#that the American govt failed you
forsworned · 11 hours
My soul is on fire over this
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fuckblizzardbearlover · 6 months
Its amazing that the whole trump/biden/3rd party Palestein thing is literally the trolly problem and so many people are failing.
If u decide to not divert the trolly because you think the system is stupid and unfair and you wont participate.....then you killed those people.
Yes, biden will probably never reign in israel enough. EVERY U.S. president has supported israel because thats what our govt does.
But Everyone on the other ticket is talking about nuking palestine and gunning down americans and putting women and queers in jail
If the choice is kill 2 innocents or kill 1 and u refuse to choose to save the 2...then that wxtra life is on your hands.
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yj-98 · 1 year
my brain is perpetually melting lately so im like not super comprehending it but i looove hearing ppl talk about what theyre into and i am just nodding along so enthusiastically when you talk about rdr2 . also take this as me asking about it as i said im nodding along
crow im sorry </3 honestly i understand 100% and i hope the brain fog lifts for you<3 but im happy its fun to hear about <3 thank you for nodding along and asking about it (in spirit) so let me lay the generic history + synopsis of both games because i have . sort of just been dropping context as i talk about two brothers and their horrible father (<3 and the good one)
anyways im about to be very autistic<3 buckle up
red dead redemption (2010) started off as a spiritual successor to a game called red dead revolver (2004) that rockstar bought after the game had been cancelled after it failed to follow thru with funding issues in 2000 (capcom. as in mega man capcom, was paying for a studio to make it, but funding dropped and and that studio closed so rockstar acquired the studio + eventually got the rights for rthe game). HOWEVER they wanted to do more w/ the concept
so john martson was born in 2010 w/ the first red dead game. youre introduced to a this former outlaw in 1911 who's family is being used for blackmail as he makes his way across a fictionalized version of the american south/west + mexico trying to track down his former friends because the US govt wants them dead. hes polite but no-nonsense and hes sarcastic sometimes and mentally unwell and also so kind. hes very funny honestly like rdr1 john my beloved. and he helps people along the way! he makes associates with all kinds of people. he deals with the people in his old gang (javier escuella and bill williamson), including his father figure dutch van der linde. hes described as his fathers greatest success and greatest downfall. hes returned to his wife and son and 'uncle' only for the US govt to raid their home, kill uncle, and it forces john to tell his wife and son to run while he makes a last stand, knowing that theyd stop at killing him. because ultimately these games are about redemption. and it almost succeeds, but his son grows up to avenge him
and its a fun game! its a wonderful story its really well done with interesting twists and turns and a HEARTBREAKING ending with this kid just. continuing that cycle. killing a government man puts a target on his head too. and rockstar couldve gone with a sort of . 1910s-1920s set sequel where you explore what the kids fate is. instead in 2018 we're given a prequel in the form of red dead redemption 2.
its 1899 and its the end of the golden age and the age of the "west" is honestly decades gone. dutch is clinging to an old life because he hates the US government, doesnt trust the law, etc. hes got a group of misfits including two men hes raised since they were preteens (arthur morgan + john marston) alongside his oldest friend (platonic life partner? sorry. theyre toxic old men* in love) hosea matthews.
(*old for 1899)
so arthur morgan is born in 2018. hes not mentioned once in rdr1 because he didnt exist! and rockstar gives themself the very hard job of making us LIKE a protagonist new to the story as a whole. and it works basically immediately. id argue its almost impossible to hate arthur when he feels so human. ive rarely like. played a game that beat for beat feels very much like reading a novel and i am. so honest when i say he feels human. they all do. but you hear his thoughts, you read his journal entries, you hear his comments to himself and his way of interacting with the world around you, let alone with other people. hes so endearing, if not a bit gruff and rough around the edges, and then he warms. especially around hosea, or in quiet moments with john or his friendship that blooms w/ a man named charles (i will not get into this.) or his kindness with sadie adler, a widow you meet in the prologue (shes sooo).
and then arthur starts dying. hes dying from the end of chapter 2. theres 6 chapters total + two epilogues w/ john. chapter 1 is essentially the prologue. youre given ONE whole chapter with arthur before It Happens. and hes declining. and you get hints. he starts coughing.
