#that 'cooking as a demonstration of love' hits you really hard
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lightlysaltedchip · 3 months ago
re-reading kinou nani tabeta is so hard, i always get the urge to drop everything and start production on an hour long video essay explaining how yoshinaga fumi learned to write romantic love by writing for nanitabe and how that inadvertently influenced the progression of shiro and kenji's relationship, not to mention shiro himself coming to discover the depth of affection he had for kenji in vol 7 and how that enabled him to open up and change to become a much more happy and content person
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writingwithfolklore · 1 month ago
I Cut Out Social Media for 30 Days and It Changed My Life
Okay hefty title, but I mean every word of it.
Over January I followed a book called Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport. I'm sure you've already been lectured to death about how bad technology and social media is for you, so I won't repeat the statistics here. What I will say is that Newport suggests that there are also positives to technology and that abandoning it altogether is not realistic. Instead, he proposes that we define our values, and then use technology to attain them--rather than allowing technology to define what values we should hold.
To do this, Newport suggests a complete "detox" of non-essential technologies for 30 days. That means abstaining from social media, netflix and other streaming services, videogames, etc. But of course still being able to phone loved ones, email for work, and use google maps if you're going somewhere new, etc. In doing this detox, he proposes that we will be able to better understand what values we hold as people, not just as consumers of technology.
He was right.
At first I found it really hard. Right away I noticed that any activity other than doomscrolling and watching endless hours of Youtube took a lot more brain power. I started doing puzzles, reading, writing (a lot!), cooking and baking, and taking many walks with my dog. By the end of the day I'd be fuzzy and exhausted, and all I wanted to do was curl up on the couch and watch my favourite shows. I didn't, but I wanted to.
But then I started to notice my "brain stamina" (I'm sure there's a better term for it but oh well) started to improve. Instead of writing for two hours before getting fuzzy, I could write for four. And then six. And then eight. Slowly, I found myself being able to do more in a day, to focus for longer on one task, and I didn't feel as drained by the end of it. I had a clearer mind, I could remember things a lot better, I was no longer struggling to find really easy words--they just came to me.
This all also resulted in me spending so much more time with my friends and family. I realized that I really valued this time--and that it wasn't something I could replace by hitting 'like' on an instagram post from them. I rediscovered community, passion, and in many ways, humanity.
It was like I was looking at the world in a new way. I started to notice more, be curious about more. I kind of remember being this way as a kid, and I couldn't believe how I had ever let that go. Now, the idea of sitting on my couch and watching hours and hours of Youtube in every moment of my free time feels inconceivable.
However, my 30 days are up, and so Newport suggests setting some rules to reintroduce what technology I believe supports my values. I've decided not to return to Instagram, but that I do value keeping up to date with the gaming community and pop culture, which I do on Youtube. Now, Youtube is something that I watch for a couple hours on weekends, instead of eating up every bit of free time I have. I also value interacting with other writers and the writing community, so I've created a couple hours in my schedule to check Tumblr and my Discord and keep up to date with you guys here.
But now most of my free time is spent reading or writing, or being with my family and friends, and I value that most of all. To demonstrate how much has changed, in the months before my detox, I wrote maybe 2500 words. Since my detox, I've written 40 000. Last year, I read about four books. In just one month during my detox, I read 10.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in trying for yourself, feel free to reach out to me! I'd love to talk more about my experience and things that worked or didn't work for me. I'd also really recommend the book, it was incredibly helpful in determining what rules were healthy to set and how to get out of technology and then back in with success.
Back to usual content soon :-)
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ecoterrorist-katara · 9 months ago
The only stereotypically masculine thing about Aang…is his romantic arc
There’s a really popular post on Tumblr called “Avatar Aang, Feminist Icon.” The thesis is basically that Aang, unlike his female teachers and friends, is actually not a badass. He listens, he defers, and he respects women. He seemed to have no problem with Katara’s crush on Jet, despite his own crush on her. He chooses love and kindness and friendship and pacifism. He’s not tall and handsome as hell or buff. He wears flower crowns!
And I agree! This is Aang for most of the series and I love those qualities (though I do think the bar is in hell if those traits make a character a feminist icon, as opposed to a person who simply sees women as human beings). Anyway, I just think there’s a glaring omission. And that’s Aang’s romantic arc in season 3.
Bryke managed to take the worst of both worlds: Aang’s romantic arc retains the male-centricity that make most romances so problematic, while retaining none of the characteristics that make problematic romances compelling to women.
Aang falls in love at first sight with a beautiful girl. For the majority of their friendship, he remains respectful and supportive. As his crush hits an all time high, however, it gets distinctly more stereotypical: he kisses Katara at the invasion, and when she didn’t want to talk about that kiss, he firebends at her (the fact that this comic is canon, and was published years after ATLA’s conclusion, only demonstrates that the creators still don’t understand critiques of their romance). Aang considers Katara “his girl” and becomes furious (“I would be in the Avatar state right now!”) when the actress version of Katara didn’t like him romantically, and then he kisses her again — this time explicitly against her wishes. Throughout the show, people reassure him that she will come around, continuously reinforcing the idea that Katara is “his” and he just has to be patient. And even though Ka/taang is supposed to be endgame, we never hear directly from Katara how she feels, even though we’re no strangers to her opinions and feelings on other topics. It’s almost like the creators wanted Katara’s feelings to be a mystery because we’re meant to resonate with Aang. That’s…a male-centric, action hero romance.
In addition, the friendship dynamics between Katara and Aang feel pretty gendered. The distribution of emotional labour between Aang and Katara is quite skewed: Katara takes care of Aang much more than he takes care of her. She’s the one responsible for calming him down from the Avatar State. She’s the one who cooks for him and performs a whole lot of domestic chores. Post-canon, Katara’s storyline revolves around Aang, and she’s treated as his accessory and the keeper of his legacy instead of her own person, to the degree that she’s not even recognizable in LOK anymore. A beautiful, badass, independent woman who dedicates her energy and intelligence to a man’s needs? Wow, that is definitely something I’ve never seen in media geared towards men!
A lot of gushing about Aang’s lack of stereotypical masculinity seems to also hinge on how Aang is not conventionally attractive, but that’s…not true. Aang may not behave like James Bond, but he has plenty of admirers. Meng and On Ji liked him even without knowing that he’s the Avatar. Post-series, Acolytes descend en masse to steal Katara’s man. And of course he grows into a tall, buff dude. Aang’s romantic arc is not about becoming attractive to women, or finding a woman who loves him despite his looks. His romantic arc is about getting the girl who’s hard to get, because she only sees him as a friend or a little brother / babysitting charge.
Bryke do not deserve the credit for creating a “feminist icon,” not when the only stereotypically masculine traits they gave him are in relation to his romance arc. It honestly feels more insidious this way, because it’s like, “see? You don’t have to be masculine to reap the benefits of performing masculinity” — the benefits being, of course, “getting” the girl you want.
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pshenyasstuff · 4 months ago
Shotgun Man headcanons for relationships (+nsfw)
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Notes: he is so adorable, oh my god. Sorry for my long absence. I'll try to show up more often. Hope you'll like it
I think his type is tall, but not too tall, even if he won't admit it. Let's just say his partner would be taller than him;
He is like a silly boy who tries to impress his partner when he is in love. Something like trying to hit a target with a shotgun while his lover watches. Or the endless requests to look at him when he arrests someone, like "I CAUGHT THEM, CAUGHT THEM!! ARE YOU EVEN LOOKING?";
Most likely one of those who is very jealous and hides it poorly. Literally as soon as he sees you with some other guy or woman who is not a member of your family, something immediately clicks in his head. Like an angry little dog, he will just jealously stand between you, demonstratively hugging you. He is such a baby, I swear. "WHAT A COINCIDENCE, I WAS PASSING BY";
Definitely laughs during violent scenes in horror movies, especially if there are gunshots;
By the way, his favorite place while watching such movies is next to you, preferably on your lap, or just sitting next to you, eating popcorn;
He is busy with work most of the time, but I think he is quite capable of combining you with his work;
His short height doesn't stop him from wanting to carry you around. At least if you're not too heavy;
He becomes even more agitated around you, although he is already, well... you get the idea;
He's definitely the one who makes your coffee run out faster;
His gifts are mostly ordinary, nothing special. Just candy, sometimes a bouquet of flowers. He enjoys quality time more than gift giving;
Definitely bragging about you to the Captain because you are both quite dear to him;
He is probably the one of you two who doesn't like the cold more, so in winter he prefers to go outside as little as possible, as far as his work allows. Unfortunately, slippery roads and ice are his weakness;
His experience of relationships is based only on either movies or magazines. Don't judge him harshly;
Prefers to sleep next to you if you both live together. However, he takes up most of the bed..And he's a big spoon. He likes to think that's how he keeps you safe at night;
He doesn't think much about marriage. In any case, he doesn't want to rush. But he won't be against it at all if you propose;
Apparently not very good at cooking. He would be genuinely grateful if you packed his lunch for him at work (he would eat every last crumb)
Switch, probably. He doesn't really care about his own position - the main thing is your comfort;
Well, and probably a virgin before meeting you, who before that could only occasionally jerk off to porn or just reading an erotic magazine;
Roleplaying with a cop and a criminal? Yes;
Not particularly picky about the size of breasts or butt;
In any case and in any position he will grab your hips;
If he's on top, he always looks extremely tired after the process, because he tried too hard to satisfy you. At least it's a cute tiredness, because at the same time he's an overly satisfied ass, especially if he made you moan loudly at least once;
Maybe a light spanking kink if you don't mind;
If we are talking about the bottom, then he is definitely not against pegging, cowgirl position and the like. The main thing is not to go overboard and choose the average size. Because during the process he moans too loudly and wriggles, throwing his legs on your hips;
Oh, yes, tousled hair, bright blush and beads of sweat appearing on his face. He's in seventh heaven;
Kissing too passionately despite inexperience + always leaves a couple of hickeys and bites on you;
When you first suggested pegging to him, he hesitated for a long time and refused because he was too embarrassed;
Bondage kink? Especially if you tighten the ropes on him? Yeah;
Yes, he likes a little rudeness towards himself sometimes. Oh, and if you pull his hair during sex;
Even if you don't try hard, he will moan fake to embarrass you;
He handles his fingers worse than his tongue. After all, he is such a chatterbox;
Maybe sex at work or a threesome with the Captain...Especially if you have a polyamorous relationship with them.
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lew-dee-tee · 9 days ago
💛 & 💚 for Hyacinth for the ask meme? :)c
💚 - What is their overall relationship with the people in the city? Are they kind and loved by everyone or are they a piece of meat to society?
Hyacinth constantly gets into fights (tho most are self-defense) and it made the people in the city absolutely terrified of him.
I like to think that he's actually easy to get along with but dolville has a lot of situations where you wouldn't know it ><".
Also I see him as someone who likes kids and acts as a big brother kind of figure towards the younger orphans.
Also also as a confessor he's pretty well-liked, due to his (surprisingly) gentle guidance. It is purely because his face isn't visible. He's pretty infamous for his violence so if he were to be seen, nobody would speak to him in the confessional.
💛 - Weaknesses and strength your pc has.
Despite being good at combat, Hyacinth is actually quite clumsy. This is mainly because of how big he is. It's impossible to count the times he hit his head on something.
Absolutely terrible at chores, especially cooking. Do not let him cook. Even if the food turns out good, it will have a lot of hair in it.
Dedicated to staying a virgin to an amount where he's willing to attack others if they endanger his purity in any sort of way. He hasn't killed anyone tho (yet).
His hair is everything to him. He overspends on haircare products and most of them are stuff he technically doesn't really need to keep his hair healthy. Anyone who decides to risk getting their bones broken and cuts his hair will become his enemy.
Him being a member of the temple and a confessor is ironic because of how he behaves sometimes (especially the violent and vain part). Then again most of the temple members are corrupt, so he's no exception.
Really protective, especially towards kids. Also just likes kids in general. I already mentioned this but he does act like a big brother towards the younger orphans and they're some of the few people who aren't scared of him. He's like a big dog to them - big and able to protect them with a gentle and loving side.
Great listener! He doesn't talk much himself and despite being a battle maniac, he believes the best way to solve conflicts is compromise and talking it out. The only issue is that barely anyone listens in dolville when told "no". And so he gives tips on self-defense! If you ask him for a demonstration, he'd also do that.
Loyal af if he likes you (which isn't hard to achieve tbh). I already said it multiple times (and I'm sleepy and brainrotting as of writing this) but if you're cute, have a hard time defending yourself, and don't try to hurt anyone, he'll become a bodyguard-like figure along with being a friend!
Idk how valid this is as a strenght as it's more physical, but he smells really good. Like a blooming flower garden. Especially his hair. Which is very soft and if he trusts you, he might let you touch it (this is his highest form of showing trust, only a few people get that privilege).
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twenty-qs · 2 years ago
Underrated things I liked that were unique to OPLA:
Luffy high-key projecting his own conflict with Garp onto Sanji’s conflict with Zeff during their convo on the Baratie. My boy was way angrier at Zeff than was actually justified.
Sanji and Zeff both offering food and conversation as a means to defuse tension (with Nojiko and with Garp). It shows their father-son connection and also explains where Sanji learned his warmth and charm, despite how he and Zeff seem to always be insulting/yelling at each other. I really like how live action Sanji gets to show off more emotional intelligence, having worked in customer service for so long haha. And it demonstrates why a cook is such a valuable asset to have on your crew. It’s not just about the food; it’s about being able to connect with people.
Garp and Zeff talking about the new generation; a really neat contrast and a way to set up Garp’s larger character arc. He has really cool themes about when the older generation should protect and guide the youth, and when they need to get out of the way. Especially in light of recent manga chapters.
Coby telling Garp that Luffy has always been and will always be a pirate. Idk about you but knowing that Coby’s actor is trans, this little speech hit especially hard.
