#that wasnt there when i fist stepped into the bike lane to check
artisanalpeanutbutter · 2 months
I'm so fucking done with everything jfc
I'm short so I have to step into the bike lane to see past all the cars that are parked in the bike lane
And this time, I saw the bus juuust across the street from me. So I did what's reasonable and stepped back to the curb. Again, still in the FUCKING BIKE LANE, but directly on the curb. But the bus driver decides he has it out for me or fucking SOMETHING and swerves INTO THE BIKE LANE, AND ALMOST HITS ME. I am ONE step off the curb and have to step up so I don't get hit by the FUCKING BUS. The bus then swerves OUT of the bike lane, and to the bus stop. The driver never needed to be in the bike lane btw. I shouldn't have had to be in the fucking bike lane either but people like to park in the bike lane which makes it impossible for me to see traffic from the curb!
So now I have to walk out to see if traffic is coming from the far side of the bus. I do that. I see a car coming on the OPPOSITE SIDE of the road so I step back into the bike lane. I still can't see anything around the fucking bus, so step forward and peek my head out. I still don't see anything bc I'm short. There was actually a car coming on the opposite side of the road. I think "ok, this is fine. I can just wait next to the bus. No one in a small car is going to whip the corner". Lo and behold. A car whips around the corner where I can't see because I'm short, and makes the widest fucking turn known to man. I almost get hit by THAT car because I am stuck between the bus and the car on the opposite side of the street. I can't move forward because I'll get hit by the car going left. I can't go backward because I'll get hit by the car making a wide turn. I have my dog with me. This is not the closest I've been to being hit by a car on this corner because I can't see the traffic past any of the parked cars on this goddamn street and it's always loud on this corner due to its proximity to the highway. I BARELY DONT get hit by the turning car, and I'm free to cross the street. Fuck my life. I'm sure they think it's my fault. They should try to cross this goddamn street. There needs to be a fucking stoplight on this goddamn street. There are so many accidents on this goddamn street.
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