rdr2 is a story of arthur and the events that lead to rdr1 with a splintered family. you know the events of rdr1 will happen as absolutes: bill dies. javier dies. dutch dies. john and abigail (his wife) will die. jack, their son, who in rdr2 is maybe all of 5 years old, will one day kill a man. but that seems so distant
its a death march, its an avalanche, its a butterfly effect. its a car crash its a trainwreck. and youre a rubbernecker. you cant look away, you have to play his part in the play. the events that ultimately are the catalyst happen a month prior to the games opening: dutch picked up a man named micah bell, and micah is not a nice man. and he knows exactly how to play dutch like a fiddle. and dutch's ego is too big to know hes being played. they rob a ferry boat. it goes badly. people die. the pinkertons are after them all. they run into the mountains and almost die. dutch's ego is bruised and he Needs to correct it. they run into his old nemesis and they steal that guys plans to rob a train. you could say that this was the true catalyst for the events for the rest of the game but ultimately it doesnt matter. micah has his grip on dutch, and dutch just robbed one of thee wealthiest men in america, who has an ego that matches
meanwhile arthur is an attack dog, and he attacks the wrong target on orders he doesnt like. a weak man dying of tuberculosis. it infects arthur, unwittingly. arthur can quit these jobs. its doesnt matter. he will die in 6 months
rdr2 is a story of trying desperately to pump the breaks as more and more people die. its about hope and trying to save as many people as you can. its about people who fall through the cracks and who the 1% hate coming together and the reality of being used in a cult of personality. its about one man falling apart and taking 20+ people who looked to him like a shepherd, down with him. its about desperately clinging to the past as the future rockets forward. its about loyalty its about betrayal its about dying.
arthur is shown chapter after chapter as he gets weaker that his father is willing to let family die. that when dutch loses hosea in ANOTHER botched robbery he is not the same man. that he's willing to let both his sons die. and when arthur realizes his time left is short, hes desperate to make things right
arthur dies letting john escape. dutch and micah look down at him as hes dying and walk away. arthur is buried facing west. for the sun. john inherits his hat and journal. john tries to build that fateful home with abigail and jack. you spend the epilogue with him as he tries to make wrong puzzle pieces fit and shave down the parts of him that were his fathers son so that they can try to live normally. he succeeds. the epilogue lets you face micah and dutch as john and arthurs friends who survived (charles + sadie). you kill micah. he deserves it. dutch lets john live.
time does not stop. rdr1 looms ahead. you ignore this and play ranch simulator as john draws in arthurs journal and writes and scratches out words and draws hearts around his wifes name. you can find arthurs grave and sit with him.
i spent 1 month putting off arthurs death. i mourned him in real time when he died. games to CHANGE the brain chemistry
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menalez · 4 months
youre right about the third party thing, by the way. if you dont want to keep the argument going, feel free not to post this. but people get so angry about third party votes bc "it cant ever work" and never stop to think WHY it cant work. because the two parties have convinced you it cant! thats why! yes, for many election cycles, itd be a failing endeavor. but the more votes a third party can reasonably get, the more people know of it and will want to vote. our government is failing ALL OF US right now and the fearmongering that the main parties has instilled in everyone is to blame. i have heard republicans tell me countless times that if i dont vote for trump, im voting for biden. vice versa for democrats. no one can understand that actually, if i vote third party, im voting for neither. my vote doesnt secretly go to the more evil party. it goes to neither. because, like you said, both are destroying our rights and decimating countries.
also there’s so many steps in between making it more possible and it never being possible. like i just think before ppl act so hopeless to their government in a country where they actually have something like the power to vote and the power to change their govt at least marginally, americans should do more. take part in the existing organised efforts to improve ur country’s democracy, take part in the existing organised efforts to protest the two-party system, take part in combating the “vote blue no matter who” mindset. as long as a huge portion of the americans with the power to make at least mild change to a system they KNOW is rigged throw their hands up and say it’s hopeless, it’ll remain hopeless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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workersolidarity · 1 year
Again, I don't know why it's so difficult for people to imagine a reversal in the situation in Ukraine.
Imagine instead Russia had fostered a coup in Mexico that ushered in a violent Right-wing govt that immediately banned English speakers from working in govt, collecting their pensions, getting public assistance and things like that.
Then this Russian-backed Mexican coup govt came across resistance to its rule in Northern Mexico along the US border and three Mexican States along the US Border declared independence from the coup government.
And let's say that Coup govt finds this declaration of independence unacceptable and begins sending its most violent, Russian Military-trained, Right-wing, Fascist and Nazi Paramilitary forces to those Northern Mexican States to subdue them.
They begin shelling civilian neighborhoods populated by English-speaking Mexicans and Americans living in Mexico, with nearly 14'000 English speakers killed over the next 8 years.
During this time, the Mexican coup govt outlaws Socialism/Communism, imprisoning Union leaders, English speaking religious figures, and opposition politicians, and goes so far as to have Russia and its allies fund, arm and train its forces.
Now imagine that, desperate to avoid a full-blown conflict with Mexico, the US tries negotiating a settlement between the representatives of the breakaway States and the new Fascistic Mexican Coup-govt.
Things haven't necessarily been going well for the forces of the Mexican coup govt and so they negotiate a settlement both sides can agree to.
Except the Mexican coup govt never stops the shelling and the Coup-govts allies begins HEAVILY investing in its Armed Forces. Funding, arming and training an entirely new army with state-of-the-art military technology and infrastructure. Instead of deescalating the situation, it seems the Mexican Coup-Government and its allies are using this ceasefire to beef up the military and even integrate the Neo-Nazi Paramilitary Forces into this new army.
