#that shit stings 🐝
koviah · 1 year
When you find yourself wanting to write a candid and honest post, but deep down, you know that if anyone reads and asks you about it, you'll brush it off with a casual "oh, haha, I was just in a mood. I'm fine, really!"
So you can’t post it because you're hesitant to burden someone else with your thoughts and feelings, because you recognize that they seem insignificant in the larger context of life.
Besides, it’s been like this for years, so… here are some words from other people instead 💜✨
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dragongodryss · 3 months
Fairy Tail Tumblr (2)
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🌅SkyWatcher777 (Wendy) Follow
You know what makes me mad? People who don't put their shopping carts back when they're done.
🗿DeathMetalBruh (Gajeel) Follow
@Bumblr-Bee69 @NinNinIconic This is about you
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 (Sting) Follow
No it isn't. This is slander.
🔥NinNinIconic (Natsu) Follow
@DeathMetalBruh Bet you wouldn't say that to my face.
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
Tell me where you live, I'll do it. Go on. You won't.
🐸Catlover (Rogue) Follow
@NinNinIconic Don't do it. Only an idiot would fall for that. They're trying to bait you.
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
@Catlover No shit Sherlock.
🐸Catlover Follow
They thought the earth was flat, and I'll be damned if I let my mutual dox themselves.
🌅SkyWatcher777 Follow
Why are you following them?
🐸Catlover Follow
Same reason I follow everyone in this thread.
🌅SkyWatcher777 Follow
are you calling me stupid?
🐸Catlover Follow
You follow @Bumblr-bee for his advice, enough said.
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
Yo, how the fuck do you know that
🐸Catlover Follow
I'm in your walls sweetheart
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
@Catlover You really went and atted Bumblrbee when you were roasting Skywatcher for following him, huh? No chill
🔥NinNinIconic Follow
@DeathMetalBruh I live in that one house outside Magnolia. Come at me.
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🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
Who here know how to do taxes? Not for any reason, just wanna know.
🔥NinNinIconic Follow
I don't
🌅SkyWatcher777 Follow
Me neither.
🐸Catlover Follow
I do.
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
@Bumblr-Bee69 Doesn't your boyfriend do them for you?
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
Sometimes. But I do them myself too.
🐸Catlover Follow
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🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
@Catlover Wtf is your problem
🐸Catlover Follow
With you or in general?
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🔥NinNinIconic Follow
Thinking about my girl.
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
Thinking? Nah. Dreaming, maybe.
🐝Bumblr-Bee69 Follow
@NinNinIconic Is she real?
🔥NinNinIconic Follow
Duh! Why wouldn't she be? @DeathMetalBruh Bold freaking words from someone who hasn't accepted my challenge.
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
God fucking damnit you cant be this stupid
I went to your house
I kicked you ass
🔥NinNinIconic Follow
Nah. The only person I fought was Gajeel and I kicked his ass.
🗿DeathMetalBruh Follow
Hell no you didnt I won.
🐸Catlover Follow
@SkyWatcher777 How does it feel to be one of two people in this community who hasn't revealed their irl identity?
🌅SkyWatcher777 Follow
I regret accepting the invite
Wait, when did Bumblr do it? I don't know who they are.
🐸Catlover Follow
Keep it that way
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cyanocoraxx · 1 year
🐝 what to know if a wasp lands on you 🐝
our usual ethical coordinates don't always apply to wasps in the same way we apply them to domestic animals. yet, they coexist among us, inevitably present for any person spending the summer outside. we can't ignore or dismiss them, but they have been here for a long long time, and we must learn to exist beside them. wasps are incredible animals. they are highly social, able to recognize each other even after weeks apart, and benefit the ecosystem in several important ways. wasps, although not everybody’s favourite flying insect, do serve a huge role in keeping our world working the way it does.
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so let’s clear up some shit that people say about wasps - what’s true, what’s not, and how to behave when trespassing in their little worlds.
(of course, some people are severely allergic to wasp stings and will have different experiences and relationships to these insects than others do. please always follow the advice of your healthcare provider and follow their instructions on how to stay safe. if you are not allergic, go ahead and proceed.)
🐝 what attracts wasps to people?
i’m going to start this by saying: wasps who are out looking for food don’t care about you. they care about your food and drink. even if you have none on you, this site might be a place that other people bring desirable foods and drinks to, and they remember this.
wasps are drawn to high-protein foods. this is because their grubs need to eat protein. most of the time, this is provided via insect prey brought in by workers. however, any high-protein food you have on you - think meats or fish - may draw their interest. it’s common to think that wasps only enjoy sugary foods, but some of our more meaty foods are on their menu too. this is also why it’s common to find them around BBQs. but, in autumn, wasps are instead primarily drawn to sugary foods. these include sodas, juice, sweets, and ripe fruits. this is because, at this time of year, wasps are coming to the end of their lives. their craving for sugars become intense as their final days approach. after all, who wouldn’t want to fill up on sugary snacks if they knew they only had a little while left? wasps at this time of year may also be more insistent on getting to the sweet foods. some sources suggest that wasps can be attracted to your perfume or cologne. no studies at this time back this claim up - wasps rely on a range of cues to find nectar-rich plants, including odours, shapes, patterns, and pheromones. your scent alone is unlikely to be enough cause for a wasp to risk approaching you. so, based on current understandings, you’re safe to keep smelling good - or bad, if you use bad cologne. i can’t tell you what to do.
