#that I write shippy star wars fanfiction
jessicas-pi · 3 months
I was reading through your Director’s Cuts, and I think you’re brilliant. Do you have plans to write or are you currently writing original works?
Oh my gosh, thank you so much! That's so incredibly kind of you to say. :)
Actually, yes! I do have a couple original works I'm writing and hope to self-publish someday. (The reason I haven't talked much (or, like, at all) about them on this blog is that this is my ✨secret fanfiction writing alter ego blog✨ and I've been doing my original works under a different pen name.)
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phytine · 1 year
I have my problems with TLJ but I am amazed by people saying that everything was detroyed by this film and thus TRoS was left with nothing when...
Well, so many people did fanfictions about it (and I don't necessarly speak about shippy ones) that found loose threads to continue.
(Not to say that fanfiction is the alpha and omega and the same as writing a film's scenario but the elements were here.)
And on top of that, it doesn't destroy that much you know? At the end of the day, the Jedi are still celebrated. RJ backpedalled a lot in the last part of the movie.
It was not a radical movie at all and the next instalment was pretty much written tbh. Stormtroopers rebellion, big enemies in the technocrats and likes with Hux, the knights of Ren. Maybe even Rey being less of a self-righteous asshole. It would not have been the most inspired thing but it could have worked.
(And I don't speak about Kylo Ren's character.)
That was not that difficult to make a continuity. DLF was just too weak to criticism and had no plan.
But please stop saying that the TV shows are saving Star Wars. I watched some of them and even the best are not that great.
I like fast food but even the best fast food are still fast food, you know...
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so what is all this?
Who am I?
Hello. I write Star Wars fanfiction about very weird Alternate Universes. I am a college student, so my updates are more frequent while I'm on break because I am very, very busy during the semester.
My fics are centered around Prequels/The Clone Wars characters, but that might not be true forever. I might write something more OT one day, and OT characters do feature occasionally.
Come chat with me if you also like star wars AUs!!
The AUs
Something Other- an eldritch horror AU. This is a big, messy AU that is getting quite long at this point. This AU is fairly dark, fair warning. A lot of bad things happen and sometimes people deserve it and sometimes they don't. Big emphasis on Rex & Ahsoka in this AU, their sibling relationship is the grounds for a lot of elements of plot. https://archiveofourown.org/series/2946948
IN THE WOODS SOMEWHERE- a sort of "intrigue" AU. Lots of mystery and thriller nonsense. This one is shippy! I'm normally not big on writing romantic pairings but this one is a Codywan friends-to-lovers slowburn. Yes. The title is from the hozier song. https://archiveofourown.org/series/3071505
The Tanolorian AU- this series has a much less concrete plot than the others, it's mostly just a set of vignettes. it's just a tcw era series where ahsoka is a mandalorian. its fun and goofy for the most part, but occasionally angsty because i cannot stop myself. https://archiveofourown.org/series/3263622
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stupidfatpenguin · 3 years
“Alright. Hold still—and now put your arms through. See, there you go.”
Grogu’s eyes, wide and gleaming with wonder, look down at his little frame, reflecting the strange metal rings that make up the shirt. They glitter like the surface of a spring in the high-afternoon sun. Youthful and fresh, yet simultaneously they carry a weight of something ancient, perhaps borrowed from the earth from where they came, or by the method of their make.
Luke watches, silent and patient as the child opens his mind to the feelings that begin to bloom in his little heart. He feels them easily through their own fledgling connection—a gleam of pride cloaked in soft layers of remembrance… and longing.
He is certain then that he has made the right choice.
“Yes, you’re right,” Luke encourages. “You look so much like him.”
The nebulous echo of Ahsoka’s words is not lost on him, but somehow, they feel utterly right to say. Grogu coos, preens under the praise like he has throughout his brief training—that has nonetheless been so very valuable, and has brought the child to confidently stand by this decision.
Somehow, something clicks into place for Luke, then. An immense state of trust settles in him—in his instincts. In the Force.
This is not a mistake.
“A bit windy, maybe.” He reaches for the discarded, tattered robes and pulls it into his hands, wonders as he runs his gloved fingers over its materials if he shouldn’t learn more about mending and making garments.
(While this child is leaving his care soon, the path he has set out on tells him that there will, without the shadow of a doubt, be others.)
“Let’s put another layer on, hm? It’s cold out where you’re going.”
Space. Vast expanses of nothingness and bright stars and systems, thousands of parsecs away. The cockpit of a spaceship only warms so much. Grogu reaches more easily and helps pull the robe over his tiny frame, now protected from the elements as well as grave danger.
When they first arrived, Luke had carried him from the ship.
Now, there is no need. In the short time they’ve spent together, he has grown much—and now makes his own leaps across the bamboo-forest floor, and into the x-wing while Luke lifts the astromech into his place (all the while ignoring his colourful complaints regarding the sudden change of plans, and his delegated chauffeur responsibility).
“Alright then, buddy. You’re all set. R2 will keep the system locked—but please don’t touch anything. I need all the shifts and knobs right where they are. Do you have any idea how hard it is to come by good parts in this part of the galaxy?” Grogu whines, a little indignantly perhaps, but echoes his agreement in the Force as he settles down, only his perked ears betraying his pulsing excitement.
I guess our time’s up, little one.
Luke gives the child a final, encouraging smile, and tells him with his whole heart, “May the Force be with you.”
Grogu looks at him, and a careful question nudges against him then.
See you… again?
“Perhaps you will.”
For he has no doubt that if the Force wills it, that his path is to once again cross with Grogu and his metal-clad protector, this is not a final goodbye.
Missing scene from TBOBF 1x6.
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juuls · 4 years
Juulna’s ‘Hold Onto Your Sanity’ Fic, Book, and Music Recs for the 2020 Dumpster Fire... Part 3!
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So you just crash-landed behind enemy lines in a war you know barely anything about except that your role seems infinitesimal and insignificant, and dumped into a year, 2020, that already seems fifteen years too long.
Before you drown your sorrows in some fantastic scotch or wine coolers for days (or weeks)… I have a proposal.
That you step back from the flames, tune things out for a bit, and try to forget about the outside world for a while (but don’t forget to vote or I will be very sad at you!).
These fics are meant to take you out of your head (I’m including more plot/story-minded fics than PWP) for the next few weeks or months as the world goes to hell (even more) but of course there are some bits of solid angst in these as there is wont to be in many a fic. Check the tags, read responsibly, don’t like-don’t read, ship and let ship, and please do leave a kudos and maybe even a comment! :)
Check out here for Part One and most of the Marvel fic recs, along with a selection of book recs too. :)
And here’s Part Two, which has the bulk of my Star Wars and Game of Thrones recs, along with Spotify playlists!
Part Three is this one here, all about the Potterverse.
(Not yet complete) Here’s Part Four, filled with even more shippy goodness from all over the Star Trek universe. So. Many. Ships. :D
(Not yet complete) Part Five is Witcher, Man From UNCLE, Stargate: Atlantis and SG-1, Sherlock, Hannibal, and Doctor Who.
(Not yet complete) Part Six will probably be all for my newfound love of Supergirl, along with some Game of Thrones and Marvel ships I skipped, because I gotta stop somewhere with all these recommendations or I’ll be at it forever. Seriously, how much of this stuff have I read!?
But I think we all need some distractions from the world these days, eh? Or something to console us other than internet rage and a barrel of ice cream and/or hard alcohol.
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I’ve chosen to pick fics (mostly) off of AO3 for their easy reading access, though HP fics’ golden years were on sites like fanfiction.net and other independent archives like Sycophanthex and others which have closed their doors over the years, sadly. Some of these fics date back to almost 20 years old, or more, amazingly!
