#that boy is gooooone for the girl
rosemilo · 1 month
Tyler's jaw dropping when Kate started speaking tornado science, and then BAM, he's in love
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yakdee · 1 year
Ramblings on Only Friends Ep. 2
Part 1/4
Again, public declarations/proposals my be-loathed
Cheum is really just here for the vibes and her friends' happiness and I love her for that
JENNY!! I mean P'YO!!! AND HER MAN!!!
This confessional is giving Reality TV vibes and I'm here for it. Although the series is fiction, it is depicting the very real lifestyles of many people in the world and it's honestly so refreshing
See? Sand gets it ... so lame
Aww, Ray ... sweetie
I'm just properly looking at the intro and god everyone looks so hot
You are so right Cheum — there is nothing hotter than someone doing or talking about something within their area of expertise
Not Mew and Top being different sides of the same coin — they both like the challenge; let's see who gives in first
Seriously, can we get Ray some help :(
Mew putting that emphasis on "my friend" oof
Ah, so Top definitely knows that Ray likes Mew
The start of Sand and Nick's bestie era; we love to see it
Mew, you're really after my heart — to tell the guy who's everyone's type that he's not YOUR type *chef's kiss*
Yes, getting Mew is about the chase and conquest BUT Top is a little out of his element bc Mew stimulates his mind AND his lions; he really ain't gonna know what hit him lol
Ray, sweetie ... why are you following this man? At this rate, you're never gonna beat the stray cat allegations
Yo 10,000 Baht is 281.21 USD???! — I would do it too for a check lol
Part 2/4
Can't even focus on the heated make out etc. bc those horns/antlers behind Nick's head were a terrible accident waiting to happen *shudders*
Nick is already so gooooone I just-
With the level of game Boston is spitting, Nick really didn't stand a chance
I want Sand's messenger bag; wonder if it'll be merch
Oooo I love the way they filmed Sand walking into Ray's sitting room; nothing like a good one-take scene
Ray's mom ... that explains so much :(
I guess this wakeboarding park is the new BL spot; first Wedding Plan and now OF lol
Oh no Cheum :(
I'm sorry but Top diving into the water was ... LMAOOO
Gdi Boston! STAND TF UP!!! Top's not gonna pick you and no dick is worth losing a friendship over
Part 3/4
Did Boston climb the shower wall bc how the hell???
Gotta find that post that talks about red (stop), yellow (slow), and green/blue (go) being prominent colors in Mew and Top's relationship because it's really evident in this episode, ESPECIALLY in this cookie scene
Look at my boi Mew setting those boundaries iktr
Mutual mast rep? We love to see it!
But seriously Nick, I'm gonna need you to run baby
Yooo Neo's body is insane; I'm looking respectfully
Can WE see the monstera? We love a good plant tour on this side of the internet
Leaving a hot girl to go home with a hot guy; Sand is winning either way esp considering this super playful vibe Ray is putting on
Part 4/4
Sleeping pills? AND a tragic backstory?
Ngl I thought he was lying too lol ... still kinda think he's lying, but I'll let it go for now
Okay maybe he isn't lying; look at the way he's holding Mew :'(
Is that Ray and Mew in the picture? And what's with the tense, sinister bg music? Whatchu plottin' Boston?
Pansexual rep? We love to see it!
As I said last week, lighting cigarettes as a form of foreplay
Who knew a cigarette smoke kiss could be so life-changing; I am a new person
That little voice in First's head must've been going crazy during this scene lol
At this rate, Khaotung's tattoo needs to get a separate check for it's role in this series
Oh Sand, sweetie ... the fire started when you lit that cigarette and you started playing with it the moment you accepted that smoke-filled kiss *deep sigh* you're in too deep now baby (both literally AND figuratively)
Next week is gonna be insane; see you then :)
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Disaster has struck! A silver-colored imitation of God Kuwagata has taken control of King-Ohger! Confusion, joyfulness, and now fear has overtaken the people of Shugoddam as Gira's reputation tanks once more. Racles's machinations and the sudden aggression of God Scorpion have now completely solidified Gira's image as an insurrectionist. Now yet more baffled than ever before, Gira stands by himself in the night air...
Hoohoohoooooo boy, Spoilers, I guess...
-From one CGI shot to another.
-"Those vile Bugnarok!"
-Hail Britannia, huh Racles?
-He doesn't need the other royals anymore.
-I have to give Racles credit, he's a legitimately scary villain.
-Oh goddammit Kaguragi, what're you trying now?
