#that day felt like i could walk on forever
paddockletters · 23 hours
shattered hearts | lando norris
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pairing: lando norris x reader
summary: you break free from a toxic relationship, embarking on an exhilarating journey of self-discovery
warning: emotional abuse, infidelity, toxic relationship, angst
author's note:this was hard, so hard omg... as I always say, english is not my first language so sorry me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me— and my requests are open!👀
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I met Lando when we were barely out of high school. Back then, he was just a kid with dreams and a mischievous smile that made you feel like you were the only one in the world that mattered. For a while, I believed that was true. But as the years went by, I learned that Lando's smile wasn’t mine alone—it was shared with others, stolen moments behind my back. And somehow, I was always the one left picking up the pieces.
Our relationship was a whirlwind, the couple everyone thought would either crash or last forever. We did crash—over and over again. But somehow, Lando always found a way to convince me to come back.
“I’m sorry,” he’d say, voice low and pleading after one of his inevitable affairs. “But you know you’re my number one, right? None of them matter like you do.”
He’d wrap his arms around me, pull me close, and somehow, I’d believe him. I had to because after eight years of being with him, I didn’t know who I was without him.
The first time he cheated, I was devastated. It was in his early F1 days, just as his fame started to sink in. He swore it was a one-time thing that it didn’t mean anything. And like a fool, I believed him. But it didn’t stop. It never stopped. There was always another girl, another excuse, another lie wrapped up in the promise that I was still the "main one."
One particular night, I remember the argument that nearly broke us for good. Lando had been out late, and I found out through a mutual friend that he had been seen with another girl. Again. When he came home, reeking of alcohol and guilt, I confronted him.
“You said you were going to change, Lando!” I yelled, tears streaming down my face. “You promised me, over and over again, but nothing ever changes!”
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this? You always come back. You always forgive me,” he shot back, arms crossed, his face a mask of irritation.
His words stung like a slap to the face. I wanted to scream, to leave right then and there. But I didn’t. I couldn’t. Because a part of me still loved him, or maybe it was the idea of him—the boy I met before the fame, before the lies.
As the years rolled on, our friends saw the cracks. One night during a get-together at a bar, I tried to put on a brave face. I thought maybe if I acted normal, I could convince myself everything was fine. But when Jess pulled me aside, her expression serious, I knew I couldn’t hide anymore.
“Why do you keep letting him treat you like this?” she asked, frustration evident in her voice. “You deserve so much better, and he’s just going to keep doing this until you realize it.”
“Maybe he’ll change. I can’t just throw away eight years,” I replied defensively. “We have a history.”
“You mean a history of him cheating on you? You have to stop putting up with this, or you’re going to lose yourself,” she insisted, shaking her head.
I didn’t have an answer for her, not really. I just wanted to believe that things would get better. That Lando would see how much I cared and finally choose me over everyone else.
Our mutual friends began to pick sides. Some supported me, while others were loyal to Lando. It was suffocating, a constant tug-of-war that made everything feel so much worse. I felt more isolated than ever, even when surrounded by people.
Then there was the jealousy. Lando was incredibly possessive, especially with his fellow drivers. During one race weekend, I was talking to Charles, who had just finished his session. Lando walked in, and his eyes darkened.
“Why are you always chatting up the other drivers?” he snapped, pulling me aside as Charles walked away, giving us a questioning look.
“Because they’re my friends, Lando! Just because you’re in F1 doesn’t mean I can’t talk to anyone else. You’re not my warden,” I shot back, feeling the anger rise in my chest.
“Don’t act like I’m overreacting. You know how it looks,” he hissed, jaw clenched, frustration bubbling beneath the surface.
I knew he was being unreasonable, but I was too exhausted to fight back. Our friends watched the tension build, hoping to intervene. I overheard Max once whisper to Lando.
“You need to chill, mate. You’re pushing her away.”
But Lando always had an excuse for everything, often deflecting blame onto me.
“You just don’t understand how this world works!” he’d shout, leaving me feeling small and defeated.
The cycle continued, and I found myself in the same painful arguments over and over. One night, after he came home late from a party, I had finally reached my breaking point.
“Do you even care about how I feel?” I shouted, my voice echoing through our apartment. “You’re always out with other girls! How am I supposed to trust you?”
“I told you, you’re the main one! None of them matter!” he retorted, but his words felt hollow to me.
We spent that night in silence, and I knew I had to make a decision. I just didn’t know how to let go.
The more time passed, the more I began to distance myself from Lando. Therapy helped. I began to see the truth behind his words and actions. The way he manipulated me, made me feel guilty for his mistakes. The way he made it seem like I was the one at fault for staying, like I was to blame for the pain he caused me.
During one therapy session, I shared my frustrations.
“I don’t know why I keep coming back to him. He’s hurt me so many times, and I just can’t let go.”
The therapist asked me one simple question: “Do you love him, or are you just scared of being without him?”
It hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t know the answer.
One evening after another brutal fight, I finally left. For good this time. I packed my bags while he watched, silent for once. Maybe he thought I’d come back, just like I always did. But this time was different. I walked out the door, leaving behind eight years of memories, both good and bad.
The nights were long and lonely, and I often found myself thinking about the happy moments we had. One flashback struck me particularly hard: it was the first time he had taken me to the paddock during a race weekend, and we laughed like kids as he showed me around.
“Can you believe this is my life now?” he had said, beaming with pride. “I never would have thought I’d be racing in F1.”
“I always knew you could do it,” I replied, squeezing his hand.
But now, those memories felt tainted, and I needed to focus on myself. It wasn’t easy. There were nights I cried myself to sleep, wondering if I had made the right decision. But with time, and with the help of my therapist, I started to heal. I began to see that I deserved better, that I deserved someone who would love me the way I had always wanted Lando to.
One evening, after finally leaving Lando for good, I found myself at a racing event with friends. It was a chance to distract myself from the whirlwind of emotions I was navigating. As I wandered through the paddock, I was drawn to the sound of laughter.
“Are you lost, or just overwhelmed by all this?” a smooth voice asked. I turned to see Pato O'Ward, the charming IndyCar driver, grinning at me. His eyes sparkled with warmth, and for the first time in a long time, I felt a flicker of something hopeful.
“I guess a little bit of both,” I replied, smiling back.
“Come on, I’ll show you around,” he offered, his energy contagious. As we walked through the paddock, he shared stories about his racing experiences and the thrill of competing. It felt so refreshing to be around someone who was passionate and genuine, without the weight of expectations or drama.
Days turned into weeks, and I found myself spending more time with Pato. He was everything I had needed—funny, respectful, and utterly devoted. He listened to me, understood my past, and never once made me feel like I was in a competition for his attention.
One night, after a thrilling race, he took me to a quiet spot overlooking the track. “You know,” he said, “I’ve been thinking a lot about how important it is to find someone who truly sees you. I see you, and I want to be that person.”
His words resonated deep within me, filling the void Lando had left. In that moment, I knew I had found something special with Pato, something I had longed for but never thought I could have.
Meanwhile, Lando had his own set of problems. He was still juggling relationships, using his charm to keep people around while juggling jealousy over his fellow drivers. I heard from our mutual friends that he was still stuck in the same toxic patterns, always in and out of relationships, always claiming that I was the one who got away.
I remember a race weekend when Charles and Lando got into an argument. I was watching from the sidelines with Pato when Charles approached me, concern etched on his face.
“Are you okay? I know things with Lando have been… complicated,” he said, his gaze shifting to Lando, who was across the paddock, still fuming.
“I’m fine, really. I’ve moved on,” I assured him, but I could see the doubt in his eyes.
Later that evening, I got a message from Lando, who had obviously overheard the chatter.
“I know you’re happy with him, but you’re still mine. You always come back to me, remember?”
It took everything in me not to respond. I had a new life now, a new partner who respected me and didn’t cheat. Lando’s words were just echoes of the past.
Fast forward to our wedding day. I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my veil, my heart racing with excitement. Pato had become my rock, my partner in every sense of the word. I knew this was the right choice, and my heart was finally at peace.
Then, my phone buzzed. It was a message from Lando.
“I heard you’re getting married. Just wanted to say, I hope you’re happy. But I still think about you. We could’ve had it all, you know.”
I stared at the message, my heart pounding. For a moment, I considered replying. But then I remembered all the sleepless nights, the tears, the heartbreak, and all the promises he had broken.
“Too late,” I typed back, hitting send before I could second-guess myself.
As I walked down the aisle, Pato’s face lit up with joy, and I couldn’t help but smile back. When he took my hands in his, I felt a sense of completeness I hadn’t known in years.
The ceremony was beautiful, I felt a sense of completeness I hadn’t felt in years. When Pato took my hands in his, I knew I was finally moving forward.
As we exchanged vows, Lando’s presence lingered in the back of my mind, but I let it go.
“I promise to love you through every challenge and to celebrate every victory,” he said, his eyes shining with sincerity.
“I promise to choose you every day for the rest of my life,” I replied, my voice steady and full of conviction.
We sealed our vows with a kiss, and I felt liberated. Lando was no longer my story; I was the author of my own life now, and it was a beautiful beginning with Pato. With him by my side, I was ready to embrace the future we would build together, thriving in a relationship based on trust, respect, and love.
As time passed, I learned to appreciate the small moments—the laughter, the late-night talks, the shared dreams of a future together. Pato supported my passions and encouraged me to pursue my own ambitions, something I had never fully experienced before.
One day, I received a message from Max: “Lando’s been a mess since your wedding. He didn’t handle it well.”
I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of satisfaction. He had always taken me for granted, and now, he was the one left behind.
I hoped Lando would find peace eventually, but I also knew I couldn’t go back to the pain of our past. Pato was everything I needed, and I was determined to focus on our life together.
As our first anniversary approached, Pato planned a surprise getaway. “I want to celebrate us, everything we’ve built,” he said, a bright smile on his face.
We traveled to a beautiful beach destination, where we spent our days relaxing, laughing, and simply enjoying each other’s company. One night, under a sky full of stars, Pato took my hand and said, “You’ve changed my life for the better. I want to keep building this amazing life with you.”
I couldn’t hold back my tears. “You’ve shown me what real love looks like, Pato. I’m so grateful for you.”
His expression softened as he leaned in, kissing me gently.
Then, one day, I got a call from Lando.
“Can we talk?” he asked, voice shaky.
“What do you want, Lando?” I replied, my heart racing.
“I just need to explain… things didn’t go as planned after you left. I’ve made mistakes, and I want you back.”
I paused, memories flooding back. “You had your chance, Lando. I can’t keep going back to the past. I’m happy now. I’ve moved on.”
“But I still love you!” he pleaded. “You were always my main one!”
His words echoed painfully in my mind, but I stood my ground. “You had your chance to prove that. You made your choice.”
The phone call ended, and I sighed with relief. I looked at Pato, who was sitting beside me, and smiled. I had made the right choice.
I felt a sense of peace wash over me. Lando was no longer a part of my narrative. My life was filled with the warmth and love Pato brought into it, and I was excited for the future we would continue to create together.
With Pato, I had learned to love again, not just him, but also myself. And that made all the difference.
Lando’s chapter had closed, and I was finally ready to start anew, with someone who truly valued me, not just as the ‘main one,’ but as the woman I had become.
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 days
you’ve got a great writing style! I was wondering if you could write Ford x Reader where reader finds him mid flashback/panic attack because of his history with Bill, and has to comfort him, but having no clue about his past so just really struggling 😭
sorry if this is too specific or niche so no pressure!
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You had been looking for Ford for what felt like forever now, even going as far as to ask the twins whether or not they have seen their Grunkle, only for the two to share a look of concern before telling you that they saw him bolt off into his room with a look of pure panic upon his face.
‘He looked like he remembered something that he didn’t want to remember.’ Dipper said and you thanked him before heading towards Ford’s room, where you noticed the door was open and the man you were looking for all day was huddled in the corner of his room with a haunted, yet terrified, look upon his face as his breathing came out raged.
‘Ford?’ You whispered.
No response.
‘Ford.’ You spoke louder this time, beginning to become worried as you stepped into his room, closing the door softly behind you, all the while keeping your eyes on the man who looked as though he had saw a ghost of his past.
Taking a deep breath you cautiously walked towards Ford, all the while also keeping a good deal of distance between you both for his benefit as you knelt on the floor across from him. It wasn’t until you were close to Ford to notice the tears glistening within his eyes, or how his lower lip was being bitten to absolute death to the point of bleeding, or the way his fingers gripped and clawed his own arms. It hurt you to see Ford like this as it pained your heart to not know what he was going through, especially when all you wanted to do was help him however you could.
‘Ford you’re hurting yourself.’ You said lowly as you gently took both of his hands in yours, allowing him to squeeze them as tightly as he wanted, ignoring your own pain at his grip as you rubbed your thumbs against the back of them soothingly. ‘No one is going to hurt you Ford, I don’t know what’s got you like this but you’re safe, you’re safe with me.’ You promised as you felt Ford squeeze your hands in what felt like morse code; something you and Ford had both used when neither of you felt comfortable speaking upon your feelings in public spaces, so you both agreed to resort to morse code instead.
‘You’re safe.’ You repeat as you squeezed his hands back. ‘Stan is safe, Dipper, Mabel, Soos, Fiddelford, Wendy and myself are here if you ever need us Ford, please I just want to know if you’re okay.’ You pleaded as you felt hopeless in trying to comfort Ford and you hated it as all you wanted to do was make him happy, safe and loved, but how could you do that when he was seemingly frozen in fear of something you weren’t privy to.
Ford blinked his teary eyes as they finally acknowledged you and you swore you could hear him take a deep sigh of relief, seemingly having came out of his own head, before pulling you in his arms where he held you tight as he buried his head into your shoulder.
‘You’re okay.’ He whispered. ‘You’re all okay, he didn’t win, he didn’t get to any of you.’
