#that the term parent trap is widely misused on this site
ferryboatpeak · 7 years
parent trap narry: family weekend
[the latest installment of an au in which niall’s and harry’s bands parent trap them back together. setup here, previous installments here, here, and here]
Niall taps his thumbs on the steering wheel, impatient to get out of the traffic and reunite with the band. It was a good idea to send them to band camp, to give himself some space to focus on the last details of the album, but it’s been lonely without them around. Even as busy as Niall’s been, he’s found himself putting off other work to send them a couple of carefully handwritten letters.
The band’s been good about writing home, too. As Niall pulls into the parking lot and follows the crudely carved signposts toward the cabins, he feels like he already knows the place from Bird’s photos and Gerry’s near-daily postcards with mundane little details about camp life. Raccoon Cabin’s easy to pick out with the Irish tricolour hanging from the little front porch.
Niall jogs up the steps to the cabin and raps his knuckles on the frame of the screen door, peering inside. “What’s the craic, lads?”
“Niall!” Bird bangs open the door and hauls him inside, where the band welcomes him with gratifying enthusiasm. They’re gathered around a large cardboard carton sitting between the bunk beds in the center of the room. Jake and Querelle are each tugging open one of the flaps.
Niall turns his head to read the print on the side of the box. “Toilet roll?”
“In the states they call it TP’ing,” Jake says, digging into the carton and tucking several rolls under his arm. “Haim told us about it.”
“We’re going to TP Deer Cabin,” Gerry adds, with delight. “You in?”
“Sure,” Niall says, grabbing a couple of rolls in each hand. “Why Deer Cabin?”
“They need to lighten up.” Bird’s maneuvers the screen door open with his foot, both hands occupied with a stack of toilet roll. “They get mad at us for being loud at night, and they’re always moping over their scrambled eggs at breakfast, and they never come over for a beer.”
“Band camp is fun,” Jake adds, with great conviction, “and they think they’re too cool to have any fun.”
“Sounds lame,” Niall agrees, following the band outside to the cabin next door. They toss the rolls of paper back and forth across the roof and through the limbs of the maple tree that stands in front of Deer Cabin, until the cabin is thoroughly festooned. Niall’s happier than he’s been in weeks, horsing around with the lads and experimenting to determine the best tossing velocity for maximum distance without tearing the roll.
“Hold on,” Gerry says, after they exhaust their supplies and stand back to survey their handiwork. “One finishing touch.” He darts back into Raccoon Cabin and emerges a second later with a jar of peanut butter.
Querelle jogs up to the bend in the trail to the parking lot. “They’re coming!” he hisses back at the band. Niall hears a burst of laughter in the distance and feels a corresponding rush of giddy adrenaline.
“Hurry it up,” he urges Gerry, and Gerry hastily unscrews the top of the peanut butter jar and shoves the lid into Niall’s hand. He races up the steps to Deer Cabin, digging his hand into the jar, and smears a gob of peanut butter under the handle of the screen door.
“Go, go go!” Querelle hustles back down the path as the rest of them are laughing and dodging Gerry’s outstretched peanut butter-covered hand. They jostle back into Raccoon Cabin and slump on the floor beneath the open windows, shushing each other and waiting breathlessly for Deer Cabin to arrive. Niall can’t stop grinning. It feels like the kind of stupid school prank he missed out on when he was a teenager.
“What the fuck!”
“Morgan, I know this was you! You punks better clean this up!”
Niall elbows Jake next to him and tries to stifle his laughter at the outraged reactions, some of them in British accents. The rest of the band is doing the same, Gerry with much less success than Querelle.
Footsteps stomp up Deer Cabin’s porch and someone yelps in rage, presumably whoever grabbed the door handle. Then, perfectly timed as the other voices quiet, Niall hears someone drawl, “I like what you’ve done with the place,” deep and slow and ironic, a smile behind the words. A creeping awfulness freezes its way down Niall’s spine.
He knows that voice. God, does he know that voice. “Jake,” Niall hisses into the ear closest to him. “Who the fuck is in the cabin next door?”
“It’s Harry Styles’s band,” Jake whispers back. “Hey, you guys were in One Direction together, right?”
Niall drops his head into his hands. “Oh, god, no.”
