#that will be my lil tag for when im talking about anything that isnt about studying
meamiiikiii · 1 month
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5% of a color headcanon.... two versions since b&w emphasizes the dagger more i think but i still like the warm tones ASFSADA
i am not biased towards rainbow daggers whatsoever i promise (lie)
((also friend is streaming now and im there too!! bit more info linked here, its rated mature tho))
#in stars and time#isat#isat siffrin#i think tumblr is chewing on this ah well#its more of a weapon color headcanon than anything else tbh SAFASDA#but its very funny in my mind to refer to this as#insert percent amount of color headcanon here ASDASFA#i do not have many color headcanons tbh???#overall i would say i have like 1.15(ish) color headcanons that are solid in my brain across the cast???#the rainbow dagger has been in my minds eye for a long time#um SPOILERISH talk ahead in tag talk so be warned#i am serious!! turn back now if u dont want SPOILERS!!!#can u imagine if siffrins parents had lovingly crafted that white cloak and helped him pick out the pure black fit when younger#so they could be fashionably black and white like if things were in color or something#but then the first thing siffrin picks out on their own terms is literally the most colorful thing imaginable for the dagger#i do not know if that makes much sense but yeah#it is fun in my minds eye ASDAFA#actually is it ever mentioned where siffrin got the dagger??#was it also passed down????#ik the cloak was for sure from his family#and the pure black fit underneath is up in the air i think#tho if it was a first pass pick from parents#and he continued to pick it again and again after they got older subconsciously or not might be fun to think about#also do not mind the art style shift it might happen again LMAO#probably sparingly tho? who knows!!!#should i link stream in this post??? i dont know???#i feel a lil bad if it isnt related?????#oh well im doing it anyway because friendship :]#honestly did not think i would also have anything to post today but uh oops sorta just happened and it lined up so ASFASDA#anyway tag talk over stream time WOOO and i think i hit tag limit LMAO
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aria0fgold · 8 months
Whumptober day 10, alternative prompt used: Hunting
Character: Panacea
Once upon a time, there lived a prince, a witch, and a hunter. The witch cursed the prince, the hunter killed the witch, the curse was lifted, and they all lived happily ever after.
But what if the prince and the witch are one and the same?
The world becomes the hunter then.
Panacea hugged himself tighter as he sat curled into a ball at the corner of a cave he hid himself in. It was cold, dark, dusty, damp, and quiet with only the occasional sound of droplets from the ceiling hitting the ground piercing the deafening silence. He took a shaky deep breath, body heavy from the exhaustion of another cat and mouse chase. With his soul exhausted from the weight of it all.
It was always the same, the stray mouse found a home with friendly cats. Cats who cared about the mouse, and the mouse who trusted the cats. If only the world was like the fairytales, it would've ended happily then. But life is never like the fairytales. Because the stray mouse will always be a mouse, and the friendly cats will always be a cat. There's only one ending for such a story like that. The cat bares their teeth and chases the mouse, the mouse then runs with all their might. Because it was either death or survival.
He was exhausted. Was it so wrong to want a place to belong? So wrong to want someone to care about him? So wrong to want his own “home”? Why? Because he wasn't human? Because of something he has? A blessing to others yet a curse to himself. It was his name, a constant reminder of what he is to others. Panacea, cure-all. He once liked that name, not anymore.
It was the only thing he had, no memories, no family, nothing but a name, a power, and a weakness he can never tell or show. But now he has none, not when his name is nothing but a reminder, not when his powers is for other's to use. What else is he left with? A weakness.
He's exhausted.
Panacea took another shaky deep breath, putting his head on his knees, pursing his lips as tears flowed down his cheeks. Why was he even born to begin with? To be a tool locked in a golden cage? Why does he always put his hopes up? Only to be let down again? Why must he even keep living? When everything in the world can easily kill him?
He always believed in the rainbow after the rain.
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bunnys-lil-hideout · 4 months
hi this is basically my part 2 of my post about being a small selfship blog
that post was met with a good amount of small blogs being happy about what i had written, meanwhile there was a handful of blogs that still expressed being upset that they were so small despite the work they'd put into their stuff.
i should preface by saying, even though i've had posts get over 300+ notes, and i have over 100+ followers, im really not a big blog, and i do seriously mean that.
yes, my posts about selfship scenarios and positivity do get a good amount of notes, and lots of the tags are very positive and fun to read. but if you do look through my blog, you'll notice those are the only posts that get any attention. all my posts about my personal selfships barely get notes, i barely get any asks even when doing ask games, and i've even tried participating in those "reblog with your f/o and i'll assign them this!" posts and i dont think i've ever gotten a reply.
and yeah, the last one at least has bothered me a bit, and i wish i couldve been part of the fun, but i'll be honest— when i made my selfship blog, i literally made it to be my own corner where i can go gushy gooey crazy over my fictional men. and those posts i made about general selfshipping scenarios and such, those were me just throwing ideas at the walls so i had a place to put them and maybe a few people could see it and feel a lil better. i never intend for my stuff to get a lot of attention because honestly, i'm used to it, so my expectations are always extremely low, and i'm rarely ever upset about it not working out.
but i know for some people, that's not the same for them, and that's completely fair. they work hard on what they make, either through writing, through artwork, comics, animation, even just putting down their thoughts. its natural to have that part of you that wants to be seen and appreciated for what you made, even if it is self-indulgent and not a lot of people will relate to it.
and i am sorry to all of you who are in that boat, feeling like what you made isnt good enough because not many noticed it, that you don't have people asking about your f/os or s/is, that anything you made with love isn't getting that same response. i know it's hard, and honestly i wish i knew what i could say that would help you to feel better. but please just know that you're really not alone, and just because you aren't seen doesn't mean you aren't good enough for this community.
honestly the best advice i could try to give is that you still have a corner for where you can freely express your love for the characters that bring you happiness, and even if you don't have much of an audience, i think it's worth remembering that your f/os are your #1 supporters through and through, no matter what type of attention you get. they're happy that you love to talk about them, draw them, gush about them, even if no one sees it. they're happy that you've dedicated a space just about them.
and even if you don't get much notice out of it, please remember that you still deserve a place to feel safe and free.
it's going to be okay. i promise. please take care of yourself. its what your f/os would want, i'm sure.