They then decide to launch a massive offensive into the breakaway States along the US border. But this offensive fails and a SECOND Ceasefire agreement is negotiated.
Once again, the Coup-Government and its allies use this time to further beef up the military and arm it with the latest Russian weaponry and ammunition, all while giving elite training to its forces with seemingly inexhaustible funds from its backers.
Then, after the Mexican coup govt has built a mighty armed forces that are fully armed and trained by Russia and its allies, begins EXPONENTIALLY increasing shelling of Northern Mexico, as if in a prelude to full-scale Offensive.
They begin gathering hundreds of thousands of troops near the American border and stocking artillery and ammunition. Nazi battalions are seen up and down the frontlines making preparations for an upcoming attack.
Finally, after years of civil war, foreign interference and Nazi death squads on its border, the United States sees the exponential increase in attacks, the massive buildup of Forces, and assumes (likely correctly) a large scale invasion of these independent states in Northern Mexico along the US border, areas filled with English speaking Mexican and American civilians, is imminent and the US decides to take action.
Mere days before the US expects an offensive to begin, it sends in miles long columns of armored vehicles into Northern Mexico, recognizes the independence of the Northern Mexican States and pledges to defend English speakers in Northern Mexico.
Would anyone at that point really be saying the US is unjustified in its invasion of Mexico?
No! Of course not! It would be ludicrous to expect the United States to stand by as American citizens and English speaking Mexicans were slaughtered by an illegitimate, Foreign-backed, Nazi and Fascist infested regime in Mexico City. It would NEVER happen and the entire world would give justification to the US for its actions.
THAT is how you have to think about the Ukraine Proxy-war. The war didn't just magically begin in Feb 2022 because evil Vladimir Putin decided he wanted to eat Ukraine for Lunch.
No! Of course not!
The US staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014 that chased out the legitimately elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych who was widely despised in Western Ukraine and widely praised in Eastern Ukraine. The country was ALREADY divided and nearly half the country considered its own govt illegitimate.
The United States even handpicked the next Ukrainian President, with Victoria Nuland caught on audio recordings choosing Arseniy “Yats” Yatsenyuk as Interim President of Ukraine. To which he became.
So for just a moment, imagine this reverse scenario and think a little about how such foreign interference in a country bordering the US, a country we do a HUGE portion of our trading with, an interference that led to civil war and thousands of civilian deaths from indiscriminate shelling, many American deaths, how it would be presented to you in the media? And how might that affect what you think about the war?
And even then, some people might still say the United States should have done more to prevent a war with Mexico rather than invading, but you would NOT be able to say the invasion wasn''t provoked.
I've said it many times, and I'll say it again, Nazis on your border, killing your own people, is ABSOLUTELY a legitimate reason for invasion on its face. Add to that the coup and foreign interference by your central adversary and its allies, and I see no way ANY govt on Earth would allow this to occur on their borders without taking action.
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Anyway if I see one more post on this godforsaken website from some chucklefuck who doesn't even live in the US going AMERICANS ARE LAZY AND STUPID AND THAT'S WHY THEIR COUNTRY IS TURNING INTO A CESSPOOL LUL I'm gonna actually howl at the moon and go run away to live in a forest forever
Nowhere pays enough on minimum wage to afford a place to live. Apartments cost so fucking much and most won't even consider you unless you make 3x the cost of rent, have months of proof of that, have no negative rental history, have a godly credit score, and idk give them the blood of a virgin. If you fail too many classes in college, you can't get federal funding anymore. Health insurance is tied to jobs, most of which don't even offer it bc they're trying to make everything part time.
If you are disabled, can't drive, or disenfranchised in literally any way, lmfao. Rofl, even
I am so busy trying to survive, trying to desperately find a way just to make $2800/mo, so I can maybe get a shitty 1bd apartment with my gf, that I literally have no time and energy to focus on activism irl. I couldn't tell you the name of any local activism groups
That's how a lot of people here live. It's fucking Bleak. You wake up, you go work your shitty job that doesn't pay you enough to even wake up, you come home, you're a zombie for the rest of the day, you go to bed, you do it all again the next day, and in between it all you hear how some fossilized ghouls have made yet another decision to make your state a cesspool while you were too busy fighting to survive
I know a lot of places are bleak right now, and the US govt IS CARTOONISHLY evil, but us average fucking people just want to live for fucks sake
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Following, what is this obsession with the USA? They are fast becoming celebrities on par with the Montecito moaners because Americans don't understand the monarchy at all - those that care. Why would they? They fought a war in 1776 to be free. Beloved QEII is now dead, this is a testing time for the BRF. They are failing and I just do not understand this flawed strategy. Aus is under a Labor govt determined to put a referendum on the monarchy, yet W&K can't wait to jet off to to the USA?!
Thank you. I don’t understand the “need” for acceptance from the US (no offense)…..❤️
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rauthschild · 3 months
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Just in case anyone missed the Memo, the Autochthonous Black and Brown Americans are not behind Joe Biden or Donald Trump or any of their corporations pretending to be us or to represent us; we do not condone nor support any attack on Russia.