-Rita's just like "This is between you two, I'm just arbitration".
-Doctor of Engineering vs. Doctor of Medicine.
-Oh hello, Dezzy. Kamji.
-The manhunt begins.
-Kogane's a good friend.
-I'm assuming Gundy here's our second general.
-Man... there's something so cruel about hearing a kid admit he can't see a Red get out of this one.
-I see Kaguragi's kindness isn't just limited to his subjects.
-The girlies are fightingggg!
-Yanma doesn't need chairs.
-Oooooh... Parents, eh?
-Kami Ikari...
-It was never natural.
-That's a whole ton of locusts!
-What happened that day, fifteen years ago, Himeno Ran will never forget. After all... it was the day her mother and father died. In the haze of fire throughout Fraputal, medics and grieving families hurriedly ran through the shaking hall. Off to the side, by a fallen pillar and a bouquet of flowers, a young blonde-haired girl was tending to a wounded maid, her eyes occasionally glancing over to her parents. Luminaries of the world, both as doctors and rulers. It was only natural she'd do as they ask. ...perhaps by that same logic, it was only natural they'd not live to see the end of the disaster. As Mama and Papa writhed out their last breath, the hooded figure walked off. She was certain she saw them sneer as they latched onto the Shugod.
-Scorpion venom.
-Revenge ain't gonna help them now.
-"You know what, yeah! I wouldn't know!"
-"Keep working. We're taking out this trash."
-Oh fuck, Kabutan.
-Beeg Bugs
-"Move it, maggots!"
Yanma: Where the FUCK is he?! Himeno: How should I know!? If Gira had any sense, he'd be out of Shugoddam! Gira: Sasoriiiiinne!
-"Shut up, you stupid bitch! Hi-yah!" (smack)
-They wouldn't tell him :<
-Nice dodge!
-Yanma :)
-"Huh? ...HUH?!"
-"You leave me out of this, Geeks of Evil!"
-The Gods have come back~!
-Back to kicking ass we go!
-Here comes the queen!
-The sheer audacity Himeno has is absolutely admirable.
-"Oh hey Sasorinne, what's up?"
-Time for the queen to take center stage.
-For a terrifying gigantic robot scorpion, Sasorinne is quite adorable.
-"Soooo... are you dating~?"
-Can't ask for a better wingwoman than the queen.
-Let's do it!
-God Scorpion!
-Hm. Good for them.
-We did it!
-Rest in peace, Gundajim. You were kinda funny, and your salute shall not go unappreciated.
-Thank you :)
-Ahem, oh noooooo! He's gooooone!
-Oh well, at least we're better friends now :)
-Oh no
-Rita bby pls
-So like
-Is Racles gonna slaughter all of these children if Gira doesn't do the duel? That's pretty low, even for him.
-Oh shit, Racles!
-SIlver Bug~!
-Ohkuwgata Ohger.
-He really wants you to know he's the king, huh?
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the-atlas-sister · 3 years
4 (Killua x Reader)
Narrator's POV
"So none of you have found the princess!?" the queen barked at the guards that bowed at her throne. Her golden eyes glowed dangerously at their shaking figures.
"We're sorry, my Queen!" one of the guards yelped, keeping his eyes trained on the stone floor.
"She's one simple girl," the queen seethed. "How hard is it for you to find a simple girl!"
"I-it is a large forest my Queen and we-"
The guard was cut off as a man stepped forward and slashed his sword across his neck.
"The Queen wants results," the man said, glaring at the rest of the frozen guards as they stared at their comrade's rolling head. "Not excuses."
"Thank you Maximus," the queen sighed, staring at her red-eyed guard. "Excuse them."
"Leave! All of you!" Maximus yelped. "Continue your search!"
"Why must my late husband have such useless soldiers?" the Queen sighed, collapsing in her throne.
"They were quick to betray him," a dark-haired man said, immerging from the shadows. "They're weak. They care for their lives more than loyalty."
"Illumi," the Queen sighed, watching as her little devil approached. "My devil. How is that you have yet to find the Princess?"
"The kingdom loves her," he stated simply. "They will protect and conceal her even after death."
"Hisoka, what of the loyal guards?" the Queen questioned turning her attention to her deadly jester. He smirked, his pink eyes glowing excitedly.
"They have yet to give up her location but torturing them is oooooh so fun," Hisoka shivered in delight. "There is one guard, a young boy. He's the most fun. He even fights back!"
"Does he?" the Queen asked, this new information piquing her interest.
