#that title gave Godzilla a stroke
deckofcardau · 2 months
Sorry it took so long, but I PULLED THROUGH
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hrodvitnon · 8 months
Shimo's got a title for everyone she regularly interacts with. The only people she doesn't have one for are those few humans she's on a first name basis with that don't have a prefix like 'Dr.' or 'Executive'. For them, she contents herself with their first names until she learns of the human Mr/Mrs/Ms prefixes for everyone (for example Mr. Russell for Mark and Ms. Madison for, well, Maddie). Here are a few off the top of the noggin.
Godzilla: Established she calls him 'Your Majesty', 'My Liege', etc. Alternate (and more dramatic) ones being 'Lord of Land and Sea', 'Cerulean Monarch', 'For Whom The Gods Sing' (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)), and 'Roar of the Land'.
Mothra: Uses similar titles she does for Goji. Additionally: 'Heaven's Radiance', 'Eight-Fold Angel', 'The Deathless Guardian', and 'Song of the Land'.
Rodan: Her default is 'Fire Prince of the Skies'. Alternately: 'The Demon King of Hell', 'The Fiery Dawn', and 'The Red Skies of Ruin'.
Ghidorah: Despite having a little beef, she still treats him with some titles- something that seriously strokes his ego. Shimo doesn't mind- if he gets too big for his britches there's always Frostbite Breath... Anyways: 'Scourge of the Stars', 'The Rumbling Skies of Ruin', and 'Infinite Cataclysm'. She has a special one for San: 'The Devil's Angel'.
Kong: 'The Banished King', 'Earthen Fury', 'Voice of the Land', 'The King's Iron Fist'.
Ozymandias: She obviously gave her best friend the most over the top titles. Her default was, of course, King of Kings. Alternatively: 'The Endless Firestorm', 'The Breaker of Worlds', 'Earth's Eternal Sentinel', 'He for Whom the Heavens Rumble', and finally (sweetly as well) 'My Guiding Sunbeam'.
If you can come up with any more, please do so!
Oh dear, now I'm imagining Ghidorah absolutely ruining Shimo's litany of titles in the filthiest way possible.
"Oh, you dirty bitch, work the shaft!"
"Ex...cuse you?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I like the dirty talk when someone's sucking my dicks."
"...you're as juvenile and crass as ever, Lord Popsicle. You think you can embarrass me, Drumsticks Beyond the Stars? You'll have to do better than that or else I might be inclined to huff and puff and put you back on ice, 'O Frostbitten Slug."
"...you're no fun."
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I imagine she'd also adhere to the warrior ethos of chivalry; she has the capability and means to go into battle in service of her King who has the highest authority, and so she does.
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epitomees · 1 year
Maybe he peaked last time with a gift he didn’t make but ordered. Something from Junes felt like such a step down. He didn’t know where to start with the obvious mystery novels and he had seen Naoto spend hours staring deeply at the coffee beans on the ground floor of Junes. She clearly knew her stuff and he wasn’t going to try and test his luck with something she was an expert in.
He didn’t want to ask Kanji again because it was embarrassing; he was the senpai, the guy Kanji was supposed to respect and admire and there he was, asking him to make a stuffed cat. Point was, he didn’t want to rely on Kanji. Not again.
Naoto’s fondness for dudes in spandex suits fighting clearly fake monsters may be a clue, he decided, and he booked it to Okina after seeing how inadequate the manga section at Yomenaido was. Okina Books, unlike Yomenaido, was a lot bigger, and the second floor was actually a second floor. He scurried up the stairs, and began looking at all the titles, hoping to find mention of Kamen Rider and Super Sentai, or even a Godzilla thing because those fell under the tokusatsu umbrella, right?
He almost thought Robot Detective would work—it had a newsboy hat like Naoto’s—but there wasn’t a lot. The art was dated and knowing Naoto, she could blitz through it within 24 hours. He kept looking, then stopped at Kikaider. It looked like her Shadow when it went apeshit and the symbols scattered around the base were a Kamen Rider reference of some kind.
Between Android Kikaider and Kikaider Code 02, he had no idea which one Naoto preferred or if anything was different. He settled with the latter because it had 7 volumes instead of 6. He bought all of them and added a Godzilla plush, not a huge loss on his wallet ever since TV world funds were shared. 
There wasn’t a lot of time to wrap it, so like last time, it was all stuffed into a bag and given to Naoto on her special day.
“If you thought I’d miss this year, think again!” He winked because he tended to do that a lot around her, for a reason he knew pretty well. “Happy Birthday to my most favorite and tiniest little detective!”
