#that ive encountered very offensive tweets
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adriles · 2 years ago
im sorry to say, that by ignoring the plague of apollo, you have doomed the danaans to further misery. Farewell my bitch
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apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
Why the Internet cannot represent the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Warning : Such articles contains video that are likely to potentially triggering .
He developed. He received. He brutalized.
In a shaking viral video, Columbia, South Carolina deputy Ben Fields( a grey male police officer the size of an offensive lineman, better known as Officer Slam to students) squints toward an gullible young Black female student at Spring Valley High School. Harmonizing to unconfirmed reports, as the Root notes, she refused to leave the classroom per her teachers requisition, for supposedly not following a few simple guilds: namely, to stop chewing gumor to put away her phone. But that’s irrelevant.
As the footage depicts, the unidentified student is apparently without a artillery. She constitutes no clear and present peril. Shes not even suspected of having committed a violent crimes. Yet Fields, acting as the schools safety officer, enters the classroom to occur on the teaches behalf. Hes barely tries to encourage her partnership, let alone ask for her back of the narration. Instead, Fields instantly picks her up from her table, slings her in the various regions of the chamber, and persists roughing her up after she thuds to the floor.
On face, that alone might be enough for most people on the Internet to respond in feeling, cruelty, or abhorrence with the undue oblige used by the officer against an unarmed high school student. But where theres a will to be ignorant, theres surely a direction. Cue the impulsive, allowed online spectators shaking in to defend law enforcement.
As the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh demonstrates, yet again, the Internet is filled to the brim with people who assert that Black people must have done something to deserve merciless medication from detectives. Since Monday, the hashtag associated with the violent incident has elicitedmore than 150,000 tweets, according to Topsy, but the online sentiment still exposes a broader indifference or unwillingness to condemn anti-Black police brutality.
Its time to stop represent the officers who behave with the immunity theyre rendered, both by the long arm of the law, and by usespecially as it were related to Black women and girls.
A video posted by @_the. kiddd on Oct 26, 2015 at 3:04 pm PDT
One prime enabler of Fields acts at Spring Valley High, and a villain du jour in the debates on anti-Black combating racism and violence, is none other than Don Lemon. In his initial on-air reaction, the CNN fixes row of questioning testified so contentious, his call( again) became a top-1 0 veering Twitter topic in the United States, sparking online dialogue about whether or not the young student shouldve been treated in such a manner.
This broadcasted exchange is about more than Don Lemons prolonged stupidity while enveloping racial questions on a major national pulpit .
Id like to know more before passing arbitration, Lemon articulated, a position echoed by many online onlookers in the hours immediately following the liberation of three different inclinations of footage from that Spring Valley classroom. But former federal prosecutor, CNN contributor Sunny Hostinwho happens to be a Black woman, and an expert much more qualified to address the nature of the situationimmediately defied his legal logic.
I dont need to know more, Hostin told, despite Lemons attempts to shush her. The constitution provides that the standard here is whether the policeman has to use this kind of patrol, whether its reasonable and necessary to somehow assure restraint in the school. The bottom line is, Don, this is a young girl in institution. “They dont have” justification for using this kind and it is assault.
The next day, Richmond County Sheriff Leon Lott had similar questions as Hostin, which induced the FBI to open an investigation into the matter on Tuesday.
To be clear, “its about” more than Don Lemonspersistent ignorance while covering racial issues on a major national scaffold. Its about the propensityfrom Black humen in situations of ability, racists with negligent abandon, and staunch polouse guards on the Internetto erase, ignore, or minimise the pain that many Black women and girls face at the mitts of police officers, many of whom are white.
The online defense of Fields too spotlights a pernicious doubled guideline .
Citing Lemons questioning, online users have concealed behind faux-journalistic ethics and a purported need for verification to enable the people who defend Disciplines the most. In a post for the unaffiliated CNN Commentary blog, which Lemon retweeted on Tuesday, the author lauds Lemon hesitantly, calling him for formerly the voice of reason before decrying the trolls( including Hostin) who blared him on Twitter. Lemons reactionone shared by several on social mediawas praised as reasonable and responsible.
But even further, the online defense of Fields likewise highlights a injurious double criterion.
@Nettaaaaaaaa Don Lemon was right for formerly. Chris Hayes is a moron.