You didn’t know who this ‘he’ was but it was obvious that Ford feared him more than anything, and while the mystery about this character that seemingly haunted Ford unnerved you, you could only hope that your hug would reassure him that you were real and not imaginary.
‘I’m here Ford, I’m right here.’ You reassured him. ‘Nothing is going to take me away from you, nothing.’
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starboye · 9 hours
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starring: chris sturniolo x male reader
request: Chris convinces reader to try on a skirt as a joke and then ends up fucking him in it?? Reader is so embarrassed but ends up liking it!!??
warnings: smut, cursing, fingering, kinda fem!reader, unprotected sex, rough sex
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how the hell was he so persuasive? I mean it was joke between you to when you were out shopping for some costumes for halloween and chris saw some skirts and begged you to try it on as a joke, saying you could make a good tiktok out of it and you agreed to the joke.
once you got home you ran to the bathroom to try on the skirt, admiring yourself in the mirror before you walk out to show chris, him sitting on the couch eagerly awaiting the funny sight, once he saw it he was astounded by the way your ass hung out of it a little as you walked towards him.
"what do you think" you asked spinning around in it, fucking hell why was he finding this hot, he shouldn't be finding you in a skirt hot I mean you're his friend "it looks good" he was trying to hide his boner but it was getting increasingly harder to do so.
"just good? i'd say I look pretty hot" you snickered, to chris you really looked amazing and it was just to a point where he couldn't resist and pulled you into a kiss, his hands groping and grabbing your ass, you wanted to push him off you but you just melted into the kiss more and more until chris was picking you up by the thighs and bringing you to his room without pulling from the kiss.
he walked into his room and dropped you on the bed before closing the door and crawling over you "you couldn't have chose any other time to fuck me" you say pulling off you underwear and about to take off the skirt but chris stops you and tells you to keep it on "well we could stop" he smirks pulling you into another kiss as his other hand pulls off his sweat pants and his underwear.
"don't you dare" you huffed taking a breather from all the kissing before chris flips you over face down ass up style and lifts the skirt to see your pretty hole, he lets a strand of spit fall to your hole and rubs ii in with his finger, slowly sliding one into you, and then two, and then three, thrusting his fingers in and out to stretch you open for him.
moaning into the bed as you felt him explore your hole with his fingers, his soft digits grazing against your plush inner walls "please fuck me" you beg pushing your ass back on his fingers for some more friction but chris quickly pulls his fingers out making you whine in desperation "such a slut sometimes, ive wanted to fuck this ass forever" he groans as he slid into you.
your tightness and his thickness were pleasure enough for both of you, he was almost splitting you open and you were so snug around him he just wanted to fuck you into the next day but he wanted to savour this very beautiful experience, you were so embarrassed that you were letting you friend split you open right now but the moment Chris started moving his hips your worries floated away piece by piece.
he was going slow at first until he started to go harder and harder, loving the look of how your ass jiggled with each plap and those pretty moans you let out for him, seeing the skirt dawned across your ass was the hottest thing he had ever seen, taking it into his hand and holding it tightly to fuck you harder than before, you were getting closer and closer to cumming.
"why the fuck do you have to be so hot" chris groans, thrusts wavering a little as his high came closer "why do you have to be so horny" you rebuttal making chris laugh a little before he's fucking you harder for such words, you were holding onto the blankets for dear life as you jolted forward and soon came all over his blanket with a whimper, feeling over stimulated as chris kept fucking you.
it felt euphoric feeling him continue his assault on your ass, each time you tried to pull away chris pulled you back you the waistband of your skirt, not letting go until he felt his amazing climax, if he could he would've kept fuck in and fucking and fucking you into the next life but his brothers would be home in the next hour or so "where do you want it" chris grunted through tightly shut teeth.
"inside please I want it inside" you moaned and how could he resist such a slutty but pretty thing like yourself so he emptied his warm sticky cum in your ass, slowly pulling out of the mess to admire his work of fucking you "y'know matt and nick won't be home for another hour" chris said and you immediately knew what he was hinting to "well then I guess you better get going again" you smirked.
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taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat @addictedtomalepits @staarb0y @crispysoup318 @its-ares @gargoylesworld09 @kadenvatsune @fuckshft @mindyonastybusiness
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@loose1cannon Thank you so much for your request! I was so hyped with the Ace one, but I need to apologise because my angsty wired brain might have made a poo-poo. I'm so sorry if it's too sad! 😫 I promise that the other part of your request will be happy, okay?? I hope you still enjoy it! ❤️
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Source for pic
Word Count: 1270
Tags: fem!reader; angst, so much angst; NSFW; feelings; hurt; sorrow; grief; spoilers for what happens at Marineford; slightly NSFW
Special Warning: English is not my first language, I apologise for any possible spelling or grammar mistakes.
Summary: It has been a year since Marineford and you still can't cope with the loss.
Tag List: @rosidaze @beachaddict48 @armiliadawn @jintaka-hane @sprinkklz @baby5555 @hopelesslover06 @mars-mizuko @sleepykittycx @nerium-lil (guys if you only want to be tagged for specific characters, please send me a message! I don't want to bother you with excessive tagging!!🙏)
Rain poured down from the skies mirroring your inner turmoil exactly. The steady downpour cast a sort of halo over your figure. It felt like a shroud. The site was eerily quiet aside from the sounds of the heavy drops crashing against the stone graves. 
And for the thrumming of your heart. 
An unsteady rhythm beating out of sync, skipping a beat now and then, as if it were missing something to make it whole. And it was.
One year had passed since he left you, or since you lost him. Honestly, it felt like the world itself had lost him, since he belonged to everyone. He was life itself. And without him, there was only demise. 
“Did you miss me, baby?” His tongue swiped against yours in desperation while his scalding hands roamed your clothed body. “I missed you so much. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. All day, every day.”
Ace was always so eager for you that his touch singed your clothes, leaving small burn marks on the hem of your shirts or on your jeans. It used to piss you off. You’d scold him saying you didn’t have berries lying around just to buy new clothes and that he should be more careful. He laughed it off, or kissed it off, murmuring that he could buy or steal all the clothes you wanted, or better yet, you could just walk naked.
A sob clawed its way up your throat and scratched it, yearning to get out, needing to be free, but you clamped it down and pushed it back into your insides to fester and rot like all the other feelings of grief, sorrow and despair. 
No more crying. No more sadness. Ace wouldn’t want that. Ace loved your laugh.
“Laugh for me, Sunbeam!” You were both lying on his bed, sheets tangled on naked limbs and sweaty bodies, heaving from exhaustion and pleasure. 
“No. I’m mad at you.” But you weren’t, you were just downcast.
“It’s just a month. I’ll be back before you know it.”
No, no. You can’t go there, this one is too painful. If only you insisted, if only you had pushed further. He wouldn’t have gone after Blackbeard and he would still be here with you. 
Your knees hit the muddied floor with a soft thud as your hands clutched your chest. Slim fingers crumpled the drenched fabric as your breath left your lips in shallow, ragged heaves. “You weren’t supposed to leave me, Ace! Not like this!”
Your arms circled your torso in the only hug you allowed yourself these days: your own. It was nowhere near enough, but then again, there would never be another hug like Ace’s. 
It was crushing, bone-breaking, suffocating. It was home. 
“I’m back, baby. Missed me, Sunbeam?” With a little jump you were straddling his lap, legs wrapped securely around his waist as his hands rested on your ass. Your mouth devoured him while your fingers tangled in his unkempt greasy hair. “I guess that’s a yes.” 
That smirk. Those freckles. The mischievous glint in his eyes. 
Gone. All gone. Buried in front of you, six feet under and beneath layers of cold, unforgiving dirt. 
Alongside your heart.
You tried to stifle your moans against the pillow, but he would have none of that. Stopping that sinful lapping of his tongue and removing his fingers from inside you, he lifted himself onto his knees and threw the pillow to the other side of the cabin. “I want to hear you scream my name.”
“Ace!” You whisper with a groan of frustration. You were just about to unravel when he left you feeling empty.
“Yes, sweetheart, just like that.” He aligned his leaking tip with your wet entrance and teased, pulling a little mewl from your lips. “But way louder.”
And you did what he told you to.
Was that the last time?
There’s no stopping the tears. You tried, you really did. But they were relentless. You have a million memories from the past and a million and one memories of Ace. You can’t afford to lose any of them.
"God, Ace, why?” The clenching in your chest expands and swells, taking up all the space inside. Filling you like a balloon and you feel ready to pop. How are you supposed to survive without him? One year was already hell, how can you survive another one?
And another one…
And another one…
“Smile, Sunbeam!”
“You’re shining, love!”
“Ah, that laugh right there, I could die a happy man.”
“You make me feel worthy.”
“I can’t live without you, baby.”
“Don’t ever leave me. I wouldn’t make it.”
You didn’t leave him. You kept your promise. He was the one who left. And now how are you supposed to move on with your life as if what made you live wasn’t ripped apart from you? How is a sunbeam supposed to shine when there is no reflective surface?
How can you be light, when all you feel is darkness?
“Ace… This was never supposed to be easy, but I didn’t expect it to break me…"
“I love you, baby.”
“I love you.”
“You’re my life.”
“My happy, little Sunbeam.”
“My love.”
Getting up on wobbly legs you took another two steps forward. Your tears mixed with the rain, salt and water. Pain and grief. Hurt and sorrow. Reaching with trembling, frail fingers, you grabbed the remnants of Ace’s hat. It was torn and tattered, the beads were barely hanging on, but it was still there.
A desperate wail left your lips as you fell back down, your legs no longer supporting the weight of your misery. This time, you let the sobs climb all the way out. And you cried as you had never cried before. Sobs, hiccups and ragged breaths mingled with the sound of approaching thunder.
But none of that compared to the tempest inside. It roared, raged and crashed, drowning you in its violence, dragging you to the pits of sorrow and darkness and you had no idea how to climb out of there anymore. Not without him. 
But then there was a sudden calmness. A break amidst the most violent of storms and then the echo of a whisper, soft and unmistakable. 
“You’ll be okay, Sunbeam.”
Ace’s voice. A gentle murmur in your soul. Perhaps a conjured thought your troubled mind had made up, but you’d take it.
You clutched his worn-out hat against your chest, wishing there was still a lingering scent of him anywhere, but he had disappeared so long ago. The rain slowed down and was now just a gentle pitter-patter against the leaves and the graves. 
A sunbeam peeked from behind a dark cloud and landed on your lap, near Ace’s hat and for the first time in a year you felt a sliver of hope on the horizon. You didn’t have Ace anymore, but your love for him would never fade or wane.
Your memories together would still be a part of you.
You would carry him inside you and remember him in those missing, uneven beats of your heart. 
Maybe… just maybe, that would be enough to carry you through. 
“I’ll be okay, love.” You forced a laugh. A bright smile like the ones he used to love. “For you, Ace. I’ll fight for you.”
The sunbeam on your lap flickered, faded behind a cloud and reappeared on Ace’s grave. Hope filled you and took back some of the space that grief and sorrow had claimed as territory. You’d learn to shine again, someday…
For him. 
For Ace.
For your love.
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saaturrn4 · 2 days
. MDNI !
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| “Good girl, yeah keep going” ── .✦ modern AU
Toji Fushiguro x Fem!reader ᥫ᭡
➤ Warnings; smut 18+, age gap, best friends single dad, dom!toji, sub!femreader, use of names (daddy, baby girl, good girl), cunnilingus, edging, breeding, nipple play, fingering, reverse cowgirl, tummy bulge, after care at the end.
➤ Summary; you go over Megumi’s house to greet him after being away for college, expecting to see Megumi, you see his dad instead, and things take a turn.
• 3.4k+ words
! not proofread.
It was a nice day today, considering it was a Monday. But it was finally the holidays, so it meant you could finally get away from campus and the assignments. It felt nice to get some fresh air, especially to be back in your home town. It felt like forever since you’ve been here, the place still looking the same from a year ago.
You also thought it would be a great idea to visit your friend, Megumi. He had arrived in town about a week ago from college also, so you knew it would be a good time to see him after being away from each other for so long. Especially since you two weren’t in the same college, which absolutely sucked.
You walk down the familiar street, houses you remember so well as you walk past each one. You walk up the driveway of the house that you had so many memories in, from being caught trying to get ice cream from the fridge, to breaking your arm from falling off the tree in the backyard, to playing hide and seek in complete darkness.
It was such great times, you were happy to be back at home.
You walk up to the front door, knocking on it twice before dropping your arm to your side. You bite on your bottom lip as you wait for the door to open, hearing footsteps from the other side about a minute later.
The door swings open, your eyes darting up to see Toji, Megumi’s dad. Your face goes red as you see his broad chest, as well as his v line. “H-hey! Mr Fushiguro long time no see” you say with a stutter, cursing to yourself in your head.
“Y/n! It’s nice to see you again! And for the last time, call me Toji you should know I don’t like that formal shit” he says with a laugh, in response you laugh as well, blushing a little as he combs through his hair.
“Come in, Megumi is out getting groceries” he says while stepping to the side, you nod before stepping inside, taking off your shoes shortly after as Toji closes the door.
You look around the house, seeing all the pictures the Fushiguro family, mostly it being just Toji and Megumi. You smile softly at all of them as you walk down the hall, with Toji walking right behind you.
You both walk into the living room, both taking a seat on the comfortable couches. You cross your leg over the other as Toji takes a seat across from you, his legs in a manspread. “I wasn’t expecting visitors so the house is a little messy” he grumbled, combing through his hair. You shake your head “it’s fine mr- Toji I don’t mind at all” you say with a reassuring smile, in which he nods in response.
“So how’s college going?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, you shrug in response. “It’s doing good right now, a pain in the ass though” you say with a giggle, he chuckles with a head shake. “It gets better trust me” he says, giving you a smile. You dart your eyes from his, looking at the coffee table in front of you. “You’ve been out partying? Don’t tell me you’ve been at those stupid frat parties” he leans forward, waiting for your answer.
