#that dog actor is incredible btw
jaypentaghast · 4 months
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why must the goodest girls always suffer the most? 😔
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Tagged by @rachaeljurassic to list 8 shows to get to know me!!! (These are in no particular order btw)
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries: my current obsession, also the reason I realized I'm queer as fuck 🥰 Literally changed my life and I'm insanely happy and grateful for it. Mac/Rosie means more to me than any other pairing I've ever shipped and words cannot express how much I love them 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I'm not crying you're crying
Wentworth: another current obsession. Came for Tammy, stayed for all the amazing characters (and Tammy. Obviously) A+ show for a newly-realized sapphic btw 😏 Fridget are forever my OTP, Kaz is my smol ball of fury, and I desperately wish we'd gotten to see her and Bea become friends 😭 You could make a drinking game for every actor who shows up who was also in MFMM except you'd probably die of alcohol poisoning 🤣
Supernatural: do I recommend anyone watch this show? Absolutely not. Did it have a profound impact on who I am that I am forever grateful for? 1000% 🥰 The show that got me through the worst of my depression, the show that got me writing more fanfic than I'd ever written before, and of course, Destiel, aka the other pairing that's meant the most to me 🥰
Schitt's Creek: god I fucking love this show 🥹 It's absolutely amazing, hilarious, inclusive, lovely, beautiful, everything I adore. David/Patrick are my OTP and dear god do I have a crush on Alexis. Definitely one of my comfort shows 🥰🥰🥰
Parks and Rec: one of my oldest obsessions. Yes I am young, don't judge 😅 Ben/Leslie was... if not my first OTP, it was very close to it, and I'm pretty sure this is the show that introduced me to fanfic 😈 I have seen s3 so many times that there are multiple episodes I know by heart (long story) and there are so many episodes that make me cry and/or super emotional. This is another comfort show and I'm so glad that ppl (finally!) started giving it the recognition and love it deserved once it was almost over 😒
M*A*S*H: I have watched many classic tv shows, and this is by far my favorite. It's honestly one of the best shows ever made, and it's funny and poignant and emotional and I love it so much 🥹 Hawkeye and BJ are friendship goals and I will never stop referencing the spam lamb 😁
Elementary: best Sherlock Holmes adaptation imo and it's absolutely amazing 😍 The cases are wild and some in particular are actually genius, Jonny Lee Miller is incredible, Lucy Liu is incredible, everyone is incredible, and agh I love it so much! Not to spoil anything, but the Moriarty arc was ✨PERFECTION✨ Some of the best tv writing. And this is also a comfort show for me. (Is that weird? Probably 😂)
The Society: I will be forever sad that COVID got this canceled 😭😭😭 I need to know what happened! I need Sam and Grizz to be together! I need Elle to escape Campbell! I need Allie and Will to be freed! I wanna know who Eden's dad is! And who the fuck is Pfeiffer and why is their world in a different place in the universe and WHY CAN THE DOG CROSS BETWEEN WORLDS??????????? I NEED ANSWERS DAMMIT!
Tagging: @pigstubborn @three-seperate-johns @scruggzi @galadriel1010 @eternally-conflicted @know-the-way @midnight-els @leliesblou and anyone else who wants to do it!
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the-other-art-blog · 3 years
Hawkeye episode 5 SPOILERS
This is the last time I make theories. I’m just gonna sit and take whatever Marvel decides to give me, and then maybe I’ll read fanfiction.
I’m a little disappointed that we’re on episode 5 and we have not seen any flashback about Clint’s childhood or any other part of his past. I really thought they were gonna do it in this one. Maybe they’ll save it for the finale.
So, I’ll just list the good things first:
How cool it was to see Yelena before and after the blip! It really helps you realizing how it must have felt for someone who got dusted. It’s really nice how they keep coming up with ways to illustrate this moment, same with the Battle of New York.
Yelena! 😍 😍 😍 😍 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 
She loves Nat so much.
She really likes to jump out of buildings! That’s actually kind of dark when you think of how Nat died.
I liked the conversation between Kate and Yelena about Clint. A lot of people are saying that he just walked away and suffered no consequences. And I think this show is really great at addressing that and showing the dark side of people who worked as assassins for anyone, even if they’re the good guys.
And I think Clint agree with Yelena, it was Natasha who saved the world.
Grills!! Please don’t let anything happen to him, I know about the comics!!
Clint talking to Nat in front of the plaque. He missed her so much and Renner is just a fantastic actor. I just watched Spiderman NWH and it’s really amazing how these characters are so present in Yelena and Peter’s memory. Cap’s shadow was also in TFATW.
Clint has an arrow to send messages!
Laura, whoever she’s supposed to be, is just fucking amazing! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 
I love her living room. It’s so classy. She was sitting on her beautiful armchair, enjoying a drink next to the fireplace. She’s incredible. I love her and won’t tolerate any slander from her haters.
“and know that I’ll always understand more than anybody else ever could”
She knows who Kingpin is!
There, he says “I love you” to Laura! Remember when Clintasha shippers were laughing because he “only” said “I miss you”? Now because Clint said “I miss you” to Nat, then they’re saying that’s his way of saying “I love you”. I mean, honestly. 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄 🙄
(why do I have the feeling that ClintxLaura haters and AmyxLaurie haters are the same kind of people?)
Ronin vs Maya! Every episode I get more excited about her series.
Clint knows about Yelena! Of course he does. It’s completely logical but it still surprised me. Didn’t Nat had a picture to show him?
Pizza Dog doing tricks!  🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰 🥰
So, I take Yelena and Kate are friends now.
Kingpin!!!! Oh it took forever!
Now, give me Mockingbird! 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Now, this wasn’t a perfect episode.
There were also a few scenes that took way too long IMO. If this were a 9-episode series, then it would be fine. But we’re running out of time and I’m getting anxious.
One was the scene with Eleanor and Kate. I think it could have been shorter.
And, as much as I love Yelena, her and Kate’s chat was also a bit too long. The first part. Yes, Yelena is so adorable, but also we’re running out of time!
Again, I think Clint’s backstory deserves a flashback. At least a mention.
I’m don’t think they’ll be able to tackle everything in 35minutes next episode. They may leave the Kingpin for the Echo series, but I’m worried.
BTW, Florence can’t post about her role in this series but someone uploaded Spiderman NWH in Youtube and the Multiverse of Madness trailer!!!
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laufire · 3 years
RNM 3x04
Although I’m enjoying the season so far, I gotta say, the episodes feel super disconnected, this one most of all. I blame the fact that Liz (THE LEAD) and Rosa still aren’t participating in the main fucking plot :)))
I’m still extremely wary of Rosa’s storyline. I think it makes sense for the character, and that *for now* they’re keeping it in line with it being more about Rosa proyecting/exorcising her issues than about Wyatt Long’s manpain, but. I’m eyeing it. And I really want her to be more involved in the main plot/do more stuff. Now that Kyle is in peril and Long is leaving town (which made me wonder whether he’ll become a suspect, actually), I hope that’s where she’s headed. I loved her art (it always has so much personality in it, I love how they do it) and her quote about people changing and becoming who they want to be.
I feel that with this storyline I’m doing a reverse of my usual “things I roll with in fiction but wouldn’t stand for irl” LOL. Because if I was in Rosa’s shoes I WOULD try to deradicalize someone like Long -and there’s no shortage of people like Long in my hometown, so I’m not just talking out of my ass here-, less for him and more as harm reduction and for my own morals. But this could derail Rosa’s storyline in really annoying ways. And I REALLY don’t trust this show’s track record with race. On top of that, a lot of the discourse around redemption arcs~ conveniently omits the fact that only white male characters are pressumed to get them after they commit horrible acts. Why can’t Flint, a MoC, be the one to get a redemption arc instead, for example? It could’ve been painfully easy to switch their storylines, and it could’ve been interesting since Rosa actually disliked him in high school. But the show suddenly decided to care for Long’s inner life. Because white characters (and people) are afforded more complexity by others, more good faith.
I’m not TOO worried about Kyle because it feels too early in the season to fully close that plot. But if they killed him I don’t know that I could continue with the show. I adore Rosa, but her storyline isn’t grabbing me; and I dig Michael’s family drama with Nora and the dictator, but they’re not as ~dear to me. Kyle this season was the one reuniting it all. And they can’t kill him before we figure out everything with the communicator and his father!! C’mon. Anyway. I did love him this episode, helping out; and his scenes with Michael (my rareship is sailing! xDD) were great, from their bitchiness with the radio to their perspectives during their argument. The moment Michael pushes him to take cover and then removes Kyle’s hand from his shoulder asldkfjaf. This fandom is weak for not writing me multiple pages of this rareship, js.
Speaking of rareships sailing LOL, I can’t believe after my joke post about Bert x Kyle I got a mini scene asdlfjasdf, where Bert talks to Kyle and pays a compliment to his mother. I’ve also said since then that I wanted more Bert in the show, but frankly, I wish it was for more alien/conspiracy/fun stuff (like his artisanal beer or his werewolf obsession! or get into the main alien plot!), and not an Issue Storyline that I don’t even trust the show to handle properly.
Maria and Isobel’s vision quest was fun, although I resent the fact that the Liz we saw for half the episode was a fake (seriously, BRING HER TO THE DAMN MAIN PLOT ALREADY). I don’t care much for the two of them bonding, tbh, but if it’s what Maria wants, so be it. And her moments with Kyle this season have made me more lenient towards Isobel, at least. I’m also curious about some of the elements in the quest: the first things Maria sees are Michael sitting in her bar and Rosa painting her table <33. Bert is around being attacked by racists. I also dig that either/both of them pictured Kyle in his doctor getup (with the radio).