Gifts never usually lasted long. Depending on the type, normally a present's life-span ended within several days of its purchase. A week, at best, or even two weeks if the receiver tended to its care. Rarely did many live longer than a year, but then again, sometimes they held their own surprises. Items like plants, new pets, or say...stuffed animals fell into this category, but even so, their health solely depended on the person taking them into their care.
Naoto grew up knowing these responsibilities by heart. The sole reason Grampa allowed Hercule in the mansion was to teach the young detective of accountability and consequences. When Hercule suffered, so did Naoto. Without proper food, a well-kept and clean play area, or disposing soiled substances from high traffic zones, the small guinea pig wouldn't last as long as he already had. Several years later, and the fat nugget still wheeked when dinner wasn't properly served on the dot.
He never lost his youth.
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Perhaps these learned traits and lessons explained why Naoto's black cat plush still looked rather new. No loose trimmings, no unnecessary (or emergency) visible stitching, and its colors never lost its sheen. Vibrant, deep dark colors of black and navy blue still kept their vibrancy after only a year of usage. Miss Marple: a headstrong, go-getter feline. That's the name Naoto coined the day Yosuke gave it to her. On certain nights where insomnia prevented her a full night's sleep, Naoto found herself keeping the small plush tucked under her arm. Not squeezing it tightly but...allowing it to be present. Just sit there, lay with her, and it gave Naoto the chance to stroke its soft texture intermittently. As a means of relaxation and keeping herself grounded.
Proper gratitude and appreciations already had been exchanged at the time Yosuke hand delivered his present, but to think it assisted her this much came as a surprise. At this time, Naoto knew where exactly Miss Marple could be found: sitting up straight, handkerchief slightly angled to the right which mirrored the position of her hat, and comfortably resting on top of her pillows. Yakushiji made a point to keep her there, or pick her up if he happened to peak inside Naoto's room during her slumber.
She grew to be a very important member of the Shiroganes.
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Presently, the end of April signified yet another completed year living and breathing on this planet. And as expected, several of the Investigation members made it painstakingly known by means of celebratory text messages and spontaneous meetups. Naoto began growing used to these improvisational plans rather than being extremely irritated most times. She never enjoyed the constant attention, yet it became customary once her name became the Shirogane agency's head proprietor. Media recognition vastly differed from that of close family and other trusted individuals. Those whom knew the Naoto behind the television screen saw the real detective; for her own faults, her short-comings, and her self-destructive habits.
Despite knowing it all, as it was laid out plainly in front of them due to her own Shadow's personality, they stuck by her side. They even forgave the detective's stand-offish and brash behavior once rescued from the other side. First introductions always left a lasting impression, and yet they unanimously decided giving her a second chance. No amount of authority figures or contracted partners ever asked to start over.
Neither did any past clients or bureaus bother sending Naoto a card for her birthday. Not like she asked, or she desired their validation at this point. It didn't bother her. What mattered more were the others, like Yosuke, whom made it a point to feel seen, or feel more special on their designated day of birth. Another lopsided smile greeted the detective, one all too familiar to an astute observer like Naoto. Another gift bag, as well. He never had enough free time to himself, did he...
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"...no, actually, considering how adamant you were to spend time with me last year as well." This time, however, the bag held more weight when it slipped into Naoto's hands. Past the poorly dressed Paper-Mache, greyish hues spotted the vast number of books neatly lined together, cover to cover. Careful fingers pulled out a random selection towards the middle, eyes observing and glossing over the colorful manga cover.
Robots. A lone mechanical creation with a detailed depiction of its hard-wiring and metallic plating. Fitting, for someone invested in sentai content media. Further inspection revealed the whole set had been gifted to her. An expensive present, for sure, but appropriate from someone like Yosuke.
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"...I have heard of this series before, but I never found any time to properly locate the reading material." It's another success. After taking the bag in one hand, Naoto raised the brim of her hat towards Yosuke. For a brief moment, something akin to a smile sat on her lips. And perhaps if Yosuke looked closer, a slight tinge of red on her cheeks.
"...I'm glad you found it..." All of it, just for her. "...thank you, Yosuke."
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runawayolives · 2 years
Patience is virtue
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Pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
Summary: Jimmy and Sassy are pure saints.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy. Mentions of Jos Verstappen.
Word count: 2.3k
AN: So I got this idea because my friend's cousin isn't the most gentle with the family cat. This is my first time writing for Max Verstappen, so any feedback will be appreciated.