Luffy’s tangible distress and guilt—yes, that was guilt—after Zoro got injured and Nami left. Luffy has never been a captain before, and he’s afraid he fucked it up. I really love that the live action allowed Luffy to show some of this more human vulnerability. It made it even more beautiful when Zoro told him he did nothing wrong and then swore allegiance as his first mate. That’s why Luffy needs Zoro. Luffy does believe in himself (as Zoro has pointed out). But after the two big losses against Mihawk and Arlong, Luffy’s confidence was genuinely shaken. “My gut isn’t doing so great” not only refers to his appetite, but also to his gut instinct. He’s doubting his own decision making. He needed Zoro to believe in him before he could believe in himself again.
Rearranging the timeline so that Season 1 could have book-ends: Coby and Luffy, Alvida return, Shanks seeing that Luffy is a pirate now, and finally getting the straw hat flag. Just some really tight storytelling; their character growth feels so satisfying.
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hasufin · 6 months ago
Not weird. But also very, very weird.
Okay, so, this meme has pretty much run its course. I do want to go into what I think is the reason it got conservatives so riled up, though. I think there is a reason - and it's related to why liberals don't find it upsetting. Moreover, I don't think this is a bad thing, nor do I think it's particularly bad to call them weird [though if you're doing it just because it makes them upset, there's a little problem, yeah.]
Okay, so the first point: to really get someone upset, attack their identity. If you call me a bad driver, I won't actually care. I don't particularly identify as a good driver, and I'm gonna assume you just have some arbitrary notion of what constitutes a "good" driver. But I consider myself a pretty good cook. Say I'm a bad cook, I'm gonna get defensive. The more the attack challenges my identity, the more defensive and angry I will become. This seems to be generally true. Moreover, this helps explain why some people suddenly become very emotional about random things - just happening to stumble across a point of import for them - and why sometimes people offer a very disaffected, uninterested facade: they're reducing threat surface by demonstrating they don't care about things.
Now,t he second point, which is specific to conservatives: they think they're normal. Not just normal, but incredibly normal. Obviously, intuitively normal. They often believe that the way they feel and act is just "natural". Of course men love women and vice versa. Of course you believe in a higher power and want to follow god. Of course you like watching sports. Of course you are the gender you're born as. These are, in their belief, not just typical but the only reasonable way to be. Anything which deviates from this isn't just unusual but very intentionally unnatural. To them anything else seems to be motivated by spite and contrariness. That if you're not wearing "normal" clothing it can't possibly have to do with comfort, you've made a conscious choice to Send A Message, and you're doing that even though your own morality is screaming that you're wrong. That's the core assumption they're making on most cultural issues: that anyone who is different is starting from the same "inherent" notion of right and wrong, and is making the decision to be wrong. And doing so as a direct challenge to, and assault on, "normalcy". Because there is a right and normal, and it's them, and everyone else is wrong and abnormal. Everyone else is weird.
Which hits why being called - and gods forbid realizing they are - weird is so upsetting to them. It's a direct attack on their identity. It challenges their inherent assumption that they are normal. It forces them to examine their beliefs and ask "Wait, am I actually normal? Am I just doing what I'm told, or are the answers really that obvious?" And, no, I don't think very many of them will realize they're just parroting their upbringing and there's nothing special about what they were told vs. what other people were told. But it does hit that disconnect, and that hurts. So it's something they find deeply upsetting in a way that's hard for them to articulate. It ties into some very core notions in ways they've never had to consider before.
So. Call them weird. Maybe it will help. And they are weird, but not in the good way.
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bropunzeling · 1 year ago
For director's commentary, anything you care to share for marriage bets, please and thank you! (They reach such breathtaking heights of stupidity, god I love them.)
ty anon! i love these absolute losers too. for you, the section from the spain chapter (my fave chapter 😊) where matthew says he's leaving calgary:
They settle up the tab, then start on their walk back to the hotel. As they walk, they stay close enough together that their elbows bump every other step [i loved writing the constant physical contact in this section. it does a lot of things: show you what kind of person leon is (demonstrative!); get at their increasing comfort with each other; it's also like, when you're with someone long distance, you do get more touchy feely than normal (or at least that was really the case in my experience!)], while Leon tells him more about his childhood, about where he grew up. Matthew comes away with only a hazy impression of Cologne itself, but a much clearer one of Leon’s family. Learning to skate surrounded by his dad’s teammates. Having Kim send him song suggestions when he got homesick as a teenager in Saskatchewan. Cooking lessons with his mom, most of which went badly, but a few things turned out okay.
Mostly, Matthew can see how much Leon likes them. Even though he must only get to see them for snatches of time, a few weeks a year. [i love the family/distance/loneliness themes in this fic a lot and i especially love it as a form of common ground for them to start building a real relationship. i may have said before but there was some post-trade quote from daryl sutter about matthew seeming lonely/spending all his time at the rink that really really informed this fic and the themes, and having the compare/contrast with leon was a nice like, foundational thing to build on]
“You must miss them,” Matthew says during a break in Leon’s recollections, as they wait for a crosswalk light to turn.
“I…” Leon trails off, then shrugs. “I mean, it’s been hard,” he says. “Pretty much always, but especially with—you know.”
“Yeah,” Matthew says. He does know. Even though there was only half the distance between himself and his own family, he knows. [they have more in common than they think! they can relate to each other!] He looks at the light on the other side of the street, focusing on the red man stopping them from stepping onto empty pavement. [spent [redacted] amount of time looking up spanish crosswalk signals like do they ALSO have the little red man in the hat?] “Do you ever think about moving back? Being closer?”
“And give up NHL hockey?” Leon clicks his tongue as he shakes his head. “No way. I want to play with guys at my level, you know?” [trade offs and what you'll do for what you want - another eternal theme in the jess bropunzeling catalog]
“No, no, I know,” Matthew says quickly. “But if that wasn’t an issue? Would you?”
This time, Leon sighs. “I don’t know,” he finally says. “Maybe.” [leon is lonely too!!!! when i was restarting this fic again (i had finished approximately the first two chapters and then took a 6 months hiatus for girl!leon reasons) and trying to figure out the flow, figuring out this aspect of leon's characterization for the fic really unlocked somrthing for me, because i needed a reason for them to want to continue besides sexual attraction, and once this hit me i was like duh!!! he's lonely, and this flirtation/connection to matthew is assuaging that loneliness]
The light turns. They start crossing. Matthew does his best not to stagger as all the drinks they’ve been having catch up with him.
Once they’ve crossed the street, Leon clears his throat. Matthew looks over at him, but Leon’s looking ahead. “It’s like,” he says, frowning in concentration. “Edmonton is good, right? Like, the guys, Connor and Ryan and Tyson and everyone—they’re great. The best.” [i was writing this around the time tyson barrie got traded and leon was SO SAD in his depression beige ensemble that i was like more tyson! it all needs more tyson!which then led to another fave scene of leon drunk dialing matthew from darnell's wedding] Matthew thinks about interrupting, saying something about his own impressions of Oilers past and present, but that would ruin the moment, and he doesn’t want to ruin it. “And I’ve been—it’s been good, the team, and everything. But.” Leon shrugs. “It’s not a good town to be alone in.” [no shade to the city of edmonton but there is not enough sunlight in the winter imo] [also like. being a pillar of the team in THAT town and not having someone else who gets it and can support you (without being a teammate, who would only be intimately tied to your struggle/unable to see things from the outside)? it would suck! i think!]
Matthew should say something. He doesn’t know what. He settles for swaying closer to Leon, for bringing them back into contact again. [touch touch touch] Judging by the way Leon doesn’t move away, that’s enough.
“So,” Leon says. “I don’t know. If there was an option to play closer to home… maybe.”
Matthew nods. Puts one foot carefully in front of the other, trying not to trip and stumble. Walking down the sidewalk, in a city he’s never been to before and may never visit again, his shoulder brushing against Leon’s with every other step, he has that soap bubble feeling again of suspension, impermanence. Like he’s somewhere where none of the rules matter, where he can say the things he’s been thinking about for weeks and they won’t become real yet. [i just like this paragraph a lot! that feeling of being somewhere unreal because it's late and you're drunk and sharing big secrets]
Things like: “I’m leaving.”
There’s a pause. Then, Leon says, in a tone Matthew doesn’t think he could decipher even if he were sober, “You’re leaving here early?” [poor leon is panicking so bad here and trying so hard not to show it]
Matthew shakes his head, hard enough that his vision spins. “No, no, not here. I mean—I’m leaving Calgary.” [also tipsy conversations are great for those little moments of miscommunication because the drunk mind really does make those leaps, so you can believably have people say one thing and have it interpreted another way without it being obnoxious]
Leon exhales, hard. “Oh.”
Another pause. Matthew looks up at where the palm trees are swaying and the stars are beginning to blink into appearance; stops when he starts to get dizzy. Fuck, they drank a lot tonight. When he stumbles, something catches him before he can eat it on the pavement. Leon’s hand, warm around his elbow. [TOUCH TOUCH TOUCH also like, leon just thrives in supportive boyfriend mode. he wants to be Supportive Boyfriend Leon so bad.] That makes it easier to explain. “I wasn’t—I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Most of this season, to be honest. But I wanted to get through the playoffs first. Wanted to—we were good, me and Johnny, and Lindy, and Marky. Solid. We could’ve—but we didn’t. And then I was—it’s really sucked, the last couple years. Not being able to go home, or see my family, or do anything, you know? All I have in Calgary is hockey, and we didn’t measure up.” He shrugs. Leon keeps holding on, which is—nice. “So. I’m gonna leave.”
They take a few more steps in silence. When Leon speaks, it’s very quiet. “Do you know where you’re going to go?”
Matthew shrugs again. “Not sure yet. East, probably. Tampa. Florida. Carolina. Maybe even St. Louis. I haven’t decided.” [catch me spending so much time reading that article in the athletic about how the trade went down just to inform this one paragraph]
Leon hums. Matthew imagines he can feel it, from somewhere deep in Leon’s chest traveling down his arm and up Matthew’s, until it finds a home in his ribs. [is this a little flowery? maybe, but i like it so it stayed] “It’ll be different. Not playing against you as much.”
That startles a laugh out of Matthew. “Yeah, I’m sure you’ll hate it. Battle of Alberta is going to be way more boring.” [flirt flirt flirt. in all seriousness though, i like this as a tension break, obviously, but also like - leon expressing something he means (bc he's very straightforward) and matthew treating it lightly/as an opportunity for a joke/to break the tension is just a nice way to demonstrate how they're far apart, still, in how they understand their relationship to each other. but also flirt flirt flirt]
“Maybe that’ll be nice,” Leon says lightly. “I could do with fewer bruises.” [you love the bruises you horny freaks]
“Come on, don’t lie. You’re gonna miss having me there.” Matthew grins, then feels it fade as what he’s said sinks in. Leon knows now. Leon could tell—someone. “Fuck, now you’ll have an advantage. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this.” He stops talking, squinting at the streetlights. “Why am I telling you this?” [i love this beat too! matthew tells leon his secrets almost without meaning to bc acknowledge it or not they trust each other now]
Leon’s hand tightens around his elbow, then loosens again. “I don’t know. Because I’m your husband, I guess?” [trying so hard to seem casual but he is sosososo not casual]
“Not a good one,” Matthew says, unable to stop himself from teasing.
“Hey.” On his next step, Leon bangs his shoulder straight into Matthew’s, hard enough to nearly send him off the sidewalk and into the street. [flirty! and yet again - physical contact bc theyre together and can do that now] The only reason he doesn’t fall over is because of Leon’s grip on his arm. “This trip was my idea, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, because you were an asshole to me,” Matthew points out as he rights himself. [matthew is gonna milk that as much as he can lol] “It’s gonna take more than a nice vacation to make up for that.”
“Yeah?” Now Leon’s hand is sliding, traveling down to Matthew’s wrist, and then further, to wrap around his palm. [i love people holding hands bc i am a sap] “What else do I have to do, then?”
Matthew hums as loudly and obnoxiously as possible, [it is so important to me that they are both so obnoxious even when having important romantic moments] flexing his hand, testing Leon’s grip. “I’ll think about it.”
Leon laughs, but doesn’t let go. “You do that.”
“I will.” Matthew nods. “Gonna give you a—fuck, what’s the word. Fair shot.”
“That’s generous.”
“I’m a generous guy.” [i love banter!!!! for a romcom to romcom there must be banter!!!!! it's why the questions and the spain sequence were so fun to write]
“Even if it might help me win?” [OK so ORIGINALLY i did not have this line or the next exchange in my first draft, bc one of the things i was trying to do in this whole second half of the fic (from leon's apology up until leon's attempt to actually propose) was have you, the reader, and matthew, the pov character, just -- forget about the bet. it needed to seem and feel realer and realer, because what was happening between them was turning into a real relationship with a true sense of connection and honesty and sincerity, so (a) you get where leon is coming from with the proposal (bc his feelings are real! it's real to him! it has been for months! he thinks matthew would say yes!) and (b) MATTHEW can suddenly remember the bet and react so so badly because he wants that sincerity so much and thinks it was never there, and then you get him telling leon he won the bet and it all comes crashing down :)
the point being: i didn't have this and then my beta was like are you gonna bring up the bet??? because i keep forgetting there's a bet, and i was like okay i am maybe doing my job too well, we can have ONE more mention before the build up in chapters 7 and 8]
It takes a moment for the chirp to register. When it does, there’s a second where Matthew’s not sure what to say. He keeps forgetting about that part, the part where it’s a competition. There’s something about being here that’s made it slip his mind. [and this is why my beta was right bc then i can point to my own tricks hohoho] The wine, maybe, or the weather. Or Leon’s fingers, warm around Matthew’s hand. [also i just like these two sentences. hand holding!]