Wrt the vision itself, I’m still on denial about the dead being Kyle lol. I’ve heard all the theories: fake death to hide the aliens (I hope that can get solved because if Kyle couldn’t for some reason continue his career in medice it would CRUSH him), and his mother (please don’t) seem the most likely options after this episode. Others are Sanders (for the hints in last week’s) or even Arturo (for Rosa and Liz’s reactions, although obviously the “Valenti” crest wouldn’t make sense there). I also don’t see how it makes sense to cover Kyle’s death if Logan killed him? Unless Max tries to heal him and leaves a handprint. Anyway, I hope none of the above die and it can be resolved. And BTW: the SPN war flashbacks I’ve witnessed in the tags with the “killing” method are. Something. I think RNM still kept the scene dramatic and the audience concerned, but man. The risk of that reference... I don’t know that it was worth it lol.
BRING LIZ TO THE MAIN STORYLINE FFS. I like what we see of her on LA in abstract, but in practice... she’s the lead ffs. One episode where she’s out and having a nice time dancing (those scenes were lovely, admittedly) like this one can be great, but after three episodes where she’s been so removed of it all? Nuh huh. Given recent events (Kyle’s attack, the handprint on her chest reacting, her resignation) I hope it changes soon. And I hope Heath can be taken at face value, because I don’t trust this show’s track record with MoC that could inconvenience its storylines (see Noah and Diego, or even Flint). Also, I LOLED at her dream in the beginning, with her imagining Max apologizing to her and expressing her own concerns about getting lost in their relationship lmfao (as if that would ever cross his mind xD).
His scenes with Kyle seem designed to get Michael out of his funk wrt his heritage, and I appreciate it (especially if it’s THIS, and not the useless or even counterproductive pep talks of anyone else Michael cares more about that does the trick lol). I’m still eagerly awaiting for development on this front. Related to that, I’ve seen the theories about Jones being his father, but. Eh. It’s not that I don’t see how it could be possible (he’s incredibly powerful and can make fire), but. To put it bluntly? I don’t think the actor can pull off what I want from the Dictator. I want someone charismatic, and preferably visibly older than Michael that actually looks like his father. Jones would be a terrible miscast on both accounts. If they bring someone else JUST for Michael it could also be a sign of him really taking over the storyline (which I’m still iffy about because of my other faves, but it’s an interesting way to see where the show is headed).
I feel they could have taken Jones to more interesting places but there’s still time. The good news is that he shaved his godawful beard AND saved a dog’s life lol. Also, am I the only one that thought he might’ve known Noah, when he grabbed his and Isobel’s picture? I’m curious about that.
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retvenkos · 3 years
okay, i know that we established the fact that i once shipped u with our unproblematic king, steph(v)en meeks, but let's completely scratch this thought out of our heads, and we're actually missing the huge picture is that you'd be an absolute adorable couple with neil perry. actually, in all honesty, you'd be compatible with every poet, bestie! but.
neil & u would have a golden retriever boyfriend x girlboss duo, who's power would be UNMATCHED
obviously, i feel like in whatever au of whomever you end up with you and charlie are the reluctant family friends!!
and i think it's a given that neil would catch feelings first. i don't make the rules!
charlie would then push neil to talk to you at joint school party's (u can't tell me that henley hall and helton don't do school events together)
at first you're like 'ugh, charles, wtf do u want' and out pops neil like that one part where miss jenn welcomes mr mazarra to supervise the kids in s2, like a puppy dog
poor boy is so eager to talk to you, since he's seen you around town, and u did tech for midsummer (yeah, neil's alive in this au for my sanity and yours)
he ends up following you for the rest of the night and u both end up watching the party from the school staircase, talking about everything and anything
eventually you start hanging out with the poets, and obviously have clara, linds, and i come as moral support for hanging out w/ teenage boys
you both grow super close, and during the spring show rehearsals (it's singing in the rain, because we all need neil perry as cosmo brown in our lives) at henley he's actually glued to your side, and when you're backstage, he's practically always staring off into the wings and the director gets vvv annoyed!!!
but you're probably the teacher's fave out of the techies, so u get a pass for constantly finding excuses for hanging out with neil during rehearsals
mr keating eventually meets you, and gives neil the biggest pep talk for asking you out, which neil swears he was "planning" on doing. (no he wasn't)
that doesn't work, so eventually todd says something to him.
nobody can tell u what he said exactly, all the boys know is that there was a lot of muffled yelling and unearthly screeching
todd is your #1 fan btw, u writers have to stick together, right?
cameron, is the boy that tells u neil likes u before neil actually does
don't yell at me!!! but i feel like you and cam would be besties, and cam telling u is the most affectionate thing ever (i'm a cameron apologist. just. remember that cameron actually really liked neil.)
u don't say anything, or get to, because afterwards cam simply! runs away?? laivgbiagvirau
leaving you actually clueless
so after that turn of events, cameron's a big dummy and goes up to neil and is like "she doesn't like u :("
like nO??? u actually didn't give her a chance to respond bestie!!!
so this leads up to the day of the show, mhm?
neil avoids u all night, and u even got him a boquet of flowers, and now u just feel stupid. like damn. did that freckle faced nerdy ginger just lie to my face on purpose?
u feel offended, and go outside of the back of the school, where surprise! u see neil sulking about you :(
you're gripping his flowers and oh no! it starts to rain!!
so u walk over to him, and hand him the boquet of flowers, mary janes starting to ruin and he just looks up with the brightest smile, and you swear it feels like the sun's coming out (it's not)
neil doesn't say anything after that, and probably starts singing 'u are my lucky star' underneath his breath, and it's an unspoken invitation to start dancing in the rain
u both catch cold the day afterwards, but it was worth it because u dorks can take care of each other as an official couple!
bonus: lindsay probably gushes over the waltzing in the rain, while clara and i go feral over the fact that u got sick jnwvtkjbnkj
n knee ways this was incredibly cheesy, but u deserve it for how many ships u do for all of us! i cannot actually express how much i adore the jesper ask (my beloved, PLEASE!!! i want to milo's goat mom and be the one he trusts with his pistols!!! that is all i-) and we actually need to talk about the fact that kaz & u would be a power couple (and a gorgeous one too, bestie!!) sometime else, because i have MANY thoughts on that.
ily and make sure to take care of urself today! <3
cASS!!!!!!!!!!! you don't know how much i laughed and smiled at this ask,,,,,, dps my beloved,,,,,,
first of all,,, you think i'm compatible with every poet??? my power,,, lol, no, but i love that for me.
and charlie as my reluctant family friend is truly a superior dynamic. we both annoy the hell out of each other but would murder anyone should they be mean to the other. we know far too much about the other, but also have zero idea how the other reacts when not around family,,,,,,,, it's actually becoming a favorite headcanon of mine.
and todd, cameron, and i being besties!!!! okay,,,,, but i get the distinct vibes that you would be related to one of the poets, and that’s also how we get an in to their meetings (someone’s like,,,, *sigh* can my little sister bring her friends to our meetings?) and i mean if i had to pick someone,,,,, it’s a tie between todd and pitts. i just feel like you would work perfectly as the more outgoing sibling of a shy idiot.
(and girl, about waltzing in the rain,,,, no doubt you and lindsay were the ones to teach me. imagine having a sleepover and teaching me to ballroom dance in your bedroom with the radio on. in this dead poets society au, we are having all of the cheesy rom-com friendship moments together. we go to malls together, we whisper about boys at our lockers (which are right next to each other for convenience), we go to the movies together only to see the idiot boys, we do makeovers for each other,,,,,,, covid has me yearning.)
also i love the characterization of cameron in this,,,,,, the whole running away and “she doesn’t like you :(” is hilarious, i dIED.
and we can be techies together!!!!!  i imagine clara and lindsay are actually performers, and after rehearsals when we walk home (because we all live in the same direction - spread across two neighborhoods for convenience) we share the tea between the actors and the techies. imagine our chaos <3.
anyway, who wants to daydream with me about this for the next 100 years???
and i’m so glad you love your jesper ship! i just love the idea of the two of you together. it’s golden. and me and kaz????? i have that energy???? i’m astounded and frankly, flattered.
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floggingink · 4 years
I’m tuning in to be VERY entertained on the grounds that I missed almost the entirety of S4 and will not understand anything
we open with an incredible analogue comparing the football team to the Army, as men do construct rituals: football players get blown into the sky, etc., in a heartrending mash-up of Archie’s innocence + the American ideal/expectations/pipeline of masculinity
Archie Company is decked out appropriately to storm Hürtgen Forest
that art direction trope where a character’s hearing goes EEEEEEEEEEEEEE after an explosion……...delightful
the Vixens and friends cheering him on from the sidelines as if Archie can only process his unprocessable present through the lens of his past………...hits the spot
distressingly wood-based rifles for our purposes
Archie > Dawson: I don’t mind telling you I felt emotion upon Archie hoisting his war buddy over his shoulders to that quadruple-toned “Chivalric Archie Using His Strength for Good” tune, like when he broke his whole hand busting Cheryl out of Sweetwater River
Hiram’s dragon-scale gloves? absolutely savory; he would
“Yonkers” is one of those New York place names I don’t totally buy is real (Poughkeepsie is another)
the sepia-toned light in this hospital room rings true judging by all the Captain America fanfiction I’ve read; I also like the mint-colored hand towels draped on Archie’s bedframe bought, one assumes, using the Department of Defense’s Kohl’s Cash
Archie made Sergeant, which is the best ranking for a fictional character: important enough that they can be a leader, get into trouble; low-profile enough that you don’t have to write them in the room making terrible decisions; probably won’t die immediately, as a Captain or Private might be
Fifth period is AP English: Archie reads A Farewell to Arms to Corporal Jackson, a WWI novel by Hemingway that Jug definitely turned him onto
Christ, Archie looks good in that on-leave jacket thing
I like Jackson’s subtle graph paper-print hospital gown
Gay?!: was Jackson in love with Archie? is he gonna bus to Riverdale once he’s off his pain meds? RAS, is that you in there?