That's them, their deceptively named foreign corporations, not us.
So far as we are concerned, they are renegades and criminals operating as rogue commercial entities. Anyone who gives them aid or succor at this juncture is either an accomplice or a fool.
We did not order nor do we condone any action deploying technology developed in The United States being used against Russian civilians in Sevastopol:
"The US Air Force directed the ATACMS missile strike against Russian civilians today. This is an act of war by the US Govt against Russia. Did Joe Biden seek permission from Congress to start a direct war with Russia? Did Americans sign up for this?"
No, we did not.
Any bank continuing to back these criminals in their unauthorized draws on our credit and assets for purposes of war-for-profit around the globe needs to be shut down permanently as a criminal organization.
This includes any extension of credit or assets for a proxy war in Ukraine or Gaza or Africa or anywhere on Earth.
Our contract is strictly limited to the defense of this country.
Anyone who can't read The Constitution of the United States of America and The Constitution of the United States, including those currently sitting in the Territorial and Municipal Congresses, is invited to get a Reading Tutor.
This continued heinous interference in the lawful governance of Ukraine and commercially-motivated rape of Gaza and over a dozen countries in Africa needs to recognized for what it is --- the action of criminal commercial interests abusing our military as mercenaries under conditions of non-disclosure and deceit.
Shut them down.
If SERCO won't pull the plug, pull the plug on SERCO.
If the Federal Reserve continues to fund these illegal, unlawful and immoral operations, shut down the Federal Reserve.
If the BIS continues to fund war-for-profit and indulges these criminals, shut down the BIS.
These are corporations. If they don't operate lawfully, which is a higher standard than mere legality, they have no right to exist.
You have our authorization to shut them down, lock the doors, and throw away the key.
You have our authorization to arrest these war-mongering criminals and charge them wherever you find them; you have our authorization to charge these imposters with treason, personage, barratry, conspiracy against the Constitutions, unlawful conversion, inland piracy, fraud of all kinds, counterfeiting, illegal securitization, breach of trust, breach of contract, racketeering, identity theft, credit hacking, human trafficking and genocide.
We have a treaty Alliance with Russia which we have always honored. We do not authorize our Federal Subcontractors to do anything that would jeopardize or harm our venerable Alliance with Russia which has stood since 1858.
Any hostile action these mere commercial entities undertake should be understood as the action of private commercial corporations and not this country and not this nation. The men promoting these acts of violence should be recognized as criminals and arrested and prosecuted as such.
It should also be obvious that any Board of Directors or Board of Trustees pretending to be operating "for" this country in any capacity, which fails to honor our treaty obligations and fails to properly direct the use of our resources according to our contracts, is operating illegally, unlawfully, and immorally.
Any such persons standing by and allowing this behavior from any Administration deserves to be summarily arrested and court martialed.
It's past time, White Hats. We will not go to war with Russia. We will not allow conscription of our Autochthonous sons and daughters. We will not allow the extension of our credit for these attacks and purposes. We will not allow ourselves to be misrepresented any longer.
All International Law organizations on this planet are hereby served Notice: any attack on Russia is not authorized by the American Government.
You are explicitly made aware of the fact that these hostilities are being promoted by foreign commercial entities and are in no way authorized by, supported, nor encouraged by this country or its people.
These corporations are acting on their own as rogue commercial entities and rogue municipal states that are impersonating The United States of America and The United States, neither one of which condone any of these attacks or other acts of violence being promoted "in our names".
America is at peace and we are telling you that these criminal elements are abusing our Title IV War Flag in ways and for purposes never intended and never allowed by the American Government.
We are flying our peacetime flag; our Federal Subcontractors have no basis to continue flying our wartime flag in any version.
Any Postmaster who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of mutiny; any Post Master who continues to fly the Title IV Flag is guilty of Gross Insubordination and Dereliction of Duty.
This country is at peace. It has been at peace since 1814. The gross misbehavior and breach of trust on the part of these corporations and the foreign Principals responsible for their operations speaks for itself.
We stress that these misrepresentations and acts by our erstwhile Federal Subcontractors are all criminal in nature, not political, not religious, not racial; these matters must be addressed as what they are -- crimes against our lawful government and crimes against humanity, not acts of "war".
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals.
