#that being said obv no hate against you if you ship it I’m sure your creation/interpretation is much better than canon 🫶
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rosesradio · 8 months ago
Caleo (Calypso/Leo)
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miraculouscontent · 4 years ago
Askplosion #12 2/4:
.:New Miraculous Asks:.
Anonymous said:
Can people just STOP calling Marinette a "stalker"? Like, seriously? Especially TV Tropes. They have her listed under the trope for "Stalker With A Crush" and even have a video source of her(from Copycat) which was taken WAY out of context. They also listed her under "Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male", which IS an existing double standard, but Marinette is still not an example and wouldn't be even if she WERE a stalker, because Wayhem's stalking actually WAS played for laughs!
Granted he was stalking another male and we don't know if he has a crush on him(but if he did it would be...unfortunate), but it's still an example. Plus, they claim that Volpina is about her learning her lesson regarding her stalker tendencies, but that no matter how many times she learns it, it never seems to stick. Yes, because everything is Marinette's fault and she's the stubborn shallow bitch who needs a kick in the ovaries, it's not, you know, the writers making her look bad/OOC!!!
Oh my god, I cannot tell you how infuriating it is to see “stalker” get thrown around like that. I would need two hands to count the amount of words that have lost meaning to me because people throw them out wildly and without any self-control. Stalkers engage in far more aggressive and obsessive behavior than Marinette, and usually also feature them harrassing whoever they’re stalking (such as calling them a lot), and they also never stop when they’re asked to. Marinette doesn’t fit the description of harrassment at all; Chat Noir does more than her and I don’t even call his behavior “harrassment” because that’s another word that’s lost all meaning by now and I wouldn’t use it in the first place.
Anyway, I think the Wayhem example is valid because Marinette’s crush on Adrien is written very much like a celebrity crush, so it’s similar territory.
On the note of “Volpina,” I do not understand it considering that Tikki was all on board with Marinette following Lila for the sake of getting the book back; that was one of the cases where there was an alternative motive out of just “follow Adrien” (which is not really something we see Marinette frequently doing; usually when we see her watching Adrien, it’s because she wants to approach but can’t bring herself to).
And yeah, most of the time, it’s just the narrative. The show basically puts it all on Marinette to solve all her personal problems (while constantly piling more stuff onto her) instead of getting active encouragement (no, eye rolls, verbal jabs, and groans do not count) from her friends and Tikki.
Like, what am I supposed to expect from Marinette when her friends still actively support Adrienette? By supporting Adrienette, regardless of the comments they make, they’re supporting Marinette’s behavior. Same with Tikki.
Anonymous said:
Have you noticed that with love interests of Marinette and Adrien, it's always the girls who like Adrien who are shallow, mean bitches and competition to Marinette(like Lila, Chloe, Kagami at first), while the boys who like Marinette are nice, friendly, and have no competition between each other whatsoever, sometimes not even knowing there IS competition(Adrien, Luka, Nathaniel). It's just really unfair and sexist because it's like girls can't be civil/friends and must fight over a guy.
That’s been a common topic of salt for a long while, yeah, I just don’t talk about it much.
It’s a difficult subject because I’m the type who can’t hold it against the guy characters (so I won’t dislike Kagami for “being similar to Chloe/Lila in terms of aggressiveness,” for example) because it feels wrong to, but I can hate the trend itself.
It’s also doubly unfair because Marinette’s crushes blip away quickly (like Nathaniel and Nino) while Adrien’s crushes stick around specifically to upset Marinette, so it’s like the show is saying, “if there’s a character who loves/supports Marinette, they gotta either stop or leave” (I’m pretty sure I got a “Didn’t Need Burrow” about the narrative sending Luka away and I don’t doubt it).
Anonymous said:
Personal Heacanon: Marinette and Chloé used to be friends until Marinette found out what Chloé (and Sabrina) has been using her commisions (mostly elaborate traps "to guard off thieves") for. This is why Chloé has it out for Marinette specifically. This is why everyone stood by as it happened. This is why she hates liars. This is why her "friends" are so casual at making jabs at her self-stem (they never believed she never knew what Chloé was truly up to). And also why Lila had it so easy at gaslighting everyone againts her (she's "relapsing" and it's easy to think she "deserves it").
Dang. That’s intense.
Yeah, Punch has given quite a few ideas about Marinette and Chloe previously being friends if I recall correctly. I like the idea even if I never use that kind of idea myself.
Anonymous said:
I feel like Adrien could be a really cool character if they focused less on romance? If that wasn’t his only motivation, and they developed his friendships more, and they didn’t have this entitlement. I also would like more actual friendship in regards to adrien & marinette? And him actually having interest in her but denying it bc he thinks he can only like ladybug. I feel like the sexism of the creators/writers are seeping into the character a lot and ruining it, too... It makes me really sad.
I’m hoping Adrigami will help adrien sort out a lot of his stuff bc Kagami doesn’t take any crap, and I actually really like their relationships, but I don’t have much hope. I would love for the show to use her and this relationship as a way to call out and develop adrien, but I doubt that will happen bc that would mean acknowledging his flaws. It’s just disappointing, really....
Yeah, Adrien could’ve been interesting, especially if they used Adrimi to its full potential, but they don’t. The show also has a history of letting Chat Noir get away with things and not punishing him so I wouldn’t be surprised.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, I don't even ship the love square anymore, but Fanon Adrienette is a thousand times better than canon Adrienette(the same goes for every other side of the love square, obvs). It's what the canon should be but we fans can only wish. Take, for example, the whole "she's just a friend" statement. In canon Adrien makes it because he genuinely sees Marinette as that and nothing more(which of course isn't bad, it's just sad when Marinette's always humiliated for the sake of getting his love).
In fanon, he makes it because he's actually in denial about his feelings for Marinette(which reminds me of a definition for "just a friend" on Urban Dictionary, which had Adrien drawing her name with hearts and flowers around it, and yet, when Nino asked if he had a crush, he STILL insists she's just a friend!), but realizes his mistake later.
In canon, Adrien thinks Marinette is Ladybug only because it's convenient for him since she's in love with him. In fanon, he actually does notice things about her that make her similar to Ladybug, and falls for her BEFORE knowing their identities because he sees the same qualities of bravery, strength, and femininity that he sees in Ladybug(I remember one fanfic where Marinette stood up to GABRIEL'S overprotectiveness, and Adrien could only admire how much she resembled Ladybug in that moment).
In canon, Chat is ignorant of Ladybug's feelings and agency and doesn't comfort Marinette when she's sad; instead, she has to comfort him. In fanon, Chat Noir cares about how Ladybug feels and values her agency, his jokes are genuinely funny(although canon Chat can be funny too, it's just the where and when), and he backs off when Ladybug is uncomfortable. In fanon, Chat Noir genuinely helps Marinette when she's sad and sometimes comes to see her just because, not out of plot convenience(and calls her "Purrincess" a lot more, why did the English dub just change it to "little lady"?).
It makes me think, maybe, just maybe, if these things were canon and the world was fair to Marinette, I might actually ship it; it might actually have a fighting chance against Lukanette and Adrimi. But while all these things are cute, it only makes canon more disappointing. Fanon is doing what canon should be doing. Fanon is supposed to build off of what canon gave us and expand on it. Fanon shouldn't create its own alternative because canon isn't giving us enough to chew on, it shouldn't have to.
Sadly, I think most of the fans, including the Adriennette-shipping ones, should be on some level in charge of the show; things would be SO MUCH better for the main ship(which isn't even progressing that far) and SO MUCH fairer to Marinette if that were so.
I feel this very much so. The show has been around for a long time and fandom can shape a lot of things. I think the love square wouldn’t be as beloved as it is if not for the fandom expanding on it and making it better (obviously, in some cases, they don’t make it better, but the love square is plentiful so there has to be some good takes out there).
Some shows do in fact let the fandom build off the foundation it makes and then you have things like Astruc outright lying and saying that Chat apologized in “Frozer” when he, in fact, did not, which makes everything more muddled.
maxwaspace said:
What is your opinion of the Scarlet Lady webcomic by Z.O.E?
I’m not into the love square no matter how better one might do it (it’s been soured too much for me in the show), but I do get happy seeing Zoe’s art and wondering how she’ll change/expand on the plotpoints in certain episodes.
Anonymous said:
Not sure it anyone's already said this but-
Canon Audrey: you're fired!
MC Audrey: you're hired!
Okay but hear me out.
Canon Audrey being put in charge of dealing with Miraculous’ writers, MC Audrey put in charge of hiring new ones.
Anonymous said:
Something the genuinely scares me is how close some people’s predictions where for miraculous I just saw predictions people made for season 3 and it’s worrying that the worst possible scenario for them ended up happening beat for beat.
The show can be very, very predictable that way. The way I’d describe it is that I do expect these bad things to happen in really convoluted and dumb ways, but it still surprises me by exactly how predictable it ends up being. I mean, I catch certain things really easily and the phrase, “the whole episode just flashed before my eyes,” is something I commonly say.
Predictability isn’t entirely bad, but when the prediction is unwanted? Yeah, there’s a problem.
Anonymous said:
You could basically summarize the difference between what Miraculous fans want and what the Miraculous writers want by using the John Mulaney "Delta Airlines" bit as a template.
I had to get said bit explained to me since I haven’t seen that one, but yes, now I can confirm.
Anonymous said:
How do you think Chat Blanc would play out if Marinette and/or Adrien were already dating other people? Like if Marinette had already moved on, do you think the narrative would punish her for it?
I imagine it would have Adrien still be crushing on Ladybug and he’d break it off with this other person when he realized that Ladybug is Marinette, which the narrative would then promote as “the correct decision” because they’re soulmates and such. If Marinette has moved on, she probably won’t care about his advances, which would lead to Adrien getting upset and maybe being convinced that an identity reveal would solve the problem and/or speeding up getting Hawk Moth defeated/arrested.
Marinette would probably be blaming herself for not being “sensitive enough” to Adrien/Chat’s feelings, which is what led to him being akumatized.
I could also see the girl squad forcing Marinette to give Adrien the present similar to canon, but maybe the beret doesn’t have a heart and Marinette isn’t actually interested, but rolls with it because the girl squad insists on it (probably convinced that she’s denying her own feelings).
Anonymous said:
What do you think constitutes as a "strong female character"? Do you think the girls and women in Miraculous Ladybug are "strong female characters"? Why or why not(I'm sorry if this sounded like a school assignment, by the way!)? Because to me I feel like a lot of them are given depth and focus, but they're often forced into stereotypes, and let's not forget how the show derail's Marinette's character for a joke. But lots of people think a strong girl has to be boyish or else she's weak somehow.
“I'm sorry if this sounded like a school assignment“ dfhgkfdgfg
I guess it depends on what you consider a strong female character. Like, can a shy female character be “strong” if maybe she holds firm to her morals or can fight people off?
I think Marinette has the potential to be a “strong female character” but the show nerfs her using her crush on Adrien (which raises so many red flags that I can’t cover here) and all it’s really done for her is get her laughed at and humiliated. If her life didn’t revolve and get ruined so badly due to her crush on Adrien, I think she’d be a strong female character (I know what the Season 3 finale did but I’m not buying any of it until we see proper results in Season 4).
That’s not to say that characters with crushes can’t be “strong” but it has to not control their life. I mean... okay...
Would Sabrina be considered a “strong female character” if she recognized Chloe’s treatment of her and worked hard to get out of it? Is the want and attempt to move on from something what constitutes “strength,” or do they have to succeed?
My conflict is always... I want to give Marinette credit for trying to move on from Adrien, but I know that it’s just the writing trying to make things seem tense/strained just to make it feel “better” when they actually get together. You see it all the time in anime/manga where a misunderstanding/self-doubt ends up hurting the relationship of the main ship; it’s to force conflict and separation, giving the ship something to overcome so they can get together.
I will say though that shy characters can be strong, physically strong characters can be weak, and so on. What defines a “strong” character may be vague to me, but I take it as I go. I would like to say that Marinette is a strong character on her own because she wants to improve even if she fails, but I also don’t want to give the writing credit for something that ultimately means nothing. I want to say that she’s strong but the narrative seems to do everything in its power to tell me that she’s weak.
Let me give a non-Miraculous example: say that you have a pacifist character, but there’s a villain who has done terrible things, cannot be redeemed (plz do not swarm my inbox with “anyone can be redeemed” comments, this is a hypothetical), and any method besides killing them right there and now would lead to more destruction/lives lost.
You might say that that the pacifist character would be “strong” in sticking by their morals and trying to find another way even if they ultimately would fail and the villain would get away, but an argument can also be made that the pacifist is being stubborn and letting people die because they are unwilling to rethink the morality they’ve chosen. Is a pacifist a pacifist if they’re letting the blood of other people spill because they themselves aren’t willing to have the blood be on their own hands? Are they “strong” because they stuck by what they believe in or are they “weak” because they refused to expand what they believed was “right”?
You could apply that to Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender (I know he’s not female but stick with me here). He was faced with having to murder the Fire Lord to the point where a past reincarnation who was raised on the same values as him didn’t agree with him. I think it was acceptable for him to try and stick to his morals and find another way, but he came up empty and the show had to give him a way of taking away the Fire Lord’s power so Aang didn’t have to make that choice in the end (there’s also that thing with the rock to his back and having to give up Katara but we’re not getting into that).
People could argue that, “oh, he admitted to himself that he’d have to kill the Fire Lord and then he got the Deus Ex Machina so it’s okay!” but the problem there is that the narrative basically gave two options: Murder or Take Away the Guy’s Bending, but there was incredible risk involved in the latter option. Aang almost lost himself against the Fire Lord and risked everything so that he would not have to kill him.
I would argue it makes him weak. I would argue that needing the narrative to favor him makes him weak (which is one plus for Marinette I guess the narrative is usually against her???). The lack of ability to understand his past lives and see things from their perspective made him weak for me, as him holding so stiffly to his values made it appear that he felt his ways were “better” than everyone else’s (which had been a long-standing problem for me and I never forgave him for “The Southern Raiders”).
Anonymous said:
What do you think of adriens mom Emilie. Like what do you how do you feel she wound up using the peacock miraculous personally I’m leaning into her being a villain due to the fact that there aren’t any stories of a peacock hero (unless they retcon that) and that her husband is well freaking Gabriel who has no real form of morals. Also I can’t help but think of how they got the miraculous in the first place. Anyways overall what do you think they will do with her or think of her right now.
I see her like I see any dead mom in media (I know she’s comatose, not the point); a tool for angst. Her reasons for using the peacock could be anything (might even be that she was given it and simply wearing it was damaging to her, or she transformed once to try it out and that was that), but I just don’t feel strongly about her because I’m not invested in the Agreste plot.
Me personally, I headcanon that she’s kind of like Bustier where she appears good but is actually very damaging. Instead of the generic “good mom who tried to do good things for her son but folded to angry dad’s demands,” I would like to imagine that she’s selfish in her own right and was part of the reason for Adrien never going to public school; she’s possessive herself (a contributor to why the Agrestes are so wealthy) and wants her son to remain close to her even if she genuinely cares about him and should want him to be able to go and learn from the world.
But I imagine they’ll probably make her either “pure good mom” or “villain like Gabriel where she’s ‘sympathetic’ but also evil.” The show has never been good at doing gray morality (see my MC Audrey for example) and usually messes things up if they try.
Anonymous said:
Honestly, I don't like Mme. Bustier, but if they DARE pull the pregnancy jokes with her--and I don't mean "pregnancy puns", like those would be ACTUALLY funny without offending anybody, but "ooh, she's pregnant so now she's moody and has wacky cravings and screams at everybody and is a nightmare to be around" and other things that just scream "male writer who mocks female biology and doesn't understand women", I'm going to cry. We already don't like Bridezilla, and this isn't any better.
Ugh. I don’t even like pregnancy plots in general or anything related to pregnancy (my followers who have been around forever and know of my hatred towards babies: wow what a shock!!), so adding on “jokes” like that?
Hard pass. I already don’t like Bustier so the mere idea of her potentially getting any focus there--
Anonymous said:
What do you think of the Alyanette ship? Personally, I'm ambivalent to it, but I can sorta see Alya being bi and having a crush on Marinette but Marinette doesn't like her back. Or she could have a crush on Ladybug. But I don't like the idea of it being mutual, considering how pushy and invasive Alya is. It also doesn't make sense for her to so insistently push the love square if she likes Marinette. But perhaps that's where some of her sarcastic quips come from: jealousy(cliche I know).
I’m always here for bi representation (no one can take my bi disaster headcanon’d Nino and Kagami away from me), but I actively dislike the Alyanette ship. I was okay with it back in Season 1 but it started to fall off in Season 2 and officially die in Season 3.
I don’t judge people by what they ship (...much; there’s obviously that little part of me that can’t help giving the side eye) but yeah, not for me.
Anonymous said:
As a different flavor of angst: Can you imagine Marinette’s class going to Riverside park in NYC and Tikki spotting the Jeanne D’Arc statue? I always wondered what it would have been like for Tikki to see Jeanne burned alive by the people she swore to protect. I think Nobody briefly touched on this for Witch Hunter, but not many people I have seen (probably missed something) talk about it. What do you think?
I’m indifferent to past holders getting mentioned and acknowledged; not sure how I feel about them given specific names and such (I kinda like seeing their designs and such but making them actual people from the real world? mmmm not here for that as much).
I like the idea though of addressing those real world things and having the kwami reacting to them. Like, it did make me genuinely sad in the New York special to see Liiri come out and call out Gilbert’s name, only to see this other guy standing there and we know that this Gilbert guy is very much dead by now.
On a related note, I’d be all for a special getting into a kwami’s problem and not making everything Marinette’s fault, so having Marinette maybe helping a kwami through theri issues and it leads into getting more lore on the kwami.
Anonymous said:
I just had an epiphany today: People who hate on Marinette for being "mean" to Lila/teachers telling Marinette to ignore Chloe and Lila and treat them nicely are the equivalent of real adults telling girls who are being bullied by boys that "he does it because he likes you." Ladies, raise your hands if something like this has ever happened: "Jamal tried to cut my cheek open with a razor!" "Oh, Aaliyah, he's only doing it because he likes you." Now that I've seen it I can't unsee it. Disgusting.
“Marinette, they’re just jealous of you, that’s all! Can you really get angry at them for that??”
us: yes
Anonymous said:
Thinking about Puppeteer 2 and how Marinette's identity could have been blown if she had talked to Tikki because of Plagg's incompetence angers me beyond belief because I know, just KNOW, if that had actually happened, Marinette would take ALL THE BLAME for it like there's no tomorrow. It would never occur to anyone that she normally talks to Tikki while she's alone and had no idea that the "statue" in front of her was a real boy AND her partner, or that Plagg should have said something. Ugh.
That was such a big annoyance to me in that episode. They literally neglected the actual reality of what would happen (”Oh, Tikki! No one’s here, I could practice on this Adrien statue!”) for the sake of humiliating Marinette... again.