"Oh yeah, I remember that boy," Maximus scoffed. "He's the one who protected the princess. Made me let her get away."
"He did?" the Queen smirked. "The poor boy must be in love with the dear princess."
"Of course he is!" Hisoka cheered.
"Jester, what is the boy's name?"
"Gon," Hisoka shivered even at his name. He began moaning it to himself quietly.
"Take me to him," the Queen said. "I'd like to meet this- Gon."
Gon's POV
"Oh, Gooooon."
Gon didn't even look up as that horrid clown sang his name.
"Unless you're here to finally let me out, then you can go ahead a leave me alone," Gon said, keeping his back at the opening of his small cell.
"Your right Hisoka, he is fun," the cold voice of the Queen said, making Gon freeze. He stood up slowly. "We'd like to ask you some questions about your pathetic Princess Y/-."
Gon grit his teeth before lunging at the cell door, surprising the Queen enough to make her take a small step back. (Which made Gon feel a small sliver of pride). "Don't even think for a second you are worthy to even speak her name," he hissed, narrowing his dark eyes at the so-called Queen.
"Do you know who you're talking to?" Maximus seethed, unsheathing his sword.
"The murderer of our king," Gon stated boldly. Maximus glared at the young man.
Gon glared right back, unwavered by the deadly look.
"Stand down Maximus," the Queen said calmly. "Gon, my child, I come with a deal."
"The only deal I'll take is you letting me slice that ugly head off your body," Gon stated, making a vein in the Queen's head bulge but she kept her stir face.
"What if I let you go find your Princess?" the Queen asked, making Gon freeze.
He knew it was a trap. It had to be. But the idea of finding Y/n again was overwhelming. "What is the catch?" he questioned, taking a step back.
"Just bring her back," the Queen smirked. "I'll just... establish my power and then let you two run into the sunset or whatever hormonal teenagers do."
Gon was silent. "...there's really no catch?" he questioned. He knew that if he brought Y/n back to the Queen she'd kill them both. I could find her and we could run away, he thought.
"None at all," the Queen hummed.
"Alright then," Gon said, nodding his head. "I'll find her."
Index: https://mooskey.tumblr.com/post/674232948566933504/my-princess-killua-x-reader
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chrkrose · 4 years
@knifeears we basically have a whole ass sex scene courtesy of you thank u for my rights everybody gather around let’s PAY ATTENTION:
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I mean first we have some heavy make out session here with Jam already naked cause u know time is ticking and the world is ending might as well just get naked already. He’s trying to get Brienne there but GIRL IS SHY
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Then things get INTENSE ™️ with my boy giving Brienne WHAT SHE DESERVES (click here to have a taste I mean a look) also ARE Y’ALL SEEING what I’m seeing up there? That’s right, Jam got the laces of her tunic undone so we know he has already paid attention to her tits ™️ hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I AM LOOKING
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Then Jam Lan tongue game is SO GOOD that Brienne kinda forgets about getting shy and then we have her enjoying the half god she deserves the question is has Jam survived THOSE LIPS AND HANDS? Click here to tell me idk idk much to think about
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Then we find out he indeed survived (barely) but things got WILD after that and they ended up on the floor for some reason and we got THE BANG aka sex ™️ as u can see here Jam is already lost in those eyes there’s no coming back for him anymore he’s gone GOOOOONE also hmmmmmm brienne’s legs super high on those hips eye-
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Then here we get the after which is basically Jam staring at Brienne dreamily while baby girl blushes all the time ♥️
All the magnificent art by @knifeears​ my only contribution is to stare at them all the time
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Read - Part 1
The class glared at Daitan, various levels of confusion and annoyance covered their faces after his sudden outburst. Daitan laughed to himself and jumped onto his desk. Synergy didn’t make any moves to stop him, more concerned with catching his breath. Daitan spoke, running his hands through the green mowhawk on his head. 
“Look! Palm-sensei gone is...sad or whatever, but hey! Now we’ve got something to hang over the heads of those jerks in 1-A!” He said, his face scrunching in irritation. “ ‘Oh, look at us, we’re always being attack by villains it’s so sad, most of us are emotionally compromised’-who gives a damn! Our teacher straight up died!”
The rest of the class was silent for a moment. Eito raised his hand to his chin. 
“He has...a point...” He muttered aloud to himself, always eager for a chance to show-up other Yueei students. Another student jumped to his feet, their bright green cricket-like body immediately drawing the attention of the other students. 
