Your name is JOHN EGBERT, and you are the LAST...
115 posts
Your name is JOHN EGBERT and you are the LAST. You no longer count the years, but some time ago the Green Miles destroyed ALL LIFE in the INCIPISPHERE, including you. As you were the only of the players to ascend to godhood, you resurrected, only to find yourself completely and utterly ALONE with seven DEAD PLANETS. You have a WIDE VARIETY of INTERESTS, including hunting for GHOSTS of your dead friends and anyone, really, ECTOBIOLOGY of them, and GENETIC ENGINEERING in an attempt to respawn anything in the incipisphere at all. You have also managed to set up COMMUNICATIONS with various alternate universes where some of your FRIENDS are still alive. Under the recommendation of a ROSE LALONDE, you began this ASK BLOG so you would not “descend into the madness inherent in loneliness.” You’re not MAD and you’re not LONELY. Yet. After all, hope springs eternal that you will BREATHE LIFE into these DEAD LANDS.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: you should bother me on pesterchum!
EB: im exogenicBiologist there, too!
EB: ...
EB: please?
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
If you want to RP with me but aren't in the same fandom don't let that hold you back. This blog is multi-fandom friendly
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: i never expected rocket science and brain surgery to actually be this difficult!
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: you need a frog to win.
EB: the thing that killed everything killed all the frogs, so no frog, no win.
EB: also i think magic rings and a volcano have something to do with it.
EB: after everyone died i threw the magic rings in the volcano, because that's what you do with magic rings that kill everyone, right?
EB: but that kind of.
EB: well.
EB: destroyed both the rings and the volcano.
EB: so whatever they were supposed to do, they obviously can't do that anymore.
EB: i used to have hope that i could win this game.
EB: but that's the thing.
EB: what does it even mean to win?
EB: it's not like i can go home.
EB: it's not like i can bring anybody back.
EB: the win the game is setting me up for is meaningless.
EB: but.
EB: maybe i can win by my own standards.
EB: well it’s more like you’re chained down in a room and forced to play snakes and ladders or something equally inane.
EB: but suddenly the board catches fire, and everything burns up, the pieces melt, whatever.
EB: you can’t really play anymore…
EB: and yet, they won’t let you leave because there’s no winner.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: well it's more like you're chained down in a room and forced to play snakes and ladders or something equally inane.
EB: but suddenly the board catches fire, and everything burns up, the pieces melt, whatever.
EB: you can't really play anymore...
EB: and yet, they won't let you leave because there's no winner.
EB: i don’t know.
EB: i guess i could figure it out.
EB: i’m technically still playing.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
reblog if it's okay to start talking to you
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: it was only possible because sempai finally noticed me, you know.
EB: a flurry of sakura flowers cuts across the screen!
EB: end scene.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: oh that's too bad. :/
EB: then again.
EB: it might be a failsafe.
EB: indeed you are.
EB: do those miracles go to the point of, say, self-replication?
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: a flurry of sakura flowers cuts across the screen!
EB: end scene.
EB: you say it, but how do i know if you mean it, sempai?
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: you say it, but how do i know if you mean it, sempai?
EB: now i’m hurt :(
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: now i'm hurt :(
EB: yes there is.
EB: it’s cute that even if you can’t do it you still threaten me anyway.
EB: idle threats are like.
EB: the definition of cute.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: indeed you are.
EB: do those miracles go to the point of, say, self-replication?
EB: oh look! it’s not just any robot.
EB: it’s a /sassbot./
EB: neat.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: yes there is.
EB: it's cute that even if you can't do it you still threaten me anyway.
EB: idle threats are like.
EB: the definition of cute.
EB: you might want to get to work on that then!
EB: because until you can, your idle threats are nothing but adorable.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: oh look! it's not just any robot.
EB: it's a /sassbot./
EB: neat.
automatonophilia started following exogenicbiologist
EB: hey look it’s a robot!
EB: who… is also apparently sexually attracted to other robots?
EB: isn’t that kind of a normal thing for robots?
EB: or…
EB: er.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
Tumblr media
automatonophilia started following exogenicbiologist
EB: hey look it's a robot!
EB: who... is also apparently sexually attracted to other robots?
EB: isn't that kind of a normal thing for robots?
EB: or...
EB: er.
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: you might want to get to work on that then!
EB: because until you can, your idle threats are nothing but adorable.
EB: well you’re not doing it because you can’t, can you?
EB: if you did, well, that would be really fucking impressive.
EB: and my jaw would already be broken from shock before you even managed to get a strike in edgewise.
EB: but.
EB: you can’t.
EB: can you?
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exogenicbiologist-blog · 13 years ago
EB: well you're not doing it because you can't, can you?
EB: if you did, well, that would be really fucking impressive.
EB: and my jaw would already be broken from shock before you even managed to get a strike in edgewise.
EB: but.
EB: you can't.
EB: can you?
EB: i’d like to see you try.
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