🐝 why do wasps sting people?
unless there is a good reason (in the mind of the wasp), a wasp will not sting you.
wasps primarily use their stingers when hunting, so when one decides to sting a person, they do as a defense mechanism. wasps know that we are larger and stronger than them, and that we are nothing but a threat to their safety and home. if a wasp stings a person, they do so because they perceive that they or their home are in danger. be aware that when a wasp does sting out of self-defense, it will release alarm pheromones to coordinate the organization of other wasps nearby. basically the other wasps: is he bothering you, queen? 
wasps may become more easily irritated if there is a lot of competition in the area, including competition from their own nestmates. the stress only increases as food sources become more scarce. if you’re in an area known for having a lot of your black and yellow buddies, be aware that they’re having their own drama between themselves. if you deliberately stress them out by acting aggressively, they’re more likely to defend themselves as their stress levels are already high. in contrast, a single, lone wasp is much less stressed and is less likely to sting you.
a wasp will also sting you to defend its nest. if you suddenly find several wasps coming close to you, be sure to check that you’re not close to a nest. nests are most common in wall cavities, roof spaces, in bird boxes, sheds, and garages and have a papery, mulchy appearance. if you are close to a nest and making a lot of noise, moving erratically, or directly attempting to disturb the nest, wasps will bring you to swift, stingy justice for it. when checking for a nest, do not run, do not swing your arms around, do not shout, and do NOT under any circumstances tell them: me when I fucking GET you. move calmly and slowly or risk the wrath of your new yellow neighbours slam dunking you with 1000 stings. always ask a professional to remove/relocate a nest for you if it’s causing harm or distress. because wasps are ecologically important, it’s not recommended to exterminate the nest unless there is an emergency situation, such as being allergic, having small children, or pets who can access it.
🐝 a wasp just landed on me or is frightening me
so, it happened - or is happening, depending on how you found this post. again, unless there is a good reason (in the mind of the wasp), a wasp will not sting you. stinging a human costs energy and time that could be spent foraging, and for an animal with a short lifespan, energy and time are everything.
so, as tempting as it might be to give in to instinct, do not try to swat, crush, hit, or otherwise disturb your new, perhaps unwanted friend. again, wasps sting when they feel threatened, and remember, you are much bigger and stronger than they are. you are a threat and they know you could kill them. as tempting as it is to act impulsively, don’t. you only risk causing distress to this wasp and this will cause it to act in self-defence. yes, you’re probably shitting your proverbial pants, but so are they. the only difference is: a wasp will choose violence if you give it a reason to. stay still. calm yourself with several deep breaths.
instead of further stressing the animal, move away slowly and calmly. the wasp is unlikely to be interested in you - it wants whatever you have around you. let them investigate without disturbing them. once the wasp has collected whatever it needs, or decides the reward isn’t worth the risk, it will leave you alone. be aware that other insects, including wasps, may catch wind of a high-reward feeding site and may approach later on. in this case, calmly move your foods and drinks to a new location and keep them covered. wasps can remember where feeding sites are, so just be aware that your new flying friend might come to visit tomorrow if you keep using the same spot to eat/drink.
if a wasp is intent on getting into your food or drink, you can also try gently and calmly separating some of what you have to offer to them. i sometimes pour some fizzy drink into a bottlecap and set it aside so that they can feed without being disturbed. it’s a win win for both of us.
if a wasp has gotten into your clothes, again, the best thing to do is stay still and calm. you don’t want the wasp to feel more trapped than it already is, and you risk hurting yourself or increasing the risk of being stung by doing anything drastic from here. the wasp will find its own way out if you allow it. 
🐝 common wasp physiology things to know:
- wasps who begin life as aggressive become docile as they age - wasps who begin life as docile become aggressive as they age - individual wasp size within the species does not correlate with their likelihood to sting. this means a big wasp landing on you is no more of a threat than a smaller one - foragers are less likely to sting than nest-defenders. these are the wasps you’ll see around your food and drink. wasps in a nest, however, are more likely to come at you. - wasps can remember where food sources were last found and will return. if you remove the food source, they may return a couple of times before deciding it’s not worth the energy to come back again. - foraging activities are highest in early mornings.
[1] https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00040-015-0424-4 [2] http://researcharchive.vuw.ac.nz/handle/10063/5061 [3] https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/studentTheses/a-study-of-the-biology-of-the-common-wasp-vespula-vulgaris-l-with
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endeavvor · 2 months
[ unreciprocated hug ] a hug where one partner remains motionless while the other hugs them ( im crying )
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Jim's running.
Which isn't unusual in the grand scheme of things when it comes to normal operations of the Enterprise. A running joke through the crew is that if the captain stopped and stood still, that's when the actual panic should ensue.
But this is not normal operations, and though he has not exerted himself, his body still aches where he'd fallen victim to a well placed nerve pinch that had rendered him inert for the exact amount of time it took Spock to launch himself off this ship, into the clutches of an enemy, and threaten the continued existence of an entire species housed in the ship they'd been watching through the main view finder.
