#that jumpsuit i stg
kinkykinard · 2 years
Anyone out there know a good curse? Asking for a friend.
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jazeswhbhaven · 14 days
An Unslighty Guy | React | SPOILERS
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WELCOME BACK TO GEHENNA LOVELIES. Let's jump right in by me saying that I love the fact that Paimon is a social media content creator. It makes complete sense for him to be. This also reminds me that it's canon that Orias is also a content creator trying out facial products/makeup etc. I wonder if he links up with Paimon and Eligos at all.
Anywayssss he's filming for the meeting that happens every 5 years, and everyone is like yeah it's noisy around this time because of Sitri and Amy....lmao
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and pointing out that Eligos follows Paimon's channel is very cute. However from Mammon's event it's possible that Eligos is older than Paimon (so he'd be the senior to Paimon's junior)
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so ya'll remember when Ppyong was annoyed as fuck during Chapter 6 with all of those girls at the cafe wanting a picture with him and wanting autographs, etc. It seems the same thing carries over to Hell and he can't stand popularity but he's popular anyway. He's even rude to the fans and they don't even care they just eat it up and say they'll drink toilet water for him at this rate. I'm just like HELLO? lmao
Leraye is concerned, but Paimon teases him by telling him "when you're older you'll understand why they like him so much" and that confirms Leraye is possibly the youngest out of the Gehenna nobles. I really do wish they'd come out with an age chart or something to make this shit eaiser I STG.
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Then here comes these two cuties, and Astaroth tries his hand an interpreting what Zagan is saying, but he got it wrong like completely wrong lmao
It's cute because he even gets bummed about it and has to pet Apophis for comfort and I'm just like AWH HE WANTS TO TRANSLATE FOR THE BAB.
I wonder if it's just something he wants to be able to do just because or if he truly wants to help Zagan and they are close like how Paimon and Leraye are usually hanging out together all the time.
But the meeting is about to begin and Ppyong asks if Amy is showing up and well....
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Sitri is great at fucking acting because the way I thought he was being foreal for a second like how everyone thought Belial was dead at the beginning of Chapter 1 lmao
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Amy came in like "the fuck I am, what's good?"
I feel like personally Amy would use any and every insult known to man to throw at Sitri because he just has that much of disdain toward him and I really am itching to know why that is. I swear it's probably over something super fucking petty or small.
So we're all like omfg Sitri just sat up here and wished death on this man. Yes. Yes he did.
But they give us some insight on Amy's importance to Gehenna's army. He handles a lot of the localized battles to make sure that there's no help needed from the capital. I'm not very familiar with battle jargon so as I see simply...he's the guy that handles the little stuff so the larger scale battles can be focused on more by the other nobles and their subordinates. This sounds way more organized and detailed than our little battles don't it? Since we only have like six characters to work with lmao
But he wears Satan's jumpsuit design and so do the others in his company, so everyone knows him that way. And it turns out he's quite well liked. Sitri too.
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Is it just me or is Amy taller than Sitri? I need age and height charts n a o.
But as per usual the wording always throws me off, because "hot rough older brother" should only be used if it's the friend that's calling your brother that or something because if his peers see him as a brother but also hot??? idk whatever I'm thinking too deeply.
Point being. they both hot. they both do the thing.
So Sitri is quite pissed and pretty much ignores Amy's presence and asks Astaroth why it didn't work cursing Amy to die and it's explained that you have to say it more than once for the curse to work. (cool that Astaroth knows stuff like this). So Amy starts his little mantra of wanting the poor guy dead
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Since I know what he sounds like, it's funny to try to read this in his voice in my head.
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Sitri ain't never missed with his clapback. I swear he was just born with the ability to roast anyone at any given moment.
(it's funny because when my cat was in heat before I got her fixed she was LOUD asf like that shit would keep me up at night)
And even more so Amy tries to tell him he was gonna sit down anyway without taking orders from him and Sitri clocked him again by saying that those who cum early talk too much and those who don't talk very seldom. Out here calling him a one pump chump.
now how do you know which one he is Sitri hm???? care to share with the class??
Anyways, Satan shows up and sees the table all fucked up and he's just happy.
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He really said he here for the chaos.
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He is definitely here to start some shit and it makes me laugh because that's his entire focus. He doesn't even hide that he's trying to do it. He even told Amy to break the chair from stomping around and Sitri took it as Satan getting onto him. What's funny to me is that I think Satan literally just wanted him to break furniture so Sitri has something to say about it. I'm crying.
