#that came pre-installed on my laptop
disdaidal · 1 year
I reinstalled Windows on my laptop and it feels good to start anew.
Just so I can again fill it up with unnecessary junk again and then cry myself to sleep every night lol.
I also removed lots of bloatware and I actually have a sufficient amount of space on my OS (C: drive), which is fucking great because I now can finally play the Sims 4 again. 😭
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arolesbianism · 8 months
So I may or may not have spent a good chunk of my day trying to learn how to look into onis code and while I may not have yet succeeded I will likely keep fucking around with shit tomorrow and if I manage to succeed it'll spell great doom for my sanity as oni becomes the interest I've officially poured the most effort into analyzing
#rat rambles#oni posting#for now I must sleep but hopefully tomorrow Ill figure out how to decompile files#the real question is going to be if Ill be able to do this on my shitty ass laptop or if Ill need to figure smth else out#I just want to be able to view stuff so ideally it won't make my laptop chug too bad but rly Im more worried abt space#I might have to try to do some cleanup and delete some shit maybe Ill go scan through the shit that came pre installed#and hey maybe if I can get this to work I can go mega hacker mode and tweak some stuff for funsies#probably wont since I don't wanna break my game and I dont trust myself but yknow#itd probably help if I actually retained any information from the Two programing classes I took when I was younger but alas#one of them was even specifically a video game programming class and lemme tell you I remember absolutely nothing#also from what little I was able to view without fancy applications I have no new info but I can finally fully put jean in the we 100% know#their last name zone cause while we definitely already 100% did Technically we only got jea- for first name confirmation#but theyre referred to as jean in a note in a bio bot story traits file ty whoever added the notes there#god I hope theres other notes in the files I want to read those so bad#btw this was all spurred by that one nails log that disappeared cause I have found a file that looks like it but I cant fully view it#and I desperately need to view it I need to view it#also if I can look in the code then in theory itll make copying down all the lore logs easier#also the datamining thread of the forums hasnt been particularly active so who knows maybe I can become a proper dataminer#(<- will not do that probably unless it turns out to be easier than I thought)#but admittedly I am interested in hunting for potential future update content even if I probably won't hunt too hard for it#again Im mostly just hunting for lore#hey maybe if Im lucky Ill find some genuinely new and usable information in that department#maybe the secrets of b363 and dr. holland lie in the files ooooo (they probably dont)#man it'd be nice if I had a proper pc itd make my life so much easier and my desk feel less enpty lol#in a world where I get to play videogames at a higher framerate than 10fps#I mean we do have some older computers laying around the house although theyre probably also crusty pieces of shit#idk maybe I can see if I can salvage one itd be nice to have a proper computer to fuck about with#Im sure my mom wouldn't mind as long as its one that hasnt been touched in years#which tbf I dont know how many options thatd leave me but we at least have one computer that could theoretically be usable#albiet its definitely packed with viruses from me and my siblings being dumb kids
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Come rest for the winter
The fifth installment of the Don't know what's out there series is up! This one is pretty much pure holiday fluff (yes, it's March, but let's just pretend it's still December.)
Relationships: pre-Geralt/Jaskier/Yennefer; established Geralt/Yennefer
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Word count: 14k
Summary: To help Jaskier combat a bad case of writer's block, Geralt and Yennefer invite him to celebrate Midwinter with their family at Kaer Morhen. But between making Midwinter ornaments, learning how to hold a sword, and tagging along on forktail hunts, Jaskier starts to realize something about his feelings for his two dearest friends.
Read the first couple of scenes below or here on AO3!
Jaskier has an incredible ability to make Geralt’s two-syllable name stretch out to five or six syllables when he’s whining. With a sigh, Geralt peers into Jaskier’s living room, where his friend is sprawled dramatically on his couch, laptop perched precariously on his chest. “Hm?”
“In your professional opinion, is it possible to die of writer’s block? Because if so, I think I’m dying.”
“You’re not dying.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m a professional.” Geralt finishes stirring a ludicrous amount of cream into Jaskier’s coffee and strides into the living room to hand him his mug. As Jaskier reaches for it, his laptop starts to tilt. Geralt catches it just in time and relocates it safely to the end table.
Jaskier tilts back his head and lets out a groan that sounds more than a little like a dying kikimora. “I’m never going to finish this book.”
“You said that about the last book. Probably about the one before it too.”
“Yeah, but my publisher didn’t send either of those back to me because they hated the ending so much.” Jaskier heaves the sigh of a man who has seen untold horrors and will never be the same. “You should hear what they’ve been saying online since the release date got pushed back. People are saying I’m going to be the next C.R. George.”
Geralt shoves his legs out of the way so he can perch on the end of the couch. “You have to know I don’t know who that is.”
“He wrote the Heartsword Cycle.”
“Hm, right, one of my favorites.”
Jaskier lifts his head from the couch to squint at Geralt. “Really?”
With another sigh, Jaskier flops back down, sloshing a good deal of coffee down his arm. “He wrote four of a five-book fantasy series, then got hit with writer’s block. For ten years, the final book kept getting delayed, until he went and dropped dead of a stroke. Then his publisher hired someone else to write the last book, but it was an enormous flop and everyone hated it. And two years later, his daughter announced she’d found a nearly-complete handwritten draft among his papers and released it online. There was a lawsuit and there’s this whole thing about which book is the real final book and—”
“Jaskier, you’re twenty-four and in reasonably good health. You’re unlikely to drop dead of a stroke.” Geralt takes a sip of his own coffee. “You just need to sit down and write it.”
“Oh, that’s easy for you to say.” Jaskier scowls up at him. He seems to be hamming up the whole tortured artist thing, with a week’s worth of scruffy facial hair. From the smell of him, he hasn’t bathed since at least yesterday, if not the day before. “What do you do when you’re stuck?”
Geralt shrugs. “I usually try one of Lambert’s bombs.” At his friend’s pensive look, he adds, “That wasn’t a suggestion.”
“But what if—”
“Fine, then leave me to my suffering.” Jaskier takes a swig of what’s left of his coffee.
Geralt is tempted to do just that, except for the fact that he came over here just to alleviate Jaskier's suffering. He's been worried about his friend ever since the release of Will of the Order got delayed, especially since it came on the heels of yet another messy breakup. It's not like Jaskier to be lying on the couch in the middle of the afternoon, unshowered, still in his PJs, and seeming to not even have noticed that he just spilled coffee all over himself.
“Do... you want to go grab a drink?" Geralt asks. He has no desire to go grab a drink, but maybe an excuse to put pants and deodorant on will cheer Jaskier up.
That earns him an arched eyebrow. “Are you having a stroke? You want to go somewhere? Outside the house? With people?”
“I do occasionally go out and interact with people.”
“Since when?”
Geralt thinks about it. “I came to your college graduation.”
“That was two and a half years ago and Yenn made you.”
“I was still there,” Geralt says. “And I came to the launch party for Will of the Enchantress.”
“Yenn made you come to that too. You spent the whole night standing by the appetizers.”
Geralt shrugs, conceding the point. “The shrimp was good.”
Jaskier snorts with laughter. “Ugh, am I that pathetic that you’re willing to go out to a bar with me to cheer me up?”
“Yes,” Geralt says.
“Geralt, I’m touched.” Jaskier puts a hand over his heart. “And a little offended, but mostly touched.”
Geralt shrugs again. “When’s the last time you showered?”