At least, that's how the captain had perceived it when he'd come to with McCoy crouched over him wearing a look like it was Christmas morning as he held an empty cannister in his left hand and Jim felt the characteristic sting of a hypospray. It was insult to injury, and the doctor knew it.
Jim shoved him away and pushed himself to his feet, demanding an update only to find Spock was safely back on board in the transporter room. Also insult to injury, his intervention had secured a stand still.
"That son of a bitch." Is all he'd said, and took off running.
His intention upon seeing his first officer straightening his already pristine uniform, lips parting to likely feed the captain some line of explanation or other, or even demand he be confined to the brig, was to assault. Could feel his hand already curling into a fist. But surprises them both by flinging himself bodily, arms wrapping around the slighter frame and pulling him close.
Jim drinks in all the comfort he can, from the feel of their chests pressed together, to the heated scent of desert musk burned into his memory. He doesn't give a shit that this breaks all protocol of Vulcan customs or that Spock isn't reciprocating. Though his own lips part to raise this point, but he is suddenly consciously aware that his steps hadn't been the only he'd heard reverberating in the halls on the trip here.
He realizes they are not alone and he's yet to disentangle himself from the other.
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"Everyone's watching, aren't they?"
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[ wound ] sender cleaning / bandaging receiver's wound(s)
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Asmodeus was usually very prepared, hating to be caught by surprise. But of course he didn’t think the little imp would have a holy gun. That wasn’t something a low life drug dealer was supposed to have. 
The sin was lucky, the shit was gone through his shoulder, entering and leaving from the other side so no dangerous damage was done. But the pain was true, holy bullets burn the wound for a being so filled with sin. 
“Don’t worry, birdy babe. This is just a flesh wound. Ouch.” The sting of the cloth Stolas was using to clean the wound made Ozzie give that cry of pain. He places a hand on the Owl’s face. “It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
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clxscdeyes · 5 months
[ chin up ] sender lifts receiver's chin to stop them from hiding their tears and [ wipe ] sender wipes away receiver's tears ! >:D
🐝  *  ―  𝑵𝑶𝑵-𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑺𝑻 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺.(  some triggering content ahead. add " + " to reverse the action.  ) @magnusmodig wtf is this shit PAIN?
There's no hiding from the god of thunder. No matter what she says, to him, in his ears, they are not convincing. He asks what troubles her and she says nothing. Just tired. When she looks at him, she can see the look in his eyes. That he sees right through her lies. Knows that she's hiding something. Of course, he sees it and knows. He does the same thing and he's done the same thing for much longer than she. But....
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It's the look in his eyes that gets those tears that she's been doing so well in holding back to break. Her eyes sting, they well up in tears and she sighs, defeatedly, hanging her head in shame and to hide. She makes herself smaller if only to hide even further, but Thor prevents that by reaching out, lifting the child's chin up to look at her, and wiping her tears away.
"...." But those tears just keep coming. They continue to fall. He'll wipe them only for them to be replaced with new tears. "I'm sorry---," she choked through the hold of suppressing a sob, "Really----real--sorry. I'm sorry."
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moonrose-mortem · 2 years
Since everyone is loving my TOH analysis posts, I think it's time to do one for the best girl witch: Willow Park.💚
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✨From the start she became my favorite, everything except the hair color and ears, she looked like me when I was a kid. We even have similar personalities and a love for plants. When we are introduced to her she was sweet and shy, as well as showing kindness to the smallest flower that she stepped on. And when she got mad after Amity bullied her I'm not going to lie I had an "oh shit" moment that later on had me thinking that she was going to be a strong ally for Luz someday. Characters in anime and cartoons that show that level of power early on are usually going to be an important one, villain or hero. Like nature, Willow is a force to be reckoned with. Her own namesake resonates with the same power willow trees have had for thousands of years.🌿
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🔮From my own studying of magic and witchcraft for years, I looked up anything and everything magical about my favorite trees and plants, and even before that I liked willow trees (kid me thought they were pretty because they "had hair" and I loved Grandmother Willow from the movie "Pocahontas".) Willow trees have long been associated with witches, ghosts, the moon, water, magic, music, love, and goddesses like Hecate, Persephone, Demeter, Artemis and Cerridwen. So when the episode "Hootys Moving Hassle" came out and they did the moonlight conjuring, I knew it wasn't a coincidence. It is also a tree that stands for healing of emotional wounds and the heart. 💚
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🌱Willow has shown time and again that the process of healing from past wounds isn't steady, but the results are worth it. From there she found out her own strength and goals that she went for. It's also important to not forget the bad as much as the fond memories we have. (I almost forgot that Willow loved books as much as Amity as well as being covered in band aids all the time. Great episode to rewatch again.)🍄
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🐝On to her palismen: Clover. I thought this was the perfect creature for Willow being both a pollinator and a fierce little buggy. Bees also have been considered sacred to goddesses of nature, Rhea, Freya, and Aphrodite, and is a symbol of the feminine energy. "Tender yet tenacious" is the best description the Bat Queen gave for both Willow and Clover. Bees are also an animal that symbolizes hard work, reaching for your goals and dreams, strength, unity, and most importantly family and community. Bees are a reminder to enjoy the sweetness of life and rhythms of nature.☀️
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Her goal as a witch was "to be strong and wise to protect her loved ones and that if anyone gets in her way they feel the sting of defeat." Willow Park is the definition of strong and sweet, a great example that you can balance a female characters' best qualities. I'm so excited to see where Dana Terrace takes this character for the finale. Of course, I am excited for the possibility of her and Hunter. And yet most have forgotten that she is a great character outside of getting shipped with characters like her former bullies(really?) If anything her relationship with Hunter is meant to enhance her character and not overshadow it. Future analysis of their relationship will be made so I look forward to writing that.😊
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Forgive me, Father
Pairing: Victoria de Angelis x fem!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings (more like reason why you'd like to read this): smut, now like for real, it's more intense than porn, blasphemy/sacrelige kink, super dom!Vic, thigh slapping, fingerning, a bit of oral, praying, slight choking, overstimualtion and slight orgasm denial? light sub drop at the end
A/N: Well, shit. I knew I was going to hell so I decided to give Satan one more reason to take me there. I'm not sorry.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a ko-fi!☕
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You would be lying if you said that this was the first time you had ever found yourself in this situation. Your back was pressed against the door, Victoria's hands all over your chest, massaging your boobs, her lips on yours in a heated kiss. Sighs and moans of pleasure filled the room when her knee moved in between your legs, pressing against your clothed heat just right.
