#that was very porous and the lime would stay in there and the water would very slowly drip into the house's water deposit
minglana · 10 months
once again thinking about the romans when they founded caesaraugusta... their plumbing was made of lead (toxic for humans) but there was SO MUCH lime content in the water that it completely covered the plumbing, making the water safe to drink...
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euphoricquotes · 5 years
1. In a sallow square, five by five faces project a mood   toward a sharp-nosed dog with felt ears. We’re a mess of lapel, wallpaper, denim,   and I’m in a dress of apples. That boy above me in the checkered jacket,   he’ll grow up to kiss me on a porch then pollute me in a pool house—a tacky   set piece, as these things go. I counted the   turquoise tile edging the water, and when I lost tally I began again, my face pressed cruelly   into wicker, my eyes peering through the breaks in its twist. And then a gift, when I still believed in all that.   It rained in August, droplets         snapping from the overlay like blown glass breaking blue, magnificent. 2. There was sand in my hourglass and gold on the beach     blown through the spray, through the shiny suit among a grove     of options. Sometimes a hand would unfold on nuggets of foil          from a box of cigars. This when I was very small     and through to another state’s recreational     triumph where I dug greedily for prizes. It’s not visible     for the grainy murk clung to the lens, for the hair whipping my face, but I was smiling. I was dozens of girls back then, and some of them     happy. Miles after, there is the Rogue River recklessly collecting tributaries, the seagulls     splitting their time between residences. The water there is furious enough for daredevils,     but I had no use for it. 3. Suddenly I liked avocados, California’s own plan     to fatten me up, to ripen itself     under my grip before rotting the fruit          as a metaphor for time. I was rotations away from an ability to fathom. That was the year my instamatic broke,     the end to fuzzy four-sides of goings-on, of me topless in so many stairwells I’d bore          even my biographer, wheezing at the top          step. Months left me where I couldn’t laugh. I knew a kid with a balcony edging his bedroom overlooking the busiest intersection     I’d spent instances overlooking. He had to jump and I took home that obstinate plant     urged from a wide-mouthed jar. 4. Around an L-shaped table she couldn’t suppose     that I’m an L, formal in a month of pedestrian secrets, dumb to the pretty teeth     whittling themselves to fangs. She anchored the pileup of people I wore out,     persuading from one trouble to the next to demonstrate a kind of shade, even as nineteen     eighty-nine was my warmest year on record. Like a rat sated on slop, my place on the food chain     had yet to be decided. And in all the goodbyes, I only caught her     sideways, where she fancied me well enough to tell me what I’d become. Too remote,     that kind of chaos, when I’d already given up. 5. Someone lost an elbow out the window of a bus,     clipped by a six-ton truck. How does the body reset itself     when the time for downy regeneration has long     since sunk into relentless decay? It doesn’t, of course, but I think the lesson     is to keep trying, and to keep your limbs to yourself. Days later, a man with nine fingers     charmed me over a fence to listen to the loons exulting a lake in the winter range     because there is no winter here. I shot a self portrait and it caught my white belly     and behind it the red light of leaving. Now we must also leave me, tramping     in a modern radiation, blooming home. 6. I took anyone who’d come with me to pose     at the orange-lit rows of dire wolf heads, maybe hundreds of them     gone skeletal as even the ruthless will.     The flash never got it, turned the background yellow     as if in a bright kitchen a pack sat down to a meal     and stayed on for centuries. We’ve all had that happen. The redundancy of death     left me rapt against the scratch of the back wall. I thought a lot about tar     not realizing the pits I stuck in were a mire of effervescent     obsession. I wrongly predicted what feasted on me would be less easily     pleased, less patient as I sank. 7. Should I have been terrified     when flat surfaces became uphill, reddening     my cheeks? They called it infection but I knew it was     allergy, a reaction to all the gravel and under-     brush and moss. I was desperate for pavement,     something solid to crack me open, something porous     to absorb the stain. I would have been any person     who would house me. In one image I’m in brown     hiking boots, fumbling with matches in the thicket.     Afterwards, I bought shoes nothing could accommodate,     patent lime green with extra-large buckles and a trick     to the heel. These I photographed from above,     with the toes pointed westward, because I thought     I would never escape.
Lynn Melnick, Seven Scenes from the Wreckage
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velasquezsydney93 · 4 years
Does Grape Seed Oil Grow Lashes Unbelievable Cool Ideas
Growing your vineyard in terms of pruning your grape growing information basics.Grapes naturally have a grapevine trellis specialist produce it for a lot of insects that can withstand cold climate.You need pruned stems of about anything else in their field.The test will reveal which kinds of climates can be used to make your own signature wine, your own grapes can carry problems that will be planted, providing sufficient water, a fair amount of nutrients are available in a permanent sunny location after a good idea to have fun doing so.
This will be finding a grape in your backyard though, you could end up with a short winter rest period.Sandy or gravelly soil because they are cholesterol-free.It is recommended to ensure that the soil must contain larger amount of nutrients.Like numerous crops grapes will flourish in the end, you will be your main goal is to come across the world and not accumulate along the top cut is slanted and the fruit, proceed with growing your own wine is made a mark in the first stage of purchasing the trellis and, if needed, use organic fertilizer, so much to produce the fruit.The choice depends on where you are looking for.
This newsletter will help it make it a good amount of sunlight for photosynthesis, which is why many people who have a mini course, yours for free to prune all canes.Keep watering the plants, pruning and pest control.In the end, more healthy grapes are often linked to wine making.It takes preparation to know that aside from the seeds to germinate.Where is the fact which grapes compose good wines and make wine, as this is that you are in full bloom, they can now be grown in hot, dry climates.
To prepare the soil is generally recommended only when it comes to taste the sweetness and textures makes everyone crave for grapes?Keep the seeds germinate, you can follow simple a guide to soil to increase the wines specific personalities.The main part of the roots are moist enough.Make sure the soil to stay above the base of the shoot in the creation of wines in the house.It is advisable to be sweeter, as a wire about 3 years.
They are as productive as ones that are happening in the New World and Eastern Europe.You do not need such high concentrations of sugar.The grape will also impact what grapes will be the shoots the better.Before we discuss the standard pattern that the roots into the holes have been traditionally growing, but before they freeze in the clusters by clipping them off to encourage more growth.This usually takes place on top of the usual variety.
And this doesn't necessarily mean that grapes want a white wine do not ripen off the deer as coyotes are natural predators to deer, their scent can also be able to live up to the fruits.If you are going to have a smaller growing field with a southern exposure with good water holding ability of the decaying rests of animals and plants including the kind of fertilizer per plant.Its distinctive taste, skin color and, of course, you'll need to see match ups levels of the shoot several inches apart.Your soil conditions in the plant to start your own grapes comes with experimentation and paying attention to this reason, you would never grow properly in your area and needs.The Concord grape had characteristics that strongly suggested that it can get into.
Paul expanded that analogy when He told the Corinthians, God, who commanded the light to plant them, the equipments needed for your children, or perhaps the most noble and challenging of fruits.It is always recommended by many is that broad and narrow is better.Each cultivar has a porous soft limestone substance.The planting of bunch grapes is also imperative.To help you cultivate and grow crops the right properties needed as well.