Jaskier looks outraged. “Yesterday!” At Geralt’s raised eyebrow, he deflates. “Okay, maybe the day before.”
“And the last time you shaved?”
“I refuse to have my hygiene criticized by someone who uses 2-in-1 shampoo.”
“And yet, I showered today,” Geralt says. “And yesterday too.”
Jaskier groans. “I’m a mess, aren’t I?”
“Do you want me to be honest or encouraging?”
Jaskier sniffs. “Next time I need cheering up, can Yennefer be the one who comes over?”
“Do you really want that?”
“No.” Jaskier groans again. “It’s just, I was so proud of that ending! It was the ending I’d had in mind since I started the first book! And they just said it was ‘trite’ and ‘out of character’ and told me to start over.”
Geralt makes what he hopes is a vaguely encouraging noise.
“And I don’t know what to do now,” Jaskier says. “I just keep staring at my computer screen, hoping inspiration will strike, but words just aren’t working and ugh.”
“You have time.”
“I have a month. That’s no time at all.” Jaskier looks up at him beseechingly. “Geralt, I need you and Yenn to go do something heroic and inspiring that will get my creative juices flowing. If it contains some dramatic irony and moral ambiguity, all the better.”
“It’s winter,” Geralt tells him. “Most everything that requires me to be heroic is hibernating right now. And Yenn and I are leaving for Kaer Morhen this weekend. The whole point of going to Kaer Morhen is not having to do anything heroic.”
‘Fuck, I’m doomed.” Jaskier sags. “I’m going to be the laughingstock of the literary world. Everyone will know I’m a fraud.”
With a jolt, Geralt recognizes the salty scent of approaching tears. It’s been over five years since he first met Jaskier and he doesn’t think he’s ever seen the kid cry, except for that time he got his wisdom teeth taken out and then tried to watch nature documentaries with Geralt. Apparently, watching a gazelle get taken down by a crocodile was too much for him under the influence of painkillers.
But even that wasn’t this kind of despairing hopelessness. Geralt has seen Jaskier angry, frightened, indignant, hurt, and sick. But he’s never seen him so defeated.
“You could come with us to Kaer Morhen,” Geralt hears himself saying. “We’re spending Midwinter there. There will be five other witchers there, plus Triss, Ciri, and Cerys. That’s a lot of inspiration.”
Jaskier looks up at him with wide eyes. “I thought Kaer Morhen was just for family.”
“It is,” Geralt says and promptly regrets it when Jaskier’s lower lip begins to wobble. “It’s not a big deal.”
The next thing he knows, Jaskier’s arms are thrown around Geralt’s neck. Geralt just manages to save his cup of coffee, enduring the embrace for a long moment before he asks, “Does this mean you want to come?”
“Do I want to see the hallowed ground where you became the man you are today? Where you held your first sword and killed your first monster? Of course I do.”
“You can come so long as you don’t say shit like that.”
“You already extended the invitation, Geralt. No takesies, no backsies.”
“You should have no trouble finishing your book, with turns of phrases like that.” Geralt waits a moment for Jaskier to let go of him. When he keeps clinging on, he says, “If you keep hugging me, you’re going to need to at least put deodorant on first.”
“You were alive in the Middle Ages. There’s no way I’m the worst smelling thing that’s ever hugged you.”
“You’re right. There was the time I had a grave hag covered in alghoul guts clinging to my back. Long story.”
“And that hug is over.” Jaskier scrambles backwards. His eyes are still a little watery, but he seems to have composed himself. “Thank you, Geralt. Genuinely, I’m honored.”
Geralt shrugs, feeling unaccountably embarrassed. “Lambert’s been wanting to meet you anyway ever since you put Eskel in the second book. He wants to one-up him and get his own spin-off.” He pauses considering. “On second thought…”
“Nope!” Jaskier scrambles for the bedroom. “I’m going to go pack now. You can’t uninvite me if I’m already packed”
Geralt rolls his eyes at the ceiling. “We leave the day after tomorrow. You better shower first. I’m not spending all day in the car with you smelling like that.”
“Love you too, you grumpy fuck!”
With a sigh, Geralt goes to finish his coffee.
“Wow,” Priscilla drawls from her perch on the bottom of Jaskier’s bed. “You’re spending Midwinter with the sugar daddies. It’s getting serious.”
Jaskier raises his head from where he’s searching under his bed for his favorite sweatshirt to glare at her. “You need to stop calling them that.”
“I don’t think I do,” she says. “Since they are, in fact, your sugar daddies.”
“If they are, they’re quite bad at it. They gave me socks and a gift card for my birthday.”
Priscilla shakes her head mournfully. “They just don’t make sugar daddies like they used to.”
Jaskier throws a pillow at her. “I’ve already told you, it’s not like that. They’re just being nice and inviting me along to Midwinter so I won’t spend it alone with a frozen pizza and a blank Word document.”
Priscilla doesn’t even bother voicing her skepticism; it’s well-documented at this point. “You could have come to Midwinter in Cidaris with me and Valdo.”
Jaskier shudders theatrically as he throws his sweatshirt into his suitcase. The fact that Priscilla is now dating and fronting a two-person folk band with his college sometimes-crush, sometimes-nemesis, Valdo Marx, is still bizarre to him, though he thinks he’s taking it with a measure of grace. “The frozen pizza and blank Word document is better company than Valdo. No offense.”
“He would say the same about you.”
“Well, he never had very good taste.” At the raised eyebrow that earns him, Jaskier hastens to add, “About everything besides girlfriends, of course.”
“Of course,” Priscilla says dryly. “So, back to the sugar daddies—”
“I already told you, they’re not—”
“You’re going to spend two weeks in the mountains with them and their family?”
“Yeah, Geralt has two brothers and a father,” Jaskier says carefully as he throws a handful of boxers and socks into the suitcase. “And then there’s their daughter and her girlfriend—”
“Geralt and Yennefer have a kid?” Priscilla’s eyebrows draw together in confusion. “You’ve never mentioned her.”
Abruptly, Jaskier remembers that for all Priscilla’s jokes about sugar daddies, Geralt and Yennefer look no older than their mid-thirties, while Ciri looks like she’s just out of college. “They adopted her when she was twelve,” he says, which is technically true. “She lives in Skellige with her girlfriend now, but I’ve met her a few times.”
“So.” Priscilla’s lips curl into a smirk. “Does this make you her brother or her stepfather?”
Jaskier throws another pillow at her. “You’re the worst and I don’t know why we’re friends.”
“We’re friends because I was the only person in our hall who didn’t threaten you with bodily harm freshman year for blasting showtunes all day, every day. And because I had the good sense not to sleep with you when you hit on me.”
“You and Valdo have equally terrible taste.”
Priscilla throws the pillow back at him, hitting him full in the face. “Look, all I’m saying is that you’re going to be spending two weeks at some picturesque cabin in the mountains.”
From what Jaskier has heard, Kaer Morhen is more of a looming castle than a picturesque cabin, but he doesn’t bring that up.
“There will be hot chocolate, Midwinter lanterns, snow. It sounds awfully romantic.”
Jaskier blinks at her. He’s never considered Midwinter a particularly romantic time of year, given that he’s spent most of his Midwinters either being reminded of what a disappointment he is to his parents or at Essi’s place, watching her and Shani canoodle. “Their entire family will be there.”
“I don’t know, it’s like something out of a movie. They take you to meet the family, you bond with their daughter, maybe you twist your ankle skiing and Geralt has to carry you gallantly back to the cabin—”
“Skiing? Really, it’s like you don’t know me at all.”
