#that feels wwrong
dystopiagnome · 2 years
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Gave up but also the watermark really does add <3
Anyways I think Patton should be taller and that’s because. 🧍‍♂️
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ventcode · 2 years
ooh thhtis mmf behind me isny it
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jinxeddetectivve · 2 years
if you immediately hc goofy silly guy characters as havving adhd/dyslexia/(not liking/being bad at) subjects like math or science or just straight up stupid I KILL YOU
STOP IT RGRAAR RA AA A A. AAA (unless you're projecting <3)
(I kind of spammed tags to explain more sorry)
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serfuzzypushover · 4 months
i feel so insecure evvery time i wwrite long replies bc wwhat if i didnt use enough commas and no one can understand wwhat im sayin or wwhat if it gets misconstrued or i use the wwrong wwords or its a bad take and i wwill be publicly e%ecuted
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casanovasadmiral · 2 years
eridan, what do you think about feferi? what happened during the last time you two meet? do you hate her?
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the last time wwe spoke i made an attempt to reconcile and talk about the past. i took a lot of time to think and take accountability and hoped she could too. some part of me assumes she understands wwhat she did wwrong based on the wway she had reacted. im stubborn, but fef has alwways had a hard time admitting to her wrongdoings. im no saint- anyone wwill tell you it wwasnt entirely my owwn doing. do i hate her? wwell its.. its extremely hard to hate her. I feel betrayed in a lot of wways, but its complicated at the same time.
It seems a bit bitter, at the least..
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kayforpay · 1 year
Aight thoughts on erirose and equirox the girls and their weird lil freakazoids
to be fair to the boys those girls are also weird lil freakazoids, otherwise they wouldn't be interested
got a bit long so readmore
I feel like erirose would honestly be best like.... pale. not even weird pitch-pale if anything flush-pale. rose sees a pathetic little guy and decides to fix him, but like, actually. implements a self-care routine for him and makes a point of discussing his good points and how to appreciate himself without being egomaniacal about it
in exchange he has all the rage and snappy attitude that she's had to soften for so long that she doesn't even realize she's doing it. very "she said no FUCKIN pickles wwhats wwrong wwith you"
once he stops sweating so much she needs gloves when they hold hand they slowly move on to cuddling and actual papping. he's extra nervous because he doesn't know anything about Good palemates and has to be reminded not to try and rush.
for equrox, on the other hand...
flush. they're in love love. he's a giant bear of a troll who would (and does) happily kneel by her feet so she can pet his hair. she calls him "my lil ponie" and even when he knows the joke he just likes it bc she means it in a good way
they get along not because they have a ton in common but more because they both really enjoy learning about things they're not good at or not very interested in. roxy can't do a Ton of robotic/mechanical maintenance but she loves to hear about how things work. she'd just point at like an excavator or something and go "what makes that 1 werk" and he'd go into infodump mode while she just looked at him starry-eyed
meanwhile he would lay his head on her thigh and watch her play video games and go "D--> Why doesn't the Genshin Impact East Alternian Queen not simply use her STRENGTH to stop interlopers?" and then happily listen to an hour and a half of lore on an anime game he has 0 intent of playing
between their combined cleverness and intellect they make him a sleeping scarf that has sopor in it so he can sleep with her in bed without putting her sobriety at risk by having a blanket/something that would touch her a lot, bc as soon as they both realize they're like For Real for real about it they move in fast as hell
I think their main argument is that equius' mess has an organizational method to it and roxy's mess doesn't, so when she gets into an adhd deep clean urge she messes up his bolt-stacks and things, but they manage
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mayor-of-losertown · 2 years
Eridan: hey fef
Feferi: Yes, -Eridan?
Eridan: our moiraillegiance has been great and all
Eridan: but i feel like wwevve been in the wwrong quadrant this wwhole time
Feferi: Actually, I was just sinking t)(e same t)(ing!
Feferi: Do you want to mako our confishions at the same tide?
Eridan: sure
Both: Will you be my...
Eridan: matesprit?
Feferi, simultaneously: kismesis?
Both: ...
Both: WW)(AT
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sleepy-seal · 2 years
feel like what?
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5-7-9 · 8 days
I suddenly feel obnoxious because i thought about Midas Hand as my OC’s team name and then realized there’s barely enough cool team names to go around so did I really need a team name? 😢 They’re called Midas Hand because i thought Midas Touch was too obvious. I found it ironic that they’re treasure hunters when they’re usually the ones creating treasure.
Also i assumed that treasure hunters worked similarly to normal wizard guilds that have request jobs so that meant they could never keep the treasure they find, but i think i wwrong was.
I sorta got down a backstory for two of the three, but i’m not sure about the blacksmith’s one. Because for the other two i actually tied it back to canon in a roundabout way. Fashionista’s family had a rich business until it got bought and then they had to work under Heartfilia’s father’s business. Fashionista’s family was so ashamed and decided their daughter couldn’t act all high and mighty to show respect to their superiors or else their jobs were at stake. But Fashionista has an ego and refuses to be disrespected, so she goes all out on presenting gorgeously. She eventually starts her own line of work and becomes rich again. I think her relationship with her family is fine. I think all three of my OCs should have fine familial relationships anyhow, and are all successful business people that become sorta rich. Collector has the exact opposite of Magic Deficiency Disease, similar to Ultear’s condition which was never properly given a name. I have no idea how Ultear managed to get better, but Collector was also apart of the experiments. Collector sorta died so they were considered a failed experiment, but after Ultear destroyed the place it turns out they survived (assuming they took place in the same building). Their heart technically stopped beating but their magic gave then an electric shock that woke them up, plus their magic depleted when they used it. Collector eventually goes back home, figuring out that they could actually survive as long as they extracted magic from themselves every once in a while. They used magic containers or the sort, and could self manage. They consider themselves a ticking time bomb because their body will explode if it absorbs enough excessive magic. I have no clue as to whether actual doctors can even cure this unnamed disease or whatever, but Collector never stopped having this disease because they’re a special case where it gets worse (or Ultear was the special case for better getting, idk, canon was too freaking unclear). So they’re sorta have a chronic disorder, i think that’s what it’s called anyhow. They imbue a lot of magic items with the magic they extracted from themselves.
