#that +6° above average daily temperature
muskoxen · 3 months
How to turn me into a monster in one easy step:
Make it hotter than 88° with higher than 80% humidity.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Georgina Rannard, Erwan Rivault, Jana Tauschinski
BBC climate reporter & data team
July 22, 2023
A series of climate records on temperature, ocean heat, and Antarctic sea ice have alarmed some scientists who say their speed and timing is unprecedented.
Dangerous heatwaves in Europe could break further records, the UN says.
It is hard to immediately link these events to climate change because weather - and oceans - are so complex.
Studies are under way, but scientists already fear some worst-case scenarios are unfolding.
"I'm not aware of a similar period when all parts of the climate system were in record-breaking or abnormal territory," Thomas Smith, an environmental geographer at London School of Economics, says.
"The Earth is in uncharted territory" now due to global warming from burning fossil fuels, as well as heat from the first El Niño - a warming natural weather system - since 2018, says Imperial College London climate science lecturer Dr Paulo Ceppi.
Here are four climate records broken so far this summer - the hottest day on record, the hottest June on record globally, extreme marine heatwaves, record-low Antarctic sea-ice - and what they tell us.
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The world experienced its hottest day ever recorded in July, breaking the global average temperature record set in 2016.
Average global temperature topped 17C for the first time, reaching 17.08C on 6 July, according to EU climate monitoring service Copernicus.
Ongoing emissions from burning fossil fuels like oil, coal, and gas are behind the planet's warming trend.
This is exactly what was forecast to happen in a world warmed by more greenhouse gases, says climate scientist Dr Friederike Otto, from Imperial College London.
"Humans are 100% behind the upward trend," she says.
"If I'm surprised by anything, it's that we're seeing the records broken in June, so earlier in the year. El Niño normally doesn't really have a global impact until five or six months into the phase," Dr Smith says.
El Niño is the world's most powerful naturally occurring climate fluctuation. It brings warmer water to the surface in the tropical Pacific, pushing warmer air into the atmosphere. It normally increases global air temperatures.
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The average global temperature in June this year was 1.47C above the typical June in the pre-industrial period. Humans started pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere when the Industrial Revolution started around 1800.
Asked if summer 2023 is what he would have forecasted a decade ago, Dr Smith says that climate models are good at predicting long-term trends but less good at forecasting the next 10 years.
Four ways climate change is affecting the weather
"Models from the 1990s pretty much put us where we are today. But to have an idea about what the next 10 years would look like exactly would be very difficult," he says.
"Things aren't going to cool down," he adds.
Extreme marine heatwaves
The average global ocean temperature has smashed records for May, June and July. It is approaching the highest sea surface temperature ever recorded, which was in 2016.
But it is extreme heat in the North Atlantic ocean that is particularly alarming scientists.
"We've never ever had a marine heatwave in this part of Atlantic. I had not expected this," says Daniela Schmidt, Prof of Earth Sciences at the University of Bristol.
Marine heatwave in the North Atlantic
Daily sea surface temperature April - July 2023, compared with 1985-1993 average
Press play to see the map animated. (Go to original article)
In June temperatures off the west coast of Ireland were between 4C and 5C above average, which the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration classified as a category 5 heatwave, or "beyond extreme".
Sudden heat increase in seas around UK and Ireland
Directly attributing this heatwave to climate change is complex, but that work is ongoing, Prof Schmidt says.
What is clear is that the world has warmed and the oceans have absorbed most of that heat from the atmosphere, she explains.
"Our models have natural variability in them, and there are still things appearing that we had not envisaged, or at least not yet," she adds.
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She emphasises the impact of this heat on marine ecosystems, which produce 50% of the world's oxygen.
"People tend to think about trees and grasses dying when we talk about heatwaves. The Atlantic is 5C warmer than it should be - that means organisms need 50% more food just to function as normal," she says.
Record low Antarctic sea-ice
The area covered by sea-ice in the Antarctic is at record lows for July. There is an area around 10 times the size of the UK missing, compared with the 1981-2010 average.
Alarm bells are ringing for scientists as they try to unpick the exact link to climate change.
A warming world could reduce levels of Antarctic sea-ice, but the current dramatic reduction could also be due to local weather conditions or ocean currents, explains Dr Caroline Holmes at the British Antarctic Survey.
She emphasises it is not just a record being broken - it is being smashed by a long way.
"This is nothing like anything we've seen before in July. It's 10% lower than the previous low, which is huge."
She calls it "another sign that we don't really understand the pace of change".
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Scientists believed that global warming would affect Antarctic sea-ice at some point, but until 2015 it bucked the global trend for other oceans, Dr Holmes says.
"You can say that we've fallen off a cliff, but we don't know what's at the bottom of the cliff here," she says.
"I think this has taken us by surprise in terms of the speed of which has happened. It's definitely not the best case scenario that we were looking at - it's closer to the worst case," she says.
We can certainly expect more and more of these records to break as the year goes on and we enter 2024, scientists say.
But it would be wrong to call what is happening a "climate collapse" or "runaway warming", cautions Dr Otto.
We are in a new era, but "we still have time to secure a liveable future for many", she explains.
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Svalbard Melts
The Svalbard archipelago’s ice caps suffered extreme episodes of melting in summer 2024, brought on by exceptionally high air temperatures.
Situated between mainland Norway and the North Pole, Svalbard is one of the fastest-warming places on the planet. Over half of its land area is covered with ice, composing about 6 percent of the planet’s glaciated area outside of Greenland and Antarctica.
In late July and early August 2024, temperatures hovered around 4 degrees Celsius (7 degrees Fahrenheit) above average for this part of the Arctic Circle. The heat took its toll on Svalbard, home to some of Earth’s northernmost glaciers, causing snow and ice to rapidly melt.
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The OLI (Operational Land Imager) on Landsat 8 captured these images of Nordaustlandet—the second largest island in the archipelago—on August 9 as water and sediment drained off the coast and into the Arctic Ocean. Sediment is likely causing the striking swirls of color in the water surrounding the island. The melting of seasonal snow and an older, compressed layer of snow called “firn,” left some areas of glacial ice (light blue) bare and exposed in the images.
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According to Xavier Fettweis, a climatologist at the University of Liège, Svalbard’s ice caps broke their all-time record for daily surface melt on July 23, 2024. Svalbard shed about 55 millimeters of water equivalent that day, a rate five times larger than normal.
The exceptional melting continued into August, corresponding with a persistent heat dome that baked parts of Scandinavia’s Arctic. In Longyearbyen, Svalbard’s capital on the main island of Spitsbergen, temperatures reached 20.2°C (68°F) on August 11, its highest August temperature on record and about 2.2°C (4°F) above the previous monthly record, according to meteorologist Daan van den Broek.
Svalbard experienced its warmest summer on record in 2023, according to the Copernicus State of the Climate report. The report cited several contributing factors for the warmth, including below-average sea ice cover and above-average sea surface temperatures.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Story by Emily Cassidy.
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adventuretrip1 · 10 days
Triund Trek Booking: Customize With an Early Booking!
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The Triund Trek, nestled in the Indian Himalayas, is renowned for its breathtaking views and transformative experience. The trek offers stunning vistas of the Dhauladhar mountain range and the Kangra Valley, providing a sense of serenity and connection with nature that’s hard to find elsewhere.
The Triund trek difficulty level is physically challenging, pushing your limits and enhancing your stamina. Mentally, it offers a respite from daily life, fostering introspection and clarity. The experience of reaching the summit, with its panoramic views and tranquil atmosphere, can be profoundly life-changing, instilling a deeper appreciation for nature and a renewed sense of self. The trek also fosters a sense of camaraderie with fellow trekkers and a greater understanding of the simplicity and beauty of life.
Overview of the Trek and Key Factors to Consider:
Starting Point: The trek is a popular McLeodGanj trek, a suburb of Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh.
