#that last pic. when someone told me it was Them it made me feel crazy
hatredinmysoul · 1 year
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“in my head, i play a supercut of us. all the magic we gave off, all the love we had and lost”
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in your car, the radio up, we keep tryin' to talk about us. i'm someone, you may be my love.
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i'll be your quiet afternoon crush, be your violent overnight rush, make you crazy over my touch, but it's just a supercut of us.
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so i fall into continents and cars, all the stages and the stars. i turn all of it to just a supercut.
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cause in my head, i do everything right. when you call, i'll forgive and not fight.
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because ours are the moments i play in the dark, we were wild and fluorescent
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come home to my heart.
supercut by lorde
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w2soneshots · 2 months
Race cars -W2S
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words: 0.9k+
warnings: pregnancy.
summary: you, your baby daddy and the rest of the group spend a day at the F1 - British Grand Prix.
notes: Hello loves! This was requested on my wattpad🫶🏼. I don’t know much about f1 so that part of this fic is pretty vague but I hope you enjoy!!😚💕
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A few weeks ago the boys were invited to watch the an f1 race and were told that they could each bring a plus one. Ethan chose Faith, Simon chose Talia, Josh chose Freya, Vik chose Ellie, JJ chose Callux, Tobi chose Calfreezy and Harry chose me.
The past few months of mine and Harry's life have been pretty crazy due to the fact I found out that I was pregnant. It wasn't planned but I've been with Harry for almost six years so it was a happy surprise.
Today is the day of the race. I woke up wrapped in my boyfriend's arms, one of his hands gently resting on my growing baby bump. I slid out of bed and shuffled into the bathroom to begin getting ready.
I took a quick shower, styled my hair, applied some makeup then picked out a cute but comfortable outfit. Once I was finished Harry was already up and in the kitchen making us both breakfast.
"Good morning my love." He smiled wildly at me as I sat down on one of the stools at our breakfast bar. "Morning. You exited for today?" I asked cheerly. "Yeah! Can't wait. The group chat has been blowing up since last night, everyone's really excited." He replied, plating up our food.
After eating Harry got ready into a relatively fancy outfit (well, what Harry considers fancy) and soon we were in a taxi on our way to Silverstone.
When we arrived I text the girls and they told me that they were already inside. I opened the back door of the taxi to see Harry already waiting there. He put out his hand and I graciously took it. He helped me to stand up then we headed towards the entrance.
"Hi!" I let go of Harry's hand when I spotted the girls. We each shared a hug and they were quick to comment on my growing stomach. "You look so cute." "I can't believe you're actually gonna have a baby!" I smiled. "I know. Oh and guess what!" "What?" Faith tilted her head to the side. "I felt the baby kick last night." I replied. All three of them stared at me for a second before bright smiles spread across their faces.
The night before I was sat in bed when I felt a flutter in my stomach. You couldn't see or feel it from the outside but the doctor had told me what to look out for so I knew it was the baby. When I told Harry a cute smile graced his features.
Once I said hello to the boys we all got settled in our seats, ready to watch the race. When the green flag was waved everyone suddenly became very focused. I sat between Harry and Talia, my hand gently resting on my small bump.
After almost an hour I got up to use the bathroom. "You alright love?" Harry asked. "Mhm," I hummed. "Just going to the toilet. I'll be back in a minute." I smiled lightly. He nodded then returned his attention back to the large outdoor tv screen that showed the parts of the track we couldn't see.
I made my way down the stairs and I walked towards the toilets. Just as I got there someone stopped me. "Excuse me?" I turned around. A teenage boy stood in front of me. "Are you Wroetoshaw's girlfriend?" He asked. "Uh- yes I am." I replied. "Could I please get a pic?" He was polite so I agreed. "Oh and congratulations by the way." He glanced at my stomach. I smiled. "Thank you." He nodded with a smile then he walked away happily.
When I returned to my seat I told Harry about the interaction. "I forgot that people don't know about the baby." He replied. "Well they'll probably know after today." I said quietly, carful not to annoy anyone around us trying to watch the race. "That's not a bad thing though, we didn't want it to be a big deal, right?" "Yeah, I'm a little sad that it won't be our little secret anymore though."
Since I'm not really on social media we hadn't even thought about telling the fans since it wasn't like I needed to hide it in pictures or anything. But when they find out they find out we're not that bothered about it.
Once the race ended we all headed to a nearby restaurant to get some lunch. We ordered our food then began having separate conversations. Me and the girls chatted away about what we'd all been up to recently while the boys discussed an upcoming sidemen video.
Later that night as me and Harry lay next to each other in bed he turned his phone around so I could see it. "Look." The screen showed an instagram post with a picture of me and Harry sat at the f1 race, my hand perched on my obvious baby bump. The caption read "congratulations are in order for w2s and his girlfriend y/n! The couple were seen earlier today with the rest of the sidemen at the f1 British Grand Prix and y/n seems to be pregnant! Nothing has been confirmed by them as of yet but fans are extremely excited about the news."
I smiled. "Well, I guess now everyone knows." Harry put the phone down, shuffling closer to me and pulling me into his chest. "I'm glad. It's been hard keeping the biggest thing in my life a secret. The amount of times they've had to cut stuff out of the podcast because I accidentally let something slip." He replied. I chuckled then let out a content sigh as we both slowly drifted into a deep sleep.
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snowy-vee · 7 months
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oblivious loser bsf! ellie williams x posesive popular bsf!fem reader
n/a: 2.9k words! I hope you all enjoy, I have change some things so the story MAYBE won't end in 6 chapters, I love reading comments or answering questions, so FEEL FREE TO DO SO. Any misspelling will be edited later on
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You enter the house talking on the phone. You take out your boots and went directly to the fridge grabbing a water bottle.
“No, shit, Jesse, of course I’m giving her space but I think you don’t get that it’s been two weeks since I last saw her”
“If I don’t recall wrong, you made some cheer girls spy on her”
“Shush, what was I supposed to do? She was suspended for one week so I knew I wasn’t going to see her and that she was going to still mad at me the next one, so I put April and Sav to do a little… research ¡I am worried! She hasn’t even come to the house to pick up her clothes, her backpack, yes, but her clothes are just like the last time.”
When you went to fight Abby at her department, you didn’t, Ellie had done enough job, so you just screamed at her and made her tell you what the fuck happened between them at the locker room and years ago. Abby, tired of this bullshit, told you everything from A to Z, and you felt more like a piece of shit.
Now you understood everything, at least saw the situation with a different light, you did slap Abby and told her to stay away from you or you would sue her for spreading your pics around campus. Since then, no contact between you two, not even in class.
“Well, you fucked up big this time, what can I say?”
“Thank you, you’re the best, How does it feel that she’s with your ex and you’re still in love with her?”
“One, at least I can talk with Dina without problems, our friendship is good, Two, they are not together yet. How’s yours with Ellie? Oh right, hanging in a thread”
“Blah, Blah, Blah… Where’s my fucking couch?” You turned around going on the living room to sat down on your couch but it disappeared, it was there this morning when you left.
“How would I know? Where’s your couch?”
“That’s what am I asking, Jesse!” You were going to freak out. You heard the water of the bathroom running, there was someone on the house “I think there’s someone in the house…”
“It could be Ellie”
“Her keys are not in the entrance, I will call you later…” You said walking slowly towards the bathroom, you could hear Jesse telling you to don’t hang the call but you did anyway. Once you where in front of the door, It opened and you screamed.
The voice of Ellie screaming at unison with you made you stop. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
She said with a hand on her chest looking at you as if you were crazy. She obviously just took a shower and was wrapped in a towel with her hair soaked and wetting the floor. You felt relieved that it wasn’t a burglar, you nodded slowly reassuring yourself and saying that it was only Ellie… ¡Ellie!
“You’re back?”
“Well, still my house too, so yeah, you have a problem with that?” She said in a defensive tone, of course her guard wasn’t down yet.
“No, of course no! It’s just that I am surprised”
“Don’t be, this doesn’t mean me and you are friends again”
“I know… Do you happen to know what happened with the couch” You asked with a sad frown looking at her walk to her room.
“Yeah, I burned it in a remote clearing far from here”
“Why? It was brand new!
“It was dirty because of someone” she simply said closing her door. You had a confused look on your face as you were processing what she told you.
You locked yourself in your room, you did miss her but at the same time you had to find some words to tell her and you had zero idea what to do, God, she was burning things now, maybe you were the next. Ellie was walking around the house, you could hear her steps on the kitchen and the TV on, she was cooking something while watching one random quiz show.
The warm feeling that you had knowing that she was finally back at home allowed to take a long nap, a very long one because once you woke up, the sun was gone and you regretted it. You had homework to do and exams to study, you had to take it seriously since cheer wasn’t your major, you were studying something that your parents agreed on but you did not enjoyed that much.
They were donating monthly to the cheer team in exchange that you aced everything else, otherwise you would be expelled from cheering and from the team, even the coach knew that. Ellie always helped you and made it easy to study but she didn’t this time, obviously, so you had kind of trouble studying.
With your things to study you went to your kitchen, leaving everything on the table, you were going to study there but also eat something, you were hungry. You opened the fridge, empty except some sodas and protein bars… maybe in the pantries? Nothing caught your attention but the pan in the stove. Ellie had cooked one of your fav foods, was she torturing you? She knew that you weren’t going to grab the food nor ask her if you could, you bit your lip and sighed resignedly, protein bars would be.
Time flies while you were working in your homework, sometimes looking over Ellie because it still felt surreal that she was at home, she could feel your eyes on her but she wasn’t going to give you any attention or so she thought before you started groaning annoyed that you couldn’t understand a lot of things. It was making her nervous and irritated her a little, mostly because she knew that you stressed yourself easily over anything and that made the process more difficult and also because she couldn’t help you, you two were on a Cold War.
“What is it?” She said getting up from the only small chair of the living room.
You turned the computer around and showed her the topic, she started helping you and you were focus, of course you wanted to use the opportunity to talk but first enjoy her help. None of you realized how fast the time passed that until you let a small yawn.
“Maybe, that’s everything for today” Ellie said returning to her cold-self. Shaking your head you grabbed her hand.
“Please, don’t… I can’t spent another day without talking to you”
“We are talking”
“Don’t play dumb, I finally know what happened back home, I finally understand more your anger, Abby told me everything”
Ellie raised her eyebrows, waiting for you to start talking. She wanted to know what truth have you heard and if it was the right version of it, and it was, Abby told you the truth.
“So you went to her again?”
“That’s all you have to say? And it was not like that” You rolled your eyes looking at her “Whatever, what I want to say is that I wished you could’ve told me back then”
“Would it have changed something?”
“I have no idea, maybe?”
Ellie scoffed. “So my word was not enough? Telling you not to mix with Anderson?”
It was going to be difficult to try and have a conversation when Ellie still hurt and was defensive, which you get and that’s why the nap was a need, you were mentally prepared for this.
“I’m not saying that, but I thought it was something stupid like she stole your game box, not your girlfriend” You tried to explain.
“Okay, but you still had something with her knowing that I was in bad terms with her, why? I mostly want to hear why? I’ve been racking my brain searching for a reason”
“Because of you” Ellie opened her mouth to respond but you covered it. “Shut up. Let me finish, I did it because of you, Ellie, I’ve been in love with you since god knows when and I tried so hard just to be your best friend but I couldn’t”
Ellie eyes softened slowly. “Every girl that tried anything with you, I scared them off, I used the ‘power’ of being popular and I used to make them stay away from but then we came here and there was so many people that did not fear me or knew me and you were getting along with a lot of people, I was afraid you were going to finally find a girl that matched your type”
“Why you never told me that?” She said taking your hand out of her mouth, holding it now.
“I’ve tried! Millions of times but somehow you had a new girl in your radar or you did not read the signs, eventually I grew tired of it so I tried to keep you for me. The first time I got with Abby, was only a kiss in a game but that made me popular somehow and I was starting to get more attention because of the rumours, at the same time I saw how you looked at Dina when she was dating Jesse and how you started to talk with her when they broke up even if it was briefly, I knew you were getting interested in her”
“I have nothing with Dina…”
“Can you let me finish? Damm” She murmured a little ‘sorry’ and indicate for you to continue “That irritated me and I was thinking on ways, it’s going to sound bad… on ways to hurt you because of how you made me feel, like I would never be enough but I did not wanted to hurt you directly because I am your best friend, nothing else, you weren’t doing anything bad, just being social and flirting. Abby told me she find me attractive and ¡Bang! Match made in hell, it was perfect, because I knew how much pain you’d feel and it would be equal at mine.”
“So it was intentional? You wanted to hurt me?” She let go of your hand looking at your eyes.
“No! Well, yeah, I didn’t realized how dumb I was being but with you and Dina getting to know each other more, you lying to me to go see her… It was too much. I’ve been with a lot of people in front of you and you’ve never reacted until Abby, so it was the only person that made you protective of me while I tried to get rid of Dina”
You took a deep breath and exhaled softly, nodding slowly. “But this two weeks, I did some thinking, more like mini therapy and I’m ready to be your best friend and stop pushing myself on you on any way and let you be the judge of your love life. I don’t want you out of my life, you’re my everything and if it’s only as a best friend that I can be, I am ready and I know that I hurt you and that is going to be difficult to trust me again but I hope we can reconnect slowly again”
Ellie felt kind of guilty knowing that she neglected your feelings and kind of made you that way, she could’ve rejected you sooner… or accept you sooner, anyway what was done was done.
“I- I think that I accept your apologize”
“You think? Is that a yes or no?”
“I don’t know, I have to think about it and it will take time. Even if we start acting like before, my trust on you has been hurt” You nodded. Of course, you were aware of that but how long was she going to take? Also, you just confessed that you love her and she is not going to say anything to that? That made your heart kind of itching, you wanted to scratch it and, in the process, tear it out.
“I understand… Can I hug you?”
“It’s better that you don’t” Oh. Ellie already took out your heart and ate it in front of you “We can start slowly, I can help you studying and let’s go from that”
“You can’t interfere in any of my love life, nor go back to Abby, this time I won’t make you promise that you will, I just hope that you wanting my friendship back is enough to keep you away from her” Your mind was spiralling thinking about how much build up you had to do to rebuild what you had with her. “I’m kind of tired… I’ll go to sleep now, night”
She went to her room an closed the door. You were left alone in the kitchen and still with a little homework unfinished, but you had a new plan in the move, now that you had a green light you could start it.
“I’m going to the 24h store! Be right back” You yelled grabbing your jacket and keys, putting on your shoes and calling Jesse.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The music of the bar was mostly soft rock and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes was everywhere, you finally saw Jesse playing pool in his red varsity jacket with some guys of the football team.
“Hey, guys!” You said in your cheer tone, making them all smile. “Mind if steal your teammate for some time?”
“All you want, darling”
They started cheering Jesse’s name and patting him on his back as you pulled him out of the bar to the back part of it so no one could catch you talking and interrupt.
“They must be thinking we’re going to fuck or something”
“Ha! In your dreams” You let your back rest on the wall as you look at him taking out a cigarette “Give me one”
He light his up and came in front of you putting on in your lips and connecting both cigarettes to light up yours, all this keeping eye contact with you before taking a spot besides you, leaning his back on the wall too, that made you and he laughed.
“I’m sure that works like charm with the ladies”
“You can’t imagine” he shrugged “So what was that you wanted to talk about?”
“I will help you with get back with Dina” He started coughing because of heat you said, you raised your eyebrow blowing the smoke on his direction.
“What? Why? Is this one of your crazy plans?
Your relationship with Jesse was more of a partner in crime than anything, if any of you had this weird planning on something you could count on the other to support and help and he knew of your dying love with Ellie, so he was sure you wanted to help yourself more than help him.
“Don’t you still love her? Why don’t fight for that love back? You guys were cute”
“You used to gag every time you saw us”
“That was before”
“Before what? Before she and Ellie started something?” You nodded shamelessly, you had no problem admitting that you wanted Dina out of the picture ASAP. He stayed in silent for sometime, he was reconsidering the offer, most of your plans never failed and he truly wanted Dina back. “I don’t want to force Dina back in to my arms, I want her to be with me because she wants”
“Duh, my plan won’t work if she don’t want, this has to go smoothly, Ellie has given me second chance but with the agreement that I wouldn’t mess into her love life”
“Yet here you are” he smirked. “You are such a bad best friend”
“That’s why I want to be the girlfriend, now that all the mess with Cat and Abby is out, she doesn’t have to evade me in that aspect any more”
“Because you already cheat on her once” You hit her shoulder and he laughs “Don’t get mad at me, get mad at yourself! I’ll do it, but it better work, how much time is it going to take?”
“Some months, we need to let them at least some weeks together and then interfere between them, my friendship with Ellie still is fragile but she adores me too much, we will be back at normal, while that happen…” You flicked the cigarette butt onto the ground and stamped it out, exhaling the last puff. “You have to tighten your friendship with Dina, be more flirty, romantic but not too much that you make her uncomfortable, enough to make her remember how good your relationship was”
“And what are you going to do?”
“Be the friend Ellie deserves and helping her through the hard times” you take out your phone to call an Uber to go back home, your job here was done, you just had to wait and have faith that Jesse was going to do a good work.
“You truly are something else” Jesse sighed walking back to the bar and giving you a last look.
“I’m just taking care of my girl”
Meanwhile, Ellie was at home contemplating her ceiling and thinking that maybe this time everything was going to be easy and that maybe this was a small bump that your friendship had to overcome to become stronger. She was so weak when it came about you, she tried so hard to stay at Dina’s but she was sometimes searching for you on campus without realizing that, sometimes it seem as if you were the one that started the cold war. How wrong was she about it…
taglist;; @boobdrug @lovelyxbaby @pedropascalsbbg@cherryimaa @yumimak @amberputh @cattjull @carylinflors @ghostlyfangs @teawithnosugar @azxulaa @elliesexual @gato-chino @divinesdior @yumimak @abbystoy @gosomewjere @isitadinosaur @sourgummywormsss @rhehhwfehwfqd @bubblymilktee @mulan-but-gay @liasxeatt @lookforthelight1 @slynxs @doveocean @onlinelesbo
for people who asked me to be tag but it's not, sorry, it's not letting me tag you, I'll try later or next chapter <3 I'm going to ask for 250 notes to post the next!!!
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creedslove · 1 year
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Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Javi sees you going a little crazy over your ex and he tries to make you feel better
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of bad relationships, mentions of cheating, javier peña (because he is a trigger warning himself)
A/N: besties, this is just a short silly drabble that came to me because I actually dreamed of that, lol!
0.8k words
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"I hope you know I can have you arrested for that, cariño" Javi's voice startled you as he took a step closer and lit up a cigarette.
He was the last person you expected to see at that hour, but there he was, having a smoke and wondering what the hell you were doing.
You couldn't sleep that night, not after the news you got, and you tried several times to get rid of the annoying pang that grew in your chest, however, the more you tried not thinking of it, the more you thought of it and that was bothering you to no end so you thought of the most illogical idea that could possibly cross someone's mind: you went out in the street in the middle of the night, grabbed one of the trash cans outside, dragged it to the patio of your apartment complex, started a small fire inside the can and threw it into the flames all of the painful memories that troubled your sleep and disturbed your heart.
And of course that working with Javier wasn't enough, you had to be his neighbor too, door to door, and not only that, he had to be up in the middle of the night to watch your mentally unstable horror show.
He could've made fun of it, he could've made a cheeky comment, but instead, he just stood there, curiously watching what you were doing as he took some puffs of his cigarette.
"You can try to arrest me, I may not be an agent but I have my DEA privileges" you winked at him with a sad smile and watched as Javi took a step closer and finally watched what was in your hands. He saw the photographs you held and looked at you
"That's the bastard who broke your heart?" You nodded and he hummed, taking the pictures into his own hands and watched them carefully "I'm guessing you are burning them down? Lorraine did the same when I left her at the altar" he smiled sadly and earned a chuckle from you
"Well, maybe you and my ex could have a drink together and exchange life experiences…"
Javi gave you a stinky eye and shook his head "I was a dick, but I was also immature as fuck, barely had left highschool and thought I was adult enough to get married. Your ex, on the other hand, was just a dick, because he couldn't see how lucky he was to have a wonderful woman like yourself and decided to change you for some whore" he shrugged and a blush spread through your cheeks. Javier Peña considered you a wonderful woman? You hadn't really thought that was possible, well, Javier had flirted with you and hinted at taking you back to his apartment, but he did this to every woman he saw, so you figured it wasn't a big deal.
"Cariño, you told me what he did, he cheated and deceived and he got the other girl pregnant, didn't he?" His thumb stroked your cheek gently as you nodded, looking into his eyes
"And after he said he would never marry me because he just didn't do marriages, he married his bitch" you groaned "and that's not it, guess where they're coming on their honeymoon?"
"Colombia?" He raised his eyebrow and you nodded
"Let me guess… they aren't going to Cartagena or any other beautiful place, they're coming here?" You nodded again and Javi licked his lips
"That's cruel" he said "tell you what, you let me know when they're coming and they will get a cop visit" he suggested it and made you scoff "would you really harass innocent civilians in order to protect me?"
Javi took another step closer, this time placing his hand on your waist and pulling you closer
"For you, I would yeah… now, instead of burning these pics, why don't you give me them? I will cut out your shitty ex boyfriend from them and keep the rest to myself…"
"The rest as in… my pictures? Why would you keep them?"
"Because you are too pretty to just burn it down, I'd take better care of the pics, cariño, just like I would take better care of you" he winked and you laughed again, Javi was a true womanizer, he just had whoever he wanted, and yet, it never seemed to work on you.
"Why didn't you accept when I asked you out, cariño? Were you afraid I'd play with your feelings?"
"You didn't ask me out, Javi, you invited me over for drinks and cigarettes which translates into sex…"
"That doesn't mean I wouldn't take good care of you, hermosa…"
Your hands rested over Javi's and you smiled big "yeah? Prove it"
And Javi pulled you for a kiss, a deep, intense one, where your lips wouldn't leave his even if someone forced you to.
Your whole body shook and it just felt right to be in his arms, it was a warm, soothing and intoxicating embrace. In his arms nothing else matter but you and him and you moaned disappointed the moment he broke the kiss, his fingers gently placing a strand of hair behind your ear, as he smirked
"See? Told you I could take care of you, cariño"
A/N: Besties, I know it wasn't great, but I had a dream about that lol, and I thought I should put it into paper. Also, I'm working on the epilogue of Deserve It, it's just going slower than I thought... 🌹❤️
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sanjisboyfie · 11 months
one piece smau: married to franky edition
ー franky def a chronic emoji user
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liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, and 9k others
SUPERLOVER: i love treating my husband out for dinner hes my entire world 😍🥰❤️💘
tagged: frankys.favorite
dni_nami: this is what i mean when i say get urself a man w money bc wdym u managed a res at this fancy ass restaurant ????
uso_pp: so this is what u skipped boys night for 🙄🙄🙄
-> roro.zoro: at ur grown age...
[liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, ans 90 others]
frankys.favorite: i love u sm handsome
-> SUPERLOVER: hehehe (//∇//)
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liked by SUPERLOVER, freeluffy, and 10k others
frankys.favorite: best details about my husband
-> frankys.favorite: 😭😭
-> robinkills: i need u to restrict the usage of emojis on your phone. its getting insane.
dni_nami: whyd i get frankys whole ass tit on my tl bruh
uso_pp: imma bite that 🤭🤭🤭
-> SUPERLOVER: [name]'s done this several times and ive yet to feel anything 😎
-> uso_pp: ayo????
princesanji: a hello kitty tattoo is crazy
-> frankys.favorite: ur def the type to have cinnamoroll tattooed on ur hipbone dont even try it
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liked by robinkills, iceburg, and 10k others
dni_nami: literally told these two to not set off the fireworks and look at them kissing it up. absolutely shameless.
tagged: SUPERLOVER and frankys.favorite
frankys.favorite: what do u mean it was a great light show namiii
-> dni_nami: no. it was SUPERRRR disruptive for the whole street
SUPERLOVER: look at my handsome baby. his pretty face👻👻
-> roro.zoro: ur emoji selections r always so unsettling
princesanji: their marraige was a match made in heaven w the way they both are constantly ruining everyone elses night
[liked by SUPERLOVER, frankys.favorite, and 90 others]
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liked by SUPERLOVER, dni_nami, and 13k others
frankys.favorite: get urself a buff man like mine holyyyy shiitttt
-> frankys.favorite: ❤️
-> dni_nami: time to mute the both of them
freeluffy: i wonder how someone so old like franky is able to keep his body so muscley
-> SUPERLOVER: im not even that old luffy what the fuck
-> freeluffy: ur like 50
-> frankys.favorite: hes 36????
-> freeluffy: same thing!!! :DDD
roro.zoro: how the fuck r u shaped like a dorrito
-> SUPERLOVER: i was crafted by the hands of my lover and molded into be the perfect man for him.
-> roro.zoro: FOR FUCKS SAKE.