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s0lar-ch3ri · 7 months
i make a new theory post on a frog (psoilers ahead)
with theories such as felipe is evil and/or working with niklaus:
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(post from aethlingg, his post can be found here! note: after research they no longer do jrwi content but rather qsmp content [specifically q!bbh and q!forever from what i noticed! theyre still very cool so go follow him [heres to hoping ik how he/they pronouns works btw])
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(post from redcloverf3y, their post can be found here! i cannot find if they still do post jrwi and just talk about other fandoms rn, but nonetheless go follow them!)
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(post from razberrypuck, its post can be found here! they def are still into jrwi from their lil bio and shit, but theres also others things they post, like q!charlie [or qsmp in general] and stuff, follow it too!)
to theories of what demon actually got felipe:
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(post by pulchrasilva, their post [correct the pronouns if im wrong, i couldnt find anything on the blog] can be found here! considering how five or so minutes ago they made a jrwi post, they def still talk about it, as well as other things, go follow them!)
to even some on felipe BEING niklaus (which i reblogged and stuff):
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(post is from aethlingg again, this one can be found here! for once i cant get a full image because its a long one but ill be talking bout my tags on it too)
theres been 2 posts on how felipe wasnt the culprit (heres one by wrinklemcdinkle) (heres another by ralexsol) ive seen, so im throwing my own theory into the mix: the demon is kuba kenta and kk (or mr. kenta) has relations to both niklaus hendrix AND the compass. lets get into it!
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lets start with the tags i wanted to use (i found they werent actually on the felipe is nk post, but rather on the second felipe is being framed post i linked)! theres a couple details here i mention but why do i say kuba in particular?
the only person who could actually have something against gillion straight up is jayson ferin, mainly cause he got stabbed by him twice, but jayson isnt a demon! you know who is a demon though? kuba kenta. so for jayson, mr kenta was the perfect way.
as for felipe's escape, the rope was burnt, correct? who has fire powers again? mr ferin. when felipe was being investigated or whatever, kuba contacted jayson and he got him out of there, leaving there be reason to assume felipe was dragged to hell.
yes i do think felipe was controlled by kuba to hurt gillion, it plugs up some plot holes thats for sure. so how would felipe been target if he only pulled the card the next day? because felipe probably was a target since he was born.
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its important to point out the compass not only having effects like kk's scratches do (give nightmares, cause physical reactions/changes, etc), but a similar color pattern to both niklaus and felipe. (pointed out by several people before me, like aethlingg in his actual essay about evil felipe working with niklaus shown above) another interesting detail is the nk tattoo is used with a moon attached, felipe's choice of goddess to worship. he immediately finds a friendship with chip when about 4 eps ago, niklaus had been given a stick by chip (important cause of how it was harder to spy on niklaus since the stick was in his room and stuff before, i think itd also add in an idea of "greater connection with the person" and stuff). i could go on and on abotu their connections.
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lets get back to the connection of niklaus and kuba. how would they even have met? probably something like chip did for his deal. as the quote above shows (found from the post by redcloverf3y, heres another link to it), people who have that desire for their goals will find him, not those who look for it. why would kuba need to strike a deal with desire daddy? because how else would he be able to use felipe. theres no way the curse would change the free will of felipe (it didnt do that for chip or gillion), so if he wants felipe to be a better puppet, he needs something to interfer with that. niklaus and kuba cut that deal, and felipe doesnt lose that curse on him, well to the others. kuba wouldnt have been able to give felipe the nightmares, anytime we see him hes with the three, so someone would have seen him get scratched! even if he got scratched in the couple months before they met him (cause felipe was six months old, not a couple days), the scars dont fade, rather theres the black ooze to them that burns, making it not a forgetable thing.
speaking of that, lets move onto the daggers situation. why the fuck would a tour guide have such dangerous daggers, poisonous ones to be exact (i heard it had poison effects somewhere, but sadly cannot find any info about that)? felipe has no need for poison daggers! he literally can spit acid! that means its only being used for its forgetfulness, which doesnt make too much sense to me since its not like being stabbed isnt just something you remember but theres the fucking pain of it too (example being, when i was younger and we were in the car getting ready to leave some place, there was this like tightness on my foot and i look at the door and [because it was one of those automatic doors and shit] it was closing on my foot. i didnt remember getting my foot in there and i still dont know how it happened, i do remember though how much of a bitch the pain was. not close to the pain of stabbing im sure, but you still remember the pain even without the memory of how it got there). that leaves one last usage: actually stabbing. again, hes a tour guide, he has no reason to need to stab people, no reason he should have a dagger that damaging, let along access to one like it. you know what has good weapons, ones with magic and shit? the navy. hell, theyre building a mechicanical leviathin! they of course have magic weapons for combat and such. and being a vice admiral, kk would have access to all of them. he gets a dagger for felipe, uses his deal to make sure felipe does whats needed, there.
so why would pulling the card get kuba as his enemy? its the magic of the cards! why would felipe hate gill? why would gillion dissappear only able to be brought back by powerful magic (whole can of worms for niklaus's abilities btw, needed to point that out)? the cards! theres also how felipe did reveal what his plans with gill were gonna be, but its probably just the cards.
i do also think the compass is related to kenta cause of their abilities being matched and it kinda fits him, a man driven even beyond the grave to reach a goal, even if that goal is only known by him...but this is long enough!