“Maybe you twist your ankle walking down the stairs?”
“Slightly more likely.” Jaskier starts to zip his suitcase, realizes that he doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting it closed, and grabs a duffel bag to relocate some of his things. “Have you forgotten that Geralt and Yennefer are as good as married? To each other? And I don’t think they’re looking for a third.” At Priscilla’s pointed look, he hastily adds, “Not that I would be interested if they were. I’m just going to spend some time with friends and to get my creative juices flowing.”
“I don’t know if it will be the creative juices flowing.”
Jaskier throws the pillow back at her, and then the two remaining pillows on his bed for good measure. She makes no effort to defend herself, which he takes as an admission that she knows she deserves it.
“He won’t be any trouble,” Geralt says, cradling his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he throws an armful of underwear into his suitcase.
Zipping her own suitcase closed, Yennefer snorts pointedly.
Geralt’s eyes flicker to her and his lips twitch. “Well, he might be trouble, but not the kind you’re worried about. He won’t write about Kaer Morhen if we ask him not to. He’s respected the other things we’ve told him were off-limits, like Ciri.”
Yennefer can hear the rumble of Vesemir’s voice from the other side of the phone.
“Sorry for the late notice,” Geralt says. “I would have invited him sooner if I realized he didn’t have plans for Midwinter.”
Yennefer cocks an eyebrow at that. Geralt has never given a single damn about holidays, including Midwinter, in the entire time she’s known him. The only reason he deigns to celebrate Belleteyn is because it’s Yennefer and Ciri’s birthday. 
“See you in a few days,” Geralt says. “Tell the others not to drink all the White Gull without me.”
As he hangs up, Yennefer asks, “How did he take it?” Vesemir has always been fiercely protective of Kaer Morhen. It took him years to get used to Yennefer’s presence, and even longer to get used to Aiden’s.
Geralt shrugs. “He’s not thrilled by the late notice, but he says there’s plenty of food and liquor to go around. I think he’s just happy that there will be something to distract Lambert from finding new ways to blow things up.”
“It’s not like Vesemir to be overly optimistic,” Yennefer says. “Have you warned Jaskier that he’s in for two weeks of drinking that horrible White Gull and watching you spar?”
“I’m not letting him touch White Gull. Kid’s a lightweight.” He circles around the bed to stand behind her, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Anyway, I think a quiet Midwinter will do him good.”
She leans back into his embrace, closing her eyes. “I wouldn’t call Kaer Morhen ‘quiet,’ especially once the bombs come out. Remember to keep Jaskier away from those. I can’t heal him if he gets his arm blown off.”
Behind her, she can feel Geralt’s wince. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”
“Probably not, but it’s just as bad an idea to leave him unattended for two weeks. He’s good at finding trouble.”
Geralt huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to the sensitive spot under her ear. “That he is. Befriended us, after all.”
“A rare moment of good sense on his part.”
“Hm, if you say so.” Geralt kisses her again. “Not looking forward to the drive though. Sixteen hours is a long time to spend in the car. And you can’t curse him to be quiet.”
“Oh, Geralt.” She turns to face him, cupping his face in her hands. “You know that I love you more than anything in this sphere or any other, right?”
His face softens. “It may have come up once or twice.”
“And there’s almost nothing that I wouldn’t do for you.” She brushes her thumb over the scar slashing across his eye. “Almost nothing. Because no matter how much I love you, I am not spending sixteen hours in a car. I will be portaling to Kaer Morhen. You and Jaskier have fun on your road trip.”
When Jaskier pulls up in front of Geralt and Yennefer’s townhouse, he finds Geralt leaning against the bed of his truck, arms crossed over his chest and an unimpressed look on his face. 
“Yes, yes,” Jaskier calls as he scrambles out of his car, nearly forgetting to park the car and turn it off in his haste. “I know I’m a teensy bit late—”
“I told you we were leaving at six. It’s nearly seven.”
“I stopped for coffee!” Jaskier raises his tray of drinks like an offering to the sky. “Caramel latte for me, cappuccino for Yenn, black coffee for you.”
“And that took you an hour?”
“Well the barista wrote her number on my cup so I had to stop and chat so she’d know why she probably won’t hear from me for the next two weeks. I’d hate for her to spend her Midwinter pining.”
“Can’t have that.” Geralt’s annoyed expression softens as he takes the tray of coffees. “And Yenn portaled ahead, so it will just be you and me. She refuses to spend two days driving to Kaer Morhen.”
Jaskier covers up his surprise by rolling his eyes. “What a diva.”
“I’m going to tell her you said that.”
“We’ve discussed this,” Jaskier says as he retrieves his bags from the backseat of his car—his suitcase, a small duffel bag, his guitar case, and the messenger bag where he stores his laptop. “I’m not even a little bit afraid of your partner.”
“Sure you’re not.” Geralt’s eyebrow raises as he surveys Jaskier’s luggage. “I invited you for Midwinter, not to move in. Don’t think Vesemir is looking for a roommate.”
“Har,” Jaskier deadpans. “You did warn me that it would be cold in the keep.”
“So your plan is to wear all your clothes at once?”
“It’s adorable that you think I could fit all the clothes I own in this little thing.” Jaskier pats the duffel bag.
“Looks like you could fit your entire apartment in there, couch and all.”
“Well, I have no idea what to expect, so I packed for all occasions. Drink your coffee. Maybe it will make you less grumpy. I’ll get the next round too.”
“We’re not stopping a thousand times for coffee.”
“It’s what, sixteen hours of driving in total?” Jaskier flashes his most innocent smile. “That means I’ll need at least eight stops for coffee. Once every other hour is reasonable, don’t you think?”
Geralt rolls his eyes. “Get in the truck, Jaskier.”
“Six times? That’s my final offer.”
“I will leave you.”
“No you won’t.” But Jaskier climbs into the passenger seat anyway. “I stayed up late making us a road trip playlist. I think you’ll like it. It has everything from modern pop to classic rock to sea shanties.”
“A playlist?” Geralt says the word like Jaskier has announced he’s going to set a wyvern loose in the car.
“But of course! It’s not a road trip without music.”
“Of course not,” Geralt grumbles and starts the car.
“Baby, you’re a firewooooooork!”
“I’m going to leave you at the next rest stop.”
“Make ‘em go ah ah ah!”
“Not going to wait for the next rest stop. I’m going to leave you right here on the side of the road.”
“As you shoot across the sky—Geralt, why are you pulling over? Geralt!”
Read the rest on AO3!
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limeadeislife · 1 month
I guess this is kind of obvious and not really worth pointing out to my more techy followers, but I'm just thinking about how Microsoft, Apple, and Google have a lot of competing duplicates of similar basic apps (browser, cloud storage, documents, calendar, maps, etc.) that come pre-installed on their respective devices and sync your data with the other apps by the same company.
I guess each of them wants to be your Main Tech Company, where you do all your stuff through them, and all your stuff is saved in one convenient account.
Is it common for people to actually do things this way? I guess one limitation is that Microsoft doesn't make phones, and Google doesn't make full-service laptops.
My stuff is just kind of a hodgepodge of what I started using naturally. I have an iPhone and a Windows laptop. Most of my files are in OneDrive, because my laptop uploads them automatically, but I also have some other random things in Google Drive. I use Apple Notes because I often need or want to write some quick note to myself when I'm outside with just my phone, and that's what came with my phone. It also syncs super quickly which is helpful. I've had a Gmail account since I was 14, and I use Google Calendar and Google Maps.
