#that happens when I get fixated… I read way too fast
animehideout · 7 months
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Check out part 12 here
Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
warnings ⚠️: not proofread / abuse / SA just something vague not detailed.
a/n : I truly apologize for this late update, I was really unmotivated to rewrite it and I was struggling to find inspiration again, I'm sorry if this part didn't live up to your expectations but I read hope you like it though, I tried to make it longer but I ran out of ideas 🥹.
Music Suggestion 🎧
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Satoru stood tall, alone in the balcony, his gaze fixated on the sky, lost in the depth if his own thoughts. The weight of regret hung heavy upon his shoulders, a burden he could no longer bear.
His mind played your last fight that night on loop, making him hate himself even more. He remembered his harsh words, actions and disrespect towards you. Forcefully shutting his eyes to make those images and voices that's been haunting him go away.
Unwelcomed thoughts yet impossible to ignore. Blaming himself over and over again for what happened to you, torturing himself to madness.
"It's my fucking fault" he muttered,
In all that darkness, the image of your face in his mind was the only source of light. The delicate curve of your smile whenever you were around your students etched in his memory. He remembered the way you slept, features softened by the gentle embrace of your slumber, your passion for teaching and your daily excitement to show your students a new weapon and new technique.
You were a vision of peace amidst the chaos he was living. He realized then how life became emptier after your disappearance, the void your absence had left in every bit of his life. He realized how much he fell for you, he realized that hatred was deeply buried by the birth of his love for you.
With a heavy heart, he bowed his head, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. For three days, his eyes wide open, unable to sleep without you under the same roof as him, cuddling a piece of your clothing every single night to take into your scent, to pretend that you were there, next to him.
Clutching his fists, his knuckles turned white , whispering a plea for forgiveness, a forgiveness he might never receive.
"I'm sorry Y/n.."
. ..
"Y-yaga sensei?" said Gojo wiping his tears away,
"Can I join you?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"What's on your mind? Still blaming yourself?"
"Do I have anything else to do except blaming myself?"
"I'm sorry for your loss Satoru" said Principal Yaga apologetically,
"I didn't lose her, she's still out there, somewhere! I know it, I'm sure of it, I can feel it"
"Pain is eating you up Satoru, you know you should let go already–"
"Let go? Easier said than done. How can all of you let go so fast as if she never existed?" he said in annoyance
"The higher ups orders, to not distract the sorcerers' focus from their daily tasks"
"Bullshit, –"
"Satoru I understand your pain"
"No you don't, none of you does! I did this to her, I built the wall between both of us brick by brick till it collapsed on both of us, she got abducted by Toji and here I am suffering everyday.. I just wish I can turn back time and undo the damage I had done"
"Is this because of regret or something else?" asked Principal Yaga
Gojo looked down, not sure of what to say, mastering the courage he finally spoke,
"I– I love her, sensei! I love Y/n so much, I just hope it's not too late to realize this because I really want to fix everything–"
Yaga sensei looked at Gojo with a reassuring yet sad smile, deep down, everyone accepted that you died except Gojo., and he didn't want him to hang on fake hope.
"I know what you're about to say, but I won't let go, I won't give up even if the higher ups chain me down.... I thought she was a curse when we got married but I think I am her curse, I was her curse while she was my blessing–"
"I hope you're right Satoru, I hope she's still out there as you said, I hope you get a second chance to be a real family"
*In Mei Mei's room*
"Look at this" said Maki her eyebrows frowning in confusion,
"Who's that in the picture?" asked Nobara as confused as Maki,
Both of them examined the photograph, their eyes flickered between the picture and each other in silence. In the picture a woman smiled serenely as she cradled a baby in her embrace.
Maki shrugged equally perplexed,
"I have no idea, do you think it's a family member?"
Their senses were on high alert as they scanned every corner of her room for any sign of wrongdoing, something out of the ordinary. They found that picture tucked under her bed after they flipped the mattress while searching for anything suspicious.
"And this stack of money? Didn't know she's got all of this cash here" added Nobara.
"And this box as well"
Intrigued, they opened it. As they lifted the lid of the box, a firegun revealed itself, its metallic surface gleaming ominously in the dim light.
"A g-gun?" started Nobara as she looked at Maki in shock, "what would she use it for?"
"Definitely not hers, why would a sorcerer with a jujutsu technique depend on a gun" she pointed out.
"Good point, so if its not hers then to whom does it belong to?" asked Nobara
"There's only one way to figure it out, but now let's take the gun, the damn photograph and get out of here" said Maki as she put he mattress in its place again.
"GOJO-SENSEI" called Nobara out as she caught a glimpse of Gojo in the balcony "Sensei you need to see this"
"Hm? Nobara? Maki?"
"Gojo" said Maki as she saw Gojo with principal Yaga in the balcony "We found something–"
but before she could finish her sentence,
"Any news?" interrupted Mei Mei as she stepped in the balcony out of nowhere..
Maki and Nobara exchanged quick nervous glances, their eyes darting between each other as they attempt to maintain composure. Hiding what they took from her room behind their backs. Their expressions strain with the effort to appear nonchalant, but a subtle tension lingers in the air. Lips pressed into strained smiles,
"Nah nothing new" said Maki while Nobara nodded in agreement.
"Hm you sure about that? I thought I heard you said you found something, is it about Y/n? " asked Mei raising her eyebrows,
"What if we did? Is it really your concern?" exclaimed Maki offensively, only to get elbowed softly by Nobara,
"We found nothing important Mei Mei sensei, of course if we did we'd tell you" exclaimed Nobara, chuckling awkwardly.
"Oh alright then girls," she said luckily not giving too much important to the girls, then paused and drifted her gaze towards Gojo, "how are you holding up Gojo? I hope you're in the process of moving on" she added
Gojo's eyes burned holes in her soul, but he tried to remain calm,
"I'm fine"
"That's what all of us would like to hear, glad you let go" she said and then excused herself to go to her room,
Then moment she left, Maki ran towards Gojo and Yaga, showing them what they found,
"We found these–"
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE FROM?" snapped Gojo unexpectedly, his eyes widened as he snatched the gun and photograph form Maki's hands,
"Damn Satoru what's got into you, relax!" exclaimed Yaga-sensei,
"W-we.." stuttered Nobara
"How did you get these? they were well hidden"
"Well hidden under Mei Mei's bed?" asked Maki in confusion
"What? what did you just say?" said Gojo and Yaga in union
"We found these under Mei Mei's bed, the gun hidden in a box , tucked beside that photograph and a pile of cash, do you possibly know to whom it belongs?"
"These belong to Toji Zenin" said Satoru
Maki and Nobara froze in place, trying to process what Gojo just said,
"T-toji?" they said in disbelief,
"This gun was used by Toji to murder Riko Amanai, and these in the picture are Megumi and his mother–" explained Yaga sensei
"It can only be one thing" expressed Gojo through gritted teeth, "She must be behind it" he added and started walking away, thinking about confronting her,
"GOJO STOP!" yelled Yaga sensei, holding Gojo in place, "What's happened to your common sense? vanished?"
"We can't assume anything now sensei!" said Nobara
"So all of this isn't enough to assume that she's got some dirty work with Toji Zenin going on behind our backs?" said Gojo aggressively
"Okay you're right, it is suspicious but we need a plan! a proper plan, do you think she'll admit it if you confront her? she'll find a lie and you'll never find the truth, not out of her! We need to know more about her first" explained Maki
"Know what?" asked Gojo impatiently
"I mean, Toji has nothing right? not even a house, do you think if he'd take Y/n to a hotel room after abducting her? Mei Mei must have provided a place for him" she added
"So if we can't ask her, how would we know?" asked Nobara,
"We ask her best friend" Suggest Maki shrugging,
"Is it ringing?" asked Yaga sensei,
"Yeah shh it is" said Gojo waiting for her to pick up the phone, "–Oh hello" he said through the phone
"Gojo? Hi what's up calling me late at night, is everything okay?"
"Utahime, yeah everything is fine, we just need you here, if it's possible can you make here in one hour at least?"
"Well I can, but is it an emergency?"
"Um it's– it's about Mei Mei, we're preparing a party for her and we need your help"
"A party? It's not even her birthday yet–"
"It's for her service, it's a habit here in Jujutsu High to hold a party for a teacher to honor them, and this time it's Mei Mei, she did a lot for us and for the school, besides it's the higher ups orders so..."
"Oh the higher ups? sure then I'll be there in an hour"
"Don't tell Mei Mei that you're coming though, it must remain a surprise, now we don't wanna spoil it"
"So should be meet outside the school?"
"Sure yeah, you can come to my house?!"
"Oh alright then, I'll be there"
With that they hung up the phone,
"She'll be here in one hour, I hope we can get her to talk"
"I hope she's not part of Mei Mei's plan though" Said Nobara.
"Don't you think we must tell the others? Maybe we need some backup?" suggested Maki
"Yeah, but some of them need to stay here to keep an eye on Mei Mei" said principal Yaga
"Alright, I'll go and tell them then,"
*Time skip, at Gojo's house*
They sat there, Gojo, Nanami, Maki and Megumi waiting for Utahime's arrival.
"You've got a nice and big house" pointed Maki
"Yeah but never a happy house" mumbled Gojo to himself,
"Do you think she'll tell us more about her?" asked Megumi and suddenly the bell rang,
"I guess we'll find out now!" said Nanami,
"So Utahime, I hope you corporate!" started Gojo not wasting any precious second,
"Corporate? you make it sound like if we're discussing business, and not preparing for a surprise party! it's a p-party right?"
she chuckled nervously,
"Not really! you need to tell us more about Mei Mei, some information that we don't know about"
"wait? what?" she asked nervously
"Is she meeting someone? did she tell you about something?"
"Gojo wait! why are you asking about this? I mean she lives there in the school dorms as well, so I guess you know more than I do"
"I don't think so, she's you're best friend she must have told you something about her plan?" said Maki
"Plan? what plan?"
"Ah come on Utahime dont play dumb"
"No for real! what plan, I thought you had a plan with her , Gojo to push Y/n away!"
"What? NO. I'm talking about her dirty plan with Toji"
"Toji? wait what's going on?" she said truly confused
"STOP LYING AND ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, IF YOU'RE PART OF HER DIRTY GAME I'LL END BOTH OF YOU" exclaimed Gojo angrily, making Utahime step back, growing more and more impatient.
"Hey hey Gojo calm down, what's wrong with you? I understand you're frustrated but that's not the right way to find answers!" said Maki and the others nodded in agreement,
"Megumi please take him to the balcony while me and Maki handle this, he needs to calm down" suggest Nanami,
Megumi did as he said and took Gojo to get some fresh night air,
"Geez, you really developed anger issues, you were more laid back even in risky situations Gojo" started Megumi
"Not anymore, people change and I've changed"
"Y/n sensei is dear to all of us, so I am eager too to know where she is, and I truly understand how you feel"
"No Gumi, you don't, you don't understand because I'm not just sad, I'm feeling extremely guilty, because it's my damn fault"
"I'm feeling guilty too" said Megumi lowering his head,
"Hm? what for ? you're pretty close to Y/n and you're good friends not only a student and his teacher–"
"It's my father, he's the one who abducted her and only God knows what he's doing to her, I don't wanna even think about it. Is there any greater shame than this?" he said his voice cracking,
"Hey Megumi! look at me, your father's actions has nothing to do with you, he's the one who abducted her not you! you've always been nice and kind to Y/n. Sometimes family does things that we are ashamed of and completely in opposition of it but it doesn't mean we're like them just because we're related by blood, you are what you're truly in here" he said and pointed at Megumi's heart "And I know well what's in there Megumi! I raised you and I've seen you grow up to be a loyal, strong and kind hearted man! you're the complete opposite of your father so don't ever compare yourself to him again" said Gojo with a smile,
"If it's his fault, then why are you blaming yourself Gojo?"
"Because I'm the reason she left that night! I've said too many hurtful words, no one can handle to hear, no one deserves to hear but I was too agitated, too overwhelmed by my mixed feelings, trying to push her away from me over and over again–"
"Why? why'd you push her away from you? couldn't you have tried at least? maybe after what you've been through you were destined to finally find happiness with her! "
"My heart was a messy place to make it a comfortable place for her!"
"Was? so what changed now?"
"I want to try to make it comfortable for both of us, I want t-t to– nevermind! I have to find her, I have to make it up for her"
"I understand and we will find her, Y/n is strong I'm sure she's safe wherever she is" reassured Megumi, trying to lift Gojo's spirit again,
"So Utahime, we really need you to corporate so you better put that bestie thing with Mei Mei aside cuz this is a life or death matter!" begun Maki,
"Toji escaped and we think that Mei Mei had a hand in this" added Nanami
"No way! Why would Mei Mei do that? I mean you know what Toji had done to the Jujutsu world!"
"We know, but we know that when people are full of hate are full of unexpected things!"
"Nanami what's wrong? what happened?"
"It's Y/n! Toji abducted her, and we found Toji's gun under Mei Mei's bed, even though it was well hidden.. do you still think she's got nothing to do with that?"
Her eyes wide open in shock and disbelief, her mouth hanging open, sad expressions drawn on her face,
"W-what? I didn't know I swear to God! I've – I've never thought it will go that way, I've never thought she could fall this far" she expressed her feelings, her heart crushing, she's never expected her long time best friend would do or be part of such thing, to betray the Jujutsu community.
"That's why we need your help! You know how important Y/n is to our world! we can't lose her" said Nanami "So please if you know anything, any place she owns, any small details tell us, we really need to know"
With a deep breath, she started thinking, trying to remember if Mei Mei told her anything,
"I remember she bought a house! but that was weeks ago!!"
"A house?"
"Yeah, she said she might settle in Tokyo if things went well between her and Gojo–"
"She's truly delusion" interrupted Maki rolling her eyes,
"Where is this house?" asked Nanami
"I'll take you there" said Utahime determined to help.
Despite being best friends with Mei Mei, her morals were more important! she's too loyal to the Jujutsu World and committed to the greater good, she knows about the prophecy and she can't afford to witness another loss on the Jujutsu community part.
"I'll go and tell Gojo and Megumi then– maybe Y/n is there"
[ Kill her, and I'll bring your cash tomorrow when I see her lifeless body ]
Read Toji through the message that he received,
"See! I'm ordered to kill you now! How much trouble did you cause her for her to free me from the prison just to torture you and kill you" he said with a smirk
"F-fuck you and fuck her" you said through gritted teeth as you were thrown on the floor, your body hurting from the chains that were tied around your wrists and feet.
your lips and nose bleeding after hours of tortures,
"And you still got that attitude, after being beaten up? If I were you I wouldn't act so brave.."