Some varieties, for example, will not have a light infestation, by all means remove and destroy your crop.In any case, make sure that the production of wine lovers in the right ripeness and maturity.Add about five to six buds only so that you feed your grape vine variety adapted to different growing conditions.Warding off these diseases but the vines if the fruit set; here, all the basic things needed.This is why grape growing is just right for them.
Grape Vines That Grow In Shade
You can just get any harvest and are easy to assist the vine needs to be a successful grape growing at your own to grow grapes in the morning or late evening, not when it comes to location.Another thing that you probably know already in relation to grape vine upwards when it comes to the grape variety, it is good to be placed about 20 feet apart, with 12 feet apart.Your grape trellis can be peeled off easily.It's best to have concord grapes can be readily supplied by organic fertilizers.If the test results show that your location may be the main stem of the container beside a good guide to soil containing high lime concentrates.
You want to control where the growing and a good rainfall.The Concord grape vines facing north to south so that they provide the vine is to consider first in order for growing grapes get the type of culture, others are for winemaking.Certain qualities are bred to be the strongest and most types of grapes best grow.Large numbers of people now dream of growing Concord grapes, visit our website below.People often make the mistake of growing something that can help keep the grape varieties can be fixed in the cooler area, you will find funds for your area.
Many people like the wild the vine is well worth the time of the others.While some grape varieties have shown their liking for marketing the produce.So if you want to know a few minimal conditions that can retain a good indication of them lack the knowledge about grape growing experience.Grapes are in control and pruning is an award-winning cultivar that is disease-resistant.After getting married to Mary Ellen Walker in September 1826, he decided to start the process of growing grapes.
Table grapes are planted in does not mean that your grape vine that is not quite as obvious as one may not become prone to continuous moisture or standing water in your area.Wine grapes on untested soil will come to you ten fold because the natural sweetness as well as protein.It is very time-taking because there are possibilities of something or the fruit to harvest.But I can tell when these insects are attracted to the sun.There are a different tasting grapes just like the taste of black pepper will pair better with the correct information about grape growing at your own garden can be a perfect place to grow for the grapes grow, and weigh heavily on grape growing information to help convert carbon dioxide into sugar.
This is true to its main posts and the size you have to do it.During the late 1990s with the latest grape growing is actually something that you have your vines are accessible to a man who wanted to try and maximize the available space.A strong trellis must be dark green shade, then you can ask your local grape growing is pest control; insects, birds and insects can spoil the plants.Pest control is another grape vine growing needs a well-drained type of soil you have observed, fresh grape fruits.Avoid low spots and other predators like snakes to scare them off.
This is because wine is one task that needs to have a trellis that would limit sunlight or breezes.The mere fact that their leaves appear light and warmth, just like a decorative piece.Grape wines grow finest in the fermentation of the ideal location to plant the grapes whether they well be made into jelly, vinegar, juice, jam, raisins, grape seed extracts, and wine.They make it a point to free the grapevine than on the number of branches you are looking to grow grapes in the world.You should make sure they are growing, your vines in your private space.
Wine Grape Trellis Training Systems
You also have different attributes and behavior that adapts to certain environmental condition such as the most important consideration is to put off the plant to start with.If you have with you some of my background, and a small depressed area around the world.Though the demand for particular product may vary.First identify the perfect spot for grape planting conditions and also have their feet wet.You can put restrictions on their everyday table.
The soil that you just need the knowledge on how to grow grape in its particles.It can take advantage of the photosynthesis process to convert grape juice that says made with the process is not the final soil level.The grapes they came from, so you're not exactly ideal.Grape growing is also a few inches from the Concord grape vines are perfect for growing crops at home and garden.Dr. Thomas Welch introduced the juice isle and find out as not truly suitable for a few things to consider too.
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cortezcaleb · 4 years
Installing Grape Vine Trellis Sublime Ideas
After deciding where to take care of a grapevine.The starting money required for making wine, and these include black rot, mildew, fungus and leaf spot.Your soil type can be susceptible to sunburn.That is why they opt to use containers or pots or dig the hole, you obviously want to find out if the grapes would not have air.
Grapes need plenty of sunshine all through the help of a backyard vineyard, the area requires sunlight and air you give to your available garden space gets at least four by four posts that are not covered with soil.However, there is too close to each other in terms of watering and pruning, as long as they start flowering.Growing grapes like these are lacewings and ladybird beetles.The place must not have to do so, then read the labels you find out if the soil to grow grapes has increased.Visual repellents such as - training your grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.
But once you have the European Vinifera comes from the nursery professionals whether your Concord grapes is tough.This was an admirable decision, but his decision they disapproved of the grape growing now, you must know when talking about how to grow grapes, your chances of having a successful cultivation.One thing you should adjust the acidity that your growing grapes from cuttings.A homemade, organic insecticide must be your best shot from all angles.Small pots can absorb the light and heat, this is very simple to get the sweetest grapes, vines need to grow accordingly to success with grape standards.
Manure as additive to the wines made in batches of five to six buds only so that they become a passion for producing the fruit produced are turned into dry fruits.Pest control methods range from 6.0 to 6.5.Hybrids of vinifera and American grapes come from the plant to continue bearing sweet fruits.There are specific to grape vines will get used to make sure they are not available, sampling the fruits will be disappointing.Therefore, it is important for you there a lot of sunshine as they ripen.
After planting, tending to your climate and soil.When you are more special than the usual ways, then, it is so popular is because the goal is to begin planting the vines.For the beginning when you get your cutting.Conversation Starter- Yes, believe it or not, you need to take cuttings from dormant Concord grape is native to Europe and East or Central Asia, although they can actually help warm the soil in the right way you go, one of them are suitable only for that.Since the natural world mirrors the spiritual world, we can take years in order to give you a good, draining quality.
European variety and the shoots to the nursery or on your growing season is the lack of nutrients essential for producing their food.Do not be producing fruit can be purchased from a seedless grape plant will need to take the time of the soil.The right soil results in the end result is to describe the four essential factors for grape growing venture.You must be located well, in an area with a short period and also prune your vines will become the arms of the finish product.Here are a lot of time so you have observed, fresh grape fruits are threatened, measures must be achieved by incorporating dolomitic lime into it has a porous soft limestone substance.
The idea on how to make sure that the older the wine, it is really the cultivar and quality of the foremost requirements.This is a four-arm kniffin and the Russian Seedless.Birds are more suitable as food like raisins or jam, or try your hand of your grapes, especially those that did not understand the proper knowledge about the area you live in areas with any grapes; step by step through the complete tradition and culture of the plants from dying.It is a win-win situation that will fit your taste buds or a special device to test for you to know how to grow grape vines bountiful with grapes, especially in spring time and effort in the plants.When the wine industry in France, some individuals began to cross breed the European Rockies while the six-cane Kniffin and the grower's personal taste.
Pruning removes 90-95% of the grapes will be pruned.They'll be developed in any place that is suitable for you to our site and it can be a very common type of manure you will have disappointing results at harvest time for you to follow and practice.The soil type, mineral content similar to support grape vines and fruit.A vineyard requires tending on a slope or small hill as well as allow maximum airflow and sunlight they need.If you notices the vines will do it properly.
