#that child can suck dick
taysftwr · 2 years
i just fought a fucking 4 year old for a buiscuit...im happy to say that im recovering
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latenightsundayblues · 11 months
I got bored lol
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yuridovewing · 1 year
So I do get the anger in the Warriors fandom about how aggressively anti adoption the series is, don’t get me wrong. It’s incredibly insidious how a character will learn that their parents adopted them and not really even be mad or frustrated, but will just completely drop them and pretend that there’s no connection there whatsoever, good or bad. How Gray Wing, despite them preaching about how he’s a wonderful adopted dad, literally is manifested a new wife to have bio babies with him as a “reward”. its so aggressively anti found family it hurts
But that being said…. I don’t really like how people apply this to Twigbranch. At least from what I’ve seen. Twigbranch wasn’t lovingly adopted after her mother gave her up, she didn’t scoff and say “Lilyheart doesn’t count, she can’t love me like a REAL mom”, she didn’t preach about how blood is thicker than water or anything . Her mother died tragically through a series of circumstances that couldn’t be controlled. She was just given to Lilyheart because she was the only one available, and she was only accepted into the clan because they thought she’d fulfill a prophecy, and treated her like a burden when she wasn’t instantly special. She was excluded and teased by her foster siblings, her doctor verbally abused her which turned more people against her, including said foster siblings. Her sister was pried away from her into an abusive environment and she was denied access to her in any way. She wasn’t even told about the full circumstances of why ThunderClan is even doing all this. Lilyheart and Alderheart are good to her, sure, but that seems to be it. And later on, when her family seems to be out there, her own mentor sabotages the patrol for selfish reasons and no one steps up.
Um. Yeah I think I’d want to know my biological family too in that situation. She’s allowed to mourn the mother she never got to know and to want to know her father and be with her sister, especially after how ThunderClan treated her. “Oh she’s turning against her found family!” WHAT found family?
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an-android-child · 5 months
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Just watched this episode of btas for the first time in my life and. I'm devastated I'll never see more of this kid again
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sillysapphillean · 1 month
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This was originally just about how i couldn't care less about what nora says on her social media because of shit like her saying andrew is a misogynist but..
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complete-idiot-in-love · 11 months
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Watching episode 39 of Once Upon A Witchlight (Spoilers warning!)
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This podcast is so found family coded for me and I'm definitely gonna start writing down moments I liked to share here with y'all! I already got episode 40 done too so be on the lookout for that post after this one uwu
@cafekitsune made these awesome dividers, I'm gonna start using them for style!
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Bloodytoes flirting with Gricko because of their shared hatred of the lornlings gives me "really? In front of my salad?" Vibes but the salad is hootsie
Mikey not blinking for the entire opening was very scary and also worrying because how the hell can he do that??? And it just made me wonder if Gricko could do that also
When Torbek is eating the feathers and plucking the vultures, I can imagine my self insert just giving him MORE feathers to eat because "I can't tell if this is a bugbear thing or a Torbek thing but if it makes him happy :) "
Andy and Mikey talking joking about Frost having rizz and also being an incel with a fedora was so good. I can't believe my AroAce (Headcanon) brother has more rizz than me >:(
Derek jokingly telling Nikki her heartbeat sounds aren't good enough and he should do them which makes her kill frost with a sharp pot lid “my fucking rest of my body!" Was so damn funny
Sea cucumber robert rectangle trousers ice pops (Spongebob Squarepants) I love it when Gricko makes unofficial names for random things haha!!
“You feel frost filling your mouth" NOT THE FIRST TIME, PROBABLY WON'T BE THE LAST!!!
The group really wanting to leave Gricko for dead in the meat locker because his stupid ass really wanted the heart in the box
Hootsie biting off Gideon's nipple so hard that it gushes blood and B-Toes looking happy about it. Hootsie just was protecting her Papa!!
Mending is Frost's signature spell at this point I swear to the gods
“Male satyr dangling his, dangling his hooves” BAD PLACE TO STUTTER NIKKI!!
Gideon's rage code word being bitch is never NOT funny to me
Torbek FINALLY using one of his dimension doors from back when they fought the rabbits to save the satyr is so nice (like what if he did it cause he thought maybe the satyr was related to my self insert?) Also did they retcon him eating the second one or what cause apparently he has another but when Andy was absent, Nikki made Torbek eat it and fall unconscious
The satyrs name is Vancele (vawn-cell) and he is HUNG (and maybe related to my self insert but probably not) Also just in general I love it when the group runs into satyrs because it shows that there is a good possibility that my character COULD be canon! And it's just funny to imagine my amnesiac satyr seeing another one and being like "Are we related??"
Gideon comforting his upset husband about his missing hat is so damn cute, I love my dads so much
Gricko being terrible at lying is such a Gricko thing
Torbek being fancy with his new +1 luck rose! So glad he got something good, my bestie deserves it!!
Every time Gricko says “those FUCKERS" I die out laughing because of how unnaturally pissed off he is
Frost being the most accidentally horniest dude on the team AND the most badass with his meta magic is so cool “I will do them both, I'm very flexible" My brother got RIZZ!!
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hemlock-philosophy · 4 months
I don’t personally adhere to the hate “born this way“ narratives get, but one thing for sure is I’m really not a fan of how it rolls out of cis hets mouths’. Almost like they are waaaaaay too eager to say they are nothing like me.