Altitude: Triund is situated at an altitude of around 2,850 meters (9,350 feet) above sea level.
Difficulty: The trek is considered moderate in difficulty. The path involves a steady ascent with some steep sections, but it’s manageable for most people with average fitness levels.
Weather: Temperatures can vary significantly between day and night. It’s essential to be prepared for both warm days and cold nights, especially if camping.
Local Flora and Fauna: The region is rich in biodiversity, including various species of birds and small mammals, and offers beautiful flora, including rhododendron and oak trees.
Permits: No special permits are typically required for the trek, but it’s good to check local regulations or with trekking agencies during your Triund trek booking.
Best Time to Visit:
The Triund trek best time falls between Spring (March to June) and Autumn (September to November). During these times, the weather is pleasant, and the views are clear.
Winter (December to February) can be quite cold and snowy, while Monsoon (July to August) may be challenging due to rain and slippery paths.
The Triund Trek is celebrated for its natural beauty and accessibility, making it an excellent choice for both novice and experienced trekkers looking to experience the Himalayas.
Want to have a hassle-free trekking experience but wondering about stuff like “how long is Triund trek?” or “how do I get there?”
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Customisable Triund Trek Booking:
1. Start/ End Point of the Trek: Bhagsu Nag Taxi Stand
2. Duration: 2D/1N
3. Triund Trek Distance: 14 KM
4. Triund Trek Height 9,350 feet
5. ATM : The last ATM is in McLeod Ganj
6. Mobile Network: BSNL and Vodafone work best in those areas
7. Trekking Endurance: Easy To Moderate
8. Triund Trek’s Best Time: March until December
9. Age Limit: 5+ Years
10. Package:
Trekking with Camping: INR 999 per person
Certified Trek
High Quality Safety Equipment
Tent Stay with Bonfire & Music
Meals: Dinner and Breakfast
For further details on how to book your trek to Triund, call our toll-free number 8533812266.
Trekking to Triund is an unforgettable experience which offers a perfect blend of breathtaking landscapes, a serene escape from the everyday hustle, and the thrill of conquering a picturesque peak.
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aethernightmare · 12 days
The next time I record and stream I'm gonna run some temperature checks on my PC to get some benchmarks. (I really could use more screens for this, but they won't fit in here).
So far what's considered "bad" temperatures for this AIO coolant is supposedly around 60°C. So far just running Hoyo games by themselves for my daily grinds, with some YouTube and other tabs in the background, my temps have peaked at 34.20°C. Though it's also slightly cooler at night, I have a floor fan running nearby (unlike when I'm recording because it's very loud), and I'm not simultaneously running OBS at the moment either, so all of these are likely also factors.
If it turns out that gaming, recording, and streaming simultaneously runs my PC too hot, I may need to choose between tasks, or sadly, limit the amount of time I commit to each of them. So I would have to either only stream and download the VOD later, or only record offline. But we'll see.
For both recording and streaming too, it's worth noting that I offload some of the processing off to my GPU since I have an Nvidia card, as to not over-stress the CPU, so it can focus more on games. I also cap all of my games, recordings, and streams at 1080p/60fps, because I neither have the proper screens nor bandwidth to handle anything above that, as nice as it may be. My screens are 1080p and 720p respectively, so 4K is kind of pointless on my setup. And as is, uploads take forever on my rural internet, and so I'd rather not push beyond my current 4000kbps streams with 15,000kbps video uploads. Anything more than that, and a 2 hour video will easily take between 6-10 hours a piece to upload.
The only other process that could be problematic would be editing (which I also partially offload to the GPU), though I try to stick to a livestream format so that I don't have to edit very often anymore. I don't know what temperature that process runs at, though I know it can force the PC to run hot for at least an hour sometimes. For which it's not uncommon for me to temporarily take the top mesh off, turn a floor fan on full-blast to circulate the room, or even open a window if it's cooler outside just in case.
And that's the thing too. It's just sort of been a hot ass summer, and even with air conditioning, there's just not much I can do about it. As my room temperature averaged between 80-85°F (26-29°C) all summer. Since this bedroom gets shit for circulation based on the cramped room layouts, and it averaged between outside lows of 90°F and highs of 120°F (32-49°C) all summer this year. With 40-80% humidity too.
I tried not to run the PC too hard when it was was already so hot in here, but also I play a lot of live-service games that have deadlines for content. And thanks to OBS giving me 6 months of scuff last year, I'm super behind on a lot of projects, and having to rush through things to barely keep up some days.
And lastly, I could have just gotten a crappy AIO cooler that has already worn out its welcome. Apparently a lot of stuff made over pandemic, even by reputable brands, was several degrees crappier than usual. A streamer who I follow had her RTX 2080 GPU fan completely fall out last night as well (it's a similar sort of magnetized fan). So at least I'm not completely alone in this. The situation still sucks, and I'm not quite sure how to go about fixing it yet, as I've yet to pinpoint whether it's a fan or a lack of coolant in the AIO forming bubbles, but will see. Knowing I'm not the only one having issues still somehow reduces my anxiety a bit.
So far, this is what section of the AIO I'm having issues with, in case anybody has any ideas:
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(Keep in mind this image is technically also flipped, as my radiator is on my case ceiling, the fans are beneath it (which is currently the side facing us in this pic but I needed a decent example to scribble on), and my ports obviously run down to the pump below it, which is also obviously on my CPU. As is I also can't seem to pinpoint the exact location of the sound, which is why I'm having trouble figuring out if it's the fan or an air bubble trapped in the radiator. I can just tell it's approximately in this spot when it acts up, and causes that section of the PC to mildly vibrate.)
I also don't know of any tech repair workshops nearby either, so am looking into that as well. I'd like an experienced second opinion, and possibly where to go from here, but that's hard to come by when you don't know anyone nearby that fits the bill. So behind the scenes I'm also networking for (paid) help with potential repairs. We have a service we use for work, but I don't know if they'd be willing to do individual level repairs on non-business PC's, if any of the employees are willing (or allowed) to do private commissions, or if they can give me some other local recommendations. But I can at least try.
And of course if anybody has any suggestions as to what might be the issue, or tests I should run, feel free to leave me a comment either here or on Twitter, or deposit your thoughts in the Ask Box at the top of the blog.
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reroofingau · 1 month
How Long Does Reroofing Take and What Influences the Timeline?
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If you're considering a reroofing project, one of your burning questions is likely, "How long will this take?" It's a valid concern because a reroofing Adelaide endeavour can disrupt your daily routine. But fear not! Understanding the factors influencing the timeline can help manage expectations and plan accordingly.
Let's delve into the world of reroofing timelines and uncover what influences them.
Understanding the Process
Before we dissect the timeline, it's crucial to grasp the reroofing process. Reroofing involves removing the existing roof materials, inspecting the roof deck for damage, making necessary repairs, and then installing the new roofing materials. Each step demands time and precision to ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing result.
Factors Influencing the Timeline
Several factors play into how long your reroofing Adelaide project will take. Let's explore them one by one:
1. Roof Size and Complexity
The size and complexity of your roof are primary determinants of the reroofing timeline. A larger roof naturally requires more time to complete. Additionally, roofs with intricate designs, multiple slopes, or unique features may demand extra attention and time.
2. Weather Conditions
Mother Nature holds considerable sway over reroofing timelines. Rain, wind, extreme temperatures, and other adverse weather conditions can halt or delay the process. Roofing work often cannot proceed safely or effectively during inclement weather, leading to potential delays.
3. Material Availability
The availability of roofing materials can impact the timeline significantly. If the materials you've chosen are readily accessible, the project can progress smoothly. However, delays may occur if there are shortages or backorders, extending the reroofing timeline.
4. Contractor Schedule
The availability of your chosen roofing contractor also affects the timeline. If they have a busy schedule or are juggling multiple projects, your reroofing project may need to wait its turn. It's essential to communicate with your contractor to coordinate timelines effectively.