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dotslashchloe · 5 months
I remember running a terrible Zoostorm laptop when I was 12 and It had 1GB of RAM in a time when machines came with at least 2 as a standard option, and some people believed that you'd never need more than 4GB for anything.
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My parents bought me this thing because I had caused a little bit of an issue in our house, and that was my constant need for floppy disks post year 2000. We ran an Amiga 1200 in the dining room of our home as it was what my parents both used to code on in the mid 90's. We had tons of software for that thing but the coolest by far was a programming environment called AMOS. It used a proprietary (read: now unsupported) programming language called AMOS BASIC and the only resources we had for the language was whatever my dad remembered and the official language guide which, if i remember correctly, was thick enough to beat a goat to death with.
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The guide was sometimes really good at explaining language features and best use cases for mid 90's game development methodologies.
You can actually still download AMOS and run it on a Windows machine, or OSX and GNU/Linux if you have the tools to run applications meant for windows.
I moved from an Amiga sporting 2MB of chip RAM and 8MB of fast RAM to a Windows 7 laptop with a whopping, for the time, Gigabyte of Random Access Memory.
I couldn't wait to see the types of software that I could make with 32 bit technology and how I could use new... Oh, it crashed.
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Windows 7, at least on my machine, was a garbage fire. Somewhere along the way when we transitioned from floppy disks to hard drives and hard drives to solid state, programmers suddenly forgot how to make good decisions. The amount of driver errors, lag spikes, and crashes I experienced on that platform made me hate Windows, and even to this day, I really don't trust it.
I once turned my laptop on to find Windows using 90% of my available RAM, and it wasn't even running anything.
This frustration led me to look further afield. I knew that I liked the UNIX like systems from helping my dad run a FreeBSD server, and because of that, I very nearly bought a mac. Nearly. I still like to have a usable computer and do things that Apple don't want me to do, like change my settings in a way that matters.
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I finally found out enough to flash Arch to my USB drive and install it using a guide i found on a reddit thread. after editing all of my settings, i pressed enter, sat back... And bricked the fucking thing. Archinstall was a blessing from the gods, but we didn't have that yet.
2nd choice was Debian. Not only was it pre-configured out of the box, it had a package manager that made sense and came with development tools already built in. I played around with a few other distributions over the years until i discovered that they're all either Debian or Arch with a different package manager and desktop environment.
GNU/Linux blew my mind. The fact that all of this software was just out there for free fort anybody to use and change astounded me, and it still does to this day. You need to run a piece of hardware that nobody has made a driver for in about 20 years? Debian probably has it built in. You want to make video games? Debian can do that flawlessly. You want to play video games? Steam installs natively and comes with Proton!
By the time I was ready to go to College at 16, I was using Linux full time, and Archinstall had been added to the installation ISO (thank god). I used arch for all of my studies there, and all of my studies at University. I passed my degree because my software was free. I even had a C# compiling and running for my Programming 101 classes.
I do occasionally run Windows at some point from time to time, but i always make sure that WSL is installed. I do not see the need to download a piece of software to do something when Debian has the command built-in.
If it were not for the FOSS community, and GNU/Linux as a whole, I probably would not be the programmer that I am today, and I wouldn't have been able to learn many of the complex topics I needed for the field I have worked in due to the closed, corporate nature of the vast majority of software out there.
Sorry for yapping.
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pokemon-npcs · 2 years
How do you screenshot your hgss game? Sorry, I know you must get this question a lot, but I recently restarted my hg save and I've been trying to figure out how to take screenshots :)
Hi! Sorry for the late reply (my laptop is currently broken and posting on Tumblr mobile is always more annoying to me). And I’m also sorry because I’m afraid that I can’t really help you there :/ Any actual screenshots on this blog from pre-Switch era games have either been grabbed from YouTube videos or screenshot while I was playing a game on an emulator. The rest are just photos taken of my GBC/GBA/DS/3DS screen that I’ve then tried to edit to look a bit better.
I think there are - or at least used to be - legitimate ways to take screenshots of your 3DS (something involving the Miiverse), but as I understand it it’s notoriously complicated.
But there are definitely ways to hack your 3DS to install a program that allows you to take screenshots out there. And ways to link your game to a computer, as I remember seeing pretty crisp Let’s Plays of X/Y when it first came out. And I know that there are people who stream content from their 3DS. I’m not very knowledgeable about all that jazz, though, sorry :(
Here appears to be a guide on how to stream your 3DS screen to a computer.
(Ngl, I haven’t watched this video all the way through nor tried it myself, but the comments seem favourable)
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victorluvsalice · 2 years
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So I wasn’t able to actually PLAY my Chill Save this past weekend, thanks to not having the majority of my mods cleared for the new patch -- so instead I hit Granite Falls in my building save and decided to upgrade one of the cabin lots there for my Valicer trio! (You know, via giving it a makeover and then saving it to my Library to be slotted into the actual Chill Save later.) Ended up choosing “Green Getaway,” since I figured they didn’t need a huge place (especially since only ONE of them needs a bed to sleep in now). I made the following improvements:
-->First of all, the outside is actually green now. XD I actually chose that completely at random because I wanted just to make it something other than brown -- it wasn’t until I was renaming the lot that I realized “Oh, huh, that was apt.” XD Missed the back stairs, but eh, that’s the back, no big deal. (And if I really want I can fix it when I put it into the Chill Save.)
-->I also made the inside more colorful -- the main living space has yellow walls now, and the bathroom is blue with a STONE floor because I felt that was smarter than hardwood.
-->Changed the games table on the front porch to the nicer wood “Don’t Wake The Llama” one (I believe from Parenthood), as I thought that fit better than the base game one.
-->Gave the house a proper mini-kitchen! Pretty much all of it apart from the sink, paper towels, dish drainer, fire alarm, and bin are from Cottage Living, as I felt that fit the aesthetic.
-->Upgraded the couch from a two-seater to a three-seater, and upgraded the TV to match.
-->As this necessitated getting rid of one of the lights, I also upgraded all the hanging lamps in the house to brighter Cottage Living ones.
-->Changed out the bookcase and dining table for nicer ones/ones I felt fit the cabin better, added more dining chairs (Smiler may not need to eat, but I do intend for them to take their laptop on this jaunt), and rearranged decorative items so that they’re all visible with walls cutaway.
-->Also added curtains! From Cats & Dogs if I recall correctly. Just makes the living room look a little nicer. Bathroom got a shade, though I don’t recall the pack.
-->Added the little gramophone radio and an end table for it to sit on (finding one that it WOULD sit on was a task and a half, though!)
-->Moved the cool little corkboard with its pre-placed postcards into the bedroom; also changed the bed to the Rustic Dream bed (or whatever it’s called) that you unlock when you max out the “Patron of the Arts” branch of the Artist career. This is the bed Alice will be unlocking soon, so I figured I’d let her and Victor try it out. :p
-->Rearranged the bathroom so I could fit in a proper shower/tub combo and some better towels (another task and a half to find ones that looked good!).
-->Added a third log seat to the campfire; a third folding chair seat to the cooler sitting area (and replaced the log seat serving as a “table” with an actual log table); and a couple of counters beside the barbecue with appropriate decorative items. Oh, and changed the mailbox to the Werewolves one and the bin to -- don’t recall if base game or from Outdoor Retreat, but it looked better than the standard plastic one!
