#that means you get to assist future donnie
intotheelliwoods · 1 year
Congratulations. You get to sock one of the original 2al characters in the face. very hard.
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risestarkiss · 9 months
✨The Fashionista✨
Rise Ramblings #234
While watching “The Clothes Don’t Make The Turtle,” I noticed something.
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I found it interesting that Raph, Mikey, and Leo were content with Raph’s outfit choice until Donnie stated that he wasn’t “in love with it, ya’ know.”
Suddenly, Raph declares “I’m a disaster!” Albeit ridiculously endearing, it was a little strange to see his sudden shift from moderately content to absolute dissatisfaction. Huh…
Then, the disaster twins decide to help him out.
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Take a note of their outfit choices.
Raph tries on all of these fits and more.
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Donnie’s first choice is a mild “no.” Leo’s choice is a hard “NO.” (Not surprising, lol.) But then, the overwhelming consensus lands on Raph’s fourth outfit, which ended up being Donatello’s other pick for his brother.
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So, in summary, Raph tried on his personal choice for an outfit, of which they rejected. Then, ultimately, Donatello picked out an outfit for his brother, and that pick ended up being perfect. Hmm…
Then I noticed something else. In this episode, we never get a Donnie “curtain reveal” moment, to our disdain. I mean, Raph, Leo, and Mikey got to try on several different outfits in order to get their brothers' opinions before landing on that “perfect outfit, you know the one.” All of his brothers got to shine. Why not DonTron?
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Then it hit me.
The try-ons were to get their brothers' opinions and approval. And, for his brothers' choices, he was a major contributor in assisting them in pulling their looks together.
What if, bear with me, Donnie didn’t need the "curtain scene" because he was so confident in his fashion sense that he didn’t need to ask his brothers for help to pick out a great look.
…or they figured out how to break Hypno’s spell before he could get a “curtain reveal.” BUT STILL-
Look at his outfit choices in this episode. Some of his wardrobe changes were off-screen, but all of them were fire.
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(I added the baseball cap pic because it makes me happy. I wish we'd seen more of that fit.)
To me, he makes some really smart choices for himself, pushing the envelope of what is expected and taking chances: an open collar with no tie for a “black tie” event, a beanie and spiked wristbands for their “gansta look,” no socks with loafers (a viral fashion trend that actually began in Africa) with old man slacks in his reclined pose. *muah* Chef’s kiss!
But Don’s fashion sense doesn’t just shine in this episode.
In “Reparin’ the Baron” the boys go to Draxum’s apartment. Leo and Donnie show up in some extra nice “Sunday Dinner” twin drip.
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The gold is in the details. Everything Leo is wearing, Donnie rocks its compliment: for Leo’s round collar, Donnie’s is angled, for Leo’s blue shirt, Donnie’s is white, For Leo’s light slacks, Donnie’s are dark. Blah blah blah. It’s so good!
Look at the winter fit in Snow Day.
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Again, Donnie is Leo’s perfect compliment. As a pair? Fire.
Donnie has “the eye.” I can go on and on with examples, but I’ve said all of that to say this…
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In the future, we see that Donatello’s technology had major pull in the resistance. He had drone ships patrolling the skies. He built and designed Leo’s arm, Casey’s chainsaw-hockey stick, and Casey's mask. The list goes on…
But, when Donatello from the past see’s Casey’s clothing from the future, he says this:
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We know about the “Genius Built” brand. We’ve seen that logo on all of his tech up to this point. But, here he didn’t just say “Genius Built.” He said, “Genius Built Apparel.”
“Apparel” is not a tech brand. “Apparel” is a fashion brand. Of course, tech is incorporated into the clothing, but still.
This means that past Donatello secured this trademark with plans of creating a fashion brand, comparable to the likes of Gucci, Ralph Lauren, or any other modern clothing brand, as a subsidiary of “Genius Built,” the tech company.
And why not? The evidence has been in front of us this entire time. He has a sharp eye for style, fashion, and trends. It is easily canon that he can sew. Splinter sewed their ninja garbs in “Insane in the Mama Train,” and there is a sewing machine in the house.
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They already learned Ninjutsu through basically osmosis, so learning to sew is not too far-fetched.
And here it is, right in front of us, Casey’s entire ensemble, from mask, to weapons, to clothing, was made by Donatello in the middle of the apocalypse under the brand name “Genius Built Apparel.”
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And that was just in the bad future. Resources were limited, they didn’t have access to much of anything in that broken world as they were survivors of a devastating Krang invasion. Yet, he created all of this.
However, now that they’ve changed the future, his future as a fashion designer is limitless. Think of what Donatello could produce with unlimited resources, unlimited technology, and unlimited creative freedom.
Tech genius. Clothing designer. Fashionista. Future Genius Built Apparel Owner and CEO. I’m sorry, but I have to call it...
Donatello Hamato of the present, of the bad future, and of the good future is a fashion icon, the likes of which the world has never seen. ○○○○
Update: I've decided to make this concept into a mini-comic series!
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Various pieces of information from the Rise Q&A back in July 
1. When asked how the Turtles got their names in Rise it was said that back when Splinter was Lou Jitsu he travelled the world & developed a love for the Italian Renaissance & it’s art
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This might have possibly been hinted at in the show as during the episode Al Be Back, Splinter was shown singing opera when trying to convince his sons to let him join their band.
2. Big Mama’s Assistant was stated to be one of the Turtle’s missing siblings & there were plans to name her after a female artist with Frida Kahlo possibly being the artist Big Mama’s Assistant would have been named after
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The Turtles were supposed to figure out that Big Mama’s Assistant was related to them after various encounters with Big Mama, her personality is said to be ‘so disciplined & serious to the point where it is funny’.
3.  The Turtles had always had the potential for mystic powers & the mystic weapons that they took from Draxum acted as a catalyst & conduit to activating them
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The Turtles are said to have had their mystic abilities inherently but needed something to help unlock them.
4. When asked about Mayhem it was admitted that Mayhem’s teleport ability was tricky to use due to easily being able to get the Turtles out of any serious situation
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However it was stated that it could of been fun to see Mayhem go on seperate adventures similar to Perry the platypus in Phineas & Ferb.
5. When asked about the Raph & Casey friendship which can be seen in other iterations in TMNT it was said that though Raph & Casey didn’t get the chance to interact that much in the show they would actually make ‘the perfect pair’ if they had gotten to spend time together.
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6. It was stated that after the Krang were sealed away the Turtles crashed & needed recovery time
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7. After the events of the movie the public become slightly more aware of the existence of the Turtles
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It was said that there would be a divide between people who feared & people who supported mutants & that the Turtles would have to work to maintain their reputation as heroes
8. When asked about if the Turtles had favourites when it came to their brother it was stated that Mikey was most likely Raph’s favourite & that Leo had a soft spot for Donnie & that Leo, Mikey & Donnie all look up to Raph
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Mikey, Donnie & Leo: Raph! Raph! Raph!
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9. When asked about Future Mikey & why he looked so much older in the future it was stated that the more powerful you Ninpo & Mystic energy are the more potential the powers have to drain whoever is using them
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10. When asked about the heights of the future Turtles it was stated that due to his powers draining him Mikey had shrunk slightly but the Future version of Raph had been over 6ft 6 & the Future Version of Donnie had been slightly taller that Future Leo.
11. Casey Junior is said to have lost Cassandra when he was rather young & only has brief memories of her & that he was mostly raised by the Future version of Leo.
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12. When asked about Splinter’s mystic abilities it was stated that he could do anything any of the Turtles could do if he tried
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We’ve have briefly seen this when Splinter used Leo’s odachi to make portals but it also possibly means that Splinter could have also possibly replicated some of Raph, Donnie & Mikey’s abilities as well.
13. If there had been a cross over episode with Rise the 2012 Turtles were the Turtles most likely to be used due to many of the people who worked on Rise having also worked on the 2012 cartoon as well
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Mikey’s powers are said to open up the possibility for cross overs with other universes
14. When asked about the Rat King it was stated he could have possibly been an extremely powerful Yokai
15. It was stated that Leo & Donnie both got their confidence from Splinter while Raph inherited his courage & sense of duty 
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It was also stated that Mikey can tell that Splinter misses his old family & works to keep the family together
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ready-to-read7 · 3 months
Future Rottmnt boys x pregnant fem reader (part 2.1) (the pregnancy)
After the boys discovered you were pregnant, they became more affectionate and a lot more protective,
Also, when they went on missions, they made sure at least one of them stayed behind with you for just in case.
Along with that each one of them were going all out trying to  assist with your pregnancy, and prepare for the baby, Donnie surprising no one spent his time in his  lab making machines and unique things for you, to help you with your pregnancy and the baby, Raph was trying to learn to be more gentle with smaller things and creatures because he was scared that he might hurt you or the baby, and helped carry you around when you felt too nauseous to walk , Mikey started learning how to cook food that was good for you to eat during the pregnancy and entire new menu he learned specifically for you, he also made all your weird pregnancy cravings even though he found a few of them unsettling, last but not least Leo, he spent most of his time learning about female biology and what happens during pregnancy in the female body, he wanted to be able to assist you in any way with the pregnancy along with being able to properly give you checkups because even he knew there were a lot of risks to pregnancy and child birth.
You appreciated all the effort they went through for this, and you were very happy, but that did not mean you didn’t have some concerns or worries.