5. Roofing Material
The type of roofing material you select influences the reroofing timeline. Some materials, like asphalt shingles, are relatively quick to install, while others, such as clay tiles or metal roofing, may require more time due to their weight or installation complexity.
6. Necessary Repairs
Before installing new roofing materials, any underlying damage to the roof deck must be addressed. The extent of repairs needed can impact the reroofing timeline. Minor repairs may add minimal time, but significant structural issues could prolong the project.
Typical Timeline
While reroofing timelines vary based on the factors mentioned above, a rough estimate can provide guidance. On average, a standard reroofing Adelaide project for a typical-sized home may take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks to complete.
However, it's essential to consult with your contractor for a more accurate timeline based on your specific circumstances.
Tips for Minimising Delays
To help expedite your reroofing project and minimise delays, consider the following tips:
Plan Ahead: Schedule your reroofing project during a season with favourable weather conditions to reduce the risk of delays due to rain or extreme temperatures.
Choose Reliable Contractors: Select reputable roofing contractors with a track record of timely project completion.
Confirm Material Availability: Ensure that the roofing materials you've chosen are readily available to avoid delays caused by backorders or shortages.
Stay Flexible: Understand that unforeseen circumstances, such as unexpected repairs or weather disruptions, may arise. Maintain flexibility in your schedule to accommodate any necessary adjustments.
While the duration of a reroofing project can vary depending on several factors, understanding the influences on the timeline empowers homeowners to plan effectively.
By considering roof size, weather conditions, material availability, contractor schedules, necessary repairs, and roofing material, you can anticipate potential delays and take proactive steps to minimise them.
Remember, a well-executed reroofing Adelaide project not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your home but also ensures its long-term protection against the elements.
Source: https://horizonlineroofing.quora.com/How-Long-Does-Reroofing-Take-and-What-Influences-the-Timeline
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newstfionline · 2 months
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Stocks tumbled over fears of a U.S. economic slowdown (NYT) A wave of anxiety rippled through financial markets today, with stocks falling in the U.S. and around the world as investors zeroed in on signs of a slowing American economy. The S&P 500 fell 3 percent, its worst day since September 2022. The drop brings the index down 8.5 percent from its peak in July, but it’s still up 8.7 percent in 2024 overall. Investors were apparently spooked by a combination of factors last week. Today’s drop extended a sell-off that began after the U.S. jobs report on Friday showed significantly slower hiring, with unemployment at its highest level in nearly three years. The report also followed a Federal Reserve meeting in which officials decided to keep interest rates steady. That fueled fears that the Fed might have waited too long to cut rates, allowing a soft landing to turn into a more turbulent one.
Phoenix: Living with heat (NZZ) If you want to understand what heat does to people, you have to study it where it already dominates life. In Phoenix, Arizona, for example, in America’s Southwest. Nearly every day in July featured temperatures above 43 degrees Celsius (above 109 degrees Fahrenheit), with nights never dropping below 32 degrees. With an average daily temperature of 36 degrees, June was the hottest month on record. The rising nighttime temperatures could ensure that the summer record of 2023 with 55 extremely hot days is broken again this year. After sunset, concrete facades, roofs and asphalt roads continue to radiate stored heat for hours—so much so that people sweat outside until well after midnight. People who live in Phoenix only open the door at night to get some fresh air. If you want to meet people on the street in the city’s residential areas, you have to get up early. Joggers who want to run around the block more than twice set off at half past four at the latest, when it is coolest. Dogs are taken for a walk between five and six, and after sunrise it is rare to see a baby carriage on the street. A greenhorn who has gone outside without a water bottle is kindly but emphatically told by passersby how dangerous this is. You sweat almost constantly in this climate.
Tropical Storm Debby hits Florida with floods (AP) Tropical Storm Debby slammed Florida with torrential rain and high winds, contributing to at least four deaths as it turned menacingly toward the Eastern Seaboard’s low-lying regions and threatened to flood some of America’s most historic Southern cities. Record-setting rain was expected to cause flash flooding, with up to 30 inches (76 centimeters) possible in some areas, the National Hurricane Center said. The potential for high water threatened the historic cities of Savannah, Georgia, and Charleston, South Carolina. Up to 18 inches (46 centimeters) was forecast in central and north Florida. / Something else Hurricane Debby brought: (CNN) Twenty-five packages of cocaine weighing about 70 pounds washed ashore along on a beach in Islamorada, Florida, on Sunday, according to a social media post from US Customs and Border Patrol. According to the agency in Miami, a good samaritan discovered the drugs and alerted authorities. The cocaine has a street value of more than $1 million.
Prime Minister Condemns ‘Far-Right Thuggery’ as Riots Grip U.K. (NYT) Anti-immigration rioters attacked a hotel in the town of Rotherham in northern England on Sunday, breaking windows and appearing to set fires at a hotel that has housed asylum seekers, as riots continued in Britain. The police in cities across the country have braced for continued far-right and anti-immigration protests spurred by a deadly stabbing attack last week in the northern English town of Southport. Disinformation spread rapidly that erroneously claimed the suspect in the knife attack was an immigrant. On Saturday, dozens of people were arrested as demonstrations from Liverpool to Belfast descended into violence. Sunday saw a new wave of clashes, with groups gathering in Rotherham, Bolton, Hull, Southport, Middlesbrough and other towns and cities scattered across the country that devolved into varying degrees of violence.
Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina resigns and flees country as protesters storm palace (BBC) Bangladesh's Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has resigned and fled the country. Hasina, who was seen as increasingly authoritarian, was forced out by weeks of protests that led to deadly clashes with the security forces. She had led Bangladesh since 2009, and took a helicopter to India, according to BBC Bengali. Hasina's resignation comes as thousands of protesters have taken to the streets in the capital Dhaka—with thousands more set to follow, a day after clashes between police and protesters left at least 90 people dead. Demonstrators stormed Hasina's official residence in Dhaka, looting it and carrying away furniture.
Thai democracy (Washington Post) Pita Limjaroenrat is arguably Thailand’s most popular politician—but his career now hangs in the balance. The suave, charismatic figurehead of Thailand’s Move Forward party led his progressive, reformist faction to a stunning first-place victory in general elections in May 2023. But the political establishment in Bangkok, enmeshed in close to a decade of de facto military rule, had other ideas. Conservative forces moved against Pita and his allies, with the Senate, comprised of lawmakers handpicked by the regime, thwarting his coalition’s ability to form a ruling government. Eventually, the Pheu Thai party, one of Move Forward’s erstwhile allies, broke with Pita and joined hands with the same military that had thrown it out of power in 2014. Pita, cast into the opposition, has been subjected to a concerted campaign of lawfare targeting both him and his party. On Aug. 7, Thailand’s constitutional court is set to rule whether to dissolve Move Forward and effectively disqualify Pita himself from holding political office in the near future. The case is centered on Move Forward’s campaign pitch to reform Thailand’s draconian lèse-majesté laws that criminalize critical speech about the Thai monarchy; they are now being wielded by the state to potentially kneecap Pita and his party. The looming crisis spotlights how Thailand is a “competitive autocracy,” as Pita put it to me himself in an interview last week. “An election victory does not translate to governance here.”
Four years after the Beirut port blast, justice is still stalled (AP) Four years ago, Helen Ata got a call from someone she didn’t know telling her that a massive explosion at the Beirut port had caused her building to collapse. Her brothers were trapped under the rubble. One of them, Issam, survived, with a permanent disability in his right leg. Her twin brother Abdo, whom she calls her “other half,” died. The port blast anniversary Sunday comes as the region braces for retaliation after an Israeli strike killed a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut and an explosion in Tehran, widely blamed on Israel, killed top Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh. For many, the fears of a new escalation come as wounds of the port explosion four years ago remain raw. On Aug. 4, 2020, hundreds of tons of ammonium nitrate detonated in a Beirut Port warehouse. The gigantic blast tore through the Lebanese capital, killing at least 218 people, according to an AP count, wounded more than 6,000 others, and devastated large swaths of Beirut, causing billions of dollars in damages. The blast stunned the nation and a probe by a maverick investigative judge into the explosion shook the country’s ruling elite, rife with corruption and mismanagement. However, years of obstructions by top officials to dodge accountability and stall the probe have hampered hopes for justice.
