#that a guy nearby was trying to holla at me.
seilon · 25 days
pro: ran into a coworker at a bar last night who I don’t really talk to usually (he works upstairs, I work downstairs) and we talked and im pretty sure we were highkey flirting and he bought me a drink and the bar merch shirt i was interested in and thanks to the power of alcohol i guess i asked for his number and he gladly gave it to me and. yeah
con: i have the second worst hangover i have ever had and have been fighting for my fucking life just to eat saltines
#it’s getting better but only now that it’s like. 6pm#as weird as it sounds part of why this sucks is that I volunteered to come into work today cause there’s a concert going on nearby which#usually means we’re at least somewhat busy -> make better tips#and I couldn’t go in because well. you know#I’ve been sick and dying in bed all day unable to move or eat or anything#let alone take the bus and go to work#but. as much as I wish I didn’t go this overboard I don’t totally regret last night cause.#yeah. potential thing going on with cute coworker guy. OH and potential job opportunity at my favorite bar in town#apparently said coworker Also has a job at the bar in addition to where we both work and the bar is hiring barbacks at entry-level#so I have someone to vouch for me and the bartender we were talking to seemed to really want me to apply too#one thing that’s kinda funny to me about all this is that the first two places (a bar then a club) we were at felt really mid because they#were packed with way too many straight people (at a gay bar and a gay club)#but the bar we ended up at (where we ALWAYS end up at. it is the oasis. it is the only thing I can rely on) felt. like. not overwhelmingly#straight? at all? I mean part of it’s just luck in a way with just who happened to be there and all that but it’s also that the staff seem#pretty significantly populated with queer ppl#I complained to the bartender about how the club we were at (one of the biggest gay clubs in the city- if not The biggest) just felt kinda#meh because yeah maybe there were some guys dancing in jockstraps and whatever but the crowd itself like. did not feel largely queer#or at least didn’t have the spirit I’d hope for in a queer space if that makes sense. felt very conventional. not enough wild outfits and#makeup and gender fuckery and so on#and the bartender was like dude I KNOW right? I went off outside there once about the invasion of cishets when this space isn’t FOR them#and so on and so forth. and god that was So real.#so the experience at my beloved bar last night was like. 1) guy comes up behind me just to order a drink but i was saving a seat for my#friend who was in the bathroom and mentioned that in case he was looking to take the seat. chatted a little. ended with him pointing out#that a guy nearby was trying to holla at me.#2) I look over and yes. the dj is. in fact. looking directly at me and mouthing the lyrics to whatever song was playing pointed my way.#it was pretty sweet honestly I think it was partly cause I looked like I was shy and alone#3) whatever gay shit was going on with my coworker and i. amusingly he seems to get more flamboyant when he drinks just like i do.#im not 100% sure what his sexuality is but i Am 100% sure it is Not straight. but yeah. if it hadn’t been so close to closing time ive been#hardcore wondering where that would’ve gone. maybe its for the best that i had to go when i did cause i was pretty drunk and who knows when#I could’ve hit the amount of drunk it takes to like outright say hey just so you know i’d suck your dick right now if you wanted
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storiesbyjes2g · 3 years
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When I left Billie's, I wasn't ready to go home yet, so I checked out GeekCon because it was happening nearby. I'd never been before. Never even considered checking it out. Without a TV in the home growing up, Mommy did not give me the chance to become interested in video games. I had a short-lived experience with computer hacking, and rocket science never appealed to me. But I'm an adult now, and I know sometimes our interests can shift. Because I am exploring my career options, I figured exposing myself to something new couldn't hurt.
Several folks dressed in the same costume. I guess the Grim Reaper has a lot of fans. Or maybe it's the easiest costume to copy when you're on a budget. One of them even tried to holla at me. Pfft. Typical.
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I followed the path to the festival and found a sea creature staring at me. Then it called my name! It was a female's voice muffled under that mask.
"KiKi! I know you hear me calling you!"
Without even recognizing the voice, I knew who it was. Only one woman busts my chops like that. "Diamond?? What in the world are you wearing?"
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She sucked her teeth. "You can't come to GeekCon and NOT dress up! Everybody knows that!"
I sighed. "You know I've never been here."
"Tuh! I don't know what you do anymore."
That was fair, I suppose.
"People who don't dress up have to take pictures with all of us who do," she said, with her hands on her scaly hips.
"Is that really a thing?" I asked.
"Just take the picture!"
I felt so dumb taking pictures with a fish woman. But when in Monte Vista...I guess.
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"Ali is here," she said.
"What?" Why did I freeze like I got caught stealing something?
"Ali? Your soon-to-be ex man candy? He's over there getting food dressed up like a repair guy. So unoriginal."
Ali? At GeekCon? I never pegged him as a nerd. Even an undercover one. Well, I never imagined Diamond there either, but she seems to show up EVERYWHERE. Should I speak? Would he want me to see him in cosplay? It's not like I'm stalking him. I guess we should get used to seeing each other out and about unexpectedly because we're separated. Ugh. What if I ever see him with another woman? He deserves every good thing, and I want him to be happy again. But I don't think I could bear that.
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I hesitated and crept toward the concession stands, keeping a careful watch. But if Ali and I are done, why didn't I just leave? I still love him. And, deep down, part of me will never stop trying to communicate those feelings. I found him sitting at a picnic table with other cosplayers. When I tapped his shoulder, his eyes widened in surprise, just as I expected. Honestly, he looked mortified.
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"Em?? Hi, uhh...what are you doing here?"
"I was just at Billie's. Thought I'd see what this is all about."
"Oh! Alright. You've never been?"
I shook my head.
"Oh... Honestly, me neither. It's my day off, so...thought I'd give it a shot."
I stifled a giggle at the way he tried to justify his presence. Even the tips of his ears reddened. I'm sorry I blew his cover.
"Well, I think you're adorable in your costume," I said.
He blushed.
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I caught myself gazing into those mesmerizing blue eyes and cleared my throat, changing the subject slightly. "Apparently, because I'm not dressed, I'm supposed to take pictures with all of you?" I held out my phone, suggesting he join me.
"...Oh! Yeah, uhhh, sure."
"Show it to the kids. They'll love it," I said.
"They would. Let's do this."
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irrelevantwriter · 5 years
By The Light Of The Moon
Pairing: Negan x Witch!Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, mutual masturbation, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, Negan getting seriously mind fucked, spooky tings (bc its Halloween and I’m in the spirit)
Word Count: 6.5K
Summary: Negan takes notice of a beautiful stranger at The Sanctuary. You’re willing to offer a lot more than he signed up for.
A/N: So, because I can’t possibly help myself, I’ve decided to do a take on the Hopper x Witch fic I did and do one for my OG Daddy Negan. This one is A LOT more in depth and long AF, but so worth it. This idea was perfect for Negan and I can’t wait to see what you guys think! Enjoy and share with your friends!
Requests are still coming! This def got me in the headspace for Negan again. Be on the lookout. And if you’d liked to be tagged in any of my stories, holla at your girl.
*Masterlist in bio.
Negan swung Lucille at his side, deciding to bring her along on his trek through The Sanctuary’s marketplace. The air was crisp and smelled of pumpkin and apple spices. According to his timekeepers, it was the night before Halloween. And The Sanctuary was in full spirit.
Baked goods permeated the air while children rushed to put a costume together. Negan couldn’t help the smile that fell on his lips at the sights and smells. It felt good to be festive and he’d decided to stroll through his kingdom to take in all it had to offer.
Of course he did have an ulterior motive for such a visit. He was Negan after all. He never did anything without a reason. And his stroll had a purpose.
As if seemingly overnight, the whole place had become enchanted with a woman selling homemade goods in the market. She apparently made soaps, candles, and oil remedies, among other things. And they seemed to work, at least by the accounts of his people. It sounded like hippie shit to him. But even Simon had brought her up, talking nonstop about the fucking lotion she made him for his sore shoulder. The man seemed hypnotized...everyone did. And Negan came to find out just exactly what all the fuss was about.
People dropped to their knees as he moved through the crowd, but he waved them off. He was here on pleasure, not business. His dark eyes found a booth in the corner with a crowd surrounding it, the person in charge not visible through the shoppers. Negan made his way over, sure this was where he was headed.
A hushed silence filled the air as he strode up, effectively making his way to the front of the line. He smiled when his eyes caught the beauty behind the table. He understood why so many people were taken with you. You were stunning.
He bit his lip, his toothy grin on full display as he took you in. Beyond your obvious attractiveness, there was a magnetic pull, something he couldn’t quite explain. It was mystic and not solid, like a fog. And he could feel it calling to him.
“Well, what do we have here?” He bellowed, making the people nearby pause. He found he didn’t care to have an audience so he dismissed them, insinuating the booth was closed to everyone except him.
He observed you, trying to read your expressions. You didn’t seem at all perturbed by his actions. In fact, you seemed somewhat amused. A smile turned one corner of your lips and he found himself mirroring the gesture.
“So you’re the one who everyone’s been going on about?” He gestured with his free hand to your surroundings, appearing as if he was unimpressed by your reputation.
Truth was...he was intrigued. And mildly suspicious. Not much got by him at The Sanctuary, if anything. The fact that you’d gone under the radar and passed his keen eye peaked his interest.
“Guess so.” You replied simply, face still unmoving.
He grunted, a little disappointed at your lack of response.
He’d be the first to say what an arrogant, self-righteous asshole he was. Leading a community had made him a hardened man. People respected him. They feared him. And women were enamored with him. They practically threw themselves at his feet. Your blasé attitude made him falter. Yet he found himself inexplicably drawn to you...to your energy. Whatever the fuck that meant.
He picked up a bottle filled with thick ivory cream. The handwritten label said it was body lotion with hints of lavender and vanilla. He wasn’t usually into the fresh scents of body washes and lotions, but he had to admit that the shit smelled amazing.
“Your products are all the rage around here, doll.” He perused your table, picking up a random item here and there to scent. His fingers stopped on a drawstring bag with herbs, the label identifying it as a sleep aide.
“A lot of people feel that they work. Helps them get through the days a little easier.” You explained, following him down the table.
Negan nodded, lifting a lavender candle to his nose. The fucking thing smelled heavenly. “So I’ve heard.”
“You should take some.” You offered, gesturing to the bag of herbs he’d been eyeing moments before.
“For sleep? Why would I need that?” He questioned, almost offended you assumed he didn’t get quality rest.
“It’s the most popular. Not many of us get a good night’s rest these days. I imagine leading this place makes it difficult to fully relax.” You picked up the bag and held it out to him, a pleasant smile still present on your lips.
Negan studied you long and hard, uncaring if he made you uncomfortable. He didn’t appear to though. You stood facing him head on, eyes catching his in a captivating stare off.
“How long have you been here? At The Sanctuary.” He watched as you finally let your hand fall, giving up on passing the herbs to him.
“A couple of months.”
“Who brought you in?” He pressed, eyebrow arched and jaw clenched in an intimidating fashion.
“I don’t remember.”
Negan shook his head and pursed his lips, unhappy with your answer. “Sounds a little suspicious to me.”
He waited a beat to see if you’d react. You didn’t.
“What’s your name, doll?”
“Doll is fine.”
He chuckled, amused by your answer. “You’d be the first to say so.”
