#that man could play loki soooooo well
agentoffangirling · 2 days
We don't really see most of the Lokis reacting to the idea of a female version of them, only a small group that is isolated from the rest, and I didn't personally perceive them as surprised so much as humoring the new guy who sees an alligator variant of himself and still thinks a woman variant is unusual. (Classic Loki's line reads like an old-man joke about women to me, rather than a genuine opinion.)
Cont anon: "(Adding to my response about female Lokis.)
We also know from Thor 1 that women in Asgard aren't expected to be fighters like men. This could play to a Loki's strength and allow them to study different magics as well as manipulation and disguise without the scrutiny a male Loki would receive. This could incline them to lie about who they are and be more keenly aware that they and their variants cannot be trusted, which would discourage them from banding together like the male Lokis do. So the male Lokis could encounter them in the Void without ever realizing it."
On the first part, that's fair, I suppose. I can see that take of the scene, though Classic Loki's response would still read as misogynistic ("ooh women are soooooo scary", nice going, Waldron). It wouldn't make much sense for TVA Loki himself to see a female version of himself as odd, as he is confirmed to be genderfluid, which is my main gripe with the scene
On the second part, yeah, I can also see that. I don't mind this headcanon, actually, it fits fairly well with canon and the nature of Lokis in general. It still doesn't explain why the TVA brands Sylvie as the only female Loki, since they of all people would certainly know more than one exists; one female/feminine-presenting Loki is a statistical improbability as there are literally billions of different timelines. And like I said above, it also doesn't explain why TVA Loki would see one as odd, but it can help slightly explain the viewpoint of the other Lokis
Wish they that wrote this in instead of deflecting the entire question, "only our Loki is genderfluid" my ass, Herron
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orangechickenpillow · 2 years
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The way I would actually cease to exist if all of these actors were in the same thing
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justalokifanaccount · 3 years
Episode 3-Play by Play Reactions (Spoilers)
I’m so excited
Previously on? Oh please like I need a reminder of what I’ve been obsessing over forever
I miss Randy
This reminds me, how did that person know where the timekeepers are? I’d assume only someone of the status of Judge Renslayer would know.
Ooh funky beat
Oh lunch with Sylvie and that one soldier?
I don’t think that’s what a brain freeze is lmao
Oh they’re friends? Or is Sylvie just in her head?
Poor girl
Oh yup
I like the opening thing, but I was kinda hopeful that it’d change from episode to episode like wandavision
Lmao not the best security I gotta say
Yo magic don’t work here girly
Oh she just murdered that guy
Nice moves!
Oh that guy is dead too
See TVA, this is why guns are nice. You don’t need to engage in hand to hand combat
Yea that’s rude
Rude, Renslayer
Lmao they’re like siblings fighting
Oh that’s fortunate
Yea she’s not Loki
We got quips
Uh oh lol
Loki what did you do
Ohhhhh the purple realm in the trailers in called Lamentis
Soooo is this termina?
Oh she said watch out to him!
Oh her hair is up in the back. Cute.
Looking out for each other.
Soooo why no likey being called Loki?
Hahahahaha she can’t enchant him
What’s her issue?
No that’s not the reason he saved you. He’s just not a murderer like you.
And what’s your plan?
Cmon girl, spill. What’s your background?
Fast pace episode, gotta say.
Sky kinda looks like a painting.
Sylvie, you shut up. Don’t be rude.
“That’s not who I am anymore.” Sooo she WAS one? Sylvie just an alias?
Seems like the theories about them combining lady Loki and Sylvie together are potentially coming true.
Collapse of society? My favorite pastime!
Cmon kids, get along.
Skull kid has to be somewhere around here. (G-get it? Majora’s mask? Anyone? No? Okay...)
Get yeeted
Oop shape shifting time
Oh this poor lady
Oh lmaoooooooooo
That didn’t go well
Neat weapon.
That sword she has, is that the one Loki later gets?
I hope Sylvie has a good explanation for things...