Also, if anyone has requests for Max Verstappen, feel free to send them to my inbox. It can be a plot idea or just a plain title.
Jimmy and Sassy were saints, you and max both knew this. Before your son was born, both cats already had experience with grabby toddlers, Max's nephews being great practice for both pets to adapt to babies inside the house. 
When you both started considering having a kid, Victoria had recommended you have a test drive with her two boys, just to test the waters. You were already Luka’s godparents, but Victoria’s offer also sounded like a way of getting both of you to babysit more, which you didn’t complain about. Luka, and now Lio adored being at their uncle’s and aunt’s house, it was a big place, great for crawling and running everywhere. 
Besides you taking care of your nephews, Jimmy and Sassy also got great practice. Luka, during his long life of almost two years and a half, adored petting both cats. This meant that Max had to teach him where to pet and how considering the toddler wasn’t great at controlling his strength. Lio, who had just mastered the subtle art of crawling and grabbing everything in sight, had a specific favorite victim: the cat’s whiskers. Poor Jimmy, during the middle of an online work meeting, barged into your room, hiding from the little terror that Lio had become. Of course, the shelter also known as your office wasn’t that great, little Godzilla crawling into the room after the cat. Lucky Jimmy, the moment his greatest fear came in, his attention went to you and decided to forget his victim for a few minutes. Lio was a cuddly baby, from the start, and you loved it. Your nephew smiled at you, and after a loud “gah”, Lio has coming as fast as he could towards your office chair. While the little monster was distracted, you saw jimmy taking the chance to silently leave, making sure Lio couldn’t notice the flee of his latest victim. Surely, Jimmy would join Sassy, who was probably in the home gym with Max and Luka, where the civilized people resided. 
You looked down at the little boy that resembled Max so much. “What were you doing, little terror?” Lio gave you a toothless drool-filled smile, meant to guise innocence. “You wouldn’t hurt a fly, right Lio?”
“That’s what I thought.” You stroked his hair back, trying to tame the mess that had become his head after probably rolling around with his brother. Lio soon became distracted by something nonexistent. It sometimes surprised you, how babies could focus on a plain white wall for five minutes uninterrupted. 
After you finished your work for the day, Lio and you went in search of the rest of the family, after a failed attempt to join them at the gym. You always thought that the size of the apartment in Monaco was unnecessary, too big for the two of you. You couldn’t even picture how Max lived in it when it was just him, the maze-like place sometimes intimidating you.
You found the four missing family members in the kitchen. Max had Luka on his hip while cutting a banana into bite-sized pieces for the boy who had his arms around his neck. Sassy was purring while rubbing against your fiancè’s pant leg. Jimmy was on the counter, following every movement with its yellow eyes, looking for possible food. 
Your fiancè looked up from his work, smiling once he saw Lio and you. “Look who joined us, Luka.” The boy, once he looked up from the kitchen counter, leaned away from Max, wanting to be in your arm instead. “I see how it is, little man.”
“Auntie!” Max walked closer to the two of you so that the toddler could easily reach you. You repositioned Lio so that you could have both boys on your hips. It wasn’t the first time both of them wanted to be held by you, so you had managed a technique that both boys didn’t fall or get hurt. “Hi Lio!”
The baby had been slowly blinking, signaling that he was ready to have a nap. After his brother’s greeting, he looked annoyed at his sibling and got teary-eyed. Once you noticed, you started swaying back and forth, trying to calm Lio down, not appreciating it when one of your two favorite boys started crying.
“Honey, honey, you’re fine.” Lio looked up at you, the small tears barely nonexistent. You rubbed your nose against his’, knowing that it would distract him for a bit. You then felt a small hand tugging your ear, signaling that the owner of said chubby fingers wanted the same. “For you too, Luka.”
Months later, after the wedding, you found out that you and Max were expecting your first child, and the racer’s reaction couldn’t have been better.
You were both sitting on the couch, enjoying each other's company while watching some movie Daniel had recommended. Max had Jimmy on his lap, while Sassy was resting on the back of the couch, with her little head on her owner’s shoulder. Max’s other shoulder had your head on it, and his arm wrapped around your waist, stroking his fingers on your waist, the wedding band giving you chills now and then.
“Schat.” You shifted your head to look at him, a small smile on your lips.
“What do you think about us having a new team member?” Max brought you closer to him and kissed your hairline. 
“We’ve spoken about this, lief. We both know Jimmy and Sassy don’t react well to dogs.” You shifted again to look at him in the eyes, a dazzling smile on your face.