Anonymous said:
Your comment about how Ladybug always says she's "in love with someone else", as if that should matter diddly squat when the problem is with Chat not respecting her feelings on their own without another guy in the picture reminds me of a #YesAllWomen post I saw on Twitter. It read: "'I have a boyfriend' is the easiest way to get a man to leave you alone. Because he respects another man more than you." It's just like this except without the dating and the fact that Chat DOESN'T leave her alone.
And then you remember that the “someone else” she’s in love with is the exact person who’s disrespecting her feelings and you proceed to hate everything.
Anonymous said:
The statue scene in Puppeteer 2 could've easily kept its humor by having Adrien fall over when Marinette puts her weight on him and almost kisses him, then Marinette goes "Gasp! You're not a statue!" Marinette is always being forced to humiliate herself in the name of "love", even when she doesn't deserve it, so for once, let Adrien be the one utterly humiliated of his own doing. Then they could have a sad scene where Adrien ACTUALLY comforts her and...wait for it...LEARNS A LESSON.
Alternatively, someone who works on the statues comes in and, also mistaking Adrien for a statue, tries to do some sort of work on him.
Anonymous said:
Since we can all agree that this show is sadly not very good at girl power/inclusivity, how would you tweak the show to make it more genuinely female-empowering/inclusive(can include racial/sexual inclusivity)? Besides the obvious(including more female and/or POC writers on board).
Orientation-related inclusivity isn’t even that hard. Have a character get a call from someone and just be like, “oh, it’s my boyfriend/girlfriend,” and then other companies can just dub it if they’re so afraid of characters who like the same gender.
Firstly, I’d have Marinette learn and become more of a mentor character to other characters (male and female), lean more into more “females in power” (like Mylene showing genuine interest in being the next mayor), either less focus on the “girl antagonists are evil/unredeemable” plots or at least make them legitimate threats that don’t need the narrative to cater to them to make them threatening.
Secondly, Adrien needs to STOP being the one to keep telling Marinette/Ladybug what’s right or the way to do things. I can’t stress this one enough.
Thirdly, maybe not having a season dedicated to three guys getting miraculouses while all the girls are either questioned, self-reveal, or get their miraculous revoked. That might help. :P
Anonymous said:
The saddest thing is that I can see ML going through a "Fate: The Winx Saga" in the future and having an awful, edgy reboot to appeal more to adults.
Different writers probably but at what cost.
+ more sexualization obviously since that’s usually what “more adult” means; Audrey gets the cleavage that her design clearly calls for at least, but again, at what cost
Anonymous said:
I hate what TheOnesWhoMustNotBeNamed have done to the Love Square but I also don't like Lukanette and Adrigami (nothing against the characters themselves). This is going to be one of those shows that regardless what ship wins is going to disappoint around 90% of the fans.
No hate for not liking Lukanette/Adrimi, I understand that.
And yeah, there’s a <1% chance that they can pull out anything satisfying.
Anonymous said:
Off topic, but I realized why I don’t like Clara Nightingale’s design, there’s no light to her eyes, makes her look kinda dead, kinda evil.
DQ tend to do that when they’re the ones animating. I remember “Christmaster” doing particularly well with the eye highlights.
Anonymous said:
What do you think about the future Miraculous specials (Africa, Japan, Rio, Shanghai, London)?
Will be happy to see a new setting because it shows different cultures (though there’s always the chance that the culture is poorly-represented) but that’s basically it. Specials are usually just a cash grab that are just there and any expansion on lore and such is shunted to the side for the sake of love square drama, judging by the New York special.
Anonymous said:
I haven't watched the New York Special yet, don't think I can bring myself to tbh, but this whole time I thought Aeon was the name of the superhero persona, and that the fandom was collectively calling her civilian identity Uncanny Valley bc her model was that bad.
I was genuinely shocked to find out that her civilian identity is named Aeon and that her hero name is Uncanny Valley bc that is not only a stupid name, but kind of insulting since she's an android character of color. (Well, she's a character of color except for when shes running around as a pale naked superhero. Majestia, give your kid some pants!)
Yeah, the Uncanny Valley thing threw me off too. “Aeon” really does sound like a superhero name.
I can’t believe they made her a robot and were like, “mannequin robot design.” I question so many things about the decisions made around Aeon fdkjgjfdg.
Anonymous said:
Do you think they’ll ever leave DuPont college, since it’s a middle school (essentially) and go to a lycee (high school)? I think they’re in their second year of four at DuPont, judging by the previous class picture.
I doubt it, unless we get more seasons? It would mean having to model a whole new school.
Anonymous said:
So I was reading again tikki brand boyfriend and this come to my mind and I have to share it with you.... Tikki is the mother in law of marinette in the future lol (sorry if this isn't the right blog to ask this) (I love yours au, you are amazing!)
(this is the wrong blog, yes, you’re looking for mc-lukanette, not miraculouscontent)
Thank you though! i agree, that’s cute, ahaha~
Anonymous said:
Did you know that there's a TV Tropes page for LadyBugOut?! And someone even left a review there saying they liked it and that they were sick of the Marinette embarrassing and wanted some Lukanette. They say your au is their favorite au in the fandom! Isn't that just swell?
Yes! And the TV Tropes page is fantastic! Thank you!
Anonymous said:
OMG IVE FIGURED OUT WHY MARINETTE IS UNABLE TO GET OVER ADRIEN!!! She’s under the influence of a love potion called Amortentia, which causes a powerful obsession from the drinker (it’s from Harry Potter). That’s why she’s so obsessed, and that’s why she can’t get over Adrien! She literally can’t while under the influence of the potion! She just needs to drink the antidote, and then she can finally be free!
Oh no!! Someone get this poor girl an antidote, STAT!
Anonymous said:
I was just reading your review of Silencer(which I totally agree with by the way), and when I got to the part about how Ladybug lost her voice and her powers are voice-activated, it got me thinking about how annoying Chat was being(as another anon noted, which I also agree with), and then it hit me. While it may just come off as his usual flirtatious banter that's innocent, the fact that he doesn't even seem to mind Ladybug not being able to detransform because then he gets to "be with her" forever and ever and ever amen just proves your point about Chat Blanc. He cares more about being with Ladybug than Ladybug herself, so long as she gets to keep being Ladybug "for him", that's what matters. Remember that the girl he fell in love with was the superhero persona and not the girl under the mask. He couldn't care less about who that actual girl is so long as she's his "lady" and loves him back. He just wants her to uphold the image of his strong and powerful "lady" that he admires.
(Glad you enjoyed the “Silencer” review! Thanks!)
Full agreement here! Chat isn’t really in love with Ladybug; he’s in love with the image he’s made of her and wants to keep it that way, no matter how much he may suggest otherwise.
Anonymous said:
Luka is soooo much more interesting with Marinette like, why isn't he the love interest? Same with Kagami for Adrien. To be honest it would be cool if the show set up the love square at first but then slowly started to change to Lukanette and Adrimi once Marinette and Adrien realized their crushes were just not working out. They can still have an identity reveal, but they'll refreshingly stay friends. But the writers don't have the ovaries to do that, I get it. -_- Such wasted potential.
They could’ve done a really interesting bait-and-switch but they decided not to. The love square is full of holes and flaws that they’re very likely never going to address (outside of anything used for that “gAsP maybe they won’t get together???” drama), so having it actually be addressed and be like, “okay, we’re better as friends,” would’ve gone over so much better.
Anonymous said:
I hear people complain all the time that Lukanette is toxic because Luka is merely the "second choice" for Marinette, and that she just uses him as a rebound when she fails to get Adrien's attention. But the truth is, that's not how it is at all. Luka's not anywhere near her "second choice". He gives her tranquility and stability, and she helps him loosen up and have someone to express his creativity towards. Plus, it's totally normal for teens to have two crushes whom they can't choose between.
I am so tired of people saying that Marinette is “using” Luka in someway as if it’s a conscious decision on her part to take advantage him.
Luka makes her happy. That’s it. Luka is aware of how she feels and respects her space, but I guess that makes him a “pushover” and “he lets Marinette walk all over him” because he didn’t get upset with her and embarrass her in “Desperada” by calling her out over her Adrien blindness.
Anonymous said:
People who say "I like Marinette but she's getting to be pretty embarrassing sometimes" really don't get that the show constantly forces her into situations where she's embarrassed and made out to be incompetent. Like, it's not her that's embarrassing, it's the show that's always embarrassing her. Kind of like Serena/Usagi in the (shitty)DiC English dub of Sailor Moon. It's getting irritating to hear people continually rag on Marinette as if SHE'S the clueless idiot, rather than the writers.
There are some things that happen to her that she literally could not have predicted. Like, just saying, if I had someone claiming to be my friend, I would expect them to know I’m anxiety-prone and not pretend to be a statue just
Anonymous said:
Remarried Empress Anon: I can see Felix as the Duke and maybe Jagged Stone as Kosair (but an uncle and not her brother).
I agree with both of those! Jagged Stone as Kosair/Koshar, omg.
Plus, the idea of Luka and Felix being “friends” amuses me.
Anonymous said:
You know, I find Felix/Marinette content to be really funny. Because, Felix in fanfiction is a completely different character than his canon self- with a different personality, background, and maybe even last name. So, the entire Marinette/Felix fandom is literally just Marinette/oc except it's always the same oc
I struggle to get fully behind Felinette because so much of it does rely on fandom interpretation and playing with fanon in general (plus, having to clarify “I ship fanon Felinette” is weird).
I do however agree that it’s interesting that it ultimately comes to a character built on fanon grounds, and how much more acceptance characters get when they’re based on “canon”/originally canon characters.
Anonymous said:
How would you write the Miraculous PV version? Just wondering.
I don’t think I could without drastically changing characters and at that point it’s not really the PV anymore. “Bridgette“ and Felix’s relationship is the exact opposite of what I like to watch/read about so yeah, changing both of them to what I like would either be too severe of a rewrite or me working too far within the restrictions set out for me.
Anonymous said:
There's a YouTube video claiming that someone will figure out that Marinette is Ladybug and that she will suffer...I mean, yeah? Isn't that what we've already been getting? I mean, not the first part, obviously(and when we have, it's been undone), but the second? Have we been watching the same show? No, have we? Because Marinette suffering, sadly, is not anything new.
lol “Marinette will suffer!” and us like “did you seriously use future tense as if Marinette isn’t already suffering??”
Anonymous said:
Am I the only one who feels like Miraculous Ladybug is feeling less like a magical girl show and more like just another superhero show? This isn't even because of "girl power" or anything like that, or the fact that there are male Miraculous wielders like Chat and Carapace and(long dreamy sigh) Viperion. This is because the outfits don't really resemble magical girl outfits at all and, after watching various magical girl shows both in and out of Japan, Miraculous is starting to feel like its genre is shifting from magical girl to that of "superhero" in its broadest term. And I know I said I wouldn't bring up "girl power", but the fact that so many of the girls aren't treated respectfully by the narrative and are pitted against each other, to the point where they're more likely to lose their Miraculouses or reveal their identities(which often culminates in losing their Miraculouses), only adds to this because the Magical Girl genre is about female empowerment and solidarity.
It's sad because I really don't want this show to become one of those shows where "there might be one or two girls, and she might even be the lead, but it's still mostly guys who are front and center doing the heavy lifting" that we get all the time. Things are starting to change for the better and I want Miraculous to capitalize on that emergence of female empowerment as much as possible. Plus, with the New York Special, the magical girl aspects of the show have been toned down if not obliterated entirely: the transformations for the superheroes only last one minute, and they feel more like the Avengers than Sailor Senshi(which I don't mean in the most literal sense, of course, I am in no way saying that none of them can be male.). Plus they pulled the whole "Samus is a Girl" thing TWICE! TWICE! Come on, if you're show is really about girl power, it shouldn't come as a surprise when girls are, well...powerful! And especially not in Magical Girl for obvious reasons.
So while I'm not saying it's bad for a show to shift from the original genre it was meant to be in(although it must be done carefully, otherwise it looks like you don't know what you're doing), and there is of course no wrong way to do Magical Girl(except for Madoka Magica and Yuki Yuna, do NOT go there!), it does make me wonder. And it's kind of disappointing, because I really love Magical Girl and I feel like shows like these could introduce the genre to a wider audience and could renovate it as well. But unfortunately they're going a different direction, and that makes me sad. If not for the transformation phrases/sequences and the fact that they have animal companions, I imagine most people would be totally clueless as to how on Earth this show counts as Magical Girl. It still counts as such for me, but it's deviating farther and farther away from the genre to the point where it becomes nigh unrecognizable, or like even the show writers forgot what genre it's supposed to be. Sadly.
Yeah, I can’t imagine how seeing this show must be like for people that are more savvy with magical girl shows. Me personally, I had to be told that it was a magical girl show because it honestly just gave off the “superhero show” vibes even with the magical girl-esque transformations.
Plus, with magical girls, you usually expect a group of girls? Here, we have Ladybug and Chat Noir, who the writers keep being like “they’re equals” which... yeah, that’s fine but it doesn’t really work with the idea that this is a magical girl show? I mean, “Party Crasher” was basically Ladybug and her reverse harem of superhero guys who just got out of a “males-only” party.
I dunno, coming from someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience with magical girl shows, it just doesn’t have what I would expect when I think “magical girl show featuring a healthy dose of girl power.”
Anonymous said:
I was once reading this review of Miraculous Ladybug called "Miraculous Ladybug is a Hot Mess: A Rant", and while it's a good video and you should watch it and I totally agree with everything she said(plus, it made me laugh a few times!), I had a huge issue with the way she made Marinette's stammering around Adrien to be ALL HER FAULT since he's never mean to her and is always patient with her(yeah, more like oblivious), but that "she's incompetent" and "cockblocks herself", which annoys me because Marinette on her own is not the incompetent one here(I also don't like the term "cockblock", like, can we not? But anyway...), rather, it's the writers who make her incompetent for cheap laughs and don't allow her to improve or let anyone(but Luka, bless his kind soul!) truly be on her side. She then had the nerve to say "Marinette needs to learn to define herself outside of who she's crushing on", when, NO, once again, the WRITERS are the ones who define her by her crush on Adrien.
It's one thing to blame a character for something even when she's clearly written by a writer, because characters are supposed to be consistent yet flexible and have free will in-universe. But when she's written this inconsistently/it's obvious the writers have it out for her(to the point where they even say it) it is nigh impossible to pretend it's an aspect of the character herself and not the writers at fault. THAT'S where you draw the line between blaming the character vs the writer.
In fact, speaking of Luka, she also said that she wants the show to get rid of Luka because he's just a "plot device" and has no reason to like her beyond the fact that she's a "funny girl". She also said that Luka is a stereotype of the "cute bad boys who are emo", when that's blatantly untrue. She's allowed to not like Lukanette but all the things she's saying really ignore the point of his character and that his life DOESN'T revolve around Marinette; the writers simply don't respect him.
Even worse, she contradicted herself by saying that Lukanette is pointless because "we all know that Marinette is going to get with Adrien; it's endgame so why does the show even bother with Luka?" Then right after that says that Kagami's okay and that it's okay for Adrien to move onto Kagami because Ladybug has rejected him as Chat so many times(which is apparently not the case for Adriennette because "MaRiNeTtE's JuSt InCoMpEtEnT" right?). So teenage girls aren't allowed to like other boys or date more than one boy, yet teenage boys can date as many chicks as they like. Nice.
And apparently, any problem in a relationship or potential relationship is the girl's fault no matter what. She can't approach him because Goddess forbid girls not always be perfect and capable? She's incompetent and it's all her fault she can't properly talk to a perfectly nice, cute, FAMOUS boy. She rejects him every time he confesses despite him knowing it will fail. Her fault for being mean and not giving him a chance. She gets tired of chasing him and decides to look at someone else since it's not like she's legally married to Boy #1? She should stick with the original boy since they're gonna get together anyway. He gets tired of chasing her and decides to look at someone else since it's not like he's legally married to Girl #1? She should've realized his feelings for her and returned them since they're gonna be endgame anyway. Has this lady ever even been a teenage girl?
Plenty of teenage girls get tongue-tied around the one they love even if he or she is a perfectly nice, sweet person, it doesn't mean they're incompetent(especially when the girls are fictional characters in a world set out to punish them for not making progress and for trying to make progress at the same time, and the fact that the boy is a celebrity who is always made oblivious and kept distant enough from the girl so she can keep putting him on a pedestal and never truly get to know him). Plenty of teenage girls lose interest in one boy and so fall for another. Yet it's somehow only okay for boys to do it? Seriously?
And then for the episode "Ladybug", the reviewer continues to rag on Marinette, blaming her for the fact that her reaction to getting expelled was "I can't let that nasty Hawkmoth win", claiming she wasn't reacting like a normal teen or human in general would react in that scenario, completely ignoring the fact that it's TIKKI who doesn't comfort Marinette and forces her to focus on her duties as Ladybug and almost getting akumatized. She's right about the plot moving too fast, but she doesn't take into account WHY it's moving too fast, because the show doesn't focus on Marinette's inner struggle and what she has to go through. Instead of giving her time to process her thoughts after all that goes on and providing Tikki as a source of comfort and support(which she's, you know, SUPPOSED to be), they make Tikki berate her and force Marinette to push it to the side.
She's never allowed to feel. And that's why it hurts all the more when this woman insults Marinette for her perceived ineptitude, and she's fully allowed to dislike Marinette, critique her behaviors, dislike Luka, critique his role in the story etc., just don't reinforce a double standard as you do so and look closer: ultimately most of Marinette's problems are due to her not being permitted to FEEL. She's not allowed to be nervously in love, or be calm, or be offended, or be just not ready.
The writers keep pushing her in one direction, to be emotionless, to be selfless, to be nice, to be honest, to be "the mature/responsible one" to be a perfect little "Purrincess", to not push for or want anything for herself, even though the show is supposed to be about girl power! She does somewhat touch on that by saying that Ladybug never gets to "take a hit" and that the Marichat scene in Glaciator was too short, but she never goes into why everything is too-fast paced. And if she did, she wouldn't be saying everything she does about Marinette and Luka. Because Luka is more than just the "plot device" she dismisses him as.
He's like a calm oasis, the apple of the hurricane who keeps Marinette calm and just lets. her. breathe. He's possibly the only person who doesn't berate her, who doesn't mimic her, who doesn't insult her, who doesn't ignore her. And the one time he does, he apologizes RIGHT AWAY when he sees how sad she looks. And the funny thing is, I used to hate that scene, because when I first saw it, I thought "Oh man! Luka did the same thing as everyone else did once!" But now I see that it serves as a contrast, whether intentionally or unintentionally, to the other characters in the show. Whereas they never apologize for how they treat Marinette(and often she somehow ends up apologizing instead, sadly) and in fact seem oblivious to it at times or just don't care, Luka notices, Luka cares, and Luka apologizes. That shows that he cares about her and her feelings, unlike the rest of the characters in the show.