God you know I love that haunted-ass Exorcist wooden bench bus light lighting
how long has the WW been relocated under Pop’s??? I do NOT know what happened to La Bonne Nuit
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Fangs’ hair? his Tony Stark glasses? the girls’ “I’m a Slave 4 U” Burmese pythons? Toni’s headdress and immaculate glossed lip? 
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the only part of From Dusk till Dawn I’ve seen is Salma Hayek putting her toe in Quentin Tarantino’s mouth but judging from that I figure I’d like the rest 
The female gaze: Jesus Sweet Pea still looks good
Toni’s stage is flanked by twin pillars of melting candles and I would like someone to track those down for my bathroom
if they lay one hand on Pop Tate…
Betty appears to be, on her own, running the FBI training course. Betty is such a freak
Betty’s FBI-appointed psychologist is “Dr. Starling,” wears a great yellow blouse; Betty eats what appears to be a mini-sized Milky Way
her blond FBI trainer-boyfriend (uh) Glen appears to be an unholy fusion of Jimmi Simpson and that one actor with brown hair and really sharp light eyes whose acting credits I can’t think of right now, you know who I’m talking about (not the guy from Vampire Diaries)
I quite like her patterned blouse and I hate his yellow (gold?!) and blue tie
Please protect Betty: obviously we stan the Silence of the Lambs shit even as it remains infuriating Bryan Fuller couldn’t get his hands in it
Betty’s cat’s crying was so disturbingly baby-like that I had to leave the room once I realized it was in fact a cat
I’ve watched the Elisa Lam tape too many times in recent hours to handle this hallway shot
the Trash Bag Killer coming at her was scary :(
Betty’s lovely blue knit cardi with the puffed sleeves!
50 Shades of Betty: clearing her throat before the doctor quite finishes her sentence—Lili Reinhart continues to be great at conveying “slightly perturbing subterranean tension”
was Charles a serial killer too??? oh damn!
Betty has been successfully holding off giving Glen a key to her place until now, an era that must come to a close
fellas, “Do I at least get a kiss?” is a bad move
Veronica was rich: Veronica’s new digs: exposed brick, bougiely avant-garde chandelier; possibly an elevator door right there behind the dude?
Veronica has married Hiram, to no one’s surprise
Chadwick looks like Jimmi Simpson and brunet Evan Peters plus a jaw
Veronica’s single-puffled-sleeved gown…..madamn (she has absolutely been taking secret birth control pills)
Summer + Blair = Veronica: of course Veronica would be great at Howard Ratner’s job; I MUST know what “specialty showcase haute couture offense” Vinnie has committed
T-Dubbs’ green jacket
Veronica pretended she was working at like, a department store? but she MISSED the EDGE post-day-trading
their apartment is so expensive that their bedroom is totally exposed
oh my god, Hermione
Best costume bit: please get me these satiny green high-waisted slacks?! and ugh her blouse has shoulder tassels……..she’s flourishing
“That’s threatening to an alpha like Chad.”
yes, they have a private elevator. fine.
Glen and Chad get their ties from the same Men’s Warehouse
“When that helicopter went down on the way to Martha’s Vineyard…”
you know kissing is 4-real when one person cups their hand to the back of the other person’s neck all close
I don’t understand the drop of the Glamergé egg but I appreciate that there is one and that Veronica is like, get this the fuck out of my house
Veronica’s shiny cropped tweed two-piece, Yvonne’s weird feathery coat that matches her bf’s shirt (you know she’s supposed to be “too much” because she’s got big hoop earrings)
God, Jughead is next and I’m not gonna be able to handle it
Alphabet City?! the piano?? the fucking East Coast Beat typewriter shit—the day robe? I’m—READING CLUBMASTERS? FORSYTHE???
OH GOD HE’S DATING ANOTHER WRITER (she has nice pants)
Jughead eats: “that place you like” is a HOT DOG STAND in the middle of SOME GRASS
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Jughead wears high-ankle light blue jeans, grey socks, and spectators that blend to create the illusion of wading boots. I’m going to commit a crime
Jughead doubts it: “So did Kerouac. And Hemingway. And Fitzgerald.” 
fuck yes I love Floundering Jughead, and his Pushy Agent who pronounces “career” like “Korea,” and the continuing tradition of Jughead getting kicked out of his house
I like Literary Grifter’s sweater
the Brat Pack, and most of the Rat Pack for that matter, were actors, but I assume RAS couldn’t resist the rhyme 
I was 100% afraid we were about to learn Cora was an uncomfortably-young undergrad
the musical cue as she reaches into her bag is absolutely as if she’s taking out a gun, and it might as well be! it’s the scariest thing in NYC: an unpublished manuscript
showrunners doing a classic I Love Lucy job partially concealing Vanessa Morgan’s pregnancy via medium close-ups, draping black clothes
Cheryl slowly turning to ask if doesn’t she look okay 10/10 icon
Cheryl’s pins: she has either a tiny spider or maybe a tick
Cheryl’s sheaths: the lacy red thing, amazing
why is Cheryl’s left hand gloved?
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: Cheryl’s going to forge a Rembrandt, which unfortunately means she’s my favorite person on the planet (she does not look happy about doing this)
btw is Nana Rose an Immortal?
please tell me about Toni’s eyelashes
“Damn good coffee”: Archie’s earnest “Where are people gonna sit for the bus?” slayed me
fuck YEAH Ghoulies party house! terrible music but really good skull spray paint art
Jug looks LOW lol
Veronica’s blouse + buttons, impeccable
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: Tabitha/Squeaky
the hellscape semi’s red backlighting and its skeleton’s red eyes
I like Linette’s glossy bomber!
the trucker who’s about to kill her can’t also be the Trash Bag Killer….truckers have to stick to too much of a schedule….but he could be Betty’s meandering serial
I loved this episode
NEXT WEEK: Archie brings the FBI down on some people paying their rent :(
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kannra21 · 3 years
I watched NBC Hannibal first 6 episodes and it's rly cool so far especially since I love crime series.
The 6th episode where Alana sits down and conducts an interview with Dr. Gideon, who is behind not only bars, but also a bulletproof glass enclosure reminds me of the scene where Clarice visits Hannibal in The Silence of the Lambs! They're even wearing the same blue onesee! 😂
I love the parallels and I love NBC's Lecter as well. I mean, Anthony Hopkins is a great actor and he did an amazing job impersonating him but Mads Mikkelsen made him less scary and more put together as a psychiatrist. Idk why I thought that Hannibal looks Russian when Mikkelsen is actually Dane. 🤣
And Will def needs a real therapy bc Lecter is just manipulating him haha but yea. I don't know much but from what I've seen Will has incredible analytical skills and Lecter enjoys hearing them bc it feeds his ego. It's like they're trying to find this copycat killer when he's been in front of their noses this entire time.
Lecter's pleasant home, gentleman-like mannerisms and elegant atmosphere makes you forget that he's a bloody-ass psychopath but that's what makes him so interesting. I think that Alana likes Will in a way and it's been implied so haha I wish her luck, they'd be sweet. I also like his relationship with Beverly btw. Idk how they're going to deal with Will's mental state considering that he's a sad man who's been exposed to the world of the dead for far too long. Bringing in changes like basic kindness and love, even if it's from a stray dog, means a lot to him. He's not the touchy kind of person and he probably doesn't appreciate hugs *exception being someone whom he trusts*, but having a companion, someone to share similar interests with would be nice.
However, Hannibal and Will are only cooperating bc he's his psychiatrist. I hope that Will can find his inner peace.
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buckevantommy · 4 years
'(Un)Happiest Season' review
Simply put, it wasn't enjoyable as a romance or a comedy or a Christmas flick. It failed on many fronts, but this reviewer from Salon.com puts the thing into words for Happiest Season's main failings: 
What's bad: There were two main criticisms of "Happiest Season." The first being: Can't LGBTQ audiences have a holiday movie where the main plot isn't about mining the anxiety and trauma associated with coming out, being closeted and casual homophobia? Then there's the fact that Harper really is just kind of the worst. After pushing Abby back in the closet, Harper ditches her in a town where she doesn't know anyone to go drink with her ex-boyfriend until two in the morning, then proceeds to call Abby "suffocating" when called on it. It's a pattern of s**ty behavior that is pervasive and present throughout the movie, so her redemption arc doesn't feel super genuine. 
Why can't we have main queer characters in Christmas movies without their presence being all about their queerness? We want fluffy festiveness, dammit! They could've made Harper less selfish and more attentive while still playing into the *I'm not out yet Because Reasons so we need to hide our gay relationship* trope, but they didn't. Who knows why, but what a waste. 🎄👩‍❤️‍👩☃️
^ Look at that trailer and tell me you don't expect Misunderstandings with fun and tropey antics + Domestic Christmas Shenanigans + Comfort for Hurt! You will be sorely disappointed. 😞 
NOTE: The flick does have a few good moments. And it's probably worth the watch just to see what's missing/mishandled when it comes to queer characters and queer romances in mainstream movies. 
But it's not really fun or funny or heart-warming - where are the snowball fights? Insightful conversations? Christmas elements like eggnog/spiced wine, candycanes, mistletoe? Where are the many colourful side characters and the hungover brunches? We get one scene of ice-skating for a few minutes and it's wasted on sibling rivalry bs rather than, say.. Abby and Harper skating together but not being aloud to touch—omg the tension!! 😍 
There's just not enough comfort for the hurt Abby (Kstew) goes through; the film wholly lacks those warm-n-fuzzy Christmas vibes; there's just way more wrong with it than is right with it - which sucks, because this had the potential to be such a great movie if only Harper was written as less ignorant/selfish and we'd gotten more enjoyable family interactions and more festive fun - like a celebration in town. Instead we get a few limited shots of the adorable town, a crappy bar, and an OTT fancy Christmas party for performative rich white folk on a career path for power and "perfection" (ie. wholesome family values). 
