talking to someone.”
“It was no one. I’m – I’m – Why aren’t you having any of these side effects?”
Kuna shook her head. She didn’t know what he was talking about. She felt fine. Loki put her on the ground and she took his hand, walking alongside him. She put the satchel over her shoulder and stuffed her toys inside.
She had not been much paying attention when they walked to the tavern but she did not feel like Loki was walking the right way back to the hive. It felt like they were walking in circles. In fact, she thought that was the third time they had passed the tavern doors. She looked back at Loki but he had started humming and then broke into song:
“Drøymde mik ein draum i nótt
um silki ok ærlig pell,
um hægindi svá djupt ok mjott,
um rosemd með engan skell.
Ok i drauminom ek leit
sem gegnom ein groman glugg
þá helo feigo mennsko sveit,
hver sjon ol sin eiginn ugg.
Hmm, hmm, hmm, I don’t know these words as well, hmm, hmm, hmm, Oh yeah!
Ek fekk sofa lika vel,
ek truða þat væri best —
at hvila mik á goðu þel´
ok gløyma svá folki flest´.
Friðinn, ef hann finzt, er hvar
ein firrest þann mennska skell,
fær veggja sik um, drøma þar
um silki ok ærlig pell.”
He chuckled at the last part. Kuna was concerned. She hadn’t gotten a word of what he was singing. Was that another language? Had he just made that up? Maybe his magic Allspeak wasn’t working anymore. What was happening?
“Um… Loki?” She asked, softly, tugging on his hand. “Are you okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, I’ve never been better! Are you okay?”
“I think so?”
“You think? You should know!” he grabbed her under her arms and swung her around and then put her up on his shoulders. “I haven’t felt this great in centuries!”
“Are you drunk?” Kuna asked, leaning over his face.
“Possibly?” he said, shaking his head a little. “Are you having fun?”
“What were singing?”
“Hmm? What? Was I singing?”
“Yeah! What was it? It was pretty?”
“Hmm… Oh, it’s an old tune Bragi sang once. About how awful humans are and it’s just better to be away from them and just take a nap instead! Haha, he sang it for the Midgardians once and they loved it so much they wrote it down! Can you believe that?”
“You’re acting weird.”
“Is it a good weird or a bad weird.”
“Mmm… good weird?”
“You don’t sound very sure.”
“I’m not.”
“Dat is noth otay,” Loki said. His eyes widened. His tongue felt thick in his mouth. He quickened his pace. “Whath were we dalking abouth? Where am I gohing?” He stopped in the middle of the street. “Where-were-we gohing?”
“Um, I think we need to go back to Shakk’uri,” Kuna said, a little unsure of herself. Something was wrong with Loki for sure.
“Righth,” he said. “Goood ithea.”
           “I think we need to go that way,” Kuna pointed towards the dome of the hive sticking up above the buildings.
           “Righth,” he said.
           “I think that’s left?” she said, holding out her hands to be sure she knew.
           “Righth. Lepffft.”
           They had nearly arrived at the hive when Loki suddenly stopped again. He grabbed Kuna and put her down, running for the bushes lining the stairs. He vomited over the railing and hung there for a moment, spitting. Kuna grimaced. He was sick. Maybe he had too much candy?
           He retched again before straightening up. He put his hand to his head and swayed. She walked over to him and took his hand, steadying him a little. He leaned over.
           “Did you drink the water from the alcohol planet?”
           “Sssthort of,” he said, hiccupping.
           “I think it made you sick and that candy too,”
           “I phthink your righth,” he said, woozily.
           She led him up the steps slowly. It would not have been the first time she escorted a drunk man home. Master Machaluci was drunk all the time and always made her take him home. He liked to beat her on the head with his stick as they walked to make the townspeople laugh. At least Loki didn’t have a stick.
           He toddled along behind her, still holding her hand. His head was pounding. He scratched a niggling itch on his neck. It would not go away. He scratched harder and harder until his nails left marks but it was as if the itch was beneath his skin. Then, he felt another urge.
           “Hold on, Kuna,” he said. He ran to the bushes once more. “Turn around,” he ordered her. She did. She heard him unzip and relieve himself, though, it sounded like he was missing the bush and hitting the pavement instead. When he was done he returned to her. Kuna did not take his hand this time.
           They continued up the steps until they reached the door. Kuna pushed it open then heard a horrendous sound come from Loki’s stomach.
           “Oh dear,” he said and bolted through the door and down the hallway, nearly pushing over one of the small men.
           “Is he alright?” the man asked Kuna.