Five minutes before, you walked through the main entrance of your shared apartment, coming back from a lovely dinner with the rest of the band. Throughout the entire night, Vic had been extra touchy with you, not sparing any occasion to make contact with you. She always kept you close to her, but today she couldn't keep her hands off of you. The crimson red jumpsuit you were wearing drove her crazy, and she was sure to let you know it. Whether it was her hand tracing circles on your lower back, her lips lingering on your neck longer than usual when she was telling you a joke or her hand itching higher and higher up your thigh. You weren't the only one to notice; Damiano made countless remarks for you to finally get a room and just fuck it out since he was trying to enjoy his Caesar salad in peace.
"Vic, please," you moaned when she moved her lips down to the sweet spot behind your ear.
She hummed against your skin, biting down on your flesh gently. Your back arched off the door as you fumbled with the zipper on the side of the jumpsuit, eager to get it off as soon as it was possible. When you finally opened it, Vic slowly pulled down the straps one by one before kissing your revealed shoulderblades. You pulled the annoying article of clothing down your body, letting it pool around your feet. 
Immediately, Victoria pulled you towards the queen-sized bed, pushing you gently, making you fall flat on your back. Soon enough, she discarded her pants and shirt before climbing on the bed, straddling you. She leaned down, reconnecting your lips. Her soft hand trailed down your torso and belly, her fingers hooking under the soft material of your black lace panties with a wet stain visible. Without warning, she pressed on your throbbing clit, making you gasp in surprise. She took advantage of that, slipping her tongue into your mouth, kissing you deeply.
Breaking the kiss, she helped you pull your underwear down your legs and threw it somewhere in the room for you to find later. When she climbed back up your body, levelling herself with you, her eyes were dark, pupils dilated with arousal as she spoke firmly a command for you to follow.
"What?" your eyes opened abruptly in shock at Victoria's words.
A sharp sting pierced through your skin, a loud slap echoing through the small room as she hit your thigh. A small gasp left your already swollen lips in shock at both her unexpected command and her punishment for not following her order immediately. Your gaze met hers, her eyes dark and shiny in the dim-lit room. You knew she was serious.
"I said pray," she whispered once again, leaning down to your naked figure. Her skilled fingers danced along a small, round birthmark situated on your hipbone, and her lips traced the outline of your collarbones, leaving butterfly touches on the skin. "Behave like the well-raised, good girl you are and say a prayer, sugar."
A whimper escaped past your lips, making Victoria slap your thigh harshly again. She didn't like waiting too long, and you knew it well. Feeling a sudden wave of wetness pooling between your opened legs, you licked your lips in anticipation, breathing in sharply as you spoke the first words of the prayer you hadn't heard in a long time in a shaky voice.
"Our Father, who art- Ow!"
Another slap left a burning mark on your thigh when you stopped, looking directly into Vic's searing gaze. You could swear her eyes were able to see right into your soul. 
"Is that how mommy and daddy taught you to pray, hm? Laying flat on your back with no respect for anyone but yourself?" she said harshly, her sweet voice cutting through the air like knives. "I don't think so, baby. Get on your knees."
Her command left no room for arguing. The mattress dipped when you shifted your weight as you scrambled clumsily to your knees, turning around, keeping your legs parted slightly to catch balance and straightening your back to maintain the proper posture. Your hands automatically intervened, your fingers interlacing, ready to pray. Victoria let out a hum of approvement at your pose, her digits ghosting lightly over your soaked heat. Her feather-like touches drove you crazy, and she knew it. She took off her favourite necklace with a cross on it and put it over your head, the pendant dangling between your breasts. The warmth of the chain contrasted with the cool metal of the cross. The skin on your chest covered in goosebumps while you shivered slightly. A smug smirk appeared on her pursed lips when you inhaled sharply in a pathetic attempt to regain your focus on the words you desperately wanted to say.
"Our Father, who-." Another slap.