He sighed and straightened his back, standing to his full height. He could tell that there was something different about you, something enigmatic. He hadn’t figured out if it was good or bad. He felt the need to push you for answers, to learn every detail of your life, both past and present. But he could also feel a nagging in the back of his head, a nagging that was urging him to let it go.
He decided he would. For now. At least until he could fuck you. Which he planned to do soon.
“I’ll take the herbs and a candle, doll.”
Negan awoke with a start. His body was prickled with sweat, his limbs feeling like lead weights. He reached on his nightstand for his watch, taking note of the still black night outside his windows.
12:00 am.
It was Halloween.
And he’d only been asleep for a few hours.
He searched his memory, trying to piece together his evening. His mind felt oddly foggy and he had to concentrate hard on remembering.
He’d made it to his room after fucking Tanya’s red-headed brains out and then ate his dinner. Then, he’d gone over some notes with Simon for the meeting the next day and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He’d remembered the bag of herbs he’d bought from you and decided to give them a try. He’d followed your instructions and mixed them into a warm mug of water, making sure the liquid went from clear to a light yellow. He found that detail odd, but you’d assured him it was normal.
He drank it. The mixture had a surprisingly pleasant taste. And then he’d apparently passed out because his memory stopped there.
His mouth felt dry and he fumbled for a bottle of water he kept nearby. He drained its contents, wayward drops of water landing on his bare chest instead.
He wiped his mouth and the sweat from his brow, scanning his bedroom for the thing that woke him. Everything appeared to be in order. He stopped and listened, waiting to hear a noise or two. Nothing. All was quiet.
He was overcome with the sudden compulsion to seek you out. It startled him how much he wanted to do so. And while he knew the hour was late and he had no real reason for doing so, he did it anyway.
Negan walked the silent halls of The Sanctuary, somehow knowing exactly where to find you. He moved quickly, the urge to see your face now a desperate craving. Everyone was asleep. Not a soul was up or moving about. That fact was odd. The factory always stayed alive with some sort of activity, even in the dead of night.
That wasn’t the case tonight.
He made it to your closed door in minutes, the light coming from beneath signaling that you were still awake. His heart was hammering in his chest, his body suddenly having a strong reaction to your proximity. He felt off. He’d felt off since he woke up, but he couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong. All he knew was that he had to see you.
He knocked softly, listening for movement beyond the wooden barrier. He heard a shuffle of feet and then the knob turned. Your figure was illuminated by the light at your back as you opened the door. A wave of lavender and rose scent hit him, instantly putting him in a state of relaxation. He hungrily took in your appearance. A white nightgown that stopped just above your knees adorned your frame. It was a thin cotton material, the fabric nearly see through. It was a mesmerizing sight.
“Hi, I uh…” He found himself at a loss for words. A true first. “I’m sorry to bother you so late, doll.” He scratched at the back of his neck, attempting to focus on your face and not your seemingly impeccable pair of tits.
“It’s okay.” You said softly, smiling up at him as you spoke.
You suddenly stepped away from the doorway and out of Negan’s line of vision. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment before you returned, only this time you had a long black knit cardigan on and flats on your feet. You made a move to step into the hallway with him and he backed up quickly to allow you to do so.
“What’re you doing?” He asked as you turned back to face him.
“Taking you somewhere.” You reached for his hand, pulling him with you down the hallway. Negan followed, though he was unaware of why he was doing so.
“Where? It’s the middle of the goddamn night.” He questioned, taking notice of how you moved with such ease through the maze of halls.
“Somewhere special.” You threw over your shoulder as you led him outside into the chilly October evening.
The sky was black, probably the blackest Negan had ever seen it. But the moon was full and it was illuminating everything. It cast a ghostly glow on the factory and the surrounding woods. A breeze swept through the trees, the remaining leaves falling off their limbs almost instantly. The night was soundless, just like The Sanctuary. It was unusual. Not even the low, decaying groans of the dead could be heard.
“Where’s my fucking guards?” He asked you, somehow knowing you would know the answer. He gestured to the lookout posts atop the fences, the empty spaces making him pause. You pulled against his hand, your flesh suddenly heating him from the inside out.
“Don’t worry. It’ll all be fine.” You soothed.
It worked. And he was back to following you beyond the fences.
The woods were dense and difficult to navigate, but you maneuvered through them like you’d been doing it for years. He let you lead him. His body and mind followed you, trusted you. He realized how bizarre and extremely out of character his behavior was, but he couldn’t put a stop to it. Nor did he want to.
The cabin was nestled deep into the woods, but close enough to The Sanctuary that Negan wondered how he’d missed it. It had clearly been here for some time, but appeared to still be kept up by someone. There was a soft glow of light from a window, a billow of smoke rising into the night from the chimney. It was both a welcoming and ominous sight.
They hadn’t encountered any of the dead throughout their journey. He hadn’t even heard an animal rustle in the trees. It was if they were they only two people alive. He found he didn’t mind that fact. It was obvious he was willing to follow you anywhere.
You opened the door of the cabin and ushered him inside. The intoxicating scents of lavender filled his nostrils, the sensation making his eyes roll into the back of his head. He suddenly felt buzzed, as if he’d downed several shots of whiskey. His senses felt dulled and heightened all at the same time. He was entranced by you, by this place.
Orange flames burned in the fireplace, illuminating the space. An old table with two chairs sat near a makeshift kitchen, herbs and flowers hanging from the window to dry out. A small sofa and a chair made up the living room next to the fire. A bookcase held rows and rows of thick, leather-bound books. The titles were too small for Negan to see from his spot near the door, but he could tell the spines were worn with time.
His attention was diverted to the back corner where a large bed sat. It was adorned in black sheets and a dark purple blanket. Black lace hung from the four-poster railings, surrounding the bed in a veil of darkness. Candles littered the surfaces of two nightstands, the wax falling downward onto the wood top to escape the heat of the flame.
“Here.” You appeared in front of him with a steaming cup of liquid. You’d removed your cardigan and flats, your shoulders bare and calling to him.
“What is it?” He asked, accepting the drink. He inspected it, but it looked unremarkable. He took an exploratory sip, the smell wafting up to him .
“Tea.” You answered, moving behind him to remove his leather jacket. He let you, as had become the pattern for the evening.
Your hands danced along his arms, inspecting his tattoos with curiosity. He remained still, taking small sips from the mug as you did so. He felt your touch run up his bicep and over his shoulders, caressing the chords in his neck as you explored. Your palm made contact with his bearded cheek and he nuzzled into the warmth.
“You’re very important, Negan.” You mused, moving a strand of out of place hair from his forehead.
“Of course I fucking am. I’m a leader.” He agreed, his smug attitude finally making a comeback.
You smiled at his response and took the mug from his hand. You placed it on the table behind you and moved back into his personal space. Your hands gripped at his white t-shirt, your body pressing into his.
“That’s not what I meant.” You whispered into his neck, lips grazing his flesh.
His body broke out into shivers at the touch of your lips. He could feel your body heat radiating from you, the thrum of your heartbeat echoing in his ears. He wondered if you could hear his too with the way it was pumping.
“You have a purpose. I want to show you what that purpose is.” You pressed your lips against his suddenly, your tongue demanding permission to explore him.
Negan gripped your hips in return, matching your ferocity with his own. You tasted as good as you looked and he couldn’t get enough. He affixed himself to you, pressing closer as you threaded your fingers through his hair. Your breasts pushed into him and he responded with a thrust of his hips into yours. You pulled your mouth from his, peppering his neck with sensual kisses and determined bites.
“My purpose to fuck you? Because that’s about to fucking happen, doll.” He gritted through clenched teeth as one of your hands brushed his fast-hardening cock. He hissed as you bit down particularly hard on his neck and then lapped at it with your tongue seconds later.
You reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling the fabric up and off in record speed. Negan threw his head back as you assaulted his chest with your mouth, your hands playing with the clasps of his pants. The roaring of extreme arousal was making itself known inside of him and he didn’t know how much longer he could hold off.
His hands ventured beneath your nightgown and up your bare thighs, colliding with the white scrap of lace that hugged you. Your skin felt smooth, unblemished; as if you hadn’t spent all these years fighting for your life like everyone else. Your aroma was calling to him, making his mouth water and his control wane. He palmed your ass, gripping your flesh with a needy hunger. You moaned into his ear at the action, seemingly pleased with his touch. The air was thick with sexual electricity and Negan knew he wasn’t going to be able to leave this cabin until he had you.
“The bed.” You ordered, your voice coming out low and raspy. It was sexy. Your desire for him so strong that it literally poured from your lips.
Negan steered you both towards the satin and lace fortress, the bed a beacon in a midnight thunderstorm. You stopped him once the back of your knees made contact with the mattress, your lips finally pulling away from his chest and neck. He was sure he had at least a dozen fucking hickeys littering his skin by now.
He waited as you stared up at him, his hands still clutching the globes of your ass. You surprised him by cradling his face in your hands, the moment suddenly becoming intimate. Your eyes held a distinct spark, your lips a knowing smile. It was if you knew something he didn’t…a secret.
“You’ve been through so much pain.” You stated softly, fingers caressing the crow’s feet near his eyes.
He looked down at you with a mixture of confusion and disbelief, unsure of where this was headed. He could see the conviction behind your eyes, as if you really could see the voyage he’d taken and the trauma he’d been through. It made his hair stand on end.
“I can fix that for you.” You stated calmly and confidently, as if you had all the answers to his questions.
He noticed for the first time that your nails were painted a deep red as you ran them across his kiss-swollen lips.
He smirked at your antics, feeling a break in the haze. “Fix me? Hate to break it to you, doll, but I’m a lost fucking cause. Have been for a while.” He teased with a wink. 
He felt like himself again as he ran a calloused and scarred hand around to your lower stomach, grazing the waistband of your panties. You sucked in a breath when he traced your lips through the delicate fabric, feeling the moisture that had already begun to collect. His lust ratcheted up again at the touch of you and he rubbed himself against you in response. Your nipples were distinct peaks against the flimsy fabric of your nightgown and he yearned to wrap his lips around them and suckle like a newborn to its mother’s. He’d fucking live between your perfect breasts if you’d let him.
“I’m going to give you what you need, Negan. I’ll make you better.” You whispered as he took his turn to devour the flesh of your neck.
He smiled against you, entertained by your idea of pillow talk but not fully comprehending it. He didn’t give a shit what you said at this point. His dick was so fucking hard that he had to bury it inside you soon before he combusted.
“Well, since you’re offering…” He pulled back, eyes locked with yours as he pushed down the straps of your gown. “Let me see that glorious fucking body.”
You allowed him to move the fabric down your figure and over your hips, revealing yourself to him. He immediately attached himself to your tits, both mouth and hands working in tandem. Your hands pulled at his hair, keeping him mounted against you but shuddering away in sensitivity. Negan chased you with his lips, intent on marking you like you had him.
He reached a hand between your bodies, impatient with the pace. His gaze followed every curve and soft line of your body, still in awe of the perfection of your skin. It was flawless. You were flawless. A literal fantasy come to life.
Your hands were soon at his button, releasing the fabric from its hold and working it down his legs. He shed his boots quickly and stepped out of the garment, thankful he’d chosen to go commando. He watched you lick your lips at the sight of him and fuck if that didn’t make his balls tighten.