“A human new team member.” Max’s eyes doubled in size, and he could only manage to let out a small chuckle.
“A baby?” You moved your head side to side.
“Preferably, I don't want to birth a fully grown adult.” Max grabbed Jimmy the same way they held Simba when he was being presented to the kingdom but facing him. Sassy, after Max’s movements, gracefully jumped into your lap, resting her head on your thigh closest to your husband.
“Jimmy, Sassy, you’re going to have a sibling, and you have to be patient with them.” Sassy raised her head from your lap, giving Max what seemed like an unamused look as if saying: We’re already patient enough with the other monsters you bring home.
Jimmy, who was more open to kids (except for Lio, that one terrified him), just looked at your partner blankly, not understanding what the fuss was about. “I need to call my mom.” Max left the cat beside you and dashed into the bedroom, where his phone had been charging.
During the pregnancy, as your bump grew, both cats had found enjoyment in resting on your pregnant belly. They took naps on it, or just laid there and demanded pets. When both cats managed to share the space, Max would sometimes get annoyed, saying that they got to spend more time with the baby than him. When he would say this, Jimmy would look up, yellow eyes glaring at his owner, as if defying him to repeat that. 
And once the baby came, both felines would always follow whatever adult was holding little Hugo in their arms. Both cats wanted to make sure that the baby was safe, probably just to avoid the high-pitched wails that would sometimes come out of the small chubby ball. A few times, Max and you had tripped in the middle of the night once Jimmy or Sassy had followed you into the nursery to see if the baby was okay.
“Hugo Verstappen, wat doe je?” (what are you doing?). Once the baby was old enough to recognize the things surrounding him, he showed a particular interest in the two cats that liked to move around the house. “Wat doe je?” The small boy was trying to point at Jimmy, who had followed them from the bathroom to the master bedroom, after the boy’s shower. “Is Jimmy there?” Baby Hugo was wrapped in a bull-themed towel, the small hoody resembling the head of the animal. The baby’s legs were moving back and forth from the excitement, hitting Max on his stomach and back.
The cat, after hearing Hugo’s excited squeal, decided to go into a separate room, fleeing from the loud noises. Said room is your office, which had become his designated hiding spot from whatever monstrosity was making too much noise. It was a good room, had a nice soft carpet, and it was absolutely silent, maybe some typing or an online meeting, but it was heaven if you wanted silence.
Once you heard Max talking to Hugo, and Hugo’s little excited babble, you left the kitchen, with the intent of helping your husband with getting your son ready for bed.  You found both boys in your bedroom, Hugo laying on the bed, with the towel separating his wet body from the dry bedsheets. After changing the baby, they would surely end up damp, but damp was better than soaked. Max hadn’t noticed you coming in, which you appreciated, considering you would get to see their interaction.
“Look at that Hugo, you get to wear your favorite.” Max was holding out a onesie that had dark blue race cars. Your son, being the happy baby he was, gave a happy squeal, probably just from seeing his dad’s face. “Your Papa is so glad you threw up on the other one. We don’t like red race cars, do we?” Hugo just smiled wide enough to show his papa his singular small tooth. “We prefer red bull, Ferrari drools.” The baby grabbed his foot, putting it into his mouth, drool covering his face. “Liebe jongen, you have some drool.” 
Once Hugo was dressed and ready for bed, you grabbed your son, just to have some cuddles before bedtime. Max, during the first months of dating, hadn’t shown any signs of his love language being physical touch, but once you got closer, you realized that Max was slightly touch-deprived, considering that Jos Verstappen wasn’t the most affectionate man. After three months of dating, it was as if a switch had flipped inside of your boyfriend’s mind, Max had become the number one fan of hugs, kisses, and any other form of affection based on touch. It warmed your heart to see that he was able to express love towards his son through touch and to see him live for these cuddle sessions before the baby went to sleep. 
Max kissed you before handing you Hugo, and once the baby was in his arms, he kissed the few hairs covering the baby’s head. You led both boys to the living room couch while swaying the baby up and down to get him to fall asleep. It was a trick you had found out recently, Hugo would go down in less than five minutes if you did it, and it had saved you some hours of sleep. Once sitting down, you put the yawning baby in a laying position, and gently stroked his cheeks and nose. Max was sitting beside you, lovingly looking down at you and Hugo, taking in the sight of his little family.
The next day, you had a small family gathering, to celebrate Victoria’s wedding anniversary. It wasn’t something that was overly celebrated, but it was a good reason to meet up the eight of you, and have lunch and spend the afternoon together. 