Amy was ready to go ya'll he told Sitri to meet him outside, square up, grab his guns, saddle up, the whole nine yards. Sitri is just like well no the meeting comes first and Satan and was like "ugh fine" and decided to pay attention to important stuff lol.
Amy apparently lost this round to Sitri because Satan forgot all about the fight and focused on the meeting instead.
Also from that screencap above I'm definitely not trippin' Amy is taller than Sitri and Satan like WHAT is his height hello?
SO it's five years later and the meeting happens again, and Amy kept that energy because once Sitri came through that door?
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it was on sight. lmaoooooo
Also wtf Amy why is your bosoms so big and taking up the screen. Maybe that's why you're mad because Sitri's got the badonk booty and you don't because it's all in your chesssttt.
There's more banter between these two and the other nobles are just standing by watching as per usual until Ppyong genuinely wants to know why they hate each other so much if they were in the same class when enlisted.
It also sounds like Sitri knew Satan before that and decided to become his right hand devil at the same time. Hm.
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So in other words "if they keep at each others throats like that they actually like each other they just don't know how to show it"
Satan even does the "hehe now kisssssss" move
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Now this little CG is adorable. Astaroth pulled out his 3D glasses, Paimon has his camera ready...I love them so much this is hilarious.
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Awh grumpy Paimon is grumpy. He wanted the picture because it was gonna get a million views lmao
And Leraye is right on the money, because how did Amy and Sitri know to turn their heads at that exact moment?
clocked 'em
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Satan is thirsty now because he's blissfully unware that he almost made them kiss. Sitri wants to brew tea, but Amy is like "nah we ain't got time for that I'll go on a drink run <3"
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they literally became my favorite gif
So while they have their stare down, Leraye saves the day by saying it's too hot to have Sitri slave over a hot stove making tea so having Amy go on a drink run is much faster.
So he orders iced tea (iirc), Paimon wants orange juice, Astaroth???
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sir wth does this even mean? like? 😭😭
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Anyways while Sitri was kinda ticked off that Amy went to go fetch the drinks instead of him, he didn't really fight it that it would be faster. Amy also appreciated that everyone had his back on this decision.
Which btw he got those drinks quick asf, like where did he even find all of this?
purified water from the golden river of tartaros??? Where do they sell that? cold ade sounds like gatorade/kool-aid or something and juice yeah you can get that anywhere and cold coffee for belial and Astaroth
oh no what about my bby Zagan :(((( no drink for him?
but he even got Sitri a drink....except...
He done got this man a bottle of fucking sesame oil dressing...two fucking liters of it.
"Don't be frugal" he says.
What kinda petty ass childish shit LMAO I'd literally pour it on his head for bringing that to me. Satan laughed though so I guess that's his kind of humor, and everyone else tried to not laugh either. Sitri ofc was not amused lol but I guess Amy won this round.
So it sounds like tomorrow we will FINALLY know why they hold these meetings and why it's spread out by five years each time.
So far I'm really liking the banter between the two. It's really something. it also makes me want to really write them together b a d l y. Like there's so many things I could give the reason for why they hate each other so much.
But that's day one and two ya'll. Thankfully nothing has me off track so I can follow each day at a time ^^
See ya'll at the next react lovelies <3
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nectardaddy · 29 days
yn style guide
wild youth
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big fan of black on black, let's be real. loves a good collared shirt or dark base. however, her go to a plain ass collared shirt with a vest of some sort
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her wide array of vests. they needed their own section idc. either wears them open or closed whatever she's feeling that day.
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also a HUGE fan of overalls or jumpsuits, they've GOT to be loose/kinda baggy though. loves plain ass black pants (dickies mention let's go I swear by them) or a dark pattern
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you already fucking know she has docs, no fucking question. I stg they are the comfiest thing ever AFTER you break them in
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❤ mainly sliving her adam sandler dreams at home, let's be real. college sweatshirts, sweatpants, probably has some fuckass ugly slippers too
-> style guide heavily inspired by the ones @eggyrocks makes !!!
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jmkho · 1 year
If Josh wears a black velvet jumpsuit this tour, I STG
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Spokes in the Wheel
Pairing: Kirrahe x Mordin Solus Characters: Kirrahe, Mordin Solus Fandom: Mass Effect Trilogy Archive Warnings: Major Character Death Other Tags: Double Drabbles, Salarian worldbuilding Summary: There was a word for what Kirrahe meant to Mordin, but it took a lifetime for him to find it. A series of 200 word fics about Kirrahe and Mordin's relationship. Written for the @spectre-requisitions-exchange for jaigheart. You can also read it here on AO3!