"You'll never be me Toji! we're both considered inferior in the Jujutsu world but I learned how to be the real me and not what others want me to be, I didn't let others to order me around and kill people–"
"Are you trying to save yourself? and convince me to not kill you"
"no, I know I can't be saved, not just now but for a long time ago, but you know the funny thing is that we actually have something else in common beside being monkeys" you joked offensively trying to get on his nerves, you're going to die anyway so why'd you not offend him, you were tired if being stepped on so why not talk back.
"what?" he said in anticipation as he kneeled down,
"Both our families are disappointed in us, I disappointed my parents and you disappointed your son, Megumi, nice kid he's nothing like you–"
And you struck a sensitive nerve in him,
You started laughing when you saw his face dropped and his expressions changed, your stomach hurts whenever you laughed he probably had broken some of yours ribs.
The you paused,
"Do it Toji. Do what you were assigned for, no one will come to my rescue anyway, do it, kill me" you said in a serious tone,
"Change in plan, let me have my fun with you before I take the light out of your eyes"
"You still have time for fun? the dawn will break soon–"
"Oh I know princess, don't you worry about it, I know I can't delay the sunlight but I know how to make the night even more darker... and you were right, Megumi's probably disappointed in me but lemme tell you something–" he paused and leaned forward, his face a few inches away from yours "That's who I truly am, a beast that preys on the weak, and you are weak Y/n no matter how hard you try to come off as strong"
he said and he reached to take off your shirt,
Your heart beats quickened, you thought he'd torture you in another way, and not attempt to do something filthy to you,
"No -no! I'd rather die" you said trying your best to break free from his grasp, but his huge body got you pinned down,
"What? you're not a fan of big guys? or your pathetic ass is loyal to a husband who's never paid attention to your existence?" he said looking you deep in the eyes, his huge hands circling around your neck, posing pressure on it,
You couldn't deny the pain and disappointment you felt. You really hoped Gojo would appear and save you, you wished he cared for you. You couldn't deny that you wanted Gojo; your husband to be your first time and not with someone who would brutally kill you after taking what he wants.
You'd die even before he kills you.
"no don't " you whispered, loosing your voice as his grip around your neck tightened, making it hard to breathe.
All what you can feel is the weight of Toji's body being removed from on top of you.
Toji's body forcefully thrown on the ground, your blurry eyes trying to focus on the figure standing right in front of you, slowly approaching you,
"Damn baby what did he do to you?" he said softly, softly brushing his finger over your bleeding lip.
"S-satoru, y-you came!" you whispered, your vision darkening and ears ringing,
"Of course I'm here with you, Y/n! Y/N !!!!!no no Y/N WAKE UP" he yelled as he held you in his arms.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, your surroundings sharpening into details again, gulping with difficulty.
A serum attached to your vein,
"Sensei" said Yuji "Guys she's awake"
With that all of them circled around the bed you were laying on, their eyes look directly at you, greeting you with sincere smiles.
"How are you feeling?" asked Megumi.
You tried to leave the bed but they forced you to lay back. You looked around scanning the place, you were in the hospital, Shoko must have treated your wounds, everyone was there except your husband, Satoru.
Tag list ✨
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @olivianyx @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
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obsessive-evie · 7 months
go thank @iminlovewithpaigebueckers, i also completely stole the formatting from her. ty twin
gf!kate def overheard you say/like a post that said hey mamas or mama, so she waits until she has you a little cocky to call you mamas just to see what happens it becomes her new addiction, especially lil mamas
gf!kate is a little shit
gf!kate sends you little facebook mom selfies whenever she travels
^^and/or vlogs and recaps when you guys can’t ft
gf!kate will learn your whole skincare routine just in case you need her to do it when you’re drunk
gf!kate appreciates feminine things and girly things: “i like that little sparkle, the white glitter it’s pretty,” while pointing to your inner corner highlight.
“you smell good,” when she catches you in passing or just when you’ve finished getting ready.
will sit on your bed helping you choose outfits… and will also cover her eyes when you get changed, all panicked just in case you don’t wanna be seen. doesn’t matter if you tell her it’s fine (she’s literally seen every inch of your skin) she’s sitting there with her hands over her eyes no peeking (maybe a single peek)
gf!kate will actually respect if you wanna pay or dress more masculine, she gets it. no stereotypes here!!
gf!kate will braid or curl your hair just to show her love and stare at you
^^^ for my textured hair girlies this includes how to do your edges!!! what products she needs to use on you!! how much!!!!
gf!kate is very white. gf kate will not understand certain slang or terms until you explain it to her. gf kate gets excited when she uses said slang correctly
gf!kate would make an attempt to read your favorite book when she’s traveling (i said attempt idk if she’s finish it i don’t know if she’s a reader or not) in my head she is simply bc i read a book a day and i make the rules here
gf!kate will also try your music taste!!
gf!kate loves buying her girl lingerie. she doesn’t give a FUCK abt prices or if you’re nervy. kinda goes with the femininity thing, she’d like to see you in lacey things and pretty colors and such
gf!kate is the biggest hype woman, genuinely thinks you are perfect (BUT IS STILL A WOMAN AND WILL UNDERSTAND HORMONES AND INSECURITIES)
gf!kate is a fan of traditional things: flowers, treating her girl to date nights she plans, she’s always driving, lowkey would ask your parent/parent figure/ important person in your life to marry you, not in a possessive way but in the way that she thinks it’s polite and necessary
gf!kate loves visiting her girls family, and they love her, no matter how crazy they are
gf!kate can fixate on your boobs or thighs or hips and just lay and kiss for forever they’re her fav place to nap, and let’s be real my girls napping a lot
gf!kate likes to hover and stare and just watch you do your thing in your habitat (you call her national geographic for a reason)
gf kate lovesssss to give head, she just loves making you feel good and making you squirm, she also loves hearing you get loud, won’t ask you to be loud tho. but she’ll never tell you to not cover your mouth if you try to cover it, she just takes it as you trying to stay comfortable
gf kate will braid your hair before fucking you so she has something to pull 🫣
gf kate tries really hard to stay more controlling when she’s topping but she still gets shy sometimes and is also dying (she’s so turned on she can barely think)
gf kate is kind of afraid to be mean to you, she just feels too bad
gf kate will never proposition sex, she might hint at it or have that look in her eye, but she’d rather sit and be horny than ask you when you don’t want to
gf kate would go so far as to get herself off in the bathroom or shower just so she doesn’t bother you if she knows you’re not in the mood or on your period
gf kate gets worked up fast but tries to take it slower to make her girl feel good
gf kate likes phone calls and guided/mutual masterbation
gf kate takes a whilleeeeee to stop being shy when you top, specifically when you go down on her she’s so nervous and can’t look at you (go check out my fic if you like this one)
gf kate cannot handle it when you kiss her neck, like at all. especially when she’s fucking you if you kiss her neck she’d get all breathy and try to pretend like she doesn’t keep stalling and pausing her thrusts
gf kate also cannot handle it when you bite or kiss her shoulders, arms, and back. like that’s the way to get her to melt
gf kate will eat her girl out to hozier, fuck her girl to hozier, and let her girl fuck her to hozier
gf kate is adorable
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cinnamonest · 5 months
hii!! do you think any gnsn yandere would go for anal with the intention of making it very pleasant for darling? like, "I'm telling you, it can feel so good" and "I read about it" (<- that's definitely Haitham lol) and maybe "I know what I'm talking about"
Yessss he would! Alhaitham thinks himself The Expert™ and that any fears you have are silly and unfounded. He takes the matter very seriously and has actually done his research, which, while he can be very annoying at his pretentiousness and stubbornness about it, is actually reassuring, because he does actually know what he’s doing, makes sure he gets in at an angle that will still press against the sweet spots that make you feel good, and keeps his hand practically latched to your clit too.
He develops quite the fixation, actually. You know, you can make this a regular thing, some people get into making it a lifestyle, and the thought appeals to him quite a bit. So he can train you, keep toys inside your ass throughout the day to ensure that if he ever wants it, it’ll be easy to access without having to go through the process of stretching you out a lot each time. And eventually, he can set a day or two per week — or maybe a full week per month? — where any other hole is off-limits, ensuring you get mentally adjusted as well.
Also, the man has a specific little fantasy he intends to fulfill... that is, he's into the idea of switching holes while he's fucking you. Having you on your back and railing you hard and fast, letting the slick fluid pour out of you and drip off his cock as gravity makes it trail downward, coating your asshole too... then pulling out and flipping you over onto your stomach before sliding into your ass, lubed by the grool your body already made for him, feeling you stiffen and clench and gasp... let him live that out just once, and he can die a happy man... well, he thinks that, but you let that happen once, there's no way he can leave it at once.
Albedo has something very similar going on, perhaps an even more intense fixation, although for him it’s part of a much larger pool of kinks and turn-ons ranging from fairly normal to outright depraved, and you’re not quite sure where this compulsive need to ream your poor ass falls on that scale. He’s just not content until he feels like he owns every part of you, and the more vulnerable and sensitive a part of you is, the more satisfying it is to take it for himself.
Still, he at least knows what he’s doing, and he has a way of keeping you calm with how gentle-sounding his voice is. He can also make you various consumables that act as either aphrodisiacs or numbing agents and so on, anything that enhances the good while diminishing any discomfort as much as possible (unless he’s mad and wants you to have some discomfort, of course).
He gives you the I know what I'm doing line quite a bit, and assures you that if you just calm down and hold still, it'll feel good... and he ends up being right, at least to some degree, as he also manages to make you cum that way.
He in particular develops an obsession with trying to get you to cum just from anal stimulation and nothing more, and no matter how slow and gradual the process may be, he's quite determined and patient with training you to achieve that, and it'll be all that much more rewarding when he finally does get the desired result.
But also, he uses his anatomical knowledge against you, because he knows you’ll take whatever he says seriously, so he will do his best to convince you of the therapeutic and health benefits of letting him cum in your ass, and unfortunately he’s actually quite convincing…
Childe’s on the list too, except it is 100% a lie and he does NOT actually have the requisite knowledge, he just has a level of confidence that is directly inverse-correlated to his IQ and it will become your problem. He’s alarmingly uneducated on something that by definition necessitates a lot of know-how to do properly, so please be on guard or else he will just approach it the same way he does pussy — trying to shove it in all in one swift motion, not enough lube, goes way too fast and hard, etc… he still wants it to feel good and insists it will, he just doesn’t actually have any idea what he’s talking about, so be wary and force him to slow down lest you suffer for not doing so.
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thorias · 5 months
So I know I've been fixated on this, but the more I think about it, the more signs are pointing to the timeline getting reset. Upon rewatch, there are just so many things about the events of ep5 that simply don't add up if this was meant to be permanent.
First, there was that weird psychic blast that hit Madelyne/Jean right before the attack. What was that about? Could it have been Cable? Possibly. But it seems awkward when it happens right before he shows up in the flesh anyway, so my guess is it had to do with someone else. But who?
It might be a stretch, but given what happened in ep6 with Xavier on his way back to Earth now, I could see it being Charles trying to warn them from the future via time travel tech. I might be way off base on that one, but we've certainly seen weirder things happen.
Also, Rogue wearing a version of her famous first-date-with-Remy dress in the comics only to dance with Magneto while Remy dies without knowing that she'd chosen him is a detail that stands out like a sore thumb. That didn't happen by accident. This was a very deliberate choice by the writers and unless the point of it was to just be intentionally cruel to Gambit AND Romy fans, (and I kind of doubt it was) this is going to come back somehow. These writers have been very reverential to the comics and they had to have known how fans would react to that. If those events aren't going to change so Rogue dances with Gambit instead, (paying off that line in ep1 about suffering her hand for a dance) then why do it this way? To heartbreakingly end one of the most iconic and popular relationships from X-MEN TAS, which was built up over 5 seasons, with no payoff at all? How is that an ending that would satisfy anybody?
Maybe I've got my tinfoil hat on a little too tight right now, but I just don't see any way that this is going to stick. I don't know if the attack will be prevented entirely, (probably not, tbh) but something about that night is going to be changed. You don't establish that the whole reason Cable's here is to stop the attack and then have him completely fail at stopping it.
Maybe Cable, Xavier and Forge put their heads together, get Cable's tech working properly and manage to warn everyone in time to make a difference.
In fact, I read a brilliant theory the other day that Xavier would use Madelyne/Jean as psychic conduits to make the X-men and everyone at the gala remember what happened before the attack starts, giving them enough of a heads up to save themselves. And ep5 was literally titled 'Remember It'; I mean, it could be more perfect.
AND since Sinister was behind the attack, how fitting would it be for Cable (the product of Sinister's machinations) to be the one who thwarts him?
What if Cable and Xavier manage to warn everyone in time, all the mutants of Genosha band together with the X-men to take the Wild Sentinel down and then afterward the gala happens, but with Rogue dancing with Remy this time?
I don't know... that's probably wrapping things up too neatly (and the teases of Remy becoming Death are piling up fast, so we can't rule that out) and I'm sure there are going to be consequences to the Sentinel attack that stick even if they do reset things, but narratively, this would make a lot of sense, not to mention finish the story in a way that doesn't leave Gambit/Romy fans utterly depressed and miserable.
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Genshin characters x a reader with ADHD!
Summary: Your ADHD is odd, however, your (boy)friend is just as strange, so you think it evens out.
Or, how the genshin characters react to a reader with ADHD. (Ft some lesser known aspects of ADHD)
Featuring: Tighnari, Venti, Xiao & Albedo. Can be read as romantic or platonic.
A/n: it's frankly criminal how few neurodivergent reader content there is out there so here I am.
Disclaimer!! While I do have ADHD nobody’s ADHD is the same, so what might be common for me is something another person has never experienced.
Also I drop some lesser known aspects of ADHD in this post so here’s a general index of what those terms mean. It’s a lot more nuanced than what I’ve written down here but it’ll give you a general idea of the concept!
Executive dysfunction/ADHD paralysis: Wanting to do your job/work, but it feels like you’re physically unable to.
Food sensory issues/selective eating habits: A lot of people with ADHD are ‘picky eaters’ and refuse to eat certain foods even if it's good for them. Usually we pick foods with high sugar since it causes a ‘dopamine surge’.
Auditory processing disorder (APD): Having difficulty making out what someone is saying or processing what someone said too slowly.
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD): Being much more sensitive to rejection or perceived rejection.
Verbal stim: Exactly the same as other stims (Like bouncing your leg or clicking a pen) but just with words. Usually being a certain phrase, sentence, or humming. Although any vocalization can be a verbal stim.
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Probably the most knowledgeable about this out of everyone on this list.
He knows it's not just 'lose your focus fast' and that ADHD is a lot more nuanced than that but at the same time he isn't an expert on it.
You'll have to explain some things to him, and knowing Tighnari, he'd happily let you tell him.
Mf takes notes. If he gets too excited and overwhelmes you tell him so he'll calm down a little lmao
Downside of him knowing a lot about (your) ADHD is that he knows when you need to cut back on some things.