One of these worries were the effect the species of the baby would have on you and the baby’s health, honestly you couldn’t care less what the baby ends up being human turtle doesn’t matter to you but you were scared there would be health problems for if the baby ends up being not human, you were honestly not concerned about your own health problems, you were more concerned of the fact that if the baby was a turtle what effect would not being born like other turtles have on the baby.
You kept these thoughts in the back of your head but eventually someone did notice, at the time the others were on a mission and Leo was left behind to watch you, he was trying to be flirty and get a reaction out of you but started getting concerned when you weren’t reacting flustered or reacting to his flirting.
Worried that you weren’t feeling well he asked if anything was wrong and if he needed to get you any medicine, you snapped out of your trance and tell him that it’s nothing he should be concerned about, but he replies with if something’s bothering you it is my concern, you smile at him and his genuine honesty and you start to explain to him the concern you have.
He looks at you for a minute and then things to himself, he then turns back to you with a big smile on his face and tells you that you don’t have to worry since the baby will technically also have human genetics and would probably be fine with being born instead of hatching.
He then stands up and asks you if you want anything from the kitchen, you reply that you would like some ice cream, he then starts heading to the kitchen and goes to get you ice cream but secretly he is running through his head with the same concerns you have but on overdrive, he’s already preparing to call his brothers to discuss this with them or at least urge them to come home quicker.
part 1.1 1.2
part 2.2
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Can i request rottmnt romantic hc with all turtles (separately including future turtles) x female reader who's actually a nurse?
Like she wears nurse outfit, she work in hospital but she also in charge of treating the turtles (sometimes assist leo when he's treating wounds because he's a doctor)
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RotTMNT x gn!reader
Warnings: injuries, fluff, kinda short
A/N: my brain no work... Why is this late? Cause I was tired... And I forgot what day it is... :( Once again no future boys, but that's because I think they'd react the same.
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Grateful that he doesn't have to be patched up by the face man
He also feels more inclined to ask questions
Asking about techniques and instruments used
Where as when he'd ask Leo, he'd be given a sassy answer or a joke
Donnie was tired of it
But he was desperate to learn (as always)
And the videos online weren't cutting it
So grateful
He hates patching himself up
Hates Donnie patching him up because he has zero bedside manners
Hates Mikey patching him up because he cries
Hates Raph patching him up because he gets a lecture
So having you around to help out makes him feel so much better
He asks for tips and learns a lot from you
He likes that you're around
But kind of does prefer Leo
It's nothing against you! He's just used to Leo doing it
He knows that Leo knows a lot about their bodies
Whereas you have to play catchup
But he never holds that against you
Mikey will happily let you patch him up any time he needs it
Probably the most relaxed yet stressed about it
He trusts you, truly he does
But change is scary to him
Plus you not being like them also makes him nervous
Because what if you do something wrong and hurt his brothers?
He mostly has you work on him so you learn
Raph protects his brothers at all costs even if it means he gets hurt
But there's a learning curve and he never tired to make you feel bad
Just... Be careful
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tblsomedoodles · 3 months
Hey, I was just thinking about something to do with your Seer Twins AU that actually makes a lot of sense. I know that Donnie sees the good in his visions while Leo sees the bad, but what about if they need to connect two partial visions together to make a complete vision or something like that. This is where, what I'm calling the bridge comes into play. This third person, who is also born at or around the same time as the seers, has both the yin and yang marks on them, but can't use that part of their powers on their own and it won't even show up on scanners unless they're near one of the others while they're having or are about to have a vision. That being said, they can help the other 2 when they have waking visions weather by just being there or protecting them with their extremely powerful abilities. I think you know where I'm going with this. I can see that Mikey is the bridge for Donnie and Leo, and they don't realize it because the yin and yang symbols that he has are in his spots that have subtle swirls to them anyway. With this theory, Draxem originally scanned Mikey when one of his brothers either was about to or was having a vision while he was around, but the next time he scanned Mikey that wasn't the case, and Draxem just assumed it was because of his extremely powerful Ninpo. With this theory as well, the counsel doesn't know about the bridge thing, and just thinks some of the visions are extremely vague.
Also I can see Leo and Donnie getting charms of some sort, in the good future timeline, that helps them control their visions better.
First of all, this is very cool. and i like it a lot. Mikey having having a role in this that no one has figured out? And a little symbol that just looks like a spot with a color variation? Fantastic and adorable!
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I will like to add some things to this. Like
Mikey wouldn't be able to see the visions he helps with, like at all. He's assisting but is not fully part of it.
Since the twins' standard visions are broken up bits of visions kinda scrambled around, if Mikey just being close by helps stabilize them so they can see them more linearly. (the twins don't have to be together at the time either. This is just something he passively does to either of them. Meaning Donnie's blueberry pancake vision was probably quite a bit less jumbled/more clear than he's used to having just b/c Mikey was there.)
I think it would also be cool that if he's actively helping them while they're together that, like what you said, they both get a full image of what's happening. But also like, i think for the twins, it would be more like a lucid dream than a vision. Like, normally they're just watching what's happening with flashes of feelings from whoever they're watching from. But like, if it's assisted like that, they're more aware in said vision and can possibly watch from a third person perspective rather than a first.
I also really like the idea that though that's something this third can do, it's not their main thing. I think this third is there to help if needed, but mostly is there to protect. Since Seers (especially newly come into their powers seers) are quite vulnerable during their visions, they would need someone to watch over them during that time. They're given a giant mystic source with powerful mystic abilities to go with it.
I don't think he'd need a second source like Leo and Donnie, i think his one would just be compatible with the twins enough to augment the twins abilities.
i think it would be kinda neat too if Mikey can't sleep while one of them is having a vision. Like the second one of them slips into a vision he's awake and alert and, especially early on, has no idea why. A few minutes later, he gets tired again and goes right back to sleep. Whether it's limited by distance or not, i'm not sure at the moment. But i do like this since, his job is to protect them during visions so he mystically gets woken up to do that.
Like you said, it's not something the Council would be aware of b/c of the subtlety of it. (plus, even if they did know, I think they wouldn't like the idea. They see themselves as 'protecting' the seers so i don't think they would like the idea that they already had a naturally assigned protector.)
Anyways, that's all i have time to rant about right now. But i do really like this and it's given me quite a bit to think about while i'm at work tonight lol.
Thank you!!
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Yo yo, guess who?
Leo x male!reader: reader had an idea and asks Mikey to draw/paint a red-eared slider shell pattern on his back and surprises Leo with it! Bonus if he has Mikey add red eye stripes, and double bonus if happy churring and cuddles ensue. Dunno if turtles have clingy instincts, but maybe Leo could take a deep dive in these hypothetical instincts and just incoherently latch on to Y/N for a couple of hours and make happy noises.
(*one of the brothers approaches*
Leo: *hiss*)
Painted Shells
rottmnt leo x male!reader
summary: you think it’d be funny/cute to imitate your boyfriend, so you ask mikey to assist with your newest idea.
word count: 462
warnings for minor swearing
a/n: i’ve been forcing myself through a minor writer’s block these last few weeks, and i apparently just couldn’t figure out how to write this as a oneshot or anything, so it ended up being in this form, i hope that’s okay!
i’m finally back on requests you guys - i’m going to clear out my inbox before opening them again, but yay! sorry i was consumed by seasonal stuff. halloween’s soul itself possesses me every year ANYWAYS ENJOY
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when you had the idea, you had gone to mikey immediately. he agreed, of course, and preparation began.
preparation consisted of two steps
step one: acquire paint actually safe for your skin
that wasn’t too hard. most craft stores sold body paint, it was just a quick errand.
step two: distract leo
also simple enough. you just had to send him out for pizza - he always took unreasonably long on tasks like that. he always got into some sort of trouble every time he even stepped outside.
all the guys did, actually - but that’s besides the point
so, you set your hoodie aside, and set to work. (or rather, you sat down down while mikey set to work)
(you paid him in candy)
you actually did the eye stripes, which weren’t in the original plan. you got bored while waiting, so you took some of the paint and just started on your eyes.
when mikey was done, you handed him a handful of starburst and left him to his own devices
you wound up waiting in leo’s room while the paint was drying - speaking of paint drying, it felt like it was taking forever.
(you had this thought about ten minutes in.)
leo’s return to the lair was hailed by several crashes, followed by “I DIDN’T DROP THE PIZZA THIS TIME!”
a few minutes later, he was in the doorway. “hey, i brought you a slice.”
he didn’t even process the paint for about ten seconds
“and then the guy gave me the box, and i swear to-“ *pause* *blink* “HOLY CRAP”
he kind of starts laughing at first - not in a mean way or anything, just from being caught off guard
“did you get mikey to do that? what the hell, (y/n)?”
he was grinning. “holy crap, that’s cool!”
cuddling ensued
this is absolutely an ego boost for him, you know
his arms were around your waist from the front, and you were patting his shell with one hand, your pizza slice in the other.
“y’know, i didn’t think this would make you so clingy.”
“i am not clingy”
“you are literally clinging to me right now. this is the definition of clinging. please be careful, i don’t know if the paint’s entirely dry.”
you remained this way for a good hour and a half.
you noticed donnie sneaking a picture for blackmail when he walked by the door, but you weren’t going to mention it.
“this is kind of gay.”
“you’re gay.” leo’s voice was muffled by your stomach, which he was pressed against.
“how could you even say such a thing, babe?”
it occurred to you that you would have to wash this off at some point. that’d probably be a nightmare.
oh well, that’s future you’s problem.