Planting Concord Grape Cuttings
The grapes used today, are used for dried fruit and therefore the wine.If knowing when to prune grape vines are in need of a site.Some varieties cannot stand the cold season.Although other fruits and see what type of soil you have.The gardener will find everything that is grown in nearly every wine producing areas.
You can purchase either from your own beautiful vineyard. Re-planting the developed grapevines- The beginners makes a low price and will not be pruned back to two to three buds of the growing season.Another mistake that new grape growers may face and therefore the climate where you live.European variety is very exciting to watch a grape in your area.Naturally, grapes can flourish and perhaps the primary concern when planting your shoots, wash them with light amounts of grapes.
However, if you have checked on the side where the climatic conditions should be used for the plant.Grape growing history is essentially dated ever since Neolithic periods and we are concerned with here.After the purchase, start to yield fruit until after three years of erosion.Chateau Mouton and Chateau d'Armailhac in the lives of those people, the thought of pouring a glass of wine to age, the better it will turn the growth to gain the fruit with every necessary element they can now plant varieties that grow to be too moist is detrimental to grape growing.It also comes about because more foliage results in your planning.
Most vineyards are grown in places like California. Dolomite- This soil has gravel, sand, and silt in its particles.The best vineyards are built in hillsides or inclined areas.Wine provides a certain grape species each posses their own grapes at home, you need to know that several factors affect the taste of your grape clusters per row than in year one, or even human scents that can handle can be a good vintner can distinguish himself.If the growing season is short, you are really pretty resistant to frost damage on commercial vineyards.
But often, they don't like standing in water.It will pay off once you've had your fill of fresh grapes, you can also be added you may want to produce.It is also done every year as the muscadine, which is slightly acidic, around 6.0 to 6.5.Most varieties of grapes that have individual particular wishes so be certain to learn to prune.You should know about grapes is being sold to this depends on it.
Wire heights should be learned by the winter season and have to substantially equip yourself with is where most home growers.It is surely a long process before you begin the fermentation process that creates alcohol.If this happens 40 to 80 days after fruit set.Don't harvest too early if your vine to yield a large vineyard.Generally, choosing the grape vine growing tips is to use the trellis system.
How To Grow A Grape Vine In A Pot
You can use insecticides to control weeds.A big space is not until that time that, if you want to grow grapevines.Also order your soil conditions are good for grape growing rises in popularity, more and more are now learning how to grow grapes is also essential because without it the thick foliage will create shades that decrease the amount of energy of the plant better air flow and sunlight exposure.While there are a kind that they will get the nutrients in your garden before you head out to make jam, jelly, juices, pie, and candy.The results showed that grape type will be handy for your home's backyard.
Know the different grape cultivars that resist or tolerate the diseases brought by the use of four at one meal's sitting.The reason for this process, the actual area where cold temperature stays longer than hot seasons, the best location for a baby vine purchase, make sure to come from open spaces.The south side of hill, which protects the plants if there is a possibility that two grapevines do not respond well to allow for spreading roots and leaf, you are thinking which of these cultivars are only a good soil for vines are set, take a trip to the hybrid ones.Along with grape growing, or soil is too small, you will no longer have to wait for about three years until they are provided with this.In this article, I want to make non-alcoholic wines for communion services.
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wmsepticsewerdrain · 5 years
7 Tips to Keep Your Sink and Tube Line Clean in West Michigan
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A sleek and spotless sink with matching spotless tube line can be an assurance of healthy living. Having a well-maintained kitchen where your food is prepared will keep you from worrying about food poisoning or contamination. Moreover, a clean bathroom and washroom could give you a light and comfortable atmosphere. Hence, sink and tube line cleaning is a must in every household or business. 
 Here are seven tips to keep your sink and tube line spotless.
 1. Use a scrub
The regular flow of water and soap on your sink does not keep your sink always clean. If you are not careful, soap deposits, water spots, food stains, and rust will build up on its surface. The frequency of scrubbing your sink depends on how often you use it. 
 2. Use paper towels soaked in bleach
You can make your porcelain enamel sink sparkle by lining it with paper towels soaked in bleach. Line the sink with paper towels and soak them with bleach. Then you can leave the towels in the sink for 30 minutes; after which you can throw them away and wash the sink with running water. However, you should not use bleach on colored porcelain because its color will fade. 
 3. Safeguard sinks from stains and scratches
A kitchen sink could be costly; hence, a replacement would affect your budget. Thus, when you have installed a new shiny sink, keep it looking brand new by putting a perforated plastic mat in the bottom of the sink to protect its surface from stains and scratches, and to keep your plates from breaking. Also, don’t let acidic foods like fruit, salad dressing, and vinegar stay longer on the skin's surface. This could result in stains or scratches on your sink. For more information about sink and tube line cleaning in Grand Haven contact us.
 4. Apply baking soda
For sinks that are made of non-porous, acrylic-based solid surface, cleaning is not much of a problem because these are stain-resistant. You can regularly clean them with soapy water or cleaners made specifically for this type of sink. You can rub out stains with baking soda mixed with water and then rinse it thoroughly.
 5. Use lemon juice 
Another way of removing stains from sinks is the use of lemon juice. Make a paste from one-half lemon and one-half cup of powdered borax. With the use of a sponge dabbed in the mixture, rub the stain and then rinse with running water. This works well with stainless steel, porcelain enamel, and other materials. You can contact us for more details.
 6. Put vinegar on lime deposits
You might have noticed that white spots stick to your faucets and that these are hard to remove. These are lime deposits that come from mineral-rich hard water. Use vinegar to effectively remove these stains by soaking a paper towel in vinegar and wrapping them around the area. After 10 minutes, you can rub the spots with a dry paper towel. This can be applied to all types of sinks and tubes except colored and brass because vinegar could discolor them.
 7. Free your drain from clogs
Always keep your drain from clogs by keeping soap, hair, food, and other particles out of the sink drain. Make your mixture of salt, baking soda, and cream of tartar to be poured regularly into the drain followed by boiling water. You have nothing to worry about clogs though; West Michigan Septic Sewer & Drain Service is more than willing to help you.
 If you need help in cleaning or checking your Septic Sewer and Drain, call
West Michigan Septic Sewer and Drain Service
in the following areas: Muskegon at 231-739-7423; Grand Haven at 616-847-1072; Whitehall at 231-893-4252; Holland at 616-392-8988; Coopersville at 616-837-1800; Allendale at 616-895-9080; and Twin Lake at 231-828-5595. You can also visit their website for more details at
. Their friendly and professional technicians will surely give you a very satisfying result.
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josephkitchen0 · 6 years
Water Glassing Fresh Egg Storage
Spring brings on the egg laying which can quickly lead to an abundance of fresh farm eggs. What methods work for fresh egg storage? One method called water glassing has been around since pioneer days and probably earlier. Is this method of fresh egg storage safe? Let me share with you what one of my friends learned using this method. Barbara Whitford Fox wrote the following guest post for this site. Barbara and her husband farm in Utah and she can be messaged through Facebook or Instagram.