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liked by frankys.favorite, dni_nami, uso_pp, and 11k others
SUPERCOLA: finally was able to take my baby out to get him a new car 🏁🚙
tagged: frankys.favorite
frankys.favorite: thank u sm EVEN THO I TOLD U MULTIPLE TIMES U DIDNT HAVE TO but thank u so much i love u
-> SUPERLOVER: of course YOURE MY NUMBER ONE RIDE OR DIE i need to show u how much i love u 💍 i wish i could buy more than this because you deserve so much more my love
[liked by uso_pp, robinkills, and 200 others]
robinkills: this is crazy. but i love it for u two, absolute sweethearts
uso_pp: what about me franky 🥺🥺🥺
freeluffy: i wanr a car too franky 🥺🥺🥺
ttchopper: i want my own car too franky 🥺🥺🥺
frankys.favorite's story
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me n my husband vs the world <3
SUPERLOVER replied to your story: u rlly had the time to snap a pic after all we did last night??? ur crazy and ily
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raainberry · 10 months
Rewind You
« To rewind is to make something go back to the beginning or to an earlier point. »
Sana x gn!reader
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synopsis - your ex’s concert is the last place you should be at after breaking up, yet here you are
⚠️this (very) short story is told backwards, so from end to the start. i wrote it so you can read it normally and from the end. both ways will make sense, but the chronology in which it’s told will change.
wordcount - 581
T/W - Food (One mention)
A/N - two crazy discoveries led to this: new sana pics and melanie martinez’s unreleased song You Love I from which the concept is inspired. enjoy! or not bc i actually dont know if this is good its too late for me to worry about that🥰
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Everything was better with her…
You’d ask yourself how you ended up here, but you knew the answer already.
You felt lost, overwhelmed as a pain you couldn’t seem to let go of persisted deep within your chest, looking around in search for a distraction.
How deluding…
The music was loud, but the tune was off. The lights were bright, but they lacked color. The people around you were happy, dancing and singing along to whatever song came out of those powerful speakers, but it wasn’t infectious.
Your eyes followed the spotlight as it highlighted the artist you hadn’t seen in months. All you could feel when you laid eyes on her was jealousy.
Something you loved and cherished, a place and a person, they’d been ripped away from you the moment you’d parted ways. Yet there she was, still enjoying it all as everyone’s focus and passionate admiration landed solely onto her for the next two minutes.
Minatozaki Sana.
You should have gone to a nightclub... It was the most popular, if not customary short-term remedy to a breakup. Why on Earth were you at a concert instead—her concert out of all?
Needless to say, your split was a fall from grace. Heartbreaking, as you’d expect from a relationship that lasted this long. You’d never broken up with anyone, but you’d seen it in the movies. You knew it would hurt no matter how long you’d seen it coming. You even bought the ice cream in advance, which you unsurprisingly downed in days while living in your memories.
Years. Months. Days. Hours. Every minute you spent together, you made sure to love each other, feeling your hearts swelling at every gesture. A kiss, a touch, or even a simple look was enough to send you to cloud nine. High enough to only see each other.
You’re not sure when everything and everyone else faded out, what mattered was her. You truly liked her. So did she. Perhaps from the moment you’d met. But it took a while to realise just how much you cared about the other.
A first date only came after her clumsy confession one drunken summer night on your balcony. You thought it had been a dream when you woke up the next day. It felt like it at least, when you laid eyes on her and saw her clinging to your shirt in her sleep. Even unconscious, she seemed to be aware of your presence. To want it.
Her conscience never let a second go by without a thought of you either. She made it her mission to satisfy this mindful desire of hers. Texting you at all hours, calling you just to hear the sound of your voice, asking if you could meet her in between two schedules like you would even think about saying no to her.
She was all you could think about. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, down to her scent. It remained in a corner of your mind, recalling each of them in the late hours of the night as you struggled to fall asleep. The feeling was enchanting, to the point you wondered if she was real. If you’d really met her and she was not someone you’d made up in your dreams to make it all easier.
Life wasn’t that much of a party until you crossed paths with her. While she described her ‘before’ as chaotic, you liked to see yours as the opposite. Just plain boring.
Nothing seemed as colorful, vibrant, or lush without her.
Everything was better with her.
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littledrummerangie · 1 year
So hello hello good evening Budapest. I'm finally home, it's midnight and and and I had the best time of my life!
Many many highlights of the soundcheck and the show:
My question for soundcheck was picked fiiiirst? Hello??? It was absolutely crazy!
The VIP rep, Athena was an absolut angel, big shout out to her! I had a good talk with her after soundcheck and she was he sweetest.
The guys played Long Way Home and Out Of My Limit.
Before questions the VIP rep asked our names and I told her she can say Angie insted of my Hungarian name.
So she did introduce me "someone who her friends know as Angie", and Michael was like: "and what do people call you who you do not consider as friends?" So I had to tell him that basically anyone before age 15 knows me as my real name, and after that, when I started using the internet and didn't like my name I picked up Angie. So he said, okay, Angie.
My question was: what arw you bringing home from tour (souvenir, memory, feeling).
Ash said his mom always asks for fridge magnets and was like "fuck, Mom, no, it would need its own suitcase" and he said he likes travelling light
Luke said a qeak immune system and he stoles keycards from the hotels he sþays in and has tons
Michael said he gets lot of baby clothes and didn't know how much stuff a baby needs
Calum said he has really good memories of this tour
At thw beginning they also was talking about Buda and Pest, as mentioned by Ash in the IG story.
Other questions were about:
How they choose what they wear. Ash and Luke said they try bot to clash with the others and look ridiculous. They basically go by what Cal chooses, becauee Michael goes by him, and then the rest tries not to clash with them. Look also mentioned whatever he can paid up that he didn't do previously, and how he feels that day.
They asked about the Flatline chorus and Luke did listen to the song on his phone to figure it out... but I'm still not sure as they were also unsure lol.
They asked about the RAH orchestra and how it was a bit hard working with them because they only stayed until their time was up, and they are speaking different musical languages.
And lastly they asked about how they feel when they release a really emotional, personal song and if it's hard to do. They said of course, and how everyone has their own interpretation on songs, and sometimes it's best not to know the original thought and have your own on them.
There was also a fly trying to get into Luke's tea and Ashton kinda looked scared of it because he stood up.and took two steps backwards.
Both Charlotte Sands and AR/CO were amazing.
I was on Michael's side, 2nd row.
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Ashton was wearing those silly ass chekered sunglasses for like half the show lol. But he has the biggest biceps in the world oh god.
They were cuteeeee. Michael was so precious. So happy.
We got Wrapped Around Your Finger.
They guys enjoyed Budapest, and said it was a special show because it'a in the last 3 for a long time now.
Also, there was a point where Ash said something about Calum abd I was like... boyfriends.
Michael couldn't sing Best Friends because Luke was being silly and they just started histerically laughing.
Michael remembered and made a joke about last year's KFC thing and someone had a fake/plush KFC bucket hat on and they were making fun of that.
He ended up wearing it for the beginning of Outer Space.
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(Terrible photo, sorry. Didn't take much pics.)
Saw Ash at the very end on my side and he is beautiful and smiley. I love him. 🩷🫶
Tagging some peeps for story time: @kindahoping4forever @nostalgiabones @whentherosesbl00m @suchalonelysunflower
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queen-elizab3th · 1 year
Electric Callboy @ Palladium, Times Square, NYC [09.15.23]
Small disclaimer:
Anyone can reblog this, it's all good. Also, this post is very long.
I have no idea where to even start. The moment my sister (@mrs-kaunisvesi) and I got there, it was pure fangirl chaos for me and her lmao. We were the first ones there and got to see the boys get off their bus.
When they weren't busy hauling their suitcases and what not into the venue, we stopped each of them when we could and took pics with them. The first one we stopped was David.
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David was so sweet. We didn't wanna take up too much of his time because he seemed busy. After taking the picture, I asked for a hug and he smiled and said "sure" enthusiasticly, and gave me a quick hug. I'm pretty sure he giggled because I made a weird noise as I hugged him lmao. When I'm excited I make weird sounds, okay?? Lmao
After that, he went back on the bus. Some time later, he came off the bus, carrying more stuff. Whoever was their camera person that follows them around filming their vlogs was also there? The camera was on David. I have no idea what david was saying because I wasn't close enough to hear, but after talking, he pointed to me and my sister and then the camera panned towards us. Like the idiots we are, all we could do was stand there, wave and smile. So we might be on a vlog?? 😂
The second one we met was Pascal.
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I was a little hesitant to go up to him because he was on his phone and I didn't know if he was doing something important. My sister called out to him and he immediately walked towards us. He smiled and said good morning. He didn't seem to be in a rush, and was very polite. He legit had a small conversation with us, asking why we were there so early and how he was on his way to have a nice walk. After the picture, I asked for a hug. Ngl, his hug had me like 🥴. He was taller than I expected, I felt like my facial expression, as I looked up at him, was like an excited child lol. And... He smelled nice. After the hug, he thanked us for being there and said it was nice to meet us. 😭
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After a while, we met kevin. Kevin was very friendly and I could tell he was happy to meet us and take pics. His presence felt very welcoming and warm. Also, this man got me fucked up. Weak at the knees af. 🥵 I asked for a hug and he said "of course", he then proceeded to give me one of the greatest hugs of all time. This big ass man engulfed me in his arms. It was like someone put a blanket over me. 💀 When I hugged him, I remember feeling his strong shoulder blades and feeling a type of bliss I've never felt before. AND HE SMELLED SO GOOD 😭. His cologne actually clung onto my sweater for a while. Later, I jokingly told my sister that I'd never wash my sweater again. 😂
Next, we met Daniel K.
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Meeting him went very quickly. I don't know if he was tired or just wanted to be alone while he smoked. Hesitantly, my sister asked if we could take pics, he said "yeah". He seemed to be soft spoken. Idk if shy is the right word to use to describe how he was but he was definitely mellow. I was verrrry shy to ask for a hug but I asked anyway, and he he agreed. This time around, I know for a fact that when I hugged him, I made a small squeaking sound of excitement and he giggled gently. I'm definitely over exaggerating here, but I felt like he giggled right next to my earhole because my spider senses started tingling. I blushed internally lol.
Last was Nico. (Please excuse my crazy ass face. Idk what happened to me. 😂)
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I spotted Nico randomly speed walking out of a side entrance of the venue with some crew members. I panicked, slapped my sister's shoulder and pointed at him lmao. He's my sister's favorite and so she chased him down. She called out to him and he turned. She asked for pics and he very politely told us that he can but that we needed to be quick because he was busy. After we took pics he thanked us for coming and walked away quickly. He was very sweet. I wish we could've interacted more but it's all good because this mf made hella eye contact with me during the show lol. Little sis DEFINITELY wasn't jealous at all. 😅
Unfortunately, neither of us got to meet Daniel H. Earlier, when we got there, we were able to shout hi to him when he walked out of the bus. He said hi back and waved to us. Then he went into the venue and we didn't see him again until he was on stage. He's so cute irl with his lil glasses. ☺️
The actual show, was fucking amazing. We got VIP so we were right up against the barricade. There were bodies flying over my head but I didn't care because I was having so much fun singing my heart out and just vibing. It was so wild and hot and sweaty but I was having the time of my life.
I made a TON of eye contact with Daniel H. He winked at me a few times and gave me some cheeky looks. 🫠 Whenever he looked over at me, I was really feeling myself and unintentionally would stare into his eyes while singing the lyrics to whatever song that was playing. I say 'unintentionally' because we would randomly just lock eyes when it was least expected, and I'm NOT just gonna look away lmao.
Nico winked at me and we had small moments where it felt like we were singing to eachother.
I remember at some point when it was quiet and the guys were having one of their talking points, I screamed kevins name and waved, he smiled and waved back. 😭
Important piece of context for this next bit:
The night before, my sister made me make a sign for David. Originally, I didn't want to because I was shy and didn't wanna feel dumb holding it up. Also, I'd never made a sign for anything or anyone in my life. Eventually, I gave in and made a sign asking for a drumstick. (pic included further down)
During one of the first talking points, I screamed David's name. I waved, got his attention, and held up my sign. The moment he squinted, I shit myself because I knew he was trying to read my sign. He gave me a big smile and waved... I was sent to the after life. 😂
I was able to get David's attention multiple times because I have an obnoxiously enormous crush on him and I'm loud af. All I did was scream his name the whole time lmfao. And every single time, he'd either wave, or point at me and wink. 💀💀💀
At the very end of the show, the band was throwing guitar picks and setlists. David walked up to the front of the stage and threw drumsticks out to fans. I remember, he had 2 drumsticks left in his hand and when he also noticed that, he kind of looked at me and with his body language told me to wait one second. He threw one of the 2 drumsticks into the air, and then finally he was down to one. He then walked as close to the edge of the stage as possible, kissed his drumstick, leaned over, gave it to me, and bowed, like a fucking prince handing me a rose.
.......The blood flow to my brain shut off 🤯
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I honestly don't know how in the fuck I was able to function at all after that. I was the happiest person on the planet at that very moment. I'm tearing right now just thinking about it.
After the show was over, we decided to wait outside to see if we could finally meet Daniel H. Unfortunately, again, we weren't able to get a hold of him. As he was leaving the building, he had a ton of stuff on him and I didn't wanna make him put his stuff down for us so we just told him goodnight and he smiled at us before disappearing.
We ended up waiting for the rest of the guys too.
When I saw David leave the building, I froze up. My sister dragged me by the arm while calling his name and asked, "can my sister hug you?". (I heard someone behind me say "aww" and I felt like curling into a ball and rolling away.) David literally stopped walking, parked his suitcase with his stuff next to some crew members, and turned around. He looked at us and was like "Yeah, I saw you in the front row", and smilled gently. He turned to me and gave me a proper hug. I hugged that man so tight, I could smell his cologne. While hugging I told him I loved him and I was so deliriously flustered that I don't even remember if he said anything back. He might have thanked us for being there. He hugged my sister. Then went to talk to other fans that were there briefly.
We also saw Nico, Kevin, and Pascal, but they seemed too busy to stop plus they had all this luggage with them. We did all manage to tell eachother goodnight. ☺️
And that was it! There might've been a few small things I forgot to talk about but the Majority of it is there. This was a lot for me but in a good way.
Greatest night of my life and I'm so happy that I was able to share it with my sister (and mom, she was there too).
If I could do it all over again, I would.
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armpirate · 1 year
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Pairings: tattoist!jk x fem!reader
Genre: smut, angst, friends to lovers, tattoo au, virgin reader.
Summary: You were awful on anything related to flirting, guys and sex. He was the perfect ladies man. You wanted to get rid of your virginity. And he was there to help you with everything you needed. You didn't have the best start, but that didn't mean you wouldn't have the best of the endings.
Warnings: Public sex, vaginal sex, dirty talk.
Previous || Next
I'm so nervous.
Even before I signed the contract, I was hesitating on whether to sign it or not. I wanted to desperately go back to my comfort zone and serve drinks, just to do what I'm used to and what I know I'm good at. Throwing myself into this feels so strange, so uncomfortable, that I can't help but try to convince myself that I won't be good at this.
The fact that the week ran by, to the point where I wasn't able to mentalize myself with this new job position wasn't of help.
But here I am anyway, walking around the gallery while Jin tries to introduce me to every usual customer that comes in -just so I do it all by myself with new visitors. Yesterday he already explained everything I should be doing today -and from now on. Although he still told me he'd be around for me, I want to leave a good impression by showing I understood my tasks the first time he explained them.
All that tension doesn't take long to disappear when I see Tammy, Soo, Melanie and Mark coming into the gallery, just to cheer me up from the distance as they see me busy with one possible customer. I smile at them, before returning my attention to the brunette middle aged lady that keeps asking me about the artist.
At some point while talking to her, my eyes gather around the gallery, stopping in the main door. Actually, stopping on him.
Jungkook comes in and the whole world seems to go slower. I can't take my eyes away from the way he moves his hands over the fabric of his grey suit to place it correctly, or the way his hair is styled in a messy tail. How can that man be real and be walking around like nothing?
The rest of the evening goes great, I just hang around the gallery waiting for someone to ask for my opinion or looking for my help. And it's all chill and fine until a pair of fingers trace my exposed spine, from my neck to the lowest part. It's crazy how I'm able to know who it is just with his touch, just by the way he makes my whole body react to him.
—You're a tease —Jungkook mentions—. You aren't wearing the set you sent me this afternoon.
I look at him nervously, just to find him smirking at me.
I wasn't thinking of wearing that lace set when I sent him those pics earlier today. Honestly, I wasn't even considering sending him those pics until he sent me a pic of his sweaty body in the gym.
—I would've loved to take it off with my teeth, with you lying on bed the same way you were on that pic.
I gulp hard, seeing that devilish smile one last time before he steps back and goes back to walk around the gallery as if he hasn't said something to set my whole body on fire. Every time I think I might have the upper hand on what we have going on, he comes back to remind me that I don't.
And if I thought he'd be easier on me, he keeps his eye on me during the rest of the exposition, never letting me forget his presence whenever I talk to one of the customers, or even Jin. God, I think his gaze gets more powerful whenever he's around me, and it annoys me because I'm trying to be professional.
And that doesn't change when we decide to go for a few drinks after, to celebrate I was able to sell two drawings on my first night, and made a few customers interested in other artworks. His gaze follows each one of my moves, whenever I drink, whenever I talk to Tammy, whenever I head to the bartender, or when I dare myself to dance with a cute guy that's been eyeing me while I was ordering my drink. His gaze is more intense as the minutes go by, as the hands of this boy go lower on my exposed back. But he doesn't look away, he doesn't move an inch when I look at him with a look full of bad intentions, Jungkook just clenches his jaw and waits. He just waits because he knows he's the one I'll go back home with.
This isn't over though.
When we all leave, and Soo basically forces Jungkook to take me home, I know this will be the night he finally gives in.
Intoxicated by his scent on the jacket he was wearing - that now he gave me so he could drive comfortably, and encouraged by his warmth, I move my hand over his torso, down his stomach, until I reach the beginning of his pants. All the teasing that has been going on these two weeks, all the revealing pics, the high voltage texts, the jealous looks... All has been leading to this.
I know he's hating every moment of our deal right now, I know he's dying to eat back his words when he said he wanted me to see and try to fuck with other guys. I saw it on his fast replies to my underwear pics, when he thought I was wearing them to go on a date. I saw it on the faces he made while I was dancing with other guys tonight. It's all over his voice when he speaks to me ever since he came up with that stupid rule.
The warmth of his body behind me, while his hands were taking full control of mine on the handlebar after the doctor took off the stitches in my hand a few days ago, woke up something inside of me. I've touched myself almost every single night, just with the reminiscence of the look in his eyes while he was handling my movements. Those days he kept taking me to work, and picking me up from the bar. I can't take it anymore.
—If you keep doing that, I won't be responsible for the consequences —he whispers, turning his head slightly to me on a red light.
—What consequences? —I don't stop moving my hand up and down his thigh, getting as near as I can to his crotch, but never as much as being able to touch it.
—I'll stop anywhere and fuck you raw. Like you've been looking for all night.
Those words, his raspy voice and the way his dark eyes are looking at me over his shoulder make me move my hips down, pressing the seat against the throbbing button. But I'm too into it right now to stop, so I move my hand up his leg, pressing my palm on the forming bulge in his pants, while my tongue licks one of his silver earrings hanging on his earlobe.
—What's stopping you?
It's like those words have activated something in him, something he wasn't planning on doing.
Jungkook licks the inside of his cheek, just to end with a sided smile when it gets to his lip. As soon as the red light turns green, he speeds up and looks for the right place until he finds a blind alley.
With a quick move of his feet, he places the stand and waits for me to hop off the motorbike. Jungkook doesn't move from his place, he just slides his body a bit backwards on the seat and pulls me closer to him with his hand.
The kiss is sloppy from the beginning, with our tongues messing with one another as we almost try to eat each other alive. It's so different from any other time we've kissed, it's needy and demanding. Everything we've been holding down these weeks is finally exploding, both of us are finally giving it to what we've been teasing all this time.
Jungkook helps me to hop on the motorbike again, this time straddling his legs without breaking the kiss. He wastes no time, sliding my panties aside, so he can directly slide two of his fingers through my slit, repeating that same movement a few times until I throw myself to his belt, desperate to take it off and unzip his pants.
I'm so into the kiss and what's to come that I'm not even aware of when he got a condom out of his wallet. But I moan when he lifts my body, cupping my ass cheeks in his hands, and fills me slowly, letting me get used to him inch by inch for the first time in weeks.
We moan into each other's mouths when he's fully inside. Electricity runs through my veins at the sensation of finally being connected to him like this after so long. His hands on my ass and thighs try to encourage me to move, but I stay in the same position. Moving my hips in circles, I lick his jar, from his chin to his earlobe, getting that so awaited groan.
—What do you want?
—Cocktease... —he chuckles nervously— Don't try to make me beg, because I want to fuck you stupid the same way you want my cock buried deep down your cunt.
My pussy clenching unconsciously around him after his words just make him smirk. No words were needed, because my own body has betrayed me to let him know he's right. I'm so down for this, I'd probably have a meltdown if something interrupted us right now.
I kiss him again, sticking my tongue in his mouth to shut the gasps and moans that come from every move I make as he fills me up. His teeth catch my lower lip, pulling from it while his eyes fix on mine with hunger. I swear he could make me cum just by looking at me that way.
I try my best to move my hips to take all of his, under the direction of his hands on my skin, digging on my flesh as if he were trying to control himself from going rougher. But we both fall back to reality when my moves come up more clumsy and arrhythmic than expected, we both remember this is my second time doing something like this. It doesn't matter how bad I try, I'm sure I'm killing the vibe right now.
—Babe —he stops my moves.
I slowly stop jumping on him, afraid of him saying the wait wasn't worth it, scared of him realizing he could be doing way better than this.
—You're doing great, but I really need to fuck your brains out right now —he kisses my chin—. Turn around.
I look at him confused, but that smile he throws at me makes me move. I'm scared to stumble with my heels when I'm going to set my feet on the ground, but Jungkook holds my arm all the time so I don't lose my balance. Although it doesn't take me long to sit back on the motorbike, this time as if I were the one driving it. He moves my body carefully, setting my belly over the gas tank, lifting my hips slightly from the leather seat. It's so weird, and maybe I feel too exposed, but the way he lifts my dress and jacket over my ass, slides my panties to the sides the most he can so he's able to rub his tip against my entrance, is making me go crazy right now.
He slides in slowly, inch by inch, but it's the only time he goes slow from now on. Once his pelvis reaches my ass cheeks and his balls rest against my open folds, he starts moving faster. Jungkook thrusts into me, in and out, in a drilling way that makes me go insane and eager for more, if that's even possible. The motorbike under us moves constantly. I'm afraid it might fall at some point.
—Nobody else will fuck you like this, baby. I'm the only one that can make you feel this good —he groans. 
He still tries to place my body properly, by cupping my hips in his hands and lowering them. And I know he's sure of what he's doing, because with the next thrust my clit rubs directly against the leather, and it does over and over again, with each thrust. Few minutes later, I'm close to being a moaning mess, and I would be if Jungkook hadn't covered my mouth with his hand.
—You know I love your moans, but save them for later —he warns with his shaky voice.
His cock twitches deep inside, forcing him to fall over my back and bite on my shoulder to keep himself from moaning.
He leaves me hanging near the edge right when I need him the most, and I start to think he might leave me hanging there as a revenge for everything that's been happening these two weeks, when he pulls out.
But of course he doesn't.
Jungkook sits back in his place, dragging my body with him so I'm sitting still. With one hand still on my mouth, his other hand rubs circles on my clit. Just a few more delicate traces, and I'm totally done in his arms, shutting my whimpers with his palm.
He finally frees my mouth, but two of his fingers grab my chin to turn my face to him while I'm still recovering from my high.
—You think I'm done with you? —he asks, his fast breathing making his words sound shaky still— No, this was just the starter so you stop teasing me while I drive. I think you've had enough fun these two weeks. It's my turn.
The hand on my chin falls on my thigh, clapping it while he licks the same fingers that made me explode in a matter of seconds. And just after that, he kisses me deep, letting me taste myself in his mouth while he places my underwear properly, just to do the same thing with his own clothes right after.
He pulls me in for a long kiss once we enter the lift, grabbing me by the nape to get my body to be all over his. When Jungkook wraps his arms around me, I'm almost convinced I could stay like this forever. Well, at least until the ring in the lift sounds.
I see myself in the reflection of the mirror when we separate, and he holds my hand to walk out with me, just to see a reddish march on my shoulder.
—You, asshole, look at what you did.
—Should I kiss it better? —he raises his eyebrows, looking at me fast before he opens the door to his house.
I take off my shoes and his jacket as we enter his place, trying to get more comfortable while he heads to the kitchen and asks me what I want to drink.
And just as fast as that word leaves my mouth, and I see his head peeking over the door, I realize it sounded better in my head.
—Me? You want to drink me? —he starts walking in my direction.