i hope i fed someones wants and if theres any contradiciting (or even more proving) evidence, lmk and ill try to counter it, bye and ill see you probably in a writing thing ive been putting off since this morning to write this
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ok its me again hi AAAHHHH this is so nice i feel so warm im lying on my bed kickin my lil legs i cant believe this thank you for being nice omgggg now im on a roll im gonna say things about julian hkdhjgdgjf
only one song really that i scanned the whole tag looking for to see if anyone said it before and i was so surprised that i didnt find it and i went to check the official playlists on spotify cause maybe its on there already and thERE ISNT ONE WHAT???? i had the muriel one liked on here and id never checked any other ones out lmao but like i swear there had to be one?? like maybe they made it first and its somewhere separately??? julian is like the most popular one how the hell does he not get a spotify list is that how this tag was created?? *gasp* am i discovering the ~fandom lore~
(just gonna say you dont actually need to answer any of that in detail dont waste your time gksgkydgjf im just screaming into the void cause i was so flabbergasted after those 3 whole minutes of research i put into this)
ANYWAY the actual song would be House of Wolves by our lord and saviour MCR! its so good for him with his whole Woe is Me drama king vibe lol and the plaguey thematicssss mmmm delicious TELL ME im a BAD BAD BAD BAAD MAAAAN aight you lil masochist i see u and the "you better run like the devil cause they never gonna leave you alone" you get it caUSE HES A FUGITIVE DO YOU GET THE DEEP UNRAVELABLE METAPHORS DO YOU GET IT DO YOU G aight shut up hkhfjtdy anyway
ok i lied jystfhte heres another one i just remembered i really wanted to put here its not new but just in case somebody hasnt seen it yet lmao its such a masterpiece ill do anything to give it its due here ya go
and the other thing im really glad to have seen people mention here is musical songs cause thats one of the things i love about him the most like yass we love a thespian king slay grl so then anytime im binging a musical there always come the intrusive thoughts of "aw hed love this one" and "oh hed be great for this role" like i went to see f-ing swan lake with my f-ing grandpa and one of the major takeaways i got from the experience was (UH IM GONNA PUT A SPOILER WARNING HERE? I GUESS? IN CASE ANYONE CARES HELLO JULIAN BAD ENDING SPOILERS AHEAD DO MOVE ALONG NOW IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT AVERT YOUR GAZE CITIZENS LMAO LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN FANARTS N ADS ALREADY ALRIGHT ALRIGHT) "omg jules would be so perfect as that bird guy villain IN HIS BIRD GUY SHAPE TOO OMG WITH THE WINGS ON STAGE THIS IS AWESOME WHY CANT I DRAW GOOD GODDA-"
anyway hed love hadestown (hed at least try to cast muriel as hades cause hes perfectly intimidating for it but theres way too many lines which okay Maybe but AND he has to sing???? nah hes out bkgdhkdt) i dont know what hed think of pierre natasha & the great comet cause its maybe a little eccentric i suppose but i think hed appreciate the cultural roots of the vibe with him being fantasy ruso-slav-ukrainian-whatnot heritage i reckon and hed definitely have a blast at a live performance and hed ABsolutely join in with the actors in between the rows at some point and theyd ABSOlutely let him cause hes that good and game recognize game cmon hes gonna show you amateurs what a real kazotski looks like
i can also see him enjoying sweeney todd, for its delightful edgyness, maybe even some themes relatable for him, and his sappy ass would SO memorise Pretty women to whip it out at an opportune serenading moment khgdturshc im so cringe and loving it
well i cant think of any more shows to throw him together with so thus ends my soliloquy wow i cant believe thats how you spell that anyway i hope anybody who knew what the hell im talking about enjoyed all that jgfztits see you in another 20 minutes when i come back like "AND ANOTHER thing-
Yay, it's the character song essays anon!! :D
I'm glad to see you back, and I will once again be re-linking the song you shared below and adding your suggestions to the tag ^.^
And frankly, I'm 76% certain that one of Julian's love languages is theatre, especially musical theatre. That could be tickets, that could memorizing the lines from one of this favorite scenes and reciting it back to him, it could be showing up to every single performance he's involved in :)
I'm glad to see you back in my inbox, friend, feel free to message me if you ever want to obsess over the characters together! Cheers -
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zeerohpunk · 3 months
im gonna make a nicer intro post one of these days but i feel like i should do a small thing here rq just to get some things out of the way
hi, im zeeroh, pronounced like zero, its an alias B)
im very much an Adult and i dont shy away from posting abt adult content or making adult jokes or posts or anything, and i do ask that if ur a minor to pls not interact w that stuff. i dont mind having minors interact w normal content of mine or following me, but out of respect, i may not follow back/interact much etc. i havent had problems with this in the past but i can/will block minors for engaging w any of my NSFW content. the thought freaks me out & its for everybodies safety, yfm? ok cool moving on
(some of) my faves of the redacted men are lasko, vincent, guy, gav, and david my beloveds (wedding audio when mr. redacted 🤨??)
i have a few stoner hcs for the redactedverse and i cherish them. i love them. maybe one day ill get brave enough to share my stupid lil thoughts on it. possibly,
when it comes to other boyfriend asmr creators, i also enjoy:
your stupid boy audios (highly recommend if u enjoy healthy/goofy/silly relationship audios w not a lot of plot. he improvs his audios which is insane to me
colin's corner (same guy from YSB audios, its just more longform, serialized content there)
hank miller audios
moonlight audio (waiting SO patiently for his return)
im a swiftie and ive spent a ridiculous amount of time assigning a large part of taylors discography to different redacted couples/friendships/dynamics. im really annoying abt it too pls dont get me going (shes my special interest can u tell lol)
i make playlists for every mood imaginable and i have some character ones. this is my Guy playlist which features cbat (unoriginal idea, creds to the person who did it before me) and every* song hes mentioned in any of his audios.
*every song that i can recognize being mentioned. it took me a WHILE to realize the maple syrup comment from a few months ago was a song. we do our best 'round these parts.
some of my fave hobbies are crocheting, growing plants, and playing video games (minecraft, stardew valley, and palia>>> (someone talk to me about jel pls))
ahem. if uve made it this far... yippee! we're probably pals now and im booping u so hard rn. im hella socially inept and awkward as hell so i promise if dms, asks, replies, or tags go unanswered, i swear it isnt u, im autistic and way too shy to be on the internet 🧍🏻‍♀️[staring at u so awkwardly and intensely]
(like i said ill clean this up later and make pretty later but this should suffice for now)
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kinterest · 4 months
also, i know i have yet to post any of my own art on here, but i (mod ✨) take commissions if you would like a more complex piece than the doodles i offer! you can dm us and one of us can give you more details if youd like ^w^
hi! hoping to run a kin+fictive request blog, or whatever theyre called! basically, send in requests about characters you kin, characters you have/are fictives of, or even just if you like the character! we dont mind!
you can send in any requests reasonable of a blog like this, however i cant promise anything! and if it isnt on the list below please explain it to me because we may not know what exactly youre talking about! thank you!
i can definitely make moodboards, name ideas, pronoun ideas, and positivity posts (the more detail the better for all of those!), and if were feeling well, doodles! (again, be as detailed as you like!) those may take a bit longer/be rejected dependent on circumstances though! ^^; as for canon calls you can send in an ask of what you want posted and we will post the ask for you!