“W-what is wrong with you guys!” Chapu said, their wings spreading as they flailed their arms. “H-he just said our t-t-teacher is gone! Daitan, don’t pretend you didn’t care, you loved his constant combat training drills! *chirp chirp*
“I mean yeah but-” Daitan started, stopping as a loud, deep gasping sob ripped through the class. It was Ago, the large tiger-shark girl had tears running down her face and held her own hands. 
“IS! PALM. SENSEI! REALLY! GOOOOONE?! WHY ARE YOU ALL JOKING?!?” she yelled, belting out some more sobs. 
Rei shrunk down and climbed onto Ago, gently patting her back while Yoko took Ago’s hand, resting her own x-ray esque transparent hand over the shark girl’s. Both of them scowled at Eito and Daitan. 
“Well, there you guys go, being bullies again...” Yoko said, rolling her eyes at the two of them. “Real nice...”
“What, I didn’t say anything to her!” Daitan yelled across the room. Rei jumped to her feet, standing on Ago’s shoulder. 
“Why are you two such jerks,” She yelled back, pointing her finger with such force that she nearly flung herself off of Ago. “If Palm sensei was here, he’d give you the business!”
The room was quiet once again. Eito cleared his throat. 
“...Well, that’s not going to happen now is it.”
The room broke out into chaos. 
“Okay that’s it, you’re getting a beating golden boy!” Nariko said, slamming her hands on her desk, a shockwave rippling through the room. Eito went gold and raised his arms to block a punch. A set of tentacles grabbed Nariko, trying to hold her in place. Ryouta and his parasite strained. 
“Whoa, lets chillax for a sec, no need to get violent.”
Eito rolled his eyes. 
“No, please let her go, Palm-sensei loved to watch us all go at each other. Surely it'll honor his memory." The room grew louder as the everyone shouted back and forth about what they were going to do and who their new teacher would be as Synergy crumpled to the floor. He curled into a ball as the students fought. His phone vibrated.
"hey syn sorry I'm running a little late today."
Synergy did a double take.
"what? no, bruh you got that wrong. yeah I died...my hair. this villain had some weird lemon juice quirk and it started messing with my hair. it was turning BLONDE and fuck that shit, so i had to die my hair back to my normal color."
"Oh. well. Sorry about your hair."
"it's whatever syn, just don't go telling my class about it, okay?"
Synergy looked up as a desk burst into flames and another was flung across the room. Synergy looked back at his phone, typing as he slowly backed out of the room.
"Don't even worry about it, I'm not even at the school today. Have a good class, love you, bye."
"Uh...love you too, I guess? Hey is everything good-"
Synergy threw his phone at the ground and stomped it before running out of the school, hoping AP wouldn't be too mad when he got back to the apartment.
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deepsubmission · 5 years
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I wrote this several years ago when I lived with a virtual cult. I spent the better part of a year there, slowly losing my mind.
The girls in the cult said that Brad would transform into an alter ego of sorts if we murdered someone in the desert. I decided to see for myself.
The flames weren't as intense now, but held a steady orange flicker about waist high.  I sat on one side, Brad on the other. We were both still and quiet, the only noise the crackle of the bonfire or occasional coyote howl in the distance.  The elephant in the room, of course, was the just slain body about fifty feet away, directly to my left next to a dry scrub bush.
My eyes closed, I could see the scene replaying in my mind: the minor struggle, then the subject's acceptance of that fate that was coming to him.  I could see him groaning, bleeding, not looking at either of us. And now I could see his spirit lifting like a ghost, then growing larger and larger.  As it grew, it became fainter and fainter, being stretched to its limit and then vanishing completely into the aether.
When I opened my eyes and looked across the fire, Brad's eyes were still open, staring, unfocused.  And then he blinked a few times as if coming back from somewhere and looked back at me.
Hello there.  I'm Jim. Thrill me, fool.
This was what I was waiting for, what I had come for.  But I have been with this guy before and I am always self conscious around him.  He has a way of seeing directly to your motives and judging them like a knife wielding poetic assassin, dissecting and swallowing your ego and then raising an eyebrow in mild satisfaction.  But really, Jim was a totally good dude. You know, as long as you weren't anything related to authority or exploitation.
Friend, hello.  I'm Gone. I said, my voice low.
Friend?  Well friend...
As he spoke he raised his tone as if asking a question, then it shifted to song.
Looooong one dooooown.  Waaaaay dooooown Goooone.