And while they do care about her, they're never held accountable for how they treat her. Anarka and Plagg are probably the only exceptions that I can think of(who contribute to the plot of course), but they're obviously not love interests, and the video doesn't talk about them, so I won't talk about them either. But my point is that this review, while good in other ways, is still problematic in this regard, for how it completely ignores Marinette's struggles and how they affect her, as well as the value of Luka's character(even if the show doesn't recognize it at times) and the POSITIVE effect they have on each other(especially since he actually, genuinely, wholeheartedly loves her and is patient with her, since Adrien is barely even her friend and Chat is pushy and entitled. And he has a life outside of her too, which this video chooses to ignore.)! So yeah, I'm sorry this took so long, but I just had to protect my favorite characters because that video did them so dirty. Thank you for coming to my Lukanette Ted Talk! Have a miraculous day! ;3
Can I just say wow??
Firstly, kudos to you for having the patience to not only write all of that, but simultaneous deal within Tumblr’s limitations while doing so? I almost wish I had a video detailing all of these topics (not exactly a video response to that person, but just detailing all of this without explicitly calling people out).
Secondly, I absolutely, 100% feel you on the double standards. I have seen so much hypocrisy in my experiences and it’s insane how people will bash Marinette relentlessly and then let Adrien off with a bunch of excuses, or hate Luka for essentially existing and then accept Kagami.
I also hate the idea of disliking Luka because he’s there to make Marinette feel better, and then liking Kagami because she causes conflict, like the implication is that conflict equals good and things that make Marinette feel loved and cared for are bad because love square endgame, I guess.
It’s exhausting, especially when Marinette is fourteen, clearly tries, but is getting no support. Like, have you ever thought how weird it was that Tom and Sabine seemingly knew back in “Gamer” that Marinette was crushing on Adrien, but in “Weredad,” they don’t worry about the fact that Marinette is into someone else or wonder what might’ve happened with Adrien, like if he might’ve hurt her in some way? If the assumption is, “oh, they just think that’s a teenage thing, flip-flopping between love interests,” well... Tom clearly takes what he thinks to be her current crush very seriously, and even if it was true that they presume she’s just flip-flopping, that really doesn’t show them to see Marinette as more than just a clumsy teenager-in-love stereotype.
So yeah, the characters who are meant to be there to support her ask no questions, but here’s Luka with his sweet “you can tell me everything or nothing, you can be yourself around me,” line, and yet... Luka is the problem???
Sure, how dare this sweet boy NOT cause Marinette more stress. He makes Marinette feel better about herself and therefore he’s “pointless” (which, really, is the true mark of someone who doesn’t care about Marinette).
But yeah, in conclusion, people can have insane double standards when it comes to Luka and Marinette, and thank you for the Lukanette Ted Talk, this was a really good piece! You have a nice day too! ;3
(note: the below ask seems to cut short at the end and I didn’t get a message back about it but I at least wanted to have it here so the anon has (most of?) their story heard even if I can’t properly comment on it:)
Anonymous said:
Relating to the ask about Marinette imagining the events of the series. For me it would be realistic as I sort of see myself in her position for some parts, especially how her friends are represent (mainly Alya) and I can see myself picturing the events of the story (surrounding them) to some extent.
I'm continuing on to explain and rant about how I relate to Marinette. So about Alya's pushiness with Marinette's crush and how she won't let her move on. I used to be sort of friends with this person and one day we hanging out at school and she started badgering me to tell her who my crush was, even though I told her I didn't have one (I didn't have one but even if I did it wasn't her business, especially because we hadn't really interacted for a couple years).
She pressured me enough that I felt the need to make up a person, then she called me out just after I did it because she knew I was lying but didn't realise how uncomfortable I was lucky we were by ourselves so no one could hear how embarrassing it was. It still is but I sort have gotten over it (that's why I'm hear complaining). For her being made to sit by herself because everyone else paired of, I can relate.
I have never been the person who is really close with the friend group (probably because I'm quiet and struggle to interact with others), but I still I hang out during class time, but there have been times when two of the friends sat together and the other friend chose not to sit with me but just in front of me (the tables can fit two people at them) until one friend I went to primary school asked "what about [me]", so them she sat next to me.
The person I went to primary school with also has chosen to sit with the person who was not to sit with me so she could sit closer to the other two friends diagonally across from me on the table next to mine. I can understand Marinette in The Chameleon for how she would of felt when her friends turned in because I am left wondering if my friends even like me, although primary school friend sometimes tried to get to wait with them when we were waiting for the teacher to show up.
As I mentioned earlier I anxious when trying to interact with people who are even considered my friends so I wait for them to invite me to hangout with them. And for the ending of The Chameleon when everything went back to normal, in primary school we had this task we were told research a person and write a biography on them so as the teacher told us we were writing a good copy and the work in our books was a rough draft.
I wrote the information down as I would the good copy to make sure I was happy with it. When we were writing the good copy, I started to worry I had done something wrong as I had seen my friends work and they bith had just written down the facts. So as my friends and I kept having arguments and fights so I told them that I hoped I remembered to spell all the names correctly because they were not names I was knew how to spell which was true so they didn't question it as I could tell they did
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janiedean · 4 years ago
i find it funny that all the arguments against sansan or sanrion is about the age gap being problematic and then people ship her with jaime who's OLDER THAN TYRION and i think also older than sandor OR they'll ship her with jon who she grew up considering a brother and is actually a cousin making it incestuous. oh and when the books start theon is like 18-19 years old while sansa is like 11 i think? but yes, tell me more about why your sansa ships are superior to sansan or sanrion LOL. oh also let's not forget the ~pure~ ship of sansaery where margaery basically pretends to be friends with sansa and acts nice for her own advantage which is easy to do since she's lonely in king's landing but drops her th emoment it gets convenient, not to mention pretty much framing her from joff's murder which like sure, sansa escaped cuz LF had it planned but if not she would've been killed then :) a very healthy dynamic indeed. they really don't want to admit that they only care to ship sansa with canonically hot guys and their real problem with sansan and sanrion is both sandor and tyrion are supposed to be ugly and physically quite the opposite of the prince charming she's looking for (but they are more prince-like in character) and ignore that her whole arc is learning to look beyond appearances and names and superficial stories.
I mean other than confirming you that jaime's older than sandor bc jaime has seven years on tyrion who's three-four years younger than sandor and sandor's like 29 in agot... he's older than both of them and I'd like to add willas tyrell to the list of people that are seen as better options.... and he's also older than both sandor and tyrion, I... can't disagree with anything here because like we don't even wanna touch my beef with sans*ery but it's for the same reasons as you said and at the end of it I also can't disagree with the last paragraph because that's... like... the point of the narrative like sansa is obv ending up with someone who doesn't look hot for standards but is actually good on the inside which both of them fit the standard for, and again while I think sandor's it for obv reasons if sanrion was endgame I wouldn't be complaining (ngl I was hoping lowkey for them to get the show bc it was obvious sansan wasn't gonna be a show thing so might as well have a 50/50 split even though I guess having the show wouldn't have been that great in retrospective BUT ANYWAY) yeah what you said about the whole arc and again like... sansa/jaime is top five most hated ships for me too bc it's doubly ignoring that sansa and jaime have LI that aren't standard attractive so I'm not even touching that but yeah like
sorry but when it comes to problematic ships again there is literally nothing in asoiaf that's not somehow problematic - again the most wholesome thing in there is sam/gilly and I reiterate gilly has a baby because her father raped her and her own mother was the same so................. like no one has any leg to stand on when it comes to MY SHIP IS WHOLESOME bc no ship in here is 100% wholesome or has characters who are themselves 100% wholesome so the fixation about how these two ships are specifically bad is suspicious like really really sus
also I'd like again to point out for the umpteenth time that while there are things that I really don't vibe with (and in this fandom esp I can't do incest ships) I don't go around judging ppl for being into unhealthy dynamics or being like EW IT'S INCEST BAD because honestly I have better to do with my life, but my problem is people going like AH MY SHIP IS MORALLY BETTER THAN YOURS when it's a badwrong/ish dynamic and trying to sanitize it - like own up to it no one is gonna judge in this damned fandom and if they do good luck being coherent and don't go at other people like 'ah yeah mine is better than yours because it's so much more wholesome' X°D
also like... again there's limits and limits - I can absolutely get why someone would not like sansan or sanrion because they do have problematic elements like if someone reads blackwater and feels uncomfortable ofc I'm not gonna tell them WELL YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT IT, if they blacklist sansan and they don't come at me telling me I'm a pervert then all good? but like to do the comparison I can't get over how in the show sansa told theon she'd do to him what ramsay did all over again after he didn't help her when she didn't even tell him WELL WE SHOULD RUN AWAY TOGETHER just help me run away because for me that is like... I can't ship it when the show narrative never asked sansa to be accountable, I won't ever go to a the*nsa shipper telling them EW HOW CAN YOU LIKE IT WHEN THAT IS A THING because... the way I can like sansan with its problematic elements or secondarily like sanrion with its problematic elements (nvm that the superior tyrion ship is tyrion/bronn anyway) they can like th*onsa with its problematic elements? but just don't go around harping at ppl because everyone has their limit to something and it can be glaringly obvious or not (I mean if I tell you that th*ramsay isnt my cup of tea anyone could understand why seeing the background, or idk for me brienne/hyle hunt is a way bigger nope than brienne/tormund ever could have been but a lot of ppl in jb fandom feel the contrary which is absolutely fine again I can't stand the idea of b. with someone who bet on taking her virginity because of personal reasons even if he realized he was wrong but for others the way they wrote brienne/tormund in the show was uncomfortable to that degree and so on) and as long as you behave like an adult... then who cares what you ship
meanwhile instead there's the... fixation on those two esp within the context you mentioned and honestly I'm kinda tired of the 'gross old dudes' rhetoric thrown at them when neither of them is old or gross and they both are abuse victims with trauma never mind the ableism in spades (that one more glaringly at tyrion for obvious reasons and on tumblr I wish it wasn't like......... 80% of the general fandom but people dismissing sandor's shitty coping methods as HE'S A VIOLENT DRUNK when like..... he's the only one who's actually not violent with her sansa and he has thirty years' worth of ptsd on him are also a peach) like... can you please realize the implications of what you're saying please and thank you
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lobotomycas · 4 years ago
as someone who shipped so many characters (including one you don't know yet) with alina eXCEPT mal bc i read the books first (hated mal in the books but show mal is everything. like them as friends/siblings tho), dying to know your ships
okay okay. infodump time.
my main ship is mal and alina but it's friendship. your honor I LOVE them. finally some good fucking m&f tender loving besties representation. I love them. I think they're concerningly codependent but also like all in all your honor they love each other and that's just how it is sometimes
as for the others,, I'm on the fence about nina and matthias just bc I hate the trope where a terrible person is taught to be less terrible by someone they're terrible to. yknow. especially bc the season ended in him hating her instead of having some faith in her. but! I am open minded about it regardless! I also just think he's a dick but regardless I will give them a chance
darklina. no. it's compelling in a fucked up way obv but like it's not romance it's possession. he doesn't love alina he wants her power and hes manipulative. I know in my heart of hearts that some people think they're truly in love and are weird about it and I'm here to say I have seen this nonsense with r*ylo and I do Not want to see it again. that being said, I do somewhat understand on grounds that ben barnes is hot. thank u for coming to my ted talk
okay. listen. alina/genya. hmm. actually I think alina's a lesbian. alina's a lesbian and genya is her femme gf who does her hair and makeup for her and it's this whole ordeal for them. WHY did they touch soooo much. they were like heres genya she's a tailor here's a scene of her gently healing the scrapes on alina's face and holding her hands while explaining what's going on. alina is going to look wide-eyed into her eyes the entire time as if shes having an awakening. I am PERCIEVING.
I think jesper has tried to flirt with kaz dozens of times and kaz just doesn't notice. it goes right over his head. he could look kaz in the eyes and say that he wants to fuck him and kaz would just be like 'I get fucked by life every day as it is' and walk off. it's nbd because jesper's mostly (mostly) kidding. inej thinks it's Hilarious. he also tried flirting with inej a few times but she probably threatened to cut his balls off and so he doesn't do that anymore
and finally. kaz and inej. they're SO compelling. "saints have never watched over me like you have". HELLO??? kaz. kaz who says that. the man is allergic to showing fondness and then he looks her dead in the eyes and says that?? she goes against her faith to save his life?? he realizes how monumental that is for her. and he slowly begins to believe that alina's a saint because she believes it?? the clear mutual respect they have for each other,, the way that kaz first and foremost wants her to be free,, their plan goes to shit and still he told her she's never gonna have to go back to the menagerie. he's gonna free her. I don't know what a relationship would look like for them given that I'm sure inej has boundary issues and kaz is straight up touch averse but. they love each other and they don't want to split up. saints have never watched over me like you have. what the fuck dude
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period-dramallama · 4 years ago
Spanish Princess episode 7: the episode that had no right to be as good as it was
Come with meeeeeeeeee and you’ll beeeeeeeeeee in a wooooooooooooooooooorld of English Reformation~
-OK I had a lot of thoughts on how this ep handled Protestantism but the TLDR is: they misunderstood the theology of it, IMHO, but they actually were much more balanced than I was expecting.
-Maybe it’s my bias, but the printing press scenes were awesome. 
-the word ‘Protestant’ is being used 30 years too soon- but I get why they’re using it.
-”You’re dead Sassenach” some people have pointed out the guy called that is a Scot but I think the boy’s just using it as an insult and they’re play-fighting so I think he’s pretending his opponent is English Scum just as Hal Stewart’s pretending to be killed
-Accuracy! Thomas More did indeed lead a raid on the Steelyard, IIRC, though again it’s prob happening too soon, and he’s not undersheriff any more. They continue to knit sweaters out of the thread of linear time
-”the answer does not lie in here but in there,” I was highkey worried Henry was going to point at his own testicles.
-Please get Henry a barber. He has superglued a party city wig to his own face.
-”we were going after deer!” he sounds so much like a spoiled child i have to laugh
-the way Georgie says NO i love the inflection so much, I should make it my text alert for my least favourite people.
-”She creates bad humour in our land” “You mean she’s rude about your poetry?” “SO RUDE *sobs*”
-Wolsey has a reputation for relative tolerance and inaction on heresy, but historians seem to be finding that he was more invested in punishing heresy than previous histories and depictions (eg Wolf Hall) have shown. (At least so far as it was his job to do). He’s still hella villainized in this show.
-Allying with Angus? Sounds like Bad Decision #785
-CGI London looks way too big for a city of ~70,000 people
-Lina, I love you, but it has never been safe for a woman to walk around London alone at night. Not in 2020, 1820, or 1520. Especially before the invention of street lamps.
You can tell this episode was written by men
-”an army is for valiant purpose” Oviedo I love you but you’re a soldier, you’ve seen wars fought for political gain and not for moral reasons. Why you only shocked now? You should be more concerned that you’re attacking civilians instead of fellow militarymen.
-”what are you doing in the church?” “bitch i live here”
-”where are your ladies?” good question
-”it’s her own soul she risks, not mine” when you’re so selfish you accidentally become the most religiously tolerant person in the room.
-Wolsey’s face was a joy this episode. I want to make a moodboard of his beautiful sassy faces.
-the way Wolsey said “Thomas...” at More and Maggie looked angry... I think she was thinking “Really? You’re going to steal MY man now?!”
-why’s Henry Pole guarding More?? He’s a baron?? He outranks More??
-”maybe even have some lemon cake” it’s official, Margaret Pole is Sansa Stark
-”bathe me better and I will relax” she is literally a toddler omg
-”I have bathed you for years, no lady could do better” you can say that again, any other lady would have dunked katherine’s head under the water by now
-”to love the king why do you have to hate so many others” 
what happened?? the lines?? are so good?? i am SHOOKETH
-shot of the wavering compass...heavy-handed but i loved it
-Ursula geeking out over her garden :’) i get it girl i got into gardening myself this year.
-”my wife is the only sight I care for” *smooch* the second man in England to have rights! Thank god they’re so in love, given the real couple were married for 40 years. (They totally left the room to go make out, didn’t they.)
-Raiders of the Lost Inheritance Deeds
-God Stephenie was amazing this episode. I felt her pain, she became such a more well-rounded character, I’m so glad she got to speak her mind to Catherine instead of continuing to simp for her and excuse her behaviour. If she betrays her secret next episode, her character arc will be complete. Also, after whitewashing Isabella’s actions as Gurl Powah, it’s so refreshing to have Lina call out religious persecution of all flavours, not just against Lutherans. 
-”my own husband?” Lina...did you just... tell Catherine your husband isn’t Christian? Run?
-My theory was correct! TSP!KOA is indeed trying to be her mother!
-”ugly altar boys” Aardvark is on FIRE this episode. Everyone is bringing their snark game.
-good use of spooky strings
-mention of humours! Accuracy point! Also I’m glad that Katherine hanging out in her nightdress with men was called out for being hella sus in the Tudor worldview.
-the whole torture dungeon reveal reminded me of a similar scene in the 1999 movie Sleepy Hollow, but apart from that, it was perfect. No dialogue, just the camera, the props and Laura, and you tell the whole story with her face. This is why show don’t tell is so important!
-yes i am biased bc i never liked the ship, but the break up scene was great, for both their characters: More’s allowed to explain his worldview and Maggie is able to call him out. Also it answered the question “why Thomas More and not some tutor OC?” I’m not sure the bombshell justifies writing their romance, but at least it explains its existence. At least it built to some Juicy Drama. 
-poor Maggie though. The man she wants to sleep with won’t sleep with her, the man who wants to sleep with her she doesn’t want. Then she befriends both of them, only to lose their friendship when one dies of the plague and the other she wishes died of the plague because he’s terrible. Also her cousins keep being executed, her daughter’s terrified, and her son is way too fond of violence. Give the girl a hug.
-”watch your step” yeah we wouldn’t want you to get a splinter on your way to get your head lopped off. That would really suck. 
-the way the crowd groaned when henry’s letter was read out... they sounded like football fans when their team misses a goal.
-”Henry” just henry? not henry the king? No “PS: I’m so random lol” “PS: blow a kiss to Wolsey” No “Henry ex-oh-ex-oh-ex-oh”
-the obligatory gross thing obvs is the sideways beheading. His head bounces!
TLDR: By far and away, the best ep in the show so far in my opinion. It almost feels like it’s set in the sixteenth century. The history was still dodgy af, and so was much of the dialogue, but the drama was much more solid and less plot-holey, the pacing was good, and the foolish mistakes of Stafford and Catherine had actual consequences for the plot, the actors knocked it out of the park, some of the lines were accidentally brilliant. 
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littlewickedwiccan · 4 years ago
For The Workers
Chapter 2 
Alfie x Reader
Warning: Swearing, obvs
Authors note: Wasn’t sure if I was going to carry this on but everyone was so lovely that I couldn’t not. Enjoy and let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters! 