If you're a very picky eater like me and don't like the taste/texture of healthy food he will literally not allow it LMAO
You'll be eating an excessive amount of sugar and he'll literally snatch whatever is in your hands and tell you to eat something healthy instead. And no, you cannot convince him to give it back to you until further notice.
If you hate the texture of actual healthy food he’ll definitely find an alternative for you to eat no matter how long it takes. You are not getting out of this.
In the nicest way possible… Tighnari is probably a little annoyed about your ADHD sometimes 💀💀💀
He never blames you or gets mad at you because he knows it's not your fault when this does or doesn't happen but he's still a bit miffed about it lmao.
Like when your auditory processing disorder suddenly kicks in and you make him repeat himself ten times. Or how you space out during his lectures.
However, Tighnari is smart so he'd definitely find a way to gain your attention so when he tells you things you can actually pay attention.
He's pretty good at wrangling your executive dysfunction, too (he's used to Collei having similar problems when he's tutoring her). He believes in the work/reward system and he always knows what'll make you actually get up to do what you're supposed to.
Usually by using your current hyper fixation/interests against you LMAO
"Do that assignment/task and I'll take you out to get that merch you've been wanting for over a month."
(If you like soft things like his ears, he would absolutely use it as bait for you to do your work also LMAO)
But if it's a really rough day he knows when to dial back on his constant nagging for you to do your work and encourages you to take it easy for the day.
If you're like me and forget things semi-regularly he'd always remind you. Especially if it's an outing/meeting with someone.
(Although, if you're the type of person to get annoyed by it he'll stop/dial it back if you ask.)
You 🤝 Tighnari
Can be overstimulated by loud noises easier than others.
Seriously though you both are at a loud party or something and look over to each other giving each other the 'why are we here? Just to suffer'? Look.
But if either of you are about to/are overstimulated you leave the area with each other to calm down. It's sweet 💖
He was originally a bit annoyed by how easily your mind wandered or how quickly you jumped from topic to topic but got used to it after a while. It even grew on him, he finds it endearing nowadays.
Always loves to hear you talk about your hyper fixation, seeing you so happy makes him happy too.
(And you best believe you'll be listening to that boy's flower talk. You think you know more than most rangers about the flora in Teyvat than they do. He's cute though, and you love hearing him talk about it as well, so really it's a win-win scenario.)
Mean this in the nicest way possible, but.. Tighnari is probably going to make you feel really bad once or twice on accident LMAO
With this tough love nature and your Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria you sometimes can't tell when he's being sarcastic/playful and/or he didn't mean what he said (or simply didn't understand.)
He almost always realizes right away and reassures you he meant no harm, and you believe him, but you're understandably still a bit upset LOL
He always makes it up to you, though <3
And if you ever get mad at yourself about how easily you get upset he's always there to reassure you that it's okay and you shouldn't bash your emotions like that, even if they're irrational.
He's your free therapist /j
Was originally confused when you started verbally stimming around him before you explained that to him as well. As long as it's not unexpectedly loud, he doesn't mind it and if you ever stop for a long period of time he def gets a bit upset 💀 like 'why'd you stop?? Did something happen??'
And if you stim in a way that hurts you he definitely puts a stop to it right away. Usually by offering you alternative ways to stim in ways that don't make you hurt yourself.
He is your mom (boy)friend <3
“I knew it. This place is way too loud for you as well, isn't it? C'mon, let's go out for a bit.”
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"Oh you mean like the thing where you can't sit still?"
Hit him.
But really, Venti doesn’t quite understand what ADHD is all that much. He’s heard the term before but never really cared to figure out what it means. You’ll have to educate him on it before he understands.
Honestly he’s kind of surprised at how much more there is to ADHD than he originally thought. Like damn your brain works against you like that?? You deal with that DAILY?? Damn bitch you live like this? /lh
… But also he unironically kind of finds it funny.
“I can’t believe your brain will go to such lengths to not do work just because it doesn’t like it.”
“Shut up.”
Sorry, but Venti is a tease at heart and he cannot hold himself back. Although, if he sees you genuinely upset by what he said he’ll apologize.
Despite that Venti is actually really good at helping you if you need it. He never gets annoyed if he has to repeat himself a dozen times or if he has to help you get something done, or if he has to calm you down for any reason.
If your ADHD is keeping you from falling asleep Venti always offers to sing you to sleep, it’s up to you if you decide to accept or not. (He’ll be very pouty if you decline though lol)
If you're like me and have lost items right in front of you (once I lost an item I was looking for for a good fifteen minutes. It was in my hand.) Venti can and will tease you about this.
"Hmm~ I don't know… Where did you see it last?" You could basically hear the laugh in his voice.
Once you do find it in a really obvious spot he will then laugh out loud. Just joke about breaking up with/leaving him and he'll quickly be on his knees apologizing
If one of your vocal stims is humming/singing anytime Venti catches wind of it he's definitely singing along with you. It turns into a karaoke in seconds and you're both laughing and smiling by the end of it.
He’s surprisingly one of the most understanding people on this list. No matter what, he'll always be there for you and somehow always knows how to help. You asked him about that and he said,
“Well, a magician can never reveal their secrets.”
“You’re not a magician, though. You’re a bard.”
“Then how is it that I stole your heart?”
Hit him again /j
Although there is one aspect he’s not great at steering you away from only because he’s also bad at steering himself away from it.
Impulsive tendencies.
Did you impulsively buy something? What a coincidence. Venti did something similar just seconds ago. Did you leave the group you were with because something caught your eye? Venti is right beside you, also looking for whatever caught your attention. Did you say something without really thinking about it? Venti just did the same somewhere across the room.
You guys are almost in sync for impulsive decision making no matter how far apart you two may or may not be.
On multiple occasions you’ve both run to each other in a panic after you both impulsively did something you shouldn’t have.
“Venti, help! I just entered a competition I know nothing about and it starts tomorrow afternoon!”
“Y/n, help! I just promised I’d do something I definitely shouldn’t!”
You both look at each other in panic and internally scream.
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Unlike Venti, Xiao hasn’t the slightest clue what ADHD is. He literally has no concept of mental disabilities and genuinely just thought some people had a harder time with things, not that their brain is wired differently.
Before you tell him he’ll see you stimming sometimes or notice you say certain words or phrases multiple times and just shrugs it off as ‘human things’. Same could be said for most of your ADHD shenanigans.
It was a blessing and a curse since he wouldn’t judge you for any of them, however if something like your executive dysfunction kicked in he’d probably think you’re being lazy 💀💀
You’d have to have a long sit-down talk about your ADHD and everything that goes on with it before he understands and can help you with it.
Even if you’re like me and your explanation skills are about as clear as muddy water he’d likely at least get the gist of it.
Now listen, Xiao is a harsh person by nature but once you tell him about your rejection sensitive dysphoria and what it means he’s probably looking back on anytime he was even slightly mean to you and worrying about if he accidentally hurt you.
Reassure him that even if he did hurt you, it’s in the past now and he knows to do better now.
Boy is much softer to you after that talk, even if he won’t admit it. He's the one least likely to accidentally hurt you with words out of everyone.
Xiao didn’t- and frankly, still kinda doesn’t- know a lot about humans before he met you, so he’s learning as he goes. Which means that at the beginning he’s going to be really awkward with comforting/helping you.
He’s trying though! And if you tell him how to help either before or after something like your executive dysfunction starts acting up, he’ll… still be a little awkward, if i’m being honest, but it helps much more than before you told him anything. The more he gets used to your ADHD the easier it’ll be for him to help you with it.
It becomes easier over time for both of you and Xiao slowly grows a ‘sixth sense’ if something is wrong.
Forgot something at the house? Xiao is already handing it to you as you turn around to go and grab it. Impulsive did something you probably shouldn’t have? Xiao is suddenly there to calm you down and do damage control. Your brain suddenly refusing to process what someone said? Xiao breaks down what they said so you can fully process it.
Seriously, bring him grocery shopping with you. He'll remember things you didn't even put on the list.
You wonder how Xiao got this power and Xiao also wonders how he got this power but he isn’t complaining. If he can help you in any way, he will.
"Hey, you forgot your lunch. I don't want you going hungry while I'm gone..."
Tease him about how he's acting like a caregiver and watch him turn red.
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He didn't know much about ADHD before he met you if he was being honest.
He knew more than Venti and Xiao but less than Tighnari, so you won't have to explain as much as you did with the previous two!
He finds it very intriguing, although he is the chief alchemist and human psychology has little to nothing to do with that, he finds himself listening to everything you have to say about it.
He knew humans learned in different ways but he didn't know how nuanced all of it was.
Just like Tighnari this guy is taking notes, although he's a bit calmer than Tighnari was lmao
"Fascinating. I knew humans were complex creatures, but this is much more nuanced than I originally anticipated."
Just like with Xiao, even if your explanation skills are less than ideal, Albedo still gets what you mean.
Seriously, he will pry every detail that you know about it out of you to the point that the conversation has already passed three hours and neither of you noticed.
He's asking questions you didn't even think of and you've known you've had ADHD for years.
Unfortunately, you often have to disappoint him with the fact that there's not exactly an abundance of information on mental illness/disabilities and that he'd likely have to find out for himself.
Even after that Albedo still asks you questions about your ADHD sometimes which you can either quickly answer or it takes ten minutes of pondering to figure it out.
He waits for you tho <3
You 🤝 Albedo
What the fuck is a social cue
You're usually at least a little better at spotting them than Albedo is, but it's still something you both struggle with 💀💀💀
Difference is that while you may try to apologize, Albedo just doesn't care.
He lives on a cold mountain, it's only natural that he has bad people skills. (He just like me fr fr)
In the nicest way possible the first few times you impulsively make a decision/have Executive dysfunction/etc Albedo will definitely say smthn like, "Oh, so this is what it looks like." 💀
Mf is lucky he's cute.
Afterwards though he'll help in any way he can. Which, of course means, any way alchemy can.
You're surprised at how useful all the things he made for you are, and you're grateful for that man making them for you every day.
All of Albedo's previous note-taking and observations of any bad habits you have because of your ADHD ended up with him being able to handle your bad habits better than you can 💀
Buddy is too smart for his own good.
You're taking notes from him at this point. You'd be a little offended that he knows more about your mental disability than you do but honestly if it helps you manage it better you'll take it with open arms.
While you're in his laboratory he likes hearing about you info dump about your hyper fixation. It's better background noise than the howling winds outside and you look adorable while talking about it. That's a win-win for him.
(Although like Tighnari, you'll also hear about his own experiments. Even if you're not really processing the information Albedo appreciates that you're trying)
If you're more creatively inclined he'll occasionally ask for your help if he's stuck on a project to see if you can think of something he hasn't yet. Even if you don't he says your input helps (translation: he likes hearing your voice and opinions)
Out of everyone on this list he's the least baffled about your odd habits. Man's is so unbothered by everything it's kinda funny.
The only thing he's worried about is when you look after Klee alone… he trusts the both of you to be able to take care of yourselves, but Klee is impulsive by herself. And if you're also impulsive it could lead to tragedy.
"You're aware the acting grand master is trying to stop Klee's habit of fish blasting, correct?"
"Well, maybe the acting grand master should try fish blasting herself! It's not our fault it's so fun!"
You're not allowed to babysit anymore
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Ending note: I'm so bad at hcs it's also kinda funny. Ah oh well, at least you can say I tried! Sorry if anyone was ooc but also this is MY blog and I GET TO CHOOSE how to portray characters!!1! Also if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes no there isn't.
I was planning on adding more characters but kinda ran out of steam lmao. Mayhaps I will one day, but for now this is all you get <3 bye~
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cosmicanemoia · 1 year
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Ms. Nobody
Melissa schemmenti x reader
You show up at Abbott Elementary and stick your nose into everybody's business, and no one knows what you really do.
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You were walking down the hallway of Abbott Elementary looking for the principal's office, but you couldn't seem to find it. You were wearing a black and white, three piece pinstripe suit, looking like a stuck-up, but also, like a million bucks, you thought its suffocating.
A woman with a leather jacket paired with tight leather pants walks in your direction, as she gets closer from where you stand, you realise her hair is red, some of it tuck in a cat-eye-framed glasses.
You noticed she's fixated on her phone, so you block her way to make her notice you, she accidentally bumps into you, noticing you too late to stop on her tracks "Sorry, miss. Could you please point me in the direction of the principal's office?" She observed you with a stoic look on her face, you know she's trying to get a read on you "just follow me. I was going there anyway"
The walk to the Ava's office was filled with silence and when you got there, Ava checks you out and raises an eyebrow, she looks at the red haired woman "Damn! Schemmenti, thanks for bringing me a hot stripper. How'd you know I need to release some stress" miss Schemmenti made a dumbfounded face "wha--" she's trying to say something but you interrupted her "That's highly inappropriate" you said that left a silence in the room for a few seconds until you break it "That's highly inappropriate if I wasn't a stripper" both of the women's eyes widened by your revelation.
You started unbuttoning your blazer "but lucky for you I was" their jaw dropped at the sight "woah-- w-what the hell is going on?" Melissa earnestly asked looking around the room, confused by the act happening in the principal's office, you took your blazer off, throw it in a chair, and started unbuttoning your vest "I don't know-- but I'm liking every second of it" Ava replied, her eyes fixated on you. A smirk starts to form in your mouth, both women liking the scene more than they should, you took the vest off and throw it in with the blazer, you started to loosen your tie, you were holding back a laugh for quite some time but you couldn't hold it in anymore, so you burst out laughing, the two women bewildered "I'm just kidding!-- I'm not a stripper" you announce "what!?!" Ava and Melissa both shouted at the same time, their voice both frustrated and annoyed.
"Principal Coleman, I need to talk to you in private regarding classified topics" you took a seat in front of her. Ava gulped and clear her throat which Melissa mirrored "of course. Melissa, what do you need?" The principal asked the teacher "Uh- I forgot... I'll just come back later" Melissa walks out.
You've been there for a couple months now since that day. You've easily made friends with most of the teachers there. Janine always asks you questions but you rarely get to answer them because the topics sometimes change way too fast. Jacob jokes around you, talking nonstop, mostly dropping random facts about something not very well known but you already knew them so it fascinates him. Gregory asks you questions out of nowhere, he's quite and he listen but speaks his mind when he feel the need to do so, and you're just willing to listen. Barbara is always glad when you come to observe her class and is always kind to you. Ava unashamedly flirting with you everytime she can, you sometimes flirt back which makes her fluster and blush. Mr. Johnson telling you stories no one would bother to listen to or believe, but you always listen and you don't care if his stories are believable or not, they're still good stories nonetheless. Melissa scoffs at you when she sees you but it only lasted for a week, and she eventually warms up to you, but you know she still have some doubt and still don't fully trust you, you make her smile and you make her laugh everytime you can.
The teacher's are gathered in the teacher's lounge given that it's lunch time. They were chit chatting and catching up until the topic of their conversation became you.