           “Umm… I – I think he had too much to drink and eat tonight.”
           “Well, that’s a shame. Mother Shakk’uri is expecting you both for dinner.”
           “Umm, both of us?”
           “Yes, my lady.” He bowed a little.
           “I’m not a lady. I’m just – just me.”
           “Well ‘just me’, I will tell Mother Shakk’uri that Lopt is indisposed. She will still want to see you at dinner, though. I will fetch you when it is time.”
           “Oh, um, okay,” Kuna said.
           He scuttled off before Kuna could say anything else. She ran down the hallway towards their room. There had been so many ups and downs and twists and turns when they had been led there before, she wasn’t sure if she could find it again. After a few minutes of being lost, she heard Loki sobbing from a room nearby.
She ran towards it and found their room and Loki laying face down in the bed with no clothes on. She quickly covered her face.
“Um, Loki?”
“Mmm fmmm hmm mmm,” he said, muffled by the pillow he had his face smashed in.
“You don’t have any clothes on,” Kuna said, shyly, still covering her eyes.
She heard the bed squeak and then Loki’s bare feet padding across the floor. The bathroom door shut behind him. He was puking again.
“Loki, should I get a healer, maybe?”
“Ask for… Tena’gli!” he shouted.
“Okay!” Kuna did not like him shouting. She ran out the door and found the first man she could.
“Yes, little lady. Can I help you?”
“We – We need Tena’gli! Loki’s sick!”
“Tena’gli! Is she a healer?”
“Oh, oh, yes. I’ll go get her.”
Kuna ran back to the room and stopped dead in her tracks. Had she said ‘Loki’ instead of ‘Lopt’? They were so similar and she was not paying attention. Would Loki be mad? Should she tell him? What if he hit her? Or worse, what if he left her behind or sold her?
“Kuna? Isth sthhe coming?”
“Y – Yes,” she said, sheepishly.
“Remind me to stab that merchant who sold us those candybars, tomorrow!”
“L – Loki?” she approached the door of the bathroom. Loki had a towel wrapped around his waist now. He was sitting in front of the toilet. His face was pale, he looked exhausted. He turned to her, tears in his eyes.
“I’m stho sthorry, Kuna,” he wailed. “You shthouldn’t hafve to sthee this!”
“Loki, I think I made a mistake.”
“I – I went to find someone to get – to get Tena’gli. And – and when I found one of those men, I – I – I don’t know what I was thinking. I – I called you Loki instead of Lopt. I’m sorry, Loki! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I – I was just worried about you! I am worried about you!”
Loki stopped crying and stared at Kuna for a moment. She was sobbing and covering her face. Her whole body trembled with fear. Loki sighed.
“Ith’s noth you pffault,” he said, tongue still thick in his mouth. “I blew my own covffer in the tavffern. Asth sthoon asth we geth those Shapfucks, hehe,” he giggled at himself. “Those Shapf’aks, we’ll leafve thisth planeth behindth.”
“You’re not mad?”
“Madth? Plobably. Angrly? No.” He shook his head. “Tell me, am I going baldth?” He looked down so Kuna could see the top of his head.
She sniffled and looked through her tears. “No,” she said. His hair was still fine. He sighed.
“Goodth,” he said. “Whath’s taking that woman stho long?”
Suddenly, a female Tenanciian appeared in the doorway. Kuna moved so she could get by.
“Oh dear, what’s going on here?” she said, shocked by the nearly naked Loki.
He produced the wrapper of the candybar and waved it in her face.
“Good Mother,” she said. “Didn’t you read the wrapper? Come on,” she said, pulling him to his feet. “Kuna, my dear. You should probably stay here while I treat him. Mother Shakk’uri will be here soon.”
“No!” Kuna shouted. She immediately shied away at her outburst. She had never spoken back to an adult that way. “I – I want to go with him.”
“Very well,” Tena’gli said.
Kuna followed them out and back through the ups and downs and twists and turns of the hive. They arrived on the ground floor. Shakk’uri was waiting.
“Oh my!” she said at the sight of the nearly naked Loki. “Kuna, darling, come here. Let Tena’gli do her work.”
“I – I want to stay with him,” Kuna said. The room fell silent.
“Kuna, please, come with me,” Shakk’uri said, opening her arms to her.
Kuna shook her head. She had a bad feeling from head to toe. Something was wrong.
Suddenly, men with big guns approached from all angles. They wore blue armor with golden ‘V’s on their chestplates. One grabbed her and pulled her away from Loki.
“Sthop!” Loki shouted. “Don’th thouch her!”