“You weren’t?” Jake looks at him, confused.
“No, I mean, we were, I just… no.” Niall stabs his thumb in the direction of the despoiled Deer Cabin. “That’s not good.”
From outside, Niall hears a female voice, getting closer to the window he’s crouched under. “It was Niall’s fucking band, it has to be.”
He risks sticking his head up just far enough to peek over the windowsill. Two girls and three guys are striding toward the front porch of Raccoon Cabin.
Harry’s in the background, waiting by the steps to Deer Cabin, an elbow in one hand and his chin propped in the other. There’s a quizzical expression on his face underneath the bill of his fisherman’s cap as he watches his band. Niall can see the tiny holes worn in his t-shirt and the rows of unfamiliar rings on his hands. His heart lurches painfully. Cheeks burning, he drops back below the window and looks frantically around at his band. “Hide me.”
Gerry points toward the closest bunk, and Niall flattens himself on the floor and rolls underneath. He elbows a duffle bag out of his way, knocking over a row of Guinness cans with a clatter just as the screen door bangs open. The floor vibrates underneath Niall as Harry’s band crowds into the cabin.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” It’s a girl’s voice.
“Sarah! To what do we owe the pleasure?” Gerry says. Niall hears the pop and hiss of a beer can being cracked.
“Stop trying to be cute. You messed up our cabin.”
“Your cabin?” Gerry picks himself up off the floor and unhurriedly paces over to peer out the window. “What a shame. Don’t know how that could have happened.”
“Come on, it’s obviously you lot.” A male voice, with a British accent.
“Adam, I’m offended that you would suggest such a thing,” Bird says. He and Jake and Louis have casually rearranged themselves to sit with their backs against the bunk that’s hiding Niall. Peering between them from under the bed, all Niall can see by the door is a flock of Gucci loafers with rainbows on them. Of fucking course that’s Harry’s band, Niall thinks. He wonders, bitterly, which one is the guitarist.
“Get out there and clean it up.” The girl again. A loafer stomps to punctuate the demand.
“Make us,” Gerry says, unconcernedly. The bed sinks down above Niall as Gerry sits on the edge.
Whoever’s in the front pair of loafers bounces up on their toes. “Maybe I will.”
The rest of the Gucci loafers shift back and forth uncomfortably. “Sarah…” a guy’s voice says, in a warning tone. Niall rolls his eyes. No surprise Harry’s got a band of lovers, not fighters.
“Fine,” Sarah spits. “We’ll see you out there tomorrow.” It sounds like a threat. The Gucci loafers turn and file back out the screen door, which rattles in the frame with the force of their exit.
Niall worms his way out from under the bed as soon as Harry’s band is out of earshot. “What did she mean, tomorrow?”
“Capture the Flag,” Gerry says cheerfully. “We play them first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Hey, do you want in?” Bird has somehow produced a cold can of Stella, which he hands to Niall.
That sounds like the worst idea Niall’s ever heard. “No, I probably shouldn’t.”
The band’s faces visibly fall. “But it’s going to be fun,” Jake says.
“And they’re five to our four,” Bird adds. “We need you.”
“C’mon, Niall.” Even Querelle’s against him. “The honor of our band is at stake. Are you going to let us go in at a disadvantage?”
Niall cracks his beer and downs half of it. Even the possibility of seeing Harry on the playing field makes his stomach clench. Curls caught back in a headband, tripping over his own two feet, long legs and too-short shorts. The tiger tattoo that Niall’s run his tongue along the edge of.
But it’s just Capture the Flag. How bad can it be? They’ll be running around in the woods. He can always run in the opposite direction of Harry. And he doesn’t want to let the band down. Niall finishes his beer and slams the can on the floor next to him with good-natured emphasis. “FIne, count me in.”
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phonespying · 6 years
How to Hack Someone’s Snapchat with No Download
How to Hack Someone’s Snapchat with No Download? Start using PhoneSpying App?
Snapchat another popular social networking site has been in the market introduced after Instagram and Facebook. But in terms of user, it has grown widely and daily large numbers people are creating their Snapchat account. This app is very much useful for one in sharing latest snaps, talking with friends and exchanging multimedia files as well. But at the same point of time, this app has increased the worries of caring parents and loving spouse.