—I was trying to sound flirty.
I see him chuckling, looking at me with sparkly eyes, just to lift my body and sitting me over the backrest right after. His soft and gentle hands go over my calves, going up to my thighs, lifting the thin fabric of my dress with no effort.
—You don't need to be flirty with me —he whispers on my lips—. You already got me wrapped around your finger.
Jungkook gets rid of my dress, throwing it over my shoulder on the couch, just to have both of his hands back on my thighs, just to start a trip over my body. He smirks when he gets to my black lace thong.
I did end up wearing the set of lingerie I sent him earlier this afternoon, at least half of it, although he wasn't able to appreciate it because we were in a rush just a few minutes ago. And now that he's able to see it on me directly, he looks at me with black tinted eyes, I can almost read everything that's going through his mind right now.
His hands keep moving up over my torso, his fingers setting a burning trail in between my tits until he gets to my jaw. They wrap around my skin carefully, holding my face before he kisses me the softest way he's ever done. I trace his lip with the tip of my tongue, only because I wanted to lick that lip ring that makes me go insane. He chuckles in my mouth, breaking the kiss just to move his over my cheek and jaw.
—You have no idea the pull you have on me —Jungkook keeps moving lower on me, following the trail of the caresses from minutes ago—. I've gone crazy these last two weeks.
I stop breathing when he starts kneeling in front of me, stopping his mouth on my thong. As if I were reading his mind, I lift my hips, supporting my weight on both hands resting on the backrest. And I'm unable to deal with the feeling that goes through my body, from head to toe, when his teeth bite on my mound, just right over where my slit starts, to pull the fabric down. But of course he isn't done with pushing me over the edge. When he finally gets rid of the only clothing I had left, he goes up again, setting a trail of kisses from my ankle, up to my leg and inner thigh, always keeping eye contact with me.
My pussy clenches around nothing when he places both of my legs on his shoulders, and bends over just to give a teasing lick on my clit. It's crazy how he's setting my whole body on fire just with that, just with the feeling of his tongue gently digging through my folds while his gaze burns my skin.
He doesn't stay down there long enough though. His lips move up my torso again, while his hand cups my pussy instead. His palm rubs my clit, while two of his fingers tease my entrance, and his tongue circles one of my nipples -just to do the right same thing with the other.
—What do you want? —he asks, when he returns to my lips.
My eyelids feel heavy and that hard gaze coming from him is making me go insane. I want him, all of him. Absolutely everything Jungkook wants to give me right now.
—Fuck me —I trace his tattoos with the tips of my fingers—. Make me regret these two weeks.
Not like I'd really regret them, because i'd do it a thousand times just to have us like this again.
Jungkook just smirks. Of course he already had that in mind. He takes a condom from his wallet, and holds it in between his teeth while he takes his black t-shirt off. Eager to rush this as much as possible, I take his belt off and unzip his pants, making him spring free. He wastes no time wrapping the condom around him.
He slides inside with just one move, head resting on mine while his hands keep me in place. He pulls back slowly, letting me feel him inch by inch, until only his tip is inside. His dick fills me completely with a hard thrust that makes me hold onto his upper arms, while my clit throbs at the mere sound of our bodies clapping.
—Keep your eyes on me —he commands, as he starts a faster pace on my pussy.
—Kook —I moan, as he moves my body so his tip can rub over one spot that totally breaks me.
—Look at you right now —he breathes heavily—. Such a fucking mess for me.
My whole body moves because of the roughness of his thrusts, my mind is going wild and my body has escaped my own control. I don't even know at this point, because I can only see his eyes, my mind is filled with him.
He knows by the way I'm moaning right now that I'm just a dirty word away from jumping off a cliff. And he wants to see me jumping from the edge, he wants it as much as I do. That's why he rubs my clit in circles, in sync with his thrusts.
I know looking down was the worst decision I could ever take, because the combination of his cock coated with my juices and his fingers playing with me make me go insane.
—Uh-huh, see how good this pussy is taking me.
I cup his face in my hands, looking at him deep in the eyes when I get that familiar feeling before everything ends, running over me to leave nothing else. My nails dig on the skin of his neck and shoulders, letting myself go with a moan that I'm surprised it has come out from me.
Jungkook isn't done though. His dick still deep inside me, and that dark look just tell me there's much to come yet.
He lifts me in the air, my legs wrapped around his waist, after he got rid of his pants that were still around his ankles. Something changes in the way he looks at me, as he sets me on his bed carefully, just to join me right after. His touch, the kiss... everything feels different. He's gone from rough to passionate in a matter of seconds.
He fucks me slowly, taking his time to enjoy every single stroke, every kiss, every look.
—I can't stand thinking of others seeing you like this —he admits, breaking the kiss—. I want to be the only one making you go crazy with my hands, my mouth, my cock. I don't care —he bites my chin—. But I want to be the only one.
The tickles in my belly, combined with the pleasure, is a way better combination that something else I could've ever tried. And how he holds me, our hands intertwined at both sides of my head... He's the only person I could ever think of doing this with.
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mutt-victim · 2 months
about you
1, 6, 7, 11, 14, 16, 18, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47
3, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 39, 40, 41, 42
8, 10, 11, 13
Porn and sex industry
3, 26, 27, 28, 30
5, 6, 12, 18, 30, 39, 54, 70, 72, 84, 86
AAAAA thank you for the ask. Ilysm
About me:
1: Size of your penis/breasts? Well my dick can be any size I choose >:3 yay strapons. Last I checked my bra size was 38DD, but I've gained some weight since then so that might not be quite right anymore
6: What type of underwear are you wearing? None ;3 it's late so I'm nakey in bed rn
7: What is your favourite type of underwear? I love some cheeky panties with a cute pattern, or just regular bikini ones. And ofc boxer briefs, so comfortable
11: Explain your ultimate fantasy. Ooo I love this question. It's so hard to choose just one as my "ultimate", especially bc my mood and even whether I feel submissive or dominant changes so often.. but I think probably my dream would be to have my dom keep me in littlespace way more <3 having a room in my apartment where I have one of those adult sized cots, cutesy wallpaper, lots of plushes and toys and childish decor, a bookshelf with cute kiddie books or some bigger books for daddy to read to me at bedtime.. having dad brush my hair and help me put it up, picking out sweet outfits for me, helping me cook, making me hold his hand when we go out and cross the street and stuff.. just really getting to be his lil boy.. <3 I realize this didn't even get sexual LOL I assure you there would be plenty of that too. But yeah just... i long to be baby. Lmao
14: What is the strangest thing you've ever been turned on by? I'm into guro so... it gets weird fast haha
16: Have you sent a nude photo or video to someone? Tons, just last night I sent a bunch of pics and videos of me fucking myself to my partner >w<
18: Have you ever posted a picture or video of yourself in the nude on the internet? A few! Just a few days ago I posted one here, mostly of my ass heheh
28: Have you ever told someone that you fantasised about them? Yes~
29: Do you have a favourite person or few people to fantasise about? Oh absolutely my partner. Other than that, hmm.. if I have a crush usually they creep into my thoughts. But generally it's mostly my partner and some other nameless faceless person if I'm in the mood to be tag-teamed~
31: Have you ever showered with someone? Yes, I love it a lot! Not even sexually (shower sex kindof sucks), I just think it's so intimate.. getting to wash someone else... very sweet
32: Have you ever confessed you were aroused by someone? Yeaaaah, like, sometimes shortly after meeting them LMAO. I'm a flirt /)w(\
33: Are you open about your sex life and sexuality? Sexuality yes, my sex life... less so. My best friends know most of my kinks and such, but there's just a lot of stigma around a lot of kinks... So I get nervous to share..
34: Do you orgasm easily? I would say yes but, none of my past partners were ever able to do it by themself... so I don't know
39: Do you shave your pubic hair? Sometimes! I'm a bush lover but sometimes I feel more confident and comfortable shaved, especially because I can show off my tdick more easily that way~ I just shaved yesterday so I'm super smooth right now
41: Do you prefer clean shaven or unkempt? Oh, definitely unshaven. Don't mind if trimmed or not, but I'm not reaaally a fan of my partners being clean shaven
42: Favourite type of underwear on others? Oh I'm crazy about panties on people who don't usually wear them. They usually get shy and blushy, and I think everyone's ass looks great in panties~ otherwise anything with a cute pattern idk :3
43: Do you own any lingerie? A couple pieces! I used to own more, but I find a lot of it uncomfortable and/or cheaply made.. and sometimes it just adds to me feeling dysphoric :<
44: How much lingerie do you own? I think I have an old maid costume kicking around somewhere, and some pairs of panties+bras with cutouts~
46: Do you like the way your genitals look? Well. As a trans person, not especially ! Would really love a whole different setup if I'm honest. But objectively, I think my pussy is cute enough.. ?
47: Are you comfortable naked? Yesss I love it. Super cozy. I always sleep nakey
3: How often do you masturbate? Nearly once a day
7: What was the last thing you thought of or masturbated to? Some cute snuff puppy petplay fantasy~ having my partner pulling on my collar so hard that I can't breathe, telling me that I'll make for a cute dead mutt~
8: Have you walked in on or caught someone masturbating? I've definitely heard some of my past roommates. Also, once when I was a teenager and sharing a bed with a friend who stayed the night, I woke up to him getting off beside me
9: Has someone ever walked in on or caught you masturbating? Ugh my parents walked in on me a few times
14: Are you loud or quiet when you masturbate? A lot quieter than I am during sex, but I'm still definitely noisy. Whiny, moaning my partner's name (even when he isn't there..), sometimes I cry a lil bit >w< I'm a crybaby
15: Has anyone ever watched you masturbate live online? I haven't cammed before so not live in a public way, but definitely over a private video call. My partner lives far away sooo we make do <3
16: Has anyone ever watched you masturbate in person? Yes, but I get really shy if they aren't participating..
17: Have you ever masturbated with someone (mutual masturbating)? Yes! But I'm touchy feely clingy so it's hard to keep my hands to myself...
23: What's your most embarassing masturbation story? Other than being walked in on... okay so I've been into omorashi for a long time.. and once, when I was a teenager.. it was one of my first times trying to hold for a long time while edging myself through my clothes... And I couldn't hold it anymore so I tried to run to the bathroom. Ended up tripping over something in the restroom, falling into the bathtub on my way down. Hit my knee REALLY badly, also tried to catch myself on a shelf and ended up slicing my hand on the corner. So there I was, bleedin, aching, fallen into my bath.. and then I wet myself :( wasn't worth it, didn't cum, knee was bruised for a month
24: Whats your funniest masturbation story? Honestly probably the previous story. Lol
25: Have you ever used something unique or strange to masturbate? Yea, when I was younger I had this loonng bubble wand tube thinggy that I would fuck my ass with~
26: Is it easy for you to orgasm or do you have to work for it? It's pretty easy, especially with the help of a vibrator. It was a lot more difficult back when I was on other medications but not anymore 😎
39: How often do you usually last? Hmmm solo probably 15ish minutes? Or less? I'm not good at telling time haha
40: What's the quickest you've ever orgasmed? Roughly a minute, took it as a challenge to get off in the time it took my roommate to take the trash out haha
41: What's the longest masturbation session you've had? Definitely more than two hours, possibly around 3. Idk I'm not big on edging
42: What's the most amount of times you've cum in a day? 4 I think, but it's been a long time haha
8: What do you look for in a hookup? I've personally only hooked up with friends, and honestly I don't see that changing. I like to know and trust a person first c:
10: Have you ever been a booty call? Eeyup!
11: Have you ever had a booty call? Nope
13: Have you ever had a friend with benefits? A few :3
Porn and Sex Industry
3: What is your favourite catagory? Bears probably, or throatfucking. Love bisexual threesomes and prostate orgasms too.. or furry stuff.. or rape stuff if I'm watching hentai
26: Have you ever tried to recreate a scene? Hmm no not that I remember
27: Have you ever used porn to show a partner what you like/want? Hmm my partner and I send eachother porn sometimes but not in an instructional way haha moreso "this made me think of you" or "this is hot and I think you'd like it"
28: Has a partner ever shown you porn to show you what they want/like? Nope
30: Have you considered getting into porn? YES. I've always wanted to... but I know I need to work on my body before that's an option.
5: How many sexual partners have you had? Depending on how you qualify it, 9
6: Who was your best sex partner? Hmm well my current partner certainly seems like he'd be best <3 but alas, the long distance has kept us from finding out :< ummmm without naming names, as a teen, after a crummy partner and I broke up, I hooked up with his best friend (who was also a very close friend of mine) and that was pretty great.
12: Do you have any friends you'd hook up with? Yes c: and friends I have hooked up with before
18: What is your favourite position? Love missionary, I really like making out during sex. Mating press and doggystyle are both so great though
30: What's the strangest place you've had sex/oral? Hmm nowhere super weird I don't think. Maybe in the bed of a truck while camping?
39: Can other people get you off? I'd like to think so >:/
54: Do you ever take pictures or videos while you have sex? Yesss, being recorded is a huge turn-on of mine~
70: Have you ever gone into public with hickies? Yes! I love to be marked, and leave super obvious marks on others.
72: Would you like to have a threesome? I have before c: but I'd like to again I think
84: Where is your favourite place to receive cum? Either in my mouth or a creampie~ as long as it's inside me, I'm happy :3
86: Do you listen to music while you have sex? What kind? My partner and I have a playlist! It's a lil emo, lil bit of pop, some edm.. as long as the vibes are horny haha
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 11
Last Week: Pear was too decent for anyone in this show, Kwan finally figured out Not is the worst, Kawi and Pisaeng did the do.
This week: my frustration with tumblr is reaching a boiling point, I don't know why I'm even bothering with this when literally no one will even see it. But I truck on because at this point it's habit.
Oh interesting, parent meeting about the kiddos. I wonder sometimes if the reason that PIsaeng and Pear were getting married in an alt timeline (at least one of them) is because of these two, but at least in the current one they both seem fairly willing to let their kids be.
And once again, Pear is way nicer than I would be. Mom was selfish. The end. I do get feeling trapped by a life you don't want, but did she not make the decision to be married and have a child? And then she made that child suffer so that she could go off and achieve her dreams, and then had the gall to thank her, to not apologize or appear to feel any remorse for just exiting her life.
But it's probably better for Pear in the long run if she can let go of the bitterness. So for her sake, I'm glad.
Kwan just delete those pics and move on, babe. Not's not worth all this.
So I guess they were going for nerves last week. Clumsily done. So tired of the blushing maiden thing in general, honestly. Can we please retire it forever along with the crazy ex faen trope? Can we please, please, please stop sending the message that one person in the relationship has to be shy and reserved and scared of sex while the other pushes them forward? It's so fucking detrimental, and it just feeds into this idea that to be a "good" girl (or the bottom in BL, because it's always the bottom isn't it? sigh) you can't actually desire sex, can't want it, or you can want it but you also have to pretend not to because good girls don't (but I do). And I'm so so tired of it. SO tired. People have enough hang ups about sex all on their own without media reinforcing this bullshit.
Last week I said that I would hesitantly trust this show with an asexual storyline. I want to take that back now. My trust is revoked, you couldn't handle it properly, show. There's literally nothing wrong with being hesitant about sleeping with someone for the first time (or not wanting to sleep with anyone at all), but there's a way to do it and this show...did not.
Well that theory that the old man is future!Kawi is certainly looking more correct. How else would he know to show up and scold him.
I know how you can get rich, Kawi. Be Pisaeng's sugar baby.
Okay sir, hush your face about in-depth analysis. I am feeling very called out right now.
Yesss thank you dude. It's like with dad. Kawi couldn't prevent his death because he was always going to go. Dad's death is a fixed point. But what Kawi could do - what he finally did do - was fix his relationship with him. He opened up, he told his dad he loves him, he did the work.
Alrighty so we're flashbacking through the rest of college now? This is weird, especially after going through everything else so slowly (if they fast fowarded through a Not redemption I will throw the most massive fit (and for once be glad for this stupid shadowban, since then no one will see the massive tantrum)). If you've done all you meant to why are you not going back to the future (heh) Kawi?
Why is he still asking this question?
And now we're montaging through living together. This ep is turning into the Oprah of montages - and you get a montage! And you get a montage. This makes me more certain than ever that Pisaeng has been doing his own time traveling. The domesticity is cute though.
Pear and Kwan arrived to Christmas together! Still shipping it even though I know it won't come true. Sigh. At least Not isn't at the table. For a hot second I thought he was, that Pear was hugging him, and I almost lost it. But nope, it was Kawi lol. I was about to throw down with this show.
Do NOT test me show I am not in the mood.
Fifteenth time's the charm, eh, Pearmei? Granted it's not like you know that since you don't remember all the timelines, but still.
Me the second I see Pisaeng pulling out those pills: are they gonna kill him off? Would they do that?
Why is this where my brain goes? I mean, it was instant. Just, BOOM are they killing Pisaeng.
Ah, the good old wipe them down when they're sick trope. Good times.
"Do you think I'll die?" Pffft, me and Pisaeng are on the same wavelength. But also maybe don't tease Kawi like that the dude has several issues around his loved ones dying okay. Don't make him pull out that music box, Pisaeng.
HAHAHA is that the first grey hair oh noooo! Fun fact: my sis found her first one when she was like 22. She was not best pleased.
Oh no all this joking about Pisaeng dying but is it going to be Kawi instead? And why do I keep expecting death? People get ill, self.
Ugh, yes, the harsh realities of having no rights regarding the partner you've lived with for years - rights that would be given by default to a straight couple. God I hate it, but I'm happy to see this drum being banged. Because it should be.
Poor Pisaeng. So maybe he didn't travel in time before, but he sure as hell is going to now, because I think Kawi is actually going to die. Or Pisaeng is going to be so terrified of it happening that he can't help himself. But to change it or to make sure it never happens by cutting himself off from Kawi before it can? And then staying in the closet, going abroad, marrying Pear?
Because I truly think that he'd lock them all into a shitty future just to save Kawi's life.
Well at least he tells Kawi what happened.
Have to say, the end part saved this ep for me. I don't know if it's just that I'm already kind of pissed off (thanks tumblr!) or if this ep just started off rough, but I was not feeling it at the beginning. I really want to like this show all the way through. Please don't screw it up in the final hour. Please.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 8 months
Wreckless - Not My Daddy
Tumblr media
*Warning Adult Content*
My week has sucked... I got poked, prodded and sucked 'not the good kind' on Monday morning which left me six hours of a very long afternoon to try to get caught up... I failed.
Tuesday was such a clusterfuck of suck 'also the bad kind' that I don't even want to think about it.
The highlight was Jesse, my head of accounting, giving his notice.
At least he won't be hitting on me anymore even though it means I have to go through the hiring process again.
With what time? I need to clone myself.
I almost made it to Emmett's last night but ended up staying very late and doing a conference call with Taiwan that started at eight pm.
The fact is that I put some things off last week in order to spend more time with him and this week, they bit me in the ass 'again, not fun'.
But today, today I'm going to see Emmett come hell or high water.
I've already told Megan I'm leaving and that she should too and I'm currently setting my phone to go directly to voicemail... Done.
I almost forget my bag but ten minutes later I've said my good-byes, told two people I met on the way out of the building that I will talk to them tomorrow and managed to make it to my car.
Closing the door feels like I just got away with something and maybe I did.
I should stay another hour but I'm mentally fried. There aren't any parking spaces, someone must be having a party or funeral.
I park two blocks away and regret not texting Emmett as soon as I get out of my car.
I will be fine... Positive thinking.
I make it to Emmett's gate without incident and Mrs. Lewis gives me a small wave.
"Hello ma'am."
I step inside, drop my bag, slip out of my jacket which I hang on the peg and then freeze.
Emmett is... Emmett is... his hair.
I mean it's mostly his beard but that's hair too, really.
I mean, WHAT?
"Emmett. You..."
He strokes his smooth chin.
"Didn't I tell you? Yeah, a couple of days ago."
I'm staring but I can't help it.
"What? I showed you a pic, you said you liked my face."
"I... I do."
He's right, he warned me when we first met that he shaves for the summer.
I guess I just didn't realize how disarming it would be.
I have no idea why I'm upset, I shouldn't be.
He does look good, hell he is maybe even hotter now although I'm not sure how that's possible. It's just...
"So what is it? Need a few minutes to adjust?"
He closes the distance between us and takes off my tie, then starts unbuttoning my shirt while I just stand there.
Maybe I'm in shock.
Maybe it's just my crappy, busy week and the fact that I thought everything would be better and easy once I got here and it's not, somehow.
It should be, it's just hair but everything is wrong, too.
I try to look up at him but can't.
I kick my shoes off and find myself pouting, boo-boo lip in full effect.
He puts a finger under my chin and I lift my head but stare off to the side.
"What's wrong?"
"I missed you," I mumble. "And I've missed you."
But now he's not him, somehow, now he...
"You don't look like my Emmett."
I hate the words, hate how desperate and whiny they are but they're the only ones I have to try to describe the craziness going on in my head right now.
"Oh," he says gently, pulling me into a hug.
"I see. Well, Finn, do I sound like daddy?"
He does, even with my head nuzzled into his neck he does.
He maneuvers around and kisses me gently, then lets me hide again.
"Do I kiss like your Emmett?"
I've missed kissing him... a lot.. it's been too long.
"I promise that I still taste like daddy, too but you'll have to wait until the morning, my baby boy."
He pulls me tighter against him.
"Do I feel like your Emmett?"
God he does, yes.
"Yes and you smell like him too."
"That's right, that's right. And guess what? I can still take care of you, too. In lots of ways, Finn. You'll be okay, just trust me but I'm proud of you for telling me what's bothering you."
It was hard to admit that I was so upset by something so stupid.
"I know it's stupid, I'm sorry."
"It's not stupid, we're both new to this and I didn't realize it would bother you. I learned something today. Now, are you hungry?"
I am, I'm absolutely starving but I'm not sure if I need him or food most.
"I want you to get out of those pants and then I'll be right back to kiss you properly, all right? I was gonna ask you about this later but maybe it'll cheer you up. What do you think about going to the Zoo on Saturday? Does that sound like fun?"
The Zoo? In as much little space as I can manage?
I throw my arms around his neck and hug him.
"I love animals. I didn't know there was a Zoo here."
"The Baltimore Zoo is really nice but if you want to make a whole day of it we can go to D.C. They have pandas. It's huge though and honestly I prefer the Baltimore zoo since you can walk it without dying but I'll leave it up to you to decide."
Decisions, decisions.
"If we do the smaller zoo does that mean we'd have time and energy to play after?"
"Yes it does, Finn. I'd have lots and lots of time to play with you. I have something new I want to show you, would you like that?"
Well that more than answers THAT question.
"I think so, daddy. It's going to be a great day, I can't wait."
"Good, I can't either. Do you feel better now?"
"I do, thank you Em. Sorry I was so sad."
"Don't worry about it, darling. I'm going to go work on dinner, you can get comfortable."
I spend the rest of the evening deep in little space.
We have an amazing dinner and afterwards I build my Lego car and play with Marten.
He tucks me into bed and then reads me two chapters of Percy Jackson because he says I deserve it... It's bliss.
The next morning I wake up as I'm being rolled onto my stomach.
Emmett yanks down my undies and uses a knee to spread my legs.
I am instantly, a hundred thousand percent turned on.
"Shhh, I know you want to choke on daddy's cock but I have a present for you first. Would you like a toy, Finn?"
Oh, he's going to, oh.
"Yes Sir."
"Relax, here you go."
The lube is chilly but the toy, whatever it is, isn't that big and slides in easily. 
I'm not sure why him pulling back up my undies is so invasive or wonderful but it is.
"Such a good boy. That's it. Ready?"
"Yes Em. That feels good."
He turns on the vibrations and I'm glad he's holding me down because I jump at the sudden stimulation.
"There you go, that's what you get for being such a good little cocksucker. Now get down there, I know you want it."
I do and he rolls onto his side and so do I, slinking below the covers.
God my ass feels amazing, how have I never used a vibrator before?
I can feel it the whole way in my balls.
I want him to be rough because I won't last long and I want to come while I'm choking on my breakfast.
"Teach me master."
That should do it and it does.
He pushes in deep, pinning me against the bed as he fucks my face with abandon.
"That's it, fuck yes Finn, take it."
He's moaning and muttering under his breath as he fists my hair, every ounce of the sweet, considerate daddy from last night now funneled into something much different yet just as good and desperately needed
"I've been saving up for you for days... knew you'd need it.... Gonna flood your mouth.. choke you with it, babe... are you ready?"
I am but I'm not and true to his word I gag and sputter, my own balls erupting as he shoots deep down my throat.
Maybe I'll make it through the day now, I feel ready.
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lifeprotologism · 1 year
I thought I had it all. A person who loved me, my son and a soon to be future together as a family. I felt complete and content with what little I had, I wanted nothing more, nothing less.