"There's this mysterious woman who came from nowhere and people doesn't know what she really does here, where she came from, we only know she observes the school and do nothing else" Melissa stated making the other teachers question what are your true motives. They added and added so called facts and evidence of your actions trying to figure you out.
You made your way to the teacher's lounge with your hands in the pockets of your jacket, when you open the door and walk in, the room fell silent. You made your way to the vending machine "how is everybody?" You inquired but your met with silence still and you could feel the tension, you turn your back to check on them and when you do, all their eyes are shooting daggers at you. "What's going on?" You inquire once again, and once again your met with silence.
"You a cop?" Melissa ask you, breaking the silence. You slowly walk closer to her and you sigh "actually, I am." You pulled out a hand cuff out of your jacket, and everyone is stunned, "and Melissa Ann Schemmenti, you are under arrest for obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, and harboring a criminal in your home" you started to handcuff her, she scoffs "That's ridiculous! I don't know what you're talking about" everyone is in complete shock. A smirk that has formed in your face since you handcuff her begins to become a grin, you tug softly at her shoulder and starts to walk, but halfway through the door you halted and speak again "but mostly for stealing my heart" you burst out laughing and it clicked to everyone what you just did, everyone is holding back their laughter, afraid of the redhead's wrath that you might have unleashed. Your laugh fades when you realise you're the only one laughing, it turned into an awkward chuckle "oookaayyyy. Tough crowd"
Melissa rolled her eyes "ha- ha- satisfied? Now get this off of me" she commanded. You started to search your pockets and nothing "Uh- I might have lost the key" you look at her with puppy eyes, "if this is another one of your jokes, I swear--" her sentence, unfinished, as you tug her and interrupt her "come, I have a copy hidden somewhere" you said as you lead her out the door. When you both are out of sight everyone sighed loudly releasing the breath they didn't know they were holding back.
While walking down the hallway Melissa ask you "so, you just carry around a handcuff with you?" "Who doesn't?" You answered like it's a totally normal thing to carry handcuffs around. She rolled her eyes again, tired of your antics, now clearly irritated, "what kind of idiot carries a handcuff and not have the keys?" You raise your two thumbs and started pointing it to yourself "this idiot, obviously. --Is it idiotic? Or is it part of my grand master plan to get you alone in a private room, with me?" You whispered the last part of your sentence in her ear in a seductive tone.
She's quite for a long time until she ask another question "where'd you put this key anyway? I feel like we've been walking in circles" you smiled and stop in front of her "we actually are" she stopped on her track and looks at you, furious, evident in her eyes.
You started to walk again and this time with the intention of getting the key. You knock at Ava's door and she tells you to come in. You walk in and Ava lifted her gaze from whatever she was doing on her laptop to you "Hey hottie" you shake your head unimpressed with her flirting "where's the key to your handcuffs?" Melissa burst in "This is Ava's handcuffs?!" She lifts and wave her hands "Yes. She gave it to me earlier to hold onto. And you presented an opportunity for it to be used-- so, here we are..." you answered her and she scoff "you won't see another light of day, when I get out of this freaking situation" you smiled at her, daring her to follow through her threat "Nobody carries a handcuff around unless they're actually a cop" you explain "or a stripper" ava added to the end of your sentence.
"Dear god give me patience or I might actually commit murder" Melissa closed her eyes and prayed, as Ava toss the keys to you, and you catch it. You walk over to Melissa to uncuff her as she glares and growls at you. When you finally freed her she massage her wrist and she fake pouncing on you which made Ava flinch, but you stand there unfazed.
Melissa walks out the room first. You drop the cuffs on Ava's table and walk out the office without saying a word.
You had an eventful evening, but today's school is over. You made your way outside the school through the parking lot.
Someone suddenly pulled you, then pushed you against the wall, it was Melissa who is out for blood, your blood. She has you pinned against the wall, you're not complaining, in fact, you actually like it, that position, but really, you just like her.
"Don't think I'll pity you because you're young and pretty. You don't know who you're messing with" she said and you cant help but blush "you think I'm pretty?-- I think you're pretty too, pretty and HOT!" You said emphasising the last word. You were looking eye to eye, faces inches away from each other, you let your eyes wander on her lips, and before both of you knew it, you were kissing her, but you suddenly pulled away when you realise she's not kissing back. She let go of you "first you handcuff me, call me hot, and now kisses me--- what the hell is wrong with you kid?" You look down at your feet ashamed of yourself but you look back gazing in her eyes "I'm not a kid.-- And there's nothing wrong with me.--- I'm just... just-- completely and utterly head over heels for you" you felt something hit the side of your face, you caress it with your hand, she had slapped you, you bit on your lower lip, your chest starting to tighten "don't mess with me like that" she said plainly "I'm no--" "Shut up" she said before you could explain yourself.
You just stood there in the cold as you watch her drive away. 'I really fucked this, shit!' You thought to yourself. You let out a loud sigh thinking how you screwed out really big.
The next day you went to school early, hoping you'd catch her and apologise for being such an asshole, but she didn't get in until before the class starts leaving no time for chit chats, especially with you.
Lunch came and you announce your presence when you walk in the teacher's lounge. You scan the room and you saw everyone is there. "I know you have question. I'm going to answer them truthfully and seriously" you said confidently and you sit on the couch.
Janine raises her hand and you raises your eyebrow at her signaling her to go for it "I actually forgot what to ask- I'm just eager to learn more about you" you nodded and you lean in the couch resting your elbows in your thighs "I know none of you know my name. That's OK. Ms. Nobody sounds good to me, but my name is y/l/n, y/n y/l/n.
"I have a question" Melissa speaks up "What is it you actually do here?" You think for a second "good question. *sighs* I help school that are about to be shut down by the government because the number of students doesn't meet the minimum quota for a public school to be open and for the lack of teachers teaching at the said school or schools that are barely making do"
"We're about to be shut down?" Janine asked to no one, and the teachers starts to converse among themselves, everyone of them shocked by the revelation.
A few minutes later "all teachers please proceed to the library after class we're having an unplanned meeting" Ava said to the intercom.
Someone is about to ask you question but the bell rang and they all dispersed, saddened by the news you told them. You rest your back on the sofa sighing with relief that you don't have to carry that secret anymore.
They went on to their classes pushing the news to the back of of their minds and went teaching like they always do.
The class are over and after the teachers tidy up and finish some things before they head to the library. There are a lot of them when you got there so you didn't bother to sit, you just stood and lean against the bookshelf trusting that if it can hold that many books, it can hold you as well.
Everyone is settled in the library. "I know y/n, has break the news to you. But we are not going to be shut down" Everyone simultaneously lets out a sigh of relief.
Melissa turns her head to look at you "you think everything is a joke, don't you? K--" "No. Of course not." You interrupted her before she finish.
"Everyone listen up. Let me rephrase my beautiful self. We are not going to be shut down because of y/n, and as long as she's here, we'll be okay" Ava collects her things and starts to walk away "Is that all? Are we finished?" Janine ask the principal "Janine, why'd you always gotta be so needy?" She scoffs and continues on her way.
You walk over to where Melissa and Barbara are sitting. "Hi Barbs" you greeted her with a pleasant smile and she replied "thanks for helping the school dear" you smile at her more before you turn your attention to Melissa "Hey, hot stuff. Can I talk to you?" "What'd you wanna talk about?" She ask and Barbara excuse herself so you sat next to her.
You are now alone together in the library. "I just wanted to say sorry for the handcuffs thing, and for stealing a kiss from you" she's just sat there quietly "also, I really mean what I said that night" "what? That I'm hot?" She ask still not looking at you, you look down on your knees and smile to yourself "yeah. That too" You grabbed her hand that is resting on her thighs and rest it on yours instead while you held it "I know you think I'm just messing with you. And I can see why you think that. But, I'm not. I'm being serious and I really mean it.-- please, look at me" you requested and she obliged "I'm in love with you" she just stares at you for a moment and then look away, her hand still held by yours.
You close your eyes and smile but you feel defeated. You let go of her hands and stand up. "I'm sorry" she said right before you walk away so you turn on your back to face her "what?" she's quite for a minute contemplating something "I'm sorry for slapping you" she said and you smiled to her "it's okay. I deserved it.-- and I kinda like it" you said and you wink at her "of course you do" she smiles more wide than usual, she's amused.
She stands up and walks up to you closing the space you made when you walk out, she reach on your fore arms and rub it gently, trying to warm you up. "You're getting cold" she said to you but you know you're hot on the inside caused by the woman's touch "And, no. You didn't deserve it" she said and she starts to let go of you but you pulled her into a hug "it's okay. I know you didn't mean it" you said as you hug her tighter.
You let yourself loosen the embrace but you feel hers tighten, not yet ready to let go, so you tighten your arms around her once more, waiting for her to be ready to let go.
You hugged for more than a couple of minutes until she finally let go, you smiled at each other, saying goodbye with your eyes knowing that you'll meet again soon.
After you've taken a few step away from her she shouted "come over for dinner at my house, let me apologise properly" you look at her with a grin "if you wanted to ask me out for a date, you could've just said so" "and there it is" she gesture with her hands showcasing you and you curtsied at her before you went on your merry way.
You knock and rang on Melissa's door and she opens them right away, inviting you in. Your eyes fixated on her, she looks so comfortable and it warms you, secretly hoping she would be comfortable with you too.
You watch her as you sit on the kitchen counter while she cooks making light conversations.
Her homecooked meal taste so good, you're saying "mmmhh" and nod your head at the same time every time you take a bite. She looks contented and proud of herself.
You were quite for a moment so she ask you "What are you thinking?" You look at her with a wide grin "you don't wanna know" you tease "just tell me" she commanded and you quickly abide "I'm just thinking that my grand master plan actually works. Even better than I'd imagine. Now, I'm eating delicious home cooked meal at your house with a beautiful view right in front of me"
She pulls you in for a kiss, a passionate kiss, which you return with the same desperation she had. You both pulled away at the same time, gasping for air, and catching your breath "I'm just taking back the kiss you stole from me" she said trying to defend her action, you smiled at her "How long have you been wanting to do that?" "Way too long, apparently" she replied and you both burst out laughing.
The night is going great and maybe it will get greater. You don't know where this night might lead you, but you don't care, as long as she's with you, every step of the way.
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mar3ggiata · 7 months
professional help, introduction.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, mentions of death, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs, mafia - type organisations, eating disorders, depression, heavy mentions of gruesome death, abortions.
song to listen to when reading this: Dolcenera, Fabrizio de Andrè.
Black that carries away, that carries away the way,
black not seen in an entire lifetime,
so sweetblack, black, black that beats you up, that knocks down the doors.
The first time he ever saw her, she was crying. No, not necessarily crying, she was in a weird state of shock and terror. She was angry, more than anything. She looked like a demonic bunny, she was sweet and gentle but the look of pure rage on her face nearly scared him. His captain asked him to give her a ride to her house, it wasn't safe for her to drive in that condition. He thought she was his daughter he never knew about. Take one of the cars, he said, would you please get her out of here? He sensed something strange in his voice. Worry or, perhaps, guilt. What happened? Who was she, was she in danger? Why? The captain turned towards her, slightly slouching to get at her eye level. He couldn't really hear what he was saying, something along the lines of 'I trust him' and 'you don't worry, he'll get you home'. She looked at him like she was gonna jump on him and eat him alive, bite his neck and rip his skull open. Then she looked up at Ghost like he was going to be her next victim, right after his captain. She stood silent, fists curled with rage at her sides. She was small, short. She had a bag with her, large enough to fit a laptop. Did she work there? She was wearing smart attire, a blazer jacket a turtleneck, shiny black shoes. Was she a doctor? A lawyer? She's too young to be a lawyer, how old is she, 22? 24?
Black of bad luck, that kills and moves on,
black like the misfortune of making a den where there’s no moon, moon,
black of bitterness.
'This way' that's all he said. She was following him, dead serious. This is what weird nightmares that hunt you for the entire week look like. She walked with her back straight, she walked fast. Who is this, he continued to ask himself. He couldn't ask her for sure, he didn't want to die just yet. How come I never saw you? What did you do?
'Are you alright?' he finally asked when they approached one of the black trucks in the parking lot of the base. She spoke for the first time. Her voice was of someone who had been screaming and crying. 'Drive' she said, her voice raspy but her tone steady and firm. He watched her close the car door on the passenger side, she kept looking at the base behind them. Is someone after you? What happened, are you being followed is that why is not safe for you to get home by yourself? He did as she said, without replying. Her eyes stood fixated on the base that kept getting farther away from them as they took off, driving towards the city center. If she lived there, it would probably take them about 20 minutes to get there, through the desert. She seemed to slightly relax once they were deep in the deserted street, going just 10km/h over the speed limit. No one was on the road. She had her hands pressed between her thighs, to prevent them from shaking. She looked straight ahead of her. If he didn't kept glancing at her, he could have sworn she was a ghost.
He never managed to know what had happened, nor who she was. She vanished. No one ever spoke about that evening and he never saw her again. That is, until today.
notes: he could have sworn she was a Ghost babyyyy. brace yourselves this story will be long, I have a lot to say. my name is mare, first of all, i use she/her pronouns and english is not my first language!! I have no idea how to work with Tumblr, please bare with me I'm new, I don't know anything, teach me... the story is ongoing, however I have many chapters prepared. also, everything is fictional, every place, person, mission, everyone is fake. if you see similarities with the real world, it's a coincidence. these characters are not real. there will be a lot of detail, new people, characters I made up along with the original ones and notes at the end of each chapter. I do not consent to this work being re-published or translated. if you don't like how I portray the characters, don't read the story. if I make mistakes, do tell me. please read the trigger warnings because it might get violent and I am not responsible for your media consumption. the main character is an original character which I created, she has a name and is described physically in detail. enjoyy.
notes: song concept: "Dolcenera" is about a tryst that never came about due to the disruption of a major flood, such as occurred in Genoa in 1970. The term "dolcenera" refers to the dual nature of water - sweet when it is pure and life-giving, and black when it is fouled and out of control as in a flood.
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elliesmainhoe · 1 year
hiiii! i freakin love your writings so much it’s all so much fun to read !!! can i request ellie with a reader who has ADHD? as a person with madddd ADHD i’ve been thinking recently about how ellie would be with a partner who has it, i can just imagine her being so comforting when reader is overstimulated, or having a hard time focusing/getting work done bc of the adhd paralysis. i also like to think about ellie just sitting there like 🤩🥰🫶🏻😍 while listening to reader talk about their current hyper fixations and chuckling a bit when reader fumbles over their words bc their brain is moving to fast to keep up. maybe she would buy reader all kinds of fidget/stim toys and gets all smiley and proud of herself when reader gets excited about it :,)))
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Ellie Williams Headcanons: Reader with ADHD
She's the sweetest girl ever 🥹
Is so so so considerate of everything- she's always looking for possible triggers
Loud noise? She's got your headphones. A crowd of people? She knows a quieter spot. Didn't take your meds? She's got spare.