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teekaa-two · 11 months
Oh man, this week is going to suck. I've had a big fight with my dad. Basically, my mom, who passed away a year ago, is all he cared about. Now, he wants to stay in his room and do nothing and be responsible for no one. He wants me to become mom and do all the work of the house, and then he'll say he "helps" by doing nothing.
Told him fuck that. He is a dick and this isn't working. So I'm getting prepared to get kicked out. Since the house was supposed to be mine, but if he is going to be a dick, then I've no idea what he's going to do. So I need to be prepared for anything.
This is all just so exhausting... and tiring. Well, my therapist is about to make her money.
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hi-there-buddies · 2 years
The visuals of the Velma show are actually really cool, especially the lighting and shading during certain parts when they want to accentuate the feeling of the scene (like the panic attacks)
Which makes it even worse that the writing of the show is so abhorrent and lackluster. If any of the storyboarders, animators, or in-between artists(if the show had them) of Velma see this, YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!
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The boy reading with Halo font
I expect him to vanish behind closed doors with "someone" and we'll see him if he's hungry....
Or wandering.
#this is a pacer here#it looks like a great place to pace though#or making me a Grandpa#me: 🤔 it's fine it is just more difficult to picture him making it#not really ... I know his blood#it's like the A-team with one OΞΛ#like our culture: hey how's it going *bang*#our culture after: smokes a cigarette like Matthew McConaughey in Teue Detective talking about time is a flat circle#me: standing in his holo cells in a small plane while at 13 14 and beyond#well my vocal chords can work baritone and bass but my spirit is a rainbow of rainbows#color? I dunno ... I don't care#if you like my dick please suck it with all your might#you're gonna need heart#you're gonna need ambition to overcome a motherload#also the sawing zip ties with feet#curious that I must say#it speaks of fun pre school times and also alludes to something dark as fuck that makes me want to kill things#I don't care if I am also the Devil...so's being alive#Arthur.....I mean.... he lived#but he's still breathing here#when I sat there and had to do dead to life math I am like 167 years sir that's a while#I am also like I have made much more progress in 45 than you did in 167 so thanks for cumming in grandma#I see him again after 🤔 23 years#understandably it took almost a full school year to catch on#mhm I used to call him air as a child of not grandpa#he was standing in the hall by my door watching my room#curious old ancestors#and *I* am the one who has to ease his pain#go the distance#bring Arthur back like a good God
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starlooove · 2 months
Idc about tana as a person bc duh but saying “why didn’t she just go to court” post depp v heard is actual insanity. Like that collective internet amnesia thing becomes more plausible every day bc despite everything she’s done and said the fact that Tana had to come up here and go “i KNOW what I’m like but I swear I’m not lying” or for y’all to go “she got what she deserved” is fucking insane
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kaedeakeshisworld · 3 months
Some stuff I noticed doing shadow work and where my first encounter with shame came from
Crazy how these homophobic folks always be religious 'n shit
Can't you mind your business for once? Ah never mind you don't seem to have a life anyway so what am I even on...
Whether I go to hello or not, you judgemental ass people are gonna be there vip seating
Like you thought you wouldn't go there Witch cackle ensues
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thelittlestdragon · 3 months
First off, this post is horrifyingly long. Second, this post is unedited. Believe it or not, my job involves a great deal of writing. But this, this isn’t earning me a salary. This is thoughts on paper (or my iCloud notes) at worst and a trauma dump at best. I’ve felt a lot shifting in my life recently. I don’t like change, and yet I throw myself into it because I am convinced I have something to fucking prove every second of every heckin’ day. (Former gifted and talented kid here).
Those close to me have known I spent much of my life fighting. That I’ve “overcome so much.” But fuck, I am tired. I am exhausted from being the poster child for inner strength. I’m tired of so many viewing me as a person who is formidable simply because my story involves a fair amount of pain. I want to be known as a fucking dragon who will burn a city to the ground, not because I have a tortured, character arc of a past, but because I give so many fucks about people. My people. The world. Myself. So I’m taking a step.
That being said, this is not a call for help. For once in my life I am safe. I feel safe. I feel loved. I’ve been so ridiculously fortunate to have my circle of people, my chosen family by my side. I am simply trying something new. Taking a big girl step. In an effort to heal, accept, and ascend into whatever dragon queen being I can, I am writing bits of my life down. Im doing this for myself. Because I need to be vulnerable. I need to speak it, write it, feel it, accept it… and then let it go.* I am also doing this for anyone out there who might need to know that even after everything is all right that it’s okay to still feel like you are struggling. Your progress is not diminished because you have a bad day. It is not erased because you are still feel afraid or hurt.
Before we go further TW to all. Descriptions, language and scenes of physical, emotional and verbal abuse; narcissism; domestic violence; sexual assault; suicide; guns; mental illness; familial trauma; religion used as a manipulative weapon; and probs more but those are the biggies. If there are others you feel I should include please let me know.
If you read beyond this, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
All of my life I’ve had to get up. Claw. Climb. Scream. Rage. Fight.