"Start with making the sign of the cross, dolcezza, and get on your fucking knees properly, for fuck's sake! Is that how you're supposed to show that you're reverential?" she ordered, her voice harsh and quiet yet clearly audible. She was irritated with your inability to cooperate and behave well. She wanted to praise you for being a good girl, eat you out and pleasure you as a reward, but she just couldn't do that if you didn't know how to pray properly, right? With a firm shove, she pushed you forward until you fell on your chest and forearms.
Pulling your ass up in the air and hiding your head between your arms, you attempted to make a cross with your shaky arms.
Vic had been dominant before but never that much. It was a completely new side of her that shocked you to your core. You weren't opposed to it, though. Her power made you more aroused than you had ever been, your juices dripping from your pussy and spilling on the white covers below. Something about saying the same words as you used to when you were younger in a completely different context made your stomach erupt with butterflies. It was dirty and naughty, but at the same time, it felt so good.
"And I suggest you don't even stutter, sugar, or I'm afraid I'm going to stop," she whispered quietly before kissing both your asscheeks and your reddened thigh. You nodded eagerly and mumbled a quick "yes, ma'am," gathering yourself. Trusting her fully, you could have done whatever she asked you to do.
"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit," you started, a moan escaping your lips when you felt Victoria's tongue dip into your leaking pussy. She tasted your wetness with delight, her soft hand massaging your thighs. The other darted to your clit, touching it ever so slightly through its hood. You whimpered loudly when she circled the sensitive nub and licked another stripe up your slit. She had barely even touched you, and you were already in a state of such a mess.
"Our Father, who art in heaven," your voice quivered when Victoria sped up her actions. She lay her thumb on your clit, pressing down, enticing a sinful moan from your chest. Meanwhile, her tongue orbited around your soaking entrance. Your muscles tensed from a jolt of pleasure that shot through your stomach, a tight knot already forming in your lower abdomen. "Hallowed be thy name."
"Very good, cucciola, keep going," Vic mumbled against your pussy in encouragement, proud of how difficult it was for you to say simple things already. It was all because of her, and it made her heart swell in satisfaction. Whenever she started touching you, you turned to putty in her arms within seconds. Your hands gripped the silky sheets below you, and your thighs began to tremble.
"Thy kingdom c-come, thy w-w-will be done-e," you murmured against the soft mattress below, "o-on earth, as it i-is in hea-ven."
Victoria's tongue darted in and out of your pussy, the feeling sending more and more jolts through your body. She hummed at your taste and pinched your clit between her skilled fingers gently, a squeal erupting from your throat. You were already falling apart underneath her touch, but you haven't even finished your prayer! She could not let you cum if you didn't follow her orders. 
"G-give us-s this- Victoria, please!" you almost screamed when she pinched your clit again. It made you see stars, and you couldn't hold on much longer. 
"Keep on fuckin' praying, baby, or you won't finish," her voice was stern as she retracted from your centre. A sound of skin hitting skin erupted through the room when her hand met your thigh in another slap, this time harder and closer to your core. You clenched around nothing as pitiful cries, whimpers and no pleases escaped your lips among shallow breaths.
"Fuck," you cursed under your breath, feeling tears of frustration spill from the corners of your eyes. "Gi-ve us t-this day-y our daily b-brea-d..."
All air got knocked out of your lungs when you felt Victoria's fingers return to your heat, gathering your juices before plunging deep into your pussy. You moaned her name when her two digits immediately found your g-spot and pressed on it hard. Vic kept fingering you from behind, her free hand reaching over your back, grabbing your hair harshly and pulling your head back. Raising yourself on your arms to give her better access to your hair, you arched your back in immense pleasure. You swore you saw the stars in front of your face. 
"...and-d forgiv-ve us our tresp-p-p-asses as we-" you croaked out hoarsely in between sobs and moans. With Victoria's fingers repeatedly hitting that one spot inside you and her other hand pulling your hair, you barrelled towards your orgasm at an incredible speed. Knowing Vic wouldn't let you come before you're finished saying the prayer, you forced yourself to blabber out the rest of the words. "F-forgive those w-who trespass-s ag-gainst us..."
Letting go of your hair just for a second, Victoria grabbed it again, but this time her fingers entangled the chain of her cross necklace as well. When she pulled your hair again, the chain wrapped around your throat tightly, limiting the amount of air you could breathe in. You almost screamed in pleasure when you felt her choke you and add a third digit into your pussy. Tears of bliss fell on your cheeks, your arms and knees almost giving in and making you fall on the mattress again. 
"Come on, sugar, just a little bit more," a faint whisper seeped through the symphony of the sounds you were making - the breathless pants, moans, whimpers, whines, cries and the squelching of your soaked cunt. 
"...an-nd lead-d us not-t into t-temptation," you stammered out, your voice breaking at the word 'temptation'.
Victoria smiled at the sight of you, so vulnerable and open just for her. Her fingers curled inside your core, lighting a spark in your abdomen. Your legs started shaking, and she knew you were at your limit, merely seconds away from a powerful orgasm. Your tongue got stuck in your throat, your mind blank, when you realized in a panic that you forgot how the rest of the prayer went. Without finishing it, Vic wouldn't let you cum, and you were too desperate not to. All your senses were overcome with the desire, your arousal at its peak. Your mind, not being able to form any coherent thoughts, was clouded with Vic. You could feel her touch, smell her perfume, hear her words of encouragement and taste her lip balm from the kiss you shared earlier. It was just her. The thought of her lived in every part of your brain, and you could feel her in every part of your body. It was just Vic, Vic and Vic. 