You sat down on the bed, positioning yourself so that he had a completely unobstructed view of the juncture between your thighs. He instinctually began to tug at himself while you touched yourself beneath your panties, your chest rising and falling with rapid breaths. He made it to you in two steps, a hand hooking your ankle and jerking you closer. He ripped the fabric away from your body, catching how soaked the material had gotten. You were fully nude now and practically glistening. He could almost see your pussy throb as he got onto his knees. He hovered there for a moment, taking in the scene. Your scent, your touch, hell, even the sound of your soaked channel. He savored it all.
“Negan, please…” You pleaded and damn did it feel fucking amazing to hear you call his name like that.
“You need me, doll?” He let a finger lazily play with your clit, enjoying the way you jumped at the contact.
“Yes, please…” You begged again, unashamed of your neediness. He liked that. He liked seeing you lose your composure. That shit was fueling him.
He relented and sucked harshly at your pulsing bud, his touch unforgiving. His lips kissed you while his tongue tasted you. He explored you, using his fingers to pry you open to his attack. Your thighs clenched around his head as your body arched off the bed. The candles reflected off your skin and he became awestruck by the image.
He fed on you, his appetite for you far from satiated. He welcomed your flavor on his tongue as he probed your opening, teeth nipping at your swollen lips. You yelped and jolted away, but he held you to him. He felt that drunk feeling again as he quite literally immersed himself in you.
“Don’t stop. I’m gonna cum.” You breathed out, head thrown back and hands struggling for purchase against the smooth sheets.
Negan had no intention of stopping. Instead, he doubled his efforts and ravaged you, seeing the prickle of pain flash across your features from his ruthlessness. You continued to hold his head to you as he attempted to drink every drop that poured from your lips.
“Oh, yes, yes, yes…” You chanted as your body rippled and convulsed with tremors. Negan caught every single one with his mouth, his eyes taking in the way you moaned and writhed. Your skin was slick with perspiration, your lungs rapidly taking in air as you slowly came down from your journey to space.
He stood, his whole body tense in untamable lust. He could feel the dribble of precum on his cock, the appendage begging for attention. He wedged himself between your thighs and submerged his cock in your overflowing dampness. He rutted against you, feeling you reach up to catch him in your folds. He dug his fingertips into your thighs as he let his cock nudge your abused clit. You winced at the oversensitivity.
“Fuck, I need to be inside this fucking pussy.” He growled, recognizing the tingle in his spine starting to form.
Negan didn’t wait for a response as he plunged inside of you, groaning at the instant surge of pleasure at finally being able to do so. He felt your heartbeat within your walls as it thrummed against his cock, squeezing him just right. It was as if you were made just for him. The way you hit every one of his nerves in the most delectable way possible made it seem as if you’d been sculpted for him, a genuine counterpart.
“Shit, that is one tight cunt.”
He moved slow and deep, treasuring the sensation of your body so effortlessly enveloping his. His hands were everywhere as your body became his playground. He held your tits, relishing the way they bounced to the rhythm of his hips. He grasped you throat and squeezed as you moaned for more. He took in the way your body so readily accepted his own, your pussy slickening him for his passage. It all felt fucking perfect. Perfect in a way he’d never experienced before.
“More…I need more.” You demanded, trying to reach for him.
Negan was happy to oblige and bent down to hover over your awaiting mouth. Small gasps escaped your throat as he continued to fuck you, the sound like music to his ears and pulsing dick.
“This what you wanted? This enough for you?” He grunted, angling his hips so that he could feel the natural barrier within you. He heard you whine and drag your nails down his back, the depth of his cock making you want to retreat.
“No, no…take it all, doll.” Negan tutted, forcing your body up the bed as he moved. You wrapped your legs around his waist, your teeth digging into his shoulder. The move sent a jolt through his system and he increased his speed. His hips slapped against your roughly, the loud smack of skin echoing throughout the room. He could feel his balls tightening and his limbs tingle. He wasn’t ready for it to end. He wasn’t ready to separate from your warmth just yet.
He straightened up, bringing you with him. Your body was pliable with his movements, letting him maneuver you how he saw fit. He lifted you into his arms, still impaled on him. He captured your mouth, walking to the head of the bed. He situated himself on the mattress, you still cradled in his arms. Without him having the leverage to thrust, you took it upon yourself to slide up and down on his engorged cock. He faltered at the motion, but recovered in time to position you in his lap.
“Ride me. Let that pussy take what she needs.” He nipped at your bottom lip as he encouraged you to move, slapping your ass in the process.
You didn’t hesitate. You wrapped your arms around his neck and bounced, chasing that ethereal high. Negan buried himself in your breasts, feeling that inebriated sensation start to strengthen. He gripped your hips, anchoring himself to something solid. He felt as if he might float away if he didn’t. He felt entirely too warm and the need to cum was more powerful than any other experience he’d had. His vision felt blurry, yet he could make you out perfectly. He could smell you and only you. Not the fire or the lavender anymore. His ears were attuned to your moans and whimpers, but silence lingered outside of that. He felt like he was in a vacuum of your essence, trapped but not wanting to escape.
“Yes, Negan…please cum.” Your words made him thrust up into you, eager to comply with your breathy request. The tell-tale signs were there. He was ready to let go.
Through the fog he belatedly realized he needed to pull out, not wanting to chance it. He readied himself to remove you from his lap when he felt you clamp down and hold him, your intent obvious.
“It’s okay. Do it. Fill me up.” You nibbled on his ear, tongue tracing his lobe as you massaged his cock with your walls. He went to protest, but stopped. The words died on his lips, his body now running the show. He only thought about you and how fucking magnificent you felt. He thought about how good it would feel to smear you in him. To see you leaking and dripping. The thoughts alone were enough to convince him that he should listen to you.
Your finger teased your clit as you rode him, urging him on. Negan gritted his teeth at the feel of your pussy spasming, your entire body ricocheting with the aftershocks. He surrendered to you and released, your pussy greedily taking from him as he tensed in orgasmic bliss. A hum of approval left your lips at the feel of him driving his seed into you, the warmth and stickiness coating you both.
“Fuck,” He cursed as he screwed his eyes shut. He felt like he’d been pumping for hours, the high lasting a lot longer than he’d anticipated. He felt overcome with exhaustion as he collapsed on the bed, your body still a place holder for his now flaccid cock. He looked up at you as you straddled him, a halo of candlelight encompassing you. He panted as he struggled to catch his breath while your nails dragged through his chest hair. You laid your head on his chest near his heart, your body rising in sync with his.
He was drained. Utterly and completely. He adjusted himself beneath you, feeling his cock slip out of you and land heavily between you. You rubbed yourself against him, his cum aiding the movements. His mind said no more, but his body was responding.
“Doll, this old man needs to rest. I think you broke my dick.” He groaned, feeling aches start to settle into his limbs.
You laughed, your body vibrating against his. “Doesn’t feel broken to me.” You quipped as you traced a finger over the twitching member.
He laughed, despite his fatigue and trailed a hand down your naked back. “You’re something else.”
“Good or bad?”
“Can’t decide yet. But my dick points to good.” He joked, liking the throaty laugh you released at his words. He could feel his eyes getting heavy and that distinct lethargy that came with sleep. He didn’t bother to move you from atop him. He liked your weight nuzzled against him, feeling the beat of your heart with his.
“Sleep.” You said into his chest as you placed a soft kiss near his ribs.
Negan nodded, though he was already halfway into his dreams by the time you spoke.
A loud knock jolted him from his slumber.
Negan sat straight up in his bed, eyes dancing around wildly in search of the intruder. He took in his bedroom skeptically, wondering how he’d gotten back.
Another knock sounded, followed by a call from the beyond the door.
“Boss? You in there?”
It was Simon. And he sounded strangely concerned.
Negan stood from his bed, groaning at the protests his sore limbs were giving him. He ran a hand through his disheveled hair and thanked whoever the fuck that he at least had clothes on.
He pulled open the door and came to face-to-face with a worried looking Simon. The man’s own remaining hair was somewhat tousled and his mustache looked uncharacteristically unkempt. He looked like he’d been running his hands through it all day, an action Negan knew he didn’t partake in unless he was nervous about something.
“What is it? What happened?” He demanded, knowing there was something he was missing by the look in his friend’s eye.
He waited as Simon seemed to take him in, appearing to be relieved by his presence. The whole thing was making Negan feel weird.
“You okay? We were worried about you.” The man finally admitted, hand back in his thick moustache.
Negan arched a brow in question. “Worried? Why?”
“Its past noon. You never sleep this late. We didn’t hear from you and got nervous something happened.” He explained, gaze still inspecting Negan closely.
Negan widened his eyes at Simon’s words, not believing what he was saying was true. He raced to his nightstand and grabbed his watch, feeling a sense of déjà vu. The timepiece read back 12:15. It was still working and didn’t appear to have stopped at any point during the night.
He looked back at Simon, perplexed by his unexplained tardiness. He was just about to question his friend more about it when he remembered the previous night. The memories came flooding in like a busted dam. He saw you in that damn nightgown. The cabin in the woods. You riding his dick like a fucking prized pony. It all soared to the surface and through the fog that still littered his mind and body.
“What the fuck happened?” He mumbled to himself as he rubbed at a particularly sore spot on his shoulder. Had to be where you fucking bit him.
“You good, Boss? Need anything?” Simon interrupted from his spot in the doorway.
Negan went to dismiss him, but thought better of it and nodded. “Yeah, find me that girl from the marketplace. The one with all the lotions and shit.”
He waited for a yes sir from his right hand man, but never got one. He met Simon’s confused gaze and went to describe you further when the Savior spoke up.
“What girl? I don’t know anyone like that.”
Negan sighed, trying hard not to take his mounting frustration out on his friend. “Yeah you do, shithead. You bought some lotion from her for your bum shoulder.”
At his blank stare, he continued.
“I spoke to her yesterday. You were fucking there. Struggling to flirt with Meredith at the table with all the shitty DVDs.” Negan explained, attempting to jog Simon’s memory. It didn’t seem to be working.
“We didn’t go to the market yesterday.”
“Yeah, we fucking did.”
“No. I was at The Kingdom yesterday while you went to the northeast outpost.”
Negan shook his head, unable to comprehend what Simon was saying. There was no way that was true. He remembered it as clear as day. He remembered you. Simon had to be wrong. And Negan was going to prove it to him.
“You sure you’re feeling okay?” Simon asked, that worry gaze back and aimed squarely on him.
Negan waved him away, searching his room for his boots, jacket, and Lucille. “Yeah, fine. I’ll be down in a minute.”
Simon hesitated, but he could see that Negan wanted to be alone so he complied.
Negan checked the calendar on his desk, his diligence when crossing off the days a daily ritual. He found the last day that was crossed out.
He wasn’t tripping fucking balls. He had his days right. Now he just had to find you.
One month later…
Negan rubbed tiredly at his eyes, wishing he’d worn his reading glasses. He sat at his desk, studying the maps of each community who fell under his territory. It was late and he’d been staring at the goddamn things for hours, though the action was pointless. He wasn’t focused. Hadn’t been since that day a month ago.
He’d never found you.
Thirty days later and there still wasn’t any sign of you, your booth at the market, or your cabin in the woods. He’d had men out looking. Chasing a fucking ghost.
No one knew of you. No one had any recollection of you. Except for him. And it was fucking torture.
You were his elusive seductress, his enchantress. You were all he could think about. You dominated his thoughts, his dreams. Sometimes he felt as if he could still feel you beneath his fingertips. Hear the melodic tune of your pulse against his. A random breeze of lavender would sweep over him, carried by the wind. But you never materialized.