Some of my earliest memories are of my family in chaos. Pain. Today, I know that is because I lived with a narcissist. An abuser. A predator. Someone who was supposed to be my father. I did not get to be a child. So many people saw what was happening. So many people could have asked the right questions, should have asked the questions, and did not. I had teachers, friends and even coaches who viewed me as a troubled person. Who viewed me as less, because the signs they saw, the ones they chose to ignore, were character flaws. They were weaknesses to exploit. I have been told a lot of things about myself throughout my life… from people who were supposed to protect me.
Is what my father said when I didn’t want to take the picture for my “album cover.” He was a “musician” always days away from his next big break, his next tour. He “gave up his life and to give me one.” He said it so often I should have had it memorialized on something. He was convinced that if he pushed me to sing, to the play piano, that I would be his in to the music industry. His final big break. He’d decided we would take pictures for my upcoming album? Yo, I was seven. I wanted to literally just study for my second grade spelling test. We took his pictures first, myself and my mom. He was writing a new album so, he needed promotional photos too. I was up next. I had long brown hair. So long I could sit on it. We took a few with my hair cascading down my back and me smiling a toothless grin. I’d just lost two of my bottom teeth. Then he pulled my hair forward, and told me to take my shirt off. I didn’t want to because it was cold. He said it was “part of the artistic vision.” My mom looked uncomfortable and I didn’t know why. They pulled my hair forward to cover, took my shirt and took the photos. To this day I don’t know where the photos are or what was done with them. I don’t remember ever seeing them. It took me until I was twenty seven to remember that night. In the past few years, I learned that he’d sexually abused my sister when she was a child. And that my other sister had become prey for my paternal grandfather. I personally don’t remember of any other instances happening to me beyond those photos. I do however, remember that I was seven and that I was cold.
Is why my father said to me when he set his 40 caliber handgun on the oak, pullout TV tray and stared at me. Once again, my mother and I had done something wrong. I can’t remember what as there were so many times. So many times I’d been beaten. So many times he’d dragged me by my hair from one room to the next. Once, I’d kicked him, trying to get him to release my hair. My mother begged me, sobbed, to get me to stop. To end it. Because clearly, I was in control. This particular time, the gun was not a threat to me. But a “come to Jesus moment.” He’d declared (for the third time?) he was going to shoot himself. He would end his life and it was my fault. I’d become so awful in my 14 years that the only thing or situation to rectify it, was for him to leave me on this earth “alone.” “This is the only way your mother will truly be a mom to you,” he said. “You deserve this, you are wicked and god will remember the blood I spill from myself because of you.” So, feeling overwhelmed with guilt, I asked him whether he wanted to be buried or cremated. He smiled, praised me for my strength. Told me I’d need it to get by without him. He did not kill himself. Two days later, he took me to get ice cream.
YOU’RE DOING GREAT. (TW sexual assault)
Is what my then boyfriend said when I put the red colored, flavored? condom on him. I’d gone with him to the movies to see Inception in theaters. It was Halloween. Halloween was my favorite. He’d talked me in to going home with him to watch movies instead. My mother knew I was at the movies. His mom was going to drive us. My father was on a hunting trip. I had one parent in the mix who said it was okay. So, I felt it was safe. No chance of my father finding out. His mom let us go in his room to watch paranormal activity. She let him close the door. I’d never been in a room with the door closed before. I wasn’t allowed. He said it’s because we were 15. And he’d promised not to be loud. I giggled. 30 minutes later he showed me how to put a condom on. It wasn’t my first time having sex (my 2nd - rip to my first love and summer romance) but it was the first time I did that. I was okay with it. Excited even. I’d known him since middle school. Liked him too. At this point, we’d been together an astounding 2 weeks. I felt like he wanted this so I wanted it to. It was fine at first but when I went to lay on my back he grabbed my waist and flipped me on my stomach. “What are you doing,” I asked suddenly nervous. “Shhhh. I got you.” I decided I didn’t want it. I had heard about it, but I didn’t want to do it. Anal was not something I thought would be fun. I sat up, said “I don’t think I want this anymore.” He kissed my shoulder and pushed me back down. “It’s okay. It’s just me. You’re doing great.” is what he whispered over and over again in my ear while my hair blocked my sight. My hair was so long it got wrapped around my face. I struggled to breathe through it. I was frozen. I didn’t say anything. When we got dressed to leave he kissed my head and his mom drove us back to the movie theater. He dumped me a week later.
Is what my father said when I’d screamed loud enough for our neighbors to hear, “leave her alone!” He’d gone after my mother again. Hitting her. Shoving her. He was 5’ 11” and 280lbs. She was 5’1” and at the time, 140… maybe. I’d had it. I was 16, and all my life I remember a handful of days that were good. So good that I felt like daddy’s princess. Everyone who “knew him” outside of our household or circle, thought of him as an upstanding, god-fearing man. To us, he was a monster behind closed doors. One that was a fucking bomb that could blow up at any second. And then there were days like that night. He’d hit her, dragged her by her hair and into her room before slamming the door. Her screams and sobs grew louder. So I screamed. He was in a rage when he opened the door. He came after me, and she’d come out of her room saying she was so sorry, to stop this. He’d turned to hit her until I stepped in front of him and he hit me instead. I felt power in that moment. But it was fleeting.