Mama P. (@ anniebeans5 9) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @SunnyHostin @donlemon Don you should not have to defend ur point of vue u were& 100% right to say if u were not in the room
sam (@ sammedisam) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @normagenie Actually, @donlemon, you’ve done the right thing, even if it was only accidental. I honour you.
Marie von Astra (@ marievonastra) October 27, 2015
@donlemon delivering a almost perfect thinking just now on @CNN impartial ruling certainly best available CNN has to offer right now
Howard (@ hsmythwithaY) October 27, 2015
Anyone with a lash pulsing could bet their times income that the Internet reactionand maybe even Lemonswould be markedly different if a burly, bodybuilding, Black male police officer roughed up a lily-white, blonde, female student in a high school class. The Internet would be in even bigger uproar calling for the officers ouster, and he wouldve likely been fired without question, even before a formal investigation took shape, as Fields has been afforded.
Yet its officers like Fields who often get the benefit of the doubt from many observers, and even get away with slaughter in special courts. That includes Daniel Holtzclaw in Oklahoma, who are continuing faces indicts for supposedly abusing his supremacy to serially crimes multiple Black maidens. It also includes Eric Casebolt in McKinney, Texas, who resigned after slamming and pinning a teenage Black girl wearing a swimsuit, while utilizing his handgun to scare away concerned bystanders over an suspect consortium defendant quarrel. And lest we not forget Brian Encinia, in Waller County, Texas, who viciously took down an unarmed Sandra Bland over an alleged traffic misdemeanour, dragging her out of her gondola and resulting her to the holding station where molted soon, mysteriously die.
And with the ethnic capacity reversalhad the man been Black and the student been whiteat most any other high school in America, the classroom teacher may have even is seeking to deescalate developments in the situation. The young lady bystanding peers may have defied his authority even more than they did at Spring Valley, where a number of concerned students defiantly recorded the incident on their cell phone.
Officer who violently apprehended student known as “Officer Slam, ” speaks witness #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh #inners https :// t.co /8 DqARYar9H
All In w/ Chris Hayes (@ allinwithchris) October 28, 2015
Ben Fields dating a Black woman has NOTHING to do with his actions. #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh https :// t.co/ 2SqQz50ggM
rolandsmartin (@ rolandsmartin) October 27, 2015
Notably, one of those students1 8-year-old Niya Kenny, a young Black womanwas also arrested for intervene in defense of her classmate.
I was bellowing, What the f, what the f is really happening? I was praying out loud for the girl, she told South Carolinas WLTX, adding that she also preserved the traumatic happen on her cameraphone. I only couldnt believe this was happening, I was just exclaiming, and he articulated, Since “youve had” so much better to say, you are coming too. I simply applied my hands behind my back.
But as Kenny also spotlights, according to reports, Fields has a sick honour for administering female students. Ive listened in the past slammed pregnant women, teenage girlfriends, hes known for throwing, Kenny told MSNBCs Chris Hayes on Tuesday evening , noting that she told fellow classmates to strap in for the purposes of an unsettling occurrence. And granted his violent honour for undue army, Kenny said she also spurred her peers to take out their cell phone to movie an incident that she knew wouldnt dissolve well.
If a surrendering, white supremacist murder suspect can getcoddled into police custody, then young, unarmed Black students should expect more from police officer .
Kennys dreads arent unfounded, after all, contributed Fieldss history of misconduct and ethnic bias. In addition, as the Roots Kristen West-Savali highlights, Black girls in the United States are six times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their lily-white counterparts, per a 2015 reportfrom the African American Policy Forum. As AAPF co-founder and statute professor Kimberle Crenshaw memo in the report, Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced and Underprotected, very concerned about the dangers that Black girls and other girls of hue encounter rarely receive the full courtesy of researchers, counselors, policy makers, and funders.
Indeed, the why does it have to be about hasten protection simply doesnt work in the cases in which ethnic and gender biases, combined, demonstrably play a role in how Black girls are treated in institution fixes. If the challenges of daughters of coloring are to be addressed, then research and policy frameworks must move beyond the notion that all of the young people of coloring who are in crisis are boys, the reports executive summary governments, and that the concerns of white girlfriends are indistinguishable from those of girls of dye.