“Even then,” Matthew says. Adds, “But you’re not gonna win.” [competitive freaks in love :)]
Leon’s laugh is startled, pleased. Or at least, Matthew thinks it is. He’s pretty sure. “We’ll see about that.” [and he DOES win. he's a great husband :)]
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filmfanaticshub · 3 months ago
Selena Gomez Talks Career, Vulnerability, and New Film Role: "It’s a Dream What I’m Doing"
Selena Gomez, known for her poise and confidence on red carpets, opens up about her evolving career and personal journey, including her latest role in Emilia Pérez. The film, a hard-hitting true crime drama, is a unique blend of love story, self-discovery, and music. Gomez stars as the wife of a Mexican drug lord who secretly transitions, a role that pushed her out of her comfort zone with intense dance routines. “I found it incredibly compelling,” Gomez shared. “I’ve never really seen a movie like this before, and I don’t think I’ve ever been this proud of something in the acting field.”
At 32, Gomez’s accomplishments extend beyond acting. She's also a successful singer-songwriter and founder of Rare Beauty, a cosmetics brand that made her a billionaire. Her philanthropic efforts, particularly through the Rare Impact Fund, demonstrate her commitment to helping young people with mental health challenges, an issue she’s very familiar with.
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Growing up in Grand Prairie, Texas, with her mother Mandy Teefy working multiple jobs, Gomez reflects on the valuable lessons her mother taught her. "When I'm doing something great today, it just makes me more thankful for the lessons that my mother taught me," she says. Gomez’s rise to fame began at a young age, with her role in Barney & Friends and later on the Disney Channel's Wizards of Waverly Place, before venturing into music. During the pandemic, she hosted the popular cooking show Selena + Chef, though she admits, "My cooking skills aren’t that great, I’m not gonna lie!"
Her acting career took another turn with Only Murders in the Building, where she praises her co-stars Steve Martin and Martin Short for their guidance and kindness. “They’ve helped me grow up in a lot of ways,” Gomez says, reflecting on the positive impact the two legends have had on her career.
Despite her success, Gomez hasn’t shied away from discussing her personal health struggles, including her lupus diagnosis, kidney transplant, and mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder. Her 2022 documentary, Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me, offered an honest look at her life, and she shares that releasing it felt like a huge relief. “One of the strongest things you can do is be vulnerable,” she says, explaining her decision to publicly share her struggles in hopes of helping others.
Gomez’s passion for mental health advocacy continues through the Rare Impact Fund, which she considers one of the most important aspects of her life. "This is probably the most important thing to me, besides my family,” she says.
Another highlight in her life is her relationship with music producer Benny Blanco, whom she describes as deeply caring and attentive. "To know that there is someone in the world that deeply cares about every tiny detail about who I am, I'm really, really lucky,” she says, expressing her happiness.
Through her career and personal life, Selena Gomez remains an artist unafraid to take risks and share her authentic self, something she’s learned to embrace fully. "I’m just really, I’m okay with where I am and who I am," she concludes, proud of how far she’s come.
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fourseasonscomeandgo · 3 years ago
irene gf headcanons
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TW: cursing, mentions of death
at the start, it was hella awkward
she didn't even acknowledge you, you were just someone else in the room
but you were INFATUATED
you gave it all so you would get the smallest sign of attention from her
there wasn't way of flirting with her without it being the weirdest
she's not stupid, she knew you were flirting, she just didn't really care
she was alone with you, so she forcefully had to have a conversation with you
she felt so comfortable, you made her laugh and understood her, the words would just flow
now it wasn't just curiosity what you made her feel, you gave her a reason to give you a chance
we almost lost you the moment she proposed to go out sometime
she just felt in the right place, in the right moment with you, she felt at ease, and irene NEVER feels like that
so you instantly became special to her, and she decided to get to know you better
you were getting to know each other better FOR THE LONGEST TIME
but you were comprehensive that it was necessary for her so she would trust you
still, joy had to force you into asking her to be your girlfriend
she said yes, thankfully
irene's love language is DISSING YOU
prepare to have your self esteem destroyed
you made fun of the way she walks ONCE and you almost got single
that didn't stop you from the amount of bullying you did to her when zimzalabim went out
you lowkey liked it tho, just didn't let anyone know
she's not someone to share her feelings, but you helped her understand how useful and healing is to let it all out and be listened, cared about, so now you're her biggest support
she trusts you so so so much, really, if you let her down yeri and joy are breaking you into pieces
she haves such a hard time touching you...
physical demonstrations of love are something that doesn't match irene, so she's very subtle with it
fixing your hair, holding onto your arm, hugging you while you both wait on the line to get your take out, slightly hitting your arm when you say something cheesy or make her laugh
so that makes you the kisser
you just kiss her all the time cause she's so gorgeous, adorable and her lips looks so red and kissable aaaaaaaaaaaa
pecking her lips after she laughed cause her laugh is your favorite sound
she loves when you get touchy, even if she's not that much like that
you have no idea how this woman's brain works
she's just so random but so organized at the same time, and that creepy sixth sense of hers, fascinating
you're a jealous disaster like 79% of the time
cause you go by god taylor swift who once wrote "i'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you"
irene loves this
it makes her remember how desperately in love you're with her
she would never make it obvious tho
she's a jealous disaster too
she would never make it obvious tho
in this relationship you are the bugs chaser, the animal repeller, the men distancer
the queen's protector
she sometimes speaks in satoori to you, when she's distracted or mad. she only speaks satoori with her family, and you're her family
if she's hot already, she gets even hotter when she's speaking satoori
stream hot by seventeen
yeri hates you
well, not really, she just likes annoying the shit out of you cause she can't believe someone hooked her unnie's heart
so she just HAVES to give you a hard time
but secretly she's so relieved and happy that irene's dating someone that loves her so much and would do anything for her
sometimes she forgets she's not your mother
cleans your place, irons your clothes, cooks for you all meals super healthy cause she says you eat so bad and that's gonna kill you and she can't have her future spouse dying
she's the one you go for advice ALWAYS, cause she's just so brutally honest and realistic
do i have to clarify that her love language are acts of service?
when you do small things for her that shows her you're thinking of her even if you don't say it out loud, that's her favorite way you show her love
like when you send food while they're practicing, send her a song that reminded you of her, text good morning first thing when you wake up, do something just cause you know she'll want you to do it
she wants to create a home with you
irene is a sucker for romantic stuff
so you cook for her and make a romantic dinner sometimes, give her flowers, take her on a getaway full of those cheesy stuff you watch on movies, etc
you call her "baby" and she pretendes it cringes her out, but actually her heart does backflips when you call her that
she calls you "love", cause that's what you are to her
she the love of my life for real, irene acknowledge me please
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uweiy · 2 years ago
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
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What a title. What a premisce.
Buckle up lads, for you are all today's lucky 10000.
The Main Character
Adachi is an office worker. He's not bad, not good, neither handsome nor ugly, slightly awkward and about to be thirty. (At least, that's probably what he'd tell you if you asked him.)
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Look at him. Just standing there. Awkwardly
Absolutely nothing special about Adachi. EXCEPT, — okay listen. Adachi is YOU. Or it has been. Or it will be. And therefore he has that special thing every human has: being him.
But let's backtrack, for he doesn't know that yet.
For now,
The plot
Adachi turns thirty, and suddenly he can hear people's thoughts, which is disconcerting enough but thEN he finds out that Kurosawa, the ace of the office, has a ginormous (seriously. Huge. Humongous. The size of ) crush on him.
Okay now that's the setting. It's not what the show TELLS YOU.
What the show tells you
Before I started the show I had seen a few tags/comments that stuck in my head
Quote n°1: 🌸" this show feels like a hug/ like a security blanket : 🌸
This show takes you by the hand by having a protagonist that is you, me, and everyone else ever, with your worries and self-doubt and that which is keeping you from dreaming big (spoiler: it's u), and telling both him and you repeatedly :
• You are more special than you know. You are loved, in all kinds of forms. Yes, you feel average, you feel like there are a lot of people like you yet there is someone, that notices you and only you, because of who you are.
• You inspire people, by things you think are not worth much because they come naturally, to you. Being kind is one of those things.
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• You have the means to achieve your dreams, sometimes you just need a little push.
• Going out of your comfort zone can make make you grow. YES it’s uncomfortable. YES, it’s hard. But is it worth it most of the time ? YES (Provided it’s for things that are actually important to you.)
• Being you is enough.
Kurosawa and Adachi
Quote n°2: 🌸Adachi is the literal embodiment of gay panic :🌸
✔️CORRECT. Well,
Adachi is the embodiment of panic, Period, which makes the show absolutely goddamned hilarious. Look at him one second too long and watch him wither. But yes, point taken. When it comes to Kurosawa uh. Expect a lot of flailing.
Kurosawa in return– That guy has got his life to-gether. EXCEPT!!! when it comes to ADACHI. He falters. He is unsure. He thinks he's not good enough, as well. Bunch of disasters except not really because they always get to the right way to handle things in the end.
And Kurosawa has this wonderful thing we'll call the ✨🌈Kurosawa Vision🌈✨. Demonstration:
What Kurosawa says:
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What Kurosawa thinks:
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This man is head empty no thoughts except for one(1) Adachi CD that plays on loop. Like seriously. His kink is feeding Adachi soup.
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Quote 3: 🌸 Everyone deserves a Kurosawa in their lives 🌸 
I have high standards now. Congratulations. Get me my own me-obsessed weirdo who brings me coffee and cooks amazingly and takes me on dates and worries about being too clingy.
Adachi and Everyone else
If you're not in a phase where you particularly emphazise with Adachi (you still will I promise. I probably just will less hit you like a freight train),
Might I interest you in the side character who had to readjust their dreams, and gets told it's fully ok to pursue happiness in the path you have chosen, though it is not the grandiose thing you imagined?
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Or maybe the side character who does not want a relationship although it is societally expected and gets told "your life is enough"??
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Adachi and himself
Adachi thinks he's unremarkable. And is shown repeatedly NO. I see you. I see your bed head. I see you helping others. I see you holding the door. I 👁️see 👁️you.
Adachi thinks he is a coward . And yet, you see him slowly try things out of his comfort zone, strengthening the connections that were already there but that he did not see, because he did not notice people wanted that with him.You see him always, always, stand up and at least TRY to say things when it’s important.
Adachi assumes what others think. And the magic shows him that, most (all) the time what he fears other think is much worse than reality.
And what he accepts by the end is that, he
doesn't need.
The magic.✨
He will get it wrong. But all he needs to do, to know others feelings, is to express his own, and to ask.
12/10 Drama.
I love everything. The narrative tone of the show, Adachi's inner voice, as the default state of this man is
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Has 0 idea of what's happening 100% of the time and he's honestly so real for that.
Insane acting from every cast member and especially Machida Keita (Kurosawa) who manages to, during heart-wrenching moments look like he's physically in pain and it has me in a chokehold.
This is a drama that parades as "hah hah silly little show, there's magic" and then hits you on the head with a baseball bat.
Also the virgin thing is not made fun of. It's just, in the words of this cool presentation "it's literally just the reason he has magic."
All I have left to say is... watch Cherry Magic and get your serotonin back.
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luvnami · 4 years ago
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𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 - wahh it’s here! can’t believe my brainrot of osamu teaching a cooking class turned into this long fic lol... i hope you enjoy it!! it was fun crafting the story with my beta readers and i put a lot of effort into it!!! itadakimasu <3
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 - @forgetou​ @amjustagirl​ (muacks 2x) + tq to everyone who helped me with the banner!!
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 - you’re suna’s younger sibling, food, heartbreak, angst but happy ending, mentions of stabbing (joke), kita dances to ‘ice cream’ by selena gomez and blackpink, mentions of alcohol, mentions of blood (brief), suna beats (redacted) up
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 - miya osamu x gn!reader
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 - you fall in love with miya osamu once more, but you’re afraid of getting hurt again.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 - 5535
𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐤𝐨-𝐟𝐢
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1. Cook the rice according to your rice cooker, then transfer the cooked rice to a separate bowl to cool it down.
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“What ya want t’do is scorch the soy sauce.”
The class presses themselves against Osamu’s workbench as they scribble down notes on their recipe printouts. Their lips purse to ooh and aah at his cooking skills, though you’re pretty sure that they’re more interested in how his biceps flex when he flips the wok with a trained flick of the wrist. 
You stand at the very edge of the group. It’s better than getting close with a group of hungry housewives, really. If grocery store and department mall sales have ever told you anything, it’s to never get in the way of what a seasoned housewife wants. Unfortunately for you, you haven’t learnt the way of being a homemaker just yet. 
You’re unemployed, right in the middle of a month and a half-ish long transfer between jobs. You currently stay at your brother Suna’s place — which is really just an apartment filled with dirty laundry overflowing from its seams.
Turns out Suna himself is a bit of a gossip.  He told Kita who told Atsumu who told Osamu that you’re stuck at his place 24/7 with no friends or entertainment in the lovely city of Nagano. It’s just mountains and trees as far as the eye can see all around — and there’s only so many hikes you can take each week. 
“Why don’t you take a cookin’ class?” 
“Cookin’?” Your face screwed up in confusion. “ What for?”
“So that you can actually pull your weight around the house and make me something to eat.”
You chucked a pillow at his head and began to list all the things you did while staying at his apartment. Laundry, cleaning the floor, doing grocery shopping (even if it was only instant noodles and snacks), finding his disgustingly sweaty socks under the sofa and many other important chores, thank you very much.
Besides, you weren’t as eager when you saw who was the one that would be holding the classes. With his picture plastered across the front of a pamphlet, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. Years of chasing his dreams and training in a kitchen had done Osamu wonders. 
You had half a mind to smack Suna in the head with the yellow, glossy paper, but instead you quietly tucked it into a corner of the guest room to look at later. You were sure Suna hadn’t forgotten your history with Osamu just yet — but perhaps he assumed that enough time had passed to heal your wounds.
Either way, there’s no going back now. That’s how you ended up at Osamu’s ‘Cooking class for homemakers — you can do it too!’, except you aren’t a homemaker. You shift your weight from one foot to the other as the sound of sizzling soy sauce fills the air. Osamu pauses for a while before beginning to mix the rice with the sauce, wielding his spatula and wok expertly like weapons.