Is what my cheer coach told me when I asked why I wasn’t eligible to be a candidate for cheer captain as one of 3 varsity seniors. I’d put in the work for three years. All the events. Car washes. Practice. Games. But I was laughed at when I asked why. The week prior, I missed a special stunt group (Saturday) practice in preparation for state comp because my father locked me in a closet for getting a B in my math class and C on a chem test. They called again and again. I was allowed to answer the third time they called. “Where are you? Why would you do this? Do you understand that you’re hurting the team?” My father said it was a privilege to be at practice… that I didn’t deserve it. So, I wasn’t going. I simply told my coach and stunt group I couldn’t make it. When I couldn’t give a reason why, he hit me for my bad grades. He hit me for crying during the phone call. Two days later, he hit me again for losing my spot on the stunt team. I had the poorly covered bruises to prove it. They didn’t ask if I was okay after an out-of-character no call no show. They whispered when I walked into practice. My coach said people who aren’t team players don’t get opportunities.
Is what my father said after he woke me up to hand me the college acceptance letter I’d received. The one and only I was going to receive as I’d only applied to one school. The one that he’d already opened and read without me, because my accomplishments were never about me. They were a means to an end for him. “You will not date,” “you will not impregnate yourself,” and “you will not embarrass me” were next. When the time came, he drove me up to school - 300+ miles north, but still in the same state. He and my mother dropped me off at school saying that despite my failures, some admissions counselor had taken pity on me. That I was an Alvarez. That I would not fuck this up because my family needed me.
Is what my father said on his 1,949,373,678 voicemail after I walked out of a restaurant, got in my best friend’s car and left him (and my mother) behind. Two days before, I’d told him I’d changed my major, I’d gotten a job and I’d be living in my college town from now on. As a 19 year old, this was legal… normal even. For a narcissist, an abuser, this meant he was losing control of me. This wasn’t in his plan. He threatened me and my mother and told me I had to make the 300+ mile trip home to get all of my things because they would throw them out. All in all I should not have gone. But I went anyway, and my best friend drove me across the state. The moment I got there, the threats and the violence promised over the phone were washed away with hugs, kisses and laughter. He was a completely different person. So glad to have his daughter back. The second I could get a moment alone with my mother, I said “he has no intention of letting me leave. He’s never going to let me go is he?” She wouldn’t say anything. Wouldn’t make eye contact. I knew. I was in a panic. There wasn’t a way out. We’d gone to dinner, and I’d told my best friend to make the trip back without me, that I’d figure it out. Instead she walked into the restaurant 20 minutes later with a smile and all of the power of a warrior goddess. She smiled. She charmed. He melted. She was always his favorite of my friends. She used this to conjure up an excuse to get me outside. It worked. We ran.
Is what my father said when I refused to come home for holidays over the next few years. It’s hard to disconnect entirely from an abuser. Even harder when they are your father. He said I was the reason my mother cried. It’s definitely not because she is bipolar and is married to an abusive narcissist who had ruined all of their relationships with every one of their six children. After everything, I had agreed to weekly phone calls. Mostly to make sure she was alive. If I missed one, there was hell to pay. If I missed Christmas, he said god would make sure I regretted missing it. When I missed their wedding anniversary, I was told I was the scum of the earth for not sending a gift or saying anything. There was never a moment in my life that I ever saw, remember or even heard them mention celebrating their anniversary. To this very moment, I don’t know what day it is.
Is what my father said when I cut him out of my life entirely the day I told him I didn’t want him to come to my college graduation. I’d just spent 4.5 years earning my bachelor’s degree and putting myself through school, and I wanted it to be about my accomplishments. I’d been accepted into a masters program and was ready to grow. I knew the second he stepped foot on campus, I’d return to that closed-off caged person. That my day would belong to the narcissist that he is. I told him not to come. The fear I felt was astronomical. He of course told me “I was nothing.” That I’d done and earned nothing without him. In asking him not to come, I’d lost my mother too. Today, it hurts to hear my siblings talk about her. Saying it’s her fault they were hurt. They knew her in another life, before me. (I was born a month after my closest sibling turned 17). They watched her give everything to him and never stand up to him. I recognize that as a mother, she should have chosen her children. She should have chosen me. But I know she was a victim too. I can’t resent her for what she did or didn’t do. She never had the strength to step away. He owned every part of her. She believed it to her very soul. As far as I know, to this day she still does. So, I received my diploma, I left my father’s abuse behind and I lost my mother. But I never really had her.
You will always have people who will tell you who and what you are. But you have the power to change that. You can make that choice for yourself.
The point of this is not to tell you I had a shit childhood. It’s not to gain pity or support. I have built my family and support system over the years. Without them, I wouldn’t be here.
In a way, this is my own form of therapy. This isn’t the first time I’ve told someone different parts of my trauma. However, it is the first time I’ve written it down or told complete strangers. Fuck, this is my first post on tumblr… so, yay! Gold star for me.
I hope that sharing my experiences might help someone else. Someone who is maybe still struggling with the things that have happened to them. I hope that if you read this, that you share it so that they might someday know that the things/situations/moments that happened to them don’t have to be used as a weapon. That they don’t always have to be strong. People will always try to explain away your ticks. Your mannerisms. Your emotions. Your reactions. They might roll their eyes when you say you can’t eat that food, watch that movie, visit that place. I hope from the bottom of my heart that if you take anything away with you from this horrifyingly long, and incredibly vulnerable piece of me, it’s that what happened to you is REAL. Your response and feelings are real. They are valid. Someone else’s experience does not make yours any less valid, traumatizing or painful.