ALSO as for what im willing to make stuff for, uh nothing is off the table right now but i am familiar with deltarune/undertale and fnaf the best! but you can request anything! (when it comes to aus you may have to be quite specific as there are a lot!!) ((also, problematic sources/fandoms/media are fine! depending on the nature of the media in question, certain tags may be applied for the safety of anyone interested in looking into that media for whatever reason (ie warnings for the source having gore, murder, poor taste portrayals of plurality, nsfw content, incest, anything i can think of that may be triggering. or anything someone asks to be tagged! we may not be familiar with the media and so we wont be able to cover everything ourselves!) feel free to ask us to tag something if you feel its needed! /genuine))
blog is run by two headmates from a system, (kris and stars) dont drag us into syscourse we are not here for that. systems+plural folk of any origin are welcome here! as are non-systems! this place is for everyone! (but please, singlets/non-systems, be mindful that fictives/introjects/etc are NOT roleplaying, we are real people!)
introductions, kris is a fictive from deltarune, as am i! i am an oc-esque version of the player within the world of deltarune however. (please, if you have issues with it, i ask that you keep it to yourself and be nice.) you can ask us stuff but both our memories are a lil wonky sometimes! but we are open to talking! (well, i am, kris doesnt front much but is okay with me sharing what i know!)
pfp credit: shiresmthn, edited by mod ✨
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lutawolf · 2 years
hi luta, i just want so slide by and say thank you
for bringing kind metas (posts) on lita/prapaisky , and mame's a bit too. i am forever grateful.
im a tumblr user for bl stuff in 2020, followed some huge blogs & learned a lot about bl cuz im fairly new. i had forgotten about it until i rejoined a couple months ago for prapaisky' lita -- expecting to share the same excitement / reading wonderful metas / learning things again
i ... im pretty perplexed to read the blogs i used to read for info / metas im looking forward to ... expressed mean, mean, things.
i felt nauseous. i didnt realize the people whose metas i used to love can be so. cruel. i had hoped i can find some articulation of what I felt, as a shared feelings, but not only i didnt find it, i, felt ashamed to even had my feelings from the first place. i had to dived in the tag rabbit hole and finally found blogs that expressed the opposites, and thank god i did. thank god i did.
(followed them right away, n unfollow thw prev blogs that i now, see, as ... no)
this tho, had me actually ignored the whole tag whlist it airs, and put notif on for the ones i now value, yours included. it got me thru the whole journey of ep11-13, especially, Especially, 12. the special ep tho, the special ep got me branched out again towards the tag and see people bashing it again undermining it as the sex ep. and kinkshaming rain. is it so bad to have a happy, mutual, consent sexual relationship? i thought we dont kinkshame now
i . i dont know what to think. i am sorry to barging in like this. i just. all these upsetting experience piled up and i just. had to. express my gratitude that u at least shown me the kind side of this perspective.
i apologize for the incoherency, english is not my first language, i wish this isnt too rude..
no need to answer this if u dont want to, i just, had to say it to you. all the love, anon.
Hey Hey lil 🐇,
First, let me say welcome back to Tumblr! I'm actually pretty new. I reached a year anniversary this month. Though I am not new to bl at all. I'm OG there.
Negative reviews are a part of life. However, there is a difference between being hateful and writing a neg review. There is a difference between cancel culture and I don't watch this or participate in this type of art. I think that people are failing to see the differences. Life is not white and black.
There will always be kink shaming. It's not from men though. It's from women. These same women that are talking shit, reading romance on their kindle when no one is looking and wouldn't think twice about their boyfriend asking them to wear a French maid costume. As an amazing friend once told me, this is your room and you cultivate it the way you need to. He blocks people left and right, creating the atmosphere that he wants on Tumblr. I've learned to do the same. I may end up in a bubble but it's a tiny community of people I truly enjoy and love.
Never apologize for English being your second language. Being bilingual is an accomplishment that should only get love not judgement. You guys will never and I mean NEVER see me criticize the way someone writes, from spelling to commas, to anything. I'll never do it. I might ask for clarification but there will never be criticism. We are all here to learn and better ourselves and that is not accomplished by sitting in judgement.
I really appreciate that you read my blog and enjoy it. It means the world to me that you guys reach out to me. All the love. Wishing you the best. Thank you, 💜💜💜
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moontint · 1 year
get to know me game (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ ☆
tagged by the cutest! person! alive! : @loves0ft
tagging:♡ @evenofmyday ♡ chatoyervictoria ♡ junez ♡ yukicrossu ♡ @pssionfruits ♡ @guhara ♡@soulazul ♡ @un1over ♡
birthday: november 9
favourite colour: lavender and periwinkle
do you have pets?: no but my sister has a dog named nikko. we look after him sometimes, so that's the closest i have to a pet
how tall are you?: like 5'4?
how many pairs of shoes do you own?: that i regular wear, 3. i have a few more but i never wear them
favourite song: atm big flirt by lil hero and it's a wrap by mariah carey ft mary j blige, shooting star by xg
favourite movie: i dont watch movies. but lol i'd have to say white chicks or rush hour
who would be your ideal partner?: i feel like that closest would be, if you know who stephanie soo is, her cousin dan dan 🤭🥰 that type of personality i love. i could spend the rest of my life with someone like him
do you want children?: i keep going back and forth with it. idk. i feel like i need to be in a serious relationship and be married to have a final answer
have you gotten in trouble with the law?: lol does running a redlight count?
what colour socks are you wearing?: orange with lighting bolts
favourite type of music: pop, kpop, rap, old school reggaeton, the old mexican music every parents likes, like marco antonio solis, stuff like that. ig ive been listening to more bandas too.
how many pillows do you sleep with?: i use a body pillow as a pillow... i used to have pillows but idk what happened to them, and i keep putting off buying pillows
what position do you sleep in?:  my sides or fetal position. im trying to force myself to sleep on my back bc i heard that good for you, but i sleep better on my sides/fetal
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping: i takes me a while for me to sleep. or when i'm about to fall asleep my leg fucking jolts and im awake, so thats a recent thing thats been happening to me sometimes
what do you have for breakfast: i don't usually eat breakfast. but if i have something, its usually a match iced tea / iced chai tea latte from starbucks with something from their bakery
have you ever tried archery?: in school for gym class... i fucking sucked at it. but on wii sports... i'm the baddest bitch
favourite fruit: starfuits, cherries, strawberries, mangos, peaches, kiwis, mandarines 🤤
are you a good liar?: yes? no? idk ig i am
what’s your personality type?: idk, bc every time i take that damn quiz it always changes!!! like how can ive gotten intp, infp, enfp, istp, isfp like?!?!!?