More and more tears spilt from your eyes when you tried to hold off the inevitable. A particularly pathetic cry escaped your throat, and Victoria's heart soared at the sight. She knew you forgot the rest of the prayer so, in an act of mercy, she leaned over your shoulder and whispered a hint to your ear, her teeth grazing your earlobe lightly.
"But deliver us...?"
"B-but deliver-r us from e-evil!" you practically shouted the last words of the prayer, feeling your orgasm overtake you fully. Vic curled her fingers inside you one last time, letting go of your hair and her chain so you could ride out your climax. A breathless scream erupted from your chest as you struggled to keep yourself up straight. The warmth that had been forming in your belly since she first pinned you against the door exploded, jolts of electricity spreading all the way to the tip of your toes and fingers in spasms. It was almost as if the buildup and the denial was the collision that leads to the creation of a beautiful star of the orgasm you experienced. The sparks that kept exploding in your heat felt like stars being born.
"Oh fuck, thank you, thank you," you kept repeating when Victoria's fingers continued ploughing into your pussy, helping your ride out your orgasm. Her other hand massaged your trembling thighs, ass, and back in a loving manner. She whispered words of encouragement and praise at you, her soft voice creating a notable contrast to the symphony of your moans and whines. 
"That's it, dolcezza. I've got you, sugar."
Her fingers slowed down its motions when you shuddered from slight overstimulation on your pussy. Coming down from your high, a sudden wave of exhaustion hit you hard, making you lose control over your body and fall forward, your chest colliding with the soft sheets below you.
You felt as if you were floating, barely being able to tell apart the words that your girlfriend was saying. Your eyelids were heavy, breathing still shallow and muscles twitching from the aftermath of the climax. Feeling like a cloud floating underwater or a feather slowly falling through the air, you lost touch with reality. 
"I'm here, baby, it's alright," you felt gentle touches of Vic's fingers on your arms and back as she enclosed your figure into a warm embrace. Helping you come back, she whispered sweet nothings into your ear, telling you just how much of a good girl you were for her and how proud she was of you. Slowly, you retreated from the sudden sub drop and cuddled up to her side. Burying your face into her neck, you sighed deeply and murmured,
"Well, amen."
taglist: @till-you-scream-and-cry @weareoddlydrawn @bluscryn @jrj2 @maneskindiva @iamaperfectlyloudbouquet @ethansfavouritehairbrush @profesjonalny-mizantrop @iosonoari
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
hi!! idk if this counts as a request and i’m really sorry if it does but what do you think matt would be like spanking the reader bc she’s really bratty? ty!
Hi gorgeous!!
That’s okay, my requests are closed atm for full on oneshots but I’m still happy to do headcanons for people so that’s what I’ll do with this bc omfg yes I love this!! Thank you for bringing me more Matt concepts😮‍💨😈🖤
Oh he’d definitely be into this, spanking you like a naughty little catholic school girl after you’ve been a lil brat all day? Oh hell yeah he likes to remind you who’s in charge and how to behave properly
Okay so picture this you’ve been a real pain in his ass all day long
You’ve been needy and whiney, teasing him all over the office, telling him how much you just want him to fuck you
Throwing a tiny tantrum and pouting when he says "no not now"
So then you’re just petty and bratty for the rest of the day, doing dumb petty shit like making everyone coffee but him or something
So when the two of you finally get home you are in for it
He’ll bend you over his knees like pretty much as soon you get into the apartment, roughly hiking up your skirt to reveal your ass
“you’ve been a bad girl today” he’ll tell you huskily, “pouting all over the office just bc I wouldn’t fuck you"
“such a needy little thing aren’t you?” and in between all this he’s spanking you, making your skin sting as his slaps punctuate his remarks
“you’ve been such a little brat today, need to be put back in your place hmm"
Your crying just spurs him on even more
Will then make you blow him to make up for your behaviour
Okay no bc why do I think when he’s really in a mood he would actually use his billy clubs to spank you tho, that shit would hurt so good
Aftercare king tho, will massage soothing essential oil into the raw skin of your ass and kiss you softly
- Hope🐝
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astrobiche · 3 years
Astro notes 6 ~ callout edition~ 🗣️
Yall already know the drill : take what resonates as this is a generalization and the whole chart matters. If you can't take a roasting, pls scroll away 🧚
My sag mercury virgo mars won't hold back so it could sting 🐝
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• Aries placements, what's with you and making plans to hang out when you know damn well you'll never follow through with them? also can you SLOW DOWN? You wanna get 289283 things done when you dont even know how to begin anything properly yet, so impatient you try to give everyone else a headache when you already got one, deal with that first then get on with making plans and shit 🤨
• taurus placements, the world isn't gonna be out to get you if you share personal information or your aspirations. Also, stop complaining about homework and daydreamig about marrying rich as a coping mechanism for when you're behind on all the stuff you gotta do 🤨
• gemini placements, we know you're smart, you don't need to argue with the teacher about that theorem to prove you can outsmart them. I know you got all the tea on everyone but you don't like it when people got tea on you? 🤨 also when will you finally realize you talk too much? And you know you wont die if you dont flirt for fun right? Right?
