#that is the haemey way
haemey · 1 month
Ask game my lovely mutual:
Falafel, Bentley, Alpha Centauri
(I had to recite these over and over in my head like a spell so I wouldnt forget them by the time I got to your inbox)
And now I shall have to do the same when I go back to the post to see what they mean... thanks for asking :D
Buckle up, this is a long one
Falafel - a thought I can never seem to outrun.
For me, that would be just your basic, everyday, run-of-the-mill existential dread. I just finished my studies at university and I don't have a job lined up this season. My executive dysfunction makes it hard to send out applications. And there's a bunch of other stuff I need to think of - get my own health insurance (not US, thank someone), find some students to get some money in, figure out how taxes work as a freelance musician and vocal teacher, find an agent, register as unemployed, etc. It's a lot. And all of it is stuff that shouldn't be too difficult. It's a bunch of small, relatively easy tasks. But I just can't seem to get myself to do them. Meanwhile, time is passing and the little voice in my head that goes "are you sure you're cut out for this job?" is getting louder. It's not exactly impostor syndrome - I know I'm good enough. It's more just me listening to the bullies in my own mind.
What a cheerful note to start on! Yay!
Bentley - my most prized possession.
This is a difficult one. In terms of most expensive, it's probably my e-piano. It's almost a decade and a half old by now, but it's still really good, even compared to the ones on the market now. It cost almost 2.5k€ when it was new. I didn't buy it myself, though - it was a gift from someone who wanted to support my plans to become a singer. Which is kind of crazy.
When it comes to emotional value, it's more difficult to say. I'm a bit of a hoarder and I have a hard time letting go of stuff, but I'm also not super attached to anything? Maybe the necklace my sister gave me for my birthday. It's a tiny heart-shaped pendant with an opal in it. The stone is from my late grandma's wedding ring. It had two, and my sister had both of them made into necklaces, one for me and one for her.
Alpha Centauri - where do I run off to when it feels like the end of the world?
Honestly, my bed. I tend to hole up and hibernate when things get tough. Which isn't the best strategy to deal with stress, especially when said stress comes from things needing to be done. I used to flee into games like Animal Crossing or Breath of the Wild, but I'm kind of burnt out from those. So now, it's tea, my beloved plushie I've had for like 18 years, a bunch of pillows, and fanfiction, until my mom calls and tells me to come home for the weekend. She has a weird talent for calling when I least want her to (which is to say when I actually most need her to)... and then I tell her I'll see if I can make it, because I have so much stuff to do (which is usually true, becaude I've let it build up), and of course I make the time, and I go to her place for the weekend, and I still won't feel good, but it's a little better.
Aaaand now I'm crying. PMS at 2:30am be hitting hard, yo
Was that too much information?
Sorry, not sorry
Damn, you really picked the heavy ones forst, huh 😅
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haemey · 2 months
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@knifeforkspooncup and I got up to some silliness, I went "ok who's gonna write that fic" and well... this happened:
The newest addition to Credo. The title, which I'm treating rather improperly, translates to "Of all things visible and invisible."
Rated G, 5.8k words, making this the longest part of Credo to date.
Tags: Post-Scene: Soho 1967 (Good Omens), the inherent romanticism of crime, cereal as a love language, Comedy, Oneshot. Bickering, bickerflirting, POV Crowley, with a tiny bit of, POV Aziraphale, Ineffable Idiots, innuendos, the inherent eroticism of sugary cereal, does this count as, Crowley has a food kink, Author apologises, Author regrets nothing, author spent an inordinate amount of time not very successfully researching sixties cereal branding, Mention of specific branded cereals, hashtag not sponsored, tiny reference to, Period-Accurate Homophobia, Blink and you'll miss it, silliness, Crack Treated Seriously, Footnotes
Two years after Aziraphale stopped Crowley's... caper on the church, he's getting the crew back together for a different heist. Cereal-based silliness ensues.
Excerpt: “By the way, Crowley, I can’t help but notice that you seem to have taken a liking to… eating breakfast? Only, I didn’t think you had such a sweet tooth.” Blessit all. “Uh, nope. Nah. Not much for cereal, me.” He pulled a disinterested grimace, but in the face of several kilos of the stuff in his car, this was rather ineffective. And a little pathetic. Why did the angel have to show up right then, anyway? “I’m on an assignment, is what I am. Yep. Y’know, make a few parent’s lives harder by buying up all of their kids’ favourite cereal.” A thought occurred to him and he grinned at Aziraphale. “So really, you’re enabling an evil deed, here.” “Oh dear!” Aziraphale looked conflicted for a moment, then brightened right up again. “Well… really, those children should not be eating this much sugar, anyway. We’re really doing them a favour!” “Ngk.”
I had an inordinate amount of fun writing this. Half the time I was just cackling to myself :D
I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
Tagging @goodomensafterdark again, thank you~
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