International airlines have suspended flights to Israel (NYT) Israel went into a new workweek in a state of deep uncertainty on Sunday, with the potential for attacks by Iran and the militant groups it supports already causing disruptions for many. A number of international airlines have suspended flights to and from Israel pending expected retaliation against the country by Iran and its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah. That has left tens of thousands of Israelis unable to come home, according to an Israeli official who asked not to be named because he was not authorized to discuss the matter. Delta, United, the Lufthansa group and Aegean Airlines were among those that suspended services to Israel. Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is asking citizens traveling abroad to fill out an online survey to help the government map where they are and try to organize solutions, including alternative commercial flights. Most are believed to be stuck in Europe and the United States.
Israeli Reservists Confront Toll of Protracted War (WSJ) Aday after Hamas attacked Israel and sparked war on Oct. 7, Adi Hazan drove to a rally point in southern Israel and began what he thought would be one or two months of emergency military-reserve service. Nearly 10 months later, the machine-gunner is still deployed—and the rest of his life is in shambles. His construction business is failing, he is sinking into debt, and his family relies on handouts from friends and charities. And he doesn’t see an end in sight. A small nation with fewer than 10 million people, Israel relies heavily on reservists such as Hazan to keep its military functioning in times of crisis. But now, with the war in Gaza heading into its 11th month, and long-running exchanges of fire with regional militias such as Hezbollah heating up, many of those fighters are close to a breaking point. Exhausted and in some cases demoralized, they are struggling to balance family and work with military service, while the economic toll from their absences mounts. The strain on military manpower is one reason Israeli officials are hesitant to launch an all-out war against Hezbollah, which would require the same cohort of weary reservists to fight against a military power far superior to Hamas.
Israeli Strike on Gaza Shelter Kills at Least 30 and Injures Dozens (NYT) An Israeli airstrike on a school functioning as a shelter in Gaza City killed at least 30 people and injured dozens more on Sunday, according to the Palestinian emergency response agency in Gaza and Palestinian news outlets. It was the third attack on a school in the last four days. Most of the victims were women and children, said Mahmoud Basal, a spokesman for the Palestinian Civil Defense. He said that an F-16 fighter jet hit a school called Hassan Salame, where at least 14 people were still buried under the rubble. Shrapnel and debris also hit a neighboring school known as Nasser, he said. The death toll was initially 25, but rose to 30. The Israeli military said it had targeted “terrorists” in “Hamas command and control centers” located at the Hassan Salame and Nasser schools. It said it had taken “numerous steps to mitigate the risk of harming civilians” before the strike, including using precision munitions, surveillance and intelligence, though it did not specify how it had done so.
Nigerian protests fizzle out amid deadly police crackdown (Reuters) Protests against a soaring cost of living in Nigeria ebbed on Monday as few people turned out in major cities after security forces used lethal force to quell demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands had taken to the streets in cities including the capital Abuja and the commercial hub Lagos demanding relief from economic hardship and widespread insecurity in protests which started last Thursday and were meant to continue until Aug. 10. Amnesty International said at least 13 people have been killed in clashes with the police since Thursday. Police have put the death toll at seven, blaming some on accidents and an explosive device. A firm police response and a call for a protest pause by President Bola Tinubu have dampened the demonstrations.
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blogbridgekethy · 5 months
Snow Total Tales from Allentown PA to Livingston NJ
The corridor from Allentown, PA, to Livingston, NJ, embodies a unique tapestry of winter experiences. Spanning two states and several climate zones, this stretch witnesses and assorted display of snowfall patterns, making each snow season both challenging and charming. This blog post explores the snow total tales, capturing the essence of winter from Allentown, PA, to Livingston, NJ. We'll look back at historical snowstorms, share residents' narratives, peek into future predictions, and share some tips on weathering the snow. So, buckle up and get ready for a snowy journey!
The Allentown to Livingston snow corridor has seen its fair share of notable winter storms. One such historic blizzard hit in 1996, now known as the "Blizzard of '96." This two-day storm dumped more than 2 feet of snow on both towns, causing widespread chaos and disruption. Many residents recall being snowed in for days, with roads completely impassable and power outages lasting for weeks.
A Historical Overview of Snowy Seasons
The history of snowfall in this region is as rich as it is varied. From blizzards that have blanketed cities in feet of snow to lighter dustings that merely add a wintry gloss, the Snow total Allentown, PA, and Livingston, NJ, has kept residents on their toes. Significant snowstorms, like the blizzard of 1978 and the more recent storms of the 2010s, have not only tested the resilience of the communities but have also entered the annals of regional folklore. Records show varied snow totals across years, making it clear that when it comes to winter, flexibility and preparedness are key.
In Snow total Allentown PA, snowfall can range from an enchanting 6 inches to a daunting 24 inches from one storm. Meanwhile, Livingston, NJ, despite its proximity to the coast, has seen similar extremes, thanks to nor'easters that can drive heavy snow inland. The region has also seen an increase in snowfall over the years, with some winters recording above-average totals.
Tales from the Community
Residents from both towns have colorful stories of winter weather. From families coming together to shovel out driveways and sidewalks to impromptu snowball fights with neighbors, these tales highlight the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with wintertime. Many residents also reminisce about braving the elements to get to work, school, or simply for a cup of hot cocoa.
But it's not all fun and games when it comes to snowfall. For some, the heavy snow can bring challenges such as power outages, icy roads, and damage to property. Not to mention the dreaded task of shoveling out a car buried under several inches of snow. However, these challenges have also brought stories of resilience and determination, with many residents banding together to help each other during tough times.
The Beauty and Challenges of Snowfall
Behind the statistics are the stories of people for whom these snow totals are a reality of winter life. Residents of Allentown recount shoveling driveways at dawn to ensure the day's commute, while those in Livingston speak of the transformed Harvard Square, where the historic buildings and cobbled streets wear the snow with an almost magical allure.
Yet, these winter wonderlands come with their challenges. Commuters across the region share tales of delayed trains and traffic snarls, reminders of the snow's impact on daily routines. However, these shared struggles also bring communities together, with neighbors helping neighbor’s clear snow and local businesses offering warm respite from the cold.
Weather Predictions and Trends
Meteorological experts keep a keen eye on trends to forecast future winters. Climate change, they note, plays a significant role in altering snowfall patterns. Warmer temperatures can lead to wetter, heavier snow, which poses its own set of challenges for snow removal and structural safety.
Predictions for the upcoming winter season suggest a mix of mild and severe periods, with significant snowfall events punctuating the colder months. While it's impossible to predict exact snow totals for Allentown, PA, or Snow total Livingston NJ, residents can anticipate a typical Northeastern winter with all its variability. So, while it's essential to be prepared for the worst, it's also valuable to find joy in the beauty of a snow-covered landscape.
As we move into the future, experts predict that the Allentown to Livingston snow corridor will continue to experience varying degrees of snowfall. With climate change and its impact on weather patterns, it's likely that the region may see more extreme snowstorms and higher snow totals in the coming years. However, the communities are already taking steps to mitigate these effects, such as investing in better snow removal equipment and implementing climate-friendly measures.
The Future of Snowfall in the Region
As with any aspect of weather, predicting snow totals is an imperfect science. However, experts suggest that these two towns may expect a slightly colder and snowier future. Climate change may bring more intense winter storms to the region, meaning residents will need to continue to adapt and prepare for all possibilities.