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thenewwei · 5 months
Santorini is a place dedicated to taking your money, so you’ve got to tolerate being taken advantage of at times to balance the perks, and hope it will all work to your advantage in the end. For example, when I got off the ferry, which was an hour late and had already been rescheduled after I booked it, I wasn’t sure if a public bus was available. I had read it was only two euros, was all the way to the right, but it wasn’t always available, or at least it wasn’t clear. I also read warnings about the taxi and shuttle people. Still, I didn’t see anyone go towards the buses—everyone went towards the info booth. I figure if I tried to get the bus and failed, I could get charged more upon return because I would be more desperate. So when I was quoted 10 euros for a shuttle I paid. Immediately I was fit into a crapped and hot shuttle that waited for well over 15 min to fill up way over capacity. Two American girls sat next to me complaining bitterly about being swindled. Turned out they wanted the 2 euro bus too, but accepted the shuttle without checking: at 20 euros each. Then I found out an older lady who didn’t get a seat paid 50 euros for the same trip to Fira. Amazing. So on the whole I got swindled less. Later I took the public bus to Kamari. I got kicked out initially for having a coffee, but after getting on again, the bus driver never asked me for money, so I saved 1.80. Then when I got my hotel, I paid 4.50 for some govt tax that hadnt been given in Crete. But this is my cheapest hotel, at less than 40 euros a night, with balcony and pool, unheard of in Santorini. So you take the good with the bad. Here are shots of the volcanic cliffs, black beach, and some perfectly cooked sea bass 🙂 #travelling #budgettravel #budgettips #budgeting #santorini #greece #greecetravel #greece2024 #foodie #foodblogger #foodlover #seabass #travelblogger
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pathetic-gamer · 11 months
This idea that condemning Israel for the genocide it is actively committing is "anti-American" should make it so obvious how the US empire functions.
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quote is from this article on Israel essentially holding Brazilian nationals hostage in Gaza in retaliation for Brazil heading the call for a ceasefire at the UN. the wilson center is a think-tank charted by the us congress.
Characterizing the absolute, categorical imperative that is calling for an end to the genocide of Palestinians as a 'reflexive' reaction to see the US and its allies [read:puppet states] as 'bad actors' is so fucking insidious.
God forbid Evo Morales - who was, I should remind you, ousted by a coup orchestrated by the US - says Israel should stop committing crimes against humanity. clearly this can only be a political play aimed at hurting our pwecious wittle empiwe, not a legitimate desire to prevent genocide.
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The fact that so many left-wing governments, particularly Latin American governments that have been targeted by US-backed coups (or, like in the case of Brazil last year, failed attempts at coups), are so readily working together and standing up for Palestine is terrifying for the future of the empire.
What happens to these countries who refused to cooperate over the next few years? How will the US retaliate? I don't know. probably a dozen more coups, but maybe they would have done that anyway.
the best [read:worst] part of this whole thing is that this 'worldview that reflexively regarda the US [...] as [a] bad actor' is based in fact and the US govt is fully aware of that. they know they're at fault for the current genocide in the Congo. they know the have caused political instability the world over. they know and they're going to keep doing it. They US can try to court these friendships with propaganda and lies and holding aid hostage, but it won't work, and it wont help them maintain power forever.
I don't know where I'm going with this post other than to say that the US and Israel looked at the eradication of an entire nation and thought they could get away with it.
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[ad_1] The Inside Income Carrier is losing a debatable facial reputation device that calls for folks to add video selfies when developing new IRS on-line accounts."The IRS introduced it's going to transition clear of the usage of a third-party provider for facial recognition to lend a hand authenticate folks developing new on-line accounts," the agency said on Monday. "The transition will happen over the approaching weeks with a view to save you higher disruptions to taxpayers right through submitting season. Throughout the transition, the IRS will briefly broaden and produce on-line an extra authentication procedure that doesn't contain facial recognition."The IRS has been the usage of the third-party device ID.me for facial recognition of taxpayers. Privateness and civil rights advocates and lawmakers from each primary events have objected to the device. The IRS wasn't not easy ID.me verification for submitting tax returns however used to be requiring it for getting access to similar services and products, such as account knowledge, making use of for fee plans on-line, soliciting for transcripts, and the Kid Tax Credit score Replace Portal.The ID.me device is "the usage of Amazon's debatable Rekognition generation" and had verified 20.9 million customers' selfies by means of January 25, Bloomberg wrote. The Treasury Division remaining yr signed a two-year, $86 million contract with a seller to deploy and handle ID.me instrument.US Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, used to be amongst those that called at the IRS to scrap the device. "The Treasury Division has made the smart move to direct the IRS to transition clear of the usage of the debatable ID.me verification provider, as I asked previous nowadays," Wyden said after Monday's announcement. "I perceive the transition procedure might take time, however I recognize that the management acknowledges that privateness and safety don't seem to be mutually unique and nobody will have to be pressured to put up to facial reputation to get admission to important govt services and products."The IRS procedure comes to importing a photograph of an ID (corresponding to a license or passport) together with a video selfie, which can be in comparison in opposition to each and every different to ensure the consumer's id. ID.me