Ahhhhh the blue outfits. Turtleneck Loki soon???
Lmaoooooooo nice plan loki
Uh oh rich people
Kinda heavy handed line delivery
Lmaoooo teamwork
What’s gonna work? Teeeaaaaamwork
Can’t wait for Loki to throw someone out the window
Lmao he sounds like a robot
Loki is such a pain lol. But she deserves it.
Frigga my Queen
Oh no
Please no
Spoiler lmao
What the heck Sylvie lucky
Or not?
What happened to her?
Teach Loki that magic!
I wonder how Sylvie’s past was so different than Loki’s? Wouldn’t that make her whole family variants for stepping off the scared timelines path? Why didn’t the TVA act sooner then?
I’m so happy seeing so much more of Loki’s magic.
“Love is hate.”
Loki is such a wonderful pain
Is this flirting???
Of course loki flirts with Loki
Soooo Loki dated?
“Love is mischief then.” “No. Love is... uh something I might have to have another drink to think about.”
We getting Loki drinking and talking about love. Huh.
Oh my gosh is he drunk?
Yep he’s drunk
How does an asgardian get drunk?
Now we have Loki singing in Asgardian
Seems like it’s hitting to close to home for Sylvie mayhaps?
Tom, your theatre kid is showing.
Loki dammit. Stop being drunk.
Please please please don’t make Loki a joke. Please. Please. Please. Cmon Loki.
“Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful. Until it makes you bleed. But ultimately when you reach for it.” “It isn’t real.”
You were close there.
Do it!
Loki can’t just fabricate tickets?
Did he just break that guys hand lmao
Nice Sylvie. Using your headpiece as a weapon. Copying Ragnarok Loki
Loki missed? Must be cuz he’s drunk.
Aaaaaand Loki was thrown out the window. Why does this keep happening to him? First dark world by Thor.
A little nervous rn with Loki... he seems to be a bit of a joke rn which is what I was afraid of. I hope this is just a little thing and that they’re not trying to make Sylvie better than Tom Hiddleston’s Loki. I mean, you could chalk it up to this Loki being a variant, so maybe there are other things different about him, but that begs to question, at what point does the TVA step in? We saw other Loki variants in that little hologram display in episode two that seemed like those Lokis had done a lot already.
Now now Sylvie, ahem... “LANGUAGE!”
Bragging about hedonism?
Temper tantrum
Cmon therapist Loki
Sober up Loki.
Scene from the trailer I presume.
TVA should step in soon huh? Or is this another apocalypse with no survivors so it doesn’t get picked up on.
Save this world Loki. Trigger the TVA.
Oh. So no trailer scene yet?
Lazy Loki
Cmon Sylvie, teach him! Maybe he can teach you something!
How on earth is Sylvie so different from Loki? I’m so confused.
I hope Loki is able to learn how to do this.
Wait I thought the TVA workers were made.
So they’re ALL variants? Soooo, the timekeepers are like running a labor camp? If they have no memories, then what do they think happens when a new worker shows up?
Oh man this is like ragnarok ptsd for Loki if he went through it
Very cool set I gotta say
Also very sad. So many people desperate for their lives.
Major Majora’s Mask vibes
Tom Hiddleston really said “soooo this is all that Loki CAN do but hasn’t been able to do in the past movies. Soooooo now we’re gonna make him do ALL of it.”
Wait... that’s it????? Why did this feel like the shortest episode so far? I think it was. And the ark was destroyed.
I have so many more questions now, mostly about Sylvie. But also concerns. I really hope they are able to balance series loki with mischievous and clever and silly Loki. And I hope they don’t try to push some kind of female Loki is superior thing (I haven’t gotten that vibe yet, but it’s always a concern for me whenever I see a supposedly gender bent version of a character).
I’m having trouble forming the words for my thoughts. This episode was fun and pretty and intriguing, but probably the weakest for the three so far imo. Not to say it was bad, but it felt kind of like it was amping, then plateaued and then ended. Like we barely got much more information, but more questions and set up but it felt like it ended too quickly. Like more was supposed to happen for this episode but it didn’t.