But regardless of what lies ahead, the snow total tales from Allentown, PA, to Livingston, NJ, will continue to be a part of the fabric that makes these towns special. From the highs of winter activities and cozy gatherings with loved ones to the lows of challenging weather conditions, snowfall brings a unique charm and resilience to this corridor. So next time you see those first few flurries or hear the forecast of a potential blizzard, remember to look beyond the numbers and appreciate all the stories and experiences that come with it.
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Lechianus Gecko
Their enclosure needs more height then floor space
Adults should like in a 40 gallon or 18 x 18 x 24 inch minimum enclosure, but bigger is better
Better to start hatchlings in smaller enclosures like a 20 gallon, then upgrade them in time
They need hides and enrichment in their enclosure, especially ones that mimic trees. Cork bark, thick branches, small boxes, paper towel rolls (replace lots though since humidity) bamboo, live and artificial plants (need to support gecko)
You should also provide at least one hide on the ground such as a small cave or potted plant
They should be housed alone
UVB is not needed, but a day and night cycle is
They need an average temperature of about 78-82 degrees F. Heat can be provided by a heat lamp or a heating mat on the side of a tank. Don’t go to temperatures above 85 and it can drop to lower 70s at night.
Misting the enclosure twice a day is needed since they drink from droplets off the wall
They need a humidity around 60-70%
A clean water dish must be present at all times and should be replaced whenever dirty/every 2 days
Substrate can be coconut fiber, high-grade mulch, peat moss mixed with potting soil, or paper towels
Keep their food dish up high instead on the ground
Spot clean daily and deep clean once a month
Diet/feeding habits:
Most times they eat a smoothie-like diet that is made from powder or supplements that are similar to crested gecko diets. You can use crested gecko diets and mix with water just the same
They can also have live insects as an additional food source such as crickets, dubia roaches, etc.
Insects can be fed 2-3 times a week, but insects aren’t needed. They do provide extra protein though for growing geckos
Every meal needs to be dusted with calcium powder and vitamins
They can also eat fruits, but keep those as a treat
Adults eat about 4 times a week on average, but food should be available at all times for hatchlings and adults
They tend to let their food sit for a while before eating it
Pinky mice can be fed to adults every once in a while
Age identification:
15-20 years average lifespan
They reach maturity about 2 years old and become more calm at 6 months
Physical traits:
Total adult length is about 12-14 inches from head to tail, but sometimes can grow to 17 inches in length
They have small hairs on their toes that help them stick to surfaces
Hardy animals and some of the larger gecko species
They drink dew droplets along with from a possible water dish
They have chunky bodies and stumpy tails
Most times they have fully silver eyes with pupils similar to cat’s eyes
Most times their skin is olive green with white spots and yellow speckles, but morphs exist
They need more humidity when they shed and juveniles shed more. They may eat their shed as well
They can “let go” of their tails and regenerate them
It is hard to sex them because they look very similar once adults
No details of breeding, but females lay about 2-4 eggs per clutch
Arboreal and love to climb
They get bursts of energy and like to leap sometimes
Not social animals and quite territorial
They like to “yip” or squeak to communicate
They growl when frightened
Females tend to be more aggressive than males when interacting with their species
Health concerns:
Prone to bacterial infections so make sure not too keep their homes damp, only humid
MBD is caused by lack of calcium and proper care
Baggy skin and not eating are signs of being underweight or dehydrated
They tolerate handling well and get better if they are handled when they are young
Start with small handling sessions, then you can increase with time
For babies, it may help to use a ‘treadmill’ style of handling to help them calm down. You have them on one hand, then put your other in front to let them crawl onto. Keep doing this until they calm down
They are leapers sometimes and get bursts of energy, so hold them close to a soft surface in case they hop
Give them at least a week and ensure they are eating before handling
Get them by scooping up from their tummies and gently grasping the back of their necks
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nbmsports · 1 year
Record-breaking heat, flooding, wildfires and monsoons are slamming the world. It's only just begun.
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Boiling heat and raging floods have taken the world by storm this week, plummeting millions of people across the world into dangerous and deadly conditions. But it's not a temporary trip of bad luck – it is becoming the new norm. The heat waves causing record temperatures, storms dumping record rain on cities and wildfires raging across thousands of acres of land are all the impact of an undeniable source: climate change. Just last week, preliminary data showed that the world had its hottest week on record, following the hottest June on record. El Niño is believed to have spawned the latest events as it comes at the onset of warmer sea surface temperatures, but experts have warned that the current situation won't suddenly vanish when El Niño departs.  "We are in uncharted territory and we can expect more records to fall as El Niño develops further and these impacts will extend into 2024," said Christopher Hewitt, head of international climate services for the World Meteorological Organization. "This is worrying news for the planet."In a news release Thursday, the WMO highlighted issues that included heat waves causing sweltering conditions in areas around the U.S. to North Africa. "The extreme weather – an increasingly frequent occurrence in our warming climate – is having a major impact on human health, ecosystems, economies, agriculture, energy and water supplies," WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said in the news release. "This underlines the increasing urgency of cutting greenhouse gas emissions as quickly and as deeply as possible."Here's what the world has faced in recent days.
Dangerous heat waves across the world
Heataves are one of the deadliest hazards to emerge in extreme weather, and they're occurring on a global scale.The Southwest U.S. has been battling extreme heat for days, and as of Friday, the National Weather Service predicts that the "dangerous heat wave" will continue. At least 93 million people in the U.S. are under excessive heat warnings and advisories Friday morning as the intense heat continues its stretch from the West Coast to the Gulf Coast, the agency said.  The Southwest will see high temperatures surpassing 120 degrees Fahrenheit in some parts, while Texas and Louisiana could see temperatures up to 115 degrees Fahrenheit, the agency said. And Death Valley, which holds the world record for the highest air temperature ever measured, is expected to see temperatures near that temperature. The record occurred on July 10, 1913, hitting 134 degrees Fahrenheit. This weekend, it could hit just shy of that at 130 degrees Fahrenheit, The Weather Channel's Stephanie Abrams said on Friday, seeing a low of just around 100 degrees. "This type of heat is going to continue through at least next week," the meteorologist said. "Preliminary daily data shows that we passed the hottest average global temperature on July 3 and have been above that value every day since, setting a new record on July 6."Flagstaff, Arizona, is also nearing a record-high, with the NWS expecting it to hit 95 degrees on Sunday – just 2 degrees less than its all-time record hit in 1973. But the extreme heat isn't constrained to the U.S. – Europe has been facing its own battle. Records were broken in France, Switzerland, Germany and Spain, the European Union's earth observation service, Copernicus, said earlier this week. On Tuesday, satellite imagery determined that some areas of Spain saw land surface temperatures, which measure the temperature of soil, exceeding 60 degrees Celsius – 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Extreme land surface temperatures were seen in Spain earlier this week, in some places surpassing 60 degrees Celsius.  European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-3 imagery Spain's State Meteorological Agency shared on Friday that parts of the country could reach 42 degrees Celsius (more than 107 degrees Fahrenheit). On Thursday, it was even warmer, reaching 44.9 degrees Celsius in The Village of San Nicolás. And it's not over. Over the next two weeks, the WMO said above-normal temperatures are expected across the Mediterranean, with weekly temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius higher than the long-term average. 
Canada's wildfires continue their record season
Only seven months into 2023, Canada has already been faced with more than 4,000 wildfires that have burned up 9.6 million hectares of land, more than 37,000 square miles. As of Thursday, the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre reported 906 active fires across the nation, more than half of which are considered "out of control." On July 6, the Canadian government said this season "has already been Canada's most severe on record."  An aerial view of wildfire of Tatkin Lake in British Columbia, Canada on July 10, 2023. BC Wildfire Service/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images "Current projections indicate that this may continue to be a significantly challenging summer for wildfires in parts of the country," officials said, as projections continue to show "higher-than-normal fire activity" is possible for most of the country. Warm temperatures and ongoing drought are to blame, they said.