13th of Kesh, 2756 GS. 600 hours. The first time Mordin saw Kirrahe. He was dressed simply, relieved of his STG armour for a more casual fit. The black weave of his jumpsuit only served to make him look greener, his bright skin blooming against the synthetic light.
While the other agents lounged in their seats, he sat straight. His ambition could be measured by the angle of his spine. He appeared at first the picture of arrogance, a young commander with a chip on his shoulder and plenty to prove. Mordin was prepared to work through gritted teeth. He’d known sooner or later the soldier faction within the STG would rear its head in this project. No Salarian ever set foot on Tuchanka without a bullet to spare.
And that was what Kirrahe was: the unwavering path of a bullet, hurtling towards its target with the force of a mass effect field behind it.
“You’re Doctor Solus, aren’t you?” Immediately, he rose from his seat. A smooth, liquid movement. Almost disarming to witness.
“My superiors spoke highly of you,” he continued, offering his hand. “I’m eager to see what you and your scientists are made of.”
“STG hired the best,” Mordin replied. “Adjust expectations accordingly.”
20th of Pa’esh, 2756 GS. 1800 hours. His head felt lighter than yesterday morning. Far from a relief, instead every movement needed to be recalibrated. Relieved, now, of his right cranial horn, what before was a simple turn of the head would now send him careening.
Rather than spilling onto the floor, a pair of arms caught him, steadying him with apparent ease. “Shouldn’t you be resting?” Kirrahe chided.
“No time for rest. Immediate danger dealt with, must now deal with other… personal matters.” Mordin blinked. Drop 16 still felt like a dream. The inconvenient kind. The events of the day moved through his mind as though another salarian had lived them. Yet the injury to his horn proved otherwise.
That was until he remembered Maelon. The dismay in his voice when he saw they had killed krogan females was all too real.
“Personal matters. You mean Maelon?”
“Yes. Hope to convince him to recant protest now that dust has settled. See necessity in parameter shift.”
“I’ve already struck it from the official report. He’s young, one moment of weakness shouldn’t define the rest of his career.”
Gratitude swelled in his chest. Hard to believe this was the man he’d traded so many venomous barbs with yesterday.
1st of Da’esh, 2762 GS. 1000 hours. Medical personnel had reassured him all was well. Though the Commander— no, Captain’s unit had taken heavy losses, Kirrahe himself escaped with only minor injury. Mordin knew better.
He’d drafted countless emails inquiring after him. Deleted them just as quickly. Better to go himself.
Hearsay placed Kirrahe on Nasurn, his homeworld, in his clan’s embrace. The natural place for any salarian to return when life’s tests threatened to overwhelm, though Mordin had never felt such loyalty to his own.
“The first word I received when I was released from hospital was that Clan Narra had accepted my family’s bid for a reproduction contract,” Kirrahe told him not long after their reunion. “It looks like I’ll be a father again.”
A match most males would kill for. Then again, Kirrahe had.
“Seem hesitant.” Mordin sniffed. “Unlike you.”
“These days I save my certainty for my soldiers. I don’t have much to spare for myself.” The captain stretched, then winced, clutching a hidden injury. “It is nice to think something good could come from Virmire… what a mess.”
“Your last daughter— a product of the Modification Project success, correct?”
“True, but she’s not the only good thing that came from those days.”
15th of Kesh, 2765 GS. 500 hours. “Are you willing to admit that I was right?” Was the first thing Kirrahe said to him on Sur’kesh. Before platitudes, before niceties.
Mordin wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Would sooner die,” he shot back, which only encouraged the Captain— no, Major.
“I see age has done nothing for your obstinance,” Kirrahe said. “Perhaps we settle the matter over drinks, loser pays.”
Neither needed reminding of which argument they were returning to. One word, and it was as fresh in Mordin’s mind as the day it was had. The weary look on Rentola’s face as they continued was a clear sign they were not alone in their remembering.
What few hours Mordin had to waste were spent in Kirrahe’s company. Although, he was ashamed to say, he couldn’t remember who won, which certainly meant it was not him. Still clear, however, was the flash of Kirrahe’s eyes in the failing daylight. They invited curiosity. Questions Mordin had never forgotten, but buried beneath years of guilt.
Later, Eve would jest that perhaps their kinds were not so different, if the vehicles for how they expressed love played out so similarly. Albeit with fewer headbutts.
Mordin had no answer for her.
27th of Da’esh, 2765 GS. 2100 hours. It will be raining on Nasurn, Mordin thinks. It always does this time of year. When he closes his eyes, the patter of stone on the reinforced glass nearly passes for its chorus.