You shake your head “only to clubs” you reply in which he nods in response. “Good, those frat parties are nothing but trouble” he says, crossing his arms across his naked chest. You gulp as you see his abs, before darting your eyes away before you got caught.
He had obviously caught you which he frowned from thinking he had made you uncomfortable. “I’ll put on a shirt if you feel uncomfortable” he says, standing up. You look up quickly, your mouth slightly opened.
“No no no it’s fine! I’m not uncomfortable at all!” You say, shaking your head. He looks at you, eyes narrowed before sitting back down. “Are you sure? I can quickly go and get a shirt” you shake your head in response “like I said Toji, it’s fine no need to worry” you say with a smile, making him nod.
“Okay then” he murmurs, giving you a raised eyebrow. The sound of a phone buzzing echo’s, in which Toji pulls out his phone from his pocket. He answers the phone, putting it to his ear to talk to the person on the other side.
He says a quick bye before hanging up, placing his phone on his lap before letting out a sigh. “Who was it?” You ask “Megumi, he’s at Itadori’s house and won’t be back till later” he says before standing up, you frown at the answer before standing up also.
“I thought he was getting groceries?” You ask, raising an eyebrow as you follow Toji closely. He shrugs, which you can’t help but look at his back muscles flexing as he did it. “Itadori probably begged him to come to his place, Y’know how those two are” he murmured, shaking his head as you both walk into the kitchen. “Boys will be boys” you joke, in which he snickers. “I got left over pasta from last night if you want some? Or it was just gonna go to waste” he suggests, pulling out a small container of pasta from the fridge.
You grab it from his hands, a small ‘thank you’ leaving your lips as you open the container. Toji hands you a fork before taking a seat at the kitchen counter, putting his chin on his hands as he stares into space. You start to eat the pasta, a few moans leaving you as the taste melts in your mouth. You know Megumi’s cooking anywhere.
You hadn’t realised that Toji was watching you, until you were finished with the food. You lick the corner of your mouth before looking up, blushing hard as you make eye contact with Toji. He chuckles softly “no need to get shy, I was like that last night when I ate it too” he says, before standing up.
“You have a little bit of sauce” he says, pointing towards the spot where it was. You blush even more as you try to wipe it away, before looking back at Toji. He shakes his head “here let me” he says before walking over to you, his hand reaching out to your face.
He places his fingers underneath your chin as his thumb swipes the corner of your mouth, making you open your mouth a little. He looks down at you as you sat there whilst his hand held onto your chin softly, his thumb resting against the side of your mouth as he stared at you. You couldn’t help but stare back, your face red like a tomato.
I mean, you couldn’t help but blush. You can’t lie, but Toji is a good looking man, and the scar at the corner of his lip just made him even hotter. But you couldn’t say that out loud, because 1. He’s your best friends dad, 2. He is like 20 years older than you, and 3. Is well because your scared Megumi would never talk to you again if he found out about your little crush on his dad. Actually scratch that, it’s a BIG crush. Fuck, you can’t go a day without thinking about him. You know it’s wrong but you can’t help it, I mean you’ve moaned his name while you were fucking yourself with your dildo for crying out loud!!! But nobody needs to know that. And you mean Nobody.
The sound of Toji chuckling makes you snap out of your trance, his hand dropping from your chin as he stands straight. “You get distracted easily, y/n” he teases before patting the top of your head, he grabs the container and fork, walking to the sink and putting the container and fork in it.
Silence took over as Toji cleaned the dishes while you took glances at his back, watching as his muscles flexed as he moved. It was definitely a good sight to look at, oblivious to the fact that Toji knew you were looking, a small smirk plastered across his face as he cleaned the dishes.
You couldn’t help but think of nasty thoughts of Toji, the thoughts so nasty that it made you squeeze your thighs together, the ache in between them growing. Toji turned around after doing the dishes, his eyes narrowed at the look on your face. “Are you okay?” He asks, drying his hands on his pants before making his way over to you.
With a nod, you give him a smile “I’m fine” you say, but Toji didn’t seem pleased with your answer. He shakes his head as he stands beside you, his hand going underneath your chin, lifting your head up.
He studies your face “are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, an eyebrow raised. You nod with a little ‘mhm”, not trusting yourself to speak as you felt your panties soak. His eyes glance down at your crossed legs before looking back up at you, tilting his head to the side. He soon takes a seat next to you, his hand dropping from your chin to your thigh.
You jump at the feeling of his hand on your thigh, his fingers sliding down to your inner thigh, pushing the leg down. “You look frustrated… are you frustrated y/n?” He asks, his eyes darting up to look into yours. Your name rolls off his tongue so smooth, it sounded so good.
You let out a shaky breath, nodding as he hums in response. “Do you want me to help with your frustration?” He asks, tilting his head. You bite on your bottom lip, not knowing what to say as the ache in between your thighs grew. It only took a nod for Toji to lift you up from the stool, his hands around your waist whilst your legs wrapped around his body.
He kisses you hungrily, your mouth moving with his in seconds. Your tongues slid with each other, teeth clashing against each other as Toji took you into his room, locking the door behind you two before walking to the bed.
He places you down on the bed before climbing on top of you, your lips never leaving. Small whimpers escaped you, only for it to be muffled by Toji’s mouth, his tongue skilfully darting in your mouth.
This felt so wrong but so right at the same time.
In seconds you both had your clothes ripped off, thrown away somewhere in the room. Toji’s head was in between your thighs, raspy moans leaving you as his mouth sucked and kiss on your clit. Your fingers raked through his soft, black hair as he pleased you.
Incoherent words left your mouth, eyes rolled back of your head as he slid two of his fingers in your entrance. Your toes curled, back slightly arched off the bed as he curled the digits, wanting to find your weak spot. You moaned his name so cutely, your voice filling Toji’s ears. He swirled his tongue around the swollen bud, smothering his face with your wetness. Small gasps kept leaving you as you felt your orgasm reaching, your legs spreading out as Toji slid his fingers in and out of you at a quick pace.
Another gasp left you before the feeling of Toji leaving you, your chest going up and down as you opened your eyes. “T-Toji?!” You say his name frustratedly, making him chuckle at your little confused face.
The sexual frustration he had left you with was unbearable, your body felt like it was on fire as he stood in front of you, his cock pressed up against his lower abdomen. “What?” He teased with a stupid smirk on his face, making you even more frustrated.
“Why did you stop?!” You ask angrily, in which he chuckled again. “Shhh baby girl, you can cum soon” he says, before crawling onto you. He hovers over you, giving you a kiss on the cheek before one of his hands slide down, pushing your legs apart. “So wet for me” he murmurs to himself, looking at the glistening of your pussy.
“P-please” you whisper, biting on your bottom lip as he looks up at you. “Please what? I need words baby” he smirks, his hand brushing out hair from your face. “Please- p-please d-daddy I need you” you were a stuttering mess, almost fumbling up a little sentence. You were a fucking mess, mascara smudged down your eyes, lips swollen and your face bright red. And it was because of Toji.
He groans at your response, giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips before lifting you up. He flips you over, making you cradle his lap as he sat at the edge of the bed. His hands gripped onto you as your arms wrapped around his neck, the feeling of his cock pushed up against your thigh. “Ride me baby” he says as he pushes his face into the crook of your neck, biting and sucking on the flesh.
You whimper at his words before nodding, biting on your bottom lip as he guides his tip to your entrance, sliding the tip up and down your slippery folds, covering it in your slick. A small gasp leaves your lips as he pushed the tip inside of you, inch by inch slowly. He was stretching you out, so slowly it felt painful. But it felt heavenly.
He grunts at the tightness of your cunt, your walls squeezing around him tightly. Your back arches, a loud moan escaping your pretty little swollen lips.
It had felt like you were being ripped apart, the size of his cock too much to handle. But he didn’t stop, he wanted you to feel every inch of him, he wanted you to think of him and only him. He could tell you hadn’t had a fuck in a while, just by the way your walls was clenching around him, swallowing him whole as he slid inside of you slowly.
“You’re so tight baby girl” he hisses, sinking his teeth into your neck. His hands held onto you tightly, pushing you down onto his cock slowly.
Soon enough, he was fully in, the tip brushing against your g-spot. You both sat there, breathing heavily as you both waited for you to get used to him. He kissed up and down your neck, leaving dark hickeys along it.
His hands slid up your body, going straight to your breasts. A small gasp leaves you as you feel his fingers squeeze your nipples, twisting and rubbing them. He fondled them so perfectly, one of his hands leaving your tits, his mouth now replacing it. Your mouth opens, raspy breaths exiting you as he swirled his tongue around your nipple, the same way he was doing to your clit.
He was very skilled with his mouth, so skilled it left you drooling. You slowly started to bounce at a slow pace, a low groan leaving Toji as he continued to suck and lick at your nipple.
You bite on your bottom lip as you bounce up and down, the slight sound of skin slapping against each other echoed through the room, as well as a squelching sound. He smothered his face in your breasts, groans leaving him. “Daddy…” you moan, your hands gripping onto his shoulders tightly.
He lays down on the bed, his hands gripping onto your hips as you continued to bounce on his cock. “Good girl, yeah keep going” The sight that was in front of him was fucking beautiful, the way your tits bounced around as you rode him so perfectly, the way drool slid down your chin and onto your chest. It was a beautiful sight, Toji loved everything about it.
His eyes scanned your body, sweat and bite marks covered your skin, his eyes slowly going down to your stomach. His eyes widened, seeing the faint outline of his cock poking through.
The sight of it was enough for him to cum on the spot, but he waited, he waited till you were a complete mess. He wanted to fill you up with his cum, cover your insides white. He wanted you to be his.
And he always gets what he wants.
His hand reaches out, pressing it against your stomach, feeling the bulge. You gasp loudly, your toes curling from the feeling as he presses on your stomach again.
“Take my hand baby” he says, in which you obey, his hand grabbing yours. He guides it down to your stomach, pressing it against your stomach. You felt a lump, making you confused to what it is. “T-Toji what is t-that?” You stuttered, which he chuckled at before letting go of your hand.
“That’s me baby that’s my cock right there” he says so casually, which made you dart your eyes down to your stomach.
Your eyes widen as you see the bulge in your stomach, the shape of his cock slightly visible to you. His hands land back on your hips, guiding you through your movements. You look up at Toji, sweat covering his forehead, as well has strands of hair sticking to it.
Your hands land back on his chest, flipping your hair to the side. Hickeys covered every inch of your neck, as well as your tits, making Toji smirk from how proud he was of his artwork. Your stomach did flips as you reached your high, the familiar knot forming in your stomach. He hissed as your pussy clenched around his cock, his nails digging into your skin as you bounced up and down at a fast pace.
He was close too, his chest rising up and down fast as he lets out groans. “O-ohhhh I-I’m gonna cum!” You moan loudly, the feeling of his tip pushing up against your cervix making you come closer to your high.
“Fffuckk me too baby, me too” he groans, helping you with your movements. Your eyes rolled back as you felt yourself starting to cum, a loud scream leaving your glossy mouth.
You gushed all over Toji’s cock, covering him in your wetness. Breathless moans left you as you began to shake, your toes curled to the point it started to cramp up.
“Fuck I’m coming baby” he whimpered out, hissing before pushing up into you, a loud groan leaving his lips as he began to shoot rows of cum inside of you. You whimpered, the feeling of your insides being filled to the brim felt amazing. He kept filling you up till cum started oozing out of your overflowed cunt, dripping down on Toji’s dick.
He lets out a sigh, watching as your chest moves up and down quickly. You open your eyes, letting out a sigh also. You lean down, connecting your lips with his in a slow and gentle kiss. His arms wrap around you , flipping you two around. He hovers over you as you kissed slowly, no tongue, no teeth clashing. It was just a sweet normal kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer.
He smiles against your lips before pulling away, a string of saliva attached to you two. His hand comes up, brushing hair away from your face. “Beautiful” he whispers, making you blush hard as he chuckles at your reaction.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” He suggests, pulling away. You nod as he stands up, lifting you up bridal style before making his way to the connected bathroom.
It had felt like forever since you two hopped in the shower, both of your bodies covered in soap. The both of you didn’t say much, just letting the water run down your bodies.
You both shared a messy kiss before hopping out, towels wrapped around your bodies before walking back into his bedroom.
You stood beside the bed as Toji changed the sheets, throwing the messy ones in a basket. Soon you both crawled on the now clean bed, his arm wrapped around your shoulders as your leg wrapped around his waist. Soon enough your eyes dropped like flies as you fell asleep.
Toji soon fell asleep shortly after, his arms wrapped around you perfectly.
But the thing is, you both didn’t know that Megumi and Yuji were in the living room, who were both traumatised by what they had just heard 20 minutes ago.
It was something they will never forget nor will they ever bring it up. Ever. And Megumi is for sure not talking to the either of you again for quite some time.
Heyyyy guys, this is my first post on here, so don’t mind if it’s kinda shitty!! 😭 I’m still working out how to use tumblr as well:(
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anonziesssz · 20 hours
✦- face claim: meret Manson
✦- pairings: charles leclerc x reader.
✦- summary: The serene environment of a quiet park sets the scene for one of those rare, tender moments you and Charles Leclerc share, far from the hustle and bustle of his racing world. With the setting of the sun, gentle words and tender touches remind you both of the little things in life and love.
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The late afternoon sun bathed the park in its warm golden light, a perfect background when you and Charles started to walk side by side, your fingers brushing against each other at times. The world seemed to be at peace around you; it was nice relief from the fast-paced life Charles normally found himself in. You couldn't help but glance over at him in admiration every now and then; he looked so utterly relaxed-smile soft and unhurried.