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imagionationstation · 2 years
2012 Ep Skimming:
Presenting: The Frankenstein Experiment
I love how his brothers are focused on saving the world from the monsters (as they should be, absolutely no shaming here) and Donnie’s solely focused on the brother that’s on the wrong side of the fight. This kid just spends the entire episode trying to fix him and worrying about him, and it’s so GOSH DARN HEARTWARMING- WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME DEE 🥺❤️💜
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Mikey: “Aw, man! Frankenstein? We gotta take on Frankenstein too?”
Donnie: “Not just that. We gotta save Raph and turn him back to normal!”
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Leo: “Come on, we got to get to Frankenstein’s castle while it’s still light out.”
Donnie: “What about Raph?”
Leo: “I don’t know, man. Unless you or Renet come up with any bright ideas, Raphael may be lost forever.”
Leo. This is why me and you have issues man. (OP says like they’ve ever actually interacted with him more than him being on a screen-)
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Dr. Frankenstein: “Donatello. You are the best assistant I’ve ever had. I’m quite impressed with your knowledge.”
Donnie: “Thanks, Doc. I want to ask you about your synthetic blood, too. See, I’ve got this friend and it might help him…”
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Donnie: “I can help you! With the Doc’s synthetic blood!”
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The look on his face- they’re both going to be reliving this in their dreams for weeks. Raph watching the terror overcome his little bro’s face and Donnie feeling all of it. WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE DIFFICULT?!
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Donnie: “I’m sorry, Raphael.”
He knows that if he doesn’t do something fast, his big bro is probably gonna bite him and ruin any chances of him fixing this in the future. Genius gotta do what a genius gotta do. 🥺
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Yk, the first time I saw this scene, I was mortified that Donnie seemingly sent his brother to his death, because when Raph was charging him, he purposefully ran to this. Which means he planned to drop him.
Then I remembered that vampires can’t die without specific circumstances. Donnie knew that, and therefore knew the fall wouldn’t kill him. Hurt and knock him out? Sure. But not kill.
And when he holds up his staff in preparation to cut the chains, there’s a moment of hesitation and brief struggle as he summons the strength to even do it.
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LOOKIT. This does not look like the face of someone who is satisfied with his actions. He’s seriously gonna be haunted by this for a long time 😞
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Renet: “Is everyone alright?”
Leo: “We’re okay. I think.”
Donnie: “Yeah. Except the lab got trashed. All of the Doc’s synthetic blood is ruined!”
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Donnie: “I thought we could use it to save Raph…”
Yk, because Leo basically said “We don’t have a brother anymore unless you fix this.”
What? Me? Bitter? Noooooooo 😒
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“We’ll think of something else, Dee. At least he’s back with us.”
Good ol’, Mikey. Got his brother’s back. Makin’ him smile. Lil’ bro doing what he does best 🧡💜
There’s so much I like about these Halloween eps. Like vampatello. We needed more vampire Donatello. He needed more lines. Actions. SOMETHING. HE GOT LIKE NO SCREEN TIME, WHY-
🤣 I’m fine. Definitely fine.
Maybe I’ll do a vampatello rant next~
For clarification on my thoughts about the Leo-giving-up topic, please see here. I promise there will never be any turtle bashing on this blog.
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olliethescribe · 1 year
Hi! My name is Ollie and I’m the creator of No Crime Only Brooches AU (I usually just call it Only Brooches)! I am the only person in this competition with a Hypnowarren/hippoworm AU and I’m probably gonna lose! But we’re here to have a fun time. Here’s why you should vote for Only Brooches:
It explores Warren and Ron (Hypno) and their relationship! These two are in a canonical (possible queerplatonic but just as likely) romantic relationship and it always bugged me that they only got one episode that focused on it. They mean the world to me (see my other work for more details - yes, I also wrote Nice Day For A Fight Wedding :) - hello leosagi fans!) and I wanted to get into the intricacies of dealing with life as a mutant while constantly cloaking. (Highly recommend chapter four if you wanna see Warren Stone have a gender crisis thanks to being a worm!)
This AU also explores Leo’s interest in magic! He should’ve hung out with Hypno in canon and now he’s the guy’s magical assistant and biggest fan! Leo and the rest of turtles become major parts of Warren and Ron’s lives as time goes on. We’re currently in the middle of the arc that explores that (and Donnie has just sent Warren into a midlife emo phase, whoops)! Leo needed a uncle/mentor figure that would tell him it’s okay to fail and he’s finally getting it.
Lastly, Only Brooches has so much art made by some of the most talented individuals I’ve ever had the chance to speak to and befriend. There’s art in the fic itself (@wispy-ispy has made art for chapter four (love you darling), and @urboned has made art for chapters 8, 10, and possibly more for a future chapter called Blitz! (Love you too Comic /p). Can’t forget the fan art too!
These were made for chapter 10 (the first by the extraordinary @sofiasfanartcollection and the other by my amazing and ever talented kiddo @warrenstonehead) (love you both dearly /p)
So yeah, please vote for Only Brooches! It would mean the world to me and the rest of the hippoworm community - all 12 of us /hj!
If Only Brooches makes it past the preliminary round I’ll post art I commissioned from Ozzy that offers an alternate take on chapter three! That’s a promise!
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I had an idea today and wrote this. It’s 2:30 in. The morning so I’ll probably polish this a bit tmrw or the day after and then post it to ao3 but yeah. Here you go. It’s a fic abt future Donnie’s death (also my first apocalypse fic I hope it’s ok)
So this is how the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a… boop-boop.
Donatello stepped out of his lab.
“Donatello! Protocols 17 and 42 need updating!” Michelle, an otter yokai, yelled over other voices.
“Dee, what’s the progress on ninpo assist?” Mikey shouted.
“Professor Donatello,” a small child asked. Donnie looked down. “How many numbers are there?”
Donnie sighed. Of course this was before coffee. “Put it on the bulletin board, I’ve been working on it, and as many as you’d like,” they responded.
He walked to the kitchen, pushing his way through crowds of yokai and humans. Coffee, at this point, was less of a wonderful wake-up bean juice, and more of a watered-down placebo. They poured the entire pot into a mug and chugged it, yawning as they put the mug in the gray-water sink.
“That’s the last of the good stuff,” Leo commented. “All we have is the instant now.”
“Good stuff? It was good when it wasn’t water with a hint of coffee,” Donnie complained.
Leo chuckled. “Yeah, well, if you want to give your coffee ration to someone else…”
“No, I’m good,” Donnie said quickly. “I’ll take this stuff.”
“Hope it woke you up. I need you on a mission today.”
“What level?”
“We have to go into a level two zone,” Leo explained. He looked tired, he probably had given his coffee ration to Usagi again. They both needed it, but Leo was the head of the entire resistance. They needed him awake the most. “The Kraang just brought in almost a hundred people, and nearly a third were Resistance fighters. Are. Resistance fighters. We’re going to get them back. But since it’s a level two zone, we need you there on tech support.”
“Alright. Just let me handle a couple fix-ups first.” Donnie ran a hand down his face, yawning again. They hadn’t slept in… two? Three days? He had lost count.
“Meet in the hangar at eight thirty, we’re taking the Splinter and the Cassandra.” The two ships were named in honor of those close to the turtles, and had died before their time. Mikey had graffitied their portraits inside the respective ships.
“Okie dokie, General Nardo.” The softshell was already walking out the door.
Donnie walked back into their lab, not bothering to shut the door. Now that people knew he was awake, he was bound to receive tech support requests and tune-up reminders.
They walked to their desk, grabbing their lab coat as they passed the rack on their way over. Donatello sat down, flipped down his goggles, and continued to work on the ninpo assist. He didn’t want to tell Mikey how much work still had to be done, and that by the time it was finished it might not be able to supply the help that the box turtle needed.
Mikey was the strongest fighter in the resistance. He had ninpo, speed, and strength. His weakness was his ninpo overuse- he would usually collapse unconscious after a demanding battle.
Ninpo was a touchy subject. Donnie’s was just fine, but Leo’s was out of reach. Raph’s was simply… gone, and had been for almost a year and a half. Mikey’s was an open fire- it burned bright, beautiful, and strong, but it required so much fuel. The ninpo assist was designed to supply Mikey with the fuel, so his ninpo use wouldn’t be so taxing on his body.
He could tie his hair back now, and preferred floating down the stairs rather than walking. Donnie had run tests, and his body had already aged enough that it was older than Raph would’ve been.
“So, Dee, by saying you’ve been working on it, do you mean looking at the schematics once or twice a day?” Mikey’s voice came from above.
Donnie looked up. “Michael, what have I told you about hanging out on the ceiling of my lab?”
“‘There’s cables up there, Mikey, cables that carry the future of the resistance’,” Mikey said with a sigh.
“That it’s ‘dangerous and an unnecessary use of my ninpo’.”
“Big Mama said it was fun, and a good way to practice! We used to have upside down tea parties! How do you think I’m so good at floating?”
“Mikey, I’m working on the ninpo assist. It’s just so difficult to figure out an energy source that doesn’t require life force! Barry’s notes barely even help, he only has notes on general mystic strain, not ninpo!” Donnie ranted.
“Okay, okay, Dee, chill.” Mikey floated down from the ceiling.
“I wanted to work on it before the mission today.”
“I don’t need it right now. Work on the protocol updates. Those are more important to others.”
“You’re important to the others too! You’re overusing your powers. And I don’t want to lose another brother during a ninpo flare.”