innie or outie?: innie
left handed or right handed?: right
favourite food: sopes!!! or pupusas!!! fuckin loves those
favourite foreign food: i love thai food. everything ive tried is just sooo good. ughhhh!! Phở too!
am i clean or messy?: hehe i say im organized messy, but ppl say im clean. bc i am but the only thing that i have that is 'messy' is my bed, bc i never make it... and even that isnt messy, but my mexican parents say otherwise
most used phrase: 
how long does it take for you to get ready: depending. when i work at the school, about 30-40 minutes. but when i work at the clubhouse, about 10-15 minutes.
do you talk to yourself?: hehe yeah
do you sing to yourself?: only when i'm alone or in my car
are you a good singer?: i dont think so. id say average but i dont sing in front of anyone to know if i am
biggest fear?: idk, i feel like anything if i overthink it. heights?? but i like rollercoasters... but i'll get dizzy if i look over the second floor of a mall... going to the top of the willis tower made me dizzy. the deep ocean 😳
are you a gossip?: no, but ppl tell me gossip so i hear it regardless
do you like long or short hair?: both are nice
favourite school subject: english or social studies. art
extrovert or introvert: introvert
what makes you nervous: having ppl look at me. i hate making eye contact with ppl. but like if im ordering something i will look at the cashier, i'm not a dickhead. just hate looking at ppl or ppl looking at me in passing, especially when im driving
who was your first real crush?:  this guy named martin in first grade. i thought he was cute. lol but apparently we dated but i NEVER spoked to him or had a class with him. sooo... idk how we dated, but a classmate of ours told me in sixth grade that we did, and that threw me off, bc like i said, i never spoke to him. lol so i technically cheated on him like three times without knowing... sorry man
how many piercings?: seven atm. i wanna get my collar bones and maybe like one more ear piercing but idk what yet
how many tattoos?: none yet bc i still live with my parents and i feel like they will kick me out if i do
how fast can you run?: idk i dont have a reason to run. id say average??!??
what colour is your hair?: dark brown and blonde. im forcing myself to grow it out bc i fucked it up too much. wigs have been helping me fight the urge but i still wanna dye it!!!
what colour are your eyes?: dark brown
what makes you angry: those fucking bright led headlights!!!! i hate those things. that shit shouldnt be legal, its distracting, and i will bash your lights you dickhead
do you like your name?: i used to hate it bc i make me think of old white ladies but now im okay with it. i like my middle name or the nicknames my nephews used to call me when they were first starting to talk
do you want a boy or a girl as a child?: idc but i have i strong feeling that, if i do have kids, my first one will be a girl. idk why but i'm calling it
what are your strengths?: i'm a good listener, i have a good patience
what are your weaknesses?: i get annoyed easily
what is the colour of your bedspread?:  white
colour of your room: white
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cometmystic · 2 years
hey!! i dont think youve posted abt this yet so… tell me abt your fav characters!!! :D
im about to ramble and expose some weakpoints on the internet so heres a cut !!! im gonna talk about the three that are in the forefront of my mind at the moment !! maybe this will change if you ask me in a months time,,, maybe not !!! mwah thank you for sending me asks sweetie
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lots of history with this girl; soo i found out about her during my first mugen phase ? so like 11-13ish,, there was a genre of character that was modeled to play like smash bros characters, and in looking those up, i found one of this weird woman... hong meiling was her name ? she was related to this weird frog girl whose hat was evil and maybe the mcdonalds song girl ? whatever the case i needed to download her. and i couldnt because the download was down. this sent me uo the wall for several years and implanted her name into my brain,, up until i got into touhou proper thanks to you actually !!
so now im learning about the lore and the characters, and turns out theres more to this meiling than being elusive and pretty !!! so this gloomy, scary place behind one of the touhou worlds most significant battles is guarded by this friendly, easygoing redhead ? and shes fiercely loyal and protective of the mansion as well as gensoukyou, despite being employed by people who almost ate the world right up ? thats so wonderful !! shes so cool !!! and she takes care of flowers, and canonically doesnt like dodging bullets and tries catching them instead, and no one has any idea of what she is...!!!! theres so much to her !!! but most of all, the absolute tragedy of some of her mansionmates getting boatloads of development and lore, while shes,, basically in the same place she started in ? even flan did ! but meiling still gets depicted as just lazying about, despite that trait of hers being in favour of working in the scarlet devil mansion, which people fear and dont visit ? or rather used to... so she should have evolved along with it,, so that sadness also makes me even more attached to her in a way !!
i know shes not the most mistreated character in touhou or anything, far from it since shes a th6 girl and those get Everything and everyone sick of them but... idk !! id love to see more of her shine someday ouo
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heres some sprite art i made of her
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this character is a whisper in the wind. this character is a shadow in the wall of a cave. this character is the tree that falls with no one to hear. this character isnt real. this character is one of my favourites
like shes drenched, positively oozing with lore and content, and its all so utterly relevant and unique that i cant possibly talk about any of it because i cant be bothered to spoiler tag this,, but like,, reading between the lines of the fiction and uncovering lil things about her and what shes like was the most fun ive had during my dngnrnpa phase, to the point that,, here she is still !! at the tippy top !! and because of things youre intimately familiar with russell, you probably know shes probably gonna stay !! im very sentimental like that
and it wasnt even just lore either, her design kind of instantly drew me to her back when i was part of the original animes speculation circle and,, wow suddenly my sonas attire seems a little um,, familiar doesnt it : ...i promise i had other inspiations for ir too óuo;
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heres some pixel art i made of her
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finally this girl !! much like is the theme here, some lore to my meeting this one !!! this one predates even meiling, since i think i was 9 or 10,, see there was a broadcast channel here called animax, and its responsible for a lot of my taste even nowadays,, from the name you can guess it broadcast all sorts of dubbed anime all day long, most of which i absolutely should not have been watching at that age, like hellsing and gantz oops... well there was this other one which until like 4 years ago i only had the faintest recollection of,, i think there were demons in it or something,, mostly i remember being infatuated by the blonde girl
well 2018 comes around and the memory of this lady shoots straight into my brain in the middle of a call with you russell, which you might remember ! i describe to you what it looks like and tell you that i think a guy kills her and she has him help kill bad guys or else hell kill him right back ? and you, through intense googling, eventually are able to tell me it was called lunar legend tsukihime. woag ! lore unlocked
i wiki crawl for a while out of curiosity and find out that she has a fighting game that kinda rules, and that everyone hates the anime and you should read the visual novel instead and,, hey were making a visual novel at some point huh russell ? maybe i should study up on this tsukihime thing,, apparently its pretty influential,, and
obviously arcueid is ridiculously charming and fun, and every second with her is a mildly exciting, mildly creepy (fun way) delight, and its hard not to absolutely love her for that alone !! but also like,, much like the love for meiling started like a new phase in my life, arcueid did the same thing, in a very wonderful way ? a phase where were both really into this thing and talking about it so often and making so many new ideas about it together,, were playing higurashi currently and it feels like an extension of this, of her, and like,, its so special
i love what meeting arcueid again after 10 years did for me
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heres some pixel art i made of her
and if you stuck with me for this long, heres a lil gift !! a lil happy ending for 13 year old me i suppose !!!