Amid it all, I got up. I clawed. I climbed. I screamed. I raged. I fought.
I still I get up. Claw. Climb. Scream. Rage. Fight.
I recognize that I am the vessel for my own darkness. I am the host for my trauma. All that I have experienced has made me, me. I have made peace with that. And, I can acknowledge that my trauma built me into someone I love today while also acknowledging that what happened to me was PREVENTABLE. It was FUCKED UP. IT WAS NOT OKAY. That does not mean I have to allow my trauma to control me or anyone else.
*Here it is. That little asterisk that was included at the top of this novel. If you were wondering where the fuck it was or why it was there - you have arrived* I wrote this to help myself be vulnerable. To heal and to let some of this shit go. Please keep in mind that letting go, does not mean forgiving. There are some things I have, and some things I. Will. Not. Before y’all say “forgiveness is freedom” please btfu. If there is a higher power, forgiveness is for them. I can let go of what I need to let go of. I do not need to forgive things to feel at peace. That is my choice. For those of you who need it, more power to you. But for anyone who may never want to forgive, that does not make you a bad person.*
My trauma is with me everyday. Whispering. Begging. It’s in the days I can’t wash my hair. It’s in the food I can’t taste or won’t eat. It’s in the bed I can’t move from. In the air I can’t breathe. And still, it does not own me. I will not let it. Because when I have the strength again, I will get up.
I will claw. I will climb. I will scream. I will rage. I will fight.
And so will you.
@againstacecilia thanks for walking into that restaurant. You are my hero. I am forever in your debt.
@heathermysoulchildwhoistoocoolfortumblrandpostsherbadassfanficsonao3instead thanks for teaching me that family is built and that am worthy of love.
@mycutiepatootiehusbandwhoisaredditshitposterandpossiblyscaredoftumblrasheshouldbe thanks for choosing life and love with me everyday.
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hoshigray · 6 months
Satoru and Suguru having a competition over who can impregnate their sweet shared lover first, please?
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𝐚. 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: oh my goodness???....you got my attention.
⊹ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: Geto + Gojo x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - canon divergence; implied geto is still a jujutsu tech sorcerer - satosugu taking turns with you - kissing; making out - lotus (geto) + eagle (gojo) positions - breeding kink - scratching - multiple orgasms - unprotected sex (psa: wrap it up, of get tf up) - cervix fucking - creampies - clitoral play (swiping) - pet names (angel, baby, my love, pretty girl, princess, sweetheart) - humor - mention of drool + heavy depictions of come/semen.
⊹ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k
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“Oooh—Haahh! Ohhh, God, Suguu, y’ feel so good…!”
“You feel good, too, princess...Hgghh! Shit, Y/n—“
“Yo, can you hurry it up? You know I’m not a patient guy, Suguru.”
Gojo sucks his teeth while watching you get it on with Geto. It was one of those nights when they’d come home and surprise you together. Usually, one would be assigned longer shifts or missions (that one mostly being Gojo), and the other would return home to eat dinner and sleep with you. But there would be those days when they’d arrive home in unison and try to do whatever they can to have you enjoy these rare moments with all three of you.
Sometimes, it would be Gojo taking you guys to some delicious café that sells parfaits that you’d probably like or Geto having the idea to have lunch at the park and enjoy the sun together. But, of course, there’d be those days when simply being inside the apartment, talking about each other’s day, watching a random movie, and then snoring while spooning would suffice. Because it doesn’t matter what they choose to do; all three of you being at the same place is always the best!
Tonight, however, was one of those nights where they’d pull you aside, drown you in kisses and gropes, and carry you to the bedroom for a more intimate occasion. For tonight, Geto and Gojo wanted to fuck you in the hopes you’ll be with child. And what better way for the two best friends to go about such an eventful issue than by a competition to see who can fill you up the most? 
Suguru has you propped on his crossed lap, your arms wrapped around his neck, and his hands kneading your asscheeks as you bounce on his cock and wail out his name in pretty notes. This was about the third round of the night, your cunt wet and filled with both Geto’s and Gojo’s cum. The fluids stream down with every jump of your hips from the base of his girth to his balls, the sounds of your union so filthy with the groans and moans that bounce around the bedroom walls. 
Geto sighs and burrows his chin into your shoulder. “Hahhh, oh, stop your crying, Satoru. You finished your turn and didn’t hear me heckle while you and Y/n were doing it.”
The white-haired man grunts with more complaints, to Geto’s dismay. “Yeah, well, I’m not the one who takes longer to finish,” he persists, even if his raven-haired friend frowns. “I don’t want you to be the reason my dick falls asleep.”
“Tch, what you should be worrying about is finishing too quickly when it’s your turn. You act like being faster is better…Heh, maybe you can’t handle Y/n better than I do.”
“You son of a—“
“Hey now,” you’re the one who mediates the growing childish tension between your husbands, turning your face to lock Gojo in a spell with your gorgeous, hooded eyes. “Be nice, Toru; it’s Sugu’s turn now, so you can have me however you want when we’re done here, okay?”