“Miya-san, you’re amazing!” someone gushes.
He lets out a bashful laugh. “This is nothing. I’m sure everyone will be able to do this by the end of class today!”
You wonder if he’s ever considered being a teacher. The demonstration on how to make shrimp fried rice is soon over and everyone returns to their benches, eager to try out the recipe. You are no different. Scurrying to your bench at the very back of the classroom, you exchange glances between the printed recipe handout and your tray of ingredients.
“Need any help?” 
Osamu’s voice and looming presence makes you jump.
“Woah! Careful there,” he chuckles, his fingers gently prying a knife out of your hands.
Unconsciously, you had raised it in shock when Osamu snuck up on you. The knife now lays safely on the tabletop and you feel the eyes of the entire class boring into you.
“Sorry, Miya-san. I didn’t see you,” you apologise meekly.
“Don’t worry about it, I shouldn't have scared ya like that. And no need for the formalities! You’re my friend’s sister, afta’ all.”
Oh goodness. You half expect the class to pick up their pots and pans and run at you right this moment. You swallow back the half hearted ‘Osamu-san’ that rises in your throat. Your heart trembles in your chest and for a second, the silence that weighs heavily between the both of you turns awkward. 
“Miya-san! Could you help me with this please?” 
You’ve never been so glad to hear Tachibana’s sickly shrill voice before. Osamu is quick to wave goodbye to you before hurrying over to her bench, a smile still on his face. You breathe a sigh of relief. 
You make a mental note to tell Suna that Osamu should just stick to placating those housewives and leave you the hell alone. The last thing you want is to have blackmail spread around the neighbourhood by these gossipy housewives, or worse, have their daughters hunt you down and chop you up into pieces.
Whatever. You’re just here to learn how to make shrimp fried rice and then go home to your annoying older brother. Besides, it’s not like you’ll be here for long. Miya Osamu just happens to be the local heartthrob, the handsome and eligible bachelor chased by anyone single and ready to mingle. You have absolutely nothing to do with someone so popular and good-looking. And for goodness sake, he’s your brother’s high school friend and your… Well, you know. 
Your face burns and you pick up the knife again, grip tightening on its handle. You begin chopping at the onions with renewed determination.
(Later on, when you bring back a tupperware of fried rice for Suna, he looks you in the eye and asks “Shrimp fried this rice?”.
You shoot him a glare.
“I fried this rice.”)
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2. Prepare all the fillings that you are going to use and set aside, such as pickled plums or tuna mayo. Prepare your seaweed sheets.
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What you don’t expect is for Miya Osamu to show up at your doorstep the next day with boxes of food, cartons of drinks and a very noisy brother of his in tow. 
“Rin, where can I leave the drinks?” Osamu yells.
“Rin, can I play your PS5?” Atsumu shouts.
You think that they are very different, the Miya twins. Suna takes a minute to finish putting on some clothes (you had answered the door, thankfully. No one wants to see Suna Rintarou in Pikachu boxers) before bursting out of his room.
He’s quick to smack Atsumu’s ‘dirty little setter hands’ away from his precious Playstation, directing Osamu to what constitutes the apartment’s kitchen — a second-hand fridge and the building-installed gas stove that works only if you hit it hard enough. You’re surprised that neither you or Suna haven't died of a house fire or gas poisoning by now.
It doesn’t take long for the other Inarizaki alumni to arrive at Suna’s apartment in a series of doorbell rings. Kita even brings along a large bottle of sake, to which everyone cheers loudly. You don’t understand why they had chosen Suna’s place to have a reunion party. Seriously, wouldn't Onigiri Miya or some other izakaya have been a better choice?
However, there’s free flow of drinks and lots of yummy snacks, so you decide to let the noise wash over you and stand by the food table to pick at the trays of pizza, fried chicken and other finger food. Aran even offers you a drink, smiling sweetly before going off to wrangle Atsumu from trying to initiate a beer chugging competition. Some things just never change, you suppose.
“Having fun?”
You jump and nearly drop the plate of food that you hold.
“You have a horrible habit of scaring people, Miya- Osamu.”
His first name comes out awkward, tumbling off of your tongue as you use a pair of chopsticks to carefully pile back some mentaiko mayonnaise onto a slice of tamagoyaki. Osamu settles into the crook of the kitchen counter next to you with a playful grin on his face.
“Do I really?”
“Don’t forget that the first time you did that, someone nearly got stabbed.”
You pop the tamagoyaki into your mouth. It’s delicious — the egg’s sweetness balances out the salty sauce. You wonder if there’s enough left on the tray for seconds. 
“How’s the reunion going?” you ask nonchalantly, and shuffle a few centimetres away from him.
You hope Osamu doesn’t notice that. He does, however, but chooses not to comment on it. He brings up a hand to scratch at his neck, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. He’s close enough for you to get a whiff of whatever cologne he’s wearing. Your head spins for a second. 
“Oh, none of us have gotten drunk just yet. I’m pretty sure we’ll be playing beer pong or something later on.”
You steel yourself against the urge to look at what Osamu is wearing. Don’t look, don’t look, definitely don’t look. Miya Osamu is, has been, a dangerous man to fall in love with. You can’t afford to- 
Perhaps gouging your eyes out would have been a better choice in theory. Even a glance from where you stand beside him is enough to see that not only is he wearing a tight, black T-shirt, Osamu also has a pair of sweatpants on. Is it a sin to wear sweatpants? Probably so, especially with the way it makes your throat run dry. 
“Beer pong, huh?” You try your best to mumble somewhat nonchalantly. “Who won the last time?”
“Kita?!” you gasp. 
Even that’s enough to make you forget about Osamu and his stupid (and very sexy) sweatpants. 
“Yeah, right? That was the first time he participated. All of us got left drunk in the street, so we decided to do it at someone’s place this year.”
You let out a soft laugh at the thought of a bunch of grown men piled over each other on the road. You don’t particularly like the thought of cleaning up after them tonight, though. 
The lack of words between you and Osamu descends into snorts of laughter that trickle in from the tiny living room. Aran throws his head back, drink nearly spilling out of his cup. Ginjima laughs so loud you see Omiomi cover his ears and Suna holds his phone up, filming every second of Atsumu’s defeat. 
Osamu opens his mouth as if to ask you something.
“C’mon! Yer killin’ me, Kita-san!” Atsumu yells, socked feet and waving arms trying to match the onscreen character’s movements.
Kita, on the other hand, is scoring perfect marks without as much effort wasted. You giggle to yourself as he moves his hips, shaking them here and there. A small smile quirks his lips upwards as he finishes with a flawless ending move on ‘Ice Cream’, the Just Dance characters fading into oblivion on the screen. Atsumu crumbles to the floor in defeat. 
Osamu’s lips form a straight line as he watches you laugh along, raising a hand to cover your mouth. He curses Atsumu’s birth and swallows back his embarrassment.
“Did ya see that, Osamu? Oh- Kita-san is so good at everything!” you gush.
“Atsumu just sucks.”
When you laugh, Osamu thinks something in his chest lurches. Regret makes his head go foggy and leaves a sour taste in his mouth.
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3. Place cling wrap over a rice bowl. Place some of the cooked rice over the centre of the cling wrap and make a well.
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“No way ya got a love letter!” Atsumu yelled.
“Ya get yer fair share. We share t’same face, why shouldn’t I get some?” Osamu retorted, rolling his eyes. 
Suna watched as the twins began to gripe and argue about who was the better looking sibling again. Nothing unusual, really, given how this occurred every odd day of the week.
“S’gotta be a prank. No way someone likes a loser like you,” Suna mused.
In retaliation, Osamu threw him a stink eye. “You two are just jealous,” he sniffed.
The letter had been written on pretty pink paper, all hearts and cute handwriting as his secret admirer asked him to meet them on the roof after school. Not that Osamu wasn’t affected by it, of course. It always rubbed his ego the right way to know that someone preferred him over Atsumu. Though, it wasn’t like he was interested in anyone then. It only took a second before Osamu ripped the letter in half.
“Woah woah woah! Yer crazy! Whatcha gonna do if some pretty girl gave that to ya?” 
Atsumu’s eyes widened in shock, almost reaching forward to grab the shreds of letter that Osamu had torn up. 
“Does it matter? S’not like I’m interested in datin’ right now,” he replied.
“Seriously? What if she’s like, super duper hot!”
Osamu’s face screwed up. “Are ya a horndog?”
Just as Atsumu was about to shout at his dear brother again, you opened the door to their classroom and hurried in. You had a bento box in hand and a cute pout on your face as you placed it on Suna’s table.
“Rin! You forgot your bento at home again!” 
“Oh.” Suna blinked. “Thanks.”
“Seriously, you gotta stop forgetting your things! I can’t be bringing them to you all the time-”
“Hey, Suna.” Atsumu perked up, referring to you. “Would ya go on a date with Samu or me? Me, right? Definitely me!”
Your face flushed with heat. “Huh? What are you talking about?”
“‘Samu got a love letter in his shoe locker this morning. Cliche, huh?” your brother said between bites of his lunch. 
“Mm, yeah. Cliche,” you mumbled. 
You looked around anxiously for any sign of the love letter. Was it in Osamu’s bag? 
“Can ya believe he tore it up?” Atsumu laughed.
Your heart felt like a stone in your chest as you froze, your blood running cold. 
“Yeah! This dumbass doesn’t know how t’appreciate anythin’,” he replied, smacking Osamu on the back of his head.
His twin responded with a muffled growl as he continued to scarf down his absurdly large bento. You fiddled with the cuffs of your sleeves, staring down at your feet. You were quick to bid the third years goodbye as you fled their classroom as an inexplicable ache spread through your chest. 
You didn’t focus on your classes for the rest of the day. The fact that Osamu had torn your love letter, written with all your heart and soul as you crumpled draft after draft last night, tipped you over the edge of your fantasies and had you plummeting straight into reality. 
You looked up from your feet, glancing up at Suna. The both of you were swapping your indoor shoes for outdoor ones, but you had absentmindedly stopped in the middle of slipping your right foot into a shoe. It was nearing the time where they closed the school gates, so there weren’t many students around save for the odd volleyball club member.
“What’re you doing? Put your shoes on properly,” he huffed.
“Sorry,” you said quietly, and slammed the locker door shut once you were done.
You walked a few feet ahead of Suna as you approached the school gate. Your head drooped with each step, tears beginning to mist your eyes. You willed yourself to hold it in till you got home, till you were in the safety of your bedroom to start sobbing your little heart out. Suna tugged on your wrist.
“Are you crying?” he questioned.  
You shook your head quickly, rubbing your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“Oi. Answer me.”
This time, his voice was a little softer, yet held a mixture of irritation and anger behind a crumbling wall of apathy. Who had been the one to make you cry? 
“It’s nothin’,” you choked out. “Let’s just go home.”
You turned your face to the side as tears continued to roll down your cheeks, muffled cries turning into heartbroken sobs. Something inside of Suna’s head clicked. 
“It’s Miya Osamu, isn’t it?” 
You had to bite on your lower lip to stop it from trembling.
“That bastard tore up your letter, didn’t he?”
You gave Suna the tiniest of nods. He let go of your wrist and whipped around, eyebrows furrowed together. Not wanting to date was one thing, but treating your confession like dog shit was something else. Fortunately for him, the Miya twins were changing their shoes in the getabako.
“‘Samu!” Suna yelled.
The gray haired male looked up with a face of confusion.
“Suna? Whaddya want-” Osamu wasn’t able to say anything more as Suna’s fist collided with his face.
Atsumu jumped back with a yelp as the both of them crashed to the ground. Your hands flew to cover your mouth.
“Rin! Stop it!” you cried out.
You dashed over, tripping over your own feet as you tried to pull Suna away from Osamu as they traded blows. It took the work of you, Atsumu and Ginjima (who had been unlucky enough to pass by) to tear the two apart, and even then Osamu was still struggling in his brother’s arms to be let go.
“What t’hell, man!” he snarled. 
Suna wiped his nose, glancing briefly at the crimson that stained his school uniform. The adrenaline was beginning to run low and pain began to settle into his fists and ribs. His shoulders heaved with each breath, and your hands clutched his shirt.
“Rin. No more, please,” you begged, pressing your forehead against his back. “No more.”
Suna hated the way your voice trembled as you spoke. He didn’t think it was fair for you to bear the burden of pain while Osamu got to walk away unscathed, leaving you broken in pieces. His fist curled up again.
“It’s not worth it, Rin.”
Suna took in a shaky, deep breath.
You were right.
Miya Osamu wasn’t worth it. 
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4. Put about 1tbsp of the filling of your choice on the centre of the rice and cover it with rice.
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A week comes and goes after the annual Inarizaki reunion. You’re still finding sticky stains on the floor, as well as food wrappers tossed behind the sofa. Suna sends the group chat a video of you yelling at all of them while wielding a mop with so much fervour Aran asks if you broke it. Atsumu actually apologises and Osamu offers to come over and help clean up. The entire group chat flames him immediately.
As per last week, you walk into Osamu’s cooking class at 2p.m. on a Wednesday afternoon. It’s hot outside, droplets of perspiration rolling down your nape. The cool air-conditioning of the classroom is much appreciated and you don your apron behind the gaggle of housewives. You catch snippets of their conversation as they put their items in the cubbies provided. 
“Tanaka-san, did you see the mushrooms that were on sale this Monday?”
“My son is attending this cram school this summer. Here’s the address!”
“My father-in-law keeps complaining about the heat…”
“Good afternoon, everyone.”
Everyone perks up when Osamu walks through the door. They’re quick to surround him, asking how his day had been. You look tired, take this ginseng drink! It really revitalises your spirits! Did you get a girlfriend yet, Miya-san? My daughter is single, you know! 
You watch as Osamu walks behind his bench, all smiles and “Is that so, Shigeru-san?”. Polite enough to please them, but not enough to make them think that he actually wants to go on a date with their 34 year-old daughter who’s a tired office worker looking out for potential husbands like a hawk. He lets out a heavy exhale, using his cap with the Onigiri Miya logo on it to fan himself.