It didn’t take minute to shatter all that and when it did, I was broken. I didn’t even know heart break was this painful. I fell apart and it’s taken me years to recover. I felt physically ill everytime I was alone. I survived to during the day and focused on work cos I had bills to pay! I would walk to pick my son up and put on the brightest smile when I hugged him. For that brief moment, I felt calm. I chatted all the way home, holding his tiny hands with mine and made sure he could never see me in pain. But when slept and I found that time to be alone, I howled like it was death!
I didn’t know I could love someone so much that they would become my last. No one matters and I have lost all interest. I hit a new low every week and this went on for years! Years!!! Who griefs for this long without any hope??? I used to lock myself in my room and spend my entire weekend crying …I don’t know when the tears cried or when I dozed off. I was in constant pain and I could not imagine moving on. I didn’t want to and I didn��t need to. I felt I would go crazy cos nothing in this world mattered. So many times, I wanted to end all the pain I was feeling, cos I just could no longer continue. But somehow I pulled through.
I cannot fathom the years it’s taken me. This year, she told me she loved me. I had mixed feelings about it. Somewhere deep down, I couldn’t believe it and maybe I didn’t want to. There was intermittent connection and she didn’t know my struggle. I wasn’t over the first hurt to get involved again. I just cannot do that to my heart.
My heart did break again and I realised at that point that it never healed, not even a fraction of it healed. I had scheduled system to manage the pain. I sadly got used to it that it now became a part of me.
I know you fall in love so many times but when I fell in love with her, I knew I could never again. This was it for me. I’ve broken up with her 7 years this day but my love has remained the same. She doesn’t deserve it. She left me hanging at a time I most needed her. There are stories about me she’s made which disgusts me. And yet, I love her. I expected nothing, I asked for nothing except for her time. There was our entire relationship and it meant nothing to her!
I recently went home and met her friend. She showed me pics of them on holiday and told me that they are happy, they always were together. I felt so cheated.
I have started to recall the reason for our fights. It was always her. I told her I was going to nz to see my mom and what the conditions were. I had the courage to tell her the truth but maybe in the end, I didn’t feel safe and lied again. I remembered her leaving me at the bus stop in india and telling me to go! I remembered how abusive she was that day! And I remembered why we fought - she was texting her. I’ve started to recall why I needed to go see my mom. I needed grounding - I was lost and I accepted her decision. Today, I can still visit my mom, and that’s important.
In hindsight, nothing matters. My heart remains so broken. I don’t think it will ever heal, it’s no longer capable of love and I have started to feel that ending all this is the only solution. This darkness has once again consumed me.
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hearts-hunger · 2 years
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(sweet gvf besties, please feel free to crop this pic, edit it, repost it, whatever! tag me if you want so i can see!)
full story of the best moment of my whole entire life below the cut!
my sister and i saw last night that the boys were in the savannah area, and since we're only half an hour away, we decided to go down today to see if we could meet them! (actually, we just went down to see if we could even glimpse them from the car, lmao). we had no idea if they were even still there, but we're nothing if not full of crazy hope, so to sav we went.
we walked around for a while, keeping a lookout, but mostly we were just wandering. it's still crazy to me that the time we spent walking around was the PERFECT amount of time. we checked instagram and saw someone had tagged danny and jake in a post half an hour earlier, so we knew they were at least still in town! we walked around some more, and we'd kind of hit a point of being like “well, i guess it's just not gonna happen for us,  c'est la vie.” and literally as soon as we'd made up our minds to head home, WE SAW JAKE!!
he was across the street, and i KNEW it was him because he was wearing his slutty little unbuttoned shirt and his chelsea boots, and he looked like the prettiest girl in the world. i grabbed my sister's hand and said “is that —?!” and she said “YES???” we both had a moment of pure panic and excitement and nervousness at just a GLIMPSE of him.
he went into the winery across the street, and while we were busy hyperventilating and calling our parents (our dad was like “no hell you did not just see him” and we were borderline crying like “YES DAD HE'S RIGHT THERE?!”) we saw all four of them in the winery (you know they like their little wine tastings). we debated going in, and we hadn't made up our minds (i was SO NERVOUS!!) when they came out. danny and jake came out first, and danny was carrying a case of wine, and his hair looked so good and his ARMS LOOKED SO GOOD!!! and then, a few seconds later, josh and sam came out. my sister practically dragged me across the street and said “excuse me, hi, sorry!” after them.
sam and josh both turned around, and WHEN I TELL YOU MY HEART STOPPED!!!! they both looked so good, josh's cheeks were all flushed and rosy, sam was so TALL, and we were absolutely starstruck. my sister went up first because i was too shy to, and she said “hi, we're huge fans! we love you! can we get a picture with you guys?”
sam had the BIGGEST sweetest smile on his face, and he said “i'd love nothing less.”
me, my sister, and josh all looked at him — nothing less? what did that mean? was that a polite way of telling us no? (josh was NOT tracking with what his little brother said lmaoo)
i looked straight at sam, and, trying for some lighthearted (slightly despairing) banter, said “less?”
he looked so panicked, bless him — he laughed and hurried to say “and more! i should have said more!” he seemed so upset that we might be upset, and it was the sweetest thing.
we came up to them, and they were both so smiley, and my sister said “thank you so much, it's such an honor to meet you!” josh said it was an honor to meet us too (PLEASE) and he got very close to my sister and said “i love your earrings, by the way!” she thanked him and showed off my earrings too — we told them we'd made them, and they were inspired by tears of rain. josh looked close at my earrings and said “that's wonderful! i love them!”
we were both a blushing mess at having josh look at us so closely and compliment us so genuinely, and my sister pulled out her phone for the picture. sam said “let's do it!” and they both pulled us close (THEY moved close to US!!) and i honestly think i blacked out for a second hehe. the only thing i recall with certainty is that sam is SUPER skinny, and smelled SO nice, and was cool to the touch (where i was all flushed and hot). my sister said later that josh put his arm around her waist and squeezed. we took the picture and when we separated, both my sister and i were so flustered that we couldn't think of anything intelligent to say — i'm pretty sure we said thank you and waved goodbye, and josh said it was a pleasure to meet us.
we probably hadn't made it five steps from them before we collapsed in slightly hysterical giggles, and i like to think the boys thought it was cute :) it was such a sweet, genuine interaction, and i really believe we all just spoke from the heart, because they looked a little nervous to talk to us too 🥺❤️ the thing that will stick with me forever is their smiles — they were really genuinely happy to be talking to us, and their big sweet smiles showed it.
so, yeah ❤️ josh complimented our earrings, and i flustered sam a little bit and made him laugh. they weren't dismissive or impatient at all — they took the time to talk to us and be sweet to us even when they didn't have to, and i'll cherish that as long as i live ❤️
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lucy90712 · 3 years
Wilbur his girlfriend(y/n) finally moved in together and u bought a new Apartment/house and ur shopping for new stuff to put in it like couch’s kitchen wear etc. u haven’t told your fans yet and as ur shopping ur fans spot u and ask for pics. Like normal when u get home and set everything u bought up Twitter is going crazy tagging in in post like “Wilbur and y/n moving together” and u to just laugh it off u end up streaming at his office that night saying what’s going on
Moving in
Finally I collapsed the last box of our things and out it un the pile of all the others in the spare room. It's been a long process but me and Wilbur have finally moved into our own house together which is a weird thought because the whole time we've been together we have lived in our own apartments so the first time we are going to live together is in our own house. Walking around the place and just seeing Wilbur all the time although I have spent time with him at his place or him at mine it feels different that everyday we get to be together.
The whole place is very empty because we don't have that much of our own furniture and what we do have doesn't really fit because the house is bigger than our apartments so we really need to get some furniture. Which is why our plan for the day is to go out and sort as much as we can especially things for the kitchen because we haven't really been able to cook that much because all of our plates got broken while moving. Together we made a list of all the things we needed in hopes that we can at least sort most of them because we won't be able to get everything today as some things will need to be ordered.
Wilbur grabbed my hand as we walked through the streets of Brighton enjoying some fresh air after spending the past few days indoors packing and then unpacking. Luckily Wilbur's fans know that we are together so we can go about our lives relatively normal and just walk about holding hands without having to worry about people seeing us. I actually really enjoy meeting people and getting to take pictures because everyone is always super nice.
We started by going to a furniture store to try and order sofas and other bigger furniture that we needed, there is a lot of choice like more than you would expect and everything is such different sizes that we had to measure all the sofas we liked to make sure they would fit how we wanted. Once we had ordered all the things we wanted to we left the and went to a more normal store to get the smaller things which I was very excited about. Together we looked at decorations and stuff picking out things to put on the shelves we have and on the surfaces which we seems to have a lot of now that we have a house, we also brought canvases which is a little random but we wanted to paint things to put on our walls instead of buying paintings to make them more special.
By the time we were going home we both had our hands full with all sorts of things which is so exciting hence why we had huge smiles on our faces. The two of us practically skipped home we were that excited to put all of the things we had brought up around the house and start on our paintings which meant we paid no attention to anyone around us. Until someone stopped us asking for a picture which of course we took before continuing our walk home without really thinking about it.
Once we made it home we went round the house putting things in the places we envisioned them and moving some if they didn't look right until everything was exactly where we waste it and the place felt more homely. Although a lot of the things we brought looked like just clutter that's what we wanted because the house looked so empty and we wanted to make it look loved in. After a good while of sorting things out we sat down and I checked on my phone and the first thing I did was look at Twitter which gave me a real surprise. There was about a million tweets of people sharing photos of me and Wilbur around town and the one we took with a fan speculating about us moving in together, so much has been going on that I forgot we had never mentioned it to the fans.
Wilbur must have also heard about what was going down on twitter and in our friends stream chats apparently because he leant over to show me a message from Phil on discord about his chat being filled with messages about us and one from Tommy about how insane twitter was. The both of us kind of laughed to ourselves that we had caused such a stir without really meaning to all because we brought a house. The internet is really a strange place to be. The two of us decided we should probably do something about this to stop people harassing our friends so we are going to head to Wilbur’s office to stream together.
I was watching the little loading screen Wilbur had as the bar filled up getting closer to the actual stream starting for some reason I was quite nervous about being on stream and I don’t know why because I’ve been on stream many times but for some reason having something to announce made me more anxious to see the response.
There was no need to be worried because everyone was so excited that me and Wilbur finally moved in together in hopes they will get more content of us together which we don’t plan on doing but I guess we will go out together more so in that sense they will. The stream was fun though because we watched media shares together and I just laughed while Wilbur tried not to even though I was making it harder.
Overall its been a super busy day but it’s been a lot of fun and I can’t wait to have more days like this now that me and Will have moved in together and it will be easier. More excitement is to come tomorrow as we are going to attempt to paint on the canvases we brought and put them up.
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in which you’re harry’s assistant and harry needs to open his eyes.
a/n: ASSISANT!YN has finally arrived! this took me three weeks and a half to write, so please enjoy and kindly rb with feedback! i’ve had this concept in mind for SO long, and i’m proud of it! this is also inspired by my love for the barcelona pic, pictured on the left, that I think about on the daily along with some thoughts in a dressing room! also picture on the right at the final show is an aspect in the story as well!
also big thank you to my bestie @stylesloveclub for screaming and hyping this up for me while I rave about it, ily!
enjoy a long slowburn of 26.3k words of a friends to lovers fic that’s filled with angst and some smut! genuinely be ready for the angst hehe
COME INTO MY INBOX AND LETS TALKING ABOUT WANT YOU HERE! i’d love to know your thoughts and feedback!
pls rb to share! <3
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16 December 2017
The smell of fresh flowers brought allergies to your senses as you shuffled and continuously rubbed your nose with a tissue. 
You were at the flower shop with two bouquets in your hands as you debated which bundle to get. You were given specific instructions to find a bouquet that’s full and big with the color white being the dominant color of the bouquet, and your options were a white orchid bunch, which weren’t your personal favorite, but it was one of the white bouquets, and your other option was a white lilac bouquet with a couple of white roses and baby’s breath around the large lilacs. 
“Do you need help choosing a bouquet?” The lady that was named Vicky asked. She had an expression of curiosity as she was probably wondering if you were going to buy anything since you’ve been standing in the corner for quite some time as you tried choosing which bouquet to get. 
“Oh, no. Thank you,” you replied back with a smile, and she nodded her head, walking away to help another customer, but you knew she was going to be back to ask you again in the next ten minutes if you don’t make your mind up right now. 
After another three minutes of deciding, you opted for the white lilac bouquet, and headed to the cashier. You gave the employee your number for rewards since you were at the flower shop quite a lot that you’ve managed to rack up some points in order to get a free bouquet. Once you paid and were on your way, your phone rang in your purse. Struggling to reach for it as you were holding the big bouquet and a few shopping bags, you moved to the side to set your paper bags down on the ground, and quickly grabbed your phone so it won’t go to voicemail. 
“Hey,” you answered cheerfully, knowing exactly who it was. 
“Hi there. Where are you?” The voice from the other end asked. 
“I just left the flower shop—should be there soon.” 
“Okay, perfect. Thank you for everything.” 
“Harry, you don’t need to thank me every single time,” you chuckled. “I’m your assistant. It’s my job.” 
“I know, I know. It’s just…I’m grateful for what you do,” he said thankfully. 
“I know, and I’m grateful for having this job and working for you. So, thank you also.” 
“Look who’s saying thank you now,” he joked, and you laughed. “But I’ll see you soon. Walk back safely, please,” he said, bidding you goodbye. 
“Always do. See you,” you hung up the phone, picking up the shopping bags, and walking towards Harry’s place. 
You’ve been Harry’s assistant for quite some time now; exactly two years. You started working for him when you were both twenty one, and he had just gone separate ways from the band. Harry was in the midst of writing his very first album and planning his first world tour as a solo artist in smaller theatre venues, and desperately needed an assistant to do some basic errands and remind him of his scheduling. Luckily as Glenne’s friend, you were in need of a job. You were fresh out of college as you had your bachelor’s in public relations, and being friends with someone who’s boyfriend is in the industry has its perks. 
Glenne had immediately recommended you once Jeff mentioned that Harry was looking for an assistant, and since Jeff had met you a handful of times, he told Glenne to call you in for an interview, but somewhat knowing that he was going to hire you already since Harry desperately needed one and you were a friend. 
When you walked into the interview, you were greeted by Jeff and Harry. That was your first time meeting Harry, and you were quite shocked that he was a real person. Of course you were a fan of him, and you were still surprised whenever Glenne talked about him, but when you saw him for the first time, you immediately thought that he was more gorgeous in reality. 
“So nice to meet you,” Harry said, shaking your ring filled hand. The coolness of his metal rings met your shaky hands, and sparks had immediately shocked your body. 
“Great to meet you too. I love your shirt,” you complimented. He was wearing a bright blue button down shirt with a cherry blossom print on it with a white t-shirt underneath along with some black skinny jeans and brown boots. 
“Thank you. Your trousers are very nice,” he said back, looking down at your pants. You were wearing burnt orange corduroy pants with a white semi turtleneck blouse with a pussybow tie on it, along with some black booties. “Actually, I love your whole outfit,” he added, and you chuckled, trying to hide your blush. 
Never in a million years would you have thought you would meet Harry, let alone Harry complimenting your entire outfit. You’re really living the dream. 
The interview went extremely well and only lasted about thirty minutes. The first ten minutes were some generic interview questions because they still had to keep it professional, but the last twenty minutes consisted of asking about your interests and simply getting to know you because you would spend most of your time with Harry. 
At the end of the interview, it was quite obvious Jeff and Harry knew they wanted to hire you. They loved your personality and how you made jokes, especially how you laughed at Harry’s jokes, which he thought was a very important aspect of being his assistant. 
Jeff exited the room, telling you he would be right back, but really he went into his office to grab some paperwork for you to sign. That left you and Harry in the conference room alone as you made conversation with him about university. You also told him that you were a fan of his, which you thought was a mistake to tell him because you’re sure he doesn’t want a crazy fan to be his assistant and practically have access to his personal life, but he said gratefully said thank you, and asking if you had a favorite song off new released album. Your favorites off his album were ‘Only Angel’ and ‘From the Dining Table.’ 
“Good picks,” he teased. 
“I would hope they’re good picks. It is your album,” you teased back, making him laugh, and he thought that it was a great choice making you his assistant. 
Once Jeff was back, he opened a folder, taking out various paperwork before Harry broke the news and told you that he’d love for you to be his assistant. You hadn’t expected to be hired on the spot, or be hired in general, but there you were, reading over the contracts and signing your name at the bottom of the last page along with the date. Jeff and Harry both shook your hands, telling you that they were excited for you to be along with the ride, and you told them that you were excited as well. 
You had thanked Glenne a million times for getting you an interview, and till this day, you always made sure to thank her because one mention of your name had gotten you an opportunity and a well paying job that you actually really loved. 
Harry also made the job bearable; not truly treating you as only an assistant, but rather a friend who helps a lot. Throughout the years of knowing each other, you and Harry had grown quite close. With always being around him, it was like hanging out with him, and you were thankful for that because you were sure no other job would feel like this. Harry also doesn’t give you difficult tasks either. He just has you go on coffee runs or run to the store to grab him something, but the most work you’ve had to do for him was to call several people on his guest list for a party he was hosting last year or write out his whole schedule for the entirety of the year. But nothing strenuous that would leave you frustrated with him. 
He would also make sure everything that he assigns you to do is okay for you to do, and you really appreciated that, but you would do anything for that man. 
You stood in front of Harry’s door, setting your bags down onto the floor before you reached into your purse to grab your keys where a spare key to Harry’s place hung on the metal ring. Before your hand could even find them, the door swung open revealing Harry smiling at you, looking impeccably sharp in his suit, which caused your heart to flutter. 
“Ah, thought I heard you. Here, let me help you,” he grabbed the shopping bags from the ground and the flowers from your hands, leaving you empty handed as you followed behind him into his home. “Thank you for getting these. I’ve just been so busy lately,” he thanked once again as he did on the phone. 
“Yeah, I know. Afterall, I am your assistant,” you teased, and he laughed as he studied the bouquet. 
“This is a lovely bouquet. Good pick,” he said, and your mind immediately goes back to when he said that to you for the first time at your interview. He said it quite often as you ultimately always make the decisions when he asks you to go out and grab something for him. 
“I thought so too. Also,” you opened one of the shopping bags, taking out the garment bag before unzipping the entire thing, “I got the exact dress you asked for, and get this: it was the last one in her size. Lucky man, you are, Harry Styles,” you handed him the Yves Saint Laurent black dress so he could get a better look at it, and he held it up, smiling. 
“It’s perfect. Thank you so much, angel,” he said, and you slightly blushed from the pet name that you would never get used to. 
Harry started calling you ‘angel’ when you were two months into working for him. With all the work you do for him, the pet name had slipped out, but it stuck once he kept calling you that. You loved it--a lot, and you hoped that one day, he wouldn’t forget to call you that because you would miss the simple name coming out of his mouth very much. Plus, it was fitting because your favorite song of his is ‘Only Angel.’
“Are you excited for tonight?” You asked. 
“Yeah, I am. It’s been a while since I’ve properly taken her out on a date, so I’m stoked for it. Pretty sure she is too.” Harry had a busy schedule. With being involved in interviews and promo for his upcoming tour, he was a busy man, which you knew of course. But it had affected his personal life greatly. 
“Well, I’m happy if you are. I hope she loves the dress,” you said painfully. 
“She will. She’s been talking about it for a while now. I just hope she didn’t go buying it without telling me because that would be really awkward once I tell her to go change into this,” he chuckled softly, and you joined him, agreeing. Harry quickly checked the time on his phone as it read 6:30 p.m, and he carefully placed the dress back into the garment bag and zipped it up. He grabbed the bouquet of flowers and his wallet on the counter. “I gotta go. Gonna be late if I don’t leave now. Lock up for me if you decide not to stay, yeah?” You nodded, walking him to the door as if it were your house. “Oh!” He turned back around because he had forgotten something, and you were holding up his keys already, and he chuckled. “Thanks again. You’re a lifesaver. Don’t know what I’d do without you,” he leaned in to give you a brief kiss to your cheek, which he has done often, and you waved at him. 
“Have fun tonight! Call me if you need anything,” you called out from his front door and he waved the flowers as a sign of goodbye before getting into his car. You watched him reverse out of his driveway and drive off to his girlfriend’s house. 
With a sigh, you closed the door, looking around at what needs to be done. Harry’s place was relatively clean. He just had some things laying around on random surfaces, and you think that was probably because he was in a hurry, so he just placed them on the nearest surface. If Harry were here, he would probably tell you that cleaning up his own mess was so unnecessary and that he doesn’t expect you to, but you know that he’s grateful you’re doing it anyways. 
You were silent as you tidied up his house, putting things back in his closet, and washing the bowl of yogurt and fruit he eats in the morning. It was an unnerving silence, and you just wanted to make any kind of noise just to fill the quietness that was slowly eating you away. You grabbed one of his shirts off the ground that slipped off the hanger, and you brought it up to your nose. His scent filling your senses as you closed your eyes, taking his smell in. You inhaled enough to practically take away his entire scent that was left on his shirt to fill the satisfaction in your body as you pretended he was close. 
As you did that, you uncontrollably sobbed into the material, letting out a heartbroken cry as you covered your face with his shirt. You slowly sank down to the floor, completely sitting down on the cold tiles. The sudden outbreak of your cries weren’t new; they had made their appearance when he left for dates or after he was done talking about someone he liked. When you would go out to the store and grab things he wants gifted. When he would call you angel while he was with the devil who was keeping you two apart. 
Once you calmed down a bit, you thought about how hugging his shirt was the closest you would get to him as you wished you were the lucky person he would be greeting them with his presence and a pretty batch of flowers, but he doesn’t even know your favorite flower.
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It was the next day, and you woke up in the comfort of your own bed. 
You had taken an Uber home around ten p.m the night prior as you figured Harry was still on his date and perhaps wouldn’t be coming home till later. So, after watching a movie on his couch and having dinner, you turned off all of the lights and locked up as you headed to your place for what you hope is a relaxing night. 
A weird feeling had taken over you as you got ready for bed and it felt strange. You knew you weren’t yourself, and you hated that. The outburst of your crying was long forgotten as you climbed into bed and slept the day away. 
Once you had woken up from your deep slumber, your charged phone was ringing with your text tone. Groaning, you stretched your body from the tenseness from your sleep before you reached for your phone, unplugging the charger. You rubbed your eyes and blinked a bit as the brightness of your phone was straining to your vision. When your sight had cleared up, you were greeted with various messages from Jeff, asking if you had heard from Harry or if you’ve seen him. Going to Harry’s message, you hadn’t received anything, so you texted Jeff back and told him that he hadn’t contacted you and the last time you saw him was last night. Jeff immediately texted back, asking you if you could kindly go to his place and check if he was there, and you instantly said yes, a bit worried as Jeff seemed to be worried as well. 
You got out of bed for the day, not wanting to leave, but knowing you had responsibilities, you got ready for the day, doing your normal hygienic routine.
 It was Sunday, and usually on Sundays, you didn’t have much work to do since it was Harry’s day off as well. That is, if it’s not on tour, he gets a nice little day to himself. So, you chose a comfy outfit—one where you wouldn’t sweat so much as you walked to Harry’s house in the summer heat. You opted for a big t-shirt and pairing it with black biker shorts, and some sneakers. With one last look in the mirror, you were out the door and headed to Harry’s house. 
The day was beautiful as the sun was out and the sky was blue. Rarely any clouds to overcast the sun, and there was a slight breeze in the air, making the walk more bearable so you wouldn’t sweat all that much. 
Once you got to Harry’s house, fortunately, it wasn’t that far of a walk from where you live, you unlocked the door and walked in. 
“Harry?” You called out, looking around the living area. His shoes that he normally wears out are by the couch, so he should be somewhere. He might still be asleep, you think. You walk up the stairs to his room, knocking lightly before entering. And what you saw was something you wanted to erase from your memory forever. “Oh, fuck! Sorry!” You immediately slammed the door as you stood still outside of his room, in disbelief of what you just saw. 
You had just witnessed Brooke giving Harry head. They were both obviously naked, and her actions were on full display too because the bed faced the door and Brooke was on the side of Harry rather than in front of him as she had his dick down her throat, and of course, Harry had his head back, simply enjoying it because what guy wouldn’t. 
You heard shuffling through the door, and that took you out of your spaced out mind; quickly walked down the stairs and to the kitchen, grabbing yourself a glass of water, feeling yourself get flustered from how bare Harry was in front of you. 
“God, does she ever learn how to fucking knock?” You heard Brooke faintly say as they both walked down the stairs, most likely thinking you didn’t hear, but you definitely did as her voice echoed throughout the whole fucking house. “Hey, girl,” she smiled once they both made it to the kitchen, and it was the fakest smile you’ve ever seen. No wonder she’s a good actress, you think. 
“Hi,” you said back, sipping your glass of water as you avoided eye contact with Harry. 
“Hi. What are you doing here? Do I have to be somewhere today?” He greeted, but immediately asked questions as if you were invading his privacy and day off. You looked at him very briefly, but remained your sight on his marble counter. 
