#that case was a disaster lmfao
stormjay0 · 3 months
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I haven’t belly laughed at a YouTube video in a long time but CHRIST was the Cleo/Doc case hilarious
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cxldblxxded · 1 year
having the time of my life accidentally seducing the wizard in bg3 and being accidentally seduced by the rogue
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mamadarama · 1 month
I LOVEEEEEEE KANNAAAAAA I adopted both him and Ibuki and I'd protect them to shreds so if Nice has anything in plan for them I will be the first to fist fight him
Anyways I didn't know that Kanna's name translated to that. It made my brain think lmfao. Also I can't be the first to theorize this right like, I can't be. But I haven't seen anyone theorize it or maybe I'm just in the wrong circles but knowing that Kanna is the last of 4piece to get a tour card, and it'll be with Ibara and Nagisa (or so I've heard) it's super convenient as Ibara is duhhhhhh related to Godfather and Nagisa is DUHHHHHH suddenly think Kanna is a lab human or something with Godfather's data and information, hence his name and genius, as well as his autistic traits similar to Nagisa. And considering this will be the last of 4piece, it's suitable time to hit a climax and the big reveal be with Kanna. Hence, do you miss me, or the god symbols in his name. Considering the tech at least, it's not too far fetched as Enstars is fucking crazy. I do think this will also circle back to Priest, HiMERU and Kaname as it's about time the Tojous get attention as well. And a reincarnation/recreation of a child Godfather would be disaster and (Akira barges into my house and kidnaps me)
- madayumenon @umiedibles SAVE MEEEEEE
yeah i dunno, im sure he has something to do with the whole godfather situation (possibly on the priest/negi/hitsugi side of the picture?) but whos to say about his name cuz it could also be in reference to him individually as a character rather than the role he plays. maybe he was intended to be the perfect idol or replace subarus dad (esu is involved in that so i wouldnt put it past them to have two characters with different experiences abt the same situation in the same unit) being raised with the intention of him being the perfect idol would explain his serious personality ....
or hes possibly a replacement for whatever role nagisa was originally intended for when godfather adopted him . him being a replacement for another characters previous role would lend itself to his name being "do you miss me" because by replacing the previous character he would be "reviving" them/their role. especially in the case of someone like subarus dad
i also wouldnt be surprised if he was biologically related to nagisa and theyre using kannas introduction as a way to smoothly reveal more of nagisas backstory without disrupting the flow of the story, instead of putting it in edens next climax event . maybe hes nagisas half brother or something . they do look similar enough and autism is hereditary after all . plus the writers dont usually introduce characters out of nowhere without giving them some kind of connection to the existing characters and/or an in universe explanation about why they hadnt shown up sooner
im just thinking out loud i havent put too much thought into the details of these theories. well just have to wait and see what happens . im sure itll all make sense later
edit: oh also the kanji in his name could be an indicator of hopelessness ("is there no god" "has god abandoned us" etc) and that could tie into his personality quite easily as well and would follow the trend of how the characters names are themed around specific aspects of their individual characters instead of their position in the story (madaras name and calico cats, tatsumis name being religiously themed, hiyoris name being about the sun and good weather, etc)
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ifuckindontknow · 2 months
Wrt to #shirtgate, those pics were taken back in NYC. We know he was with her at the time do why is it such a big deal now? K didn't have someone to put the shirt on so she asked him, the pic was probably in her team's inventory in case they needed a size example. We will probably never see him wear her merch, and based on their vibes in NYC plus her drastic changes, I suspect something went down recently. He hasn't made any moves in public to support her, he squirms at the mention of her name, and lately he has not even wanted to touch her. Her friend, Camila and her bf don't even follow him on ig, he doesn't follow them either, and we know he still follows people from time to time. So this whole relationship is not as deep as people think it is. K just wanted to hype up her merch nobody cares about, that's why she posted the worst reference pic in history.
You spoke the truth, dear anon. He doesn't even follow Presley or Rande but he still follows Lily Rose and Stella Hudgens lol Yes, he follows Cindy, but for all I know he can even follow her from before the relationship with Kaia, she is still Cindy Crawford (I used to follow her before I learned how much that family sucks). And yes, he follows someone time to time which it means that it's him and not his team to run his account in those cases. He doesn't follow none of her friends, Camila is just an example (Charlotte and Travis are others). He doesn't even follow Taylor Swift but shippers claim he is a BIG fan of her lmfao That pic is from past weeks and apparently a disaster between them it happened in those days. The last pap pics are alarming more than usual.
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rendy-a · 2 years
if requests are still open, and if it's okay for me to ask for a follow-up; Can I ask how thankful the boys would be for the time-breaker S/O's UM during their daily lives ? slice of life, fluff, goofy "moments before disaster" saved by S/Os UM, all those good things :D I've been thinking about a few highlights, like... Slowing time around the table area during an unbirthday party because Ace ALMOST crashed into the table; S/O uses their unique magic to get up and hold him by the back of his jacket in time to yank him back onto his feet; S/O is now a mandatory attendant to all unbirthday parties as result... (On the bright side, Riddle looks a whole lot more relaxed now) Cheka tries to ambush S/O and Leona when he takes them home to meet the family. S/O turns around in slow motion during Cheka's leap; now S/O is gently holding the young boy by the back of his shirt, nonchalantly smug, "To be fair, i think was a good attempt?" (Leona knows he must not laugh but what the fuckLMFAO- ) Jamil's list of daily "Almost-s" is no longer a threat to his heart with S/O around, but the way his S/O delivers news to him by throwing letters Kaiba-style only to freeze them in place almost does it; but its the good news that make his heart jump this time (the news itself is up to you but i'm imagining smth along the lines of "Kalim's older siblings came back from buying milk and made some new friends who decided to be guards lmfao you can just work halftime now, congrats" written in a royal way) ...these boys better give their S/O a hug and some kisses for all that effort, honestly
(you don't have to choose from the ones i wrote or do any of 'em!! i'm just very happy to read your writing at all and I wanted to share whats in my mind in case it gave you any ideas too ^^ thank you for writing twst, and I'm so sorry for the long asks!! I like to hope it makes writing easier rather than harder for you x( <3333 )
Goodness, I thought this would be fast to right since I'd just finished the last one but it took me the same amount of time. Anyway, here is a part 2 for this story.