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i found her after all ouo
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toaster-hair · 2 years
i try my BEST not to let fandom get in my way of how i view ships bc i always see ships in a non canonical way. so if you want you can fold a ship into whatever way you want whether its aus, fix it fics, or whatever. i especially try not to let the popularity of a ship get in the way of how much i like a ship, im very fond of rarepairs and crackships but i dont consider myself someone who cant bring themselves to like popular ships or even brags about liking.. ANYTHING that isnt mainstream
but there comes a POINT where when ALL of the content you see for a character youre fond of is ABOUT A SINGLE SHIP that you start hating the ship and maybe even the other character involved. it hurts even more when its a ship you fell out of love with.
yes, im talking soudam AGAIN bc kazuichi has rotted my brain so badly that i feel like i cant even go a single day without thinking of him, AND I BARELY EVEN INTERACT W/ THE DR FANDOM ANYMORE. one of my ocs was just a genderbent au i made of him that looked distinct enough i just took it and ran. thats how bad it is. (tbh i do just like the color pink and... sharp.. teeth.. so thats probably why. hes pathetic too which just makes it x2 as good)
look, i dont think that ppl who ship soudam are inherently bad ppl. i dont really care about what ppl ship as long as theyre 1) not shipping real ppl and 2) not shoving it in other peoples faces. and i dont see any soudam shippers directly doing that. i was a soudam shipper, and honestly, i can see why ppl ship it. its an interesting dynamic.
bbbutt.. i dont ship it!  i personally dont care for it anymore, or even just general dr stuff. i should probably get into dr stuff more sense i feel like other than skullgirls and cookie run, im a bit lost when it comes to fandoms nowadays. but i still really like kazuichi and, by extension, sonia and their ship sounia. so every now and then i look for content abt them whether its for comfort or horniness, or just bc i want to. and a big theme i see is soudam. everywhere. its not unbareable especially on a site like tumblr where i can block certain tags and words. but even with that blocking, soudam can still clog it up meaning its harder for me to find content i like.
its even worse when some of that content is intentionally made to spam tags. an example would be what happened on instagram a while back, im not sure if that many other people noticed it, where ppl would spam dr ship tags with things such as “hey ur ship sucks xoxo”, feet, and in the worst case scenario, gore and self harm.
its even worse (take a sip everytime i say that) when you bring in stuff like antis and proshippers which, IS A CAN OF WORMS I DO NOT WANT TO GO INTO. i dont use either label, i hate antis but i really fucking hate proshippers. which is why i dont like ppl labeling all sounia shippers as proshippers because.. no. no i am not. you cant dictate what side someone is on in a silly shipping war based of a single thing they like. i know damn well there are sounia shippers who are proship, anti, somewhere in the middle, and the same can be said abt soudam shippers. which is why i hate how soudam shippers are seen as morally good and sounia shippers are seen as gross. i just wanna see some pathetic lil guy try and fail to woo a girl, i dont wanna argue about what ship is superior. neither are illegal, so they are both equal.  
in conclusion; there are and will be a lot of soudam shippers. i dont care. i just want to be left alone, but soudam is hard to ignore. dont try to call any soudam shippers poopyheads, lets all just try to be nice and respect one another. sorry if this seems like a hate rant, because it is. i am frustrated. didnt mean for this to become an 8 paragraph essay, but thats just what happened. 
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himbos-hotline · 11 months
I follow you and I don't know anything about wrestling and usually when I see someone blogging a lot about something Im not into it annoys me a little bit, but it doesn't annoy me when I see you on my dash and I stop and take time to read your posts cause they're engaging, so if I ever get into wrestling it's probably your fault (positive)
Also i see you post a lot about wanting to interact with people and I never do interact but I want to everytime I see you post about, but Im interacting now, I get being starved of interaction so I hope this gives you the happy brain chemicals, hope you have a good day
heh ive been keeping this in my askbox for a little while mostly because it makes me laugh. Anon im really happy that you enjoy reading through my posts and enjoy seeing me freakout over funky lil people! the special interest really did grab me by the balls and now I can't be released, im stuck in a chokehold lol. if you ever do get into wrestling a bunch people have made like a "enjoy wrestling here!" posts so you can learn and stuff aboutw restling and find what company vibes with you more and what matches you vibe with more, ive made one of those posts- if I find it again, would you like me to find it and tag you in it?
Im really bad at interacting with people mostly because i never know what to say or how to converse and compute what people are saying. Most of the time I also worry and freak out that im annoying or making the person im messaging/sending asks uncomfortable so in the end, I kinda just wait until people speak to me first which isnt like, good but at the same time, I mostly feel more secure talking to people. im also really bad with tumblr DMs because the notifications disappear as soon as I log on so its kinda outta sight doesnt exist kinda thing. So if yall have ever messaged me and Ive never replied- its more then likely because the notification has disappeared and i just...didnt know I had a notifcation in the first place heh
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ddalgiskoreanblog · 3 years
Hello! Idk if anyone here noticed but I've been gone for so long lol🐵 I had to take a break from studying and everything tbh because my mental health was at an all time low. I'm feeling a lot better now! I've been focusing on developing healthy habits like walking and running etc and now I'm feeling like I have the motivation to slowly get back to other stuff I like! I'm going to get back to studying Korean and posting my progress and stuff here hopefully as soon as tomorrow💕 I'm going to take it slowly and try to make it as fun as possible for myself to stay motivated! I also will try my best to interact with people here because I'd love to have someone to study with :^]
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morguemaw · 2 years
I had to go back to look at the OCs mentioned in your vent post to see what you were talking about, and even though I'm not in the fnaf fandom, just peripherally aware of the characters, I can see that they do look different-ish.