• cancer placements, for the love of god, use another word besides "i feel like/i feel that/ feeling" for when you want to express yourself. Also can you stick to something and not wake up the next day hating that hobby you claimed you loved the day before? And in case you're wondering, yes it is manipulation if you're playing with their feelings and being "nice" just to get them to do something for you. Also get ur ass out of bed jeez. 🤨
• leo placements, you can't just adopt all the cats in the world. I know its hard but you gotta practice some restraint. Also, nobody needs to reply to your text right away? They're not necessarily disrespecting you. You can say you don't like attention all you want but we all know you secretly enjoy it, and flash news : not everyone is jealous of you, the world doesn't revolve around you 🤨
• virgo placements, baby calm down it will be just fine i know you worry all the time, i know every time you see a situation/person you try to fix them but you REALLY don't have to. And can you not be so condescending? The way you talk as if you know everything better than everyone ain't it chief 🤨 and i know you dream about becoming a CEO or get a high position job so bad because you believe you have the power to make the best decisions and you'll get a paid for criticizing everything and everyone hmm
• libra placements, that bag is SO cute but if you keep buying every pretty thing you see in the store, you'll go broke in no time. Also, can you slow down on watching all those makeup tutorials and dreaming about ~the perfect relationship~? And why do you wanna be a scorpio so bad? You also get so irritated when someone copies you as if you didnt base your entire personality off of that one classy character from that netflix show? Make it make sense 🤨
• scorpio placements (dominants especially), you don't have to hide all the time and push people away when they're trying to get you to open up, it's healthy to talk about your problems. And black isn't the only color that exists y'know? You wanna be mysterious so bad like pack it up water sign we know you're spilling all your cherished secrets to a stranger online at 2am 🤨
• sag placements, you love challenges right? I have the perfect one for you : *drumroll* #make up your mind challenge! See it through and you win a trip to europe. And have you ever considered maybe just maybe there's probably no deep meaning to that little trip to the grocery store? And for the love of god, pay attention to your surroundings and stop knocking over every object you walk past. i know sagittarius rules thighs so what do you do? You use them to run away from your problems 🏇 they're gonna be waiting for you no matter how far you're travelling buddy 🤨
• cap placements can YOU STOP TAKING EVERYTHING SO SERIOUSLY? jeez also its fine to ask for help, its not humiliating i promise. you pack everything down and lock it up until all the pent up emotions just explode out of nowhere, it's honestly scary 😟 you claim to be all professional but deep down you wish someone would just give you a hug and baby you so cut the act 😐 also you can be so rigid?! It's fine if you switch things up a little from time to time. And sorry not sorry, you don't get enough shit for being two faced 🤨
• aquarius placements, i know you keep talking about how leos seek attention 24/7 as if you dont crave the same thing?? You'll die if your friends dont listen to your advice or check up on you, also you probably didnt know this but listening to mainstream songs wont make you lose cool points 🤨 and here's a new concept for you when you get mad : ~communicate~ instead of giving people the cold shoulder, leaving them wondering what they did wrong. You've been having that song on loop for the past 5 days i think your ears are about to sue you bruh 😟 also we gotta work on that god complex and inferiority complex? Like damn pick a struggle 🤨
• pisces placements, you weren't born to save them okay? Know when to walk away. And it's not good for you to indulge in every new little thing you stumble upon. And for once can you admit you're wrong 🤨 you always act like you're a victim and everyone else is ~evil~ 👹 here consider this : maybe it's your fault? Also you're mad scary when you get mad like damn the fact nobody sees it coming is what makes it so chilling 😟 i know you wanna keep living in lalaland and use any means to get there *wink* but bruh you gotta come back to earth and learn to distinguish fantasy from reality, stop trying to drown pain in liquor and go to therapy if needed 🤨
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sanderchu · 2 years
could you write something where dream adds a younger streamer (like 18yo) to the smp and their channel starts blowing up really fast like ranboo’s did so ranboo, tommy, and tubbo just give them advice and help them?? tysm <3
Just a Little advice
Description: y/n just got added to the smp since they were young (18) they didn’t expect to blow up so big until you actually did. Because of that the benchtrio would notice you be a bit stressed from it so they decide to give you a bit of friendly advice
Characters: benchtrio(🐝,❤️,👑)
All platonic!