“Uh, no. Jeff told me to come here and check on you; said that he hadn’t heard from you, so he was worried,” you explained, glancing up and Harry nodded. 
“Oh, okay. The last time I talked to him was before I left, but I hadn’t checked my phone since. Was it anything urgent?” You shook your head, realizing Jeff never really explained why he needed Harry, but you brushed it off. 
“He bought me this lovely bouquet of flowers and a pretty dress for dinner!” Yeah, I know. I was the one who got them, you thought. “Then he took me out on a boat ride, and we came back here-”
“Spare me the details? I already know all of this. I am his assistant afterall,” you said in a not so friendly tone, interrupting her and not wanting to know the details of what happens in his bedroom that entails Brooke. Usually, you weren’t so harsh to anyone, but you had a reason to be a bit stern with Brooke because she bites back. Unfortunately for her, you bite back even harder. 
Harry and Brooke have been dating for what seems like forever, but it’s really only been about six months. You tried being nice to her--you really tried, giving her your patience, but every time you see her, she would act cold towards you. Of course not in front of Harry because he thinks she’s an absolute saint, but she was the complete opposite of that. She was the devil and you were the angel. But of course, Harry doesn’t see that. 
Brooke gives you a harsh look, rolling her eyes a bit as Harry grabbed a glass of water for both of them. She turns to him, giving him a big smile before reaching up to kiss his lips, knowing exactly what she was doing in front of you. She then took a sip of her water, hugging Harry before she said, “I gotta go. Have a meeting at ten. I’ll call you?” Harry nodded, walking her to the front door, giving her one last kiss before she was off and Harry shut the door. You scoffed to yourself as you watched them, rolling your eyes in a way to attempt to hide your pain. 
Harry walked back to the kitchen, leaning on the counter, matching your stance. 
“I’m sorry you had to walk in on us-”
“Harry, it’s fine. I should’ve waited before I knocked,” you tried to get rid of the thought of seeing Brooke’s mouth on Harry. That was the first time you’ve walked in on him like that--fully bare on the bed while in action. Brooke was probably his first serious girlfriend in years, but he’s had some one night stands here and there, which he called you in the morning to pick him up. It wasn’t your preferred task to do because of the pain you would always feel when you would see him walk out of the house he just slept in, but then again, he is your boss. 
It was a bit quiet between you two, and Harry thinks that it’s because you practically saw his dick on full display. Partially it was for that reason, but it was also the way Brooke would treat you almost every time she sees you. Harry thinks back to when Brooke was in the house, and he could practically feel the anger from you when she was there. 
“You know, you could be a little nicer to her,” he stated, recalling what you said to Brooke and how you said it. 
“Well, she could be nicer to me in general,” you raised your brows, waiting for what he has to say about that. 
“She is nice to you. She always talks about wanting to invite you places, but she comes back sad because you’re always so quick to turn her down.”
“Brooke has never invited me anywhere. In fact, she’s never said a word to me unless you were there,” Except for that time a couple of months ago when you two had a little chat that ended up with you in tears at the end of the night. You laughed as you were in disbelief that she would actually lie to Harry that she actually wanted to be friends with you. 
“What? No. She’s always talking about wanting to get to know you more, but you just shut her down,” Harry’s brows furrowed, and you laughed even more. “W-What’s so funny?”
“Harry, you would know if she would have talked to me because I would’ve told you, but your girlfriend has never mentioned anything other than…” you trailed off as you stopped laughing, not wanting to overstep or overshare some of things that Brooke has really said to you. 
“Other than what?” He noticed that you cut yourself off. 
“Maybe ask her if you wanna know. I gotta get going,” you said, brushing it off as if it didn’t matter to you as you avoided his suspicious eyes while you headed for the door. “Make sure to call Jeff too. Oh, uh,” you turned around to find him following you to the front door, “Did you need me to do anything for you while I’m here?” You asked, still knowing that he was your boss. 
“Oh, hmm, no. Don’t think so. Enjoy your day,” he said, and you got off of his doorstep.
“Bye, H-,” you were interrupted by the sound of his door closing. You raised your brows in confusion as Harry never really interrupted you, especially not like that. He would usually wait for you to get in your car and pull out of the driveway, but he didn’t even wait for you whatsoever. 
You tried not to make it a big deal because you figured he was frustrated and probably a bit pissed that you weren’t so nice to Brooke, but how could you cover up her lie like that especially if she was so mean to you? You grew some thick skin when you first started working for Harry, and that meant that you learned how to stand up for yourself no matter who is talking to you, not even Harry’s girlfriend. 
You groaned; on the topic of Harry’s girlfriend: how could he possibly think she’s a nice person? She put up such an act in front of him, and whenever he’s not around, that act is the complete opposite. 
When will he realize what’s right in front of him? That’s been right in front of him for years now. You were tired of meeting his new love interests and picking him up from other people’s houses when he could be at yours without worrying about going anywhere or leaving because the morning would be spent cuddling and making breakfast together. Oh, how you envied the people he got to hold onto tight and freely kiss as you wished for those lips to land on you as he called you angel. 
The thought was driving you insane because you wouldn’t dare tell him whatsoever. Afterall, he was your boss and it would be awkward if he didn’t feel the same way. But you think he would never see you in that way, so you keep your mouth shut and hold your heart close as you just go with the flow despite the pain you feel. 
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20 December 2017
Harry was laying on his back breathless as Brooke collapsed right next to him, deeply sighing as she tried catching her breath. 
“How does it get better every single time?” She giggled as she was in a post orgasmic state. She shifted so she was laying into Harry’s side, cuddling him as he wrapped his arm around her. He smiled, kissing the top of her head. Brooke’s hand roamed his chest as it was her way of showing that she would like to go for another round. 
She started kissing his chest and his neck, and Harry wasn’t opposed to the idea, but the sound of his phone vibrating on his bedside table had killed the mood. 
“Don’t answer it, please. Want you again,” she sat up slightly and buried her head more into his neck as she kissed and sucked his skin. He was so close to listening to her, trying to block out the sound of his phone, but as it kept vibrating, he realized he couldn’t ignore it. 
“M’sorry,” he sat up causing Brooke to pull away as she groaned, laying on her side of the bed. Harry picked up his phone and Brooke had a little peek at who was texting him. He had changed your contact name from your name to your nickname ever since he started calling you ‘angel,’ and it’s been the same ever since. He loved it; it added a little flare and he would always smile when he sees your contact name pop up on his phone. 
“Does she always have to make an appearance at the worst times? Or in general?” She asked, but the last part was definitely muttered under her breath as Harry was too focused on reading your texts. Harry had sent out a text  a few hours after you left on Sunday, saying that he was sorry for being rude and practically slamming the door on you. You had texted back saying that it was okay, and that you were sorry for being rude to him too. There were no rude remarks towards him, but your tone had said otherwise, and you knew that you could’ve handled that conversation better. 
My Angel: Hi, H. I was wondering if you wanted to do some suit fittings before you leave to go back home or after? Let me know so I can tell Lambert and Harris. 
“Sorry. She’s just wondering if I’m available to do some suit fittings for the upcoming tour,” he said to Brooke before texting you back. 
H: Preferably after the holidays. We’ll do it right at the beginning of January. 
“Isn’t she your assistant? Why doesn’t she just schedule it already?” She asked cluelessly. 
It wasn’t like Brooke was stupid. No, she was smart. But there were some things that didn't click for her, which makes Harry and anyone have to explain things twice. She would usually have her assistant do everything for her without confirmation, and Brooke would just go with it.
“Well, I still have to approve of it, love. Can’t just book me without me knowing,” he chuckled slightly. 
My Angel: Okay, perfect. I scheduled the fitting for January 4th. That’s okay right? I know you’ll be back before New Years, so I just wanna make sure. 
He always loved how you were so cautious about everything. Sure, he wanted you to let loose sometimes and not take everything so seriously, but you two were a perfect team because you need to keep him in check sometimes, but you did let loose and have fun off the clock. 
H: Yeah, should be good. Thank you, angel. xx
My Angel: That’s what I’m here for! You don’t have anything scheduled for tomorrow before you leave. Do you wanna get some coffee before your flight? Say at 8?
He smiled down at your text. Brooke noticed, which made her furrow her eyebrows in confusion, so she started rubbing his back and his stomach as she tried getting a look at his text messages. Once she saw a bit of it, she climbed on Harry’s lap. 
“Do you want to get lunch tomorrow before you leave? I’m gonna miss you,” she pouted slightly, and Harry had only glanced up at her very briefly before looking back down at his phone as he was in the middle of responding to your question. 
H: Sure! That’d be great. The usual spot?
My Angel: Yes, the usual :) see you then, H! 
He grinned before locking his phone and placing it back on the bedside table. He looked up at Brooke who was impatiently waiting for him to give her attention as she had her arms crossed. 
“Oh, sorry I’m actually getting coffee with Y/N,” he frowned slightly, somewhat feeling bad rejecting her offer. 
“You don’t wanna see me before you leave?” She asked in an annoyed tone, getting off his lap to sit beside him on the bed. 
“W-What?” He said in disbelief. “You’ve been sleeping over since Saturday. That’s why we planned for you to stay here until I leave right?” He stated obviously. They clearly talked about her sleeping over after their date on Saturday until he leaves to go back home for the holidays. So, he’s wondering if she’s missed something or she’s just acting like this to get a rise out of him. 
“You think four days is enough? You’re gonna be gone for two weeks until I have to see you again, and you would rather spend your time-” 
“Four days is a really long time! And I’m seeing you for New Years. I don’t understand where this is coming from,” Harry got off the bed and pulled on his boxers. 
“I’m just saying…she’s already your assistant. Why do you have to spend so much time with her?” Brooke asked as she got under the covers as she watched Harry pull on his sweatpants. 
“She’s also my best friend. Where is all of this coming from? Are you jealous or what?” She scoffed, rolling her eyes, and Harry furrowed his brows. 
“Please. Like I could ever be jealous of her. All I’m saying is that I just want to spend all the time I can get before you leave, or I can go with you back home…” she suggested, and Harry perked up. 
“What? You want to come with me?” She nodded eagerly as she smiled. 
“Yeah, why not? We can spend the holidays together, and it’ll be fun. What do you say?” She crawled over to the edge of the bed where Harry was standing, and she sat on her knees as she looked up. 
They’ve been dating for six months, and Harry hadn’t introduced her to his family. It wasn’t like he didn’t like her or he was embarrassed that he’s dating her, but that was a really big commitment that needed a lot of thought put into it. Meeting the family is just a big step for him, and although his family has met his previous partners, that was when they were still friends and not together. But with Brooke, it all happened so fast that his family had never met her when they were friends or hooking up. They obviously know he’s dating someone, but to bring them home? Especially on Christmas? He wasn’t ready for that. 
“Maybe some other time. I’ll talk to them to see if they want to come over here for my birthday or something,” he rejected her suggestion. Home was just something so vulnerable to him that he wouldn’t just bring anyone. 
Brooke sighed deeply, “Okay, I’ll hold you to that,” she said, impatient that she hasn’t met his family yet, but he’s met hers. “How about I come with you tomorrow morning to get coffee?” She looked at him as she pleaded with her eyes. 
He knew that you wanted to spend time with him before the holidays and he wanted to as well. But Brooke obviously wanted to see you as much as possible now that he’s denied her suggestion of coming home with him, but she had been sleeping over for the past four days, which Harry thinks is enough time. 
“I’m sorry, but no,” he said as it came out more like a question as he didn’t want to seem rude by saying no to her. Throughout the months of dating Brooke, he learned that she hates when people say no. Obviously, it’s fine when he says no to sex, but he could tell that it really frustrates her. “I haven’t seen her in a few days because I’ve been with you the whole time, so I think it’ll be good to catch up with her before I leave,” he smiled lightly, trying to make light of the room. 
“Sure. Have fun,” she said sarcastically before heading to the restroom. 
Harry sighed, grabbing his duffel bag from the closet before he started packing. He was simply just excited to see you tomorrow and his family over the holidays. 
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21 December 2017
You waved over at Harry once you saw him standing at the entrance of the coffee shop. Harry walked over to you with a beaming grin as he looked incredibly handsome. He wore black circular sunglasses that sat on his nose, a blue hawaiian shirt with a gray t-shirt underneath as a brown coat was thrown over his body. He wore his famous black skinny jeans and his famous brown Yves Saint Laurent boots that you know he has a whole collection of. His hair looked amazing as he recently cut it a week ago, and it’s starting to grow out a bit as the ends of his hair started to curl. 
As he was close enough, you snapped yourself out of your trance of checking him out before you stood up, giving each other a hug and a cheek to cheek kiss. 
“How are you, angel?” He asked, taking his coat off before taking a seat, and setting his coat down on the chair next to him. 
“I’m good. I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and ordered for us. Should be out soon.” You had gotten Harry an iced black coffee, and despite the weather, he was always up for an iced beverage, especially when it came to his coffee; and you had ordered him a coffee cake--the coffee house’s specialty. 
“Of course not. Thank you. So, you’re going back home right?” He asked, placing his arms on the table. Right as he asked, the drinks and food had arrived and you waited for the barista to leave before you answered. 
“I might,” you said, taking a sip from the coffee mug. 
“What do you mean you might? Told me that you were going,” he furrowed his brows in confusion because you two had just had this conversation the other week, and you were excited to go back home. 
Home was in Oregon for you, and you moved out when you were eighteen to go to school in New York. It had always been your dream of moving to the big city, and although you loved Oregon, New York had made space for you to have a home as well. 
“I mean, I was. But you know how I’m saving to buy a house right? Well, flights are expensive, especially when it’s around this time,” you explained. 
“I can always-” 
“No, no. Before you go saying that you’re going to buy me a ticket, don’t even waste your breath because I’m not taking it,” you shook your head, and Harry chuckled. 
“C’mon, please? I know how excited you were to go back home. Don’t want you to be alone during the holidays,” he pouted as he cut into his coffee cake. 
“I told mom the situation, so they might come here for a change, but not definite yet--was just a suggestion. But honestly, I don’t think they will because it might be too late and all that, y’know how they are,” you chuckled, knowing how late your family will be if things happen last minute. “Don’t worry though. Glenne asked if I could take care of Penny, and I said yes if I’m not going home,” you said, smiling at the thought of the shih tzu that Glenne and Jeff own. 
“I mean, you can always come home with me,” he put it out there, and your eyes perked up. 
“W-What? No. I can’t do that.”
“Why not? It’s not like I would be buying you a plane ticket either. We’ll be using the jet,” he smiled lightly as if there were no meaning behind his words. 
“God, you just don’t know how rich you are--saying shit about your own fucking jet,” you teased, and he laughed loudly. 
“But really. Think about it. Mum would love to see you again and I know Gems has so much to catch you up on,” he said, taking a sip from his straw. 
You had met Anne and Gemma several times as they often visited sometimes or you would fly home with Harry and hang out with them while he’s working. They were a lovely family, if not, your second family, you would say. They were the kindest people you’ve ever met, and you’re so grateful that Harry was raised by great people surrounding him. 
“Really, H. Thank you, but I’m going to pass that up. I’ll probably just suck it up and buy a plane ticket,” you scoffed slightly at your indecisiveness. 
“Alright. Well, if you change your mind, which you have practically a day to figure it out, let me know and I’ll see what I could do with the jet going back here,” he said with a smile, wanting you to have choices rather than being stuck at home all alone during the holidays. 
“Thank you, Harry. I appreciate it.” 
The rest of the hours spent at the coffee spot was filled with conversation and laughter. Luckily, Brooke wasn’t one of the topics during your time together, and you were glad for it. Harry was also happy you didn’t mention Brooke either because he just wanted his mind to rest during his vacation, and not to say that he doesn’t like her, but it can be a bit stressful to communicate things with sometimes. 
“Oh, you have to head to the airport already,” you said, looking at your phone and realizing that he has about two hours to head to the airport. “Do you have everything packed?” You asked as you two stood up from your seats and put your coats on. Harry put on his sunglasses, hopefully a way to avoid the curious eye of the public. Luckily when you two were having coffee, no one approached him, but there were some looks made towards you two, but none of them walked up to the table. 
“Yeah, you have my shirts right?” 
“Yup. They’re in my car.” Once you two made it outside, you were parked on the curb and Harry’s car was about three cars behind you. You took Harry’s shirts out from the backseat that were folded very nicely and ironed. You had borrowed a couple of shirts from him when you would sleepover and had forgotten to give them back to him, but Harry said it was fine for you to keep until he needed them. “Alright, here you go. Don’t need anything else before you leave right?” 
“Actually, if you’re not busy doing anything, do you want to drop me off at the airport? I can call ahead of time and tell them that my driver isn’t going to take me, so we have access to the back,” he said with hopeful eyes. 
“Oh okay, sure,” you smiled softly. 
“Great,” he gave you a big smile before looking down at his phone, and you assumed he was texting Kyle, his driver, that he didn’t need to pick him up anymore. “Okay, I’ll see you at my place? I just have to get my shit.” 
“Okay, race you there! Wait, no, just kidding. Really, drive safe,” you chuckled, and Harry laughed. 
You met Harry at his house which was only about ten minutes from the coffee shop. His car was already in the driveway when you had pulled up, and you just decided to wait outside by your car for him, popping open the trunk. A few minutes later, Harry came out with his duffel bag, locking the door behind him. 
He put his stuff in the trunk before hopping into the passenger seat of your car, and you were off to the airport. 
Traffic was a bit heavy, but you made it just in time for Harry to check in and get settled without having to worry if he was late or not. You had pulled into an underground garage of the airport, and got out of the car as Harry got his stuff out from the trunk. 
“Guess I’ll see you on New Years?” You stood in front of Harry behind your car. He nodded before taking you into your arms. 
“Yeah, I’ll see you then. Let me know if you’re going back home or if you decide to join us,” he said into your ear as he hugged you tightly around your waist. Your arms were looped around his shoulders, giving him a warm squeeze. 
“I will. Have a safe flight, and text me when you land,” you said back into his ear. 
“Always do.” 
Both of you pulled away, but his touch had still lingered on your arm; raking his hand slowly down your arm as he walked away, and you had wished you weren’t wearing a coat with many layers underneath just so you could feel his hand on your bare skin. 
“Don’t miss me too much,” you teased. Harry turned around and smirked; the one that made your stomach do flips. 
“You know I will. Gonna miss me too?” He asked in return. 
“Always do, H. Always do,” you blew a kiss at him, and he caught it, placing his hand on his heart before walking through the doors. 
You sighed as you got into your car before pulling out of the garage and driving back home. 
It may seem a little peculiar on how you two ask towards one another despite him having a girlfriend, but it’s always been like that between you two. It all started when you were at a party right beside Harry, and a few friends of his went up to you two and asked when you two were going to get together. At that time, your heart stopped because you had just figured out that you had feelings for him. But Harry responded with “until she lets me,” and it was meant to tease you, but it had left you in confusion. 
Since then, you two would tease each other and somewhat act like you were together, but it had died down a tad bit ever since he’s gotten a girlfriend. And although Harry is a natural charmer, you two were best friends, so there was a tad bit platonic flirting between you two. 
But you wished that he would see past the best friend line and assistant line. 
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31 December 2017 
The cold air from the room had made goosebumps rise onto your skin, although it seemed warm in the room from the crowd that was gathering rather quickly while the music started becoming louder, and chatter and laughs filled the room. 
You were talking with Glenne and observing the people around you at the same time; everyone was wearing their best attire for the new year, and you were as well. You were wearing a red silk dress that hugged you just right as the material in the back dropped to your mid back, showing almost the entirety of your back. You wore nude four inch heels, feeling like the height of your shoe was enough so you weren’t completely struggling to walk throughout the night. And your makeup was sparkling with gold colored eyeshadow and a red lip. You looked hot, and you knew it. 
One of Jeff’s friends had booked a hotel room on the top floor, literally right next to the ball drop, so everyone can just look out the window rather than going outside in the freezing weather. 
It was nice to dress up after being cozied up throughout Christmas. You had decided to go back home after all, buying your plane ticket right when you got home from dropping Harry off at the airport. It was a bit pricey because of the fact that you were buying the ticket a day before the scheduled time the flight is supposed to take off, and considering that it was the holiday season as well. But you had gotten a Christmas bonus unexpectedly, and everything worked out. 
You enjoyed your time with your family and getting to spend a week with them before you had to leave for New York again for New Years. 
You also hadn’t expected to receive a gift from Harry on Christmas morning when your mom was passing gifts out. With a confused expression, you took the big box from your mom’s hands that was wrapped in red and white festive wrapping paper with a bow on it. Once you opened it, you had softly gasped when you saw the items inside; it was all of your favorite things, including some extra items Harry had picked out for himself. He had gotten you a much bigger planner, for the next year, that will help for work, and you smiled, knowing that he had remembered you talking about how much you wanted the planner so badly. The box also contained some of your favorite snacks, little Knick knacks that reminded him of you, and a velvet rectangle box that held a small diamond pendant attached to a thin gold chain. 
It was absolutely stunning, and Harry must’ve spent a lot on it, but he didn’t mind. He thought it was going to look so beautiful on you, and it made you feel special that you were wearing something so meaningful from someone that means so much to you. 
The gold chain sat perfectly on your collarbones, and you hadn’t taken it off ever since you received it; only when you showered, but you put it right back on after. 
The volume of the room had increased, and you turned your head towards the door and found Harry walking in with a bright smile on his face, and of course, Brooke right alongside him with her arm looped with his. 
They looked absolutely stunning together as they walked inside the building as they greeted everyone with big smiles. They radiated perfection and luxury as everyone’s eyes were on them as if they were a piece of art hung up high in the gallery--worthy enough to be looked at. But your eyes were placed on one person in the room, and you so wished you were right beside him instead of her. 
The couple had made their way through the crowd when Harry spotted Jeff in the corner. With Harry leading the two of them with their hands interlocked together, they greeted Jeff and Glenne before Harry let go of Brooke’s hand to give you a hug. 
“Hey, angel,” he smiled, wrapping his arms around your waist as he slightly picked you up off the ground. His hands met the exposed skin of your back and he felt goosebumps rise onto your skin as his cool metal rings touched your skin. 
“Hi, H. How are you?” You asked against his ear and he set you down on your feet before pulling away. 
“Good, good. Missed you.” 
You blushed, “Miss you too. Also, thank you again for your present, it was so thoughtful and lovely.” 
“I’m so happy you liked it. Thank you for yours as well. I love it a lot,” he beamed as he looked down at you. You had given Harry three presents. The first one being a black soft leather journal with his initials engraved in the middle and spine of the journal in gold. The second gift was a manicure set because he recently started to paint his nails, so you wanted him to have all the tools and colors he needed. The third gift was a photo album of his success (you also threw in a couple of you and him). You told him that he can look at it anytime he wants, but it’s just a reminder of how proud you are of him and how far he’s gone; and you would be adding more in the future. It had made him tear up a bit as he found the gifts to be so sweet and sentimental of you. 
“Hi, Brooke,” you greeted with a small smile, and you saw her face beam as she hugged you, but you knew that it was definitely a fake one to put up an act in front of her boyfriend. 
“How are you, girl?! I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!” She yelled over the loud music. 
“Good, thanks. How are you?” 
“Great! Did you see what Harry got me for Christmas?” She waved her arm out to show you the diamond bracelet that sat on her wrist. It was very beautiful, you had to admit. It was very Brooke, and you were glad Harry didn’t ask you for any help with trying to find her a Christmas present. 
“I’m gonna get another drink,” you excused yourself, not really wanting to be around her much longer as she smirked and tried to flaunt her gift in your face. But you didn’t let it get to you because you truly loved the gifts Harry had gotten you, and it made it extra special because he put so much thought into it. 
You made your way to the bar, downing the remains of your drink before asking the cute bartender for another one. 
“Having fun?” He asked with a smile as he set your drink down onto a black square napkin. 
“Sure, let’s just say that,” you chuckled sarcastically before throwing your head back to take the entire cup of alcohol down your throat. 
“Thanks,” you set the glass down before walking away. 
You wanted to go back to where Glenne was standing, but you had bumped into some friends that you had met through Jeff on your way, so you had to catch up with them and tell them everything that’s going on with you after they told you their whole life story. 
The hours to the new year went by pretty quickly. You ended up hanging out with a few friends and going outside with them to have a smoke. The alcohol and weed had eased you, and you actually had a really fun time with them. The idea of Brooke clinging onto Harry had left your mind and you loosened up, smiling and dancing along with drinking. 
There were five minutes left until midnight, and everyone was gathered next to the window that overlooked Times Square. The volume in the room was loud as everyone screamed and laughed—excited for the new year. 
You were standing next to Harry, and of course Brooke on the other side of him. Glenne and Jeff were on the left of Brooke, and both of the couples had their arms around each other as the only thing you were holding was a glass of tequila as you didn’t have anyone to celebrate the new year with. 
“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!” Everyone chanted, and you chuckled, laughing at your loneliness when there were so many people around you. Your eyes watered up, crossing your arms as you looked at the shining lights through the window.