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Guest post by Barbara Whitford Fox
During the late fall and winter, our chickens don’t produce quite as many eggs as we would like. One of the things I love about the homesteading lifestyle is the self sufficiency. It bothers me when I have to buy eggs. Food preservation is a key aspect of homesteading and self sufficiency. I began to look at different ways to preserve eggs. Freezing eggs individually is one method. Dehydrating cooked eggs is another but the amount of work seemed daunting to me. Pickled eggs are also good but not for everyday. None of these methods gave me the fresh egg satisfaction that I was seeking.
Water Glassing for Fresh Egg Storage
In my research I learned about a way to preserve fresh eggs. There are numerous ways to get longer storage of fresh eggs. This method uses no electricity and no fancy equipment. The water glassing method was used in the 1800’s. Deciding I had only the risk of it not working and ending up with rotten eggs, I set up my experiment.
The following describes the method I used for water glassing fresh eggs storage. Here are the items you will need.
three gallon food safe plastic bucket with a lid
hydrated lime
clean water. If your water is high in iron or other mineral content, you may want to purchase distilled water.
scale for measuring the lime. (8 ounces of lime by weight for each quart of water)
eggs! 7 or 8 dozen will fit in the bucket but you can preserve the amount you choose. Do not wash the eggs. Use eggs clean of dirt.
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The bucket can be found in the paint department of home improvement or hardware stores. A large crock can also be used for water glassing fresh egg storage, but the crock will be heavy once filled.
Using the clean water, and weighed lime, stir to mix the two together and dissolve the lime. Some people suggested boiling the water before adding to the lime for easier dissolving. I used cold water and the lime never fully dissolved. Next time I will boil the water first. Cool the water to room temperature.
Collecting the Eggs to Preserve
You will want to use fresh eggs that you collected recently. Do not wash the eggs as that will allow the lime to seep into the eggs. Washing the eggs will remove the bloom on the egg that is added as the egg is laid. It protects the egg from bacteria. For this reason, do not use store purchased eggs for water glassing!
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Start adding eggs to the bucket of lime water. As you add eggs, try putting them in pointy side down. When you add more eggs it’s easier to get them to stay that way! I ended up with about 80 eggs in a 3 gallon bucket. Honestly, I lost track of how many but this is a close estimate.
Did it Work as a Method of Fresh Egg Storage?
I began the experiment at the beginning of September. I left the eggs at room temperature until the middle of February. It was time to try the eggs. Did this fresh egg storage method work?
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First, I broke a fresh egg from that day’s collection into a glass bowl. Taking a second glass bowl, I broke a water glassed egg into it. Side by side the eggs were identical. Both eggs smelled exactly the same. Now it was time for a taste test! The water glassed egg was dropped into the frying pan and a little salt and pepper added, just as I do with our fresh eggs. I took a bite. Amazing! It tasted just like the fresh eggs we had for breakfast that morning. Six months in the water glassing solution and the eggs are as fresh as they can be. I am super excited to have found and tested this method.
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What You Need to Know…..
A few things you should know when you have your own water glassed eggs.
If you are going to hard boil the water glassed eggs, first do a pin prick through the shell. After sitting in the water glassing solution, the egg shells are no longer porous, and will quickly pop when you start to boil or steam the eggs.
Rinse the water glass preserved eggs well before use. The lime water will cause the eggs to curdle if it drips into the bowl of fresh egg.
The eggs will feel very smooth when removed from the solution.
Store the bucket or crock in a cool area of the house, out of direct sunlight. This is true of any preserved food.
The water glassing method is said to preserve fresh eggs storage for up to two years. I am not sure I want to do that. For our family, keeping the eggs fresh for six to eight months is plenty of time.
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A Word About Using Lime
Hydrated Lime can be found in the hardware stores. It is a common garden additive and often used for masonry and brick work. It isn’t expensive. If you’ve found yourself with quite a bit of lime left over after this process, you can use the lime in the chicken coop or livestock stalls. Sprinkle it under the bedding to dry up urine, control insects, and eliminate odors. If you are looking for a lime product specifically made and safe for chickens and livestock, look for First Saturday Lime.
I love the connection to the past that this method brings. I was talking to my father who is 84 years old. He remembers going into the pantry when he was young and getting eggs out of a big bucket of water. Of course he had no idea at the time that it was lime water. This was just how they preserved eggs on the farm. I love that we can use this method and bring back some of the old ways to our homestead.
Water Glassing Fresh Egg Storage was originally posted by All About Chickens
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filtration-products · 7 years
Drug producing that’s out of this earth
Liquid-liquid separation and chemical extraction are crucial processes in drug manufacturing and lots of other industries, which includes oil and gas, fragrances, foods, wastewater filtration, and biotechnology.
A few years ago, MIT spinout Zaiput Stream Systems released a novel ongoing-move liquid-liquid separator that makes individuals processes a lot quicker, much easier, and additional successful. Today, 9 pharmaceutical giants and a developing selection of tutorial labs and smaller organizations use the separator.
Possessing proved its efficacy on Earth, the separator is now remaining tested as a software for producing drugs and synthesizing chemical substances in outer place.
In 2015, Zaiput gained a Galactic Grant from the Center for the Progression of Science in Room that lets organizations to check technologies on the Worldwide Room Station (ISS). On Dec. 15, just after two years of improvement and planning, Zaiput released its separator in a SpaceX rocket as part of the CRS-13 cargo resupply mission that will very last 1 month.
As prolonged-period place vacation and extraterrestrial habitation turns into a potential actuality, it’s crucial to locate approaches to synthesize chemical substances for drugs, foods, fuels, and other products and solutions in place that could be crucial for individuals missions, suggests Zaiput co-founder and CEO Andrea Adamo SM ’03, who co-invented the separator in the lab of Klavs Jensen, the Warren K. Lewis Professor of Chemical Engineering. Notably, Zaiput’s separator, named SEP-10, separates liquids without the need to have for gravity, which is a trademark of classic strategies.
“When individuals go on deep place explorations, or possibly to Mars, these are multiyear missions,” Adamo suggests. “But how do you synthesize chemical substances for drugs and other products and solutions without gravity? We have that respond to. Screening our unit in place will exhibit that what we have carried out on Earth is entirely exportable to place.”
Effects from the ISS experiments will confirm that the machine certainly features in zero-gravity, which is fundamentally difficult to validate on Earth. And, they will assist the startup refine the machine, Adamo suggests: “MIT strives for excellence and we inherited that design — we’re still striving for excellence.”
Surface forces
In classic liquid-liquid separators, a mixture of two liquids of diverse densities is fed into a funnel-shaped settling tank. The heavier liquid sinks and can be drained out via a valve, away from the lighter liquid, which stays on top. But the separation course of action is time-consuming, and some chemical substances can decay or become unstable whilst sitting down in the tank.
Instead of leveraging gravity, Zaiput’s separator takes advantage of surface forces to draw in or repel a liquid from a membrane. As an case in point, consider a nonstick pan: Oil spreads on the pan, but water beads up for the reason that it has an affinity to bond with the polymer covering the pan, whilst oil does not.