“Hot today, isn’t it?” he chuckles.
You think that maybe he’s the one that’s making this summer so warm, especially with the way that his shirt clings to his figure and his flushed cheeks that make him look adorable. 
You do a double take. Ah, adorable. You must have meant that heart-print apron that Tanaka is wearing today. It is pretty cute, and you wonder if you should ask her where she got it from later on. Definitely not Osamu with his perfect smile that would make anyone’s heart skip a beat, and definitely not when it’s directed at you.
“Gather around everyone! We’re going to be making gyoza today!”
The demonstration goes as usual — Osamu impresses the housewives, they gasp and someone even touches his forearm and asks “How did you get so strong, Miya-san?”. Not that you care, of course. You certainly don’t. What you’re more concerned about is how Osamu manages to make wrapping the fragile gyoza seem so easy. 
Your fingers pinch at the thick dough, eyebrows furrowed together. No matter what you do, your filling keeps spilling out of the wrapper and so you’ve opted to try out for a thicker piece this time. Not that it really matters — Suna will be the one suffering from food poisoning if it turns out bad, anyways.
“Ah, yer made it too thick,” Osamu says as he strolls over. 
You tense up as he leans over your shoulder, peeking at the chubby gyoza in your hands. You pretend not be affected by how close he is and continue pinching the wings of the dumpling shut.
“They keep bursting,” you sniff. 
“Maybe ya put t’much filling?” Osamu suggests. “Here, lemme show ya. Put tha’ one down and grab a new wrapper. Yeah, just like that.”
You stiffen as Osamu flours his hands and cradles your hands in his. 
“Here ya go. That’s t’much, scoop out some more. That’s it. Now gently…”
Blood rushes to your face as you feel the warmth of his skin seep into yours, his hands rough from years of training and cooking. Scars adorn the tips of his thick fingers and knuckles. You suddenly feel the urge to gently trace them with your thumb, to ask him how he got each one of them. 
Would he let you? Let you so close, that perhaps you would be the one to know every single thing about him?
“You did it!” Osamu says cheerfully. 
He suddenly pulls away, making you plummet back to reality. A perfectly made gyoza sits in your hands.
“I’m looking forward to tasting your gyoza later on. Now keep trying!” 
You’re left dumbfounded as Osamu walks away to help out the other housewives. They stammer and blush when they get too close, but he never holds their hands in his own, never smiles as gently as he does with you.
You place the gyoza on a pan and put the lid on with a little bit more force than what is necessary.
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5. Wrap the cling wrap over the rice and squeeze and mould it into a triangle shape with your hands.
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You try not to make contact with Osamu after that. Attending his cooking classes becomes a game of cat-and-mouse, where you try to tell him ‘I don’t need any help, Miya-san’ and watch him crawl away in defeat. In fact, you decide to skip the lesson on making hamburgs and instead spend the afternoon watching television.
After all, from what you’ve learnt in the past, Osamu is nothing more than trouble. You think it’s worth the sacrifice now to put some space between the both of you so that you don’t end up heartbroken a second time. 
Though, you do feel a little bad. Just a little bit. One day when Suna’s out at training, you hear the doorbell ring and Osamu’s voice ring through the genkan. You hear his feet shuffle by the door and a heavy thump outside before he leaves. You only open the door when you hear his car pull out of the apartment building’s carpark, and find a packed bento lunch for you in front.
You try to pretend that the bunny cut apples and sakura shaped carrot slices don’t mean anything.
“Ah, Suna-san! Where were you last week?” Tachibana titters as you step into class for the final lesson.
“I wasn’t feeling very well,” you lie. “I think I caught a summer cold.”
“Oh dear, that sounds terrible!” the ladies chorus together. 
You think they’re probably just glad that you didn’t get in the way of their beloved Miya-san. You tug your apron over your head, and ignore Osamu when he greets everyone. His eyes linger on you for a little too long during the demonstration — to the point that he actually burns the skin side of his salmon fillet.
Osamu skirts around your bench like a nervous puppy when the demonstration is over. You don’t seem particularly keen about talking to him, though the tips of your finger tremble when he finally plucks up the courage to stand next to you. It’s not close enough for your elbows to touch, but close enough that he can whisper to you without anyone else hearing him.
“Hey,” he begins, uncertain. His voice wavers slightly.
“Hey,” you reply, wary of what he might say. 
“Are you okay?”
You take a moment to think, tipping the sake bottle carefully to measure out an exact tablespoon of it. He wonders when your hands have seemed so delicate, so small. He aches to hold them in his own again. 
“I’m okay.”
“That’s good.”
It’s quiet, again. Just like that night in Suna’s apartment, with all the noise of the reunion going on around you, except this time it's the clanging of pans and utensils, paired with the chatter of many ladies. 
“I was thinking…” Osamu stares down at your hands, turning the measuring spoon over so that sake splashes onto the hot pan with a sizzle. “Maybe we could get a drink together after this?”
You cover the pan and watch its surface cloud up with condensation. You hide your shaking hands by digging them into the pockets of your apron. 
Osamu swallows. Perhaps he had been too direct with you; scared you off with how quickly he was advancing. Or did Suna tell you to be careful of him? That he didn’t want you falling in love with him a second time? There’s no lie about it, that Osamu had been a grade A asshole back in high school.
But he loves you now; has loved you since then. Would you be willing to give him a second chance?
“Osamu,” you breathe.
His shoulders relax slightly when you don’t call him by his last name. 
“I don’t know what to do.” 
Your voice comes out timid, scared. Osamu’s heart crumbles at the edges. He wonders if you would hate him if he reached out and took your hands in his once more. You’re both adults, perfectly capable of rational thinking if only your hearts hadn’t gotten in the way. Love hurts, they said. You want to agree. 
“We can start it out slow,” Osamu suggests.
“I’m supposed to start my new job next month. I won't be in Nagano for much longer.”
“I’m opening a branch in Tokyo.”
“I’ll be busy settling down. We might not get to see each other often enough.”
“A little is better than nothin’.”
“You’re my brother’s friend.”
“Now, yer just picking at nothing, babe. Didn’t you have a crush on me back in high school, too? That didn’t stop ya, did it?”
Your heart wrestles with your brain, insisting on comfort and that love will always come in the form of someone that isn’t Miya Osamu. You’ll find someone, but will they be better? Will they send food to your doorstep, or send you stupid photos of dogs he saw on the street? Will they chase after you relentlessly for years, will they be Osamu?
A lump forms in your throat and you wonder if this, has been, is love. You tear your heart out from within you and let it cling to your sleeve, as pathetic and scared it is. You don’t mind if it hurts. To never hurt is to never have lived, to never have loved. 
By this point, your eyes have misted up with tears and it hits you- You’re about to cry about your crush in the middle of a cooking class attended by middle-aged ladies. You’ve never been more embarrassed. 
“Really?” you whisper, looking up at Osamu with glittering eyes. 
He ignores the “Miya-san! I need your help!” that rings out in the background. He smiles gently.
“Yeah, really.”
A tear slips down your face. Osamu lets out a breathy chuckle as he swipes it away with his thumb, giving your shoulder a squeeze.
“We’ll talk properly after this, alright?” 
You nod numbly. You watch as he hurries off to Shigeru, gasping when he sees how she had completely butchered her fillet. He turns back to you, trying to hold in a snigger. 
You giggle.
Osamu thinks he wants to hear that laugh forever.
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6. Remove the cling wrap and cover the bottom of the rice triangle with a nori sheet and set aside.
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“One extra large bonito onigiri with spring onions!” you cry out from the counter.
Back in the kitchen, Osamu and another part-time worker scoop steaming rice out of large vats and use their hands to mould them into perfectly shaped triangles. A scoop of filling goes in and a strip of seaweed is wrapped hastily around the onigiri before it's sent to you to package. You place the onigiri carefully into a box and slip it into a paper bag with the shop’s logo on the front for a take-away order. 
The shop is filled with customers even on a Wednesday afternoon. The clock shows 2p.m., past lunch time, yet you can see a queue that snakes out of the shop and down the alleyway. 
Another long day ahead, you think to yourself. 
“It’s our turn!” a little girl squeals as she takes the bag from you, opening it up to peer at the huge onigiri inside. “Mama! ‘giri!” 
Her mother laughs and pats her head. “Don’t forget to say thank you, Haru.”
The girl turns to you, eyes sparkling. “‘Fank you, Miya-shan!” 
A cheery grin almost splits your face in half. Miya-san. Four years on and it still makes your stomach flip whenever you hear that Osamu’s last name has become yours. It was an easy decision for the both of you to get married, really. You had loved each other for years and all you wanted to do in the end was to spend the rest of your lives together.
You quit your office job just before you got married to help Osamu out with the new Onigiri Miya branches. It took some getting used to, but the familiar customers and bright smiles that you see just by serving onigiri each day makes it worth it. It’s tough work, no doubt. But doing what you enjoy with the man you love is more rewarding than it ever could be.
Though, it’s not like your relationship has always been smooth sailing. There are days when you bicker over something stupid (like how you always forget to close the lid of the rice cooker), or when Osamu insists that he isn’t overworking himself (although his eyebags tell otherwise). But love’s a recipe with a few secret ingredients, and you’ve come to master it over the years. 
“Come back soon!”
The shop is filled with the fragrant scent of freshly cooked rice and bonito flakes being stir-fried into furikake. Customers perch on tiny stools as they scarf down onigiri of different shapes and sizes, licking their fingers clean. A plush toy of Onigiri Miya’s mascot sits on the counter next to a potted plant that Atsumu bought (which is surprisingly still alive).
A photograph of the third Tokyo branch’s grand opening hangs on the wall. You and Osamu hold up a bouquet of flowers, smiling toothily at the camera, your wedding rings glinting in the sunlight. 
“One medium onigiri with tuna mayo, coming right up!”
You jump as Osamu shouts out the order suddenly and you nearly drop the onigiri that he hands to you.
“Woah, careful there,” he chuckles, a hand ghosting the small of your back.
“You have ‘ta stop scaring me, ‘Samu,” you huff and roll your eyes playfully.
Osamu grins at you and the edges of his eyes crinkle up. You place the onigiri safely into its packaging and place it on the counter for a customer to collect, before turning back to plant a kiss on his cheek. Osamu’s face flushes pink and he hurries away, mumbling something about bonito flakes.
Your heart soars in your chest.
Yeah, it has been, will be, worth it. 
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7. Repeat the same steps as above to use the rest of the rice with other fillings that you prepared.
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620 notes · View notes
slightlymore · 4 years ago
remote control
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fem reader x kun x doyoung x ten
genre: smut, pwp, some crack because 96 line duh
warnings: 4some and everything regarding that,,, unprotected, cum play, toys, overstimulation, masturbation, fingering, oral, little slaps to the coochie and thighs, grinding, anal ahem let’s go
idk what spirit possesed me while writing this 😳😳 don't take me accountable it was not me I swear ✋✋✋absolutely not for the faint of heart
vibe: they give you some birthday cake :)
words: 3.8k
Ten groaned after he put a foot in the candle-lit living room. 
"Y/N, when you invited me for dinner I didn't expect to see the faces of those two idiots as well."
Doyoung, kneeling on the soft carpet in front of the tv, rolled his eyes while Kun furrowed his eyebrows offended. 
You patted Ten's shoulder with a giggle. 
"It's a festive dinner, the more, the merrier." 
"I hate to say that Ten's right, because he's never right, but I also thought this was a romantic duo escape," Doyoung finished arranging his presents in the dedicated spot as if it were Christmas and sighed. 
"Well,” Ten took a chip from the bowl in front of Doyoung, “I see that we share one brain cell. Is that the good shirt Kun? The one that shows off the pecs?" Ten teased the older who scoffed. 
"Do you know how cold it is?" he eyed Ten's exposed chest as he had three open buttons. 
Doyoung snorted.
You bit your lower lip to not giggle again then clapped your hands once as to get their attention. 
"No fighting for one night. Please? The food will be here soon." 
"Wait, you didn't cook?" Ten placed his gifts on the coffee table. 
You shook your head and he chuckled, high fiving you. 
"What are we doing in the meantime? Movie?" Kun sat on the couch, staring at the way Ten didn't let your hand go for a few more moments. "Come sit here," he continued, patting the spot near him, "you said you were very tired."
You sighed and fell on the couch, the sudden movement making Kun wobble so he grabbed your thigh to sustain himself. He considered it a very comfortable armrest since he didn't show any desire to take his hand away. 
"We can open the gifts," Ten sat on the ground in front of you with a wiggle of the eyebrows. 
Doyoung whined dramatically. "But it took me so much time to arrange them aesthetically."
"No one cares about yours. Y/N, open mine," the younger smiled excited, his smirk making you chuckle once and you accepted the gift he was extending you. 
"What's this?" 
Doyoung brought his gifts along and sat on the other side of the couch, his shoulder rubbing on you when he tried to find a more comfortable position. 
"Open it and you'll see," Ten murmured. 
The box under the wrapping paper was foreign to you so you shook it a few times. Kun frowned trying to read better and Doyoung gasped after a few moments of blinking. 
"Ten? Is this a vibrator?" you finally asked when your hand wrapped the pink toy. 
Ten laughed at your reaction and took the object from your hands. 
"Happy birthday. It's a remote vibrator," he explained happily. "You can control it with your phone. Remember when you told me about how it's hard for you to change speed on your vibrator in certain positions? Since it's hard to reach?" 
Kun and Doyoung shifted on their seats at his words and you felt your face burn. "Ten! That was confidential," you grabbed the toy back and shoved it into its box.
"Make sure to try it. If you need help to understand how it works I can help you," he winked and you couldn't help but giggle a little. 
"Well, now you have to check mine," Doyoung disrupted the moment by shoving his box in your arms instead. 
Ten leaned back on his hands with a grin, so sure of his gift being the best one that he choked on air at the sight of the white delicate material in your hands. 