explains that, if the method fails, "you are going to be routed to ensure your id over a video name with an ID.me Depended on Referee... It is important to display your id paperwork to an ID.me Depended on Referee together with a selfie (a photograph of your self) to finish your id verification."ID.me verification used to be already required for folks developing new IRS accounts. There used to be a phase-in means for individuals who up to now created IRS on-line accounts—the IRS said in November that the ones folks can use their credentials till summer time 2022 and will likely be "brought about to create an ID.me account once imaginable."A group of 15 Republican senators remaining week wrote a letter to IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig, announcing the "IRS has unilaterally determined to permit an out of doors contractor to face because the gatekeeper between voters and important govt services and products." The senators objected to "intrusive verification measures" and the truth that "ID.me isn't topic to the similar oversight laws as a central authority company."Some other letter urging the IRS to desert the facial reputation generation used to be sent Monday by means of 4 Democratic Space individuals. "American citizens will likely be pressured to position delicate knowledge right into a biometric database, which is a first-rate goal for cyberattacks," they wrote.The Democrats illustrated the chance by means of pointing to a 2019 "cyberattack on a US Customs and Border Coverage (CBP) subcontractor [that] uncovered the face photographs and license plates of hundreds of US vacationers. The subcontractor cyberattack and resulting fallout used
to be vital, however the cybersecurity chance with the IRS's plan is a ways higher: tens of millions of American citizens use the IRS web site once a year for quite a few essential purposes, and, consequently, each and every of them will likely be pressured to consider a non-public contractor with a few of their maximum delicate knowledge." [ad_2] Source link #IRS #Drops #Facial #Reputation #Verification #Uproar
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
Five Outrageous Experiments Done On Humans
Prisoners, the disabled, the bodily and mentally Ill, the inadequate -- these are typically all teams after regarded as honest recreation to utilize as subjects in your exploration experiments. And if you did not want to get authorization, you did not have to, and several Medical professionals and scientists executed their experiments on people that were being unwilling to participate or who have been unknowingly participating. Forty several years back the U.S. Congress modified The principles; informed consent is currently needed for virtually any govt-funded medical analyze involving human subjects. But before 1974 the ethics involved with employing human beings in exploration experiments was a little, let's say, unfastened. Plus the exploitation and abuse of human topics was often alarming. We start out our listing with one of the most famed situations of exploitation, a examine that inevitably assisted change the community check out with regard to the deficiency of consent within the title of scientific progress.
one: Tuskegee Syphilis Study Syphilis was An important community wellbeing issue within the twenties, As well as in 1928 the Julius Rosenwald Fund, a charity organization, introduced a general public Health care venture for blacks from the American rural south. Seems very good, ideal? It was, right up until The nice Melancholy rocked the U.S. in 1929 plus the challenge dropped its funding. Improvements have been produced to This system; in lieu of dealing with health problems in underserved spots, in 1932 very poor black Guys residing in Macon County, Alabama, have been alternatively enrolled in the system to treat whatever they have been informed was their "poor blood" (a phrase that, at the time, was Utilized in reference to every little thing from anemia to exhaustion to syphilis). They were given absolutely free health-related treatment, in addition to food items along with other features like burial insurance plan, for taking part in the research. Nevertheless they failed to know it was all a sham. The Gentlemen in the research weren't instructed which they ended up recruited for the program because they had been essentially struggling from the sexually transmitted disease syphilis, nor had been they advised they ended up collaborating inside of a government experiment learning untreated syphilis, the "Tuskegee Examine of Untreated Syphilis while in the Negro Male." That is ideal: untreated. Regardless of pondering they have been getting health care care, subjects had been in no way in fact adequately dealt with for that disorder. This went on even immediately after penicillin strike the scene and became the go-to therapy for your infection in 1945, and right after Speedy Remedy Centers had been proven in 1947. Irrespective of fears lifted concerning the ethics from the Tuskegee Syphilis Study as early as 1936, the examine didn't truly finish until 1972 once the media described within the multi-decade experiment and there was subsequent general public outrage. 2: The Nazi Medical Experiments All through WWII, the Nazis carried out healthcare experiments on Older people and youngsters imprisoned inside the Dachau, Auschwitz, Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen concentration camps. The accounts of abuse, mutilation, starvation, and torture reads just like a grisly compilation of all nine circles of hell. Prisoners in these Demise camps had been subjected to heinous crimes beneath the guise of armed forces progression, health-related and pharmaceutical progression, and racial and population advancement. Jews ended up subjected to experiments intended to gain the armed forces, including hypothermia scientific tests the place prisoners were immersed in ice drinking water in an effort to verify how long a downed pilot could endure in comparable situations. Some victims have been only authorized sea h2o, a study of just how long pilots could survive at sea; these topics, not surprisingly, died of dehydration. Victims ended up also subjected to higher altitude in decompression chambers -- typically adopted with Mind dissection around the living -- to review substantial-altitude sickness And exactly how pilots would be affected by atmospheric stress alterations. Correctly managing war accidents was also a priority for that Nazis, and pharmaceutical tests went on in these