Making a Moment Last Afterwards
Life as a magical prefect has its perks.  How do things change between you and your sweetheart after your confession?
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Riddle had always saw his future as that of a magical doctor, fixing people who were injured or broken.  Maybe that is why the way you use your ability to prevent injury so catches his attention.  One morning, you came to meet him at Heartslabyul so you could walk to class together.  You give him a warm smile as way of a greeting.  “Right on time dear,” he says with a smile.  Just then, a student lets his mind wander too much on the iconic eye-bending staircases and stumbles.  “Ack!” he yelps as he starts a tumble down the stair, hand just missing the railing.  Riddle reaches for his pen but you are faster.  Before he hits the ground, you have him frozen in place.  You hold him there, suspended in time, until Trey and Cater are able to grab him by his jacket.  Then you release your magic and the upperclassmen yank their junior back onto his feet, thus preventing a horrible accident. 
“Why do these stairs need to be designed so crazy!” the shaken student complains.  You feel like that was not a well-timed complaint and, glancing at your boyfriend’s face slowly turning into an angry scowl, you know you were correct.  “Because that is tradition!” you say with forced humor, patting your bristling boyfriend on the arm.  Riddle calms down and gives a sharp nod, as if to say ‘Exactly! So there!’  Then he turns to you and offers his arm with a satisfied smile.  His dearest always knows just what to do.
The next incident was during preparations for the upcoming Unbirthday Party.  A freshman was up on a ladder to paint the highest roses red when a certain grey fire gremlin runs wildly past, knocking the ladder and sending the student flying.  You fling out your magic, catching the first year in time to save him a bad fall but not fast enough to prevent a wrenched wrist.  Luckily, you know enough first aid to help him wrap it tight before sending him to the school infirmary.  Riddle looks at you, wrapping the student’s wrist, and gets a thought; you are just like a nurse.  “What’s that?” Deuce asks him.  Riddle blushes, did he say that out loud?
When the day of the Unbirthday party arrives, you sit happily on the right side of Riddle.  He smiles with such satisfaction to have you seated in a place of honor by his side.  “Urgh!”  You hear a student cry out as he trips, flinging a pot of hot tea toward a group of students.  Thankfully, you manage to catch the hot tea before it hits anyone.  You still rush over to the group to check them over (better safe than sorry!) while also scolding the stumbling student to be more careful on the uneven ground. 
You finish looking over the last student and give him a pat, “I think you are good.”  He smiles sheepishly at you and replies, “Thank you, Nurse Rosehearts.”  Your eyes widen and your mouth makes a little O shape.  That is nothing compared to the levels of embarrassment your boyfriend is experiencing.  “What did you say?” he asks menacingly.  “Ah, well you see…um Deuce told us you call the Prefect your nurse and we all thought it was fitting so…”  Riddle is now a shade of red you hadn’t realized it was possible for a human to turn, “Deuce.  If you have nothing better to do with your head than spread rumors, I take it you have no objections to me claiming it.  OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!”  You mouth ‘sorry’ to your collared friend as Riddle continues to scold him.
Later that night, Riddle muses as he brushes his teeth.  Nurse Rosehearts.  That has a nice sound to it.
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Your life with Leona could be summarized in one word, restful.  How could it not be, the lazy second prince insisted you nap with him whenever he could get a moment of your time.  Some of the students from Savanahclaw think it’s cute, the proud Leona wanting to cuddle his sweet little herbivore like his own personal teddy.  Those who spent the most time around him knew better.  It was for your special skills. 
Leona’s guide to napping Part 1, prepare the environment.  The botanical garden was a favorite date spot for you and your boyfriend.  The temperature was temperate, the plants were colorful background and, during classes, it was nice and quiet.  Usually. 
Leona’s ears flicker irritably.  Drip. Drip. Drip.  A huffing sound escapes from your boyfriend’s lips as he pulls you closer, attempting to drown his awareness of the sound with your comforting presence.  Drip, drip, drip.  He grips you and rolls over to his other side, bringing you along for the ride.  “Woah, come on; warn a person before you do something like that!” you scold.  He opens a single eye to glare out from, a “Tck” sound slipping out irritably when he sucks is teeth in annoyance.  “Fine, fine.  Want me to get up and see if I can tighten the faucet?” 
When he rumbles deep in his chest and grips you even tighter, you know that is a no.  ‘Fine,’ you think, ‘time for a last resort measure.’  Moments later the sound stops.  Leona’s eyes open at the cessation of the sound, instincts pulling him to alertness at the change in atmosphere.  After a moment, his gaze falls on your amused expression, of course you’d stopped it with your magic.  “Five minutes tops.  You better fall asleep fast.”  He smiles, drawing your head into his chest.  “Won’t even take two, Herbivore.”
 Leona’s guide to napping Part 2, avoid pests at all costs.  You could hear the screeching from down the hall.  Children just operated at their own frequency.  The look on Leona’s face said he found the joyful chirrups more like you’d take nails on a chalkboard.  His face visibly annoyed as the young Checka clutched at his hand exclaiming, “Unka Leona, look! Unka Leona, see that!” at every little point of interest.  You feared, if he didn’t get a break soon, Leona would snap.
“Hey Checka, want to see a cool field where you can catch butterflies?”  you suggest.  The bright face of the child turns to you, “Yeah!”  Leona smiles at you gratefully and attempts to shake Checka’s hand off.  “No, you come too, Unka Leona!” Checka insists.  Leona’s smile falls into a stern frown quickly.  You quickly move to catch his eye and give him a conspiratorial wink.  Leona looks at you for a long moment and then sighs. “Lead the way, Herbivore.”