I hope we can find a way to hear Loki sing in asgardian again, but under less jokey pretenses.
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afangirlwashere · 5 years
Come rant with me about Endgame
So.......... I saw Endgame yesterday and I have some opinions, feelings and thoughts... Also a story about me being an idiot after trying to get home from the cinema but I’ll leave that for a bit later. Anyone who wants to talk about Endgame feel free to hit me up about it ‘cause I got nobody to talk about it with rn.
I’ll talk about the characters a bit more and afterwards, I’ll talk about plot stuff.
So... Thor
I have seen people complaining about what they did to him in this movie. I personally did not expect them to take this route with him but I wouldn’t really say it was completely out of character for him.  He lost a lot. And there is no real threat, nothing to really protect for him anymore apart from his people who he feels like he failed. He feels like he failed everyone and at everything and I can understand that feeling veeeery well.  And it was nice seeing them actually stick to his new figure and not giving him a stupid montage how he got fit again. No! He was worthy no matter what because it’s what's inside that matters.  His hair, beard and glowing eyes 10/10 Kinda sad and mad there was no talking about Loki though... Felt like he should have brought him up somewhere in there. I’m super excited for him to join the Guardians. It’s gonna be a riiide.
Now we can move on to Natasha and Clint
Let me just tell you... The second they started talking about having teams and going for the stones I was like “But Vormir? Who the fuck is going to go to VoRmIr to get the fucking soul stone?! WHOOO?!!!!” and I kind of expected it to be Natasha and Clint.  And I kind of expected Natasha to be the one who sacrifices herself because Clint has a family + after seeing what she did for those 5 years it made sense for her character to be the one who sacrifices herself.  I did not cry at this death I guess because I suspected it but I was VERY sad. I’m a little disappointed that they didn’t do something similar for Natasha as they did for.... y’know... our boi.  I guess the reason I didn’t actually cry could be that when she was lying down there I think she was in the exact same position as Gamora and there has been talk about it that it could mean something (you can watch the SuperCarlinBrothers Endgame review they talk about it a bit) but when I saw her there... It looked just weird man. Like logically she probably would not fall and be in the same position AS Gamora and I got the picture of Gamora just lying down there literally burned in my memory since I’ve seen it like billion times over the past year. The CGI on it was just... It looked weird okay? Otherwise, I was super happy about seeing Clint again. I missed him as much as I will miss Natasha. She did good and she will forever be remembered ❤️ 🧡 💛
Ant-Man a.k.a. my boy Scott Lang
He peaked in this movie. Truly. I had such a good time watching him do stupid shit, be funny but also serious.  He’s just always so much fun. Loved him a lot.  I was a little confused when Cassie was all grown up I thought it was her mom who was at the door first but then Scott was like “Cassie?” and I was like “OH SHIIIIIIT THAT’S THE KIIIID!” 
Bruce... honey...
Don’t have much to say about my boy Bruce. Cool seeing professor Hulk. I really liked the scene where they were trying to figure out time travel. I could relate to him just not knowing what he was doing but doing it anyways ‘cause... same.  Also, thank you for doing the snap. Good job. 