For fics on fanfiction.net, I highly recommend using this link (FicSave) to epub/mobi converter rather than dealing with the frustrating app. It functions like AO3′s built-in download button.
Rec assistance by @perrydowning​
Second Life by Lariope
Phantom of Hogwarts by Good_Witch
Romancing the War by Pubella
The Poison Garden by turtle_wexler @turtlewexlerwrites
A Light in the Fog by turtle_wexler
Pride of Time by AnubisAnkh
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Snape’s Story by Tbird1965
Recognition by jezzie (krith)
Tedium of Time by oneredshoe
Tango by Desert_Sea
Sense and Insensibility by Desert_Sea
Time Mutable Immutable by Grooot
The Twenty by Leyna Rountree
For the Only Hope by ausland @run-with-me-to-the-sea
Bundle of Joy by LadyTuesday
Our Hands Tied by multilingualism
Choose Something Like A Star by TeddyRadiator
Mistress of the Stacks by Ms_Anthrop
A Derailed Train of Thought by Ms_Anthrop
Antiquities by stormcorona
Watch Over Me by @snapeslittleblackbuttons​
Dropped Down into the Unknown by @q-drew​
Delicate Transitions by @morbidmuch​
Lay Me Low by TeddyRadiator
The Savage by MagdatheMagpie
Another Dream by @dragoon811​
A Chance For Happiness by @corvusdraconis​
Breath of the Nundu by corvusdraconis, Dragon_and_the_Rose
Just to Be by Amarti @amarti-writes-stuff​
Hinge of Fate by Ramos
Forged in Flames by @mswhich​
Days in the Sun by bluespring864
Making sure the boy who lived, actually does by Hold_en @hold-enwrites​
The Problem With Purity by Phoenix.Writing
One Step Forward, Two Decades Back by corvusdraconis
The Headmaster’s Wife by Mrs_HH @propertyofseverustsnape
The Master, the Warden, the Headmaster, and the Deputy by mak5258
Cloak of Courage by Wendynat
Hermione Granger and the Intended Vessels by ShawnaCanon
Augury and Ardor by SnapeySnax
Before the Dawn by snarkyroxy
The Love You Take by Subversa
His Draught of Delicate Poison by Subversa
and sooooo many more if you want them just ask, this is both mine and Perry’s oldest ship lol
Gramander (Original Graves x Newt)
A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage by Anonymous
take a deep breath (and let it go) by lincesque @tumbloncat
Roar by @elenothar
Matchmaker, Matchmaker by @prosodiical
Dearly Beloved by prosodiical
Basic Instincts by @manic-intent
Promised by Miss_Lv
Plan G by Aate
Heat of the Chase by argentoswan @wannahearaboutmycats
Newt Scamander’s Guide to Getting Things Done by arthureameslove
Against all Odds by Maril
Where I Belong by Mishafied
He Wants To Say, “I Love You, Nothing Can Hurt You”  by @obsidionwingsofmidnight
Arranged by Miss_Lv
death of a bachelor by gudetama (elementary)
The Graves Identity by Mishafied
you make me feel this way somehow by gudetama (elementary)
The Nature of the Beast by AntiGravitas @absolutelynogravitaswhatsoever
The Knights, the Newt, and the Rose by @yinyangswings
The Wizard’s Cat by @natecchi
The Color of Boom by gypsiangel
Signalling Theory: Blue Coat by @obaewankenope​
Flame by @esamastation​
And The Tag Read Simply: “Pretty” by @funkzpiel​
Aren’t You Gonna Arrest Me, Officer? by JoyBurd
a little bit lost by shortbread @shortbread-fanfiction​
Rec assistance by @cuthian​
Seven Times by kerri240879
Her Beauty and the Moonlight by BrilliantLady
The Fallout by everythursday (orphaned and only available on AO3 now, but complete)
The Eagle’s Nest by HeartOfAspen
Turncoat by elizaye @imnotleavinherewithoutyou
The Virgin Conundrum by AkashaTheKitty @akashathekitty
Bad Faith by Morrighan256
Isolation by bexchan @bex-chan-blog
The Serpent, the Witch, and the Broom Closet by bitchywitchy
Silencio by AkashaTheKitty
All You Want by senlinyu @senlinyu
Static by galfoy @heymanticore
What the Room Requires by Alydia Rackham
And We All Fall Down by @rumaan
Ambition’s End by Hanako A
Wait and Hope by mightbewriting @mightbewriting
Rewriting Destiny by mayawrites95 (mayarox95)
Chronos Historia by In_Dreams @indreamsink
A Muggle-born Magic by Musyc @willhavetheirtrinkets
Hunted by Bex-chan
A Second Look by @riverwriter
The Nietzsche Classes by Beringae
This Too, Is Sacred by HeartOfAspen
Bite First, Ask Questions Later by Daredevilsinthedetails, Kaylessi
Nocturnus by In_Dreams @indreamsink
Broken by @inadaze22​
The Green Girl by Colubrina
Lady of the Lake by Colubrina
Rebuilding by Colubrina (really just anything written by @colubrina)
Presque Toujours Pur by @shayalonnie
Can’t Change the Way I Am by @nauticalparamour
Law and Marriage by DragonGrin (formerly TeenTypist)
The Tower Window by @xodramaqueenox​
Unexpected by Emara88
Something Old, Something New by Kate Dessi
Suppressed Emotions by hopelesslydevoted.xx 
Silver Blood by @freyaishtar
When the Day Met the Night by @bex-la-get
A Marauder’s Plan by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
A Step to the Right by CatsAreCool (Rachel500)
Eighth by lorien829
The Catalyst by lorien829
Harry Potter and the Isle of Mists by lorien829
Knife’s Edge by Celtic55
The Black Book by mosteveryonesmad
Awakening by SweetShireen
The Sword and the Snake by bartonfink1974
Dispelling the Silence by Indygodusk
One Year Later: Return to Hogwarts by Twilight’s Inferno
Fourteen Thousand Galleons by @frumpologist
The Invitation by hot_elf @hot-elf
Love Love Love by MissELY @misselylux​
Changing Scenery by aethling
East of Eden by msmerlin @ms-merlinblack
Turn Back Time by Dazeventura6
Foxfire by @setissma
Come Together by @nuclearnik
The Soul of the Wolves by LR_Earl @fanficbylrearl
Running From Lions by tryslora @tryslora
An Unexpected Family by ladyroxanne21
The Prophecies by jamcreynolds
Reconstruction by @aldersprig​
Fell From the Sky by BrandonStrayne @brandonstrayne​ (I really love this one, and not just as a Canadian.)
Demons From the Past by pottermum
Rec assistance by @newtypeshadow​
Rarely Pure and Never Simple by birdsofshore
Aural Gratification by birdsofshore
Lost Among and Falling by @bafflinghaze
The Corruption Sequence series by beren @berenwrites
Sentinel ‘verse series by elyssblair @elyssblair-blog
Date Blindness by dysonrules
Starts With a Spin by Maxine @serasarahhhh​
Temptation on the Warfront by alizarincrimson
Paradigm by dysonrules
Here’s The Pencil, Make It Happen by ignatiustrout
Draco Sodding Malfoy by Shewhxmustnxtbenamed @shewhomustnotbenamed
Pieces of What by Jadwiga
Found, Not Lost by inspiration_assaulted
Shared Detention by DadIWriteGayPorn
Dirty Little Secret by Writcraft @writcraft​
19 Years by shilo1364 @whimsicaldragonette​
Morning Suns & Coffee Runs by laugh_a_latte @queer-coffee​
Reus Una by purplepen76
Between Ink and Blood by Candamira
Distractions by @morningsound15​ 
(This seems like it’s a bit cracky, but there’s some good ones, I promise! I sorta stumbled ass-backwards into this ship but really enjoy some of them.)