Kuna screamed as they wrangled her and practically threw her at Shakk’uri. She caught her and held her back as she struggled.
“No! No!”
“Kuna, stop! Listen to me! Do you know who this man is? What he’s done? He’s a murderer!”
“No, he’s not!” Kuna cried, fighting to get away from her.
“He tried to destroy a whole planet and then tried to take over another one! He’s in league with the Titan, Thanos! He’s dangerous! He’s a trickster! He’s just using you!”
“No! He’s nice! You don’t know him!”
The men surrounded Loki, pointing their guns at him. He put up his hands.
“You’re not really going to shoot me in front of the girl, are you?” He seemed suddenly better.
“See!” Shakk’uri said, roughly holding onto Kuna. “He was tricking you the whole time!”
“Shut your whore mouth!” Loki shouted at her. There were gasps from around the room. “What would you know?”
“That’s enough,” one of the men said. “Loki Odinson, you are under arrest for the destruction of Jotunheim and the merciless attack of the uncontacted, Terra—"
“What the Hel did you call me? What they couldn’t even summon Syfon warriors for me? What rank are you? A Corpsman? The Nova Corps is really becoming stretched far too thin.”
“This will get us all ranked as Centurions, so you can shut your mouth before I shut it for you.”
“I’d like to see you try. I’ll kill all of you with my bare hands and I’ll do it naked,” Loki spat.
Loki pounced on him, grabbing his gun and aiming it for the other men. He fired off two shots, killing two of the Corpsmen. They opened fire and he used the first man as a shield. His comrades fired upon him with their blasters and killed him instantly.
Shakk’uri began dragging Kuna away. The Tenanciian men gathered around her, standing on each others shoulders, forming a living shield around their mother.
“No! Get off of me!” Kuna shouted.
“No! You’re mine now! You’ll be safe with me!”
“No! You’re fucking shit!” Kuna said and kicked her as hard as she could.
Shakk’uri let go of her, grabbing at her injured leg. Kuna ran through the legs of the Tenanciian men, towards Loki.
“No! Stop her! There’s a child in the crossfire!” Shakk’uri shouted. “CEASE FIRE!
Loki was busy strangling one of the Nova Corpsmen when he saw Kuna running towards him. Then, through the door, a Nova Centurion marched in, a Syfon Warrior standing close by him.
“Kuna! Stop right there!” Loki shouted to her. His tongue no longer thick, he had used an ample amount of his magic in an effort to heal himself as soon as the Nova Corps revealed themselves and he had come to. Kuna came screeching to a halt at the sight of the two massive men approaching the fight. The man in purple stretched out his hand at Loki. Suddenly, Loki cried out and fell to his knees. A field of energy seemed to billow out of him. The energy was sucked back towards the man’s hand. Loki doubled over as the Syfon absorbed his energy for himself.
“Don’t hurt him!” Kuna shouted. She threw her hands out in front of her and a massive wall of fire erupted from her palms, sending the two men reeling back through the door. She shrieked and fell, nearly unconscious from the effort and pain.
Loki scrambled to his feet, producing the tesseract to teleport them away. The Nova Centurion fired off a blast from his gun. Hearing it, Loki turned to block it from hitting Kuna. The blast hit him in the chest and sent him skidding across the tile floor. The tesseract bounced over Kuna and landed in behind her.
“There it is! Get it, quick!” Shakk’uri ordered the Tenanciian men.
The swarmed towards Kuna. She grabbed the tesseract and cradled it against her chest. Loki was struggling to regain himself after the blow from the blaster. He was dizzy and his eyes could not focus. The Centurion was approaching them again. He grabbed Loki’s arm.
In a flash, Loki grabbed the blaster and shoved it up under the man’s chin. The Centurion fired it himself, blowing his head clean off. Loki turned the blaster on the Syfon but he had his attention drawn towards Kuna. Loki heard Kuna cry out as the Syfon tried to drain her energy too. She writhed in pain, clutching the tesseract close to her.
Loki pulled the trigger of the blaster, holding it back to let off multiple blasts. The Syfon raised his hand and redirected the blasts back at Loki. He dropped the blaster and raised a force field to protect himself and Kuna. The strain of using his magic with such low energy made stars sparkle in his vision. His body felt heavy with weakness. The blasts slammed into the force field.
Loki could not keep the field up against the pounding of each blast. It began to crack and splinter. He glanced over at Kuna. The Tenanciian men were swarming her, kicking and punching her to make her drop the tesseract. She was laying on top of it, keeping it from their reach. She was crying. He pulled one hand away from the force field and flung it backwards at them. Several knives appeared from his fingertips, each one killing a Tenanciian but it was not enough to get them off of Kuna.