I rose up slowly and lifted my arms up over my head slowly like I might be doing yoga.  I touched a couple of my fingertips together, not unlike a ballerina. Jim began slapping his leather clad thighs, drumming out an Indian beat.
Goooone a go go.  Gooooone looooong Gooooone a go go Gooooone.  Dance... Dance a ballerina Goooone.
I danced in lethargic rhythm and found my throat moaning out an "ahhhhhh" that jerked every fourth beat at which point I would shift directions.
Friend Gone came a roooound.  He crept aroooound the tooooown.
Now whispering "He knows what every sooooound.  He hides behind the moooounds."
Now speaking "He let loooooooooo-  ooose... HELL... HOUND!"
He leapt through the fire with a tribal scream and lunged at me.  I yelled as he tackled me, part panic, part animal excitement. We wrestled in the soft desert sand and I felt my sanity depart.  We were Hell hounds, both of us. I escaped his grasp and trotted around the fire in a circle on all fours and then leapt back upon him.  We howled and scuffled in the sand. Two deranged men, our only drug, lunacy.
Tired, we stopped for a rest.  Me sitting upright on my heels, Jim laying on his back, one arm out and the other by his side, completely comfortable with himself.
What's your favorite word, Long?
I have two.  And lucky you asked that, I don't elevate a lot of things to favorites, or even lists.
He looked at me then back up to the sky, waiting for me to finish my response.
Ride.  Ride is my favorite word.  And lurk. Is my favorite word also.
Why, Long Gone?
Because I like to sneak around, to hide and spy on people.  I usually think of it as planning an attack. Lurking. I like to lurk.
Well I know something new about you then.
With that he stood up and picked up the buck knife, still bloodied.  Then crouching, walking low, stealthily, exaggerating his movements to look like a caricature of a caper from a black and white movie.
Shhhhh.  Oh, look who it is.  It's just the devil's girl.  I'm here to give you your first kiss.
Then he leaped up behind a cactus about his height and wraps his left arm around it, the knife blade at the "neck" of it with his right.  I'm sure he has spines sticking in his arms, probably in his chest, but he doesn't flinch.
Now, Gone, NOW!!!
I jump to my feet and sprint toward Jim and the cactus “man”.  At as much full speed as I can get on sand and gravel I unleash a flying jump kick to the head.  The cactus bends and then snaps and we tumble to the ground. Then Jim pops to his knees quickly and thrusts the raised knife onto the broken off part of the cactus, continuing like Norman Bates until the thing is left in shreds.
I'm standing now and laughing hysterically, diabolically, the villain that I am and begin yelling.
Jim jumped up and stood over the victim, breathing hard, knife in his hand.  Then suddenly, he runs to me and grabs me like he did the cactus, left hand around my stomach, top of his right wrist over my mouth, his hand still clutching the knife.
Shhhhh, Gone, shhhhh.
I'm dead still and can feel both our hearts pounding.
Only if I can drive.
He lets loose of his grip a little and I'm now tasting blood in my mouth from either the knife, the scuffle, or the cactus.
His left hand slips into the front of my jeans.  My **** is already mostly hard by the time his fingers reach it.
Long Gone.
I laugh.  Yea.
He starts gripping and stroking me.
I was there, Gone.  Nineteen Ninety... One.  That spring night. You and the boys were stirring up the universe, fueling questions with Dr. Albert's medicine of fools.  That lame, long haired boy says "Maybe, I mean what if Jim Morrision really did break on through to the other side?" I watched you and your brother exchange glances at that poor boy.  You know he's dead now. No, you wouldn't know that. Oh, wait, yes. Yes you would now, wouldn't you, death boy?
I jerk and slip out of his arms in a quick maneuver and face him, arms clenched, staring at him with fuming contempt.  I've never seen him back down before but he does this time.
Not ready yet, I know.  IIIII know, just don't let this thing slip away.  You've got the handle for it. There's a reason for the season and right of might in your plight...  Don't give up the good fight. Hm, hm, hm.
We laid down on the sand and looked up at the stars.  Jim recites poetry for about half an hour straight. I find myself sitting up, trancing deeply.  I feel something like winds tickling the insides of my muscles and organs. I feel calm, very comfortable, almost unharmable.  One of those times that you don't want to end.
I open my eyes and I'm back.  In my bed at Gray House for the first time in a month.  I look over to see that Brad is sleeping next to me. It's 6:30 AM and I pull the satin sheets and down comforter up to my neck and fall dead asleep.