One Step Left by Cysteine @cysteine
Extinction by @rubikanon​
Blinding Light by @16-pennies​
Somebody Loved by beforeyouspeak
There. This is much better, isn’t it?
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So my challenge to you, if your world is falling, burning down around you in flames... is this:
...if you feel yourself getting anxious or depressed, whether from the news or being cooped up in isolation or bored or on the verge of tearing your hair out or jumping off that roof or grabbing something to go after the dictator-of-the-week.... pause, take a breath, open up this rec list, close your eyes and pick something, and let chance take you somewhere hopefully far away. Let yourself be transported.
Oh, and don’t click on this Google Drive link. Really, there’s not 30+ GB of data on that Drive I’m sharing. Shame. There totally aren’t tens of thousands of books, as many audiobooks as could fit, and a large collection of fanfiction downloaded from AO3 in there. (Also, not all fics have been shared to that folder yet; I’m working on it a little at a time as I download more.)
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daisylincs · 4 years
WIP Folder Game
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!  ← part of my trick or treat now :D
Thank you so much for the tag, @eowima​​! You know, I think we should officially update you to the role of clairvoyant or something, lmao, because you won’t believe how well this fits into my ~master plan.~ (I’ll explain in a second, lol.) 
But before I start, um... letmeapologiseinadvancefortheshitshowthatisabouttofollow. My WIPs folder is, er, simply put, a mess. Chaos. A nightmare. 
I have an explanation!! I’ve always loved fanfiction and fandoms, and I’ve spent many happy years reading other people’s things - but I’ve never actually been inspired to create something myself. I don’t know, I always had tremendous respect for the creators who were already out there, but I never felt the inclination to join them, you know? 
Then I started watching AoS this lockdown, and... well, let’s just say that everything changed. For the first time ever, I woke up in the middle of the night and I had a fic idea, one that was demanding to be written down if I ever wanted to sleep a wink again.
And the more I got into the fandom, the more the fic ideas kept coming, until there was a point where I couldn’t read or watch anything without thinking, “ooh, AoS AU!!” So... into the WIPs folder it went. And as you can well imagine, there’s a lot there now. Like, a lot. 
Fitzsimmons was the ship that gave me my first fic idea, so of course there’s stuff for them. Then Huntingbird is the ship that actually pulled me completely and wholeheartedly into the fic verse. And then, of course, Staticquake, the ship that actually got me past my but I’m not good enough fears and, er, got me completely obsessed. I am still not over that.
And last but definitely not least - and, actually, you’re to thank for this, Océane, because it’s your fic that got me hooked on these two awkwardorable idiots - my brain decided that, you know what, if I’m going to write now anyway, I want to do Spideychelle.
So that’s the (long) story of me and my chaotic WIPs folder, and now with no further ado, I’m going to jump right in and give you a list of titles. *coughs* I am, however, going to put a cut here, because... well, you’ll see why. *cringes*
💜 - Staticquake
💖 - Huntingbird
💚 - Fitzsimmons
🍋 - Dekesy
💗 - Pipsy
🤍 - Dousy
💕 - Skimmons
🧡 - Quakerider
💞 - Simmorse
🤎 - Mackelena
💙 - Platonic/Family Centric
❤️ - Spideychelle 
💘 - Clintasha
* - a series
(Ones with two or more hearts mean that all these ships feature prominently.) 
The List:
💜.  A Hero’s Reward
💜.  and i risk it all for this life we share
💜.  Angsty Post-Hive Recovery Fic
💜. barefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite song
💜. Best Friends But She’s In A Bad Relationship AU
💜. Bittersweet What-If Fic
💜. Blow Us All Away*
💜. Childhood Friends Fic
💜. darling just dive right in
💜. darling just kiss me slow
💜. don’t ask me where i’ve been, or what i’m gonna do (just know that i’m here with you) 
💜. every day in between
💜. Fairytale (Sleeping Beauty) AU
💜. Fake Dating Partyfic
💜. Flower Shop AU
💜. good old shake ‘n bake
💜. Grieving Fic
💜. High School AU Idea
💜. Hive Toilet Fic
💜. Hospital Fluff & Flirting AU
💜. Hotel Room AU
💜. i live for you (soulmates AU)
💜. i never knew you were the someone waiting for me
💜.  i’ll find my way through night and day
💜. just let your heart be free (you’ve got a friend in me)
💜. lights will guide you home
💜. Mission/Partners Fic
💜. Modern Royalty Fic
💜. Musical (West Side Story) AU
💜. Not That Girl Anymore
💜. PDA
💜. Pitch Perfect AU
💜. Post-Hive Pregnancy Fic
💜. put that body on me
💜. Rain Fic
💜. Red Thread
💜. Regency AU: Marriage of Convenience
💜. Regency AU: Arranged Marriage
💜. remember that with every piece of you
💜. Rom-Com AU
💜. Royalty Shenanigans Fic
💜. S3 AU - Daisy, Inhuman Leader
💜. S3 AU - Lincoln With SHIELD All Along
💜. Shake ‘n Bake: A YouTube Romance
💜. Skaters AU
💜. Sky’s the Limit*
💜. Snowed In Fic
💜. so baby i’m alright, with just a kiss goodnight
💜. some dreams do come true
💜. Soul Realm
💜. Soulmark AU
💜. Stardust AU
💜. Stranded-Somewhere-Cold Ficlet
💜. The Daughter of Thunder and Lightning
💜. the earth shook and the sky flashed
💜. took my heart upon a one-way trip
💜. TV Show AU
💜. Ward-Confrontation AU
💜. Watching Hamilton AU
💜. What-Ifs*
💜. you’d be the one i was meant to find
💜💙. Lincoln & The Team Bonding Fic
💜💙. MayLincoln Friendship Fic
💜💙. The Secret Warriors
💚. Academy Era Rom-Com
💚. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
💚. Alya Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Angsty Hair ficlet 
💚. Cute Family Zoo Prompt
💚. lunch break
💚. Second Child Fluff and First Words Fic
💚. Soulmate AU
💚. The Perfect Fairytale*
💚. The Team Ships It
💚💜. Fluffy Best Friends Idea
💚💜. ooh, la la la*
💚💙.  AoS Frozen AU
💚💙. FitzsimmonsSparks Fic 
💚💙. Us Against The World
💚💜💙. AoS Harry Potter AU
💖. Al Birthday Fic 
💖. always the same pattern, love
💖. blonde
💖. meet me half-way
💖. rollercoaster
💖. Soulmate AU
💖. The Blue Door (Notting Hill AU)
💖. the ride
💖. when did it all fall to pieces (can’t we build it back)
💚💖. Best Friends’ Wedding AU
💚💖. The Holiday AU 
💚💜💖💙. No Hive AU
💚💜💖💙. Post-3x10 Who Owes Who Fic
🍋. Angst/Introspection Fic
🍋. Beach Fic
🍋. Coffee Shop AU
🍋. Concert Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Drunk Kiss Fic
🍋. Mission Kiss Canon Divergence Fic
🍋. Singers AU
💚🍋. Fluff and Teasing Fic
💚🍋. (Not A) Double Date
💗. ’cause you’re out of this world
💗. Coffee Shop/Baristas AU
💗. High School AU/Sleepover Fic
💗. Walls Come Down Fic
🤍. Affectionate Arguments/Take Care Of Yourself Fic
🤍. Danny Boy & Quake*
🤍. getting to know you, getting to know all about you
🤍. T Birthday Fic
🤍💚. Teasing/Introspection Fic    
💞. Birdie Birthday Fic
💞. Bodyguard AU
💞. Roommates/Best Friends AU
💞. you’re just my cup of tea
🧡. Abby Birthday Fic
🧡. it’s a better place since you came along
🧡. Reluctantly Perfect
🧡. Scarlet Birthday Fic
🧡💚. well that works    
💕. Coming Out Fic
💕. S1 Crush Fic
💕. you’ll be my lady
🤎. Childhood Best Friends AU
🤎. Church Camp AU
🤎. Giorgia Birthday Fic
🤎. Soulmates AU
🤎. then through the shadows, your light appears
💚💜💖🤎. Shippy Team Mistletoe Fic
💚💜💖🤎. Shippy Team Snowfic
💚💜💖🤎💙. Soft Family Fic from Chloe Interview
❤️. Ah Crap My Ex Just Walked In AU
❤️. Arranged Marriage AU
❤️. cute clueless moron
❤️. Cute, Dorky Friendship Idea
❤️. Fake Dating Friends to Lovers
❤️. Media Nonsense Fic
❤️. Michelle Jones, Agent of SHIELD