As he slips further into the distance, Shepard’s figure vanishes beneath a plume of rubble, and he is left with his memories. Nostalgia drowns his fears.
In the years after the Genophage Project ended, Mordin dove deep into the ancient wisdom of his people. He’d long thought there’d been no word for what Kirrahe is to him, at least not until the asari settled among the salarians. By the time he learned there was, their lives had passed one another by. Or so he thought.
Like the cycle of life itself, salarian lives turned in circles. It brought him to Shepard, to Tuchanka, to Maelon, and to Kirrahe.
Shadows pass over him as he draws nearer his destination. A nervous song plays upon his lips. He remembers how Kirrahe’s hand folded over his as he spoke the word back to him. Skin so green it stripped the colour from Sur’kesh’s leaves.
The door opens. Fire drinks the moisture from his skin. The wheel turns for him again.
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shitshowkb · 2 years
slightly behind but finally here with my
✧ fire country, season 1 episode 9 reaction ✧
⦁ bode better be okay or i'm gonna be PISSED
⦁ oh my god gabs is gonna jump in after him???
⦁ oh shit she did
⦁ a life was lost??? bitch who is dead???
⦁ bitch i stg if this man is dead
⦁ oh thank god
⦁ "i don't wanna be responsible for hurting you or anybody ever again" 🥺
⦁ this investigator lady is getting on my mf nerves
⦁ bitch who tf is the victim here???
⦁ huddle together for body heat? i'd climb that man like a mf tree
⦁ now why in the hell is this woman in the middle on the woods all messed up???
⦁ this dumb bitch is gonna die isn't she??
⦁ "i keep hearing animals" well you are in the woods you absolute fckin idiot
⦁ homegirl better back tf off my man manny
⦁ i could not stand this woman screaming in my ear omg
⦁ compartment syndrome means one of y'all are gonna have to slice homegirls leg open 🤢
⦁ "am i gonna go back to jail?" okay i hope tf not but can i please see manny in an orange jumpsuit...for science??
⦁ ah shit this is not going well
⦁ girl this is gonna hurt like a mf
⦁ oh she's suggesting a spontaneous start to fire, maybe i do like this bitch
⦁ oh dear god
⦁ he had to save gabs 🥹
⦁ if these two mfs don't end up together i'm gonna be so mad
⦁ bitch how tf were they supposed to know this bitch was bleeding internally when she was alert and moving???
⦁ bode better not even get sent back to prison for this shit
⦁ jake, bud, you're gonna have to let her go
⦁ bitch i stg if bode goes back to prison
⦁ look at vince throwing himself under the bus for bode, i'm gonna cry
⦁ "bode's done" i stg i'm gonna lose it
⦁ vince taking up for bode has me SOBBING
⦁ "blaming the wrong person, that's not gonna make anything better" the growth of this man from the start of the season to now omg
⦁ "we need to talk about you and bode" bc the connection y'all have is insane
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runwayblues · 1 year
i stg if something happened to that jumpsuit bc of this i will personally murder josh
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noodlecowboy · 4 years
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Tragedy! A Terror AU 
September, 1979.  Sir John Franklin, regional director of Terrebus Inc., has cherry-picked a selection of his staff to attend a morale-boosting corporate retreat at a mountain lodge in the beautiful Canadian Rockies. It promises to be a relaxing weekend for everyone – but all is not as it seems. When mysterious occurrences start happening around the lodge, some of the staff begin to suspect that it is haunted, and the sudden disappearance of a senior staff member only exacerbates everyone’s fears. And with a freak blizzard threatening to snow them in, the Terrebus team has no choice but to face the mysterious forces of the lodge. Will they be able to survive the blizzard long enough to get help, and solve the mystery of what’s happening to them? Or will the Terrebus corporate retreat end in bloody tragedy?