When you get to the fields near Ramshackle, there were indeed an assortment of moths and butterflies that flitted between the grasses and blooms.  “Come on Checka, I’m a pro at this!  Let’s go!” you shout and grab the little cub’s hand to urge him to join you.  And he does, allowing Leona to slip into the tall grass for a short reprieve from his noisy charge. 
Only the peace doesn’t last.  What seems like a brief moment later, Checka pounces upon his hapless uncle.  “Ooph!” Leona huffs, giving the boy a disapproving look.  “Checka, where did you go?” you call out helplessly.  “Unka Leona, are you sleepy?” the little cub asks Leona curiously.  Leona rolls his eyes and looks at you with a look that reads, ‘rescue me.’  You rack your brain for another distraction.
Finally, even you must admit you’ve reached your limit and give up.  “Hey kid, want to do something fun?  Come here and I’ll teach you to fly.”  The young lion bounds eagerly to his feet and runs to your side.  You grip him by each underarm and toss him into the air.  “Whooa!” you both yell.  When he lands, he shouts “Again!”  So you oblige him.  Only this time, when he lands in your arms, you freeze him in time.  “Herbivore, you are horrible.” Leona teases you.  “Shush, you.  Let’s get some rest in while we still can.” 
Leona holds out an arm, inviting you to join him where he lays.  You snuggle up and fall into an exhausted slumber.  It lasted fifteen minutes, until your magic wore off.  The best fifteen minutes of your day.
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Jamil worked harder than anyone else you knew.  Although you hadn’t officially gotten together after that magical night, you still somehow seemed to always be at his side.  From that vantage, you’d been introduced to the grueling schedule that Jamil kept as both a student and servant to Kalim.  You were fortunate that Scarabia had so many spare rooms.  If not for the fact that you often slept over at the dorm, you might not see Jamil for days at a time. 
The sun was barely risen when a sharp knock came at the door of your guest room suite.  You mumbled to yourself before rolling over to look at the time.  It was so early… A few minutes later, another knock sounds on your door.  You know by this that Jamil has passed your room first to light the oven, getting it warm for breakfast, and again on his way to get Kalim out of bed.  You’d like to stay and sleep longer but, with Jamil working so hard already, how could you?
A short time later, you are joined in the kitchen by Jamil.  He gives you a warm smile in welcome and you both get to cooking.  When you had first started cooking with Jamil, he barely trusted you to boil water but now, well, it’s not much but you’ve graduated to chopping veggies.  When he has time, which is rare, he tries to help you improve your cooking skills.  Each time you manage to master a new skill to his satisfaction, you earn a pat on the back and a small, “Well done.”  The praise was more precious to you than jewels.
You finish off a carrot and slide the chopped offering down to Jamil, who adds it to a skillet of simmering spices and gravy.  “What would you like next?” you ask him.  “In a moment, Prefect.  This part is tricky, so I need to concentrate.” Jamil answers.  You don’t mind at all, enjoying the sight of Jamil skillfully flipping the contents of the skillet. 
“Eeek!” came a cry from the lounge.  You both recognized that voice, it was Kalim.  You make eye contact and both simultaneously look at the sizzling skillet.  “Go,” you say, “I’ve got this.”  Jamil is starting to freak out, “I haven’t approved you to make rice yet, let alone this!”  You roll your eyes at him and gesture, freezing the contents of the skillet mid-flip.  “Ahhh,” Jamil mumbles, the beginnings of embarrassment showing on his face.  You’d like to tease him more but there is still Kalim yelling in the lounge, so you suppose that can wait until this new disaster was dealt with. (It was a spider.)
Parties were so frequent an occasion in Scarabia that you’d rather become numb to them.  You were helping Jamil set up for the latest party for…you weren’t even sure anymore.  It may have been Riddle’s horse’s birthday or something.  Anyway, you were hanging banners from the many railings of the balconies in the Scarabia lounge to prepare for the event. 
Plus, you had a secret duty assigned by Jamil.  From the corner of your eye, you kept Kalim in your sight.  Since Jamil must be away at Basketball Club for the moment, he has entrusted you with keeping Kalim in order.  This mostly amounts to stopping Kalim before he lets his wild ideas run away with him.  Speaking of which, you notice Kalim is excitedly gesturing as he speaks to (honestly you don’t remember his name, you’ve been calling him Scarabia B in your head).  An over-excited Kalim; that’s not a good sign.
“And elephants too!” you were just in time to hear.  Oh no, this had gotten out of hand.  You walk faster towards the pair but Kalim excitedly jumps up and runs off towards his treasure room.  You quickly follow.  “Kalim! Kalim! Where are you going?” you shout.  “Ah, Prefect!” Kalim smiles at you widely, clutching a rolled-up carpet.  “I’m going to take the magic carpet out to herd up some elephants for the party. Aha ha ha!”  Before he can fly off, you grab onto the magic carpet with your magic, freezing it in place.  “Hold it!” you shout.  “We can’t bring elephants to the party or…it will scare the horses!”  Kalim looks at you, his mouth going into a wide O.  Then, just as fast, it shifts into a beaming grin.  “Of course, why didn’t I think of that!  I’m so glad we have you here to help with the party, Prefect!  Aha ha ha!”  Disaster averted.
Parties were fun but they were also exhausting, especially for Jamil.  You followed him around, helping as best you could.  Sweeping up, tearing down party decorations, putting leftover food away to repurpose for tomorrow’s lunch; anything to take a small portion of the burden off your hard-working beau.  Finally, you had had enough.
“Jamil, you need to stop and rest.  This can all wait until tomorrow,” you gently admonish him.  He sets down the empty platter he is carrying and sighs.  “Prefect, I wish your magic could freeze time for the whole world, so I’d finally be able to finish everything.”  You consider this and respond, “Maybe my unique magic can’t do that but that’s not the only magic I have.” Jamil chuckles softly and gives you a look that says, ‘go on.’  You smile at him mischievously, “I’m like the fabled genie of the lamp, ready to grant your every wish.  For your first wish, I’m sending you off to bed for some rest.”  Then you drop the humor, “Even you need a break sometimes Jamil.” 