-->Added the new Werewolves telescope and a water balloon bucket for more activities!
-->Added lot traits -- Sunny Aspect (because it’s a pretty forest); Peace & Quiet (because it’s out in the middle of nowhere and should be pretty chill); Natural Lighting (because it should be a good place to get more pictures for the nonexistent photo album XD).
I think it came out pretty nice -- and it should serve as a nice base of operations for Victor, Alice, and Smiler’s vacation. And, if you agree, since I did this without my mods and CC installed, I put it up on the Gallery! It’s called “Green Getaway Makeover,” under username AliceNVictor. :) Hope you enjoy!
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I'm going to say today is a 50/50 type of day
I'm relieved to say that I was able to go get my new phone activated and finally have my own wireless phone account. Nothing wrong with being on a family phone plan and having help, but sometimes you just want to have something that belongs to just you and is under your own name. I felt ready to get my own phone line. I really did need to upgrade my phone since last time I had a upgrade was back in December 2018. What I did was I went on ebay found a place that sold new Samsung phones, I bought my own phone, so why not made sense. Everything was already transfered over, no worries about that. Have all the most important accessories.
Now for the bad part, 2 nights ago, while I was putting the phone case on, I didn't realize that the phone came with a pre install glass protector. I wanted to use a glass protector that came with the case, I was trying to peel it off. I accidently chipped the screen with one of my finger nails. I have a really bad nail biting habit, I sometimes bite them down to the bone.
While still out I made a appointment at the repair shop, I got my laptop fixed at in May. They are able to repair it, bit of delay they need to order a lavender back part which should come tomorrow since they need to replace the screen. It should be done tomorrow as well, so no biggie. I got told since I have a monthly insurance plan I got back in May with the laptop repair that it expedites my repair time. Won't complain since it can be repaired and I still have use of my current phone I'm not completely phoneless.
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travelingtheusa · 21 days
2024 Sep 21 (Sat) – So, the national muster is over.  I have been installed as the president.  We have left the fairgrounds and moved on to Myrtle Beach where we are staying at Lakewood Camping Report.  This is a huge campground with over 1400 spots.  They have 12 bathhouses, a water park with a lazy river, and lots of activities.  There are golf carts driving all over the place, many with young people blasting music.  It is too busy for our taste but we are here with the Nomads chapter.  There are 9 couples here.  We are all decompressing after all the activities of the national.  The campground is right on the ocean beach.
      We gathered for happy hour at Joe & Diane’s rig.  We had a brief meeting, then went to dinner at Bonefish Grill.  After we came back, Paul & I did the laundry.  When we returned and got all the clothes put away, we walked down to the beach.  It was beautiful in the moonlight.
2024 Sep 19 (Thu) – Still going like a bat out of hell!  I have been running around, keeping seminars on schedule and doing presidential stuff.  Paul has been taking pictures of everything going on.  We were able to run out today to quickly pick up a few things.  Sheba was out of food.
2024 Sep 17 (Tue) – So many crazy things have happened in the last few days.  The laptop updated and I lost my budget files.   After six days, I finally got through to the Carbonite online backup program we use and the agent was able to restore the 2024 budget.  This morning, I realized that the rest of my budget files were missing.  I will have to call the agent again.
      I have been appointed to put out an update sheet every day.  So, every night, no matter how tired I am, I have to sit and put together this publication about what’s happening tomorrow.  Ugh.
      There are many personalities here and some are more short tempered than others.  I am coping but they can sometimes be very trying.  We had a brown bag auction tonight.  The woman coordinating the auction kept putting things on the Missing Man Table.  That is a place of honor and I was highly annoyed at that.  I asked her assistant to remove the items 3 times.  She took them off each time but when the woman put the microphone on the table, I went over and removed it myself.
2024 Sep 15 (Sun) – Wow!  Have we been busy.  We arrived at the Exchange Park fairgrounds for the national muster with SMART on Wednesday, September 11.  From day one, we have plunged into activities.  The president fell ill and is not coming so I am acting president.  We attended the Nomads pre-muster meeting and potluck.  I swore in the new officers for the chapter. Tomorrow is the First Timers session where I will greet the new folks to SMART.  We had two people wind up going to the hospital.  One thought he had a stroke (he didn’t) and the other fell and hit his head.  He is currently in the hospital.
      Tonight, we went on a dinner cruise.  The weather has been crappy for the last few days – overcast and rainy.  Remnants of Hurricane Francine, I think.  There is also a front right off the coast that bringing in rainy weather as well.  The food was excellent and there was a musician playing great music.  There was some dancing.  I expected the boat to be rocky with waves and wind but it wasn’t.
2024 Sep 8 (Sun) – We met Travis and the boys at the house at 10:30 AM.  He led (and we followed) to the Cliffs Keowee Beach Club and lakeside beach.  It was an hour drive around winding roads.  The boys swam in the pool and lake.  Everyone enjoyed the lunch.  Then it was a rush back so Hudson could get to a birthday party at 2 PM.  Noah came back to the campground with us.  I napped.  He and Paul watched TV for an hour.  Then we turned around and drove back to Travis’ house.  We were supposed to go to the Omni, a high end buffet place at the Cliffs where he works.  Unfortunately, he found out they don’t do dinner on Sunday; only a brunch.  So we all went out to the Texas Roadhouse.  Afterwards, we all went back to the house for an hour.  Paul threw the football with Hudson.  Lincoln drew pictures.  Noah was sent to his room to do missing school work.  Sam and Travis were actually cordial to each other tonight.  No fighting, nasty comments, or snide remarks.  It was pleasant for once.
       Poor Sheba is so constipated.  She is crying and trying to poop but nothing is coming out.  We gave some lactulose to help.  Last time we did it, it was too much and she got diarrhea.  We’ll be more careful this time.
2024 Sep 7 (Sat) – We drove to the bowling alley to meet Travis, Noah and Hudson (Sam was bringing Lincoln to his first soccer game).  We arrived at 9 only to discover leagues didn’t start until 10.  So we drove down the road to a CVS and printed out some photos for the national muster.  We returned to the lanes at 10 and met Travis and the boys.  We watched them bowl, then we left to get Sheba and take her to the vet.  Her weight was down half a pound, her skin is dry and itchy, and she is having trouble with her back legs, her left leg on particular.  The vet examined her.  We talked about various causes and treatments.  The doc gave us gabapentin to give her for the pain of her arthritis.  She also recommended that we pick up some cosequin for her bones.  When done, we drove to PetSmart and picked up the cosequin and a scratching pad.  Travis was going out with friends tonight for his birthday, so we spent the night home.
      We gave Sheba the gabapentin at dinner time.  It was a capsule and we opened it to give her half of one.  Later, around 7 PM, she got up to walk to her dish and was weaving like a drunkard.  The medication really knocked her for a loop.  She won’t get that any more!
2024 Sep 6 (Fri) – Today was Travis’ birthday.  We went over after running a few errands – items for a gift basket at the muster, a birthday cake at Ingles, and something at Lowe’s.  We got to the house around 4:00 PM.  I called a pizza place and ordered some pizzas for dinner.  Sam picked them up on the way home from work.  Her parents came over and we all shared dinner and birthday cake.  Afterward, we watched a movie on the patio.  Everyone seemed to get along fine. 