You went to Victoria’s place in Monaco, a small house outside of the city. It had a garden big enough to have a big table and still have room for the young boys to play around. Because of Luka’s special request, you brought Jimmy and Sassy with you, the oldest grandson wanting to play with both cats. Now, Lio was two, and Luka was three, which meant that they had more or less mastered the art of playing with both cats, but Hugo, was still learning. 
Once you had finished lunch, the five of you, Victoria and her husband, Max and Victoria’s mom, and you and Max, you had all sat around in some lounge chairs that were in the backyard. The boys were playing in a plastic house that Luka had gotten for his birthday, the two oldest coming in and out while Hugo was sitting in front of the door, laughing whenever Luka showed his face through the window. 
Jimmy was resting on Victoria’s lap, appreciating the pets the young woman was giving him. Sassy had just jumped away from Sophia’s, going to see what the young boys were doing. It didn’t take long for Sassy to come back, running in your direction. Little Hugo was crawling after the cat, making the feline jump into your lap. Once Hugo reached Max, he opened his small fist, showing his dad what he had. 
In his chubby hand, you could clearly see two whiskers, belonging to Sassy. Max grabbed them from his son’s hand and showed them to you. While your husband was explaining to Hugo that he had to treat friends gently and with love and that we didn’t hurt our friends, you stroked the poor cat, feeling bad from the pain she must have felt. 
“Patience is a virtue, sweet Sassy.” Max looked at you, bewilderment in his features. 
“We’ve created a monster.” Max then looked at Hugo, who was happily on his lap. “Klein monster, apologize to Sassy.” The small boy looked at the said cat and kicked his legs in excitement. 
“Kat!” The cheetah-like cat left your lap, deciding to hide in a better place.
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adorkablephil · 7 years
Fic: Imaginary Friends (Chapter 2)
Title: Imaginary Friends Summary: Nothing’s AU ... except that Dan and Phil have been appearing in each other’s dreams since childhood without realizing it because they’re soulmates. Everything on the outside looks like the reality we’re used to irl. Rating: Teen Word Count: 1246 (this chapter) Tags: Soulmates, AU, But Kind of Not AU, Except That There’s Magic, Certainly Not a Typical Soulmates AU, Dreams, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers Author’s Note: This is my first fic post with Patreon patrons! Thank you to @jorzuela, @obv10usly, and @itsjustmestef! It feels amazing to know that people are actively supporting my writing! Thank you guys so much! Fic also available on AO3 here
[Masterlist of all Imaginary Friends chapters on Tumblr]
Chapter 2: Godzillas
One day Phil had come home from school with a scraped knee and elbow, and his mum had asked him what happened. He told her he’d tripped, and she’d believed him because he was always so clumsy, but really some older boys had pushed him down on the pavement outside the school. They had pointed at him on the ground and laughed, saying that he couldn’t even walk like a normal person, always falling over his own feet.
So it sort of hurt that his mum believed him when he gave that excuse. He didn’t blame her, though.
That night the shadow boy came into his dreams in the shape of a tiny mouse, soft and white and delicate, with a pink nose and tiny little ears. Phil picked up the shadow mouse in his dream hands and noticed that they were larger than usual, like his dad’s hands, like a grown-up’s hands. He looked down at himself and saw that he was much bigger than usual, and that hadn’t happened before. Always before, if he changed in the dream it was because he did it on purpose. This time, it just happened.
“What’s happening?” he asked the shadow boy mouse. He didn’t feel afraid, just confused.
“I’m making you look like I see you,” the mouse squeaked from where he was cradled safely in Phil’s cupped hands. “You make me feel safe, like a giant.”
Phil carefully stroked the top of the mouse’s head with one overgrown finger. “Being a giant makes me feel safe,” he confided. “Now nobody can hurt me.”
“We’ll keep each other safe,” the shadow mouse told him, and then he began to grow and change, so Phil set him on the ground. Soon, the shadow boy was a giant like Phil, and they grew taller and taller until they were like Godzilla, and they rampaged across a futuristic neon dream city, stomping on cars and buildings and roaring and laughing together.
When he woke up, Phil hoped nobody had been inside any of those cars or buildings, because he didn’t want to actually hurt anybody. But then he remembered that it was all just a dream, and none of it was real, not even the shadow boy. That last bit made him a little sad, but he still remembered how safe he’d felt, how powerful, and how it had felt to stomp alongside the shadow boy like they owned the world … and then, even though he knew it hadn’t been real, he still felt better.