"I'm glad you suggested this," Charles said, breaking the comfortable silence. "I don't get to just… be in moments like this often."
You smiled up at him, giving his hand a soft squeeze. "I figured you could use a break."
You saw a nice, shaded place under a big oak tree, laying out a blanket and motioning for Charles to sit beside you. He let out a contented sigh as he sat down, his eyes drifting to the various families and couples around them, all with their own little slices of peace.
"You were right," Charles murmured after a moment, his hand finding your hand again. "This is perfect."
The simple joy of being together amidst such serenity created the sense that the whole world was now down to just you and him. You sat in silence, the soft breeze carrying murmurs of laughter from somewhere far away, the leaves rustling around you. Sometimes, Charles would shift, his fingers tracing soft patterns over the back of your hand, as if in memory.
The minutes ticked by until finally Charles leaned in, plucking a minuscule flower from the grass. "Hold still," he said, his mischievous smile tweaking his lips as he put the little bloom behind your ear.
You laughed low in your throat, your head cocking slightly to catch his regard, warm on your skin. "Do you do this with all your dates?"
"Only the special ones," he teased, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his smile grew.
Magic in the simplicity: no urgency about anything, and no expectation from anybody. Only you and Charles with the waning day getting dim. You watched the shades of the sky change, the gold giving way to a soft lavender as evening slowly approached.
"You look beautiful," Charles said suddenly, quietly yet with extreme sincerity. His gaze softened, and reaching up, he brushed a loose strand of hair from your face, tucking it behind your ear.
You felt a spread of warmth through you with his words, and your heart skipped a beat as you leaned into his touch, resting your head onto his shoulder. You could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing beneath you as Charles wrapped an arm around you, holding you close; his thumb brushing over your shoulder, absent-mindedly.
For several moments, neither of you said anything. The world kept moving around you-children's laughter, the hum of distant conversations-but here, wrapped up in Charles' embrace, everything else faded to the background.
As the sun started inching lower, casting the last streaks of gold across the park, Charles shifted, his lips pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "I could stay like this forever," he whispered.
You smiled, your heart full. "Me too."
"I know things get busy, but I want more days like this," Charles added, still soft, as if speaking too loudly would shatter the peaceful atmosphere. "Just you and me, away from everything."
You leaned your head back against him to look up at him, your eyes meeting his. "I want that too. And we'll make time for it, I promise.
Charles nodded, his face warm with emotion. He leaned down again and pressed another kiss against your temple, his hand resting on the small of your back. Since the evening was drawing near, the park was growing quieter, and the sky above had colored deep blue.
"I love you," Charles murmured-the quiet rustling of trees almost drowned out the low, husky voice.
You turned fully towards him, heart swelling at the words. "I love you, too."
He smiled and pulled you closer once more, and the two of you sat in contented silence as the last of the sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon. The world outside would wait-for now, this was all that mattered.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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whisperofwonder · 2 days
!!Very late timeskip spoilers!!
Kageyama told you a few days ago that he's joining Ali Roma - now you have a big decision to make.
(There's a chance this could become a small collection of drabbles - I have a lot of ideas floating around in my head.)
~ 900 words
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These past three days have felt like the longest of your life. From the moment Tobio told you he'd received the offer from Ali Roma, you knew he'd accept. You wouldn't have expected anything different from him. The only thing that hung in the balance was your three year relationship.
He'd insisted that you take some time to think, and you have. You've spent these three days reliving the early days of falling in love with this quiet, intense, dedicated man. He'd surprised you by being earnest, attentive, even thoughtful. Alongside of his eternal love for volleyball, he's cultivated a deep love for you, and shown it in a thousand little ways. You'd moved into this apartment with him around this time last year, and some foolish part of you had thought that this might end up being forever. Now you're at a crossroads. These next moments will change everything.
"Hi," You say simply when he finally walks through the door. You've been orbiting around each other these past few days, him giving you some space to think and you grudgingly accepting it. You'd barely spoken, your schedules easily falling out of alignment with the sudden lack of coordinated effort. It had shocked you to see how different your relationship could have been if you both hadn't put in the time to make it work.
Now, your time to think has come to an end, and you're ready to tell him what you've decided. He carefully takes the seat next to you on the couch, angling himself so that his full attention is on you, but careful to leave a few inches of space between you. His gaze is intent on your face. "Hi," He finally echoes, when he's settled.
You take a deep breath. You've made your decision. "Tobio," You say his name slowly, and he leans ever so slightly closer to you. "I want to do this," You can't stop the smile breaking across your face, "I want to go with you to Italy." You watch him sag with relief, his knee pressing forward against yours.
"Really?" He breathes out, looking at you like you're too good to be true.
"Yes," You say, and you can't resist any longer. You throw yourself across the space between you, wrapping your arms around his neck as you feel his lips skim against your cheek before he presses his face into your shoulder. He's holding you tight, as if he's trying to memorize every inch of the feeling of you pressed against him.
This decision hadn't been easy, but in the end you think you've always known this is what you'd decide. You'd gone back and forth, lived with the thought of letting him go, but no matter what you envisioned, you could never quite imagine the rest of your life without him in it. Everything else will still be here, even while you're in Italy, but next to him is where you truly feel at home. The country you're in won't change that.
"You really want to go to Italy?" He's finally pulled away, now gripping your hands in his.
"I do," You confirm. "I want to be with you. And I think it will be an adventure," You add. You know Italy won't be forever, but it could turn into years, depending on how things go. "There's nothing here that won't be here whenever we come back - to visit or for good."
"Yeah," He agrees, the smile steadily growing on his own face. "I can't believe it," He admits. "I had to tell myself this was it. It didn't feel fair to you to let myself hope." You feel your heart clench at his words, the thought of him reconciling to the idea of life without you settling uneasily in your middle.
"Well, you can't get rid of me that easily," You say with a quiet chuckle, trying to keep the mood lighter, the weight of this decision settling heavy on you. His smile slips to a more serious expression, and you give his hands a squeeze.
"We should get married, then." He breathes out, the last words you'd expected him to say. "I want to marry you," He adds, and you aren't sure if your heart can take it. Finally, you feel the tears well up in your eyes.
"Are you proposing?" You ask in a choked whisper, "Right now?"
"Yes," He says firmly, though you're half convinced he'd made that decision half a second ago. He slides down to one knee in front of you, fixing his intense gaze on you. "So will you marry me?"
The last decision had taken three days, but this one takes three seconds. "Yes," You're nodding, a single stubborn tear slipping down your cheek. He reaches with his thumb to swipe it away, his hand cupping the back of your neck as he draws you into a kiss. You can feel him smiling into it.
"We're going to Italy," You say in disbelief when you finally pull away. "We're getting married."
"We are," He says, taking your face in his hands, his own face a picture of utter adoration. "I love you," He adds softly.
"I love you too," You breathe back, letting your eyes slide closed as he leans forward to rest his forehead against yours, soaking in this moment.
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murrpa · 2 days
heart wrecking angst⇩
In Deadpool 4, Logan discovers his presence in Wades universe messes up cycle of events and if he continues to live in it— the universe can collapse (butterfly effect kind of thing), so in the end of the movie B-15 and minute men show up dramatically a they do at Wades apartment, and escort Logan back into the headquarters planning to send him back to his “home”. Both Logan and Wade see the scale of this, and Wade soon is taken to talk to him one last time before never seeing him again since B-15 felt generous that day. So she give them this moment.
Wade scoffs: So now is the time? Hah, I should’ve known, TVA has every event written down to nanoseconds… I swear, it puts someone’s strict mother’s skill to plan the whole year in advance and never let her kid see the light of day without her permission at shame!
All that while Logan looks at him. Though he has so much to say, to confess, but decides not to do it, maybe because it’ll hurt letting him go more than it already is.
Wade approaches him: I… ugh, was not prepared, otherwise I would’ve pulled out my 100 page essay and read it to you in British accent as you walk further away from me into the sunset.
Logan: Wade?
Wade: Yeah?
Logan struggles. What is there to say now? His heart is aching, and cracks with each passing second there’s left. He wanted to say his life was at its fullest by Wade’s side, how he’s now changed man, all because of him. For him. That he will continue being that person in his world simply because Wade will be proud.
Logan: I might have my own place, my house and whatnot… But I never dared to call it my home, y’know?
Wade listens, no longer daring to quip a sound. And hazel eyes of Logan glisten in nothing but sadness. If that emotion could be painted— it would be him. Right now.
Logan: I wish the world was on my side, fair to me, to us, Wade.
His voice shakes. And he no longer cares to control the tear that soon oozes out the corner of an eye, to his hope, telling at least a tenth of all what his heart wants to say. Then it finally hits merc. Is this really it?
Wade: Peanut, I promise, it’s okay.
No. It fucking hurts. Wade never hated to say goodbye so damn much like now, but understands, that to love someone is letting them go.
He’s only doing it for Logan, for his universe. Sure there’s something that’s waiting for him, something better than this. Which what Logan deserves, after non consensual involvement in Wade’s goal to save his own world. After what he had been through.
Logan softly sobs: It shouldn’t be, I wish I had a choice. Because coming back is long time off my list.
Wade realizes his emotions reveal, a hot heavy tear drops off his chin, and fake but bitter smile grows to comfort Wolverine. Ignoring everything what’s falling into pieces in his chest.
Wade: I just… I just never want you to get into dangerous shit cause of me. I want you to be okay.
But Logan doesn’t care, even if his old life promises to be as peaceful as Swedish government. In the end, being next to Wade— suddenly makes chaos worth it.
Logan: I was okay, Wade, I was… so happy— but as soon as my foot steps through the teleporter…
Logan breaks as more tears rush down his face. His gaze locked with Wade’s.
Logan: … I will comeback being the same pitty guy you picked up at the bar.
But Wade protests.
Wade: No, nope, you’ll comeback better than ever.
He gives up smiling, then reaching out for the man, locking him in the most loving hug, arms wrapping waist, one digging fingertips into the shirt, and second one cards Logan’s hair. Which makes older man hate himself for not hugging Wade often before, when they were so happy, and lived under one roof not knowing this day would come.
Wade: You are, and always will be the best wolverine.
Logan hides his face in Wade’s neck, ashamed someone might see him, how destroyed he is with pain of leaving him, forever.
Wade: Thank you infinitely, for staying, saving my world.
Wade’s hushed voice sends chills, and throat begins to burn, yearning to say one last thing as he hears footsteps approaching.
Logan: Thank you for becoming mine.
(lmk if you’re interested in me writing full fic based off of this💛❤️)
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peachy-panic · 9 hours
Wrong Place, Wrong Time (pt. 3)
Takes place directly after this.
WARNINGS: BBU, power dynamics, talk of corrupt prison system, past noncon
The mug of tea that Ezra made for Jaime sits, cooling and untouched, on the coffee table. Jaime has opted for a spot on the rug, curled in on himself with his knees hugged tight to his chest. Sebastian and Ezra follow suit, of course, sinking down across from him, but it doesn’t escape anyone’s notice—his instinct to place himself on the floor. At least he isn’t kneeling anymore.
Sebastian aches at the sight of his red-rimmed eyes, at the hollowness in his voice, at the memory of him shaking and terrified on the hardwood, forever seared into his temporal lobe. He aches to make this right, and he prays, helplessly, that he hasn’t just watched every brick they’ve laid together crumble before their eyes. 
“Would you like to ask us anything, Jaime?” Ezra begins, and Sebastian is once again grateful to have him here, ever the voice of reason.
Jaime’s swallow is loud enough to sound painful. “You don’t have to explain yourselves to me.”
He’s so closed off like this, even harder to read than usual. Is it resentment in his voice, or defeat? Sebastian doesn’t know how to reach him. 
“I rather think we do,” Ezra counters.
Jaime looks quickly to Sebastian, then down at his knees. “I don’t know what to ask.”
“Okay,” Ezra accepts easily, and Sebastian chimes in with an encouraging nod. “Would it be alright if I asked you a question? With the caveat that you do not have to answer.”
“Okay,” he agrees without looking up. 
“Has Julian—has Handler Hernandez—ever hurt you?”
Jaime’s eyes snap to him then, surprised. Ezra must spot the impending panic that Sebastian sees as well, because he raises a palm to clarify. “I know the rules against speaking about your training. I hope that you can still trust that we will never betray your confidence, but as I said, you don’t have to answer.”
“You…” Jaime begins, then falters. “But he’s your friend. Why would you believe me?”
Sebastian feels like he’s been shot in the chest. 
“You are my friend, too,” Ezra says easily. 
“Your word means everything to me, Jaime,” Sebastian adds. Those brown eyes turn on him, and maybe it’s just wishful thinking that they aren’t quite as guarded this time. “I will always believe you.”
Jaime stares at him. His gaze has never felt so heavy, as if he’s trying to see past the layers of Sebastian’s skin in search of the truth in his promise. Then, slowly, his eyes go unfocused. 
The silence goes on long enough to worry Sebastian. A hundred different possibilities come to mind, spiking his blood pressure. The idea that Jaime is bracing himself to tell them that Julian is, in fact, one of the monsters in his nightmares makes Sebastian want to peel out of the house after him and put his hands around his throat. It doesn’t matter that Julian could probably break Sebastian in half on a good day. If Jaime even implies that Julian has been hiding behind his history with the resistance as a means of abusing trainees under the radar, Sebastian will fucking—
“He didn’t,” Jaime says quietly, pulling Sebastian back to earth. “I… He… He isn’t my primary. We didn’t interact all that often, but when we did…” He shakes his head. “He wasn’t one of the handlers who crossed a line.”
Handlers, plural.
He doesn’t even think that Jaime is aware of the word choice that has sent Sebastian spiraling all over again. Multiple handlers. Multiple handlers have “crossed a line” with Jaime in that facility, a few hundred feet away from where Sebastian works. It’s not… He can’t call it a surprise. He remembers clearly the day in the clinic showers, seeing fresh bruises on Jaime’s skin, marked in places that left no room for questions. And the day in the facility bathrooms, when Sebastian walked in just as a handler was walking out, leaving Jaime alone in a stall. 