Welcome to Sir John Franklin’s groovy corporate retreat! You can check out the fic here, and the accompanying Spotify playlist here! This bad boy is gonna be a long adventure, so stay tuned for semi-regular updates! :) 
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trucheart · 5 years
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♡ . ˚ ◝  ryan guzman ,  thirty three ,  cis male ,  he / him  ↷ in level two, apartment  307  you’ll find  LEON AGUILAR  listening to kids by onerepublic. they have been living in wisteria apartments as a  MARINE ENGINEER  for  SEVEN  years. during that time they have earned the reputation of the  GLOBETROTTER. it makes sense you know, they can be  VENTURESOME  +  TRUEHEARTED  but let’s not forget they’re pretty  RESTIVE  +  FACETIOUS.  boyish charm amplified by a roguish smirk, salty ocean air clinging to work jumpsuits, rosary hanging from a rearview mirror. ×  ( @wisteriahub )
( &&. general )
full name: leon aguilar
nicknames: lee
current age: thirty three
preferred pronouns: he/him
gender identity: cis male
orientation: heterosexual
marital status: single
zodiac sign: leo
moral alignment: chaotic good
language(s) spoken: spanish, english
occupation: marine engineer
( &&. physical )
looks like: ryan guzman
height: 6′0″
weight: 165 lbs
hair color: dark brown
eye color: dark brown
tattoo(s): his mother’s birthdate written in roman numerals along his collarbone, barbed wire wrapped around his left bicep, cross on his inner right wrist, anchor on his right shoulder, his daughter’s name + birthdate + lil baby handprint over his left pec
scar(s): several small scars over his hands, arms, legs, etc.
dominant hand: right handed
distinguishing features: muscular physique, boyish features
( &&. personality )
positive traits: resilient, truehearted, venturesome
negative traits: facetious, restive, stubborn
dominant or submissive?: dominant
emotional, logical or both: both
book smart or street smart: street smart
introvert or extrovert: extrovert
optimist or pessimist: both
spontaneous or structured: spontaneous
instinctual or logical: instinctual
expensive or inexpensive: inexpensive
generous or stingy: generous
polite or rude: polite
day or night: both
( &&. background )
homeboy is a golden mess
that’s it that’s his bg
jk but uh he’s lived in los angeles his entire ass life
he was a little punk as a kid??? always gettin into shit with the neighbours bc he ruined their gardens while playing with his dog, he tore through the streets like a madman with his pals on their bicycles, he lit bags of dog shit and left them on his neighbours’ front steps, and he threw rocks at girls’ windows but instead of it being romantic like intended he literally shattered their windows lmao
his dad ( a super religious man with no room for sinners in his life amen ) was on the verge of disowning leon for being a shithead i stg but his mom was his saving grace like she babied the absolute shit out of leon bless her SOUL and he got away with a lot that he shouldn’t have bc of it sdfgkhjf
OK SO UH he calmed down a lil after high school, went to ucla for like 5 years and became a certified marine engineer workin on big ol boats and maintaining them out on the sea which he loVES
fishing, sailing, literally anything on any kind of boat??? sign him tf up
he goes away for weeks at a time for work so he works like 2 weeks and then has 2 weeks off its wild
baptized catholic but he doesn’t actively practice?? he goes to church sometimes tho for his family’s sake
he has a 2 year old ( harper ) with rosa and that kid is his kryptonite like listen................that lil girl has this grown ass man wrapped around her pinky finger he will lit do ANYTHING for his daughter
( &&. wanted conns )
folks he grew up with / around!!! whether they were friends or enemies or lovers ( he’s lived in la his whole life so )
some good buddies outside of his work life that he can relax / let loose around and just ... bro out u know ( good influence or bad influence )
maybe some fellow church goers?? if anyone would be interested idk he doesn’t go regularly but he still confesses his sins n shit when he’s feeling real Bad
fellas he possibly got into a scuffle with?? whether it was a one time thing ( maybe some dumb drunk bs at a bar ) or they were known to throw fists whenever they saw each other ( this would be before harper was born bc he isn’t foolish anymore now that he’s a Dad )
cousins??? he has no siblings but cousins would be cool for a lil familia touch
literally anything !! i’m open to it all come plot pls 
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muchadoaboutm · 6 years
So I'm gonna talk about Bat Out of Hell the musical bc I went to see it yesterday and I am in love. I’m going through it v. incoherently one song at a time with random interjections, so the actual thing is under a cut bc despite appearances I’m not that cruel
The theatre was packed for one thing. It was mostly people who wanted to see it one last time before it closes next week, but I'm sure I wasn't the only person seeing it for the first time. And the thing I love most about seeing something with people who already know it is how they react. You feel the person next to you tense up before the bad thing happens, they're the first to laugh, you can hear them start to him along and then realise where they are and stop. It's a little magic I think, and I want so badly to see it again and I CAN'T. because it closes in less than a week.
