#that was a placeholder title but neither of them will shut up. so
pricemarshfield · 7 months
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maybe if i post previews i can finish this fuckin thing
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koolades-world · 3 months
Hi I'm so sad right now and I want to be sadder so may I request like a hurt/comfort drabble about Mammon and Lucifer with teen or younger mc. So it goes like Mammon is super close with mc who unconsciously does things that reminds him of Lilith, then Mammon goes to Lucifer for comfort because he feels like he's using mc to feel like Lilith is still there. Something like that💧UEH😭UEG☹️🥺UEHY🥺UEH😭UEHS😞UEHE💦UUEHUE😢UEH💦USUEH😭UEG☹️💦UEHY🥺UEH😭UEHS😞UEHE😢UUEH💧UE😢UEHUS take your time Ily
hi haha
you know my true weakness: teen mc and dadcifer, but this time with a dash of older brother mams
tell me why i wrote placeholder as a placeholder for a title, then actually grew to really like it so i kept it...
enjoy <3
As Mammon walked through the outlet mall, he couldn't help but be drawn to the clothes put on show. He had some time to kill before his next photoshoot, so he popped into a couple of the stores he liked the displays of. As he browsed the store, he meandered through the various sections, leafing through what they had for sale.
However, soon enough he found himself in the juniors section, and he held up an awfully familiar brown jacket to get a better look at it. It was almost identical to the one he was currently wearing. His heart melted at the though of how happy this jacket might make you. He knows you'd die to match with him and his iconic jacket. Not even glancing at the price, he took it up to the register and paid for it on the spot.
He already knew exactly how you'd react. As soon as his photoshoot was over, he took his earning and the new jacket home. You met him at the door, as you usually did, eagar to tell him about what you'd done while he was gone. He let you, and once you reached a lull in the conversation, he presented you with the gift. You were overjoyed and accepted it with glee, just as he thought you would. Part of him was always afraid you might not like it, but your reaction crushed the fear every time.
You immediately insisted the two of you needed to go out in your new matching jackets, to which he proposed the two of you go out for dinner and dessert. It was Belphie's night to cook, and neither of you really cared for his cooking. Even though it was a little early for dinner, you rushed off the get changed, leaving him standing alone in the foyer.
As soon as you were gone, an eerie stillness filled the room. All of the gusto he'd been filled with left him all alone with his thoughts. He really did care for you, and he enjoyed doing things that made you happy, but something about the entire situation felt wrong. He didn't have long to dwell on that feeling and what it might be, because you were calling for him. He followed the sound of your voice, decided to forget about that for now.
That evening, he enjoyed his dinner and dessert with you, like promised. You had a great time, and he was happy he was able to give that to you. After you went off to bed, he was filled with that deep dread again. He sat alone in his room for a while, absentmindedly wiping down the window of his car, lost in thought. Before he realized it, it was closing on on two am. He was interrupted by a gentle knock on his bedroom door. Assuming it was you, he told them to just come on in. After throwing down the window cleaner on his bed, he turned to the sound of the shutting door.
"Lucifer? What are you still doing awake?" Mammon rubbed his face.
"I could ask you the same thing." Lucifer crossed his arms, and took a seat on the edge of his bed. "Are you alright?" His words froze Mammon to the spot.
"What do you mean?" There were hundreds of responses he could've given, but he wasn't sure why that's the one he chose to give.
"You heard me." Mammon admired his brother's persistence in most situations, but it was times like this that made him wish Lucifer would be able to drop something.
"I... I don't know." He felt himself faltering under the questioning of his elder brother.
"It's about Mc, isn't it?" Lucifer had seen right through him
"Was it that obvious?" Mammon asked.
"No. I just had a feeling. I miss her too, you know." Mammon sharply inhaled and look up to meet his brother's eyes. Lucifer was staring straight at him as soon as he did.
"I feel awful. I can't place it but I think they remind me too much of her." The both of them knew who the she they were referring to. All of the little things added up, and they were all just like what Lilith used to do. Neither of them could find it in themselves to say her name though.
Lucifer was silent for a second. At first Mammon thought he was doomed, that he was beyond saving. "Well, they are still Mc to you, right?" Mammon was taken a little aback by his question.
"Well, yeah." He wasn't quite sure how to respond.
"Then there isn't a need to worry, Mammon. It becomes a problem when you can't discern one from the other. Don't start to pretend they're her. Mc is unique and even if we wish it, they'll never be her, and that's alright." Lucifer placed a comforting hand on his younger brother's shoulder.
"Yer right." Mammon let out a deep breath.
"If you continue to have this feeling, try to finds ways to separate them mentally. I speak from experience." Lucifer rubbed small circles where his hand.
"Thanks. I love yer honesty, you know that? I can always count on you." Mammon stood up, brushing himself off. His words struck him right where it hurt. "I need something to eat. You coming?" He held out his hand to his brother.
"I'll be there in a moment." Lucifer feigned a smile, which seemed to make Mammon happy.
"Don't be long. I'm not getting any less hungry." Mammon left the room, looking much better than he had previously, but Lucifer felt the same. Oddly empty, and melancholy. He'd never had the courage to tell his brothers the truth about Lilith. He sat in Mammon's room, alone, thinking for a moment.
He could revisit that later. Mammon was expecting him. Lucifer packed away his thoughts in the box in his head that they belonged in. With that, he got up and made the move to head downstairs to join Mammon in whatever shenanigan he was preparing. He could at least look forward to time with his dearest brother.