Chapter 1 || <--> || Chapter 3
Tags: @itsjusttaralove​
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It had been a few weeks since you’d ended up as a spare part in Tommy’s wheeling and dealing with the man you now knew as Alfie Solomons. It had been a bumpy start to a new business relationship. Tommy was still unsure as to whether Alfie could be trusted and there had been some tension and a bit of backstabbing, but it seemed as though they’d finally finished pissing about and had reached an agreement. 
You’d secretly hoped that Tommy would need you by his side for a few more of those Camden visits, but things had gone back to normal and he’d been keeping you away. You’d convinced yourself that you’d just taken a shine to London, but there was a part of you that really wanted to get face to face with Alfie again. 
You were making your way through the paint chipped wooden door of the betting office when Polly strided past you, making her way up the stairs and shouting down to you over her shoulder.
“Tommy wants you in his office Y/N, off you pop” 
You let out a sigh, could you not get 5 minutes of rest before being summoned? Weaving your way through the tables and frantic betters you stepped through the glass paned door and into the dimly lit office. Tommy was sitting at his desk flicking through a pile of paper, an ashy cigarette hanging loosely from his lips. He didn’t look up, just gestured for you to take a seat. 
“What can I do for you Tom? I’ve got stuff to be getting on with.”
He removed the cigarette from his mouth, stubbing it out in his ashtray and leaning back in his chair.
“I’ve got a business proposition for you Y/N. One I think you’ll enjoy.” 
A business proposition? Tommy only ever involved you in this stuff when your presence benefitted the transaction. Usually you were used as a distraction or bait for attention starved gangsters, looking to impress you and get close by becoming an ally to Tommy Shelby. Yes he kept you out of the nitty gritty parts of Peaky business, but when he felt it was more than safe, he had no problem showing you off. 
“As you know, Shelby company is expanding into the import/export business and we have joined with the Jewish gangs down in Camden, so we can use their warehouses.” 
“Yes I’m aware” you said, trying to hide your excitement at the mention of Camden and hoping to hear Alfie’s name crop up. 
“Well, we’ve been trying to figure out how we can make the merger a little less conspicuous. We’ve pretty much got everything covered, but we think that a woman’s presence at the warehouse could be the ideal preventative measure to any unauthorised searches.” 
He’d been staring at the desk the whole time he’d been talking, but now his steely blue eyes moved to yours trying to gauge how much panic was rising within you. 
You’d expected the panic also, especially after your last visit to Camden, but you were surprised when you felt nothing. This was going to be a step into the lion’s den for you and yet you didn’t feel an ounce of worry or trepidation about it, you felt ready. 
“And you’d like that woman to be me is that it? I thought I was too delicate and respectable to get involved in such business Tom. What’s changed?” 
“We need someone that looks and acts respectable in order to make the cover convincing. You have no reputation, no criminal record, no black mark against your name. You’re the perfect person to make this merger look legit”  
He tapped out another white cigarette from its case, offering you one which you politely declined. He lit the tip and continued explaining his reasoning behind your new job role. 
“I’ve already arranged for you to be taken care of, you’ll have Peaky boys down there watching the apartment at all hours and Alfie has allocated a couple of his men to keep an eye on you in the warehouse.” 
“I haven’t even accepted yet…” 
“You hate it here Y/N, don’t pretend now that you’re not interested in getting into the city, you’re just like Ada.”
You and Ada were very similar in age and nature and although you didn’t share her political views, you were still as close as sisters. 
He was right, you did hate it in Birmingham, you’d originally run away from your home in Manchester and missed the hustle and bustle of city life. Of course you loved that you knew everyone, but that had its disadvantages sometimes, especially when it came to courting. 
“So what would my job be? Ornament? Play thing? Fashion accessory?” 
“I need you to keep track of the paperwork, admin mostly. Not that I don’t trust Alfie...” 
He tapped the ash off his cigarette and took another puff. 
“...but I don’t trust Alfie.” 
You’d always been good with numbers, but as a woman, there wasn’t much you could really do with that skill, other than illegal bookmaker of course, but even that role had been kept away from you over the years. 
“And Polly’s on board with this plan?” Your eyes narrowed at the thought of your temperamental guardian being OK with Tommy shipping you off to be around non-Peaky gangsters. 
Tommy stood now, making his way over to a dark corner and leaning on a tall filing cabinet, his jacket lifting just enough to give you a glimpse of his halter and pistol tucked away next to his chest.
“Well… I’d be lying if I said she was happy about it, but when is Pol ever happy about anything? Besides, it’s not full-time. You only need to be there three days a week, Curly will take you down and bring you back. I’ve sorted lodgings for you when you’re down there and you’ll be paid, obviously, for your service. Any questions?” 
“Yes actually, do I have a choice or has this been decided for me?” you said rolling your eyes and crossing your legs disapprovingly. You didn’t mind being taken care of and of course you were excited about being down in Camden more frequently, but being controlled and managed like just another employee didn’t sit well with you. 
Tommy stared down at you now, carefully taking a drag of smoke and removing the butt from his lips, using it to point at you. 
And with that he lowered his head and started back to his desk chair, shifting his focus back to his papers and shuffling haphazardly. You took this as your queue to get the fuck out of his office and do as you were told. 
Standing up, you made sure to push the chair back under the desk just a little too hard, making his ink bottle shake and throw up tiny dots onto his desk. You were just about to close the office door behind you when he shouted over to you. 
“Say hello to Alfie for me.” You glanced back with your hand on the door handle to see him staring at you smiling. 
“I’m sure you’ll be happy to see him again.”
You kept your face straight and composed, turning back around and slamming the door loudly behind you, making the glass rattle and customers jump at the sudden disruption.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged in chapter 3!
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liquorisce · 5 years ago
decisions, decisions pt 2
Fandom : Bleach 
Pairings : Ichihime (ft. some ichi x ishi bickering which we love around here)
Rating : T
Part 1
A/N: A few months ago I wrote a post-tybw-karakura-gang-finishes-high-school kinda thing called ‘decisions, decisions’  ft career choice discussions and orihime thinking of leaving town for uni. I wanted to write some more of that stuff and more ichihime pining obvs, so here it is. also i hate myself for not being able to participate in ichihimeweek2020, i suck, but anyway, ‘nuff with the nonsense, here’s the fic: 
(ps: pls be nice to me and like/reblog/comment or whatevs and tell me what u think, ily thx)
It’s five minutes to two, and Ichigo fought to stifle a yawn. The menacing five hundred pages of English grammar exercises in front of him wasn’t helping. 
“... Unbelievable,” he curses, slamming the book shut, much to the annoyance of his bespectacled classmate sitting across him. “Why the hell can’t they just teach us proper English in school?! I’m absolutely fucking positive that Honda-sensei didn’t mention more than three tenses in her class. And what kind of English lesson takes place in Japanese anyway?!” 
“... Quit your whining, Kurosaki. Some of us are trying to study here.” 
Ichigo fumed. By ‘some of us,’ Ishida was pointedly referring to just himself and the long-haired beauty sitting right opposite him, who, judging by her giggling at his outburst, welcomed his distraction. The same giggling that was contributing to the problem, contributing to Ichigo’s immense distraction since after dinner. 
“You’re not even human, Ishida,” he says dismissively. “Keigo’s literally made his bed on my dad’s couch, you can hear his goddamn snores, and Mizuiro left to ‘watch the stars’ with some new girl thirty minutes ago.” 
“You’re the one who invited us over to your place for an all-nighter group study session and you’re calling it quits before the sun is up? As expected, you’re weak.” 
He was right, this had been Ichigo’s idea, Yuzu had offered to make them dinner and his dad had plans tonight, so they were guaranteed some peace and quiet. Despite the noise and the chaos of their group, he missed hanging out with his friends. Ever since the school had given them voluntary study holidays for the upcoming University Entrance Exams, he didn’t get to see much of everyone, as they were either studying or training for competitions. Even today, Tatsuki and Chad left after dinner because they had to get up early for practice and they had decided they wouldn’t be giving the exams anyway. 
Ignoring Ishida’s pointed attempts to rile him up, he turns his attention to Orihime, who despite enjoying their banter, was more focused on the cram book in front of her.  
“Inoue, how are you still so motivated and so… awake?,” he asks, exasperated. “It’s almost 2 am! And you’ve been scribbling away furiously for the last thirty minutes. What are you even studying?”  
“Mouuu, you’re right. I’m not able to solve this proof anyway. Maybe I should call it a night?”
“Electromagnetism?” Ishida asks, skimming the title of the chapter, “Oh, I’ve done this one, I can explain this to you if you want.”  
He doesn’t know what irritates him more, Ishida’s nerdiness, or the soft look in his eyes as he unfailingly offers to help Orihime out, as he’d been doing a lot more of late, ever since they had started studying for the entrance exams together. In fact, it’d been this way this entire evening, starting from when he took a seat right next to her at the table as if he fucking belonged there, leaning over into her notebook, whenever she needed help, his arm casually brushing against her long, silken locks, her answering smile bright and incredibly close to him, and - Ichigo forces that thought to a halt because it has him gritting his teeth.  “... For God’s sake, give her a break,” - 
“... Shut up, Kurosaki, not everyone is applying to study *English* in University”- 
“And what exactly do you mean by that, asshole?” Ichigo snarls, with more venom than needed, because despite having had enough with Ishida’s condescending attitude towards his study choices, his recent behaviour had Ichigo prickling under his skin.  
“... Err, Kurosaki-kun…” Orihime starts, because she’s used to Ichigo and Ishida arguing (they’re just being affectionate, she always insists), there’s a glint in Ichigo’s eyes that’s different.
“... Exactly what I said, some of us don’t have the luxury of skipping the math and science exams,” - 
“Ah, Kurosaki-kun is right! I think my brain really can’t function anymore tonight,” Orihime declares loudly, inserting herself in between them. “Kurosaki-kun, I think I will leave now. Thank you so much for hosting us today.” She bows, her formality annoying him even more, but still throwing him off guard.
As always, Orihime’s pleasant demeanour diffused the rising tempers… somewhat. With one last glare, Ishida grudgingly agreed, “Then I guess I will take my leave as well.” 
Ichigo wants to be polite and say something like, “we should do this more often,” but he’s pissed off, and couldn’t wait to be rid of Ishida’s arrogant mug, so instead he offers, “Inoue, can I walk you home?” 
He doesn’t notice the faint red on her cheeks or the hesitation on her face, when she mumbles, “If it doesn’t inconvenience you.” And he’s torn again - tearing his eyes away from the pretty blush dusting her cheeks unable to stop himself from wondering bitterly if she’d let Ishida walk her home without much protest.
“Ishida lives in the other direction and it would be out of his way, so I don’t mind.” 
“Well then,” Ishida says, looking at her with more fondness than Ichigo would have liked, “Your eyes are all red and puffy. Sleep well. Don’t strain yourself, okay?”
“Yes sir,” she gives him the salute, “... good night!” 
“... And text me that you got home safe. This idiot can’t be trusted with anything,”- 
“... for fuck’s sake, just go home already!” 
“Kurosaki-kun,” she whispers, amused, as she watches Ishida walk away with a cheeky grin on his face, “you’ll wake the neighbours with your angry yelling.”
“Ah, you’re right,” he mumbles, rubbing his neck sheepishly, as their footsteps fall into place beside each other, “I’m sorry for all the swearing, I don’t know why I let Ishida under my skin so much.”   
“Hmmm,” she says, “It’s kind of cute, your bickering. If this were a yaoi novel, I’d totally ship it!” 
“... what the hell?!” His face is red, not just because the thought of him… and Ishida… Ew. But also because this is coming from Orihime, the last person he’d ever expect to engage in fantasies of this sort.
Giggling, she quickly switches to a more somber note. “You seemed... on edge today. Did something happen between the two of you?” 
He doesn’t know how to answer that question. Truth be told, he’s barely able to understand it himself. Sure, there was the usual trading of insults that took place between the two of them, but it was different this time. His whole demeanour just pissed him off. The way he always seemed to know what Orihime was asking, the way he was always able to help her, the familiar way he spoke to her… and the revelation that they’d been studying together for weeks now! 
“I don’t know,” he sighs, because he can’t even explain what he is feeling, let alone the reason behind it, “... I guess it’s just the stress of the exam.” 
“Ugh, tell me about it,” she whines, “I’m so thankful Ishida-kun is giving the same exams as me, and we can share practice questions and tips. I really wouldn’t be able to do this alone.” 
He ignores her mention of him and the tick in his jaw in reaction. “But I don’t get it. You’re giving almost all the exams. Why?!? There’s surely no need.” 
She blushes, ashamed, “I know it sounds stupid, but I really haven’t decided what I want to study in University. I figured if I just gave all of the exams, I would have more options to choose from.” 
“... Come on,” - 
“... And I will also prefer to go wherever I get a scholarship.”  
His fist clenches, “... So you’re definitely applying outside of Karakura?” 
“Yeah, although I’m not sure if there’s any point. It’s so difficult to aim for the National Universities, I’ll never get through. But the counselor says it’s worth a shot for the scholarship.”
“... I thought your aunt was helping you with tuition?” 
“... Only till high school. And I cannot burden her anymore. I’ve received so much from her already.” 
Ichigo doesn’t miss the way her voice wavers at the end, the guilt evident in her words. And he can’t stand it. “... Cheer up,” he says softly, playfully elbowing her. “You’re one of the smartest kids in school. Rank #2 after all the shit we went through last year! If anyone can do it you can.” 
“... You think so?” she mumbles, looking up at him, her insecurities heartbreaking in the grey of her eyes.  
Everything about her is so honest, it hurts him a little bit because his first thought is to say no, to talk her out of it, because the revelation is too sudden, too jarring - he can’t bear  the thought of this town without her. But he nods, smiles encouragingly, because that’s just way too selfish.
Shaking his head out of these thoughts, he asks, “... what was the counselor’s recommendation, again? As a career path?” 
“Ah, Hirata-san said maybe I should just follow my love for baking,” she says, smiling. 
“... and? Why don’t you consider that? You wouldn’t have to give these blasted exams then.” 
He liked the idea of this, now more than before, momentarily regretting his role in convincing her to apply to university. Orihime working in the local bakery, coming around his house everyday to share the leftovers, staying back for dinner maybe… 
“... but Kurosaki-kun was the one who said I wouldn’t be very good at it!” She pouts, “You said I’d make too many things in weird flavours and nobody would want to buy them.” 
Crap. He truly felt like waltzing back in time and whacking the past version of him for saying something like that.  Because if it were anyone else shitting all over Orihime’s dream, he’d have sent the punk flying. Where were all these feelings coming from anyway?! 
“... Shit, I didn’t mean,” - 
“... it’s okay, you’re right. And besides I can work there part-time through University. I was thinking…” She took a deep breath. “Well, actually, it was Ishida-kun’s idea. Maybe I could study to become a doctor? My strength is in healing people anyway…” 
Ichigo rolled his eyes. "Well of course, he'd say that. He's going to study medicine too." And of course he would try to talk Orihime into it. The bastard had taken every opportunity to slither by her side - 
She laughs, a pretty sound, interrupting the profanity in his mind. "Yeah, he did say it would be nice to have some company… but I'm not sure." Sighing, she asks, "How did you decide on English Studies?" 
It wasn't too difficult for him honestly. It helped that he was fairly certain he didn't want to study math or science going forward. "... I like stories. And I want to be able to read and share stories in a global medium, so I decided to study English." 
He looks at her only to find her looking at him in fascination, "... Truth be told, I didn't spend too much time thinking about it. The career aptitude test returned similar results as well, so I just went with it." He shrugs, "I think I'll enjoy it. Let's see." 
"Ahh, you sound so optimistic about your studies, Kurosaki-kun. I wish I could be like that." 
They've reached her apartment building now and she turns to look at him, wistfully. He wishes he could do something for her, ease her anxieties in some way. 
"What about you?" He asks. 
She looks at him, puzzled.  
"... You've told me all about what everyone wants you to do. What do you want to do? I'm sure you must have some inkling." 
“... I,” she stops, opens her mouth again to say something, but nothing comes out. “... what I want… ah, you’ll probably think it’s silly.” She smiles wistfully to herself, because this wasn’t something that she’d ever admitted out loud.
He rolls his eyes, “... Try me.” Because she was many things, and yes, definitely silly sometimes in that unique way of hers, but he would never, could never, call her dreams silly. It’s a moment of realization for him, when he gets angry with the way she dismisses her own dreams that way, and he feels overwhelmed with the desire to pick them up, and keep them safe where no one can trample them, along with that spaced-out, wistful smile of hers. 
“Well,” she gulps, nervous, “I’ve never really thought too much about going to university. Sensei says I’m wasting my potential... but honestly, I think I’ll be happy working.” 
She looks at him unsurely, waiting for a reaction, an opinion, like everyone else. Everyone who’d been urging her to continue school and pursue all kinds of studies that she could possibly do, but… “I just - I want to build a simple life with someone I love. A family, maybe, someday.” 
It comes out so fast, she wishes she could grab the words and shove them back in her mouth. She chances a glance at him, her cheeks hot and furiously embarrassed. 
His expression is unreadable as he gazes down at her. She’s beautiful in the moonlight, he thinks, and it isn’t really a revelation to him, but the melancholy of her beauty is, the loneliness that he wishes he could extinguish as easily as he does hollows. “A simple life huh…” he murmurs. And he can almost picture it, Orihime, ten years from now, a child in her arms, a little boy maybe, with her wide brown eyes and - 
“Well, looks like you have planned it out better than any of us,” he manages hoarsely, unable to look her in the eye anymore. Not with all these… feelings simmering so close to the surface. And before he can help himself, “Do you already know who this mystery man is?” 
He’s come to realize how absolutely unequipped he is to hear the answer, but her unassuming statement has already taken residence inside him somehow, a burning sensation accompanying it. 
 His question jolts her into consciousness, and she notices they’re almost at her apartment. “Ah Kurosaki-kun is very curious today,” she laughs nervously, “only one confession per day! That’s the limit!” The fake cheer in her voice grates in her own ears but she hopes desperately it will steer him away because she’s this close to telling him sometimes, and this was one of those times. Especially in these rare moments when she feels an odd mixture of weakness and greed, where she wants to latch on to him and ask him to stay by her side, hoping selfishly that his kindness will make him say yes. But Orihime was practiced at hiding those feelings away. 
 “Is that right,” he smiles teasingly, albeit weakly, “... I didn’t know you were so mysterious, Inoue. Well goodnight, then.” 
And as he watches her climb up the stairs to her floor, and then lean over the railings to wave goodbye one more time, he can’t help but think of that image of her again, happy and in love and so beautifully fulfilled. And he thinks of the shadow of the man next to her, who will protect that dream and that smile, and his stomach clenches bitterly. 
“You deserve it,” he whispers to her retreating figure, “... You deserve all of it.”