It started gradually which I wasn't expecting, and then all of a sudden the lights went down, the spot light came on, and it was love death and the american guitar times one hundred. And the the sound filled the space---i didn't know you could hear like that. All revved up with no place to go went straight through me, and this is a song that is already incredible
There were lights and there was sound everywhere and it was fucking electrifying and I wanted to fight someone. I stg I've never felt so fucking alive as I did for that six minutes
And oh my fucking god jordan Luke gage's voice--i die
Also, strat looked so fucking outraged when raven took his top
And who needs the young with that one note that went on forever and how do you even hold a note that long? Also??? Sharon sexton????? god
Out of the frying pan? God guys. Damn but that was fucking fun-kinda creepy with the kidnapping talk but at this point I'm like 98% sure they're taking the piss (is that a type of song I like now? Friends make fun of guy who's sure he's in love?) And the choreography?
Two out of three, no lie I think I might be in love with zahara
Paradise by the dashboard light fucking traumatised me with those pink pants-never going to recover. But the commentator just being there, and all the backing dancers, and Sloane and falco in that fucking car. And raven pushing it off stage? And the orchestra members just kind of emerging after?
Strat you cannot just go in her room and hover over her, it's fucking creepy. Seriously dude. And raven-a duet is not the right way to respond to your crush randomly turning up while you're sleeping. Also I adore making love out of nothing at all but guys?? Really? The line about pickup lines though. The entire audience laughed at strat's on a hot summer night but bc seriously? No one in their right mind immediately has a response to that-
And then it was bat out of hell and the bike. The fucking bike.I was on a actual high and then the bike exploded and I stg I gasped out loud. Like I knew it was coming and all, but still. It fucking exploded. And the lights came up and they were still clearing his body off the stage
I'm gonna talk about the stage now, because oh my god. I've never seen a stage like it. There was an actual pool of water in the rocks, and there were stairs, and there were other little stages about which could also be screens, and whole set pieces just moved out to create different places. And they did a live feed from one stage to the screen at a couple if points, but you could see the camera man which was just incredibly cool. And have I mentioned the bikes?
Back from the interval it goes straight into in the land of the pig and there's a fucking cage, and the lost are in orange jumpsuits, and someone's being fucking electrocuted, and someone else is being drowned and fuck but that was disturbing and horrific. And there's people strung up from the ceiling hanging over the cage and zahara tells them strat is dead and my heart broke
And then it was heaven can wait and that was on screen so the main stage I'm pretty certain still had the lost on it. And damn Christina Bennington can sing. It was celestial. And the whole drawing on her arms thing? The most accurate representation of a teenage girl imo (if only bc I've been known to do that exact thing)
And then it was objects in the rear view mirror and I almost started crying because I never really listened to it before I guess? Not properly anyway because it hit me like a train.
Strat when he just woke up and he was rambling and feverish and tink was there the whole time, and I can't even fathom how heartbreaking it must be for tink, to love so much and for it to never be enough. Like I genuinely can't blame him for wanting raven gone-shes taken his best friend and almost got him killed and he still loves her.
And for crying out loud will haunt me forever. It was so desperate and there was so much longing and I felt it in my bones.
So you took the words out of my mouth with the lost realising strat's alive, and the return of his wolf line, and the wedding, and the tossing of the bouquet and I just loved the whole sequence so much
I'm honestly glad tink interrupted strat and raven before things got too heated bc honestly there's only so far you can go on stage, but then of course we had tink suddenly speaking up, and I'm not allowed to love, and you suddenly understand so much more about him. Like he was frozen younger right, and so he can never feel equal really, and he doesn't let himself show any emotion (the lost do show emotion so I think this is tink trying to force himself to appear older but I could be wrong).
What part of my body hurts the most also broke me bc its falco just realising everything he's lost (is he holding a photo album?) And I think for a moment he thinks sloane's come back, and then she leaves all over again, and he's lost everything and I just-----
And then you've got tink come to make a deal, and you can kind of see how young he really is, and how in many ways he's very naive.
Can we talk about dead ringer for love? That song-god that song is something else. And it's all so fucking jubilant and as an audience, you know something they don't, bc you know it's all about to go to shit. And then of course falco arrives and tells everyone what tink's done, everything happens at once and then tink's been shot and everything stops.
And strat makes raven leave, because of course he does, because tinks lying on the floor with a gunshot would and her father fired the gun.
I think it's important here that strat uses the word soulmate, because we only really see that word in a romantic sense, but here it means something so much deeper, and I'm crying again because of course I am. And rock and roll dreams come through, the song that we know was their song and
And then we're looking at falco and raven, and you can see just how intensely she blames him, and for once he doesn't know what to do, and despite all his efforts he's still do very alone.