But, they do still look pretty similar. Similar enough to tell what they were inspired by. To the point that I would just have assumed they were AU versions of the originals. Like the difference between Sans Undertale and Sans HorrorTale.
I can understand where that would be frustrating though when you are trying to branch out and create your own thing, enough that it would be more easily recognized as something not related. Maybe you can take these instances of people mis-recognizing your OCs as a learning experience that more needs to be fine-tuned in their designs to make them unique and not as easily mistaken as what they were based on?
Either way, trying to control other people's behavior, and how they tag on this website is an exercise in futility, and really only makes you look bad at the end of the day (IE: "I'm not Sonic! I'm my original character Blonic!"). Maybe just block people when this happens instead? 🤍
You DO realize that i did state in a few posts that they were inspired but they were NOT Sun and Moon drop / an AU ?? I literally said they were in the THEATER that those two are near/in the same area. It isnt a "learning experience" its me clearly stating in the description that i didnt want them being called that. Its literally called respecting my wishes of NOT doing that. Also... Blocking people for something that is easy to correct looks worse then anything. I get i sound bratty enough but im not going to be a full on bitch baby and block people because they did one little fuckup i didnt like. Instead i just vent a lil, and go on. Im not going to DM the person and spit on their mother, yes it pissed me off but its literally something that can be forgotten about within the hour.
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sningo-prompts · 2 years
I'm not good at coming up with writing ideas, but do you have any wholesome prompt ideas?
Ok i only have one at the moment so i kinda didnt wanna spoil it but ehhh i probably would have forgotten its the ending e post anyway so here it is
That got long. This is liz back after finishing. Btw all my wholesome posts should be tagged “wholesome wholesale” i think. Ok hope you like this.
When the staff are finally informed of Ingos new form they are super shocked. Though it all makes sense now. Some of them quickly burry their face in there hands from embarrassment. Oh lord i called him a sweet cutie pie. Oh geeze i put a collar on him and said he was the most hansom lil baby. I BOOPED HIS SNOOT PLEASE LORD NO I WANT DEATH I BOOPED MY BOSSES SNOOT.
Others feel kinda bad about ya know treating him like a pokemon. They all apologise as a group. Ingo quickly tries to reassure them that hes not mad or anything but man cant talk “snee snea snee snea” one poor girl comes up crying to him because shes so sorry im so sorry i booped your snoot boss i swear i didnt know. Well thats met with laughter from everyone. Even Emmet and Ingo.
They all really like their bosses and greatly respect them so of course they feel a little bad about how they treated them. But they didnt know but they do know they gotta make it up to him. So they throw him a little welcome back party. Something small with just the staff, not just because its a secret but because they know Ingo and he wouldn’t want some big crazy party. They have cake of course but they also ask if Ingo wants to battle them? Hes always watching Emmet but since its jusy the staff he could finally join in. His team are very much so up for it and honestly so is he. He missed battling with his team so much. So he ends up battling them all and besting them all too. It may have been a while but his pokemon are much closer to him and he will never forget battling no matter when or where he is. Then of course Emmet steps up like a final boss. Emmet got verrrry excited watching his brother battle and he verrry much so wants a turn. Ingo too is excited to battle his brother again. So they do battle. Its intense. Emmet isnt going to hold back either. Hes at his best when excited to battle his brother. But he isnt ready for the communication Ingo has with team nor is he ready for Hisui hardened Ingo. Yea its a crazy battle to watch but in the end Ingo wins. All in all its a very fun time for everyone. Ingo finally feels back home after this. Sure hes been back a week or so but this makes it feel so resl. Battling again. Its been so long. Oh geeze is he getting emotional. Do we spy a tear in those sneasel eyes. Yes probably. Hes just so happy. Maybe he purrs a little. They all love their subway bosses and in that moment, seeing Ingo cry from joy, they all agree that no harm will ever come to their bosses again.
Thus the Ingo Protection Squad is formed. Yes they have tshirts.
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junova · 4 years
never been in love — single dad!steve (headcannon)
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pairing: single dad!steve x teacher!reader
abstract: the one where steve likes you a lot and his daughter does too. 
warnings: it gets a lil smutty towards the end (18+) not really tho, this is so much longer than i intended jfc, bucky being kind of a dick, hint of daddy kink, cheating? 
[a/n]: this was totally inspired by @marvelouspeterparker​ post. i read it and it pulled me out of my writers block so thank u ! also this is so unnecessarily long but i have no excuse other than im a hoe for steve rogers?? 
*** gif isnt mine — i forgot creds srry :/
                             -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-  
oh god this one is going to hUrt me
but can you just imagine when steve really gets to see you, not just in passing as he picks up his daughter
he nearly shits himself because how in the hell had he not noticed you before?
one any given day, he’s right on time to pick up shai
he’s always punctual
— until today
not only was he late, but he was an hour late and in his mess of mind he was fully convinced they’d never let him bring her to the school again
to make matters even worse his phone had died and his cable was nowhere to be found in his dying, old pick up truck
not to mention his sweet little angel, more than likely frightened out of her mind
— but he was so wrong
practically in a full sprint, he quickly made his way to shai’s classroom when he found her perfectly peaceful while she talked with her teacher
even though, she was facing him and could see him she paid him no mind. it didn’t faze her that her father was so late because you had stayed to keep her company
“well, it looks like he finally decided to show up.” shai spoke to you, loud enough so her father in the doorway could her. the edge in her tone pushing sassy all the way through
of course as soon as shai found her way in steve’s arms he profusely apologized and graciously thanked you for staying with her saying he would repay you for it
— and it definitely had nothing to do with how attracted steve was to you. nope. not at all
you dismissed his gesture, it was a delight to be with shai and you told him such but you had a feeling he wouldn’t let it go
— and he didn’t
the very next day, when he dropped shai off and handed you a dozen pastries he had made fresh this morning
the way you gushed over it, cheekbones high and happy over his kindness made steve’s heart swell
they were still warm and you just couldn’t believe he made these with his bare hands
it was easily the kindest gift anyone ever gave you and you told him that too before you could stop yourself
then he just started bringing you a pastry or two every other day, even if you’d refused them the next day he would bring double the amount he brought the day before
you stopped refusing him bc you already felt guilt since he wouldn’t let you pay for a single one
after two weeks, steve asked you out. you weren’t shocked he had, he had been buttering you up but no matter how charming you thought he was you couldn’t.