- fin - 
A/N : The ending was cheesy, I KNOW UGH
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amadwomanrambles · 5 years ago
Dangerous Liaisons - Gala
A/N: Thank you so much for the positive feedback on the first oneshot! There is a lot of fluff in the future, but there will be bumps in the road obvs. Enjoy this next one!
Summary: It is the Academy Gala and you’re required to attend; your father wants you to network, but you have other plans. 
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The Academy Gala occurred at the end of the school year to celebrate the achievements of the current graduating class. And since you were the Valedictorian, you were required to attend. 
Your father made it a big deal that you were so important at the Academy that he decided to invite himself to the Gala, bringing your mother as well to make it an entire family affair. It was embarrassing to have them there, to be honest; it would just bring more attention to them and not on you.
It was your achievements they were celebrating, not reliving old times with other Imperial colleagues.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you adjusted your cape slightly. You chose to wear a black dress with a matching cape adorned with gold along the shoulders and across the neckline. Had anyone known better they would have believed you were a high ranking official already with how you presented yourself. 
A knock on the door made you turn from the mirror; you were getting even more excited now that your date had arrived. You rushed to the door and opened it to see Armitage Hux standing there adjusting his cufflinks. He smiled sheepishly at you before his jaw dropped as he looked at your outfit, “Looks like I’ve won the jackpot tonight,” he said leaning up against the doorframe.
Ever since your first official meeting in the Study Hall, the two of you were inseparable. Some of the other classmates japed saying that Hux followed you like some lovesick puppy, while others believed that you were just stringing him along with heartbreak not too far behind. In truth you’ve grown to care for him, so much that you were starting to love him. 
You smiled as you took his arm, escorting you from the dorms down to the banquet hall where the gala was taking place. The party had been going on for a few hours already, and it was easy to point out that they were both arriving fashionably late.
The glares, however, were unbearable.      
It was as if it was an official announcement that you and Armitage were dating … but you weren’t. Armitage had asked you some weeks back if you wanted to go to the gala with him, and of course you couldn’t say no. 
“Ah, there she is,” said a booming voice not far from where you had entered, “There is my precious daughter,”
It was Enric Pryde, dressed in his old Imperial uniform. You could feel Armitage tense up at the sight of the man, and you couldn’t blame him. Hux had told you about his childhood, being abused by his father and his friends … one of them being your own father. 
“Come with me, I have to introduce you to some of the officers on the new First Order flagship the Finalizer,” Enric said as he took your other arm and started directing you towards the direction of a few men that were standing nearby. Armitage didn’t let go of your arm as he followed close beside you, eyes still wide from the mere fact that he was close to one of his abusers again.
You could tell immediately that this was some ploy to get you on the best possible ship after graduation; to be able to rise in the ranks and become a General just like your father. Yes, you had specialized in flight combat and strategizing squadron attack formations that becoming an Admiral was one of your main goals, but your father wanted you to aim higher.
And he was going to get you there even if that meant he would make you sleep with officers to get it. 
It was a disgusting thought, and you hated your father for even bringing that up as an option. 
As you were about to approach the officers you stopped, “Actually, I’m going to dance. I promised Armitage the first dance,” you said, tearing your arm away from Enric’s grip. 
Armitage remained silent as he watched the exchange, worried that Enric may lash out at you. He could tell the tension was rising, but there wasn’t anything he could do other than watch.
Pryde gripped his swaggerstick - he only ever did that when he was getting pissed off - and glared at you for a moment. “I’m celebrating, father. I have plenty of time to network afterwards,” you said before placing a gentle hand on Armitage’s, signaling him to guide them away. 
Armitage blushed as he brought you onto the dance floor, holding one of your hands in his and resting his other hand on your hip. “Are you sure you don’t want to talk to them? It’s a big opportunity for you,” he said, giving a small nod.
“I don’t need my father’s help to get me on a ship,” you shook your head, “And anyway, I would rather be on a ship where you are there by my side,”
No more words were said between you and your father that night; you had chosen to spend it with Armitage.
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sleepypeaky · 5 years ago
its all fucked
part 1
au where michael is chill with tommy, gina isnt there, and aberama lives
Summary: in the immediate aftermath of season 5, tommy desperately tries to find ways to take Mosley down. You might have a way,,, and its not one they were expecting.
Warnings: violence, sexual themes, hehhe, i mean,,,,, obvs swearing
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You knocked lightly on the heavy wooden door and awaited your entrance. 
The Mosley’s London house took up the whole block, and was plastered over with white. The street was empty of cars, and there were no pedestrians at 12 o’clock on a tuesday afternoon. Everyone, much like your cover story, would be out to lunch.
You turned back to the door as you heard the heavy metallic latch being drawn back.
You took these last 3 seconds to calm your nerves. Utter surety overcame you when you remembered that at the end of all this, that horrible son of a bitch would be missing the back of his skull.
That put a smile on your face, a smile that you greeted the woman who stood in the doorway with.
“Because i’m fucking Mosley’s wife. And therefore i am the only one who can kill him.”
The silence was broken after a long while by Arthur.
“You fucking what?!”
You rolled your eyes and pinched your nose.
Tommy still stared at you with his mouth slightly open. Upon closing it, he furrowed his eyebrows and trod over to where you were seated.
He looked down at you,
“When the fuck were you going to tell us? You could have fucked this up for me! What the fuck were you thinking!? Do you want to get yourself killed?!”
You returned his gaze,
“I should ask you the same question! Fucking assassinating a very powerful man in front of hundreds of people? And for your information, who i decide to fuck does not concern you!”
Tommy scoffed,
“You are unbelievable! Everything concerns me. You are a fucking Shelby and were interfering with my business!”
Before you could yell back Polly stood up.
She slammed her glass down on the table.
“Stop bloody bickering and focus on what really matters right here and now.” She turned to you.
“(y/n) does Mrs. Mosley know that you are a Shelby?”
You shook your head. You had resigned yourself from most family affairs at the age of 16, and left to travel abroad before the Shelby name became renowned. And that, paired with being the 4th child (between Ada and John), you were virtually unknown, and definitely not assumed to be affiliated with the Shelby’s.
“Ok so thats a start.” Polly sighed. “Tommy do you have any immediately pressing questions?”
Tommy clenched his jaw. Running his hand over his chin he asked,
“What makes you think you can kill her husband and get away with it?”
You responded without a beat,
“She hates him. He’s a faschist, abusive, monster to whom she was practically forced to marry. And add to all that, she evidently does not care for men.”
“Have you ever discussed killing her husband before?”
“No, tommy. I’m not a complete idiot. But she has told me many things; its easy to infer.”
Tommy nodded slightly in acceptance.
“Fine. This is our best choice so let’s see what you got.”
Tommy paced the room while twirling a pen in his hands.
“We need to perfect this. There can be no flaws.”
You lay back on the couch, rolling your eyes.
“Tom, i know! Do you really want to go over everything again?”
“(y/n) you know the answer is yes.” Polly replied, taking a drag of her cigarette.
After yesterday’s meeting Ada, Michael, Finn, and Arthur had returned home. Polly stayed to make sure you and Tommy didn’t strangle each other. (she always said that you two were too alike and would try to kill each other if left unsupervised)
You sighed.
“Ok here it is again.”
The plan was simple: You would meet Cynthia Mosley at your usual time, 12 noon on tuesday. There were only 2 servants at the London House and they both kept to themselves, only thinking that you were a friend who called weekly for lunch. You would eat, talk, and go up to her room. You both never feared the appearance of Mosley, as he was in the house of commons for a few hours, and then would always retire to his office where someone would keep him occupied for much of the later afternoon. Tomorrow, however, Tommy would catch Mosley before he got to his office and give him cause for suspicion. Mosley would return home to find his wife in bed with, well, you. Then bang. You would then break the bedroom window and scream. The goal was to make it seem like one of Mosleys enemies had shot him through the window. Before any serious inquiries could be made, Cynthia would be on a ship headed for america, along with the 2 maids. And you would have left before you were seen.
All set.
“Hello Sally”
You greeted the maid who opened the door.
“Mrs. Cynthia is in the study, ma’am. You will be taking lunch in there.”
You thanked her and made your way down the hall.
You climbed the stairs.
She sheds her clothing.
Tommy pulls Mosley aside.
Whispers in his ear.
Mosley’s face flushed with anger.
Cynthia moans.
The car screeches to a halt.
The bed hits repetitively against the wall.
You hear the door open below but double your efforts to make sure Cynthia doesnt hear.
Mosley enters the house with a bang. The maids are nowhere to be found. He waits for a second and sure enough, hears enough to confirm his suspicion. He throws his hat to the floor and flies up the stairs. 
He kicks the door open, causing it to slam against the wall with a loud crash.
Cynthia yelps and opens her eyes, which widen with shock as she sees her husband.
Mosley only sees you, frozen in shock and confusion as you lift up from between her legs. 
He is so confused that his normal instincts dont kick in when you reach under the sheets and produce a gun. 
His eyes finally widen, too late.
“Courtesy of Tommy Shelby.”
You pull the trigger. Mosley slides to the floor, blood fanned out behind him on the wall.
You stand and look down at his lifeless body, spitting at him fro good measure.
“take that you faschist fuck.”
You turn back to the much stunned Cynthia.
“Ok,” you start. “I guess i should explain.”
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lightbringcr · 5 years ago
tagged by: i stole this from @cutmystrxngs tagging: anyone!!
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au ( dependent on verse ) / canon-divergent / fandomless 
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. 
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( I have no clue. I know a lot of people that find her attractive, and a lot of people who don’t. *shrug* )
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES? / NO / IDK. ( Maybe not physically, like compared to Garen, but she’s definitely strong emotionally. She’s learned to love herself at least and accept change & what not. )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ? (Main story? I can say that she was a big part of the Demacia changes, considering she’s the only ‘mage’ they’ve chosen to acknowledge and intertwined besides Sylas (give me Sona lore please.) but other than that, if you don’t care about Demacia, it’s not really the main story.)
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. (She may be Riot’s poster girl, but she still isn’t the main character. See above.)
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ? ( I’m assuming only Demacia (obv) & Noxus really know about the Crownguards or at least have heard of them. Demacia is sort of isolationist & so I don’t see her being known around the world. Maybe in older lore, when she was out and about on missions and actually spying. New lore, probably not. If they had heard of Crownguards, they’d probably think of Garen first. )
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. ( Depending on who you ask. )
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I really try to stick to canon, but of course there needs to be some leniency in my opinion. If I very strictly followed canon, I think I’d be bored LOL. I like trying to mix a bit of old Lux’s personality with new ( since I was deeply in love with her before the lore changes. ) and try my best to make her unique. New Lux is definitely fake in a different way as it is with hiding a secret, but old Lux being two-faced, resentful and cold resonated with me. That being said, I still respect the canon, because I like the direction they’ve taken with Demacia. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Lux is already an inquisitive, curious person, so it’d be easy for her to find any way to interact with people / muses she already deems interesting. She wants to see and experience the world for herself, and she’s rather friendly ( unless you somehow show her that you aren’t. ) so it’s easy to make friends with her!! She tends to break traditions and rebel against the standards / life that was set up for her. She loves learning, especially about people, so she’ll have a grand time with your muse -- that is, if you like slow burn / any relationship development. All in all, she is a sweet, adventurous and sassy girl. She wants to meet all kinds of different souls. Need I say more?
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — I don’t know. I’m biased and totally love her. But some people might find her a bit annoying, or look at her on a surface level and assume that’s all there is to her or find she’s airheaded. A peppy, light mage who spews bullshit about positivity and what not. Faking it to make it. Or what have you. I dunno, I think she’s telling herself to stay positive more than anyone else. She also doesn’t have a tragic backstory, she grew up quite nicely and I’m surprised her mother didn’t shove the annuller at her and just let her sass her like that. She was lucky, to say the least, in comparison to Sylas, and she’s quite young, literally doesn’t have any life experience compared to other champions. Maybe some people find her cliche and overrated.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  — I wrote her way back when in 2012. Or something like that. Fell in love immediately with her upon reading her judgment in the JoJ and wanted to give RPing a try. Took a break for a while and decided to take a step back from her, to see where I wanted to go with her. She’s absolutely my favorite character, let alone champion. Still love her to this day! 
What keeps your inspiration going?  — MUSIC. Honestly, music helps my muse so much. Any song that reminds me of her or any ship I have with her, or any song that reminds me of a hardship she’s faced, it helps so much. And obviously, my friends here. They are always so supportive of me. Heck, I might not play her as much anymore in League, but she still has a special place in my heart.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES …? / NO. ( I think so, but I doubt myself ALL THE TIME, or think I could change something else about her, or make her more likable. I think... she’s alright for the most part? )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( Sometimes a random headcanon will spring to my mind and I’ll need to write it down. Most of the time, I don’t bother writing it down since I need to consider it more. Or I think too hard about it and think ‘ nah, that’s not right. ’  )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( I used to write them a LOT MORE. Years ago. About Ez/Lux. Now I kinda write them in my Google Drive. )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. ( She’s too cute. )
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( Half & half. I’m always wondering if I’m messing it up or making her too nice or forgiving. If that is even such a thing.  )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( I think my writing is okay for the most part, I do want to work on descriptions / using more detail and similes/metaphors in my writing. )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( Yes. I get emotional for a lot of things. )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — If it’s constructive and about my WRITING, then yes. Portrayal doesn’t matter to me too much. One person can have an opinion about how Muse A would react to a certain event, and another person could have a different one. It’s all subjective at that point imo, unless it’s obviously something that a majority of people agree on. But I’m not going to bring people down for their portrayal and I expect people not to do that to me either. If you simply don’t like my portrayal, you don’t have to follow/interact. There’s plenty of different potrayals of Lux too, so I’d be confused if someone felt the need to hark on me about it. It’s really that simple.
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Yes!! They let me think about small details or situations that I wouldn’t really think about otherwise. I love them.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  — Sure. I’m open to discussions, in case I missed something that was said by Riot or something along those lines. But if it’s something that wasn’t explicitly stated, like Lux’s favorite dessert or whatever, I doubt we’ll change our minds. We can agree to disagree.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — Shrug. As I said above, that’s their opinion and how they see Lux. Everyone sees her differently. I’d probably be a little offended, because I put work into her, but that’s about the only thing. 
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — Shrug. They wouldn’t be the first nor the last person to tell me they hate Lux, whether it’s because she’s too popular and gets all the skins, or that she’s basic, or whatever. I really don’t care?? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of her. Just please don’t shove it in my face if you hate her or bother talking to me about it. If you love her, please DO shove it in my face. 
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Yes, sure. I always welcome feedback. I also know I use too many commas and am trying to work on that, but yes. If you could help me improve my writing in a NICE way, then I welcome it.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I think so. I don’t like rushing people or demanding their time. I’m also open to writing any plots or ideas you have in mind. The only reason I won’t like you is if you obviously disrespect me. 
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
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tintinwrites · 6 years ago
tonight | Poe Dameron x Reader | Part Five
A/N: Here’s the next part!! These two consummate their love lol. Please feel free to skip if you don’t like smut. I won’t be offended <3
Rating: M
Warning: Virginity loss. Naughty words.
Word count: 3,155, apparently!!
Summary: You, a First Order officer, and Poe Dameron, the best pilot in the Resistance, are drawn to each other from the moment you meet. Very loosely based on West Side Story, which is obvs based on Romeo and Juliet.
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GIF credit: No idea, but it’s not mine.
Tags: @yana-versio​ @bobateaandchocolatepudding @yeeterbenjaminparker @aroseamongthestars @unicorntrooper @helaintoloki @marvelous-revengers @moonflowersandsparkles @myrabbitholetoneverland @ayysexual-armitage @kaliforniacoastalteens
You were the perfect soldier so they wouldn't figure out you were defecting.
You had always been a good soldier, but Hux was right when he said you were soft. You were kinder than most of your colleagues, you knew that now.
No, you needed to be perfect. You couldn't let them think you had any doubts about the First Order's agenda. You hid every emotion. You did your best not to flinch or tear up when a stormtrooper killed someone who didn't cooperate.
You just hoped being so different wouldn't raise their suspicions either.
You'd never been so nervous than the day you were going to leave came, and was it just you or was Hux watching you more? Did he know? Oh, stars, did he know? Was he biding his time until you let down your guard and he could take you away to be executed?
Maybe you were supposed to stay. Maybe running off with some Resistance flyboy was a horrible idea and you were getting yourself into something you wouldn't be able to get out of.
But he was so wonderful. So kind and lovely, and something bigger than your fear told you that you would regret it if you didn't go with him.
So you bid General Hux goodnight with the calmest voice you could muster, walked toward your quarters, turned to head into the hangar, and stole a small transport ship.
It wasn't the most technologically advanced ship you had, but it got you to the planet that you and Poe had agreed on, and that was what mattered the most.
You didn't see him or a Resistance ship anywhere at first, and you got worried.
You were so on edge from learning about the First Order's true nature and the risk of running away from them that your anxious mind went to the worst case scenarios.
What if they intercepted Poe and imprisoned him? What if they killed him instead? What if everything was a lie and Poe was just getting information from you? What if you were an even a bigger idiot than you thought, and now you would have to go back to what you knew and beg them to have mercy on you?
Then Poe appeared, smiling at you like you were important, and you knew that everything was okay and that there was no way you were going back to the sheltered cruelty of the First Order.
"Hey, kid." He gave you enough time to pull away if you wanted to before he gave you a soft kiss. "Look, I know I said I'd get you out of here—"
It was all a joke. He hated your kind. You were naive. He was going to bring you back to the Resistance to be tortured for information before he killed you himself so it would break your heart more.
"—but I think it's best if we lay low for tonight and leave in the morning, if that's okay. I don't know if they'll be searching the skies for you."
Your smile was mostly from relief. "That's fine. I'll sleep in my ship for tonight."
"No, no, I got us a hotel room." He put his arm around your neck and shoulders in a friendly way that you'd never been held before, turning you and leading you to a large building. "I wouldn't make you wait another night if I wasn't gonna make it comfy for you."
You might have been bouncing slightly as you sat on the bed in your hotel room.
You'd never been to a hotel before. The sheets were soft and the mattress was comfy, and the room was decorated in more colors than the muted tone of the First Order base.
You loved it. It felt...right.
Poe knelt on the floor, making himself a place to sleep out of an extra blanket and a pillow from the bed. He smiled every so often at the way you kicked your feet as they hung off the edge of the mattress.
"Are you sure you'll be comfortable?"
"Yeah. I've slept in way worse conditions."
"Yeah. Would you believe I once slept on a bed of spikes?"
"Good, because I didn't. I've slept on the cold, hard ground, though, and a carpeted floor beats that any day."
You smiled, watching him fluff up the pillow. "Will you kiss me goodnight?"
He turned and moved on his knees towards you, stopping between your legs and giving you a sweet kiss. "Never thought I'd be so willing to kiss a First Order officer, but I can't say I'm unhappy about it."