Six months later. Ravens pretty obviously still broken, and the strat comes in, creeping though her window and he speaks and I think she thinks she's dreaming (it kinda mirrors for crying out loud I guess, in that she becomes coherent when she realises he's real, idk). And it's all coming back to me now is a song I adore, and strat actually kneels in front of her which seems pretty damn symbolic, and they still aren't toughing. I don't think they actually touched until flavour came in and raven had to stop strat climbing out of the window again, and then it was Sloane's verse and there were many many tender embraces which made me very happy.
I'd do anything love always drags a bit just the song (it's 10 minutes long and I have a short attention span) but I didn't find it dragged at all on stage. There was a big laugh before the song at raven's "what about when I'm 38, or 48, or *horror* 49" and a pause during the song after screwing around but then strat replied and all was right in the world. There was a heart which was on fire over the stage
Bat out of hell was the song for bows, and then it was over and I stg my legs were shaking during the ovation
Anyway it was wonderful, and I'm in love, and I'm sorry this is so long but I had to write it all down
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twopoppies · 6 years
That boy loves his thongs.
fkhjsdkjds I am absolutely sure he wears thongs. But I stg he is not wearing underwear with that jumpsuit. Either that or he is wearing the loosest underwear ever. As @phd-mama says, “That boy needs a dance belt”! LOL!
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demyrie · 6 years
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Rae is going to make the cutest shinsou ever i stg im losing it ahhhhhhHHHHH
you can’t see it but Aizawa’s hardy twill (+ tropical lining) jumpsuit is 99% done and hiding under all that blue material and a loop of the capture weapon is peeking out of my top drawer
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berrycobbler · 6 years
celebrities at the met gala had the opportunity to wear devil’s horns, wings, armor, halos, capes, all the things i would wear on the DAILY were i able to and they have the nerve to show up in what?? basic jumpsuits and tuxes??? i stg
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williamshamspeare · 3 years
Oh yeah saw your newest experimental ocs. I like taff! Somehow the shirt n pants having the same patterns n colours works and makes it look like a jumpsuit. The burgundy (i stg its not burgundy to me) pink used once is an interesting choice. Kiwi isnt a favourite but hey the face settings are unique and i havent seen it used unironically before so i appreciate that. I wonder what she does cause her outfit is very interesting - amii
I was going for a jumpsuit vibe for sure, yehah
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legalmargamind · 7 years
Submission post: Mission Report : The Night Camila Killed Me
Okay, so I was super nervous for this entire thing! I was already having an emotional night because my date and I had been fighting ever since she landed a few hours before we were suppose to be at the venue. I decided to dress it down a bit because I wasn’t sure what C would be wearing so I wore tight ripped jeans, 6in Timbs and a long khaki coat over my blue blouse because it was cold af outside. My girl was wearing a black jumpsuit and a long black coat. I opted for medium makeup because I intended on dancing and enjoying all of the performances but really focused on the eyes because we all know she has a thing for green eyes.  Anyway…I watched her perform and her corset outfit on stage had me drooling like a typical fangirl. Her vocals were on point and she’s such an entertainer! I wasn’t sure I would still get to meet her but while I was dancing to Charlie Puth, I got the text from my connect to start heading backstage because I had less than 10mins to say hi. I dragged my girl behind me literally while we were being escorted backstage and when I saw C walking towards us through a sea of people, my breath caught in my throat. She looked like an angel from heaven. She was a tiny bit hoarse (sexy) and even though her handlers were watching the clock she made me feel like we had all night to talk 😏.  So, I introduced myself and she gave me and my girl the biggest hugs and she complimented my perfume and asked what I was wearing which is funny because her wifey, Ariana Grande and I wear the same fragrance lol. The first thing I noticed was my gaydar sizzling and pinging off the charts but maybe it was wishful thinking. I also didn’t realize she was so tiny but then again I was in heels and she is like 5'2ish lol.  After she hugged me we were ushered to a corner where tons of security and random people were walking by us and her people were hovering like secret agents. The entire time we were moving, she kept her hand on my lower back (like the daddy she is 😏). Lmao, so she asked where I was from and I told her and my date kinda hung back a little so she didn’t really interact with her much.   She complimented my eyes (score for me) and was so charming throughout our chat that I’m sure I was swooning. I told her I loved her set, she sounds amazing live and I had already pre-ordered her album and she seemed so genuinely surprised and grateful. I was like stop it you’re amazing and she hugged me 😏.  