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arielmagicesi · 6 years
often when a series ends and especially when there is such a show-stopping ending, before I can analyze how I feel, I have to first list everything that actually happened. Now I don’t know if Steven Universe is actually over but I just. what the fuck that was too much I didn’t have time to react before getting slapped with something else
spoilers below obviously
I was tempted to start listing from the point of “Gem Drill” because I’ve heard that only a year has passed since then and I mean, what a fucking wild year for poor Steven. I’m also tempted to start listing from “A Single Pale Rose” because shit moved FAST starting from there. But I’m just gonna list everything that happened in “Change Your Mind.”
It’s kind of what makes me suspect that this is the final episode of the entire series, because although plot pacing has been accelerating throughout the entire series (going from “Steven learns how to bubble” taking 10 episodes, to “diamond showdown” being a minor subplot of 1) and although the plot pacing went super-speed for this whole diamond arc, this episode shoved EVERY LAST THING IN.
stuff that could’ve waited (Lars and Sadie’s reunion) and stuff that should’ve taken vastly longer if it even should’ve happened at all (White Diamond’s lightning-speed reformation) was all put into one episode. now, it was deftly combined, and I liked almost every individual part, and there was some possibly-unintended comedy to it all (”she’s GOOOOONE!!!!” and White Diamond demonstrating the big ship’s pussy-out look, etc) but holy hell I would have loved for it to have gone at a slower pace so that they could have explored some of the stuff.
[also, my ability to react to things is lessened. meeting Sunstone would’ve been, I’m not joking, the highlight of my week just two years ago. now it wasn’t even the coolest of the fusions we met, and meeting the fusions was an incredibly minor point in the episode. also i have other things in my life now lol]
obviously, part of this pacing is due to the airing schedule of the show. on a normal airing schedule, I’d feel emotionally exhausted- this would have been, what, a month after the Pink-Diamond-is-Rose-Quartz reveal? but because this show airs in the dumbest way possible, we have like five hundred years between plot points. however, Steven did not? Pearl did not? Garnet did not? CONNIE did not? how the fuck are they getting along?
secondly, this was all in one episode, so yeah holy shit, some whiplash occurring for this here viewer
(one final note: I now take back getting annoyed that we got Watermelon Moana last week because it was so gentle compared to this)
anyway, my promised list of Crazy Shit that happened in one 40-minute episode:
1. Steven gets a flashback that tells him about a previous transgression of Pink’s, where we meet some other aliens. pointing to an old rebellion?
2. we see another Steven identity crisis with him flashing through Steven-Pink-Rose
3. Steven convinces Blue Diamond that she’s abusive and she immediately realizes the error of her ways and decides to help him and Connie out. (also, Connie talks to Diamonds a lot, I love her. damn girl)
4. we retrieve the bubbled Crystal Gems
5. Yellow and Blue have a big public diamond showdown
6. we discover that Yellow Diamond has emotions and tears, and feels pressured. shocking. if only the planets she’d colonized had thought to sit her down and chat
7. Yellow decides to join Steven’s side as well
8. they make a plan to escape via the leg-ship
9. White Diamond decides to show up and do her Creepy Act and she lands her big torso on the legs (confirming the obvious theory that the ships act as one big body)
10. Diamond Showdown Part 2, where Yellow and Blue attempt to fight White
11. Bismuth, Lapis, and Peridot return. We see Lapis and Peridot’s new forms.
12. Bismuth has fixed the arm ships and upper-cuts an upper-crust for the first time in her life in a really cool way.
13. Steven manages to say words to White Diamond, and so do Yellow and Blue.
15. which also means we find out exactly what the fuck is wrong with White Pearl (also may I say, this is something I wrote about in my fic, accessible on my AO3, linked in my About)
16. Steven falls dramatically with the gems of his friends in his arms
17. Steven finds out he can (and decides to) retrieve gems from their gems by fusing with them
18. We see Smoky Quartz form mid-air
19. We see Amethyst’s new form
20. Steven fuses with Pearl for the first time ever, and we see Rainbow Quartz 2.0 for the first time
21. We see Pearl’s new form
22. We see what a pink diamond/rose quartz forms with a garnet for the very first time
23. Steven’s own first fusion with Garnet
24. Sunstone attempts to start shit with the giant robot
25. We see Garnet’s new form
26. Bismuth presents the replacement for the Sword of Rose Quartz, as a gift to Connie
27. We see the full-blown temple fusion for the very first time ever
28. Steven has his first fusion with all the Crystal Gems
29. We meet Obsidian and she succeeds in starting shit with the giant robot
30. We see Bismuth, Peridot, Lapis, and Connie all contribute to the fight and survive horrifyingly dangerous scenarios. (still gotta wonder what the HELL Connie’s mom was thinking... she went from not letting her kid watch inaccurate TV shows to letting her nearly die countless times in outer space at the hands of alien dictator robots)
31. let me just add, I <3 Connie and she deserves the world. bravest kid in the universe
32. the Crystal Gems find a way to invade the robot
33. the four main Crystal Gems face up against White Diamond herself and her grey-ified pearl and grey-ified fellow diamonds
34. White reveals a bit to us via villain-monologue that we probably could’ve guessed already: she wants every gem to be flawless, to be identical to her essentially yet subservient- which she considers to be synonymous with flawlessness- and her theory about the way the colors of the diamonds informs their personalities. Including that Pink is part of White, despite White’s dislike of this fact.