He knew he hadn’t made you up. He knew you weren’t some sort of fever dream. He’d had the marks on his skin to prove it. Scratches down his back, bites along his neck and chest, and the sore limbs from hours of fucking to prove it.
But the more days that passed, the more his memory failed him. His mental image of you faded over time, along with the bruises and scratches that littered his flesh. You were becoming lost in the everyday bustle and he didn’t know how to stop it. He had to give up searching for you, fearing his followers would start to think he was losing his fucking mind. His men already thought so. Simon practically had a straitjacket picked out for him.
All he could do was keep an eye out for you when he went beyond the fences. He searched everywhere, under the guise he was looking for supplies. It was pathetic really. He didn’t even know your fucking name.
His watch beeped from beside him, alerting him to the new hour.
12:00 am.
He decided to turn in for the night, done with tormenting himself. He stood up and stretched, hearing the satisfying pop of several joints as he did. He made his way to the window to take one last cursory glance to ensure everything was as it should be. He noticed something odd immediately. He felt like he did that night…wired but sluggish. It was a combination he could never forget.
Looking out into the night he realized how dark and empty the sky was, save for the new full moon that spotlighted the earth. Negan’s whole body went stiff as he searched for his guards. He couldn’t see anyone. It was dead silent.
A sudden warmth filled his body and a tingle started at the base of his toes. It was pleasant and started to move up each limb. He found himself succumbing to it, eyes rolling back the stronger it got. Suddenly and without warning, a crippling pain overtook his entire body. His bones felt like they were breaking and extending to unbearable lengths. His skin felt stretched and pulled tight, fighting to cover his expanding body. He yelled out in pain as his spine broke through his shirt and his legs jutted out of his pants. Long black fur soon covered every surface of him while his hands turned to oversized paws with jagged talons. His face felt like it was being seared off as it contorted into new features.
He collapsed to the floor on his knees, unable to take the agony. Simultaneously, his mind began to piece together the forgotten fragments. He saw you clearly once again as he relived your moments together. He saw your first conversation and the time at the cabin. He saw him worshipping your body over and over again throughout the night, your sweat-laced bodies slicking against each other. He saw your mind and the plans you had for him.
He saw everything.
“I can fix that for you.”
“I can give you what you need, Negan.”
“I’ll make you better.”
Your voice echoed in his ears, your true meaning now apparent. He felt a swell of testosterone rush through his veins, the appetite for blood suddenly all-consuming. He sniffed the air, smelling nothing but lavender. He growled, his hair standing on end as he felt you get nearer. 
You were here and you’d come to collect.
He hunched on all fours, the pose feeling natural to him in this state. Unbridled lust mixed with frenzied rage, making his mouth salivate. His teeth were larger in size and sharper, his tongue running over them hungrily. The moon shone itself in his room and he instinctually howled. He felt a pull towards the window, outside the walls of the factory. He didn’t stop to think. He only acted. He rushed the window and burst through, scaling the wall as he made his way down to the ground. He landed on his hind legs, standing up straight to scent the air. Beyond the trees he could see a plume of smoke.
The cabin.
You were calling for him…waiting. And as he ran towards you, human nature now erased by animalistic instincts, he heard your final words to him from that night ring in his head.
“I’m going to give you what you’ve always wanted. You’ll be your true form. And I’ll be your true mate. By the light of the moon, you’ll fulfill your true fate.”
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sierrabinondo · 5 years
woodland creatures tour - day 8 (falls church)
finally got around to starting the final journal. life picks back up so quickly for me when i return from going anywhere, really, so it’s hard to stick to little projects like this. but i probably could have benefited from writing this sooner after the actual last day of tour haha. it’s funny how we only leave for a week or so but it feels like our lives shift so drastically during that time. it really does take time to snap back into reality and accept normalcy.
after a good night of bullshitting until super late (we tried to put on hot ones around 2:00 am but all passed out shortly after) we grabbed coffee and breakfast at coffeeology (i THINK that’s the name) in greensboro. we stopped at a shop literally across the street from the venue we played last year, new york pizza. seeing that place again reminded us of playing to literally our tourmates destination dimension and maybe like 3 other people in the room, versus the couple dozen we played to last night. the main band that played the gig that night literally sat outside the entire show with their friends and only came inside for when they had to play. it was disheartening, to say the least. this time, we didn’t play to a crowd that was there for us, but we played to so many more people who actually stayed inside to watch us. 
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i wish i could remember this drive, i didn’t have any work to do so i think this was the day i bought untitled goose game and i was playing it a little bit haha. we listened to some music and just enjoyed the trek to our last gig on this run. of course, we started to hit traffic as we approached falls church, which is in the DC area for anyone not familiar. however, we were still making okay time. we could make a detour to drop our bags at the hotel in vienna, get food, and then run our dual band cover of uneasy hearts with pulses. forgot to mention this in the jacksonville journal lmao, i approached kevin with this idea for the last show of tour super casually and we did end up deciding as a whole to go through with it! 
the hotel in vienna was such a strange spot, but it was kind of cool? we stayed at the vienna wolf trap hotel hahaha. all of the decor was SO DATED but it was still pretty okay. the guy at the desk was nice, we somehow got on the topic that we were a band on tour rand he gave us late check-in for free! ended up not needing it. but it’s the thought that counts haha. we arrive to the venue and jaime’s girlfriend rebecca is there to greet us :’) poor girl drove their RV all the way down to virginia alone, and that thing drives slowly. but then that meant jaime could ride back up to jersey with her which was good. 
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it is insane how at home we feel at falls church. i guess everyone south of maryland is just way fucking cooler than the northeast lmao, but it’s like pulling up to play somewhere at home in jersey and running into old friends. i can’t get over that we have that in a state hundreds of miles from home. it was good to see familiar faces and be back at the vfw. our friends’ band to michigan, with love was also on the gig, and our newer friends in science penguin joined us on the show as well! it was an all-around homie fest. i rolled up to the venue with the remainder of the trulys i purchased the night before, and shoved the box in the fridge haha. i was ready to just chillll. 
because we have played here a handful of times, it is also now tradition to walk across the parking lot and go get korean fried chicken at the restaurant next door. it fucking sucks, we always arrive just in time to eat before doors and i normally can’t eat jack shit because of fried/spicy food being horrible for my voice. i ordered bibimbap and then 12 wings to go, for after the show lmao. or a snack after we play!! but i ended up forgetting to FUCKING eat them AND they just sat out overnight in the van so they were toast. goddamnit. i think the restaurant is literally just called bbq fried chicken, the way they fry their chicken is just perfect. the sauces are all delicious and everything besides that on the menu is also tasty. 
i wanted so badly to break my last set of tour curse. it’s definitely a self-imposed, silly, superstitious thing, but my last set of tour iS ALWAYS HOT GARBAGE. i always for sure mess up. and this was probably the best last set of tour i’ve had but still not my best performance all of tour haha. i got lost the bridge of murder mountain and couldn’t hear my bandmates for some reason? fucking embarrassing but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cannot stress enough how much fun it was. it truly was. fucking, we’re about to play pixelated and i’m trying to give my SHPIEL about not being a JERK musician and i hear the sounds of “smooth” by carlos santana featuring rob thomas faintly playing through my in-ears. i rip them off and i’m like, what the fuck is going on LMAO. surprise, the pulses. gang were behind it, and tyler, taylor and kevin come dancing up to the stage. i was DEAD. we never do last day of tour pranks so we were fuuuully unprepared hahaha. it was so funny. my meme now takes on a whole new meaning!! 
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most importantly this show felt like such a fun celebration of tour. pulses., as they did all tour, hyped us up during almost every song and went off for synapse fires. we are too fucking lucky to have them as friends. they really helped make every set and every show feel worth the hours of travel and sometimes stress. to look out and see their faces in the crowd and singing the words uplifted us each night. it’s unfair that we live so far apart. it’s like how they say your soulmate could be literally anywhere in the world but you won’t know until you go look??? it’s like that but with finding supportive friends. i’m not sure if we’ve stressed this enough but this tour gave us strength to keep going as musicians, due in part to their friendship. we always joked like how the fuck we’re supposed to just go on not playing shows together or seeing each other all the time but it really does suck lmao. i was in my feelings in both a good and bad way, soooo i immediately scurried off the stage to go grab a truly the second we were done HAHA
it’s always so sad to watch your friends play their last set of tour, too. well moreso bittersweet! but you know that it’ll be your last time seeing them play for a while. i enjoyed every single minute. i love watching them play hometown shows, too. halfway through we jumped on stage to do the uneasy hearts cover, completely unrehearsed, and i’d say we did a pretty damn good job. such a fun way to send off the woodland creatures tour. i had always wanted to do something like this, where two bands play on stage at once (holla me versus i nd the artwork of). the energy the whole song was so infectious, it was fun to see people in the crowd go off too. also, fucking KRIS KHUNACHAK shot this video with TWO ANGLES holding both his cameras at the same time. i still can’t get over that.
i love that pulses. played you already know as their closer, it was the perfect way to wrap up their set and the best bookend to the setlist they chose. kevin would get on the mic every night and speak to the crowd, dude is just really good at being a performer and resonating with people. in jacksonville he sat down and everyone followed his lead haha. it was fun to dance one last time with everyone as we watched pulses. kill it before the tour came to an official end. we then gathered outside to take group pictures. it’s the part you don’t wanna get to, because it signals farewells in the near future, but we took some really great ones. 
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post-gig taco bell plans were foiled, but someone recommended the silver dollar diner nearby. diners outside of jersey are normally horrifying but i trusted the people we were with. we piled back in our vehicles and rolled 20 heads deep to the diner. it was actually a really sick diner with tons of vegan dishes and pretty tasty food. i got chicken noodle soup, red wine and an ice cream sundae because i am a freak of nature. we ate up like 3 tables and sat altogether, just bitching about having to return to real life the following monday. but also, trying to plan the next time we would see each other. already!! and!! talking about doing more shows together. we try to work with different people all the time but there are a select few bands we would tour with or gig with again and again and again and pulses. are one of them. after how much fun this run was it’s pretty hard to imagine not doing this again. it just... makes sense. so much sense. and it feels wrong to not do it again lmao.  
goodbyes were bittersweet. we huddled in the parking lot by our van to say goodnight and see ya later, one by one. fuckin, tyler is moving to nashville very soon so we all probably won’t see him for a hot minute :’----------( thankfully everyone else really isn’t that far if we planned a weekend trip to meet halfway or if we wanted to make the trip out to each other, thank god!!! i don’t know what i would do if i couldn’t always have a part of this tour with me, somehow or some way.
was thinking of adding a lengthy epilogue but it’s essentially just me openly sobbing in the van the entire ride home hahaha. you’d think that every single time it would get easier to come home but it doesn’t. i know why touring impacts me as much as it does emotionally, but when the bittersweet acceptance of coming home pours over into tears like it does, i feel kinda silly. i’m sure that there are musicians who are constantly gigging that would love nothing more than to be home more, and i know that if i was in their shoes i would come to dread touring, too. 
i really, truly wish i was in a place, or that my bandmates and i, were in a place to tour more often, but for now we have what we have. and that’s okay. i want to share something beautiful our friend charlene posted today that deeply moved me: 
This is the moment. I’ve made it.