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!” The sounds of cheers and party horns erupted in the room as people took each other against their lips. 
You slightly glanced right next to you and saw Harry and Brooke kissing lovingly as she smiled into the kiss, along with Jeff and Glenne. 
You turned away, looking out at the window as you raised your glass. “Cheers,” you whispered to yourself before throwing your head back and consuming your tequila shot. 
Everyone was so consumed in one another that nobody noticed the tears streaming down your face as the loneliness you had felt physically and mentally took over. 
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4 January 2018 
Harry was standing on the elevated box in front of a mirror. He was wearing a sparkly pink suit with gold lining on the seams, along with a gold shirt with a pussybow. Harry Lambert was behind up, straightening out the jacket. 
You had sat on the couch of the large private dressing room as you observed. Harry looked at you through the mirror, giving you no emotion. You smiled, but he didn’t smile back; only looking away and taking his attention on the suit. You furrowed your brow, confused as to why he was looking at you like that and so coldly. 
You stood up, walking over to him. “It looks great, H.” 
“Thanks,” he said quickly. 
“Think you can dance in it?” You teased as you smirked, trying to add some sort of lightness to see if his cold looks were accidental. 
“Pretty sure,” his tone was very short, and your smirk fell. 
“Wait right here. Just need to get something really quick for the pants,” Harry Lambert said before walking out of the dressing room. 
There was a moment of silence, and Harry pulled on the suit jacket so it sits nicely on him. By this point, he would’ve asked for your opinion and for some reassurance because sometimes he needs those extra words that tell him it doesn’t look too much or weird on him. But you got silence. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked warily. 
“You sure?” You still weren’t convinced enough. 
“Yes, now can you please stop asking me? Fuck,” He rolled his eyes, voice slightly raised. 
“What is your problem?” Your brows furrowed. 
“What my problem is, is that you won’t leave me the fuck alone nor would you stop talking. I’m just trying to do some fittings, but you wouldn’t stop talking,” he huffed. He didn’t even turn around, just kept looking at himself in the mirror. 
You scoffed, grabbing your bag from off the couch. “Don’t fucking ask me to come with you if you didn’t want me here.” You headed for the exit before turning around at the last second. “And next time, look me in the eye and tell me that shit,” you said before you completely exit the building and head towards your apartment. 
You’ve never been so annoyed before, and that says a lot because you deal with a lot of people from the industry and Brooke. You didn’t know what came over him because he’s never talked to you like that nor has he raised his voice at you. With utter confusion, you sat on your couch, taking off your shoes for the day since you didn’t have any other work to do for the day, and you thought going with him to his fitting was a waste of time if he was going to act all pissy on you. 
Only moments later, you heard a knock on your door, and you immediately knew it was Harry probably coming by to tell you that he was sorry and he didn’t mean to say those words. But words are words and despite not meaning to say them, they still came out meaning that he was thinking it. But since this was Harry, the kindest human you’ve ever met, you opened the door because he’s your best friend and you deserve an apology. 
Huffing, you opened the door to find Harry standing on your doorstep with his head down and a slight frown to his face. Without saying anything, you moved to the side, opening the door wider for him to walk through, which he does. You walk over to the couch and take a seat; Harry sitting on the other side. The fact that you weren’t saying anything was killing him, but he doesn’t blame you. You crossed your arms as you waited for him to say something, and he inhaled deeply before he spoke. 
“I’m sorry for what I said back there. I shouldn’t have taken all my anger out on you because you don’t deserve that whatsoever. You were just trying to make sure I was okay, and I really appreciate that,” he resented himself for acting that way towards you. His eyes were red and he looked quite sad, and you want to know what made him originally feel this way. 
“Why were you so mad to begin with?” You asked curiously, and he sighed as you brushed away his apology. 
“Brooke and I have been fighting--ever since New Years. She claimed that I was always hanging out with you and that I left her at the party to be with you, but that’s not true right? I feel like I barely saw you during the party,” his brows furrowed in confusion. He was right; you barely even hung out with him during New Years because you were some other friends, and the only time you really spoke to him was when he arrived and after the countdown, but that was it. 
“Why is she so…” you trailed off, not wanting to sound so offensive towards his girlfriend. 
“You can say it.” 
“Possessive? Obsessive? Threatened by me? I mean I get that you’re her boyfriend, but I haven’t done anything to trigger that, have I?” You tilted your head as if you were thinking. You were never the one to steal someone’s boyfriend because that wasn’t any of your business; no matter how much you liked that person. But your attitude towards Harry was very much best friend-like. You miss him on days when you don’t see him, you give him big hugs when you reunite, you give each other friendly kisses on the cheek in a way to say ‘thanks,’ but it was never meant to steal him away from her. 
“No, you haven’t. I don’t know… I feel like she’s always had this problem with you because you’re my best friend, but also assistant--the closest person to me. I always tell her that she has nothing to worry about, but she doesn’t trust me for some reason.” 
“I’m sorry, H,” you said, placing your hand on his knee in a way to comfort him. He placed his hand right over yours in a way to say ‘thank you for understanding.’ 
“I should be the one apologizing. You didn’t do anything wrong. I really am sorry for how coldly I acted towards you,” he softly smiled, and you gave him one back. 
“It’s okay. Was it unnecessary? Yes. But it was one time,” you forgave him. 
“You’re the best. But I should get going to finish up the fittings,” he said, standing up from the couch. You stood up, walking him to the door. “I’ll see you?” You nodded, giving him a big hug. He embraced you with both arms as he squeezed tightly before he walked out the door. You figured there was no point in going with him since he only has a couple of suits to try on, so you stayed back. 
About thirty minutes later, your phone vibrated. Seeing Harry’s contact name, you smiled to yourself. 
H: Attachment: 2 images 
How do these look?
You chuckled. He had sent you mirror pictures, holding up a peace sign as he was in a sparkly blue suit. 
My Angel: You look like Cinderella lmao
I love it!
Harry smiled. He was about to text you some silly joke about being Prince Charming while you’re the princess, but he heard a voice at the door, making him stop what he was doing. 
“Hey, babe!” Harry looked up and saw Brooke walk in. His eyes widened as he turned around, and she gave him a kiss. 
“W-What are you doing here?” He asked, confused. 
“Jeff said you’d be here, so I decided to surprise you!” She said cheerfully, holding his hands. 
“O-Oh, I’m very surprised,” he chuckled nervously. He didn’t really know why he was nervous, but possibly the fact that if he hadn’t snapped at you, then you would still be in the room, which would have raised questions and yet another argument with Brooke. 
“I figured after you’re finished, we could get an early dinner and you could come back to my place?” She suggested. “Think we need to talk about some things.” 
“Yeah, that sounds good. I have about two more suits, so you can wait outside-”
“Silly! No, I’ll wait here,” she took a seat on the couch you were just sitting on thirty minutes ago. He nodded without saying anything before he proceeded on to his next suit. 
You looked down at your phone on Harry’s message thread, waiting for his reply. You saw the text bubbles pop up and you smiled, waiting for him to say some corny joke, but they went away. You waited for a moment, so they could pop back up, but they didn’t. So, you shrugged, locking your phone, and wondering if he got caught up in something, so he couldn’t reply. 
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1 February 2018
It was Harry’s birthday and the crowd was rolling in. 
He decided he wanted to spend his birthday in Los Angeles since most of his friends are there anyways. Plus, it’s a small get together before the tour starts next month and then he would be all over the place. He wanted a semi small party at his house, nothing too crazy, he just wanted everyone he cares about at the party. Anne and Gemma flew in the day before to join in on the fun, and you were excited to see them because you missed them like crazy. 
“Angel! This party is great! Thank you for keeping it so nice and small,” Harry said, giving you a hug. He also handed you your favorite drink, which is a whiskey on the rocks. 
“I’m happy you like it, birthday boy,” you smiled as you watched everyone gather into his Malibu house. There were about thirty people in total that were on the guest list, only adding people Harry was close to.
“Ah, there’s mum and Gem. Let’s say hi,” he told you, and you excitedly smiled, walking towards the door. 
“Mum!” Harry called out, and Anne’s eyes lightened up. 
“Oh, my baby! Happy birthday, my love,” she kissed his cheeks as he hugged her. 
“Hi, Gems,” he greeted his sister, also giving her a hug. 
“Happy birthday baby brother. One more year and you’ll be a quarter of a century,” she joked, and Harry chuckled. 
“Ha ha, very funny. I’m so happy you guys are-” 
“Y/N? Is that you? Oh my god, come here you!” Anne interrupted Harry once she saw you. Her eyes widened and she was smiling like crazy as you walked towards her, giving her a lovely hug. “Oh, darling. It’s been a while since I saw you!” 
“Yeah, it really has been. You both still look so amazing,” you said, giving Gemma a hug. 
“Please, you’re too sweet to us. How have you been? Don’t want to quit just yet because of this one?” Anne joked, nudging Harry as he playfully rolled his eyes. 
“Heyyy,” his brows furrowed, and Anne pinched his cheek. 
“I’ve been good. And not yet. Give me about five months and we’ll get back to this conversation,” you joked back, looking at Harry to see him frowning. You looped your arm around his waist, giving him a hug, and he stopped frowning; his face turning into a small smirk. 
“Let’s definitely catch up later. I’m going to say hi to Jeff and Glenne. Be right back,” Anne said before walking through the crowd, Gemma following her. 
You and Harry were alone again as you two sipped on your drinks. Some people said hi to them, but not making conversation for too long as they wanted to get another drink or food. 
“Is Brooke here? Haven’t seen her,” you asked curiously. Harry’s face dropped, and you looked at him confusingly. 
“Oh, fuck,” he pinched the top of his nose as he looked down, shaking his head. 
“I totally forgot she was coming,” he said, and you fought the urge to laugh. 
“How did you forget your own girlfriend?” 
“I don’t know--I was just so focused on the tour and this party that it slipped my mind that she was coming,” he sighed. 
“Oh okay. What’s so bad about her being here?” You wondered. 
“That means she’s gonna meet mum and Gem.” Your mouth formed an ‘o’ as if realization struck you, and Harry nodded his head as if he was saying ‘yeah, that’s why.’ 
“Better prepare for that because I could already hear her laugh,” you placed your hand on his shoulder, patting it. Harry took a deep breath and downed the rest of his drink before he walked over to the entrance. You chuckled as he did so as you found it amusing that he had to do that to deal with her. 
After you heard her squeal, which meant that Harry had gone up to her already. You started walking towards the entrance door, and you saw them hugging; she then started jumping and kissing him, whispering into his ear and biting her lip as he gave her a smirk. 
As you watched from the sidelines, your heart started to ache. You wished that it was you instead of her. You wished you could whisper all things sweet and dirty into his ear as he looked at you with a smirk before biting his lip. You wanted him to give you the same smile he gave her, although you were starting to see less and less of that smile. You wanted what she had. 
But you would never get that. 
“Hey, you,” Gemma sneaked you from behind you, causing you to slightly jump. “Sorry,” she chuckled. 
“It’s okay. What’s up?” You smiled, trying to hide the pain in your eyes. 
“You’re not going to tell him, huh?” 
“Tell who what?” You raised your eyebrows, pretending to be oblivious. Gemma gave you a knowing look as she raised her eyebrows. 
“You know what. Not gonna tell him at all?” You sighed, shrugging your shoulders as you turned your head back to them. They were posing for some pictures with their arms around each other’s waists. They took a couple: smiling ones, funny ones, and even a kissing one. You turned your head back to Gemma once they started to kiss for a picture, and she softly smiled at you. 
“There’s no point. He’s with Brooke, and it’s not like he’s ever going to like me or get with me,” you sadly explained. Gemma looked at you as if you were totally wrong. “If he’s happy with Brooke, then why would I ruin that for him because of my selfish reasons?” 
“It’s not selfish for wanting to tell someone you love-”
“I don’t love him,” you immediately interrupted. 
“Y/N…c’mon,” she raised her eyebrows, knowing you’re completely wrong. 
“Okay…” you sighed in defeat, and she chuckled, continuing what she was saying. 
“You’ve known him for what, two years? That man makes sure you’re a priority. He makes sure you’re happy. If you could hear the stories he tells us and how he talks about you, you would think otherwise,” she stated before taking a sip of her drink. 
You stay quiet for a moment and think. Was there any way that Harry could have possibly liked you? There’s no way. You hadn’t noticed anything different about his behavior in the past two years you’ve known and worked for him. So, there was no way he could’ve liked you. And you know you’re only telling yourself that now, so you don’t lose your shit at his birthday party. 
“W-What does he say about me?” 
“Maybe you’ll know some time in the future if you tell him,” she challenged, and you rolled your eyes, causing Gemma to laugh. 
After Harry and Brooke managed to get away from the entrance, you and Gemma saw them walking towards you both. 
“Y/N, hi!” She greeted you with a not so surprising high pitched tone; only because Harry is right next to her. She also gave you a hug, which you only put in half the effort like always. Harry smiled at both of you, and she let go. 
“Gems, where’s mum?” He asked his sister. 
“Think she might be in the back,” she replied, looking at Brooke for a brief moment before looking back at Harry. 
“This is Brooke,” he introduced his girlfriend. 
“Hi! It’s so nice to finally meet you,” Brooke said with a big smile on her face, giving Gemma a hug. Polite as Gemma is, she hugged back. 
“You too,” Gemma simply said. 
“Should we go to the back and find mum? Brooke wants to meet her,” Harry asked, and Gemma nodded before walking towards the backyard. 
You stayed back, realizing that you weren’t needed and you didn’t have any business following them for Brooke to meet Anne. So, you walked over to the kitchen to grab a plate of cheese and crackers. Since the kitchen was right next to the large doors that led to the backyard, you looked up and saw Brooke jumping up and down slightly as she greeted Anne with a hug. You saw Anne smiling, hugging her back before they pulled away and started talking. Harry looked at them so fondly as they spoke. 
“Hey,” a voice next to you had startled you, making you slightly jump, taking your attention away from what’s happening in the backyard. Luckily, not dropping any of your food. 
“Hi,” you said back to the man you don’t know. 
“I’m Alex. One of Jeff’s friends. I don’t believe we’ve met yet,” he shook your hand, smiling. 
“I don’t think we have. I’m Y/N,” you nicely said back. 
“So, how do you know Harry?” He asked, grabbing a grape. 
“I’m his assistant, and best friend.” 
“Oh, shit! Special person I’m talking to, right here,” he smirked. Alex was cute and very attractive, but it wasn’t the same kind of smirk that you’ve been in love with for two years. 
“Hardly,” you scoffed before giving him a small smile as a way to tell him you’re somewhat joking. 
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short. By any chance, you want to go somewhere to sit and talk?” He proposed hopefully. It wasn’t a bad idea whatsoever. You needed to make new friends and possibly make some new connections. You also didn’t want to depend on Harry all the time when you wanted to talk to someone because he’s busy, and his girlfriend doesn’t like you. So, you nodded. 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” He smiled, leading you to a more quiet area of the house, which was the sitting area. 
Meanwhile as you were chatting with Alex, Harry watched Brooke interact with Anne with a smile, but he still felt a weird feeling in his chest, like he’s happy about it, but he’s still wary. He brushed that feeling off, looking around and wondering where you were--if you’re having a great time. He turned his head towards the kitchen, and saw you talking to Alex. Smiles were placed on both your faces, and Harry frowned. He knew Alex was charming him up because that’s what he does. Alex technically wasn’t a bad guy, and Harry’s known him for a few years. He was nice, attractive, and can charm the shit out of someone just like Harry. But the sight and thought of seeing him actually charm you did not sit well with him. It really didn’t sit well once he saw you following him out of the kitchen. 
Harry took deep breaths, trying not to let the thought of you possibly enjoying hanging out with Alex as he carried on with his birthday night. 
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6 February 2018
A deep sigh was let out once you sat in your seat on the plane. 
It was cold in Los Angeles and you knew the flight back to New York was going to be a bumpy one considering the weather in both cities, so you dressed comfortably, wearing grey sweatpants, a black sweatshirt, and some white sneakers. Your headphones had been plugged into your ears ever since you were cleared at TSA. 
As you got comfortable in your seat, Harry sat next to you, sighing. You obviously didn’t hear it because your headphones were in, but you definitely heard it the second time when he did it louder. You didn’t do anything, just browse on your phone until he dramatically sighed again, even louder this time. 
“What?” You said, taking your headphones out. 
“Why are you ignoring me?” He immediately asked, and your brows furrowed. 
“Ignoring you? Why would you think that?” 
“Well, for starters, you haven’t really spoken to me since my birthday. What’s up with that?” 
“Well, I didn’t really have to, did I?” There was no reason for your somewhat sarcastic tone and it’s not like you weren’t mad at him or anything, but you were exhausted from flying back and forth, plus doing your job. It’s not like you were ungrateful, but sometimes, you just needed a break, and that included, not talking to anyone. 
“You could’ve just answered my texts saying you were okay and that you weren’t going to be on your phone,” he scoffed, and you knew he was right. You were about to say you were sorry until he muttered something else. “Too busy with Alex, I see.” 
“What?” You asked in disbelief, knowing he said what you heard, but wanted to clarify. 
“You were, right?”
“What does this have to do with Alex?” You were starting to grow frustrated. 
“I mean, I saw you two at my party, and you two left together and stuff. So, you were probably busy for the entire week,” he said casually, scrolling through his phone as if you weren’t fuming right next to him. 
“It was one night-”
“Are you saying you had sex with him?” He turned his head towards you with raised eyebrows. He had this look on his face that told you he knew everything, but he just wanted to hear you say it. So, you did. 
“Yeah. So what if I fucked him? Is there something wrong with that? Didn’t get a little birthday sex? Don’t worry, I had some for you!” You tried containing your yells, but it came out like a loud whisper. Luckily there weren’t that many people on the plane; only the people who flew first class. 
It was true. When Alex had suggested talking, you found out that he was a very nice and funny guy. The night was getting late, and you said you were going to head home (which was a hotel), so he offered to drive you since you took an Uber, and that led to you inviting him up to your room and him gladly saying yes. It all happened so quick. You had immediately kissed him once you closed the door, and that led to him taking both of your clothes off before he fucked you. It was average sex, but you had fun considering that it’s been a while since you’ve had someone fuck you. That morning he left, telling you to text him, but you hadn’t and you don’t know if you will.
Harry stayed quiet, looking back down at his phone, and you shook your head, sitting correctly, and looking out the window, knowing that this was going to be a long flight. 
Just as you knew, the ride was bumpy, raising your fear and anxiety as you held onto yourself for dear life. You turned your music up, put your hands into your sweater, and crossed your arms in a way to calm you down and feel like someone is holding onto you. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on the songs until you felt a hand on your arm. You opened your hands, and saw Harry with his eyes closed, but you knew he wasn’t sleeping. He had always held your hand when you two would fly together and there was turbulence. It was something he did that made you feel safe and comfortable during the flight. 
You smiled softly, taking his hand in with your as you shifted closer to his seat despite the middle console in between you two. For the rest of the flight, you weren’t as scared. 
Once you two landed, Harry’s driver was immediately outside in the designated area, and you two were taken back to your place before there was any cause of commotion at the airport. Harry helped you with your bags, walking to your front door. 
“Hey, I’m sorry for everything on the plane,” he said as you looked for your keys in your purse. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry too--for not replying to you and for snapping at you on the plane as well,” you said back. “Can I just ask why you were so...angry I was with Alex?” You wondered. 
“I…uh,” he stumbled over his words, trying to find the right thing to say without it coming out like he was a jealous prick. “Just...Alex is known for charming the shit out of you, so he could sleep with you, but seeing as you already slept with him…” 
“Harry, isn’t it my job to decide who I can and can’t sleep with? I get that you want to look out for me, but just let me decide that, alright?” You said softly, and he nodded. 
“Think I was jealous,” he blurted out, and he immediately closed his mouth and widened his eyes once he said that because he really didn’t mean to. 
“W-Why?” You looked at him concerningly, and Harry took a deep breath because now he had make up an answer because god knows what the truth is. 
He took a step forward, looking at you so intently. You felt like he was staring you down, but you didn’t look away as you were so lost in his eyes that it physically made it difficult to even glance the other way.
Next thing you knew, he was inches away from you, glancing down to your lips and back up to your eyes. You held your breath as you looked up at him, looking extra close at the pinkness of his lips. Your chests were pressed so close against one another that you were sure he could feel your heart pounding through his. It was so loud that it rang through your ears—so loud you couldn’t hear anything else except for the constant chanting in your head screaming ’Harry, Harry, Harry.’ It was Harry that you wanted to kiss so badly. It was Harry who’s lips you could touch in an instant if you were to just lift your feet. It was Harry. It always has been. 
But you couldn’t.
You immediately stepped away from him as your eyes looked down, finally away from Harry. “I’m sorry-”
“No, I’m sorry-”
“Because Brooke, and-”
You nodded, not sure what to do next, but seeing as you were still outside of your door, you finally got your keys out, and unlocked it. 
“Well, I’ll see you.” 
“Yeah, I’ll text you,” he said as he started walking backwards away from your apartment. 
You nodded. “Yup. Bye.” He waved, turning around and walking down the hall. 
Walking into your space and bringing your luggage in, you sighed as you closed the door. It was completely silent as your mind was racing and your heart was beating. 
What the fuck just happened and what the fuck was that?
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3 March 2018
The first show of Harry’s tour was kicking off, and you were excited for him. He was slightly nervous and jittery, but that was expected. 
The ‘moment’ you two had when you came back from Los Angeles after your birthday was past you two. Although, you still think about it way too often, Harry seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it, so you respected that and didn’t bring it up. Besides, what was there to talk about anyways?
The first show started in Basel, Switzerland and you were very stoked. You’ve never been to any of the countries he’s going to play in besides London and some cities in the states, so it was going to be an adventure for you. For his very first tour that included small venues, you rarely went to any of the shows, so to say you were excited was an understatement. 
You were with Harry Lambert, looking at the first show suit in the stylist room. It was a Gucci black sparkly suit with gems on the lapel. You hadn’t seen this particular suit on him yet because you weren’t at the fitting the day he tried it on, but you absolutely loved it. It gave everyone just a hint of what the rest of the suits for the tour will look like. 
“Har—oh,” Brooke had entered the room, assumingly looking for Harry, but was disappointed when she saw you. “Have you seen Harry?” 
“Uh, I haven’t. He might be out on the stage,” you said honestly, and she nodded, turning around. But before she could exit the room, you called her, “Hey, Brooke.” She turned around, rolling her eyes. “I just kind of want to mend things between us. I feel like there has always been some sort of tension ever since we met, and seeing that you’ve been around for long and might be around for even longer, we should be civil towards one another.” 
“Well, obviously there has been. You’re trying to steal my boyfriend,” she said straightforwardly, and you raised your eyebrows, looking at Lambert. He was looking at Brooke with a not so friendly look, knowing that you would never do that despite knowing that you were in love with him. “I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again. You will never get Harry. He’s in love with me, not you. Don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do. You will never be enough for him because you’re just his assistant. That’s all you are to him. Don’t think you’re more than that, okay?” She said with a smile, and you bit your lip, not wanting to argue with her. 
There was something about her words that really got to you, and you think that’s because she’s actually dating Harry and has managed to weave her way into his heart.
“I’d hate to continuingly have to tell you this, but I think the first time was enough, right? Now you’ve made me tell you twice,” she continued as she scoffed. “Anyways, I need to go find my boyfriend,” she turned around but suddenly stumbled back as she was met with Harry. “Oh, Harry. I was just looking-”
“Don’t even speak right now,” his eyes were dark and he was angry. 
It wasn’t like you to see Harry so often considering that he sometimes deals with rude fans and pushy paps, but he was mad. 
“Are you fucking kidding me right now? Trying to degrade my best friend and assistant?” 
“We need to talk,” he told her, leaving the room. She turned around to look at you with sad eyes, but you simply couldn’t help her, not like you would anyways. She followed him, and the room was left with a weird tension that needed to be cut with a knife.
“Well, wasn’t that interesting,” Lambert said. 
After about thirty minutes, Harry walked back into the room. He stayed complete silent and started undressing to get into his suit since there was thirty minutes left until he had to go on. You and Lambert looked at each other, not knowing if you two should say anything, but decided to keep your mouths shut and let him get ready. 
Once he was dressed, he thanked Lambert and walked out of the room; once again with the same tension being in the air. You walked out as well as you debated whether or not to talk to him, but you saw him and the band gathering together, so you figured you could just talk to him after. 
The show had finally started, and the band was going out on stage. The crowd was roaring like crazy as the anticipation of seeing Harry was finally coming to an end. Once the band was fully equipped, Harry started to climb up the stairs. Around the stage it was dark as the beginning of ‘Only Angel’ started to play. You turned on your flashlight on your phone, and called out for him.
“Harry!” He turned around, holding the railings of the stairs, and his expression was normal; no smile or anything.  “Goodluck out there!” Once you had said that, the corners of his lips turned up as his mouth turned into a soft smirk. 