Reader: Gn!reader
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Tubbo🐝=tech advice
- tubbo will help you get all the good electronics
- Teaches you all the features and settings
- Your tech guy if you need him
- Gives you a little list of tips for small things to help when he can’t help
- Like those people in tech stores telling you about the product but then recommends something more expensive but for tubbo he actually offers to pay some of it if not all
- Helped you build your set up and tested everything out for you
Ranboo 👑=content advice
- helps you with content
- Makes sure you have a way to collect audience
- Always helping you get ideas apart from the smp to capture more people
- Helps you set it all up and even plays the game with you to help you out
- Tells you about what the people want to see and what they don’t do you can stay on top
- Tells you to be natural with your jokes and skits nothing I meant to be planned to only thing meant to be planned is the stream time and date apart from that everything else comes naturally
Tommy❤️=dumb advice/personality advice
- “How to get woman 101”
- His advice is the last thing you want
- Always giving dumb advice telling you not to listen to the others and to only listen to him
- No but fr his advice is mainly about how you be who you want not how others want you to
- Teaches you how to really take hate not seriously like he does because if you don’t it can sting
- Teaching you to become a chill person being yourself
- Someone doesn’t like your content or talks shit about you? Turn it into a joke
- People are spreading rumors? Think of the bright side, your getting more popular from it because people are trying to find out it’s true and you get to watch ppl fight on social platforms
- Overall he wants you to really make whatever you can into a joke to help with mental health and content
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nocturnalxscorpio · 6 years
random fact ‘bout me: I’m highly allergic to bee stings. Lol so when I see a bee coming close to me, it doesn’t matter where I am or if I’m having a conversation... I will run away. Legit. Run. Bahahaha & once I decide to go back, I will not pay attention to you cause I’ll be way to paranoid looking all around me and shit lmaooo
Bees are cute though, save the bees babes!!! 🐝
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thepudgefish · 7 years
Bumblebees 🐝
An Argumentative/Research Essay
Throughout life we are asked many questions. What career do you wish to persue? What car do you drive? Are you going to school? But this essay is going to argue, answer, and prove, that only one question truly matters, and that question is are bumblebees the sickest shit on the planet? Bumblebees are, in fact, one of thee most amazing creatures on the planet as proven by their contribution to agriculture, eduacation, and human history in general.
The humble bumblebee has long toiled and labored many a hot day silently while many of us remain inside in air conditioned houses sipping cold beverages, however this dedicated insect remains just that to its job, dedicated. The bumblebee, reguardless of most weather conditions, braves the elements to go about it’s highly important job of pollinating. Thanks to the fuzzy hairs, known as pile, that envelope their bodies these splendid bugs are able to have pollen from various plants and flowers stick to them, making them ideal taxis, if you will, for carrying the pollen, needed for plant reproduction, to other plants. Around the mid 1930’s with the onset of war an increase of food was needed, coincidentally pushing traditional farm practices out and bringing in a more mechanical modern form of farming. A couple decades later, in about the 1970’s British scientists discovered that a large portion of, the once native and abundant, bumblebees were gone and discovered that as these meek workers disappeared, so did a plethora of their most beloved flowers and plants. An estimated 97% of formally lush and plentiful wildflowers and grasslands were gone. Determined to get to the bottom of where the gentle giants had gone, scientists researched and discovered that through modernization of farming practices, the natural habitats of the bumblebee was slowly, but surely, being demolished. Without these wonderful little companions, 30% of the world’s crops would cease to exist and up to 90% of the world’s wildflowers, proving that the bumblebee is crucial to agriculture.
Not only are bumblebees highly important to agriculture but also to education. How many times have you gone to a book store and seen books for young children with cute illustrations of bumblebees? What insect do teachers typically use the illustrate the second letter of the alphabet? A nice big fuzzy bumblebee. Because bumblebees are so friendly and only will sting if extremely threatened, they make ideal platforms for parents to teach their children how to care for nature and not be apprehensive of it. When children encounter a bumblebee it is a familiar concept to them, bumblebees and bees in general are such a common concept in our society that it is one of the most recognizable animals for children. Whether it be in their books, on TV shows, or simply on the honey bottle in their parent’s pantry, most children grow quickly to be aware of bees making the bumblebee a very influential character in many children’s lives.
Lastly, since the last point was what influences children, the essay will explore how bees have influenced not only kids, but all of mankind. All the way down through history bees, and particularly their honey thanks to its natural sweetness, have been viewed as a luxury and precious commodity. In the Middle East and Mediterranean honey is and was used for desserts drizzled over the tops of sweet fruits or thin sheets of pastry dough, in the case of baklava. The origin of baklava has been argued for quite some time, however one of the oldest recipes from the 2nd century BCE states the process and makes specific mention of how the filo dough is to be covered in a mixture of cheese, nuts, and honey. But human’s love for honey may go back even farther than that. In 1919, a very old and peculiar cave painting was discovered near Valencia, Spain. The picture depicted a human figure utilizing grass vines to reach a bee hive and extracting the honey while several bees float harmlessly around them. From this depiction it can be gleaned that even before a written language was developed the love for honey, and those fuzzy little guys that create it, was instilled in humans.
So to revisit and reiterate the begining of this essay, bumblebees, and other bees as well, are, not only, extremely influential on mankind as a whole but the sickest little suckers to ever walk the Earth. And if their cute ass little black and yellow suit doesn’t convince you, then you’re just wrong.
Bees - NRDC
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stranger-nightmare · 3 years
getting a fresh tattoo and matt being able to feel the ink under your skin and he traces it every moment he gets. in the kitchen making breakfast? he's tracing it. tender mornings in bed, tracing. intense love making sesh? you bet he's running his fingers over it.
Yikes if anyone, even Matt, decided to run their hand over my fresh tattoo they would find themselves in a world of trouble bc damn that shit stings for a while, and then it just gets all scabby and gross until it actually heals🥴
But like I love the idea of after your tattoo has healed you take Matt’s finger and run it over the entire area, following the curves and bends of the artwork and you’re just describing it to him and he’s building a lil picture of it in his head
But you’re right he’d definitely love to just trace it at any given point, just constantly running his hands over it, and he loves how turned on it makes you every time😈
- Hope🐝
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