America’s ass Steve Rogers, Cap, whatever you want to call him
Soooooo... I’ve seen theories of his ending actually like.. before this movie came out. I’ve discussed him time traveling to be with Peggy with my cousin and we both agreed it would have been the best ending and that we would really want it for him. BUT when we discussed it we hit this big thing that would kind of not make sense for his character.  BUCKY! He would never leave him be tortured for years and years on if he knew Bucky was alive and that he could actually do something about it.  He would want to do something about HYDRA in S.H.I.E.L.D. as well! It’s not like him to just stand around and do nothing. He said it himself that he could not possibly do that. Like many people on the internet, I’m just... Not happy about this thing. Also, did they talk about it beforehand? Did Steve offer Bucky to go with him? Did Bucky say no? If they explain it in the future (they better) I hope that they mention Steve going for Bucky who was still being tortured WHEN he was with Peggy in the past. I hope that we will get Bucky’s and Steve’s talk after he finished talking to Sam. We could potentially get all these answers in the Falcon & Winter Soldier Disney+ show. I hope we do because if we don’t I’m gonna be hella mad. I wanted to shed some more good tears about Steve and Bucky but they didn’t talk... I’m not bitter. Trust me. Not. At. All. (they could have maaaybe cut the scene of them talking because: time)  Steve picking up Mjölnir was some good shit. I knew it was him the moment that hammer moved a bit. I got the flashbacks to Age of Ultron and I was like “Is he gonna..... Is it.... It’s..... YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!! IT’S FUCKING CAP!!!”  That was truly some good shit we got right there.  Also, I was kind of bitter that Steve and Tony never really talked over Civil War.  Hail Hydra scene? Perfection.  YeAh I know- scene? Perfection. That is America’s ass scene? Perfection.  Overall Steve had some great scenes. I just missed the Bucky in them. No real reuniting between them either... I just don’t know man. I wanted more from that. Bucky played a huge part in all three CA movies (one was literally named after him say what) and we didn’t get... anything. 
Nebula and Rocket 
I was very pleasantly surprised by both of these characters.  I hope they’re gonna be a bit closer now that they spent 5 years with each other.   Everybody say thank you Mr. Rocket for actually following the plan and getting the stupid fucking stone we needed.  Nebula kind of fucked up everything even though it wasn’t her fault. But when she literally killed her old self? I felt that. That was powerful shit.  Also loved her and Tony a lot. She’s a great addition to the Guardians.
Sweet summer child. Obviously, they set up a plot for Guardians 3 with Quill trying to find her at the end of Endgame. 
Carol Damnvers Danvers, Cap Marvel, my lesbian hero
Underused. But I get why. She is truly OP. Her haircut? Thank you Marvel gods? Her meeting Peter? I’ve never related more to Peter in my life because I too would be crawling in dirt and curled up on the ground if I got to meet this queen.  AND THEN THE SCENE? THE SCENE WHERE ALL THE MARVEL WOMEN FUCKING STAND UP AND GO AGAINST THANOS?! I felt that.  It was really funny seeing Peter get surrounded by all of them. He is protected by the lesbian queens.  Also her fucking up Thanos? Good shit. Little sad her and Fury got zero scenes in there. 
Wanda motherfucking Maximoff
Another OP women.  Loved her to pieces. Seeing her almost rip Thanos apart was truly inspiring. Fucking legend. Get that revenge for your toaster girl.
I don’t have much to say about him because there was not much of Sam in Endgame.  Loved the “On your left” thing. Great call back to WS. But I wanted to tell you guys something that happened in the cinema that I saw coming.  There was this group of boys around 17-19 years old sitting right behind me and when Cap was giving Sam the shield and basically making him the next Captain America.. I think ya’ll know where this is going.  These fucking dudes had the audacity to scoff and out loud talk about it like “A black dude is gonna be Captain America? The fuck?” I was trying not to sob in my seat because EMOTIONS and I felt the fucking rage that went through my veins at that moment. I can’t believe people still do this shit. Why, why, why the fuck do you think that it’s not okay? I wish I could go back to that moment and just throw my water bottle in their faces. Assholes.  It really ruined the moment for me and I’ll never forget the fucking disgust I felt when I heard that coming out of their mouths. Really wish I told them something but the state I was at... I was just not in the shape for calling them out on their bullshit. 
Um.... I feel like it’s time we address the elephant in the room. THEM. 