Deadly, record-breaking monsoon
India has been inundated with a Southwest monsoon that covered the entire country on July 2, India's Meteorological Department said. Last week, the capital of the country, New Delhi, was hit with the highest-single day of rain in 40 years, getting half a foot of rain in a single day. The flash floods and landslides caused by the rain have killed dozens across the country.Water from the capital city's Yamuna River spilled over its river banks this week as its water level hit a 45-year high on Thursday at 684 feet. The previous record of 681 feet was hit in 1978. The record rain and water prompted officials to urge the 30 million people who live there to stay inside. On Friday, flash flood threats of varying degrees continued throughout many areas in the country.  A man floats on thermacol through a flooded street after Yamuna River overflowed due to monsoon rains in New Delhi on July 14, 2023.  ARUN SANKAR/AFP via Getty Images
Record heat in the world's oceans
Copernicus said Friday that it's not just land and air experiencing extreme heat, but the oceans as well. The service found that the northern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea have both seen record temperatures in recent months.  Citing research institute Mercator Ocean and its own observations, the service said the western Mediterranean is seeing a "moderate" sea heatwave that "appears to be intensifying." "The Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly along the coasts of Southern Spain and North Africa was approximately +5°C above the reference value for the period, indicative of the escalating heatwave conditions," Copernicus said Friday. Data shows that the Atlantic and Mediterranean oceans are experiencing record-breaking temperatures. European Union, Copernicus Marine Service Data The data comes just a few months after researchers found that the oceans have been warming so rapidly, that it's an amount equal to the energy of five atomic bombs detonating underwater "every second for 24 hours a day for the entire year." It also comes just days after climate experts issued another warning that ocean temperatures have hit unprecedented levels that are "much higher than anything the models predicted." By September, NOAA believes that half of the world's oceans could be experiencing heat wave conditions. Normally, only about 10% of oceans experience such conditions, experts said. 
The future of extremes is now the present
The future of extreme weather that has the potential to devastate billions of people is no longer a far-off possibility. It's happening here and now. A wide range of experts – from global agencies to national organizations and individual climate experts – have been warning for decades of the impact that warming global temperatures could have on the state of the planet. As temperatures continue to rise across the world – mostly from the burning of fossil fuels – extreme weather will only intensify. The impact of such extremes is hard to miss.  Major cities like Chicago are seeing ground temperatures so warm due to the rising air temperatures that it's causing buildings to sink as underground materials shift. The heat also poses deadly consequences, with officials worldwide warning people to avoid extended periods of exposure. Extreme storms that swept through the Northeast last weekend have left cities totally isolated from floodwaters and businesses and homes completely destroyed. The smoke from Canada's wildfires has had harsh ramifications for air quality across the U.S., even going as far as Europe."It's getting worse and worse," Hannah Cloke, a climate scientist and professor at Reading University, told Reuters, saying that the way to prevent extreme weather from getting even worse is by drastically – and quickly – reducing greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases, primarily emitted from the burning of fossil fuels, work to trap heat within the atmosphere, amplifying global temperatures.But it's important to realize, she added, that doing so will only prevent the absolute worst outcomes. "We must realize we are locked into some of these changes now and we will continue to see records broken," she said.  Protecting the Planet: Climate Change News & Features More More Li Cohen Li Cohen is a social media producer and trending content writer for CBS News. Source link Read the full article
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rewirelessify · 1 year
The battery life of in-ear TWS speakers
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The sound quality of earbuds is a crucial factor in listening experience. With the rise of in-ear True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds, the most common problem everyone faces is about the battery life. The lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries varies depending on usage, brand, and model, but most last between 2-5 years with daily usage. To extend their lifespan, avoid overcharging or deep discharging, keep them away from extreme temperatures, and use them regularly.  If the battery life significantly decreases or doesn't hold a charge as long, it may be time to replace them, and recycling programs are available for proper disposal. In this article, I will share my personal experiences with the battery life of in-ear TWS speakers and discuss the factors that affect it.
Factors Affecting Battery Life
I love to enjoy music and I’m using in-ear TWS speaker for a long time now. In these many years I have learned that there are several factors that can affect the battery life of in-ear TWS speakers. Understanding these factors helped  me to make decisions when choosing a device and helped me to maximize its battery life. Battery Capacity  The battery capacity is the most significant factor that affects the battery life of in-ear TWS speakers. A larger battery capacity generally means a longer battery life. However, a larger battery also means a heavier and bulkier device. It is essential to find a balance between battery life and portability. Usage Patterns  The usage patterns of the device also affect battery life. Continuous use at high volumes will drain the battery faster than intermittent use at lower volumes. Similarly, using the device for phone calls, voice commands, or other features that require additional power will reduce the battery life. Charging Speed and Method  The charging speed and method also play a role in battery life. Some in-ear TWS speakers come with fast charging capabilities, allowing you to charge the device quickly in case of an emergency.  However, fast charging may also reduce the lifespan of the battery. It is best to use the charging method and speed recommended by the manufacturer to prolong the battery's life. Environmental Factors  Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and altitude can also affect battery life. High temperatures and humidity can cause the battery to degrade faster, reducing its lifespan. Similarly, using the device at high altitudes can also affect the battery life. Audio Quality Settings  The audio quality settings of the device can also impact battery life. High-quality audio settings such as high bass and volume require more power and drain the battery faster. Adjusting the audio quality settings to a lower level can help extend the battery life. Bluetooth Connectivity  Bluetooth connectivity is another factor that affects battery life. A stable connection requires more power than a weaker connection. It is essential to maintain a stable connection to prolong the battery life.
Real-Life Battery Life Expectations
In my experience, the battery life of in-ear TWS speakers varies significantly depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, I have found that the battery life ranges from 3 to 6 hours. However, some high-end devices can offer up to 8 to 10 hours of battery life. In my experience, the battery life of the device is heavily influenced by usage patterns. For example, when I use the device continuously at high volumes, I have noticed a significant reduction in battery life. Similarly, when using the device for phone calls, the battery life decreases faster.
Maximizing Battery Life
To maximize the battery life of in-ear TWS speakers, there are several tips and tricks that I have found useful. Use Power-Saving Features  Most devices come with power-saving features such as auto-off or standby mode. Enabling these features can help extend the battery life of the device. Adjust Audio Quality Settings  Adjusting the audio quality settings can also help extend the battery life. Lowering the bass and volume can help reduce the power consumption of the device. Proper Charging Techniques  Using the proper charging techniques can also help extend the battery life. It is essential to use the charging method and speed recommended by the manufacturer. Overcharging or undercharging the device can damage the battery and reduce its lifespan. Turn Off Bluetooth When Not In Use  Turning off Bluetooth when not in use can also help extend the battery life. Bluetooth connectivity requires power, and disabling it when not in use can help save battery life. Store the Device in a Cool, Dry Place  Storing the device in a cool, dry place can also help prolong its battery life. High temperatures and humidity can cause the battery to degrade faster, reducing its lifespan.
Battery Life and User Experience
In my experience, battery life can significantly impact the user experience of in-ear TWS speakers. Running out of battery in the middle of a workout or during a long commute can be frustrating and inconvenient.  It is essential to consider the battery life when purchasing in-ear TWS speakers to ensure that they meet your needs. When reading reviews and feedback from other users, I always pay close attention to comments about battery life. It is important to consider real-life usage patterns when evaluating the battery life of the device.