It had definitely been one of your badder days. You woke up late, your hair was tangled and just wasn't doing what it was told, you couldn't eat breakfast and work was hectic, the cubicles seeming a lot louder than usual.
Ring. Ring Ring. Every phone ringing was screeching in your ears, the chewing of food from your coworkers in there respective cubicles overwhelming loud. Your head was pounding and your dress shirt just wasn't sitting right on your body, the scratchy material tight and uncomfortable against your skin.
You were hot and sweaty, your head was pounding and tears began to seep into your eyes. You looked over to the bottom right hand corner, looking at the time.
5:00pm. The time signalled your queue to leave the tall office building- you zoned out trying desperately to fend off the approaching attack and before you knew it your car was screeching onto the drive of the small suburban house you and Ellie had bought six months ago together.
The slam of the front door alerted Ellie of your arrival. She went downstairs going towards you immediately, this had happened before so she knew what you needed, she wordlessly took a hold of your hand and lead you upstairs into the bedroom.
She drew the blinds closed, turned of the lights and closed the door. She helped you take off your shoes, and strip down getting rid of the overwhelming scratchy feeling on your skin, instead helping you into your favorite nightdress, the scent of your washing powder comforting you, muffling your sniffles.
Ellie softly guided you to lay down on the soft bouncy mattress, over the top of the comforter and grabbed a makeup wipe, taking off the smothering creams and powders- allowing you to physically ease at the feeling of your skin being able to breathe freely.
You closed your eyes, the sweet silence calming you down and the feeling of Ellie's hand tangled in your hair grounding you.
"You alright now baby?" She whispered pressing a soft kiss to your nose.
"yeah thank you ells..."
(based of how I calm down from sensory overload- it's different for everyone!!)
She loves hearing about your hyper fixations!
Hearing you so passionate about your special interests make her swoon and fall even more in love with you 🥹
She does it too tho- you know loads about dinosaurs thanks to Ellie!
Your boss gets really annoyed when you don't get assignments done
But she helps you focus!!!
Her general vibe is really comforting, you and her go on work/study dates together so she can keep you on track.
Hand on your knee and a small "you gotta get back to work baby" when you go on a tangent ❤️
Girlie always has stim toys on deck-
Mouth stims, finger fidgets, squishes, pop-its.
Thinks the way you stumble of your words while your ramble is the most adorable thing in the world.
She's smitten.
Taglist: @aunslie @lonelyfooryouonly @prettypeoniesx @daryldixonh0e @kittynnie @lovelyyevelyn @randomhoex @moonlightdivine @haerinwho @mufflaa @mial1l @sarahsmileslikesarahd0esntcare @moonlighting87 @escaping-reality8 @magicalfreakcowboylawyer @hejdevkdbdjsd @dergy @half-of-a-gay @ellieismami @cyberlainn @gollumsmygel @sseorii @kyleeservopoulos @taloulalila @ellieluhme @kiiyoooo @delusionalvioleht @joelscharm @hi2647 @gumdropkoo @coffeeandbookskeepmealive @womaniza @namgification @kimiisims-blog @tayyyystan @abigaillovestoread @whoreshores @kylieeluvstlou @knowitsforthebetterr @endureher @erikaar @lanasluverr @sayah13
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kroosluvr · 4 months
sorry i feel bad for ranting on """Main"" i guess though i kinda keep this more of apersonal blog than a very polished art blog thing. under the cut
things wld be easier if i was just an oc-centric artist (which i kinda am but only to myself in my head) but it Is how it is at this point (i want to draw my ocs more but they never turn out the way i want) and theres just so much i want to draw for the silly little media franchises that happen to capture my stupid little heart and etc.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh ifeel stupid for loving too much or whatever. i dont want to throw a pity party over this either because in the end its just "who cares LOVE WHAT U LOVE DRAW WHAT U WANT" right but in the moment i feel stupid and it sucks and i hate it actually!!!!!!! and i WILL in fact keep drawing hwat i want and what makes me happy but like idkidkdidkgkhw
sometimes i cant help thinking if i was a better artist.,, like more artistically skilled........ would people really say the things they do about the things i draw
^ (Authors note: no one has been mean about the stuff i draw just. side comments i guess lol. from my friends though and not random people . so its harder to just brush off i guess)
like maybe im just not good enough yet. which is fine. spite is actually a really good drawing proponent. but its also just like . when will it be enough to be worth it? will it be worth being my friend now if im a good artist? if i draw what you want? ...........................
its obviously not discounting the people who really enjoy my art style adn what i draw regardless (which im soooo so grateful for bc i never like expect anyone to stick around sicne my fixations change like the wind) but its like... these r the people i spend the most time with . and it sucks. i have to. second guess what i say and what i type and just. ok like i know its not that serious either but i hate it i really dont like it (<- im also just socially anxious if u cant tell)
and its also like i cant just extract myself from my friend group for a while to kinda cool off (read: muster the courage to be an idiot in front of them again) bc ummmmm um i dont have many friends . they are kind of all i got. (which is nice i like small circles(?) im not good at opening up to people.) and i do admire and like them very much but then i just feel like i get bit in the ass all the time (This past month) with shit like this i guess
and honestly like. well half the reason i keep switching fixations is BECAUSE of stuff like this where i feel self conscious of """"Being obsessed"""" over One thing so much so i just immediately switch tracks so fast but its just a cycle (Which i dont see as a bad thing tbh? it keeps my art moving and things fresh so like.)
And honestly i dont really try to . be too vocal about. fandom? stuff? when im with my friends? unless they bring it up first? i got burnt so many times with my vtuber interests so like lol ive Learned. but maybe it slips out too much? bruh. my bad i guess
i have to stop thinking abt this man.., why has this happened to me so many times this past month lol its kind of ridiculous
(Im sure they dont like. mean it. right? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if they actually meant it and want me to shut up then they should just actually say so right.,
i just want to draw . its not going to stop me from drawing but damn does it really like rain on my parade or put a dent in my fender or whatever other sayings that i cant think of right now
in the end i really REALLY appreciate frm the very very bottom of my heart everyone that even remotely likes/appreciates my art (especially the persona stuff nowadays bc thats what im mainly pouring all my mental and physical and emotional into) like i really really mean it. because this stuff like my silly comics and stuff is really stuff i make for purely my own heart and just what i want to see kinda. and so it just makes me feel really warm that people also want to see it and keep seeing it and love it and everything like that. and, with all this kind of negative stuff going on i just go back and reread tags and comments and stuff and i feel encouraged to keep going and draw more and everything like that. so like really, truly, thank you. i really never thought so many people would like the stuff i make. even if its not really artistically good, or really deeply interesting, im really happy it could be something special to people out there
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peachesofteal · 5 months
peaches. peaches PLEASE. i just read the entirety of The Ocean in one go so fucking fast and had to take a furiously joyful lap around my apartment. You have a way of describing physical sensations (in The Wolves, the sensation of "cold prickling between the friction" really took me somewhere specific) that puts a person directly into the story so solidly, so unmistakably, it truly shocks me to the core. The way you build stories, drip-feeding in the unease as if through an IV, flashed with images that are so universal and recognizable, it makes for such good story telling. You could sell back to me the body I live in and I'd pay a fool's price for it. I noticed that in a couple of the tags you've spoken about trying to "shake the rust" or "just vibes" and I would impress upon you that when you lean into what you consider vibes/ruminating, wonderful things happen, regardless of how finessed or "complete" they are. I'm in a lifetime fixation really into orcas/marine wildlife as well and apart from the specific mentions of these aspects, was completely swept away by the character study you offered. Like, the thing that initially made me read this story took a back seat because I was so enthralled by the weaving of the story. All this to say you're a fucking legend and you should trust yourself, listen to your "vibes" (because, reading through the rest of your works, they're immaculate) and lean into your fascinations.
This was so lovely. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this out and share it with me. I really, really enjoy writing The Ocean and hope to get the next parts that I’ve been dabbling in up soon. I’ve been trying to build the lore and ambiance of it all without digging too deep too fast so I’m really thrilled to hear it seems to be working. I really enjoy the little anthologies that let me kind of just… do whatever and lean into the “vibes”, so thank you again. You’re very kind 🩵
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darkwitch1999 · 8 months
A Random Headcanon: Why Marc Anciel Should Never Have Coffee Part I☕🚫
So I have a few headcanons that I am going to be included in my fanfiction series about Marc Anciel:
He has two moms. Emerson Anciel who runs a coffee shop and Kiki Anciel who is an aromatherapist.
Despite his mother running a coffee shop, Marc isn't allowed to drink coffee since caffeine worsens his anxiety.
During the few times Marc sneaked some coffee, he tends to become a bit...eccentric.
Anyway, I had this idea in my head for a few days now and I just couldn't resist writing this out and sharing it on Tumblr. Basically, this takes place during the "Adrienette" romantic plans time and it's stressing him out big time. As for what happens next, well, just read and see:
Collège Françoise Dupont: Art Room 33
(Nathaniel walks into the room to see his frazzled and twitchy partner. Is he mumbling to himself? ) 
Nathaniel: (hesitantly) Uh… H-Hi, Marc. (approaches the writer cautiously and nervously) W-Whatcha doing?
(Marc immediately snaps his head towards Nathaniel. His mouth spread wide forming a massive, unhinged smile. Deep, dark circles caked around his eyes with his right eye twitching rapidly. His black hair resembled that of a bird’s nest. And his hands trembling terribly. His partner’s appearance immediately took Nathaniel aback.)
Marc: (speaks frantically) Nath! I’ve got it! I finally figured it out! 
Nathaniel: (nervously) Uh…figured what out exactly?
Marc: (grabs Nathaniel’s shoulders) The answer to Marinette and Adrien’s kissing problem! The solution was right in front of our faces this time, and we just couldn’t see it! It’s so simple! There’s no way they could mess this up for the 72nd time in a row! (starts shaking Nathaniel) OUR SHIP IS SAILING AT LAST!!!!! THE WAIT IS OVER!!!!!
(Nathaniel pulls himself away from Marc’s grasp, recovering from the feeling of dizziness from being shaken by the frantic writer. Perhaps these Adrienette first kiss plans were starting to take their toll on Marc? Nathaniel couldn’t argue that he too was starting to feel burnt out on drawing new plans to help Adrien and Marinette finally have their first kiss. Still, he could also understand why these plans would leave Marc feeling the most drained since he is the one who wrote over seventy different perfect romantic scenarios that ultimately fail over and over again. Guess it was only a matter of time before he snapped.)
Marc: (picks up his open journal and starts frantically shoving it into Nathaniel’s hands) It’s all written down right here! The ultimate solution! The one I should have just thought up a long time before I wrote those other miserably failed plans!
(Nathaniel took note of the bitterness and venom that was lacing the writer’s tone of voice. Additionally, he also noticed that his partner’s hands were increasingly shaking violently as he kept trying to shove the journal into his hands. Now Nathaniel was getting even more worried for Marc’s well-being.)
Nathaniel: (uses caution as he speaks) Marc, are you feeling okay? Y-You seem a bit…
(Unhinged? Crazed? Frazzled? Unstable? Disturbed? Fixated?)
Nathaniel: Tense?
Marc: (starts talking fast) Tense? Who’s tense? (unhinged chuckling) Certainly not me! You worry too much, Nath! I’m fine! Yep, totally fine! In fact, everything is going to be great now because now we have a full-proof plan to get Adrien and Marinette to finally have their magical kiss so that they just kiss already, live happily ever after, and we can all finally get on with our LIVES!!!!!
(Okay, now Nathaniel was fully convinced that Marc had finally snapped. When this latest plan fails, he definitely needs to have a long talk with his class about leaving him and Marc out of these Adrienette plans for a while. He would have gladly done so now if not for his unhinged partner forcefully insisting that he read the latest scheme that he has come up with this time.)
Marc: (finally manages to get Nathaniel to take hold of his journal) C’mon, Nath! C’mon! Read it! Read it! I’m telling you, this idea is foolproof! There's no way they could mess it up this time!
(Marc stared at Nathaniel with his twitching eyes and wide smile. Nathaniel, despite being disturbed by the writer’s insistence, took the journal and started to read through the page)
Nathaniel: (reading the page) “JUST KISS ALREADY, FOR FUC-”...Marc!
(Nathaniel gaped as he skimmed through the rest of Marc’s “plan”, which was actually just a double-sided five-page long rant about how frustrating Marinette and Adrien were. He was taken aback by how many times the writer used swear words in his rant. Though the artist knew Marc rarely cussed, he knew that whenever the few rare moments when the writer did use swear words meant that his hidden rage would be unleashed.)
Marc: Soooo, what do you think?
Nathaniel: (cringes) I think you should see your therapist ASAP. I…uh don’t think that this plan is going to work out the way you want it. Honestly, I don’t even know where to start drawing this out.
Marc: Well, if you don’t like that idea, I also came up with another one right here. (Flips through the pages and then stops at a page) Take a look!
(Nathaniel was hesitant about reading Marc’s other plan. If the first one was this bad, he could imagine how terrifying the alternative would have been. Despite this, Nathaniel decided to read what his partner had written. He then lets out a shocked gasp as he reads.)
Nath: Marc! No! We can’t do this to them either!
Marc: (whines) Oh c’mon, what’s the problem now?! This one has got to be flawless! They are so close to kissing, they just need a little push!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow) And by little push, you mean having our friends literally push them together and force them to kiss? Marc, there’s no way we can do that to them! It’s wrong and I’m pretty sure it’s illegal too!  What the hell is wrong with you?!
(Nathaniel knew that Marc wasn’t thinking clearly. He knew that Marc was against trying to force love onto someone and a ruthless critique when it came to other writers trying to force their ideals of “perfect lovers” onto their characters when there were better choices for character pairings.)