They both glanced at the floor. Raph’s ninpo may be gone, but the last flare of strength, the strongest of any ninpo flare, would never truly be gone. Donnie wasn’t sure if their brothers felt the same, but he felt that ninpo flare over and over and over again, all the time. It was like a video on loop. It was like a final heartbeat.
“I’m going to work on the protocols now,” Donnie said quietly.
The flight to the work camp was quiet. Donnie tapped away at his gauntlet as Mikey meditated and Leo helped command the ship and go over the mission with the other fighters again. They were at the camp in just under two hours.
“The camouflage is still holding up?” Donnie asked the pilot.
“If it wasn’t, we’d be plummeting by now,” they responded bluntly.
They flew slowly closer to the camp, keeping a safe height and a constant lookout.
“Mikey, Red force one. We’re going down, Cassandra close behind us. Stay stealthy. In and out, no disturbances unless necessary,” Leo said, signing for the benefit of those who needed it.
The floor of the ship opened partially, allowing the Resistancemembers to quietly slip out on their stealth jetpacks. They were Genius Built, as was everything else in the resistance. Including half the base.
Leo didn’t use a jetpack. Donnie hadn’t bothered designing one fit for shells after Leo and Mikey decided that Mikey could simply carry Leo down. Only now was the softshell considering that he may have to make a shellfit jetpack, with Mikey’s ninpo overuse.
Donnie was almost glad he was just there for tech support. One one hand, they felt really stupid just sitting in the shop with the pilot as the others and the crew of the Cassandra risked their lives on the ground. On the other hand, he hadn’t fought in a while. He didn’t want to be a hindrance in battle.
They checked their pockets again for all their supplies, running through their list.
First aid kit? Check. There was one on the ship, of course, but it didn’t hurt to have a backup.
Emergency rations? Check. Some protein bars and a packet of instant coffee.
Water bottle? Check. It was small, but necessary in the dusty wasteland that now made up the majority of land masses.
Pocket repair kit? Che- Donnie noticed something from the ship’s window.
A Kraang hound was pacing in an alleyway. Kraang hounds were never this far into the residential area of the camp.
“Fuck.” Donnie muttered under his breath. He spoke into his gauntlet. “Blue, this is Purple Rain, come in Blue. Over.”
Leo’s voice crackled to life in Donatello’s headphones. “Purple Rain, this is Blue. What’s up? Over.”
“Hound spotted in an alley. This complicates things, it’s only one building over from where you and Red one are. Over.”
“A hound? This far into the housing? Are you positive, over.”
“Yes. I’ve checked, and it is a confirmed hound. Class three. Over.”
“Class three? Shit. Over.”
Donnie zoomed in, using his goggles to see the hound better. Three more hounds walked over and joined the first.
“There’s more.”
“Four hounds, one building over. They’re not moving. I spot two class threes, a class two, and. Fuck.”
“Purple Rain, Blue, this is Orange Sky. What’s up? Over.” Mikey asked, joining their comm channel.
“There’s a class four,” Donnie said.
“Fuck,” Leo and Mikey said at the same time.
Donnie began playing out potential plans in their head. “We can’t move the ship, the hounds will notice at this range. Do you think you two and Red one could book it with the rescues?”
“No, we’d lose a good chunk of the rescues. You know how fast class threes are, Dee, and with a class four that’s a suicide run,” Leo said.
“We have to fight them off,” Mikey said simply.
“Class threes?” Donnie scoffed. “And a class four, as the cherry on this death cake. Not to mention there’s still that class two. Combined with the other three it could pose a higher threat than normal.”
“We’re wasting time,” Mikey stated calmly. “Every second we talk we’re wasting time. Hounds are unpredictable. We can’t go in with a plan. Remember years ago? We be we. Without a plan.”
“Mikey’s right,” Leo conceded. “The hounds will demolish the plan, and us. I think we need to go out there ready for a fight, not a sprint.”
Donnie sighed. “How many of the rescues can fight?”
“Almost all,” Leo responded. “There’s four semi-capable children and one toddler.”
“Find those kids one or two caretakers and protect them. The rest need to fight.” Donnie said.
“Are we going to go, or are we going to wait for the hounds to sniff us out?” Mikey cut in with the same calm voice. It was beginning to get unnerving.
“Mikey, are you okay?” Leo asked, quieter, since it wasn’t directed towards the radio. This was a face to face conversation. Donnie switched their channel to Mikey’s cloak pin to listen closer.
“I’m fine,” Mikey replied.
“You’ve been meditating this whole time, and you’ve been really tired today.” Leo sounded worried. But nowadays, he always sounded worried when talking to Mikey.
“I’m. Fine. Let’s go.”
Donnie switched back to the normal comms channel. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
As soon as the building’s door opened, the camp exploded.
Not literally, but there were humans and yokai running everywhere and Kraang hounds were barking and there was so. Much. Yelling.
“Donnie! We need more help!” Leo yelled through the comms.
Donnie turned on his noise cancellation on his headphones and took a leap of faith out of the ship. He was glad he was using the coat-safe jetpack, he still had his lab coat on.
Even if he wasn’t secure in his fighting skills, they still had the safest ninpo of their family, and their family needed help.
He dove into the battle. He flipped his goggles down ten feet from the ground, it was dusty as shell in every direction. The Kraang-scorched earth was as good as poison, and Donnie was glad that his face mask was specialized against it.
Glowing chains materialized out of the dust, snatching one of the Kraang hounds out of the air. The class two. It would’ve hit Donnie. The chains threw the hound to the ground and it ran away into the dust cloud.
“Donnie! What are you doing down here?” Mikey yelled at them, dissipating the chains as he followed them into Donnie’s field of vision.
“Leo said you needed help!” They yelled back.
“Yeah, but we need your help if there’s a malfunction! Go back to the ship, we can handle it!”
“No!” Another hound bounded out of the dust cloud. One of the class threes. Donnie quickly formed a ninpo gun and shot it. The Kraang goop reformed around the hole within seconds, but it left to find less volatile prey. “I’m down here, I’m staying down here.”
“Okay then. Don’t let any hounds get close to me.” Mikey drew a perfect circle in the ground with his foot, kicking up even more dust. He floated in the center, a good three feet above the ground. Donnie took their position at the outside of the circle, activating their battle shell cameras to get a 360 degree view.
He shot another class three as soon as it came into view, and it scampered away like the other ones. And then- another class three? And a class two again, and a class one? There had been no class ones when Donnie had checked.
Shit, he thought. There’s more.
He kept his watch, almost staying too vigilant. Leo ran into their field of vision, and they almost shot him. The slider put his hands up in defense.
“Whoah, easy there, DonTron. I’m not a hound,” he quipped. “What’s Angelo doing?”
“I don’t know, some sort of ninpo thing. I’ll lecture him about it later. But there’s more hounds out here.”
“Fuck, really?”
“Yeah, there’s at least one more than we previously accounted for of both class two and three, and there’s a class one, but that one will be easy.” Another class three jumped at Leo from behind. Donnie shot it. “Amendment. Two more class threes.”
Leo sighed. “This is getting worse with every update.”
The ground shook, and some of the dust around the three turtles cleared. They saw a hill of some kind, one that hadn’t been there before. Actually, a mountain, no, wait- it was a leg. A really, really big leg. The class three Donnie had just shot limped towards the leg and- Donnie was glad for their noise cancelling headphones. Judging from Leo’s wince, it made a terrible noise. The class three got absorbed into the leg. The leg lifted and set down again, clearing more dust.
Donnie and Leo could see better now, but they both weren’t sure they wanted to. There was a huge Kraang hound. Judging from the size, it was a bunch of combined hounds, or they would’ve seen it from miles away.
But it was made of combined hounds. That was new. And really bad.
“What class is that?” Leo asked with a nervous chuckle.
“I don’t know,” Donnie said quietly.
“Mikey, get up. We have to move, now.” Leo shook Mikey as Donnie scanned the huge hound with their goggles.
“Well, I charged enough, anyways.” Mikey sighed. “What’s happening?”
“There’s a huge hound. It’s made of combined other hounds,” Donnie explained. “I’m calling it a gargantuan.”
“They can combine now?” Mikey shouted.
“Yeah, it’s new to us, too,” Leo said. “Now move, we have to find Red force one and the rescues.”
Donnie scanned through the dust with infrared. “They’re near the hind legs!”
“Alright, let’s go.” Leo started running in that direction, disappearing into the dust before Donnie could caution him.
“We’re heading over there, right?” Mikey asked.
“You are,” Donnie said. “I’m getting samples from that thing.”
“Donnie, that's too dangerous. The Resistance needs you, and needs your skills.”
“And I could help the Resistance a lot more if I could study this thing.” Before Mikey could say anything else, he started his battle shell jetpack and flew towards the hound’s neck.
It was like a mountain. There must’ve been hundreds of hounds to form one this big. Mikey was a tiny orange-green speck on the ground by the time Donnie was past the leg. Donnie felt Mikey’s ninpo flare as he tried to float, but he must’ve been too tired.
He flew close enough to the dog to see it up close, but far enough that it couldn’t get at him. Because although it was one giant creature, there were small Kraang tentacles all over it, like fur. They reached out to Donnie, narrowly missing them as they kept flying.
At the neck, he used his battle shell’s equipment to take samples of the hound. Donnie was a flea on the hound, and it tried to bat him away. The softshell, connected to the hound via the battle shell, shook with the hound as it make contact with the ground again. They felt like jello. He retracted the battle shell’s sampling equipment and began flying back down towards the people on the ground.