With a final long-suffering sigh, Jamil relents and lets you walk with him toward his room and well-earned slumber.  “You know, Prefect,” Jamil quietly states, “I believe the genie granted three wishes.”  You pause under the gentle illumination of a lantern set in an alcove.  “Why so he did,” you reply pensively.  Then, stepping close to Jamil, you place a hand on his cheek before drawing him down into a kiss.  His lips are warm against yours in the rapidly cooling night.  When you part, you lay your other hand on his chest and lean into his comforting warmth.  “I guess now you’ll just have to head to your room and think about what you want as your third wish.”
With one last gentle look, Jamil turns and continues alone to his room and rest.  Truly though, he has no need to consider a third wish.  What more could he desire when he already has you?
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chthonicgodling · 4 months
[moments after disaster, seen here, with absolute love]
we’re all at least pronouncing Chal correctly right?!
once again all of you must vote, I know you know her too—
once again in case this somehow breaks containment I am once again talking just specifically about this girlie here;
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yknow, this one.okay the last poll I knew everyone was going to get wrong but I feeeeeeel like I’ve issued more PSAs about Chal’s name pronunciation more recently at least?!? OKAY WE’LL SEE VOTE VOTE VOTE, AGAIN VERY IMPORTANT
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almightycrisprat · 7 months
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so double drawing crisp today real!??!?!?!? its pearl fey from ace attorney and pearl houzuki from splatoon 2 and 3 so the story goes that yesterday i was feeling a bit sad and i was like yk im being overdramatic imagine having to be PEARLS with her disaster of a family. so then like. i drew that. she looks older than the official art tbh lmfao due to life being a discombobulated disaster the digital art i was making of pearly with lots of adjustments such as proportions, colours and general just fixing bits and bobs is like. not here. but yk this is good enough ig. you get the idea. pearls's family is so screwed theyre pretty much all either dead, evil, estranged or a combination of the 3 so then you wonder how does the sploony drawing come into all this? so basically i posted a post that was more of a mental note for my microscopic brain to remember that i needed to post the edited pearl drawing. lmfao. so i just posted "pearly drawing coming soon!!" just in case like anyone saw that. and so my friend did. and in the comments they were like AHJGDSJHGJHSDGFHSJDFG and i was confused bc like. they dont play ace attorney how tf do they know who pearl is. but then it hit me. they were excited for a pearl sploon drawing 😭 so then in order to not disappoint people even more i decided screw this ill also draw a sploony pearl too. so then i was like. ok. what pose do i do and then i thought OH THE ANGERY PEARLY POSE IS PERFECT so then like i drew that. pearl is ready to attack for marina the hair reminds me of the hair i draw for trucy wright so like. yeah my brain is screwed i thought of similarities between the two pearls: - both pink - both have massive foreheads - both really care about the people closest to them - both are dwarfs - (at least from what i know i havent actually played spoon 2) they are both ready to attack at any moment in conclusion these drawings are the manifestations of 3 years worth of "what the hell is wrong with me"
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mr-stottlemonk · 6 months
I’ve been rewatching the first season, and I remembered how Stottlemeyer is rude to Monk in the beginning. It’s especially strange since the flashbacks show they were good friends before Trudy passed away. What do you think happened, story wise, that changed his attitude to be negative towards Monk? No pressure to answer this btw, I realize it’s a bit of a tricky question.
ohhh, i've been rewatching the first season quite a lot lately as well. and yeah, i have a lot of thoughts and feelings about that too!! [long post so more under the cut]
there's a lot of bitterness there imo that grew from his guilt from being unable to do much to help Monk out - i can imagine how it was after the funeral. Monk a husk of a shell, completely gone. Stottlemeyer held his hand for probably 2 years of the total three when monk catatonic... before hiring Sharona to help out. but trudy's death; it took his best friend away and he couldn't do much of anything to help, it was most likely impossible to. Monk died too that day.
it's quite common to easily dislike someone as they sink into their grief. but how could he? Stottlemeyer also often channels a lot of his grief, sadness, confusion and helplessness through anger - which is exactly what he did when Monk came back.
Monk comes back to the field. he's bitter cause he feels guilty. angry because the last time he most likely saw Monk: he was a disaster. what if bringing him on the field also triggers something? (we see as the show goes on that when it comes to cases that include bombs, he always makes it known that Monk isn't obligated to take the case at all)
there's also, honestly, the professionnel point of view - Stottlemeyer is the Captain of the Police. He's been doing the job for years and quite a few years before Monk as well. He expects the mayor to trust him to do his work. And by bringing in Monk it's probably sending the wrong message and also puts him a spot where he thinks his department probably assume that he doesn't know how to do his job.
in the end of the first episode though, you notice just how absolutely glad he is to have Monk by his side again. Monk piecing everything together.
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He loves Monk. Always has. He never stopped. He was just consumed by his own grief for him too.
on the side note: i've seen it mentioned around a few times that Stottlemeyer's heavily negative attitude was also the writers' doing until Levine stepped in and said otherwise (thank heck for him).
cause if he didn't, i don't think the show would have gone on for very long either, lmfao.
i hope i managed to answer your ask well enough <333
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
three people respond to yjh's call. seolhwa, gilyoung and yoosung. lgy immediately starts yelling at yjh, to which yjh murmurs that lgy is becoming more like knw. lmfao
he's asked where he has been, and he says he's been on another worldline. outside of the star stream, which is possible in their current kim dokja-less world (no kim dokja means the influence of the oldest dream, and the star stream, is weakened).
catching up on everyone else, ysa and hsy are in the 41st turn, while ljh has gone to another worldline to collect fragments. they've been using a device called a 'story connector', which has been tracking the 'real kim dokja' by combining the story chunks kim dokja left behind. ...not that there is a 'real kim dokja'. no one knows who the real kim dokja is. but there is a 'main theme' that is the core of kim dokja. that is what they're looking for.