"Oh, Doyoung! It's beautiful!" you touched the lingerie with your fingertips before lifting it, looking at the way the light could easily pass through it. "I hope it fits."
"It will," Doyoung was proudly smiling at you, probably patting himself on the shoulder in his head. 
"Doyoung keeps staring at your ass so he probably knows your size but I won't believe it will fit until I see you in that myself," Ten passed his tongue on his lip and you rolled your eyes positively amused. 
"Ten, stop being horny challenge," Kun murmured. 
"I can let you see her in my gift if you let me also teach her how to use the toy," Doyoung offered a deal. 
"Uhm? Guys? I'm right here?" 
Ten and Doyoung ignored you, deep into their stares battles until Ten smiled slyly as if they silently came to a compromise by themselves. 
"Y/N? What do you seriously think about that?" he locked eyes with you, the heaviess of that suggestion making a lump form inside your throat. 
"Model that for us?" Doyoung whispered on your side. "We just want to make sure it fits," he raised his palms, no sly intentions - he meant.
Passing the occasion to fuck your hottest friends on your birthday? You were all heated up at the thought and you did want to hide away, but their hungry eyes gave you courage. 
So you shrugged, faking nonchalance. "Okay."
The guys let out surprised sounds and Kun's hands on his gifts tightened, making the packet crinkle. 
Doyoung sat up from the couch and Ten followed suit as if needing to move. The sudden change of air made your hair swoosh and you chuckled before noticing Kun's gift. 
"Oh, right," you tried to take it but Kun was quick to pull it away. 
"It's not for me?" you blinked at him a few times. 
"Uhm," Kun sucked the air through his teeth. 
"Oh? Kunnie is embarrassed that his gift is very PG? Did you buy socks?" Ten teased him, the hot pink toy already in his hands making his image even wilder. 
"Come on, Kun," you smiled. "Whatever it is, it's alright. I'll love it," you assured him, stretching one hand again and you both laughed as he kept it out of your reach. "Kun!" you grunted, almost climbing in his lap. 
The man slid away from you on the couch, your body hovering over his when he didn't have any more space to run away to, until you straddled his waist and made your way upwards, grabbing at his extended arms and pulling down. 
A little triumphal squeal left your lips when you reached the box and you quickly opened it. Kun let out a defeated sigh, his free hands now resting on your thighs draped on both sides of his torso. 
So concentrated on the gift, you didn't even notice the lack of teasing from the other two when Kun whispered. 
"You can use it as a blindfold."
The silk scarf in your hands felt like water on your skin. 
"What?" you finally realized what Kun said. 
"Like this," he sat up and your body slid down to his thighs in the movement. He took the scarf and gently placed it on your eyes. 
It felt so soft on your eyelids that you sighed pleased. 
You chuckled slightly embarrassed from the sudden silence but it was quick to get disrupted when you felt your lips kissed gently by Kun. 
"It heightens your other senses," he whispered like a demonstration.
The other two groaned loudly, bickering about how you needed to change into the lingerie first before doing anything else. But your mind was too concentrated on how Kun's body felt under yours and on his hands palming your lower back and going to cup your ass to actually hear anything at all. 
You pushed into the kiss, even more, diving your hands into Kun's hair, the blindfold making the sensation even more acute indeed.
"Kun, don't be greedy," you heard Doyoung talk and Kun let your tongue go. You really liked it and desperately wanted to keep your mouth occupied, so when Kun turned you around with your back to touch his chest, you hummed pleased to feel someone's lips on yours again. A different taste and a different technique and you wondered if it was Doyoung, his teeth on your lower lip making you whine. 
"I knew you were a biter," you murmured and his breath, hitting your face as he chucked so close to you, caressed your skin so deliciously that you wanted to feel it everywhere. And thank goodness that Kun was there because he gave you just that, his tongue licking your neck in little circles before he started to suck on it. You whimpered and felt Doyoung pull your jaw, even more, catching all of your sounds with his mouth again. 
"I washed it-" you heard Ten enter the living room again and you wondered when he left in the first place. "Oh shit, yall already like this?" he commented and you dropped your hand from Doyoung's stomach to his crotch and felt his hard rock cock under the pants. He bit your lower lip again at the sensation and you whined, mirroring his heavy breaths. Then you whined again, this time alone when Kun's hands were quick to pull your sweater off your frame. He adjusted your blindfold again before palming your arms at the sudden goosebumps formed on your skin. 
In a second your lips got occupied again and this time you tasted Ten's chapstick instead of Doyoung's mints, the latter probably occupied with fumbling with your pants. Your bra got opened by Kun's hands at the same moment your bottoms got dragged away from your legs. Your knees buckled under Doyoung's cold touch and he whistled silently when you opened them up to drape over Kun's legs. The latter's fingers were gently cupping your soft breasts and you had to break off the kiss to pant. Ten didn't complain and promptly dropped to your chest instead, letting his tongue draw wet stripes around your nipples then flicking your swollen buds with such vigour to make you squirm in Kun’s arms. 
“You’re so fucking wet,” you heard Doyoung’s voice somewhere on your left, probably enjoying the view. “You like to have three guys all over you, don’t you?” 
Your mind started to buzz when Kun’s hands dropped to your stomach, your breasts occupied by Ten’s mouth, and when they grasped at the cotton of your panties you squeezed your thighs together. 
Doyoung clicked his tongue and lightly slapped them open again. “Be a good girl and open for Kun.” 
“Are you going to take my fingers well, baby?” you heard the latter whisper into your ear. You moaned, letting your head fall backwards on his shoulder and Kun was quick to suck on your exposed neck. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out and your hands automatically went to Ten’s hair and pulled when Doyoung hooked his fingers under your panties and dragged them down your legs. 
Completely nude in front of them, you could feel Kun’s jeans rubbing on your bare ass skin, his soft sweater making you want to fall deeper into his embrace. 
“Fuck, I might just cum right now,” Ten murmured, lightly caressing your legs.
You wondered what he was looking at but then in a moment your lips got parted by Kun's fingers and when he started to gently rub your wetness, everyone swore softly under their breath, and you knew.
You whined and arched your back into his touch, the thought of giving them all a show going to your head. And you got even dizzier when Kun turned your head around to shove his tongue inside your mouth just when you felt someone else's tongue lap at your core. 
The wet sounds were sinful and there were so many hands on your body that you squirmed, the heat of them collecting all inside the nub someone was mercilessly flicking. And when he groaned, breathing out on your pussy, you recognized his voice and tried to imagine just how hot Doyoung looked between your legs. 
"I want to see you," you murmured breathlessly against Kun's mouth. Ten clicked his tongue amused. 
"Don't think so."
"You need to cum first, baby. Is that alright?" Kun asked with a low raspy voice.
His hands kept roaming your breasts and his cock was so hard against your ass that you wanted him to bury it in you already.
A loud wet smack made it difficult for you to talk and Doyoung's soft laugh sent vibrations through your body. 
"Yeah. This is how I want you. Fucked so good it's difficult to talk." 
Your legs twitched as you felt his fingertips nudge at your entrance and when you felt one slowly pumping you, your own fingers gripped Kun's arms that were keeping up thighs apart.
"If you're like this with just one finger, what's going to happen with all of our cocks?" Ten wickedly whispered near your jaw and you realized he was kneeling on the couch near you. 
"Are you going to be a good girl and take Ten in your soft mouth, baby?" Kun's teeth grated at your earlobe and you gasped loudly, feeling Doyoung inserting his second finger, scissoring inside of you so deliciously to make you beg. 
"Close, please, so close-," you mumbled then moaned Doyoung's name as he sucked on your hard clit. 
Your sounds got all choked up as you felt Ten's fingers tapping at your lower lip. You opened your mouth wide, tongue out waiting for him. Kun's blunt nails dug into your ass at the view and Ten grunted, presumably fisting his cock before slowly pushing past your lips. You relaxed your jaw and lifted your palms to place on his stomach but Kun was quick to grab your wrists and block your movements. 
"We want you helpless, baby. No touching. Let Ten have fun with you as he pleases."
His voice was so teasing that your whined, face stuffed with Ten's cock, giving Doyoung even more drive to eat you all out. He knew you were close so he picked up the pace, for a moment the only sounds in the room - your wet pussy and choking sounds. The vibrations of your throat were driving Ten insane as he held your head with one hand and fucked your mouth. Kun's fingers flicking your nipples just added to it and you were completely gone, cumming on Doyoung's hot tongue in seconds, legs shaking and hands gripping the first thing you could find. 
"Fuck, you're so good," Ten's voice was becoming a whine as he let you go to breathe and come down your high. 
Doyoung's lips were peppering kisses on your thighs as Kun's praises lingered in your ears. 
"Now give us another one, babe," Doyoung hovered over you and kissed your lips, letting you have a taste of your arousal. 
You dragged the blindfold to your neck and squinted, the view keeping you dizzy. 
You turned your head to Ten and opened your mouth again, shifting off Kun's lap. Ten was quick to slide on your tongue, hand grabbing a fistful of your hair to anchor himself. You whined and felt Kun's hands grab your waist, letting him adjust your body on all fours to his liking. And when you heard his belt unbuckling, your whole body twitched again. 
"Shit," he let his palm drag between your wet lips, wetting his cock with his fist and pumping himself a few times. 
Ten was kind enough to slide out as Kun stretched you out because it felt so good that you gritted your teeth. 
"Good girl," Doyoung hummed, hand moving your hair out of your face. "Does that feel good?" 
"Yeah," you breathed out. "Want your cock too."
Doyoung inhaled sharply and took his phone out of the back pocket. Ten moaned curses and you looked up right in time to see the hot spurts before closing your eyes. You felt them on your face and you were quick to open your mouth as well. 
"Fuck, Y/N," Ten breathed out, collecting some with his fingers and shoving them in your mouth. You licked them thoroughly, jolting as Kun spanked your ass once as if requiring your attention. He didn't need that, because the way his heavy cock felt inside of you was the only thing roaming your head, and when Doyoung finally got close too, you realized what the phone was needed for. 
The buzz of the vibrator filled your ears and when he placed it on your nipples first you thought you were going to go insane. 
"Hm, our little fuck toy enjoys this quite a lot," Doyoung hummed, letting it slide down your stomach. 
"Do our little toy also want all of her pretty holes used?" Kun asked, his spit falling between your asscheeks under his thumb. He caressed you gently before giving it a trial press down. 
"Yeah yeah please," you breathed out, wiggling your ass against his stomach when he stopped fucking you. 
"Toy or cock princess?" Ten caressed your face with both hands, lips so close that you were dying to kiss him. 
"Hm," he smiled wickedly. "Doyoung, you heard the order."
Said man chuckled. "Yes ma'am."
Kun was quick to slide out and you whined at the sudden emptiness. The toy passed from Doyoung's hands to Ten's and for a moment you wondered what they would use that for now. 
"Ride me, love," Kun looked breathtaking leaning down on the couch. You turned around and straddled his lap, the build-up of your orgasm already gone and you were desperate to go back there. 
You closed your eyes as you sat on his cock again, sliding down slowly until meeting the base with your clit. Kun grabbed your waist and pulled you down on his chest, your nipples starting to rub on his sweater. You loved it but needed his naked body so you slid your palms underneath it to meet his hot skin. He lifted his arms up and threw it to the side, letting your breasts bounce on his face as you rolled your hips. 
A sudden movement made you turn your head behind you to where Doyoung placed himself. His palms soothed your spine and got to your face. You accepted his fingers into your mouth as Kun watched with open lips - just the view of his cock disappearing inside of you enough to make him go over the edge. As Doyoung's fingers gently nudged at your asshole, Kun gladly accepted your nipples in his mouth, hands squeezing the base of them. 
"Relax, baby. You're doing so well," Doyoung's low voice accompanied his fingering. 
"Fuck," you grabbed Kun's hands, the difference between their movements, gently and harsh, making you unable to think. And you almost forgot about Ten right where the buzz of the vibrator got closer to you. 
"Ah shit," Doyoung groaned through gritted teeth, his tip slowly going past your entrance. "I've always wanted to fuck your pretty ass."
You inhaled sharply at the sensation, Kun stopping with difficulty to give you time to adjust to Doyoung's girth and when you begged them to move again, they didn't hold back. 
It was intoxicating and so dirty that your head was spinning. They fucked you at different speeds on purpose and you were bouncing between their bodies like an actual fuck toy. 
"Such a good slut, taking two cocks at the same time," Ten commented, his hand already palming himself again. 
Kun let his head fall back and closed his eyes, his trembling hands on your waist telling you he was close. 
"Are you going to let Kun cum inside that little pussy of yours?" Doyoung leaned down, grabbing your jaw to tilt your head backwards.
"Yeah, yes, yes," you mumbled nonsense, so close to the edge yourself. 
Doyoung's hand slid to your neck and pressed a little, choking your loud moans.
It all got desperate in a matter of moments, Kun's rhythmic thrusts completely gone and Doyoung's quick snaps to keep you on edge, all until Kun groaned and went limp underneath you. His cum filled you all up as he thrust a few more times riding his high. 
"Not a single baby girl will remain unsatisfied," Ten announced, breath heavy thanks to the spectacle, the toy in his hands finally making sense when he placed it on your clit. Everyone groaned as you clenched on their cocks, Kun's half-hard one still inside of you. 
"Fuck, Ten-," he whimpered. 
"What is it, Kun? Can't take some overstimulation?" his friend teasingly retorted. 
"Cumming-cumming so close-," you fell on Kun's chest and he wrapped your body with his arms as it swung back and forth at Doyoung's movements. 
The latter was also close given his heavy breath and tight grip on your ass. 
"Are you going to cum with me, love?" he asked. "Can't do it alone, understood?" 
"Shit Doyoung-," 
"Understood?" he slapped your ass harshly and you mewled, nodding fast. 
"Keep that in," Ten whispered, adjusting the vibrator to hit the sweetest spot on purpose. 
Kun whined against your face, his cock already hard again inside of you but unable to move. 