35. White grey-ifies the Crystal Gems
36. Connie arrives, also fully ready to fight this bitch
37. the grey-ified Crystal Gems restrain Steven and Connie
38. Steven gets to have that full-fledged conversation he wanted with White, I guess
39. BIGGEST ACTUAL REVEAL OF THE EPISODE: We find out what happens when Steven’s gem is removed from his stomach!!! that’s been a question since episode ONE I think
40. we get to see a Pink Steven and a Human Steven, which is pretty cool. I compare it to what might happen if you got split into What You Got From Your Dad and What You Got From Your Mom
41. this is just my theory, but we find out, I think, that Steven’s general strength in everyday movement comes from diamond strength and that he turns weaker than a baby without it, which makes sense because he’s always had it
42. White Diamond attempts to grey-ify Pink
43. we find out, as Pink Steven so eloquently says, that Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz really, really is gone. she died in childbirth essentially. I think he might someday manage to access her full memories but I don’t think that persona is ever returning
44. we see what Steven’s bubbles/shield would look like in full diamond form
45. the badass scene of Connie CARRYING STEVEN TO HIMSELF?
46. we discover that either Steven is the most special boy ever, or White’s powers are no match for love or some shit
47. we get to see Steven...  fuse with himself?
48. everyone gets un-greyified. Including White Pearl. the white-pearl-is-old-pink-pearl theory is confirmed, though I think it may have been in a flashback in “Familiar” and hinted at during Steven’s flashback at the start of the episode when Blue said “she’ll take away your pearl”
49. we see Steven/Pink’s full empathy powers in play, I think? that’s what happened when he pink-ified the whole group? INCLUDING WHITE?
50. Steven gives White Diamond one of his lightning-round therapy sessions, and she decides to Be Nice Now, Actually
53. meaning that White leaves Homeworld (and “her own head”) for the first time in eons, according to the other Diamonds anyway
54. we get to see Sadie and the Cool Kids’ new looks. minor I know, but Jenny looks great in a suit!
55. also minor but cool: they’re covering “Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart”
56. for the second time in like 2 weeks, Diamond Ships interrupt a townwide Beach City gathering
57. we find out that Beach City is full of fucking idiots who thought that the ship was like, a grand finale to the concert? instead of full-on panicking mayhaps? cause every time this shit happens it usually leads to mayhem?
58. the Off-Colors, coincidentally, finally arrive on Earth at the exact same time
59. Lars meets Lion for the first time as Pink Zombie Brothers
60. Lars and Sadie reunion, in which we also find out that Sadie is like a legendary figure for the Off Colors
62. Greg and Steven reunite
63. The Diamonds meet and finally heal the Centipeedles
64. The Diamonds visit Rose’s fountain and get it working as a four-diamond extravaganza event
65. every gem from the temple is brought there to be healed. we see the healing of, I assume, p much every monster we’ve met
66. we get to see the Heaven and Earth Beetle, who are pebbles too, and lesbians!
67. callback to the memories of the four Diamonds having swimming pool time
68. Jasper gets healed and naturally tries to destroy Steven immediately, then looks up to see all three of her diamonds. She and Amethyst get to bond, I guess.
69. Callback to the intro itself with the “We Are the Crystal Gems” song and all the new Crystal Gems chilling on the beach
70. New song, “Change Your Mind” and it’s cute obviously
My feelings on the episode? So besides what I wrote above the list, re: whiplash, I think that from a realistic standpoint and a writing-fantasy standpoint, it is some wild shit. For all three diamonds to achieve a FULL redemption arc in one episode? Too much. For there to be NO villains? Come on. And for the lesson to be, we should just give heartless dictators love and they’ll grow hearts? Worrying.