Dad Tony was really fucking me up good in this movie I gotta tell you.  The I lost the kid scene? Good shit. (In our subtitles they translated it to “I lost Peter” which was like.... Ummmmm.... kill me nooooow) The I love you 3 000? Good shit.  The shit scene? Good shit.  The bedtime story? Wish we got some Peter in there but still. Good shit.  Any scene with Morgan Stark in it? Good shit.  I just need her and Peter bonding in some future movie and I’m satisfied. Anthony Edward Stark really is that bitch, isn’t he? He made time travel happen in like 4 hours.... We love a true legend man. I wish we could have seen him talking to aunt May (that is if she didn’t die in the snap we still don’t know). I just kind of hoped that we could have seen him getting over losing Peter and stuff... even though he never really got over it.  I’ve also seen people blaming Peter for Tony’s death??? Umm? How? He did not jump out of that fucking picture and tell Tony to save him. He did not force Tony to care about him. Tony just did because he has a serious issue with adopting sad ki-I just don’t understand how anybody could blame Peter for his death. Tony decided totally by himself.  Seeing him go off on the team when he came back from space was... just wow. I felt that. I was genuinely scared of him for a bit. Also how skinny he looked? :) That shit hurted.  All of his dialog? Gold. Actual gold. There isn’t a scene in which he did not excel.  The talk between him and his dad? That shit hurted.  When Peter came on the screen... Man I was WAITING when all the guys from Titan started showing up I was at the edge of my seat like “whereishewhereishewhereishewhereishe” and then when he fucking jumped in there the music got all epic and when he took off the mask he looked so fucking adorable and happy and the hair and ghdakskguarieogs-  That was truly the first time I cried in that movie. That is what he does to me.  And WE GOT THE HUG FOLKS! Him rambling and being all OwwwO and Tony just looking at him. Cried like a crazy person. I’ve waited for that a long time.  And then Peter jumping around and protecting the gauntlet and meeting everyone and Carol and... I just can’t even. He was perfect. It was perfect. But then it happened... The moment Strange gave Tony THE look I knew shit was going down for real.  I was crying like a little baby.  Seeing Thanos fade away was very satisfactory but right after that seeing Tony just... do THAT. And by THAT I mean fucking DIE. Yeah... Rhodey was the first one at his side and he just kind of pet his head...  But then fucking Peter got to him and I- that was truly painful as all hell. Seeing him cry and break down because that’s his father figure, that’s his mentor, that’s his Tony.  And now he’s just.... gone.  Go watch the Far From Home trailer that’s a lot of fun now :--))))  Pepper telling him that he can rest I- think I never cried more in my entire cinema experiences. When the reactor turned off it was over. I was trying so hard to not sob and be loud in my seat but I actually have no clue if I was loud or not because I was that deep in. Didn’t bring any tissues. That was a mistake I am never making again.  The funeral was beautiful.  The cheeseburger scene. Great. I actually had a burger yesterday and... It’s the first time I cried over a fucking burger.  I still can’t believe it happened. My brain is still not comprehending it. I just can’t believe...  I was SO convinced that Cap was the one who’s dying and I was SO convinced that they could not just get rid of Tony. But they did... They did that. It’s the end of an era. Truly.  And Morgan is going to grow up without a father now :---))) just end me.. This is fucking hell.  I’ve never cried this much in a cinema. Fuck Endgame. 