❤️. Michelle Jones, Inhuman
❤️. Océane Birthday Fic
❤️. oh, when you kiss me
❤️. Secret Santa Fic
❤️. Secret Santa Thank-You Ficlet
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 5 - Roommates AU
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 6 - Enemies to Lovers
❤️. Spideychelle Week Day 7 - Only One Bed
❤️. Teach Me To Fight, Parker
❤️💚. heads on a science apart
💘. Bobbi Birthday Fic
💘. 5 Times The Avengers Played Matchmaker, and 1 Time It Worked (Sort Of)
💘. Jade Arrow
💘. Natalia
💘. Roommates AU
💙. all the stars in the skye
💙. blue-eyed
💙. FitzDaisy Recovery Fic
💙. Happy Family Holiday Fic
💙. JemmaDaisy Friendship Fic
💙. see the line where the skye meets the sea
💙. Soft-Fluffy Philindaisy Tickle Fic
💙.untitled angst war fic
💜🤍💗🍋🧡💕💙. day’s eye      
(and that’s not even it. I haven’t even made documents for all the birthday fics. *crawls into a hole to die*)
So yeah, I’m completely insane and I’m probably going to be here for the next ten years trying to write all this lot and also I tag @ohwriteiforgot​​, @aleksandrachaev​​, @everythingirl44​​, @que-mint-tea, @anxiouslynumbme, @springmagpies​, @besidemethewholedamntime​, @infinitestarsintheskye​, @libbyweasley​, @a-biochemist-not-a-bird​, @nazezdha321​, @sadtunes​ and @here-for-huntingbird​, if any of you guys want to do this!
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kyliafanfiction · 4 years
One thing I have noticed, in my time on tumblr, when reading what other people have to say about fanficdom (that is, the community of people that write and read fanfiction with regularity) is that... there are sort of like, two broad types of fanficdom.
Now, in reality, there are many, but speaking very generally, there are two kinds of types I wanna talk about here. And this is all anecdotal, of course.
Type 1 is the type that existed on livejournal, created Ao3, and now finds a home on places like dreamwidth, tumblr (and all it’s spinoff sites), social media in general etc. This type tends to be more diverse, and more specifically, more racially diverse, more queer, and more AFAB people in general. Their fanfiction tends to be far more focused on the characters, they tend to have less OCs, they tend to be more shippy, and when they ship, more prone to non canon and slash ships. They tend to be more respectful of the concept of trigger/content warnings (even if they use a ‘read at your own risk’ type warning like ao3′s ‘chose not to use warnings’ warning) They tend to be more likely to have queer headcanons, mental health headcanons, headcanons in general, etc. They tend to write write fanfiction that has a greater disregard for canon (that whole ‘canon has been slow-cooked at 235 Degrees and carved for the juicy bits’ mindset) and tend to be more prone to the ‘unsolicited criticism is never constructive’ camp (i.e. the whole ‘don’t leave critical reviews, criticism is only constructive when solicited from specific people, etc, etc, mindset).
There are of course many, many, many variations within type 1, and very rarely does someone hold to every tendency, as I said, this is being very general.
Type 2, on the other hand, finds it’s home on places like Spacebattles, Sufficient Velocity, Alternate History.com and all the related and spinoff sites. (for the unfamiliar, these sites are forums for various kinds of nerdy discussion and have extensive sections for people to post and share their fannish content) The people here tend to be more male, straight and cis. Tend, of course. They tend to very focused on the technical aspects of sci-fi. In their star wars or stargate or star trek or other sci-fi fanfiction, they tend to spend a lot of time lovingly detailing the specifications of new ships created in their story, either new versions of existing models, or brand new designs, etc. In general, they tend to spend a lot more time detailing the tech in loving pseudoscientific detail. In general, their fanfics are less about engaging with specific characters, and more about engaging the world - a lot of large scale divergence stories, changing the entire settings in big ways. Sometimes very rarely do many characters stand out, show up a lot or have a lot of depth - while the best fics from type 2 writers of course manage to have the truly rich characters nonetheless. For example, in most stories from type 2 writers that are fanfics of video games where the main character is defined to one extent to another by the player (Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Fallout, etc),the main character in those stories tends to be fairly bland, fairly shallow, lack a lot of interiority. They tend to have a path of least resistance in regards to their backstory and identity and the choices they make (this is, of course, again, very general, and again, the best examples of type 2 rise above this).
They also tend to have greater respect for canon - when they change canon, it’s usually in more specific ways, targeted, essential to the premise. They don’t carve up canon for the parts they like and discard the rest, as a rule. They don’t tend to, for example, write characters who are canonically cishet as queer. In general, shipping is a secondary concern at best.
And they tend to be more interested in or willing to entertain, unsolicited criticism and discussion (which would, in part, come from their forum-focused culture), though obviously there are general customs regarding that, as there are customs in every online space. And of course, there are some glaring exceptions.
Type 2 is no better or worse than type 1 or vice versa, and most people in fanficdom are not all one type or the other. Some websites - most notably FFN, for example, play host to both types and all variations thereof in rather grand diversity (which tends to give rise to some of the problems of the website). 
But this is a phenomenon I have observed many times- many times on this website I’ll see people making broad statements about what fanficdom is and I’ll see that they’re describing type 1 to a T and yet... doesn’t usually hold up regarding type 2. Most thinkpieces about fanfiction tend to be referring to type 1. But type 2 people are writing fanfiction - different fanfiction, but many times, very good fanfiction, and some writers, deliberately or not, write fanfics that fall into sort of both categories to varying extents.
It’s just an interesting phenomenon, and when the two types clash, it can often be like people are talking past each other, because of the years of distinct accumulated baggage each site has.
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shesasurvivor · 5 years
Everlark Self-Interview
First, let me just say that I think this is a brilliant idea, and I love it a lot. I’m just hopping on after a long day at work, but from what I’ve read so far, reading everyone’s interviews has been insightful and fascinating.
I first started writing The Hunger Games/Everlark fanfiction in June 2012, two months after I finished reading the books for the first time. I adored them so much, they left me wanting more, particularly with Katniss and Peeta. After induldging in others’ fics for two months, I decided I wanted to try writing out my own ideas for stories. My first ever fic was ‘All That Love’s About,’ a post-Mockingjay oneshot where they talk things through after seeing Gale on TV. The title came from the title of a track off the Wall-E OST, which in turn came from a line from Hello Dolly. Everlark and THG both reminded me a lot of Wall-E (a favorite of mine), so I thought the nod felt appropriate.
The Writing Process
Do you use an outline?