He set his mouth in a determined line and prepared to face the boys at school. Maybe if he still felt like Godzilla on the inside, they would know not to mess with him. He clung to his memory of the shadow boy as he put on his uniform for the day.
At the Brits in 2016, someone had built a miniature model of London, and the photographers urged Dan and Phil to pretend to stomp through it like giants bent on destruction, and together they had laughed and laughed.
Pretending to be Godzilla alongside his best friend in the world, Phil felt a glimmer of a memory of something very old … something he couldn’t quite grasp or remember fully. It shimmered in the furthest recesses of his mind, then was gone, banished by all the flashbulbs going off around them, the celebrities on the nearby red carpet, the interviews they needed to prepare for.
But as they pretended to stomp through that mini-London, Phil paused to enjoy the moment, and he just looked at Dan, gleefully roaring beside him, and smiled. And Dan grinned back at him. And that moment was perfect.
Back at the flat afterward, they collapsed on the sofa in a post-adrenaline crash … but not an unhappy one. The night had gone well. With the tour coming up, their future with the BBC was uncertain, but even if this was their last time presenting the YouTube livestream of the awards, they’d gone out in style.
Dan, especially. Phil glanced at the bare ankles visible between the hem of Dan’s fashionably cropped trousers and the white shoes he had propped up beside Phil on the sofa.
Phil had felt rather drab beside his friend tonight, with Dan’s eye-catching suit jacket and model-perfect handsomeness and composure. Phil himself had chosen a comparatively sedate dark ensemble, in something of a reversal of roles, since he was usually the more colorful one in their everyday lives. But Dan was meant for all this flashy fashion stuff and didn’t mind standing out, transforming himself at will into some kind of glamorous near-stranger when situations called for it. Phil didn’t have the ability to put on a different face like that. Even out there on the red carpets, he was still just the same Phil Lester who’d be more comfortable in an Adventure Time hoody and a pair of Star Wars pajamas, and he knew it showed.
Tonight had been fun, probably mostly because he’d been with Dan, but he was glad to be home.
Dan sighed from the other end of the sofa, and Phil asked, “Tired?” Dan just grunted in a way that, after all these years, Phil could read as a definite yes. He levered himself to his feet with some effort and looked down at his beautiful flatmate, sprawled like a drunken starfish and apparently half-asleep already. “You can’t sleep there, Dan,” he insisted, but Dan just mumbled and started to turn onto his side. Phil rolled his eyes.
“Okay, Danny boy. Time to get you to bed.” Phil manhandled Dan into a rather precariously tilted sitting position, receiving no help at all from the limp flatmate in question. Phil wrapped his arms around Dan in a sort of odd embrace and hefted him to his feet, then looped Dan’s arm over his shoulders and started laboriously walking him down the hall toward his bedroom. Finally, he tossed Dan onto his bed, but then realized he couldn’t let him sleep like that. He needed to at least get him under the duvet.
He knelt down beside the bed and unlaced Dan’s shoes, fingers grazing those delicate bare ankles which he knew shouldn’t affect him like this. Dan was his flatmate. A man shouldn’t be hypnotized by his platonic flatmate’s ankles.
Tossing the shoes aside, Phil maneuvered a mostly comatose Dan at least partly under the duvet and finally decided that was going to have to be good enough. Those slim trousers didn’t look comfortable for sleeping … but at that thought Phil decided it was a good time to leave the room.
That night, Phil dreamt a shadow dream, but for once he couldn’t remember much about it when he woke. The only sensation that lingered was the warm press of the shadow’s lips against his. The shadow had kissed him, or he had kissed the shadow, or they had kissed each other. He’d never dreamt that before.
He blamed Dan’s sexy ankles from the previous night. They’d obviously put him in a mood that his subconscious had run with.
Even though he knew the shadow in his dreams wasn’t real, he still found himself afraid that he’d somehow messed things up, that maybe the shadow wouldn’t come back now. Maybe he would never have a shadow dream again.
He didn’t want to lose the shadow boy who’d always been there for him.
What had he done?
Author’s End Note: If you’d like to learn how you can support my writing, check out this post, which discusses how you can become a Patreon patron or leave a small tip through Ko-fi. Obviously, I don’t expect money from you guys, because I’m writing this for the love of it, but some readers seem happy to be able to support and encourage my work this way, so check out those links if you’re interested. Of course, likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated, too! Any way you might tell me that you enjoy my writing would make me very happy. 💜
[Continue to Chapter 3]
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