The story they went with was definitely better suited for a dramatic film, so in a romcom setting it really didn't work. Plus the side-characters were flat; we needed more depth from the supporting characters, more meaningful interactions. 
^ Look at those intro credits!! Look at all the domestic happy moments and tell me you don't want to see a movie filled with such fluffy festive goodness!! Well, if you don't want to see such moments, don't worry because you won't. I naturally thought we were going to get this kind of romantic-and-non-romantic happiness dispersed throughout the entire film, but no. Not a one. There's 5 minutes of Happy Couple at the start, and that's it 📸☹️ (unless you count a photo collage of the happy ending and year that follows stuffed into the end credits). 
BTW: That intro song is the most Christmasy song in the whole movie. The soundtrack features modern pop songs which 1) don't help set the festive vibe and 2) are really fucking annoying; the song choices are grating, not pleasant, not enjoyable, and they overpower the scenes with a whole lotta noise. I really wish we'd gotten more tunes like the one above. 🎶 
About the image below—Abby is actually miserable the entire time, getting worse by the day, barely a smile seen on her.. while Harper is the one schmoozing her family and contacts with teeth bared, so.. this image isn't what you'll get, just fyi:
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(also: the only POC actors they had were the perfectionist-stone-faced-bitch's husband and his girlfriend - wife + hubby being secretly separated.) 
The things that the Salon reviewer liked are the same things I did (see below), but imho even those elements weren't enough to save this film from being: 
an infuriating 102 minute-comedy of errors buoyed by a healthy dose of gaslighting 
More cons of the flick are pointed out by denofgeek.com: 
Some of its issues come from the structure of the film, which shoehorns very real queer struggles into wacky rom-com tropes too fluffy to contain the stakes at hand. Meanwhile the choice to have one half of the lead couple be so aggressively and repeatedly cruel—while her high school ex Riley, played by the ever-perfect Aubrey Plaza was standing right there having all the chemistry in the world with the other romantic lead—was a fatal one.
It really was a dramatic plot idea crammed into a fluffy narrative. You can see the conflicting genres fighting to stay alive and they both die a slow, agonisingly dull death throughout the film. The whole *Abby being converted to loving Christmas by Harper inviting her to spend the holidays with her family* thing, only to have Harper force their relationship + Abby into the closet. Straight conversion much? I'm 100% sick of heteronormative bs in my queer Christmas films. 
For the most part, when you're not feeling for Abby's harsh treatment by her would-be fiance and everyone but Riley ignoring her completely, you will be bored af from the lack of festive cheer - not just twinkle lights and boisterous seasonal music, but those good ol' homey family Christmas vibes. With the Harper house + family members, everything's a performance, so that lack of sincerity and warmth makes for a depressing viewing experience: 
^ Jane (one of Harper's 2 sisters) is the only character allowed to be consistently genuine in the narrative (aside from John, but he's restricted mostly to phonecalls, and Riley - but even she's keeping Harper's secrets). Jane is the only character who is naturally vibrant and reminds us of some of the reasons we get excited about Christmas movies: to feel joy and to enjoy the company around us during the holiday season! 🎄☃️🥳 But rather than give us a fun day out with Jane + Abby, we get Abby + the second sister (i don't even remember her name, just BitchFace) which leads to more bad treatment of Abby - this time by two spoiled af no-smile rich kids. *le sigh* Jane carries the spark of honest joy for the entire Harper clan and that is TOO MUCH to expect of one character, let alone a side-character. 😪 
There are so many ways the story could've been tweaked to make more sense and be somewhat enjoyable, including: 
The orphan!Abby thing is just bad. Rather than give Abby a voice, chances to let her personality shine, almost everyone interacts with her to merely briefly express their condolences for her long-dead parents 🙄 
Abby is a pet-minder, ie. she's an animal lover, yet at no point do we see her interact with animals! Not a dog or cat or hamster, no reindeer at the petting zoo, nothing. 🐕🐈🦎🦜🐠
Riley + Abby getting together (even just a kiss) 👄 
Abby + Harper separating so Harper can get her shit together - and then we get several flashforward shots of them separately living their lives (Harper especially), and then meeting back up again - maybe the next holiday season, after some much-needed time apart 🏃‍♀️🤸‍♀️ 
side characters who engage with Abby in a sincere, meaningful way instead of ignoring her (again, we got Riley, but she was outside of the family dynamic) 😊 
MORE FESTIVE CHEER! where were all the staple Christmassy passtimes, the smile-inducing season-specific experiences??? 🎉 
More from denofgeek: 
Where the script gets into trouble is that it doesn’t distinguish between Harper being closeted and her poor treatment of Abby. The two are separate issues and treating them as one does no favors to Harper, nor others struggling with the closet. As Dan Levy’s beautiful monologue late in the movie alludes to, the closet is a safety mechanism—but it’s not a free pass to treat people like garbage. [...] 😟🏳️‍🌈
Even a brief conversation teasing out that being in the closet doesn’t justify how Harper acted, and that plenty of people in the closet don’t treat others like trash, would have been important. Instead once Harper is out (which the movie takes pains to make clear only happened because Harper’s sister Sloane outed her), and a gesture so small it could never credibly be called grand is made, all bad behavior is washed away. [...] 😤🙅‍♀️ 
The jarring underlying issue is that 'Happiest Season' attempts to apply the standard rom-com and made-for-TV-holiday-movie tropes to queer life. So Abby having to go back into the closet isn’t framed as a painful regression or being forced to deny an essential part of herself, but rather a fun twist, in the vein of “but the guy she insulted on the plane is the owner of the ornament factory she has to impress to win the Christmas contest!”🚪😒 
All of Harper’s behavior adds up to making her feel like something the audience wants Abby to be free of, not someone Abby should be fighting for. Once Riley tells Abby about Harper’s cruelty in high school, where Harper outed Riley and mocked her rather than standing up for her or finding an excuse that protected them both, it becomes incredibly difficult to root for the lead couple to get back together, or for Harper at all. 👏💃 
With this information, Harper’s other transgressions go from frustrating to part of a larger pattern. Sadly, it’s a pattern Harper repeats when her sister outs her and she throws Abby under the (lesbian) bus. 🤬 
all interactions between John (Dan Levy) + Abby (he's witty, honest, and 100% the most entertaining element of the entire film; i wish we'd gotten more of him) 😆 
Riley (Aubrey Plaza, Harper's ex) + Abby's scenes together because CHEMISTRY, both between the characters and the actors 👩‍❤️‍👩
Notable between Abby + Riley scenes include 3 instances of Riley comforting Abby's hurt: outside at the fancy party (Abby feeling excluded/ignored/not worth anyone's time due to the way they treat her even though they don't know she's gay), at a gay bar in town (sandwiched by scenes where Abby's made to feel like crap by Harper), and at the fancy home Christmas party where Riley gets Abby something stronger to drink after hearing Abby was going to propose to Harper (but it's been a helluva shitty week and those plans are dead) 👭 
Every scene with Riley was blessed relief from the hurt and discomfort and boredom of the rest of the time with Harper's family. 🤩 
Sister Jane, for being a genuinely fun character 🤗 who was written starkly different to her family and treated somewhat like an outcast 
Aubrey + Kstew killin it in various pantsuits 👀 
In contrast, Riley connects Abby to queerness, bringing her to an LGBTQ bar to decompress and enjoy a Christmas-themed drag performance. It’s the most relaxed and comfortable Abby is on screen since the opening scenes, a chance to glimpse Abby’s authentic self before Harper summons her back to heterosexuality, and where she once again ignores and disappoints her. Riley actually talks to Abby at the various holiday parties whereas Harper keeps leaving her to please her family, especially her father. It’s not hard for the natural chemistry between Plaza and Stewart to take over
I wouldn't watch this film again. For a hopeful Christmasy love story I'd just watch all Abby + Riley's scenes: 
In closing, here's a batshit article title from observer.com that just makes you go, huh? 🧐:
‘Happiest Season’ Isn’t Happy, But That Doesn’t Make It a Bad Rom-Com
Um.. yes, yes it does. 
Rom-Coms are supposed to be fun, light-hearted stories about love even when the plot deals with lying - The Proposal, Sweet Home Alabama - so a movie that leaves you hurting more than comforted in sympathy with one of the main characters because the (apparent) love of their life is treating them like shit, then it doesn't deserve to be in the genre of Rom-Com. 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💞🎬
In summary, Abby and Harper got 5 minutes of happiness in the beginning, and an eventual happy ending after a super rocky middle. The journey was painful and unenjoyable, and it made their happy ending unbelievable and, for Harper, undeserved because of her behaviour through 90% of the story. 
In short: it was not, in fact, the happiest season. 😕👎
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sassy-ahsoka-tano · 3 years
Hello! May I ask you somewhat of a weird question? Why do you like potc? A friend of mine loves it, and I would like to enjoy it with her, but I don't find the appeal. What do you think makes those films special? Tysm, and I completely understand if you don't want to answer. Great blog btw.
Hi anon! Thank you :)
Not a weird question at all and totally valid! I know some people who can’t get into it either, so firstly know that it’s not just you. Secondly, this is gonna be a long post so buckle up everyone hahaha
Honestly, I think the biggest thing for me is that I grew up with it. My family is a huge Disney family, especially when my brother and I were younger, and the first POTC movie came out in 2003 when I was a toddler. I can remember us watching it, and my parents loved it so we watched it CONSTANTLY at my house (like probably 3 or 4 times over the course of a year). So, for me, a huge reason why I like it so much is because of my childhood.