Marc: (his smile slowly falters into a frown) What’s wrong with me? (starts to chuckle unsteadily) You think that something is wrong with me?! Oh let me tell you something, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, if there is something wrong with anyone, it would be MARINETTE and ADRIEN! (Starts anxiously digging his finger through his hair) You know, when Alya and Nino first approached us and asked for our help to bring Marinette and Adrien together, I thought to myself “This is going to be so much fun!” and “It will be just like writing a romantic love story but in real life!”. I was more than happy to help out our friends and I was excited to play the part of Eros alongside you. I wanted to see them both become our LONG awaited favorite couple and do all of that “cutesy” couple stuff that either makes others go “awwww” or shout “Get a room!”. But most importantly, I wanted them to be happy together and to finally get over acting all awkward around each other so everything is not always so tense and complicated whenever they are in the same room together! (grips the sides of his head) But those two…those two, Nathaniel, are just so FUCKING FRUSTRATING! Don’t get me wrong, I love Marinette. She’s like a sister or a cousin to me and she was the first friend I made here at Dupont. If it wasn’t for her, I would probably still be writing alone under the stairs every day and avoiding human interaction as much as possible. BUT THAT GIRL IS SO FUCKING CLUMSY THAT IT IS OFFICIALLY CRINGE!!!!! It doesn’t matter how I set up each scenario, she always manages to trip over, fall, and break everything that crosses her path! Never mind KISSING Adrien, we’ll all be lucky if she doesn’t KILL him first. Oh and speaking of Adrien, how can someone so well-educated be so FUCKING CLUELESS?! I mean, I get it. He was homeschooled and sheltered all of his life, but how can he be so OBLIVIOUS towards Marinette’s obvious crush on him?! Seriously, she literally acts like she has rabies every time she tries to talk to him and apparently, he has to pretend to be a wax statue to get her to “profess her feelings” to him, and yet that obvious sign still goes over his fucking head! (tilts his head to the side). So you want to know what my problem is, Nath, or as you put it “What’s wrong with me?”?! I’ll tell you what my problem is! My problem is that in addition to schoolwork and writing our comics, I’ve had to spend the last couple of months playing matchmaker for two of the most awkward people in our grade! Tell me, Nath, do you enjoy sleeping? I know I USED TO!!!! I didn’t expect the first couple of “Adrinette” plans to succeed and I would be lying if I said I didn’t anticipate a few setbacks, but for FUCK’S SAKE! IT’S BEEN MONTHS!!! MONTHS!!!!! I’m all out of ideas, Nath! I don’t know what to do! This shouldn’t be that difficult! She likes him and he likes her. We’ve established that. (Slams his head down onto the table and starts pounding his fist on the table repeatedly) HOW HARD IS IT TO GET TWO PEOPLE TO FUCK-.....
Nathaniel: Marc!
(Nathaniel was at a loss for words. His partner was having a complete breakdown and he wasn’t sure what he should say next. Did Marc admit that he was losing sleep over this?! Marc hardly ever pulled all-nighters because he knew that a lack of proper sleep wasn’t good for his anxiety. The whole “Adrinette” plans were supposed to be like a side project. When did they let these romantic fantasies become one of their priorities?! Nathaniel knew that Marc didn’t like letting others down and that he always put his own well-being last, but this was extreme even for him. This must have been building up for a while, but why was he letting this all out now? What could have triggered this breaking point? Marc was fine yesterday, even after their latest “Adrienette” plan had failed, he didn’t show any signs of frustration or resentment. Honestly, Marc was acting like that one time he stayed up all night to rewrite their manuscripts for their comics after the original copy was lost and he drank-....That’s when it hit Nathaniel! The unhinged body language. His erratic fast-talking rants. His violently shaky hands. Nathaniel’s eyes quickly fell onto Marc’s blue Stanley tumbler cup with “My Hero Academia” stickers decorated all over.)
Nathaniel: (eyes Marc with suspicion) Marc, what’s in your cup?
(Marc immediately raises his head off the table and looks at the artist with nervously shifting eyes.)
Marc: Uh…what?
Nathaniel: (crosses his arms) Marc Anciel, you heard me. What have you been drinking out of that cup?
(Marc’s eyes darted around nervously as he actively tried to think up a cover-up. Nathaniel’s suspicions were confirmed as he noticed how the writer took his time to answer the artist’s question as well as how much his eyes kept shifting all over the place.)
Nathaniel: Marc, there’s coffee in that cup, isn’t there?
Marc: (frantically) What?! No! It’s not coffee! It’s just water!
Nathaniel: Your lying, Marc. If there was water in that cup, you would have just told me right away and wouldn’t have asked me to repeat myself. 
Marc: No! Nath, I swear I’m not lying! I swear on my life!
Nathaniel: (raises an eyebrow with a smirk) What about on your moms’ lives?
(Silence fell between the two boys. Nathaniel was playing dirty, but it was necessary to get the truth out. Marc then started fidgeting with his fingers nervously and let out a sigh.)
Marc: (avoids eye contact with Nathaniel) Okay fine, maybe it is coffee.
Nathaniel: (gives Marc a disapproving look) I knew it! Marc…
Marc: (frantically exclaims) Look, I’m under a lot of pressure right now! Our next meeting with the editor is in three weeks and I had to finish writing the ending to our next comic issue so you could start drawing the panels! Not to mention I had to finish my science homework as well as come up with more doomed-to-fail ideas for our desperate attempts to get our friends’ ship to sail! I needed it to help me stay awake and keep me going!
Nathaniel: (looks at Marc with a concerned, softened expression) Marc, you know what coffee does to you. Drinking caffeine makes your anxiety worse. You could’ve given yourself another panic attack or be close to one right now.
Marc: (forces a grin) But I’m fine, Nath! Everything is fine! I swear, you and my moms worry too much. I can handle a little caffeine. 
Nathaniel: Just how much of this “little caffeine” have you had, Marc? And I want the truth this time.
Marc: (eyes shift left and right as he twiddles his fingers nervously) I’ve only had one cup…or maybe two? ……give or take five?
Nathaniel: (eyes widen in shock) Marc!
Marc: (defensively) I said I was under pressure! 
Nathaniel: (points at Marc’s cup) That’s your fifth cup of coffee?!
Marc: Weeeellllll, technically it's my sixth cup that I just started drinking…
Nathaniel: (gives Marc a stern look) Ok, Marc. I think you’ve had more than enough. I’m cutting you off.
(Unfortunately for Nathaniel as he starts reaching for his partner’s cup, the writer immediately snatched it off the table and started backing away from Nathaniel slowly. This caught the artist off guard as he watched the wide-eyed, erratic boy hold his cup protectively against his chest. Nathaniel then put his hands up in a placating gesture.)
Nathaniel: (tries to approach the writer cautiously and calmly) Marc…let’s stay calm and be reasonable. You're not well and I want to help you. Please, give me the coffee-...
(As Nathaniel tries to reach for the cup, his partner lets out a loud hiss at the artist like a wild cat and bolts out of the art room, leaving the artist flabbergasted.) Nathaniel: D-Did…Did he just seriously hiss at me?
Well, hope you all enjoyed part one, and stay tuned for part two!
@artzychic27 @nerd-chocolate @username8746489 @andromeda612 @princessbutterflysposts @lady0lunamoon
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Don’t You Wanna Thrill Me?
18+ Minors DNI
Danny Wagner/Reader
Summary: After a dinner date, Danny finds himself in need of something only you can provide.
Warnings: Smut, top!Reader and bottom!Danny, pegging, anal fingering (m. rec), double penetration if you squint, Danny is a bit needy, dirty talk, oral sex (f. rec), all your usual smutty things: biting, pet names, teasing. I think that’s it.
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: There’s a serious lack of Danny pegging fics on this site (as far as I know of, at least), so I’ve decided to remedy that a bit! This fic could be a hit or a miss, but I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it :)
Edit: I changed the cover photo/shortened the title on this to fit my theme better!
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You had barely stepped a foot in the front door when Danny pounced on you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pushed you against the nearest surface, which so happened to be the stretch drywall next to the door. You saw his eyes for only a moment--pretty, dark hazel and full of desire--before his lips were on yours and he was kissing you with a ferocity only he'd ever could muster. You slung your arms around his shoulders before deepening your kiss with a tilt of your head and feeling his muscles relax beneath the pads of your fingers.
Danny tore himself away abruptly and brought his lips lower, connecting with the line of your jaw. He trailed now sweet, gentle kisses along your neck, helping himself to the expanse of skin you'd so graciously offered with the turning of your head. You showed your appreciation with a delighted hum and smoothed one of your hands up the back of his neck and into his bouncy, brown curls, not tugging or guiding, simply just resting there. With one last kiss to your collarbone that felt as if it were with his teeth more than his lips, he pulled off.
"I want it, tonight," he spoke softly against your heated skin, his eyes fixated shyly on the lovely little red mark he'd planted on your skin, rather than on your own.
You couldn't quite help stagger in your breath at the admission, or the way your fingers tightened around the clump of hair in between them. He hadn't specified what 'it' was, but he didn't need to. You knew exactly just what he was referring so bashfully to. 'It' sat in a discreet, black box beneath your bed, used well but not often.
"Want what, Danny?"
"Come on, sweetheart," he replied, a whiny edge to his voice that always seemed to make an appearance when he was in this sort of mood. He tilted his head upwards and nipped at the delicate skin of your throat, causing your already-fast heartbeat to quicken at the twinge of pain. He continued, but not before sucking in a steadying breath. "You know what I'm talking about."
"I don't know anything."
You didn't actively try to hide the way your lips twitched upwards. Admittedly, your teasing was just a bit cheeky, but it was so hard to resist doing it to him. Besides, you knew he didn't mind it, as long as he got what he needed when all was said and done.
Danny's lips continued their path upwards, nipping, licking and loving until he was back to yours again. He pulled you into another searingly desperate kiss, as if he were trying to convey his longing to you. You pulled apart before you could get too carried away; sooner than Danny would have liked, if at all evident by his displeased huff and the barely-there pout on his plush, pinked lips.
"Tell me what you want. I wanna hear you say it."
His head fell forward, and his quickened breaths tickled the shell of your ear when he spoke, his voice absolutely delectable-sounding, "I want the strap, baby."
"See? That wasn't too hard, now, was it?"
"It was terrible, actually," Danny quipped sarcastically. "How dare you make me voice my feelings? You couldn't have just read my mind, instead?"
You giggled, "Oh, hush. I'll always give you what you need, you know that."
Danny made a little, airy noise in the back of his throat and pitched his hips forward; he couldn't help the reaction his body had to your words, as simple as they were. You moved one of your hands between where his hips met yours and down to his bulge, palming over his rapidly-hardening cock to gauge his reaction. He groaned, low and sweet, and his head lolled to the side, exposing his throat. You surged forward and ran your tongue up his jugular, leaving a little bite on the skin, just because you wanted to.
"You gonna be sweet for it tonight, baby? Gonna let me give it to you real nice?" You prodded. You were only teasing, of course, you'd never have the guts to say anything like that without a bit of jest. However, Danny's responding whimper told you that he took your words more seriously than you had.
Danny's penchant for dirty talk had never been unknown to you. There had been countless times in which he would drape himself across your back and whisper filthy things into your ear while he gave it to you long and good. So, you indulged in both him and you, and continued, your voice taking on an albeit unpracticed--yet, still welcome--sultry tone.
"You like it when I talk to you like that? Does it get you all hot and bothered?"
"Yeah," he let out a quiet chuckle. "Maybe a little... Keep going?"
And who were you to deny such a request, especially when spoken so softly?
"How do you want it tonight, sweetheart? Slow, fast...? It's been a while since I've really--" you slipped your hands beneath his shirt and ran your fingers up and down his toned sides, "--loved on you, you know?"
Danny nodded and you continued, "I wanna open you up nice and gentle- three, maybe four fingers? I want you all stretched out for me. Then, I'll fuck you slow; make you feel every thrust, each time the toy catches on your hole, and each time I hit that spot... How's that sound? Good?"
"Fuck, Y/N, come here," Danny pulled you in with a hand at the base of your neck and connected your lips once more.
You let him lick into your mouth with feverish abandon, exploring your tongue and teeth, and tasting every inch of you just as desperately as he had the first time. You let him maintain the kiss as long as his desperation would allow him to; it had been far too long since you'd gotten him in a mood like this, and you'd be damned if you were about to rush him in any way. You briefly wondered what you'd done to get him as worked up as he was. Was it something you'd said at dinner? Was it the admittedly rather sexy, emerald green dress you'd been wearing? The wonderings faded quickly when Danny's hand moved upwards to cup your breast, his thumb rubbing back and forth over your perked nipple atop the fabric of your dress.
You let out a noise against his lips, so he went further and slid the strap down your shoulder to give himself access before dipping his hand beneath the surface. He gently massaged your breast, enjoying the warmth of your pliant skin beneath his wandering fingers. The pleasant sensation was gone as quickly as it came, but only for a second, as he had only moved to the other side and began to greedily repeat his actions and fondle your other breast, as well.
You forced yourself to break away from the kiss. Or, you tried to force yourself, at least. Every time you went to pull away, he'd yank you back in with these short, deep kisses that had your breath coming in brisk pants. You had to hold him by the chin and turn your head away to stop the onslaught against your lips, but he only tilted his head downwards and began loving on your neck and jaw instead.
"Danny--" you cut yourself off with a giggle, as he nuzzled his nose into the ticklish spot behind the curve of your jaw. "Danny, stop for just a moment."
He huffed and finally ceased his attack, raising his chin and meeting your eyes with a small, self-satisfied smile.
"Let's head upstairs, yeah?"
"Yeah," he nodded eagerly, already beginning to untangle himself from your arms.
"Go strip and get on the bed. I want you to be comfy, okay? I'll be right there."
"Okay, baby," he pressed one last kiss to your lips before making his way up the stairs, a little hop in his step as he went.
You had no real reason for waiting, besides the fact that some carnal part of yourself, deep down, enjoyed taking him so much more when he was desperate to be taken. It was damn near impossible to resist; he made the prettiest sounds when he got what he wanted, and he let his body mold into the pleasure in the most debauched way. Fuck, your panties were beginning to soak just thinking about it.
You decided to finally head upstairs.
When you walked into the bedroom, the sight you were greeted with was a sight to behold, indeed. Danny had laid himself bare across the bed, with one of his silken pillows shoved beneath his hips and the other beneath his head. You drank in all the little details of the picture-perfect scene before you; the way his fingers were clenching without any particular rhythm in the sheets, the way he'd hiked one knee up to be a little higher than the other, how he was grinding ever-so-slightly against his pillow. You could hardly make out his face from beneath the abundance of dark curls surrounding his head, but you could see his eyes, squeezed shut with pleasure and his lips, parted so prettily.
"You look so beautiful like this, Danny," you mused as you stepped into the room. "So pretty and perfect, all spread out for me."
"Thank you," he murmured. You couldn't quite see it, but you knew your words had brought color into his cheeks.
You moved to the foot of them bed, then let your fingertips dance along the sheets as you made your way closer and closer to the head, deliberately not touching your boyfriend. You ducked, searching for only a moment underneath the bed until you found that discreet, black box. You pulled it out, up, and set it aside, then went to retrieve the lube from Danny's nightstand.
You settled on the bed behind Danny, nestling yourself between his opened thighs just right, as if you were only created to be seated exactly there. You abandoned the tube of lube for just a moment, in favor of draping yourself over his back. You kissed at his shoulders as you ran your free hand up and down his side, trying to taste as many of his paint-splatter freckles as you could. You felt his muscles relax beneath you touch, and just the very thought of it made your heart swell; you always had felt... Honored--for lack of better words--to be able to take care of him in this way.