Okay so now I wanna talk about some plot stuff
The time travel I don’t fucking get 
Okay but can somebody explain to me how the time travel works? Maybe after I watch it a few times I’ll understand it better. I have some kind of idea how it probably works but I’m still veeery confused.  They made such a big deal about returning the stones back to the realities they borrowed them from. Okay. But how did they return them back in the way they were before?  The reality stone aka Aether was in Jane Foster, right? Tony, Thor or someone must have figured out a way how to put it in its stone version but can you put it back in Jane Foster then? So that nothing changes? Can you? Or do you have to? How much do we have to follow the rules of how things have been when we return them? Can it be given back in the stone form?  Same thing goes for the space stone. It was in the Tesseract. How did they put it back in the Tesseract? Did they have to? How. Does. This. Work?  And what about the soul stone? We know that Red Skull is the protector of it on Vormir but he is not the one who put the soul stone in there. So who did? And can they put it back? How did Steve put it back? He couldn’t have just given it to Red Skull right? Then Red motherfucking Skull would have the stone and it would fuck up some other reality. Just like when Loki took the Tesseract. I just don’t exactly understand this. Also if we made a huge deal out of the stones what about Mjölnir?? When Thor took it right before the dark elves attacked? Don’t they have to give it back as well? I get that he took it so that we could see Cap with Mjölnir but.... ???? I don’t remember if Steve had it with him when he was returning the stones he might have but he also had it when he was old sitting on that bench. He could have given it back just like the stones and maybe call it to himself when he needed it (which would probably confuse Thor a bit). I suppose Thor could still call it back when Steve had it in the past but that would mean there were two Mjölnir hammers at one point right? Because Steve went back to Peggy and at that point, Thor still had his hammer because Hella did not destroy it yet AND the thicc dummy Thor hasn’t taken it yet either.  So what if he called two hammers? Wouldn’t that be just really weird? Also what happens with that reality where Thanos is dead? It’s 2014 Thanos. I would think they have to put him back as well so that the whole snap can still happen.  I’m just super confused with EVERYTHING about this.  But the thing that is the weirdest to me personally is old Steve??? Like... Did he time travel from his own reality back to ours with the shield and  Mjölnir? Because he couldn’t have been in OUR reality right? The things they do when they travel to the past do not affect the present. No butterfly effect right?  Which means Steve couldn’t have lived in OUR reality with Peggy because in our reality Peggy had her own husband, children, and life.  So he must have traveled from our reality to the one where Peggy did not have a family yet and then when he wanted to go back to Sam and Bucky he must have traveled from that reality where he was with Peggy back to ours or this doesn’t make any sense. So why did we not see him in the time traveling suit?  That must mean in some other reality we have Peggy’s and Steve’s kids but not in ours. So does that mean there are two Steve’s in some other reality? Because Steve is still stuck in that iceberg.  IDK man I’m super confused how all of this worked. The stones, the hammer, and Steve.
I hope I made at least some sense in this. I highly recommend you to watch the SuperCarlinBrothers review they talk about some of the stuff I talked about here. If any of you who actually read this whole thing (wow kudos to you) want to chat about it you can message me or something IDK. I have no one to talk about this movie with rn so if you’re in the same situation you can definitely hit me up if you have some opinions, theories, and emotions. 
Also the little story I promised. 
I went to see Endgame on Thursday and I had to take a train that was leaving around 9:53PM to get back home. There is this park that I have to walk through to get to the road that leads to the train station. It’s basically like at least a 20-minute walk from the cinema to that train station.  So I got lost.... in the park. It was dark as fuck in there. I was in a city I barely know, heartbroken over THAT movie and I had to catch the train.  In the middle of all of that my mom called me and I was like barely holding back tears because THAT movie, I’m also lost in a dark motherfucking park in a city I don’t know, somebody is laughing loud as fuck in there and the train is leaving in like 15 minutes.  My mom later told me that I sounded weird like I was crying or something (which I almost was) I was panicking as FUCK. I eventually made my way out of that park but I did not catch the train. I even RAN to catch it. Still didn’t make it. Had to take a bus to get home.  It was a disaster.  I also sat outside of my apartment just looking at the dark sky around 11PM and cried my eyes out because TONY.  So that was a stressful journey home. 
In the end... The movie destroyed me. I’m not sure I am completely satisfied with everything that went down and how it went down but I still think they did a very good job with it.  I will forever miss Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. It will never be the same without them. Thank you for everything. 
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Avengers Endgame-First Time Watching Reaction Play-by-Play (Pt. 2)
Part 1
10/10 entrance
I wish one of those middles killed Thanos. Cruel irony.
It sure is convenient that this is all happening away from the populace.
Love that Steve calls Peter Queens.
Cool and all, but where did Valkyrie get a Pegasus? We never saw them on Asgard. Or earth... did Loki do something sneaky before dying?
Peter keep the helmet on ya dummy
Groot and rocket reunited
Jeez Marvel a little late, no?