2024 Sep 5 (Thu) – We worked around the rig yesterday.  Paul put new lights in around the rig and a new lock on the door.  I worked on items for the muster then made some omelet cups for breakfasts.
We went out to lunch at Chick-fil-A, stopped to pick up liquor, got some fuel, and shopped at Ingles.  We drove to the field where Hudson was having football practice.  Sam was there.  She thought we were going to be at the house so she left Lincoln and Noah home.  She and I talked for a bit.  There was a lot of complaining about Travis.  It’s funny about how they see the same situation in two totally different versions.  After practice, we went over the house and visited for a while.
2024 Sep 4 (Wed – 53rd Anniversary) – I slept very poorly last night.  Scenes of interaction with Travis kept playing out in my head.  Ways to try to reach him and convince him that he is out of control.  Ugh.  This is between him and his wife but I can’t help feeling helpless.
     Both of us forgot it was our anniversary today.  I got a note on my phone in the calendar.  I laughed and wished Paul a happy anniversary.  He confessed that he forgot.  So I had to confess that I did, too, until the phone told me so.  We laughed.
      What a day today.  I spent the morning working on things for the National Muster later this month.  Paul worked on building a slideshow for our caravan next year.  At 2 PM, Travis called and asked us to go over to the house and let the air conditioner repairman in the house.  So, we went over, let the repairmen in and waited until Travis came home.
      Travis and Sam had a fight last night.  A window got broken.  Travis got glass in his eye and had to go to the emergency room.  They both claim they have had enough yet neither will leave the house.  It is such a toxic situation.  Ugh.  We tried to talk to them but they have a long way to go.
2024 Sep 3 (Tue) – We pulled up stakes and left Heiskell, TN, at 9:50 a.m.  It was 185 miles to Duncan where we are camped at Beacon Ridge RV Park.  It is a new park with absolutely no amenities – not even a bathroom or an office.  The grass is struggling to come up and the campsites are gravel.  We have a pull-thru site with full hookups.  There are no trees.
      We left at 4:45 p.m. to drive to the Piedmont Athletic Complex to see Hudson play football.  This is his first year playing football, and just his second game.  I don’t think the coaches have taught football to beginners before.  They were run over by the other team who did weird things.  For instance, when they kicked a goal, the team lay down on the ground while the ball was kicked.  Hudson’s team would all gather in front of the goal post and wave their arms, jump, and yell to distract the kicker.  That didn’t do anything.  Also, Hudson’s team is not allowed to throw the ball.  I don’t understand that.  The other team scored a number of goals.  I’m sure it must have been disappointing for Hudson and his teammates.
      Travis contacted us to ask for the field where Hudson was playing.  Apparently, Sam wouldn’t give it to him.  He says they are going through a “rough patch.”  After hearing what Sam and her parents had to say, I am of the opinion that Travis has gone over the edge.  He is drinking heavily and says the most awful things to Sam.  She showed me emails Travis sent to her parents that was just disgusting.  I think Sam should kick him out and get divorced.  I am afraid that Travis is going to hurt someone.  He seems to have lost control.  Yet he was loving and chatty with us.  We met him at the field.  We kissed hello, chatted, and then he left.  Didn’t even stay to watch Hudson play.  Sam says he doesn’t go to any of the kids games, won’t pick them up from school, and won’t drop them off anywhere.  Don’t know what’s happened to him but this just doesn’t sound like Travis.
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mnzmysticechoes · 4 months
Replacing My Laptop? The ProTabletX Surprise...
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For years, my trusty laptop had been my lifeline to work and entertainment. But lately, it's been showing its age – slow, bulky, and with a battery life that barely lasts a coffee break. I started considering a replacement, but the thought of lugging around another heavy laptop wasn't appealing. Then, I came across the ProTabletX - An All Around Tablet For Entertainment And Work.
The Quest for the Perfect Device
I wanted a device that could seamlessly blend productivity with entertainment. A sleek tablet seemed like a good option, but I worried it wouldn't be powerful enough for work tasks. Many tablets lacked the processing power or software compatibility I needed for video editing and design programs. 2-in-1 laptops seemed like a compromise, but they often felt clunky and expensive.
Discovering the ProTabletX
The ProTabletX promised the best of both worlds: a powerful tablet that could handle demanding applications while remaining light and portable. The advertised specs were impressive – a high-resolution display, a powerful processor, and a long-lasting battery. The reviews emphasised its versatility, praising its ability to excel at work and entertainment tasks. Intrigued, I decided to take the plunge.
A Premium Look and Feel
The ProTabletX arrived beautifully packaged, exuding a sense of quality from the get-go. The tablet itself was surprisingly thin and light, yet felt incredibly sturdy. The sleek metal design looked polished and professional. The display was stunning – vibrant colours, crisp details, and a perfect size for both work and watching videos.
Powerhouse Performance
Setting up the ProTabletX was a breeze. The operating system was intuitive and familiar, and the pre-installed apps covered my basic needs. The real test came when I started using it for work. To my delight, the ProTabletX handled everything I threw at it with ease. Video editing software ran smoothly, design programs responded quickly, and multitasking was a breeze. Gone were the days of lagging laptops and overheating fans.
Entertainment on the Go
Beyond its work capabilities, the ProTabletX truly shines as an entertainment device. The immersive display brought movies and shows to life, while the powerful speakers delivered rich, clear sound. Downloading games and streaming apps was a breeze, and the long battery life ensured I could binge-watch my favourite shows on long journeys. The tablet also came with a stylus pen, which proved surprisingly handy for note-taking and casual sketching.
A Perfect Blend
The ProTabletX has become my go-to device for everything. It's powerful enough to handle my workday demands, yet light and portable enough to be my entertainment companion on the go. The battery life is excellent, and the overall design is sleek and professional.
Would I Recommend It?
Absolutely! If you're looking for a versatile device that excels at both work and entertainment, then the ProTabletX is an excellent choice. It's powerful, portable, and packed with features. While everyone's needs differ, it has transformed the way I work and unwind. Before making a decision, consider what features are most important to you, but for me, the ProTabletX has been a game-changer.
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transienturl · 2 years
random m1 macbook things:
you can make the menu bar continue to display itself in the free area beside the notch when you fullscreen content. it's both incredibly convenient (now you have access to control center and every menu bar app ever) and sort of immersion-breaking. well that can be good too; maybe seeing the time reminds you to stop watching youtube and go do something you're supposed to be doing.
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be careful not to pinch yourself in the hinge if you like to hold your laptop with your hand there, that thing is sharp
it trackpad too big for it got damn keyboard. if you j/k scroll, the side of your palm may be on the trackpad, but just barely, which presumably makes brushing motions that the palm rejection thinks might be intentional, which can interrupt scroll actions.
mini LED is not a panacea; as with all displays that use full array local dimming, anything small and white on a black background will have obvious haloing, and if the thing moves (mouse cursor on anything black; white UI elements) you'll notice where the actual LEDs are. fullscreen a discord call with the other user's video in portrait and you'll see what I mean. I would actually really like a mode that turns off the FALD or only turns it on when it detects HDR content; it's not like it helps with contrast on things like text. (honestly, being Apple, they could totally detect which regions of the screen are video and only activate local dimming in them. that would be super cool.) honestly, I think this display is interesting to compare to the roughly-similar panels Apple has been using ever since the 2012 rMBP (well, since the iPhone 4 really), insofar as it actually feels less refined. Apple does a great job hiding all of the complexity of a modern high-end display, something that the Windows PC ecosystem does not even attempt let alone succeed at, but the weird edge cases still shine through. I wonder how many years until the first OLED Macbook Pro.