Kind of along with that, my dad really loves pirates (idk why?), but his passion for that kind of rubbed off on me tbh. I’m really fascinated by pirates and pirate culture (if you also like that I’d recommend Black Sails! if you don’t mind HBO s*x hehe), but that’s another reason I really love POTC.
Another thing that I love is the casting/characters. I just think Jack Sparrow is such a fantastic character - funny, witty, charming - and Will Turner is a little adorable puppy dog, and Elizabeth is super strong and stubborn. Also, everyone is just gorgeous like Orlando Bloom was my childhood crush (thanks to POTC and LOTR for coming out around the same time lmao) and, looking back, Elizabeth is part of the reason I realized I was bisexual haha! But these characters were friends I grew up with. I actually went as Elizabeth for 3 Halloweens in a row lol
I think I can probably wrap my remaining thoughts into one last paragraph. Just the vibes I get from it are the best. The cinematography is beautiful, the actors are fantastic, the stunts and special effects are great, and the story is compelling. I think POTC does an especially good job of capturing the Disney magic in the fact that it can be enjoyed by people from all ages. I enjoy it just as much as I did when I was a kid, maybe even more. It’s got a little bit of everything: action, comedy, romance, history, etc. so I think it appeals to a lot of people’s interests.
I also will NEVER shut up about how incredible the soundtrack is like...it gives me goosebumps every time. I just love it so much. I always tell everyone that idk what it is about the composition of the music, but it just sounds swashbucklery/piratey and that within itself fascinates me.
Anyway, so four hours later these are some of the reasons I really love POTC. Like I mentioned, many people don’t like it (even the actors said they were skeptical of the movie when they were cast in it), but maybe one of these reasons appeals to you? I do think it has a lot to do with my childhood for me and the fact that I grew up with it, but they also are really solid movies.
Hopefully this all makes sense! Thank you so much for your ask - this was a blast omg :))
~ mila
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Upcoming Requests
As I promised, I’m popping on to post a list of all my requests I’m doing. I know I have asks and messages, but I’m not going to go through them right now, but I appreciate all your support everyone. I’m not tagging people who requested until it’s posted because most of these are anons. Please like and reblog this, just so others are aware of what I’m doing, and comment which pieces you’re looking forward to the most! It’s a LONG list, so I’m adding a read more option. I’m not posting these in any order, that’s just how they’re listed. 
Also check out my writing challenge in my bio!
Bellamy Blake: 
Can you do a Bellamy x reader? which takes place in season 3 with the chips that take away their pain. The reader is going through something and wants to take it but Bellamy stops them? Love your writing and don’t care about the haters! 
Hi! It’s me again. I’ve got this BellamyxReader idea where the reader has become more and more reckless, and when she kills someone she doesn’t even flinch. Everyone’s worried, especially Bellamy. When they get to restrain chipped-Raven and they’re taking shifts to check on her. While it’s the reader’s turn, Raven says something that makes her snap. I have 2 ideas for the end: either the readers goes out and points a gun to her head or she points it to Raven. Either way, Bellamy stops her. (I was thinking that maybe no one knows about it and that the reader’s been keeping it under control with the meds Kane managed to give her before she was sent to earth with the 100 (maybe she could be Kane’s daughter).Then, when Jaha started chipping everyone, ALIE ordered someone to steal her meds and she didn’t really want to tell anyone about the missing meds. She started to go through the maniac phase of it, and people around her (Bellamy, Clarke) started to notice that something was off Then, coming back to my original request lol, Raven told her that they stole their meds to mess with her and you can connect it with the rest of my other request)
Hi there, I was wondering if i could request an angsty/fluffy S5 Bellamy fic based on the song “Hesitate” by the Jonas Brothers? Thank you ☺❤
Is it possible to get a bellamy one-shot or something based on the song “I hate you, I love you” by gnash and olivia o’brien? I’m not really picky (at all) by what the plot is, but I feel like it’s a good song to write a fic about, thanks girlie 💜 ~ Posted!
Okay soooo I have this on my mind for aawhile!Are you able to do a Bellamy Blake x plus size (if you want) reader imagine based on the song “Don’t wanna fall in love” by KYLE… if you want though!
Hi! I have a request What about a Bellamy x Reader based on the song Happy Pills by Weathers?
Would you be willing to do a Bell x Reader based on the song ALARM by Anne-Marie? Maybe something in season 1, but you can decide a different season if it’s easier☺
Your song fics are so goooddddd! Can you PLEASE do one based on If the World was Ending? Its by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. Can it be a lot of angst and maybe a cute ending if it works? Thank you!!!!!
Hi!! I love your work! I was wondering if you could write a Bellamy x reader based on the song Hot Girl Bummer by blackbear! Thank you ❤️ have a nice day!
Could you maybe do something Season 1 Bellamy where he's tough and lets everybody "do whatever the hell they want" but he's bossier to you and you're a rebellious spirit but he's actually being hard on you because he really really likes you and he doesn't want anything to happen to you (he's bossy in a roundabout way so he makes sure you get dinner and are safe and stuff) and maybe something happens and she gets hurt cause she's mad at him and he admits his feelings for her? Sassy and sweet?
Sirius Black: 
hello! can i request an imagine in which reader is Lucius’ little sister, so she has a bad reputation among the marauders, but on their last year, her and Sirius are supposed to work on a project together so they start spending more time together and he realises that she’s not like her family at all, so they start developing feelings for each other? maybe they even kiss in the end? hehe. thanks!
Hey sweets! I was wondering if I could request a oneshot with young!Sirius please? Something with a lot of mutual pining? Also if the reader could be in Ravenclaw that would be really nice :) Thanks anyways 💓
can i request an extremely fluffy (floof upon floof) and wholesome fic with sirius? :’) thank you
Could you please write a Sirius x reader where the reader is a Gryffindor but is very quiet and cold and Sirius tries to get closer to her?
Hey! I saw that your requests for the marauders were open. I would like to request a Sirius oneshot where he has a crush on reader who is super sassy and will not give him time of the day. He is a bit sad and so maybe James takes it upon himself to get them together? Maybe as a bonus they help July get together too? Thankyou 😍
Hey! How are you? Thanks to Seira I discovered you were writing for the marauders! So I was thinking could you right something on the marauders (Sirius x reader) were it’s full moon and they’re in the muggle world. Moony is stuck in the middle of a village, there is a lot of muggle around him so the reader (who is an animagus too since she’s a marauder) save him but finish hurt by a villager so Sirius protect her and carry her away? I hope it’s understandable and sorry if my English is bad :) 
Barry Allen: 
Hiii! One last request before you close them! Maybe a Barry Allen x reader where the reader has got “dark” powers? I picture her like Billie Eilish in her music video “Bury a Friend”. I don’t know if I explained it clearly 😂
James Potter: 
I really love your works on Harry Potter (basically marauders) Can I request 14, 16, 18, 23, 28 for James Potter. Can reader be Remus' twin sister, a Gryffindor? I I would be really happy to read it. Also if possible can you make a happy ending for it? I trust you can write a perfect fic! Thank you:) (are you still open to this kind of requests?)~ Posted! 
could u maybe work on a lil james potter fic (cus ur reqs for him are open)? one where he's trying so hard to get a girl in the quidditch team (but she's bolder than he is so she tells him she'll only join if he goes on a date w her) i thought it'd be pretty cool... thank u 
I don't know if you are taking one shot requests but if you are, I would like to request a James Potter x reader (different houses, not specified) where they enter a Hogwarts Couples Baking Challenge and they're just having fun. Thanks!
Remus Lupin: 
Hi!!! Could I get a gender neutral!reader x Remus?? Something with mutual pining maybe?? Also I would love if the reader is in hufflepuff!! Thank you!!!
Hey! Can I request a oneshot with Remus where he likes reader who is Lily's best friend and us smarter than her too and is also a prefect? He asks for her help to study and accidentally confesses his feelings at the same time/or confesses during one of their prefect rounds? Thankyou!
can i request some angst for younger remus where it's a couple days after the full moon and he looks for the reader so they can cuddle (they're already dating) and he finds them kissing another guy, and he asks reader why and the readers like "i dont want you anymore, i love this guy, blah blah blah" and he's heart broken but later somehow reader's friend finds out the guy gave them a love potion and fixes it, and reader has to try to explain to Remus that it's what happened but he doesn't (1/2) believe her, and it's all angsty because he's mad at her but in the end he understands or something like that, and i am SO sorry that this is so long, and i love love love your writing~ Posted!
John Murphy: 
 I think 18 by 1D would be such a cute song for Murphy! I saw your requests were open for him (THANK GOD because your writing is incredible!) and I was hoping you wouldn’t mind? Thanks love!
John Murphy with a reader that got her arm or leg or both taken on earth and it’s about her recovering and John helping her. If you can’t do John then sorry for bothering!!
I wasn't going to ask this because I already requested something (believe me when I say I read the moment I knew lots of times already), but just trying it won't hurt me, right? (right? 😭) I need something based on lover of mine by 5sos it can be bellamy, sirius, james, remus or bucky, whoever you think would fit better. thank you for putting up with my shit 🤧 love you tons - 🍑 (Undecided because I haven’t figured out who to write for yet, I think it might be Bucky)
So this is hella randombut can u do a eli goree x reader ship. Eli played wells on the 100 and mad dog on riverdale btw. Anyway can it be were your also famous actor and played in the 100 and riverdale ect and u guys are playing a game on the jimy falon show and your picking random QUITIONS from a dec of cards abd most of them are things having to fo with ur friend ship (u guys are like bestfriends and everybody ships u2) reader picks random card that says I asked you out would you say yes? (Undecided because my requests aren’t open for Eli and I’ve never written for an actor before, but I kinda wanna write this despite my requests not for him. So idk yet. Question: If I do write this, do you Eli to say yes? and do you want them together? No promises on writing it, but send me an ask and let me know please.)