Black girls accept hugely from overpolicing in schools. Via @aapf: #SpringValleyHigh pic.twitter.com/ aJP4 2m3Ht7
Brittany Packnett (@ MsPackyetti) October 26, 2015
“The narrative that pitch-black daughters are just fine is a dangerous myth.” https :// t.co/ P1LG0WzyEk #BlackGirlsMatter #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Ash Consulting Group (@ AshConsultingGr) October 27, 2015
What will it take for the public to condemn police inhumanity outright, when its a clear and present danger to people of color in America, including and especially Black women and girls? If the Internet has long waited for a intellect, the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh is most certainly a prime one. But, even so, the reasons are irrelevant here, because no man in similar circumstances deserves being brutalized by the police officers who swore protecting children.
If a surrender, white supremacist carnage believe( speak: the Charleston crap-shooter) can getcoddled into police detention and furnished with a bulletproof vestafter murdering several Black church congregants exactly a two-hour drive away from Spring Valley High Schoolthen young, unarmed Black students should expect police officer and government agencies to fully involve their lives with respect and dignity.
Because their Black lives question, even when the Internet bickers otherwise.
Derrick Cliftonis the agent mind editor for the Daily Dot and a New York-based journalist and orator, principally clothing issues of identity, culture, and social right .
Photo via _the.kidd/ Instagram( CC by 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman
Popular on The Daily Dot
You maniacs have wasted nearly 1,300 years watching Adele’s brand-new video in a single week
Here got a few interesting thing you could have done in the meantime .
By Rae Votta — October 28, 2015
The post Why the Internet cannot represent the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2r2t6Fw via IFTTT
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viralhottopics · 8 years ago
Tories overturn Labour majority to win Copeland byelection
Pressure on Jeremy Corbyns leadership increases after Trudy Harrison secures Cumbria constituency that Labour had dominated since 1924
Jeremy Corbyn is under further pressure after a humiliating byelection defeat at the hands of the Conservative party in Copeland, a heartland seat dominated by Labour since 1924.
Gillian Troughton, the Labour candidate, was defeated by the Conservatives Trudy Harrison, marking the first time a governing party has taken a seat from another party in a byelection in 35 years.
The Conservatives took 13,748 votes to Labours 11,601 after a turnout of 51%. The Lib Dem candidate, Rebecca Hanson, came third with 2,252 votes.
Troughton left the count at Cleveland Sports Centre within minutes of the dramatic result being announced and without making a concession speech. She was heckled by a passerby who shouted Sack Corbyn! as she was rushed into a waiting car.
Harrison, a political novice, said in her victory speech: What has happened here tonight is a truly historic event. Youd have to go back more than a century to find an example of a governing party taking a seat from the opposition party in an election like this.
Weve had Labour here for more than 80 years but its been very clear talking to people throughout this campaign that Jeremy Corbyn doesnt represent them.
They want a party which is on the side of ordinary working people, which will respect the way we voted in the referendum, and which will build a country which represents everyone. Thats why they voted for me tonight.
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Labour was battling to save a slim 2,564 majority left by Jamie Reed, an outspoken Corbyn critic who quit to take a job at the local Sellafield nuclear decommissioning plant.
Critics of the Labour leader will claim that his perceived hostility to nuclear was key to the defeat. The industry employs more than 10,000 people in the west Cumbrian constituency.
Tory campaigners made much of an ITV Borders television interview by Corbyn at the end of January in which he failed four times to say he supported Moorside, a multi-billion pound nuclear plant planned to be built next to Sellafield.
Labours campaign focused heavily on Tory-backed plans to close the maternity unit at the new West Cumberland hospital, meaning the nearest service will be an hour-long drive away in Carlisle.
Troughton, a borough councillor, retired doctor and St John ambulance driver who voted against Corbyn in the last leadership contest, consistently claimed the hospital was the number one issue on the doorstep.
Josh Halliday (@JoshHalliday)
Labour’s Gillian Troughton leaves count without making concession speech. Heckled as she got in waiting car. #CopelandByElection http://pic.twitter.com/B6qFCbkHV1
February 24, 2017
Speaking after the result, Andrew Gwynne, the Labour MP for Denton and Reddish who ran Troughtons campaign, conceded that the party struggled to convince voters that it backs nuclear power.
This has been one of the most polarised campaigns that Ive ever known, centred on two issues about the worries people have about the downgrade to West Cumberland hospital, he said.
With Gillian Troughton we had a superb candidate who put the NHS at the heart of the campaign and really did work hard on the ground to get the message out that we wanted to save those services.