And, of course, he has had suspicions about Smith from the day he met him. Watching the way he interacts with his trainees is telling of what might happen behind closed doors. But hearing it out loud sits heavy in his chest. More than ever, he wants to burn that building to the ground with every handler locked inside. 
“That’s… good,” Sebastian manages, even though it’s a disgraceful choice of word.
Ezra nods in agreement, though. “I didn’t expect that he would have, but I wanted to hear it from you,” he says. “I have known Julian Hernandez for a long time, Jaime. I understand how it looks to you right now, but he is a good man.”
“He is one of them.” Jaime looks to Ezra when he says it, a fire in his eyes he has never shown Sebastian, wouldn’t dare turn on the person who holds his contract (or someone he also considers one of them—did he mean handlers or anyone who works there? That’s a spiral for later).
“Yes,” Ezra says evenly. “Officially, he is. And if he wasn’t, I never would have escaped.”
A stunned silence falls over them. Sebastian didn’t know that, either. 
Ezra reaches up to run a finger over the raised scar behind his ear, then looks from Sebastian to Jaime. “He helped remove the tracker himself,” he says. “Without him, we couldn’t have kept the removal undetected. It’s designed to be a bulletproof plan—it can’t be done without someone on the inside taking a risk. He never hesitated to help me.”
Jaime, mirroring him, raises a hand to touch the spot behind his ear where his own tracker is embedded in his skull. Sebastian’s stomach turns at the reminder, and he watches something like terror and wonder pass over his expression. 
“His story is a complicated one,” Ezra says. “I would like to tell you about it, if you’d like to hear it.” 
Jaime nods, and Sebastian leans in, just as eager to hear.
“Julian was in prison before I knew him,” Ezra begins. “He grew up in less than ideal circumstances and got wrapped into the wrong crowd. They got him into a lot of trouble when he was young, but it was all he knew. He was in and out of juvenile detention, and when he turned eighteen, he got a charge that stuck. He was sentenced to twenty years in prison.”  
Sebastian thinks about the playful way Aria nudges her shoulder against Julian’s when they’re together at the table, the way Julian moves so carefully around Ezra, as if he knows his very presence could be a trigger. Sebastian has been wary of him from the beginning, but even still, it’s hard to picture him as a hardened criminal. 
“This all happened right around when WRU was at its most precarious,” Ezra continues. “After the uprisings and public outrage against the Romantic sectors and the stories of extreme abuse coming to light. They were struggling to recover their image enough to stay afloat until the tides turned back in their favor, and they were specifically struggling to employ handlers. Nobody wanted to risk their reputation like that. They tried offering generous sign-on bonuses and increased salaries, but it still wasn’t enough to get them back where they needed to be. 
“Someone had the idea to create a pipeline from the prisons—a program that would train inmates who showed particular strengths and promise to become handlers as part of a contracted term, as an alternative to serving their time. Julian was one of them.”
Ezra looks from Jaime to Sebastian, clocking their looks of mirrored surprise. 
“I know that doesn’t make him clean,” he says. “It was a difficult situation, but it was still a choice that he made. For what it’s worth, he didn’t know much about the system at the time. And more to the point, he regretted it from day one. But backing out of the contract would have added ten years to his sentence. So he stayed.
“Aria met him within his first year. Really, she tracked him down. Pursued him. She had been searching for me for years. She knew I had disappeared into the system—that’s a story for another day. And she knew she needed someone on the inside to get me out. Julian was her way in. The way Aria tells it, he jumped at the chance. By then, he was eager for any way to make a bigger impact for the people suffering in that place.” He turns to Sebastian. “Reminds me of someone else I know.”
“Is that…?” They both turn at the sound of Jaime’s voice. He shrinks back a little at the attention, then clears his throat. “Sorry. Never mind.”
“What is it?” Sebastian says gently.
He opens his mouth, lips moving as he tries to form the words. He can’t look directly at Sebastian when he says, “Is that why you started working there? Because you wanted to help?”
(Okay, so it’s a spiral for right now).
Sebastian blinks. Behind his eyelids, he sees a flash of memory—nearly a year ago, lying on the floor of his apartment with a bottle of wine and an open laptop, looking at the job listing that would change his life forever—and he feels so pathetic. 
He has this sick feeling that if he told Jaime that his reasons for applying were entirely selfless, only for the purposes of helping from the inside, he would believe him. 
Sure, it was always his intention to help as much as he could once he was there, but he knows it would be a magnanimous lie to say it was anything but fear that led him to the WRU website that night. His grace period for loans was up and he was stuck without a job, completely alone in the world. Desperate was the word he would have used for that night. That was before he met people like Jaime, who taught him what real desperation looked like. How could he look him in the eye and say that now?
“I was never trying to be a hero,” he says finally. “I wish I could tell you something different. I guess…” He swallows. “I guess, like Julian, I always intended to help, but it started with a self-serving motivation. I can’t pretend otherwise.”
As the words leave his mouth, he feels so small. Now it is he who has to look down. Somewhere in the course of the past few months, Jaime has become the most important person in his life. He finds it impossible to face his judgment
“Thank you,” Jaime says, surprising him. “For being honest.”
Sebastian shakes his head, feeling a little nauseous. “Please,” he says. “Don’t… don’t thank me.”
“I…” Jaime looks at him, hesitating, then seeming to draw strength from the silent approval on his face. “I never knew what to make of it. Of you being in that place. Sometimes I still…” He shakes his head, closing his eyes. “When you come home, I can smell it on you. That place. And it… It’s hard.”
Guilt eats through his stomach lining, threatening to dissolve him entirely where he sits. I’m going to quit, the thought comes to his head without hesitation. I will quit tomorrow. Right now. I will email in my resignation, no two weeks, no notice. I will never violate Jaime’s home, his safe space, with that nightmare again.
But it’s not that simple, is it? Without his connection to that place, will he jeopardize his chances of renewing Jaime’s contract? Without another job lined up right away, will he be able to pay for it? And what happens to the dozens of other patients he will leave to Greer’s cruel hands?
This isn’t the kind of decision he can make in a split second of emotion. Not anymore. 
From now on, though, he will shower before he leaves work. He will bring an extra pair of clothes and only leave them in the car to change. He can do that much at least. 
“I’m so sorry,” Sebastian says.
“But you did help me,” Jaime says. “You do, I mean, presently. Obviously. I’m… I’m here. But back then, I mean. In the facility. You helped me so much.”
“It never felt like enough.”
“It was everything to me.” The intensity in his words draws Sebastian’s eyes back to his. “You kept me alive in that place. I’m glad you were there.”
It’s hard to take the words at face value when some part of him fears that Jaime is saying them out of some sense of obligation. But the worst thing he can do now is take any more agency away from Jaime by discounting anything he has to say. 
Before he can respond, though, Jaime asks, “You really would have believed me? If I told you that Handler—that your friend had hurt me?”
That requires no hesitation on Sebastian’s part. “I would have killed him myself.”
Jaime stares at him for a few seconds, nods, then finally wraps his hands around the cup of tea on the coffee table. Surely it’s cooled to room temperature by now, but he looks content as he takes a sip. 
“I’d like to say one more thing,” Ezra adds, gracefully ushering himself back into the conversation. “Jaime, nobody brought you here, into this circle, with explicit intentions of doing anything except making you comfortable and happy. Nobody is here to pressure you in any direction, especially with something as risky as this.” Ezra leans forward, fixing him with an earnest stare. “But you need to know that if you said the word, we would move mountains to get you out.”
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mooishbeam · 2 hours
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『♡』 Welcome Home, Kento!
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♡ featuring: nanami kento x reader
♡ synopsis: nanami can't wait to return home to his wife and kids. little does he know, there's a lot of love waiting for him behind the door.
♡ wc: 2.4k+
♡ tags: nobara and yuji are your children, fanon, domestic fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, salaryman AU
notes: took a break on the capitano fanfic im working on cause domestic kento got me acting unwell i miss him and need him so bad. canon break but idc nobara and yuji are his kids and no one can tell me otherwise. art by getoad on ig! comments and reblogs are appreciated! ♡
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Nanami Kento’s work seemingly never ended.  
Caught between meetings and printer jams, the small talk he endured with simple one-word answers, and the folders piling on his cold metal desk in a cramped cubicle, he was exhausted. Air conditioners blew frigid in the office, making small accidents unbearable. 
The only warmth he experienced throughout his shifts was the art exhibit on the back wall and a wooden frame, sitting not too far from his grasp. Next to the bulky outdated computer was a picture frame of you, sweating radiance despite the fluorescent wall lights, hair disheveled with tired eyes in your hospital gown. You’re holding a newborn Yuji, chubby with a soft hint of pink fuzz on his head. A one-year-old Nobara chose to nestle next to you through the blood and amniotic fluid sticking to your hands. Somehow smiling—blearily, but still smiling so hard your eyes practically close. 
The scene was not pretty; it burned into his memory, committing to the wrinkles in his brain so that he’d never forget your screams and undying strength. Even the grip on his hand, imprinting the wedding band into his skin when you forced a final push. He never averted his gaze, stroking your wet hair and kissing your throbbing temple; if he could alleviate some of your struggle for a moment, share in your pain for a second, he’d do it ten times over. You’re the mother of his children, after all, his wife and soulmate. 
He met you at a small bakery on the corner of a forgotten street after a double shift. Back turning in knots, cranky as ever with permanently furrowed brows. And when he’d order his favorite pastry—a chocolate eclair—only for it to disappear in the hands of another customer, he was downright irritated. Turning to the offender, the kinks in his muscles suddenly melted at the sight of your apologetic smile. Your apology dissipated in his ears, not managing to reach his cognition as he studied your stunning glow in the dim yellow lighting of that cafe.  
Before you could finish your offer to buy him double, his mouth moved ahead of his mind; “Would you like to sit together?” 
That was forever ago, though. Prior to him falling in love, to your laugh breathing life and color into him once again. To you becoming the soul reason he clocked in every day at a dead-end job he settled for. He was putty in the palm of your hand, but could you blame him? You were his salvation from the bitter, grey world he walked alone for years, and now even the sun felt warmer with you around. 
So, when days become thoroughly tedious such as this one, his eyes tend to wander. Once, twice to his watch, then to the countless drawings from Yuji and Nobara stuck to the cubicle. Yuji and Nobara were two sides of the same coin, regardless of the weekly sibling rivalry where he had to stop them from tearing each other’s hair out. Nanami wasn’t a man who chose sides which usually resulted in him taking both drawings from their art competitions, to the dismay of the sore winners. 
The old Nanami Kento would’ve hunched over the desk, mindlessly typing away past his shift ending, until his buzzing lamp was the sole light left in the office. Currently, he was dying to go home, nearly dreaming of seeing your faces, your “welcome home” as he opened the door. His printed tie is lax around his neck, shirt unbuttoned a little too low with an ankle crossed over the other knee, like nothing matters besides holding you at the end of the day. The digital clock rings, breaking him out of a trance and knocking the pen he’d been fumbling with out of his hands. 
Immediately he starts shoving papers in his briefcase, some crumpling and folding at the edges. He throws his suit jacket on, clocks out with the same vigor and heads for the door. 
“Nanami, wait a second!” his boss hollers from his office. He steps out, and Nanami barely spares him a glance.  
“We’re short-staffed right now, I’ll need you to stay behind-” 
His boss stands dumbfounded, and it takes a few business days for him to register that his demand was denied. He brushes his balding combover and clears his throat, “Excuse me?”   
“I’m going home to my wife.” 
“This isn’t up for discussion-” Suddenly, Nanami shoots a glare that stops him dead in his tracks. His legs are glued to the floor, like the senses of prey in proximity to a vulture. He appears to be his standard nonchalance, but with the way his jaw clenched, and his eyes bore through him, perhaps retracting his words was the best decision for his safety. 
“U-understood. Have a good weekend.” 
The city streets are serene following sundown, a calm breeze picking up rustling leaves that began to fall. He checks his watch again; just in time for dinner. He hurries up the townhouse steps of the brick building and clicks his key into the mahogany door. 
“Yuji, come here!” 
“Wahhh, black flash!” 
All the lights in the living room and kitchen are on, and blankets are thrown haphazardly around the floor. The television plays an obnoxiously loud cartoon, but it’s evident none of them are watching it based on the army of colorful toys piled on the couch, and a suspicious stuffed wolf plush sitting on the stairs with its head lopsided. An odd lone cookie lays half-eaten on the floor, and the kitchen counters are strewn with crumby flour and sticky batter. The faint aroma of something sweet lingers in the entryway. 
The best part is you, his wife, chasing after Yuji and Nobara in his dirty button up teal shirt with the sleeves rolled up. You’re all dripping in water, trailing sodden footprints around the house. Nobara comes around the kitchen island in a bath robe and towel headband, bunny ears bobbing as she drags a leash toy behind her popping plastic balls of rainbow pigments.  
Yuji, on the other hand, is completely naked minus a comical formation of bubbles around his lower half. He’s chasing her with a toy car foaming with soap and it soars in the air as he laughs and chants sound effects, “bam, black flash!”, pretending to launch it at her. The lot of you are circling the kitchen island, chaotic laughing and shrieking as Nobara’s toy bangs into the stools and cabinets. Just then, a wind-up robot taps Nanami’s foot and falls over. 
“Yuji stop chasing her!”  
He’s never felt more at home in his life. 
He drops his briefcase, shrugs off his jacket and shoes and joins in. Yuji may be able to evade your grasp, but Nanami was an entirely different beast. You finally manage to intercept Nobara and scoop her in your arms, shaggy robe eclipsing her small cherubic pout. Nanami rushes around the corner and snatches Yuji upside-down, tiny damp feet pressed at his chin with his arms dangling in the air. Amid the chaos you hadn't noticed him, but when your kind eyes meet, a bright smile warms his cheeks, like the first time you met—he's smitten all over again.  