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keelymewett · 4 years
Zombie Movie: I Am Legend (2007)
“Here’s Karen at the health desk.”
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Karen from the health desk. (Picture: A female news anchor, Karen from the health desk.)
Language warning (sorry kids, but this is an MA15+ movie). 
I shit you not, that’s one of the opening quotes of the movies. So, friends and enemies, welcome to the longest review I’ve done of a zombie movie yet. It’s 1:35am here in Australia and I’ve just finished rewatching I Am Legend, everything’s fresh in my mind and I’m hyped up on chocolate. 
This movie has incredible tension, a fresh take on the zombie apocalypse, and it’s based on the 1954 novel by Richard Matherson, which inspired the modern day vampire and zombie movies. Why you may ask? Because it popularised the concept of a worldwide apocalypse due to a disease... now I’m beginning to realise that watching zombie movies during a global pandemic maybe wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had. Any who. 
YouTube rewind made me forget how bloody good of an actor Will Smith is, and boy does he deliver in this movie. Robert’s (that his character, btw, though I will probably end up just referring to the character as Will Smith) interactions with Sam the goodest girl in the world (she’s a dog) and the mannequins is incredible.
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The goodest girl in the world. (Picture: A dog (I’m sorry - I don’t know dog breeds! I’m 99% sure she’s a German Shepard) being given a bath and head scratches by Will Smith.)
Now: three things to look forward to in this “review” (assuming you read the spoilery section below). One: how realistic is this apocalypse? Two: there’s a dog. Three: zombie vampires. Vampire zombies? 
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Backgrounds details! (Picture: Will Smith opened the fridge. On the fridge door are photos of his wife and daughter, a calendar dated for December, a drawing with “Marley” written in kids handwriting, post-it notes, a pamphlet with the heading “Quarantine”, and a Time Magazine cover of Robert Neville (Will Smith). The title reads (heading) “Saviour?” (sub-heading) “Soldier, Scientist” (body of text) “In a Battle that Could Save Thousands of Lives, Lt. Col. Robert Neville Takes on the XV Virus.”
Also, there’s banging in my house at the moment and when I say I’m peaking. I’m going to need to listen to some music while I write this.
Read on for a fun time! Spoilers ahoy!
Realism (the really relevant part. Yikes)
Okay, so what’s this fresh take on the apocalypse? Basically, this doctor cures cancer and it all goes to shit from there. I’m not 100% on the logistical jump from “destroying cancer cells” to “humans (and animals) becoming bloodthirsty mutants that burn in the sun” - for instance, this is just my sci-fi high-school biology and physics brain working here, cancer is basically a rogue cell that mutates other cells and destroys them in the process, yeah? So if the doctor, like she said, uses these cancer cells to work for the body and in the process “cures” cancer, wouldn’t the humans just... infect each other and the virus would kill the host if it went south? Given, that did happen in like 90% of cases as Will Smith explains, but where does the sunlight allergy come in? Is cancer afraid of UV? Confused, but I digress. 
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... Is that my queen, Missy, from Umbrella Academy? (Picture: A woman with blood leaking from her eyes, holding a child and shouting for help.)
The scene where they’re listening to the radio and the guy is like we’re “issuing a military quarantine of New York City” I’m like bitch you wish. Unrealistic. The USA currently (9/10/2020) has the highest cases of COVID-19 in the world (for future historians and poor school children, it’s at 7.68 MILLION cases, no statistic for recovered cases for some weird ass reason, and sadly, 212,000 deaths. For reference, here in Australia we’ve had as of today 27,206 cases, 24,807 recovered and 897 deaths. New Zealand, who went into hard lockdown, had as of today, 1,864 cases, 1,800 recovered, and 25 deaths, with a period where there were 0 new cases for several days.)
Though, with that in mind, everyone going outside and gathering in large crowds? Realistic. 
The actual movie part
Praises time! Will Smith has a stockpile of food. Also, him getting Sam (the dog) to eat her vegetables like she’s a little kid? Cutest thing ever. 
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Stockpilesss. (Picture: Will Smith wearing an apron and preparing a meal in a kitchen chock full of food items, including things like Pringles and spaghetti sauce.)
Setting alarms on his watch for sunset? Brilliant, smart idea, fantastic. Re-enforced windows and door, AND booby-trapped house? Incredible, genius. Setting traps to catch the zomvamps? (like the dumb name I just came up with? Don’t worry, I’ll reveal the stupid arbitrary name they ACTUALLY came up with later) Talent, intelligence. 
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Dude, why wouldn’t you restrain the head/chest? You know, the part that can bite you? (Picture: Will Smith in a lab coat standing over a female zombie-vampire who’s been secured to a metal bench by the wrists and ankles. Medical monitors are connected to her.)
Now, Will Smith is out here looking for a cure. And by looking, I mean actively creating. In a lab. He washes his hands before going in - *chef’s kiss* follow his example - and unlike other zombie movies where it’s super dramatic in the hunt for a cure, this is a lot more chill considering it’s a) been 3 years and b) is more like how science actually works. Trials, tests, animal test-subjects (there is a debate about the ethics of this which I won’t go into here) (I mean a debate in real life not in the zombie movie haha) and human test-subjects. 
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“Did you kidnap my girlfriend, bro?” (Picture: bald, pale muscular dude-bro-looking zombie-vampire roaring in rage.)
The mother-fracking zombies
I have to say it: these are the most dumbass looking vampire-zombies. I say vampire-zombies (zomvamps) because they avoid sunlight but also eat people? 
Now, unlike most zombie movies, these are really bloody intelligent zomvamps. At one point, after setting a booby trap and catching a zomvamp after stumbling into a nest of them, Robert says “They’re not showing any human social behaviour.” Hahahaha. Okay bitch first of all dude bro screamed when you kidnapped his mate, secondly dude bro has pet dogs, thirdly dude bro fucking caught you in a trap. He took revenge on you there, love. He followed you home!
The zomvamps are apex predators, can climb, run, hunt in packs, communicate with each other, set booby traps, make coordinated attacks, follow you home, learn where you live and remember it, and holy fuck humans had no chance. 
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Thank you for clarifying, because I actually found this quite funny. Like, look at him! (Picture: dude-bro zombie-vampire from earlier growling in front of a flaming car. The zombie-vampires are very CGI, pale, fish-person looking things with pale skin and completely bald of hair. This guy is wearing ripped clothes. The caption reads “Growls menacingly”.)
Random things I have in my notes but haven’t mentioned yet (yes I took notes) 
What’s with the apocalypse and mannequins? Looking at you, Five (Umbrella Academy). 
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(Picture: Will Smith looking at a “female” mannequin, who is dressed in a coat and black bob wig. They’re in a movie store. Funnily enough, behind the mannequin is the “Adult” section of the films.)
I agree with the fuck-that-shit sentiment when you see a mannequin suddenly appear in a different part of the city - like how in the hell?? 
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(Picture: Will Smith aiming a rifle at a mannequin in an orange jumper. Mannequin is usually located outside of the movie store, yet here it is randomly in the middle of the street at the end of a T-section. There are tall glass windows behind the mannequin, and the window to the right has a giant, gaping pitch black hole in it. It’s presumed that there is a nest of zombie-vampires in there.)
... so is this a booby trap for humans or for zomvamps? Because the former makes sense if that dude bro zomvamp analysed Will Smith’s trap from earlier and remade it (hence dropped the car off a bridge to string him up), and the latter doesn’t really make sense because a) you’ll only catch (and probably kill) one zomvamp and why would you want only one unless you’re Robert and two why tf aren’t you meeting up with Robert he’s been broadcasting and racing around town hunting deer (elk?) in a sports car. 
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I’d like to know how hard it actually is to do like a weird sit-up and get yourself free of one of these kinds of traps. Am I dumb for thinking it’s not that hard? (Picture: Will Smith is suspended in the air by a rope tied around his ankle, the result of a booby-trap. He’s struggling to free himself.)
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Come on, you’re literally a doctor and a soldier. Don’t tell me you’re actually considering pulling that out? (Picture: Will Smith has been impaled in the leg by something. It looks like he’s about to attempt to pull it out. He’s in the middle of the street as the sun sets, and Sam is right next to him.)
Sam is a queen. Here are some photos of her.
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(Picture: Robert Neville’s wife carrying a baby Sam - Sam is a puppy, by the way, and very adorable. Neville’s young daughter is walking out of the gate to their house behind her mother.)
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(Picture: Will Smith in a flashback saying goodbye to his wife and daughter and crying. Sam is licking away his tears.)
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Sometimes I hate foreshadowing. (Picture: Will Smith searching a house. He opens a cupboard and there’s a newspaper article with a picture of a zombie-vampire dog. The article reads “Infected dogs can come out at dusk. Stay in the light.” There’s a number to call for questions.)
Worst birthday ever. Now I’m sad and there’s still half the movie left. 
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(Picture: Will Smith sitting on the floor of his lab, hugging Sam, who’s just been bitten by infected dogs.) 
Get Shrek’d.
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(Picture: The ‘Shrek’ movie playing on the TV in Neville’s house.)
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Ma’am, do you not know how to ration? That is such a waste of food. (Picture: the woman and kid who rescued Will Smith have cooked breakfast. She’s cooked way too many scrambled eggs for two adults and a kid, and all the of the bacon for literally no reason.)
Oh yeah, wanna know what they call the zombies in this movie? 