camps. Sulfanilamide was analyzed as a completely new treatment for war wounds. Victims were inflicted with wounds that were then deliberately contaminated. Bacterial infections and poisonings ended up also analyzed on human subjects. Tuberculosis (TB) was injected into prisoners in an effort to far better understand how to immunize towards the infection. Experiments with poison, to determine how fast topics would die, were being also over the agenda. The Nazis also executed genetic and racially-determined sterilizations, synthetic inseminations, and in addition carried out experiments on twins and people of short stature. three: Watson's 'Very little Albert' Experiment Currently we know that stuttering has several achievable triggers. It may operate in a few families, an inherited genetic quirk of the language Heart on the brain. It could also come about as a consequence of a brain injury, together with stroke or other trauma. Some younger youngsters stutter when they're Discovering to talk, but outgrow the problem. In a few rare scenarios, it might be a side outcome of psychological trauma. But you know very well what it's actually not attributable to? Criticism. In 1939 Mary Tudor, a graduate student for the College of Iowa, and her faculty advisor, speech pro Wendell Johnson, got down to prove stuttering can be taught by means of destructive reinforcement -- that It really is acquired habits. Over 4 months, 22 orphaned little ones have been explained to they'd be getting speech therapy, but in reality they turned topics within a stuttering experiment; only about 50 percent were being really stutterers, and none acquired speech therapy. In the experiment the children had been split into four groups: 50 percent of your stutterers got negative comments. Another 50 percent of stutterers got positive suggestions. Fifty percent with the non-stuttering team were being all informed they have been starting to stutterer and were criticized. The other half of non-stutterers had been praised. The sole considerable affect the experiment had was on that third team; these Young ones, Regardless of in no way in fact producing a stutter, commenced to vary their habits, exhibiting lower self-esteem and adopting the self-aware behaviors affiliated with stutterers. And those who did stutter didn't stop doing so regardless of the feedback they been given. four: Stateville Penitentiary Malaria Research It is believed that between sixty to sixty five per cent of yankee troopers stationed from the South Pacific for the duration of WWII endured from the malarial infection sooner or later during their assistance. For a few models the infection proved to generally be additional deadly compared to the enemy forces were, so getting a powerful remedy was a high precedence [source: Military Heritage Middle Basis]. Harmless anti-malarial drugs ended up seen as necessary to winning the war. Starting in 1944 and spanning over the system of two years, greater than four hundred prisoners in the Stateville Penitentiary in Illinois ended up topics within an experiment aimed toward locating a powerful drug against malaria. Prisoners participating from the experiment were infected with malaria, then addressed with experimental anti-malarial remedies. The experiment didn't have a hidden agenda, and its unethical methodology did not appear to hassle the American general public, who were being united in profitable WWII and eager to deliver the troops residence — Safe and sound and healthy. The intent from the experiments wasn't hidden in the subjects, who had been at time praised for their patriotism and in many circumstances presented shorter prison sentences in return for their participation. 5: The Aversion Project in South Africa In the event you had been living during the apartheid period in South Africa, you lived less than point out-controlled racial segregation. If that by itself wasn't tough sufficient, the state also managed your sexuality. The South African govt upheld rigorous anti-homosexual rules. In case you had been gay you were considered a deviant — plus your homosexuality was also viewed as a ailment that might be handled. Even after homosexuality ceased being regarded a mental ailment and aversion therapy as a way to cure it debunked, psychiatrists and Military healthcare gurus while in the South African Defense Pressure (SADF) continued to believe that the outdated theories and treatment plans. Particularly, aversion therapy techniques have been utilized on prisoners and on South Africans who ended up forced to affix the army beneath the conscription laws of time. At Ward 22 at one Army medical center in Voortrekkerhoogte, Pretoria, between 1969 and 1987 makes an attempt were being created to "overcome" perceived deviants. Homosexuals, gay Guys and lesbians ended up drugged and subjected to electroconvulsive behavior therapy although demonstrated aversion stimuli (same-intercourse erotic pics), accompanied by erotic pictures of the other intercourse just after the electric shock. When the approach did not do the job (and it Completely didn't), victims have been then dealt with with hormone therapy, which occasionally included chemical castration. Furthermore, an approximated 900 Gentlemen and ladies also underwent gender reassignment surgery when subsequent efforts to "reorient" them failed — most with out consent, and a few left unfinished To know more details visit here: آزمایش های وحشتناک
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3wrjnmemwq · 2 years
thailand legalization
The 2-Minute Rule For thailand legalization
In addition to the interpretation companies, we also deliver the a person-halt assistance Both equally of translation and legalization services with the Thai Consular Office, Ministry of International Affairs With all the correction and completion of doc which can be actually used.
When she arrived, the places of work have been thronged by dispensary owners. She ultimately still left having a receipt acknowledging her application for a license. Several hours later, a top rated well being Formal declared the arrest get had been rescinded For the reason that license that dispensary entrepreneurs were being ordered to get didn’t basically exist still. Chokwan reopened the following day.
Anutin Charnvirakul, the public wellness minister, claimed that once the delisting arrives into outcome – 120 days right after publication over the Royal Thai Govt Gazette website – individuals can improve cannabis crops in your house following notifying their neighborhood authorities.