Gwynne declined to answer whether Corbyn was to blame and said the Tories threw all kinds of stuff at us on the nuclear issue and that clearly resonated with some people.
He added: The other issue was nuclear and we struggled to convince people that the Labour party is and remains a pro-civil nuclear party committed to the Sellafield decommissioning site, but also committed very much to the new power plant at Moorside as well.
Harrison, a former Sellafield worker, told voters she was best placed to lobby ministers on the hospital and already had commitments for a government inquiry.
She said road upgrades, a constant complaint by Copeland voters, would be announced by the transport secretary, Chris Grayling, after the byelection. Fiona Mills, the Ukip candidate, was thought to be trailing as voters moved to the Conservatives.
The byelection took an ugly twist earlier on Thursday when a Conservative MP said he had called police over abusive social media messages about his stillborn son.
Will Quince, the MP for Colchester, received the stream of offensive tweets after speaking out in the row over the proposed cuts to maternity services in Copeland. The MP had earlier condemned a Labour leaflet warning that mothers and babies would die if wards were cut at the West Cumberland hospital.
The MP, who has campaigned on maternity issues since his son Robert was stillborn in 2014, branded the claim simply disgusting.
Mike Starkie, the independent elected mayor of Copeland, said he had encountered many Labour voters planning to back Harrison in the hope it would force Corbyn out as leader.
I dont think you can blame the candidate for the loss. I think the candidate equipped herself well through the whole campaign but there is an anti-Corbyn feeling among Labour supporters in Copeland – thats a fact, he said.
Its not all down to nuclear. I just dont think Jeremy Corbyns particularly popular with Labour-supporting people.
Starkie added: Its quite a historic night. I thought it was going to be a lot closer than what it was. The margin of victory has surprised everybody.
One of the real positives of this byelection campaign is weve had more high-profile politicians here than we have for the whole of the last century. People are more aware of what the issues are here and what needs addressing.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2lfapaA
from Tories overturn Labour majority to win Copeland byelection
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
Why the Internet cannot represent the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Warning : Such articles contains video that are likely to potentially triggering .
He developed. He received. He brutalized.
In a shaking viral video, Columbia, South Carolina deputy Ben Fields( a grey male police officer the size of an offensive lineman, better known as Officer Slam to students) squints toward an gullible young Black female student at Spring Valley High School. Harmonizing to unconfirmed reports, as the Root notes, she refused to leave the classroom per her teachers requisition, for supposedly not following a few simple guilds: namely, to stop chewing gumor to put away her phone. But that’s irrelevant.
As the footage depicts, the unidentified student is apparently without a artillery. She constitutes no clear and present peril. Shes not even suspected of having committed a violent crimes. Yet Fields, acting as the schools safety officer, enters the classroom to occur on the teaches behalf. Hes barely tries to encourage her partnership, let alone ask for her back of the narration. Instead, Fields instantly picks her up from her table, slings her in the various regions of the chamber, and persists roughing her up after she thuds to the floor.
On face, that alone might be enough for most people on the Internet to respond in feeling, cruelty, or abhorrence with the undue oblige used by the officer against an unarmed high school student. But where theres a will to be ignorant, theres surely a direction. Cue the impulsive, allowed online spectators shaking in to defend law enforcement.
As the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh demonstrates, yet again, the Internet is filled to the brim with people who assert that Black people must have done something to deserve merciless medication from detectives. Since Monday, the hashtag associated with the violent incident has elicitedmore than 150,000 tweets, according to Topsy, but the online sentiment still exposes a broader indifference or unwillingness to condemn anti-Black police brutality.
Its time to stop represent the officers who behave with the immunity theyre rendered, both by the long arm of the law, and by usespecially as it were related to Black women and girls.
A video posted by @_the. kiddd on Oct 26, 2015 at 3:04 pm PDT
One prime enabler of Fields acts at Spring Valley High, and a villain du jour in the debates on anti-Black combating racism and violence, is none other than Don Lemon. In his initial on-air reaction, the CNN fixes row of questioning testified so contentious, his call( again) became a top-1 0 veering Twitter topic in the United States, sparking online dialogue about whether or not the young student shouldve been treated in such a manner.
This broadcasted exchange is about more than Don Lemons prolonged stupidity while enveloping racial questions on a major national pulpit .