"Three-," Doyoung's voice was rough. 
You whined, nails leaving red marks on Kun's shoulders. 
"I can't anymore!" 
Your legs started to shake uncontrollably as Doyoung's cock railed you just as intensly. 
"Cum for me princess," he finally ordered and you almost screamed, the orgasm washing over you so hard that you were afraid you'd blackout. Doyoung came just as hard, his cum filling your other hole to the rim. 
Ten gave you a break and took away the wet toy, his eyes blown out and panting lips. 
"You're so fucking gorgeous," he whispered. 
Kun's cock twitched inside of you and you let him go, sliding down on his body as Doyoung sat back on the couch, eyes trained on the way you were spilling with his seed. You let your legs drap over his thighs, resting on your stomach as you reached Kun's cock, eagerly taking it into your mouth. Your ass in the air on Doyoung's lap was too pretty to be left alone and Ten was quick to hand the other the toy. 
"Fuck, you're amazing," Kun grabbed your face, looking at the way you pursed your lips around him. 
You were a mess - pleasure tears poking at your eyes, saliva on your chin and cum sliding out of your holes. Doyoung was quick to push it inside again with the vibrator though, loving the way your ass jiggled in his hold under his light spanks. You cried out at the overstimulation then whined helplessly again as Ten spread your legs apart.
"Can you take me as well, love?" he pressed his tip on your raw clit and when you let out a positive moan he slid inside easily with a deep swear. He felt heavenly and his whiny void was by far the sexiest. 
Doyoung stood up to give Ten some room to play in and he got close to your stuffed face. You hummed around Kun's cock and your body shook as Ten gently placed the toy between your ass cheeks as he fucked your tight pussy.
You looked up at Doyoung with glossy eyes and letting Kun go for a moment you let your tongue out. 
Doyoung smiled wickedly and slid his cock inside your mouth.
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babydaddyleorio · 4 years ago
Skating at ‘S’
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context: How your boyfriend would teach/train you for your ‘S’ tournament.
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-Reki would teach you how to skate for S in the same sense that he taught Langa how to. He would demonstrate moves for you and then allow you to take the floor and try It yourself.
-Of course you end up falling and busting your ass quite often, but Reki will still cheer you on and encourage you to keep going from the sidelines.
-Reki will spend all night crafting a skateboard that he thinks would be comfortable for you to ride on. He designs It with things that he knows that you like and really puts his whole heart into making It as special as possible since It’s for you.
-During your training sessions, he would search up skating videos that he believes are really good and will pull you close so you can see them. The both of you stare at the screen with sparkles in your eyes as you see a person perform a cool trick and you would be so inspired that you’d have to give it a go yourself.
-Reki would also take you to an S race so you can see firsthand how the skating world operates. At first you think that It’s insane and you kind of regret getting yourself into this, but when you see Reki fly past you with his face focused and determined, your heart would start racing in excitement and for a split second you think that skating against someone wouldn’t be as bad as you thought.
-Reki can not wait to show you tricks that he’s been practicing over the years. He shows you how to Kickflip and Ollie, and the ginormous smile on his face as he’s teaching you let’s you see that skating is something he really loves.
-Everyday with Reki is something to look forward to and you appreciate how much he’s been preparing you. He waits for you at the park as he looks down at his phone, but the minute he sees you his whole body perks up. He’d give you a high five and the both of you would drop your skateboards, riding to the secret hideout with him reassuring you that you’ll do great in your race.
-Langa is a good skater, but his teaching could use a bit of work.
-Langa would recognize that he probably isn’t the best person to be assigned the role of a coach, so he would recommend Reki to help you, but you would insist that it’s him that teaches you.
-He’s super flattered that you want him to help you skate and would finally agree with a small smile now on his face.
-However, by the first day of practice you realize that Langa is absolutely terrible at explaining things. 
-Langa’s teaching methods tend to intersect with how he would snowboard. He will constantly slip up and use snowboarding lingo or skate as If he’s on top of snow, and he would have to remind himself to teach in a way that you would understand. 
-He would try to demonstrate a move for you once he sees that you’re still not getting it, but the board would end up sliding just as he steps on It, and he’d fall flat on his face.
-Yeah, you always have the first-aid on deck whenever you’re around Langa.
-But Langa insists that despite how bad he is at teaching, skating at S is the most exhilarating thing he’s done. He would tell you about how he’s won most of his races, and at first you would be a bit skeptical since he can barely stand on his board without hurting himself.
-It wouldn’t be until you saw him in action at S that you would finally see just how graceful and how much of a fast learner he truly is. You were inspired and you made a goal to be just like Langa when competing in your S race.
-You would then try to mimic his moves during practice one day and Langa would be so surprised to see you actually getting the hang of it. He would start clapping and shouting loudly for you to keep going because you honestly looked amazing.
-Once you finished your performance, you would stop right in front of Langa and the two of you dap each other with large smiles because you knew that you had this race in the bag.
-First, what were you thinking? And second, why ask him of all people?
-Cherry would at first decline teaching you because he honestly had better things to do, but he would eventually give in when you hit him with the puppy eyes.
-He has such a soft spot for you and it irritates him so much that you have him wrapped around your finger.
-Cherry would be a very strict and punctual teacher, one who will immediately point out your flaws and give you precise advice on how to fix them. This is S we’re talking about so there is no room for mistakes.
-You guys would be on a schedule, most likely training in the morning and the afternoons. 
-Cherry would be somewhere in the shade, sipping from his drink calmly as you’re literally screaming at the top of your lungs as you zoom down the hill on your skateboard.
-Cherry would peak over his sunglasses at your body that was now stuck in a bush, but once he saw your legs slightly twitch, he’d come to the conclusion that you were okay although you clearly weren’t.
-He would get you your own technology based skateboard and you would be blown away at all the cool stuff It can do as you ride It. With this, he also gives you a digital layout of the obstacle courses so you know what to expect when it’s time to compete.
-Cherry would definitely be surprised when he comes out to your usual spot early one morning just to see you already practicing. You would have your balance down, be able to dodge obstacles, and be able to control your speed.
-You looked like a full fledged pro to say the least. 
-Cherry would give you a half smirk as he stood and watched you, hiding It behind his fan. 
-He was beyond impressed and would be slightly convinced that you could actually have a shot at winning your match. 
-Joe is super chill when he’s teaching you how to skate for S.
-He will help you get on the board and hold on to your body as he slowly guides you, slyly releasing you from his embrace once he’s figured you got the hang of it.
-He would keep quiet when he’s watching you, but once he sees that you’re really struggling, he will eventually tell you what your problem is and offer some advice.
-Definitely the type to close his eyes with his hands behind his head, trying not to laugh as he hears the curses and shouts come from your mouth as you continuously fail.
-It reminds him of the time when he first entered a S match and how hard he worked himself to win.
-However, the minute you say that you want to give up, he would sit down next to you and give you words of encouragement. He’ll probably even show you a video that he sneakily took of you and would rave about how great your skills were improving, even If you couldn’t really see the difference.
-If you still needed motivation, he would lazily get up from his spot and show you how it's done. You would be blown away by how effortlessly he skates, as well as how he’s not afraid to take chances.
-You would also roll your eyes because that man is such a show off. His shirt just had to come off, huh? 
-You would eventually get the hang of It and Joe would notice almost instantly. He’s very proud of you and would mutter something under his breath like “I knew you could do It.”
-After you finish skating, he takes you to his restaurant and cooks you a big meal. He’ll be laughing loudly as he tells you how great you’ll do at S tomorrow, plopping some spaghetti in his mouth as he cheeses at you.
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sugar-petals · 4 years ago
:: random things about boyfriend yoongi
↳ ♡ NOTE I saw this format floating around the fandom and thought it was cool and sweet (just like our honey boy so here it goes) 😊  includes an sfw and nsfw bit, both can be read independently.
words. 3k
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First off, Yoongi is laid-back and casually sexy the way we know him. But he also has spikes of energy where he actually gets a little clingy. Any opportunity he will use to hold hands or jump around like a madman with his gummy smile because he got excited about something that you never could predict would make him so happy. He truly is an epiphany.
He’s your most eager personal chef but funnily enough a little unsettled by onions so you end up helping him. Yoongi hates to be crying in the kitchen because of some evil little vegetable but hey, perfect time and place to spend half an hour huddled together cooking or baking. And Yoongi is secretly longing for a cheesy scene, he finds it romantic when you wipe the tears from his face.
His way of speaking to you is a mix of mumbly Korean, high-pitched pouty cat speak, and old-school English slang phrases that he learned somewhere on social media or award shows back in 2018. Most of the time he takes things seriously but is up for some joking anyway. He is sure to giggle every now and then which is really adorable of him. Yoongi is also the person who gets every nuance of your humor and reacts to it.
After being single, you really have to get used to someone waddling around the house. Like— oh, he’s there! And it’s none other than him! Since Yoongi isn’t noisy when he concentrates on his laptop, it really stands out when he morphs from his unmovable rock-like being to a slow rolling stone headed towards the kitchen from time to time. You have to blink every time. And how could you not look up, he’s walking by with his cutest oversized sweaters and striped fluffy socks.
He cannot hide things that normal people would try to keep secret — because of their own discomfort, but he is good at blocking out things that serve your comfort. I’ll explain what I mean. If you have been keeping up with Yoongi postponing the reveal of his surgery until it was successful, you know what I mean. In short, Yoongi is pretty much an automatic filter for things that disturb you. Knowing the right time and place to inform you is the key. As is disregarding things that don’t concern you as a couple, unnecessary drama and opinions. He’s really good at that without ever trying to sugar-coat the important things because he remains a frank and honest soul.
Yoongi has an easier time giving random presents for simple occasions rather than making a big deal out of traditional festivities. So, big celebrations are often kept simple — unless the rest of BTS is there advocating their ‘a little party never killed nobody’ motto — while Yoongi focuses on getting you something attentive or useful every other day pretty much. He’s still a frugal type, you know him. It’s more about inexpensive things that catch his eye because he heard you likes this or that type of snack or want this or that sofa cushion. 
There’s always something new and surprising in the fridge and it’s hardly ever empty because Yoongs takes care of the groceries, really thinking it through. Just personal chef things. Being Yoongi’s partner must be the most destressing thing. He takes responsibility for the worldly things, the ironing clothes and the trash cans. He himself thinks that’s the easiest shit ever and is ready to put time into it (he sees the merit, it drives him) while thinking your side — the sheer act of being in love with him, being there for him — must be hard. Which it isn’t. 
Yoongi thinks emotions and relationships are tough and complicated while daily life runs smoothly at the snap of a finger. You think maintenance is a drudgery while love is not the maze your boyfriend assumes it is. Deep down Yoongi thinks he’s unlovable and a bad person, that’s why he believes he doesn’t have the burden but you have. That your affection then blazes past the barriers in Yoongi’s esteem is something that he finds incredible. It catches him off guard there, you burst the bubbles of the flaws he falsely imagines he has.
You bet your ARMY bomb you’re watching cat videos together.
Guess who’s the first person to hear all of Yoongi’s upcoming hit tracks? Even Namjoon gets the first sample ten minutes later. You gotta be really advanced at keeping secrets and avoiding accidental leaks with your phone or something.
Yoongi hesitates with the analogy because it’s a little funny and you’re evidently not a steaming liquid made of beans, but he claims you really are like his daily americano. Makes his every morning better. 
Now, in all seriousness. What means the most to him is that you take him how he is and are stable company. Yoongi is afraid of betrayal and stupid games so he has to be sure to have a safe bet going. I think that’s why he fancies marriage, it’s a sign of commitment and some degree of permanence to him. And yes, he is a bit jealous in nature since he’s easily invested in someone with a purity of feeling, almost in a naive way. Yoongi easily idolizes his partner and puts a lot of energy into a bond. He wants to protect that, take the risk, and he has watched for someone who radiates genuine trust and faith. He is sure to have found it in you without any illusions and he is right. Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty.
Playing the piano for dinner or date night is a must, he practices constantly to advance to a great standard. He secretly finds a lot of satisfaction in you cooing at his skills and melodies. Those ten bony fingers gliding over the keys with such a technicality and focus, and a passion that makes you hold your breath, it’s great to watch.
Did you see that one coming? He will compose and produce a designated mixtape only for you personally. Yes, with a little self-filmed, self-cut music video for the title track. 
Now those things never see the light of day, they’re all for you. But what about your couple life once it touches the social realm? As one might expect, Yoongi is very ‘eyes turn narrow’ with people who bring disharmony to your dynamic and the relationship in general. In fact, he is grumpy and disappointed, and should someone give him a reason, distinctly brutal. If someone even attempts to test you or plays manipulative games, Yoongi is relentlessly turning them from the inside out with his words that never miss the mark. They’re efficient. As I said, he hates playing annoying games, he’ll do any shortcut and be Yoongi.
I guarantee you can lean back and will never the fazed by stupid people and time wasters again. No need to lose face. Yoongi does the dirty work and is the best possible defender to have on your side. He handles that. Invasive opinions and useless phrases he will shove right up some trashtalker’s ass and leave. Let’s squarely say he is unafraid to be a armchair critic of your and his haters and doesn’t want any of that nuisance to disturb what you have together. He cuts very quick and makes sure not to get tangled up in trouble.
Yoongi will also debunk a whole bunch of weirdos on weverse asking about your private love while he’s at it. Prepare for some very entertaining snide remarks. Oh my god, so many entitled people will be pissed off. Many will also celebrate him for stepping up. What’s actually important to Yoongi is that nobody taints what is like a treasure to him.
It won’t be hard to overlook that Yoongi is very proud of you as well. He looks confident and revering when he hangs out with the group and you’re somewhere close by, even just doing something trivial.
He’s also pretty touchy, sometimes publically to demonstrate something, but mostly in the relative calm and safety of a hotel room. When the lights are out, all barriers crash, the utter romantic takes over. His favorite types of kisses besides those onto his hands are when you kiss his lashes. And yep. Yoongs is such a cozy little spoon. A very curled up one with cute shooky pajamas on most likely.