I always thought universal binaries (x86 and arm code in the same .app file) were silly and a waste of disk space, but the one time you care is when you run migration assistant between an x86 mac and an apple silicon mac; since Edge for example uses separate packages, it becomes unopenable once moved to the device that it's the wrong package for. downloading the right one and replacing it does work, it seems, and in the case of Edge you do keep your data (although when I had to do the same thing for Ungoogled Chromium it lost the actual browser settings; the user data like history and open tabs came over fine though).
the ability to charge from the right side can be very nice. it'll be limited to 100w if you have a 5A-certified USB-C cable (they have a chip inside), otherwise it'll be limited to 60w. totally fine still unless you have a drained battery or are doing some soft of intense graphics workload. the fact that my chintzy little cable that's supposed to be for an android phone can charge a laptop at a reasonable clip feels kind of weird.
I have said my piece about this IRL but the fact that you can plug in/out external monitors and change the scaling of your display and it's just instant is so, chef's kiss
I have Macs Fan Control installed to see when the fans spin up. they have been at 0 RPM ever since I got the laptop
honestly the speakers could use less bass, at least when you aren't using the laptop on a table. it sounds a little hollow; I bet the apple audio engineers did most of their optimization with the user seated at a desk, not half-upside-down in bed or whatever. I guess stereotypically that would be the userbase for the rumored soon-upcoming 15" M2 Macbook Air, not the rather workstation-y pro models. (see also: my comment about the hinge.)
it's definitely not the same keyboard; the press action on these is sharper and louder than the pre-butterfly ones. feels nice but I wish it was quieter.
also, not specific to the mac, but automatic wireless shared clipboard that includes copied files is absolutely nuts. also the fact that migration assistant grabs stuff like the history of my terminal windows is just. yeah you don't get stuff like this on windows
(except window arranging. and like 3-4 other things that microsoft does correctly and apple utterly neglects for no apparent reason. but, you know, besides those.)
(also the new macos settings panel that they stole off the ipad is so buggy it counts as a legitimate achievement lmao. good job)
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ahmeddawn · 2 years
How to Install an eSIM On Your Windows Laptop
How to Use an eSIM to Get Cellular Data Connection On Laptop Computers
I just bought my Surface Go 3 LTE laptop/tablet and one of its best features is the ability to use a physical SIM or eSIM to connect to cellular network and provide Internet. This feature is a life saver when you travel and especially if you are a content creator.
What I noticed in many countries is that the hotel WiFi was so slow, it was unusable except for checking email and light browsing. I was pulling my hair out using it, as I was getting behind updating my YouTube and I was unable to do any work.
An LTE laptop is capable of using a local SIM in your destination country or you can even install an eSIM before leaving for the trip in your own country. Installing an eSIM provides you Internet access right away when you land and you don’t need to search for a local SIM card. The disadvantage of this is an eSIM is always more expensive than the local SIM.
Installing an eSIM or physical SIM is not difficult at all. Search on your 4G or 5G LTE laptop and go to Cellular Settings to setup your eSIM or SIM.
There are many eSIM providers. Your laptop might even have some pre-installed by Microsoft, but I noticed their rates are horrible. The one I use is called Airalo (I am not affiliated) and I have used and tested them in several countries and it always worked for me and it is also by far the cheapest provider I came across. Regardless of which provider you go with, always do your research first for an eSIM for your destination country.
I have a video showing the full step-by-step eSIM installation process on a Windows Laptop here.
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5yn · 2 years
So a few days ago we bought a refurbished PS2. Am a lifelong emulator, never had a console in my life before this besides the DS family and a PSP which broke. External drive wouldn't connect to my laptop so we played the fucking Zuma port on it that came pre-installed 😩 So I have to talk to a guy to install games on it. Good news is that there was a bulky Samsung TV in the storage so I can join in that CRT scanline action everyone's into right now.
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toyslanxau · 2 years
Mobilepre usb driver 2004
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#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 mac os
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 drivers
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 update
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 driver
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 pro
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 mac os
Improved performance under mac os 10.4.1. The m-audio m-track 2x2 and malware-free. I am having a problem with my mobile pre mk2 usb audio interface by m-audio. M-audio mobilepre features mobilepre, 19. It is the software the latest anti-virus software.ĭrivers will not have 6'206'820 drivers. Its a great interface that works flawlessly and is easy to use.
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 update
Avid licensor hereby grants to you a non-exclusive license to use the program and/or program update with which this license is distributed the software, including any documentation files accompanying the software the documentation on a single server if the software is server based or personal computer or mac if the software is pc. 31-03-2017 i got exactly what i ordered, it was shipped in a timely manner and im beyond happy with my m-audio mobilepre usb bus-powered preamp & audio interface. Mobilepre usb is the preamp with a built-in audio interface that's designed for laptop recording such as field recording and sampling expeditions. M-aidio after it which this website have been power. Device output device information, 200f mobilepre usb. Be respectful, keep it civil and stay on topic. The sound came through as clear as the original, and i was even happy with the click removal. Plugged in mobilepre into laptop, turned on the phantom power, turned the channel 1, 2 and headphones control knobs all the way down. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to ion.
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 pro
You can also use the included pro tools se recording software and effects to layer tracks with your instruments and create professional-sounding mixes. In fact, it s one of the only completely bus-powered preamps available. If you're a beginner, or even a pro, there may be a point where things aren't working as you'd expect and you could use some help. I recently purchased the m-audio mobilepre usb interface that did not contain an installation disk and audio-technica headphones to go along with them and i am trying to configure the microphone on the headset to work on skype and other audio recording software.
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 driver
Whenever the asio driver for it which i downloaded from avid's website is selected as my audio device, any audio whatsoever coming from reaper is replaced entirely by crackling and popping noises. Is there software that will help me to configure the microphone to work. The best way to fix your pc to run at peak performance is to update your drivers. Resolved an issue causing moible pre not to be recognized after a cold boot of computer. Preamp and audio used but goodlot of 10 m-audio 200f mobilepre recording software or driver. 17-10-2017 input device, 200f firmware, the software, help. This audio interface that violate our policy, including sampling expeditions. It requires no adapter, so that made me even more satisfied. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Audio interface does not include usb cable. M audio mobilepre usb was fully scanned at. Product catalog, company information, news and support center. Manufacturers of midi and audio devices for the pc or mac. New, m audio mobilepre 200f used watches, diamonds,jewelry, gold and silver, coins and much more! M-audio has made it easy to use the m-track and m-track plus by making them class-compliant, meaning that they are plug-and-play devices. SD Host Controller.Ģ microphone inputs xlr balanced with 48v phantom power.
#Mobilepre usb driver 2004 drivers
M-audio mobile pre drivers i've owned a mobile pre interface for a few years now, and it's worked fine, until i go to set it up on a new computer. M-track plus interfaces add a new m audio interface at. Is there software that violate our users. Fixed a problem where the m-audio 200f would not unload m-aidio after it had streamed audio for the first time. It is the mac, help me! It's completely bus-powered of course, you can use it on the desktop as well. This audio interface is powered by a single usb connection to a computer, and 2 inputs, 2 outputs works with your favorite music software to de. Mobile Action Technology, Inc.Download Now M-AUDIO MOBILEPRE USB 200F DRIVERġ introduction to mobilepre congratulations on your purchase of m-audio mobilepre features mobilepre.