And now of course, despite marvel being OP as hell, Thanos will still provide a struggle against her on a one to one fight...
Aaaaaand here comes the feminism pandering scene... all the female characters together for no logical reason. They were all spread about across the battlefield but then somehow all arrived at the same time and knew where to go because of course. You want real feminism? Show me more of the women side by side the men, holding their own. Not only with each other.
Well crap.
And what, now that he has the stones, she CAN put up a fight?
One. This is the reality.
Oop, CGI goof. The glove finger clipped through the hand.
How did the stones fall out so easily?
I am inevitable
And I
Iron man
Thank you Tony stark...
Piss off thanos. I wish this death was painful for you. At least it has great dramatic timing for you to sit down.
Rest In Peace Iron Man. Tony Stark.
Peter... oh my... tom Holland you got acting chops.
Poor pepper... poor Morgan.
You can rest now Tony...
Aaaand I’m crying again...
Dammit marvel I hate that you cut out the scene of everyone kneeling in respect of Tony... that scene was perfect...
Clint go back to your family.
Parker, GO HUG NED (I’m crying more now)
Awwww Cassie and Scott and Hope
I love you 3000
Morgan, your dad is a hero.
Man even Rhodey is crying...
I’m crying again
Oh a wedding scene. Right? Right? Nope.. poor tom Holland...
Give Natasha a funeral too dammit. Did everyone just forget about her? Can’t we just yoink her from another time line? Since you can’t mess up time apparently unless it’s taking an infinity stone I guess... but sure that makes sense.
Even the guardians paying respect when they don’t know him.
Nebula, paying respect to a friend. Sheet a few years ago.
Hey it’s Harley!
And carol.. off on her own.
And nick fury! (Where’s Maria Hill)
Man I wish we could tell Nat we won. Tony has to tell her. I know it. And vision.
Man I love Wanda and Clint. Friends.
And happy and Morgan. “Your dad liked cheeseburgers” CRYING AGAIN
I don’t really like Thor giving over Asgard to Valkyrie but I also do. It’s mixed.
I do ship Valkyrie and Thor tho but I am so glad that they cut out the failed kiss.
“What will you do” join the guardians Asgardians of the Galaxy
Thor better not try to take over quills thunder. Glad nebula is here.
How did Gamora go missing? Like, she was right there in the battle. Unless Tony accidentally snapped her away too. Guess we gotta get the stones back... but don’t worry! I know where there’s a whole drawer full of them! Thanos, eat your heart out.
Oh boy the boys are fighting for alpha male....
Sorry hemsworth, but Pratt has my heart.
Poor Bruce.. you can’t bring back Nat... Bucky hiding his sadness whenever Steve isn’t looking... Steve you idiot... don’t leave. I know you have this chance, but uhhhh STEVE... REMEMBER SHARON? You promised to help her out after she broke the law for you? And Peggy has a life? (Also, for some reason I thought Steve was immortal since the serum but then I remembered it was just the cryogenic freeze)
You left Bucky you bastard.
Bucky knew exactly though.
Dang he’s old. How is he still alive? He was in his hundreds normally. I guess the serum does provide longevity.
Ahhh so this is Tony’s fault lmao
Soooooo did he eventually come back via time travel back to this zone or not? Because if he grew old in THIS time line, then SO MUCH would be different. Museums, news, Sharon would be his niece... so did Steve just grow old here or come back? I’m assuming he came back since that timeline was technically different than this one, however, how did he get back without using the return platform?
Sam, get ready to be the new captain America.
Supportive bucky
Gotta say, I still like the old shield design better
Good old supportive grandpa Steve
I wonder why Steve doesn’t want to tell Sam about Peggy?
Okay this ending was cute. Yes Steve deserved happiness, but I still feel confident he would have been able to find it in the present. And did he ever explain to Peggy his situation and if so, how? And what point exactly did he go to? Right after he crashed into the ocean?
What the heck there’s no credit scenes???
Well it’s 2:00AM now so.