He didn’t get very far before a tentacle grabbed his ankle. Donnie tried to cut it off with saws and knives from his battle shell, but to no avail. It was like the hydra- two new tentacles latched on for every one he cut.
Donnie opened the comms channel right as Leo was in the middle of yelling at him.
“Why, dear brother,” Donatello started calmly. “I was getting samples. And now it appears I may be trapped.” He began thinking up a plan. It wasn’t a new one, he’d had the idea since the first battle after the Opening of the Gate.
“No need, Nardo. I’ll take it out single-handedly.”
“Leo.” Donnie understood why Mikey was always so calm now. A looming end for you, specifically, was surprisingly okay. “I can.” He had accepted the possibility of this plan going into effect a while back, so he’d even had a while to figure it out. “And there’ll be fireworks.”
He’d hoped it would be a huge hurrah, something grand like ending the Kraang for good, but saving his remaining brothers and these people was good enough. Maybe they’d end the Kraang for good.
Donnie took a deep breath and flew straight at the gargantuan. He plunged into the squishy membrane, tentacles surrounding him and growing around him as he flew on. The tentacles already had one leg, they grabbed another.
He flew on.
He saw a column up ahead- from previous studies of the hounds, it was probably their strange skeletal structure. He had gone far enough.
The tentacles finally grabbed his arms, but that was okay. He was where he needed to be. He turned on his gauntlet again, telling it to close comms when Leo started yelling at him again.
“Activate protocol eighteen.”
“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, JUST COME BACK, DONNIE,” Leo yelled into the comms.
As the hound turned around to face the group of people and yokai, Leo and Mikey heard a muffled boom.
The gargantuan made a strange noise, somewhere between a hiccup and a cough, but monstrous. Its neck rippled, the tentacles bristling.
The gargantuan vomited on them. There wasn’t much, Kraangs and hounds digested all organic matter. What came out was four things.
Donnie’s goggles. His lab coat with his supplies in it. His gauntlet, which showed Leo’s comm, muted. And his battle shell.
Right at Leo and Mikey’s feet. The gargantuan almost looked smug.
Leo covered his mouth with one hand. He turned away from the items and threw up.
Mikey stared at Donnie’s belongings. Everything was still there. The pins on the lab coat, the stickers on the goggles and battle shell. Mikey had been charging his ninpo, but it felt weak now. There hadn’t even been a final ninpo flare from Donnie, and that was almost worse than if there had been. He couldn’t feel any other ninpo, just Leo’s, faintly. The other two were gone. Donnie was really gone. Just like that.
The gargantuan moved to step on the people, and the items.
Mikey was filled with levels of rage that he had only ever felt when Splinter and Raph died. He felt weak, but his ninpo erupted like a geyser.
A shockwave of orange light blasted out from him. He wasn’t even trying, just standing there, furious with everything. The light didn’t hurt the people or yokai, they were just fine, Leo was fine, but the gargantuan was incinerated.
It was unfair that Donnie had died trying to do (he was really gone.) what Mikey could do without even trying.
It was unfair that Donnie was gone.
It was unfair that they even had to fight this war.
When the light faded and the dust cleared, Donnie’s belongings were scorched. Mikey tried to clean them with his cloak, and partially succeeded. He cried on the ship, on the way home. Leo cried. The rescues celebrated, Red force one was solemn.
Everything had been fine, and now it wasn’t.
Back at the bunker, Mikey immediately walked to his room. He passed Donnie’s lab, but didn’t walk in. He left Leo, and he felt bad, but he needed to be alone.
The PA system in the bunker crackled to life. “This is General Leonardo Hamato. I regret to inform the Resistance that my twin brother, Donatello Hamato, has fallen in battle. A memorial will be held tonight. Thank you.” Leo’s voice broke on the thank you.
Leo stood in the doorway to Donnie’s lab. He was sad. He was pissed.
He felt really, really guilty.
Donnie had been in the battle because Leo had requested help. He probably would’ve been mostly okay if Leo hadn’t asked him to join the fight.
They couldn’t even fight, really. They used to be amazing, they could beat Leo and Mikey in sparring, but they spent too much time in the lab, never training. It was all tech and ninpo at the end.
And at the very end, not even ninpo. Not that Leo could’ve felt it anyways. His ninpo never fully returned from the initial Kraang shriek, and it was completely locked away when Raph died.
He stopped his fall down memory hill. He was standing in the doorway to Donnie’s lab. Might as well check if the guy who made Genius Built tech had a Last Will and Testament. Or a plan. Or something.
As soon as he crossed the threshold, he heard a voice that made him want to punch something.
“Leonardo. Since you are here and I have not yet returned to base, I will assume I am dead.”
“Yeah you are, you dipshit.” Leo felt the tears coming back. Sad, still, but also angry.
He looked around. Everything was as it had been left. Barry’s journals open next to a prototype ninpo assist, an organized clutter on the floors and tables.
“The computer on my desk is still on my old password. You know the one,” the voice (it wasn’t Donnie’s voice. Donnie was gone.) said. “There is a folder called Post-Mortem Information. Look at the files in order, please. Goodbye.”
“Fuck you,” Leo yelled into the lab, but went to the computer anyways.
He typed in the password. BootyyyShaker9000, Donnie’s password since he was thirteen. He opened the file as directed, and clicked on the first file.
Hello, friends and family reading this.
I am dead. Obviously. Besides this letter, this folder contains instructions on how to operate certain things around the bunker, along with tutorials on how to update protocols and machinery.
This folder also has blueprints for everything I have ever built. Yes, that includes the crayon drawings from when I was six.
Tell CJ that I was working on the hockey stick upgrades, but I wasn’t able to finish. The parts are in a labeled box, with instructions. Don’t wait until his birthday. Give it to him now.
Before I wrote this, I constructed a robot for Raph. It was intended to contain his Hamato essence, basically, bring him back. You’ll hate me for this, but I did not make one for myself. Try to get Raph. He may still be where we left him.
Was it a cool death at least? Did I help people? Were there fireworks?
I know you are grieving, but as of writing this, Mikey was trying to figure out how to contact Hamato clan ghosts. Give me a call sometime, will you?
Water my plants, please. Leo, drink your coffee ration for once. In my honor. Mikey, quit being such a dumbass and stop over using your ninpo. For me. Both of you, keep helping the Resistance. And remember me, please.
-Donatello Hamato
Genius Built
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bitter-hibiscus · 2 years
hav a good sleep and good luck spending money !!!!!!!
okay okay i might have mentioned this to you before but because there's already the foot clam and then rise added the council of heads i think it would be rlly funny if all the different hidden city/yokai related 'factions' were named after different body parts especially the. the arms dealers. so like a lot of these gangs are joining together after the kraang left the hidden city a little bit shaken up theyre unifying they may even have the beginnings of stronger tech
so the hamatos are stretched pretty thin they're getting worn down on all sides and big mama js a very prominent antagonistic force on the day to day bc shes taken to having grunts film their fights with the various gangs to hold over her audience between nexus fights as rise in technology means alternate means of entertainment means less buisness for her. or something i actually hadn't thought of the details of big mama before typing this out but they confront her and she ends up injuring either raph or april haven't decided yet
tension is high around the lair bc no one has really had time to recover emotionally from the kraang and they're out fighting constantly (casey is actually p normal about it bc all he knows is fighting. casey needs therapy probably) so like they're all pissy they're all one bad day away from snapping
getting heavy inspo from the donnie betrayal arc from the idw comics my best friend the idw comics donnie thinks that forging an alliance with big mama is the only way they'll get the upper hand. leo is like violently against this because raph/aprils wounds are still fresh literally and figuratively and he absolutely does not want donnie giving his resources to whats in his eyes enemy #1. donnie disagrees and thinks that her influence in the hidden city and ability to find people and know when fights are happening would be really useful leo orders donnie to stand down (leader moment!!! so proud of him) but donnie refuses point blank. things escalate when donnie reveals hes already spoken to big mama and they've worked out a deal and it turns into a family wide argument
leos side is raph (im leaning toward raph for injury reciever i think. i just feel bad fridging him after the movie already did) april (april donnie fight!!! i also just dont think she would trust big mama) and like most of the 1-2 time appearance side characters. maybe casey sr too? but i could see her hoping mama can like get normaler because that's what she did. what are your thoughts on this
donnies side is mikey (who loves a redemption arc and wants to look out for donnie) casey jr (he probably knew mama in the future when there was literally no choice but to be allies) and draxum (dont get me wrong he HATES big mama but he agrees with donnie that shes useful to them + he likes mikey best) also todd. he gives them lemonade
splinter is probably more of a mediator than anything he would love for his ex almost fiance to decide to turn to good but he wants to trust the judgement of his eldest and the son he made leader so he stays with them and lets draxum watch donnie mikey and the gang
so donnie and mikey (+ co maybe) take up temporary residence in the hidden city probably in the battle nexus hotel. haven't decided if one of them has to fight in the nexus but it would be neat
they also 100% meet big mamas assistant who was very heavily implied in the show to be a turtle that was left in the lab and captured by big mama. it is venus she shows them secrets and shit and is like plot relevant and stuff
tagst mostly what ive got in my little brain so far im bad at wrapping things up so im not really sure how that would go yet. i do thibk its really funny that like half of donnies side are looking at big mama like omg i could fix her and he is telling them to shut the fuck up and draxum is solemnly nodding in the bg
I think Cass/Casey Sr would be against Big Mama but only because one of the turtles would've told her about what she put them through and she'd be like AH! A WORTHY OPPONENT! BUT AN OPPONENT NONETHELESS!