How to Hack Someone’s Snapchat with No Download? Start using PhoneSpying App
Neither parent’s wants nor spouse wants their children and relationship to get into any trouble. So in order to know all that is going on at the back of those, they plan to keep the full record of activities of kids and partner. Here in the article, you will come to know how effectively you will be hacking upon the Snapchat account of the one.
We all are well aware of the fact that the hundreds of spyware are available and they all are effective enough at their own sides. However, it is not like that all the apps are reliable but some of them you will find not good enough to help you out in the hacking device of anybody. Here you need to do thorough research on the web in order to find out the reliable app for making the mission to be easier and get successes without facing any more hassles. Now a question arises that which one can be the best app for hacking on. Your answer is PhoneSpying App.
What is PhoneSpying
What is PhoneSpying
PhoneSpying is actually a cell phone spying tool that is created so that all your professional and personal digital safety requirements will be taken care of properly. Today this application is trusted by the very large numbers of people. Also, this app is considered to be the best due to lots of innovative features existing to it. You need not have to worry much that whether the children or employee is not making misuse of the privilege of smart mobile phone handed over to them. Just install the app directly to the compatible device and also to the device of the targeted person. A hacker can easily login to its account from anywhere and at any time.
Good reasons for one to use this hacking tool-
PhoneSpying is the most powerful app that is listed on the top hacking tools list.
The cost of this PhoneSpying is very cheap so, you can easily use it.
A hacker willing to hack can do hacking very easily.
It is easy to use and works freely on all devices networks.
This tool is very much easier for one to install and use.
If in case you got trap in a trouble, all-time customer care team will be available to help you out.
More reasons to use it-
Easily catch cheating husband or wife– if you think that you are continually being without any reason cheated by wife or husband, just find the truth using spyware and get full peace of mind.
Monitoring the activities of employees– PhoneSpying app helps one in enforcing employees in following the policy of company mobile phone usage. Through hacking, a business owner can ensure that their employees are making use of cell phone only for the purpose of business calling and messaging.
Backing up the data of phone- unfortunately, if your mobile phone has been lost or fallen or even stolen, PhoneSpying app is here to help you out in tracking down and get it back through GPS tracking feature. If in case the mobile phone is stolen, through call and SMS feature you will get good hints for tracking the culprit.
Protecting the children– controlling small kid is not at all easy job for you, particularly when they come to the age of the teenager. Through the best tracking tool, you will come to know all hidden truth and keep them off from the dangerous things.
Features of hacking tool-
Tracking GPS location– The PhoneSpying app can be easily set in order to track the real-time location of the targeted device. You will easily come to know where your children, employee, and spouse are at present.
Tracking text messaging– The cell phone hacking wizard allows one in reading all the text and received and send multimedia files. All the files are easily viewable even if they deleted.
Calls managing- The tracking tool helps one in viewing all the outgoing and incoming calls with details like timestamp and duration. Additionally, you can do the recording of all the phone calls that are outgoing or incoming using phone call recorder feature available in this app. All calls can be listened in free time.
Internet use monitoring- Just check out what the spouse and children are doing on the internet through scanning history of the internet. You can block the site that you do not want them to use.
Address book viewing- You as a hacker can check the every entered contact in the phone book and keep track of all those. No matters whether old one is deleted, that can be too traced.
Snapchat hacking- There are many people who are willing to do the spy upon the Snapchat account of a user. The trustworthy app will definitely help you out in knowing all about shared media, snaps taken and chatting.
Hacking Snapchat with No Download using PhoneSpying
Hacking Snapchat with No Download using PhoneSpying
Enter URL address https://www.phonespying.com/install-mobile-spy-phonespying-android-phones/ on the web browser search bar and hit on it for a visit.
Fill the Snapchat account details like username and platform name which is to be tracked.
When confirmations are asked, you have to click on “yes”.
Automatically the process of hacking will begin.
You can now click on download option in order to get the fetched records.
No doubt you can try to use PhoneSpying App for tracking on Snapchat account without downloading. Also, many things can be done by you to discover all data that can be helpful to you in saving your set up business, relationship, and children from getting trap and unexpected trouble.
The post How to Hack Someone’s Snapchat with No Download appeared first on PhoneSpying.
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