"Never thought I'd even have a civil conversation with a Resistance pilot, but I think you might be the best thing to ever happen to me." You cupped his jaw in both hands, running your thumbs over his cheeks. "We're safe?"
"I'm gonna do my damnedest to make sure you're always safe. You deserve it."
"Then don't sleep on the floor." You bit your lip, because you were nervous and because you didn't have a desire for this before. It was another thing that you had been told was a waste of time, but Poe was sweet and there were strange signals in your brain telling you to do this with him. "Show me...show me what it's like to make love."
"What?" He stared at you. "Do you know what you're asking for?"
"Yes. I'm not that much of an idiot."
"You're not an idiot at all." He took your hands from his face, holding them in his own. "Why are you asking for this, sweetheart?"
"I'm supposed to do this with you."
He looked horrified by your statement. "I don't know what the fuck the First Order taught you, but you don't have to—"
"No! No, I don't feel forced. It's just that something...within me is telling me that I'm meant to do this with you." You leaned forward, pressing your forehead to his and closing your eyes, your voice softening. "They've taken so much from me, Poe, and you've shown me so much in this little time we've had together. I want to learn everything with you."
He furrowed his brow, leaning heavily into you. "We don't have to do it right now. We can wait years if you want to."
"I thought you weren't a patient man?"
"When it comes to waiting for certain dates or waiting to set you free, yes. But I don't expect anything from you."
"I want to do it tonight."
"—okay. Okay. If that'll make you feel happy, if that'll help you take your life back, then it's more than alright with me." He kissed you again, hands tentatively stroking your thighs in case you stopped him. When you didn't, he took to moving his kisses down your neck, which you seemed to thoroughly enjoy.
You did enjoy the new sensation; the way his lips tickled your neck and you could feel him smile against your skin when you let out a gasp.
One of Poe's hands moved higher, his thumb stroking between your legs through your pants and making you jump. You hardly even touched yourself as you never really saw the need to; it seemed you were sensitive to even the lightest touch because of it.
Both hands came to push up your shirt a bit as his head dipped down to kiss your stomach, making you giggle and lean back to avoid the tickling of his lips. You ended up falling back against the bed and he followed, moving over you and meeting your eyes with a sweet smirk.
"I'm gonna help you take your clothes off." He pulled back so you could sit up, working with you to remove your shirt before he tugged your pants off.
He looked at you like your First Order-issue underwear was the most gorgeous thing he'd ever seen.
You tried to turn away in embarrassment of being seen in a way that no one in the First Order had ever seen you, but his hands came to still you.
"Hey, don't hide yourself from me. You're beautiful." He pressed kisses where your breasts peeked out of your bra.
"No one has ever..."
"I know." He reached up to stroke your cheek, letting his fingers slide down your neck, shoulder, and arm, until he moved to grasp your hip. "We can stop."
"I don't want to." You took a deep breath of courage before taking off your bra.
You were blushing the moment it fell, and Poe's hungry gaze raking over your chest only caused that blush to deepen. You gave a little cry of surprise as he picked you up, and you felt some sweet romance unravel within you as he turned to lay you down correctly on the bed, laying back against the pillows.
He left you there to take off his own clothes. He revealed a fairly aesthetically pleasing torso with the removal of his shirt, then strong legs as he took off his pants, and you could see something through his own generic-looking underwear. You didn't know much, but you figured you could guess what it was.
"You're staring, sweetheart," came Poe's teasing tone. He pushed his underwear down and your gaze immediately went to his face, which he noticed with a quirked brow. "You okay?"
"Yes. I just...I've never seen...one." You blushed again with how stupid you felt for admitting such a thing. It was clear that those outside the First Order knew all about these matters.
But Poe smiled so kindly that you forgot all about it, moving onto the bed next to you. "Go ahead and look. You can touch it if you want."
It took you a long moment to brave looking between his legs, where you saw that he looked simpler than you expected, but pleasing enough that you felt an enjoyable pulse between your own legs.
You reached out to touch him, only to quickly pull your hand back at the last second.
He grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "You don't have to touch me, but I promise that you have nothing to be afraid of."
"I don't mean to be so scared. I just don't know anything...and I feel so stupid..."
He kissed you.
You reached up to pull him closer.
He easily moved on top of you, leaving your lips to kiss down to your breasts. When he took one of your nipples into his mouth, you nearly flew off the bed from the new feeling.
Your eyes were lustful and his were mischievous as they met. He kept your gazes locked, kissing along your chest until his lips met your left breast and he sucked on your nipple; you gave a moan so loud you slapped a hand over your mouth to quiet yourself.
"I think," He lifted his head and took hold of your wrist, gently guiding your arm down to your side. "you've been repressed enough. Let go."
"—thank you." You touched his hair, running your fingers through it to distract yourself from the tears of gratitude that wanted to fall.
He took your underwear off and ran his fingers over your folds, before gently rubbing right where you felt that pulse. Your hips left the bed of their own accord, surprising you with your eagerness to meet his hand.
It took effort to speak around your moans. "What...what are you doing?"
"You need to be wet, or it's gonna hurt like hell." It seemed like such a technical thing, yet he was smirking proudly at the distracted nod you gave. You hardly paid attention to his words, because nothing had ever felt so good in your entire life. "That's right, baby. Just let yourself feel good."
"I want to feel like this all the time."
"I can do that." He pressed his forehead to yours, enjoying your gasps as he continued to steadily rub your clit. "I wanna give you everything, baby. I want to show you everything they never let you see."
"Please..." You weren't sure if you were begging for more touching or to be shown the universe. Perhaps it was both.
Poe pulled his hand away and you gave a whine so pitiful that he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your nose. "We'll get back to that, don't worry." He massaged your thighs as he pushed them apart, fitting so perfectly between your legs that you desired to keep him there forever. "You ready?"
You were so busy enjoying his attentions that you forgot all about being nervous, but you were suddenly remembering. Nevertheless, you gave a tentative nod.
As he pushed the tip of his cock inside of you, you were wondering if maybe having him between your legs forever wasn't the best idea.
It didn't hurt, per se. The way he was stretching you open was uncomfortable, however, and the flood of emotions that came with his closeness took you by surprise.
"Y/N? Sweetheart, you're crying..." His hand came up to brush the tears you hadn't noticed from your cheeks. "We don't have to do this."
"No!" You grabbed onto Poe's shoulders, yanking him back down when he tried to pull away from you. "I'm okay, I want this, I just...I didn't realize that being so close to someone would be so..."
"Yeah." You sobbed softly, reaching up to stroke his face. "I didn't know how lonely I was until you showed me what it was like to be cared about. I mean, really cared about."
He kissed your tears away before gently pressing his lips to yours, distracting you just slightly as he pushed further inside of you. "Breathe, sweetheart. I'm gonna start moving in a second, okay?"
"Yes, okay." You breathed slowly to calm yourself, moving your hands back to his shoulders. The feel of his surprisingly soft skin helped you relax. "Do you moisturize?"
"What?" He gave a laugh that was slightly strained with his pleasure.
"Your skin is so soft for a pilot and a soldier."
"My shoulders don't exactly take the brunt of my work, baby." He peppered kisses over your breasts, running his tongue between them. "You're soft all over. The complete opposite of the First Order."
The feeling of being full of Poe had been a bit shocking at first, but you were slowly starting to get used to it. Now your brain and body were nudging you to continue consummating your relationship, somehow sure that there would be both emotional and physical pleasure ahead.
Stars, you were sure you were falling in love with him. You wished you knew.
"I'm ready for you to move, Poe," your voice came out gentler than you intended and, oh, he looked at you so sweetly that you knew for certain now that you had done the right thing. You were safe here, in the right place, with a man who would show you the universe and make sure no harm came to you.
"I'll stop if you need me to, okay?" He slowly pulled out, then pushed in just as slowly, gauging your reaction.
You did your best to smile reassuringly despite the hint of discomfort that hung on.
His hand moved between your legs, as promised, to stroke the previously unknown place that made you feel like the room was spinning. How many unknown places would he show you? Not just on your body, but in the galaxy? You anticipated things you didn't even know existed.
The more he touched you, the easier he moved within you and the better his movements actually felt. It was nothing compared to how his touches made you feel, but it was definitely more pleasurable than when he'd first entered you.
You kept your moans soft even though he gave you permission to be free, too worried about being too loud during your first time doing this.
A loud moan came from you eventually, however, and he gave a low moan in return. His eyes were closed tightly, you noticed, listening to his grunts of enjoyment and effort until a particularly shiver-inducing flash of pleasure seemed to distract you from everything else.
Some feeling you'd never experienced was building up between your legs, growing stronger and more frequent. As soon as it got so deliciously strong that you were whimpering Poe's name in adoration, it culminated in what you could only describe as an explosion; a physical release of every emotion you'd ever felt until all that was left inside you was pure pleasure. You felt yourself squeezing impossibly tighter around Poe's cock, which made him happy, if the noises he made and the words he said were any indication.
The way you clenched around him again and again slowly weakened and so did your hazy mind, just in time to witness Poe pull away from you, releasing on you instead of in you.
"Poe," you sputtered in surprise and confusion.
"You want a baby on your first day out?"
Eyes wide, you quickly shook your head.
You watched in confusion as he got up and walked into the adjacent refresher. He returned in just a few seconds with a cloth, gently cleaning his seed off of you, before tossing the cloth aside and dropping onto the bed beside you.
You longed to pull him closer, not just because joining with him was pleasurable, but because being so close with him was almost magical. It made you feel safe, and loved, and important, and beautiful.
All things you had never truly felt before.
"I want to do it again." You grabbed onto his arms, tried to pull him back on top of you, but he stayed put with a laugh.
"I appreciate the eagerness, but you gotta give me a second. Men can't...get it up as quick as women can."
You nodded slowly, settling for pressing the length of your body to his.
He pressed back against you, brushing hair away from your face and gazing at you with the kindest eyes you'd ever seen. "That was good for you?"
"More than."
"Good." He stroked your chin. "I love that happy look on your face. I'll show you every inch of the galaxy if it keeps that look on your face."
"Poe." There you were, trying not to cry again. "I can't tell you how much this means to me."
"You don't have to. You're amazing, and you deserve more than what they gave you."
As you cuddled up closer to him, you wondered if you should tell him that you might be falling in love with him.
You decided it against it for the time being.
Maybe when you joined the Resistance, you could talk to someone and find out what it felt like.
And if what you felt for Poe wasn't love just yet, you couldn't imagine how wonderful it would be when it was.
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spartanguard · 6 years ago
savage garden, 3/?
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Summary: Killian Jones was, by far, the worst, weakest, most ineffectual Dark One ever. (According to the Darkness, at least.) And he was fine with that. He was just a slave, a deckhand—what use did he have of dark magic? And even less want. But the Darkness has vowed to firmly get him under its grasp, one of these days. He finds respite in a beautiful secluded garden—and the amazing woman he eventually meets there. The question remains, though: is it—is she—enough to keep him out of the dark completely? One can only hope…
3.5k | rated T | AO3 | part 1 | part 2 (art) 
A/N: Here’s the next chapter! Thanks to everyone who read/commented on the first! This thing keeps running away from me but I can’t wait to share the rest with y’all. Thanks again to the organizers of @csmarchmadness for getting me going on it again and to @optomisticgirl for looking it over/letting me ramble about it. And to @cocohook38 for the AMAZING art she did of the last chapter! (check the link!)
The title comes from "Violet" by Savage Garden (obvs). More CS interaction here...but still a bit angsty! This is the last shorter chapter; they’ll be a bit longer from here on out because I can’t stop writing about these two.
chapter 3: I’m gonna crash into your world
Killian moped and hid for several days, but after he’d broken three mugs and set one of his new novels ablaze in inexplicable rages, he knew he needed to get back to the garden’s tranquility.
Why bother? You’re just gonna delay the inevitable.
“It’s still a delay.”
He had to assume the garden’s new protector wasn’t as nocturnal as he was; so long as he took extra care not to leave a mark and was gone by daybreak, he should be fine. (Worst-case scenario...he used magic to leave. But he could probably avoid that.)
Returning to the oasis was like breathing fresh air after so long cooped up, even more than the sea breeze on his balcony or the walk through the forest could offer. His constantly racing heart calmed immediately, and he could feel the Darkness pressed back to the recesses of his mind; he should probably worry what it was doing there, but the respite was too blissful for him really consider it.
He only dallied for a few hours before leaving, not wanting to risk blonde fury. She’d been something else, though, hadn’t she? He hadn’t seen that kind of fierceness in anyone since Milah. Not that he had much to compare it to, but still—despite their rocky meeting, he was left somewhat in awe.
Except she hates you, the Darkness cheerfully reminded.
“I’m aware,” he sighed. But still—one could dream. (Or whatever he did instead of dreaming.)
He resumed his nightly visits, extra wary of his presence in the eden; he didn’t even sit on a bench or walk quickly, lest he stir up a breeze and disturb the lawn. He took in the fragrances from a safe distance and ingrained the shape of the petals into his mind’s eye—a perk of his extra-sharp vision. And he left well before dawn.
He was pleased with himself; he wasn’t typically one for rebellion, despite his servitude on a pirate ship. But it wasn’t like she owned the garden, right?
Wrong, apparently. Because after a few weeks of uneventful visits, he’d hardly set foot inside the walls one night before a piercing, shrill whistle sounded, rattling his brain in his skull; he covered his ears in an attempt to muffle it, but it felt like it was coming from inside his head.
The pain in his cranium was quickly replaced by pain all over as he was tackled from behind, pinned to the ground on his stomach as some force held him down. He could see where the grass died at contact with his face.
“I thought I told you to leave!” It was her again—of course.
“You never said I couldn’t come back,” he snarled, a foreign—but sadly, not unfamiliar—rage coursing through him; how dare she attack when he was minding his own business!
A moment later, he was flipped over on his back and a dagger was at his neck. The blonde sorceress was straddling his hips, fury etched in her features. “Most people would have assumed the unsaid,” she bit back.
“I’m not most people, lass,” he snapped. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with.” Heat was rising with his anger, starting at his core and emanating out.
For a brief moment, fear flashed in her eyes; she must have felt the magical shift in the air around him. But it was gone in a blink, determination taking its spot as she summoned a ball of white magic into her free hand. “Try me.”
“Oh, trust me—you don’t want that,” he countered, his own powers flickering like black lightning in his palm, even with the glove on. Sparks began to shower off it, killing the plants wherever they fell.
Imagine what it could do to her, the Darkness whispered, followed by a chorus of other ghostly voices encouraging him to Do it! Do it! Dooooo itttttt....
Her eyes widened as she glanced at the danger lurking in his grip, her fight or flight response trying to decide which was best. She was scared. Perfect.
Wait—she was scared...of him? No; no, that couldn’t...he blinked a few times as recognisance took over. What the bloody hell was he doing?
He closed his hand in a fist around the dark magic, squelching it; he could almost feel it stop in its tracks as it rushed through his veins. As best he could, he scrambled back away from her, casting her on her rear, but that was surely a less grievous injury than whatever he’d been about to do.
In the last glimpse he caught of her face, she wore an expression of pure confusion. “I’m...I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean...I’m sorry,” he sputtered, then called on the magic to whisk him away.
When the smoke cleared, he was on his balcony, gasping for air he didn’t truly need—he could only assume it was a buried nervous reaction in his body. He could feel tears welling at his eyes as shame washed over him; how had he let it get that far? That had never happened before—not to that extreme.
We told you—it’s inevitable. Stop fighting it. Wasn’t it exhilarating?
“No, it wasn’t.” The adrenaline running through him did not come from joy.
Ohh, but it was—facing off against a proper magic user for once? We could have some fun with her, dearie.
“You won’t. I won’t let you.”
How? You clearly can’t keep out of that garden.
“I won’t go back; I mean it this time.”
You’re too weak to keep that promise. And apparently too stupid to avoid the one thing that can kill you.
That had his attention. “What?”
She was radiating pure light magic! Didn’t you feel that?
He collapsed into his chair as he thought back to their confrontation—the pure light of her magic and her reaction to his.
The only thing that can destroy darkness is light.
“Is that so,” he said dryly. Maybe there was a way out of this curse after all; he didn’t care if it cost him his life, so long as it was destroyed.
We know what you’re thinking, the chorus hissed. We won’t let you.
“We’ll see about that.”
There was no waiting around for a cool down this time. Even if he didn’t go inside, he still had to be near the garden; just knowing what—and who—lay inside was enough to calm him, though the voices taunted him at every turn.
Do you really have such little self-preservation?
“It would seem so.”
The cool stone walls tamped down the blazing dark heat that would well up, and even the flowering vines that covered them were a balm.
What a waste of resources, the Darkness scoffed as he observed a perfect petal. Magic can be used for so much more—to steal, to win, to conquer!
Even if he wasn’t witness to her raw power, he knew that wasn’t the case. Despite his personal interactions with magic being rather negative, he grew up on tales of powerful, just wizards and goodness prevailing over evil, always. While he knew it was never in the cards for him, he’d always been especially in awe over tales of true love prevailing over all else.
It made him curious to see her in action. Surely her magic didn’t only take the form of the alarm system he’d set off or the defensive display he’d triggered, though even that had a raw kind of beauty about it.
So he decided one night, a few weeks after their faceoff, that he wouldn’t flee before dawn this time. The sun was just about to break over the horizon when he selected a vine near the door and touched it with his bare fingers, watching as it shriveled in his hand—but knowing that it wouldn’t be that way for long.
As nimbly as he could manage, he climbed a tree near the door, out of sight but with a full view of the entrance, and sat in wait for her arrival. He probably could have made himself invisible, but knowing him, he would have just set the tree on fire if he tried.
We can make that happen.
He didn’t acknowledge the suggestion, because footsteps were falling on the path that led to the door. He’d never traveled down it, preferring his own self-made trail to anything where he might encounter people; he thought the village of Longbourne lay that way, or maybe the capital of Misthaven? For as long as he’d been around, he was rough on his geography, and goodness knew how it had changed over the years.
No matter; what was important was who was arriving: the still-nameless guardian of the garden. From this vantage point, he was finally able to take in her odd manner of dress: a long white cloak that she’d had on during their first meeting, made of such a fine material that told him she either came from money or had stolen from the rich. Because below it, she wore a utilitarian outfit of a blue leather jerkin and matching leggings, comfortably worn boots, and a simple tunic underneath the top that all indicated a life of labour. Her hair was down today, but it had been pulled back during their altercation.
Her appearance painted a contradictory image that he couldn’t puzzle out, though he supposed his own monk-like cloak, leather pants and boots, and wide-open shirt were equally in opposition.
As she approached the gate, he could tell the exact moment she noticed his handiwork. She paused midstep, then glanced around, no doubt looking for him; thankfully, she didn’t think to look up. Then she turned back to the dead vine and marched up to it.
He held his breath as he watched her work, because it was more beautiful than he expected: gently, she held the blackened plant in one hand, and the other hovered over it until tiny spheres of white light sprang forth, some finding the vine immediately and others floating up to find and heal its farther reaches. At one point, the entire vine glowed with magic, and when the light faded, it was completely restored.