“Daddy!” Nobara screams. 
Yuji squeals and struggles wildly in Nanami’s hold. “I win” he declares. 
“Noo you don’t, not fair!” He tries to escape but Nanami has an iron grip, and you place Nobara on the counter while you get Yuji. He passes him off to you, “Sorry, you’re covered in water now.” He tilts your chin and plants a chaste kiss, skimmed traces of yearning. “Doesn’t matter. I’ve been missing you all day.” 
“Really?” He hates when you ask that, because truthfully, he misses you incessantly. It borders on obsession. The second you leave his sight, he’s wondering when you’ll return, if he could go with you, should it be a family outing, should he follow you? He’ll stir in the thoughts that totally encompass you; you, you, you, until you come back to him. 
“Of course, my love.” Yuji grumbles an annoyed noise and tucks his head in your neck. “Trouble in paradise?” he adds, a tinge of sarcasm. You giggle, brushing the drenched strand of hair from your face, “Yuji really fought the bath today.” 
“Black flash!” he yells, firing his baby fist in the air. Nanami makes a feigned noise of pain to throw his head back and clutch his heart. “C’mon now, let’s finish up” you tell him. As you’re dragging him down the hallway to the bathroom, his defiant wails fade to silence. 
Nanami cleans up the disarray with Nobara’s help. She throws the toys in the toybox, a proud look on her face while Nanami stacks the blankets in a lump on the couch and sweeps the crumbs from the floor. He felt a bit guilty putting a damper on the fun, but winding down the kids for bedtime was most important, and Nobara would gladly change into her dinosaur pajamas if that meant she could spend some time with dad.  
Yuji arrives as a tired, messy-haired but less stinky version of himself, wearing an alien onesie. You’d clearly won the great bath war. 
But a growing scent floods the kitchen, mild smoke emitting from the stove skillet. 
The skillet? 
“Ohh, no no no”, you run to grab a spatula and remove the skillet from the burner. The pancake facing you seems unharmed, perfect even with a nice fluffy texture. You fan the smoke away with a kitchen towel and Nanami approaches you. He looms over the pan, “Pancakes?” 
“Yeah, Yuji wanted pancakes and Nobara wanted chicken nuggets. So, we did both” you say, scraping the underside of it. The crackling of something crispy doesn’t do much to ease your doubts. “Looks good to me-” 
You flip the pancake, and it’s fully burnt.  
Solid black with a thin trail of smoke billowing. You both stare at it in silence. Then you look at each other, and Nanami bursts out laughing. Tears collect at his eyes, and he’s doubled over with his head on your shoulder, a hand around your waist. You sigh in defeat, “Does it still look good to you?” 
“I’ll eat it if it makes you happy.” 
“I’m not trying to kill my husband.” He hums and kisses your cheek. “I’m sorry, I tried to have dinner ready for when you got home. Lost track of time.” 
The last thing he’d want is for you to feel bad about such trivial matters. He hugs you from behind, whispering in your ear, “Don’t worry, it’s enough. Everything you do is enough.” Yuji abruptly hits his leg, and he peers down. “I wanna hug mommy too!” 
“Get in line. She’s my mommy right now” he teases. You giggle when Yuji tries to wedge between your bodies, and Nanami holds his head back like a bull charging at a fence. 
When they’re done eating their chicken nuggets, and he convinces Yuji that celery tastes better than pancakes, you snuggle up for the night. Weekends lasted later into the night, but regardless they had to stay on schedule. It was his favorite part of the week, where you dimmed the lights, he lit the fireplace and crowded on the floor of a striped blanket fort in the middle of the living room. Yuji rested his head on a pillow with his favorite wolf plush while Nobara laid on your stomach. 
“In the light of the moon, a little egg lay on a leaf” you start, holding the book with one hand. Nanami always opts to sit outside of the fort. One, because he’s too tall for it. And two, he likes to see your face reading peacefully in the rare tranquility of a hissing fireplace. You were so gentle and nurturing that at times he found it hard to pull himself away from your face, sinking in pure adoration. 
“One Sunday morning the warm sun came up and”, you wind up your hand and tickle Nobara. “Pop! —out of the egg came a tiny and very. Hungry. Caterpillar.” You tap her nose in line with the words.  
Nanami understood why the kids enjoyed your story time over his monotone one. He couldn’t get past the first page before Yuji started to complain and Nobara began to space out. “He started to look for some food” you dance your fingers down her spine like a caterpillar would, and she faintly smiles. 
Yuji normally falls asleep first, snoring like a grown man as he drools into the pillow. Then Nobara will drift quietly, to the point where you barely realize she’s dreaming. Then you, fighting sleep as you gaze up at Nanami, forcing yourself to make conversation in a half-groggy state. Your hair is jumbled and the shirt you stole from the hamper bunches at your waist. Here, he feels fulfilled. Irrevocably whole. 
“How was your day, sweetheart?” you drawl. His heart flutters at the pet name, caressing your face with his thumb. “The usual” he replies, just as soft and tender, “it felt longer today.” 
“Mm? Why?” He picks up on a croak in your voice, a sign you’ll be sleeping soon. “I couldn’t wait to come home.” 
A pleased noise rumbles at the back of your throat. “Let’s go to the beach. It’ll get too cold soon.” 
“Mhm”, you run your hand over his, leaning into his touch, “maybe we could invite Gojo and his kids.” 
“Hell no, that guy’s a nutcase.” You laugh, hushed and weak. He kisses your forehead. “Goodnight, my love.”  
“No, I’m not sleeping yet” you groan in spite of closing your eyes. “Then what are you doing, right now?” 
“Mm. Just resting them.”  
He smirks, aware of what happens right after that. He kisses your nose, then your velvety lips. He can’t shake the fact that he’d found someone like you, someone who’d love him unconditionally, accept his flaws and dry humor and stand by his side under any circumstances. It almost felt undeserved, like that bakery incident should’ve earned him a slap to the face instead of your sweet nature, swelling his heart and pulling him deeper. His only treasures, laid in front of him in a cozy cuddle pile.  
Before he could get up to turn the lights off, a soothing utterance of your voice, words he’d been waiting for since he opened the door. 
“Welcome home, Kento.” 
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© mooishbeam - please don't steal, copy, or post my work to other platforms :)
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babsharrison · 2 days
Between Worlds - Neo x Reader
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Pairing | Neo Anderson x Fem! Reader
Summary | Neo returns to your life after disappearing, revealing that the world you live in is an illusion of the Matrix. Now, you must choose between the safety of the life you know and the unknown truth alongside Neo.
Word Count | 1.5k
CW | None. just some fluff
A/N | Hey luvs, this is my first fanfic here! I really hope you like it, and sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, I did my best. 😭
The soft morning light filtered through the café windows, casting dancing shadows on the tiled floor. Neo sat at a table in the corner, a forgotten cup of coffee in front of him. His eyes never left you, as you laughed and chatted animatedly with a group of friends at the next table. To them, you were a young woman full of life, hope, and possibilities. To him, you were a painful reminder of what he had lost and could never have.
As he watched you, memories flooded in, bringing back the conversations you’d had about dreams, the future, and freedom. Words that now seemed distant, almost unreal, as if they belonged to a time and life he could no longer reach. You were trapped in that illusory world, believing everything around you was real, while he lived in another dimension, fighting against the invisible shadows of the Matrix.
Your friends stood up, leaving you alone. Your gaze wandered around the café, and he noticed a sudden melancholy in your eyes, a trace of emptiness that tightened his chest. The urge to run to you, to hold you, to tell you that everything would be okay, grew inside him. But the words weighed heavily. His heart raced erratically as he shifted in his chair, nervous. He had never known how to handle the feelings you stirred within him.
Neo knew the world you belonged to was a prison, an illusion carefully designed to keep you asleep to the truth. He couldn’t let you stay there, ignorant of your own condition. But there was fear—fear that, in trying to save you, he would break the trust between you. What if you hated him for destroying what you believed to be real? The doubt gnawed at him.
Finally, with a heavy sigh, he stood up, the temporary decision to leave taking hold. He felt weak as he crossed the café door, leaving you behind once more. There was a shadow of guilt within him, knowing that his continued distance only made you more vulnerable. He hid in corners, watching you on the streets, following you from a distance as you carried on with your routine, completely unaware of the devastating truth.
Days passed.
He became a shadow in your life. He watched you walk to work, carrying a simple briefcase, your face focused on some daily task. He saw how your lips curved into a smile when someone told a joke. How your hands moved, almost dancing, as you spoke animatedly on the phone. But he also noticed the sadness in the moments when you were alone, the pensive expression, perhaps wondering why some parts of your life felt empty, as if something was missing—an absent presence.
Sometimes, he followed you to the building where you worked. From across the street, hidden in the shadows, he watched you get lost in the hurried crowds. And even though you didn’t know it, he felt the growing anguish of always being so close, yet so far.
He knew he couldn’t continue like this for much longer. The guilt was slowly consuming him. If only he could explain... If only he could make you understand what was real.
Until one day, he made a decision.
He couldn’t live on the sidelines of your life anymore, watching from afar. The risk of losing you forever was great, but the fear of never trying was even greater.
You were having a normal day, walking back home, shopping bags swinging at your side. Your steps echoed softly along the sidewalk as the day waned, and the sky turned shades of orange. Neo followed closely, closer than ever. With each step, the weight of the choice he was about to make became more evident.
You approached the gate to your building, distracted, fumbling with your keys, when suddenly you felt a presence behind you. A chill ran down your spine, and you turned quickly, your heart leaping in your chest. There he was. Neo.
Your gaze met his, and for a moment, the world seemed to stop. He stood still, the dark coat gently flowing with the wind. The face you hadn’t seen in so long, the figure that had disappeared without explanation, was now there, standing in front of you.
“Neo?” you murmured, surprise and shock mingling in your voice. “You... you’re here?”
He took a step forward, his expression serious, but there was something else in his eyes. Something you hadn’t recognized before. “I couldn’t keep watching you from afar,” he said, his voice low, almost a whisper. “I... I couldn’t leave you alone in this world.”
Your heart raced, a confusion of emotions washing over you. “Alone? What are you talking about?”
He hesitated for a second, the words he needed to say weighing heavily. But he knew the moment of truth had arrived. “I need to show you something. Something that will change everything.”
“Change everything? Neo, I thought you... I thought you were dead.” Your voice came out fragile, your eyes wide with disbelief, a mixture of pain and relief surfacing in the words you spoke.
Neo felt the impact of those words. Part of him wanted to apologize for letting you believe that, for disappearing without explanation, but he knew that any words would be insufficient. He had failed to protect you from the truth for too long. And now, here you were, standing before him, not knowing that you lived in a prison, not knowing that the world around you was a lie.
“I should’ve told you sooner,” he admitted, his gaze fixed on your face, trying to catch every nuance of emotion passing through your eyes. “But I couldn’t... I didn’t know how. This world... this life you know isn’t real.”
You took a step back, confused, trying to process his words. “Not real? What are you saying? This is my life, Neo. My job, my friends... my life.”
He stepped forward, trying to close the distance between you without pushing. “All of this was designed to keep you trapped. Like an illusion, a prison for the mind.” He was pleading with his eyes, his voice low and serious. “I was trapped too, until I found the truth. Now, I’m fighting against it... and I need you.”
Your mind was spinning. Everything he said sounded like madness, but there was something in his eyes—something that made you stop, hesitate. The intensity in Neo’s gaze, so familiar yet so distant, hit you hard. You had always trusted him, always knew he was different. But now, he was speaking of things that were beyond what you could understand.
“I... I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you whispered, your hands trembling as you held the shopping bags, trying to find some anchor in the reality around you.
Neo knew this would be hard. He had gone through the same confusion, the same denial. The revelation of the Matrix was devastating to anyone, but he needed you to trust him. He needed you to see.
“I know it sounds crazy. I didn’t believe it at first either. But let me show you.” He extended his hand, hesitant, as if the simple gesture could change everything between you. “If you trust me, I can take you out of this.”
Your heart raced. Part of you wanted to back away, to flee from all this madness. But another part, the part that still believed in Neo, that still felt something for him, was curious. What if he was right? What if everything he said was true?
You looked at Neo’s outstretched hand, feeling the crushing weight of the choice ahead. On one side, the life you knew—comfortable, familiar, safe—and on the other, the truth he offered you, mysterious and terrifying. Fear mixed with the desire for answers, but there was something deeper, something that went beyond words.
Neo was everything to you. The days without him had been long and lonely, a silent pain you could never ignore. Now, he was here, standing before you, more real and more beautiful than you remembered, like an impossible dream that had materialized.
The air around you seemed heavy, almost palpable, as your fingers hesitated for a moment. Every movement carried the gravity of that choice, an invisible line that separated the past from the future. Slowly, your trembling fingers began to move until they found his hand, sealing what, in a way, had always been inevitable.
Neo watched as you made the choice. His heart, which had seemed frozen, started beating again with force when your fingers finally touched his. There was a moment of silence between you, as if the world around you had disappeared, leaving only the connection between your hands.
“I trust you,” you finally said, your voice low, almost a whisper. “Show me what I need to see.”
Neo gently squeezed your hand, the expression on his face softening for a brief moment. He knew that what lay ahead wouldn’t be easy for you, but at least now, he wouldn’t be alone. The journey you were about to face together was only the beginning.
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muxshwriting · 3 days
the winner takes it all
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Nico Rosberg x Hamilton!reader
summary: after 2016, nico cut you and your brother off. you reach out to him, wanting him to know you would always be his || warnings: slight angst, abandonment, threats || word count: 1328 || masterlist
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It had been a hectic year, dating your brother's teammate who he was currently rivals with. The boys you'd grown up with had changed and evolved and grown ever more distant from each other. You'd spent most of the season juggling your emotions, trying not to celebrate too much when either of them one so the other didn't feel upset.