as for jung heewon and lee hyunsung?
they didn't go through the portal with the rest of kimcom.
but they didn't go through the other portal, either. where they are, they can see the possible worldlines. but there's no worldlines where it's possible for 'kim dokja' to exist. which means they're still in that snowfield. no one in kim dokja's company choose 'the world where kim dokja returns'. they all knew, simple happiness like that was a trap. it's never easy for them. jung heewon and lee hyunsung, the sword and the shield of the company, have gotten tired. yjh asks about anyone else. lee seolhwa doesn't know yet, but maybe the constellations will come over? yjh doesn't have much faith in that.
after asking how the 41st turn is going, lsh gives yjh records of the scenarios, containing information on the scenarios and kimcom in the worldline. seeing the theater dungeon, when hsy had a chance to end the worldline, he questions why she wouldn't intervene. and then he sees cheon inho. his eyes widen, and lsh questions him. he doesn't say anything. god damn it tell me SOMETHING please ...anyway. the 41st worldline has to be destroyed. if it doesn't, every change to the worldline will cause more branching of the worldlines. more deaths and tragedies will happen in these new worlds. if the worldlines splits further, the balance of the universe could collapse(!). there are already too many worldlines in this universe.
but won't there still be worldlines? 41yjh will regress?
there is no 42nd round from that yjh. there are no further worldlines that can be seen.
in case it isn't clear, there are two different worlds. one with the disaster of floods, and one without. the one without cut offs here. somehow, the 41st yjh stopped regressing. he clearly did not reach the end of the scenarios then, so how? yjh doesn't know. but maybe that's why kdj is there. there's still a story that he doesn't know. yoo joonghyuk says he'll go to the 41st regression.
...but he can't. not yet. he's too damn strong. yjh consumes a ton of probability already just by existing, if it's the early scenarios where there are a ton of probability restrictions, if yoo joonghyuk descends now, he wouldn't be able to survive the storm. but he doesn't intend to leave the job to han sooyoung. despite seolhwa's protests, in his eyes she's already made a mistake at the theater dungeon. he says to tell hsy and ysa to create an opportunity for him to descend. his last words,
"i will bring back kim dokja myself."
possessive bastard
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hazellvsq · 14 hours
oof all this talk about hazel and the great depression is really making me wonder what her relationship with money ends up being later in life. i remember the phrase "...settled the tab with a ruby" VERBATIM from the books in the hazel chapter explaining her curse and like... when diamonds pop up like daisies but you have to spend them like common coin. when you see how twisted up people can get about money when you see how life chews them up and spits them out when they run out. i can see her not wanting anything to do with her finances bc maladaptive avoidance is kinda up her alley, but is she a penny pincher with half a dozen cash stashes squirreled away? or is she a big spender because inflation is so dizzyingly different and spending five dollars was always just as much stress as spending fifty anyway so she just refuses to think about it. does she cringe away from bank statements and hoard old bills even though they stress her out just in case they need to be referenced or contested? (...not to project or anything). from depression era new orleans to alaska to a footsoldier of the fifth cohort to the highest earner in the army- all in 21st century california. OVER THE COURSE OF THREE YEARS. or do you think all this and also her pluto powers kick in and she really does NOT gaf about money in the slightest. doesnt look at it doesnt think about it and doesnt need to bc she's got that sweet sweet praetor pension now in addition to her heritage just giving her a good sense of true worth relative to price?
ooooooh i love this question. them having to significantly undercharge for what those gems were worth was fascinating to me. and the economy was fucked so it makes sense! i've seen headcanons that hazel would naturally be good at finances because of her powers, and i actually agree, but i also agree with you that maladaptive avoidance is her thing. i think she's going to have trouble spending or being ambitious with her money/career, partly because of the way she was raised in the depression - she probably has trouble wasting anything and has disaster plans in the back of her mind - but also i think that because of her relationship with her mother, she's afraid to really want things. which doesn't just extend to money, you can see her holding back in her interpersonal relationships as well even as she learns to take initiative what she wants. in her adult life that wouldn't necessarily manifest in actively running away like nico or leo, but i think the worst version of herself, the one we see in her past, is the one that lets inertia carry her. but then, on the other hand, all the bravery and resilience she's capable of isn't going to change the fundamental realities of either her old or new life. so to answer your question, i think its a combination of what you said at the end - she'll try not to think about it but also will still always be thinking about it in the back of her mind.
also your question is now making me wonder if new rome pays them for doing all that lmfao. now i'm overthinking that too.
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shaanks · 2 years
Zoro and Sanji for the ask game <3
You are a wonder and a dear, thank you for this <3
1: sexuality headcanon
Zoro: I think Zoro is like. THE posterboy for demisexual. demisexual, demiromantic, the whole thing, I don't think gender makes much of a difference to him in terms of attraction but he's gotta know you and trust you, he's gotta be invested first or he just doesn't think of folks that way.
Sanji: the ultimate bisexual disaster case. He and Ace and Shanks all attend the same "gorgeous pitiful bisexual disaster" support group, as a small aside.
2: otp
other than x me...
Zoro: I think probably ZoLu or ZoSan, tho likely leaning more in the direction of Luffy based solely on ration of Fics I Have Chosen to Read lmao. There is just something about the way they met and it took Zoro exactly 24 business hours to be like "my life and my sword for your cause," the way they just. get each other, half the time without even needing to speak, the softness and solidarity of it all. Just gets me, ya know.
Sanji: SanLu or ZoSan (are you sensing a pattern lmfao). In general maaaybe SanLu bc like. I think Sanji is very much inside himself about his own worth and place in the world, and Luffy is like. Relentless (as he is with everyone he loves and cares for) about reaching down into that pit and pulling Sanji out into the sun over and over again and there's just smth really lovely about that. Monster Trio OT3 is lovely soft times I feel.