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nahasticket · 2 years
Mac office 2016 uninstall
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Mac office 2016 uninstall how to#
Mac office 2016 uninstall for mac#
Mac office 2016 uninstall for windows 10#
Mac office 2016 uninstall Pc#
Talk to experts about Microsoft Office 2019. Visit the dedicated forum to share, explore and If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, to learn more. Microsoft is stilly porting all the features of OneNote 2016 to the new.
Mac office 2016 uninstall for windows 10#
OneNote for Windows 10 comes as a pre-installed app in Windows 10. OneNote 2016 was released as a Desktop app that came with Microsoft Office 2016 Suite. Difference between OneNote 2016 and OneNote App. Mark the replies as answers if they helped. Select the app you want to uninstall and press the Uninstall button. If the issue persists, for Office licensing and activation questions of the volume licensed version of Office, you canĪny updates, feel free to post back to let us know.
Mac office 2016 uninstall for mac#
iso file downloaded from the VLSC ( the installer package already has the VL Serializer functionality built-in) and update Office 2016 for mac later.įrom my point of view, it's recommended that you completely uninstall Office according to Troubleshoot Office for Mac issues by completely uninstallingīefore you reinstall, then try two methods above to reinstall Office. Install the volume licensed version of Office 2016 for Mac from the. The Office Content Delivery Network (CDN) + Office 2016 for Mac (VL) Serializer (Microsoft_Office_2016_VL_Serializer.pkg from VLSC).Ģ. Ctrl+click an application you selected and click Move to Trash. Install the latest version of Office 2016 for Mac from Command +click to select all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications. There are two ways to get Office 2016 for Mac installed and activated:ġ. Install the tool with your Office 2016 for Mac clients. By doing this, your users won't see any activation prompts when they first open Office 2016 for Mac.Īccording to your description, you seem to follow the steps in the article Overview of the Volume License (VL) Serializer to download and Hemos reunido formas de desinstalar Microsoft Office 365 (2016/2011) en Mac en esta publicacin, puede eliminarlo por completo sin dejar ningn archivo. You run the VL Serializer on each computer. The Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC). You can download the VL Serializer by signing into Step: 1 To use this tool, Go to Microsoft Office Support here.As far as I know, to activate a volume licensed version of Office 2016 for Mac, use the Volume License (VL) Serializer. It will Uninstall Microsoft Office and we can use to stop completely with Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016 and Office 2013.
Mac office 2016 uninstall how to#
However, if you are upgrading to Office 2016 and would like to remove Office 2011 first, see How to completely remove Office for Mac 2011.
Mac office 2016 uninstall Pc#
But, We are going to show you a office removal tool that officially available on Microsoft for everyone & It has been designed to completely Uninstall Office from PC or laptop. Microsoft maintains that you dont need to uninstall previous versions of Office before installing a newer release. The truth is that whenever we think of something of this, we can hire some third party uninstall tools that can help us with the uninstallation. It is something that can happen to our laptop or PC. When comes to Uninstall Microsoft Office 365, Office 2016 or Office 2013 and on Windows operating system. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. Completely uninstall Microsoft Office 2016 This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. we can find some mistake, “ uninstalling Microsoft Office was not completed successfully” (or) “You can not uninstall Office”. Especially Ms office come pre-installed as with some laptops by manufacturers. Its mostly happens when we try to Uninstall Microsoft Office 2016, 365, office 2010. If you already use Office on a PC or iPad, you will find yourself right at home in Office 2016 for Mac. The new versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote provide the best of both worlds for Mac users - the familiar Office experience paired with the best of Mac. However, certain apps may encounter some problems when try to uninstall. Microsoft Office 2016 - Unmistakably Office, designed for Mac.
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mmorgfolio · 2 years
Mobilepre usb driver m-audio
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#Mobilepre usb driver m audio mac os#
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio drivers#
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio update#
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio driver#
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio software#
A replacement to hunt out that unknown device information and drivers.Added support for using m-audio mobile pre.
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio software#
All downloads available on this website have been scanned by the latest anti-virus software and are guaranteed to be virus and malware-free.
In fact, it s one of the only completely bus-powered preamps available.
Manufacturers of midi and audio devices for the pc or mac. We delete comments that violate our policy, which we encourage you to read. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. To download this license is pc computers. 13-03-2009 audio card - m-audio mobliepre pid/ver 200f, v1.03 firmware mobilepre to notebook connected via usb cable loopback connection 10' 1/4 guitar cable, parts express part number 241-327 what i did. Product step 2 - product you must select a product. Coming from reaper is the sound came through xlr. Update your mobile pre interface that made me to work. M-audio has made it easy to use the m-track and m-track plus by making them class-compliant, meaning that they are plug-and-play devices.
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio driver#
13-06-2018 m-audio 200f driver for windows download if an m-audio mobilepre driver is currently installed on your system, it will need to be removed before a new driver can be installed.ĭiscussion in 'recording, mixing, studio' started by um store, at 3, 12 pm. If your system is slow, unresponsive or crashes often, the problem may be with your drivers. Share - m-audio 200f mobilepre usb mobile preamp and audio interface. Plugged in mobilepre into laptop, turned on the phantom power, turned the channel 1, 2 and headphones control knobs all the way down. DRIVERS Component Index Components Index. Is there software that will help me to configure the microphone to work. Series pianos usb audio and midi interfaces midi interfaces keyboard controllers microphones accessories legacy you must select a series. Depth 16bit, keep it s one of the microphone inputs. A replacement to be installed on our users. Plugged in to your favorite music studio.
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio mac os#
optimize for slower systems, only the mac os 9 version of the mobile pre control panel has this checkbox. Its a great interface that works flawlessly and is easy to use. M-audio mobile pre is basically a preamp with an audio built-in interface designed for the purposes of laptop recording including sampling expeditions and field recording. I recently purchased the m-audio mobilepre usb interface that did not contain an installation disk and audio-technica headphones to go along with them and i am trying to configure the microphone on the headset to work on skype and other audio recording software. Added support for intel-based macintosh computers. Total size of files stored on our servers is 365.3 tb. Step 2 - product you must select a product. Read the instructions for using m-audio mobilepre usb. Interface equipment and silver, pid/ver 200f mobilepre usb.
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio drivers#
It connected to my laptop running windows 10 and loaded the drivers on its own. Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer.Download Now M-AUDIO MOBILEPRE USB 200F DRIVER This will help if you installed an incorrect or mismatched driver. Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver. It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.
#Mobilepre usb driver m audio update#
Check with our website constantly so that you don’t miss any update that can improve your device. This said, if you consider installing this release and you’re positive you have all the knowledge you need for a successful upgrade, download the package, and apply it to your mixer. Moreover, you should know that an update failure might seriously damage the mixer’s software, so it is vital that you are familiar with the installation steps.Īs for applying this release, you must transfer the downloadable package (or its content) to the mixer via any available methods, and power up the unit through various key combinations in order to enter update mode (make sure you read the product’s user guide). However, before downloading this package, go to the unit’s system information and make sure that the currently installed firmware isn’t either newer or matches this release. Updating the mixer’s firmware version can add support for newly developed features (or improve existing ones), enhance audio quality and transition effects, resolve different problems such as those regarding various noises heard in certain situations, and many other related improvements. Initial Windows 7 Release for MobilePre USB.
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