That warm, fuzzy feeling inside quickly dissipated and something much, much more hot-blooded took its place when Danny arched his back, sending the swell of his bottom bumping into your hips with a little noise. Your breathing hitched, then, and you dug your fingers into the soft flesh of his hips. He threw his head back with a mischievous little grin, rolling back against you once more.
"Danny," you breathed, voice taking on a high-pitched edge. A slick, rush of warmth came from in between your legs. Your cheeks flushed in mild embarrassment; you didn't think such a simple action would have such an effect on you.
Wiggling his hips from your hold, he chose to grind against his sleek pillowcase, instead. What a tease. He held your eyes as he moved, parting his lips and letting out a soft moan when he hit a spot that felt particularly good.
"Danny, you better watch yourself, or this will be over before it even starts," you warned, but it was only playful. You knew that if he really wanted to make himself come by grinding all over his pillow case, you'd be there with your hands on his hips and your lips by his ear until he did. He hummed in reply and stilled his movements, sucking in a sharp breath at the self-denial of his pleasure.
"Stay still," you ordered softly, before reaching behind yourself and palming around on the bed until you found what you were looking for: the bottle of lube that had been cast aside.
"I'm gonna start off slow, alright? Just one finger, for now."
After seeing Danny's affirming nod, you flicked the cap open and drizzled some onto your fingers. Perhaps you used more than strictly necessary, but you'd rather him be comfortable. You'd always rather him be comfortable.
"Open up a bit more, sweet boy," you requested.
You watched on as he shifted and opened his lovely, supple thighs for you. Then, slowly, he brought his hand backwards and opened himself for you. A reedy noise flew out of your mouth before you could stop it and you clenched your thighs tight.
"Fuck, Danny."
You forced yourself to take a deep breath; you needed to be diligently focused on the task at hand, it wasn't often that you had the chance to be, after all. You worked your fingers against his rim, just to slick the delicate skin, before beginning to push your first finger inside. Danny bit his lip at the feeling and shifted from where he lay on his knees, willing himself to unclench his tense muscles.
"How're you feeling, baby?"
"Good," he let out a breath. "Another one?"
You complied with a hum, pulling your first finger away and then pressing back in with a second one. Your eyes never left his form, watching and waiting until he appeared relaxed enough for you to beginning moving your fingers in a scissor-like motion. It was heavenly, the way his warm, silken walls hugged your fingers, and heady in a way you couldn't quite describe.
You continued on, pushing and stretching, until Danny began to rock his hips, angling each one of his movements upwards. You understood what he was trying to do in an instant, if not sooner. You began to wriggle your fingers, actively trying to catch on his walls with each upstroke and downstroke.
"Ah- fuck, fuck," Danny mewled, suddenly. "Right there, that's it. Feels so good."
"Yeah, that's the spot?" You cooed, smoothing your hand along the now-rigid muscles of his back. You applied a bit of pressure, just enough to ease the tension he was holding there. You then let your hand drift further downwards, until your arm was draped across his side and your fingers were stroking absentmindedly at the side of his hipbone.
You began to move your fingers against that spot, rubbing in tight, little circles. In return, Danny let out a breathy, high-pitched moan and rocked his hips, pressing your fingers more firmly into your prostate. You let him take control of the pace for just a moment, instead choosing to let your focus drift from the movement of your fingers to the moving, sinewy tension in Danny's back and thighs. He was so breathtakingly beautiful when he was like this; in the beginning throes of pleasure, cheeks flushed bright, eyes having fallen shut and brows furrow upward, lips parted.
You wanted to give him everything.
So, you did, in the best way you knew how in that very moment. You drew your fingers away, dribbled on some more lube, and carefully added a third. You gave an appreciative hum; it always struck some chord inside yourself to watch the way Danny's hole stretched around your fingers. You voiced your admiration softly, "You look so pretty taking my fingers, Danny. I wish you could see yourself."
Danny let out a bitten-off curse. He needed you, badly. He felt it every time you spoke, every time you moved your fingers or let out a little noise that you most-likely didn't even know you were making. It was like you were splashing fuel onto an already-raging burn.
"I'm ready," Danny gasped suddenly. "Fuck me, Y/N, fuck me so good. I need--" he cut himself off with a choked whimper as you pulled your fingers away, but nonetheless continued. "Want you to make me feel full, baby. Wanna feel it for days after."
By the time Danny had finished his desperate babbling, you had already secured the strap to your hips and were coating it in lube. It was a beautiful toy, really; dark purple in color and a length that was fucking amazing, as Danny had put it. Out of all the toys you two had amassed together, this one was by far your favorite.
"You ready?"
"Y/N, if you don't fu--"
"Okay, okay!" you giggled.
With one hand seated firmly on Danny's hip and the other at the base of the toy, you inched forward--slowly and surely--until you bumped against his rim. Danny let out the deep breath he had drawn in, and you watched as the arch in his back bowed deeper. You pushed yourself inside with short movements, giving him enough time to adjust between each. Danny moaned when you finally bottomed out, breathy and quiet. You stayed unmoving until he threw you a needy glance and wiggled his hips in an enticing circle.
"Oh, you want me to move, now?" you teased, digging your fingers into the fleshy sides of Danny's hips.
He tugged his bottom lip into his teeth and gave you this soft, longing look, complete with puppy dog eyes and all. So, with a smirk that you didn't even try to hide, you began to rock your hips back and forth in steady, gentle motions. Danny made a pretty little sound, head lolling over his shoulder and dropping between his shoulders.
You pitched your hips forward with a particularly hard thrust and watched as Danny's fingers tightened in the sheets besides his head, cooing, "Feeling alright, sweetheart?"
Danny rolled his eyes, "What does it look like?"
You chuckled and rolled your hips a little faster. You built up to a steady, plunging rhythm, catching the toy on his rim each time you pulled back, then grinding your hips against his, each time you pushed in. Danny worked to match your movements, rocking back and driving your cock harder against his walls.
"Baby," Danny called sweetly.
You snapped your gaze up; you hadn't even noticed that you were no longer watching the side of Danny face, but rather watching slide of the toy against his hole. He cocked his head to the side and bared his neck to you, silently beckoning for your lips. You came when called--like you always would--and leaned over his back, beginning to kiss and nip up the side of his lovely throat.
You moved in close when you were finished, voice quiet against his ear when you spoke, "You take me so well, Danny. Like you were fuckin' made for it." You punctuated your sentence with a deep, dirty roll of your hips. It so satisfyingly punched the breath from his lungs.
"More," he managed. "Tell me more."
"You're the prettiest little thing when you're getting fucked, you know that? Your cheeks get all red and your eyes get all needy. And then, when I hit that spot- Shit, Danny, you make the most beautiful noises." You brought your hand up to his face for a moment, dragging your thumb across his bottom lip before continuing, "Let me hear those noises, sweet boy. Don't you think I deserve to know how good I'm doing?"
Danny whimpered, head falling to rest against his forearm, shielding his eyes from your view.
You tsked, "Don't act all shy, now. Tell me how it feels, Danny. Please? I wanna hear you."
"Fuck. It's so good, so fucking good."
Satisfied, you moved on. You brought your hand downward and palmed the back of his thigh, gently encouraging him to move it upwards and to the side, creating a change in the angle at which you were driving into him. You thrusted with a new intent now, focusing on dipping in and dragging along his walls in search of his prostrate. Moments later, Danny's hand flew backwards and wrapped around your wrist, a heavenly noise tumbling from his lips.
"There?" you questioned.
"So close."
You doubled your efforts, pushing and pulling until- there it was. Danny let out a breathy, debauched cry and arched his back, his fingers tightening both from where they circled your wrist and were clenched in the sheets. His noises spurred you on something fierce; they always did. You snapped your hips in rapid succession, aiming for his prostate with each thrust and nailing it each time, if Danny's near-constant stream of sounds were anything to go by. They were divine; hitched gasps and sweet whines and drawn-out moans all blending to create a beautiful song unique to your shared intimacy.
Bringing your hand upward, you smoothed your hand up Danny's back, his shoulders, and then is neck, until you held his jaw. You thumbed at his bottom lip, pulling it from his teeth just slightly. You felt a grin break across his features and then, he suckled the pad of your thumb between his lips. You delicately stroked his jaw with the pads of your fingers, your concentration momentarily broken by a rush of lascivious adoration. Unabashed praises began to spill from your mouth, then.
"You're so perfect, baby. So pretty and so good and all mine."
You rocked your hips forward with a particularly forceful thrust against his prostate and he whimpered, pathetically sweet. You slipped your thumb from his mouth and brought it lower and lower, until you were prodding at his rim with your now spit-slicked digit. He bucked his hips wildly at the sensation. But you stayed still, waiting.
"Do it," he whined.
You conceded with a soft grunt, pressing your thumb in besides the moving toy. You slowed unconsciously as you watched, transfixed on the way his rim stretched to fit so perfectly around your thumb. Danny was so intoxicatingly pliant beneath your hands; it made your head spin.
His pitchy whimper tore you from your thoughts, "Come on, baby, don't slow down, please."
Upon hearing his sweet little 'please', you kicked yourself back into action. You leaned forward and kissed the side of his face in apology, then he was whipping his head around and greedily connecting your lips. He licked wantonly into your mouth, needy, as if he'd never be graced with your taste again.
Danny could feel the heat pooling in his gut, growing steadily with each of your movements. He tossed his head to the side, breaking your kiss with a gasp for air, then a low groan as your rubbed inside of him just right. He began to grind his hips against the silken material of his pillowcase; he couldn't quite help himself, not when his climax was just at his fingertips.
"You're so close, sweet boy, aren't you? I can tell," you prodded, and he nodded eagerly.
You could always tell. His shoulders would draw back in an arch, and he'd get this pretty, debauched look on his face. His nose would scrunch, and he'd grit his teeth, but the stream of uncontrollable noises would always keep his lips slightly parted, anyway.
"Come on, pretty boy," you hummed. "Be a sweetheart and come on my cock."
A sweet wail tore itself from Danny's throat as he came, painting that silk pillowcase. You stilled your hips almost instantaneously, allowing him to work himself through his orgasm at his own pace. He rocked back and forth until he was finished and then, with a gentle hand on your thigh, nudged you to pull out.
As Danny caught his breath, you unclipped the harness and slid it down your waist and off your legs. You tossed the toy aside; you decided it could be dealt with later. Then, you turned your attention back to your boyfriend, tangling your fingers in his hair and rubbing soothing circles into his scalp. You committed his face to memory, right then: a soft, dopey grin paired with fucked-out eyes.
Your moment of adoration was brief, as Danny had grabbed your waist and flipped you onto your back. He knocked your knees apart and seated himself between your thighs with a hand trailing teasing fingers across your lower abdomen and hips. You caught his eyes with raised brows, but he just gave you a cheeky little grin in return.
"Danny-" you cut yourself off with a noise as you felt the tip of Danny's finger circling around your achingly desperate clit.
"Can I make you come?"
You'd barely nodded in affirmation before Danny was ducking his head and diving in. He mouthed at you sloppily, licking, sucking and kissing around your folds. Your fingers threaded themselves into Danny's hair on their own accord, and you sighed, allowing your body to relax beneath his tender touch.
After a few moments, he focused on your clit, suckling on the nub until you moaned, loud and sweet. You may have tugged at the roots of his hair, too, but if you did, he didn't let on. You only felt his lips twitch briefly upwards into what was--without a single doubt in your mind--a smug smirk.
Danny brought one of his hands up and dipped his fingers into core, solely to gauge the pool of arousal that had been steadily growing since the moment you'd walked through the front door. He pulled back just enough to lick the taste of you off his fingers, before slipping his first and second fingers inside with an upwards crook. You bucked against his hand, sending his fingers driving into your walls and his nose bumping into the delicate skin of your clit.
You were closer than you'd like to admit; taking Danny in that way never failed to make you nearly just as desperate as it made him. So, when his fingers brushed against a particularly deep spot, it sent you hurtling towards your climax embarrassingly quickly. You made a breathy, high-pitched noise and Danny's responding groan had your back arching in delight.
"Fuck, I'm so close! Make me come, Danny," you whined, you couldn't help yourself.
With one final dance of Danny's tongue along your clit and a thrust of his fingers, you were coming with a soft cry and your thighs were clenching against either side of his face. He brought you down from your high with gentle movements of his fingers, until your thighs had fallen lax. He raised his head, before locking eyes with you and licking the juices of your release from his fingers. You squeaked, rather indignantly.
"You always taste so sweet, baby," he purred, before surging forward and capturing your lips in an affectionate kiss.
When you pulled apart, Danny had that soft smile on his face, the one reserved for warm, glorious moments such as these.
"Thank you, Y/N, that was amazing." He pecked your lips. "You really know how use that thing."
"Don't say it like that," You giggled, swatting at his shoulder. "...What got you so worked up anyway?"
"Honestly, I don't even know. All of you? You looked so stunning tonight, I could hardly keep my hands to myself when we were at dinner," Danny huffed a laugh.
You held the side of his face in your hand and kissed him square on the cheek. Once, then again. And again. And again, until you were fully peppering his face and neck in feather-light kisses.
"You're a sweetheart, Danny," you finally breathed. "Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"
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ransprang · 1 year
I think admin sar and I might have the same condition 'cause I also get sendo brainrots🤭 can I ask for a scenario where wally/woli gets really affectionate with sendo's gf bc he sees her as a big sister but it still makes sendo extra jealous? If you guys don't read the manga & don't know woli, you can just do headcanons for jealous sendo c:
also sorry this took so long to write!!
sendo getting jealous when wally is affectionate with you
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You are a nurse at the Naniwa Boxing Club who also happens to be dating the famous Naniwa tiger - Sendo Takeshi. Today was just another day of Sendo practicing his routine and you oogling at his muscles flexing.
After finishing a challenging set of exercises, Sendo wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked over at your direction. To his dismay your attention wasn't fixated on him anymore. He followed your eyes to the gym doors. Even with his fast movements he could just see a blob of brown and black leap onto you.
With a bright smile on his face, Wally screams out in excitement "Y/NNNNNNNNNN" and leaps to hug you tightly. Your eyes lit up seeing Wally after such a long time. You had met Wally a few times when he'd spar with Sendo and he'd end up with a few scratches. You used to patch him up every time and talk to him about his home. This helped you both get closer and made him see you like an older sister he could come to.
"Wally!", you giggled as he nuzzled into your neck with his head sort of like how a dog would. "How have you been Wally?" "Goooood. I missed you!!!" He said continuing to keep you in his tight embrace which you returned lovingly.
Sendo felt a bit annoyed that Wally has been hugging you for a good minute now and not letting go. Plus he is way too close to you. He should be the only one to nuzzle into your neck, not him. Wally sensed Sendo's heavy steps making their way towards him and slowly detached himself from you. As Sendo approached him, Wally gave him a sweet smile and offered him a bunch of bananas, "Tiger! These are for you."