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Hamato Sirani: Lou Jitsu
Month 5
One thing the brothers learned quickly was that Sirani held a strong grudge for a small toddler. The night when they argued she didn't sneak over to Donnies bed so he'd read to her. She didn't even try to sneak into his bed after the lights were supposed to be out. She didn't want to learn about dinosaurs or new words or whatever Donnie offered. 
  He was surprised when he woke up the next morning and she wasn't curled into his side. 
   She even held a grudge against Raph and Leo. 
With Raph, she wouldn't let him hold her while he read her stories. She wouldn't let him help her grab anything from high places either. It didn't matter if it was her tiger that Splinter had put out of her reach when she refused to eat the green foods on her plate, she wouldn't let him help. 
  With Leo, she didn't watch his magic shows. She didn't watch them, she didn't laugh at them, and she wasn't amazed at them. She didn't want to watch any shows with him or watch him reenact a scene from a movie.
  The only one she didn't treat differently was Mikey. 
  Whenever Leo asked if she wanted to watch him do a trick on the skateboard she turned her head, grabbed the crayons Mikey let her borrow, and went off to find her orange masked brother. 
  They would draw together for hours (Splinter made sure it was only on paper). 
  Their rat dad found some stickers and that was probably the worst thing he could have given the two. Stickers appeared on Mikeys shell, their fridge, the walls, even the ceiling. 
Lucky for the other four living in the sewers, the grudge phase was over soon. 
Well, on the outside anyway.
Her older brothers words may have been forgotten after a month, but the meaning behind it wasn't. 
She wanted to be just like them.
She wanted to run and play at their sides. 
So she pushed herself.
She shouldn't need them to help her. 
She could be independent. 
With help from Mikey, of course. 
With his assistance she got amazing at standing and walking. 
He'd hold her hands as she took shaky steps forward. He'd cheer her on whenever she tried by herself. He proudly showed her skills off to Splinter and their older brothers once she got better at it. 
  Splinter saw how the two were able to help each other and moved Sirani into Mikeys room. 
Donnie and Leo now had to share, much to their dismay.
But things were going good for the younger two. 
Sirani followed Mikey everywhere he went. 
And he loved it. 
Wherever he walked, she was right behind him.
Whatever he did, she was doing it to. 
When some time after the fight had passed, they found a new normal. 
Sure, she didn't read with Donnie every night, but now she watched him work on his latest invention: his battleshell. She didn't know why he was making it but it was his first project that took longer than a week. It had to be important. 
   She didn't watch Leo's magic shows but now they both were up late at night, searching the kitchen for late night snacks. It didn't start out as a tradition but when they'd both snuck in at the same time every night it just became a habit.
  She didn't let Raph read to her anymore, but they both woke up on early Saturday mornings to watch Lou Jitsu movies together. She would sit right in his lap and watch the screen intently. 
  That first day she saw a Lou Jitsu movie was a day she'd never forget.
Not just because it was one of her brothers favorite films (yes all of them) but because it was the first day she'd been exposed to humans like her. 
Leo, Donnie, Splinter, and Mikey were all up by the time they turned it on. 
She sat in Raph's lap, eyes wide the moment the actor came on screen. 
Her older brother noticed immediately and chuckled. "He's a human! Like you!" 
  She frowned, mismatched eyes never leaving Lou Jitsu. 
Raph grabbed her hand gently and held it up to the screen. "See? He has five fingers and so do you!" 
She counted slowly, double checking his math. 
He was right. 
She looked to where Splinter sat in his chair and counted his fingers as well. Surely she couldn't be that different than everyone...
He had five as well. 
maybe she wasn't the only different one.
"Dad!" She pointed out and looked up at her big brother. 
 "Yeah, but dad's still a rat." He pointed out. "You're a human." 
Splinter didn't know if he should be offended by the phrasing but he chose to ignore it and continue to listen in. 
The young children didn't realize he was listening though. They just kept talking. 
"He's a human like you!" Leo grinned, skooching closer. "Except he can kick butt!"
"Yeah! Lot's of butt!" Mikey added. 
Leo gasped as he gained a sudden and probably terrible idea. "I've got an idea! We turn Sirani," he showcased her with his waving hands, "into another Lou Jitsu! We teach her to fight, and kick butt, and be cool!" He punched the air excitedly. 
  Mikey cheered excitedly. "YES!" 
Donnie turned his attention away from the tv skeptically. "In order to make her a lou jitsu, we'd need to actually be able to fight." 
  As if on cue, the four boys turned to their dad. 
Sirani followed their actions.
If they were doing it then she should be doing it to. 
He blinked in surprise, his mind still on their previous conversation about Sirani being like Lou Jitsu. "What?" 
 "Dad we wanna fight!" Leo stood up quickly. 
"Yeah!" Mikey copied him immediately. 
Sirani leaned out of Raph's arms to copy Mikey but Raph caught her before she could fall. 
"I too would like to learn." Donnie added as he also stood. 
"We could be super heroes!" Leo shouted, his mind exploding itself. "Or ninjas!" 
   "Super heros are cooler than ninjas." His purple masked brother commented. 
  "No, ninjas!" 
 Splinter couldn't help but feel proud. They wanted to be ninjas, just like the Hamato Clan. Well, might as well start early, right? His Grandpa taught him at a young age so he should do the same. 
  "Well, lucky for you," he stood from his chair with a grunt, "I happen to know a little about being a ninja." 
This caused the boys to jump around in excitement. 
  Sirani ignored them though. 
She watched the screen still, her brain trying to wrap itself around the idea that she wasn't like her siblings. Instead of being like them, the ones she was around every day, she was like this strange man she'd never met once in her life.
How could that be?
She frowned and held up her hand to the tv, comparing it to the man seemingly inside it. 
His gloved hands also contained ten fingers in total. 
Just like hers. 
But... she knew nothing about him!
Nothing at all!
He wasn't the one who was there for her when she got scared or sad!
He wasn't anything to her!
Splinter sighed. The boys seriously needed to stop bringing up her differences. If he wasn't careful, it could cause some real problems in the future. He didn't want her growing up seeing herself as some sort of outcast from her own home. 
  he scooped her up quickly. Sure, he was happy she had taken an interest in Lou Jitsu, but she needed to get away from the tv. 
  "No!" She protested, reaching for the screen. 
  "Hush, child, you can watch the boys first day of training!" He offered. A distraction would be good. Yes, this was good. 
He could do this right.
He was once a human child. 
How hard could it be?
@amirulamani @dakotafinely
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rora-s · 3 years
The Derivative  Chapter 9: Wormholes
Chapter 1 <- Chapter 8 
“Apparently there’s large performance differentials between same caliber bullets from different manufacturers” Amita told Charlie walking over to him with a piece of paper with the information. 
“Based on what?” Uncle C questioned looking the paper over. 
“Lead composition, gunpowder packing” Amita shrugged, sitting back down in her seat. 
“Just what I need more variables” Charlie muttered. 
“I could help you run through the equations if you want” I offered leaning forward on the couch. 
“No you’re not helping” Charlie objected turning back to his chalkboard “if Don even found out you were in here we’d both be in trouble” 
I rolled my eyes and turned back to my book. Just then there was a knock at the door to the solarium and Larry meandered in. “oh, some assistance in my brazen attack on the Lorenz invariance?” 
“No, drag coefficient models” Charlie informed. 
“Drag co- drag on what?” Larry questioned. Walking from Charlie to Amita.
“Bullets” the woman answered. 
“Bullets as in ballistic trajectories defined by the Einstein Equivalence Principle, related to the Lorenz frame?” Larry questioned over her shoulder pointedly. 
“As in, bullets that kill people” Amita replied. 
“Oh” Larry muttered with slight disgust in his voice as he turned to join me sitting on the couch. 
“There seems to be some disagreements over the sniper’s expertise” Amita explained looking to Charlie. 
“Well, I’d say the public’s decided on the question.” Larry explained “I have an aunt who lives two blocks from the first shooting. She’s afraid to go out on her front lawn now.” he gestured out the window. 
“Why don’t you tell your aunt that statistically she has a better chance of being mauled by a bear” Charlie explained exasperatedly. 
“Actually, statistics would favor the bear being mauled by my aunt but…” Larry joked and we all shared a small laugh. “This fear, this extends beyond the reach of statistics Charles.” Larry explained sinking into the couch. “No this is about arbitrary inescapable death. No, times like these, you just wind up speculating on paths not taken, jobs left undone.” 
“Larry I- I’m trying to get those equations done for you as soon as I can,” Charlie defended. 
“No, no, no.” Larry objected sitting up “at that moment, I was actually thinking of a far more prosaic legacy. Someone to carry on the Fleinhardt standard” 
We all looked at the physicist in surprise. “I didn’t know you wanted kids, Larry” Charlie voiced. 
“Well children are wormholes” Larry declared. 
“Wormholes?” Amita questioned. 
“As the only minor in the room can I protest that classification?” I asked the man who sat next to me fiddling with a small bowl “or at least get an explanation?” 
“Yeah. They’re portals into the unreachable future and unattainable past.” he somewhat clarified “No, as things stand now they exist only in the theoretical realm so..” 