I tend to create a loose outline that helps me structure the story. I’ll usually decide on how many chapters I want the story to have first. Sometimes these will have some sort of special significance, but usually I just go with my gut. From there, I’ll work out the main beats, and write a generalized summary of what I want to happen in each chapter. After that, I like to say that I basically just vomit words on a screen.  I’m a big fan of improv, and once I have the general idea of what I want to happen, I’m basically improvising the rest. 
Do you use a beta?
I have used the help of several wonderful people over the years, but my one consistent person who helps me with everything is @triplebigday​. Not only does she beta, but she helps me work out a lot of the story when I do get stuck, and we bounce ideas off each other. This isn’t just true of Everlark, either: we have a whole, massive Star Wars AU we’ve cooked up together. I like to say she’s the Taika Waiti to my Jemaine Clement. Anyways, she’s the best, she gets me and what I’m doing like no other, and cooking up stories together is one of my aboslute favorite things in life. 
Where do you write?
On my couch using my Chromebook. LOL. 
Do you listen to music or make a playlist?
I will definitely make playlists that feel appropriate for my stories, but I don’t listen to anything when I write. Usually I’ll do it in complete silence, because it’s easier for me to focus. Sometimes I’ll use the Coffitivity app, though. But with music, I find myself wanting to actively listen to it, and it prevents me from getting any actual writing done. 
Do you start posting right away, or wait until you’re done?
At first, I would post my chapters as soon as they were done. Lately, however, I’ve been leaning towards trying to finish things first. I don’t know, it really depends on the story, I guess. 
The Story
I’m going to focus primarily on my Blue on Grey/A House United universe, and The Tigers Come at Night.
Where did the story come from?
For A House United, the story came from a prompt on a round of Prompts in Panem. The idea is actually influenced by Gone with the Wind, because I remember thinking Katniss and Scarlett were both similar and very different ways, and I wanted to play with that idea. But also, I’m not going to lie: I also just found the idea of smut between them kind of hot.
As for The Tigers Come at Night, the idea was always meant to be a ‘Katniss-actually-pregnant-in-the-Quell’ fic. That was one of my favorite tropes to read, and one day I started thinking about what I would write if I were going to do a take on it. The more I thought about it, the more I felt like it would probably have to take something like forced prostitution for Katniss to actually be pregnant in the Quell, and that was a darker, more dystopian story that I had been wanting to try. 
How long did the story take to write? How did your life change?
A House United took me a year and a half to write. In that time, I dealt with PTSD, a nervous breakdown, and relocated to a new state to put myself back together. 
I’ve been very, v e r y slowly chipping away at The Tigers Come at Night since November 2013, so needless to say, things have changed a LOT for me since then. I started the story shortly after the aforementioned nervous breakdown; I’ve recovered tenfold since that time, to the point where I don’t even feel like the same person anymore. It’s insane looking back on where I was when I started this story, and it’s even more insane that it’s been so long and this story is still not complete! I think I need to set a deadline for myself, and just knock it out already.
What was the hardest part of the story to write?
For A House United, it was dealing with the fact that it was set in Reconstruction-era South. There’s the historical accuracy you have to look for, and then there’s the obvious issue with racism in the era. I actually had a whole plotline worked out where it turned out Katniss was herself a WOC, and not the white southern belle she’d initially been painted as, but I ended up scrapping it because I needed to end the story for mental health reasons. 
I think it’s probably obvious that The Tigers Come at Night is an inherently hard fic to write due to the subject matter, and probably one of the main reasons I’m so slow in finishing it. Making things feel true from a psychological perspective is very, very important to me, so I don’t want to make light of the subject matter at all. But because of this, and my own struggle with my mental health, there have been times when I simply couldn’t deal with it at all.
What was the easiest part to write?
Haha, any time Katniss and Peeta get a good shippy scene together is always my favorite! I also adore writing Peeta’s wit, and any banter between the two, because I’m honestly just the kind of person who is going around saying that crap anyways. It’s a ton of fun. 
Any parts you want to rewrite?
I periodically visit the idea of rewriting Blue on Grey/A House United, because every so often I come up with a new way I would make the story go this time around. The idea that comes immediately to mind now, though, is one that’s more of a retelling, where Katniss and Peeta get stuck together for a period of time, and because of the time period, are forced to marry to avoid scandal. Peeta spends the time thinking Katniss wants nothing to do with him and wants to marry Gale instead, while Katniss, who was reluctant/resentful at first, is slowly falling in love with Peeta. Maybe I’ll write that, but honestly, don’t hold your breath.
As for Tigers, I just want to finish writing it the first time!
The Characters
Easiest to write?
Without a doubt, Katniss. Our inner thoughts are very, very similar. But Peeta’s sense of humor is also super easy for me to write.
Hardest to write?
Plutarch springs immediately to mind. He’s like the polar opposite of who I am, so it’s difficult getting into his head sometimes. Even Snow is easier for me to write. 
None, unless you count developing characters we didn’t see much in the books, like Peeta’s brothers or the toast babies. Now Star Wars, that’s where my OCs get out of hand. LOL.
Who do you relate to the most?
LOL J/K, we all know who I relate to most. 
Any characters you don’t like writing?
Like honestly, I get annoyed having to write Katniss and/or Peeta interact with anyone who isn’t each other. I just want to write Everlark, and the rest is filler. LOL!
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thunderheadfred · 6 years
Tagged by @yourlocalpriestess :D
She tagged just about everybody I would have tagged, so I’ll add:  @meggannn, @tetrahedrals, @wafflesrock16, @kestrelsansjesses, @bunnythemonsterslayer, @chutzpahhooplah
First ship you ever read fic for: ha. ha ahaa haaaa haaaaaaaaa fuck you it was Usagi/Mamoru and I was eleven.  I remember one where they kissed with tongues and I thought I would D I E
First ship you ever wrote fic for: I wrote a bunch of non-shippy stuff first, including Sailor Moon, Harry Potter, and Star Wars crackfics. First “ship” would have been an Obi-Wan/Anakin’sTwinSister prequel re-imagining that never actually got that far.
Ship you write the most now: I think probably Shep/Mordin, though that’s not really intentional, it just seems to have become my primary niche, haha
Ship you read the most now: It’s been a really really really really embarassingly long time since I’ve read ANY fanfiction, actually. I’m not proud. My brain is... not nice to me when I read other people’s work. I’ve had to trade it off for any level of productivity lately, though I hope that changes, because I love reading fics. Shakarian is probably what I’ve read MOST, overall.
Newest ship: I guess Kallo/Sara, though even that feels old hat to me by now.
Rare ship you wanna read more of: Anybody with Mordin. I just... it’s a thing.
Your taboo ship: I don’t have one? I’m very much of the mind that people should ship whatever they want. Fanfiction is a (relatively) safe place to vent all kinds of ideas, as long as you provide ample warnings. A lot of people these days would probably shame the fuck out of me for loving Hermione/Snape as much as I did, but... that ship got me through some pretty hefty teacher crushes in high school, okay???? Fantasy=//=reality lmao.
They never met in canon ship: Nihlus/Anybody - primarily Ashley and/or Garrus though. Mordin/Garrus (Omega years, and not sexual? just... again. a THING) Hannah/Albacus (does that count? IDK.)
Your unexpected ship: Mordin. And. Shepard. What the hell has my life become. I will never get over this ship and it started as a pseudo joke.
The ship you always forget to give love to: Uh, probably Thane/Shep, cuz I do have a weak spot for sad aliens. Also Shiara, because no matter how much I resent the devs for trying to brainwash us into romancing Liara... I still think she’s cute. Also Garrus/Tali. I always forget about that one, haha.