“Thanks, angel,” he said before pointing up as a way to say ‘listen to the song.’ “This is for you,” he quickly told you, running up the stairs and to the stage before the big circular screen rose up. 
You watched the rest of the show from the side of the stage, not too far away from the front of the pit. He was spectacular on stage; he truly belonged there. He charmed the crowd, made them laugh, scream, cry, and dance their hearts out for an hour and a half, and you were truly amazed. The atmosphere of the venue was insane, loving every second of it. 
Once he finished with ‘Kiwi,’ he said his goodnights to Switzerland before running off the stage and meeting the band, talking about how crazy and fun the first show was. He told everyone that it’s only going to get better from here, and everyone nodded and high fived excitedly. 
After a few minutes, Harry walked to his dressing room to cool off, and you followed behind him. It may seem as clingy, but you were concerned for your best friend. A lot went down with Brooke in just a few minutes, and you wanted to know if he was okay, despite not showing any signs of sadness or anger on stage. 
You knocked on his dressing room door and opened it before you heard ‘come in.’ Harry looked up, and saw you peek your head through the door, and he gestured you to come in all the way, which you did. 
“That was an amazing show, H,” you complimented. 
“You watched?” He asked surprisingly. 
“Yeah, didn’t miss a moment. I was on the side of the stage.” 
“Oh, well. Thank you,” he said. 
There was a moment of silence as you tried to form your words on how to go about talking to him about what had happened before the show. 
“I-I just wanted to ask if you were okay?” You started. He took a seat on his couch as you stayed standing up in front of him. “I’m sorry for what happened before the-”
“Why are you saying sorry?” He asked, looking up at you as if he was genuinely asking. 
“I...I don’t know what happened with Brooke, but if something did happen then I’m sorry,” you nervously. The only reason why you were so nervous was because you hoped that he didn’t get mad at you for whatever happened with her. 
“You didn’t do anything, angel. You did nothing wrong at all,” he sighed, and you stayed quiet as there was definitely more of what he wanted to say. “But I did break up with her.” Your brows raised at that, and you fought the urge to jump and cheer. 
“Y-You did?” 
“Yeah. I kind of wanted to a few weeks ago, but I never got the chance to. But before the show, she gave me another perfectly good reason why we shouldn’t be together, so I ended it.” There wasn’t a hint of sadness on his face as he told you. 
“What were the other reasons?” You hadn’t known that he wanted to break up with her before the events that happened today. You would expect him to talk to you about it, but you weren’t hurt by it. 
“I…” he cut himself off, and you waited patiently to see if he was going to say something. After a few more seconds, you saw him debate with himself to see if he actually wanted to tell you, and you wondered if he trusted in that sense; to talk to you and tell you things that were on his mind, but you didn’t want to get into it with him. 
“Are you okay?” You asked instead, truly wanting to make sure. 
“I should be asking you that.” 
“Angel, c’mon. Behind closed doors, I didn’t know half the shit she was saying to you. I told her to fess up everything she’s done to you, and she did. Let me tell you, I was not happy at all that you had to deal with that without me knowing. And that fact that she lied to me about asking you to hang out and pretending to be nice to you--no wonder why you didn’t want to hang out with her.” 
The first time you had hung out with her was when you had to pick up some lunch and dry clean for Harry. They had only been dating for two months, so you thought it was best to get to know her since you were Harry’s best friend. You asked if Brooke wanted to go, and she hesitantly said sure, but when Harry thought that was a great idea, she perked up to it and said yes. When you two were in line for lunch she had asked you the basics of your job before rudely interrupting you and telling you that she knew that you were in love with him. Before you could even deny, she wasn’t having it and told you that you weren’t good enough for him and that you were only hired because you were Glenne’s friend. You were quite devastated after that and you faced Harry everyday with a smile on your face, but with the lingering thought of her words in the back of your mind. 
“Yeah, she wasn’t my particular number one person to hang out with,” you said sadly, and Harry sighed, standing up. He walked closer to you, and it felt like that time when you got home from the airport, and placed his hands on your shoulders. 
“Her talking shit about you was the last straw. Can’t have anyone talk to you like that, ever,” he said while looking into your eyes as if he was trying to convince you. 
“I am really sorry that you had to go through a break up though--especially on your first night of tour. Plus, it was your first serious relationship you’ve had in a while,” you felt bad because no one should go through the pain of a breakup. 
“It’s alright. Wasn’t in love with her like she said--didn’t even say those words to her. And it was her idea of wanting to meet my family. I was still wary about it, but that was one of the subjects for most of our arguments,” he sighed. “But I’m gonna be much happier without her. Felt like I was always stressed out around her,” he chuckled, causing you to as well. “But if anyone that I know talks to you like that ever again, please don’t hide that from me. I hate knowing that you were taking all of that shit, especially for months.” You nodded your head and he gave you a smile. 
He pulled you in for a hug and you wrapped your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. You two stayed like that for a moment as you both felt like it’s been a while since you two has had one of these hugs. All thoughts and worries flew out of your head--not thinking about when the next time you’ll have one of these types of hugs again, and you felt safe in his arms. 
And you cherished it. 
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30 March 2018
Tour was going by rather quickly as the first ten shows were already done with. 
You were able to see some beautiful sightings of the countries with Lambert and some of the band, and throughout that time, you had wished Harry was with you all, but for obvious reasons, he couldn’t be out in public so casually. 
Everything you’ve seen was so beautiful and your jaw dropped everytime you would look at a tall and high building, or the skyline of the entire city. You were quite amazed. 
Now, everyone was in Barcelona, and it was by far one of your favorite cities that you’ve visited. You loved the atmosphere and the ambiance that walking through the streets of Spain had placed a beaming grin onto your face. You were only staying for a couple of days before everyone had to pack up and head to Madrid, but you made sure to snap a mental and physical photo to remember your time in Spain. 
But rather than spending your day on the streets, roaming around the beautiful city, you were currently looking for Harry because Lambert was also looking for him, and of course, you decided to help find him. You pretty much checked every room backstage besides the bathroom, and you didn’t really think to check the restroom, but he might be in there, so you made your way towards it. 
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in,” you said once you entered the restroom. 
The sight before you had made you sweat. A series of butterflies made its appearance in your stomach, making your hands shake. The slightest bit of air from swinging the door open had made chills rise onto your skin, but you knew that it was because of the beautiful man in front of you. 
You had walked in on Helene taking pictures of Harry, possibly so he could post them on Instagram. But he was candidly looking into the mirror as he sprayed on his Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille cologne; the one that you had picked up for him multiple times, and the one that you think smells amazing, specifically on him. He strutted around like it was made for him, and it was honestly your favorite scent. His suit was a custom Palomo black and white checkered sequined suit that just looked fucking good on him. 
“No worries, sweetheart. Just about finished. He’s all yours,” she winked at you before heading out of the bathroom. 
“What’s up, angel?” 
“Just wanted to tell you that Lambert is looking for you. Said he needed to fix up a stitch really quick before you go on stage,” you said, not meeting his eyes. 
“Is that all?” He asked, sensing your nerves, and he knew that it was possibly from walking in on him, doing a mini photoshoot because he knew he looked good. 
You gulped, “Y-Yeah.”
“You don’t sound too sure,” he challenged, walking closer to you, but not too close as there was a bit of space between you two. 
“Tell me,” he shifted even closer, making you nervous. You didn’t know where the sudden outbreak of him being somewhat flirtatious as he demanded you to tell him came from, but the sound of his raspy and deep voice, and the way he was looking was making you act up as you were about to confess your feelings towards him. 
You figured it was time as you felt like he sensed that kind of vibe from you, plus Brooke mentioning that you were in love with him, which you think you’re pretty sure he heard, but you’re wondering why he hasn’t 
“I-I want to tell you something, and this may potentially ruin things between us, but-”
“There you are!” The sound of someone else’s voice in the room and the banging of the room had interrupted you, and you and Harry stepped back from one another. “Everything okay here?” Lambert asked, looking at both of you and practically feeling the tension. Once you two nodded, not looking at each other, he looked at you both suspiciously before continuing. “Anyways, come with me. I need to fix something,” Lambert walked out of the restroom as Harry followed him, not giving you another look. 
You turned around to look in the mirror, sighing to yourself as you shook your head. 
Well, guess that’s not happening right now, you thought. 
Watching Harry up on stage was something you would never get used to. You made sure to never miss a show as you watched from the side, and since he knows where you stand during the show, he always makes sure to go to that side of the stage and wave to you. But seeing him on stage was different every night. His performances and conversations with the crowd were always different and that’s what made them and him so entertaining. 
Once the show was over, he made his way off the stage and to the dressing room. He talked a bit with the band, as they always did right when the show ends, to talk about their favorite moments and which songs they needed to work on for rehearsals. After that, Harry walked to his dressing room and you would follow every single time. 
“Another great show, H. Never get tired of watching you,” you said once you entered the dressing room.
“Thanks, angel. Always feel like I’m on a high when I’m trying to cool down, like I just have so much energy to perform another hour,” he chuckled, wiping some sweat off his forehead. 
“That must be exhilarating--being up there every night for your fans,” you walked towards him to stand in front of him as he leaned on the table of the vanity. 
“Yeah, it really is,” he smiled. He pulled your arm towards him and wrapped his arms around your waist, giving you a hug. You were surprised by the sudden affection, but Harry was an affectionate type of guy, and really, you didn’t mind being close to him. Plus, he seemed extra needy since he recently just broke up with someone. “Thank you for being here.”
“Of course, Harry. Always going to be here for you,” you said against his ear as your arms were around his shoulders. 
“And I’m always going to be here for you,” he said back. 
For a moment, it was just this--hugging him as he cooled down in your arms, and you liked it...a lot. But when you pulled back, you didn’t pull back completely and it made you face to face with him, literally inches away from each other. You two looked at each other in the eye, glancing your eyes to his lips and back up to his eyes. The only thing you thought was: I really want to fucking kiss him right now. 
And it seemed like he did as well because he crashed his lips with yours, molding them together as your arms were wrapped around one another. It was everything you expected as you dreamed of his lips on yours quite often, and you absolutely loved it. He felt like a drug, like all of your pain and worries went away once his lips touched yours, and you were addicted. You wanted so much more. 
Your tongue makes its way in his mouth, meeting his, and he swirled it with his before lightly sucking on it. Your teeth found a way to bite his bottom lip and he let out a groan. He pulled back for a bit, looking at you before kissing you again. 
“God, been wanting you for so long,” he groaned, and you felt butterflies in your stomach, trying not to take his words literally as to keeping your hopes down. But little did you know that his words were serious. “Can I touch you?” He whispered in between kisses. 
You nodded, whispering out, “Please.” Harry’s stomach did flips once you gave him consent, and his hands trailed down your body. Luckily, you were wearing a simple dress with straps, so it was easier. He bunched up your dress up to your hips, and you held it up with your arm before touching you over your panties, feeling a wet spot over the fabric. 
“Practically drenched. It’s for me, right?” He muttered, wrapping his free arm around your waist so you were closer. 
“Yes. Always going to be for you,” you moaned as his hand continuously rubbed you and he smirked. Your words had completely slipped out, but it was the truth. 
“Can I take them off?” He asked, and you nodded your head before he slid your drench underwear down your legs and you kicked them off to the side somewhere in his dressing room. You molded your lips with his again and grabbed a fistful of his curly hair, causing him to kiss you even harder. 
Harry then started roaming his hands around your thighs, going to ass and squeezing the flesh, and you moan against his mouth. His hand moves up and to your stomach before trailing down to your hot core. He took his fingers and swiped up your slit, making you groan from the feeling of his hands. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet,” he whispered before touching your clit and rubbing it. He buried his face in your neck to kiss, suck, and nibble on your skin, and that feeling made you throw your head back as his hands rubbed you and mouth kissed you. The feeling was indescribable, but it was Harry. 
You felt his fingers slip inside of you, starting off with one finger before pumping in and out of you. He then added another finger as he curled them in an inward motion and brushed his fingertips against the soft upper area of your pussy. 
“Shit, that feels so good. So, so good, H,” you groaned out. Harry took the straps of your dress off your shoulders, and kissed your chest where the gold chain he had gifted you rested. He pulled on the front of your dress to expose your tits, and his mouth immediately wrapped around your hard nipples, sucking them and pulling on them before releasing them with a pop. Your grip on Harry’s hair tightened as you felt like you were going to rip out his hair from the way you’re feeling. “Add another,” you whimpered out. 
“Another finger?” He looked at you with wide eyes, but all he saw was your eyes closed and head being thrown back; and you nodded. He added his pinky finger in with his ring and middle finger, trying his best to curl them up into you, but the snugness of your hole was challenging him. “Fuck, you’re so tight. Practically squeezing my fingers,” he said, kissing your neck. 
His words and fingers had gotten you to the edge, and you were minutes away from releasing around him. He saw you bite your lip and take deep breaths, and he knew you were close. 
“C’mon, angel baby. Let go for me, yeah? Know you’re close,” he thrusted his fingers deep into you, and that was when you hit your peak. With loud moans, you jolted around his fingers, riding your high out as Harry continuously pressed kisses to your chest and neck. He took his hand, sticking one of his fingers in your mouth, and you swirled your tongue around his finger that was covered in your orgasm, and moaned. He took the other two fingers, and placed them in his own mouth, tasting yourself on his fingers. “Taste so good,” he smirked, kissing your forehead, and you leaned your head on his shoulders to take a breather.
Once you calmed down, you turned your head to kiss his neck, sucking on his skin to calm your breathing down, and Harry hissed. His hands ran through your hair and all the way down to your back, soothing you. After a minute or two, you lifted your head up, meeting his eye before you kissed him, deeply. You two made out for a while you unbuttoned his black shirt, and you pulled away from his lips to kiss down his torso until you were on your knees. Harry was hard as rock in his pants and desperately needed some release that he could possibly come any minute with how you’re kissing him. 
His entire suit was still on and he went to take his jacket off, but you stopped him. 
“Keep it on,” you looked up at him as you told him so before proceeding to kiss down his stomach. He put his arms down, and gripped and sat on the edge of the desk. You got to the hem of his pants and looked up at him, giving him a sight to die for. “Can I take these off?” 
He looked down at you, smirking before nodding his head. “Please, take it all off,” he gave your cheek a stroke with his thumb, and you smiled looking back down to his pants to unbutton it, pulling down his trousers to his ankles, you saw his bulge, and smirked before you kissed over his underwear. Harry took a deep breath in as you palmed him before grabbing the hem of his briefs and pulling it down, his dick springing up as Harry’s shoulder relaxed from the lack of restraint. 
“Fuck, you’re so big,” you said, grabbing his dick. You knew very well that he was well endowed because of the many times you’ve seen him get hard on stage, and also from that moment when you walked in on him in Brooke’s mouth had confirmed it, but seeing it up close was unreal. You licked your hand and grabbed his cock before looking up at him. “What do you want me to do, Harry?” Your voice asked seductively. He was completely under your spell as his breaths were staggered while you stroked him. 
“Anything you want,” he breathed out. You smirked at the state he was in at the moment, and you loved every second of it. 
You put your mouth around his tip, sucking it lightly, and that caused Harry’s breath to hitch in his throat. You took more of him in your mouth as you relaxed your jaw. He was bigger than the guys you’ve fucked and you really hoped you were doing a good job for him because you wanted him to feel good. You hollowed your cheeks in and sucked hard, slicking your tongue on the underside of his cock. 
“Feels so good, angel baby,” he moaned, throwing his head back. He was already embarrassingly close, but he wanted to feel you more, so he tangled his fingers in your hair, getting a gentle but steady grip, and started guiding your head up and down his cock. You let him take control for the time being because honestly, you loved hearing the sounds of his moans start to progress. “That’s it,” he muttered under his breath once he felt the back of your throat. 
You placed your hands on his thighs, gripping his skin harshly so that your nails dug into it, and he hissed, but the pain felt so good to him. After a few more pushes to your head, you pushed on his thighs so he could release you, and when you did that he knew that he was done being in control. You grabbed his cock that was slick from your mouth, and you loved your head down so you could take his balls in your mouth. More of the beautiful sounds coming from his mouth came out more loudly as you sucked until he finally said the words. 
“Gonna cum, angel. Gonna fuckin’ cum,” he moaned. You saw his knuckles practically turn white as he gripped the desk hard. You loved your head back up to place the tip in your mouth as you fondled with his balls before he spurts his come in your mouth. “Such a fuckin’ good girl,” he said as you swallowed. 
You kissed back up his stomach and to his neck before meeting his lips again. He tasted himself on your tongue, and you were a good mix with him. You two pulled back from one another, looking at each other before you both started giggling—post orgasm haze. 
“Jeez, such an angel, but that mouth of yours is sinful.”
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5 June 2018 
The rest of the Europe, Australia, and Asia leg went by, and you were back in the states for the first show of the US leg. 
Ever since the dressing room escapade, you and Harry had been acting differently towards each other. There weren’t anymore sexual acts, but there was a lot more affection. Sadly, not any kisses to the lips, but kisses to the cheek and forehead were made, and they were welcomed and given. He would always put an arm around your shoulder when you two were walking, and there was the occasional cuddle in his hotel room before or after the show. It was definitely different, but you enjoyed it. 
What you didn’t enjoy was the fact that you hadn’t told him you liked him. You were sure he had an idea, but you wanted to say it out loud to get it off your chest. You also didn’t know if he felt that way towards you whatsoever, and that thought scared you. Just because of what happened in the dressing room didn’t necessarily mean he had feelings for you. The thought of him just leading you on and messing with you feelings made your heart sink when you think about it, and you really hoped it wouldn't get to that point. 
Tonight was the Dallas show, and Harry wore an Alexander McQueen embroidered pink floral suit. As always, he looked amazing. But your favorite was the Barcelona suit, and you might be a bit biased on that given the events that happened in that particular suit. You chuckled to yourself as you followed Jeff and Glenne to your seats. 
You decided to watch the show with them in the reserved seats in the lower level of the arena, and it was a change from the side of the stage, but you could really see more from the seats. Once you got to your seats, Harry had already finished up with ‘Only Angel’ and was moving on to ‘Woman,’ but a familiar man had caught your eye. 
“Alex?” You called out through the music. 
“Y/N! It’s so great seeing you!” He said, giving you a hug. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Jeff and Harry invited me! Haven’t seen Harry perform since last year, so they reserved me a seat,” his face was close to your ear, so you could understand him better through the loudness of the crowd and the bass of the music. 
“Ah, well I’m glad you’re here! It’s been a while,” you said completely innocently, and he nodded, smiling before turning his head to watch Harry on stage. In all honesty, the thought of Alex slipped your mind because your head was constantly thinking about Harry as it always does. 
For the rest of the show, he was amazing. The crowd was wild as always, and he absolutely looked so cute in his suit. Your favorite part was when someone threw a rainbow sequined cowboy hot on stage, and he picked it up to wear it. It was a look, to be honest. 
Before the band said their goodbyes to the crowd, the four of you headed backstage, so there wasn’t any delay with everyone trying to leave at the same time. As you were walking, you were walking next to Alex as Jeff and Glenne walked in front of you two. 
“Hey, I was thinking. Maybe we should get dinner tonight? Y’know, to catch up? I know some places that are still open,” he suggested, and you liked the idea. 
“Yeah, sure. Sounds good,” you said, smiling back. 
The four of you met with the band as they laughed and talked about the show. You met Harry, giving him a hug as you told him that he did amazing out there. He hugged you back tightly, telling you thank you. 
“C’mon,” he said, taking your hand as he wanted to go to his dressing room as you always did after his shows. 
“Oh, uh, actually,” you pulled your hand back, causing him to stop walking. “I’m going out to dinner with Alex…” you said nervously, and he raised his eyebrows, looking down the hall and noticing Alex talking to Adam. 
“Oh okay, yeah. Go ahead,” he let go of your hand, completely dropping it from his as his face dropped. In that moment, you wished you didn’t say yes to Alex and went with Harry to his dressing room. This would be the first time you were going to miss out on dressing room chats as he calmed down from his energetic state from being on stage. It would be the first time you weren’t going back to the hotel with him while holding his hand in the car and up to your rooms. 
“Hey,” Alex caught up to you, not feeling the tension between you and Harry. “Ready to go?” You looked up at him briefly, placing a fake smile on your face before looking back at Harry who already had his back turned towards you, walking to his room. 
“Yeah, I am.” 
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21 June 2018
The prospect of not talking to Harry as much hurt you a bit. 
You haven’t had a full conversation with him in about two weeks. The most you’ve ever spoken to him was when someone was looking for him or if he was clearing up and clarifying his schedule. But other than that, nothing. You didn’t know why it was like that, but you tried not to let it get to you as you told yourself that he was tired from the tour. He was on the last month of tour and the flying had definitely caught up to him. 
But that wasn’t the real reason. 
You have been going out with Alex ever since that night in Dallas, and you thought it was nice to have someone to talk to other than Harry and the rest of the crew and band--although they’re very nice and fun people, you saw them everyday. And you came to find out that Alex was even more fun once you’ve gotten to know him even more. 
Alex made you feel free. There was something refreshing about hanging out with him that made you want more, and he definitely took your mind off of thinking about Harry... by having his tongue down your throat and inside of you. There have been plenty of pleasurable times when Alex had made you feel good, and vice versa. It started out in the night at Fort Lauderdale, two days after Dallas, and you went out with Alex to a bar in the city. Both of you had too much to drink and he asked if you wanted to go over to his hotel, which of course you said yes. One thing led to another, and you were underneath him, moaning his name out. Ever since then, he would watch every other show and you two would have date nights that took the night away into a hotel room. 
It was nice, and he liked you and you liked him back. 
Liked him as much as Harry? Not quite. But there were definitely a little bit of feelings for him. Besides, he calls you nice things and tells you you’re pretty. 
It was Harry’s first New York show in Madison Square Garden as a solo artist, and he was pumped, but also a little nervous. You were so incredibly proud of him and what he’s done in his career, so you were happy for him. And you were happy to be back home for a few days as well because you haven’t been home since the beginning of the month. 
Alex stood next to you with an arm around your shoulder the entire time of Harry’s show. He was wearing a custom Gucci white suit with flowers printed all over and the phrase ‘Memento Mori’ underneath it. The lapel part of the suit was a velvet material and he wore a black shirt underneath. The trousers were flared from the knee down, and you absolutely loved it. 
When the show was over, you and Alex headed backstage to meet with the band. You had expected that he wanted to get dinner already, but he hadn’t mentioned anything, so you assumed that you were going to go back to your hotel and hang out with him there. 
“Lovely show, H,” you hugged him tightly, but he didn’t reciprocate the same energy into the hug like you, and you found that odd because he usually hugs you tight. 
“Thanks,” he smiled softly, shaking Alex’s hand before thanking him for coming to the show. 
You turned towards Alex and asked, “What’s the plan for tonight?” 
“Oh, I was going to tell you, but I’m hanging out with a couple of friends from college that live here. So, I can't hang out with you tonight. I’m sorry,” he slightly pouted. “I’ve got to get going now though, so I’ll see you tomorrow?” You nodded understandingly. 
“Yeah, definitely. Probably best we don’t hang out all the time because I don’t want you to get tired of me,” you joked, and he shook his head no. “But I’ll see you tomorrow. Text me,” you told him before he gave you a kiss on the lips before heading towards the exit. 
Harry had watched the whole interaction with a small frown. He tried to contain his jealousy when he saw Alex kiss you and you smiling, but it was difficult for him to not scoff loudly, so he turned around and walked towards his dressing room. You turned around to find Harry missing, and you assumed he went to his dressing room, so you headed over there. You knocked on the door before entering, and you found him on the couch with his phone in his hands. 
“Hey,” you smiled, sitting on the couch as he muttered a ‘hi.’ “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, what makes you think I’m not?” He said defensively, and you furrowed your brows. 
“I never said you weren’t. I just wanted to make sure you were. I haven’t talked to you in a while.” 
“Well, that’s not my fault,” he whispered under his breath before continuing to scroll through his phone. 
There was a bit of a silence, and unfortunately, it was an awkward one. You didn’t feel needed in the dressing room, but you sat there awkwardly as you didn’t know what to say to him. 
“You’re seeing Alex?” He suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 
“Yeah. Just hanging out with him,” you got up to grab a water bottle from the table, and you opened it, taking a sip. 
“So, you’re fucking him?” He said casually, but you choked on your water, immediately coughing. Once you calmed down, you looked at him with watered eyes. 
“You can tell me,” he said sternly. 
“I mean, yeah, we had sex a few times, but there’s no label or anything like that. We’re just hanging out,” you told him, and he nodded. 
“Do you like him?” He raised his brows, and you took a deep breath, wondering what all these questions were for. 
“I think so, but-”
“Good, he’s a good guy,” he interrupted you. You liked Alex, yeah, but comparing your feelings for Alex to Harry...unmatchable. “I’m glad you’re happy,” he said, getting up from the couch before grabbing a towel from the vanity and walking out of the dressing room. Once he left, you were alone in the dressing room. You sighed deeply as you buried your face in your hands. 