Frequently asked questions about the lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries
Here are some frequently asked questions about the lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries: What is the average lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries? The average lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries varies depending on the brand, model, and usage. However, most in-ear TWS speaker batteries last between 2-5 years, with daily usage. What factors affect the lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries?  Several factors can affect the lifespan of in-ear TWS speaker batteries, including the frequency of use, charging habits, environmental conditions, and the quality of the battery itself. How can I extend the lifespan of my in-ear TWS speaker batteries?  To extend the lifespan of your in-ear TWS speaker batteries, you can try to avoid overcharging or deep discharging them, keep them away from extreme temperatures, and use them regularly to prevent the battery from losing capacity. Can I replace the batteries in my in-ear TWS speakers?  It depends on the brand and model of your in-ear TWS speakers. Some models have replaceable batteries, while others have batteries that are permanently built into the device. Check the manufacturer's website or manual to see if the battery is replaceable. How do I know when it's time to replace the batteries in my in-ear TWS speakers?  If you notice that the battery life is significantly shorter than it used to be, or if the battery doesn't hold a charge for as long as it used to, it may be time to replace the batteries. Some models may also have a battery health indicator that can give you an idea of the battery's condition. Can I recycle the batteries in my in-ear TWS speakers? Yes, you can recycle the batteries in your in-ear TWS speakers. Look for recycling programs in your area or contact the manufacturer for information on how to properly dispose of the batteries.
In my personal experience, I have come to realize the importance of battery life when it comes to in-ear TWS speakers. Being a music enthusiast, I value uninterrupted and prolonged listening experiences.  The battery life of the device plays a significant role in ensuring that I can enjoy my music without worrying about the device running out of juice. Understanding the factors that affect battery life, and implementing the tips and tricks mentioned in this article can help maximize the battery life of your device. By doing so, you can ensure that your in-ear TWS speakers meet your needs and offer a seamless listening experience. When making a purchase, be sure to consider the battery life of the device and read reviews and feedback from other users to get a better understanding of real-life usage patterns. By doing so, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect in-ear TWS speakers that meet your needs and provide you with the best possible listening experience. I hope you all liked the article. For more articles please follow: Rewirelessify Read the full article
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Kalin’s Call: Oct. 2022 mostly warm and dry; Orionid meteor shower peaks
The mid-week cold front likely brought some needed rain to parts of the Maritimes. The system dropped a general 20 to 40 mm, with a few areas reporting totals in excess of 40 and even 50 mm of rain. The locations reporting the highest totals were mostly in the west of New Brunswick and the southwest of Nova Scotia.
Despite the round of wet weather this week, much of the region remain below average precipitation amounts for the month of October. Yarmouth, N.S., has seen near the sites’ monthly average and Fredericton, N.B., is getting close. Most other areas are sitting about half or less.
Think this October has been mild so far? You’re right! While we’ve had a few sets of chillier nights and mornings, daily high temperatures have been running 3 to 4 degrees above the monthly average. While Thursday and Friday are a bit more seasonable when it comes to daily highs, the weekend ahead is expected to see a climb up in temperature.
Now, behind a cold front, the region can expect some fairly clear conditions Thursday night. Good night sky viewing weather. The Orionid meteor shower should be reaching peak Thursday night and Friday night. The radiant point for the shower will be near the constellation Orion. Orion rises above the eastern horizon near midnight, reaching its highest point in the sky very early Friday morning above the southeastern horizon. That makes the meteor shower best to view overnight, or in the hours before dawn. As with most meteor showers, finding a dark area away from city lights and with an unobstructed field of view of the sky is best.
We are well into fall now. A few seasonal things of note, including that Halloween is on a Monday this year with a half moon expected -- weather to be determined. We continue to lose 2+ minutes of daylight through the end of the month. By Nov. 1, sunrise in the region is between 7:40 and 8:15 a.m. with sunset between 5:45 and 6:15 p.m. Daylight Saving Time ends on Nov. 6, with clocks going back at 2 a.m.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/cCQBs97
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mainscompany · 2 years
November weather santa cruz de la sierra bolivia
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#November weather santa cruz de la sierra bolivia full
#November weather santa cruz de la sierra bolivia full
Please review our full terms contained on our Terms of Service page. Winter weather in Santa Cruz, Bolivia: Winter weather is fair and not as rainy as the summer, its considered the dry season. We further caution that our travel scores are only as good as the data that underpin them, that weather conditions at any given location and time are unpredictable and variable, and that the definition of the scores reflects a particular set of preferences that may not agree with those of any particular reader. Spring daily highs range from 90.5F (32.5C) and 86.9F (30.5C), which will feel very nice given the humidity and wind. While having the tremendous advantages of temporal and spatial completeness, these reconstructions: (1) are based on computer models that may have model-based errors, (2) are coarsely sampled on a 50 km grid and are therefore unable to reconstruct the local variations of many microclimates, and (3) have particular difficulty with the weather in some coastal areas, especially small islands. Find the best Alaska cruise deals and get ready to venture into the stunning landscape of glaciers, villages, rushing waters and wildlife onboard Royal. y expedientes de los Obispos de la Plata y Santa Cruz de la Sierra. We draw particular cautious attention to our reliance on the MERRA-2 model-based reconstructions for a number of important data series. Theres the dry, arid Atacama desert in the north where temperatures reach a maximum of 32C (90F) and can drop to -2C (28F). 6 Despite these exchanges, the proposals were rejected on the basis of different. We assume no responsibility for any decisions made on the basis of the content presented on this site. Daily low temperatures are around 70F, rarely falling below 63F or exceeding 75F. The highest daily average high temperature is 87F on November 20. Daily high temperatures are around 87F, rarely falling below 79F or exceeding 93F. Weather data is prone to errors, outages, and other defects. November Weather in Santa Cruz de la Sierra Bolivia. The information on this site is provided as is, without any assurances as to its accuracy or suitability for any purpose. During the warm season, the northern Panama current heats the water temperature to the mid-70s Fahrenheit (21 Celsius). The details of the data sources used on this page vary between places and are discussed in detail on each place's dedicated page: Always above the fog, enjoy the sunny Santa Cruz weather all year long.Monthly weather forecast in Santa Cruz, California, United States for November. Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra (UPSA) offers courses and. This report illustrates the typical weather for Santa Cruz de la Sierra and Mulanje year round, based on a statistical analysis of historical hourly weather reports and model reconstructions from Januto December 31, 2016. A trip to Bolivia is like traveling back in time back to a time when the Incas.
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tonkiisrael · 2 years
Best sleep tracker app iphone
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#Best sleep tracker app iphone skin
#Best sleep tracker app iphone full
#Best sleep tracker app iphone download
Users can also program a haptic alarm that produces gentle vibrations when it’s time to get up, which many sleepers prefer to loud beeps first thing in the morning.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone skin
The tracker monitors metrics such as active and resting heart rate, respiratory rate, blood oxygen levels, and skin temperature. Each of these items features a small pocket to secure the sensor while you work out or sleep. While the WHOOP tracker is designed with a wearable wristband, the sensor can be detached from the band and used with different garments such as sports bras, compression tops, leggings, athletic boxers, and intimates. One of the most innovative changes is the addition of Any-Wear Technology. The WHOOP 4.0 builds on its predecessor with a lighter, more compact design and more enhanced tracking capabilities.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone full
Customers may try out the ring for 30 days, during which they can return the ring for a full refund minus shipping charges. Oura delivers rings for $15 throughout all 50 states. The membership is complimentary for 6 months, after which it costs $5.99 per month.