3: brotp
Zoro: Chopper oh my god. He's the lil dude's big brother, his dad, his bestie, please listen to me every MOMENT of their interactions breathes new life into my rotten dusty soul. Also Nami, they met and were like "ah. my long lost sibling. what if I killed you" and have such a wonderful dynamic.
Sanji: Chopper also, tho not quite to the degree that Zoro is. Also, altho probably a controversial opinion, I really like his relationship with Robin. I don't wanna spoil anything (in case you or anyone reading is watching/gonna watch) but there's a particular arc in which the only person more relentless than he is about bringing her home is Luffy, like. I think he's a wonderful sweet boy all around but smth about his gentleness with Robin really warms my heart.
4: notp
Zoro: Nami, they are just. SO so sibling coded to me like. Perona for the same reason tbph, they're Mihawk's adopted goth siblings and I can't really extricate that from my brain. Mihawk. For that matter. That's basically his dad. (Not yucking anyone's yum idc what other people ship tbph but I don't like these ones personally)
Sanji: I've just sat here staring into space for like five minutes trying to think of smth. I haven't seen much of anything for him that really yucks me out (unless I'm just blanking which like. happens. I have the brain of a 90 year old), but I guess like. Not notp-levels exactly but I don't really get SanUsopp or SanLaw? The latter might just be a "wait til you get to Wano" situation like so many other things, but yeah.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Zoro: saw a post a while back that was someone's headcanon about Zoro lending out his earrings to his crewmates for like. especially dangerous missions, or to give them a lil confidence boost, or as a promise that he would make it back from something scary, and that's stuck in my brain so hard its basically canon for me, so yeah.
Sanji: I think he's basically a nutritionist in everything but paper certification, above and beyond just making sure his crew is fed and goes to bed with full tummies he is SO dialed in to what they like and what their systems are sensitive to and what they need for training/devil fruit powers/etc like. It's not just "here I have made this hearty delicious meal that covers all the food groups" he makes a bunch of different meals catered to everyone's needs, he gets it.
6: favorite line from this character
Zoro: "That's what it means to be Captain, isn't it. Don't lose yourself. If you waver, who can we trust?"
Sanji: "Leave this guy's key to me, I'll do what you cant do; you do what I can't do. Think carefully! Read the situation. If you're here, there's got to be a way Robin-chan can be saved! Usopp!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Zoro: TERMINAL sleepyhead disorder. Tired all the time, sleeping in the background of every scene.
Sanji: I'm capable and competent while simultaneously having no sense of self-worth whatsoever. ya know.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Zoro: Where!!! Is he ever going??? He gets lost while MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH THE SHIP. MULTIPLE TIMES. Babygirl beloved I'm BEGGING you rn...
Sanji: I mean. I'm just gonna say Fishman Island and leave it at that. (They brought him back from the timeskip a completely different person and I'm STILL waiting for him to return from the war...)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
They're BOTH cinnamon rolls in my heart, but I am aware like. Sanji technically falls into the problematic fave category for like. myriad reasons.
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fizzseed · 2 years
hey fizz !!! for the ficlet prompts : do i wanna know and byler (literally Look At My Blog Title lmfao did u expect anything less?)
have you ever thought of callin’, darlin’? / the nights were mainly made for sayin’ things that you can’t say tomorrow day.
do i wanna know? — arctic monkeys for @willelfanpage
Mike still keeps his walkie on his side table. He didn’t take it with him to California, but it was right there when he returned, even though his mom went through his room to clean it up, even though the earth cracked open under everyone’s feet. 
He keeps the antenna extended permanently these days, just in case of a code red. There’s a pack of batteries in his bedside drawer, too, ever since Dustin gave them to him after the whole Starcourt fiasco. 
Never again, Dustin had said solemnly.
Mike wishes they’d had the same foresight about tapes and Walkmans during their Upside Down mission. 
Since the disaster, things have settled into an odd kind of normalcy. He and El broke up, Max is still in the Hospital, Lucas still sits by her side most of the time, Dustin spends his days in Hawkins High’s gymnasium trying to distract himself from Eddie’s death. 
Mike tries very hard not to think about any of it. 
It doesn’t really work.
He picks up the Walkie, dials in the frequency out of sheer habit, away from the Party’s decided wavelength for some privacy. 
“Hey, Will,” he sighs into the static of the receiver. “I know you’re out of range, so, whatever, but…”
He scoffs at himself. This habit he’s formed, of talking to Will without actually talking to him, probably isn’t healthy. But he never went to see Ms. Kelley, so— jury’s still out.
“There’s so much going on. And I feel like,” Mike hesitates. “Whatever, it doesn’t really matter what I feel, but— I can’t keep up. It’s like… for the first time in my life I don’t have a plan. I don’t know how to fix this. Max is… not waking up, and El thinks it’s her fault and I was fucking lying to her, but she knows. She knows. She’s known for longer than I have.”
He laughs, the sound absent of the joy it should contain.
“Whatever. She’s a better person than I’ll ever be, so she let me off the hook.”
He pauses, stares down at his wrinkled bedsheets, notices a stain on his tank top that he picks at. The white noise of the walkie is comforting, a reminder of simpler times even as red clouds glow in the distance of the 2AM sky. 
“And… I miss you,” he confesses quietly. “I know I messed up last summer. I promise I didn’t mean to, I was just… messing around, I guess. And I know it was a dick move, now. And I never apologized, not to your face. Because by the time we found you, the Mind Flayer was active again, and then shit went down and then…”
Mike sighs.
“Then I was too much of a coward to say anything. For three months. And then… then you fucking moved to California and shit got even weirder. And now— now it’s the fucking apocalypse. And I miss you. I kinda wish you never moved.”
Mike drags his thumb over the stain. It won’t come out. Now, he’s just pressing old chocolate syrup or ketchup or whatever it is into the fabric. 
“You know, the week before I walked around hoping that Lenora would, like, explode or something.” He laughs again. “Just so you’d have to stay. And I know that’s selfish, because Lenora was good for you guys, what without all the Upside Down shit.