People always ask me “what are you gonna do when you’ve made it?” I need you to understand something; I’ve already made it. I am living out my dreams. It’s not easy and obviously I would only hope that’s I will continue to grow, to reach bigger goals, to push the limits. But I’ve already made it. This is the moment. I won’t let myself miss out on the beauty of life that’s right in front of me because I’m too worried about something that may or may not come tomorrow. This is the moment.
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New Life in New York
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“Anonymous request:
Idea: tourist to the city and you get lost and *literally* run into Nevada or Rafael (your choice) and how’d they react to you panicking that your lost and are alone.” 
I really liked this one. I didn’t particularly have a plan, I just started writing and let the story take me where it wanted to go haha. I definitely enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading it! Thanks for the request! Hopefully it is what you were looking for.
For those who don’t already know, I always keep my requests open, so if you think of anything you’d like to read from me, go ahead and holla at your girl.   
“Ugh. Dead already?” You groan at your phone. It was always running out of battery at the most inopportune moments. It was enough to make you wonder why you still carried the stupid thing around. “It’s okay,” you say soothingly to yourself. “Stay calm. You’re fine. People survived in New York City before cell phones existed. I’m sure you can find a way to navigate.”
Then again, the people navigating the streets now seemed like they all knew where they were going. They weren’t affected by the tall buildings and loud noises. They walked around with a bored, blasé affect to them. You assumed they were locals, which you definitely were not.
Time to do those deep breathing exercises you taught the students in your yoga classes. Breathe in. Now out. That’s right. There. Not so bad now, is it? Now if only I could figure out where I was going…
The streets seemed vast and endless, like an ocean of people and movement. Activity and noises. Your head started to hurt. So did your feet. And you could have sworn you’d already walked past this pizza joint twice. It was your first day in New York and you felt as lost as an itty bitty mouse in a big, bad labyrinth. You knew your new apartment was around here somewhere.
When your best friend from high school had invited you to the big city to start a yoga studio with her, you leapt at the opportunity to get out of your boring, small town and away from the memories of a painfully recent breakup. But now that you were here, you questioned whether you’d made the wrong decision. Clearly, you were in over your head.
“Hey, sweetie. You lost?” A guy smirks from where he’s stood, on the same street corner, for the past two hours watching you walk by again and again. He steps close to you and you move away instinctively.
“No,” You lie. “I just like to walk when I need to think.”
“’I think you’re lying to me.” He chuckles, following close behind you. Close enough that he’s able to reach his hands up and run his fingers through your hair. The contact sends a cold, terrifying chill down your spine and you instantly know you need to get away from this guy. Trying not to cause waves in the crowd, you pick up the pace to a brisk walk. Hoping beyond all hope that he takes the hint.
He doesn’t.
You speed up even more. So does he. Finally, you decide that you’d better bolt. He’s clearly intent on a chase.
Maybe I can lose him if I weave through the crowds and confuse him.
You reach another corner and turn the opposite direction of where you had the last time. He follows. By now, you’re downright sprinting.
Oh god, no. Why isn’t someone stopping this maniac?
Suddenly, you see a massive, grandiose building. Outside it are a group of police officers standing with their hands on their hips, discussing something rather animatedly with a man in a three-piece suit.
Police! Your mind cries with relief, darting toward them. Your stalker quickly understands exactly where you’re headed and bolts. The officers head back into the building, which you realize as you draw closer, is a courthouse. You follow, intending to report the incident that just occurred and possibly ask for a ride.
By the time you make it up the stairs, past the intimidating, mountainous columns, the officers are out of sight. Exhausted, you pant audibly, as you tread down the hall. It takes everything in you to ignore the dirty looks you’re getting from men and women striding through the hallway, dolled up in suits and ties. Lawyers, you assume.
“Excuse me.” You call to one. He walks past you without a single look.
“Hmph.” You frown. “Excuse me.” You call to a woman in a sharp-looking pantsuit. “Have you seen a group of police officers come through here?”
“Yeah, which one?” She scoffs, before she, too, click-clacks past you in her expensive-looking heels.
You try several more times, without any luck, to locate the group of officers. Or a security guard. Anyone who could make you feel safe. Hell, even getting someone to look you in the eye seemed near-impossible at this point. Everyone was too busy in their own world to care.
Your feet were practically comprised entirely of blisters at this point, and your legs, gelatin. Your chest ached from the rough, shallow breaths you’d taken while running. Feeling defeated, you thought about walking back toward the entrance of the courthouse. But what would you do when you got there? It’s not like you could just go back out onto the street when you knew that psychopath was out there. On top of all that, you were more lost than ever. And you needed a bathroom.
You roamed the halls searching for a public restroom, but all the doors you came across were locked. Peoples’ offices, you guessed. Maybe courtrooms. Who even knew anymore? Not like it mattered. An overwhelming sense of anxiety overcame you as you continued to walk on your throbbing, burning feet. Your phone was still dead. The halls were beginning to empty. What if you couldn’t find anyone to help you? And you still needed a bathroom.
Why did I ever want to come to this stupid place? You thought. It’s loud and there are people everywhere, and all the streets look the same. How did I think I could make it in a city like this? I’m so stupid. I just want to go home.
You feel a hot, painfully-stinging wetness rise in your eyes.
“I can’t do this.” You sob, clutching at your temples. You slump against a closed door, making a thump before sliding down to the ground. “I still have no idea how I’m getting home. That psychopath could be anywhere. What if I get lost again tomorrow and he finds me, and the second time, I’m not able to get away? I don’t want to get murdered.” You panic, your words becoming more and more loud and frantic.
“And I’m hungry. And I have no clue where I am, or what time it is. I can’t call for help. No one knows I’m in trouble. And I still—have—to peeeeeeee.” You gasp between sobs. It had been less than a day since you’d landed in New York, yet you’d never felt so lonely and afraid in your entire life. So small and insignificant.
Suddenly, the door unlatched and opened, swinging inward, sending you tumbling backward onto the floor behind you.
“Ouch. That huuuuurt.” You whine, feeling like a terrified toddler trapped in a fully grown body. As if you needed any more problems today.
“Hey.” Said a calm, even voice. “Did I hear you say you were lost?” You looked up and saw a handsome man standing above you in a crisp, white dress shirt with black suspenders and a navy, striped tie. You blinked a few times to make sure your eyes weren’t fooling you. He extended an arm and you took it, using it to steady yourself as you sat up, then stood. Your feet cried out in pain, but you ignored them. This man was the first person to express any kind of concern for you since you’d gotten here. You bit your lip to avoid tearing up again.
“Yes.” You say tentatively, feeling rather timid after your last interaction with a local man. 
“And you need a bathroom?” You blush, nodding in embarrassment. “Well, luckily for you, I know these halls like the back of my hand.” He smiles kindly, and the warmth reaches from the corners of his mouth to his tranquil, green eyes. You’re not sure you’ve ever seen anything more soothing. You feel your face grow hot with his gaze and you have to look away for a moment, or you feel like you’ll burst into flame.
“This way.” The man says. You return your line of sight to him and see the direction he’s indicating with an outstretched hand. As the two of you walk down the now-empty hallway, you can’t help but to try and steal quick glances at him. He looks so regal. So eloquent. And somehow, he gives off an inexplicable air of trustworthiness. Is it the warmth of his face? Something in the way he carries himself? Though it couldn’t be described, you felt it. Which is probably what prompted you to unload the story of how you’d come to be in the sad state he’d found you in.
“He didn’t hurt you, did he?” The man asks. A look of concern paints his features. You shook your head.
“I could tell he wanted to, though, so that’s why I ran.”
“I’m so sorry that this is your first impression of New York. I promise not all men here are predators.” He says, with a serious-but-warm expression. You smile gratefully and feel a sense of appreciation wash over you for this man.
“Here’s the bathroom.” He announces, motioning to a nearby door. You rush to the door, calling a ‘thank you’ to where he stood behind you.
Sweet relief! You think, as you wash your hands. The man’s smile dances through your mind again and you find your face feeling warmer. It seemed like fate that he would come along out of nowhere and rescue you. You pushed the door open to exit the restroom and saw the man, still standing in the hallway outside. He ran his fingers through his hair and let out an exasperated sigh as he bid the person on the other line goodbye.
I’d like to run my fingers through that hair. You think. But out loud, you say:
“Sorry, am I interrupting you at work?” He looks up at you from his phone’s screen and a smile pushes away the strained expression from a moment before.
“No, you’re alright,” he insists. “Is there someone I can call for you? Would you like to make a report of the incident?”
“No, no” you say, “you don’t have to drag the police down here for that. I’m fine. I don’t even know the guy’s name. And I barely got a look at his face.” His eyebrows raise. It seems like he’s heard that before.
“Well, you don’t have to drag them anywhere, they’re right here.” He motions toward the end of the hall, where three officers round the corner in a line, like an old-fashioned detective show. “And you’d be surprised how even the smallest details can solve cases. Especially with great detectives, like them.”
“You know them personally?”
“Unfortunately.” He scoffs humorously, tweaking a brow. He must be a lawyer. The three detectives stop a few feet down the hall from the two of you.
“Barba,” acknowledges an authoritative brunette, nodding to your new lawyer friend. “Who’s your friend?”
“This is…” He looks at you prompting eyes, realizing he never got around to asking your name.
“Y/N.” You finish.
“It’s her first day in New York.” The man named Barba smirks. The sight makes your heart flutter a bit.
“Oh, well, welcome. What are you doing in a courthouse on your first day in New York? I’m sure there are more exciting ways to spend it.” She laughs through a smile.
You start to explain the situation, and it’s not long before the detective insists you come down to the station to make a formal statement.
“We’ve had three similar complaints in the past month. Same description, same M.O. I think we’ve got a repeat offender.”
“And he’s getting more bold.” Says the tall, blonde male detective. After some cajoling, you agree to go down to the station and make a statement. On one condition.
“Can Mr. Barba come, too?” All three detectives raise their eyebrows—but not as high as Barba, himself. You feel compelled to explain, so you clear your throat and meet his eye. “It’s just, you’re the first person to care enough to look out for me here, and—I’d really feel more comfortable with you around.”
“Of course I’ll come with.” He smiles. “Just let me grab my things out of the conference room.”  
As you watch him walk away, New York City starts to feel a little less lonely and terrifying. You start to feel hopeful for your new life, and thankful for your new ally. And you also notice how amazing that new ally’s ass looks in his dress pants.
Yeah. I think I’ll like it here, after all.
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hidden-treasures21 · 6 years
A Day at the Beach with Erik
So this is a headcanon I had about going to the beach with Erik. Just wanted to share with y’all. I’m in a bit of a slump and it’s making me irritated, so here y’all go!
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Reader
— It was summer vacation and you were thrilled to have a couple of weeks to relax before you worked for the remainder of the break
— So the first thing you did was head to the beach with your fiancé Erik
— You swimsuit was a tight one-piece that had a mesh panel run down the middle, showing wonderful cleavage and thick chocolate thighs
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— You covered up with a big t-shirt and basketball shorts so that was all Erik saw when y’all drove
— When you got to the beach and stripped off the cover-up, his jaw along with several nearby mens’ dropped
— “Goddamn baby girl, you look sexy as hell. Looking like a beautiful African Queen, damn!”