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable): Okay is THIS where I put Hannah/Albacus? haha. cuz yeah. THEM.
A ship you’re embarrassed to ship: (shouted from the top of a pile of salarian porn) It should be obvious that I’m not embarrassed by much anymore.
Your most romantic ship: Kallo/Sara? In that cutesy “head over heels” sense, I guess. Though I feel like Grace/Mordin are secretly romantic too? Even though their relationship is aro-ace, every single interaction still carries a lot of intensity which somehow feels romantic to me. Just... not in any traditional or sexually charged way.
Your sexiest ship: Well normally I’d say Jane/Garrus but then Double Blind happened and I don’t know what to think anymore. (guess-i’ll-die.jpg)
Your most tragic ship: Despite all the angst in Paradox, I’d say Jane/Garrus from Red Streak are the unlucky winners. Hey Garrus, good luck in Midnight Blue, buddy...
A ship you want more content for: Don’t I answer this with my every breath? Mordin/Shep. YOU KNOW WHO I AM.
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oh-nostalgiaa · 7 years
Writing Prompt Masterlist
Masterlist of Writing Prompt Masterlists
Choose Your Own AU
AU Masterlist
AU List A-Z
Holy Fuck That’s a Lotta AU’s
Masterlist of Alternate Universes
Some More AU’s For You
Soulmate AU’s
Soulmate AU’s (Part Deux)
Soulmate AU’s (Part Tres)
Soulmate AU’s (Part Quatre)
Soulmate AU Masterlist
Soulmate AU Story Ideas
The Prompts
2 Word Prompts
2-6 Word Prompts
4 Word Prompts
5 Word Prompts
8-bit Fiction Prompts
8-bit Fiction Prompts (Part Two)
10 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ Prompts
30 Day OTP Alphabet Challenge Prompts
30 Day OTP Challenge Prompts
30 Day OTP Challenge Prompts (Star Wars edition)
30 Minute Ficlets
30 OTP Writing Prompts
31 Days of Ficmas Prompts
45 OTP Prompts
50 Cliche Tropes & Prompts
50 Dialogue Prompts
50 Wordless Ways to Say I Love You
64 Sensory Prompts
100 Ways to Say I Love You
101 Writing Prompts
137 Winter Writing Prompts
200 Dialogue Prompts
200 Prompts
250 Erotic Prompts
300 Words or Less Prompts
A Softer World Prompts
Awritingpromptaday Prompts
Abstract Prompts
Acts of Intimacy Prompts
Adele Lyrics Inspired OTP Tags
Affection Suggestion Prompts 
After the Breakup Prompts
Alternate Universe Prompts
Angst / Fluff Prompts
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 2)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 3)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 4)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 5)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (The MVP’s)
Angst / Fluff Prompts (Part 6)
Angst / Smut / Humor Prompts
Angst Prompts
Angst Again Prompts
Angsty Prompts
Angsty / Suggestive Prompts
Angsty Relationship Prompts
Angsty Romantic Cliche Prompts
Angsty-ish Prompts
Angsty-ish Prompts (Part Two)
Another (set of) Kissing Prompts
Apartment Smut Prompts
April Prompts
Arranged Marriage Prompts
AU Prompts
AU + Trope + Prompt Prompts
Autumn / Halloween Prompts
Bastille Lyrics Prompts
Bastille Lyrics Part Deux Prompts
Bed Sharing Prompts
Bed Sharing Prompts (Part Two)
Ben Platt Lyric Inspired Prompts
Bitter Soulmate Prompts
Bittersweet Prompts
Breakup Prompts
Chance Encounters Prompts
Character Description Prompts
Christmas Prompts
Christmas / Holiday Prompts
Christmas / Holiday Prompts (Part Two)
Christmas / New Year’s Prompts
Christmas / Winter Prompts
Closeup Prompts
Coffee Shop AU Prompts
Coffee Shop Prompts
College Prompts
College Prompts (Part Two)
Comforting Cuddles Prompts
Couples + Angst Prompts
Crane Wives Lyrics Prompts
Cuddling Prompts
Cute Domestic Prompts
Cute Shippy Prompts
Cute Valentine’s Day Prompts
DailyAU Prompts
Date Gone Wrong Prompts
Describe Your OTP Writing Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
Dialogue with Emotional Connotations
Dialogue with Emotional Connotations: Part Deux
Dialogue Writing Prompts
Different Ways to Say I Love You Prompts
Disgustingly Cute Domestic Prompts
Domesticity Prompts\
Don’t Prompts
Drabble Challenge Prompts
Drabble Checklist
Drabble / Ficlet Prompts
Drabble List #1
Drabble List #2
Drabble Prompts
Drama Prompts
Even More Kissing Prompts
Fake Dating Prompts
Fake Dating / Married Prompts
Fall / Autumn Prompts
Fall Prompts
Fanfiction Prompts
Fanfiction Trope Mash-Up
Fangirl Prompts
Festive Prompts
Fic Meme Prompts
Fic Title Prompts 
Ficlet Prompts
Fictober Prompts
Fictober 2019 Prompts
Flirty / Suggestive / NSFW Prompts
Fluff Prompts
Fluffy / Blushy Prompts
Friends with Benefits Prompts
Friendship to Romance Prompts
Fun Sex Trope Prompts
Have a Hug Prompts
Headcanon Prompts
Height Difference Prompts
Historical AU Prompts
Historical Story Prompts
Hugs & Kisses Prompts
Hurt Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Prompts
Hurt / Comfort Tropes Prompts
If We Prompts
Intimacy Prompts
Kinktober 2019 Prompts
Kinky Prompts
Kissing Prompts
Kissing Prompts (Rebelcaptain Edition)
Kisses Prompts
Kisses, What Else Prompts
Kissy Prompts
Leather & Lace Romance Week Prompts
Lots o’ Prompts
Meet Ugly Prompts
Mini Fic Prompts
Mini Fic Prompts (Part Two)
Miscellaneous Angst Prompts
More Angst / Post Angst Prompts
More Don’t Prompts
More Drabble Prompts
More Kissing Prompts 
More Meet Ugly Prompts
More NSFW Prompts
Morning After Prompts
Nearly 200 Random Prompts
Never Enough Kissing Prompts
Non-Romantic Fluff Prompts (let’s be honest, tho, it’s me, it’s gonna be romantic)
Non-sexual Acts of Intimacy Prompts
Non-Sexual Acts of Dominance Prompts
NSFW Prompts
NSFW One Word Prompts
One Shot / Drabble Prompts
One Word Headcanon Prompts
One Word Prompts
Other Ways to Say Goodbye Prompts
OTP Question Prompts
Phone Call Prompts
Pick a Fight Prompts
Pick a Letter Prompts
Pick Your Own Prompts
Platonic (LO-FUCKING-L) Prompts
Plots For All (by tag)
Poetry Prompts
Post Breakup Prompts
Post Holiday Prompts
Pre-Relationship Prompts 
Promptsgalore Prompts
Protective Prompts
Protector / Protectee Prompts
Random Prompts
Random Sentence Prompts
Relationship Thread Tags Prompts
Right to the Good Parts Prompts
Romance Tropes Prompts
Romantic Prompts
Romantic / Fluffy Prompts
Sad & Soft Prompts
Sarcasm Prompts
Secretly We All Love Angst Prompts
Send Me a Ship, I’ll Write a Kiss Prompts
Send Me a Ship, I’ll Write an AU Short Fic Prompts
Sensual / Romantic Sentence Starters
Sentence Starter Prompts
Seriously, All the Kisses Prompts
Sex Tropes Prompts
Sharing a Bed Prompts
Sinful Prompts
Sleep Prompts
Smut Prompts
Smut Prompts (Rebelcaptain Edition)
Smutty Prompts
Some More Smutty Prompts
Soft & Sad Prompts
Some Random Prompts
Spotify Lyric Prompts
Spotify Lyric Prompts Pt. 2
Spotify Lyric Prompts Pt. 3
Spotify Lyric Prompts Pt. 4
Sweet Nothings Prompts
Text Prompts
The Way You Said ‘I Love You’ Prompts
Timezone Differences / Long Distance Prompts
Touch-Starved Prompts
Unblockingwritersblock Prompts
Uncommon Soulmate Prompts
Unique Words Prompts
University Meet Cute Prompts
Unrequited Love Prompts
Valentine’s Day Prompts
Various AU Prompts
Wholesome Domestic Prompts
Whump Prompts
Whumptober 2018 Prompts
Whumptober 2019 Prompts
Why We Failed at Love Prompts
Will You Be My Valentine Prompts
Winter Ball Prompts
Winter / Holiday Prompts
Winter / Holiday Part Deux Prompts
Winter / Holiday Part Tres Prompts
Word Prompts
Wordstuck.co.vu Prompts
Writing Challenge Prompts
Writing Prompts For Days Prompts
X Me Prompts 
You Keep Me Warm Prompts
And just because we can never have enough prompts ... 