“Yeah, sure I am.”
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22 June 2018
The sound of ringing had woken you up from your slumber. 
You groaned as you tried to make out where your phone might be on your bedside table with your eyes closed, but you were hitting empty spots, so you opened one eye and grabbed your phone. 
“Hello?” Your morning voice coming out through the speaker. 
“Y/N. Can you come by, like right now?” It was Harry on the phone, and you groaned. After the night prior, you thought he didn’t want to talk to you, but seeing as you’re still his assistant, of course he would call you. 
“Why must you call me at,” you pulled your phone back to look at the time, “six in the morning?” 
“Please. It’s important. I have some stuff I need you to do,” he pleaded, and you stretched your limbs out, making inhumane noises while still being on the phone, and Harry chuckled. 
“Fine. Be there in like twenty.”
“Thank you, angel! See you.”
He must be in an awfully good mood this morning, you thought. And it’s been a while since you heard your pet name, but you brushed it off and got ready. 
You unlocked the door of Harry’s house, letting yourself in. You found him sitting on the couch, reading a book until he looked up at the door and saw you. He got up and walked towards you, and opened his arms, giving you a big hug. 
“Hey, angel. Thanks for coming by,” he said into your ear, leaving you in goosebumps. 
“Course. Everything okay?” You asked once you pulled away. 
“Yeah. I miss you, y’know. Feel like we haven’t spoken in a while,” he trailed off a bit, and you squint your eyes at him. 
“I sense a ‘but,’” you said, and he chuckled. 
“I actually need you to get these for me, if that’s okay? Just need them before the show,” he handed you a list, and you looked at it. 
The items were something similar as before: a bouquet of flowers and a gift basket with various types of snacks. As you read through it, that’s when you knew and your heart sank. 
“So who is it?” Harry looked at you curiously, and you waved around the list up. “Who are you dating?” 
“Oh, this girl I met through a mutual friend. She actually was at the Dallas show and we met after at a bar. She’s in the fashion industry; her name is Rena,” he explained with a smile. “She’s coming to the show tonight, so I just wanted to get her a little something.” 
“Okay, I’m on it. I’ll see you tonight,” you headed out, figuring since you had nothing else to do, you could stretch your errands out until the show. You decided to have breakfast first and get some coffee since it was quite early still, and enjoy a day to yourself until Harry introduces you to yet another girl. 
Rena was a nice lady. She was two years older than you and Harry, and she was drop dead gorgeous. You’ve never seen anyone this stunning up close. She always had the sweetest smile, and you were contemplating if she was real or not, and why Harry is calling you ‘angel’ and not her. It was difficult to hate her, and it’s not like you wanted to, but considering that you have feelings for Harry, you wanted something to be wrong about her--maybe a Brooke 2.0, but she was so kind to you, and she loved everything that was gifted to her from Harry, even if the items were the smallest things. So, there were no complaints. 
Harry seemed happy with her, so that’s all that mattered. 
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1 July 2018
It seemed like Rena was around all the time now, like she was at every show since night two in New York. You tried to busy yourself by going around the town you were in or talking to Alex, but you missed Harry. It was always like this when he was dating someone; the first few months, he would completely forget about you and always hang out with the person, but once he starts settling in, he wants to talk to you. And since he’s only been dating Rena for a month, he hasn’t been talking to you lately. 
You watched Harry on stage in St. Paul next to Rena, Alex, and Jeff as Harry was wearing a sparkly pink Gucci shirt with a pussybow on the front and some black trousers. The energy in the room was amazing. By far it was the best performance of ‘Medicine’ you’ve seen him perform. He even held out a pair of handcuffs in front of the crowd, making them go crazy, and he looked up at your section, glancing at Rena before smirking, making you cringe a tad bit as she cheered. 
At the end of the show, you greeted the band, and immediately Rena was attached to Harry, which made you impatient because you wanted to hug him like you always do. But they were wrapped in each other’s arms as they kissed, no plans of letting go of one another. 
“Hey, wanna head out?” Alex asked. You still hadn’t said hello to Harry, but you figured you could text him later, so you nodded, glancing back at the two of them and walked out with Alex. He took you to a diner that wasn’t too far from the hotel and you both ate breakfast for a midnight meal because breakfast simply hits differently when it’s at an unusual hour. Alex then walked you back to the hotel room, and you were exhausted by this point. You just wanted to get out of your shoes and sleep for a very long time. You were lucky that you weren’t sharing a room with Alex because sometimes you just needed to be alone, and this moment was that time. “So, I’ve been meaning to ask you something,” he said, stopping in front of your room and your brows raised as he continued. “We’ve been dating for about a month now, and I really like you, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend.”
You had expected anything else, but that question. Your heart beat practically stopped for a moment as you looked at him, wondering if he was serious, and when he didn’t say he was joking, you realized that he was actually being serious. 
“Oh, uhm…”
“It’s been fun getting to know you and travelling to these places with you, so I figured it was time to ask you.”
“Alex...you’re a really nice guy, but I’m just not sure I can be your girlfriend,” you told him honestly, and his brows furrowed. 
“Why’s that?”
“I-I like you, but I feel like my feelings for you aren’t 100% there when it comes to being your girlfriend.” He only nodded, and you were getting quite anxious when he didn’t say anything. 
He then started laughing, pacing around in the hallway and you crossed your arms. 
“That’s hilarious,” he said. 
“No, the only reason you don’t want to be with me is because you’re in love with someone else!” His voice raised, making the hallway echo a bit. You looked at him, not knowing what to say. “Yeah. I know you’re in love with Harry. Noticed that the first time I met you; that you were staring right at someone that wasn’t yours, but desperately wanted to be.”
“I…” you were speechless. Had you really been that obvious about your feelings towards Harry that everyone around you noticed? 
“It’s a shame though, isn’t it?” He had a grin of the devil; mischievously and humiliating. You looked at him nervously, urging him to continue. “You’re in love with someone that doesn’t even want you,” he stated. “That doesn’t look your way for a second when he thinks about a relationship because you’re only his assistant. Not once would he look your way down the street if you weren’t working for him,” he looked you up and down, and your eyes started watering, and you were embarrassed that you were about to cry in front of Alex as he crushed you in every possible way. “It’s okay, don’t cry. You have me,” he opened his arms to take you in for a hug, but you physically pushed him away because now you were angry. 
“I have you? Are you fucking kidding me? After you just humiliated me?” You were breathing out through your nose as your tears made their way down your cheeks. 
“Hey, I’m just telling you the truth-”
“Why did you even ask me to be your girlfriend?” You asked, genuinely confused on his logic. 
“Well, the question that you’re supposed to be asking is why did I talk to you in the first place?” 
“Why did you?” 
“Since you want to know so bad,” he teased, and you rolled your eyes. “When I saw you, I definitely liked you, but then I saw you were giving heart eyes to Harry, so I thought I could change your mind. See if I could switch your feelings up,” he chuckled. 
“So, this was some sort of experiment? Guessing your hypothesis was wrong then, huh? Go ahead and write your conclusion as: fucked her, but dick wasn’t good enough to fall in love. So, fuck off,” you rolled your eyes and opened the door before slamming it shut in his face. Your back was leaning against the door as more that you’ve been holding onto fell from your face as you heard him still talk. 
“You’ll never be like Brooke or Rena, or whoever he dates in the future! You’re nothing to him!” He yelled through the door as his words came out muffled. 
Sliding down the door, you finally heard him leave, and you were full on sobbing. You tried not to let his words get the better of you, but the way Alex spat them out so easily, it was hard not to. 
Because what if he’s right. 
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7 July 2018
Harry noticed that you had been feeling off the entire week. 
It was like you were simply existing, but not present in some moments when people would talk to you. You had this dull look on your face, and it wasn’t the same as your bright and happy look that he looked forward to everyday. He noticed it when everyone was leaving from Minnesota, and he told himself that it was because you were tired, which was true, but he didn’t know the whole reason. 
After the show in Seattle, he didn’t see you like he used to, and he wondered where you or if you even watched the show. Once he high fived and talked to everyone for a bit, he headed to his dressing room, hoping that you were in there, but you weren’t. So now, he was worried. 
H: Hey, where are you? He texted. Luckily, Rena wasn’t around anymore because she would want all his attention after the show. He simply couldn’t take someone being so clingy, so he called things off with her. It may have also had to do with the fact that he didn’t want to hide his feelings anymore, and being with other people just wasn’t working for him anymore. Not when you were in front of him. 
It’s been a long time coming now, and he felt stupid for not telling you in the first place since he’s been in love with you since last year--during the time he was with Brooke. He was honestly afraid to tell you, and when he heard Brooke say it, he just felt so much shock run through him, so he kept his mouth shut. He didn’t have an excuse as to why he got with other people while being in love with you, but it just made him feel in control of himself because he couldn’t control his feelings towards you, so he got scared. So, he decided that when everyone gets to California in two days, he’s going to confess his entire feelings for you. 
Harry walked to your hotel room, knocking on it as he waited for you to answer. He could hear shuffling and movement through the door, and he hoped to god that Alex wasn’t in there with you. 
“Who is it?” You said through the door, softly. 
“Angel, it’s Harry. Can I see you?” He asked. There was a pause, but then he heard the door handle rattled as you opened the door. 
Your face was a crying mess and your hair was up in a very messy bun. Harry’s mouth opened slightly as he concerningly asked, “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” His question and concern had made you sob even more as you shook your head. “C’mere,” he pulled you in for a hug and you sobbed into his chest as he walked you over to the edge of your bed. He observed your room and saw that there were a stack of clothes folded on the other bed along with your open luggage with some of your belongings inside. “Angel, what’s going on?” You pulled your head out of his chest to look at him, knowing that he was probably wondering why you were packing; and he had a sad expression on his face. 
“I’m leaving,” you simply said. 
“Leaving? Where are you going?” His brows furrowed. 
“I’m going back home.” 
“W-What? Why?” 
“I can’t be your assistant anymore, Harry,” you cried, and Harry’s heart sank as his jaw dropped. 
“What are you talking about? A-Are you quitting?” You stood up, placing the stack of clothes in your luggage as you sorted them. 
“Y-Yeah,” you said quietly, and Harry has never been more confused in his life. 
“W-What did I do wrong? I’m sorry we haven’t been seeing each other lately, but I promise after tour-”
“No, no. It’s not you, I promise,” you shook your head. In this moment, you felt like you should tell him everything because he deserved an explanation from you. “Please, listen, okay?” He nodded. You walked to sit on the desk chair in front Harry as he sat on the edge of the bed. You proceeded to tell him everything that Alex said from him asking you to be his girlfriend to you saying no. “He said these mean things that-”
“What the fuck did he say?” He gritted his teeth and took a deep breath. 
“Just listen,” you stopped him. “He said those things because I’m in love with someone else…I’m in love with you, and you probably heard Brooke say that, but you didn’t say anything, so I just assumed that you didn’t want to believe it.” It was the words Harry has been wanting to hear and he went to open his mouth, but you immediately started talking again. “I have been ever since I started working for you, and I thought it was just a crush on my boss, but it’s way more than that. Alex told me I’m not good enough for you and that you would never love me, and I think that’s true-” 
“No! That’s not true! I love-”
“Please, don’t,” you shook your head as you sobbed. You’ve been waiting for years to hear those words, but you knew that you couldn’t hear them just yet. “Don’t say those words because I’m leaving and to prove Alex wrong.” 
“I’m not trying to prove him wrong, it’s true,” Harry’s eyes watered, and you sighed.
“What he said got me thinking…I go to all these stores and pick shit up for your love interests, sending me a list of all their favorite things, and wishing that they were for me. And in the midst of it, I realized you don’t know what my favorite flower is! I’ve been hurting for so long that I covered it up everytime and put a fake smile on my face just to see you happy.”
“Your favorite flower is-”
“I just really think that I deserve to be happy as well,” you nodded your head as a way to try and convince yourself. 
“You do deserve to be happy, angel baby. But we can be happy together? I-I… want you here. With me.” His voice was filled with hope, and it only made it harder for you. 
You closed your eyes for a moment, burying your face in your hands. “I want that so bad. I do, H. But I really need to be happy with myself and by myself first. I depended on you and the others around me a lot, and I just didn’t save that love for myself, so…I need to leave,” you sniffled, wiping your cheeks. 
“And when you come back?” 
“I don’t know when that will be or what’s going to happen, but I’m not asking you to wait for me or anything because you should live your life. But when I come back, I’ll call you, and we’ll talk,” you told him, and it seemed like you had everything planned already, but you were just as lost as he was. He dropped his head, crying into his hands. You rolled your chair closer to him, grabbing his wrists, and he lifted his head. “We’ll be alright, okay? Just need a little time to myself.” He nodded, sniffling. 
You stood up and walked over to your luggage, zipping it closed before you looked around to see if you forgot anything. Harry stood up and walked over to you, grabbed your wrists, and pulled you to him, giving you a hug. His face was buried in your neck and you felt him press kisses against your skin as he cried. 
“You’ll be back?” The pain in his voice was enough to tip you over the edge of bawling. 
“Yeah, I’ll be back,” you said in between sniffs. “I’m going to stay with my parents for a while; get a job back in Oregon,” you told him, so he’s not completely out of the loop. He pulled back, looking down at you. 
“When you come back, your job will always be here.” You smiled sadly, raising your hand to caress his cheek. 
“We’ll see, okay? But I have to go to the airport now. My flight is in two hours,” you managed to free yourself from his grasp as it tightened so you wouldn’t go, but you really had to. 
“Let me drop you off?” He offered, and you shook your head. 
“No, it’s only going to make this harder,” you said, grabbing your luggage and backpack. “Have a great rest of the tour, alright? Take care of yourself,” you placed your palm on his cheek again, looking in his sad eyes before you reached up and kissed his cheek. “I’ll see you, honey.”
You walked out of the room with no glance back at him, and Harry was alone in your hotel room, and it was the last memory of you that would be ingrained in his mind forever. 
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14 July 2018 
The crowd cheered loud for Harry for his final show in Los Angeles. He overwhelmingly smiled as he took a deep breath before continuing onto the next song. Everyone seemed to know what the next song on the set list was, so the room went a bit quiet as the crowd turned on their flashlights as the lights went completely dark, and the only thing was heard was the strumming of the guitar. 
Woke up alone in this hotel room… As he sang, he took in his own lyrics, feeling like they really related to him at the moment despite writing the song two years ago. Harry sang with every emotion in him as he let it all out in the dark room that was silent, and the only thing he heard was his voice and the guitar that was played by Mitch. 
We haven’t spoke since you went away…He had thought of you every night he sang this song since you left in Seattle, and it pained him that there was no contact between you ever since you left, but he figured that was what you wanted. What you needed. 
Comfortable silence is so overrated… The moments when there would be silence between you two, he hated looking back at those moments because he knew he should’ve said something, you would’ve still been here. 
Why won’t you ever say what you want to say? Why didn’t you say anything, Harry? 
Even my phone misses your call, by the way…He missed your contact name pop up on his phone that went along with his contact picture for you. You were smiling bright as you ate ice cream. It was a summer day in New York and really warm outside, so you decided you two took a break from running around and got some ice cream. You were so happy that day, and he was happy he got it on camera. 
Harry would often find himself looking at your pictures together; trying to pinpoint the exact moment you knew you were in love with him. Your smile always made his day, and it broke his heart knowing that he wouldn’t get to see that smile for a long while--at least he hoped it’s not a long time till he gets to see you again. Since, he knew when his feelings had progressed, he looked back on the pictures when he knew he fell hard. His smile had gotten bigger and the look he gave you was full of love, and he wished that you saw how he looked at you. 
He missed you so much. 
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13 December 2019
It took you quite a while since you felt whole again. 
You hadn’t felt so empty as you had been when you left Seattle. The year and a half you spent back at home really helped you with that. You were able to find yourself again; spending time with your family and with yourself was something so refreshing that you cherished every moment with them. You learned a lot about yourself, and you reshaped your own worth and values. You came back stronger than ever and you’ve never been happier than you are now. 
You nervously walked over to the section you were going to be sitting in. The room was dark and the crowd was absolutely wild as they were finally seeing the one person they’ve been waiting for. You looked down, watching your step as you held your phone with the flashlight on your feet as they stepped onto the red floor of the pit, until you saw the familiar faces you’ve been looking for. 
“Y/N! There you are!” Glenne smiled, taking you in for a hug. “I’ve missed you babe,” she said in your ear as you hugged her tight. 
“I missed you too, so much.”
“Hey, Y/N. It’s good to see you again,” Jeff said, giving you a warm embrace. 
The music was playing and the crowd had gotten louder as the man of the hour finally stepped on stage, and all the spotlights were pointed on him. You watched him as he walked down from the high stage to the main stage, grabbing his guitar as said hello to everyone before strumming the first note. 
As you remembered, he was amazing on stage as he wore the same outfit as the album cover. He ignited the crowd with his charm and voice that left people in tears from being so overwhelmed by him. You felt overwhelmed as well; seeing him for the first time in a year and a half had made you quite emotional. 
You knew you wanted to go to Harry’s ‘One Night Only’ show when he first announced it. From keeping in contact with him, you figured you could keep in contact with updates of him, and what he’s up to these days. You streamed his music, watched his music videos, and stayed up late just to hear a snippet of him on the radio. You were always excited when you would get the notification on your phone of new pictures and videos of him because that was the only way you were able to see him. You found out that he had spent quite some time in Japan towards the end of last year and the beginning of this year. You really hoped he was doing okay. During the days of finding yourself, the thought of seeing him again had scared you, and you weren’t ready for that, so you waited until this day to see him. 
So, at the beginning of the week, you had texted Glenne that you wanted to go to the show, and she immediately said yes, putting your name on the list. You told her not to tell Harry just yet because you wanted to surprise him, and she was on board with the idea as was Jeff. 
They were both really supportive of you during your times sulking and growing, and Glenne had even visited you in Oregon to make sure you were okay and simply just missing you. You were really thankful for both of them because you knew that it was hard to see their two friends in pain, but you were glad that they supported your decision. Glenne had always known that you were in love with Harry, and you told her ever since you figured your feelings out. But you had made her swear on her life and Jeff’s that she wouldn’t say a word about it to anyone, not even Jeff (although Jeff saw it coming). 
“He’s going to be so happy to see you and know that you’re here,” Glenne said to you as the beginning of ‘Fine Line’ was starting. You thought the album was an  absolute masterpiece that was composed of beautiful lyrics, melodies, and emotion. You made sure to dance and cheer for the songs you didn’t know the words to extra loud, and you sang to the ones you knew without hesitation. You stayed up all night, listening to the album multiple times on repeat and trying to get the words down, and you were sure everyone did the same. 
As you listened to Harry sing the outro and the words ‘We’ll be alright’ coming out so effortlessly, you were reminded of your words to him as you left the hotel room. The song was quite hard hitting and you felt every inch of your skin cover in goosebumps. 
You practically lost your shit when Stevie Nicks came out and performed ‘Landslide’ with him, and when he sang ‘Wonderful Christmas Time’ while fake snow was falling from the ceiling. Before you knew it, Harry was in the middle of singing ‘Kiwi,’ and Glenne tapped your arm, telling you to follow her and you knew that you three were going backstage already. You felt butterflies in your stomach, feeling really nervous to see him again up close after a year and a half; and you only hoped that he was happy to see you as well. 
You heard the muffled final beat of the song as the crowd loudly cheered for him, telling him to do another song, but you knew that it was the end of the show. Jeff had walked way ahead of you both to grab Harry really quick, so he could point his attention towards you. Your hands were shaking as your arm was looped with Glenne’s as she provided physical support for you, holding you up, and continuously telling you that he’s going to be so ecstatic. 
Cheers erupted from the crew as everyone hugged each other, proud and happy of the success of Harry’s first show of his sophomore album. Once you were close enough, you could make out everyone’s faces. The band was there along with Harry’s friends and producers that had written the album with him. Finally, there was Harry; his back was facing you as he hugged Jeff, and Jeff gave you an amusing smile as he hugged his best friend. You heard him whisper into Harry’s ear, and Harry pulled back, saying, “What?” 
Jeff nodded, and Harry quickly turned around. His face was pulled into a shocked expression as his eyes widened and his body was practically frozen as he took in your presence. You smiled softly, waiting for him to say or do something because you didn’t know how he felt with you being here on his special night. 
Finally, he took two long strides towards you, pulling you in for a hug. Your body collided with his, and smiled into his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his tone body. 
“How are you?” You whispered in his ear as you practically felt him shaking in your arms. 
“I’m doing good. Better now,” he said softly. “What the fuck are you doing here, angel?” He chuckled, finally realizing that you were here in his arms. The sound of your pet name had widened your smile as your eyes watered; feeling so happy that you finally got to hear that name come from out of his mouth again. 
“Came to see you,” you said in his neck. He pulled back, looking at you in the eye before smiling like crazy as he took you in his arms again. He felt like he was on the moon; the overwhelming feeling of the feedback from the album, the show, and now finally getting to see you for the first time in a very long time—he truly couldn’t believe it, so he held you tight, not wanting to let you go as he felt like if he did, then you would vanish again. You felt his hesitancy or not wanting to let you go, so you whispered in his ear, “Hey, I’m here. Not leaving.” 
He eventually pulled back, and noticed everyone that gathered around you two, and smiles were on their faces with their hands over their hearts. They all had really witnessed Harry struggle the past year and a half; from song writing, recording, rehearsing, and just being present. They really saw Harry at his lowest, and now they're happy to finally see him happy now that you’re here. 
“I-I have to go meet some people and take some pictures, but do you think, uhm…” he trailed off, realizing that he might be acting too eager. 
“H, I’m right here. Do what you have to do, and I’ll wait for you, alright?” You told him with a smile, and he nodded. He didn’t want to walk away from you, but you knew that some people were waiting for him, so he had to leave. He gave you one last hug, which brightened your smile, and he walked down the hall of The Forum. “Stay in my dressing room!” He called out, and you laughed, remembering the talks and moments in his dressing room after his shows. 
Heading over to his dressing room, you stopped to say hi to everyone as they excitedly greeted you. You couldn’t believe that you were here again. The journey to get here was a struggle, but reuniting with everyone had made it so worth it—seeing Harry again was worth it, and you knew that you had to do it. 
After an hour of catching up with the crew and band, and sitting on his couch, mindlessly flipping through the pages of the Fine Line Booklet that contained pictures of Harry in the process of recording his album, he finally showed up. Sighing as he walked in from the rush of the entire day, once he saw your face again, he knew he wasn’t in the state of dreaming because you were really here. 
He took a seat on the couch next to you, taking your hand in his. He hesitantly raised your hand to his mouth and placed a kiss on the back of it; you smiled at the sweet gesture, caressing your thumb against his hand. 
“How are you, angel?” He asked, softly smiling as he was trying to contain his excitement that you’re finally here. 
“I’m good, H. I’m happy,” you said, and hearing that made Harry’s eyes glossy because that’s all he wanted from you. He wanted you to be happy; with yourself, with others, and with life. 
“I’m so glad to hear you say that,” he smiled, dimples poking out. You reached over to caress his cheek, rubbing his dimple out, and he turned his head to kiss the inside of your hand. 
“I want to hear everything from you--catch me up on everything?” He nodded eagerly, wanting that from you too. 
“Security said that the parking lot is empty now because they had to practically kick everyone out, so there’s no one out there, but what do you say we go out there and walk around the parking lot?” He suggested. It was almost midnight, and despite being exhausted and overwhelmed by this whole day, he’d rather stay up and talk for hours with you. 
“Are you sure? You’re not tired?” You asked, and he shook your head. 
“No, not at all. It’s been a year and a half since I last saw you. I want to spend time with you.”
“Okay, I’d like that,” you smiled, and he nodded, telling you that he was going to change really quick. He walked over to his duffel bag, grabbing some clothes before walking over to the changing room that was in his dressing room. Before he walked in, he turned around, facing you. 
“Hey.” You perked up, smiling. He missed your smile so damn much. “Your favorite flower is a baby pink peony,” he said before walking into the room. 
You were immediately taken back to the night when you had left when you had told him that he didn’t know what your favorite flower was, but all this time, he knew. He had always known. 
Walking towards the exit of the venue, the night was dark as the moon shined from up above you. With cold air rushing through you, you shivered, and Harry smiled next to you as you two walked through the emptiness of the parking lot. Before you two even spoke a word on how to go about having the ‘catch up’ conversation, you sensed Harry’s nervousness as he felt a bit hesitant with you because of the distance and time spent apart. But you wanted to remind him that you were the same person. You had the same feelings for him, and you really hoped he had some feelings for you too. 
So, you brushed your left hand against his right hand, cheeks flushed, and you interlock your fingers together, holding his warm ringed hand with your small one. 
This was it--this moment right here. This was where you were supposed to be. 
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please come into my inbox and tell me how you’re feeling and what you thought of this! she was an emotional one :’)
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