Loki turned his attention back to the Syfon, who was gearing up for another attack. The man lifted his hand and unleashed a beam of energy onto Loki’s force field. The field shattered like glass in a window. Loki collapsed, the beam just missing him as he fell.
Kuna saw him fall through the legs of the Tenanciians. They were smothering her. Their hands grabbing at her. She kicked at them and screamed, hugging the tesseract. She did not know what to do. Loki was on the floor a few feet from her and the Syfon Warrior was fast approaching. This was one of the men Loki told her wanted him dead.
“STOP!” she shouted and pounded her fist on the floor.
The ground shook and the Tenanciian men flew backwards in all directions, hitting the walls and high balconies, breaking their backs or necks upon landing. The Syfon flew backwards as well as if hit with a massive wall of wind. She cried out again as a wrenching pain filled every fiber of her body. She felt as if she had been dipped in lava or doused with acid. Her head spun, her vision began to fade but her eyes focused on Loki laying on the ground nearby.
“Loki!” she cried, afraid she had hurt him too. There was a big hole in his chest and she didn’t know how it got there. She struggled to her feet, trying to run to him but stumbled and fell. The Syfon Warrior was regaining himself, ready to unleash a powerful blast on the two hostiles. Loki moaned. Kuna panicked, she reached into the satchel at her side, searching for her toys to comfort her as she would surely be dead soon.
Her hands landed on something cool to the touch. She gripped it and pulled it out: a beautifully forged dagger. She removed it from its scabbard. The Syfon stopped, looming over her.
“Put it down,” he ordered. Kuna stared at the blade. It felt nice in her hand.
“Put it down,” the Syfon ordered once more.
Kuna could feel Loki breathing hard beside her. What would they do to him? To her? Why had Shakk’uri done this after everything they had done for her? Kuna didn’t want to look at the mean man that was walking towards them. Every part of her wanted to cower, to run away, to apologize, to make it stop. But she knew it wouldn’t work. It never did.
“Give it to me,” he said, putting out his hand. She lifted the dagger towards him, turning it around. He lowered his hand to her. She sniffled, hesitating. She liked the way the light glimmered on the blade; the knotwork etching turned black against the blinding light. Finally, she looked up to meet the man’s eyes. He prompted her to give him the dagger again. She lifted it towards him and then slammed the point of the dagger into his arm. Blood gushed forth. The Syfon staggered back, holding his arm, desperately trying to stem the blood flow.
Kuna looked around frantically for the tesseract. She had left it on the floor where she had laid beneath the pile of Tenanciians. Shakk’uri was marching towards it in her massive strides. Kuna dove back on top of it, snatching it before Shakk’uri could stoop to grab it. She kicked Kuna in the face, sending her onto her back. Her nose bled rivers of red. She was stunned by the blow and the tesseract fell to the floor.
“Give. That. To. Me.” Shakk’uri growled, reaching for the tesseract. Loki propped himself up on his hands, desperately trying to stand, to help, despite his weakness. He found his feet, slowly and was ready to tear off Shakk’uri’s head with his last strength. Shakk’uri stooped to pick up the tesseract. Kuna rolled from side to side, crying. The moment before Shakk’uri’s hand touched the tesseract, Kuna attacked. Another blast of fire erupted from her hands, sending both Shakk’uri and Loki reeling backwards. Kuna cried out but gritted her teeth through the pain. She grabbed the tesseract and dove towards Loki.
Shakk’uri was badly burned. Her clothes and body were on fire. The giant woman flailed around as her surviving men chased after her, trying to put her out. Kuna looked up towards the door. It seemed an entire army of Nova Corpsmen were lining up, ready to demolish the hive to get to them. There were others now too. More men in different uniforms, holding guns at them. She looked down at the tesseract in her hand and then at Loki.
“Kuna, no! Don’t!” Loki said, reaching for her.
Time had seemed to slow to a near halt. The Nova Corps were firing their weapons, the blasts zeroing in on them. Loki’s hand moved in slow motion towards the tesseract. She took Loki’s hand instead.
Kuna stared into the tesseract’s glimmering face and pleaded, “Take us somewhere nice, please!”
The vapors surrounded them and they were gone.
If you'd like to check out the song Loki sang in this chapter as well as a translation for it, check out this website (https://www.realmofhistory.com/2017/08/02/oldest-norse-song-codex-runicus/).
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