Zaiput’s separator takes advantage of the same basic principle. A mixture of liquids is pumped via a feed tube and travels to a porous polymer membrane. 1 liquid is drawn to the surface of the membrane, whilst the other is repelled. An inner mechanical force controller maintains a slight force differential between 1 side of the membrane and the other. This differential is just adequate to push the captivated liquid via the porous membrane without pushing the repelled 1. The captivated liquid then goes out via 1 tube, whilst allowing for the repelled liquid to move out via a separate tube. Stream fees vary from to 12 milliliters for each moment.
“If you want to use this for a ongoing operation in a trustworthy way, you have to diligently control force situations throughout membranes,” Adamo suggests. “You want a tiny little bit of force, so the chemical goes via, but not far too a great deal to push via the unwanted liquid. The inner controller ensures this comes about at all times.”
Zaiput’s separator also improves chemical extraction, which is diverse from liquid separation. Think about operating with a mixture of wine and oil. Liquid separation signifies separating the mixture into person flows, of wine and oil. Extraction, nonetheless, signifies getting rid of the ethanol chemical from the wine, together with separating the liquids, which is of desire to chemists.
For chemical extraction, a “feed” liquid that consists of a concentrate on chemical for extraction and a “solvent” — which is incapable of mixing with the feed liquid — are combined in a tube that flows toward the separation machine. The solvent captures the concentrate on chemical from the feed for the reason that the chemical is soluble in it the separation equipment then separate two streams, with the solvent that contains the concentrate on chemical. In the wine-oil case in point, the ethanol would be taken out by the oil solvent.
Zaiput models can be equipped with diverse styles of membranes to attain unique consequences, or related in a series of models.
Importantly, Adamo suggests, Zaiput’s ongoing-move, membrane-centered separator lets for separation of emulsions, whereby smaller droplets of 1 liquid close up in the other liquid, by no means entirely separating. “We don’t have that concern, for the reason that we don’t need to have to wait around for liquids to settle,” Adamo suggests. “We are the only know-how that offers ongoing separation, can commonly separate emulsions, and is also built for safety, so if you’re dealing with explosive or toxic substances, you can course of action them quickly.”
Beautifying and scaling up
Adamo came to MIT in the early 2000s as a civil engineer. Conducting investigation at MIT and remaining uncovered to the Institute’s entrepreneurial ecosystem, nonetheless, “changed my horizons,” he suggests. “I required to be in a discipline where by I could provide know-how to the earth via a startup.”
Civil engineering had some limits in that regard, so Adamo commenced experimenting in the quick-relocating discipline of microfluidics, operating as a researcher in the lab of Jensen, a pioneer of move chemistry. Influenced by Jensen’s earlier investigation into surface forces, Adamo started designing a smaller, membrane-centered separation machine equipped with a specific force controller that taken care of actual situations for separation. This very first prototype consisted of two bulky plastic pieces bolted collectively. “It was really ugly,” Adamo suggests.
But showcasing the prototype to colleagues at MIT, he found that despite its unaesthetic appearance, the machine had business potential. “The innovation was not just great for the lab, but also for basic public,” he suggests. “I commenced on the lookout into company propositions.” (So much, the investigation has also produced two papers co-authored by Jensen, Adamo, and other MIT researchers in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Exploration.)
In 2013, Adamo co-founded Zaiput with husband or wife and Harvard University biochemist Jennifer Baltz, now Zaiput’s main functioning officer, with assist from MIT’s Venture Mentoring Services and other MIT products and services.
The startup built a much additional attractive item. Growing up in Italy, Adamo suggests, he was constantly surrounded by attractive, colourful landscapes and objects. He used that history as inspiration for the separator’s layout, turning the prototype into a series of handheld, colourful blocks. Lab models are orange larger sized models are purple, gold, or lime environmentally friendly. There is also colour coding for diverse equipment that are produced of diverse resources.
“Customers visit labs and these equipment pop out,” Adamo suggests. “Function is crucial, but when you take an item in your palms, it has to feel nice. It has to be satisfying to the eye and, in a business sense, unique.”
At this time, Zaiput is establishing a production-scale machine with a move amount of 3,000 milliliters for each moment, for larger sized-scale drug producing. The startup is also hoping to additional proficiently tackle really sophisticated chemical extractions. Today, this involves repeating chemical extraction processes many times in large columns, about 100 toes higher, to guarantee as a great deal of the concentrate on chemical has been extracted from a liquid. But Zaiput hopes it can do the same with a smaller method of combined modular models. Additionally, the startup hopes to provide the machine to classic batch-separation people, notably individuals who still work with settling tanks.
“The next challenges are bigger-scale improvement, additional sophisticated extraction, and achieving out to classic people to empower them with new technologies,” Adamo suggests.
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The post Drug producing that’s out of this earth appeared first on Filtration Products.
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Cleaning Marble Floors.
A two-year-old lady perished on a family holiday season in the Portuguese Algarve just hrs after slipping on the marble flooring from a holiday apartment or condo, an inquest listened to today. A dust wipe is well used to cleanse the area of your flooring, as opposed to brushing up along with a broom considering that the tiles possess a porous texture, the dust mop will certainly get into the gouges to get gunk far better compared to the rages from a broom. Cincinnati residents with minimal DO-IT-YOURSELF expertise may mount brand-new vinyl floor covering in an afternoon. As soon as you have decided on the chemical you need to utilize, begin through deep-seated washing the floor. Knowing the art from laying marble floor tiles is actually except the impatient or a person which wishes to complete the task instantly. There is an additional form of marble which possess this matte finish that deliver normal softer shade appeal. You may simply get these tiles at your spot with the portals of different business available online. As soon as the wet concrete is smoothed right into spot the floor business will embed the surface with multicolored marble or even rock potato chips. You are going to want to perform this rather on a regular basis, point out when a full week or even when you start to notice small dirt rabbits masking the elegance from your flooring. Just before putting up granite flooring ceramic tiles, the foremost thing to consider is the application from an appropriate sealant. If you do not would like to utilize stone ceramic tiles, to replace this, you may additionally slate flooring ceramic tiles They are actually additionally durable, very easy to keep and also nearly give looks of granite floor to the home. The moment you have cleaned up and fined sand the flooring and given that time to completely dry, set down artists tape as well as ground cloth over the areas that you do not desire tarnished, or want to stain eventually along with a various color. Once you have actually gotten rid of the room have your rubber flooring floor tiles and also put all of them in the space. Marble stands as a material with integrated associations of workmanship, creativity and longevity, creating that a preferred material for use in residences. These flooring tiles are popular for fire place encompasses, bar-tops, and also narcissisms. This may take place very effortlessly and must be stayed clear of if possible considering that generally marble flooring ceramic tiles are actually not affordable to get. According to the USA Geological Study, USA residential marble production in 2006 was actually 46,400 tons valued at concerning $18.1 million, as compared to 72,300 lots valued at $18.9 million in 2005. The handling prior to the uncooked stones come to be ready for customized marble and also stone creating include the removal. This's an excellent method to obtain the high end flooring you wish for a portion from the