— Erik changed up though, when he noticed the men (black and white) trying to holla at you, and it’s only been ten minutes since y’all was here
— “You get around these white people and no-good niggas and wanna show out” *sucks teeth*
— You rolled your eyes. “It’s a swimsuit, babe. Chill”
— *grabs discarded shirt off ground* “Put that shit back on before Daddy’s gotta whoop somebody’s ass today”
— *angrily covers back up* “Happy, nigga? Got me sweating in ninety-degree weather, looking like a damn fool for your ass.”
— “Hell yeah, now come sit yo thick ass down under this umbrella.” *gets up and strips off shirt* “I ain’t set it up for my ass.”
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—You drooled a bit at the titty pop when he took off his shirt tho you would never admit it
— You switched between reading and watching Erik jog up and down the beach
— Sometimes he dropped and did push-ups or squats, and you loved watching his body workout
— You were extremely irritated when white girls came up to him on his return to you, trying to touch his chest and dreads
— But he stopped that shit real quick
— *slaps hands away* “Y’all get yo colonizing asses away from me! Tuh! Fuckin’ trick of the devil!”
— He walked away, leaving them there with open mouths and clutched pearls
— That entire reaction got you horny tbh
— When he sat down next to you to breathe, you swung your leg over his waist, straddling him
— “You know how hot it is when you curve Becky, babe? Got a girl wet and she ain’t even hit the water”
— Y’all locked lips, losing time making out and fondling each other through your clothes until a wolf whistle stopped you
—*Erik sucks his teeth* “Cracka if you don’t walk yo pale ass away, you gonna catch these hands!”
— You look around and notice parents glaring and trying to distract their children from watching you both
— “Let’s take a breather, babe. Gotta cool down because this is a family beach.”
— *slings you over his shoulder* *runs towards the water* “Let’s go for a swim, then!”
— Erik let you cling to him for a minute as he walked slowly into the ocean
— But drops you when he gets almost waist-deep for him “Nah, let’s cool down, baby girl!” *laughs*
— You came up spluttering, before the next wave knocks you over
—You get up ready, getting behind him and slinging wet sand at his chest
— Y’all spend the rest of the time laughing, splashing, and chasing each other through the tides
— Someone yelled out shark, and Eric pulls a knife from out of nowhere
— “Let a shark try and get us, baby girl! We gonna have sushi tonight, keep playing!”
— Y’all found out it was a prank done by a grown man later on
— Erik was livid because you cried a lil’ bit, so he disappeared for a few minutes
—He came back to where you were standing in the sun and flashed some money in the air
— “That fool who pranked us generously offered to pay for dinner, beautiful! Let’s roll, I’m starved!” *flashes a smirk at you*
— So y’all left and spent the rest of the evening eating seafood on the boardwalk and taking a leisurely stroll after
— And if you happened to see Erik mean-mugging a white guy later on (who looked a little worse for the wear and was avoiding Erik’s gaze), then that was nobody’s business
End Note: Hope y’all enjoyed! Let me know if you think Erik would react any differently to anything, in the comments or reblogs. ☺️
Tag List: @wawakanda-btch @vanitykocaine @panthergoddessbast @hearteyes-for-killmonger @amethyst1993 @angenoirr @thickoreo @tgigoldie @youreadthatright @wakanda-inspired @thehomierobbstark @muse-of-mbaku @killmvnger @curls-and-crosses @madhatterhelsing @great-neckpectations @suburbanblackhoe @blaqqjacq @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @lovelynervouschaos @xxthotii @uzumaki-rebellion @zuzuspanda @slimmiyagi @mbakusprincess @thedelightfulone @theunsweetenedtruth @jayjaydrama @thiccdaddy-mbaku @blowmymbackout @vikkidc @yaunfen @yoyolovesbucky @allinhishands @imagine-mbaku @wakandawinning @hearteyes-for-killmonger @kissmyafropuff
I just kind of tagged everyone in my list of tags for the various stories I have that I need to get back to tbh, but yeah let me know if you want to be removed
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0zrockbitway · 6 years
@producktions its dragon/spirit time holla holla 
Hakushuu trip around the island with lil gay moments
The gentle breeze had brushed against his skin, leaving a refreshing, tingling feeling. The winds of this island were different compared to the main land. They were fresh, unpolluted. He hadn't really noticed before, being too busy training, trying to defeat Raimon, and becoming the ultimate player. Now, he had been freed from those bonds, his eyes had been opened to the world around him. And for starters, he was able to see the wonders of what this island had to offer.
The grass feels different to. Hakuryuu isn't quite sure how to explain it. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was hardly ever found lying on the ground like he was now. He had only agreed to it to try and relax, as Shuu had put it. He had protested, not wanting to get his clothes dirty or deal with insects. But, with a little push from the other, he had given up. And seconds after, he was lying down underneath the shade of a nearby tree, right beside Shuu.
Red eyes remained looking up at the branches, watching as the leaves swayed with the wind. It was almost hypnotic; there were times he found it hard to pull his eyes away. When he begins to hear movement from beside him, his gaze shifts over, head turning slightly. He watches as Shuu had sat up, gone to his feet.
Shuu remains still, looking as if he's taking in everything around him. The sights, the sounds. Hakuryuu catches a smile forming on his face just as he decides to turn on his feet and look down to him. A hand was held out.
"Why don't we go and travel around for a while?"
"Huh?" Hakuryuu props himself up on his elbows. "Wasn't it your idea to rest here?"
"I know, but…" Shuu hums and sways, almost with the breeze. "We can't stay lying down forever. And I think you should see all the island has to offer."
"I have seen most of it, you know." Hakuryuu huffs before forcing himself up more, now extending his own hand to meet with his. With a firm grip and some help, Hakuryuu is on his feet.
"I don't think so. You've seen only a small fraction of the island- what they wanted you to see. You haven't seen the parts that have remained untouched by your time."
"I'm guessing you mean the parts of the island that were deemed off limits?" He'd heard stories of how this whole island was supposed to be transformed into a training ground. Fifth Sector could never pull it off though. Maybe if they would have been successful, this whole island would have become tainted- transformed into hell itself.
"I think thats what those older guys may have called it…" Shuu replied thoughtfully. "So, what do you say?"
Hakuryuu shrugs. "Why not? I think I can handle a change of scenery."
Shuu smiles to his response, reaching out a hand to take his. Hakuryuu doesn't protest like he used to. Though it was funny when he did, he liked being able to simply reach out and touch him, to hold his hand and feel the warmth that radiated from this human. For a moment, it would make him feel human to.
Without a word, Shuu begins to walk, leading Hakuryuu away from the familiar scenery, the forest, even the stadium. The change isn't obvious, not at first. Everything looks the same to Hakuryuu. The trees, the ground, he running water. There is a change, he can feel it, but he just can't see it like Shuu. The spirit was used to this island, knew everything about it, from the simple growth and layout to it's darker secrets. It was his home after all.
The further they go, the more the terrain begins to change. Paths that have been made by humans trudging over and over begin to fade away, the trees had become a dense forest, and there were more wildlife sounds echoing around them. Even the stadium that one could usually see in the distance had become hidden behind the taller trees.
"I'd watch your step if I were you," Shuu comments. "Not many people have walked this path. So, you can easily loose your footing if you're not careful."
Hakuryuu rolls his eyes and scoffs at such a trivial warning. "I can manage. I've kept up with worse."
"Don't say I didn't warn you," Shuu hums.
"What?" He snaps, giving him a slight glare. If he was teasing or not, he didn't have much time to mull over it. Just as he was about to take another step, just as his foot was about to collide with dirt- it hadn't. The path in front of him had decided to dip for some strange reason and he had fallen for it's trick. Hakuryuu lets out an undignified yelp and he feels himself fall forward. But, he's stopped, and is instead being pulled back. He had nearly forgotten about his hand in Shuu's and how tightly it was holding onto it during this almost tumble to the ground.
When he's steady on his feet, his eyes meet with Shuu. And the spirit is smiling so innocently, as if he was trying to hide the fact that he knew this was going to happen. Hakuryuu feels his cheeks darken thanks to this embarrassing moment.
"Don't say anything," he hisses.
Shuu only chuckles in response, finding it difficult to hold back an 'I told you so'. For his sake, he keeps quiet. He thinks about mentioning it later to tease him.
Hakuryuu is grateful for the lack of teasing. Of course, he wouldn't have lashed out at Shuu. He was different- special.
They don't move very far after that little accident. Hakuryuu wasn't sure why the other's steps had begun to slow. He had tried looking around to find out why, but there was nothing out of the ordinary, that he could see anyway.
"I'm really glad they never got this far."
Shuu goes quiet as he comes to a complete stop, his gaze was focused ahead of them. Curious, Hakuryuu steps closer to his side, trying to peer over his shoulder to see what he was seeing. All he finds are more trees, but there is a large one that looks as if it's splitting in two, only being bound together by wild vines. At the base of the tree rests one of those statues, but it looked as if nature and time had beaten it up, as if it too were beginning to fade away.
"The nature here isn't as kind as it is on the other side of the island. It's more ruthless and unforgiving. Perhaps it would be a strong training ground, but not one many would survive." Shuu slowly removes his hand from Hakuryuu's, taking slow steps ahead towards the splitting tree. "Besides, some things are best left as they are."
Hakuryuu takes slow and steady steps behind him, not wanting to fall over without his help. But, the land seems even here, as if it were meant to be walked upon. He stops behind Shuu, who has bent down in front of the tree, in front of that statue. A hand had reached out to touch it's head (or whats left of it), but had pulled back before he could make contact.
"Time really is a strange thing, isn't it? This island holds new life and old. It was a meeting that shouldn't have really come to be, yet somehow it did."
"The way you say it, it makes it sound as if you didn't want it to happen." Hakuryuu speaks as he looks down at Shuu. "Past and future mingled, there's nothing that can undo what has been done. Whether it was worth it or not…"
"It sounds funny when you have an uncertain answer, Hakuryuu," he says with a forced, light hearted laugh.
"I'm not uncertain. I'm leaving that part up to you."
"To me?" Shuu's head turns to the side, glancing up at Hakuryuu.
"This is your home. Whether I say it's good or not, it doesn't matter. I don't live here, but I was part of the change and collision of times. I don't know if altering the island was good or not, but I do know I'm glad it happened. Things wouldn't have been that great…" A pause as he can feel his cheeks flaring up. "If I wasn't able to have met with you."
Shuu stares at him for a moment, making Hakuryuu want to just cover up his face and forget what he had just said. Dark eyes look back to the statue, lingering upon it for a moment longer. Soon, Shuu is up on his feet again.
"I'm lucky that such a change occurred." He never thought the island would change. After all his time spent upon it, alone, he hadn't expected people- humans to come into his life again. He still wasn't sure if this was all punishment or not in some form, but he tried not to think about that anymore. "I'm glad to have opened my eyes and able to meet new people. I was able to meet a very special someone to. Like…Tenma for example!"
"Heh. I'm- what?!" That wasn't something he hadn't been expecting to hear, at all.
Shuu couldn't help but let out a laugh to the shocked expression on his face. It had definitely been worth it. He has to take a moment to calm himself down before facing Hakuryuu. "Don't worry, I was only joking. I am very glad that our times crossed." He smiles gently, taking both of Hakuryuu's hands in his. He gives them a light squeeze before he takes a step closer. His face inches towards the other's and presses his lips against Hakuryuu's cheeks. "Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me."
Hakuryuu tries not to let his smile seem big and goofy. He tries to fight it, have a cool grin on his face. It's hard and god he probably looks stupid from trying to stop something so natural from happening.