“Wow,” he breathed, completely stunned. But then he clamped his mouth shut and prayed she hadn’t heard that.
Luck was not on his side. “I know you’re there,” she called out, sounding almost resigned. “You can come on down.”
He stayed frozen; he had no idea what to do. The Darkness was screaming that it was a trap, but other than the safeguards she’d put on the garden, he couldn’t see her being so devious. And if she was extending an invitation, wouldn’t it make sense for him to accept it, especially if she held the key to ending the Dark One?
Carefully, he began to pick his way down the branches, but going down was harder than going up, and he missed a foothold, falling the rest of the way down and landing on his back with a groan. Anyone else would have been seriously injured, and the jolt was bad enough that he felt like he was, but whatever had been holding his body together all these years made sure he went unscathed; it just hurt like hell.
The woman made no effort to help him, but at least she didn’t make fun of him, which in itself was a change from the usual response to his clumsiness. Granted, no one had done that in over a century, but the memory was still fresh.
When he’d finally recovered enough to move, he hoisted himself up, brushed himself off, and then turned to face her. She was wearing an utterly unimpressed expression; now that, he was used to.
“My apologies for the intrusion,” he said, with a meek bow, not sure what else to say. Did she want to interrogate him? Formally banish him? There were any number of punishments she could execute.
“It’s fine,” she said with a slight, casual shrug. “I thought about it, and I figured that a Dark One who is obsessed with a garden, of all things, can’t be all that bad.”
He breathed in sharply. It shouldn’t have come to a surprise that she knew what he was, but no one had addressed him as such in so long; he had thought that perhaps the Dark One was just a legend by now, but apparently not.
“Are you sure about that, lass?” he asked her. “You’ve seen what I can do.” And if she knew her history, then she likely knew what the Darkness was capable of.
“Yeah, but you didn’t,” she countered. “Come on in,” she added with a tilt of her head toward the open door, then headed in herself.
The Darkness tried to hold him back, but one glimpse of the haven within the walls was all it took for him to follow her.
He closed his eyes and tilted his head back as he breathed in the sweet floral scent inside. This was probably the latest in the day he’d been here, and with the flowers opening even more to the sun overhead, the fragrance was stronger than he’d ever noticed.
“So what was that one?” Her voice pulled him from his calm reverie; she’d taken a seat on one of the benches, shirked her cloak, and was basking in the warm light.
“I beg your pardon?” he stammered.
“The vine; was that an accident, or on purpose? I know you said you didn’t mean to cause damage, but that seemed pretty specific.”
He could feel a flush rising. “I’m afraid that one was intentional.”
She tilted her head. “Why?”
“I was just…curious,” he admitted.
She sat up a little straighter as he slowly shuffled in her direction; he could see her hackles rising. “About my magic?”
“Aye.” He felt like he needed to tell the truth, or something resembling it, lest she cast him out again. “Please don’t take this as me being forward, but I can’t honestly say I’ve seen anything quite so beautiful as it.” Except her, maybe, but that would definitely cross a line.
She gave a small smile back. “It’s been a while since anyone said anything like that to me.”
“Well, that’s a shame,” he blurted out.
She rolled her eyes, but was grinning. “I bet you’re full of lines like that, aren’t you?”
“Uh, no, actually; I’m not quite sure where that came from, to be honest.”
“Hopefully not the same place as that black storm ball you had a few weeks ago.”
Did you already forget that you nearly killed her? the Darkness taunted as his gaze drifted to the grass. Should have known you’d get so easily lost in a pretty face, just like Milah—
“No!” he shouted, before those visions could play in his mind again. Emma jumped at the noise, her face falling to somewhere between concerned and panicked. “I mean—no, it’s not. I must apologize again for that clash; I wasn’t fully in control at the moment.”
“Does that happen a lot?” she asked softly.
“More often than I’d like.”
“That’s gotta be tough.”
He shrugged. “Everyone has their burdens to bear. This one is mine.”
She hummed in thought, then let her gaze wander around the garden.
“So how long have you been coming here?” she asked. He gaped for a moment; no one had asked him about him or his life in...well, ever. She glanced back at him looking almost alarmed, making him realize he hadn’t responded; his conversation skills were rustier than he thought.
“A very long time,” he answered, a bit gravely.
“Even when it was all dead?”
He mused for a moment before answering. “Because it’s quiet. Because even then, nature managed to renew itself and continue on; I hoped...maybe I could, too.”
She only gave him half a smile, but it was enough to warm the coldest parts within him. “I like that. My mother always told me that happy endings start with hope.”
“Your mother sounds like a terribly smart woman.”
“She was.”
Oh, bloody hell—he really hadn’t learned anything about tact, had he? “My apologies.”
“It’s...never mind.” Something had struck a nerve, and the subsequent awkwardness in the air was a familiar feeling that usually indicated it was his fault.
“I...I’ll get out of your hair, then,” he said quietly, not wanting to intrude on her quiet time any longer. She wasn’t looking at him, anyway, so he turned and started to leave.
He paused; what? He turned back to look at her, and she was rising from her seat, walking towards him. Once she stood in front of him, she extended her hand out.
“My name. It’s Emma.”
It showed how removed from society he was when he didn’t know how to respond to an introduction, but he gingerly took her delicate fingers in his gloved ones.
“Are you gonna tell me yours, or is that against the Dark One rules or something?” she lightly teased.
He only then realized his jaw was hanging open; quickly, he closed it, regained his composure, and answered, “Killian.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Killian.”
“The pleasure’s all mine, Emma.” For a long moment, he just stared into her eyes—which were a softer green in this light—until he realized he was still awkwardly holding her hand.
He quickly thought back to those romance novels he’d been reading and what all the gentlemen did in those: he brought her hand to his lips and placed the gentlest of kisses on the back of it. Where her soft skin met his, he felt a sharp spark—almost as if the air was quivering around them—but it was immediately forgotten when she blushed the same pink as the roses in the background and smiled at him.
(Offhandedly, he wondered what it looked like when he blushed; he could feel heat rising in his cheeks, but did it show up pink, or tint his bluish skin purple? He supposed it didn’t really matter as long as she wasn’t running away in horror—though he’d taken care to .)
“I best be on my way, then,” he said, dropping her hand and immediately missing its warmth in his. “Have a lovely day, Emma.” That was his new favorite name, he decided.
“You, too,” she said softly. He turned again to leave but she called back one more time. “And hey—don’t be a stranger; it’s nice to see that someone else appreciates this place.”
“Are you sure?”
“O-okay then,” he stuttered. “Until then, then.”
She laughed a little and a sideways grin lit up her features. “Until then.”
He finally headed out, not letting himself have so much as a backwards glance—because he knew he might truly never leave then.
The walk home had never been more refreshing, they day never so beautiful, the leaves never so glorious in their reds and golds. The Darkness was trying to tell him something, but for the first time ever, he was able to completely drown it out. Were he still a boy, he’d probably start skipping.
Well, that might have been going a bit too far, but it had been ages since his heart felt as light as it did. In hindsight, that should have been a sign that something was amiss.
For as soon as he’d arrived home and slipped off his glove, there it was: those pulsating shadows in his palm. The static from when he touched Emma had never quite left; that must have been why.
You blithering fool! You almost had her!
“I won’t harm her,” he warned.
If you don’t, she’ll kill you.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” he tossed back, knowing it would rile them up.
As expected, the Darkness erupted in a cacophony of shouts hammering inside his head. He winced at the onslaught and headed to his back porch, collapsing into his chair in hopes the view of the sun on the water below would quell them. It did, eventually—it always did—but it took longer than usual; not until the sun was setting beyond the horizon, tinting the water with its myriad colors.
He ignored the night chill as he watched the moon rise over the land. He wondered if there was some symbolism in the cool blue of its light on the water, much like his own pallor, in opposition to Emma’s golden sunshine among the greenery.
Oh, goodness—he was getting ahead of himself. Perhaps the romance novels were too much.
One actual conversation and you’re a lovesick puppydog. Sickening.
“Shut up.”
thanks for reading, friends! tagging some peeps (holla if you do/don’t want a tag) @kat2609 @thesschesthair @fergus80 @xpumpkindumplingx @shipsxahoy @selfie-wench @mryddinwilt @cocohook38 @annytecture @wingedlioness @word-bug @pirateherokillian @bleebug @its-imperator-furiosa @queen-mabs-revenge @killianmesmalls @sherlockianwhovian @effulgentcolors @laschatzi @ive-always-been-a-pirate @jscoutfinch @nfbagelperson @the-captains-ayebrows @stubble-sandwich​ @killian-whump​ @lenfaz @phiralovesloki @athenascarlet @kmomof4 @ilovemesomekillianjones @whimsicallyenchantedrose @snowbellewells @idristardis @wyntereyez @lfh1962 @bmbbcs4evr @therooksshiningknight
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angeledwings · 5 years ago
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ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴋ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ꜱʜɪᴘꜱ | @hartofbalamb //HMR I LOVE YOU TY. YOU ALREADY KNOW ME SO WELL asdfghjkl;♥♥♥
Send me a Ship and I’ll Break Them DOWN
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How did they they meet?
Hoooboy this is gonna be kinda long.
So, I have this headcanon that Rinoa was looking everywhere for a Garden who would agree to offer their mercenaries in exchange for a low price---which is a very horrible exchange. And she knew that.
First. Rinoa went to Galbadia Garden; the snooty rich SeeDs with more experienced fighters. Their headmaster declined Rinoa’s offer---as expected, but that hardly unmotivated the determined resistance leader.
Next, she applied for help to Trabia Garden. The best they could do was offer some technicians and a trainee to ensure safety protocols and offer security. And while that was a kind offer, it wasn’t what Rinoa was looking for. Trabia declined Rinoa’s want for their experienced fighters but gave her a referral for Balamb and allowed her to board the train free of cost. (They were a bunch of nice people.)
The minute Rinoa arrives in Balamb, she’s met with the sight of a silver haired woman ruthlessly kicking the snot out of some poor helpless burly guy while another man in a white coat brandishing a sword laughed hysterically at the woman’s antics. Indeed, that was the posse we all know and Seifer loves.
Rinoa immediately assumes Balamb is an island full of delinquents with a bad reputation, but that doesn’t deter her from seeking out what she came there for.
However, before she was going to head down the road towards the Garden, she was going to stop the brutal beating by stepping between the woman and the cowering man, DEMANDING they stop. She didn’t mind a brawl if it meant fighting for what was right. And they were vehemently out of line.
This triggers Seifer, and he decides to introduce the fear of god into the small woman’s tiny form. He leers over her, using his tall stature to make her feel small, obsolete, weak. His piercing greens bore into her skull. And if looks could kill? She’d have died a thousand times.
Rinoa cared little for his approach. She was NOT afraid of him.
She stares back, eyes winced, brows furrowed, hands on her hips. She challenged him; a huge mistake no one DARED think about.
Still. He was not getting his way by trying to intimidate her.
They stay like this for a good five minutes. Seifer breaks, finding everything about her...amusing. different. hilarious. surreal. He smirks, then scoffs at this little spitfire and tells her to get out of his sight.
Fujin ceases her brutal beatings on Raijin and notices Seifer watching the blue clad woman with a wide eyed stare, and a psychotic curl of the lips.
He did not want their game to end. He wanted to make her suffer.
So he  follows her...
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Rinoa was too involved with getting Independence for Timber that she didn’t have time for romantic feelings. Or so she thought. Yes. Seifer was cute. He smelled good. His voice was was like a melody to her ears, but it was normal to get infatuation. And Rinoa assumed it would pass. It obviously did not.
Seifer, however, developed feelings for her because she didn’t want him, and she never took his shit. He was a selfish asshole and always treated their meetings like a game. Until it wasn’t...
Something about how passionate Rinoa was about her cause woke something up inside of him. Her determination for what she wanted was inspiring. Just like a little boy he once knew from long long ago...
Rinoa’s feelings eventually grew the moment Seifer started talking to Rinoa about Forest Owls. He would show minor tender moments to show Rinoa that he sincerely wanted to help her. It meant a lot to her because of the lengths he went to make sure her dream would prosper. He didn’t care about Timber at all, though. He cared about Rinoa, and what she wanted. So, what was important to her, was important to him.
He promised her he’d become a SeeD, and offer himself in Garden’s stead. But not for free. She owed him a date, and she was already neck deep in a shit ton of debt---or so he claimed.
Rinoa loves Seifer, and still does to this day. Theres a connection she feels that cant be said with words. Its just there. And it always will be.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Raijin. Raijin likes Rinoa because she saved him from Fujin’s wrath more than once. THEREFORE. HE ENCOURAGED SEIFER TO CHASE HER. Lmao. But oh. Don’t tell Seifer what to do. xD
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Very bad circumstances lol. Seifer is an asshat. We all know this. How he shows affection or interest is...unusual at best.
What he did was, he needled her over the smallest things, tried to convince her she was stupid, told her she was weak, and on one occasion prevented her from going anywhere by barring her path with his legs. He was sitting in a seat blocking the door, laid back, watching her freaking out to let her go. It was amusing. He LOVED playing with her.
During that moment of hysteria, he drops his feet, grabs her, and plants a good one on her. She answers with a big slap against his face and screaming about something or another. Yeah, yeah. He’s heard it all before sweetheart.
He laughs and simply says, “Wow, that actually hurt.” He bars her path again by slamming his hands on the wall behind her and whispers, “Do it again...”
Who confessed their feelings first?
Seifer. Though not in your usual way. I mean, of course right? He’s a pompous asshole. Confident as hell and really doesn’t care any other way. It was just.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m not concerned about what you’re saying, but I like your face.”
What was their first official date?
Uhhh. Rinoa is still in “debt”. Loooool.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Rinoa thinks they’re adorable. Seifer thinks its tacky. And what if he got a boner? Its not for them. But. Oh well. they can look. He’s a pretty impressive guy and all. -rolls eyes-
What do they do in their down time?
I can imagine Rinoa likes to pamper herself with bubble bath, massages, facials, and taking naps with Angelo. She also likes to catch up with some of her friends with lunch or a little get together.
And I figure Seifer is doing something dangerous or completely stupid. You know. So he can come out in a blaze of glory.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Well. Being that Rinoa only knows Edea due to....reasons. She never got a proper introduction.
Seifer met Fury and he didn’t care to change his personality to look good in front of the General. And Rinoa LOVED THAT. Seifer wasn’t afraid to continue being himself even towards a man of “great importance”. Seifer was just Seifer.
Caraway HATES his guts.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Obviously over the stunts he does. He is reckless with how he approaches things and due to that, it could land the Forest Owls in hot water. Rinoa was PISSED with some of the things Seifer threw himself into for fear that he wouldn’t come out alive. She was constantly worried that he would die over just one mistake, and he NEVER took her worries into consideration.
He knows he’s hard to kill, and he always told her that. Why did she care so much, anyway?
Women. Right?
They never really got passed it. Just bored of it? It was the same argument over and over. Seifer was not going to change and Rinoa had to accept that. And she did, no matter how much it hurt.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Uh. Both, honestly? Though I see Seifer much more inclined to turn the entire misunderstanding into a fiasco that would make you regret having known him. Like. Punching out a guy for having looked at his girl a certain way. Starting an argument with a guy at a checkout register for telling Rinoa to have a good day bc thats obv signs of flirting. (Yes, I am aware that is VERy toxic. Seifer is toxic.)
Rinoa is more reserved and wants to keep it between them. But she isn’t all innocent. If Seifer even so much as says “hey” in a certain way to another, Rinoa will do the same with a guy to make him jealous. Its just a cycle of ugliness lol.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Who doesn’t like sushi, fam? ;D
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Rinoa obviously cuddles Seifer. She loves every snuggly position. Just as long as she’s near him she loves it.
Seifer prefers laying on his back with an arm around her.
Are they hand holders?
Rinoa certainly is. She wants to hold Seifer’s hand all the time.
Seifer thinks its pathetic and embarrassing as fuck. Buutttt. He’ll give Rinoa this ONE exception.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
They should have waited longer buuuut, about 5 months since they met.
Circumstance? They were horny? asdfjgdflks;
Who tops?
Seifer. He has more experience.
It took Rinoa a little while to really learn about her body and what it liked. She can top when given the opportunity.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
I’d say, their first kiss was the worst fist of the century. xD Pretty sure the people of FFVIII heard Hyne crying.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Both. Rinoa LOVES Seifer’s cooking. Rinoa is also skilled with culinary arts. And she also does the shopping since Seifer gets irritated and loses his patience.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Seifer is really organized for being a scatter brained asshole. Rinoa is the tired little poof. She loves her naps. <3
Who proposes?
Unfortunately....we all know how this panned out. :’(
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Big Ceremony or Small?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Do they have children? How many?
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fortress-of-iserlohn · 7 years ago
so like. i got into logh fandom and my otp by haunting chn fics (eng ones are so RARE like what guys i’m so sad) and i swear i started out in the reinhard/yang camp but somewhere along the lines i accidentally tripped and fell into reuenthal/yang and NOW I CAN’T GET OUT - don’t help me i’m happily gone.
(but no pls come talk to me i’m so lonely why is no one else i know in this fandom SCREM ;A;)
mind you, all i have canon knowledge of is like. 47 chapters of the fujisaki manga + 3 episodes of DNT & 50 pages of the first translated novel. so uh. i apologise very sincerely to everyone else in this fandom. (but i friggen love DNT yang with his not-so-subtle shade and school boy pout, lemme love you sweetheart. also reuenthal in the manga is A+++++++++ FINE. and mittermeyer is a giant puppy and their hysterical interactions GIVE ME LIFE. i’m all over that like cats on expensive kibble man)
anyway, so there’s me. and my tiny one person raft and i wished so hard that i could draw because like. ARTISTS ARE AMAZING. but i can’t so here have some dodgy ass writing.
i have like. 9k of backstory but i got tired of writing it ??????? slice of life aint my thing bro.
spoilers for the original series below but you probably don’t care LMAO so in reality i’m just cutting it to save your dash.
basic premise is that it’s brain ship AU fic (i’m trash leave me to my can pls) where some of the empire cast (well just reuenthal + mittermeyer ok, the TWIN PILLARS AW YIS) live approx 200 years after the alliance cast did (yang and reinhard still got into their super epic fights as per original time line etc). but as per canon when the THING happens and them creepy earthy church people try to assassinate yang, schonkoff (I HATE SPELLING THEIR NAMES OKAY) finds him in time and tries to rush him to the hospital. but however, because the alliance superiors are dickwads, instead of trying to y’know, save his life, they decided to take the opportunity to upload yang’s consciousness into his ship so that he can continue to fight the war (INDEFINITELY NOW) and then when it WORKS like a motherfreaking miracle, yang wakes up, is silent for about 5 minutes taking everything in and then is kinda like ‘yeah nah’ and promptly runs away into space to chug through history files and drink virtual tea until like. 200 years later, when reunethal picks him up randomly (on the side of a space highway LOL) when yang’s taking whatever a brainship’s equivalent of a nap is but reuenthal obvs doesn’t know that the hyperion is a brainship so \o/ (yang, also a giant troll, decides to let him do whatever. it’s been a long 200 years ok).
it was going to be a long 20k epic where they play chess, overthrow the empire in favour of some form of XXcracy and ~fall in love~ along the way, all that GOOD shit. but i have zero patience and probably am never going to finish it so.
this is literally the first thing i’ve written in about 1.5 years (since i saw star wars oh my god) because my attention span for fandoms and everything else in general TBH is about zero ohoho. 