Blogs for Prompting
Humongous Masterlist of Prompts & Prompt Blogs
Tag Ideas 1
Tag Ideas 2
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pomrania · 7 years
SW fic recommendations
@phoenix-jedi13 said:
If you have the time, do you have any good Star Wars fanfictions you would recommend? Preferably not NSFW or super romantic/shippy? Thanks so much, and sorryforbotheringyou (Btw your blog is one of my favorites, and I love your Little by Little au fic - but I've read all of it. That's the problem. :'D)
First of all: *squee*
Second of all: I’m ace and aro, so I don’t generally care for NSFW or super-shippy either. I’m not romance-repulsed, it’s just... boring, most of the time, I don’t see it as an interesting end-goal for a story.
Third of all: Okay, this might take some time. Let me browse through my AO3 bookmarks, and the stuff I’ve reblogged with the “fiction” tag (which however won’t have all the stuff, because I haven’t retagged my blog lately).
This is entirely in the order I come across them, and it won’t include everything.
@radioactivepeasant always has some great AU concepts. There’s not always full stories associated with them, but just the ideas are fun too.
Transition is great. It’s a little story set during Steps into Shadow, with Kanan and Sabine talking, before Kanan goes to talk with Ezra.
@kaelinaloveslomaris is THE person to go to if you want Luke and Vader father-son fluff. They’ve this large ass (over 70k words, and still going) fic called Allegiance, and it’s good.
Not If I Can Help It, where Kallus finds out that the Rebels know frick-all about shooting blasters, and tries to help them
Crystals by @entothewormhole (although that link is for the AO3 version of their story) is awesome. Set between seasons 2 and 3, Kanan learning how to deal, and Ezra being a cringe-worthy idiot, as he was in canon. And Chirrut shows up.
The Story of Finn is a bit of an outlier. Full disclosure: I haven’t watched TFA, I’m not planning on watching it before TLJ comes out, and I’m not sure even then; but this story is wonderful anyways. It’s about some First Order people, and how Finn’s story changes everything for them, for the better.
@vintage-smokestack also writes some good stuff, and I think they’re taking prompts at the moment too. My favourite of their AUs would have to be Vader Flips (where Padme appears to him before torturing Leia, saying that she’s their daughter, and he takes it about as well as expected) and the Doggoverse (Anakin gets reincarnated as a giant floofy dog at the end of RotJ).
Okay, this one isn’t even vaguely Star Wars related, but Mr. and Mrs. Baggins is one of the greatest aro-ace fics I’ve come across. Two hobbits, both of whom think romance is silly and sex is either unnecessary or disgusting, decide that they should get married. Only problem is that their families hate each other. It’s adorable and also hilarious.
Game Night in Cell Block A is a collection of three stories with Sabine and Rau, all missing scenes that could have happened offscreen. It’s good.
(Aaand that’s as far back as my “fiction” tag goes; I know there’s more, it just isn’t tagged to easily find yet. Going off of AO3 bookmarks entirely now.)
who cares about your lonely heart is something I like (Obianidala with asexual Obi-wan) but might not be to your taste; still linking it here though
Two and a Half Men (with a baby) by @jerseydevious, in which Darth Vader, Firmus Piett, and Obi-wan Kenobi are stuck in a shuttle together, along with toddler Luke Skywalker. Hasn’t been updated in a bit, but it’s still active.
the Double Agent Vader series by @fialleril. Basically, Anakin realizes he dun goofed a few years after RotS, and is working to help the Rebellion while staying at Sidious’ side. The biggest draw to this ‘verse, at least for me, is that he and Leia end up having a very good relationship, almost like father and daughter, and they’re really precious together, although neither of them know they’re actually blood relatives.
@prepare4trouble has written stuff other than Little by Little; in fact, that’s how I first met them, talking about their story on AO3. You can find their page here. I haven’t read all of it, but it might be worth a shot.
Hopefully that’ll give you some good stuff to read; and once I’ve gone though my blog and added the tags I’m now using, I’ll add some more to this.
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lucanogis · 7 years
for the shippers' ask: 11, 15, 16, 18, 20, 23, 32, 34 and 40?
questionsss, questionsss
11. Talk about your favorite first kiss
This might just be because I saw it while scrolling through my likes, but Nick and Jess’ first kiss from New Girl is still...fucking goals, man. I guess the fact that I shipped them for ages before it happened helped, too lol. 
15. Have you ever “shipped at first sight”?
When I love a character or a ship, it usually happens at first sight. I make up my mind pretty quickly, and since shipping (to me) is based on this...unnamed thing that just exists between characters, I usually notice it the first time they’re together, for example when I watched ATLA and Katara and Zuko interacted. My heart just went “THIS IS IT”. (Though interestingly enough, I don’t think I immediately shipped Luca x Hotaru, that happened more gradually.) 
16. Talk about a ship you initially disliked
Dislike is a strong word. I don’t actively dislike a lot of ships (really only those that would “infringe” upon my OTPs lol), and if I do dislike something, I usually never end up shipping it. I do however usually end up disliking something less and less over time until eventually my emotions re: a specific ship are largely neutral. I think nowadays I’m fine with Mikan x Natsume, whereas I used to skip everything that contained even an atom of that ship. Writing it myself helped, I suppose, since I can get rid of the stuff I dislike if I’m the one writing the dynamic.
18. Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship.
Spoilers for Bioshock Infinite: While playing that game, I lowkey shipped Elizabeth and Booker. It was an enjoyable dynamic, she’s really the only “good” character you get to interact with, etc. But by the end of the game, you find out she’s your daughter, which made me switch from “I ship this” to “Yeaaaah no” in an instant. I guess that’s a bit more than just questioning a ship, haha. Stil like it as a friendship / family relationship though! Also, every time Eric and Charles fight and hurt each other in Xmen I want to stop shipping them (THEY TREAT EACH OTHER LIKE CRAP SOMETIMES) but then I remember why those characters act the way they do and I just can’t let go. I’m stuck with those two idiots. 
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
HOTARU X LUCA. A THOUSAND PEOPLE COULD SHIP IT AND I’D STILL FEEL ALONE. Plus, there’s people who write it in a way that makes me go “????? Are we talking about the same characters????” which is difficult. Also, I ship Finn and Rey in Star Wars (THEY’RE SO WHOLESOME) and a lot of people would rather see Finn X Poe so I’m #conflicted because representation is great but I can’t help but love my two boos ya know?