“Well, I can see where you might have some trouble selling a woman on the idea of carrying you wormhole” Amita stated and we all chuckled again. 
There’s isn’t anything quite as annoying as sitting at the kitchen table trying to get a look at the work your Uncle is doing for the FBI that you know you can help with but aren’t allowed to. This is where I was as I sat at the dining table Charlie working and Larry getting himself another cup of coffee. 
“You know,” the physicist spoke up from the kitchen, “I have had almost no attendance at my morning classes. It’s like everyone’s afraid to set foot outside” 
“Not everybody” Charlie objected as Larry came in and sat a cup of water down for the mathematician. 
“Just the general populous” I commented. 
“Yeah. In times like these, an empty house is not a home” Larry said taking a seat at the table. “Evaluating my immediate prospects for a conventional nuclear family, I’ve just now begun to consider adoption.” 
“How long have you been considering it?” Charlie inquired. 
“Three days,” Larry offered. 
“Give it a few more days.” Charlie advised. 
“Yeah” Larry agreed “but consider Don. He had no prior notion or plan for raising a young adult and yet here he is doing just fine.” 
“That would convey the notion that my father is doing more than just monitoring me and providing me sustenance” I muttered. 
“I suppose there is something to be said about a mentoring learning curve” Larry murmured. Then looked at Charlie’s work “so what? You found a pattern yet?” 
“More like a pattern of patternlessness.” Charlie informed. 
“Is patternlessness even a word?” I asked. 
“Well it is now” Charlie stated. 
“Hey, there’s an interesting metaphysical notion.” Larry voiced. 
“What, whether patternlessness is a word?” I asked. 
“No the interesting part it plays in this case.” Larry explained “perhaps a human element remains to be inserted” 
Charlie groaned in annoyance. “You sound like this, uh, Agent Edgerton guy. He’s a sniper instructor that Don brought in from Quantico he thinks I should be out shooting rifles.” 
“Well, why aren’t you?” Larry inquired. 
“That would be cool” I agreed. 
“It’s a poor allocation of my time” Charlie objected “in the time it takes to shoot X number of rifles, I can access ten or twenty or a hundred times that amount of data” 
“No, no, no, no. there’s data and there’s hands-on experience” Larry pointed out. “These are two different beasts. That’s why you’ve got blackboards and laboratories.” 
“Well you study the universe, and you’ve never been to outer space.” Charlie countered. 
“Yeah, but if I had the opportunity, do you think for a moment I’d hesitate?” Larry said. 
Charlie sighed. “I think it’d be cool to shoot a rifle,” I voiced. 
Charlie gave me a look “you know It’s those kinds of statements that make Don worried about you” 
“Why’d I have to come along?” I muttered. 
“Because if you hung around Larry and Charlie any longer you’d end up helping them on this crazy case and we both know it” Alan stated as we got on the elevator in the FBI office. 
“So your solution is to bring me to the heart of where the case is being handled.” I pointed out. 
“Point made but this is the side of it you definitely can’t help on” Alan commented. I nodded in agreement getting the point. 
The elevator opened and Don greeted us. “Hey guys” he smiled. 
“Hey Donnie” Alan smiled as we headed out of the elevator and into the FBI office. I’d never been here before and it was a cool place. People were all over the place in cubicles. There were meeting rooms with glass walls and doors and on one side a tall stack of file boxes. 
“Thanks for bringing lunch all the way down here.” Don told us as he led us through the office “Come on, this way.” 
“Oh well, you know, the drive was a pleasure.” Gramps explained. “Traffic on the 10 has never been thinner since, uh, well, since it’s been the 10” 
“Yeah, it’s like all LA’s in lockdown, huh? Little eerie” Don commented. “Right in here” we were ushered into a little break room. Alan sat the bag of food on the table and started setting things out. “You guys want a water?” Don asked, leaning by a mini fridge. 
“Yes please” Alan said politely. 
“Sure” I shrugged watching the people through the glass. 
Don set out three waters before taking his seat at the table. Alan got up to grab some napkins. “Hey kid, why don’t you sit down?” Don suggested. 
“Yeah” I agreed, coming over and sitting across from him where Alan had put my sandwich. “Everyone’s really busy out there huh?” 
“Yeah sniper’s a big case and it’s not the only one we have open right now so a lot going on” Don explained as Alan came back over. 
“So, how, uh, how are you and Charlie managing this case?” the elderly man asked. 
“Well, I mean, he’s frustrated; I’m frustrated.” Don shook his head raising his sandwich up to his face “I mean, we’re having a rough time on this” 
“Is that why he’s been running out of the house late at night?” Alan inquired as we ate. 
Don nodded “we got an agent on him all the time” he assured. 
“I mean, I know he’s been helping you out and that he comes down to your office a lot, and I- I think that’s great. But, but now you got him going out on crime scenes.” Alan explained “I mean, there's this guy shooting people out there.”
Don made a face and I could see the argument coming. I quickly spoke up to leave the room “uh where’s the bathroom here?” 
Don look to me “uh out down the hall to the left and then take a right” he gestured. 
“Thanks” I replied, getting up and shuffling out of the room. Glancing back I could see the conversation continuing in my absence. Don and Alan had a strong relationship this I could tell from the beginning. However, Alan was always worried about his sons especially on the FBI side of things. It was a worry I never fully understood but then again this was my first time with male role models so maybe it was just a guy thing to constantly worry about what you can’t control. 
3rd POV. 
Once Abby had left the room Don turned back to his father “Dad. you really think I would put Charlie in danger?” 
“No,” Alan objected “you know what I really think?” 
“I think you have to understand that Charlie can never say no to you,” Alan explained. Don let out an exasperated breath putting down his sandwich “I mean, I mean. All you have to do is to ask him something and he’s there for you.” 
“Yeah, and I’m there for him.” Don insisted. 
Alan sighed “look, he’s not a cop. Now, come on, I mean, he’s better off with chalk in his hand than a gun.” 
“You know, you got to stop this; he is a grown man, and he’s capable of-” 
“Who still seeks the approval of his older brother” Alan cut Don off. “Whether his older brother likes it or not. And- and more than that Abby, Abby is just like him I had to bring her out here with me just to keep her from trying to help anymore on this sniper math of his.” 
“Abby’s fine alright” Don objected “she just needs to learn to leave that stuff alone” 
“Yeah, and who’s job is it to teach her?” Alan pointed out. 
Don sighed and was about to reply when his phone went off he pulled it out to answer, muttering an excuse me. Meanwhile Abby returned hesitantly but determined the argument was over as she saw her father on the phone. 
“Gotta go” the agent declared gathering his food and getting to his feet “another shooting” 
“Oh my god” Alan muttered. 
“Yeah, I promise I won’t call Charlie till we roll the tanks out.” Don stated stopping in the doorway. “And I want you two to stay here until I call you, okay?” Alan nodded in understanding “all right, thanks for the sandwich” 
With that Don was heading off into the bullpen. “I barely got to say two words to him” Abby muttered, sitting down with her food. 
“Well, I suppose when duty calls” Alan sighed, turning and watching his granddaughter eat. 
Abby POV.
I left off a loud sigh as Larry and my grandfather began their chess game. “Come on Abby, you like chess,” Alan said. 
“I like playing chess, not watching it,” I replied, turning the page of my book. 
“Well how about you play winner” Gramps suggested and I shrugged in reply. “And would you mind sitting like a normal person we are in public” I raised my hands in an annoyed gesture as I sat sideways in my chair, my legs dangling over the arms rest of one side. Alan gave me a stern look and I sighed shifting in my seat. “Thank you”
“Yeah, yeah” I sighed slouching in my chair and turning another page of my book. 
“Oh. The Ruy Lopez opening” Alan commented on Larry’s move. “I see I’m dealing with a classicist here.” 
“Look, I warned you I was a little rusty” Larry pointed out with a slight laugh to his voice. “My game is also a little undeveloped.” 
“You know I had to stop playing with Charlie when he was eight years old.” Alan explained. 
“Yeah, more precociousness in the biography of professor Charles Eppes.” Larry sighed “yeah you know, among mathematicians, isn’t that just such a cliche, the playing chess?” 
“I didn’t mind losing” Alan explained leaning forward in his seat “it was that bored expression on his face, like he was playing out of courtesy. That’s what got to me” 
“That’s why I keep my poker face up when I challenge you” I muttered, not looking up from my book. “It’s just common courtesy” 
“Oh is that so?” Alan asked and I could hear the amusement in his tone as I smirked. “Perhaps you should remember who your ride home is then” we both chuckled lightly amused. 
“Oh yeah? Well, try Scrabble” Larry suggested ignoring my and my grandfather’s banter. “He’s a horrible speller” 
“Really?” Alan inquired. 
“Oh, he’s horrible,” Larry insisted. 
“I didn’t know that” Gramps sighed leaning back in his chair again. “You know quite a bit about my son.” 
“I don’t know” Larry murmured “I know he’s been a delight. You know, observing him all these years. You know, a star pupil’s ascension to such extraordinary heights I mean, yeah, that’s perhaps the most rewarding aspect of being a teacher.” 
“Come one, we both know you’ve been a lot more than just a teacher to Charlie” Alan pointed out. 
I glanced up to see a small smile grace Larry’s features “well, thank you for saying that.” 
I caught sight of the board and scoffed turning back to my book as Alan spoke again moving one of his bishop “oh, by the way, uh you’re now in check” 
“Oh you distracted me” Larry exclaimed, sitting up as Alan chuckled to himself. 