However, as I reached the end of the episode, I thought about a time in high school when my teacher asked me which superpower I’d want, and then annoyed the class by seeming morally superior by saying he’d want to speak every language. Thinking on it later, I thought- I’d want more than every language. I’d want the ability to TRULY understand others, and to make them TRULY understand me- and each other. Because yes, OF COURSE every conflict can be boiled down to a lack of understanding, a lack of empathy. If we had superhuman empathy on our side, we really could do away with violence. But in the real world, we don’t have superhuman empathy, we just have regular empathy, and some don’t even try to use that. So saying “have a little empathy for your oppressors” is ghoulish.
But Steven DOES have superhuman empathy. In fact, all the Diamonds do. Blue can make others cry, White can make others be identical to her, and Yellow can give others fear and command. And they use it only for evil. But Pink can make others understand. And she had only used it for frivolous things until she finally combined with a non-gem life form. Then, human empathy met superhuman empathy, and did what it had to do. THAT is how Steven defeated the Diamond Reign of Terror.
That being said: I don’t know if the target audience of kids really caught that nuance, considering that the episode went so fucking fast. Additionally: some of that superhuman empathy could’ve been pointed at the legions of crushed, oppressed little gems- which I know it was- but the focus was SO intensely on, like, “poor Yellow never got enough credit for being SO good at imperialism!”
So yeah. Both writing-wise, pacing-wise, plot-wise, message-wise... I did love it, as I do the whole show, but I also thought it could’ve benefited from some space, some criticism, and some better organization down at Cartoon Network’s scheduling department.
Art-wise, well I’m not an animation expert, but Obsidian can get it <3 and I loved the designs for everything.
Character-wise... I’ll have to think on it more.
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sadandlonesome · 7 years
me: December 24, 2017
I'm starting to think this is going to help me actually know the date lol. Today was fine, I feel weird, not as low as yesterday. Still sad/empty/numb, but I went and hung out with family today. Honestly, as soon as I got there I wanted to leave. I just wasn't in the mood, but I love my family so I teased and joked with the rest of them. Hopefully soon I'll stop thinking and obsessing about this whole j thing. My mind honestly overthinks things and at any indication of interest, my mind runs with it. It's creepy as hell but I think about marriage and kids and how we could work out our differences and stupid stuff like that, only to realize he isn't interested at all lol. I barely even think about if I like him or the person at all, and mostly I think "this is my chance, I might get to be loved by somebody". And that's wrong, I need to value myself and what I have to offer, I know that, but it's a very difficult thing for me to do. I don't feel desirable or as if I'm a catch, I feel unwanted and ugly. I don't want to rely on a guy to make me feel desirable, so I'm fighting against it. Society really fucks with a girl's mind lmao. Tonight people asked me if I had lost weight. At one point in this year I weighed 155 pounds. At about five three or five four, 155 pounds isn't great. It's not obese, but it's definitely not good, and didn't feel good for me. People are comfortable at different weights, and this weight just didn't make me feel good about myself. So, I started dieting and exercising. It might sound dumb, which honestly I can be an air head sometimes, but when I first dieted, I did it wrong. For all the calories I burned at the gym, usually 500 or 600, I didn't make up for it in my diet. So i ate about 1200 calories a day, and on top of that, I also burned 500 or 600 calories a day. Looking back, I have absolutely no clue how I was that strict with myself. No clue. Needless to say, I lost weight pretty fast. Eventually I figured out I was doing it all wrong and started eating a bit more to keep up with my metabolism and keep myself and body healthy. Now I weigh about 138 pounds, which is 17 pounds I lost. I think that's pretty substantial for someone my size. My pants are a bit big, or just fit a little better now. But anyways, I never wear tight things just because I never feel like I have the body to pull it off. Tonight I wore some semi-tight clothes, and people noticed I had lost the weight. Thing is, I lost the weigh awhile ago. I still need to lose 10 more pounds and then I'll be happy. But my motivation is gooooone. It needs to come back to me. Ugh. I need more self-confidence is the moral today. Another boy I've always thought was cute- (R)- replied to my snap selfie with some eye emojis. I mean he can HMU anytime he wants, he's a cutie. Doubt he will tho 🙄maybe I need to hit him up. Too scared though lmao pls someone give me courage Ok that's all, tomorrow is Christmas and let's just freakin hope it's a goood day
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