"Yeah, same here."
Shuu remains happy, a little giddy as he begins to swing their hands side to side. His swinging comes to a stop when he hears a 'baa'. His head turns and finds a goat appearing out from behind a tree.
"Ah! A friend!"
"A…friend?" Hakuryuu raises a brow as he sees the creature. "More of a nuisance if you ask me…"
"They're not that bad, Hakuryuu," Shuu reassures. His hands are freed from his hold as he goes over to the little creature. Shuu smiles to it and places a hand over it's head. He seemed so familiar with the goat, it hadn't even looked so scared or wary of Shuu at all. "He's not lost."
"He does live here, doesn't he?" Hakuryuu asks while keeping his distance.
"Yeah. I do know they like to get travel around the island a lot. They usually stay over by the stadium though. I thought it would be difficult for them to travel out here. I don't think I've ever seen them get this far into the forest either…" Shuu mutters, getting lost in thought for a moment. Afterwards, he waves to Hakuryuu. "Come and say hello!"
"I'd rather not…" Hakuryuu huffs.
"Aww…" Shuu pouts. "You're not scared of them, are you?"
"Me? Scared of a goat? Hah!" He just didn't like the creatures. They were fine when kept at a distance, but these things had a habit for getting in places they shouldn't and biting at clothes (even hair) when they weren't supposed to. No matter what, he didn't think he could get used to them. But, he's not about to back down from this 'challenge' as he walks towards the creature, standing on the opposite side of it from Shuu.
"You know I don't really…like them."
"But he just wants to be your friend…"
Hakuryuu holds back a sigh. He didn't want to be friends with the goat, but…being friendly wouldn't hurt. He reaches a hand out, expecting the creature to bite at him, but it doesn't. His hand meets with white fur and the goat lets out another 'baa'.
The goat remains in spot for a while, it's ears beginning to move and letting out another 'baa'. It shakes it's head before beginning to move away from the two.
"He needs to go home," Shuu replies, translating for Hakuryuu. His eyes turn upward, trying to scan the sky beyond the trees. "I think we should to. It's getting late."
Shuu holds out a hand, waiting for Hakuryuu to take it. He does. Shuu doesn't mention how the path that they're going to take back is different. Hakuryuu hardly even notices, only realizing it when they pass by a small stream of water. He was certain that if he were on his own here, he'd be lost and stumbling about. Especially now with the sun's light fading and darkness creeping over their shoulders. Even so, he trusted Shuu to lead them back.
"And we're here!" Shuu shouts once they had past the final line of trees. He had led Hakuryuu to the shore, which he had picked up on thanks to the strange, shifting terrain, the sound of birds and waves drawing closer. "And just in time for the sunset!"
Shuu begins to run ahead, hand still holding Hakuryuu's, he's forced to run along as well. They run through the sand, hand in hand. Shuu stops just at the edge of the water. The tips of their shoes are brushed by the water, hardly leaving a mark.
Hakuryuu glances to Shuu for a moment, looking to him as he gazes out over the sea. He caught something in his gaze- a longing for something?
"It's nice, huh?"
"Yeah," Hakuryuu responds, taking his eyes off him to look at the setting sun. It was nice. He wouldn't be able to see something like this back home. "Thanks for showing me around."
"You're welcome. If you want to see more, I'll be happy to show you. This island holds many secret places…I trust that I can show you them all."
"You know…You really need to find a way off this island so I can show you around some day."
Shuu thinks to comment how he's not supposed to leave. They both knew. But, he liked the thought of it, to be free and walking around with Hakuryuu somewhere else. Maybe it would come true. He was looking forward to it. He squeezes his hand tightly.
"I look forward to that day."
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nymphinity-blog1 · 7 years
Terrence, & i argue at the former apartment topping Eagle. During our screaming match, i call mom. After removing his pervi testes with nothin` but my 👐, Savannah hides out in the loo with me. Dominic hollas from the other room. “!i!i!i!JAAAAAHHHHHHSTTT DIVVOOOORRCE HAAAAHRRRR!i!i!i!” Ts´ merging yells shift tones so i peek thru the crack of the 🚪 and right before my 👀, he embodies Dustin. Glancing toward the livingroom i notice it’s the one from the apartment in Schenectady. Shadré stands in the window. The street behind him, being Eagle. Savi makes a spur of the moment decision to leave with him. I follow as a result of indenial stupor of paranoia. They lead me through the woods to a fence post with ivy vines growing 3~dimensionally. The abstract beauty of the design jerks me to tears. A rave nearby sounds through the atmosphere. Walking distance, we make an appearance. Shuffling into the depths of the night. Find me toying with the portal i found in the ballroom hidden down the furthermost gallery of the club. The portal teleports me to Korean Disneys' Pleasure Island. Palatial canals flow as a border next to civilization. I come to my senses in a desolate apartment looking out a plexiglass window. Fixin` to ✔ out this multidimensional hamlet, i wander through the 1st doorway of the room entering an indoor farmers´ market. A mysterious merchant’s selling gems, crystals, flubber, fins, and other goods. Numerous Nessea monsters swim in underwater dwellings of the canalways. Lurking afloat in primal hopes of being fed by passerbys. Such a special species of sea monster is cross~bred with crustaceanal hybrid 🐙 & cucumbers. 2 trippin' females plunge into the water.1 climbs to her escape, the other captured by mouth. She’s only mercifully played with instead of ingested. Nessea’s juggling her limp body among the ☁s tentacle after tentacle. I walk along the canal trail approaching a cubikal complex. Introducing myself to a 🌹yposy rather steezy poké trainee lookin´ Asian bastd` with cheeky freckles, and a whoppin´ ego. He stands blowing bubbles, offering me a piece. The fruity flavored yogo like kind from the Asian Supermarket i adore so much. Surrounding energies of the complex evoke DéjàVü. He joins me on my quest. We pass a metallic trailer dehkd in tickle~me~pink feathered boas, LED lotus lights, and lawn flamingos. Divaliciously tacky to say the least. I imagine it similiar to LibbyLus` or Trevors´from GTA5. Feels like the same lingering energies try to convince me Savannah lives. here but when i ask my new pal, he came clean that’s where Ryan & Zach reside. Was it a secret brothel? With each step onward, auditory hallucinations of Terrence & my daddio screaming for my sister as if she were M.I.A ring louder in my brains. None of my family are seen visually. I sprint inside the unlocked DéjàVü´ing complex budging head first through the door just to stumble into the same den i teleported to on the other side of town. Unintentionally ridfing of my cheeky friend…though a different Asian being presents himself along side of me from the shadows. He embodies biracial Asias with a British hair. I feel a couple other men of Caucasian races manifest a room over. FrothyKyle and ruggid curly brunette dude i practically drool over wherever i see him around Schenectady. They observe as mongo & i undress. We engage in kinky Cthulescente intercourse. Enthralled in its euphoric ecstacy, he squees. Frothman tiptoes closer wishing he could have joined. A warm showered awakening.
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victakestaipei · 7 years
Overcoming My Cliff-jumping PTSD & Weekly Pool Parties
I woke up at 7:15 and I'm so glad I had already packed my stuff for the day. I jumped out of bed, threw on my clothes, brushed my teeth and headed out. I was DYING INSIDE. Super hungover. Running to the bus stop. I took the bus to the MRT station because it would have taken too long to walk, and then I took the MRT to Taipei Main Station which is where the group was meeting (at 8am). Taipei Main Station is the branch that connects Taipei to the outside world (the rest of Taiwan). There's a bus station, the TRA (which is the train system that travels outside of Taipei), and other forms of transportation there. It's really the hub/hotspot of the city. Jeannie and I ended up on the same subway train so we arrived together at Taipei Main Station, and on time! To my surprise, there was about 40 of us going!! A huge huge group. I was excited to meet people, but I knew that traveling in large groups takes 10x as long as it normally would. And it did...... The struggle to get to our destination was literally hilarious. And hot. And sweaty... Thank god I had my coffee that morning at the train station.
After taking the train to Ruifang, we walked down the main street of the town then hopped on the bus, which would take us up the mountains to where the snorkeling/cliff jumping area was located. The bus segment of the trip was a mess. A hot, humid, and cramped mess. Imagine 40 sweaty college students forcing their way onto a city bus because they didn’t want to wait 30 minutes for the next one to come... Not fun. But luckily I was one of the first few people to get on the bus because I was NOT PLAYING NO TYPA GAMES!!! I even got to gnab a seat, so I didn’t have to stand the whole time. ;)
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my face the ENTIRE bus ride    v
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The views from the bus were pretty beautiful though!!! We passed quite a few touristy spots on the way up the mountain. One being the Golden Waterfall. This was exciting for me because I had this destination on my list!! And I got to knock out two birds with one stone today. The Golden Waterfall is special because apparently you can’t even touch the water because it’s poisonous! Wild. The water trickling down the waterfall is a gold color because of the combination of regular rainfall in this mining area and the abundance of heavy metal elements that are deposited in the riverbed. Neat-o!
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The famous spot we were headed to is called “LongDong", meaning Dragon Cave. The area of Ruifang also has the famous JiuFen street. The JiuFen area and famous teahouse is what the town and teahouse in the movie Spirited Away is modeled after. This location is a huge tourist spot, and would be a day-trip in itself. I didn’t get to pop by JiuFen today because it would've taken at least 3 hours to really enjoy.  :( Next time!
We didn't get to the snorkeling rental spot until around noon. Meaning, we had been traveling and waiting and walking for about 4 hours at this point. And I'm running on 3.5 hours of sleep. I was a grouch. But once I got the rental gear I perked up a bit. The rental gear only cost 150NT, which is about $5 (US)... And we were given a snorkel mask, life vest, and little booties. 
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After grabbing all my stuff, and changing into my swimsuit, we hitched a ride from the snorkel rental people down the narrow road to the water. We sat on the back of a flat bed truck, and I think that's where I lost my pants... Good thing I brought two pair!! About 20 minutes into the hike I realized I didn't have my pants with me and I think the truck ride down was when I lost them. :(
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Anyway, Once there at the end of the road, we then had to HIKE to get to the location. There was a lot of people in the water snorkeling, but the spot we wanted to go to, was more central and where the "party was at". So we hiked about 15 minutes deeper into the cliffs so that we could find the perfect spot. We finally arrived, put our stuff down, and took photos! 
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Afterwards we hopped in, snorkel gear in hand, to take a look into the clear blue water. There was tons of fish in the area. There wasn't a lot of variety, but the amount of fish in general was a lot. I maybe saw like 5-7 different types of fish, just in large large amounts. 