“But Hawkins isn’t the same without you. I’m not the same without you. You’re— you’re still the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
“Do you remember that? When we were trying to get the Mind Flayer — Vecna now, I guess — out of you? When you tapped the morse code into the chair?”
Mike smiles at the memory. “I told you asking you to be my friend was the best thing I’ve ever done. And you broke out of his hold, and I was so proud of you.”
He drops the walkie into his lap, letting go of the button. 
“Over and out,” he mumbles to himself. 
Back when he could still do something. Other than be a shitty boyfriend and a bad friend, that is. 
The walkie crackles to life in his lap, and he startles wildly, dislodging it enough to send it clattering to the floor. For a while, there’s just silence on the line, and Mike picks it up warily, halfway through a million disaster plans of what to do if he’s getting a call from the Upside Down. 
The line crackles again, and then:
“I remember.”
Mike chokes on his own spit, trying desperately to keep his coughs quiet enough that he can still hear what Will is saying. 
“Everything else is kinda blurry,” Will says, “but you, talking about the swingset? I remember all of it. Saying ‘yes’ was the best thing I ever did.”
Mike presses on the talk-button. “Will?”
“Yeah, Mike?”
He doesn’t need to ask if he’s real. Mike knows. “Why… why were you tuned to this frequency?”
A beat of silence. “I guess it was the last one I was on.”
He doesn’t say anything else. Mike feels the blood rushing in his veins. So Will heard everything he said. He tries to figure out a way to recover from this embarrassment, to make Will forget he ever said anything. He could just ask. Hey, Will, can you forget that I was spilling my absolute guts on our separate frequency and talking to you even though I thought you couldn’t hear me? 
“You played Should I Stay or Should I Go, right?” Will asks suddenly. 
Mike laughs to himself, presses to talk. “Yeah, yeah we did. It was Jonathan’s idea.”
He catches the tail end of Will’s laugh over the line. “Of course it was.”
Mike smiles. They sit quietly for a bit, long enough that Mike thinks Will has gone to sleep. It’s the reasonable thing to do in the middle of the night, way more sane than dumping your emotions into a walkie-talkie. 
“Mike, are you still there? Over.”
“M’still here,” Mike says quietly.
“You don’t have to fix this alone, you know?” Mike frowns. “It’s— it’s like you said. We’re better as a team. We can fix it together.”
Mike doesn’t really know what to say to that, but he promised Will that they’d do just that, that they’d be best friends again. He wants it so bad. More than he’s wanted anything ever, probably. To go back to normalcy, with Will at his side. So he says:
“Yeah, okay.” He lets himself fall back onto the bed and a shiver runs down his spine as his cold mattress makes contact with his spine. “I’m— gonna go to bed, now.”
“Okay,” Will says, voice small. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Mike answers. “Over and out.”
He lets the antenna stay extended as he places the walkie back on his side table and wraps himself in his comforter.
“Over and out,” Will’s voice washes over him, and then the static over the line breaks. 
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jaggededges123 · 2 years
five things you never get tired of writing
thanks for tagging me, @ripeteeth!
i'll tag @ibijau, @walkwithursus, @neliore, @br-disaster, @a-schrodingers-fox, and anyone else who wants to do it! (obviously, don't feel obligated even if tagged!)
i do have to say, before we start, that most of these are going to be emotions in one sense or another. one of my favorite things about writing in general is the ability to explore the emotional landscape and interior of a character (whether my own or someone else's).
wanting something you can't have, or shouldn't have, or shouldn't want to have, really speaks to me as a queer person who grew up in a very repressive and religious household. wanting a person you shouldn't have . . . well, that's par for the course. Feeling like the person you want is out of reach because they don't want you back is also one of my favorite feelings to explore (though of course, i do also love mutual pining because of point number 4). it's just tragic and beautiful i think, to love someone and to not expect to be loved in return, and to want it but to understand that you can't have that because of x, y, or z.
2. guilt
the further i get into writing this thing, the more i'm realizing that there's a theme lmfao. but yeah, guilt is really compelling to me in narratives, especially if it's overblown to the point that it's overwhelming to the characters. even better if characters feel guilty for things when they don't really need to, ie feeling responsible for events they're not responsible for or feeling guilty for who they are as a person, but i'll settle for things the characters "should" feel guilty for in a pinch. i do also like to explore why certain characters feel guilt for one thing or another, and if other characters don't, why they don't.
3. taboo relationships
this isn't necessarily just like, social taboos either. i write incest fanfic, sure, but even most of my original fiction contains romantic relationships that usually are censured by the people around them. characters on the opposite sides of a war, characters who are from social spheres that seem incompatible, duty getting in the way, characters meant to stay single, etc, etc. i'm quite obsessed with characters receiving explicit or implicit messages from their society that they shouldn't engage in romance or sex with a specific or any person, and then throwing all of that in the garbage and going for it anyway. bonus points because this usually includes points number 1 and 2.
4. happy endings
i feel like this selection sticks out like a sore thumb when compared to everything else on the list, but i truly adore being able to wrap a story up with a happy (or moving in that direction) little bow. even if it's a little bit of a stretch sometimes, i will never get tired of the feeling of "no matter how dark the night gets, the morning sunrise will always come and it will be beautiful." of course i write stories that end sadly as well from time to time, but happy endings are my preference if i can manage one, and i only rarely design outlines without figuring out a way to dig the characters out of the hole i put them in.
5. sadness
i have to make my characters suffer before they have a happy ending. big splashy emotions make or break a story for me when i'm writing, but sadness is my favorite to roll around in. it's been years since that's been the case, but originally it was an outlet for the very deep depression i had when i was younger. even now that i'm grown it's still just as cathartic to work out my own feelings by torturing my little fictional children.
when i started writing this i didn't think i would get nearly this much out, and i've had a couple realizations along the way lol. so thanks again for the tag, teeth! i really enjoyed sitting and thinking for a little bit instead of moving moving moving like i usually do.