Id like to know more before passing arbitration, Lemon articulated, a position echoed by many online onlookers in the hours immediately following the liberation of three different inclinations of footage from that Spring Valley classroom. But former federal prosecutor, CNN contributor Sunny Hostinwho happens to be a Black woman, and an expert much more qualified to address the nature of the situationimmediately defied his legal logic.
I dont need to know more, Hostin told, despite Lemons attempts to shush her. The constitution provides that the standard here is whether the policeman has to use this kind of patrol, whether its reasonable and necessary to somehow assure restraint in the school. The bottom line is, Don, this is a young girl in institution. “They dont have” justification for using this kind and it is assault.
The next day, Richmond County Sheriff Leon Lott had similar questions as Hostin, which induced the FBI to open an investigation into the matter on Tuesday.
To be clear, “its about” more than Don Lemonspersistent ignorance while covering racial issues on a major national scaffold. Its about the propensityfrom Black humen in situations of ability, racists with negligent abandon, and staunch polouse guards on the Internetto erase, ignore, or minimise the pain that many Black women and girls face at the mitts of police officers, many of whom are white.
The online defense of Fields too spotlights a pernicious doubled guideline .
Citing Lemons questioning, online users have concealed behind faux-journalistic ethics and a purported need for verification to enable the people who defend Disciplines the most. In a post for the unaffiliated CNN Commentary blog, which Lemon retweeted on Tuesday, the author lauds Lemon hesitantly, calling him for formerly the voice of reason before decrying the trolls( including Hostin) who blared him on Twitter. Lemons reactionone shared by several on social mediawas praised as reasonable and responsible.
But even further, the online defense of Fields likewise highlights a injurious double criterion.
@Nettaaaaaaaa Don Lemon was right for formerly. Chris Hayes is a moron.
Mama P. (@ anniebeans5 9) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @SunnyHostin @donlemon Don you should not have to defend ur point of vue u were& 100% right to say if u were not in the room
sam (@ sammedisam) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @normagenie Actually, @donlemon, you’ve done the right thing, even if it was only accidental. I honour you.
Marie von Astra (@ marievonastra) October 27, 2015
@donlemon delivering a almost perfect thinking just now on @CNN impartial ruling certainly best available CNN has to offer right now
Howard (@ hsmythwithaY) October 27, 2015
Anyone with a lash pulsing could bet their times income that the Internet reactionand maybe even Lemonswould be markedly different if a burly, bodybuilding, Black male police officer roughed up a lily-white, blonde, female student in a high school class. The Internet would be in even bigger uproar calling for the officers ouster, and he wouldve likely been fired without question, even before a formal investigation took shape, as Fields has been afforded.
Yet its officers like Fields who often get the benefit of the doubt from many observers, and even get away with slaughter in special courts. That includes Daniel Holtzclaw in Oklahoma, who are continuing faces indicts for supposedly abusing his supremacy to serially crimes multiple Black maidens. It also includes Eric Casebolt in McKinney, Texas, who resigned after slamming and pinning a teenage Black girl wearing a swimsuit, while utilizing his handgun to scare away concerned bystanders over an suspect consortium defendant quarrel. And lest we not forget Brian Encinia, in Waller County, Texas, who viciously took down an unarmed Sandra Bland over an alleged traffic misdemeanour, dragging her out of her gondola and resulting her to the holding station where molted soon, mysteriously die.
And with the ethnic capacity reversalhad the man been Black and the student been whiteat most any other high school in America, the classroom teacher may have even is seeking to deescalate developments in the situation. The young lady bystanding peers may have defied his authority even more than they did at Spring Valley, where a number of concerned students defiantly recorded the incident on their cell phone.
Officer who violently apprehended student known as “Officer Slam, ” speaks witness #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh #inners https :// t.co /8 DqARYar9H
All In w/ Chris Hayes (@ allinwithchris) October 28, 2015
Ben Fields dating a Black woman has NOTHING to do with his actions. #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh https :// t.co/ 2SqQz50ggM
rolandsmartin (@ rolandsmartin) October 27, 2015
Notably, one of those students1 8-year-old Niya Kenny, a young Black womanwas also arrested for intervene in defense of her classmate.
I was bellowing, What the f, what the f is really happening? I was praying out loud for the girl, she told South Carolinas WLTX, adding that she also preserved the traumatic happen on her cameraphone. I only couldnt believe this was happening, I was just exclaiming, and he articulated, Since “youve had” so much better to say, you are coming too. I simply applied my hands behind my back.