Nevertheless, he’s sanguine with regards to the possible for any Thai cannabis bonanza. Finding out the American cannabis business, Thanisorn observed how drastic selling price volatility intended corporations that invested large overheads on high-priced greenhouses were being the most likely to fail. Three a long time back, price ranges of CBD isolate during the U.  thailand legalization
Make sure you prepare a self-resolved envelope for sending back and affixed with a stamp worth at least nine.25 euros. The Embassy just isn't liable for the decline. And you'll be liable for monitoring your doc with Put up NL your self. The Embassy will mail you a tracking number just in case the legalisation will not be acquired.)
He reported that if cannabis is not really deemed a narcotic, then the Public Wellness Ministry will have to get charge of enforcing rules connected with the herb.
Thanisorn Boonsoong knows it only too perfectly. The founder and CEO of Japanese Spectrum Group, one of Thailand’s major accredited cannabis producers, has eighty acres of fields as well as a study and development lab two hrs’ drive west of Bangkok. Scores of farmers in sun visors and camouflage trousers prune cannabis flowers and cling them on prolonged drying racks.
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Everyone wanna be libertarian until the banks fail lol PROOF libertarianism is a fuckin moron ass mindset - Americans literally never even actually had personal liberty, ever, and with all the hate trans people get from government, we definitely don't have that "freedom" in 2023, either.
Fuck liberty, big govt that installs a maximum rent of $300 per 1BR a month alongside a UBI for everyone over 12 of $4000 a month - thats REAL change that will SOLVE the problems we have, you fuckheads.
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movinghomethemovie · 2 years
“Nury and them” is this weeks new poster child to codify the evil coalitions of Govt officers that use their authority in the worst way. Their conversation ushered in ugliness that begs the question of the significance and necessity of elected position. Each Government office is in place to support, protect, & remedy the needs of their constituents experiencing the worst of current and/or historical harms. They are also tasked with advancing, and safe guarding the progress in their jurisdiction for outcomes that are doing well.
This leaked ugliness abounds in districts, cities, states, regions, municipalities, et Al. This group got caught, yet the rise in homelessness, lack of distributed services, wealth gaps, stagnant growth, and etc vastly show the same ugly truth. As this election cycle moves forward please consider which candidate will have the bravery to uproot these pockets of torturous outcomes fueled by racism, sexism, homophobia, and any other otherism.
The ugliness they shared in private is vastly on public display by most that identify with the Trump party. Nury and the others involved are exemplifiers that ineptness for human regard crosses every party line. Without the leaked tape it’s difficult to tell who carries their spirit of injustice. However the best litmus test is simply looking to the left, right, and across the street in your own neighborhoods. Are the needs of housing, food, water, education, safety, employment, voting access, financial security, and etc being met for your home and your neighbors? If the answer is a no to ANY of the above, there are definitely leaders like “Nury and them” making the decisions.
If the elected leader is new to office, voice your complaints to highlight areas showing inequities of the system built by those of historical misguided precepts of superiority still exist. Most importantly closely monitor their work to dismantle the inequity. As voters, especially in historically under served communities, now more than ever is the best time to question the conditions of your community, resources withheld, and expect swift corrective action.
For those who are invested in the suffering of certain people, or who have acquired misguided precepts of superiority, just stop. Resign and get out of the way!
I pray this next election cycle brings more humane understanding that Government office is a place for unceasing service. Many leaders are trying to distance themselves from the ugliness on full display by Nury and the leaked tape. However the persistent tangible outcomes of ignoring the calls for help and resources needed for improving the quality of life, are equally damning and telling.
Government for far too long has been used as a springboard for status and notoriety. Being taken away from my mother on my 7th birthday and placed into foster care had me at the mercy of failed Government Policy very early. The conditions encountered and lived experience amplifies my first hand understanding of the ensued brokenness.
I’m still persuaded that there are a few candidates that are deeply committed to enhancing the quality of life for those most in need. We are currently in the heart of domestic violence awareness month. Many within this group are also amongst displaced voters that are not able to vote. With urgency I ask that you consider at the polls any and all of the transient invisible population, examine the quality of life improvements for everyone, and vote for the candidates that will tangibly enhance the lives of the most vulnerable as their first priority.
I want to send a public thank you to The New American Leaders. As a #ReadyToRun 21’ alumni and #ReadyToLead 21’ alumni each cohort focused on value based leadership, and foundations built on values to insure the aspirations of office are built on collecting wins in resource distribution for the community, instead of stagnant decades in office. If your district has a #NALPISTA on the ballot take a look at their platform and make the best decision for your community.
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virginiaisforhaters · 2 years
congrats to all us americans who just basically had our accrued interest cancelled on our student loans (and to the small, small number of people who had a low enough balance their debt cleared, apparently they exist), this wont actually do anything or help anyone because you chose the smallest amount you could forgive without failing a campaign promise, but uhhhhhhh thanks i guess? maybe just stop letting the govt collect interest on education loans that would make a BIG difference 
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