Like a heart-struck fool, pink shades creep into the helix of Gojo’s ears as he happily complies with your request. “Okay, my princess.”
Geto rolls his eyes at his friend’s display; what a total loser. As if he has room to talk because once you turn back to face him and kiss his cheek, his breath hitches. “Come on,” you whisper. “Don’t let him ruin your fun.”
The dark-haired one chuckles before claiming your lips with his, “Wouldn’t dream of it, angel.”
As you two kiss, you rock your hips more to create a steady rhythm on top of Geto. His girth stretches your vagina nicely, and with his pulsing veins, you can feel them rub on the velvety texture of your inner walls. It’s good that the pace is at a respectable tempo, allowing you to feel him at your wits and pleasure truly.
But the best part of this position is how easy it is to stimulate your clitoris. Every time you rock your hips against Geto’s, the bulb rubs against his body and has your frame jolting. It feels so fucking good, having your cunt stuffed with his girth member and graze your walls deliciously while your precious button is being pressed.
The pacing soon goes in sync, his subtle thrusts as you bounce your ass on him while kissing. Your mewls are taken by his hungry lips, sucking on your tongue to evoke more cute noises, your hand coming to the back of his head to massage and grab strands of his onyx hair. He’s so romantic with you and your body, the position making this intimacy so much more personal. Your chasm frequently clamps on his cock when you pull your waist up, making the man below you hiss at the grip.
He breaks the kiss, “Shit, you tighten around me so nicely…”
“Really?” You giggle, laying more kisses on his cheek and ears. It sends shivers down his spine. 
“—Khhh, damn it, I can’t...” Suddenly, Geto thrusts upwards in a faster notion, and you scream to hold on quickly and follow his cadence. “Fuck, you feel too amazing, sweetheart…!” You can’t reply to him appropriately; your only responses are narrowed down to high-pitched whines and squeals. His hands wrap around your back to keep your body close as he chases his climax, his hot face melting with the sweat of your shoulder while he pushes his cock to meet your cervix. “Hmng! Hmmnn, I’m gonna cum, baby…!”
“Ohooo, me too, Sug’ruu, me—Tahhh! Ohhh, Jesus…!” Your clit keeps bumping onto Geto, your nerves getting activated with every rut. Shaky moans leave your puffy lips, and your hand scratches his back at every jab of your delicate cervix. You bring him in for another kiss – this one a lot more rushed and steamy – and your orgasm hits you both from the erratic speed of your hips.
You two sigh heavily into each other’s mouths, your body sinking into Geto’s gentle hold as his cock ejaculates his semen into your throbbing slit. His hands massage your back while his pelvis rolls to grind his dick and have your walls clench onto him more.
With a soft sound, you remove your lips from his, smiling gently while you brush his bangs off to view his left eye. “You love to finish strong, Sugu.”
He chuckles before kissing your nose. “Can’t help it if you drive me crazy, my love—“
“Alright, round’s over!” 
Before Geto knows it, Gojo’s already on the bed, yanking you off his best friend’s lap and laying you down with your back to the sheets. He voices his discontent, trying not to appear too upset. “Excuse you? Can’t let me have a moment?”
“Nope!” He shoves a middle finger to Geto’s face, and the black-headed one almost pops a vessel. “I practically went limp after watching you two for so long. So obverse from the side and let me have my fun.”
“So annoying,” Geto mumbles under his breath, yet the milky-haired one chooses not to listen with a huff and places all his attention on you.
“Now,” Gojo turns to you with half-lidded cerulean eyes, a smile beaming too much that his dimples show up. He spreads your legs to evince your messy chasm; Geto’s come spilling down to the crevice of your butt as he massages your inner thighs. Fuck, so fucking nasty, it had him bite his lip. “You ready for more of me, baby?”
You titter, bringing your legs up your chest and spread to a V-shape. “Yes, Toru, thank you for being patient.”
He snickers while pushing his glans to meet your soapy folds, humming when the excessive come lubes your labia sufficiently for his cock to be inserted. The hug of your walls makes him moan, and you jerk as his left curve scratches the plush itch. “Fuuuuck, so warm and tight for me, baby.” 
His arms support your legs in the air, and the position allows him to initiate with slow thrusts. Your purr at his movements; the curve has you howl with every push, stretching your pussy when he propels himself into you and rubs the upper wall of your vagina. Oh God, feels so fucking good…
You peer to where his dick is plunging into your cunt, silently awing at the mussy display of cum ringing around the base of his shaft and stringing to where your folds are. Holy shit, you chew on your bottom lip and move a hand to finger your clit, silently howling at the swipes you dance around your bud. “OhhhGod, hmmmm, right there…”
Gojo looks down and sees what you’re doing, and he chuckles, “Shit, you enjoying yourself, pretty girl? Hmm?” He ruts into you with sudden haste, and an abrupt hit to your cervix has you almost choking on air. “Like being filled up, huh?”
“Ahhh, y–yesss, I lov—Mmmph!!” He grinds his pelvis down, drilling his length deep inside to scuff your smooth walls. “I love y’r dick so much, Satoruuu…!”