But as Kenny also spotlights, according to reports, Fields has a sick honour for administering female students. Ive listened in the past slammed pregnant women, teenage girlfriends, hes known for throwing, Kenny told MSNBCs Chris Hayes on Tuesday evening , noting that she told fellow classmates to strap in for the purposes of an unsettling occurrence. And granted his violent honour for undue army, Kenny said she also spurred her peers to take out their cell phone to movie an incident that she knew wouldnt dissolve well.
If a surrendering, white supremacist murder suspect can getcoddled into police custody, then young, unarmed Black students should expect more from police officer .
Kennys dreads arent unfounded, after all, contributed Fieldss history of misconduct and ethnic bias. In addition, as the Roots Kristen West-Savali highlights, Black girls in the United States are six times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their lily-white counterparts, per a 2015 reportfrom the African American Policy Forum. As AAPF co-founder and statute professor Kimberle Crenshaw memo in the report, Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced and Underprotected, very concerned about the dangers that Black girls and other girls of hue encounter rarely receive the full courtesy of researchers, counselors, policy makers, and funders.
Indeed, the why does it have to be about hasten protection simply doesnt work in the cases in which ethnic and gender biases, combined, demonstrably play a role in how Black girls are treated in institution fixes. If the challenges of daughters of coloring are to be addressed, then research and policy frameworks must move beyond the notion that all of the young people of coloring who are in crisis are boys, the reports executive summary governments, and that the concerns of white girlfriends are indistinguishable from those of girls of dye.
Black girls accept hugely from overpolicing in schools. Via @aapf: #SpringValleyHigh pic.twitter.com/ aJP4 2m3Ht7
Brittany Packnett (@ MsPackyetti) October 26, 2015
“The narrative that pitch-black daughters are just fine is a dangerous myth.” https :// t.co/ P1LG0WzyEk #BlackGirlsMatter #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Ash Consulting Group (@ AshConsultingGr) October 27, 2015
What will it take for the public to condemn police inhumanity outright, when its a clear and present danger to people of color in America, including and especially Black women and girls? If the Internet has long waited for a intellect, the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh is most certainly a prime one. But, even so, the reasons are irrelevant here, because no man in similar circumstances deserves being brutalized by the police officers who swore protecting children.
If a surrender, white supremacist carnage believe( speak: the Charleston crap-shooter) can getcoddled into police detention and furnished with a bulletproof vestafter murdering several Black church congregants exactly a two-hour drive away from Spring Valley High Schoolthen young, unarmed Black students should expect police officer and government agencies to fully involve their lives with respect and dignity.
Because their Black lives question, even when the Internet bickers otherwise.
Derrick Cliftonis the agent mind editor for the Daily Dot and a New York-based journalist and orator, principally clothing issues of identity, culture, and social right .
Photo via _the.kidd/ Instagram( CC by 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman
Popular on The Daily Dot
You maniacs have wasted nearly 1,300 years watching Adele’s brand-new video in a single week
Here got a few interesting thing you could have done in the meantime .
By Rae Votta — October 28, 2015
The post Why the Internet cannot represent the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2r2t6Fw via IFTTT
0 notes
apsbicepstraining · 8 years ago
Why the Internet cannot represent the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Warning : Such articles contains video that are likely to potentially triggering .
He developed. He received. He brutalized.
In a shaking viral video, Columbia, South Carolina deputy Ben Fields( a grey male police officer the size of an offensive lineman, better known as Officer Slam to students) squints toward an gullible young Black female student at Spring Valley High School. Harmonizing to unconfirmed reports, as the Root notes, she refused to leave the classroom per her teachers requisition, for supposedly not following a few simple guilds: namely, to stop chewing gumor to put away her phone. But that’s irrelevant.
As the footage depicts, the unidentified student is apparently without a artillery. She constitutes no clear and present peril. Shes not even suspected of having committed a violent crimes. Yet Fields, acting as the schools safety officer, enters the classroom to occur on the teaches behalf. Hes barely tries to encourage her partnership, let alone ask for her back of the narration. Instead, Fields instantly picks her up from her table, slings her in the various regions of the chamber, and persists roughing her up after she thuds to the floor.