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It took me forever to get the guts to jump off the larger cliff (pictured above), because I feel like I have some lingering PTSD from the last time I went cliff jumping. Before my freshman year of college, I went cliff jumping with some friends at Nelson’s Landing, which is on the Colorado River outside of Vegas. My friend Brien, is the guy that can get you to do anything. He just has that type of personality. So he convinced me to jump off this super high cliff with him... I'm talking like 50-60 feet. I didn't want to, but I finally came around, and found myself toes-on-the-edge, looking out into the water... We counted to three and jumped. I screamed. Loud as hell. I screamed and screamed and then realized I was still falling. I had run out of scream and was still in the air.. Like those roller coasters where you scream after the big drop and you run out of scream and you're still going downhill and your stomach starts to feel heavy??? Like that. As I approached the water I could feel my legs lifting. I tried to stay like a pencil so that the landing wouldn't be as painful, but right towards the end of the fall, I started to panic (after running out of scream) and my legs lifted and I was in a pike position when I hit the water. So basically I landed on my tailbone. After surfacing the water, I immediately could not feel my legs. I started crying and screaming for Brien (who is in the water next to me and landed in perfect form and is also a lifeguard) because I couldn't move my lower half and started to drown. I thought I was paralyzed. He grabbed me and swam to the cliff's wall so that I could hold on to it and calm down. I slowly began to regain feeling in my legs (thank you JESUS) but I suffered a sharp pain that would run down my back and tailbone which lasted weeks after that trip. And THATS WHY U DONT CLIFFJUMP KIDS. OR LISTEN TO BRIEN CAMPBELL. EVER.
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Anyway, let’s switch gears here... so I'm here on the top of this cliff in Taiwan. Once in a lifetime, looking out into some extremely clear blue water, while a bunch of friendly young Asian people yell "Jia You!!! Jia You!!!" (pronounced: "geeyah-yo" and meaning "go!") trying to encourage me. I exchanged a few words (in my head) with God and jumped off the cliff alongside Jeannie. I screamed the whole way down but needless to say I'm alive. And the rush felt awesome. And I didn’t touch any coral even though the clarity of the water makes it feel like the coral is right there beneath the surface... After a few hours at the cliff jumping and snorkeling site, Jeannie and I were extremely sunburned and ready to head home. But not before taking some model-esque photos ;)
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such majesty wow wow 
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On the facebook event page regarding today’s trip, it said we would arrive back home around 6pm. But Jeannie and I didn’t want to wait that long... we were ready to GO! As we hiked back to the small road that led us to the water, we met some people who were also in our large group (of 40+ people). One of them was a local Taiwanese guy named Hank, and as it turns out he drove to the cliff jumping area, and didn’t ride the bus like the rest of us plebs. One thing led to another and Hank ended up letting Jeannie and I hitch a ride with him and some other foreigners so that we didn’t have to take the bus. Hank mentioned this pool party at a water park that was going on, which is where he was headed, and he invited us to tag along. And of course we did. The 7 of us (three Canadians, one English girl, me, Jeannie, and Hank) piled into his SUV and headed back to Taipei. But not before stopping at 7/11 to get snacks and BEER!!! Holla ;)
I thought I saved the pictures on snapchat that I took of us in the car... but it turns out I didn’t :( So I don’t have any pictures of Hank and the rest of the gang, but it was great meeting them and I’ll probably see them all again before I leave in August!!
When we arrived at the water park, I was SHOOKETH. First of all, the water park was huge, with a bunch of foreigners, a bar, a dance floor, three water slides, two shallow pools, and a lazy river that winded it’s way around the whole thing. It was crazy. What was even crazier was that it only cost 200 NT to get in! (less than $7 US). They were playing all the top 40 hits, from Drake, to 2 Chainz, to Kendrick Lamar. It didn’t even feel like I was in Taiwan anymore!! It felt like I was back in the States!!!! Also, I found out that they do this whole party thing every saturday in the summer! I will definitely be back (and I will take more pictures next time).
I got hit on more than I wanted to (not that anyone wants to be hit on necessarily... but I think part of the reason why was simply because there were hella African dudes at the pool party.) I also got hit on by two Taiwanese dudes who approached me together, and got some smiles and head nods from white guys...White guys never really acknowledge my beauty... maybe that’s just an American white guy thing... but nonetheless I was feeling myself ;) Plus I was drinking at the bar and had that huge beer on the car ride over, so Jeannie and I were having a jolly good time!
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We stayed at the pool party until about 7:30pm.. I was pretty slumped from the long day and was still running on those 3.5 hours of sleep. I headed to the nearby Gongguan street market to grab some food before taking my tired/wet butt home. Once home I took the longest shower ever and crawled right into the bed. Despite how tired my body felt, I couldn’t get myself to hit the hay until about 2:15am. *eyeroll*. But I think that also has to do with the excitement from the day!! Such a great great day. I love Taiwan.
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Week One: Remember That One Time Our Tire Passed Us On The Road?
Week one is DONE! (dat rhyme tho)
One thing before I get started: I literally just sat down to write this based on some notes and stuff I took on a word document over the week. None of it is edited so there’s probably huge grammar and spelling errors and trust me, I wish I had the time to go over this and edit it and make it better. I will probably look at this tomorrow and cringe.
TL;DR Training is awesome I feel like I was busier as a theatre major My shoulders hurt Our tire flew off our van and down the road So many new friends I got to pet a dog Jesus Jesus Jesus
First off, this week has been invigorating and, in such a good way, exhausting. I’ve met so many people whose names I have surprisingly remembered and Jesus is so evident. He is SO everywhere.
Speaking of the man upstairs, I tried to start my week with some church but ended up listening to a sermon online and man, that sermon totally encompassed what this whole week was going to look like.
Scott Rogers, AKA one of my favorite speakers from Cornerstone, spoke on Palm Sunday awhile ago about being relational at church. I wasn’t in big service that day so I decided to go back and watch it. Basically it was about how the reason we love our home church is because of the people there. The worship could be decent, the pastors could have really good sermons, and your children’s ministry could be a big party, but all churches have places where they come up a little short for people. What makes people love church is the people who love them while they’re there. They ask them about their lives, remember the details, and will ask about them later on. They’ll offer to sit with them and invite them to a Sunday BBQ right after and let their kids play together. IT’S ABOUT PEOPLE.
So lo and behold, this week was about the people. I met so many of them and they’re all wonderful. I made the decision Sunday night to be intentional, to get out of my shell that I crawl into because I hate hate haaaaate big groups of people (small groups up to 6 are cool), and to just try to live a life of LOVE. One of my favorite books of all time is Love Does by Bob Goff and I wish I had brought it with me. I really wish I had. I need some of the inspiration that man gives.
So anyway, training is great. There’s the usual things like how do you discipline a kid, how do you report suspected child abuse, and oh by the way never be alone with a camper where others can’t see you or hear you. Normal, working with kids stuff. Then there’s the fun aspect of learning chants and cheers and dances and opening your mind enough to rip up your cool card. Kids love it when you’re not trying to be cool. And I love that Sonshine pushes for that because CAMP is for the CAMPER. Ugh. Amazing.
Quick side note: Everything is humid and I’m dying. My body is just a bubble of sweat that I reside in. I have no skin, it’s all sweat. Everything is sweat. WHY did I have to come from a dry desert?
Quick side note #2: Living with 12 - 14 girls is difficult because you have to get used to the rhythm of calling shower times and figuring out which sink you’re going to brush your teeth at when there’s only 3 between the bathroom, kitchen, and upstairs powder room.
So training day two! This day was interesting. On the way to camp, while in this shady looking van, it starts to feel a little funny as we’re going down the road and then everything shakes as the rear left tire makes a noise that we assume is just a blown out tire. CUE TAHJ who yells “Oh my god! LOOK at our TIRE!!!” Prompting all of us to look out to the right to see our tire passing us up on the road as we slow down. Reaction: Shouting and panic laughter and Shaylee saying, “TAYLOR, TAYLOR! WE HAVE TO GET THE TIRE BEFORE IT HITS SOMETHING!” Taylor, by the way, ran down the street to get that tire out of a bush/tree/I-didn’t-actually-look-at-the-plant. 
We may have missed out on coffee that morning, but I got to meet and pet a dog so it was worth it. 
We did camp stuff all day in groups with a Head Counselor that basically is supposed to introduce camp to us. Luckily enough my group was almost all returners so I had a lot of people introducing me to camp. Ya girl got a little sunburnt, but it already tanned over. I got to talk about theater during lunch and found out my new friend Connor works in technical positions at a college theater nearby! Cool dude. This was also the day where we talked about reporting a suspicion of child abuse which I honestly cried a little about because it breaks my heart. I can’t even imagine. Y’know?
I also got to teach a game to the group of people I was with that day which I ended up getting a DLP for (describe, label, praise) and that was pretty sweet. I always knew I would fit in with a camp vibe but being affirmed is nice too!
It’s interesting to hear how tired people all. Being ridiculously busy this last year of school from 5 in the morning until midnight most nights was a lot worse than the schedule they have us on here. Granted, a lot of this is more physically demanding, but I don’t feel stressed yet. YET. I said yet.
On day three I got to find out where I’m placed (besides my art specialty camp) and I am in Explorers otherwise known as X-Life otherwise known as 1st and 2nd grade. I am not a group counselor and am instead “admin” while I’m not at specialty camps. I’m a extra body for the HCs to use as needed and wherever needed. To be honest, this job totally works out with who I am a person for all of you who know that Acts of Service is a love language that I am great at dishing out (yes, I’m tootin’ my own horn [beep beep]).
Throughout the rest of the week I also auditioned for skit team (and made it - holla!) and got to do some training for my specialty camp!
So the company that Sonshine is partnered with for arts related things is called Mainstages. They’re based out of New York City and the guy helping us out is named Ryan. He’s awesome. He gave me a binder full of fun games and a lot of ideas and a BAG full of FUN. Like I literally have an elephant puppet under my bed right now. And a rubber chicken. And a bunch of other fun stuff. I’m stoked. And nervous. it’s fine, I’m fine, it’ll be fine. Jesus is the one who put me here and I know he’s preparing me for it!
I get a big room at the specialty camps location, Bethel. It has a couple TVs and a small stage and a curtain and SO much SPACE. I have so many ideas. I got to meet all the wonderful people from this Bethel Church and they gave everyone part of specialty (Bethelty) camps a gift of just little snacks to get us through camp and they’re so, so nice. In fact, pretty much everyone in Maryland is nice. Where am I?
I also got to go do pool training with the people for our specialty camp and made some friends in those people as well. I get lots of questions about what I’m going to do in life since I’m graduated and about my tattoo. I ask a lot of questions @ internationals because I suddenly feel uncultured when they’re around. Whoops. Sorry, America.
I have gotten to do a lot of camp activities and make some really good friends in my explorer group! I think they’re all going to be good, good friends of mine.
Training week ended with a small “service” at Bethel. It was very worship based and I honestly had so many emotions and maybe almost cried at the end because the guitarist started playing the instrumental for How He Loves as the service ended and all my feelings from back when Ashley died came flooding back. I really wish I brought her memorial bracelet with me, but I know it would have ended up being ruined at some point while I’m here.
But anyway. Today, Saturday, was family camp day where we got to meet some campers and their families who wanted to come tour the camp and do activities and meet the staff. It was fun! I love this age group so far! I then got to drive the not-so-sketchy van as we (me and the Rutherford girls) got to go to Walmart and Giant and McDonalds for a Saturday night of shopping. I spent too much money. It’s fine (you keep telling yourself that, Becca).
I just want to end this a small appreciation bit. I am... so incredibly blessed. The way God has used me and the way he continues to use me is something incredible to me. The other night me and a handful of the girls stayed up until midnight talking about controversial subjects and how some Christians treat people and how people should be treated and where we stand on some things and it was so cleansing for my heart. I love hearing people’s thoughts and their feelings and their lives. The opportunities I’m being given at camp in just being able to serve and being able to share my passions about art with kids along with my passions about JESUS at the SAME TIME is so wonderful. I am in awe at how this all is working out. 
Praise the Lord, guys. Praise the Lord.
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