“Awww, look at you playing with yourself,” the view excited him more, increasing his speed to pound into you. You cry out at the poke of your cervix, clamping onto him in response. “Ahhhh, there it is,” he coos while adding more weight onto you, making his rocks precise where he wants to hit. More shrieks fly out your lips, “Wanna be bred so bad, princess? Want me to fill you up again?”
Your head aches, ears ringing from the sloppy sounds of his dick rutting inside you, his balls smack your grundel with every push. “Ahhnn, mmoohhh, ye’sss,” you whisper.
“C’mon, angel, let me hear you.” Gojo places his forehead on your sweaty one, azure eyes examining your expression in a haze. “You want—Nnngh! Fuck…Want me to fuck a baby into you, yeah? Make you a mama? ”
“Yess, ’Toru, yesss!! Give me y’ur babiess, make me all fat and full!!”
“Heh, good, pretty girl; so good for—Khhckk!! Shit, shit, I’m gonna cum…” He brings his lips to yours, moaning to the kiss with you while his hips turn up to a volatile rate. Your whimpers are sucked and drunk by him, your eyebrows furrowed from the cyclical hits to your cervix and rubbing on your silky tunnel.  
Your arms come around to his shoulders, beckoning him to deepen the kiss as your body gets ready for the orgasm that hits you like a train. Trembles climb up your frame, whines muffled, and drool slips out your mouth down to your chin. Your cunt contracts around his length, milking him into his own release and filling you with his essence, adding to the pile that squelches and trickles down to the sheets beneath you. 
Gojo nibbles on your lip as he pumps every last bit of his load into you, his tongue twirling with yours until he removes his face from yours. He smiles, dimples greeting you with disheveled strands of snow-white hair sticking to his forehead. Too distracted by his charm for him to sneak in more harsh thrusts to your aching frame. 
You gasp aloud, “—Ohooo! Satoru, nooo! I’m too sensitive nowww..!!”
“Mmmm, sorry, princess,” an apology with a smile doesn’t match, placing a kiss on your forehead as you wail for him while he ruts into your vulnerable slit. “You just feel too good, can never get enou—Owwww!!”
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Witness to the entire thing, Geto smacks Gojo with a house slipper before pulling him off you and throwing him to the side. The blue-eyed man looks at the other with an annoyed face. “I should be asking you the same thing, you psycho; what’s with the assault!?”
“Did you forget? Your turn is up,” indigo eyes narrow with a dark glint. “So why are you still moving?”
“Oh, quit yapping, giant earlobes! Can’t a guy squeeze in a few more before I get off…Or what, you scared I’d make them pregnant first? Your frail soldiers can’t compete with mine, is that it?” 
“Hah, you tell me, blue-eyed snowflake; you’re the one still trying to fuck into them like you’re afraid your load isn’t enough. Poor guy; can’t be a sore loser too early, now.”
“Choke on my dick!”
“You first.”
The two bicker back and forth while you observe, unable to find the right cue to intervene as you’re still in a daze. You sit on your side, feeling the liquids inside you exit your frame and slide down your thighs.
As they fight, you remember that you had forgotten to tell them that you took a birth control pill earlier today after they texted about returning home together. It wasn’t until after dinner that they said they wanted to try and fuck and fill you to the brim, practically dragging you to the room before you could utter a word to them about the contraceptive.
…Oh well, surely they don’t mean to have a baby right this moment. Plus, there will be other times! So, for now, you watch your husbands argue before you while shaking your head with a smile.
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requests/thirsts are open hehe~ 🧸
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2024 – reblogs and comments are appreciated wholeheartedly ☆ header edit done by me + dividers by @/benkeibear.
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complete-idiot-in-love · 10 months
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Once Upon a Witchlight: Episode 43 (SPOILERS)
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This episode is so good because of the mushroom people curse, I've included some lines my S/I would say and the songs they're riffing off
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Frost singing rainbow connections YESS, I LOVE THAT SONG
I love it when Andy does his lil dancy dances, he is so gender
Shroombek is a moldy mushroom lmao /j
Imagine my S/I's mush-sona, mushroom with horns lookin ass
Michael Jackson Gideon!!
I love all of Derek's references, bro is so good at comedy
Death metal Gricko is so FUNNY!!
I swear to god if Twig is dead again bc of mushroom shit I will scream
I love this episode already because of singsong Torbek and Death metal Gricko
Torbek and my S/I would definitely be duo dancing, besties who binge musical theatres are besties forever (more like I force him to watch them w me >:3c )
Gideon is so sad because of his rhythm being stolen, F’s in chat for my fire dad
"Just dance! It'll be okay, gid a do do. Let's dance! And kill that hag fam do do do do!" - My S/I (Just dance)
Bard era in this episode fr fr
"So tell me do ya wanna go, kill a fuckin hag tonight? Run away after we fight? Impossible maybe to you, it's what we gotta do whoa! This is the greatest curse!!" - My S/I (Greatest Showman)
Torbek talking naughty as usual with his "hairy mushroom"
Are we lost in the forest lmao
CANON TORBEK HEIGHT? HE'S 7FT?? (If Andy has mentioned this before, I'm fuckin stupid /j)
Gricko trying to day-o (The banana/beetlejuice song) the bird and therefore getting disadvantage on his roll is so FUNNY TO ME, LIKE HE WOULD USUALLY BE SO GOOD AT ANIMAL STUFF BUT WITH THIS MUSICAL CURSE HE SUCKS ASS!!!