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melyaliz · 7 years
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“I’m not jealous of him, I just hope he doesn’t change our friendship. You’re my best friend and I hope I’m not being selfish by asking you not to leave me behind.”
Prompt list 
References in this story 
Dick had always thought that once Jennifer finally started dating again he would be jealous. He just assumed that he would get that same feeling he got as he watched her go home with everybody but him. That pit in his stomach reminding him that the one woman he had been in love with since they were kids was no longer his.
That was until she never seemed to settle down. While he would jump from woman to woman. Having relationships spanning from days to years Jen continued to do the one night stand. Nights of passion with mornings alone.
He never dwelled on it too much. Enjoying their friendship and how she never seemed to rock the status quo when it came to them. Yet every night as she linked arms with a stranger a part of him wondered if she would ever become close to anyone again the way they had been all those years ago. Or had she truly cut herself off from the world?  Baring her heart from the possibility of loving another again.
So when Jason teased her about the large God of Thunder Dick’s interest was peaked. While the brunette girl brushed off the comments he could see the lopsided smile that played on her face. The way her bright blue eyes glanced in the tall blonde’s direction as he would burst out laughing at a joke one of the bar patrons would make. And he knew this man was more than a one night stand.
To his surprise, as he watched her slowly get swept away by the mighty Thor, Dick didn’t feel those feelings he was dreading.
Maybe it was the way Thor watched her. Like she was the only one in the room. The way he would light up. His bright eyes crackling with electricity and excitement. How his laugh seemed to boom coming from his core enveloping her as she spoke to him.
Maybe it was the way Jennifer open up. Open her heart in a way she hadn’t done since the death of her best friend and parents. As if trusting herself to feel again, surrender fully to someone else. Letting them in, giving herself to them. 
Or maybe, just maybe it was because he got the old Jen back.
“I have a door you know, well two really” Jennifer laughed looking over as Dick jumped into her bedroom through the window.
“Awww but it’s tradition”
“I can’t tell you how many people have come through my window.”
“See totally normal. Plus I come bearing gifts.”
“Ohhh donuts from that new place by the station?”
“And a glazed French Cruller, your favorite.”
“Gimme!” the pretty brunette giggled reaching forward snatching it from him. He laughed taking a seat next to her on her bed pushing a few papers aside from a case she was working on.
“Soooooo, you seem to be very busy lately.”
“Really? It’s summer so work from Xavier’s Institute is super light.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Hummm” Jennifer said tapping her finger to her lips a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Whatever could you mean?” he laughed shoving her slightly.
“Maybe something to do with a certain God who is related to Maia. Like her brother.”
“Loki? I think he’s dating your sister.”
She giggled taking a bit of her donut, her whole body seemed to be lighter, happier. “Yeah, Thor’s super nice. Faith loves having him around and he’s just… nice.”
“You seem a lot happier,” Dick mumbled as he watched her do something he had never seen her do in her whole life. Stumble over her own words. Letting out a small giggle Jen shrugged.
They lapsed into silence for a moment, getting lost in their own thoughts. Jen slowly looking over her documents unable to focus.
“So wanna take a break from your work and come have an adventure with me?” Dick asked breaking her concentration. Half expecting her to turn him down. Knowing how she felt about the vigilante life. How the memories of the past haunted her.
“You know what, I would love that.” she said turning to smile at him, “Should we tie sheets out the window and escape?”
“I have my utility belt, no need to ruin your beautiful 800 thread count.”
“Ok, Nightwing let’s go have an adventure.”
Taking her hand Dick pulled her to him before leaping out the window. Maybe this was for the better, maybe this would strengthen their friendship. Make them closer than they had ever been.
As he watched her laugh, light and free. Like when they were teens saving the world together. So filled with promise and dreams. He knew it was going to be ok.
Because no matter who was in their lives they would always be in each other’s hearts, be best friends.
Tagging: @royslittleharper @guns-n-lilies @the-shadow-of-atlantis @coffee-randomness @daisyboobear @werewitchling @nightwing-rules @jayne-writes @memento-scribet  
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