A little annoyed from before, but not wanting to show it, Sendo masked his feelings and returned Wally's smile. "Yo Monkey. Thanks. Y'ready t'hit the ring?" Wally nodded enthusiastically.
Oh that's right Wally and Sendo were supposed to have a spar today. You were so mesmerized by Sendo's practice session that you forgot about it.
Sendo and Wally were in the ring doing their warm ups before the spar beginned. Sendo saw Wally glancing at you to get your attention and smiling when he was successful. Each time your eyes met, a spark of jealousy ignited within Sendo.
The spar had begun and after every round, whether Wally had an advantage or not he would run to you and ask you what you thought and give you a hug before he was scolded back into the ring. Sendo's jealousy grew with each display of affection, but he tried his best to focus on the spar.
After a few rounds something in him just broke and he couldn't take it anymore. He trusted Wally as his friend, but seeing him shower you with affection made him feel insecure. He trusted you completely, but his competitive nature and protective instincts made it difficult for him to witness another man getting close to you. He grew increasingly restless, unable to shake off the feeling of insecurity.
You were his girlfriend. He wanted to be the only man to shower you with all the attention and affection in the world, otherwise what kind of a man would he be. Sendo tried to brush off his jealousy, knowing that Wally meant no harm. He understood that their bond was purely familial, but it didn't stop the pang of possessiveness from nagging at him. Sendo, finding it increasingly difficult to focus on his sparring, started throwing more aggressive punches and pushing himself harder. His movements became fueled by his jealousy, as he wanted to prove to Wally that he was the one who deserved your attention.
However, this only served to escalate the situation, as Wally matched Sendo's energy and pushed himself even harder. As the spar continued, Sendo's jealousy grew more pronounced. He started losing focus, making mistakes, and leaving himself vulnerable to Wally's counterattacks. Frustration welled up within him, and he knew he needed to address the situation.
As the spar ends, Sendo approaches you "Oi /n, I need to talk to you. Privately." You could tell that even though Sendo was trying to sound confident you could hear the tinge of insecurity. When alone you turned towards Sendo, concern etched on your face. "What's wrong, Sendo? You seem upset."
Sendo took a deep breath, trying to gather his thoughts. "It's about Wally. I know he sees ya as a big sister, but his constant physical affection during the training… it's been makin' me feel jealous. I'm sorry for bein' this way, but I can't help it."
Your eyes widen at both his honesty and that him of all people is jealous. You gently place a hand on his bicep, trying to reassure him. "Don't worry, Sendo-kun. It's just Wally's way of showing affection. I'll talk to him about it okay? You are my love, and I want to do whatever it takes to make you feel secure."
Determined to enjoy the rest of the day, Sendo nodded and mustered a smile. Sendo took a deep breath, trying to push aside his jealousy. He acknowledged your words, knowing you spoke from a place of love and understanding. He also reminded himself that Wally's affectionate nature was just a reflection of his friendly personality.
Later after you spoke to Wally, he approached Sendo with a smile to make ammends. "You two make a good couple. I'm glad to see you happy together. Thank you for taking care of my sister, Tiger." Sendo, feeling sense of security, extended a hand towards Wally. "Thanks Monkey. Your friendship means a lot to both of us. Let's continue supportin' each other."
your brainrot,
admin sar
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whataboutsimple · 1 month
The key to relaxation.
Both Petra and Nell are grown adults!
Petra couldn't find a place for herself after Portal Network thingy. Something was bothering her, but it's quickly changes when Nell appears.
Not sure if I got it right, but there you go!
Enjoy your cuties, @vastly-fixated-devotee-667 <3
She tried to convince herself that it was all about the recent circumstances with the PAMA and the Games of the Old Builders, but deep down she knew that this was not entirely true. She's just felt.. empty. Not complete.
The redhead sighed wearily as she opened the doors of her small house on the outskirts. Nothing has ever been more invigorating than a good workout, but lately Petra has been on her own.. mind. Nothing helped.
Something else was bothering her, something she had been trying to forget for a long time and push into the far corner of her mind.
«Sup, dude.»
The redhead instantly pulled out her sword, squeaking in fright and putting it to the throat of unwanted guest.
«Nice to see ya too.» — Nell stood calmly to the side of the entrance, as if the sword at her throat didn't bother her at all.
«Notch, Nell, you-! I-.. how did you get here?!» — the redhead almost irritably put away her sword, not understanding what was happening. Why was the blonde here? How did she even find her house? Why was she here?
«Jason opened Portal Network for everyone, so we can move freely back and forth-»
«I know!» — she whined in exasperation — «How did you get into my house? How did you found it?»
Nell shrugged vaguely—«I assumed that you would be somewhere out of the crowd.» — she smiled wryly, putting her hands in her pockets while one of the straps of the T-shirt lazily fell off her shoulder, exposing this beautiful skin- no, Petra, stop it, what the hell?
«Why did you come?» — The redhead carefully placed her polished sword against the wall, taking off her heavy grocery bag and walking into the kitchen, expecting the blonde to follow her without question.
«I wanted to see ya again. Was impressed by the way you behaved during the games.»
The redhead shuddered — «Don't remind me. It was a complete failure.»
Nell just grunted, plopping down on a chair— «Don't be hursh to yerself. You did a much better job than those who've been playing them for years.»
«Only because I was trained.»
«And smart. And fast. And brave.»
Something warm pierced the girl's heart from the compliments, but she quickly pushed away the sticky feeling — «Did you, like, came to thank me or what?» — she turned with a questioning look.
«Yes and no. I want to get to know you better.» — something bright flashed in Nell's eyes as she idly fingered the apple in her hands.
«Uh huh? Well.. Be my guest, I guess. I don't know.» — Petra awkwardly waved away, feeling her face turning red. Why was she blushing?!
«You have beautiful freckles.» — Nell grinned, biting into an apple.
«They match your eyes.»
Petra put her hand on her cheek in confusion, not understanding anything. What's happening? Is she flirting with her? Why is Nell flirting with her?
«You can consider it flirting, if you want.» — a smile could be heard in the blonde's voice, it's like she was reading her mind.
Petra spun around, looking the girl up and down. That's when something jumped. That's why she's been restless ever since the whole portal thing ended. That's why she couldn't find a place for herself. Couldn't relax. Because her key to relaxation just came to her.
«..Will you stay to the night?»
«I was hoping you'd say that. You had this bothering feeling too, right?» — the blonde grinned, lazily looking at redhead. They have a lot of time ahead to get to know each other better, but so far she liked to see the blush on the her face — «Your lips are beautiful too.»
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markosbabymama · 1 year
yipppeee!!! :) in that case can i pls get a ck matchup?
i’m 5’3” (160 cm) , i have stone blue eyes but they change to green or grey depending on the day. my hair is wavy and shoulder length and it’s the color of cinnamon. i have dark freckles under my right eye but not my left. im on the lighter-tannish side and i have a sharp button nose.
i’m an aquarius rising and sun , and i’m a pisces moon. i’m an introverted extrovert and an entp. i have anxiety and adhd. i tend to hyperfixate on things very easily. i love film, and writing, and reading. horror is my favorite genre of book and movie. my love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. my aesthetic per-say is modern downtown girl meets 70s downtown girl.
i love music si much it’s a big part of my life. i’m learning to speak spanish and i tend to talk a lot if you couldn’t already tell. rambling is a big habit of mine.
i’m so sorry ml for writing like 3 full paragraphs 😭😭 mwah mwah tysm <3333
u are literally the cutest ever?!🩷🥹
you are made for miguel sorry i don’t make the rules
he loves to lean down and kiss u literally his favorite thing ever.
he’ll randomly give u piggy back rides or pick u up bridal style and thinks it’s the funniest thing ever
loves loves LOVES UR EYES!!!!
literally kisses ur eyelids bc he loves your eyes sm
*looks down at u while ur cuddling him* “when we get married and have kids they better have your eyes, or else i don’t want em.” *slaps his chest* “miguel!”
takes random pics of ur eyes while they’re in light
loves to run his hands threw ur hair. it’s therapeutic for him.
definitely tried to braid it and fails miserably but it’s the thought that counts.
randomly buys u claw clips and hair ties🥹
has a hair tie on his wrists at all times just in case.
once tired to kiss all the freckles on ur face to see if he could do it LOL
obvi he couldn’t but it’s okay cus he loves to kith u lol.
always admired ur freckles. thinks it’s the prettiest thing on the planet.
kisses ur nose as many times as human can.
loves to pinch ur nose as well lolz
he loves ur nose sm
he’s honestly always by you’re side since he knows it takes time for u to warm up to ppl
especially at party’s.
he will never leave ur side EVER.
only time he does is to get u a drink. but even then he’s like “u sure ur okay by urself? promsie??”
and let’s say u have an anxiety attack/ ur overwhelmed by something
he will run to your side so fast to make sure you’re okay.
will do breathing exercises with you, rub your back, give you water, talk u threw it, he will literally not move from ur side unless you say to.
loves how u get so invested in something
like he will literally go out of his way to make sure he knows everything abt ur hyper fixation
no matter wtf it is. it could be abt rocks and this man will search how many there are, JUST to talk to u abt it.
adores reading horror books/ watching horror movies with u.
he’ll wrap his whole body around u with twelve blankets on a couch and just sit there listening to you tell him about facts abt the movie, the cast, where it was filmed, ect.
loves watching u write
will literally just sit next to u and watch
loves how passionate u are abt music
makes a special playlist just for u.
is proud when u add a song from his playlist to urs
“U LIKE THIS SONG???” *smiles like a six year old*
i honestly believe miguel is touchy too so he LOVES when u can’t keep ur hands off him
not in a sexual way, in a loving, caring, sweet way🖤
holds onto ur waist all the time
y’all definitely link arms all the time
he’s always touching u and the other way around. y’all can’t keep each others hands off the other.
“you’re the best thing that ever happened to me, mi amor.”
loves ur style and loves going shopping with u.
will hold up a pair of boots and go
“omg this would look so pretty on u mi amor.”
also loves finding lil hats for u to wear.
will blow every last dollar he has to buy u clothes.
*walks in with 5 giant bags* “Y/N, I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOUUU!!”
literally is ur tutor
“Eres el amor de mi vida.” *looks over to him* “what did u just say, miguel? *smiles from ear to ear.* “nothiiinggg.”
u find out like three days later and kiss the shit out of him. LMAO
leaves lil love notes in spanish in ur locker everyday 🥹
so proud of u when u have your first full convo in spanish.
“YOU DID IT!!! IM SO PROUD OF YOU MI AMOR!” *tackles u and kisses ur face.*
so much shit talking happens at school.
miguel: “¿Viste su traje?”
y/n: “Sí, oh Dios mío. ella se parece a mi abuela.”
*both of u dying of laughter*
A/N: THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE MY GOODNESSSSSS. i really hope u enjoy this cause i had a blast writing it. love ya!!🩷🥹
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frogs-in3-hills · 2 months
anyways i think it’s obvious i’ve been rewatching NANA (+reading some of the chapters although i haven’t started reading past the anime’s coverage yet) given the nanaposting and in hindsight i think it’s integral to how the story functions as a tragedy that one of the first things we learn about nana komatsu is 1) she is a victim of grooming and 2) she does Not understand this.
and because it’s played so… normally, because neither nana nor the narrative make any judgements on whether or not it’s okay that a 30 year old married man took sexual advantage of a 17 year old girl, it could almost slip past someone’s radar on a first viewing. yazawa does this all the time where she presents socially unacceptable relationships at face value and expects the reader to recognize them as abusive or creepy or codependent etc etc. the sparkly shoujo elements are used as a framing device for nana’s perspective and experiences, and she’s not thinking about whether asano groomed her (yes i had to look up his name), she’s thinking about whether he “truly loved” her. she thinks abt it almost like it’s shoujo melodrama rather than an act of violence.
(one of the bits that stands out to me is one of her recurring fears, that asano didn’t tell her his real name. but when she meets him again in tokyo, it’s very casually confirmed that he did tell her the truth. i think the fact that she fixated on this so hard is a good example of how and why she tries to fit her trauma into that shoujo structure. a fake name feels so inconsequential in the face of everything else, but still, wouldn’t it be so dramatic if he’d done such a thing? couldn’t it be the judgement that the narrative thus far refuses to give, that he’d wronged nana, and then she could be justified for feeling this way? and then the issue is solved so fast that it feels dismissive, while also exemplifying the ways she’s come up short in processing what happened to her.)
so it’s up to the reader to understand the depth to which nana is traumatized at the beginning of the story (i know it seems fucking obvious but have you ever interacted with the general western anime community…….. lol. some people don’t recognize an abuse narrative unless the characters all turn the camera and tell them so). nana, along with the people around her, call it “heartbreak”. she spirals into semi-violent self loathing (“if i keep thinking like this my body is going to rot away”) and she’s triggered by things that remind her of him and she can’t actually bring herself to get close to shouji…. because she’s heartbroken. it’s the only vocabulary she has to even begin understanding what happened to her. she recognizes that she’s feeling extremely dehumanized, ashamed, and undesirable because asano used her for sex, but she can’t make the connection that it’s HIS fault, not HERS. everybody around her supports that read too. her friends don’t tell her that asano was a creep, they just huff and bemoan that they have to deal with another Rough Nana Breakup.
anyway. one of the first things we learn about nana k is that she was taken advantage of in a vulnerable moment (lest we forget asano approached her because she had collapsed due to her new ““diet””) and is traumatized by it, but now she’s in a new relationship with someone who does seem to love her. when the narrative jumps right into nana’s relationship with shouji, we’re being put into her shoes—it almost seems like she’s forgotten about asano, especially after she was miraculously able to get some closure with him. he’s rarely, if ever, mentioned again in the story. but it’s setting up the entirety of nana’s arc for the rest of the show. over and over again, it’s driven home that nana feels deeply undesirable, stupid, and worthless. her best friend yells at her and treats her like an idiot constantly. shouji hypocritically gets mad at her for not being mature and then gets mad at her when she is. her coworker screams at her. she was sexually used, arguably assaulted, by a grown man who didn’t love her. and then shouji cheats on her. what even is there to like about nana k? when she meets takumi, she no longer believes that she will find true love.
nana is fully aware that takumi is an asshole. she frequently wonders if he only visits her as an easy lay. he convinces her that she’s different and that he really does like her, but nana is under no illusion that takumi loves her. with him, she can at least believe he likes her, even though he’s seen what she believes to be the darkest part of her: the part of her that wants to be loved. in nana’s mind, wanting to be loved is the most despicable thing she could possibly do. it means she’s a slut, she’s gullible, and desperate. and REALLY, that’s always been the case. it must be why asano liked her. right?
and the point is that she wouldn’t even be in this position if asano hadn’t groomed her. it isn’t just a slice of her dating history, it’s the formative trauma that informs her choices and leads her to believe that she doesn’t deserve love. NANA is a tragedy because, within the scope of its own timeline, nana was doomed from the start.
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