PLUS 8??? GRICKO IS OP AS HELL WHEN IT COMES TO ANIMAL SHIT (makes sense tho cause of the whole “druid w an owlbear daughter thing”)
“Torbek! Is a big hairy mushroom!” is gonna be my new stim phrase I swear to the gods
In my mind, their mushroom colors are: Torbek = Pink, Gricko = Blue, Frost = Green, Kremy = Purple and Gideon = Red (I'd be yellow because my two fav colors are already taken)
“Help! We are stuck as shrooms, I don't wan’t to sing to death!” - My S/I (Stop! in the name of love)
Oh no, pixies! Please Gideon, don’t fuck them!
“Bumpin noses” sounds very suggestive coming from the bird
“I've got candles and rations galore, you want makeup? I've got plenty!” - My S/I (Part of your world)
Is she a phoenix now? Because that's cool af Nikkie
“Roll Athletics or Acrobatics” HAHA JOKES ON YOU I'M PROFICIENT IN BOTH!!
“They'll bust in your mouth, watch out” HAHAHA YEAH AND SO DOES FROSTY!!!
BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM BUM “ARE YA READY??” ARE YA.. REAAAADY??” I love my alligator dad so much
Torbek and Gideon are pixie attracting CHADS
Mikey's commitment to still trying to say deez nuts jokes is so good, like Gricko would definitely forget about the fey pact and try to do it
“PULLON DEEZ NUTS!!” *Gricko and My S/I high five*
Kremy being really good at makeup is CANON IN MY HEART. WE GIVE EACH OTHER TIPS ON FOUNDATION AND EYELINER AND SHIT (We both have disguise kits)
Torbek reminiscing about Reada Flaugh and Gricko reminiscing about Busty
Torbek is a teenage boy with his horniness and libido /j (I still love my bestie tho)
Frost and Kremy talking about meta stuff in their voices just makes me think of an “Actors Au” where this is all a movie that they’re acting for and ITS SO FUNNY TO ME
Torbek, dear. NOBODY WANTS TO SEE YOU “Squeeze out some Torbek juice.”
Torbek’s one hard no is house piss kinks?? Bro is wild fr fr
Torbek and Andy are so deranged, I love the gremlin activities
Torbek eats a cigar and my S/I has to find the fey equivalent to bleach for their eyes after watching him “Milk” himself
Alligator husband offers to make fire husband uwu death whey protein powder, very cute
CARLFISH RETURN YESSS (also carlatafish omg!)
Pixies love my fire dad (-_-)
Kremy and Gideon are a poly couple where Gideon gets all the babes and then Kremy swindles them out of their money /j
Disgruntled wife Kremy is so damn funny
Divorce arc for my dads /j
Gideons home depot asshole XD
Family dinner of Carlfish :)
Uh ho, Frosty teleported us in his sleep /j
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angelsrcute · 6 months
I suck his dick, it's big, it's very-very big! ᝰ.ᐟ✮⋆˙
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◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd make you cockwarm him while he works, the door unlocked, his dick so close to your g-spot but he wouldn't let you move! hands keeping your waist in place as his dick keeps you all stuffed n warm.
“I'll be done soon, sweetheart, you can wait a little more right? So, be a good girl n stop movin’ so much.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd praise you for sucking him off so good, tears forming at the corner of your eyes as you try not to gag on his huge dick. Guiding your tongue on his dick, gently holding your hair, shooting thick ropes of cum in your mouth.
“God, your mouth feels so good, my sweets. Keep goin’ alright? looking so pretty f’ me.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd taunt n insult you while you gag on his dick, roughly grabbing your hair and making you take him fully. Your mascara n lipstick all ruined, eyes rollin’ back when he cums in your mouth. :(
“You look like some cheap whore like this, y'know. I bet you're getting wet from me degrading you, hm? As expected.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you in a mating press, his big cock stretching your insides, hitting your womb. Pressin’ his hand on your tummy to feel his dick in you, making you whine. Your tummy already full from how much he cums, you definitely can't go for another round.. + he's gonna fuck you till you need a wheelchair.
“It won't fit? Don't worry, darlin’. Gonna make your cunt remember my dick, don't worry! Even if it does forgets, I'll just fuck ya again.”
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who'd fuck you till your dumb n can only think of him and his dick if you do decide to act all bratty or he'd just tie you up n put a vibrator on your clit and watch as you squirm around trying to get a release, but he turns off the vibrator just when you're gonna cum. :(
"Should've thought before being like that, what did you expect, princess? acting all flirty with that random guy, trying to make me jealous."
◟♡ ˒ ʾʾ — who’re either super experienced from sleeping around or just fucking virgin losers, walkin’ around with that big ass dick in his pants.
— FYODOR, Leona, Dazai, NIKOLAI, Beel, Chuuya, Diavolo, SEBEK, Lucifer, Malleus, MAMMON, Jack, Blade, Neuvillette, Sampo, IDIA, Zhongli, Scara, CHILDE, TOJI, Jing yuan, Gojo, Sukuna, NANAMI, Dr. ratio, Wriothesley, ALHAITHAM, CATER + your favs.
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