But as Nico crossed the line as World Champion, you couldn't hide your elation. The moment he was out of the car, he was jumping into the arms of his team. A part of your heart aches for Lewis, your brother, knowing how hard he had worked for this Championship, only to lose at the last second. But the pure joy that flowed through you dictated your actions as you threw yourself at Nico as he cheered. He pulled off his helmet, holding your head in his hands and pulling you in for a kiss.
"You won!" You're shouting over the crowd but Nico is nodding and grinning like a kid all over again.
"I won!"
Behind him, Lewis was watching his own sister congratulate the man who had just ruined his life instead of comforting her brother. How can Nico be so smug about taking everything Lewis had dreamed of? He was so nonchalant throughout interviews, as if he knew this was always meant to happen. But Lewis couldn't stop himself feeling bitter.
Nico could have the championship, Lewis could earn himself another. But Nico would not take everything from him, he would not take his sister. He watched his team celebrate from the sidelines, watched as his sister kissed and danced with the man she loved, the man he now hated. Tonight would be the last night he would come anywhere near his sister.
Whatever your brother did, you certainly noticed its affects even if you didn't know the reasoning behind them. Nico did not speak to again after the night he won the championship. Or any day after that.
In the beginning, you just assumed he was busy with interviews and stories, too busy to text you back or find the time to come and see you. But as time went on and he declined all your calls, it became obvious this wasn't a time issue. This was something else.
No matter where you went in Monaco, you could not find him. He didn't frequent the places you had shared, stayed away from your work and ignored anything you tried to reach out with.
"I don't understand Lew, he's not the kind of person that would do this, I don't know what happened." You're sitting in your brother's apartment, binging episodes of a random reality show and trying to figure it out.
"Maybe he thought he was too good now he's won the championship." Lewis felt bad for his sister, yes. But he was also glad Nico had realised what was good for him.
You wipe away tears. "We always talked about life after the championship was over, whether he won or you did. We were gonna move in together, take some time for ourselves, figure out if this was forever..."
"He mustn't think it was forever then."
"Then he should've told me that to my face, not completely blank me."
Two weeks later, by sheer coincidence you're sitting in the cafe you and Nico had often visited and he walked through the doors. He didn't notice you at first, ordering a takeaway and waiting by the counter. Quietly, you pack your bag and stand by the door, trying to catch him on his way out.
He said nothing, his eyes widening as he recognised you. Nodding politely, he tried to push past you, not meeting your eyes.
He finally met your gaze, swallowing the lump in his throat. "It's good to see you Y/N. I -"
"You’re gonna stay the fuck away from my sister, alright? I don’t want you to talk to her ever again."
"No! You won't talk to either of us again. You're nothing. You don't deserve her, and the sooner you realise that, the better off she is. She knows she's better off without you."
"Can we talk?" You ask.
Nico shakes his head. "There's nothing to talk about." He walks out the door but you follow.
"We need to talk about it Nico." You implore him. "Nico?"
"There's nothing to say."
"There's plenty to say Nico. Listen to me, please! I loved you, I still love you." You say. "Even after everything that happened, I never stopped. Why did you stop letting me see you?"
"Lewis told me to stay away. And you're better without me-"
Nico turned to face you. "Lewis? He told me that you would be better without me, that you said that."
You're face is plastered with confusion. "Lewis told you not to talk to me? But- I never said that. Why does Lewis think he can control who I love?" As you were speaking, the anger grew. "Why did you listen to him?"
"Because he's right. You deserve more than me."
"Don't say that!" You quickly reply. "I don't care what my brother thinks, you are the world champion. You deserve everything, especially me! He can have any model he wants, all the races, all the wins, all the championships but I want you. I want to have you and I want to be happy with you."
Nico’s expression sours. “We’re not doing this here, not now.”
"I want you!" You yell after him, not caring who else heard. "Only you."
"Your brother-"
"Stop talking about my brother!" You beg him. "Please, I love you Nico."
He sighs, running a hand down his face. "Alright," he gestures you to follow him, "We need to talk somewhere more private."
Silently agreeing, you grabbed his hand and led him through the winding streets of Monaco until you reached his apartment building. He hadn't moved yet and as he unlocked the door, you let yourself admire the man you would always love. Nothing inside the apartment had changed except the pictures hanging on the wall.
Nico had a wall of pictures that you had helped him create. They were moments from his karting career, his life and his relationship with you. There was a new picture in pride of place at the very top of the wall, the place he put his favourite. It was a picture of the day he won his championship, a picture of you and him in a lovers embrace, confetti falling around you and sweat dripping from his hair. It was the perfect picture that captured everything you and him were.
"That's new." You point to the picture and look at Nico hopeful.
"Yeah." He smiles. "The team photographer sent me the original and I couldn't think of a better place to put it."
You took the chance and stepped closer to Nico, almost pressing your body against his. You felt the sharp intake of breath from him as he tucked a loose hair behind your ear.
"Are you sure?"
You're nodding before he's even finished. "We're gonna move in together, and take some time for us. And I know it's going to work because this is what I want in forever. I want you to my forever."
"Will you marry me?" He whispered the question like he didn't quite believe what he was saying.
"Yes." You immediately answer before Nico can backtrack. "Yes. Please."
Nico stepped back and shook his head slightly. "Wait- Y/N, just wait. I don't know why I said that."
"Are you trying to take it back?"
"No!" He hurriedly corrects. "I think we need to go slow. I haven't talked to you in three weeks."
"Three weeks don't matter, we know each other, we know that this works. Why do we have to wait?"
Nico couldn't hide his smile as he dipped his head to press his lips against yours.
"Why wait indeed..."
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youre-a-total--poser · 10 hours
Can you please write one with mama nat and teen reader where Fury sends the reader on a mission with another one of the Avengers even when nat told him not to, and the reader got injured or something and nat helps nurse her back to health cuz she sees her like her own kid <3
Or you can write anything with mama nat, i just love your writing so much aaaaaaaaaaa 🧎🏻‍♀️
Accident Prone (Request)
Warnings: I don't know anymore Age: briefly 10 and 15 Word Count: 955 Requests: Open Summary: Read the request and it will explain everything Requested by: Anonymous Date: 28/09/2024 paring: N/A A/N: Thank you for your request I hope that you like it. Not sure if this is even good enough since it has been so long since I've written anything
You were taken by HYDRA when you were about 10 and let's say you were one of their failed experiments.
You had telekinesis powers well sort of. Honestly, you had no clue how to make it work and when it did happen it would happen at the most inconvenient moments.
Things would be moving about randomly people, mainly you, would be getting whacked by flying objects. It wasn't great definitely a 0/10 wouldn't recommend.
Then one day the Avengers came in and put a stop to everything that was happening and rescued everyone like they do but the only thing that was different about this whole operation is that they found something or someone sitting in a cage who would change their lives forever.
You were sitting there covered in cuts and bruises and they assumed the worst but that wasn't the case at all. You didn't tell them what happened and even to this day you never did cause it's pretty embarrassing not gonna lie but eventually they figured out why.
They ended up taking you back with them and letting you stay probably because they felt bad for this little thing that can't walk in a straight line, trips over nothing and chokes on air.
You were now 15 life is great everything is great.
You were getting help to figure out how to use your powers and after years of training, you could successfully move… a penny.
Sure it wasn't the biggest thing in the world but at least there was one less thing randomly flying at you so you called it a win.
Over the years you had developed a close bond with Natasha. What started with her tending to your every wound gradually turned into a mother/daughter-like relationship.
Every time the Avengers went on missions you were left home alone and you wanted nothing more than to go with them to see what it was like but every time Natasha would say 'No it's too dangerous.', 'You're too young.', 'Do you really think I'm going to let you go when you can't even make toast without nearly burning the place down?'
In your defence it wasn't even your fault that the toaster caught on fire someone turned the dial too high.
You knew that Fury was here assigning Steve on a mission and you just happened to overhear that it would be an easy one so it would be perfect for you.
Your plan was to be as annoying as possible so he would get frustrated and say yes so that's exactly what you did you followed him around repeating the word please and just as expected it didn't take long for him to give in.
Your excitement lasted all of 4 seconds as soon as Natasha heard what was going on.
"Absolutely not," she said crossing her arms.
"Please, Nat." you begged, "nothing is going to happen."
"I'm sorry but I said no Y/N."
"Not fair," you mumbled while crossing your arm in a huff.
Then the best idea, well the best idea at the time popped into your head however now you regret it.
"I'll never ask for anything ever again if you let me go."
While Natasha was thinking you were giving her your best please face it's never failed you before.
She let out a sigh "fine."
Your face lit up and a large smile appeared.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," you said while hugging her.
"Don't make me regret it Y/N," she said sternly.
The mission was easy and boring it was just to collect paperwork or something you weren't really listening or paying attending.
It was all going well until it wasn't…
Natasha was anxiously waiting for the Quinjet's arrival once she heard you and Steve were on your way back.
She watched as Steve carried you out of the Quinjet. Natasha was already going out of her mind but when she saw Steve carrying it it sent her over the edge.
"What happened?" she asked hurrying over.
"She tripped over a stone and sprained her ankle." Steve briefly explained
"It was a very large stone actually." you chimed in.
"God sake Y/N, I thought something bad happened to you," Natasha said her voice still sounding quite panicky.
"Something bad did happen I sprained my ankle"
Steve let out a frustrated sigh and Natasha just shook her head.
"Can you put me down now?" you asked Steve who was still carrying you.
"I thought you said you couldn't walk," Steve said gently putting you down.
"I never said I couldn't walk I said I didn't want to walk."
"It doesn't matter let go and put some ice on it," Natasha said putting her arm around your waist and you slowly limped back inside.
"what am I going to do with you Y/N?" Natasha asked as she handed you some painkillers and a glass of water then placed a bag of frozen peas on your ankle.
"Lock me in a room and throw away the key?" You said quietly chuckling then you took the meds that you were given.
"Don't tempt me," She replied sitting down beside you.
"It hurts a lot," You said while wincing.
"The meds will kick in soon and it won't hurt as much."
Natasha picked up the TV remote and put on your favourite movie.
While it was playing you felt yourself getting tired.
"Thank you for taking care of me Nat," you said sleepily.
"You welcome, sweetheart," she said quietly.
A slight smile appeared on Natasha's face as she put her arm around you while you moved closer to her.
You ended up falling asleep in the safety and comfort of her arms.
@saraaahsstuff // @marvelnatasha12346 // @amolapasta // @knox145 // @ducktamer415 // @romanoffliviv
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ripdragonbeans · 3 days
Do You Believe In Fate // Part 3 // Aegon II x Reader
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Summary: Over two years have passed since you've seen Aegon. A surprise dinner brings you two back together.
Warnings: None
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
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It had been over two years since you heard from Aegon, much less actually seen him. At first it hurt but it soon faded to the back. Of course, you still kept in close touch with Helaena and Aemond. Aemond actually attended the same university as you, King’s Landing University. 
It was your junior year of university and you were doing wonderful. Aegon would forever live in your mind, that you knew for sure. What you didn't expect was finding a new best friend in Aemond.
Being close to Aemond was nothing like being close to Aegon. While Aegon brought an exciting amount of chaos into your life, Aemond brought calm serenity and deep introspections. The two of you still gossiped, with Helaena, but it was nothing like what it was with Aegon. 
Touch wise, Aemond was very different from Aegon. Physically, Aemond welcomed you but it was more of a gentle, protective touch. While Aegon was more playful and could be a but more aggressive, Aemonod was careful and tender. There was casual leaning in each other or holding hands to keep track of one another as well as simple hugs of genuine care and thanks. 
Again, you missed Aegon. He was so familiar, so safe, but he was gone. He made his choice and you made yours. He chose Cassandra over you and you chose to protect your heart, as much as you could, by turning a new leaf and going to university. You couldn't help but wonder if he was still with her. From what you've learned from Helaena and Aemond, Aegon attended Dragonstone Community College. 
While you were still in the same area, you did your best not to see him. Every now and then you'd catch a glimpse of him by his favorite coffee shop or record store. You made a point to avoid those spots. They held too many memories, too much pain. You may not have ever been dating but it still felt like you lost a part of you. Your mind wandered to the red string of fate. You laughed coldly. Of course people would believe in the red string of fate, a tie that linked you to your soulmate. 
“You doing okay?” Aemond asked you. 
The two of you were walking side by side through campus, spending time together on your lunch break. It was a sunny day with the wind blowing gently. There were few clouds in the sky and you basked in the nice weather.
“I've been thinking, I guess,” you told him. A moment of silence passed before you spoke again, this time softly. “I miss him. I know it's been over two years since I've even heard from him, but it's like there's something missing.”
Aemond took your hand and led you to a bench. Sitting down, he put an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in for an awkward side hug. “You're doing your best and that's what counts. Sorry, Helaena is better at this than I am.”
“‘This’ being?”
“Comforting, I guess. Or just when it comes to Aegon in general,” he shrugged. A moment passed before Aemond spoke again. “You know he's been out of community college for about a year now?”
“Don't worry, I've kept in mind the dates,” you joked. “But yeah, he graduated this past spring.”
“If he had decided to walk would you have attended?”
“Honestly?” You wrapped your arms around yourself. “I don't know. I'm proud of him and I'd want to celebrate with him but I think seeing him would hurt me. There's a pain that never went away, Aemond. I don't know if it ever will.”
“Okay, what's that about?”
“I don't think you give yourself enough credit. You can heal, I know you can. Yes, it'll take quite a while, but it will happen.”
“Wow, you have a lot of faith in me,” you rolled your eyes. “Did you forget about the part where I lost my childhood best friend over a girl? I've been with him through everything and he still chose her.”