On face, that alone might be enough for most people on the Internet to respond in feeling, cruelty, or abhorrence with the undue oblige used by the officer against an unarmed high school student. But where theres a will to be ignorant, theres surely a direction. Cue the impulsive, allowed online spectators shaking in to defend law enforcement.
As the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh demonstrates, yet again, the Internet is filled to the brim with people who assert that Black people must have done something to deserve merciless medication from detectives. Since Monday, the hashtag associated with the violent incident has elicitedmore than 150,000 tweets, according to Topsy, but the online sentiment still exposes a broader indifference or unwillingness to condemn anti-Black police brutality.
Its time to stop represent the officers who behave with the immunity theyre rendered, both by the long arm of the law, and by usespecially as it were related to Black women and girls.
A video posted by @_the. kiddd on Oct 26, 2015 at 3:04 pm PDT
One prime enabler of Fields acts at Spring Valley High, and a villain du jour in the debates on anti-Black combating racism and violence, is none other than Don Lemon. In his initial on-air reaction, the CNN fixes row of questioning testified so contentious, his call( again) became a top-1 0 veering Twitter topic in the United States, sparking online dialogue about whether or not the young student shouldve been treated in such a manner.
This broadcasted exchange is about more than Don Lemons prolonged stupidity while enveloping racial questions on a major national pulpit .
Id like to know more before passing arbitration, Lemon articulated, a position echoed by many online onlookers in the hours immediately following the liberation of three different inclinations of footage from that Spring Valley classroom. But former federal prosecutor, CNN contributor Sunny Hostinwho happens to be a Black woman, and an expert much more qualified to address the nature of the situationimmediately defied his legal logic.
I dont need to know more, Hostin told, despite Lemons attempts to shush her. The constitution provides that the standard here is whether the policeman has to use this kind of patrol, whether its reasonable and necessary to somehow assure restraint in the school. The bottom line is, Don, this is a young girl in institution. “They dont have” justification for using this kind and it is assault.
The next day, Richmond County Sheriff Leon Lott had similar questions as Hostin, which induced the FBI to open an investigation into the matter on Tuesday.
To be clear, “its about” more than Don Lemonspersistent ignorance while covering racial issues on a major national scaffold. Its about the propensityfrom Black humen in situations of ability, racists with negligent abandon, and staunch polouse guards on the Internetto erase, ignore, or minimise the pain that many Black women and girls face at the mitts of police officers, many of whom are white.
The online defense of Fields too spotlights a pernicious doubled guideline .
Citing Lemons questioning, online users have concealed behind faux-journalistic ethics and a purported need for verification to enable the people who defend Disciplines the most. In a post for the unaffiliated CNN Commentary blog, which Lemon retweeted on Tuesday, the author lauds Lemon hesitantly, calling him for formerly the voice of reason before decrying the trolls( including Hostin) who blared him on Twitter. Lemons reactionone shared by several on social mediawas praised as reasonable and responsible.
But even further, the online defense of Fields likewise highlights a injurious double criterion.
@Nettaaaaaaaa Don Lemon was right for formerly. Chris Hayes is a moron.
Mama P. (@ anniebeans5 9) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @SunnyHostin @donlemon Don you should not have to defend ur point of vue u were& 100% right to say if u were not in the room
sam (@ sammedisam) October 28, 2015
@Mediaite @normagenie Actually, @donlemon, you’ve done the right thing, even if it was only accidental. I honour you.
Marie von Astra (@ marievonastra) October 27, 2015
@donlemon delivering a almost perfect thinking just now on @CNN impartial ruling certainly best available CNN has to offer right now
Howard (@ hsmythwithaY) October 27, 2015
Anyone with a lash pulsing could bet their times income that the Internet reactionand maybe even Lemonswould be markedly different if a burly, bodybuilding, Black male police officer roughed up a lily-white, blonde, female student in a high school class. The Internet would be in even bigger uproar calling for the officers ouster, and he wouldve likely been fired without question, even before a formal investigation took shape, as Fields has been afforded.
Yet its officers like Fields who often get the benefit of the doubt from many observers, and even get away with slaughter in special courts. That includes Daniel Holtzclaw in Oklahoma, who are continuing faces indicts for supposedly abusing his supremacy to serially crimes multiple Black maidens. It also includes Eric Casebolt in McKinney, Texas, who resigned after slamming and pinning a teenage Black girl wearing a swimsuit, while utilizing his handgun to scare away concerned bystanders over an suspect consortium defendant quarrel. And lest we not forget Brian Encinia, in Waller County, Texas, who viciously took down an unarmed Sandra Bland over an alleged traffic misdemeanour, dragging her out of her gondola and resulting her to the holding station where molted soon, mysteriously die.