“Smooth Larry” I murmured. 
“Here I found a tarp” I called tossing the bundled fabric at my uncle. 
“I just didn’t think that I was in immediate danger until I was” Uncle Charlie continued to explain the story I had coaxed out of him when he came back minorly distressed from the scene where the serial sniper was stopped. 
“Well yeah no one expects to die when their life has never been threatened before. Unless they’re paranoid” I muttered. 
“You seem far more calm with this then I would think” Charlie muttered as I climbed down the step ladder and we went to go outside. 
“Well I have experience around guns” I mumbled as we stepped back into the yard and was grateful to see my father there to draw away Charlie’s attention. 
“You told him?” Charlie asked. 
“Yeah about the gun range” Don muttered with a pointed look “that you shot a rifle. He shot a rifle, did a great job” Don rambled slightly. 
“I fired the rifle,” Charlie parroted. 
“Yeah, see i’m perfectly fine” Alan pointed out, wiping his hands with a rag “I didn’t fall off the ladder, I didn’t collapse. I certainly hope you got that out of your system now.” he muttered the last line at his youngest. 
“Definitely” Charlie agreed. 
I scoffed slightly and struggled to suppress my laughter at knowing the full knowledge of what happened as Gramps went to talk to Don about the stain they were putting on the house. Uncle C gave me a slight shove at my poorly suppressed amusement and I bent to help him spread the tarps. 
Chapter 10 ->
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moonlessbeast · 3 years
Donny for the ask game!
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Full Name: Adonis “Geoff” Morgenstern
Gender and Sexuality: trans man, gay
Pronouns: he/him
Ethnicity/Species: hes human, and while I’m not sure his specific race, he is mixed
Birthplace and Birthdate: San Halcyon, and his bday is late august but I’m not sure the date yet
Guilty Pleasures: Destruction of property and also stick-n-poke tattoos. He only has one that he did himself, but he thinks they’re really cool and likes seeing the designs people come up with. He ALSO has a very big sweet tooth and eats a lot of sugary foods as a result but that’s tied into a secondary power of his.
Phobias: Snakes. Also failing those who are important to him but mostly Snakes.
What They Would Be Famous For: simplest would be for being in one of the few teen hero team still around legally. Outside of that, probably just for being a handsome cheerleader or smthn. Or, broadly, for [Spoiler]
What They Would Get Arrested For: Well. He used to be the “child” of a super villain and assisted her in crimes, so that’s a pretty solid contender. Beyond that uhhhhhh destruction of property
OC You Ship Them With: @pochitagaming ‘s Red Sun and their other OC, Kris the TA who shares a cooking class with Donny
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: Spoilers 😔 but Bishop definitely could
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: He missed out on children’s movies growing up, so he likes those. Also just comedies in general, but ones that are actually funny and don’t just rely on shock value or bigotry. It’s nice to let go sometimes and just have fun.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: He’s tired of movies where the protagonist becomes evil, or the redeemed villain becomes evil again, or the hero realizes they were evil all along. It feeds into his fears that he’s irredeemable too much.
Talents and/or Powers: manipulation of magnetic fields, mostly in metal. He also has a secondary power that just makes him smell/taste sweet for no reason (there is one actually. I think it’s funny.). Also he’s very flexible and can do a standing backflip and can jump very high, but those are things a regular person can phrasing do if they try so that’s not a power.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s someone who believes that you aren’t a product of who raised you but rather what you do with your past when moving into the future, which is something sims people find comfort in. He’s also very polite and nice and handsome :)
Why Someone Might Hate Them: He tends to project more of what people want him to be than what he truly is, because he struggles with rejection sensitivity and it’s become instinct. There’s also the whole “former kid of a villain” thing, he’s pretty hated for that.
How They Change: He’ll grow to be more confident in himself and less afraid of who he used to be, instead thinking of who he’ll become. Also he’ll stop letting people think he’s cishet out of a fear of disappointing them (namely girls on the cheer team at his school bc he is on varsity cheer)
Why You Love Them: He started as a more jokey character who existed solely to be shipped with Red Sun, but he’s grown far beyond that and that growth process makes him mean a lot to me.
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
Eve Ewing is the only reason why you shouldn’t be worried for Outlawed
So I see a lot of people worried that Outlawed will turn into a kill all event and honestly if this was written by Dann Slott or Dennis Hopeless, I’d be annoyed with the premise but Eve Ewing actually is aware of how killing these characters could look especially since some of them are the only source representation for an entire demographic that Marvel has at the moment. She is also one of the Champions-verse writers as she has written Ironheart which compared to Wasp, Ms. Marvel, and Spider-Man, was the more Champions inclusive of all the books.
The Champions adjacent books like Unstoppable Wasp, Ironheart, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, and the Magnificent Ms Marvel were/are some of the best books in today’s Marvel. It helps that the writers actually spoke to one another to make sure they didn’t overlap and they actually give a shit about continuity unlike a Donny Cates.
What I’m saying is that Outlawed isn’t putting the Champions in the same situation as the New Warriors in which it is an editorial mandate to make these teens look incompetent as a plot point and also lack a voice in their persecution. And this is because the group as a whole was created to not be like the adult superheroes who will fight each other at a drop of hat or when a chair randomly thrown into a crowd.
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And it also helps that unlike the New Warriors, the Champions have an extensive PR campaign lethal highlights their individual humanitarian efforts such as G.I.R.L. They are heroes with good publicity and online awareness. Riri was Times Person of the Year for non-violently ending an insurrection in Latveria, Nadia is the founder for a non-profit science organization that aims to uplift women from all walks of life to get involved in science, the Champions as a whole have engaged in several environmental missions, assisted in fighting ISIS and helped liberate little girls who wanted to be educated, and both Riri and Miles stopped the human trafficking of poor people of color on their lonesome.
And Eve Ewing is aware of all of this. And she will make the reader aware of this as well. Persecuting the Champions is like talking shit about Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzi. And that is why the premise works. The Champions are the voice of a not only discontented youth but a youth who has engaged in activism that goes beyond simply stopping the bad guy. Old white guys telling them what they can or cannot do looks bad and that is the gold of the premise.
“But what about the Runaways, Young Avengers, and Future Foundation?”
From the looks of it and the sound of the premise, this is a street level vigilante event only so Future Foundation can see their way out. Not sure if the ban on teenaged superheroes is on a national level, but we are not sure if Rainbow Lowell is even involved in this event as she hasn’t confirmed or denied it although it would be nice if the Runaways escaped their bubble of being too cool for the Marvel Universe which is pretentious in of itself.
The teams that I could see taking part in this are the Young Avengers(because Marvel will want to capitalize on that brand since there is a movie coming) and New Warriors since the premise mirrors closely to Marvel’s first Civil War and Ewing has stated that she was a fan of the team.
And I wouldn’t want any other writer of this plot. Ewing, if you follow her on Twitter, is a sociology assistant professor at the university of Chicago who has a bit of a consciousness and awareness of what implications mean. No character is going to die unnecessarily here.
And this is a chance for Nova to shine.
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It’s no secret that Sam Alexander has been eclipsed by Miles Morales and Kamala Khan. Shit, I would say that Riri Williams and Amadeus outshone him. But what made Sam standout in Champions was his dumb brash attitude of being the personification of “he may be not completely right but he got spirit.” In the preview, Sam has already shown us why he was the voice of the Champions without taking away from others.
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I trust Eve and am looking forward to this event. It should be really good and live up to our hopes of not exceed them.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Idk why but while I can fully accept that Clara hates Big Mama's guts in all continuities... I can't help but think that if she existed in Family Web, Mama would be very overprotective and doting on her. Like... if she chose to be her assistant in secret due to timeline shenanigans in FW and Big Mama learned who she was she'd insist on keeping Clara with her 24/7 b3cause "grand baby must protect"
Ok, a FW!Clara being Mama's assistant would be neat, b/c yes to all those things you said. Mama would absolutely be doting and overprotective of her little future granddaughter. But also, i'm pretty sure the assistant was in "many unhappy returns" meaning Clara would have been made her assistant before Big Mama even knew the turtles were her kids.
So it would be either this, Clara convincing Big Mama that she was important so Big Mama hires her without knowing that's her granddaughter until later, then the doting begins like a switch has been flipped.
Or Clara starts working for Big Mama by just straight up telling her the truth (most of it. Like she's from an apocalypse future and was raised by one of her sons) b/c she knew and trusted Apocalypse Mama thus trusts this Mama. Mama is skeptical at first and keeps her close and, upon finding out the turtles are her boys, it finally clicks that she's telling the truth and thus, once again, the doting begins.
And honestly, idk which is better lol.
Honestly, I'll probably end up keeping Clara confined to Seer Twins. As much as i love her, she'd mess up a lot of plot stuff if i brought her into anything else at this point. (Clara in Adopted Donnie would mean that Donnie just up and stole not one, but two kids. Which would be hilarious and would make his papa proud, but its definitely not fair for anyone else involved lol. and it would fk up Raphie more having to not only deal with the sad vent goblin that is CJ, but also the little ball of grieving rage that would be Clara.) I think the only other au i could get away with adding her to now, would be MIF, but that's only b/c i have, as of yet, refused to think about what their apocalypse future would look like. (and will continue to do so for the immediate future. i'm happy plotting the little kiddie adventures atm. and with their reliance on mystics, having their mystics taken away will, without a doubt, mess them up more than i want to think about rn.)
Thank you!
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