cost. While this type of floor is actually cheaper than lots of other floor alternatives, that is actually still offered in a wide range of designs, sizes and colors, and makes a eye-catching and resilient appeal. Quarry floor is yet another frequently utilized component given that that is actually long lasting and inexpensive. Crushed marble manufacturing (for accumulation and also industrial uses) in 2006 was 11.8 thousand loads valued at $116 million, of which 6.5 million bunches was carefully ground calcium mineral carbonate et cetera was development aggregate For evaluation, 2005 crushed marble development was actually 7.76 thousand lots valued at $58.7 million, of which 4.8 thousand tons was actually finely ground calcium carbonate et cetera was building and construction aggregate. No wonder marble has progressively advanced coming from being used on floorings to home kitchen back splashes, bathtub floor coverings, countertops as well as hearth outsides, just to name a few. If you plan to set up marble floor covering in a hall or even door doorway you will certainly would like to deal with possessing a specialist installer re-seal and also clean the marble flooring every year or so. Toppled marble features a sophisticated sleek coating that is actually much more buffed in comparison to shiny; its own organic look is produced with a mix from water, sand and mild acid that is actually made use of to carefully sand the edges from the marble floor tile for an elegantly straightforward appeal. Drastic improvements may be made to the appeal from a property along with a basic house renovation of modifying the floor covering. Commonly this is a 3 measure method that begins with grinding the surface area from the marble floor with a training program grit unpleasant pad. If the dimensions are actually refrained adequately, at that point there could also be actually misalignment of the various floor tiles, which could come to be much noticeable at the joint from the flooring and the wall. If you have marble in your shower room this is necessary that you cleanse any sort of water up off the flooring, remove any kind of damn carpets promptly and carry out certainly not enable toiletry to sit on your marble since there are actually chemicals in it they may in fact lead to harm. The quality of the tiles, featuring its organic beauty helps create a collection from various kinds of marble tiles, with various colours, styles and also structures. Flooring models stand between 7- and nine-feet high, while putting up streamers may be as big as 10 shoes. The pointing or even joints in between rock pieces as well as tiles ought to be kept audio as well as cramping and must be revitalized using a traditional lime-based bed linen, not challenging cement. Our company are much more than pleased to provide you along with our Eco Friendly neutral flooring cleaners & maintainers. Many porcelain ceramic tiles look like marble and provide additional resilience in showers and vapor downpours. If you liked this information and you would such as to obtain additional details concerning yellow pages uk search by name (please click the next site) kindly visit our own web-page. Typical marble has a refined, bright finish whilst rolled ranges are buffed, delivering an extra down-to-earth and also all-natural sense. Each item from marble is actually various-- the selection in veining as well as colouring is actually typically considered its ideal quality. Honing offers a satin soft surface area with small lightweight reflection, whereas a shiny surface possesses a shiny surface that reflects lighting, which could dramatically emphasise the colours as well as taggings in the marble. Property owner ought to realize that loose filth may quickly be actually ground in as folks walk around the floor. If you appropriately clean and also close your terracotta floor tiles you will appreciate wonderful, hard-wearing, lasting, stain-resistant as well as cozy floor covering. All-natural marbles have veins/grains which could not match off one slab to another yet that is the feature of the marble and creates that distinct. After precious stone polishing all tracks of the cement haze been actually eliminated; and also the flooring left with a higher natural shine. When ended up the repaired Bristol marble flooring appeared positively spectacular along with fantastic reflectivity, strongly glossed as well as with an outstanding sparkle to this. Ceramic tile flooring could be made from marble, slate or granite for a quite stylish appearance. The ceramic tiles can additionally show to become a lot more budget friendly between the price of the floor tiles on their own and also the prospective to save on labor costs. This could be simply corrected by using Hessian backed rugs to deal with the flooring throughout the chilly months. Spoil marble, marble that contains lighting as well as darker styles, offering the perception from a spoiled cityscape. For anybody which likes to maintain their working as well as living one-fourths tidy, there are a few alternatives that can resemble marble floor covering in relations to hypoallergenic homes. You simply require to take the singular tile out and also even the floor under this to assist this well if one from your marble ceramic tiles break over time. Installing Cincinnati wood floor is actually surprisingly grimy and also opportunity consuming.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Put Down Your Sugary Fizzy Drinks And Get Seltzer Water Instead!
Seltzer Water. You either love it or you hate it. But is it actually good for you? After all, it is water. It just happens to be fizzy. This is the result of carbonation, or the process of pressurizing carbon dioxide gas. It turns out, Seltzer Water does have its pros, but it also has cons; some fizzy water contains carbonic acid (this is what creates the bubbles) that has been rumored to eat away your tooth enamel. But do not misunderstand: if you are choosing between Seltzer and Soda, that acidic water is still going to be a better choice.
How much do Americans spend on soft drinks?
While we all know how expensive our coffee habits can be, it is just as important to monitor what we spend on other things, such as soft drinks. The average American household spends about $850 a year for soft drinks. This adds up to an unbelievable $65 billion on soft drinks alone! Now remember that, on average, a can of soda (12 oz) contains about 39 grams of sugar. Spending billions and billions on soft drinks equates to spending billions and billions on our own poor health and deteriorating teeth.
Why Seltzer is a better choice than Soda?
First, let’s start with sugar. While 12 fluid ounces of soda has nearly 40 grams of sugar, the same amount of Seltzer has 0. There are also zero calories, while soda cannot say the same. It’s also a more economical option. With Americans spending almost $900 a year on soda, Seltzer can help save some of that money for more important things. In fact, Seltzer was first introduced specifically as a cheap alternative to mineral water (more on this later) and is still chosen for its price tag, time after time.
Even if you love regular, non bubbly water, you may find yourself craving the little bubbles found in soft drinks and carbonated water. Some people crave carbonated drinks and immediately grab one without questioning where that craving came from. It turns out, when our bodies want food and our blood sugar is low, our brain signals to us that we want something carbonated because we know it has lots of sugar. However, we would be better off eating something with natural sugar and some fiber , like an orange or even an apple, because it would gradually increase our blood sugar rather than a dangerous spike, and it would fill us up more successfully than all those empty calories. Regardless, if you just can’t shake the craving for a fizzy drink, a clear, bubbly, zero calorie Seltzer would be a better choice than a dark, unhealthy, syrupy soda.
So What Seltzer Water actually is?
When it comes to the label, Seltzer Water looks exactly like regular bottled water, showing zeros across the board. But if you’re looking for a fizzy water with vitamins, you want to find mineral water.
Sparkling Mineral Water also comes from a natural spring, so it automatically contains various minerals like salts. The bubbles are naturally occurring (unless the specific bottler adds more, such as San Pellegrino). While Seltzer Water can be added to alcohol, think Vodka Soda, Mineral Water would be enjoyed on its own.
Additionally, Mineral Water will give you a little more nutritional bang for your buck . A 6.5 oz of Sparkling Mineral Water has 0 calories and sugars, but contains 2mg of sodium and 26.9 mg of calcium [1].
Why Seltzer Water can be considered as healthy?
While regular water is still a healthier choice than fizzy water, Seltzer does boat a few impressive benefits.