Dark Seekers. They dropped that one on us well into the final half of the movie. Dark Seekers? Really? I won’t get into how dumb that sounds when you had two options to choose from - vampires and zombies. Hell, go with my suggestion of zomvamps, even vampzoms. Dark Seekers? Sorry, I get hung up on dumb zombie-alternative names. Sure, I get the atmosphere might be ruined by calling them vampires or zombies, but not even lying I didn’t realise she said “Dark Seekers” until I turned the CC on to grab a quote. I thought she said “Dog Keepers” hahahaha. “The dog keepers got them.” My defence is that the dude bro did keep dogs. 
Finally, wrapping this up at 2:15 before I add in pictures, you’re telling me approximately 100 zomvamps made a coordinated attack on Will Smith’s house to eat... 3 people? That’s like me and a hundred mates descending on the pentagon for a fucking snickers bar. We’d get like an atom each. 
Oh, what’s that? They’re here to rescue one person? Really? Really? How in the fuck are they even zombies if their primary purpose isn’t to eat humans. I’m disappointed. But points for a fresh take, at least. 
Now one of the things I remember about this movie is that is has an alternate ending. The actual ending (huge spoilers but then again, you’re in the spoiler section) has Will Smith sacrifice himself (read: blow himself and the zomvamps up with a grenade) to defend the cure and save his new friends. The alternate ending, which was scrapped due to negative audience reaction, has Will Smith communicate with the zomvamps who like actually calm down and listen to him. He gives the dude bro back his friend, and... no one dies. 
I’m sorry, how is an ending where, sure, a cure isn’t found YET, but, the “villains” of the movie are humanised and a new side of them is seen that shows, hey, maybe there’s another way through this apocalypse, better than an ending where Will Smith dies? Make it make sense test audience. Because, remember, there’s still a whole bunch of immune people living out here, and three of them are currently in the same room. Robert’s only been working on the cure for 3 years. How many years do you reckon it takes to cure cancer? Hint: it’s ongoing in real life. Just because the cure isn’t found in the movie doesn’t mean it won’t be found. Ughhhh. I digress again. 
I have more random photos but I am very tired. If anyone’s interested in hearing me roast butterflies, the world not actually ending in 2012, and a missed pun about Until Dawn (even though it was made like ten years after this), and a quick analysis on Robert Neville and God, let me know :) 
Have a great day everyone, wash your hands, social distance if possible, and quarantine. Just because the COVID-19 virus isn’t turning us into zombies doesn’t mean it isn’t hurting us. 
Worldwide statistics, 9/10/2020: 36.2M total cases, 25.3M recovered, 1.06M deaths. 
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(Picture: Will Smith saying “I like ‘Shrek’ after just quoting an entire scene of it to win a kid’s trust.)
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insanityclause · 4 years
BTW I have good memories of 2018-9 Tom. I absolutely loved how he goofed about Hamlet with JR spouting Shakespeare. When Tom said to Shanghai Consulate he came to love cooking because it takes time and makes him wait (younger Tom thought it’s waste of time). He looked incredibly humbled at BW Betrayal closing. He cried on the stage as a veteran actor, not an rising one of 2012-3. What a moment. This mature Tom is a fantastic dog daddy (loving & thorough), runs with his dear pupper in Hampshire.
Yes -definitely!
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salandy-andi · 4 years
*holding u at finger-gunpoint* sir please talk about ur ocs At Once o(〃^▽^〃)o
( ⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) it’s super fucking long so. i’ll happily infodump about more specifics if anyone asks
nweom is the story i’m currently working on,,, i’ve been at it for.. a longass time tbh ahgjgksfl. nweom stands for “northwest emporium of magic” because that’s where the story takes place!! 
basically, alternative planes of existence are found around 1800s-ish so now they’re sorta part of society. there’s five planes, four of which are stacked on top of each other like a cake- the fifth is kind of like the frosting for the cake, surrounding the other four. i use cake metaphors a lot in this story. 
the top plane is what we know- Earth, humans, stuff like that. appropriately named “The Human Realm.” this is, of course, where humans originate from. 
the one beneath the top is a world filled with mystical creatures, along a delightfully bright landscape of colourful trees and glowing skies. dragons, wizards, centaurs, etc. stuff like that. called “The Magic Realm”
the third one is “The Fairy Realm.” this world is one giant forest, with a giant tree growing through the entire planet. Fairies, Fae, and Pixies- which are all different, btw- hail from here. depending on how close to the giant tree you are, the residents come in different sizes. closer to the middle you get small ones, while the farther out, you have human-sized ones. 
the fourth, and bottom, plane is “The Demon Realm”. it’s hell. but it’s actually pretty cool and nothing like what people say it is. “Hell” is just a nickname given to this place for it’s likeliness to the Christian concept. there’s two main races that come from here, the Demons, and the Demonoids. Demons are what you’d expect- horns, wings, sometimes fangs and tails, sometimes more eyes than able to count. that kinda thing. Demonoids are the same thing but like, cats and dogs, but Hell Version(tm). 
the outside plane... “The Outside Realm.” only one creature comes from here, aptly named Void Walkers. they are the only ones capable of opening rifts between the planes without a machine, and can do other feats deemed near impossible. they’re lowkey overpowered. they also glow in the dark,,
i have six main characters, and i’m reworking stuff for them so if you’re a long-time fan of mine(lmfao), there’s gonna be some inconsistencies:
Esther Jones, who is the main protagonist. she/her, mid-20s, human. she’s a recovering shut-in who gets a job as a janitor at the main setting, The Emporium. she’s determined to better herself, but she’s cold to strangers so it takes a bit to befriend her. she thinks a job as a janitor is perfect for her because she... likes cleaning? weirdo
Cardasha/Cardy, who i’ve forgotten the last name. uh. she/them, mid-20s, shapeshifter. she’s very peppy, and is Esther’s neighbour. they love to dress up, but they don’t actually need clothes because they’re a shapeshifter. she is aspiring to be a model/actor. loves her friends so fucking much. *slaps top of cardy* this girl can fit so many secrets in her.
Nes Adriens, a mischievous amnesiac. they/them, late-teens, fairy(human-sized). they’re quite the handful, and honestly get on the nerves of lots of people. but they love their friends. they’re very full of themselves, and try to get treated like a monarch. they also LOVE conspiracies- touch phone telephone up in this bitch. they work in a plant shop at the NWEoM. has glow-in-the-dark freckles :D
Maka Ajam, a super-strong kid. he/him, late-teens, demon. hella gay. hella trans. he is like a brother to Nes, and is their best friend. these two are nearly inseperable. Maka is a sweetie- but he has a huge jealousy problem. he works as a heavy-lifter wherever he’s needed, because he has super strength. he’s very small, even Nes is taller than him. loves researching conspiracies with Nes, but doesn’t really believe in most of them. he’s supposed to have wings & a tail, but nobody’s ever seen them. 
Kenneth Adriens, a powerful and supposedly wise fire wizard. he/him, late-forties, human(+magic). his mother is a fire elemental, and his father is a human, allowing him access to incredibly powerful fire magic. he’s been through hell and back(literally and figuratively). he adopted Nes after they started following him around as a child. has problems. can’t stop becoming a father figure for everyone on the main team. works as a security guard, secretly lets kids steal candy. is unnervingly close with the owner of the NWEoM. 
Ruby Zhu, a mysterious, winged woman. she/her, mid-20s, demon+human. hella gay. hella trans. she thinks her appearance is scary, but loves to cuddle. will 100% fight someone if they mess with her or her friends. she was.. friends* with Esther in highschool(*hella gay). disappeared for a few years. supposedly used to be a human. 
anyways ily thank you for letting me infodump i love my ocs and i want to talk . about them more ahJKHFSJ
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obliviatemick · 5 years
Ben Hardy Fanfiction | When I Kissed You p.2
🧡 Chapter 2. The proposition.
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Barbara was at a loss of words (Where did this guy come from?) so all she did was stare blankly at him. He (as she) was soaking wet, her blond locks pasted onto his forehead, his cheeks were flushed, as if he too had been running for safety.
"Ummm...", he started. Instead, he cleared his throat and led her inside holding her by the elbow. After a few steps a whiff of his cologne hit her and took her back to her senses. She stopped on her tracks.
"Are you okay?", he asked, worry in his voice. "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry it wasn't my intention to..."
"No, no!", she interrupted. "I should have paid more attention to where I was going. I think it's me the one who should apologize for getting on your way", she half smiled feeling embarrassed for almost ending up with her butt in a puddle. And for almost causing his butt to be in a puddle. He smiled back and passed a hand through his blond hair, Barb couldn't help but notice his strong jawline and his pouty lips. She looked away quickly.
"So, ummm... Thank you for saving my butt, I guess I'll see you around?", the girl chirped already walking away.
"Wait!", what now? "Considering this place's full... maybe we could share a table?"
Barbara's POV.
I don't know how long it was. But I'm sure as hell that we ended up chatting for hours. And to my surprise, Ben (yeah, his name's Ben) and I had a bunch of things in common! We both loved photography, dogs, and we were both actors!
"I wanted to be an athlete before", he told me holding his cup of coffee close to his lips. "But as you can see, it didn't work out"
"Wait, what happened?", it baffled me that someone with such a nice physique (not that I'd noticed) hadn't succeeded in sports. But apparently the problem was that he kept having injury after injury, so he gave up on that dream and moved on to the other thing he felt passionate about: acting.
"And what about you?"
"Me?", I sipped on my matcha and shivered. It was warm inside and my drink was comforting my heart and the part of my soul that screamed: he's a dude, go away! But my clothes were still wet and that blew big time.
"Yeah, how did you find out you wanted to be an actress?"
"Oh, I always knew!"
And it was true. My whole life revolved about acting, ever since a young age my mother would drive me to acting lessons so I would finally stop whining about being bored at normal school. Which doesn't mean I didn't go to school, of course I did! But in there, I was like a robot, just moving from class to class, trying to absorb as much common knowledge as I could, I was a nerd in English class and I put a lot of effort into learning my maths but my soul? I reserved my soul for drama club. And after drama club, came community theatre, and after that came the bunch of auditions until I started getting small roles in TV shows.