It was late, but Oskar couldn’t sleep, something restless buzzing at the back of his mind. Whether it was from a combination of the uneasy atmosphere from the crew currently on board, or his irritation at their willingness to jump at a mere ghost story, he wasn’t clear. His chronometer told him that he was due on bridge in about four hours, which was when he decided to give up on sleep entirely and perhaps take a quick walk around the still unfamiliar vessel.
He pushed his arms through his overcoat and exited his temporary quarters. He assumed it had belonged to the long dead fleet admiral of this craft, but there was a scarcity of personal effects that implied that he either hadn’t much down time at all, or wasn’t the type to care much about his decor.
Beyond the physical chess set carved from what looked like real ivory and the few volumes of rare paper books scattered about, there was not much to do in there at any given time.
He strode down the hallway, boot heels clicking gently against the metal floor. He wandered without much of a real purpose, distracted by random bits and pieces and by organising his thoughts from the day, so he could probably be forgiven for finally looking up when he arrived at a dead end and having absolutely no idea where he was.
To call it a dead end wasn’t actually completely true. There was a glimmer of light beneath the wall just to his right, a little bit of feeling about put his hand on a metal door, exactly the same colour and built to close at exactly the same depth as the wall.
The rebels sure were weird in some aspects, Oskar thought, tapping at the side of the wall where he expected the control panel to be. He wasn’t disappointed when the door hissed open quietly to allow him entry.
He only managed a couple of steps forwards before his feet just stopped. This room was nothing but a giant observatory, monitors bigger than any he had ever seen on a ship that did nothing but reflect outside back in. The galaxy and stars spun in a kaleidoscope of colours, whirling around him as the massive flagship flew through space, cutting through the darkness with ease.
He stared, lifting his gaze up, just to watch the splendor of space. It was completely different to his favourite spot on the Tristan, and definitely, the view from there couldn’t hold a light to this. He doubted any ship’s could.
“It’s beautiful isn’t it?” an unfamiliar voice said from somewhere to his left.
Oskar’s hand instinctively went to his hip, where his firearm would usually sit. However, having thrown his clothes on absently in the middle of the night, he had forgotten to slide it into its holster before heading out.
He braced himself grimly. He knew every single person who was currently on this ship, and this voice was not one he recognised at all. He cursed himself for being too distracted by a pretty view instead of securing the room first.
Oskar let his cool gaze sweep the room in a casual sort of manner for a second before he finally spotted the figure standing right up against a massive screen to his left hand side.
The person, a man from his voice and figure, was turned towards him, hands held up as if surrendering. “Sorry, sorry. It’s been so long since -” He cut himself off and slowly walked towards Oskar, hands tucked in his pockets. “Anyway, I don’t mean you any harm, Rear Admiral Reuenthal.”
Oskar kept his weight balanced on the balls of his feet in case of a sudden fight. “You know who I am,” he commented, keeping his voice calm and disinterested.
The man was close enough for Oskar to pick out some details now - tousled dark hair, a double breasted blue coat. His eyes caught on the gleaming gold pin on the man’s lapel, lit for one brilliant moment by a passing star, showing the clear detail of a single line bisecting the pin from left to right, and a solitary gold pentagram sitting proudly in the middle.
An uncomfortable prickle slowly crawled up Oskar’s spine as he remembered his crew whispering about disembodied footsteps and glimpses of shadows turning in hallways.
“Well,” the Rebel Fleet Admiral said, taking a hand out from his left pocket to slide through his already messy hair. “I do tend to make it a habit to know who’s on my ship.”
He seemed to notice Oskar’s unease and stopped, still several steps away. Oskar could tell now that the other man was a head or so shorter and his bearing was very clearly not military, even if his uniform and rank insignia said otherwise.
“Oh,” he seemed to realise something, rubbing the back of his head in a sheepish manner. “Sorry, that’s very rude of me. Julian used to always go on about how I should make it a habit to introduce myself first.”
He smiled then, a warm curve of his lips, and his dark eyes lit up, glittering with stars just like the galaxy behind him. “My name is Yang Wenli. Welcome aboard my ship, the Hyperion.”
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inkblackfingers · 7 years ago
Thor: Ragnarok in no particular order
I can’t even begin to articulate how much I loved this movie, it was beyond gorgeous and I love everything about this.
Here’re some thoughts I had about it, as always, in no particular order.
It’s a bit long, so I put it under a read more.
I was completely and absolutely expecting a record screech at the beginning. Everything about Thor slowly turning on a chain and literally interrupting a giant flaming being as he slowly, slowly rotates is perfect. 
Okay, but the entire theater burst into laughter when Skurge said that he got Dan and Ger from Texas, because ofc.  And the shocked horror on those girls faces when they get absolutely coated in dragon slime is hysterical.
That fucking statue I’m still laughing at it. And the play?? Loki, what the actual hell were you thinking? Yeah, I’ll pretend to be Odin, but I won’t act anything like him and I’ll make a giant statue of me and commission a play all about my heroic and tragic “death” and just laze around eating grapes all day and nobody will say anything. How on earth did nobody else realize that it wasn’t Odin?? 
On that note, Thor instantly realizing that it’s Loki is the actual best and I love that his preferred method of solving problems (a blow with Mjolnir) has now been upgraded to forcing his opponent to choose whether they’d rather get a face full of star metal or lose.
As much as I loved everything about Loki’s “human” outfit in the Avengers, I really really love the all-black ensemble, especially next to Thor’s actually normal clothing. 
Also, Tony is totally still keeping an eye on the internet, and there’s going to be a random picture of Thor on a random corner in NYC with two girls and he’s going to be so confused.
Stephen Strange you absolute dick I love you to death.  I would watch an entire movie of Stephen just being a complete dick to other superheroes with his magical powers. 
Thor calling for Mjolnir and both of them just listening to the sounds of breaking glass and his little smirk when he apologizes? Payback’s a bitch, Stephen :D
“I have been falling for THIRTY MINUTES”
Strange, who just spent the last ten minutes generally fucking with Thor, taking one look at Loki being furious and going, fuck this, get out.
Everything about Odin saying “my sons” (i’m not crying you’re crying) And him praising Loki for the spell that he used against him?? I mean, he’s still a shitty dad, but at least Loki has at least one (1) memory of him being a good dad.
Hela: long black hair, black cape, black and green clothing, obv v dramatic.... Are we sure that *Loki* is the adopted child?
I immediately remember I’m so gay when faced with Tessa Thompson as a drunk hot mess. 
So the god of *thunder* is taken down by....electricity?? @marvel, does not compute
Everything about the little amusement-park ride of the history of Grandmaster is pure gold, especially with Thor just screaming at the end.
Listen..... Loki totally got a sugar daddy. That is all. 
15/10 Best Stan Lee cameo ever
Oh my god Hulk I love you bb and I’m so glad that you finally found a planet that totally accepts you. (Now if you could work on that being a planet that doesn’t require you to be angry all the time or uses you as a form of entertainment, that’d be great, thx)
Thor finally using his GODDAMN powers, perfect.
Everything about Hulk is perfect. Especially him sparring with Valkyrie, and everything about his conversation with Thor that totally doesn’t have me crying a little inside, but also how he’s basically a giant toddler
Hulk butt. Somebody had to animate Hulk butt. Is it based off of the butt of @markruffalo? People (me) need to know.
Also, I’m really reminded of that one post?? It’s basically etched into my mind at this point, and I can’t stop thinking about it.
That fucking bounce off the window and Thor just picking himself up and going straight through the window and sliding down literally all the buildings.
Pointbreak is the password I’m dying of laughter (@marvel, I need to know all of the avengers’ sign-ins ASAP. Is Steve’s Capiscle or Captain Handsome? Is Clint Hawkass or Legolas? Is Nat Itsy-Bitsy Spider? Also, what’s Tony’s sign-in? You know who I am? The Mechanic? Please, my crops are dying)
Also, once Tony finds out about everything that just happened, Thor’s sign-in is definitely changing to Sparkles.
Why are Tony’s clothes on the quin-jet? (Actual question: why haven’t I already seen fics/art about why Tony’s clothes are on the quin-jet?)
Bruce’s password being Strongest Avenger, and Thor’s look of betrayal in the background is beyond hilarious. (Also can we talk about Tony’s nicknames for literally everyone??)
Okay, but drunk Valkyrie and Bruce trying to figure out how they know each other is the actual cutest.
Thor just chucking something at Loki to check if he’s actually there is beyond perfect. Yes you did good my space labrathor, you have finally learned.
Everything about Thor’s childhood story. (Also, can we just appreciate Frigga for a moment? An eldest daughter that got banished by her husband, and two sons, who basically hate each other. One of them likes picking up snakes and the other likes stabbing his brother. You deserve all the awards for parenting. All of them.)
Idris Elba is beyond the best and if Asgard was a democracy, he would totally have been running the Nine Realms. (Like he basically was already)
Everything about Asgard being the people, not the place is going to make me cry.
Thor sitting on the throne, literally calling Hela to him from across Asgard is something that he totally came up with after asking himself What Would Loki Do? (Answer: be as over the top extra as possible, always)
Well, now Thor can inherit the kingly eyepatch
GODDAMN it Thor, go pikachu already, you did it before and you don’t need to talk to your father while you’re literally dying
Thor descending on the horde of zombies in slow motion, lightning sparking around him as he lays waste to them with the Immigrant Song playing #aesthetic
I know that Fenris is basically a giant zombie wolf, but there’s a part of my brain (the largest part. like 85% of it) that’s going PUPPER!!! WHO’S A GOOD DOGGO???
Okay, I know I already said stuff about Valkyrie, but that stride down the rainbow bridge with explosions in the background and her just absolutely destroying those zombies?? #aesthetic
Also, I thought I had reached peak gay after watching Wonder Woman, but then Tessa Thompson happened.
Loki doing his knife flip and Valkyrie swinging her sword #reasonsi’mpan
I love circular prophecies so much, but also: 1) what happens to the rest of the stuff in the vault? like the tesseract or the casket of ancient winters? the tesseract’s an infinity stone, so it’s not going to be destroyed by the explosion right? 2) I’m not entirely sure if this is comics or mcu, but isn’t Asgard necessary to the stabilty of the other realms? what’s going to happen to the other ones now that Asgard is literally dust??
Other things I love in this movie: Thor finally learning to not always blindly trust Loki, every single rock paper scissors pun, Hulk being a giant cranky adorable toddler. 
Things I dislike about this movie: why on earth did you cut the bisexual Valkyrie scene???,  @marvel give us the goddamn hug that we’ve been waiting for since the first Thor!!!!
Is that a skrull ship? Or Thanos’ ship? Or the Guardians/someone related to them??? Uggggghhhh, I need the official Infinity War trailer already (like I haven’t watched the leaked version like a dozen times)
Also, Taika Waititi directed one of my *other* favorite movies, What We Do in the Shadows, so that’s another reason why I like Ragnarok so much. (Also that it’s super colorful, has no bullshit romance, has an interesting plot and characters that aren’t ooc...)
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dachi-chan25 · 8 years ago
Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 3 Pt. 2
WARNINGS: SPOILERS (obvs); not a Khaliiiisi fan; Jonsa shipper so I might talk about it.
4.- Euron Sparrow (I feel like I should add Captain somewhere) makes his heroic entrance in KL, and I find this kinda intresting, Hot Pie told Arya it was Cersei the one who blew the Great Sept of Baelor like it was common knowledge, but like how do people in Westeros know this stuff? news travel by ravens, and merchants and soldiers perharps but common people don’t know the High Lords and Ladies motivations and information has a way to get twisted (the best example I can think of is Season 5’ s troupe from Braavos, they told the story of Joffrey’s ascention and his death in a very pro-Lannister light) so I’m really interested in knowing just what did Cersei said about the whole affair. I mean people’s reaction to Ellaria and co. is pure entreteinment for them, they have no real beef with them but still interested in all this stuff.
We have Cersei herself sitting on the fugliest chair of the 7 realms (aka the IT) while Euron gallops into the throne room (like Euron can you be a lil’ less extra??) and presents her with her gift while shading the fuck outta Jaime, anyway Euron wants to put a date to their wedding but Cersei is having none of that until the war is over.
Euron still is looking for a fight with Jaime, and says he hopes the can have a bro talk about just how kinky is Cersei in bed (LMAO Euron is awful but he makes me laugh a lot).
Now we have Cersei in the dungeons with a very bright pink lipstick on (where do you even get that stuff???) and talks about Oberyn vs. The Mountain, she is just taunting Ellaria and has a very emotional moment while talking about Myrcella (Lena Headley is a hell of an actress, as much as I hate Cersei I don’t want her to die if only to keep enjoying her brilliant performance)
Then she kisses Tyene and reveals Qyburn managed to find out the poison Ellaria used with her daughter and her revenge would be forcing her to see Tyene die, and then wipes away the poison-pink lipstick and drinks the antidote like a total badass (RIP bad pussy).
So getting revenge turns her on and she goes to kiss Jaime and gives him head (like wow there has been a lot of oral this season), they end up on bed, and one of Cersei’s maids knocks, Jaime is like oh no, nobody must know!! And she’s like I’m queen so I can do whatever the fuck I want (no, that’s not how it works, that’s what got your monster of a son killed dumbass) anyway it seems short hair is lit now (cool cuz I got short hair too) and doesn’t say anything about literal incest in front of her (very wise dear).
Now apparently Cersei has a visitor from the Iron Bank (remember they are hella broke thanks to Robert?) and she has to deal with it, to be fair Cersei is a hell of a negociator, she manages to convince the emmisary to give her 15 days to pay her debts and trash talks D once again (the fuck bitch me too).
(round here I get confused about the order of the scenes but I’ll try)
5.- So Theon is found by a surviving ship and the Captain treats him like dirt for not fighting for Yara, and pls leave my son alone.
I have nothing much to add really was a pretty short scene and I hope to see more of Theon next episode.
6.- Back in Dragon Stone we have Jon talking with Tyrion, he says he was wrong to have come and wants to go back home (OMG my poor baby) cuz it’s clear D has no intention to help him, Tyrion tells him to cut her some slack (I mean I kinda agree it’s not easy to believe and fight with a dude you just met but then again she was very rude and antagonistic) and goes around telling him about all the good stuff D has done (k I get his point, but were you there to see the conquest of Meeren and Astapor Tyrion?? No, you got there when shit hit the fan due to Danisss incompetence as a ruler, so I fail to see how someone as clever and analytical would make such blind statements unless that someone is in love) Jon agrees reluctantly.
7.- Winterfell!!! At last!!! So we see Sansa talking with Lord Royce, LF and the Maester about the resources they have for Winter, and she is Walking around the castle looking over the preparations and making questions and very good suggestions every now and then.
Seeing this scene struck me this is the first time we see someone actually ruling, allow me to explain: the first 2 shots we get of D and Cersei are of them sitting on their thrones but doing nothing but serve themselves (D with trying to force Jon to bend the knee and Cersei with her revenge) now of course they’re preparing for war against each other, who gives a fuck about food or warm clothes in winter amirite Ladies? Well, A GOOD RULER that’s who, Sansa is still Lady Sansa she does not parade titles around nor she sits her ass on the court room and calls it a day or calls herself Queen, yet she is the only one who acts like one. If she doesn’t know something she immediatly asks, she seeks solutions and acts quickly, that suggestion about adding leather to the armors was a little detail but so huge because she doesn’t only care about the armor being strong but also that it keeps her people as warm and comfortable as possible, and Imma cry because it’s such a huge difference from other selfish rulers we’ve seen in the series.
Anyway, LF starts by saying ruling suites her well (dammit the first time he and I agree with something) but says she is too focused on the WW thing, she answers that they should (thank god at least someone believes in Jon) he warns about Cersei and honestly is hillarious because she knows bih!!! And she tells him as much, honestly Sansa is getting more savage in her responses to Baeless what a time to be alive!!!! Littlecreeper then proceeds to talk like a fortune-cookie, I tried to make sense of it, but still confused he tells her not to fight battles anywhere but her mind ( k I think he means being analytical and politicaly savvy, not rushing into conflicts everywhere) also that her friends are enemies and enemies are friends (bottomline I think it’s trust no one cuz alliances shift a lot in time of war, or at least that’s what I think it means) and that she will she things she has seen before (ummm so like people are predictable and she only has to observe and she’ll realize she knows what kind of people they are and thus predict/guess what they’ll do because she has already dealt with that, or is he talking about parallels or what??? Idk why is he so cryptic now???) it mattered not cuz Sansa gets called to the gate, and…
Bran!!! He is back!! And Oh my god Sophie Turner’s performance is A+ her expressions are beautiful and really made me cry, Bran is very changed tho, and I see he is getting a lot of hate but why? He is clearly dealing with a lot of difficult stuff, he IS the Three Eyed Raven now, seeing past/present/future must be hard on his psyche and the threat of the WW is overwhealming so stop pls.
They are under the weirdwood tree, Sansa looks adorable sitting in the snow and hugging her knees to her chest, and she just about kills me when she says “I wish Jon was here’ now of course I know she says so because she wishes Jon could share the hapiness and relief of having their little brother back but still (my shipper heart) and immediatly says WF is his (honestly Imma say this now, fuck the people who called her a power hungry bitch, you don’t like her or find her boring? Fine we all are allowed to have characters we like and dislike, but the blantant misogynistic hate Sansa’s been getting since day one has been overwhelming, fans of her get called delusional and anti-feminists for supporting an embodiment of the patriarchy and other willful misinterpretations of her character and I’m glad D&D have shown she is not what the fandom’s been acussing her of) putting the final nail on the Starkbowl coffin. Bran reject his title as Lord because he is the TER, and Sansa, the girl whose only contact with magic/supernatural stuff has been through what Jon told her, immediatly belives what her little brother says and not only that she asks him to explain what does it means because she wants to understand him (and OMG what a concept actually listening to people!!!) now I understand why every actor on the Stark fam wanted Sansa on the IT or Winterfell, she is an amazing ruler.
Bran triggers her ptsd talking about what Ramsey did to her, and she very graciously excuses herself, while Bran stays back to get some work on the NK business. I think this was a way to make her stop asking questions and kind of showing what his powers are about? But I’m not sure.
Again too long, so a part 3 is necessary for the final parts of the ep.
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