23. Do you mostly ship canon pairings
Uh. Most of my het ships are canon (shocking!!!) and most of my non-het ships aren’t. But I’d say overall it’s 50/50. Sometimes I get lucky, sometimes I don’t and if the fan support for that particular pairing is strong enough, it really doesn’t matter either way.
32. Share five must-read fics.
This doesn’t specify shippy fics, so get ready for like....75% gen/friendship stuff lol. 
1. His Dark, Kind Soul (Gakuen Alice) by November Romeo because I LOVE. IT. SO. MUCH. Probably the best GA world building in anything ever (and that includes the manga). 
2. Of Fortunes and Ferrets (Gakuen Alice) by November Romeo because it took me ages to find HxL fic I really loved and like everything this author ever wrote, this piece is perfect. 
3. The Shoebox Project (Harry Potter) by Lady Jaida and Rave because it’s honestly a fanfiction classic and one of the most believable approaches to the Marauders Era I have ever seen (plus the Remus X Sirius is wonderful!)
4. Hitchups (How To Train Your Dragon) by The Antic Repartee because I fell in love with HTTYD but yearned for a bit more world building and more...mature themes, and this fantastic 300k fic offers both!!!! Hurray!!!
5. Notes Concerning Certain Performances of Hamilton (Hamilton) by scioscribe because it’s probably the best oneshot I have ever read as well as such an....amazing, philosophical and well thought-out idea. I re-read this regularly and cry every single time. 
34. Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP.
....It’s the HxL fanmix I have on my phone. Yes I am vain and love my own fanmix but it’s not like there are a lot of HxL fanmixes out there I could chose from :D
40. If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
I’ve got dozens of OTPs but for HxL, the thing I would change is the amount of GA!universe fanfics about them. I wouldn’t even make them canon because Higuchi and I don’t always see eye to eye, characterization-wise. I also wish they were a tiny bit older. 
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[clears throat] h i l m n o q s t w v z because i'm a terrible person
My brain tried to resolve that into “Hi I’m noquist” and I was what.
H: How would I describe my style? Descriptive. Overly flowery, but in a gritty sort of way. Detail-oriented. My friend suggested “Tolkien” but I was like nah it’s more of a cross between Tolkien and C.S. Forester (if you don’t know who that is. AT LEAST READ ABOUT HORNBLOWER BEFORE YOU COME BACK. And consider watching the movies with Ioan Gruffudd.)
I: My guilty pleasure… writing friendship scenes. Generally between characters from two different fandoms. I know, I’m weird. I don’t do the shippy ship. Instead, I like reading about people being platonic and awesome.
L: The weirdest AU I’ve ever come up with… well, the three-way crossover with Doctor Who, Hornblower and Forever is up there, as is the Doctor Who/Star Wars one. But the absolute weirdest AU I’ve ever come up with was to genderbend Anakin and Obi-Wan and put them and Ahsoka as officers on a privateer during the Napoleonic Wars.
M: Premises… let’s see… Well, there’s a couple of stories experimenting with gods as relates to science–specifically, people using science to create gods. They have nothing to do with most of my fanfics, honestly. They’re all original stories. Other than that, I have a steampunk/gaslamp story with a sort of Nazgul-like villain (aka human beings who were corrupted by Evil and Necromancy and Misuse of Magic-type stuff.) It doesn’t sound as awesome as it is because I haven’t mentioned any characters specifically.
N: Yes. It’s a very specific feeling, the ache as you search for something and then realize it doesn’t exist and then realize again that you wouldn’t be the right person to write it. Unfortunately, I can’t think of any specific examples at the moment.
O: It depends. Sometimes the plot comes first and the characters come later. Other times I’ll have characters but no plot and it comes to me slowly. I don’t really have a preference for one way or the other. It’s easier if I know the characters first, though.
Q: Discarded projects. Well, discarded scenes happen in every project (I had to delete my favorite scene from my screenwriting final project last year), and I generally have a couple of documents just full of snatches, vague ideas, because I hate to waste anything, and inspiration comes so dear. But my first discarded project… Probably the plotless Star Wars post-Original Trilogy fanfiction that sprawled out to 425 pages and had no defined direction or structure. Most of my other projects end up salvaged into another shape, but the Robin Hood retelling is awaiting new inspiration and the Arthurian legends novel about Lancelot’s son became a retelling of the legend from Mordred’s point of view.
S: Any fandom tropes I can’t resist? Well… Most AUs are hard to resist, particularly a well-envisioned historical AU. I’m not into coffee shops or very into high school/college AUs (though, I will read Hornblower college AUs so long as they’re not too shippy. I keep headcanoning Horatio as being ace, despite the source material saying otherwise. I even have my own Hornblower college AU where Horatio, Archie and William are all members of a study group. Horatio’s going into science with an advanced mathematics degree, Archie is undeclared and William is a history major.) I’m also a big fan of character development and particularly missing scenes (I was so mad that we never get to see the Doctor just being a father to Miranda in “Father Time” but more about that another time.) Fantasy AUs, sci-fi AUs or paranormal AUs–it kind of depends on what it’s trying to do and what it does manage to accomplish, but I do like them.
T: Tropes I can’t stand… well, I don’t read smut for one. I also don’t like a lot of ships because I personally can’t see them ever happening. I don’t particularly care for straight-up romance but I will read romance if it’s a subplot to something else (i.e. a crime thriller or suspense.) A lot of genderbend which has the potential to be fantastic turns out terrible because of poor writing or insufficient fleshing-out of the concept, or maybe just because the writer doesn’t have enough imagination, and that’s really sad to me. I also dislike omegaverse or whatever it’s called.
V: A secondary character I want to see more of: I HAVE TO PICK JUST ONE?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If Obi-Wan and Ahsoka qualify (because Anakin Freaking Skywalker hogs the bloody spotlight all the time), I want to see more of them teaming up! I like Captain Jack Harkness, but the fanon has actually done right by him. I like Martha Jones. She seems to be unpopular, which annoys me because she is awesomeness incarnate. I like Mace Windu and I feel like he’s way too underappreciated, and portrayed as stern and unimaginative, which he definitely is not. I also like Elrond and I wish there was more fic about Elladan and Elrohir because what’s their story? I NEED TO KNOW MORE GUYS. Also there’s Claire Temple but apparently she’s going the rounds of Netflix superheroes so maybe that one isn’t justified. But the number one secondary character I NEED more fanfic about is the unnamed (?) priest from Daredevil because he’s seen a lot and I want to hear more of his advice and about his experience, which we won’t necessarily get from the show because, even though it’s Netflix, there’s still time constraints going there. And that’s really the fantastic thing about fanfiction, right? You can go anywhere or do anything and don’t have to worry about losing your audience because your audience practically selects itself. You can write about really niche things that would never make it on TV or as a book and people will LOVE IT.There’s also a few OCs I’d read fic about because I got to know them in another fic (about the canon characters) and I want to know more about them too.
W: Sometimes a general prompt isn’t enough for me. I tend to prefer the absurdly specific ones, because they will spark off concepts where general ones won’t.
Z: Major character death–better known as the biggest point of contention when it comes to fanfic. Yes, I have written it. Yes, I condone it, but mostly in one-shots because I can’t imagine living without those characters for long. There are a few characters who are ABSOLUTELY OFF-LIMITS, though: mostly supporting cast who deserved better, such as Foggy Nelson and Ahsoka Tano. I also can’t forgive anyone who wrote Jack Frost getting killed off or Steve Rogers either, and if you killed off Falcon I’d probably come and smack you with the frying pan of my URL because you can’t possibly have a good reason for doing that… Yeah, there’s a list.
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