After telling Ben my complete authorized biography, Harry's face came back to my brain... we'd met in high school at an audition for Romeo & Juliet, we became friends and from there everything went downhill between us.
Ben waved a hand in front of my face to catch my attention.
"Oh, ummm..." I must've looked funny because his green eyes smiled at me from the rim of his cup. "Sorry, Ben! It's been such a long day and I'm so distracted..."
"Don't worry, I've been there", he put his cup down and smirked. Why was this guy giving me one-night stand kinda vibes?
"And... what were you saying?"
"I was inviting you somewhere", he took his phone and scrolled on it. "One of my best friends happens to be in the city and I promised to meet him later".
"Meet him where exactly?"
"Here", he showed me a pic of the most incredible lounge I'd ever seen in my life!
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"We're celebrating his birthday now that the whole squad's here. His parties are legendary and since you're nice I thought... why not?", another killer smile. "But if you're not in the mood..." low tone, gaze expectant.
Suddenly, my party alarms were tingling as well as my red flag alarms... Me, a cute boy, a broken heart and a party were not a good combination, but then again... I looked down at my phone: my inbox was still empty.
"You know what?", I said. "I'm in".
Ok, that’s it for today! This one’s a short chapter, but I promise next one will be longer ;) Lemme know what you think of the story and if you’re enjoying it!
TAGLIST: @rrrogahtaylahhhh @valeriecarolinaw 
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sazandorable · 6 years
btw i’m currently listening to the Rusty Quill Gaming podcast, which is by the same team as TMA (as in, they were already doing that before developing TMA) and it’s just AMAZINGLY GOOD AND FUN, very accessible and compelling for newbies to gaming shows, great editing (ambience noises!! and a lot of explosions.), fun battles, mysterious and compelling backstories for everyone... There are bunches of unrelated one-shot campaigns one or two episodes long that I’ve been told are fine to start with, but I’ve only listened to one of them so far (and it was ... downright insane.) because I had zero problem starting right at the beginning.
it just pulled me in instantly (as a comparison it took me like. 4 arcs. to actually start enjoying and liking TAZ and i kept having to relisten to episodes because i didn’t follow or remember anything), i consistently fall in love with every character within 3 lines of dialogue, and it’s just super funny and everyone involved is so nice (though some characters are COMPLETE JERKS it’s beautiful).
i’m only about 30 episodes in and the current cast consists of:
- absolutely sweet and very socially awkward street urchin stabby rogue and compulsive thief who’s making friends and seeing the world for the first time. likes shiny things and making bombs. My Daughter and will be your daughter too. for TMA fans, player is the voice actress of Melanie. (stab stab stab)
- Egyptian pretty boy rich heir that got kicked out of college and disowned. a sweetheart and fabulous, uses magic to look clean and neat at all times, is usually distressed, and is intended to turn into a dragon eventually. player voiced the panicky spiders guy in MAG100 and you can really. hear it.
- the most obnoxious, stupid and awful loud rich man in an extremely impractical (but shiny) plate of armor, runs on the rule of funny and is absolutely hilarious. has no concept of anything, likes his dog more than people, literally hooks up with oscar wilde. player voiced the conspiracy theorist in MAG100 and is just... incredible, all the time.
- disabled dwarf ex-pirate cleric of poseidon mercenary guild leader with a peg leg and trauma. dark deadpan snarker, no-bullshit pragmatist, complains about not being able to run and not being allowed to drown people, loves his friends and is currently breaking my heart. player is the voice actor of Elias and yes his voice is just. like that. all the time.
- the GM, extremely good at what he’s doing, described by his players as “a monster and psychopath”, causes a lot of explosions, admits to caring more about narrative irony than about the characters (but he takes fantastic care of their storylines), constantly creates wonderful npcs, cackles evilly at least a couple times an ep. IS THE VOICE ACTOR OF MARTIN
in conclusion please listen to RQG if only just to hear martin’s voice being a gleeful absolute monster (but also everything and everyone else)
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scarleeonyxide · 5 years
I need to vent, don't mind me.
I just want to discuss the three Hulk movies, so let's go :
Hulk (2003)
Aaaaah, Ang Lee's successful failure, as some may call it. It's not really a bad movie as much as the flaws it has are more noticeable, such as the color scheme used. For example, the military base.
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Purple walls, yellow bars, grey bits of wall, flashing red, green and blue lights. I know it's not realistic for a military base, but the idea was to go for a "comic book like" approach, sooo..it looks cheesy and cartoonish. Bright colors are often used in comic books to make an important place more recognisable, such as military bases.
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The way the screen splits is also reminiscent of comic books, like you would read a comic. The storyline itself is the closest to the first Hulk comic, which is why I prefer it. (Like with Sam Raimi's Spiderman movies, it is the closest to the comics)
CGI speaking, the Hulk itself is way too green but yet again, this was probably intended to go with the color scheme. The CGI is bad by today's means, but it was the shit back in the day. I think the Hulk is very well animated for a CGI character without any sensor-motion.
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The gamma dogs, however, they look hideous. It's like someone tried to animate a dog and put a Joker's grin on it with some green eyes. Their movements are badly made, they just leap in the air, along with some CGI dirt.
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Acting goes well, Eric Bana will forever be my favorite Bruce Banner. He really gives off the vibe of "shy guy has an inner monster" and I can easily metaphor it as a mental illness. (Yeah I'm the kind of person who tries to diagnose fictional character with defiencies or mental illnesses)
Jennifer Connelly is also a very good Betty Ross in this, I'm surprised they didn't bring her back. I love that her Betty isn't a crybaby or a typical damsel in distress. Sure, she's Banner's girlfriend, but she is a strong and capable woman and thus, I think she's very underrated.
Nick Nolte plays Banner's father very well. A deranged but brilliant man, he knows what he's done. I try to think of him as "a madman who knows that he is crazy".
Alright, moving on !!
The Incredible Hulk (2008)
The MCU's black sheep and second entry. In overall, it's a good movie, but also a bad one. It introduces us to the Hulk/Bruce Banner that we later see in The Avengers. Understanding this complex character without seeing the movie is really difficult, considering what information we get later on.
Color scheme this time, is dark. Gloomy, dark and somber, this movie could almost play itself as a horror movie such as "The Thing". Fight scenes are often displayed in the dark, where you can't see shit of what's going on. Even in broad daylight it looks dark !
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CGI is well done, the Hulk kinda looks like it's actor. I personally think that the green they used is a weird somber blend, considering the bright green eyes that barely light up. Also, the shadows don't help. All you see is a big black mass with a small tint of forest green. Well animated, it fits perfectly in the CGI city (I mean, when he climbs on building like Spiderman, that's CGI) reminds me of the city in TMNT (2007)
The Abomination is an abomination indeed, it's facial movement are unrealistic. It's movements, everything ! Clearly the budget was all on the Hulk, either that or they wanted to give a tribute to the fucking gamma dogs from Ang Lee's movie.
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I would see that in a videogame nowadays.
The storyline of this one is confusing and it's basically the only piece of information you can get from Mark Ruffalo's Bruce/Hulk. The ending itself, I'm still trying to figure it out. General Ross here doesn't seem to have no logic whatsoever, the Russian guy turned Abomination is useless.
Acting is good I guess.. Edward Norton is a very good Banner, but I dislike the vibe of "I'm a monster and everyone knows it" because no one seems to care about it. Norton was apparently really hard to work with, which is why they didn't bring him back.
Liv Tyler as Betty Ross is kinda dumb. Ang Lee's Betty was strong, while this one is a crybaby and always goes where she shouldn't. I've seen that trope a lot of time and I hate it. Liv Tyler is a very good actress as well, so seeing her as this really pissed me off.
Tim Roth as the Russian guy wasn't a bad casting as much as it just looked forced. I don't have much to say, except that he loses his accent some point in the movie and no one noticed that.
Moving on.
Mark Ruffalo's Hulk (2012-2019)
Starting in The Avengers, this Banner is the same as Norton's. They give little to no explanation of who he is and instead throw a reference to the alternative ending of The Incredible Hulk. The CGI used is very well made and the colors are well done, true MCU fashion.
It's everyone's favorite of course, and it has evolved in a way no other MCU character has. First, the Hulk smashes, then gets trapped on Sakaar as a gladiator, then Banner can't even turn into the Hulk anymore and then we get Professor Hulk : the ultimate mix of Banner and the Hulk.
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Banner here is a typical nerd, but is clearly damaged by the Hulk, refusing to even say his name.
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In the battle of New York, he changes into the Hulk saying : "That's my secret, Cap.. I'm always angry"
This could explain so much about the confusing ending of The Incredible Hulk, whereas he isn't scared but is in control.
Scenes that I love :
In Hulk, we are treated to a scene where everything is dark, I'm obviously talking about the scene where the gamma dogs attack. It's so fucking dark, you can't see shit ! But yet again, Hulk knows what to do and is not just SMASH ! He puts Betty in a safe place and fights the dogs, which are OP btw. He breaks one's jaw by flexing, bitch slapped another, this Hulk was strong as hell ! That is, if he doesn't get distracted by Betty.
In The Incredible Hulk, there's a scene where it rains like hell. Hulk had already protected Betty at this point and got her to a cliff, where she would be sheltered from the rain. Hulk clearly doesn't understand why they were all shooting at him and even gets mad at the rain. Betty here gets really fucking scared, but eventually calms him down.(At least the other Betty had the guts to touch the big guy)
I'm done.
In The Avengers, no Betty is seen, so he doesn't really seem to calm down. Black Widow's lullaby is a thing but again, it's forced. I'm done venting, criticising or whatever.
This was my opinion, over !
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