he was a parent of one of your students and you just couldn’t allow yourself to go there
it wasn’t necessarily against the rules, but it was frowned upon
accepting your rejection with grace and humility he grabbed shai before bidding you goodbye that day
you thought that was the end of it, until you saw him the following friday night at the bar you frequented at
— alone
you wanted to talk to him, the tequila in your system giving you an irresistible urge to but you were on a date with on of your friends’ coworkers
james buchanan barnes
he definitely was a smooth taker, those dazzling blue eyes sparkling like they knew something you didn’t
you really wanted to be interested, he was a loose shape of a man you’d dream about. maybe you could even pretend he was the one you really wanted
not when steve was sitting at the bar, alone.
but you left that thought behind and you convinced yourself you really were smitten with bucky
two weeks later, bucky and you had been on a few dates and he seemed to like you but you knew you had to end things.
whatever little fling you had going on
your heart got more of kick when steve used to bring you pastries in the morning before class than when bucky kissed you after your first date.
then he asked if you would come to his house, he was having a small get together and would love if you’d be there
— reluctantly, you went
bucky’s friends were nice, each one of them making you feel welcomed into their tight circle.
it turned into a better night than you thought and bucky seemed to be super touchy, guiding you onto his lap as you sat around the fire in his patio
natasha, bucky’s long friend since high school, had you all in fits on the stories from the past
everyone was too busy reeling to recognize his presence but you had the to be blind not to
there steve stood gaping at you’d like you were a ghost, certainly surprised to see you perched on bucky’s lap
yep you wanted to just crawl under a whole a stay there forever
“Glad to see you showed up, punk.” Bucky gesturing for him to make his way over to you, even when you pulled at the sleeve of his henley to stop him.
— of course your efforts to tame bucky in did nothing
he grabbed a cold one before making his way to the two of you
and dear god was it as awkward as ever
“Honey, this is my best friend, Steve.” Honey? He had never called you anything besides your name. By the way he pulled you even closer to him made you think there was something else entirely going on.
you certainly didn’t miss the way steve’s jaw clenched or as he held his right hand picking at the piece of bark rather aggressively
“Um, we actually know each other. Shai is in my class, actually.” Feeling rather suffocated by the weight of Bucky’s arms now that the man you felt too much for was here. “Really? I had no idea.”
steve’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head, infuriated. it wasn’t just that bucky knew you were shai’s teacher but he knew just how much steve liked you.
he didn’t shut up about you since he you with his daughter — something inside him changing in an instance
it wasn’t just that he thought you were the most wonderful woman he’d me — shai also raved over you
shai’s mother leaving a gaping whole in her heart she didn’t quite understand at the age of five was filled by you
you were kind to her, your patience never wearing thin as you gave her the attention she deserved
it may be your job but you enjoyed every moment with her and steve noticed
“Oh? She’s the one you would wake up an hour early for to make the pastries?” Bucky blurted out.
he woke up an early just to make those for you?
the way steve looked at the ground, grinding his fingertip against the label of his beer made you want to cry. his neck flaring pink at the embarrassment only made you wish you were in his arm instead
— even more than you already did
“You really should have seen the smile on his face when he came back from the school gushing over how much you liked what he had made.”
Bucky tightened his arm around your waist before saying. “Or when you reject him, I still can’t decide which is better.”
“That’s enough, James.” You tone harsh, before you ripped yourself away.
you couldn’t even look at steve, you don’t think your heart could handle it so you practically sprinted to your car
you needed to get the fuck out of here
until you reached for you keys, but they weren’t in your pocket
“Looking for these?” His hands looping through your keys giving it a twirl. “Star Wars fan?” Steve gesturing to you baby yoda key chain. “Maybe just a tad.”
“Thank you, Steve.” He tried to ignore the jump you ignited in his heart whenever you said his name.
handing your keys, he turned away from you, heading back into the house until you yanked him forward
the force so strong he though he was going to body slam into you before he pushing his weight against the car.....and you
“I’m sorry about, Bucky. I never would have gone out with him if I knew you two were friends.” You admitted while Steve just stood there looking embarrassed.
god did you always have to ruin everything
“I-I just, um, have these feelings for you. These very complicated feelings that make me want to throw every morally sound thought I have to the wind.”
“Which thought did you want to get rid of right now?” Stepping outside of his comfort zone, Steve grabbed your hands and just on instinct alone you cradled his face like it was the most natural act in the world. Like you had done it a thousand times.
“I mean, for one I’m telling myself I shouldn’t be this close to you.” Steve taking you by surprise as he tilted his head to the side, kissing the palm of your hand.
did he really just-
“What else, sweet girl?”
oh, you really were a goner
“I don’t know.” You spoke softly. Admitting to not only him but yourself — you couldn’t think when he was this close to you.
“Oh, but I think you do.” Steve diving right in as he latched his plump lips to your neck. Making whispers of his name drip off your tongue.
before you register what was happening steve had you pressed up against the car, rough hands gripping your thighs as your legs clinged to his slim waist
not to mention the ratio from his broad shoulders to his hips had your pussy drowning more
making you forget why you’d ever rejected him in the first place and he had hardly even touched you yet
then his lips met yours and you knew he had ruined you for anyone else. no one would ever compare to him and not anyone from your past did.
“Holy shit.” You whispered, completely in awe of what Steve was capable of doing to you in a matter of seconds. The proud smirk he wore in great contrast to what he felt back by the fire when he saw your body entangled with Bucky.
“If I ever see you sitting on my best friend’s lap again, I will go fucking crazy. Do you understand?” Steve eyes burning with envy.
“Yes, Daddy.”
brb gonna cry that i don’t have my very own steve rogers rip 
                            -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
 tags: @tonystankschild​ @parkastoria​ @kayteewritessteve​ 
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