#Best sleep tracker app iphone download
In order to fully access the Oura’s features, you must download the Oura app and purchase a monthly membership. The battery lasts for 4 to 7 days, which is an above-average battery life compared to other trackers. The ring is available in four colors – silver, black, stealth, and gold. The ring also provides 50 audio sessions to guide you through activities like meditation, sleep, and better focus. Based on your data, the Oura offers recommendations for improving sleep habits. The ring also serves as a fitness tracker, measuring data such as steps taken, calories expended, and periods of inactivity. The ring translates this data into three scores – a sleep score, activity score, and readiness score – to assess the quality of your sleep, rest, and daily physical activity. The ring is equipped with sensors that measure your heart rate, body temperature, and blood oxygen levels throughout the day and night. The sleek, lightweight design makes it one of the most attractive wearable sleep trackers you’ll find on the market. The Oura Ring Generation 3 is a wearable sleep tracker that monitors an impressive array of metrics to evaluate your sleep and daytime activity. We’ll go on to explain what to consider while you shop and answer common questions about sleep trackers. We’ll highlight some of our favorite sleep trackers and share what makes them stand out. Virtually all sleep trackers upload this data to a device that runs it through an algorithm to analyze and display the results. Other trackers may rest on the mattress, under the mattress, or next to the bed to collect information unobtrusively. Wearable devices remain on the sleeper throughout the night to measure data. While lab-based sleep tests generally track patterns directly through brain activity, sleep trackers rely on sensors to detect other physical signs, like heart rate and body movement. You can use this information to help optimize your sleep experience. It monitors your sleep patterns for a clearer picture of how much quality sleep you’re getting. What separates the good nights from the bad isn’t always clear, but a sleep tracker can provide valuable insight. Others, it feels like you barely slept at all. It is one of the best apple watch sleep app out there if you are not looking for anything fancy. You may, however, need apps from third parties because sleep only shows, only during sleep, a few cardiac ranges. It’s considerably simpler than any other application on this list, so you could feel a little bored if you are used to getting thorough data about your sleep cycle, deep sleep, or other physiological information. You can deactivate some characteristics with the Sleep mode. It also hides removals and allows for sleep mode. The alarm and hour of the next day are displayed. Notwithstanding, this app is a wonderful choice. Like I said earlier, Apple has its in-built sleeping app but it has very basic features. There are numerous sleeping applications on the Appstore, therefore we bring the finest ones for you. The beauty of the Apple Watch is that a strong third-party application ecosystem extends the features beyond the conventional watchOS experience. So, this article discusses the best sleeping apps for apple watch.
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guitarmains · 2 years
2016 cadillac srx luxury collection
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#2016 cadillac srx luxury collection full
#2016 cadillac srx luxury collection trial
#2016 cadillac srx luxury collection plus
See our Customer Agreement for complete terms at All fees and programming subject to change. If you decide to continue listening after your trial, the subscription plan you choose will automatically renew and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates. Cadillac's SRX luxury SUV’s handling is fairly agile and its ride balances tautness with suppleness.
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(IMPORTANT: The SiriusXM Satellite Radio trial package is not provided on vehicles that are ordered for Fleet Daily Rental ("FDR") use. Plus listening on the app and online is included, so you'll hear the best SiriusXM has to offer, anywhere life takes you.
#2016 cadillac srx luxury collection plus
Enjoy a 3-month All Access trial subscription with over 150 channels including commercial-free music, plus sports, news and entertainment. OnStar with 4G LTE and built-in Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to the internet at 4G LTE speeds, includes 3GB or 3 months OnStar Data Trial (whichever comes first) (Available 4G LTE Wi-Fi requires compatible mobile device, active OnStar subscription and data plan after trial.)StandardĪudio system, AM/FM stereo, single disc CD player USB port and auxiliary jack (Includes (UQA) Bose premium 8-speaker system) (STD)Standardīluetooth streaming audio for music and select phonesStandardĪudio system, SiriusXM and HD Radio SiriusXM Satellite Radio is standard on nearly all 2016 GM models. * Abundant luxury and safety features balanced ride and handling classy cabin design. This vehicle has had a 151 multi point mechanical and safety inspection. * 2016 KBB.com 10 Best Certified Pre-Owned Luxury Cars Under Highlighted Features Navigation system Blind spot sensor Lane departure Distance pacing cruise control Leather upholstery Automatic temperature control. Research, compare, and save listings, or contact sellers directly from 213 2016 SRX models nationwide. Recent Arrival! Odometer is 5245 miles below market average! Shop 2016 Cadillac SRX Luxury Collection vehicles for sale at. GM's OnStar system includes 4G LTE connectivity, allowing creation of an in-car wi-fi network.Graphite Metallic 2016 Cadillac SRX Luxury FWD 6-Speed Automatic 3.6L V6 DGI DOHC VVT Active noise cancellation uses a microphone to detect ambient noise and counteracts harshness, making the interior remarkably quiet. Every SRX has Cadillac's CUE infotainment system, which includes enhanced controls, plus an eight-inch screen interface with proximity sensing.įour trim levels are available, each with an interior that's distinctive as well as luxurious. Cadillac provides quite an array of safety systems, including adaptive cruise control and cross traffic alert, as well as a Safety Alert seat and automatic front/rear braking assist.Īs for overall technology, SRX has practically been a showcase for some of the latest devices and systems. At the same time, fuel economy scores significantly below average. That's partly due to transmission gearing, but mainly the result of vehicle weight, well above two tons. Pre-Owned 2016 Cadillac SRX Luxury Collection All Wheel Drive Crossover Engine: 3.6L SIDI DOHC V6 VVT (308 hp) engine Fuel Efficiency: 16 CITY / 23 HWY. On the downside, this crossover has a heavier driving feel than expected. 2014 Cadillac SRX LUXURY COLLECTION AWD TOIT OUVRANT PANORAMIQUE.
#2016 cadillac srx luxury collection full
The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety named it a Top Safety Pick. Find the best deals on a full range of Used Cadillac SRX from trusted dealers on. 2016 Cadillac SRX Luxury Collection Mileage: 50929 Engine: V6 3.6L Transmission: A Exterior Color: Platinum Ice Tricoat Interior Color: Ebony w/Ebony. SRX ranks near the peak of its class in safety, having earned five-star crash-test ratings from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Acceleration is satisfactory, taking about seven seconds to reach 60 mph. Front-drive is standard, with all-wheel drive available. Only a single powertrain is offered: a strong and smooth 3.6-liter V6 engine, making 308 horsepower and mated to a six-speed automatic transmission. This is the SRX's final season, as a replacement named XT5 is expected for 2017. Little has changed for 2016, other than deleting adjustable pedals from the Luxury edition. Visit Lexus of Clearwater in Clearwater FL serving Belleair. Tasteful, too, because GM's decade-old Art & Science design theme is more subtle on the SRX. Used 2016 Cadillac SRX Luxury Collection Sport Utility Black Raven for sale - only 19498. The two models could hardly be more different, especially in capabilities and road behavior.Īlthough SRX is now the oldest model in Cadillac's lineup, it still appears fresh. Unlike the big, dazzling, chrome-bedecked Escalade, built on a GM truck platform, the SRX is built on a unitbody, like a car. The Cadillac SRX is a five-passenger luxury crossover SUV with a placid ride, potent powertrain, deluxe accommodations, and the latest technology.
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honeeeysuckle707 · 4 years
C!Technoblade Headcanons
Navigation - Dream SMP Masterlist - Rules
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Technoblade has two forms half-human (the one he is mostly in on the daily) and then full Piglin which he uses for battle mostly. 
Full Piglin Details
Height 7′10 which is shorter than the average Piglin because he is a half-breed.
Can scent out gold easily.
His skin-tone is more of a brighter pink than the average Piglin. 
His strength is double while in this form but he is heavier set giving him hard hit but slow movements 
Scent: Charcoal, Metal, Blood and Sweat
He runs hotter body temperature than the average human but not quite as hot as a full piglin would.
Teeth/Mouth: Got a cute underbite and has tusks that have gold crowns and gems. His left tusk is slightly chipped from battles when he was younger. 
Half-Human Details 
Height 6′3 just canon nothing else 
His skin-tone is more pale than in his piglin form but still has a slight pinkish tint to it. 
Above average for a human but not as powerful as full Piglin form
Scent: Blaze Powder, Cinnamon, Rose Water, Honey, and Woodsy smell 
Above average body temperature but nothing as hot as his full Piglin form 
Teeth/Month: Same as above  
Hooves : His feet are hooves like a normal pigs. It kind of looks like he’s wearing heeled boots but nah that’s just his hooves.
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