It helps to ease Indigestion
Along with hydrating more successfully than a sugar soda, Seltzer can also calm an upset stomach. The carbonation (and sugar free element) assist in settling nausea and indigestion. A study published in the “European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology” showed that drinking one glass of carbonated water after a meal helped participants avoid or ease symptoms of an upset stomach.
Alleviate Contipation and Lower High Blood Pressure
Seltzer has also been shown to alleviate constipation and lower blood pressure thanks to its magnesium content. A study done in 2002 showed that fluids such as carbonated water assisted the absorption of fiber in the body. Be advised though, if you are looking for magnesium in your bubbles, not all fizzy waters are created equal; be sure to check the label. Alternatively, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), sparkling water can actually make your symptoms worse. If you’re on a low-sodium diet, check the sodium content on the bottle before indulging. And of course, it should not take the place of regular water [2].
It can help you lose weight
Perhaps one of the best health benefits of Seltzer Water, weight loss can be a result of intake. Substituting sugary drinks such as sodas with Seltzer can reduce calorie intake. More so, the bubbles help you feel fuller faster, possibly aiding in eating less [3].
it helps with hangover
When it comes to drinking, most all of us know that the more sugary the alcoholic beverage, the worse we will feel the next morning. Instead of choosing a sugary soda as a mixer, opt for Seltzer. A group of researchers in Guangzhou found that hangovers aren’t caused by the ethanol itself, but rather its metabolite, acetaldehyde. So stick with Seltzer! Not only will it potentially prevent a hangover, it also lessens the calorie intake! Double win [4]!
Avoid the feeling of cheating yourself out of something you want
I don’t know about you, but if I’m on a diet, the only thing I want is the sugary food I can’t have! Trying to avoid soda or substitute it for still water can feel the same way. Opting for Seltzer can feel like an indulgence since you get that satisfying fizz, but you don’t have to feel guilty about it! Laureen Smith, PhD, RN and associate professor at the Ohio State University College of Nursing found that kids had a better chance of dropping those sugary sodas if they opted for Seltzer. It provided the carbonation they craved without the sugar they didn’t need [5].
Helps you stay hydrated while getting the fizzy feeling
I love water. But I understand that some people have to force themselves to drink it. Thankfully, Seltzer can hydrate your body as well as regular water does! Drinking about 64 ounces of fizzy water can meet your hydration needs, but it’s still important to enjoy anything in moderation. Sara Bleich, PhD and assocaite professor in health policy and management at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health says “Seltzer water is like drinking regular water. It’s harmless.”
Can it be bad for you?
In the very beginning of this article, I mentioned Seltzer Water could be stripping away your tooth enamel. This is no small thing! But with all the positive aspects of bubbly water, should one cautionary warning prevent us from reaching for our favorite fizzy brand? Maybe not.
Soda is full of sugar and acid, leading to an acidic playground in your mouth once it mixes with all that oral bacteria. Though tooth enamel is strong, it’s also porous. Therefore, when the bacteria in your mouth grabs all the sugar from the soda you’re drinking, it stores some acid that ultimately erodes your enamel. And unfortunately, once it’s gone, it’s gone. But if the Seltzer water you’re craving doesn’t have sugar, it may be a fine alternative and completely safe for your teeth [6]. The explanation is simple: sparkling water is just water that’s undergone a carbonation process. Unless it’s got added sugar, sodium, etc., it’s just water! Therefore, it’s not going to hurt your teeth at all [7].
Some Fun Recipes For You To Enjoy:
Sure, you can tell your bartender you want a vodka, soda and lime, but there are other delicious ways to enjoy Seltzer.
Hibiscus Iced Tea Sparkler
4 C boiling water
8 hibiscus tea bags
1/2 C honey
2 C sparkling water or seltzer
1/4 C mint leaves, for garnish
Strawberries, for garnish
In a large pitcher, combine tea bags, honey, and boiling water; let steep 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on how strong you like your tea.
Remove tea bags.
Add ice to pitcher and stir in sparkling water.
Add mint.
Refrigerate for 1 hour or until chilled.
Garnish with strawberries.
Seltzer Summary
Seltzer water can be enjoyed by children and adults alike, and is proven to be not only nutritionally beneficial, but also completely safe for your teeth, as long as there are no unsafe additives. Seltzer is super versatile and can be enjoyed on its own or with alcohol and more. Though anything and everything should be enjoyed in moderation, using Seltzer to get your daily recommended intake of water seems to be completely fine unless you suffer form IBS, in which case you may want to avoid it.
So raise a glass and enjoy, knowing you are only helping yourself!
Featured photo credit: Aidan Meyer via stocksnap.io
[1]^http://ift.tt/2ottaNj[2]^http://ift.tt/2q2B3WR[3]^ http://ift.tt/2otFUU5[4]^http://ift.tt/2q2xOyz[5]^http://ift.tt/1LQg4MD[6]^http://ift.tt/2q2sAmL[7]^http://ift.tt/2otw04P
function footnote_expand_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).show(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“-“); } function footnote_collapse_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).hide(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“+”); } function footnote_expand_collapse_reference_container() { if (jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).is(“:hidden”)) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); } else { footnote_collapse_reference_container(); } } function footnote_moveToAnchor(p_str_TargetID) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); var l_obj_Target = jQuery(“#” + p_str_TargetID); if(l_obj_Target.length) { jQuery(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: l_obj_Target.offset().top – window.innerHeight/2 }, 1000); } }
The post Put Down Your Sugary Fizzy Drinks And Get Seltzer Water Instead! appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pjkm9W via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Put Down Your Sugary Fizzy Drinks And Get Seltzer Water Instead!
Seltzer Water. You either love it or you hate it. But is it actually good for you? After all, it is water. It just happens to be fizzy. This is the result of carbonation, or the process of pressurizing carbon dioxide gas. It turns out, Seltzer Water does have its pros, but it also has cons; some fizzy water contains carbonic acid (this is what creates the bubbles) that has been rumored to eat away your tooth enamel. But do not misunderstand: if you are choosing between Seltzer and Soda, that acidic water is still going to be a better choice.
How much do Americans spend on soft drinks?
While we all know how expensive our coffee habits can be, it is just as important to monitor what we spend on other things, such as soft drinks. The average American household spends about $850 a year for soft drinks. This adds up to an unbelievable $65 billion on soft drinks alone! Now remember that, on average, a can of soda (12 oz) contains about 39 grams of sugar. Spending billions and billions on soft drinks equates to spending billions and billions on our own poor health and deteriorating teeth.
Why Seltzer is a better choice than Soda?
First, let’s start with sugar. While 12 fluid ounces of soda has nearly 40 grams of sugar, the same amount of Seltzer has 0. There are also zero calories, while soda cannot say the same. It’s also a more economical option. With Americans spending almost $900 a year on soda, Seltzer can help save some of that money for more important things. In fact, Seltzer was first introduced specifically as a cheap alternative to mineral water (more on this later) and is still chosen for its price tag, time after time.