Blacksmith was tougher because i thought about his father being scary and hated by everyone except himself, so eventually he stops getting hated by his bullies when he helps a bunch of people, showing how he’s not scary. Something about strength being used for shields more than it’s used for attacks. Maybe he should instead be the town favorite for simply being the only blacksmith in his old home, and he got to see a lot of guilds happily buy his father’s weapons and he wanted to become him. Passing down the torch or something. It’s more simplistic that way i guess. Still irrelevant to anything canon related, can’t win at everything i suppose. Or maybe he met Erza first out of the three, when she was still younger, that’d be nice.
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jess--posting · 4 months
ohhhg . sometheing feels wwrong. morethann usual
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chroniclin-aquarius · 5 months
for real if you need a hug my inbox is open. i feel like people are hating on you for no reason.
i should be used to it by noww but i didnt do anything wwrong this time i didnt do anything wwrong and evveryone hates me anywway
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jinxeddetectivve · 2 years
Hello !! I thought I'd make an intro for myself despite havvin similar things already. You can probably find this info elsewwhere but I feel it's quicker for people to see a pinned post than to dig through my blog.
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BASICS: I am J.D. (abbrevviation of blog name) or Joe ! Wwhatevver makes you comfier > He/Him, It/Its > A Joe Tazuna HIGH. SYNNIE. > ENFP > TYPIN QUIRK USER ! (It isn't too crazy but I wwill translate if asked.) > POC > Genderfluid ! And Pan ! All the silly stuff !!
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INTERACTION STUFF ?: > Don't be afraid to ask anything ! > Tone indicators are usually needed > The USUAL DNI but add: Other Joe syns, Any blogs that sexualize Martin Blackwwood and/or Jon Archivvist, people wwho don't respect xenogenders and neopronouns, and DSMP fans. > CRINGE CULTURE NOT ALLOWWED !! I am cringe but I am FREE
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(Next part has coloured bits so it's easier to read the important stuff !) POSTS/TAGS: > I tend to only tag vvery common triggers ! If you need something tagged tho, I just need a reminder. I'm not perfect and don't alwways remember or think to tag some things. The format is usually "CW" instead of "TW". > SPOILERS. FOR EVVERYTHIN. IF I TALK AB SOMETHIN I WWILL SPOIL IT. > Sometimes I might reblog adult jokes or kind of nsfww content, but no actual porn, no actual explicit descriptions and I'll try to remember to tag evverythin accordingly (I wwill probably nevver rb actual images or gifs of any sort, I mean more like text posts) > This does not wwelcome nsfww interactions wwith me ! (Asks etc.)
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ACTUAL TAGS: savve = It's obvious (NAME) tag = Wwhen I tag a moot ! so cool so cool so cool so cool = usually reservved for cool art, not consistant friend art/moot art = Also obvvious art inspo = thought it wwas cool also !! but this time it's inspo !!
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OTHER NOTES: > I draww, but not often. I am not an art blog. > The fandoms I post about are NOT consistent, if you followw me for content for a specific media I probably wwon't post about it for long. > I'M A BIG NERD !! I LIKE MATH !! AND BIOLOGY !! STEM ALL THE WWAY FR FR > This doesn't excuse me from bein a silly little guy. > I block people all the time, and it's not alwways because I don't like someone. Sometimes I block people simply because I'm not in the fandom their blog is dedicated to, or because they ship something I don't like all that much.
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Um also BLINKIES !!!! (I believve none of these require credits but if I'm wwrong I wwill correct this !) (FLASH WWARNIN OFC !!)
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walkyjake · 1 year
Everytime i  watch and rewatch this i feel more sick. Sincerely  comes off as an alien  trying to appear human. I was perplexed. This is really interesting.  And we never saw any more of it.  Whats the deal. Whats wwwith the editting style> Why is he telling people to play a song that uses a  modified guitar you cant even buy normally? Theres just somewthing wwrong? No there isnt, bye.
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serfuzzypushover · 2 months
For that breakdown of the character thing...Jane Crocker my dearly beloved
How I feel about this character:
HES SO COOL I LOVVE JANE CROCKER jane swweety im so sorry about ur comphet and getting absolutely destroyed by yaoi u didnt deservve that 😭😭
All my romantic ships with this character:
gamjane, tavvjane, janerose, janeroxy...
My non romantic otp with this character:
dirkjane sighh i lovve their friendship
Unpopular opinion about this character:
jane has nevver done anything wwrong
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon:
testosterone wwould havve savved him
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casanovasadmiral · 2 years
Orphys, are your horns very sensitive? or do they have feeling at all? did those accessories slip on or clip on?
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Extremely so. It is hard to explain the feeling of havving horns touched. Less of a detailed or pinpoint feeling. More just kind of a pressure and temperature.. like touching your arm through thick fabric, I suppose -just more solid. I knoww that's not exact. As for the attachment of these horn ornaments, they slide on and sit wwhere they fit on the taper of my horns. sometimes evven putting them on can be uncomfortable if they scrape the wwrong wway.
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thatoneguywhowho · 2 years
you seem a bit upset at that..
iim, iim not gonna say aanything… ddont tease mme..
we arent teasin ya, we just find you cute! but i get it bud, its alright
iit.. feels wwrong…
..yeah, i know
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