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xenon-demon · 1 year
cruel and unusual to make me pick between when you come back, it's gravity (kas!steve au) and boathouse wall slam 2: roleplay boogaloo so i simply shan't please tell me about both.
[also don't worry i also didn't make my wip wednesday word count bc apparently grieving makes it hard to function. or something. (but also sometimes life just Happens. it's fandom, no one's paying us for this shit 💜)]
Read you're amazing and I appreciate you so much <3 You are more than welcome to ask me about as many things as you'd like!!
[also thank you very much for the kind words & reminder not to take fandom shit so seriously it becomes stressful itself 💙 I hope you're doing a bit better now (since it's been a hot second since you sent this ask), life really does just fucking suck sometimes, huh?]
Paging @sidekick-hero who also asked me about boathouse wall slam; seeing as both of you asked about the same two fics, I'll use this ask to talk about boathouse wall slam and the other one to talk about gravity!
boathouse wall slam 2: roleplay boogaloo
Okay first of all this DOES actually have a title - strange love (won’t you give it to me?) - but I love the placeholder meme title way too much to change the file name. There's also about 2.5k words written in this document, but many of those words are Horny and thus I do not feel comfortable sharing them lmao
Also my "can't shut the fuck up" disease struck again SO this is going under a cut (which is also probably not a bad thing considering I'm talking about sex lmao)
AS THE MEME TITLE IMPLIES this is about Steve having Many Thoughts about Eddie shoving him up against the wall of Reefer Rick’s boathouse, to the point where he eventually caves and asks Eddie (his boyfriend of ~2 months, after about that much time again of fooling around together as friends) if he’d be willing to re-enact that moment with him. But this time they won’t have an audience. Because it's a sex roleplay. The surface level concept for this fic is just a smutty pwp revolving around re-enacting The Wall Slam™, because neither Steve nor the audience were being normal about that when it happened. The roleplay set-up was going to be something like Eddie just chilling and smoking out in the boathouse undisturbed (because Reefer Rick skipped town after Vecna was defeated, so the place is now unoccupied), Steve "accidentally" stumbling across him, Eddie thinking "oho the popular jock is here to beat me up, I'd better make the first move before he can" and throwing Steve up against a wall only to find Steve Really Likes Being Manhandled, and he's suggesting they maybe have a little fun with each other instead? (This part would not require much acting from Steve.) The roleplay aspect of it is basically them reaching back for their high school personas and acting as if they'd gotten into this situation with each other whilst still in school, before they became friends and certainly before they had any history together.
The original version I started (and got 2.5k words into before realising I wouldn't feel comfy posting it anywhere lol) was written... around this time last year? Like 10-12 months ago? And so it was very much coloured by the prevailing Fandom Opinions & Content™ at the time, aka this was a sub!bottom!Steve and dom!top!Eddie affair (with that being the Prevailing Pattern of their relationship thus far in the fic). I wasn't writing them as having an Official Established Dynamic™, I was just writing it as Steve having an inherent tendency to be submissive/give up control to Eddie during sex. Steve's nerves around asking Eddie about this particular fantasy are just due to Steve being nervous to ask for what he wants; he's not worried at all about asking Eddie to be a bit rough/dominant with him because really, They Do That Anyway.
While I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with approaching this concept (or Steddie!) like that, and I'll still read pretty much any flavour of Steddie (ultimately I think they're switches/vers, and also I don't care that much about who's in what position as long as they're in character), the way I view them & their dynamic has definitely changed since I came up with this concept. THEREFORE, here is how I would approach it if I were to write this as a oneshot now:
They're still newly dating at the start of the fic (only a month or two in), except the prevailing pattern of the relationship so far is service top/soft dom!Steve & bottom/ever so slightly sub!Eddie. This is mainly because a) that's what they're used to from previous partners, and b) Steve's got some Issues around giving up control in bed/feeling like he's not doing enough to please his partner (aka "I must prove my worth sexually or else they'll lose interest in me").
Steve has, however, been plagued with visions of Eddie throwing him around the boathouse like he was a small twig, and he is very quickly losing his sanity about it. Eddie could absolutely manhandle Steve the way Steve manhandles Eddie, if he wanted to. If Steve let him.
After a couple months of dating Eddie, Eddie can tell something's up, so he asks about it. Steve cracks like an egg the moment Eddie asks, confessing he keeps thinking about The Wall Slam. Eddie - who has already sniffed out Steve's issues around being Enough and Worthy for his partner - asks if he'd like them to recreate that moment. Steve agrees (while blushing so red he looks like a tomato).
CUE THE ROLEPLAY SMUT. This proceeds pretty much the same as the original version, complete with sub!bottom!Steve & dom!top!Eddie, but this version of Eddie is a much softer dom & this Steve takes a bit longer to really get into the swing of things. After the smut they have a cute little heart-to-heart about how Eddie's not going to leave Steve just because he wants a turn being looked after for once, and that Steve is going to make more of an effort to prioritise his own wants and needs sometimes.
Essentially, were I to write this now, I'd make it a smutfic character study of Steve & how he has issues around being vulnerable and letting Eddie take care of him, instead of him taking care of Eddie all the time. You know how it is, you go to write porn and it ends up growing legs and also a deep emotional core about the relationship between characters and their psychological issues.
Send me an ask about my WIPs!
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