Even if you love regular, non bubbly water, you may find yourself craving the little bubbles found in soft drinks and carbonated water. Some people crave carbonated drinks and immediately grab one without questioning where that craving came from. It turns out, when our bodies want food and our blood sugar is low, our brain signals to us that we want something carbonated because we know it has lots of sugar. However, we would be better off eating something with natural sugar and some fiber , like an orange or even an apple, because it would gradually increase our blood sugar rather than a dangerous spike, and it would fill us up more successfully than all those empty calories. Regardless, if you just can’t shake the craving for a fizzy drink, a clear, bubbly, zero calorie Seltzer would be a better choice than a dark, unhealthy, syrupy soda.
So What Seltzer Water actually is?
When it comes to the label, Seltzer Water looks exactly like regular bottled water, showing zeros across the board. But if you’re looking for a fizzy water with vitamins, you want to find mineral water.
Sparkling Mineral Water also comes from a natural spring, so it automatically contains various minerals like salts. The bubbles are naturally occurring (unless the specific bottler adds more, such as San Pellegrino). While Seltzer Water can be added to alcohol, think Vodka Soda, Mineral Water would be enjoyed on its own.
Additionally, Mineral Water will give you a little more nutritional bang for your buck . A 6.5 oz of Sparkling Mineral Water has 0 calories and sugars, but contains 2mg of sodium and 26.9 mg of calcium [1].
Why Seltzer Water can be considered as healthy?
While regular water is still a healthier choice than fizzy water, Seltzer does boat a few impressive benefits.
It helps to ease Indigestion
Along with hydrating more successfully than a sugar soda, Seltzer can also calm an upset stomach. The carbonation (and sugar free element) assist in settling nausea and indigestion. A study published in the “European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology” showed that drinking one glass of carbonated water after a meal helped participants avoid or ease symptoms of an upset stomach.
Alleviate Contipation and Lower High Blood Pressure
Seltzer has also been shown to alleviate constipation and lower blood pressure thanks to its magnesium content. A study done in 2002 showed that fluids such as carbonated water assisted the absorption of fiber in the body. Be advised though, if you are looking for magnesium in your bubbles, not all fizzy waters are created equal; be sure to check the label. Alternatively, if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), sparkling water can actually make your symptoms worse. If you’re on a low-sodium diet, check the sodium content on the bottle before indulging. And of course, it should not take the place of regular water [2].
It can help you lose weight
Perhaps one of the best health benefits of Seltzer Water, weight loss can be a result of intake. Substituting sugary drinks such as sodas with Seltzer can reduce calorie intake. More so, the bubbles help you feel fuller faster, possibly aiding in eating less [3].
it helps with hangover
When it comes to drinking, most all of us know that the more sugary the alcoholic beverage, the worse we will feel the next morning. Instead of choosing a sugary soda as a mixer, opt for Seltzer. A group of researchers in Guangzhou found that hangovers aren’t caused by the ethanol itself, but rather its metabolite, acetaldehyde. So stick with Seltzer! Not only will it potentially prevent a hangover, it also lessens the calorie intake! Double win [4]!
Avoid the feeling of cheating yourself out of something you want
I don’t know about you, but if I’m on a diet, the only thing I want is the sugary food I can’t have! Trying to avoid soda or substitute it for still water can feel the same way. Opting for Seltzer can feel like an indulgence since you get that satisfying fizz, but you don’t have to feel guilty about it! Laureen Smith, PhD, RN and associate professor at the Ohio State University College of Nursing found that kids had a better chance of dropping those sugary sodas if they opted for Seltzer. It provided the carbonation they craved without the sugar they didn’t need [5].
Helps you stay hydrated while getting the fizzy feeling
I love water. But I understand that some people have to force themselves to drink it. Thankfully, Seltzer can hydrate your body as well as regular water does! Drinking about 64 ounces of fizzy water can meet your hydration needs, but it’s still important to enjoy anything in moderation. Sara Bleich, PhD and assocaite professor in health policy and management at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health says “Seltzer water is like drinking regular water. It’s harmless.”
Can it be bad for you?
In the very beginning of this article, I mentioned Seltzer Water could be stripping away your tooth enamel. This is no small thing! But with all the positive aspects of bubbly water, should one cautionary warning prevent us from reaching for our favorite fizzy brand? Maybe not.
Soda is full of sugar and acid, leading to an acidic playground in your mouth once it mixes with all that oral bacteria. Though tooth enamel is strong, it’s also porous. Therefore, when the bacteria in your mouth grabs all the sugar from the soda you’re drinking, it stores some acid that ultimately erodes your enamel. And unfortunately, once it’s gone, it’s gone. But if the Seltzer water you’re craving doesn’t have sugar, it may be a fine alternative and completely safe for your teeth [6]. The explanation is simple: sparkling water is just water that’s undergone a carbonation process. Unless it’s got added sugar, sodium, etc., it’s just water! Therefore, it’s not going to hurt your teeth at all [7].
Some Fun Recipes For You To Enjoy:
Sure, you can tell your bartender you want a vodka, soda and lime, but there are other delicious ways to enjoy Seltzer.
Hibiscus Iced Tea Sparkler
4 C boiling water
8 hibiscus tea bags
1/2 C honey
2 C sparkling water or seltzer
1/4 C mint leaves, for garnish
Strawberries, for garnish
In a large pitcher, combine tea bags, honey, and boiling water; let steep 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on how strong you like your tea.
Remove tea bags.
Add ice to pitcher and stir in sparkling water.
Add mint.
Refrigerate for 1 hour or until chilled.
Garnish with strawberries.
Seltzer Summary
Seltzer water can be enjoyed by children and adults alike, and is proven to be not only nutritionally beneficial, but also completely safe for your teeth, as long as there are no unsafe additives. Seltzer is super versatile and can be enjoyed on its own or with alcohol and more. Though anything and everything should be enjoyed in moderation, using Seltzer to get your daily recommended intake of water seems to be completely fine unless you suffer form IBS, in which case you may want to avoid it.
So raise a glass and enjoy, knowing you are only helping yourself!
Featured photo credit: Aidan Meyer via stocksnap.io
[1]^http://ift.tt/2ottaNj[2]^http://ift.tt/2q2B3WR[3]^ http://ift.tt/2otFUU5[4]^http://ift.tt/2q2xOyz[5]^http://ift.tt/1LQg4MD[6]^http://ift.tt/2q2sAmL[7]^http://ift.tt/2otw04P
function footnote_expand_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).show(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“-“); } function footnote_collapse_reference_container() { jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).hide(); jQuery(“#footnote_reference_container_collapse_button”).text(“+”); } function footnote_expand_collapse_reference_container() { if (jQuery(“#footnote_references_container”).is(“:hidden”)) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); } else { footnote_collapse_reference_container(); } } function footnote_moveToAnchor(p_str_TargetID) { footnote_expand_reference_container(); var l_obj_Target = jQuery(“#” + p_str_TargetID); if(l_obj_Target.length) { jQuery(‘html, body’).animate({ scrollTop: l_obj_Target.offset().top – window.innerHeight/2 }, 1000); } }
The post Put Down Your Sugary Fizzy Drinks And Get Seltzer Water Instead! appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2pjkm9W via Viral News HQ
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