Talk about clothes. Believe it or not, Yoongi’s fashion goes through a significant change due to the relationship. He knows that you are touchy and thinks about what kinds of flannels are the biggest cuddle magnet, after all. And oh wonder, he will also show some level of skin when he accidentally hears your praises for his arms and legs and collar bones and glowy skin while talking to a close friend of yours. So, look forward to that in summer (he still dislikes the winter cold and wraps himself into scarves twice his size, mind you) though it’s still for your eyes only, he covers up when going out. Truth be told, he enjoys when you casually touch his skin. Especially the arms. Which hold up the firmament to you, and your world, too, and guard it.
BTS will know about how excited he is about you because he often boasts about for how long you’ve been living together by now. We all know this is Yoongi’s favorite way of bragging and it further shows that loyalty, dedication and longevity is the spice to his every meal.
Yoongi is probably going to quit the bottle because you naturally make him feel at ease and upbeat. In fact, he simply forgets about his wine. I don’t have to convince you that Yoongi will be very immersed in any interaction with you whether that be watching movies or discussing his latest tracks. 
Those discussions come with extra back massages for him because he spends a lot of hours in his chair. Especially around the neck, it’s no secret that this is in every cat’s top 3 favorite massaging areas. Yoongi is gonna make some really raspy, sleepy sounds and just melt in your hands. He’s gonna sleep like a baby afterwards every time. Sometimes, he says funny and cute things while he dozes. He looks very content.
Say goodbye to the 21st century adulting annoyances in your life because Yoongi has a grip on those without a word. Those six specific chores that always plague you take him only a dozen minutes and he is eager, the forms to fill out are already sent off, the list of people to e-mail is weeded through. The taxes are paid, the bank account is full, the meals are on the table, garnished to perfection. Roof over the head, and it’s a sturdy one, Yoongi bought a sound haven house to inhabit a lot of happiness for two. 
He’s probably the only person who doesn’t see it as a loss of dignity if you want to hold on tight to him during a dentist visit as a grown ass mf. Why all of this? Yoongi cannot not strive to feel needed in his actions. He wouldn’t like himself if he couldn’t contribute something reliable and useful. That you find things worthy of your time is priority. You complement each other, what you think is a waste of energy makes him work and strive and vice versa. That way, in the end all things are taken care of.
Giving is more important than taking in Yoongi’s world. He thinks of everything because he considers it an offense to have you in a pile of duties, that is, if you don’t like ‘em. It’s his form of dedicating his efforts and showing respect. He doesn’t need much in return. The things he expects if at all don’t feel like a duty: Much like he doesn’t consider doing those acts of services for you likewise.
Work horse he is, he needs something on his daily to-do plan. Which includes making you feel unbothered by the occasions of an incoming strict world when it’s getting to you. You’re supposed to do what you feel like doing just like him and not slave away at fifty deeds. That you torture yourself with daily life hassle is the thing he dislikes seeing the most. He enjoys doing these things so he’s happy to get going.
What’s not a daily life hassle: Holly is a big fan of yours. Instant friendship. Just wanted you to know.
He always knows how to preoccupy himself and finds something to improve. Getting on your nerves, and that’s no surprise, is the last thing Yoongi will ever do. In fact, you sometimes have to search for his napping spot because he got lost somewhere in the house. 
He either sleeps or works, his philosophy is simple. If you need him, he does appear seemingly out of nowhere. And, he spends as much time with you as you enjoy, not always prioritizing his producing unless it’s urgent or he’s on an inspiration streak. Which is great anyway, you can sit next to him listening. It’s the right balance of work and play.
Yoongi is not above blatantly showing off. Actually, he goes for an act of stunning pretty often. You know how cats parade around whatever they just caught. He wants to impress you with assets and accolades and appraisals, the boy can’t help it. That you only lightly nod at most of it with a little smile will confuse him but he will get the point later on. You wanna signal Yoongi that you anchor your love for him not in shifting numbers and chunky metal pieces. 
That you don’t confuse his signs of outward worth and fame with the core of the guy you find the sweetest in the world is very important to him. He will take some time to see through that because he’s used to being loved through status and its symbols by people close and afar. 
The way you throw yourself at him to give a big smooch in random situations — especially when he doesn’t feel great about himself— rather than only when he say gets a new car is sending him a message. Again, he has to grow into that. He will retreat at the beginning because he feels worthless of your affection on days where he doesn’t feel big and bold and successful. But since he sees you jumping on him because you need only his kind and squishy presence and see him as no different than usual because he’s always Yoongi underneath, your boyfriend will change his mind about it sooner or later. He learns that your presence makes him feel like a billion dollars yourself.
You don’t wallow in the regrets of other people missing the point of Yoongi and instead focus on always understanding him rather than enabling Yoongi into wrong directions. And there are many of those, his mental health can tell you a thing or two about it. He begins to get that you really know what you’re doing and are in it for the real him which makes him feel really loved far underneath all surfaces and images. You accept his fame and admire his work with music which is what he’s truly doing it for but also don’t forget that the most vulnerable Yoongi is the one that you’re there for and not a facade.
I know you’re curious. That Yoongi’s sexual style is more than just interesting goes without saying. To give you an idea. Anything steamy with Yoongi means him taking his time. You know, for making it quality. Yoongi wants to grow into the right balance of activity and staying relaxed. He is good at keeping cool and bringing some focus to the madness. He wants to figure out how to be more casual instead of tense and overly preoccupied which he’ll be at the start of the relationship. But the fast learner he is, his nervousness fades way faster than you think. 
Yoongi is extremely afraid that he can’t please you or starts to become awkward slash clueless so he darts to the opposite of the spectrum and overperforms, even plays a character. You have enough cool yourself to tell him what to do in the pace that works best. That he stays centered in his body is important for you to teach him. When he gets grounded and juggling his confidence is out of the equation, he fucks the best.
His favorite position besides giving oral — with you on your back — will be doggy style. Man, we gotta talk about that. Slow to upper moderate pace, nothing too all over the place. Yoongi moans very slowly, too, all drawn out. Get ready for a frequent session of some anal to unwind. You heard that right. First, Yoongi will get the two of you into the right rhythm with his hands at the sides of your waist, then, ride it out in slow mo with his right hand properly stimulating you from the front. 
By habit, he will add some lube here and there but not use insanely dripping amounts so everything gets messy or he can’t touch you without sliding off anymore. Just enough to slide well. Yoongi is so good at this I swear, it’ll be your favorite thing to relax. He has the restraint and technique to pull it off rather than pulling out, huh. Yoongi is gonna stay inside you for ages. It feels like he’s massaging every spot for some extra time. It’s amazing to slack off your muscles, cool off, and get many a gentle but fulfilling orgasm. 
He’s not gonna put you through the hassle of dealing with an anal creampie cleanup so he keeps it wrapped, and mostly focuses on your movements altogether while keeping his own climax smooth and more relieving rather than something that relentlessly knocks him out in one go. Yoongi is good at observing and doesn’t feel the need to chase a violent high which is why he is so great at sex. Fucking with Yoongi leaves a wholesome feeling and you never feel ashamed or guilty, or a sense of being dirty and ruined. 
He enjoys having sex to make you feel really good and works his hands on you very respectfully. His goal is to have you wet and pulsing after a long while of getting you there, and putting you to a good night’s sleep. He’d feel terrible if he left you sore or disturbed. He is really passionate, especially with his kisses or when you ask him to slide into very deeply, but Yoongi being brash and controlling is an image out of sight.
Besides giving you the number one heavenly assfucks, Yoongi also likes to work his tongue as we know, and he’ll work it all over. Few body parts of yours have not made contact with that glorious mouth and I say that in the best of ways. You can instruct him to do whatever, Yoongi obliges with radiant joy. And here again, he takes minutes upon minutes. Kissing and kissing and licking and maybe even teasing once or twice to make you smile. You know, a little signature wink. Honoring your skin and every shape is not something that Yoongi has to talk about, he will physically show it and I swear it’ll finally get into your head with every little move, Yoongi has totally surrendered his tongue to your body and worships it.
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letarasstuff · 4 years ago
Be yourself and that will be enough
(A/N): This is inspired by a) Atypical and b) by my sister who is so done with me and my facts.
Summary: Your Uncle Morgan tells you what true friends mean.
Wordcount: 1.3k
Warnings: One swear word, angst, but it’s gonna end fluffy
“Hey Wonder Baby, don’t you have school today?” Morgan wonders as he sees his best friend’s daughter sitting at his desk.
“I did, but my last period was cancelled. The teacher got the flu apparently. Also I need your help on one of the topics in my health class. Dad knows pretty much nothing about physical education except for the effects of it. But I need to create a whole work-out. Can you help me with this, Uncle Derek?” (Y/N) puts on her best puppy dog face.
“Of course, Wonder Baby. All those doors don’t kick themselves down, you need a lot of strength for it”, Morgan agrees and ruffles her hair.
“Hey!” After fixing her hair, the teenager works on getting her pen and paper out. For that she nearly has to dump her whole back pack out on her godfather’s desk.
“Why do you have so much stuff with you?” Derek snatches one of the knick knacks. Looking at what he has in his hands, (Y/N) seems like she remembers something.
“There it is! I thought I lost it! That’s a fidget cube, my friends got it for me, because I click my pens all the time and it makes them go crazy. I can play with that without making too much noise. Try it, it’s really calming.”
“And what are those?” He sees a little plastic bag with three cards inside. Before the girl can demonstrate he takes them out, reading the description on them out loud.
“Fun Fact/Stats card. You have to give one up, whenever you tell a fun fact/statistic. (Y/N) what is it?”
Ashamed she looks anywhere but his face. “Uh, you know how dad always goes around, pepping facts and useless knowledge in a conversation? I do the same and my friends are annoyed by this. To keep it at a minimum they made me these cards, which are pretty much self explanatory. I’m not allowed to tell more than three per day. Every time I tell them one, I have to give them a card. Maybe you can do the same for dad, it’s pretty effective.”
“Baby girl, this isn’t right. I know we make fun of your dad for his facts, but we do it in a loving way. We just mean to tease him, not hurt him. His facts helped us more often than not. You should be able to tell people your knowledge. You should be proud of it, not everybody does know as much as you do, especially at your age. When your friends are annoyed by something that is part of you and your personality, then they are not your real friends, as hard as this may sound.” This seems to break the dam. (Y/N) breaks down in tears.
Acting quickly, the agent pulls her in for a hug, trying to shush her. His heart hurts seeing his god daughter, a kid he watched growing up becoming a beautiful teenager, in tears hiccuping and struggling to get a proper breath in.
“You-you don’t know how d-difficult it is to find someone who is willing to put up with me. I have to t-take every chance I get of having a friend, even when it means to hold myself back with them. It is worse to be alone, Derek.” He didn’t know until now that words can hurt so much. But here he sits, with a crying girl in his arms, who just desperately tries to fit in.
“Sugar plum, nobody has to put up with anyone. A friend genuinely enjoys your presence, like you enjoy theirs. I don’t know how hard it is for you, but changing your good traits for somebody, who isn’t worth your time, hurts me. I love to hear your fun facts as much as I love you. It is what makes you you. It makes you different, a good different. Just because some people don’t know how to handle real smarts, you shouldn’t feel like a burden. It’s their loss, understood Baby?” While wiping the tears with her sleeve away, she nods.
“Good, now give me these cards, you won’t need them anymore. Either these people learn to love you for being you or they can piss off. You are wonderful just the way you are.”
After Morgan’s well needed pep talk, both of them start working on (Y/N)’s homework. They tease each other, sometimes poking the other ones side with a pen or jokes about something stupid. But also the laughs about little unimportant things are so much needed by the girl.
When Spencer enters the bullpen, the first thing he hears is his daughter’s loud laughing. For him it’s like Bethoven plays the most beautiful melody ever composed in history. A smile graces his features, because to the doctor it feels like an eternity when he last heard these sounds.
Then he spots (Y/N) with Derek, having a lightsaber fight with several into each other stacked pens. They look pretty fragile and it is clear to him that they will fall apart at any second.
“Hey you two, what are you doing here?” Reid asks as he puts his satchel down at his desk.
“Dad! I have to fight Uncle Derek! Else the dark side will win and rule over the universe”, the teenager explains in such a serious manner.
“Well, then I hope you are going to win, my little Skywalker” Spencer encourages her, breaking out the nickname he had for her when she was little.
After the fight has ended (with the good side restoring the universe’s balance), (Y/N) skips happily in her Aunt Penny’s office to get one of her baked goods. Or moreover eating a tin’s contents that is just reserved for her.
Wordlessly Morgan leans against Spencer’s desk, who finishes some paperwork. When he looks up questiongly, Derek throws the little plastic back on top of the papers.
“What is this?” The doctor wonders, but doesn’t get an answer. His friend just motiones to the object. Spencer opens it, takes a card and reads over it several times. Finally all the puzzle pieces in his head click together. (Y/N)’s absent enthusiasm for her and his facts, her bubbly personality missing and her getting shorter with her words every day.
Looking back up at his colleague, Reid thanks him with deep sincerity. Both of them know that the father will do anything to help his daughter.
Later the little family sits at the kitchen table in their small but cozy apartment, talking about their day over the together cooked dinner.
“Did you know that the command ‘Women and children first!’ were interpreted differently on the Titanic? On the one side the man in charge let at first women and children enter the lifeboats and men were allowed to fill in the remaining seats. On the other side were only women and children in them allowed, so over 200 seats were left open when they hit the water”, (Y/N) tells her father with a long missed sparkle in her eyes. Spencer can’t help but smile at it, just being happy to see his favorite girl happy again.
“Oh and Dad? I was thinking about switching schools. You once talked about this school for gifted children? Maybe we can look into this further? I feel like I need a change.”
Relief washes over Spencer. He wanted her for the longest of times to switch schools to have her use her full potential and meet kids who are more like her.
“Of course, Sweetheart. Anything you want.”
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