And with the ethnic capacity reversalhad the man been Black and the student been whiteat most any other high school in America, the classroom teacher may have even is seeking to deescalate developments in the situation. The young lady bystanding peers may have defied his authority even more than they did at Spring Valley, where a number of concerned students defiantly recorded the incident on their cell phone.
Officer who violently apprehended student known as “Officer Slam, ” speaks witness #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh #inners https :// t.co /8 DqARYar9H
All In w/ Chris Hayes (@ allinwithchris) October 28, 2015
Ben Fields dating a Black woman has NOTHING to do with his actions. #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh https :// t.co/ 2SqQz50ggM
rolandsmartin (@ rolandsmartin) October 27, 2015
Notably, one of those students1 8-year-old Niya Kenny, a young Black womanwas also arrested for intervene in defense of her classmate.
I was bellowing, What the f, what the f is really happening? I was praying out loud for the girl, she told South Carolinas WLTX, adding that she also preserved the traumatic happen on her cameraphone. I only couldnt believe this was happening, I was just exclaiming, and he articulated, Since “youve had” so much better to say, you are coming too. I simply applied my hands behind my back.
But as Kenny also spotlights, according to reports, Fields has a sick honour for administering female students. Ive listened in the past slammed pregnant women, teenage girlfriends, hes known for throwing, Kenny told MSNBCs Chris Hayes on Tuesday evening , noting that she told fellow classmates to strap in for the purposes of an unsettling occurrence. And granted his violent honour for undue army, Kenny said she also spurred her peers to take out their cell phone to movie an incident that she knew wouldnt dissolve well.
If a surrendering, white supremacist murder suspect can getcoddled into police custody, then young, unarmed Black students should expect more from police officer .
Kennys dreads arent unfounded, after all, contributed Fieldss history of misconduct and ethnic bias. In addition, as the Roots Kristen West-Savali highlights, Black girls in the United States are six times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their lily-white counterparts, per a 2015 reportfrom the African American Policy Forum. As AAPF co-founder and statute professor Kimberle Crenshaw memo in the report, Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced and Underprotected, very concerned about the dangers that Black girls and other girls of hue encounter rarely receive the full courtesy of researchers, counselors, policy makers, and funders.
Indeed, the why does it have to be about hasten protection simply doesnt work in the cases in which ethnic and gender biases, combined, demonstrably play a role in how Black girls are treated in institution fixes. If the challenges of daughters of coloring are to be addressed, then research and policy frameworks must move beyond the notion that all of the young people of coloring who are in crisis are boys, the reports executive summary governments, and that the concerns of white girlfriends are indistinguishable from those of girls of dye.
Black girls accept hugely from overpolicing in schools. Via @aapf: #SpringValleyHigh pic.twitter.com/ aJP4 2m3Ht7
Brittany Packnett (@ MsPackyetti) October 26, 2015
“The narrative that pitch-black daughters are just fine is a dangerous myth.” https :// t.co/ P1LG0WzyEk #BlackGirlsMatter #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh
Ash Consulting Group (@ AshConsultingGr) October 27, 2015
What will it take for the public to condemn police inhumanity outright, when its a clear and present danger to people of color in America, including and especially Black women and girls? If the Internet has long waited for a intellect, the #AssaultAtSpringValleyHigh is most certainly a prime one. But, even so, the reasons are irrelevant here, because no man in similar circumstances deserves being brutalized by the police officers who swore protecting children.
If a surrender, white supremacist carnage believe( speak: the Charleston crap-shooter) can getcoddled into police detention and furnished with a bulletproof vestafter murdering several Black church congregants exactly a two-hour drive away from Spring Valley High Schoolthen young, unarmed Black students should expect police officer and government agencies to fully involve their lives with respect and dignity.
Because their Black lives question, even when the Internet bickers otherwise.
Derrick Cliftonis the agent mind editor for the Daily Dot and a New York-based journalist and orator, principally clothing issues of identity, culture, and social right .
Photo via _the.kidd/ Instagram( CC by 2.0) | Remix by Max Fleishman
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By Rae Votta — October 28, 2015
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