“And he's a dick for doing that but you deserve someone better than him.”
“Thanks, Aemond.” You gave him a small smile.
You sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments before Aemond spoke up.
“After listening to you talk, do you think you’re ready for this weekend? We’re all going to be back at the house for a family dinner tomorrow and then it’s family bonding time, whatever that’ll entail.”
You felt the color drain from your face; you forgot about the family dinner. Instead of answering him, you got up to your feet. “Let’s get going, I don’t want to be late for class.”
The rest of the day went by uneventfully. Nothing new or exciting happened. All you could think of was the dinner later this weekend. You’d voluntarily be seeing Aegon for the first time in at least two years. You knew it was going to be an awkward time, everyone could see that. Yet, at the same time, you were excited at the prospect of even being in the same room as him. You missed him, a lot. 
“Hey, Aemond!” you called to him as he walked out of his class. Jogging up to him you asked, “Can I crash at your place tonight? Helaena is out with the entomology majors.”
Aemond smiled. “Of course. You can take the bed, I’ll take the couch.”
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You held Aegon tight, afraid that if you stopped holding him he would disappear again. Burying your face in the crook of his neck, you inhaled his scent. You've missed him so much. Aegon gently played with your hair as you snuggled closer to him. This was what you wanted and now that it was a reality it seemed too good to be true. 
“I'm sorry,” Aegon whispered.
You pulled yourself closer to him in response. “It's okay, Aeg.”
“No, it's not okay. I shouldn't have left you. I was scared and stupid and a dick.”
You pulled your head away to look at him. “Then why didn't you come back sooner?”
“Because I was a coward,” he sighed. “I did see you with Helaena and Aemond, you know. I'd catch glimpses of you three around town and I would just…watch. You looked so happy with them, all of you looked so happy. I thought it was best that I stay away.”
“You saw us around town? That's a little creepy, Aeg.”
“It's kind of hard to avoid you and my siblings when we still live in the same area,” he laughed.
You unraveled one of your arms around him to take a hold of his hand. “I saw you, too. I saw you with Cassandra a lot.” You stared at your intertwined hands. 
Aegon didn't say anything. 
“You seemed very happy with her. You would smile and your eyes would light up, or at least I thought they did. Seeing you with her broke me,” you whispered the last sentence. 
“I'm so sorry, I -”
“It's okay, Aeg. You didn't know. I won't hold it against you. I don't think I could ever hold anything against you.” You squeezed his hand.
He pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head before kissing your cheek. Letting go of your hand, Aegon used his to turn your face to him. You could see all the words unsaid in his eyes. All of the emotions, all of the love. Carefully, he lowered his face and brushed his lips against yours.
“I'll never leave you again, I promise.”
“And I won't let you go.”
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“Hey, we gotta leave soon”
 The voice was calm and collected and had a feminine touch to it. Knowing it wasn’t Aegon, you burrowed back under the covers.
“Or we can stay here and hide forever. It’s up to you. Either way I’ll be with you, even if I might sneak out to grab some food for us.”
The door opened and a set of footsteps entered the room.
“It’s time to get up,” the new voice said.
“Neither of you are Aegon so I don’t really want to listen to you.” You mumbled out.
“All we need is Aegon? Okay, let me go get him,” the second voice taunted. 
You were sure they were bluffing until you heard the footsteps retreat.
“WAIT!” You shot out of bed. 
Aemond smiled at you. “Gotcha.”
Helaena slapped Aemond’s arm. “You can’t be saying stuff like that.” She dropped her voice to a whisper, “You know how fragile she can be.”
Glaring at Helaena, you kicked off the covers and stretched. “I’m not fragile, we know this.”
Helaena looked at you knowingly but nodded her head all the same. “So,” she clapped her hands. “How do we want to go about this family dinner?”
“Personally, I would like to go back to bed,” you offered.
“Nope. Next idea. Aemond?”
Aemond pulled his long hair back into a messy bun. “We can ignore Aegon all day? Or whenever we’re all in the same building.”
You rubbed your face and actually took the time to realize where you were. After classes, you went to spend the night in Aemond’s dorm, feeling completely spent. There was nothing sexual or romantic about it. You also knew you just didn’t want to be alone. 
“I know I said I was ready but I’m gonna take back everything I said. Gods, what if Cassandra is with him?” you groaned.
“Cassandra isn’t going to be around,” Helaena reassured you. “It’s a family only gathering.”
“Then why am I invited?”
“You’re family, you know that,” scoffed Aemond. “You’ve been with us since we were little, of course we’re including you.”
You looked at the siblings in front of you and truly took them in. Helaena sitting by you with her legs tucked underneath herself. She looked at you with big eyes, waiting for your response. Aemond was back to leaning on the wall, his one eye intense yet soft, trained on you. You don’t know where you’d be without these two.
“How about this,” Helaena started. “Let’s just begin our day by cleaning up, my dear. Wipe that sleep off your face.”
“Okay, okay,” you laughed. “Aemond, out!”
“But it’s my room!” he exclaimed. 
“Just wait for us in the lobby. I brought her stuff, we’ll be there in a bit,” Helaena ordered.
Aemond mumbled under his breath as he sulked out. 
“You can do this,” Helaena told you once the door closed.
“I'm worried about whether or not I can do this, I'm worried about what he might do. And I know it's supposed to be a family only dinner but what if he does end up bringing Cassandra? No one can stop him.”
“If Cassandra is there I’ll personally make Aegon’s life a living hell. He knows better than that.”
“This is Aegon we’re talking about. Of course he doesn’t know better.”
“Okay, fine. He doesn’t. Let’s pretend that he does and get you ready for the day, okay?”
You sighed. “Let’s get this going.”
Finally getting up from the bed, you looked around the room until you saw the bags that Helaena must have brought in.
“All your stuff is there,” she said. “I brought what I thought would be the cutest outfit, and it might make Aegon look your way, too. Not that he doesn’t. Just a little reminder of who he’s missing out on.”
“Hel,” you laughed, “and I’m supposed to trust your word?”
“Okay, it might be a bit much, at least for me, but it’s still cute!” 
Rolling your eyes, you opened up the bags to find one of your basic black tank tops paired together with a gray cardigan. “Wow, so wild, Hel.”
“Don’t forget your jeans!”
“I’m not going to forget my pants, promise.”
“If you do forget them I’m sure Aegon wouldn’t mind,” Helaena smirked.
You threw a pillow at your friend, smiling and giggling. After many interruptions from Helaena, you were able to pull yourself together into a decent outfit within twenty minutes, hair and makeup included. The two of you walked arm and arm out of Aemond’s dorm and headed down to meet him.
“Gods, you took forever,” Aemond groaned when he saw you two. “All you had to do was get dressed, not prepare for the queen or anything.”
“Oh, whatever,” you laughed and turned to the siblings. “Shall we?”
Helaena took your hand. “Yes, we shall. Onwards to our humble abode!”
Aemond rolled his eyes as the three of you headed out of the dorms and to their familial home.
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“My loves!” Alicent exclaimed as you all entered the house. She wrapped each of you in an individual hug and planted a kiss on everyone’s cheek. “I know you only live minutes away but I still miss you all terribly. You’re all doing great things and I couldn’t be prouder.”
“Mother, let us get all the way in,” Aemond chuckled. He always had a soft spot for her. “I’ll tell you everything once we can inside.”
“Yes, yes, of course,” Alicent ushered everyone into the living room. 
It was just as you had remembered. A well-lived living space with classy decor that screamed money, but not too much money. Plopping down on the couch, you were sandwiched between Aemond and Helaena. Cozying up with the two felt so normal, so familiar.
“Tell me what you’ve been up to,” Alicent smiled. She always loved hearing about our successes. Academic success has always been one of her favorites to hear about. When it came to her children, they were her pride and joy. Nothing would stop her from making sure her children were successful, whatever that meant to them individually. 
While Alicent didn’t grow up with money, she unwillingly married into it. The siblings’ father, a dead-beat dad, had all the money and didn’t care what they did with it. Alicent used it to get her children into college, community college in Aegon’s case. Seeing them in school, watching them grow, was what made her heart happy.
Aemond told his mother all about the classes he was taking and the various papers and projects that have been assigned. Aemond loved learning and made sure it was something that he was constantly doing. Every now and then, you and Helaena would pop in with your own anecdote or correct him on a small detail. It was an enjoyable time, recounting your adventures, all of them not super exciting, to Alicent. After about an hour of talking, the front door opened.
“I’m home and I’m ready for some food!” Announced Aegon.
“And I’m so excited to join you!” Said another person.
Your chest tightened at the sound. You knew that voice. You’ve been avoiding it as much as possible. Helaena cast a worried glance at you before covering your hand with her own and giving you a reassuring squeeze. Aemond casually put his arm around your shoulders and tucked you in his side. Alicent saw the small movements but didn’t say anything. Instead, she cocked her head to the side and looked towards the front door. 
“Aegon?” Alicent asked as she stood up. “Who is your friend?”
Aegon entered the room holding a hand. “This is Cassandra, my fiance.”
Your heart dropped. 
“So happy to meet the family!” Cassandra said excitedly. Her eyes locked on yours. “Oh, I didn't realize she'd be here too. She's family?”
In a quick movement you grabbed Aemond’s hand that wasn't around your shoulders and tucked yourself in so much that you were almost sitting on his lap. “I'm actually dating Aemond,” you revealed.
Aemond looked at you with slight concern but he knew you well enough to run with it. A small smile played on his lips as he leaned down to muzzle against you.
Helaena didn't miss a beat. “They've been dating for a few months now. Ugh, they're so cute!”
Aegon eyes darted back and forth between you and Aemond. “Never really thought you two would get together.”
“Never considered you to settle down, so I guess we're both surprised,” you shot back at him.
The silence was thick. Everyone glanced around at one another waiting for the tension to break. You, however, didn't look at anyone else. You kept your eyes on Aegon, a silent challenge. He brought in a fiancee so you'll bring in a boyfriend. Whether or not he meant to hurt you, you'll throw it back at him. You didn't want to believe that he and Cassandra were engaged. Their relationship being a sham is the only way you could wrap your head around.
“I believe Criston has dinner all set,” Alicent clapped her hands. “Let's eat!”
Helaena let go of your hand to go but you held on to Aemond's. Instead of following everyone else to the kitchen you held back Aemond.
“Are you okay with this?” You squeezed his hand.
“Fake dating you? Yeah, I'm okay with it. Aegon pulling up with Cassandra is a stupid move. We'll give him a run for his money.” Aemond gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Are you okay with PDA more than kisses on the cheek?”
“I'm down for it all, except for sex.”
“Way to make a guy feel great,” he rolled his eyes. 
You smacked his arm with your free hand. “Shut up. You know what I mean.”
“Let's make him feel like shit.”
Aemond and you shared a mischievous grin before heading to the battle: dinner.
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fcktaken · 2 years
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Cassagnas - Saint-Germain de Calberte
The sun was back, and I walked the morning with a mountain guide from the alps who knew a lot about animals and plants, was a raging socialist and dyke but had unfortunately also conspiracy theories about vaccines. We stopped for lunch at a place with an incredible view over the southern Cevennes, the mediterranean seemed to be just behind the last summit. It was said to be a celtic cult site with a menhir and a stone tomb. Afterwards I continued alone through the chestnut forests.
(Stevenson trail 2022)
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giddlygoat · 3 months
my brother can make me laugh without moving at all. he can make me laugh on command, just by existing, and there is no physical tell or indication that it is about to happen. it’s like he can will me to laugh and i will. of course we’re not telepathic, but we do speak in unison sometimes. we improvise like no one’s business. we could fool anyone into believing we are psychically linked. when i try to explain it, i sound silly saying it out loud, but i really CAN tell what he’s thinking. we exchange so much information just with a look. he can make me cry laughing and he doesn’t even have to move
#i miss him so much i need him back i need him to live next to me again. i need to mooch off his wifi from my porch and invite him over#i miss him so much.#he’s only 2 minutes younger but he feels years younger. and yet i think we’re two halves of one soul#i’ve always babied him not even in a mean or diminishing way but i felt this need to protect him#because he tends to be so naive and so shy#but. i am so proud of him. i need to show him off to everyone and i need everyone to understand how funny and charming he is#it feels like i grew up and left him where he will remain 11 forever. i miss him more than moving back home can fix#i miss him in ways that have nothing to do with the distance between our locations#but. it would certainly help to be able to see him every day#i keep smelling the carpet in his room and it’s so vivid. i remember the countless hours we spent developing huge wood block cities#and we would drive hot wheels over the wooden raceways we had made. we were actually quite coordinated and autistic about it#we were always building things together#just recently me and him talked on the phone about an old mlp au we came up with. all original characters and shit#it was super extensive and very clever#i STILL think it would make a really cool book series or something#i remember watching him play army men RTS gamecube on the wii. i STILL listen to the soundtrack to that game like…. daily#i remember walking into my room once where he was watching a show. and he was crying#and he NEVER cries over tv#but he was crying because his favorite character had resigned from the organization that the series was based around#and he was so distraught that she was leaving.#i remember when all 3 of us slept in one room. i remember when me and him were in bunk beds across the room#and we would sneak out of bed right as the parents left and stayed up playing by the light of the nightlight#the way we raced back into bed when the parents were approaching 😭#my mom always says she’s sad that i seem to remember so little of my life. like every story of my youth is news to me lmao#but i feel like i remember the most important parts? i think so#i remember how mom woke me up in the night to ask me to roll over because my bro could see my face from where he was sleeping#and he was scared because there was a weird shadow cast on my face that made it look like a skull which was making it hard for him to sleep#it was. so funny. i begrudgingly rolled over#i don’t know. it’s just that there isn’t a single instance i bring up that my brother does not also remember.#no matter how tiny or specific. we shared everything growing up
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