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redmelawashere · 2 years
SNS prompts week 3
Week 1 summaries are here! 
Week 2 summaries here :)
Full fics can be read here on my AO3 😊 (and def need to be heavily edited after I finally finish these lmfao)
Can you tell I stopped caring about doing them in order?
15 - Halloween
Just as she was about to grab the handle, she paused, willing herself to just open the door.
"I believe in you!"
(Naruto and Sasuke watch IT.)
16 - Anbu AU
"In which case your welcome, but I've got it handled from here."
It would be the first, but not the last time he'd encounter the blonde from Uzushio.
(In another life, Uzushio was spared by the Blood Mist.)
17 - Fantasy AU
“Do you believe me now?” he whispered.
Sasuke nodded slowly, staring at him earnestly for the first time.
“Whatever you want to know, I’ll tell you.”
Naruto smiled full of teeth.
(The Skyrim!AU absolutely no one asked for. Also no cisswap for this one just good ol' SNS yaoi.)
18 - Idiots in Love
"Both names?" Sakura raised an eyebrow. "I thought only you were changing your name to Uchiha?"
For the first time since their wedding Naruto looked away shyly, smile stretching her cheeks with a cute rosy blush as she fiddled with the slender gold ring hugging her finger in a way that was so unlike the boisterous and crass Naruto that now, for the first time, Sakura really did feel like she was intruding.
(Naruto and Sasuke are finally married. Sakura needs a moment to adjust.)
19 - Modern AU
“We were talking about how Naruto pushes Sasuke’s buttons on purpose without fear of retaliation. Like, how does she do it?” Moegi cheerfully replied.
“Because she’s crazy,” Ino replied with a beat, pulling out a salad from the fridge. “And she gets off on the adrenaline rush.”
(Office!AU where Naruto and Sasuke are a frequent topic of office gossip, Moegi and Ino are astrology girls, and Konohamaru is just trying his best.)
20 - Naruto Opening (Diver)
It wasn't the first time she dreamed of drowning. It wasn't the first time she dreamed of Sasuke killing her.
(Where Naruto realizes it's okay to not be okay. Pt.III of the "Sun and Moon" and "Early Mornings" prompts.)
21 - Blush
Naruto tries to pull a "good boy" on Sasuke. It turns into a complete and utter disaster.
(Naruto is obsessed with making Sasuke blush. Her plans don't go as expected.)
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ruvviks · 2 years
for my new chew toy cassidy: 6, 13, 20, 29 and 30 <33
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6) who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? who won't they take advice from, no matter what it is?
cassidy would take advice from his friends, but it would probably take him some time to actually do something with it. because he has very set ways of Doing and Saying Things he has to like. fit the advice in all his rules and scripts. and that takes a while LMAO but he doesn't like to be wrong or Decent at a thing when he could be Better so even if he doesn't like receiving the advice he WOULD make an effort to do something with it. he's very focused on being Perfect so anything that could help him achieve that is most welcome
he wouldn't take advice from people he can't trust. once you've shown him you're untrustworthy then he won't put any value to your advice anymore and takes it with a grain of salt <3 even if it's actually Good Advice but he just doesn't wanna hear it anymore
13) name one thing their parents taught them
cassidy's parents died when he was eight years old so he didn't get a lot of time with them :/ one thing they taught him that he STILL hasn't let go of nowadays is that Cursing is Bad and you shouldn't do it. he doesn't really mind if others do it (unless they do it on purpose to annoy him or if it is a LOT or very intense cursing in which case he gets very overwhelmed and shuts down a bit) but he cannot do it himself. he says frick. and crap. and heck. if he DOES accidentally drop a "fuck" in there he sincerely apologizes to whoever is present in the room with him. i love him so dearly you don't understand
20) what do they like that nobody else does?
it's not really things that Nobody Else likes but. algorithms. fonts. he LOVES fonts he can mimic fonts with his handwriting. airplanes (he can tell what kind of airplane is passing over by the sound of the engine alone). natural disasters. he doesn't like it when they happen but he is just Fascinated by them. sticky notes. disassembling and reassembling his guns. rain. he's just fascinated by it all and can talk for hours about it if he trusts you enough and you let him
29) what recurring dreams do they have?
cassidy has many nightmares :( they're mostly about his parents and siblings dying. about the building he's in collapsing. about his adoptive father dying. the memories of all those events are still in his head and he can't get rid of them and the nightmares are so Vivid and it scares him so much :(
and he also regularly dreams about being stuck in a burning building even though that hasn't happened (yet) but yeah he's not having a good time
30) what would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
OOF well once again. cassidy loves his rules. and if he can just do Whatever suddenly without consequences. his brain is probably gonna short circuit LMFAO i don't think he would be able to do anything at all honestly. he would feel very bad about it :( maybe he would scream the word MOTHERFUCKER very loudly once and then move on. that's about as interesting as it gets with him i think SGHFDJGHD
oc asks!
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fff777 · 27 days
reaction part 2 to nct dream 8th anniversary friendship dice video
they thought the headline would be about them being all grown up but it was about them still being young lol
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two cactus men lol
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emotional support renjun standee
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vocal jeno
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mark: you got this jisung park!!!! mark, two seconds later: this feels risky
oh my god mark fried egg challenge rematch!!!!!
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LOL my guy being roasted on his own show
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jisung is the only one who sympathizes with him, fellow kitchen disasters
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the guys are technically not supposed to help mark but they are most definitely giving him advice lol
success! (chenle was gonna eat it but they made him show the camera first)
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aaand they made it around the board twice
mister mark, please tell us why you decided to gift the bouquet to jeno 🎤
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local cat playing with foxtail
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random acrostic poem time lmfao
mark what are you doing lol
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foxtail for the other cat
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yes you are, you are babies 🤏
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ohh are the words on the back their age order?
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ring check!
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jaemin and chenle not wearing them, the usual suspects
chenle and jisung wanted to make eggs for themselves too and haechan just shut the case so they couldn't lol
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they always make me smile <3 thank you dreamies
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