Juicy bits! OK, so I said she was talented and brave and she thanked me and asked what I did and I said I’m an ER nurse and she said that was really cool. And I was like eh some days lol. She asked what I did for fun because it must be stressful being a nurse and I smirked (I’m so glad you asked that Ms. Cabello lol) and I said I pretty much live on YouTube and Tumblr (😉) and she was like I love Tumblr! She said she doesn’t have much time to post like she used to but she still checks it out. I asked her if she follows herself on there and she said it’s weird to search for herself. I said she needs to check out the fanblrs and shipper blogs. I made it a point to say that I follow all the big Camila fanpages and shipper Tumblrs and started rattling off all of the popular Camren pages I could think of and she said yeah I think I’ve seen some of those but she wasn’t sure 😏. O.M.G she stalks Camren pages people!!! I knew she did! She said she’s so grateful for the fans that support her and share everything with her and she’ll always be grateful for all of us. Awwwwww! (side note: I think it’s interesting how comfortable she was with me bringing up Camren so nonchalantly like she didn’t bat an eyelash or try to change the subject at all. She was just like yeah I’ve seen those like it was something so natural.) So, I decided to turn it up a few notches and I brushed my hand on her waist and complimented her corset and said she looks so hot and I was drooling seeing her on stage and my date was jealous. She dished it right back and said she better treat me right or she’s gonna steal me away.  (ppl I almost died!!) She asked how long we were dating and I said we’re not dating yet because it’s complicated (it really is) and she said if it’s true love and I feel it then just go for it because we were both beautiful and she could tell watching us walking together that we had chemistry. This is when I fell for her (again), she said you just gotta go for it. Lol love advice from C herself! I said I was hoping to have our first actual date tonight after we left the concert and she held my hand and asked if I followed her on IG. (I nodded) and she said dm me and tell me how it goes. (ya’ll I died again) so I said of course! I said thank you for being so supportive and she said squeezed my hand and interlaced our fingers and hugged me again. I dunno why but I whispered I love you in her ear and she said I love you too and I stg we started dating from that moment lol jk of course. Her handlers came over and said she needed to go and she waved them off and said just a couple more minutes.  She asked me my age and said she thought I was like 22 and I was like awww thanks (she was just being nice) lol. I said she made my night and she thanked me and signed my ticket stub because I literally had nothing else for her to sign. She took a picture with us and I said she owed me a signature on her album and I’ll have it with me next time I see her in concert and she said she’ll take me out to dinner if she misses the opportunity to sign her album for me (so suave but did Camila Cabello say she’ll take me out? ☠️) and I blushed after I came back from dying again.  Her handler came back again and she said she had to go so we hugged again and she kissed my cheek and moved so super fast that she almost kissed me on the lips like it was at the corner of my mouth and I froze and she just smirked and said oh Im sorry and waved at my date and said I love you and waved as she was being pulled away and then she turned around and winked and that my dear fam is when I squealed and died a final time. My girl and I were being escorted back out to the front back to our seats but not before we saw Kelly Clarkson with her security and she smiled at us!! Omg such an amazing experience!!  I will forever stan C who is a beautiful angel, who was a true to life dork yet so suave and a sweetheart and I can still smell her perfume on my coat and I will probably hang it up in my closet with plastic on it and not wear it again lol.  I really didn’t find out anything we didn’t already know but Im hesitant to say she’s gay. At the very least she’s bisexual because if she’s straight then I’m a straight lol. She was sweet and comfortable even with me blatantly flirting with her and her energy was very strong but not overbearing which is what you’d expect to feel when a top is in your space. I think she’ll come out on her own terms but I would be surprised if she does address her sexuality publicly this early in her solo career and I would be surprised if she does address herself as straight because everything I experienced and being a lover of the ladies myself says she’s not even close to being straight. My gaydar has never been wrong ever!  I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet her and I hope to meet her again in the future because I felt so warm next to her and she has this charm and sparkle about her that I’ve never experienced before. She’s beautiful,  present and supportive of the fandom and I wish her nothing but success in everything. 💝
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mickjagg · 8 years
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here's some photos I took from the Stones Exhibitionism yesterday in NY... the top left is the baby Stones omg they were so cute wow such children 😭 The top right is a collection of Mick's jumpsuits. Underneath is a hand painted guitar by Keith and the story behind it (lol the bastard was always on something I stg hahaha I love him). Then there's a collection of Mick drawings done by Andy Warhol, Brian's instruments and then Ronnie's gorgeous Gibson guitar, posters for the Some Girls album and a model of a studio they recorded in with instruments and everything!!! The museum also had like the documents Mick and Keith signed for composing rights, some of Bill's instruments, lots of video footage and scale models of two stage setups, one of which was the stage for the Steel Wheels tour! Very awesome stuff, me and my mom had a fucking BLAST and if you have the chance to go up there and see it I definitely recommend it, it's moving to Chicago next :))
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